Clinical Cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology Haresh U Doshi
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abnormal uterine bleeding 208, 226
acute 226
anovulatory 232
chronic 226
clinical evaluation 227
examination 228
history 227
incidence 226
investigations 228
management of 233
ovulatory 233
symptoms of 227t
treatment of 229
Abortion 61, 105, 115, 275
Abruption placenta 132, 132t
Abscess 164
Absorption 5, 13
Acanthosis nigricans 254
Acid-fast bacillus 147
Acidophilic erythroblast 6
Acidosis 119
Acids 6
Acne 254, 258
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 161
Activated partial thromboplastin time 127
Acyclovir 176
Add-back therapy 250
Adenocarcinoma 194, 195
Adenoma, pituitary 235
Adenomyosis 213, 229, 252
differential diagnosis 252
management 253
physical examination 252
symptoms 252
ultrasound 252
Adjuvant therapy 119
Adnexal mass during pregnancy, differential diagnosis of 280
Aedes aegypti 152, 154
Agenesis 106
Aggressive insulin therapy 109
Air embolism 119
Albumin antibodies 115
Alkalies 6
Alloimmunization, ultrasonography classification of 118
Alopecia 254
Alphadopa 6
Alpha-thalassemia 16
Amenorrhea 254, 261
primary 261
secondary 261
types of 261fc
Amiodarone 180
Amniocentesis 115, 117, 183
Amnioinfusion 78, 94
antenatal 184
Amnioreduction 183
Amnioscopy 83
Amniotic fluid 81, 84
index 83, 92, 118
volume 83
Amnisure 76
Amsel's criteria 286
Anastrozole 250
Androgen 211, 233
Anemia 3, 8, 21, 61, 67, 142, 143, 178
addisonian pernicious 14
aplastic 3
causes of 8, 8
chronic hemolytic 19
congenital 115
correction of 133
degree of 3, 7
diagnosis of 7
dimorphic 15
hemolytic 8
hemorrhagic 15
megaloblastic 8
microcytic 8
nutritional 4, 15t
severe 20, 70
sideroblastic 8
Anencephaly 106
examination under 199
general 116
Aneuploidies, screening for 59
Ankles, edema of 6
Ankylostoma duodenale 4
Anorectal atresia 106
Anorexia 6, 199
Antacids 6
Antenatal management 52, 121f
Antepartum 63, 151
bleeding, active 134
distress 111
surveillance 110
management 92, 124
Anterior vaginal wall
cyst 220
prolapse 220
Antibiotics 73
prophylactic 157
formation, mechanism of 115
types of 115
Anticardiolipin antibodies 101
Anticoagulants 127
Anticonvulsants 32
Antifibrotic agent 214
Antihypertensive management 34
Anti-Müllerian hormone 101
Antiphospholipid antibody 101
syndrome 25, 28, 90, 98, 101, 102
Antiprogesterones 210
Antiprogestins 249
Antiretroviral drugs 165
Antithyroid drugs, side effects of 180
Antiviral drugs 159
Anuria 26
Aorta, coarctation of 126
Aortic isthmic Doppler 93
Aortic stenosis 125
Aplasia cutis 180
Aplastic crisis 19
Apnea, recurrent 74
Appendicitis, acute 68
Aromatase inhibitors 250
Arrhythmias, cardiac 123, 127
Ascites 117
Ascorbic acid 6
Asoprisnil 214
Asphyxia 31
endometrial 229
pneumonia 31
Aspirin, low dose 27, 92
Assisted breech delivery 43
Assisted hatching 243
Assisted reproductive technology 25, 242, 243
Asthma 67
Atosiban 72
injection, steps of 72t
Atresia, esophageal 182
Atrophic vaginitis 287
Atrophy, postmenopausal 218
Attack, acute 143
Azithromycin 159
Azoospermia 243
obstructive 241
Backache 7
low dull 68
Bacterial vaginosis 68, 286
clinical features 286
diagnosis 286
treatment 286
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 8, 68, 144
Baden walker halfway system 216
Ball sign 185
Barker's hypothesis 95
Barrier contraceptives 111
Bartholin's glands 285
Basal body temperature 238
Basophilic erythroblast 6
Betamethasone 73, 92
Beta-mimetics 70
mechanism of action of 71
Beta-thalassemia 16, 18
intermedia 17
minor 17
Bethesda system 195
revised 195t
Bilirubin, serum 8
Biochemical methods 91
Biophysical profile 82, 85, 92
cervical 199
endometrial 229
Biparietal diameter 84
asphyxia 74, 81, 94
weight 61
Bladder 208, 281
Blake's cyst 155
Bleeding 131
first trimester 84
pathophysiology of 130
vaginal 54
Blind spots 26
Blindness 26, 27
temporary 31
components 293
pressure 25, 31
fasting 101
postlunch 101
transfusion 11, 12, 134
massive 12
prophylactic 21
urea nitrogen 26
volume changes 3f
Body iron, distribution of 5t
Body mass index 58, 188, 245
pre-pregnancy 25
Bone marrow examination 8
Bonney's clamp 212
Bracht maneuver 45
Bradyzoites 169
Breastfeeding 119, 166
exclusive 166
Breath, shortness of 165
Breech 38, 39
complete 39, 39t
etiological factors of 38t
incidence 38
types 38
Burns-Marshall method 44, 45f
Buserelin 250
Cachexia 199
carbonate 6
citrate 6
salts 6
supplement 27
Cancer cervix, effects of pregnancy on 278
albicans 162, 285
tropicalis 285
Candidial vulvovaginitis 285
clinical features 285
diagnosis 285
treatment 285
Candidiasis, recurrent 286
Carbimazole 180
Carbohydrates, complex 113
Carbonyl iron 9
Carboxymethylcellulose 212
cervix 193, 278
etiology 193
FIGO staging 200t
macroscopic appearance 194
mode of spread 194
pathology 194
in situ 195
ovarian 279
peritoneal 272
Cardiac disease 68, 70
Cardiac dysfunction 178
Cardiac failure 6, 7, 31, 119
Cardiac surgery 127
Cardinal ligaments 217
Cardiomyopathy, peripartum 123, 126
Cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test 147
Cellulose, oxidized regenerated 212
Centchroman 231
Center for Disease Control 3
Central nervous system 106
Cephalopelvic disproportion 49, 53, 188
artery, middle 93, 117
spinal fluid 31
venous thrombosis 31
precursors 194
screening, methods of 195, 196t
cerclage 69
erosion 288
factor 241
fibroid 199
infections, treatment of 69
intraepithelial neoplasia 195, 198
length assessment 68
papilloma 199
pessary 70
polyp 199
stump, carcinoma of 205
weakness 99
Cervicitis 287
acute 287, 288
chronic 288
clinical features 289
management 289
Cervilenz 74
Cervix 84
carcinoma of 193, 198, 199, 201, 205
elongated 220
funneling of 68f
hardening of 199
malignant lesions of 195
premalignant lesions of 194, 195
tuberculosis of 199
visual inspection of 198
Cesarean delivery 134
elective repeat 48
Cesarean section 42, 93, 94, 115
lower segment 41, 59
role of 74
Chemoprophylaxis 143
Chemoradiation 205
Chemotherapy 205
hyperthermicintraperitoneal 273
intraperitoneal 273
neoadjuvant 273
Chlamydia trachomatis 162, 193, 288
Chloroquine 143
Chocolate cyst 247
Cholelithiasis 149
Cholestasis, intrahepatic 149
Chorioamnionitis 70
Chorionic villus sampling 59
Chorionicity, determination of 57
Chorioretinitis 173
congenital toxoplasmosis of 170
Choroid plexus cyst 155
Chromopertubation 239
Cimetidine 6
Ciprofloxacin 6
Cirrhosis 149
Citric acid 6
Clindamycin 286
Clomiphene citrate 241, 258
Clonus 26
Clot observation test 138
Clotrimazole 286
Clue cells 286, 287f
Coagulation disorder 27, 31
clinical screening for 228t
Coccyx, borders of 217
Cold coagulation 201
Colitis, necrotizing 119
Collagen matrix 208
Collascope 74
Colpocleisis, complete 224
Colpoperineorrhaphy 223
anterior 223
posterior 223
Colposacropexy 224
Colposcopy 197
abnormal 197
cervicography 197
guided biopsy 199
indications 197
method 197
unsatisfactory 197
Coma, stage of 30
Combined hormonal contraceptives 249
Combined oral contraceptive 230, 233
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome 264
Complete blood count 26, 228
Cone biopsy 199
types of 202
Congenital rubella 171, 172
high risk of 172
investigations 172
manifestations 172
mode of transmission 171
prevention 172
risk of transmission 172
treatment 172
Conjoined twins 63
Conjunctiva 22
Conjunctivitis 22, 159
Contraception 21, 111, 125
injectable 111
oral 211, 268
pills 194
Contraction stress test 83
Convulsion, differential diagnosis of 31t
Coomb's tests 8
Copper deficiency 8
compression 81
problems 81, 94
Cordocentesis 115, 118
Corona virus 158f
Coronary artery disease 123, 127
Corpus luteal cyst 280
Corticosteroids, antenatal 133
Cough 165
Covaxine 159
COVID-19 158
clinical features 158
management 159
mode of infection 158
symptoms 159
treatment of 159
Covishield 159
Cramps, abdominal 68
Crisis 19
hemolytic 19
megaloblastic 20
painful 19
treatment of 20
Crown-rump length 59, 84
Cryoablation 232
Cryoprecipitate 293
Cul de sac obliteration 246
Cyanocobalamin 14
Cyst, simple 279
Cystadenocarcinoma, bilateral serous 267f
Cystectomy 251
Cystic degeneration 276
Cystitis 144
Cystoscopy 201, 248
Cytomegalovirus 149, 173
clinical manifestation 173
congenital 173
epidemiology 173
etiopathogenesis 173
fetal infection 174
human 173
investigations 174
maternal infection 174
modes of transmission 173
perinatal infection 173
prevention 174
treatment 174
Daily fetal monitoring chart 84
Daily fetal movement count 82, 85
chart 92
Danazol 231, 250
Dawn phenomenon 112
D-chiro-inositol 257
Deafness, sensorineural 172
Death, causes of 31
Dehydration 81
Delivery, mode of 93, 118
fever 152, 154
clinical course of 153f
critical phase 152
diagnosis 154
febrile phase 152
prevention 154
recovery phase 153
signs 152
symptoms 152
treatment 154
warning signs 153
infection 152, 154
severe 152, 153
uncomplicated 153
virus 152, 152f
Dengvaxia 154
Deoxyribonucleic acid 13, 101
Desmopressin 233
Dexamethasone 72, 73, 92
Dhall-Mittal scoring, modified 53t
Diabetes 68, 83, 90
effects of pregnancy on 105
hybrid forms of 104
mellitus 49, 53, 99, 104
gestational 25, 104106
pregestational 25, 105
treatment of 240
types of 104
Diazepam 32, 33
Dienogest 249
Diet 63
Disproportionate intrauterine growth intervention trial 95
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 12, 31
Divalent metal transporter 1 5
Dizziness 6, 26
Docetaxel 274
Donor twin, hydrops of 60
Doppler studies 83, 92, 93
Down syndrome 18, 186
screening for 187
Drowsiness 26
Drugs 6, 68
Dry Cusco's bivalve speculum 196
Ductusvenosus 93
Duodenal atresia 106, 182
Duplex ureter 106
Dysmaturity syndrome 81
Dysmenorrhea 208, 246
Dyspepsia 6
Dysphagia 6
Dysplasia 194
Dyspnea 6
Dystocia 275
Eclampsia 24, 31, 32, 149
complications of 31
Edema 6, 22, 25, 36, 164
cardiogenic pulmonary 26
non-cardiogenic pulmonary 26
pulmonary 25, 27, 31
Ederson hypothesis classification 104
Efavirenz 165, 166
Eflornithine 259
Eisenmenger's syndrome 126
Ejaculatory disturbance 241
Ejection systolic murmurs 22
Elderly primigravida 186
labor 187
management 187
pregnancy 186
puerperium 187
Electrodiathermy 201
Elkin's maneuver 46
Embryo transfer 242
Embryonic chromosomal abnormalities 98
Encephalitis 176
herpetic 175
Encephalopathy, hypoxic ischemic 91
Endocervical curettage 199
Endocervical gel 186
Endometrial ablation techniques 231
Endometrioma 249f
Endometriosis 245
classification 245
complications 248
diagnosis 245
differential diagnosis 248
extragenital 252
invasive testing 248
investigations 247
management 248
physical examination 247, 247t
risk of malignancy 248
sites of 245
management 250
treatment of 250
symptoms of 246, 246t
Endothelial cell activation 152
Entercolitis, necrotizing 94
Enterocoele repair operations 224
Epilepsy 31
Episiotomy, generous mediolateral 44
Epithelial cell abnormalities 195
Epithelial ovarian cancer 267
FIGO staging of 270f
guidelines for staging in 271
endocervical 283
squamous 198
Epstein-Barr virus 149
Erythrocyte 6
Erythropoiesis 5, 6
Erythropoietin 11
Estrogen 233
Ethambutol 148
Ethamsylate 230
Etoposide 274
Exchange transfusion 12, 119
Excretion 5
External cephalic version 41, 115
changes 26
complications 31
defects 172
Fadrozole 214
Failing lactation 7
Fallot tetralogy 126
Famicyclovir 176
Fatigue 6, 13
Favipiravir 159
Feeding difficulties 74
Femoral length 89
Fenticonazole 286
Ferric carboxymaltose 10
Ferric iron 5, 6
Ferric pyrophosphate 9
Ferrous ascorbate 9
Ferrous bisglycinate chelate 9
Ferrous fumarate 9
Ferrous gluconate 9
Ferrous iron 6
Ferrous salts 9
Ferrous succinate 9
Ferrous sulfate 9
acoustic stimulation test 82
anomalies 67
assessment 133, 134
blood sampling 18
breathing movements 69, 83
complications 61
death 31
distress 70
echogenic bowel 91
fibronectin 68
growth restriction 89
rate, reactive 83
sound 39, 41
infection 156
monitoring 109
movements 84
absence of 185
ponderal index 94
risks 50
surveillance 84
thyroid agenesis 179
tone 83
vessels, Doppler studies of 92
well-being assessment 82, 92
Fetomaternal bleed 116
Fetoscopy 115
Fetus, acardiac 62
Fibrin degradation products 27
Fibrinogen 27
Fibristal 214
Fibroid 207
classification 207
clinical features 208
diagnosis 209
etiology 207
hysteroscopy 209
multiple 213f
pathology 208
polyp 220
pregnancy 275
clinical diagnosis 276
effects of 209, 275
risk factors for 207t
signs 209
symptoms 208
type of 207, 207f
Fibromyoma 207
Fibrous tissue 208
FIGO classification 208f
Finasteride 259
Finger compression 212
Flamm Geiger scoring system 52
Flamm score 52t
Flaviviridae 152, 154
Flavivirus 152, 154
Fluid 81
leaking per vagina 68
Fluorescent microscopy 142
Flutamide 259
Foley's catheter 186
Folic acid 14t, 20
deficiency anemia 13
supplements 13, 19
Follicle-stimulating hormone 259
Formiminoglumatic acid excretion test 13
Fothergill-Manchester operation 222
Frank breech 38, 39, 39t
Freda's grading 117
Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin 8
Free tri-iodothyronine 101
Fresh frozen plasma 293
grip 39
height 91
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 243
Gastric delivery system 9
Gastroenteritis 68
Gastrointestinal tract 163
Gemcitabine 274
Genital herpes infection 176
Genital prolapse 215
differential diagnosis 220
etiology 218
examination 219
investigations 220
prevention 220
symptoms 218
treatment 220
Genital tract 163, 262
infection, treatment of 240
Gestational age 77, 84
small for 89
Gestational diabetes mellitus 25, 104106
maternal complications of 107
prevalence of 104
screening for 107
Gestrinone 250
Giant polymorphs 14
Giddiness 6
Glandular cell 195
Glomerular filtration rate 26
Glossitis 6, 22
Glucocorticoids 72
Glucose tolerance test 107t
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase screening 8
Glycosylated fructosamine level 113
Gonadotoxic factors, avoidance of 240
Gonadotropin 241, 258, 291
releasing hormone
agonists 250
analogs 211
Goodall-Power modification 223, 224
Goserelin 211, 250
Grand multipara 187
labor 188
management 188
pregnancy 187
puerperium 188
Great vessels, transposition of 106
monitoring 63
restriction intervention trial 95
Gynecology diseases 275
disease, severe 157
infection 156, 159
influenza A 157
virus 156f
Head 41
circumference 89
Headache 6, 26, 31, 159
abnormalities 172
disease 123
congenital 59, 123, 126
types of 123
failure 27
Hellins rule 57
Hematocrit 13
Hematuria 8, 26, 54
Heme iron 6
Hemoglobin 3, 16
Hemoglobinopathies 3, 8, 15
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets syndrome 25, 27, 34, 34
Hemorrhage 127
accidental 27, 136
acute 15
antepartum 43, 53, 61, 67, 90, 115, 130, 130t, 132
cerebral 31
chronic 15
intracranial 27
postpartum 6, 27, 61, 130, 165, 275
Hepatic failure 31
A 149
B 149
C 149
chronic 149
D 149
E 149
serological markers 150t
viral 149
viruses 149t
Hepatorenal failure 31
Hepatotoxic drugs 149
Hernia, congenital diaphragmatic 59
Herpes infection, neonatal 176
Herpes simplex virus 149, 174
clinical manifestations 175
diagnosis 175
infection 176
types of 174
mode of transmission 175
neonatal infection 175
prevention 176
transmission of 175
vaccine 176
High performance liquid chromatography 20
Hirsutism 254, 258
Hormone therapy 241
Howell-Jolly body bodies 14
Human chorionic gonadotropin levels 291
Human immunodeficiency virus infection 164, 193
in pregnancy 161, 162
clinical manifestation 161
diagnosis 162
effect of 162
epidemiology 161
etiology 161
fetal complications 163
major signs 162
minor signs 162
modes of transmission 161
pathogenesis 161
testing 162
Human leukocyte antigen 101
Human papilloma virus
DNA testing 197
infection 193
vaccines 205
Human placental lactogen 86, 104
Hydralazine 28
hydrochloride 28
Hydramnios 61, 113, 182
degrees of 183t
Hydration 143
Hydrocephalus 170
Hydrops fetalis 115, 182
Hydrothermal ablation 232
Hydroxychloroquine 159
Hyperandrogenic anovulation 256
Hyperbilirubinemia 94, 106
Hyperemesis gravidarum 112, 149
Hyperglycemia 104, 106
Hyperkalemia 119
Hyperplasia, congenital adrenal 265
Hyperprolactinemia 99
Hyperpyrexia 31, 68, 143
Hyper-reflexia 26, 31
Hypertension 24, 25, 29
acute 28t
chronic 24, 25, 30, 30t, 90
gestational 24, 25
masked 25
mild 26
pregnancy-induced 41, 53, 68, 83
severe 43, 90
white-coat 25
Hypertensive disorders 24, 24t
classification of 25
Hyperthermia 156
Hyperthyroidism 68, 70, 179, 180
etiology 180
exacerbation of 180
incidence of 179
role of surgery in 180
treatment 180
Hypervascularity 135
Hyperviscosity 94, 106
Hypocalcemia 74, 94, 106
Hypofunction, adrenocortical 81
Hypoglycemia 74, 81, 94, 106, 112
symptoms of 112t
Hypotension 54
Hypothermia 74, 94, 106
Hypothyroidism 99, 178, 181
congenital 179
diagnosis of 179
effects of pregnancy on 178
etiology 178
subclinical 179
treatment 179
Hypovolemia 81
Hypoxia 81
Hysterectomy 213, 213f, 232
abdominal 213
radical 202, 203, 203f
total 251
vaginal 222
Hysteria 31
Hysterosalpingography 239
differential diagnosis 210
management 210
secondary changes 210
Icterus gravis neonatorum 115
Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis 126
Iliococcygeus fixation 224
Imferon 11
Imidazole 285
Immune antibodies, production of 115
Immunity 141
Immunosuppression 120
Immunotherapy 273
Impaired liver function 25
In vitro fertilization 242, 258
Indomethacin 72
Infection 6, 12, 20, 68, 101, 105, 173
acute 169
genital 176
intrauterine 68, 86
Infectious disease syndromes 173
Infertile couple, treatment protocol of 240fc
Infertility 235, 246, 247
cervical factor 239
etiology 235, 235t
evaluation 236
female partner 237
incidence 235
male partner 236
ovarian factor 238
treatment 240
tubal factor 239
unexplained 243
uterine factor 239
A 156
B 156
C 156
viruses 156
Infravaginalsacropexy 224
Inherited thrombophilic defects 100
Injuries 31
Inorganic iron 6
Inositols 257
Insomnia 6
like growth factor binding protein-1 69
sensitizers 257
therapy 108
International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 25
Intracranial calcification 170
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 242, 243
Intrapartum 61, 63, 109, 151
fetal distress 81, 91, 111
management 52, 85, 93, 124
Intrauterine fetal death 105, 184
complications 185
diagnosis 185
etiology 184
incidence 184
investigations 185
management 185
ultrasonography 185
Intrauterine growth restriction 7, 27, 41, 43, 84, 89
diagnosis of 91
Doppler studies in 92
early onset 93
etiology of 90t, 92
late onset 93
types of 89t, 93
Intrauterine insemination 242
Intrauterine transfusion 60, 118
Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy 120
Invasive cancer 271
management of 202
Iodine 180
Iron 13, 19
absorption 6
factors affecting 6t
cycle 5f
deficiency 3, 6, 15
anemia 4, 8
dextran 11
excess 6
food factors influencing absorption of 4t
intake, low 4
intoxication 11
metabolism 5
polymaltose complex 9
salts 6
serum 20
sorbitol citric acid complex 11
sucrose 10
therapy 8
Isoimmunization 115
Isoniazide 148
Isonicotinic hydrazide 148
Jaundice 74
Jaw flexion shoulder traction 44
Jeffcoate's classification 216
Joshi's single dose magnesium sulfate 31, 32
Kallaman's syndrome 235, 265
Kartagener's syndrome 236
Kejel's exercises 221
Kelly-Paterson syndrome 21
Ketoacidosis 112
Khanna's operation 222
Kidney disease 25
Klebsiella pneumoniae 144
Kleihauer-Betke-test 120
Klinefelter syndrome 235
Knee reflex 32
Koilonychia 6, 22
Kristeller maneuver 44
Labetalol 28
Labor 277
active management of third stage of 54
and delivery, management of 165
augmentation of 53
induction of 50, 53
management in 12
onset of 67
premature 132, 275
prolonged 81
stress 81
Lacunar flow 135
Lamivudine 165, 166
Lanreotide 214
Laparoscopic sling operations 222
Laparoscopy 239, 248
Laser vaporization 201
Last menstrual period 80, 91
Latent tubercular infection 147
Latzko-Okabayashi-Meigs operation 203
L-carnitine 241
Le Fort's operation 223
Le Fort's partial colpocleisis 224
Lead poisoning 8
Legs, edema of 22
Leiomyoma 207, 229
pathological variants of 208
Lethal malformation 70
Letrozole 241, 257
Leukorrhea 219, 283
pathological 283
physiological 283
Leuprolide 250
depot 211
Levatorani 217
Levator plication-vault fixation 224
Levodopa 6
Levonorgestrel intrauterine
device 249
system 230
Levothyroxine 179
Ligaments 217
Liposomal doxorubicin 274
Lithium 180
disease 68
enzymes, elevation of 231
function test 27
Lochia 165
Lopinavir 159, 165
Lovsetmaneuver 44
Low birth weight 89
Low mean corpuscular volume 17
Lower uterine segment
scar, ultrasonography monitoring of 51
wall thickness 51
Low-molecular-weight heparin 28, 127
Lugol's iodine, application of 198
injury, acute 12
problems 81
Luteal phase defect 100, 238
Lycopene 241
Lymphadenectomy, para-aortic 204
Lymphocytosis 147
Lymphogranuloma venereum 288
Lytic cocktail regimen 32, 33
MacFeeJhonson expectant treatment 133
MacKenrodt's ligament 217
Macropolycytes 14
Macrosomia 81, 106, 111, 113
sulfate 32, 71, 92
toxicity, serum levels of 33t
Magnetic resonance imaging 132
Malaria 8, 68, 141, 142
effects of pregnancy on 142
Malignant epithelial neoplasms, treatment of 272
Malpresentation 61, 67, 132
Marfan's syndrome 126
age 25, 90, 97
assessment 133, 134
death 31
distress 105
infection, primary 170
mortality 50
weight 97
Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit technique 44, 45f
Mayour-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome 264
McCall culdeplasty 224
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration 7, 13, 15
volume 7, 13, 15
Meconium 81, 94
aspiration 81
syndromes 91
problems 82f
Medical nutrition therapy 107
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 230, 249
Mefenamic acid 230
Membranes, preterm premature rupture of 40, 67
Meningitis 175
Menorrhagia 8
Menstrual blood loss 227
Menstrual cycle, during 283
Menstrual irregularity 254, 257
Mental confusion 26
Mersilene tape 222
Metabolic disorders 262
Metabolic syndrome 106, 255, 259
Metaplasia, immature 198
Metformin 257
Methimazole 180
Methyldopa 28
Metrogyl 286
Metronidazole 286
Microepididymal sperm aspiration 243
Microinvasive carcinoma, management of 202
Micro-ophthalmia 173
Microwave thermal ablation 231
Mifepristone 185, 231
Minerals 292
Minimally invasive surgery 231
Miscarriage 97
recurrent 97
threatened 90
Misoprostol 186
Mississippi classification 34
Mitral stenosis 123
Modified biophysical profile 92
Molecular biology 142
Molimina, premenstrual 227
Monoamniotic twins 63
Monosomy X 99
Monozygotic twins 57
types of 57t
Moschowitz operation 224
Motile spermatozoa 242
Mucinous cyst adenoma 269
Mucous membrane 6, 22
Multifetal gestation 25, 57, 58, 60, 62
Multiparity 194
Murmurs, hemic 22
Mycoplasma hominis 286
Myoinositol 257
Myolysis, laparoscopic 213
Myoma 207
enucleated 212
submucous 211
Myomectomy 211
abdominal 212
hysteroscopic 211
laparoscopic 212
vaginal 213
Nails 22
Naked eye single tube red cell osmotic fragility test 8
National High Blood Pressure Education Program, working Group of 24
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme 141
Nausea 26, 31
Necatoramericans 4
Nephropathy, diabetic 111
Neural tube defects 182
Neurectomy, presacral 251
Nevirapine 166
New York Heart Association 124
functional classification 124t
Newborn prophylaxis 166
dose 166
duration 166
Nifedipine 28, 72
Nitric oxide donors 72
Nitroglycerin 28
Non-descent vaginal hysterectomy 232
Nonheme iron 6
Noninvasive prenatal testing 59, 60
Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 165
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 154, 249
Nonstress test 20, 82, 82f, 85
Norethindrone acetate 249
Norethisterone 230
Nuchal translucency 61, 187
Nucleic acid
amplication testing 174, 284
test 162
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 165
Nulliparity 25
Obesity 188
labor 189
management 189
pregnancy 189
puerperium 189
Obstructive sleep apnea 25
Oligohydramnios 76, 81, 82f, 92, 183
causes of 81, 183
complications 184
cord compression 81
diagnosis 183
management 184
Oligomenorrhea 254
Oliguria 26
Oocytes 169
Optic atrophy 173
Oral antidiabetic drugs 108
Oral contraceptive 211, 268
pills 257
Oral iron 10, 11
preparations 9t
side effects of 10
therapy 8
Oral pills 125
Oral progesterones 230
Organic iron 6
Ormeloxifene 231
Orogenital sexual practices 174
Orthomyxoviridae 156
Oseltamivir 157, 159
Osteoporosis 211
maternal 127
Ovarian cancer 267
borderline 272f
diagnosis 269
differential diagnosis 270
epidemiology 267
etiology 267
familial 268
incidence 267
mode of spread 270
pathology 271
prevention 268
risk factors for 268t
screening for 268
signs 269
staging 270
symptoms 269
true hereditary 268
Ovarian carcinogenesis, concepts of 267
Ovarian endometrioma 245
management 251
Ovarian epithelial cancers 270
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 244
Ovarian reserve 244
Ovarian tumor 279, 280
effects of pregnancy on 279
benign 279
borderline 271
Ovulatory dysfunction 230
treatment of 230
Packed cell volume 7, 11
Paclitaxel 274
Pain 208
causes of 247
complication of 46
epigastric 31
Palm Coein classification 208
Palpitation 6
Papanicolaou's classification 194, 194t
Papanicolaou's smear 195
procedure 196
Papovaviridae 193
Paracervical ligaments 222
Parasitology 141
Parenteral iron therapy 10
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome 265
Partial thromboplastin time 27
diaphragm 217
endometriosis, superficial 245
examination 238
floor muscles 217, 220
exercises 221
grip 39
organ prolapse 215
pain 213, 247
pressure 199
feeling of 68
tumors 280
veins 208
Pelvis, contracted 49
Per abdomen examination 39
Per vaginal examination 39
Percutaneous balloon mitral valvotomy 124
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration 244
Perinatal complications 31, 107
Perinatal deaths 7
Perinatal switch 59
Perineal body 218
Peripheral smear 7, 15
Peritoneal implants 251
Phenobarbitone 119
Phenytoin 32
sodium regimen 33
Phototherapy 119
Pirfenidone 214
Placenta 25
accreta 136
spectrum disorder 132, 135
manual removal of 116, 275
previa 130132, 134, 135, 187
asymptomatic 133
differential diagnosis of 132t
Placental abruption 178
Placental alpha macroglobulin-1 69
Placental growth factor 26
Placental insufficiency 81
Placental migration 131
folate 13
protein A
pregnancy associated 187
serum pregnancy-associated 26
Plasmapharesis, maternal 120
Platelet 293
count 27
Plummer-Vinson syndrome 21
Pneumonia 31, 156
Polychromatophilic erythroblast 6
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 100, 101, 238, 254, 258
evaluation 255
manifestations 254
differential diagnosis 256
management 256
pharmacological treatment 257
physical examination 255
pregnancy in 259
Polycythemia 81
Polyhydramnios 67, 105, 182
causes 182
complications 183
diagnosis 182
investigations 182
management 183
signs 182
symptoms 182
types 182
Polymenorrhea 247
Polyp 229
Polyposis colonic cancer 269
Polytetrafluoroethylene 212
POP-Q classification 215
Post-coital test 239
Posterior intravaginalslingoplasty 224
Posterior vaginal wall 220
Postmaturity 80, 81
Postpartum 61, 111
hemorrhage 6, 27, 61, 130
management of 135
Post-term pregnancy 80
management of 85
prevention of 87
Post-transfusion care 119
Potter's syndrome 184
Pouch of Douglas 223
Prague maneuver 45
Pre-eclampsia 20, 24, 25, 28, 30, 61, 90, 105, 178, 183
atypical 29
differential diagnosis of 30t
prediction of 25
severe 27, 29, 149
superimposed 24
ultimate cure of 28
Pregnancy 3, 6, 123, 127, 141
acute fatty liver of 149
after previous cesarean section 48
biochemical 243
early 58, 280
ectopic 115
effects of 14, 150
anemia in 6
diabetes on 105
tuberculosis on 146
iron requirement during 4t
late 280
loss 97, 97f
recurrent 97, 101, 176
morbidity 98
multiple 57, 67
postdate 80
precious 84
prolonged 80
teenage 188
termination of 172
test 228
thyroid disorders in 178
Prematurity 7, 27
care 109
counselling 124
Pressure effects 208
Preterm birth 61
Preterm labor 67, 70, 142
etiology 67
incidence 67
prediction of 68
prevention 69
Previous scar thickness 51
Primary amenorrhea 261
causes 261
evaluation 262
examination 262
history 262
investigation of 263, 265, 266fc
management 263
Primigravida 186
Pritchard's regimen 32
Procidentia, complete 216
Proerythroblast 6
Progesterone 69, 72, 111, 210
only pill 111
serum 229
Progestogens 249
high-dose 233
Progressive preterm labor, management of 74
Propylthiourasil 180
Prostaglandin 53
Prosthetic valves 123, 126
Protease inhibitors 165
Proteins, serum 8
Proteinuria 24, 25, 29
Prothrombin time 27
Pruritus 164
Psychosis, postpartum 31
Pteroylglutamic acid 14
Pubertal changes, Tanner's staging of 263t
Pubic hair growth 263
Pubocervical ligament 217
Puborectalis 217
Puerperal sepsis 7, 31
Puerperium 7, 12, 109, 277
Pulsatility index 93
Purandare'scervicopexy 222
Purandare's modification 203
Pyelonephritis 19, 145
Pyrazinamide 148
Pyrexia 141
Pyrimethamine 170
Quinine 68
Quintero's classification system 62
external beam 204
intracavitary 204
Radioactive iodine 181
Radiotherapy 204
Rapid diagnosis tests 142
Red blood cell 13
Red cell osmotic fragility test 8
Reifenstein's syndrome 235
Renal damage 31
Renal disease 68, 90
Renal failure 31
Renal function test 20, 26
Renal insufficiency 25
Repeat exchange transfusion, indications of 119
Resistant ovary syndrome 265
Respiratory illness, severe acute 159
Respiratory tract 163
infections 145, 146
Reticulocyte 6
Reticuloendothelial system 5
Retinal artery spasm 26
Retinal edema 26
Retinopathy, diabetic 112
Retroverted gravid uterus 280
diagnosis 281
differential diagnosis 281
effects on pregnancy 281
etiology 280
signs 281
symptoms 281
treatment 281
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 154
Revised American Fertility Society classification 246t
Revised National TB Control Programme 147
Rh incompatibility 84
Rh isoimmunization 67, 114
prevention of 116
Rheumatic heart disease 123
Ribavirin 159
Rifampicin 148
Ritodrine 71
Ritonavir 165
Robert's sign 185
Rotterdam criteria 255
Rubber tourniquet 212
Rubella 171
clinical manifestations 171
etiopathogenesis 171
infection 171
organism 171
Sacral ligament, anterior 224
Sacrocolpopexy, laparoscopic 224
Sacroposterior breech 41
Sacrospinous fixation 224
Saline antibodies 115
Savage syndrome 265
abdominal 185
dehiscence 53, 54f
endometriosis 252
rupture 53
tenderness 54
Schauta's radical vaginal hysterectomy 203
Schuardt's incision 203
Scotoma 26
Seizures, tonic-clonic 24
Selective fetal growth restriction 60
Semen, normal 237t
Senile vaginitis 287
Sepsis 74, 119
Sertoli cell 235
Serum folate 8
Serum glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase 27
pyruvic transaminase 27
Sexual dysfunction 236
Shaw's classification 216
Shaw's operation 224
Shirodkar's sling 222
Shock 6
postpartum 31
Siamese twins 63
Sickle cell
anemia 18, 19
disease 18
syndromes 8
trait 18, 19
Sickle test 8, 20
Sickling 19f
crisis 20
syndromes 18
tests for 20
Siderophilin 5
Sims-Huhner test 239
manifestations 164
pallor of 6, 22
Sliding test 248
Sling operations, abdominal 221
feredetate 9
ferric gluconate 11
Somogyi phenomenon 112
Sonosalpingography 239
Spalding's sign 185
transport, impaired 236
vitalizing therapy 241
Spermatogenesis, defective 235
Spherocytosis, hereditary 8
Spina bifida 106
Spiramycin, dosage of 170
Spironolactone 258
Splenic sequestration crisis 20
Sporozoites 169
Squamous cell carcinoma 194, 195
Squamous intraepithelial lesion, low-grade 193, 195
Stabilization 134
Statins 257
Status eclampticus 31
Stem cells 6
Stenosis, pulmonary 126
Steroids 72, 92
administration 63
Stillbirths 91
Stomatitis 6
Strawberry cervix 284
Strawberry vagina 284
Stress 98
incontinence 219, 221
Subfertility therapy 58
Submucous fibroids 209
classification of 209, 210t
Sulphadiazine 170
abdominal 68
adjuvant 251
bariatric 259
cytoreductive 273
exenteration 203
Swine flu 156
Symphysial fundal height 58
Systemic lupus erythematosus 25
Systemic maternal endocrine disorders 99
Tachycardia 6, 22, 54
Tachypnea, transient 49
Tamoxifen 241, 258
Tanner's staging 262
Tennessee classification 34
Tenofovir 166
disoproxilfumarate 165
Terbutaline 71
Testicular sperm extraction 244
Tetany 119
Tetraploidy 99
Thalassemia 8, 12
facies 17
syndromes 15, 16
Thermal balloon ablation 231
Thiopentone sodium 33
Thrombocytopenia 25
heparin-induced 127
Thrombophilia 25
hereditary 101, 102
Thrombosis, heparin-induced 127
binding globulin 178
disease, treatment of 240
dysfunction of 262
function test 179, 229
stimulating hormone 101
storm 180
Thyroiditis, postpartum 181, 181t
Thyrotoxicosis 181
Thyroxine 179
Tissue cyst 169
Tocolysis 70
agents 70t
prophylactic 70
Tongue 22
bite 31
Topotecan 274
TORCH infections 169
Torsion 275
Torulopsis glabrata 285
Total iron-binding capacity 6
Toxoplasma gondii 169
Toxoplasmosis 169
clinical manifestation 169
congenital 169171
etiopathogenesis 169
mode of infection 169
prevention 171
serological tests 170
transmission of infection 169
treatment 170, 171
Trachelectomy, radical 204
Traditional surrogate 244
Tranexamic acid 230, 233
Transabdominal sonography 132
Transfusion reaction 12, 12t
Transvaginal sonography 101
Transvaginal ultrasonography 269
Trauma, abdominal 115
Trichomonas vaginalis 162, 284, 284f
Trichomoniasis 284, 287
clinical features 284
diagnosis 284
treatment 284
Tricuspid valve diseases 125
Triploidy 99
Triptorelin 211, 250
Trisomy 21 18
Trophoblastic disease, gestational 24
Trophozoite 169
Truffle study 95
Tuberculin test 147
Tuberculosis 68
effects of pregnancy on 146
pulmonary 146
Tumors, atypical proliferative 271
Turner's syndrome 262, 263
classical features of 263, 264t
Twin peak sign 58
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome 59
Ulipristal acetate 214
Ultrasonography 18, 39, 51, 80, 83, 9092, 132
Ultrasound 117
monitoring, indications for 58
Umbilical artery 93
Umifenovir 159
Upper respiratory tract infections 146
Ureaplasma urealyticum 286
Ureter 208
Urethra 281, 285
Urethritis 144
Urinary tract infection 8, 19, 143, 163
analysis 26
examination 8
pregnancy test 84
Urogenital diaphragm 218
Uterine 207
activity 54
anomalies, congenital 67
artery 92, 93
embolization 213
pulsatility index 26
factor 241
hypertonus 184
inertia 6, 185, 275
malformations, congenital 99
prolapse 220
classifications 215
healing of 49
rupture 49
sounding 209
supports 217
Uterocervical length 219
Uterosacral ligaments 217
Uterus 182, 215, 238, 281
couvelaire 138
during pregnancy, prolapse of 277
enlargement of 183
examination 185
inversion of 220
overdistension of 67
prolapse of 221
supports of 217
surgical treatment, prolapse of 222t
Vagal stimulation 81
Vagina 215, 283
absence of 263
middle 217
prolapse of 221
shortness of 219
supports of 217
Vaginal bleeding, abnormal 199
Vaginal breech delivery 43
Vaginal contraceptive ring 249
Vaginal delivery 50, 63
Vaginal discharge 68, 199
abnormal 283
Vaginal examination 54
Vaginal infections, treatment of 69
Vaginal prolapse 216
Vaginal supports 217
Vaginal walls 219
Vaginitis 283, 287t
Valacyclovir 176
Varicocele 240
Vasa previa 139
Vascular disease 90
Vascular thrombosis 98
Vasectomy 125
permanent contraception 111
Vault prolapse operations 224
Vibroacoustic stimulation test 82
Viral antigen 154
detection 162
Viral infections, newer 152
Virkud's composite sling operation 222
isolation 154
mononucleosis 173
blurred 26
dimness of 31
Visual disturbances 25, 31
Visual inspection, advantages of 198
B12 14t
deficiency 3, 14
serum 8
fat-soluble 292
water-soluble 292
Vomiting 26
von Willebrand factor 233
Vulvovaginitis 287
Warfarin 127
Warm saline, amnioinfusion of 94
Weight gain 91
abnormal 26
low maternal 90
Wertheim's radical hysterectomy 203
Wharton's jelly 81
Whiff test 286
White classification, modified 104
Whole blood transfusion 11
Williams-Richardsons operation 224
World Health Organization 48, 104
classification, modified 128
X-ray, chest 147
Zahara prediction score 128
Zanamivir 157
Zidovudine 165
Zika virus 154, 155, 155f
infection 154, 155
antenatal management 158
chemoprophylaxis 157
clinical features 156
complications 155
diagnosis 155, 157
investigations 157
management in pregnancy 157
perinatal 156
pregnancies complicated with 155t
prevention 155, 157
signs 155
symptoms 155
transmission 154
treatment 155
vaccination 157
syndrome, congenital 155
Zuspan regimen, Sibai modification of 32
Zygote intrafallopian tube transfer 244
Chapter Notes

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