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A Fatal Case of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

By: Eshita Davinder Wadhwa, Archana Anilkumar Bhosale, Shweta Avinash Khade, Smurti Kamble, Snehal Shivaji Shinde, Arun Harishchandra Nayak

Volume:14, issue:5(2022)

A Fatal Case of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome


Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Retrospective Study at a Tertiary Care Center

By: Shweta Avinash Khade, Snehal Shivaji Shinde, Eshita Davinder Wadhwa, Smurti Gorakhnath Kamble, Archana Anilkumar Bhosale, Arun Harishchandra Nayak

Volume:14, issue:5(2022)

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Retrospective Study at a Tertiary Care Center


Boerhaave Syndrome: An Uncommon Cause of Hydropneumothorax

By: M Sivakumar , K Chandrasekhar , G Mounika , A Anilkumar , K Ragamayi , B Siddharthakumar

Volume:64, issue:3(2022)

The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences


Viral Etiology in Children Aged <2 Years with Clinical Suspicion of Bronchiolitis

By: Kaustubh Mohite , Anilkumar Sapare , Purushothaman Mohan

Volume:4, issue:3(2022)

Pediatric Infectious Disease


Section-06 Associations, Malformations and Genetic Disorders

By: Ashish Mehta,Kanishka Das,Mukut Banerjee,Jeat Abraham,Geeta Bhat,Amit Jagtap,Amol Joshi,AnilKumar Khamkar,Atul Kulkarni,Asim Mallick,Abhishek PV,Col RK Thapar,Lt Col RK Singh,Anjali Kale,Maj Narender Sharma,Anil Kumar Poonia,Arjit Mohapatra,K Sankaranarayanan,Kavish Mehta,Madhavi V

Edition : 2/e

Atlas and Synopsis of Neonatology


Section-04 Infections

By: Rhishikesh Thakre,Kanishka Das,Rajesh Kumar,Sandeep Kadam,Snehal Thakre,Laxman Basani,Roja Aepala,Mukut Banerjee,Rajeeb Chatterjee,Sachin Dhule,Deva Patel,AnilKumar Khamkar,Atul Kulkarni,Abhishek PV,Lt Col RK Singh,Ramesh Sitaram Bajaj,Ravi Shankar,Sanjeev RK,Anjali Kale,Shrabani Mandal

Edition : 2/e

Atlas and Synopsis of Neonatology


Section-05 Systemic Disorders

By: Rhishikesh Thakre,Rajesh Kumar,Sanjay Aher,Snehal Thakre,Ram Mohan G,Sachin Dhule,Suman Rao,AnilKumar Khamkar,Anup Acharya,Col RK Thapar,Sandeep Reddy CHS,Trupti Joshi,Alok Kumar,Anjali Kale,Col Ritu Agarwal

Edition : 2/e

Atlas and Synopsis of Neonatology


Management of a Complicated Vertical Crown Fracture

By: Aparna Raj, K Radhakrishnan Nair, Praveena Geetha, Aadit Anilkumar, Rinsu N Alexander, Meenu M Kumar

Volume:2, issue:2(2017)

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal


Management of Discolored Tooth with separated Instrument

By: Ratheesh Rajendran, K Radhakrishnan Nair, Manoj C Kuriakose, Aadit Anilkumar, Faisal Nazar

Volume:2, issue:1(2017)

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal


Single-visit Apexification using Biodentin

By: Faisal Nazar, K Radhakrishnan Nair, G Praveena, Aadit Anilkumar, Ratheesh Rajendran

Volume:2, issue:1(2017)

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal

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