Acetonide 111
ACG See Angle closure glaucoma
Acute spinal cord injury, treatment of 385
Age-related choroidal neovascularization 233
Age-related macular degeneration 109, 171, 186, 188, 194, 195, 202, 237, 249, 253, 257, 258, 273, 275
subfoveal neovascular 220
treatment of 191
trials 230
Ahmed glaucoma valve 49
Albuminuria 81
Allergen 132
Allograft reaction episodes 12
Amblyopic eye 363t
Amikacin 296
Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 59
Angioid streaks 188
Antihypertensive drug therapy, moderate 85
Applanation tonometry 62
Aravind Comprehensive Eye Survey 61
Aspergillus species 6
Aspirin 97
Atenolol 83
Autorefraction 127
Bacterial keratitis 8
Baseline vision 119
BCVA See Best corrected visual acuity
Benzoporphyrin 190
Best-corrected visual acuity 31, 53, 101, 110, 127, 132, 141, 151, 183, 201, 202, 219, 224, 255, 271, 389
score 194
Beta blocker betaxolol 27
Beta radiation epiretinal therapy 264
Biopsy 296
Blepharitis 4
Brain, magnetic resonance imaging of 376
Branch vein occlusion study 153
BRVO See Branch retinal vein occlusion
Captopril 83
Cardiovascular disease, risk of 97
Ceftazidime 296
Center for Disease Control and Prevention 403
Central keratometry 16
Central macula 122
Central nervous system 372
Central subfield macular thickness 166
Central vein occlusion study 156
CFT See Central foveal thickness
Chennai Glaucoma Study 63
Choriocapillaris 190
Chronic inflammation, cycle of 15
Clinically isolated syndrome 375
CMT See Central macular thickness
Collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study 29
Color vision 93
Confirmed microbiologic growth 297
Conjunctival sac 52
Conjunctivitis 4
Contralateral eye involvement 406
Contrast sensitivity testing 303
Corneal allograft 12
Corneal astigmatism 16
Corneal endothelial cell density 13
Corneal scarring 10
Corneal tissue 1
Corneal ulcers trial, steroid in 8
Cotton-wool spots 91
Creatinine clearance 86
CRT See Central retinal thickness
CRVO See Central retinal vein occlusion
CSME See Clinically significant macular edema
Cycloplegic refraction 16
De novo glaucoma procedure 51
Deferred panretinal photocoagulation 116
Dense macular hemorrhage 162
Denver developmental screening test 306
complications of 80
and complications trial 80
duration of 79
effect of 113
epidemiology of 88
interventions and complications, epidemiology of 82
macula in 132
related deaths 85
treatment of 80
development of 107
focal photocoagulation for 111
mild 106
pharmacotherapy in 149t
study, center-involved 114
vision-impairing 118
Diabetic vascular complications 85
Disc stereophotographs 39
Disease-modifying therapies 376
Diurnal intraocular pressure 69
DME See Diabetic macular edema
Docosahexaenoic acid 282
Donor cornea, characteristics of 14
Dorzolamide 34
DR See Diabetic retinopathy
DRS See Diabetic retinopathy study
DRVS See Diabetic retinopathy vitrectomy study
Early proliferative retinopathy 96
Edema, ranibizumab for 132
EMGT See Early manifest glaucoma trial
Emotional stress 4
Endothelial damage 190
Endothelial function 16
Endothelial tight junction proteins 168
Epimacular brachytherapy 264
Epithelial keratitis 4
ETDRS See Early treatment diabetic retinopathy study
Extracapsular cataract extraction 299
Fasting plasma glucose 84
Fibrocellular tissue 200
Fibrovascular proliferations 99
Fibrovascular tissue 200
Filtering surgery 35
Financial stress 4
First trabeculectomy fail 36
Fleischer's ring 10
Fluorouracil filtering surgery study 40
Focal laser photocoagulation 190
Focal photocoagulation 106
Foscarnet-ganciclovir cytomegalovirus retinitis trial 409
Fuchs’ dystrophy 13
Fundus photographs 103
Fungal corneal ulcers 5
Fusarium species 6
Ganciclovir 410
Glasgow coma scale score 388
Glasses 16
clinical trials in 27
detection of 62
filtering surgery 40
landmark trials in 72t
laser in 66
laser trial 39
follow-up study 38
number of 68
research foundation 73
secondary 62
risk of future 66
uncontrolled 176
Glaucomatous optic nerve 62
Glial dysfunction 147
Glycated hemoglobin 79
Gonioscopy 62
Good vision, chances of 100
Good visual acuity 196
Graft rejection, risk of 14
Gram stain 297
Gram-negative organisms 298
Head injury trial 387
Health and vision, perception of 198
Hematology testing 132
Hemiretinal vein occlusion 162
Horizon study 67
Idiopathic neovascular membranes 202
Immune recovery uveitis 403
Implantable dexamethasone 168
Indocyanine green angiography 260
Infectious endophthalmitis 163
Infectious keratitis 5
Inflammatory cells 168
Influence glaucoma 27
Intensive blood glucose control 84
International Optic Nerve Trauma Study 387
International Retina Group 147
Interquartile range 140
Intraocular ranibizumab 217
Intraocular steroids 135
Intraocular surgery 176
Intraoperative optical coherence tomography 17
Intraretinal edema 256
Intravitreal administration 171
Intravitreal corticosteroid injection 163
Intravitreal dexamethasone 146
Intravitreal lucentis, safety assessment of 221
Intravitreal steroids 109
Intravitreous bevacizumab 140
IOP See Intraocular pressure
Iridocyclitis 4
Iris neovascularization 183
Iritis 4
Ischemic central retinal vein occlusion, treatment of 54
Ischemic heart disease 79
Ischemic optic neuropathy decompression trial 388
IVR See Intravitreal ranibizumab
IVTA See Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide
Landolt C chart 266
Laser-ranibizumab-triamcinolone study 109
Later perfluoropropane 284
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy 390
Less severe retinopathy 96
Lipid concentrations 86
Longitudinal optic neuritis study 373
Lower-extremity amputation 79
LP See Laser photocoagulation
Lumbar puncture 374
Lymphocytotoxic antibodies 12
Macula 96
Macular grid laser photocoagulation 160
Macular photocoagulation study 186
Macular program 58
Manifest refraction 10
Manual refraction 112
Mean binocular visual acuity 344
Menstrual periods 4
Mercury trial 71
Metamorphopsia score 291
Mild macular grid 127
Mitomycin C 42
MMG See Mild macular grid
Monoclonal antibody fragment 131
Monocular visual impairment 328
Monofocal episode 375
Multicenter cohort study 224
Multifocal episode 375
Mycotic infections 7
Myocardial infarction 135
Myopic choroidal neovascularization 194
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study 385
National Health Service 233
National Institute of Diabetes 80
National Institutes of Health 301
Neovascular complications, treatment of 162
Neovascular proliferation, active 100
Nephropathy 80
Neuronal cell death 147
Neurosensory retina 190
Nocardia ulcers 9
Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 388
Non-contact specular microscopy 326
Noncytomegalovirus ocular opportunistic infections 40
Nonfatal myocardial infarctions 136
Non-fusarium group 7
Noninfectious endophthalmitis 163
Non-nocardia ulcer 9
Nonocular safety 168
Nonproliferative retinopathy, mild to moderate 81
Nonrandomized small tumor pilot study 398
Non-staphylococcus epidermidis 298
Normal tension glaucoma study, collaborative 34
NPDR See Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
OAG See Open-angle glaucoma
Ocular herpes simplex infection 4
Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome 198
Ocular hyperemia 141
Ocular hypotensive medication 32
Ocular inflammation 176
Ocular motility 326
Ocular neovascularization 208
Ocular treatment index 325
OHT See Ocular hypertension
Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids 276
Open-label randomized controlled trial 319
Ophthalmic diseases, management of 17
Ophthalmology, clinical trials aids in 412t
Ophthalmoscopy, indirect 99
Optical biometry 326
Oral acyclovir, efficacy of 1
Oral voriconazole 7
Ozurdex 132
PACG See Primary angle closure glaucoma
Parenting stress index 325
Patching protocol 329
PDR See Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Penetrating keratoplasty 3
Peribulbar triamcinolone acetonide 106
Peripheral diabetic retinopathy lesions 121
Peripheral vision, loss of 116
Phakic eyes 43
Pharmacotherapy 116
Photokeratoscopy 16
Placental growth factor 171
POAG See Primary open-angle glaucoma
Point-of-care glycated hemoglobin 113
Polymorphous dystrophy, posterior 13
Port delivery system 225
Prednisolone phosphate 1
Proliferative retinopathy 90
Proteinuria, gross 79
PRP See Panretinal photocoagulation
Pseudophakia 405
Pseudophakic corneal edema 13
Pseudophakic eyes 147
Pulse oximetry 314
Radiation therapy 264
Randot preschool stereoacuity test 336
Ranibizumab 109, 110, 117, 118, 131, 134, 136, 165, 166, 177–179, 210, 212, 216, 225, 230, 253, 254, 260, 266, 271, 319, 320
efficacy of 136
extension trial of 223
study of 219
treatment 177
Refraction 57
Rehabilitative services 78
Renal disease, severe 99
Residual subretinal fluid 19
Restore lost vision 135
Retina 40
Retinal capillary perfusion 161
Retinal disorders 103
Retinal glial cell 147
Retinal hemorrhages, extensive 91
Retinal ophthalmology 113
Retinal photographs 84
Retinal pigment epithelium 190
Retinopathy of prematurity study
early treatment for 304
high oxygen percentage in 314
photographic screening for 316
Retinotomy 286
Rhopressa 70
Rocket trial 70
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy 32
Scleral buckling 287
Scleral flap 42
Selective laser trabeculoplasty 51
Severe vision loss, development of 91
Sham treatment 191
Smoking, history of 14
Snellen equivalent 138
Spectral-domain ocular coherence tomography 225
Stereoscopic fundus evaluation 59
Stromal keratitis, development of 4
Subclinical diabetic macular edema study 108
Subfoveal lesions 188
Subfoveal recurrent 189
Subretinal fluid 254
Subretinal pigment epithelial fluid 256
Subtenon's injections 106
Sulfur hexafluoride 284
Sun exposure 4
Supplemental therapeutic oxygen 312
Systemic bevacizumab therapy 227
Teller acuity card procedure 306
Titmustest 336
Tonometry 326
Topical antibiotics 122
Topical antiglaucoma agents 31
Topical corticosteroids 2
Topical natamycin 8
Topical prednisolone phosphate 8
Topical steroids, receiving 2
Topical therapy 45
Topical trifluridine 4
Torpedo trial 255
Total macular volume 122
Transient photosensitivity reactions 192
Transient visual disturbances 197
Traumatic optic neuropathy 385
Trifluridine prophylaxis 2
VA See Visual acuity 183
Vancomycin 296
VEGF See Vascular endothelial growth factor
Vellore eye study 57
Vision related subscales 138
Vision specific quality 11
Visual activities 29
Visual acuity 29, 37, 41, 51, 57, 62, 84, 91, 99, 100, 103, 120, 127, 133, 142, 147, 159, 162, 164, 165, 188–190, 192, 196, 199, 202, 208, 211, 215, 221, 234, 254, 291, 327, 330, 331, 333, 334, 339, 341, 346, 387
course of 99
risk of severe 201
masked assessment of 343
measurements 164
evaluation of 112
monitoring 171
reduced 172
risk of 100
spectacle-corrected 16
stabilization 193
Visual benefit 144
Visual prognosis 298
experience 156
Vitreous tap 296
Vogt's striae 10
Voyager study 52