RSSDI Yearbook of Diabetes 2020
RSSDI Yearbook of Diabetes 2020
Sujoy Ghosh MD (Med) DM (Endo) FRCP FACE
Professor Department of Endocrinology Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Associate Editor
Sayantan Ray MD DM
Consultant Endocrinologist Medica Superspeciality Hospital
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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RSSDI Yearbook of Diabetes 2020
First Edition: 2021
Printed at
- Sujoy Ghosh MD (Med) DM (Endo) FRCP FACE
- Professor
- Department of Endocrinology
- Institute of Post Graduate Medical
- Education and Research
- Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Sayantan Ray MD DM
- Consultant Endocrinologist
- Medica Superspeciality Hospital
- Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Ajitesh Roy MD (Gen Med) DM (Endo)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Endocrinology, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Science
- Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Amit Gupta DNB MNAMS FACE FICP FRCP (Glasg, Edin)FACP (USA) PGD-Diab (Cardiff UK) DFID (CMC Vellore) F-Diab (Diabetes India) FGSI FIMSA FIACM
- Director, Centre for Diabetes Care
- Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Amritava Ghosh MD (Med) DM (Endo)
- Assistant Professor and Faculty-in-charge, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
- Anand Moses MD FRCP
- Emeritus Professor
- Professor of Diabetology
- The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University
- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Anuj Maheshwari MD FICP FIACM FIMSA FRSSDI FACP (USA) FACE (USA) FRCP (London, Edinburgh)
- Professor and Head Department of General Medicine Babu Banarasi Das University Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Archana Sarda MD (Med)
- Consultant Diabetologist
- Founder
- UDAAN, an NGO for Children with Diabetes
- Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
- Banshi Saboo MD PhD FRCP MNAMS
- Fellow American College of Endocrinology (FACE)
- Fellow International College of Nutrition (FICN - Canada)
- Diabetologist
- Endocrine and Metabolic Physician
- President - RSSDI
- Honorary Diabetologist H. E. The Governor of Gujarat
- Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Scientific Chairman: RSSDI 2019
- Bikash Bhattacharjee MBBS GDIPDC MDC (Australia)
- Director and Senior Consultant Diabetologist Sun Valley Diabetic Care and Research Centre
- Guwahati, Assam, India
- Brij Mohan Makkar MD FIAMS FICP FRCP (Glasg, Edin) FACP FACE FRSSDI
- Senior Diabetologist and Obesity Specialist, Dr Makkar's Diabetes and Obesity Centre
- New Delhi, India
- Chitra Selvan MD (Med) DM (Endo)
- Associate Professor
- Ramaiah Medical College
- Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Ch Vasanth Kumar MD
- Senior Consultant Physician
- Apollo Hospitals
- President Elect. RSSDI
- Founder and President
- Diabetes and You Society
- Faculty and Examiner
- Medvarsity
- Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Organizing Chairman: RSSDI 2016
- Indira Maisnam MD DM FRCP FACE
- Consultant Endocrinologist
- RG Kar Medical College
- Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Jothydev Kesavadev MD
- Chairman, Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centre
- Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
- Jugal Kishor Sharma MD (Med) FICP FACP FACE FRCP (London, Edin, Glasg, Ireland) FRSSDI FIACM FIMSA FGSI Fellow Diabetes India, FISH
- Medical Director
- Central Delhi Diabetes Centre
- New Delhi, India
- Mithun Bhartia MRCP (UK) CCT (Endo, UK)
- Consultant Endocrinologist
- Apollo Hospital
- Guwahati, Assam, India
- Neeta Deshpande MD FRCP
- Consultant Diabetologist and Bariatric Physician Belgaum Diabetes Centre
- Professor and Head Department of Medicine MM Dental College Associate Professor-Medicine USM-KLE International Medical Program
- Belgaum, Karnataka, India
- Partha P Chakraborty MD DM (Endo) DNB (Endo) FACE FICP
- Clinical Tutor Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Medical College Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Pratap Jethwani MD (Med) PG Diploma Diabetes FRSSDI FDiab India
- Director and Consultant Diabetes Specialist Jethwani Diabetes Care Center Jethwani Hospital, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
- Purvi Chawla MBBS MS (Pharm Sci, USA) PG (Diab, UK)
- Consultant Diabetologist and
- Director of Clinical Research
- Lina Diabetes Care and Mumbai Diabetes Research Centre
- Hon. Consultant Diabetologist
- Bhartiya Arogya Nidhi and
- Mahavir Hospitals
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Rajeev Chawla MD F Diab FRSSDI FACP (USA) FRCP (Edin) FACE (USA)
- Senior Consultant Diabetologist
- Director
- North Delhi Diabetes Centre
- Rohini, New Delhi, India
- Rakesh Kumar Sahay MD DNB (Med) DM (Endo)
- Professor and Head Department of Endocrinology
- Osmania Medical College and Osmania General Hospital
- Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Rana Bhattacharjee MD (Med) MRCP DM (Endo) FICP FRCP FACE
- Assistant Professor Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Sanjay Agarwal MD FACE
- Director Aegle Clinic - Diabetes Care
- Head
- Department of Medicine and Diabetes, Ruby Hall Clinic
- Senior Consultant in Diabetes and Medicine
- Jehangir Hospital
- Secretary - RSSDI
- Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Sanjay Reddy MD
- Consultant Diabetologist
- Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Care, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road
- Vice President
- Primer Academy of Medical Sciences (PAMS)
- Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Shalini Jaggi Dip Diab (UK) Dip Endo (UK) FRSSDI FRCP (London, Glasg, Edin)
- Consultant Diabetologist and Director
- Lifecare Diabetes Centre
- New Delhi, India
- Soumik Goswami MD (Med) DM (Endo)
- RMO cum Clinical Tutor Department of Endocrinology Nilratan Sircar Medical College Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- Sreenivasa Murthy L MD FRCP (Edin, Glasg) FRSSDI FICP
- Professor and Head of Unit
- Department of General Medicine Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College (BRAMC)
- Senior Consultant Physician and Diabetologist, Lifecare Hospital and Research Centre
- Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Sudhir Bhandari MD DNB FRCP (London) FRCP (Edinburgh) FACP FACE (Fellow American College of Endocrinology) FISC FRSSDI FELLOW OF DIABETES INDIA (FDI)
- Senior Professor in Upgraded Department of Medicine
- Principal and Controller
- SMS Medical College and Hospital
- Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Sunil Surajprasad Gupta MD FACE FRCP (London, Edinburgh and Glasgow) FACP FICP FRSSDI
- Director, Sunil's Diabetes Care n’ Research Centre Pvt Ltd Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
- Vijay Kumar Panikar MD FCPS DNB FRCP (London)
- Consultant Endocrinologist
- Department of Endocrinolgy and Diabetes
- Lilavati Hospital
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Vijay Viswanathan MD PhD FRCP (London and Glasgow)
- Head and Chief Diabetologist
- Prof M Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre
- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dear Readers,
Greetings from RSSDI!
I hope this will find you in the best of your health and good spirit.
As a President of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI), it gives me immense pleasure to launch the yet another version of RSSDI Yearbook, 2020.
As you all know, diabetes, today, is a major concern of society as well as health sector. Various studies have shown that it is a preventable disorder, or at least, it can be delayed. There are definite risk factors of diabetes and by simple questionnaire, we can identify high-risk population. Prevention of diabetes is a major threat to public health for South Asians, particularly for India.
It is evidently proven that early diagnosis and screening of diabetes help in preventing complications of diabetes and, therefore, the healthcare professionals needs to be trained in management and prevention of diabetes.
I congratulate Dr Sujoy Ghosh for coming out with RSSDI Yearbook, 2020. I am sure it will help healthcare professionals to upgrade their knowledge about management and prevention of diabetes as well as related complications. The contents of the book are designed to appropriately keeping the need of the time in mind and contain all the topics from diagnosis to pathophysiology to management and prevention as well.
I write this foreword with immense pleasure and I am sure it will be a useful book for readers.

Banshi Saboo MD PhD FRCP MNAMS
Diabetologist, Endocrine and Metabolic Physician
Honorary Diabetologist H. E. The Governor of Gujarat
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Scientific Chairman: RSSDI, 2019
Message from the RSSDI Secretary
I would like to congratulate Dr Sujoy Ghosh, the executive committee of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI), and scientific team to bring out such a comprehensive 2020 RSSDI Yearbook. This is the second volume of the book and a much-awaited scientific compilation in diabetes.
In this changing landscape of information, we need to keep abreast with latest developments in diabetes. This book breaks down the information in various segments, making reading easy. Reviews and commentaries have been covered well from articles, which span from all prestigious peer reviewed journals with high-impact factor.
I urge all clinicians working in the field of diabetes to read this book. It has cutting edge information, which will assist you to take informed decisions in management of patients, in line, with world opinion. To all researchers, articles by fellow colleagues give an insight to thoughts of leaders in research world.
The book has been printed with easy reading fonts and colors with good take home messages. It is an invaluable asset to your library.
Happy Reading!!
Sanjay Agarwal MD FACE
Honorary Secretary—RSSDI
Director, Aegle Clinic—Diabetes Care
Head, Department of Medicine and Diabetes
Ruby Hall Clinic
Senior Consultant in Diabetes and Medicine
Jehangir Hospital
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Incidentally, yearbooks in different specialties are available for almost all specialties and sub-/superspecialties of medical sciences. However, a Yearbook of Diabetes by the Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) is unique. Considering that a large number of articles related to diabetes are published every year that it is a formidable task of putting together a yearbook on diabetes.
Clinicians, both primary care and specialists often attend conferences and clinical meetings with the expectation to update their understanding of diabetology. Clinical service delivery makes it difficult for most to keep abreast with all the studies newly published.
The most important publications are summarized in an easy-to-read format for the physician published. The RSSDI is one of the biggest organizations in the field of diabetology worldwide and is, therefore, the appropriate organization to take up this responsibility.
We decided to screen all diabetes related (major publications, from major journals) published articles between 1st July, 2019 and 30th June, 2020. We screened over 4,000 original articles and then divided up the selected articles into 8 subsections and wrote up a critical appraisal of all the selected ones. Abstracts of the articles were re-written to avoid any copyright issue.
I was fortunate to be working with an outstanding team of doctors, including a dynamic editorial team consisting of a mix of a physician, diabetologists, and endocrinologists. The entire writing team of doctors for the book has done a wonderful job, that too at such short notice.
I am highly indebted to all the members of the executive committee of RSSDI led by Dr Banshi Saboo and Dr Sanjay Agarwal.
I am also extremely grateful to Dr Sayantan Ray, the associate editor of this book, without his help this book would not have been possible.
The entire process of completion of this book has been a roller-coaster journey. The book would never have seen the light of day without the determination, help, support, and guidance that I received from Mr Sabyasachi Hazra of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
Finally, I would like to thank all my colleagues at work and my family who have been a constant source of support and encouragement.
I dedicate this book to all those who involved in the management of patients with diabetes and hope this helps in improvement of patient care and outcome.
Long live RSSDI.
Sujoy Ghosh