antimicrobial therapy for 149t
guidelines for empirical antibiotics therapy in 148
principles of management of 147
Abdominal surgery, antibiotics 137
Acardiac, cases of 40
Acinetobacter 142
Acland's test 222
Acral lentiginous melanoma 160f
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 275
Adenocarcinoma 77
Adsorbents 56
Ageusia 276
American College of Surgeons Oncology Group 174
American Medical System 64
American Society of Clinical Oncology 79
American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 123t
American Thyroid Association 256
Amitriptyline 56
Amniocentesis 39
Amniotic bands division 40
Amniotic cavity 45f
Amniotic fluid, complications of 46
Ampulla of Vater 118
Amputated hand, replantation of 227f
Anal canal sensation 49
Anal manometry 55
Anal plug 57
Anal repair (post), result of 63t
Angiogenesis inhibitors 73
Anidulafungin 149
Anorectal manometry 53
Anorectal surgery 50
Anosmia 276
Anticoagulation agents 224
Antidiarrheals 56
Antireflux mucosectomy 112
Antityrosine kinase 82
Antrum, posterior wall of 16f
Aortic stenosis 39
Apatinib 73
Appetite, loss of 14
Areolar, bilateral 269
Artificial intelligence, advent of 113
Aspire Assist System 112
Atraumatic technique 222
Atropine 56
Autofluorescence imaging 92
Autoimmune phenomenon 277
Avibactam 148
Azoles 149
Balanitis, chronic 194
Balloon dilatation 39
Barrett's esophagus 93
Basaloid carcinoma 199
Beta coronaviruses 274
Bethesda system 261t
Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology 258
Bile salt binders 56
Biliary obstruction 129
Biliary strictures 128
Biliary system 118
Biliary tract
cancer 86
imaging, recent advances in 130
procedures, antimicrobial prophylaxis for 142t
Biliary, type 120
Biofeedback training 56
Biopsy 164
histopathologic examination 200
Tru-Cut 256
types of 165t
excisional biopsy 165
punch biopsy 165
shave biopsy 165
virtual 94
Bleomycin 210
Blood monocyte expression, circulating 10
Blumer's shelf 14
Body mass index 232
Bowel anastomosis 267
Bowel management 56
Bowen's disease 195
Brachytherapy 107
Breast approaches 268
clinical signs of 233f
differential diagnosis 237
genetics in 236
imaging 233
locoregional treatment for 238
pathology 235
prognosis 240
significance in 237
symptoms and signs 233
treatment 237
Breast cancer, surgery 288
Breast cancer syndromes 236
Breast erythema 232
Breast lesion 234f
Breast reconstruction 226f
Breslow's thickness 172
Bursectomy, role of 20
Buschke-Löwenstein tumor 195
Cabozantinib 211
Calcific pancreatitis, chronic 119
Candida glabrata 149
Capecitabine 78
Carbapenems 147
Carboplatin 238
Carcinogenesis, role in 74f
Carcinosarcomas 244
Caspofungin 149
Cediranib 73
Ceftazidime 148
Ceftolozane 148
Ceftriaxone 138
Celiac disease 93
Celiac plexus neurolysis 100
Cell free DNA 8
Cell membrane 74f
Cell pathways 70
Cell proliferation, signaling pathways 74f
Cell-mediated 4
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 137
Cervical lymphadenopathy 258f
Charged couple devices 92
Chemolabeled 71
Chimeric monoclonal antibody 70
Cholangiography, intraoperative 125
Cholangiopancreatoscopy 131
Cholangioscopy 96
Chorion villus sampling 39
Chromoendoscopy, virtual 93
Cigarette smoking 193
Circumcision, role of 203
Cisplatin 210
Clindamycin 145
Clonorchis sinensis infection 119
Clostridium difficile infection 139
Clostridium species 141
Coagulase negative Staphylococci 137
Coagulation 223
Codeine 56
Coil and glue, combination of 106
Colonic mucus lining 151
Colonic transit time 49
Colorectal bowel malignancy 79
Colorectal, lateral spreading tumors 110
Colorectal surgery 150
antibiotic prophylaxis for 151
antibiotic therapy in 150
emergency antibiotics for 152
evolution of 150
Community Health Centers 277
Continuous sutures 221
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography 256
Contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound 99
Convoluted neural network 113
Cordocentesis 39
Corpora cavernosa 206f
Corticotrophin 82
Coupling devices 228
adverse effects of 275
and surgical practice 281
changes to surgical systems 281
clinical manifestations of 276
control of infections 285
diagnosis 278
endoscopy 285
Indian guidelines 277
infection 283
laparoscopy 285
mitigating postoperative risks 286
on surgical education, training, and research 287
outpatient clinics and telemedicine 282
prioritizing patients 282
procedural considerations in surgery 283
recovery of surgical services 287
reducing preoperative risks 283
risk of transmission 284
surgical practice in 273
surgical specialty guidelines 288
suspects 278
syndrome 277
tackling specific operative risk issues 285
treatment of 279
Cowden syndrome 257
C-reactive protein 3
Cutaneous melanoma, management of 176
Cystic adenomatoid malformation, congenital 44
Cytoreductive surgery 25
Dacron-impregnated silastic sling 58
Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns 7
Deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap 226f
Deep learning 113
Deep neural network 113
Dermal tumor emboli 233
Desmoplastic melanoma 161
Dexamethasone 279
Diarrhea-inducing foods 55
Diarrheal states 50
Diffuse pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy 275
Digital image analysis 132
Dilated bile duct, evaluation of 131
Diphenoxylate hydrochloride 56
Disseminated infection 3
Distal body 20
Distal fingertip replantations 225
Distal gastrectomy, open 26
Distal margin 24
Distal tumors 20
Diverticulitis 139
DNA proliferation, digital image analysis 132
DNA repair mechanisms 86
Docetaxel 210
Dopamine 82
Doppler flow patterns 222
Ductal system 101
Duodenal 25
Duodenal bypass 28
Duodenal mucosal resurfacing 113
Duodenal obstruction 102f
Echinocandins 149
Edema 232
EGFR (HER-1), targeting 73
Elasticity index 260
Elastography 259
Electromyography 54
Electronic chromoendoscopy techniques 92
Electronic cylindrical phased array 132
Embolectomy 223
Emergency medical relief 277
Endoanal ultrasonography 53f
Endocrine neoplasia, multiple 257
Endocytoscopy 94
Endoplasmic reticulum processing 275f
Endorectal ultrasonography 52
Endoscopic bariatric, advances in 112
Endoscopic equipment 268
Endoscopic findings, correlation of 93
Endoscopic full thickness resection 111
Endoscopic imaging, advances in 92
Endoscopic resection 16
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty 113
Endoscopic surgical approach to LND 209
Endoscopic tunneling, per oral 108
Endoscopic ultrasound 123
choledochoduodenostomy 102f
diagnostic, advances in 97
elastography 98f
elastography 98t
guided 107f
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided
biliary drainage, techniques of 103t
cancer therapy 106
elastography 97
gallbladder drainage 104
gastrojejunostomy 105
tissue acquisition, advances in 99
vascular interventions 105
Endoscopic ultrasound, hepaticogastrostomy 101f
Endothelial proliferation 73
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 9
Epidermis 159
Epithelial and stromal components 248
Epithelium, excision of 205
Equipment and accessories 108
Ergonomics 285
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 3
Erythroplasia of queyrat 195
Escherichia coli 140
Esophageal malignancy 76
Esophagus, restoration of 108
Everolimus 83
Extended resections, role of 25
Extracellular domains 83
Extracellular-signal-regulated kinases 75
Extrahepatic bile duct 121f
Extrahepatic ducts 118
Extrahepatic portal vein obstruction 119
Eye strain 218
Fecal incontinence 50
classification of 51
common causes of 50
diagnosis 51
etiopathogenesis 48
evaluation 51
investigation 55
management of 48
surgical treatment for 59
treatment 55
Fetal bleeding 43
Fetal, endoscopic surgery 39
Fetal skin biopsy 39
Fetal surgery 34
applications of 43
approach for 38f
challenges in 43
complication 43
components of 34
contraindications 38
diagnosis 35
history of 35t
indications 38
multidisciplinary approach in 37
potential of 43
types of 39
Fetal therapy, evolution of 34
Fetoendoscopic surgery 40t
Fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion 40f
Fibroadenomas 247
Flexible spectral imaging color enhancement 92
Fluorescein angiography 222
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 132
Fluorescent intensity 267
Fluorodeoxyglucose 16
FNB needles, different kinds of 99f
Follicular lesion of 265
Follicular neoplasm 262
Food and Drug Administration 77
Food intolerance, source of 55
Free latissimus dorsi muscle flap 227f
Free radial forearm flap 225f
Free-hand technique 106f
Functional utility 186
Fusobacterium 153
advanced 17
clinical presentation 13
complications of 27
diagnosis and staging 14
early 16
endoscopic resection 17
histological classification of 13
neoadjuvant chemotherapy 23
perforation 28
postgastrectomy care 28
role of surgery 27
trastuzumab for 78
Gastric metaplasia 93
Gastric per oral endoscopic myotomy 108
Gastric plication and suturing 112
Gastric variceal coiling 107f
Gastric wall thickening 15
Gastroenterology surgery, practice of 92
Gastrojejunostomy 28
Gefitinib 81
Gene therapy 107
Genetic engineering 46
Genital warts 194
Genital warts, history of 194
Gentamicin 145
Giant condylomata acuminata 195
Glasgow Coma Scale 2
Glasgow revised seven point checklist 163
Glucose transporter-1 16
Gluteus maximus muscle 64
Glycosaminoglycans 7
Graciloplasty therapy study group, dynamic 63
Gram-negative rods 137
Gram-positive bacteria 145
Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor 175
Growth factor receptors 72
Growth factors, targeting 73
Haemobilia 120
Hand foot disease 82
Healing, mechanism of 219
Heat shock protein 7
Hedgehog pathway 86
Helicobacter pylori infection 93
Hemostasis 264
Heparin 224
Hepatic cyst 119
Hepatitis B virus 72
Hepatitis C virus 81
Hepatobiliary ascariasis 119
Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 74f
HER-2, targeting 73
Heterogeneity of internal echo 131
Heterozygosity, loss of 236
High-mobility group B1 7
Hilar block vs distal obstruction 129
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma 120
Histamine 82
Hodgkin's disease 257
Hormonal evaluation 257
Hormone receptor 236
Hormone receptor expression 249
Host cell cytoplasm 275f
Human body's response 2
Human monoclonal antibody 70
Human papillomavirus infection 194
Humanized monoclonal antibody 70
Hydroxychloroquine 279
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 224
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy 25
Hyperthyroidism, etiologies of 263f
Hypothesis 151
Iatrogenic 59
Ifosfamide 210
Illness (acute), cause of 1
Immune checkpoint inhibitors 211
Immunotherapy 211
Immunotoxins 71
Indocyanine green 267
Infected pancreatic necrosis, therapeutic antibiotics for 146
Infectious diarrhea 50
Infectious Diseases Society of America 6
Inflammatory bowel disease 50
Inflammatory cytokines 237
Inflammatory process 9
Inguinal metastases 198
Injectable biomaterials 58
Injury, accidental 50
Intensive care units 182
Interleukin-6 3
International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock 147
International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society 34
International Union for Cancer Control 232
Intracellular domains 73
Intraductal cholangioscopy 131
Intraductal echogenic focus 125f
Intraductal papillary mucinous tumor 120
Intraductal stones 97f
Intragastric balloons 112
Intrahepatic biliary dilatation 128f
Intralesional therapies 175
Intrauterine procedures 38
Invasive penile carcinoma 194
Ipilimumab 211
Irish node 14
Isolated bile duct 118
Isolated limb infusion 175
Isotope scan 263
Jaundice, symptoms of
Jejunal loops, dilated 106f
Juxtamembrane domain 83
Juxtapapillary diverticulum 119
Laser-assisted anastomosis 228
Laser coagulation of vessels 40
Laser Doppler flowmetry 267
Laser endomicroscopy, needle-based confocal 100
Lauren classification, features of 14t
Lentigo maligna melanoma 160f
Lethal malignancy 212
Lichen sclerosus 195f
Li-Fraumeni syndrome 244
Lobectomy 42
Local tumor staging 1
Locoregional radiation therapy 239
Lumen-apposing metal stents 100
Lymph nodal dissection, extent of 21
Lymphatic surgery 225
Lymphedema, management of 228
Lymphoma 120
Lymphovascular invasion, presence of 205
Macroscopic disease 173
Magnetic anal sphincter 65
Malignancy 86
Malignant lymphoma 119
Malignant phyllodes 249
Mammograms, bilateral 234f
Matrix metalloproteins 75
Mean arterial pressure 2
Medigus ultrasonic surgical endostapler 112
Mega rectum 50
Megaloblastic anemia 28
Melanoma 159
ABCDE of 162f
advanced 176
amelanotic 161
clinical diagnosis 161
clinical progression of 159
difficult 163
excision specimen of 171f
in children 163
locoregional therapies in 174
pigment synthesizing (animal-type) 161
prognostic factors and staging 164
progression of 159f
subtypes of 160
acral lentiginous melanoma 161
lentigo maligna melanoma 161
nodular melanoma 160
superficial spreading 160
thickness 173
tumor-node-metastasis staging of 166t
various thicknesses of 172t
Metabolic therapies, advances in 112
Metal stents 28
Metastases 120
Metastatic penile cancer (T4, N2-3, M1) 209
Metastatic phyllodes 251
Methotrexate 210
Methylcellulose 55
Methylprednisolone 279
Microlithiasis 119
Microsatellite instability 77
contraindication of 223
failure of 223
field of 228
limitation for 225
masters of 218
refinement of 217
Minimally invasive fetal endo-surgery 40
Minimally invasive surgery 26
Minimally symptomatic biliary dilatation 129
Minimum inhibitory concentration 138
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 277
Mirizzi's syndrome 120
Mitochondrial DNA 7
Mixed carcinoma 199
Mohs micrographic surgery 205
genetics 262
signatures 81
targets in cell pathway 74f
tests, types of 263
therapy 69
development of 86
Momab 70
Mucinous cystic neoplasm 119
Mucosa 226f
Mucosal incision 108
Multidrug resistance, development of 6
Multikinase inhibitors 83
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome 277
Multivisceral resections 25
Murine Int-1 gene 248
Muscle plasty, dynamic 63
Muscle transfer procedures 58
N95 respirators 283
Nasojejunal tube 28
National Cancer Registry Programme 13
National Healthcare Safety Network 144
National Institute for Health Research 287
National Institute of Care and Excellence 138
Neural network, artificial 113
Neuroendocrine cells 82
Neuroendocrine tumor 119
Neurogenic integrity 49
Neurological conditions 50
Neurotensin 82
Neutralizing antibodies 73
Nipple retraction 245
Nitric oxide synthase 74f
Nivolumab 211
Nonpalpable ILNs, surgical treatment of 207
Nucleocapsid protein 275f
Obstetrical injury 50
Obstruction, level of 129
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 279
Olaparib 86
Optical coherence tomography 94
Oral malignancy reconstruction 225f
Orbera Intragastric Balloon System 112
Oslen's theory 170
Ovarian masses 14
Overall survival 85
p53, expression of 249
p53 germline mutation 244
Paclitaxel 210
Paget's disease of penis 195
Palliative hemostatic radiotherapy 27
Palpable ILNs, surgical treatment of 208
Pancreatic cyst 119
Pancreatic infiltration 25
Pancreatic necrosis 146
Pancreatic pseudocyst 120
Pancreatic rendezvous 104
Pancreaticobiliary malignancy 119
Pancreatoscopy 96
Papilla, accessibility of 101
Papillary carcinoma 199
Papillary surface 131
Parasites 120
Parathyroid detection 266
Parathyroid hormone 266
Parathyroidectomy, subtotal 267
Parenchymal edema 233
Parenchymal thickening 235f
Partial penectomy 206f
Pelvic floor denervation 50
Pelvic INS, surgical treatment of 209
epidemiology 192
etiopathology of 193
higher risk of 194
histological, subtypes of 199t
in situ, surgical treatment of 203
majority of 198
management of 192
palliation in advanced 212
risk factors 193
spread of 197
staging in 201t
Penile intraepithelial neoplasia 195
Penile stump 206
Penile trauma, chronic 194
Penis 194
Peptide receptor nucleotide therapy 83
Periampullary cancer 120
Peritoneal carcinomatosis 25
Personal protective equipment 283f
Pertuzumab 238
Phimosis 193
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase 74f
Phospholipase C 74f
Photodynamic therapy 96
Phyllodes 249
biology of 248
borderline 250
molecular classification of 249
tumor 250
borderline 247
breast of 244
chemotherapy 251
clinical presentation 245
diagnosis 245
epidemiology 244
grading of 246
histological grading of 247t
histopathology 246
hormone therapy 251
malignant 248
mammography 246
management 249
MRI of breast 246
radiology 246
radiotherapy 251
Plasma-bound ICG molecules 267
Plasma cell neoplasm 119
Platelet derived growth factor receptor 74f
Plate-reinforced suture 112
Pleural shunts 39
Polyadenosine diphosphate 86
Polydioxanone 59
Polyposis coli, familial 257
Polytetrafluoroethylene 112
Portal biliopathy 119
Portal vein 106
Positron emission test 235
Postanal repair 61
Premalignant lesions 194
Premature rupture of membrane 41
Presepsin 8
guidance study 6
in postoperative period 7
in renal failure 8
levels 8
interpretation of 5t
utility of 5
Prognostication 8
Programmed cell-death ligand-1 10
Proinflammatory cytokines, upregulation of 276
Prophylactic measure 26
Proteus 148
Proteus mirabilis 152
Pseudoepitheliomatous 195
Pseudointima 219
Pseudomembranous colitis 139
Pseudomonas 142
Psoralen plus ultraviolet therapy 161
Psychological motivation 49
Psyllium products 55
Public Health England, guidance 283f
Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency 54
Pulmonary airway malformation, congenital 44
Pulmonary fibrosis 277
Pylorus 20
Radial and linear scanning 132
Radial sector scan system, mechanical 132
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 84
Radical gastrectomy, principles of 18
Radioactive iodine 265
Radiolabeled 71
Ramucirumab 73
Rapamycin, mechanistic target of 74f
Reactive-oxygen species 96
Reservoir bags, high flow nasal cannula 279
Respiratory illnesses 274
Respiratory infections, antibiotic therapy in 7
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 278
Rhinolophus affinis 274
Ribose polymerase inhibitor 86
Rituximab 70
RNA-binding proteins 84
RNA, single strand 275f
Robot face lift thyroidectomy 269
Robotic-assisted endoscopes 113
Robotic gastrectomy 27
Robotic surgery, surgeon console in 269f
Roux-en-Y reconstruction 19
Royal Surgical Colleges 284
Saga of development
advancing frontiers 217
giant leap in surgery 217
microsurgery everywhere 218
preparation 217
small stitch on tissue 217
Sarcomatoid carcinoma 199
Scanning electron microscopes 103
Sclerosing cholangitis, primary 119
SECCA procedure 65
Serotonin 82
Short gut syndrome 50
Sister Mary Joseph node 14
Skeletal muscle flaps 58
Skin flaps 267
Skin grafting 227f
Small bowel adenocarcinoma 81
Small bowel malignancy 79
Small intestinal malignancy 81
Small molecule inhibitors 72
Somatic mutations of KRAS 86
Sorafenib Hepatocellular Carcinoma Assessment Randomized Protocol trial 82
Sphincter, normal and damaged 49f
Spina bifida 45
Spindle cell metaplastic carcinomas 244
Spitzoid melanoma 161
Splenectomy 23
Staphylococcus aureus 137
Staphylococcus spp. 143
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 81
Steatorrhea 28
Stent placement, antegrade 103
Stool consistency 49
Streptococcal species 137
Streptococci 143
Stromal atypia 247
Stromal overgrowth 247
Subepithelial connective tissue 205
bleb, formation of 108
endoscopy 107
injection 109f
tunneling 109
and myotomy 109
endoscopic resection 108
Subungual melanomas 164
Succinate dehydrogenase mutations 83
Supermicrosurgery 228
Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis 137
Surgical margins, adequacy of 23
Surgical metastasectomy 176
Surgical Patient Safety System 184
Surgical preoperative pathway 284f
communication 185
compliance of 188
contents of 183
disadvantages of 188
history of 183
implementation 188
need for 182
teamwork enhancement 186
validity of 189
Surgical site infection 137
Sutures, number of 220
T2-T4 disease, surgical treatment of 206
Talimogene laherparepvec 175
challenges 76
classes of 70
hepatocyte growth factor 75
in gastrointestinal malignancy 69
matrix metalloproteins 75
PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway 75
targeting gene fusion 75
Taxane 238
Tazobactam 148
Therapeutic endoscopic ultrasound, advances in 100
Thiersch procedure 58
Thyroid cytopathology 261t
Thyroid malignant, mass of 257f
Thyroid ST 265
Thyroid stimulating hormone 256
Thyroidectomy technique produces 268
Tissue injury 3
Tissue sampling techniques, advances in 132
TNM staging system 202
Toxic multinodular goiter 265
Trachea, balloon occlusion of 40
Tracheal stenosis 42f
Transabdominal ultrasonography 119
Transanal ultrasound 55
Transarterial chemoembolization 82
Transient, incidence of 266
Transluminal drainage 104
Transoral incisionless fundoplication 112
Transplant surgery 289
Trauma surgery 289
Tricyclic antidepressant 56
Tropomyosin receptor kinase 75
bleeding 27
invades corpus cavernosum 202
node metastasis 202
of papilla of vater 119
proximal margin for 23
superficial 159
surgery by site of 19
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 40
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors 81
Tyrosine kinase pathway, targeting 84
Ugly duckling sign 163
Umbilical nodule 14
Urinary bladder 45f
Urinary tract obstructions, lower 44
Urological malignancies 198
Vaccines 72
Vaginal delivery 50
Vaginal introitus 61
Vascular surgery 289
Vasculoendothelial growth factor receptor 74f
Vasopressin 9
Vasospasm 222
Vater's papilla 129
Venous thromboembolism 224
Ventral phalloplasty 206
Ventral urethral spatulation 206f
Verrucous carcinoma 199
Vesicoamniotic shunt 45f
Vessel repair, triangulation technique of 221f
Vessels, milking of 222
Vinci Xi Surgical System 27
Viral genome 275f
Viral infections, differentiation of 5
Viral transport media 278
Virchow node 14
Visual examination 162
Vitamin D supplementation 266
Vocal cord paralysis 257