Partha’s Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice A Parthasarathy, Alok Gupta
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomen 454
Acapella 157
Accidents, victims of 391
Acetaminophen poisoning 410
Acetylcholine 471
Achalasia 83, 84t
cardia 83, 471, 472f
diagnosis of 471
diagnosis for 84t
etiology of 471
therapy for 473
Achromobacter xylosoxidans 147
fast bacilli 76
maltase deficiency 365
hyperchloremic 406
management of 135
Acne 300, 335, 337
inflammatory 335
vulgaris 300
Acnegenic pathways 302
Acorn sign 353
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, nutritionally 57
Acute coronary syndrome 124
Acute focal neurological deficit, differential diagnosis of 116b
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 152, 413, 416, 418t
Adenine 45
Adenocarcinoma 223
Adenosine 139
Adenovirus 142, 151
Adipo-derived stem cells 41
Adjuvant medical therapy 286
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 214, 215f, 219, 220f, 341, 344t, 350
Adrenaline 168
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 87
stimulation test 343t
Afamelanotide 381
Age-based fat-soluble vitamin supplementation 148t
Air bronchogram 13f
Airway clearance 154
indications 154
technique 154, 155b, 159
types of 154
Airway mucus layer 154
Alanine aminotransferase 125
Albumin 61
Alcohol 175, 446
Aldolase deficiency 366
Alex allergy explorer 178
Alkaptonuria 351
component 178
exposure, symptoms of 166
Allergic facial mannerism 164
Allergic gap 164
Allergic rhinitis 164, 166
classification of 164
diagnosis of 164
Allergic salute 164
Allergic sensitization, evidence of 166
Allergoid immunotherapy 182
Allergy 163, 173, 323
Alopecia 335
Alpha interferon 253
Alpha-2-adrenergic agonists 34
Alveolar capillary damage 418
Alveolar epithelial damage 418
Alveolar interstitial syndrome 152
Alzheimer's disease 43
Amblyopia 305, 313
anisometropic 309
moderate 306
therapy 317
treatment studies 306
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 199
American Academy of Ophthalmology 309
American Academy of Pediatrics 2, 7, 101
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 336
American Heart Association 7
Amikacin 161, 162
Amino acids 58
Aminoglycoside antibiotics 149
Aminolevulinic acid 378, 379f
Aminophylline 168
Aminotransferase 411
Amiodarone 139
Amitriptyline 113
Amlodipine 200, 250
Ammonia removal 375
Amniotic fluid 41, 363
Amoxicillin 79, 273
Ampakines 35
Amphetamine 390
Ampicillin 273
Amplification-refractory mutation system 363
Anabolism, stimulation of 377
Anaphylaxis 170
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 261
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase 264
Andersen's disease 365
Androgen Excess Society 336
Androgen receptor, competitive antagonism of 337
congenital macrocytic normochromic 254
hemolytic 74
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor 130, 200, 201
Angiotensin receptor
blocker 200, 201
neprilysin 133
Anomalous pulmonary venous connection 134
Anorexia 373
Antagonize hepcidin 239
Antenatal hydronephrosis 189
management of 191fc
Antenatal ultrasound 137, 225
Anti-androgen therapy 337
allergy, multiple 273
parenteral 196
Antibody, anti-platelet 251
Anticipatory guidance 384
Antiepileptic drugs 64, 107
Anti-GD2 antibodies, mechanism of action of 264
Antigen, immunotherapeutic 264
Anti-glomerular basement 199
Antihypertensive drug
and dosages 200t
selection 201t
Anti-infection agents, oral 295
Anti-inflammatory therapies 19
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 199
Antipyretic agents 101
Antiretroviral drugs 95
Antithrombin deficiency 118
Anti-tuberculous drugs 95
Antivascular endothelial growth factor 23
Antiviral agents 131
Anxiety 32, 387, 436
handling parental 464
Anxiolytic medicines 380
Aortic dilatation 32
Aortic regurgitation 124
Apgar score 8
Aphasia 445
Apnea 69
Appendicitis 459
acute 459
chronic 400
Arcuate fasciculus 449f
Area postrema syndrome 121f
Arginase deficiency 376
Arginine 376
deficiency 376
plasma concentration of 374
lyase 376
synthetase 376
ARIA clinical classification 165fc
Arrhythmia 129
Artemisinin 81
Asian Pacific Association for Study of Liver 96
Aspartate aminotransferase 125
Asperger syndrome, diagnosis of 49
Aspiration, risk of 421
Aspirin 175
low-dose 126
Assisted autogenic drainage 156
Asthma 166, 323
Ataluren 359
Ataxia 369
Atenolol 201
Atkins diet, modified 108
Atopic dermatitis 302, 303
Atopic eczema 303
Atrioventricular block 124
Atrioventricular reentry tachycardia 137
Atrophy 369
Atropine penalization 306
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 32, 387, 389, 436
Auditory brainstem implant 280
placement of 281f
Auditory cortex 277
Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder 277
Auditory nuclei 281f
Autism 40
diagnosis of 49
spectrum disorder 32 433, 433f, 445
challenges for 388
treatment for 434, 435
Autogenic drainage 155
Autoimmune diseases 323
Autologous plasma skin test 174
Autologous serum skin test 174
Autologous umbilical cord blood 42
Avastin 23
Axial myopia 308
Axon guidance, genetic disorders of 44
Azacytidine 248
Azathioprine 253
Azithromycin 75, 273
Bacterial obstruction 296
Balloon dilatation 230
Bambuterol 168
Banana sign 353
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 64
Bariatric surgery, role of 463
esophagogram 83
swallow 84
Basilar artery 115
Basophil activation test 174
advantages of 175
Basophil histamine release assay 175
lymphoblastic lymphoma, immature 260
lymphomas, mature 260
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 64
Behavioral therapy 65
Benchmark disabilities 451
Besnier's prurigo 303
Best corrected visual acuity 305
Beta-enolase deficiency 366
Beta-thalassemia, treatment of 248
Bevacizumab 23
intravitreal 23
Bickerstaff encephalitis 119
Bile salt exporter pump 92
Bilevel positive airway pressure 417, 420, 422, 425
Biliary diversion procedures 93
Binocular fusion 313
Binocular interaction, disturbed 305
Biomarkers, antibody-based 119
endomyocardial 132
proven 131
analog 12
deficiency 68
plasma concentration 69
Biotinidase deficiency 351
Bird-beak fashion 471
Birth asphyxia 316
capacity 469
distended 467
active 10
per rectum 456
Blinatumomab 259
Blindness 318
chemistries 240
culture 194
gas, arterial 134, 417
glucose, self-monitoring of 331
investigations 279
pressure 197, 198t, 405
diastolic 202, 203, 205, 206
invasive 9
levels 202, 205
urea nitrogen 338
Bloom syndrome 340
Bocavirus 151
Body mass index 148, 463
Bone marrow 240, 248
examination 246
transplantation in utero 250
Bottle positive expiratory pressure 156f
Botulinum toxin
endoscopic 473
injection 86
atrophy, nonspecific 374
derived neurotrophic factor 41
function 48
gut axis 398
injury 47
traumatic 340
tumors 115
diagnosis of 265
Brainstem 119
aura 112
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome 279
Breath sounds 405
Breathing technique, active cycle of 155
Brentuximab vedotin 261, 262
British Paediatric Neurology Association 101
Bronchiolitis 151153
Buphenyl 377
Burkholderia cepacia 147
Burkitt's lymphoma 260, 262
Button battery ingestion 411
Caffeine citrate 18
Calcium 61, 62, 463
channel blocker 85, 201
Candesartan 200
Capsulotomy, manual 314
Captopril 200
Carbohydrates 55
Cardiac resynchronization therapy 133
Cardiology 123
Cardiomyopathy 131, 358
dilated 129, 131, 132
hypertrophic 132
tachycardia-induced 129
Carglumic acid 377
Carotid artery, internal 115
Cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test 76, 160
Cataract 185, 278, 313
congenital 316
isolated inherited 314
Cefepime 197
Celiac disease 400, 436
screening 401
antigen-presenting 60
distribution width 237
infiltration 130
tumors 266
Central nervous system 37, 259
demyelinating diseases of 119
Centrotemporal spikes 106
Cephalexin 273
anterior 115
middle 115
posterior 115
atrophy 69
edema 69
palsy 47
sinovenous thrombosis 114
venous sinus thrombosis 118
treatment of 118
visual impairment 315
Cerebrospinal fluid 79 266
Cervical lymphadenopathy 272
Cervicocephalic arterial dissection 117
Charcot-Marie-tooth syndrome 276
CHARGE syndrome 278
Chemokine, activation-regulated 303
computed tomography of 144
radiograph 13
ultrasound 143
X-ray 13f, 132, 143
Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell 259
Chloroquine 380
resistance 81
Choanal atresia, congenital 291
Cholecalciferol 325, 400
Choledochal cyst 400
Cholestatic disorders, chronic 91
Cholestyramine 381
Chorioamnionitis 318
Chorionic villi 363
Chromosomal microarray 347, 434
analysis 347
Chromosome, intrachromosomal activation of 258
Circulatory failure 412
Cirrhosis 94
compensated 94
decompensated 94
Citrulline 377
plasma concentration of 374
Clarithromycin 75, 273
Clean intermittent catheterization 469
Clindamycin 146, 273, 274, 301
Clinically isolated syndrome 120, 121
Clobazam therapy, intermittent 101
Clofarabine 259
Clofazimine 161, 162
Clonidine 201
Club foot 32
administration of 241t
dosage of 241t
Cobalt 61
Cochlear implantation 280, 280f, 282
Coenzyme Q10 371
Cohen syndrome 64
Collagen vascular diseases 269
Coloboma 278
Coma 373
Combination therapy 438
Communication disorder 447
type of 443
Comparative genomic hybridization arrays 219, 347
Complete blood count 174, 194, 208, 399f
Complete otological examination 279
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder 391
Computerized tomography urogram 227
Conjunctivitis 69, 297
Constipation 454, 455
Continuous glucose monitoring system 332
Continuous positive airway pressure 4, 17, 153, 417, 425
Continuous renal replacement therapy 97
Contrast computed tomography 228f
Copper 61, 62
Coproporphyria, hereditary 378
Cord clamping, delayed 2
Cori's disease 365
Corneal curvature, central 310
Corneal diameters 312
Corneal opacities 316
Coronary artery
anomalous left 129
lesion 124
Coronavirus 151
Corpus callosotomy 109
Cortical vein thrombosis 114
antenatal 14
therapy 359
Cranial neuralgias 110
Craniofacial structures, disorders of 110
Craniotomy, decompressive 117
C-reactive protein 90, 174, 195, 399f
Creatine 371
kinase 370
Cricoid cartilage, anterior 290
Crohn's disease 89, 238
Cryptococcus neoformans 142
Crystalloids 406
resuscitate 428
Current Food Safety Standards Authority of India 169
Cushing syndrome 64
Cutibacterium acnes 300, 302
Cyanocobalamin 241
attacks of 134
intensification of 134
Cyanotic spell 134
Cyclic vomiting syndrome 86, 87, 112
management of 88t
Cyclophosphamide 253
Cycloplegic refractive value 309
Cycloserine 161, 162
Cyclosporine 128, 253
Cyproheptadine 113
Cysteine 33
Cystic fibrosis 146, 147, 150, 351
transmembrane conductance regulator 147
Cytomegalovirus 142
retinitis 298
Cytosine 45
Cytotoxicity, antibody-dependent cell-mediated 259
Danazol 253
Dapsone 253
Darrier line 164
Day-care based palliative care 269
Deafness 348
childhood 276
Death, asphyxia-related 292
Deferiprone 247
Deferitrin 250
Delamanid 161, 162
Delivery room temperature 3
Dementia 369
Dennie-Morgan folds 164
Dental examination 278
Deoxyribonucleic acid 66
Depression 383, 387, 436
Derkay's staging 284t
Dermal sinus tract 467
Dermal vascular malformation 467
Dermatology 294
Desferrioxamine 247
Devic's disease 119
Dexamethasone 252, 344
Diabetes mellitus 323, 369, 462, 463
ambulatory care of type 1 329
diagnosis of 329
type 1 329
Diamond-Blackfan anemia 254
Diarrhea 209, 454
Dichloroacetate 372
Dietary calcium 232
Dietary fibers 55
Dietary management 401
Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid 190, 226
Diffuse esophageal spasm 83
Digoxin 133, 139, 140
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 232
Dinutuximab 264, 265
Disaccharidase deficiency 400
Disasters, victims of 391
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 10
Divalproex sodium 113
Dizziness 137, 395
Dobutamine 429
Doose syndrome 103
Dopamine 429
transporter 390
Down syndrome 311, 315, 439, 443
Downes respiratory distress syndrome scoring system 14
Doxycycline 75
Dravet syndrome 100
milder variants of 100
spectrum 100
Dried blood spots 363
Drotaverine, intravenous 402
Drug 64, 107b
interactions 397
newer 256
oral hypoglycemic 248
resistance, pre-extensively 160
role of 19
susceptibility testing 160
teratogenic 446
therapy 133t
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 357, 358, 421
treatment of 44
Dynamic nuclear renogram 226
Dysarthria 369
Dyscalculia 448
Dysgraphia 448
Dyslexia 448
Dyslipidemia 336, 462
Dysmenorrhea 400
Dysphagia 369
progressive 471
Dysphoria, gender 220
bronchopulmonary 2, 17, 17t, 152
hemispheric 109
Dystrophin gene 358
Dystrophin immune-cytochemistry 359
Dysuria 456
Eckardt score 86, 472
Ectopic atrial tachycardia 138
Eculizumab 209
Edema, interstitial 130
Edwards syndrome 311, 312
Eicosapentaenoic acid 58
Elbow, flexion contractures of 358
Electrical therapy 138
Electrocardiography 139
Electroencephalography 374
Elexacaftor 149, 150
Emergency contraception 394, 397
guidelines for 396
methods for 395
provision of 394
Emergency medicine and intensive care 403, 415
Emicizumab 245
Empathy, lack of 387
Empyema 142
Enalapril 200
Encephalitis 47, 74, 409
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 115, 116, 119, 120
absence of 119
hepatic 95
moderate 9
severe 9
Endocrinal dysfunction 462
Endocrinology 322, 334
Endometriosis 400
Endopyelotomy 230
Endoscopy 90
Endosomal escape vehicle 372
Endothelial growth factor 320
Endotracheal suctioning 26
Endotracheal tube placement 6
Energy density 54
Enzyme 362
activity 375
assay of 375
catalytic 372
cofactor-producing 373
deficient tissues 364
delivery systems 38
immunoassays 72
linked immunosorbent assay 79, 175
loaded nanosystems 38
replacement therapy 36, 37t, 364, 368
Epilepsy 47
childhood 106
classification of 102
drug-resistant 108
early-onset childhood 106
febrile infection-related 100
generalized 100
genetic 100
syndrome 104
Epileptic spasms 103, 104
Epileptic syndromes 106b
classification of 102
Epinephrine 428
Epiploic appendagitis 400
milder 460
multiple 273
Episodic syndromes 112
Epstein-Barr virus 142
Ertapenem 197
Erythema 302
nodosum 74
Erythrocyte 366
sedimentation rate 90, 174, 195, 399f
zinc protoporphyrin 238
Erythromycin 75, 79, 301
Erythropoietic protoporphyria 378
Erythropoietin 12, 30, 248
role of 30
Escherichia coli 208
Esophageal disorders, primary 83
Esophageal manometry 84, 471
Esophageal sphincter, lower 83
Esophageal topography 472
techniques of 472
Esophagitis 400
Esophagogastric junction 83, 472
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 401, 459
achalasia of 471
motility disorders of 83
stenosis of 412
Eteplirsen 359
Ethambutol 77, 161, 162
Ethanol 95
Ethionamide 161, 162
Ethylenedicysteine scan 227f
European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 176
European Medicines Agency 122
Excoriations 302
Expiratory positive airway pressure 425
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenator 131
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 233
Eye 278, 316
amblyopic 306, 307
assessment of 278
coordination function 316
Fabry's disease 312, 364
Face mask 422
Familial intrahepatic cholestasis, progressive 91, 92t
Fat 55, 58
Fatigue 395
Fatty acid 58
oxidation defects 351
unsaturated 301
Febrile illness 311
Febrile seizures 99, 101
plus 100
Fecal calprotectin 90, 399
Feeding 29
Ferrous fumarate 238
Ferrous iron 379
Fetal stem cells 41, 42
Fetal tachycardia 137
Fever 454, 455
Fistula, bronchopleural 142
Flat feet 32
Flecainide 140
Fluids 18, 19
balance 153
Flunarizine 113
Fluorescence in situ hybridization study 219
Folic acid 58, 241
Follicle-stimulating hormone 338t
Food allergy 177
diagnosis of 178
herbal formula-2 179
Forced expiration technique 157, 158
Formoterol 168
Forney syndrome 278
Fosfomycin 197
Fosinopril 200
Fostamatinib 253
Fragile X
mental retardation protein 32
syndrome 32
testing 439
Free thyroxine 338
Fungal infections 69
Fungi 142
Furosemide 201
GABA agonists 35
Gabapentin 380
Gadolinium 266
Galactosemia 351
Ganglion cells, loss of 471
Gas 455
exchange, adequate 19
Gastritis 400
Gastroenterology 82
Gastroesophageal junction 473
Gastroesophageal reflux 474
disease 400, 471
Gastrointestinal contrast studies 458, 460
Gastrointestinal disorder, functional 87
Gastrointestinal disturbance, recurrent 112
Gastrointestinal tract disorders 400
Gastrostomy tube 377
Gaucher disease 364
editing 249, 256, 365
environment interaction 351
profiling 261
upregulation of 256
regulation, disorders of 44
sequencing 240
therapy 248, 255, 357, 364, 368, 381
aberrations 462
analysis 242
counseling 34
disorders 346
studies 88
testing 240, 242, 439
ambiguous 214
external 214, 215f, 216f
Genitoplasty 220f
Genome Wide Association Studies 43, 219
Gentamicin 149
Gentle skin inflammation 301
Ghrelin agonist 340
Giant cell myocarditis 131
Glasgow coma scale 95, 406
Glomerular filtration rate 201
Glomerulonephritis, acute 74
Glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental 185
Glucocorticoids 377
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 350
detection-directed insulin 333
tolerance test, abnormal 185
Glucosuria 329
Glutamine, disorders of 376
Glycerol phenylbutyrate 377
Glycogen storage disease 366
management of 367
types of 365, 367
Glycogen storage disorders 365
Glycogenin-1 deficiency 366
Glycoprotein specific antibody 251
Glycosade 367
Golden hour 2
management 2
Goldenhar syndrome 279
Gomori trichrome, modified 370
Gonadal dysgenesis, mixed 216, 216f, 219
Gonadectomy, role of 220
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog 342
therapy 345
Gonocytes transform, neonatal 211
Gower's sign 358
Gravity-assisted drainage 155, 158
modified 158
Great artery, D transposition of 134
Gross pelvicalyceal system 226f
Ground-glass opacity 13f
and development 31
deficiency 341
release peptide-2 340
stimulation test 339, 340
therapy, indications for 341t
Guanine 33, 45
Gut microbiota 398
Haemophilus influenzae 100, 147
Hair cell function 277
Haploidentical bone marrow transplantation 260
Head and neck trauma 110
Headache 109, 111, 395
primary 109111
red flags for secondary 110
secondary 109111
syndromes 110t
tension-type 110, 112
Healthcare systems 406
aids 280, 281
impairment 278, 445
loss, profound 278
Heart 426
borders 13f
defect, cyanotic congenital 134
disease 323
coronary 425
cyanotic 417
end-stage 133
failure 39, 129, 137
rate 404, 405
Heated humidified high-flow nasal cannula 152
oxygen support 425
Helicobacter pylori 251
Heller's myotomy 86, 473, 474
Hemagglutination inhibition assay 72
Hematology 236
Hematopoietic stem cell 41
transplantation 90, 250, 363
Hematuria 232
biosynthetic pathway 379f
intravenous 381
therapy 381
Hemispherectomy 109
Hemispherotomies 109
Hemodialysis 375
Hemoglobin 90, 404
Hemogram 457
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 208
Hemophilia 241
evaluation of 118
intraventricular 2
treatment of 118
Henoch-Schoenlein purpura 459
Hepatic failure 366
Hepatitis 74
A 95
autoimmune 95, 96
B 95, 96, 184
C 184
chronic 400
E 95
Hepatocyte cell transplantation 93, 378
Hepatocyte growth factor 41, 149
Hepatology 82
Hepcidin 237
concentrations of 239
Herbicide paraquat, ingestion of 413
Herpes simplex virus 121
Hers’ disease 366
High frequency chest wall oscillation 155 159
High-flow nasal cannula
oxygen therapy 418, 420,
system 422f
Hip dislocation, congenital 32
Hirsutism 337
Histidine-rich protein 2 80
Histoplasma capsulatum 142
Hodgkin's disease 261
Hodgkin's lymphoma 260, 261
classical 260
Holoprosencephaly 90
Holotranscobalamin 240
Homeostasis disorders 110
Homocystinuria 351
Homovanillic acid 263
Hormonal therapy 213
Hospice care 269
Human brain 353
Human cord blood mononuclear cells 41
Human genetic therapies 37
Human milk fortifier 19
Humidified high flow nasal cannula 17
Hunger training 66
Hunter syndrome 276
Huntingtin gene 45
Huntington's disease 45, 445
Hydrochlorothiazide 201
Hydrocortisone 345
stress 344
Hydronephrosis 400
Hydrops fetalis 137
Hydroxychloroquine 380
Hydroxylase deficiency 344
Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency 344
Hydroxyurea 248
Hyperactivity disorder 433
Hyperammonemia 374
acute 377
episode 374
therapy of 376
treatment of chronic 378
Hyperandrogenism 336
Hyperbaric oxygen 436
Hyperbilirubinemia 340
Hyperextensibility 32
Hyperglycemia 329, 330
Hyperhomocysteinemia 118
Hyperpnea 134
Hypertension 185, 197, 462
management of 199
types of 198t, 201, 201t
Hyperventilation 69
Hypoalbuminemia 125
Hypocalcemia 132
Hypofunctional cochlear nerve 280
Hypoglycemia 2, 330, 332, 340, 367, 411
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperreactivity 87
Hypothermia 2, 4f, 373
induced therapeutic 6
Hypothyroidism, congenital 64, 326, 327fc, 350
Hypotonia 355
Hypoventilation 373
management of 135
severity of 417b
Hypoxia 316
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 9, 30, 103
classification of 9
Idebenone 372
ILAE seizure classification 104t
Ileocolonoscopy 90
Imipramine 113
Immunity 58
Immunization, prevention by 286
Immunoadsorption 130
Immunoglobulin, intravenous 126, 127, 131, 252
Immunohistochemistry 92
Immunology 163, 173
Immunomodulation 62, 130
Immunoreactive trypsin 147
Immuno-solid-phase allergen chip 178
advantages of 178
Immunosuppression 130
Immunotherapy 259, 262
allergen-specific 180
epicutaneous 180
intra-lymphatic 182
Impetigo 295
Impulse control disorder 387
Index myopia 308
Indian Academy of Pediatrics recommendations 451
Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 465
Infections 95, 110
antenatal 311
neonatal 316
Infectious diseases 71, 323
Inflammation, prevention and control of 419
Inflammatory bowel disease 89, 90t, 400
pediatric 89
Inflammatory cell activity, regulation of 66
Influenza 72, 142 151
viruses 72
Inner cell mass 39
Inotuzumab ozogamicin 259
Inspiratory positive airway pressure 425
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 152, 417, 425
like growth factor-1 339
replacement therapy 330
resistance 336
Integrated relaxation pressure 83, 85
Integumentary system 278, 278
Intellectual disability 32, 433, 439, 439, 445
diagnosis of 440
management of 440
Intelligence tests 450
Intensive care unit, neonatal 29
Interferon gamma release assay test 77
International Children's Continence Society 467
International Classification of Headache Disorders 110
International League Against Epilepsy 102
International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation 7
Internet literacy 385
Intoxication 409
Intra-abdominal testes 218f
Intracellular enzyme replacement therapy 372
Intracranial space-occupying lesions 110
Intrahepatic cholestasis, benign recurrent 91
Intraocular lens 313
Intratubular germ cell neoplasia 211
Intrauterine device, copper-bearing 395
Intussusception 400
Iodine 61
Iron 60, 62, 237, 463
binding capacity, total 187, 237
carbohydrate complexes 239
chelation 247
chelators, newer 250
deficiency anemia 237
diagnosis of 237
dextran 239
dysregulation 249
requirement 239
studies 246
supplements, oral 241
medicinal 238
parenteral 238
Isoniazid 77
Ivacaftor 150
Jaundice 94, 312
Jeavons syndrome 103
Juvenile diabetes 268
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy 103
Kanamycin 161
Kangaroo mother care 28
Kawasaki disease 124, 126, 127
management of 126fc
refractory 127
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 368, 370
Keeler's and Teller's acuity charts 309
Ketogenic diet 108, 371
Ketonuria 329
Kidney 426
disease, chronic 186, 341
injury, acute 406, 413
Kobayashi score 128
Kugelberg-Welander disease 355
Labetalol 201
Lactate dehydrogenase, elevated 208
Lactic acid dehydrogenase 240
Lactic acidosis 116
abilities 443
assessment of 445
development of 443, 447
disorder 443, 446, 447
early signs of 444
primary 443
secondary 443
impairment 445
Laparoscopic Heller's myotomy 85, 86, 474
Laparoscopic pyeloplasty 229, 229f
L-arginine 371
Laryngeal respiratory papillomatosis 283f
Laryngeal stridor 69
Laryngotracheal reconstruction 290
Laser lithotripsy 234f
ureteroscopy with 233
Laser photocoagulation 22
Later conduct disorder 387
Learning disabilities 432, 442
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy 368
Left ventricular
assist device 131
dysfunction 124
hypertrophy 129
Leg raising, passive 405
Leigh syndrome 368
Leptospira 78, 79
Leptospirosis 78
Lethargy, signs of 373
acute lymphoblastic 258
treatment of acute 259
Leukopenia 247
Leukotriene antagonists 165, 168
Levetiracetam 113
Levofloxacin 75, 161, 162
Levosimendan 430
Levothyroxine 328
Life skill education 389
Linezolid 146, 161, 162
Lipid storage disorders 362
LISA technique 15
Lisinopril 200
Lithium 35
Liver 94
abscess 400
disease, chronic 9395
failure 94, 96f
function test 338
injury, drug-induced 96
transplantation 93, 94t, 95, 97, 378, 381
Loose motions 455
Losartan 200
Loss of vision, progressive 369
Low glycemic index treatment 108
Low mean corpuscular volume 187
Low molecular weight heparin 127
Low-birth weight infants 27
Lowenstein-Jensen media 77
Lower intestinal obstruction 455
Low-molecular weight 117
L-thyroxine 248
Lumacaftor 149, 150
Lumefantrine 81
abscess 142
disease, chronic 17
suppurative 155
acute 413
ventilation-induced 15
ultrasound 152
Luspatercept 249
Luteinizing hormone 338
Lymphocytes 67
Lymphoma 260
diagnosis of 260
Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency 364
Lysosomal disorders 365
Lysosomal storage
diseases 362t
disorders 36, 362
Macimorelin 340
Macrolide resistance 75
Macronutrients 58
Macroorchidism 32
Macrophage 67
manipulation therapy 250
Magnesium 62
Magnetic resonance
imaging, functional 227
venography 118
Malabsorption syndrome, chronic 238
Malaria 80, 409
treatment 80
vaccines against 81
Malignant cells 220
Malin's intelligence scale 450
Malnutrition, moderate acute 53
Malrotation, intestinal 400
Manganese 61
Mannose-6-phosphate 364
Manometry, high resolution 83
Mantoux test 77, 78
Maple syrup urine disease 351
Marfan's syndrome 47
Maternal infections 311
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein 353
McArdle's disease 366
McGovern nipple 292
Mean airway pressure 417
Mean arterial pressure 95
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 245
Measles 275
Mechanical ventilation 417, 418
Meckel diverticulum 400
Meckel's diverticulitis 459
Meconium aspiration syndrome 26
Meconium peritonitis 457f
amniotic fluid 26
stained liquor 26
Media opacities 305
Mediastinal B-cell lymphoma, primary 260
Mediastinitis 412
Medicolegal implications 465
Mediterranean fever, familial 400
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 211
Medulloblastoma 265, 266
treatment of 267
Megaloblastic anemia 240, 241
Melatonin 12, 34
Meningitis 47, 275
Menstruating female subjects 463
Mental health problems, screening for 384
Mesenchymal stem cells 41
Mesial temporal
lobe epilepsy 100
sclerosis 100
Messenger RNA reprogramming 256
Metabolic acidosis 413
Metabolic disorders 311, 361
Metabolic syndrome 336
Metacarpophalangeal joints 32
Meta-iodobenzylguanidine 263
Metapneumovirus 151
Metformin 35, 248
Methotrexate 95, 128
Methylphenidate 34, 390
Methylprednisolone 122
Micro-arrays deletions 246
Micronutrient 58
supplementation 62
Microscopic agglutination test 79
Micturating cystourethrogram 190, 191, 226
Midstream clean catch 194
Mid-upper arm circumference 53
Migraine 43, 110, 112, 369
abdominal 112, 402
familial hemiplegic 112
Milrinone 429
Minimally invasive surfactant treatment technique 15
Minocycline 35
Mitochondrial disease
clinical features of 369
management of 371
Mitochondrial disorders 368, 369
Mitochondrial dysfunction 87, 369, 370, 413
Mitochondrial encephalopathy 115, 116
Mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndrome 368
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 35
Mitomycin 293
Mitral regurgitation 124
Mitral valve prolapse 32
Modulate glutamatergic function 393
Molecular analysis 246
Molecular diagnostic testing 363, 366, 371, 380
Molecular genetic 238
testing 252, 375
contagiosum 297
dermatitis 297
Monoclonal antibodies 261, 265
Monocytes 67
Monogenic disease 250
Monomethyl auristatin E 261
Mono-resistant tuberculosis 160
Morphine, dilution of 135
Motor disorder 447
Motor neuron 1 gene 355
Moxidectin 299
Moxifloxacin 161, 162
high dose 161, 162
Mucopolysaccharidosis 36, 37
Multi-allergen immunotherapy 182
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis 160
Multifocal contact lenses 310
Multigene panel 375
Multiorgan failure 413
Multipotent stem cells 39
Multivitamins 463
Mumps 275
Mupirocin 296
biopsy 359
growth, upregulation of 357
histochemistry 370
lactate dehydrogenase deficiency 366
weakness 356
Muscle-derived stem cells 360
Muscular dystrophy 39
Musculoskeletal examination 279
Musculoskeletal system 278
Dravet-related 100
types of 149
Mutation-specific pharmacotherapy 93
growth indicator tube 77, 160
tuberculosis 76, 160
Mycophenolate mofetil 253
Mycoplasma 74
diagnosis of 74
pneumoniae 74, 75, 142
Mycotoxin 352
Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 120
Myer-cotton grading 288, 289
Myoblasts 359
Myocardial cell death 130
Myocardial infarction 124
eosinophilic 131
fulminant 130
mild 130
significant 130
treatment trial 130
Myoclonic epilepsy, severe 100
Myoclonic seizures 107
Myoglobinuria 366
Myopia 308, 309
classification of 308
congenital 308
curvatural 308
degenerative 308
developmental 308
pathological 308
progression of 310
simple 308
treatment for 309
Myotomy, endoscopic 474
N-acetylcysteine 411
Nasal cannula 422
Nasal eosinophil count 164
Nasal mask 422
Nasal potential difference test 148
Natural killer cells 67
Nausea 395
symptoms of 455
Necrotizing enterocolitis 19, 27
Necrotizing pneumonia 142, 142t, 144f, 145f, 146
Neonatal cholestasis syndrome 91
Neonatal hearing screening, high-risk 275
Neonatal Resuscitation Program 2
Nephrology 183, 193
Nephrotic syndrome 184
Nerve growth factor 41
Neural stem cells 41
Neural tube defects 352, 354t
Neuroblastoma 263
cells 264
treatment of 264
Neurocognitive disorders 323
Neurodegenerative disorder 276
Neurodevelopmental disorders 38, 389, 432, 442
Neurodevelopmentally challenged adolescents 386
Neurofibromatosis 348
Neurogenetics 43
Neuroimaging 266
Neurological disorder 447
Neurological examination 279
Neurology 98
Neuromyelitis optica 119
Neurosensory hearing loss 69
Neutrophils 67
Newborn screening 147, 349, 363
Newer canal hearing aids 281
Newer emerging prophylaxis 244
Next generation sequencing 347, 363
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 413
Nifedipine 211
extended-release 200
Nimodipine 113
Nivolumab 262
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 462
Nonbilious vomiting 455
Non-coding DNA mutations 43
Nonconscious habit formation 48
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 261
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 420, 421
Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis 250
Noninvasive respiratory support 420, 421, 424, 425fc
contraindications for 421
Noninvasive ventilation 152, 417, 420, 424t, 425
delivery system 422t
support, monitoring on 424
use of 18
Nonpharmacological treatment 108
Nonprogressive neurologic conditions, severe 268
Nonspeech oral motor treatment 446
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 175
Nonsteroidal immunosuppressant drugs 253
Non-transfusion dependent thalassemia 247
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 77
Non-viable bowel loop 459
Noonan syndrome 341, 348
Norepinephrine 136, 428, 429
Nuchal translucency 354
Nuclear gene 371
Nucleic acid amplification testing 72, 247
Numerous incidents 465
Nutcracker esophagus 83
Nutrient-rich food 54
Nutrition 18, 19, 52, 93, 96, 148
parenteral 320
therapy 331
Nutritional assessment 61
Nutritional management 356
principles of 54
Nutritional status 352
Nystagmus 32, 311313
Obesity 63, 185, 352, 461
adolescent 461, 463
severe 462
Observation care 5
Obsessive-compulsive behaviors 436
extrinsic 225
intestinal 458f
Obstructive sleep disordered breathing 272
Occipital paroxysms 106
Occult diseases, systemic screening for 338t
Octurnal cough 471
Ocular alignment 316
Ocular examination 312, 316
Ocular motility 316
Omega 3 fatty acid 58, 62
Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids 58
Omental necrosis, idiopathic 459
Omphalitis 223
Oncology 257
Ophthalmology 304
Ophthalmoplegia, chronic progressive external 368
Ophthalmoscopy, indirect 319
Oppositional defiant disorder 387
Optic atrophy 69
Optic nerves 119
Optic neuropathy 369
Optical correction 306, 309
Optical disturbances 305
Optical penalization 306
Oral antibiotics 196
Oral contraceptive pills 395
Oral endoscopic myotomy 85, 86
Oral immunotherapy 179, 182
Oral tolerance induction, specific 179
Oral 2β-carotene 381
Orchidopexy 213
Organ dysfunctions, sepsis-associated 406
Organ failure support 96
Organic disorders 398, 400
plasma concentration of 374
transcarbamylase deficiency 378
Orthokeratology 310
Orthoptic exercises 318
Oscillating positive expiratory pressure 156
Oseltamivir 73
Osteogenesis imperfecta 348
Osteopenia, treatment for 248
Osteoporosis 185
treatment for 248
Otitis media
early-onset chronic 32
recurrent 32
Otoacoustic emission 276f
Otorhinolaryngology 271
Ototoxicity, trauma 275
Outpatient palliative care 269
delivery 152, 404
saturation 404, 417, 425
Oxygenation index 417
Ozenoxacin 296
Pain 323
abdominal 395, 454t
acute 454, 459
chronic 398, 400t
disorder, functional 398
facial 110, 111
functional abdominal 399
history of 455
management 380
Palliative care
early integration of 269
home 269
hospital-based 269
Palpitation 137
Panayiotopoulos syndrome 106
Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy 148
Pancreatic insufficiency 148
Pancreatitis, recurrent chronic 400
Panhypopituitarism 268
Panton-valentine leukocidin 143
Papules 302
Paracetamol 410, 411
poisoning 410
Paradoxical breathing, absence of 424
Paradoxical functional facilitation 48
Parainfluenza 151
Parapneumonic effusion 142
Paraquat poisoning 413
Parasitic infection 400
Parathyroid hormone 323
high 187
Parental guidance 401
Parkinson's disease 39, 43
Paroxysmal dyspnea 134
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 132
Partial external biliary drainage 93
Partial pressure of oxygen 404
Patent ductus arteriosus 19
Pathway disorders 348
Pathway hemojuvelin 238
Peak expiratory flow 167
Peak inspiratory pressure 4
Pectus excavatum 32
Pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome 417t
management for 418
Pediatric airway lesions 290
Pediatric cataract 311
surgery 314
Pediatric demyelinating diseases 119
diagnostic criteria of 120t
Pediatric flexible ureteroscope 234f
Pediatric intensive care unit 152
Pediatric palliative care 268, 269
Pediatric surgery 453
Pediatric transoral robotic airway surgery 290
Pegaptanib 320
Pelvic inflammatory disease 400
Pelvic ultrasound 215
Pelvis, dilated 228
Pelviureteric junction 224
narrow 229f
obstruction 224, 225
Pembrolizumab 262
Peptic ulcer disease 400
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy 234
Pericardial effusion 124
Perinatal asphyxia 6, 8
Periodic fever 273
Peripheral blood smear 246
Perirenal urinoma 228f
Peristalsis, ineffective 83
Per-oral endoscopic myotomy 474
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor 256
Pervasive developmental disorder 49
Pes planus 32
Pesticides 410
Pharmacologic therapy 376
Pharmacological agents 436
Pharmacological penalization 306
Pharmacotherapy 138, 200
Pharynx, cobble stoning of posterior 164
Phenylacetic acid 377
Phenylbutyric acid 377
Phenylketonuria 350, 351
Phonetic disorders 445, 446
signs of 446
Phonological disorders 443, 445, 446
signs of 446
Phosphoglycerate mutase deficiency 366
Phosphorylase kinase deficiency 366
Photodermatosis 378
Photodynamic therapy 285
Physical activity 331
Physiological myopia 308
Phytosphingosine 301
Pierre-Robin syndrome 279
Pigmentary retinopathy 369
Piperacillin tazobactam 197
Pituitary hormone deficiencies, multiple 340
Pituitary tumors 64
amino acid analysis, quantitative 374
ammonia levels 374
ascorbic acid 61
cobalamin, fraction of 240
exchange, high-volume 97
glycocalcin 252
Plasmapheresis 97
Plasmodium 80
falciparum 80
lactate dehydrogenase 80
vivax 80
count 90
fraction, immature 251
reticulated 251
Pluripotent stem cells 39
Pneumatic balloon dilation 86, 473
Pneumatic dilation 85, 86, 473
Pneumatocele 142
Pneumonia 142
mild 416
Pneumothorax 142, 412
Poisoning 410
Polycystic ovarian
morphology 335
syndrome 335
management of 336
Polydipsia 329
Polymerase chain reaction 33, 121
Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis 125
Polyregional demyelination 119
Poly-resistant tuberculosis 160
Polythene wrap 3
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 55, 320
Polyuria 329
Pompe's disease 362, 364, 365
Porphobilinogen deaminase 379
Porphyria 378, 380
acute hepatic 378
acute intermittent 378
cutanea tarda 378, 380
hepatoerythropoietic 378
Positional myopia 308
Positive end-expiratory pressure 4, 419
Positive expiratory pressure 155, 156
Positive pressure ventilation 5
Positron emission tomography 40
Post-coital contraception 394
Postnatal ultrasound 225
Post-resuscitation care 5, 6
Post-traumatic stress disorder 391
Potent steroids 344
Potentiators 149
Prader-Willi syndrome 64, 341
Pragmatic disorder 443
Precursor stem cells 359
Predictive tests 413
Prednisolone 344
Pregnancy, intrahepatic cholestasis of 91
Preimplantation genetic
diagnosis 242
testing 250
Premature neonates 324
Premature termination codons 149
Presumed perinatal stroke 114
Procalcitonin 195
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, types of 94, 94t
Prolonged labor 316
Prophylactic symbiotics 27
Prophylaxis, post-conversion 138
Propranolol 113, 201
Protein 55, 58, 62
C deficiency 118
restriction 377
Protoporphyria, X-linked 378
Pruritic inflammation, chronic 302
Pruritus 93
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 147, 149
Pseudomonic acid 296
Psychiatric disorders 110, 392, 437
Psychiatric illnesses 323
Psychological management 401
Psychometric testing 437
Psychopharmacologic interventions 436
Psychosocial counseling 221
Ptosis 369
Puberty behavior 387
Pulmonary artery 129
Pulmonary hypertension 20
Pulmonary impedance, manipulation of 135
Pulmonary infection 147
Pulmonary tuberculosis 76
Pulmonary venous hypertension 129
Pulmonology 141
peripheral 426
pressure 405
Punctate opacities 313
Pupils, dilatation of 21
Pure tone audiometry 277
Pyonephrosis 233
Pyrazinamide 77, 161, 162
Pyridoxine 58, 78
Quality improvement methods 20
Radiofrequency ablation 138, 139
Radioimmunoassay 79
Ranibizumab 23, 320
Rapes, victims of 391
Rapid diagnostic tests 76
Rapid dipstick-based tests 194
Rapid influenza diagnostic tests 72
Rapid malarial antigen test 80
Rasmussen's encephalitis 109
Reascended testes 212
Recanalization therapy 117
Recent Neonatal Resuscitation Program Guidelines 26
Recombinant enzyme 364
Reconstructive surgery, role of 219
Red cell indices 245
Reed-Sternberg cell 260
Refraction, errors of 32
Regional wall motion abnormality 129
Relapse leukemia 268
Relaxing pelvic floor 469
Renal function test 195
Renal insufficiency, chronic 268
Renal pelvic dilatation 227
Renal scarring 233
Renal stone disease 232
Repetitive behaviors 436
Respiratory distress 292
syndrome 13
Respiratory effort 405
Respiratory failure 412
Respiratory papillomatosis 282
Respiratory problems 69
Respiratory rate 405
Respiratory status 377
Respiratory support 4
Respiratory syncytial virus 151
Restriction enzyme 246
initial steps of 5
preparing for 5
Retapamulin 296
count 246
fraction, immature 237
hemoglobin content 237
Reticulocytopenia 254
Reticuloendothelial system 364
Retina 319
Retinal neovascularization 320
Retinitis pigmentosa 368, 369
Retinoblastoma 312
Retinoids 301
Retinol binding protein 61
Retinopathy of prematurity 2, 20, 312, 318
early treatment for 22
treatment for 319
Retrograde pyelography 226
Retrolental fibroplasia 312
Reverse dot blot hybridization 246
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 151
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme 76
Rheumatic coronary illness 295
Rheumatic fever 295
Rhinovirus 151
Ribonucleic acid 66
Rifampicin 77, 161, 162
Right ventricular outflow tract 136
Ritodrine 211
Rituximab 186, 252, 261, 262
Robot-assisted surgeries 290
Robotic pyeloplasty 229
Rodenticides 410
Rolandic epilepsy, benign 106
Romiplostim 253
Rozanolixizumab 253
congenital 278
infections 312
Ruxolitinib 249
Sacral malformation 467
Salbutamol 168
Salmeterol 168
Sarcoptes scabiei 298
Sarecycline 301
Sarnat and Sarnat staging, modified 9t
Savant skills 48
range of 48
Savant syndrome 46, 47
Scabies 298
Sclerosis, multiple 119, 120, 445
Scoliosis 32
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 152
Seizure 9, 10, 32, 102, 103, 369, 373
absence 107
classification of 105f, 105fc
disorder 351
duration of 407
febrile 99, 101
focal 107
generalized 107
tonic-clonic 100
hypocalcemic 325
management of 106
neonatal 103, 105f
sequential 104
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 34
Selenium 61
Semantic disorder 443
Semiquantitative dithionite test 413
Sensorineural hearing loss 274
Sensory 450
motor neuropathies 276
processing issues 449
Sepsis, neonatal 27
Septic cardiomyopathy 427
Septic shock 427
Sequential organ failure assessment 95
albumin 90
cortisol 215
electrolytes 215, 338
estriol test 354
markers 353
proteins 61
soluble transferrin receptor 238
Servo-controlled blanket 11f
Sex chromosome, mixed 216
Sex development 215f
disorder of 214, 218f
management of disorder of 217
Sex steroid hormone 340
Sexual behavior 387
Sexual differentiation, disorders of 214
Sexuality education 387
Shear wave elastography 212
Shock 137, 404, 426
cardiogenic 427
categorization of 404
cold 427
diagnosis of 404
distributive 427
hypovolemic 427
management of 406
monitoring of 404
obstructive 427
pathophysiology of 404
pediatric 430
resuscitation 427, 428
signs of 405t
types of 426
Short stature 337
idiopathic 341
Short-acting nifedipine 200
Sick day management 332
Sick neonates 268
Sickle cell
anemia 351
disease 117
Silmitasertib sodium 267
Simple virilizing form 214
Single chain agents 244
Single gene disorders 351
Single-allergen immunotherapy 182
Single-photon emission computed tomography 392, 393
rhythm, normal 139
tachycardia 124
Skin 405, 426
infection 295
prick test 177
Sleep disorders 433, 436
Small molecule therapy 364
Sodium phenylbutyrate 377
Soft contact lenses 309
Sonic hedgehog pathway 266, 267
Sotatercept 256
Southern blot analysis 33
Spasticity 369
Specific learning
difficulties 387
disorders 447
Spectrum disorders 120
apraxia of 445
discrimination test 277
Sphinganine 301
Spinal cord 119
Spinal dysraphism 467
Spinal muscular atrophy 355
Spironolactone 133, 337
Splenectomy 253
Sporadic tumors 264
Squamous cell carcinoma 223
Squint 32
Stabilizers 149
Standard urotherapy, components of 470
Staphylococcus aureus 142, 147, 295, 296
Status epilepticus 407
classification of 408, 409b
febrile 100
management of 407
refractory 408
Stem cell 38, 40, 41t
amniotic fluid-derived 41
embryonic 39
induced pluripotent 41
therapies 12, 40
transplant 38, 248
types of 41
Stenosis, congenital subglottic 287
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 147
Stereo-acuity testing 305
Stereotypic behavior 32
Sterile acetic acid 412
Sterile pyuria 125
Steroid 64, 168
antenatal 18
dependence 185
early postnatal 19
resistance 185
role of 359
stress dosing of 345
Steven-Johnson syndrome 74
Stimulus deprivation amblyopia 311
Stone clearance 233
Stone extraction, open surgical techniques of 235
Stone prevention 235
Stool lactoferrin 399
Stop codon readthrough drugs 365
Strabismus 305, 311, 313
Strangulated hernia 456f
pneumoniae 142, 208
pyogenes 142, 145, 295, 296
Stress, emotional 300
Striae 185
Stroke 103, 114, 115t, 116, 409
acute perinatal 114
arterial ischemic 114
childhood 118
like episodes 369
risk factors, modifying 118
index 428
variation 405
Subcutaneous immunotherapy 181
Subcutaneous insulin infusion 332
Subglottic airway corresponds 287
Subglottic stenosis 287, 288
Sublingual immunotherapy 180
Sublingual-swallow immunotherapy 181
Substance abuse 110
Succinate dehydrogenase, activity for 370
Sudden cardiac death 129
Suprapubic aspiration 194
Surfactant replacement therapy 15
Surfactant therapy, indications of 15
Surgery, indications for 470
Symbiotics, role of 27
Syncope 137
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 9, 145
Syntax and morphology, disorder of 443
Systemic examination 312
Systemic inflammation 406
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 96
Systemic vascular resistance 134
manipulation of 135
Systolic blood pressure 202, 203, 205, 206, 405, 426
inappropriate 129
regular 137
supraventricular 136, 138
Tandem mass spectroscopy 351
Target oxygen saturation 4
Tarui's disease 366
T-cell immunity 261
Telemedicine approach 319
Terbutaline 168
Testicular biopsies 213
Testicular germ cell cancer 211
Testicular malignancy, future development of 211
Testicular tissue 217
Testicular-epididymal fusion anomalies 212
Tezacaftor 149, 150
Thalassemia 245, 247
Thalassemic syndromes 248
Thalidomide 248
Theophylline 168
Therapeutic hypothermia 10
procedure 10
Therapeutic plasma exchange 97
Thermal mattress 4f
Thiamine 463
Thiazide diuretics 235
Thoracoscopic surgery, video-assisted 146
Thrombocytopenia 247
Thrombocytopenic purpura, immature 251
Thrombocytosis 90
Thrombolytic therapy 118
Thrombopoietin 252
Thumb malformations 254
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 327, 338
Tibial nerve stimulation, posterior 470
Tietze syndrome 278
Tisagenlecleucel 259
Titanium oxide 381
Tobramycin 149
Todd's paralysis 115
Tolterodine 470
Tonic-clonic seizures 107
Tonsillectomy 272, 273
guidelines on 274
indications for 272
Tonsillitis 273
Topical permethrin 299
Topiramate 113
TORCH infections 311
Torticollis, benign paroxysmal 112
Total bilirubin 95
Total lymphocyte count 61
Tourette syndrome 47
Toxoplasmosis 275
Traffic light diet 65
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography 117
Transduce cells 364
Transverse myelitis 119
Treacher collins syndrome 279
Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias 110
Triphasic morphology 409
Troponins, elevated 125
Tuberculosis 76
drug-resistant 159, 160, 162
extensively drug-resistant 160
infection, latent 78
Tumors, hypothalamic 64
Turner's syndrome 340, 341
Tyrosinemia 351
Ubiquinone 371
Ulcerative colitis 89
Umbilical cord 41
Underlying cause, treatment of 306
Undescended testis 211
risk factors for 211
Uniparental disomy 347
Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening 275
Upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy 84, 90
Urachal anomalies 222
Urachal cyst 224f
Urea cycle 372, 373f
disorders 372, 373
treatment of 375
Ureter, high insertion of 225
Ureteric folds 225
Urethral catheterization 194
Urinary biomarker proteins 227
Urinary bladder 224f
Urinary orotic acid 374
Urinary tract 225
infection 194, 195fc, 196, 222, 232, 400
calculator 195
symptoms, lower 468
Urine 79
amino acid analysis 374
collection, method of 194, 194t
culture 194
Gram-stained smear of 194
microscopy 194
output 426
Urodeoxycholic acid 93
Urogenital disorders 400
Urogenital sinus 214
Urolithiasis 233, 400
pediatric 232
Urology 210, 231
Ursodeoxycholic acid 381
Urticaria 174
chronic 174
Usher syndrome 276
Vaccine encephalopathy 100
Vagal maneuvers 138
Vagal nerve stimulation 109
Vaginal bleeding, slight irregular 395
Vaginal delivery, normal 282
Valproate 113
Valproic acid 377
Vanillylmandelic acid 263
Varicella-zoster 142
Variegate porphyria 378
Vascular endothelial growth factor 41
Vasoactive agents
choice of 426
escalation of 431
Vasoactive medications, choice of 428
Vasoactive therapy 430
Vasopressin 429
Ventilation, intermittent mandatory 17
Vertigo, benign paroxysmal 112
Vesicoureteric reflux 191
Vienna chamber allergens challenge test 164
Vincristine 253
Viral myocarditis 128
Viral respiratory infections 416
Virus 142
negative myocarditis 131
neutralization assay 72
Visceral hyperalgesia 401
aids, low 318
therapy 307
Visual acuity, quantification of 315
Visual assessment 316
Visual evoked potentials 317
Visual maturation, delayed 318
Visual memory 316
Visual pathway, posterior 315
Visual rehabilitation 314
Visual reinforcement audiometry 277
Visual stimulus, reduced 305
Visuospatial skills 316
A 58, 59, 62, 148
acid 301
supplementation 18
B12 463
diagnosis of 241
B6 59, 62, 379
B7 68
C 58, 59, 62, 372
D 59, 62, 148, 248, 323, 324t
deficiency 323, 324
doses of 324
intoxication 325
role of 323
supplementation 324
D3 325
E 58, 59, 62, 148, 372
H 68
K 148
supplementation 54
Vocal cord paralysis 412
Voice assessment 286
Voiding dysfunction 467
evaluation of 467
Volvulus neonatorum 460
Vomiting 395, 454, 455
Waardenburg syndrome 278
Wallowing dysfunction 356
Warm shock 427
Wars, victims of 391
Weakness 369
Werdnig-Hoffman disease 355
West syndrome 103, 107
White blood cells 145
Wilson's disease 95, 96
Wingless 266
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 139
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis 233
Xenon gas 30
Yttrium aluminum garnet laser 233f
Yttrium-ibritumomab tiuxetan 262
Zanamivir 73
Zinc 60, 62
bioavailability of 67
deficiency 66, 67
oxide 381
supplementation 68
Chapter Notes

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Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice
Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice
Editor Emeritus
A Parthasarathy MD DCH DSc (Hon) FIAP Senior Consultant Pediatrician AP Child Care, Chennai Former Distinguished Professor Department of Pediatrics The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University Retired Senior Clinical Professor Department of Pediatrics Madras Medical College Deputy Superintendent Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Editor-in-Chief
Alok Gupta MD (Ped) FIAP Senior Consultant and Counselor Pediatric Specialties Clinic Mansarovar Polyclinic Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Forewords Piyush Gupta Bakul Jayant Parekh Uday Bodhankar Pramod Jog
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Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice
First Edition: 2021
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The Frontline Warriors who sacrificed their lives and the lives of their nears and dears in the current SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, Pediatricians and Adolescent Physicians of India, whose enthusiasm and zeal to update their knowledge through Continuing Medical Education (CME) while battling the Deadly Virus has encouraged us to publish new updated title as every year in the Partha's Series of Books in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice
The Editorial Board
Chief Academic Editors
Academic Editors
Contributors Foreword
Dear Colleagues,
New Year Greetings to you all!!
I am happy to learn that as a tradition every year during Pedicon, team Partha is ready to unveil their 8th ‘Sculpture’—Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice (PCTDMPAP) crafted by finest sculptors in the field.
The science and art of pediatric practice is dynamic and ever evolving to make the diagnosis as well as management of neonatal, pediatric and adolescent problems safer and more effective.
The children are our future, and their health will reflect as the future health of the mankind. Investing early in good health of newborn, children and adolescents is the best and most rewarding investment. The rising costs of treatment should always be kept in mind in our country. Though our country is making rapid strides towards self-reliance, the present pandemic applied brakes to this progress. India has shown to the world that it is a world leader in health care having denied SARS-CoV-2 to play as big a havoc as it did in developed countries. Low-cost yet world-class health care has been the key to this success and that is what our goal in the future should be. Scientists and healthcare experts are pouring out their hearts for the people of India and other countries, especially those who cannot afford expensive treatment available in the developed countries. Now even the developed nations are looking towards India for assistance.
I am sure that this 8th book in Partha's Series will help us in making early diagnosis and initiating treatment, which are both safe as well as affordable, thereby improving outcome, limiting debility, and adding Quality Life to Years in our children.
With best wishes to Professor A Parthasarathy, Dr Alok Gupta, the Editorial Board and Authors, who worked hard, even during this pandemic to keep their commitment.
Piyush Gupta
National President
Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 2021
Professor and Head
Department of Pediatrics
University College of Medical Sciences
New Delhi, India
Dear friends,
As we all embark on the path to recovery from Covid-19 pandemic in this New Year 2021 with renewed hope, we must remember the horrors that we as well as our colleagues and friends faced during 2020. It was truly a trying year like none other—with all of us, the healthcare industry, being at the forefront against this invisible threat!
The challenge was not only the virus at large, but also how we should combat it. We were completely unprepared for such a situation. We needed to adapt our lines of thinking as well as advance with the times so that we could fight together as one. We needed to keep ourselves constantly updated with the knowledge that the world was working on—the new ways to fight this abomination on planet Earth. Fortunately, the mechanism for this was there—CMEs, but unfortunately, social distancing was the best defense available—which meant we could not meet. Several of us resorted to the digital revolution—the birthplace of our very own dIAP!
In the words of Eric Hoffer—“In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future.”
The other mechanism was reading and updating ourselves, using the age old tried and tested method of resorting to books. And when we talk about books, especially pediatric and adolescent books, one automatically remembers the reference library created by our very own Professor Parthasarathy Sir including the already published and warmly accepted by readers viz Case Scenarios in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, Frequently Asked Questions in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, Management Protocols in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, 101 Clinical Pearls in Pediatrics, Management Algorithms in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, Investigations, Interpretations in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice and Partha's Comprehensive Manual for Pediatric and Adolescent Practitioners.
It gives me great pleasure to write a foreword to the 8th book aptly titled Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice. It has taken a team of dedicated experts—both national and international—who have burnt the midnight oil to give us this masterpiece. They have not only covered the basics, but also showcased an in-depth knowledge about the current trends in diagnosis and management of common neonatal, pediatric and adolescent conditions in a very lucid and easy to understand manner. This could not have been possible without the rich experience that is shared among the entire team.
We must always remember the words of BB King—“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you”.
I am certain that this book will be a great ready reckoner for each and everyone in this pandemic time for the entire pediatric fraternity. I urge all of you to go through this book to get a better understanding as well as means to improving your practice.
Bakul Jayant Parekh
National President
Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 2020
Secretary General SAPA, 2018-2020
Professor and CEO of Pediatrics
Bakul Parekh Children's Hospital and Tertiary Care Center
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dear Fellow Members of IAP,
It gives me great pleasure and pride to write a foreword to the book Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatrics and Adolescent Practice edited by the respected Professor A Parthasarathy, Dr Alok Gupta and other esteemed Editorial Board members.
The medical science is ever expanding, and it is imperative for the practitioner to keep updated regularly regarding the recent protocols, therapy and diagnostic methods. Continuing medical education (CME) has become the new order of modern medicine with the IAP organizing various CME programs for the busy pediatric practitioner to enrich the knowledge about recent advances in related field.
The world has seen a tremendous technology driven changes in the last decades, reducing the cost of knowledge and communication to minimum within reach of everyone, the new technology will also make the world truly globalized focusing on the exponential growth trends in medicine. However, new technology is not without its own limitations, if not supported by evidence-based facts and practical application in practice of Medicine.
To address this issue of keeping updated busy practitioner, this comprehensive book on current trends in diagnosis and management in pediatric and adolescent practice has been conceptualized with the team of national and international experts joining hands with the sole objective of educating the practicing pediatricians in recent advances of related field of interest from newborn, children to adolescent age group.
This book has come as a ready reckoner for the practicing pediatricians, adolescent physicians, and postgraduate students in enhancing their knowledge about recent developments and helps them to face the Google generation of parents.
Compiling this book must have been a Herculean task with extraordinary efforts putting heart and soul by the editorial team and deserve special compliments from all of us. Our heartiest congratulations to each contributor for their Yeomen contribution in conceptualizing this comprehensive book on Recent Trends.
I personally thank you for the honor bestowed upon me to write foreword.
Expecting the esteemed passionate Editorial team to continue enriching our knowledge with their wisdom.
Wishing all Happy and Corona Free New Year 2021
With Best wishes
Uday Bodhankar
National President
Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 1994
Executive Director COMHAD (UK)
Deputy Chairperson of CHPA (UK)
Adjunct Associate Professor Pediatrics (Sydney)
International Council Member, ASPR (Japan)
Nodal Officer, RCPCH-DCH (UK)
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Parthasarathy is the other name of Shri Krishna who was the 8th child of his parents. “Current Trends” is the 8th book in Partha's series! My foreword is a prayer being offered at the auspicious beginning of a religiously done academic work—Bhagavad-Gita on Current Trends in pediatrics—running in 23 Adhyaays!
It is indeed exceedingly difficult for a pediatrician to stay updated. Publications like these are like “the annual shots of influenza vaccine” which “maintain immunity and protect us” from the “Virus of Ignorance”. The book has 125 topics from Newborn to Adolescent Health written by experienced pediatricians and will vaccinate all three types of readers—Experts, General Pediatricians and Students.
The rapid frequency of the publication of this series while still maintaining quality is a testament to the tireless dedication of the Partha-Alok duo. It has been no easy task for the editorial team to edit the different chapters, maintain uniformity in style, avoid repetition and keep it relevant to the current trends.
Partha has never truly retired. He is the Benjamin Button of the pediatric world, ageing backwards in time and working with the energy and enthusiasm of a youthful intern. Partha's book series is like the portrait of Dorian Gray—each publication adds on more experience and knowledge to it while at the same time keeping Partha vivacious.
During a busy day, we forget to take care of our souls. Such books are our soulmates. As said by Descartes, reading a good book is a conversation with the greatest minds of the century. Going through the pages of Current Trends, I have been part of one of the most enriching conversations. I welcome the reader to not just overhear this conversation, but be a part of the conversation—“A conversation with a soul-mate”.
Best Wishes
Pramod Jog
National President
Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 2016
Professor of Pediatrics, DY Patil Medical College, Pune
Standing Committee Member
International Pediatric Association (IPA) 2016-19
Steering Committee Member, GAVI (CSO) 2016-19
Senior Consultant, UNICEF, India
Associate Fellow, International Academy of Perinatal Medicine
Pune, Maharashtra, India
“We learn to unlearn, then relearn and thus continue to learn”
–Late Professor Gopal Saran, Patna
True to this maxim, Continuing Medical Education (CME) has become the “New Order of Modern Medicine”. Every professional medical organization organizes CME programs as a regular feature at local, state and national level since the busy practitioner hardly finds time to update his/her knowledge by referring to ongoing journals and updated textbooks. This made us to ponder about a permanent solution for this pertinent problem.
It was with this objective in mind, we conceptualized the idea of coming out with Partha's Series of books in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice. Till date 7 books have already been published and warmly accepted by readers viz Case Scenarios in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, Frequently Asked Questions in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, Management Protocols in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, 101 Clinical Pearls in Pediatrics, Management Algorithms in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, Investigations, Interpretations in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice and Partha's Comprehensive Manual for Pediatric and Adolescent Practitioners.
The 8th book Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice is now in your healing hands. A formidable team of national and international experts joined hands with us with the sole objective of educating the practicing pediatricians and the adolescent physicians by sharing Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management of common Neonatal, Pediatric and Adolescent conditions. Being luminaries in their own fields, they share their practical knowledge coupled with recent advances to benefit the readers purely out of academic interest without expecting any remuneration whatsoever.
This book is presented to you, the Gifted Healer, with 23 Sections covering Prenatal, Antenatal, Postnatal to Adolescent Care by including every pediatric subspecialty comprising 125 topics in about 500 pages. The common, not so common and the rare practical topics have come out of the experts’ own rich experience of over decades, which will be of great use to the practitioners in managing common and uncommon selected entities with the updated right diagnosis and the right management in their day-to-day practice.
Office practice will make readers learn, unlearn, and relearn their Art and Science of Modern Pediatrics and Adolescent Practice in addition to making reading a pleasure. We have covered nearly every topic, including rare diseases, pediatric surgery including subspecialties to name a few. Contents section at the beginning of the book will reveal the Treasure of Knowledge contained inside. We are confident that this book will serve as a desktop reference manual to you all for day-to-day use.
We will strive our best to further improve the standard of this title in its subsequent editions. Your suggestions and future topics, which we need to include, are most welcome.
A Parthasarathy
Alok Gupta
We acknowledge with gratitude the pain-staking efforts of all the contributors of Partha's Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management in Pediatric and Adolescent Practice, for so, meticulously presenting the right approach to interpretations of signs and symptoms, judicious use of investigations and updated management. Our grateful thanks go to all of them who have toiled to send their respective files by burning midnight oil.
Our special gratitude and thanks go to the Chief Academic Editors, Drs Anupama S Borker, Dhanya Dharmapalan, K Nedunchelian, P Ramachandran and Remesh Kumar R, who rendered devoted and dedicated hard work in reviewing, editing and preparing the “Print-ready Files” despite their busy academic and professional commitments. This publication would not have seen the light of the day on schedule without constant inputs from chapter reviewers of this book, Drs Geetha S, Piyali Bhattacharya, Krishna Mohan R, Rupesh Masand and Shailaja Mane.
For secretarial assistance, we are grateful to Mrs Nirmala Parthasarathy (PRO), AP Child Care; Dr (Mrs) Prathiba Janardhanan; Mrs Kavitha Balaji; Dr (Ms) Shruthi Pavana; Ms Swathi Pavana; Ms Kavya Balaji; Ms Mahiya Balaji; Mr R Janardhanan; Chennai; Mr P Balaji, Dubai, UAE; Dr Sweta Gupta; Dr Khushbu Jain and Dr Anant Gupta, Jaipur.
We offer our profound gratitude to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head) and Dr Rajul Jain (Development Editor) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India.