Second Edition
Editors Vinod Kumar MS
Associate Professor Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India
Neha Goel MS
Co-founder, Director and Senior Consultant Tetravue Superspecialty Eye Center New Delhi, India
Assistant Professor and Associate Consultant Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Center Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
AK Gupta MS
Director Academics ICARE Eye Hospital and Postgraduate Institute Noida, Uttar Pradesh Shroff Eye Center, Kailash Colony New Delhi, India

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Handbook of Clinical Trials in Ophthalmology
First Edition: 2014
Second Edition: 2022
Printed at
The participants and investigators of clinical trials
- AK Gupta MS
- Director Academics
- ICARE Eye Hospital and Postgraduate Institute
- Noida, Uttar Pradesh
- Shroff Eye Center, Kailash Colony
- New Delhi, India
- Anju Bhari MD
- Senior Resident
- Strabismus, Neuro-ophthalmology and Oculoplasty
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Archita Singh MD FICO FAICO
- Senior Resident
- Cornea and Refractive Surgery
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Arpit Sharma MD
- Fellow
- Vitreo-retina
- Arvind Eye Institute
- Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Brijesh Takkar MD
- Consultant
- Retina Services
- LV Prasad Eye Institute
- Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Mohammad Sabir MBBS
- Junior Resident
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Neha Goel MS
- Co-founder, Director and Senior Consultant
- Tetravue Superspeciality Eye Center
- New Delhi, India
- Noopur Gupta MD
- Associate Professor
- Cornea and Refractive Surgery
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Assistant Professor and Associate Consultant
- Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Center
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Priyanka Ramesh MD
- Senior Resident
- Glaucoma Services
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Rohan Chawla MD FRCS
- Associate Professor
- Retina Services
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Saurabh Verma MD
- Senior Resident
- Retina Services
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Shikha Gupta MD
- Assistant Professor
- Glaucoma Services
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Shorya Azad MD
- Assistant Professor
- Retina Services
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Sonali Gupta MS
- Specialist
- ESIC Model Hospital
- Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Sumit Monga MS DNB FRCS
- Senior Consultant
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Centre for Sight
- New Delhi, India
- Swati Phuljhele MD
- Associate Professor
- Squint and Neuro-ophthalmology
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
- Vinod Kumar MS
- Associate Professor
- Dr Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- New Delhi, India
The impact of clinical trials on the practice of medicine cannot be under-estimated. Anyone involved in healthcare today must know the basics of running and interpreting clinical trial data. In order to form opinions and make judgments, clinicians require access to reliable sources of evidence. Ideally, this data should be easily accessible to the practitioners in order to implement the latest findings in their respective field. Also for students in this area of specialization, this data is an invaluable resource of information on previously conducted research. Not only does this add to their clinical acumen, but this knowledge is also frequently tested in all examinations and reviews.
Although the clinical trials in the field of ophthalmology are numerous, yet one would need to spend considerable time and effort to locate each relevant one and learn from it. This book offers every clinical ophthalmologist complete guidance as it compiles the results of the latest multicenter clinical trials in the practice of ophthalmology with relevant references. The trials have been organized into chapters, covering all ophthalmic sub-specialties. Each pertinent trial is described under similar subject headings/styles and has been formatted accordingly for easy reading and recall. A summary at the end of each chapter has been provided for easy reference. All the major and latest clinical trials have been recorded but it must be understood that the list is not exhaustive.
Such significant consolidated information can be uniquely valuable to a wide audience. The first edition of the book was in fact a recommended read by the prestigious International Council of Ophthalmology. In the second edition, the individual chapters have been authored by respective experts in the field. Over 70 different trials have been added to make the knowledge of the reader contemporary.
Knowledge of these trials in clinical practice can lead to significant improvements in patient care and patient outcome in ophthalmology. General ophthalmologists will have the current standard of patient care across the spectrum of ophthalmology at their fingertips, in an easily digestible format. Residents reviewing the major subspecialties for board examinations, comprehensive ophthalmologists keeping abreast of all areas of ophthalmology, and subspecialists interested in future direction of their area of focus, will all find the second edition of this book a good reference.
Vinod Kumar
Neha Goel
Pooja Shah
AK Gupta
Preface to the First Edition
The impact of clinical trials on the practice of medicine cannot be underestimated. Anyone involved in healthcare today must know the basics of running and interpreting clinical trial data. In order to form opinions and make judgments, clinicians require access to reliable sources of evidence. Ideally, this data should be easily accessible to the practitioners in order to implement the latest findings in their respective field. Also, for students in this area of specialization, this data is an invaluable resource of information on previously conducted research. Not only does this add to their clinical acumen, this knowledge is frequently tested in all examinations and reviews.
Although the clinical trials in the field of ophthalmology are numerous, yet one would need to spend considerable time and effort to locate each relevant one and learn from it. This book offers every clinical ophthalmologist complete guidance as it compiles the results of the latest multicenter clinical trials in the practice of ophthalmology with relevant references. The trials have been organized into chapters, covering all ophthalmic subspecialties. Each pertinent trial is described under similar subject headings/styles and has been formatted accordingly for easy reading and recall. A summary at the end of each chapter has been provided for easy reference. All the trials have been listed alphabetically and indexed at the end.
Such significant consolidated information can be uniquely valuable to a wide audience. The individual studies can be traced for details as the book provides all the relevant references. This handbook is not distorting any facts or adding any other perspective, suggestions or implications. It is an effort to provide a convenient and quick reference for the vast data available. All the major and latest clinical trials have been recorded but it must be understood that the list is not exhaustive.
Knowledge of these trials in clinical practice can lead to significant improvements in patient care and patient outcome in ophthalmology. General ophthalmologists will have the current standard of patient care across the spectrum of ophthalmology at their fingertips, in an easily digestible format. Residents reviewing the major subspecialties for board examinations, comprehensive ophthalmologists keeping abreast of all areas of ophthalmology, and subspecialists interested in future direction of their area of focus, will all find this book a good reference.
AK Gupta
Vinod Kumar Aggarwal
Neha Goel