High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery Hemant Deshpande, Priyanka A Dahiya
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abdomen 107
straight X-ray of 219f
Abdominal circumference 209, 212
Abdominal examination 317
Abdominal method 318
Abdominal pregnancy 270
treatment options for 273
ABO blood group 291
ABO incompatibility 198
Abortion 106, 150
habitual 164
missed 401
spontaneous 229, 230, 401
threatened 392, 393
Abruptio placentae 13, 84, 189, 200, 208, 229, 230, 240, 341
complications of 193
types of 189
Abruption 100
area of 193
placentae 328
Academic Health Science Network 161
Acarbose 59
Acardiac amorphous 232
acephalus 232
acornus 232
anceps 232
classification of 232
Accelerations 380, 422
Acetaminophen 89
Acetylcholinesterase 229
Acetylsalicylic acid 36
Acidosis 111, 122, 213, 423
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 95, 385
Actinomycin D 296298
Activated partial thromboplastin time 91, 331
Activated protein C 86
Actual convulsive attack 38
Acupressure 280
Acupuncture 280
Acute renal failure 50, 73, 112, 194, 341
management of 74
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 73, 111, 332
Adenoma, hepatic 106
Adenomyosis 389
Adenosylcobalamin 11
Adequate trophoblastic invasion 433f Admission test 426
Adolescent reproductive and sexual health 96f
Advanced cardiac life support 332
Advanced trauma life support 342, 343
Air embolism 331
Airway 312, 331
Alanine aminotransferase 32, 37, 100102
Alcohol 48, 106
Algid malaria 114
Alkalosis, hypochloremic 277
Alloimmunity 21
degrees of 198
risk of 199t
Alpha-fetoprotein 47, 160, 355
Alpha-methyldopa 89
Amaurosis 44
Amenorrhea 393, 401
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 32, 147, 160, 164, 241, 257, 338, 363, 378, 384, 393
American Diabetes Association 53
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 390
American Society of Hematology 88
American Thyroid Association 64
A-methyldopa 402
Amino infusion 159
Amniocentesis 141, 159, 170, 171, 203, 229, 325, 328, 365
Amnion epithelium 158
Amnionicity 226, 228
diagnosis of 228
Amnioreduction 363
Amnioscopy 380
Amniotic erythropoietin 353
Amniotic fluid 150, 359, 360t, 416
abnormalities 359
analysis 203
color of 416
components of 329fc
composition 359
detection of 160t
dynamics 359
embolism 84, 85, 328, 329, 332, 335
diagnosis of 329, 331t
management of 332fc
pathophysiology of 329fc, 330f
risk factors of 328b
suspected 334fc
evaluation 380
index 210, 360, 362
use of 176
level, abnormal 379
measurement of 210, 360
polymerase chain reaction 325
volume 176, 211, 379
normograms for 360f
Amniotic membrane 158f
Amniotic sacs, number of 227f
Amniotomy 254
Amoxicillin 161
Ampicillin 89
Analgesia 263
postoperative 306
Anaphylactoid syndrome 328
Androgen secreting tumor 136
Android pelvis 316
Anemia 1, 229, 230, 323
acute hemolytic 16
classification of 1, 1b, 1t
crisis 15
hemolytic 393
maternal 421
microangiopathic hemolytic 87
nutritional status for 152
postpartum 9
screening for 152
severe 378
Anesthesia 374
general 306
Anesthetic plan 349
Anesthetist, challenge for 374f
Aneuploidy 324, 354t
converting enzyme inhibitors 364, 402
intravenous infusion of 47
Anovulatory vaginal bleeding 401
Antenatal care 21, 32, 33, 79, 239
provision 373
Antenatal corticosteroid 156
administration 386
therapy 36
Antenatal fetal assessment 429
Antenatal interventions 223
Antenatal management 262
Antenatal surveillance 379
Antepartum fetal
monitoring 222
surveillance 363, 365
Antepartum management 23, 72, 237, 363, 365
Antepartum testing 379
Anthropoid pelvis 316
Antiarrhythmic drugs 326
Antibiotics, perioperative 171
Antibodies, anticardiolipin 91
Anticoagulants 25
embryopathy 79
management 39
Antidiuretic hormone, stimulation of 29
Antiemetics 282
Antiepileptic drugs 79, 79t, 82
effects of 78
teratogenic risks for 78
Antihistamines 282
Antihypertensive agents 34t
Antihypertensive drugs 48, 402
Antihypertensive management 39, 42
Antihypertensive medication 36
Antihypertensive treatment 34
Antioxidants 49
Antiphospholipid antibody 91, 364
syndrome 88, 91, 191, 216
Antiphospholipid syndrome 91, 93
classification of 91
labor management of 94
Antiretroviral therapy 95, 96f
Antithyroid drug 66t, 278
therapy 66
Antithyroid medications 69
Antiviral medication 123t
Anxiety, maternal 421
Aorta, coarctation of 24, 25
Aortic incompetence 25
Aortic regurgitation 25
Aortic stenosis 24
Aortic valve area 26
Aplasia cutis 231
Apocrine 136
glands activity 136
Appendicitis 37
Arginine supplementation 48
Arrhythmia 422
cardiac 23, 26
Arterial blood gas 279, 332
Arteriovenous shunts 323
Ascites 326
Asherman's syndrome 267, 399
aminotransaminase 32
aminotransferase 37, 102
Asphyxia 320
antepartum 216
Aspirin 89
low dose 48, 93
Assisted reproduction technology 184, 207, 225, 389
cycles 437
Asthma, bronchial 348
Atosiban 153, 157
Atracurium 345
Atresia, intestinal 231
Atrial septal defect 25, 80, 142, 146, 348
Attenuated vaccines 339
Autoimmune disease 31
Autoimmune disorder, organ-specific 65
Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 87
Autonomic nervous system 280
Azathioprine 108, 400, 401
Bacteremia, onset of 129
Bacterial vaginosis 151, 159
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 191
Ball sign 218
Balloon placement, technique of 251, 251f
Bariatric surgery 375
Baseline saltatory patterns 179
Benson and Durfee's transabdominal cerclage 173
Bergman's balloon test 166
Beta-adrenergic receptor agonist 154
Beta-blocker 402
nonselective 104
Beta-cell dysfunction 53
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 159, 354
Betamethasone 386
Biguanides 59
Bile duct, common 105
serum 87
unconjugated 108
Biochemical markers 208
Biometric ratios 210
Biophysical profile 178, 379t
abnormal 33
results of 379
modified 180
Biopsy, placental 218
trauma 55
weight, estimated 262
Bishop's score 249, 250
Burnett modification of 250
modified 249t
distended 181
injury 173
Blair Hartley sign 218
Bleeding 399
episode, acute 378
spontaneous 111
time 217
Bleomycin 411
Blindness, temporary 44, 50
coagulation disorders 222
grouping 217
investigations 184
loss 1
pressure 31, 69, 418
diastolic 36, 122
maternal 211
noninvasive 346
systolic 28, 36, 122, 343
products, replacement of 86
sampling 263
smear, peripheral 13, 13f
sugar 57, 58
fasting 362
level 60t
transfusion 9, 18, 73
incompatible 84
indication of 18
typing 217
urea nitrogen 292
Blueberry muffin spots 146
Body mass index 58t, 207, 209, 225, 376, 376t
Body's immune system 95
Bone 21
loss 399
marrow aspiration 13
dilatation 147
obstruction 107
Bradyarrhythmia 422
Bradycardia 204, 380
abnormality 323
metastasis 299
sparing reflex 210
milk 406
storing of 405, 406
electronic 407f
manual 407f
Breastfeeding 82, 141, 338
Breathing 312
Broad-spectrum antibiotics 312
Browne's classification 183
Brownish skin discoloration 219f
Calcification, hepatic 144f
channel blockers 153, 402
supplements 5, 49
Calder's score 249t
Camper's fascia 303
Cancer 399
diagnosis of 411
endometrial 389, 412, 414
occurrence of 410
Candida 54
Captopril enalapril 34
Carbamazepine 79, 80, 89
Carbon monoxide hypoxemia 183
Carboprost tromethamine 349
Cardiac arrest 40
sudden 349
Cardiac complications, risk of 26t
Cardiac disease 23, 348
congenital 348
maternal 153
Cardiac failure, congestive 65, 232
Cardiocentesis 159
Cardiomyopathy, peripartum 23, 25
Cardiopulmonary arrest 335
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, high-quality 333b
Cardiotocography 178, 212, 216, 262, 380, 426, 427
Cardiovascular disease 55
Cardiovascular system 65, 142, 229
Catamenial epilepsy 76
Cataract, congenital 145f
Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome 94
Cell-mediated immunity 129, 139
modulation of 129
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 370
Central nervous system 65, 106, 142, 145, 206, 277, 278, 343
Central pontine myelinolysis 279
Central venous pressure 198, 346
Cephalopelvic disproportion 180, 259, 262, 314
diagnosis of 317
Cerclage placement, routes of 170
artery, middle 203, 203f, 210, 212, 325, 352
disturbances 32
palsy 40, 236
Cerebroplacental ratio 211, 381
Cerebrovascular accidents 331, 346
biopsy specimen 165
canal 164
cancer 410, 413, 414
cerclage 151, 169
dilatation 416
dystocia 173
incompetence 151
index 168
insufficiency 164, 166
length 151, 237, 393
measurement 166
screening 162
pessary 168
pregnancy 269
treatment options for 272
ripening 249f
methods of 250
score 167
suture, insertion of 151
Cervicograph 416
Cervicovaginal fistula 172
Cervidil 252f
Cerviprime gel 252f
digital examination of 168
dilatation of 165
funneling of 168
length of 167
measurement of 167f
remodeling of 249
strength of 165
unfavorable 318
Cesarean delivery 55, 60, 193, 302, 305, 362
Cesarean scar
implantation 269
pregnancy, treatment options for 273
Cesarean section 24, 148, 157, 184, 214, 243, 257, 262, 302, 321, 328, 371, 384
anesthesia for 306
immediate lower segment 185
incisions for 304f
indications for 303
intrapartum 374
preoperative preparation for 304
previous 255
surgical techniques 306
Cetirizine 139
Chelation 21
Chemoprophylaxis 124
Chemoreceptor trigger zone 282
Chemotherapy 296, 411
prophylactic 293
regimes 298fc
Chest syndrome, acute 15, 16
Chickenpox 125
Chlamydia 267
trachomatis 152, 159
Chlorambucil 296
Chlorpromazine 280, 282
Choledocolithiasis 105
Cholelithiasis 105
Cholestasis 102, 103
obstetric 255
embolism 331
secretion 105
Chorioadenoma destruens 289
Chorioamnionitis 54, 84, 150, 152, 204, 248
Chorioamniotic membranes 158f
Choriocarcinoma 287, 289, 289f, 290f
incidence of 290t
Chorionic membrane 158f
Chorionic villous sampling 159, 239, 355, 378
Chorionicity 226, 226f, 228, 240
diagnosis of 228
Chromosomal anomalies, screening for 238
Chronic hypertension 28, 31, 44, 47, 345
risk of 105
Chronic kidney disease 5, 31, 71, 71t
stages of 71t
Cimetidine 89
Circulation 312
Circumvallate placenta 208
Cirrhosis 104
Clavulanic acid 161
Clostridium welchii 222
observation test 192b
presence of 193
weight of 193
disorders, acquired 84
failure 85
studies 33
Coagulopathy, correction of 333
Cocaine abuse 190
Collapsed cranial bones 219f
Coma 111
Combined first-trimester screening test 357
Combined oral contraceptive pills 22, 400
Compensated shock, management of 122fc
Complete blood count 32, 292, 332
Complete mole 287, 287t, 288f, 291
Component therapy 344
Comprehensive lactation management center 408f, 409fc
functions of 408
asphyxia 351
mechanical 395
Conception, products of 342
Condyloma accuminata 95
Confusion 280
Congenital anomalies 55, 184, 230, 371
Conjoined twins 235, 235f
ultrasonography of 236f
Connective tissue disease 47
Consciousness, impaired 111
Consumptive coagulopathy 193, 194
blood for 86t
components for 86t
mechanism of 85fc
Contingent test 356
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 74
Contraception 9, 22, 24, 69, 82, 375
hormonal methods of 22
mode of 400
postpartum 73
Contracted pelvis 259, 314
degrees of 319
etiology of 314
cessation of 264
stress test 178, 420
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography 411
Convulsion treatment interval 42
Coombs test
direct 200
indirect 199, 202, 204
Copper-intrauterine contraceptive device 375
abnormalities 207, 208
accidents 216, 240
around neck 350, 351f
diagnosis of 351
compression 235, 422
pattern 425f
entanglement 216, 229
prolapse 216, 229
section of 351f
Cornual pregnancy 269
treatment options for 273
Coronary artery disease 23, 26, 117, 348
Corpus luteum 390
Corticosteroids 59, 283, 400
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 391
Couvelaire uterus 194
Coxsackievirus 324
Cramping 379
C-reactive protein 218
Creatinine 292
Crown-rump length 176
Crystalloid infusions 35
Culdocentesis 269
Customized growth charts 209
Cutis graft technique 169
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate 432f, 437
Cyclophosphamide 296, 297
Cyclosporin 89, 402
Cystic hygroma 324, 324f
Cytokines 47
role of 277
Cytomegalovirus 87, 142, 144, 146, 218, 361, 362, 403
congenital 211
Cytotoxic drugs 19
Cytotoxicity, antibody-dependent cell-mediated 200
Damage control management 344
Dead-born 219
Death, maternal 110
Decelerations 380, 423
Deep fascia 303
Deep tendon reflexes 65
Delivery 36, 94, 326
care 59
estimated date of 175, 313
mode of 38, 147, 212, 376
timing of 241, 363, 366
Dengue 115, 117t
complications of 116t
fever 116119
hemorrhagic fever 117, 122
illness, course of 116f
infection, diagnosis of 116
management of 116, 118fc, 120fc
mild 117fc
moderate 117fc
severe 117fc
shock syndrome 117
symptoms of 116t
Deoxyribonucleic acid 102, 146
impaired 11
Depressed mood 393
Depression 371
neurological 40
neuromuscular 40
Dermatitis, contact 139
Dermatoses, pregnancy-associated specific 134t
Desferrioxamine 21
Dexamethasone 36, 385, 386
Dextrose containing fluid 280
Dhaka regimen 41
Dhall-Mittal scoring system, modified 262, 262t
Diabetes mellitus 20, 37, 52, 54, 56, 153, 191, 216, 218, 229, 255, 262, 340, 347, 399, 401
gestational 46, 52, 53t, 55, 56, 57t, 58t, 230, 340, 347, 371, 378, 384, 401
maternal 361, 402
pregestational 47, 52, 56
Diagonal conjugate, measurement of 319f
Diastolic flow 212
Diazoxide 34
Dichorionic twins 240, 244
Dietary sodium restriction 48
Diethylstilbestrol 165
Digitalis 89
Dillen's classification 303
Dimenhydrinate 280, 282
Dinoprostone 253
vaginal insert 252
Diphenhydramine 280, 282
Diphtheria 336, 337
Discordant growth 230
Disproportion, degrees of 315
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 84, 86b, 108, 111, 217, 218
management of 85
Diuretics 48, 403
Divot sign 352
Dizygotic twin 225, 226
Dizziness 283, 393
Dobutamine 333
Donald's method 317, 317f
human milk 405, 409
prerequisites for 399
Doppler ultrasound 47
Doppler velocimetry 210, 211
Down syndrome 279, 354
screening for 239
Doxorubicin 297
Doxylamine 280, 282
Droperidol 282
Drowsiness 283
Drug reactions 139
Ductus venosus 211, 381
Doppler, abnormal 211
Duplex ultrasonography 396
Dydrogesterone 392, 393, 393t
Dysmenorrhea 393
mechanisms of 438t
Dyspnea 329
Dystocia dystrophia syndrome 317
Eccrine 136
Echogenic bowel 147
Eclampsia 28, 32, 38, 39, 49, 116, 119, 331, 345, 378
management of 345
mortality rate 41
three stage management protocol of 42
Eclamptic fit, management of 345
Ectopic pregnancy 267, 269, 270, 273, 401
previous 267
rate of 267
ruptured 272
tubal 267
Eczema 139
Eczematous lesions 139
Edema 397f
cerebral 44, 50
placental 323
Edematous chorionic villi 287
Edwards syndrome 354
Eisenmenger's syndrome 24, 25
Elective cesarean section 320, 384
indications of 243
Electrocardiogram 332
Electrolytes 292
serum 33, 280
Empty uterine cavity 269
Encephalopathy 213
hepatic 37
End-diastolic blood flow velocity 214
Endocarditis, infective 24
Endocrine problems 372
Endometrial preparation 437
Endometriosis 267, 389
Endoscopy 108
Endothelial and oxidant stress dysfunction 47
Endothelial cell 91
Endothelial derived relaxing factor 30
Endothelial dysfunction 29f, 30
Endothelial prostacyclin production, inhibition of 91
Endothelin 47
Enteral feeding 283
ePartograph 419
Ephedrine 422
Epilepsy 76
effects of 77, 78
obstetric perspective of 76
Epstein-Barr virus 87
Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents 5
Erythropoietin 19
Escherichia coli 407
Esophageal injury 279
Esophagitis 283
Esophagus, rupture of 279
Estriol 47
Estrogen 63, 276
Ethosuximide 80
Etoposide 297, 298, 411
European Society for Medical Oncology 411
External cephalic version 191
External wrapping technique 169
Extra-amniotic saline infusion 251
Extracerebral abnormalities 147
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 332
Fallopian tube surgery 267
Fatty liver, acute 37, 84, 106, 108, 229
Febrile illness 110
Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India 392, 392f
Felix-Widal test 129
Female sexual arousal disorder 437
Fern test 159
Ferric carboxymaltose 5, 7
structure of 7f
Ferrous fumarate 5
Ferrous gluconate 5
Ferrous sulfate 5
Fertility 76, 93
after completing methotrexate treatment 272
preservation strategies 414
Ferumoxytol 8
Fetal 194
and neonatal complications 213
anemia 421, 423
anomalies 68, 361, 364, 422, 423
anticonvulsant syndrome 78
ascitis 324f
biophysical profile 179
aspiration 325
sampling 203, 204
typing 199
bradycardia 329, 379, 422
causes of 422
breathing 379
movements 379
cells, number of 201t
complication 17, 230
after liver transplant 401t
compromise 59
death 215
prospective rate of 215
defects 326
demise 204, 230
disimpacting system 305
distress 378, 401
acute 378
chronic 378
identification of 379, 381
signs of 378
ductus arteriosus, premature closure of 378
effects 383
electrocardiography 381
factors 152, 378
fibronectin 151, 237
test 159
growth 28, 362
discordance 230
restriction 28, 206, 207t, 218, 230, 255, 385, 432, 434fc
descent of 416
elevators 305
rate 250, 378, 379, 381, 416
sound, absent 191
tones, audibility of 420
hydrops 323
hypoxia 213
indications 248
infection 141, 161, 324, 326
karyotyping 363
lung maturity
adequate 152
corticosteroids for 383
macrosomia 307
malpresentation 230
medicine foundation 167
membranes 150
pathophysiology of 158
morbidity 231
mortality 231
movement 222, 379
neck 350
outcomes 400
oxygenation, monitoring of 381
parts, superficial palpation of 264
pillow 305
pulmonary maturity 240
red cells, volume of 199t
rejection 139
risks 103, 260
scalp blood sampling 381
size, measurement of 208
state drugs 421
surveillance 72, 178
continuous 262
tachycardia 379, 421
causes of 421
therapies 326
thyrotoxicosis 326
tone 379
varicella syndrome 127
venous Doppler 211
vessels 381
estimated 209, 212, 213, 238
Feticide, selective 235
Fetomaternal complication 73
Fetomaternal hemorrhage 84, 223, 351
determination of 201
Fetomaternal interface 129
Fetoplacental unit dysfunction 47
Fetoplacental vessels 380
delivery of 346
in-utero movement of 350
maturity of 341
myelosuppression in 401
enteric 129
high 280
maternal 421
Fibrin degradation products 85
Fibrinolysis, inhibition of 91
Fibroblast layer 158
Fibroids 389
Fibronectin 47
Field's system 250
FIGO misoprostol-only regimens 2017 chart 221t
First-trimester combined test 355
Fisher-race system 197
Flamm Geiger scoring system 261
Flow cytometry 202
Flu vaccination 125f
intravenous 263, 418
management 35
replacement 85
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 325
Focal neurological deficits 44
Folate trap 11
Foley's catheter, extra-amniotic 251
Folic acid 7, 11t, 48
absorption 11
deficiency 13, 191, 195
causes of 12
effects of 13
metabolism of 11
Folinic acid 298
Follicle-stimulating hormone 390
elevated 227
Food and Drug Administration 282, 400
Foot massage 396
Fox-Fordyce disease 136
Frequent blood transfusion, complications of 18
Fresh frozen plasma 86, 332, 342
Full blood count 117
Full integrated test 355
Functional fibrinogen deficit 344
Furosemide 43, 89
Gabapentin 80
Gallbladder 20
disease 37
Gallstones 105
Gamma glutaryl transferase 103
Gardnerella vaginalis 152
Gaskin all-fours maneuver 181
Gastrectomy, percutaneous endoscopic 283
Gastritis 283
Gastroenteritis 37
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 278, 283
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 324, 326
Gastrointestinal disease 95
Gastrointestinal disorders 278
Gastrointestinal system 229
Gastrointestinal tract 65, 142, 145, 228
Gastrojejunostomy, percutaneous endoscopic 284
Gastroschisis 231
Gaucher's diseases 323
anomalies 216
predisposition 30, 277, 372
screening 21
sonogram, role of 357
syndrome 230, 323, 362
Genetical tract cultures 171
Genital herpes 147
Genital infection, primary 147
Genital malignancies 410
Genital tuberculosis 267
Genitourinary disorders 278
German measles 145
management of 243
multifetal 225, 361, 384
multiple 237f
Gestational age,
accurate measurement of 383
estimation of 176
large for 209
Gestational diabetes mellitus 46, 52, 53t, 55, 56, 57t, 58t, 230, 340, 347, 371, 378, 384, 401
diagnosis of 53t
effects of 54
Gestational sac 269
Gestational trophoblastic disease 65, 287, 294f, 295, 298
high-risk 296, 299
incidence of 290
management of 291
staging of 294
treatment of 293
Glomangioma 136
Glomerular endotheliosis 43
Glomerular filtration rate 71, 229, 401
changes of 32
Glomerulonephritis 37
Glomus tumor 136
Glucocorticoids 93, 384, 401
Gluconeogenesis 54
6-phosphate dehydrogenase 113, 323
intoleranc 52
test 52, 217, 361, 362
Glyburide 59
Glycemic control 57
Glycoprotein, mucin-type 330
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 227
Graft dysfunction after pregnancy 402
Graft rejection 401
Grand mal seizures 32
Graves' disease 65, 66, 137, 323
Gravida, elderly 348
Group B beta-hemolytic streptococci 159
Group B streptococcus 152, 160
restricted fetus 206, 209
retarded 206
Guanosine triphosphate 432f, 437
Guzman cervical stress test 167
Gynecoid pelvis 315
Gynecological cancer 410, 414
fertility conservation in 414t
H1N1 119
Habitual abortion, causes of 164
Haemophilus influenzae 222
Hair 136
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, stages of 65
Headache 393
Heart 20, 145
defects, congenital 79
acquired 348
congenital 23, 25, 80, 326
cyanotic 348
group 348
ischemic 371
failure 323
acute left 331
right-sided 333
rate 379
baseline 421
Heavy menstrual bleeding 90
Hefner stitch 173
Hegar test 166
Helicobacter pylori 277
treatment of 277
Hemangioendotheliomas 136
Hemangioma 106
small 136
Hematological disorders 324
Hematuria 264, 294, 309
Hemodialysis 74
Hemoglobin 1, 15, 217
chain analysis 325
Hemoglobinuria 111
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome 13, 37, 37b, 38, 87, 107, 108, 116, 117t, 230, 340, 345, 346
Hemolysis, intravascular 84
Hemolytic disease 197
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 37, 87, 107, 108
A 90
acquired 89
B 90
Hemoptysis 294
Hemorrhage 312
accidental 85
antepartum 194, 207, 209, 216, 248, 262, 340, 341
cerebral 44, 50, 294
intravenous 161, 186, 213
major fetomaternal 217
massive fetomaternal 201
obstetric 340
peripartum 340
postpartum 103, 194, 229, 230, 340, 341, 371, 374
pulmonary 351
retinal 279
transplacental 198, 200, 200t
Hemorrhagic shock 331, 342, 344
classification of 343t
management of 342
Heparin 86, 89, 93
prophylactic 93
therapeutic dose of 93
unfractionated 25
A virus 100
autoimmune 101, 108
B 336, 338
immune globulin 101
infection 385
virus 87, 100, 101t, 102, 102fc, 385
C virus 101
E virus 100, 101
viral 37, 100, 108, 138
Hepatosplenomegaly 146
Herpes gestationis 136
Herpes simplex 95
coxsackievirus 222
virus 142
infection 403
Heterotopic pregnancy 267
treatment options for 273
High-mean platelet volume 88
High-molecular-weight iron dextran 5
High-prolactin levels 401
Hiller-Muller test 318
Hip dysplasia 279
Home uterine monitoring 238
Homocysteine 47
Homogeneous good previous cesarean scar 258f
Hormonal theory 395
adrenocorticotropic 151, 282
suppression 412
Human chorionic corticotropin 134
Human chorionic gonadotropin 47, 107, 134, 276, 292, 297, 298
beta-subunit of 160
Human chorionic thyrotropin 134
Human immunodeficiency virus 4, 95, 95f, 96, 100, 325
prevalence of 95
Human leukocyte antigen, prevalence of 136
Human milk banking 404, 405, 409
Association of North America 407
benefits of 408
conceptual framework of 406f
need of 405
Human papillomavirus 336
Human placental lactogen 134
Human somatomammotropin 134
Hurler's syndrome 323
Hydatidiform mole 84
complete 236
Hydralazine 402
hydrochloride 34
Hydramnios 378
idiopathic 361
Hydranencephaly 231
Hydration, maternal 365
Hydropic baby, delivery of 326
diagnosis of 324
fetalis 324f
causes of 198
Hydroxyprogesterone 167
caproate 389
Hydroxyurea 19, 296
Hyperbilirubinemia 55
direct 108
indirect 108
Hyperemesis 279t
gravidarum 37, 106, 116, 229, 276, 277, 279, 282, 282t, 284
management 107
Hyperglycemia 60
classification of 52, 52b
gestational 52
Hyperplasia 206
endometrial 389
Hypersensitivity 393
Hypertension 28, 29, 33, 36, 49, 189, 209, 216, 401, 402
acute 34t
chronic 28, 31, 44, 47, 345
gestational 44, 46, 151, 345
management of 402
mild portal 104
portal 104
pregnancy-induced 28, 207, 209, 212, 216, 229, 230, 262, 401
primary pulmonary 24
treatment of 34
Hypertensive disorders 28, 69, 248, 255, 340, 345, 371, 378, 385
Hypertensive emergency 34
Hypertensive urgency 34
Hyperthyroidism 65, 66, 69, 153
gestational transient 65
sign of 278
subclinical 63, 65, 66
Hypertonic saline 84
Hypertonic uterine contractions 328
Hypertrophy 206
Hyperviscosity syndrome 213
Hypoalbuminemia 324
Hypocalcemia 55, 213
Hypoglycemia 55
Hypoglycemic agents 58
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 20
Hypokalemia 277
Hypomagnesemia 55
Hyponatremia 277
Hypopituitarism 422
Hypoplasia, pulmonary 161
Hypoplastic uterus 165
Hypoproteinemia 323
Hyporeflexia 40
Hypotension 264, 329, 422
Hypothyroid disease 64
Hypothyroidism 67, 68, 372
overtreatment of 65
prevalence of 64
Hypotonic uterine action 54
Hypovolemic shock 84, 194, 342
Hypoxemia, avoidance of 343
Hypoxia 335, 421, 422
Hysterectomy 296
indications for 299b
Hysterosalpingography 166, 260
Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis 25
suppression, antibody-mediated 200
thrombocytopenic purpura 87, 88
Immuneglobulin, intravenous 88, 93
active 336
cell-mediated 129, 139
passive 336
Immunization 21
G 127
human-specific 337
therapy 93
In utero transfer 153
In vitro fertilization 21, 227, 393
grades of 166
prevention of 168
Incomplete rupture, types of 311
Indomethacin 89, 155, 363
Infections 150, 216, 240, 323, 324, 399, 421
chronic persistent 100
management of 403
treatment of 152
types of 141t
Infertility 106
Influenza 338
A 337
infection 123t, 124fc
B 337
virus 337
vaccine 337
Inhibin A 47
Inoculum, site of 198
Inotropes 333
Insulin 58
infusion, rate of 60t
like growth factor binding protein 1 159, 160
resistance 47, 53
signalling, failure of 54
Integrated test 355
Intensive care unit 65
Interlocking twins 243
International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology 294f296f, 393, 399
International normalized ratio 332
International Registry of Antiepileptic Drugs and Pregnancy 77
International Society of Blood Transfusion 198
Interstitial line sign 269
Interstitial pregnancy
diagnosis of 269
treatment options for 273
Intra-amniotic debris 168
Intracranial calcification 145f, 146
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 21
antimicrobial therapy 221
care 22, 263
complications 213
fetal distress 435
pathophysiology of 435fc
management 262, 363, 366
monitoring 156, 180
contraceptive devices 18
death 198
demise 100
device 268
death 17, 47, 218t, 221f
demise 215, 218, 219f, 222, 230, 231, 255, 362
growth restriction 385
restriction 36, 47, 65, 142, 206, 211, 236, 262, 362, 378
retardation 22
infection 326, 378
resuscitation, means of 381
transfusion 204
Intravenous B-sympathomimetics 155
adverse effects of 155
Invasive mole 289
In-vitro fertilization 348
chelation, management of 21
deficiency anemia 14, 9
development of 3t
diagnosis of 3
signs of 3
symptoms of 3
formulations, intravenous 7
isomaltoside 8
metabolism 1
storage of 2, 2f
supplementation 4
therapy, methods of 4t
transport of 2f
Irregular menstruation 393
Ischemia, microvascular 378
Ischial spines 319
Isometric exercise test 47
Isoxsuprine hydrochloride 154
Itching 135
Jaundice 102, 108, 111, 401
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 95
Kangaroo mother care 408
Karyotyping 211
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 347
Ketonuria 277
Ketosis, presence of 60
disease, chronic 5, 31, 71, 71t
failure 399
function tests 57
stones 37
transplant recipients 401
Kleihauer-Betke test 201, 324
Labetalol 34, 35, 402
Labor 59
after cesarean, triad of 257, 375
and delivery 403
augmentation of 263, 321, 374
complications of induction of 255
dystocia 307
first stage of 81
induction of 60, 180, 220, 221, 248250, 260, 263, 374
management of 81, 320
obstructed 311
progress of 416
second-stage of 81
stages of 81
third stage of 81, 193, 264
triad of 308, 320, 321
Lactate dehydrogenase 32, 37, 72, 87, 108
Lactation, suppression of 221
Lamotrigine 80
Langer's lines 302
Laparoscopic and Robotic-assisted laparoscopic cerclage 170
Lash and Lash procedure 169, 169f
Lecithin 179
Left ventricular ejection fraction 26
Leptospira 222
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system 375
Levothyroxine 67
dosage guideline 67t
Libido, loss of 401
Ligation, tubal 375
Liley's method 202f
amputation 231
deformities 161
Lipodermatosclerosis 397f
Listeria 222
Lithotomy 170
Litzman's obliquity 315
Live fetus, delivery of 164
Liver 20
diseases 100
common 107
severe chronic 400
symptoms of 107
disorder 378
enzymes 103, 277
impaired 31
test 32, 72, 87, 100, 102, 279, 292
rupture 43
transplant 105, 400
ultrasonogram of 20
Loratadine 139
Low assimilation pelvis 314
Low biophysical profile 46
Low birth weight 74, 112, 206, 401, 402, 405
Lower extremities chronic venous disease 395
Lower genital tract infections 150
treatment of 152
Lower limbs 314
Lower segment cesarean section 69, 262, 307, 341, 376
Lower uterine segment 250f, 259
scar, ultrasonography monitoring of 261
Low-lying placenta 185
Low-risk gestational trophoblastic
disease 296t, 297fc, 298t, 298fc
treatment of 296
neoplasia 296
disease, interstitial 348
maturity 46
metastasis 299
transplant 400
Lupus 47
flare 73
Luteal phase defect 389
Lutein cyst 136
Luteoma 136
Lyme disease 222
Lymphatic dysplasias 324
Macrocytes, presence of 13
Macrosomia 55, 177, 371
Magnesium 48
sulfate 39, 40, 154
toxicity, serum levels of 40t
Magnetic resonance imaging 269
Magon's uterine closure technique 305
Magpie trial 41
Malaria 110, 110f
acute 114
cerebral 114
control 115f
infection, life cycle of 111f
intermittent preventive treatment of 115
management of 113t
peripartum 113
prevention of 222
severe 111, 111b, 114
uncomplicated 111, 113t
vaccine 115
Malignant gestational trophoblastic disease 294, 295t
staging of 294
Malignant mole 289
Mallory-Weiss tear 279
Malpresentation 183, 259
Manning's biophysical profile
management protocol 179t
scoring 179t
Marfan's syndrome 24, 25
Marginal cord insertion 208
adaptation 229
alloimmunization, pathogenesis of 198
disease 152
disorders 365
human leukocyte antigen 30
medicine units 386
infection 143, 146
diseases 207
disorders 150
mirror syndrome 326
mortality 194, 260, 313
preventive strategies 222
pulmonary disease 153
risk factors 207
screening 363
serum alpha-fetoprotein 229, 354
elevated 184
serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin 355
serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A 355
trauma 216
components of 165
metalloproteinase-1 158
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome 399
McAfee regimen 185
termination of 185
McDonald's cerclage 172
McDonald's stitch 172f
McRoberts maneuver 181
Mean arterial blood pressure 47
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 3
Measles and rubella campaign 338
Meconium aspiration syndrome 213
Mediastinal compression 323
Medical disorders 37b
Medical nutritional therapy 57b
Megaloblastic anemia 11, 12, 12t
diagnosis of 12t
prevention of 14
Melasma, epidermal type of 135
artificial rupture of 254, 328
prelabor rupture of 54, 158, 159, 262
premature rupture of 74, 100, 151, 190, 248, 384
preterm premature rupture of 144, 229, 240, 361, 391
rupture of 365
sweeping of 251
Menorrhagia 90, 393
Menstrual disorders 393
Menstrual disturbance 106
Mental retardation 145
Metabolic diseases 340, 347
Metabolic disorders 278, 323, 326
Metabolic syndromes 55
Metalloproteinases, inhibitors of 159
Metastasis, hepatic 299
Metformin 59
Methimazole 66, 68
Methotrexate 270, 293, 296298
adverse effects of 271
Methyldopa 34, 35, 422
Methylprednisolone 282
Methyltetrahydrofolate trapping 11
Metoclopramide 280, 282
Metrorrhagia 393
Microbial colonization 150, 158
Microcephaly 145, 145f, 231
Micronized progesterone 392, 393
Microtransferrinuria 47
Migraines 393
banking, method of 406
expression and collection 408
holder pasteurization of 407
pasteurization of 408f
Milrinone 333
Miscarriage 106
Misgav Ladach method 305
Misoprostol 253, 306
Mission Indradhanush 338
Mississippi classification 37
Mitral incompetence 25
Mitral regurgitation 25
Mitral stenosis 23
Mobile milk banking 409
Mobile partograph 419
Modern obstetrics, era of 150
Molar pregnancy 287
Molecular techniques 112
Molluscum contagiosum 95
Monoamniotic pregnancy 228
Monoamniotic twins 235, 242
Monochorionic twins 240, 244
Monoclonal injection anti-D 201
Monocyte activation 91
Monozygotic twin 225, 226
Monro Kerr cesarean section 304
Multidrug chemotherapy regimes 299
Multiparity 183
Multiple births, etiology of 227
Multiple gestation 181, 230, 237
diagnosis of 236
early diagnosis of 237
intrapartum management of 241
Multiple organ disease 145
Multiple pregnancy 31, 159, 216, 349, 378, 389, 395
preventive interventions for 245
Multiple-dose methotrexate regimen 271
Munro Kerr-Muller method 318, 318f
Murless head extractor 305
Muscle rigidity 280
Muscular paralysis 40
Mycophenolate mofetil 400, 402
Myocardial dysfunction 198
Myocardial infarction 331
Myoglobin 1
Myometrial thickness, anterior 258f
Myometrium, overstretching of 361
Myosin light-chain kinase 437
Naegele's pelvis 314, 316
Nails 136
National Anaemia Control Programme 4
National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health, 2010 48, 49
National Family Health Survey 11, 371
National High Blood Pressure Education Program 28
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 221
National Institute of Health 28
National Nutritional Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme 4
Natural progesterone 392
Nausea 271, 276, 278, 279, 393
antiemetic drugs for 282t
causes of 281fc
differential diagnosis of 278b
fetal effects of 279
maternal effects of 278
therapeutic treatment of 281fc
Neck syndrome 351
Necrotizing enterocolitis 161, 405
Negative predictive value 160
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 159
Neonatal antiphospholipid syndrome 93
Neonatal infection 147
Neonatal intensive care unit 178, 187, 203, 240, 254, 405
Neoplasia, gestational trophoblastic 287, 295f, 300t
Nephritis, chronic 216
Nephropathy, diabetic 74
Nephrosis, congenital 324
Neural tube defect 13, 79, 80
Neurohormonal dysfunction 54
Neurologic disorders 278
Neurological impairment 194
Neutrophilia 106
Nevirapine 98
New York Heart Association 26, 23b
Newer antiepileptic agents 80t
Nifedipine 34, 35, 153
Nitric oxide 29, 30, 332
donors 154
inhaled 333
Nitroglycerin 34, 154
N-methyl-D-aspartate, blockade of 39
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 43f
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 410
Nonimmune hydrops fetalis 323, 325f, 361
causes of 323, 323t
diagnosis of 325fc
mechanism of 323t
Noninvasive prenatal test 356358, 373
Nonmolar lesions 289
Nonpharmacological interventions 48
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 364, 438
Nonstress test 179, 240, 379, 420, 424, 424f, 425427
nonreactive 424, 425
reactive 424
Norepinephrine 333
Normal amniotic fluid volume and composition 359
Normal placental implantation 208f
Nuchal cord 216, 350, 352f, 378
formation of 350
types of 350, 350f
Nuchal translucency 234, 354, 373
sonographic measurement of 355
Nutrition 229, 283
Nutritional deficiency 1
Nutritional interventions 48
Obesity 47, 347, 348, 370, 371, 371t, 376t
childhood 55, 372
classification for 371t, 372f
control of 48
diagnosis of 372
epidemiology of 370
Oblonsky's classification 261
Obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome 93
Obstetric emergency, acute 310
Obstetric hemorrhage 340
spectrum disorders 341
Obstetric management 39, 42, 69, 72, 334
Obstetric spoons 305
Obstetric ultrasound 57
Oligoamnios 363, 366fc
etiologies of 364t
first-trimester 364, 365
idiopathic 364
isolated 365
second-trimester 364
third-trimester 364
Oligohydramnios 179, 213, 229, 234, 248, 378, 379
Oncofertility 410
Ondansetron 280, 283
Operative vaginal deliveries 229, 241, 307
Opportunistic infections 95
Optical density 202f, 203
Oral contraceptive 80, 297
pill 18
Oral glucose
challenge test 56
tolerance test 56
Oral iron therapy 5
Oral live attenuated bacterial vaccine 130
Orthopnea 21
Oseltamivir 121
Osteoporosis 21
Ovarian cancer 411, 413, 414
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 399
Ovarian pregnancy 269
treatment options for 273
Ovarian stimulation 227
Ovarian transposition 413
Oxidative stress 54
Oxygenation 331
Oxytocin 253, 418
infusion 306
abdominal 271, 278
acute colic 107
Painless progressive dilatation, symptoms of 164
Palmar erythema 135
Pancreas 20
Paperless partograph 418
Parenteral iron 6
products 6t
therapy 4, 5
indications of 6
prerequisites for 6
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 21
Partial mole 287t, 288, 288f, 291, 292
Partial thromboplastin time 332
Partogram 416
components of 416
evolution of 416
Parturition, initiation of 390
Parvovirus B19 222, 324
Patellar reflex, loss of 40
Patent ductus arteriosus 25, 145
Patwardhan technique 305
Peak systolic flow velocity 203, 203f
inflammatory diseases 267
metastasis 299
score 250
shapes, classification of 315f
side walls 319
surgery, previous 267
Pelvis 314, 319t
asymmetric 314
classification of 315
mixed type of 316
shape of 314
site of 314
android 314
anthropoid 314
gynecoid 314
platypelloid 314
Pemphigoid gestationis 136, 139, 140
Pendulous abdomen 317
Penicillin 89
Penta screen 355
Peptic ulcer 37
Percutaneous balloon mitral valvotomy 24
Pericardial effusion 326
Periconceptional folic acid fortification 222
Perinatal audit 222
Perinatal death 194
Perinatal mortality 177, 244
rate 228, 422
Periodontal infection 46
Periodontitis 150
Peripherally inserted central catheter 284
Persistent fetal circulation 213
Persistent trophoblastic disease 293, 294f
Pessary 168
Petechiae 146
Pfannenstiel-Kehrer-Kerr cesarean section 304
Phenobarbital 80
Phenothiazines 280, 282
Phenylbutazone 89
Phenytoin 80, 89
Phlebotonics 396
Phosphodiesterase type 5 431
Phospholipids 84
Pill, blue 431
Placenta 29, 54, 176, 340
accreta 84
diagnosis of 306
incidence of 306
spectrum 342
completeness of 193
delivery of 346
dysfunction of 378
examination of 227, 228f
growth factor 47
hemangioma 208
previa 183186, 208, 229, 230, 259, 331, 341, 378
anterior 187
complications of 186
Placental abnormalities 151
Placental abruption 84, 189, 216, 378
Placental alpha
macroglobulin 1 159
microglobulin 1 160
Placental anastomosis, Doppler studies of 234
Placental blood
flow 30f
transfusion 351
Placental factors 208, 208t
Placental insufficiency 93, 207, 216
Placental mass, unequal 230
Placental mesenchymal dysplasia 208
Placental metastases 411
Placental pathology 183
Placental perfusion 47
Placental site trophoblastic
disease 287
tumor 290, 297
Placental size 183
Placental tissue 342
Placental tumors 287t
Placental vascular anastomosis, laser photocoagulation of 235
leakage signs 116
protein A, pregnancy-associated 47, 209, 354
Plasmodium falciparum 110
Platelet 344
administration of 344
aggregation 91
angiotensin 47
calcium 47
count, maintenance of 344
Platypelloid pelvis 316
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 338
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 338
Pneumocystis pneumonia 95
Poidevin's classification 260
Point-of-care tests 347
Poliovirus vaccine, inactivated 339
Polyclonal injection anti-D 200
Polycystic ovarian
disease 136
syndrome 372
Polyglycolic acid 308
suture material 260
Polyhydramnios 54, 151, 159, 230, 234, 361, 362fc
causes of 362t
ultrasound image of 361f
Polysaccharide vaccine 130
Ponderal index 206, 212
Porencephalic cyst 231
Positive end-expiratory pressure 331, 332
Positive predictive value 160
Positron-emission tomography 411
Postdate pregnancy 364
Postmaturity syndrome 177
Postnatal issues 244
Postpartum 343
care 18, 22, 60
period 49
Post-term gestation, reducing incidence of 180
Post-term pregnancy 175, 177, 178, 216
incidence of 175
Preconceptional cerclage 169
Preconceptional counseling 152
Preconceptional therapy 45
Prednisolone 139
Pre-eclampsia 28, 31, 46, 65, 84, 85, 93, 105, 108, 116, 328, 345, 379, 401, 402, 435
delivery for 36
diagnosis of 28
diagnostic criteria for 31
drug treatment of 35
early-onset 372f
genesis of 31fc
high risk of 31
increased risk of 54
intervention 33
late-onset 372f
management of 31, 345
mild 33, 33b
pathogenesis of 433, 434fc
prediction of 46
presence of 36
prevention of 48
recurrent 46
renal complications of 43
risk for 47t
screening tests for 47
severe 32b, 33, 34, 37
superimposed 45, 46t, 345
Pregnancy 28, 36, 73, 93, 96, 100, 370, 371, 399
advanced abdominal 273
after organ transplants 399
after previous cesarean section 257
atopic eruption of 134, 139
cholestasis of 216, 229
complications 216
diabetic 425
ectopic 267270, 273, 401
fatty liver of 230
first-trimester ectopic 201
heterotopic 267
high-risk 340, 349
intrahepatic cholestasis of 102, 134, 138, 140, 255, 378
liver in 100
medical termination of 68, 68t, 144, 297
multifetal 151, 190, 245
multiple elective terminations of 152
nontubal ectopic 267
outcome 362, 365
pigmentation 135
plaques of 138
polymorphic eruption of 134, 140
pruritic dermatoses of 138
risk of 27
termination of 59, 284
unique quantification of emesis index 278t
vomiting 278, 279
Preinduction cervical ripening 249
Premature birth 401
Prematurity 230, 401
Prepregnancy counseling 23, 72
Preterm birth 55, 150, 194, 383, 390b, 393t
late 384
prevention of 237
spontaneous 167
Preterm delivery 93, 105
Preterm labor 59, 65, 74, 100, 150152, 204, 229, 230, 276, 389
causes of 150
delivery 54
management of 151
prediction of 237
specific causes of 150
warning signs of 152
Previous scar, types of 259
Primary dysmenorrhea, treatment of 438
Primidone 80
Primigravida 317
Pritchard's protocol 40, 40t
Procainamide 89
Prochlorperazine 280, 282
Procoagulant, production of 84
Progestational agents 168
Progesterone 389, 390, 392, 393b
derivatives of 392
functions of 389
guidelines for use of 393
mechanism of action of 390b, 392
mode of action of 390f
only pills 22
positive effects of 391b
preterm labor, role of 156
releasing intrauterine device 412
use of 238, 392, 393t
Progestins 412
Prolactin 159
Promethazine 280, 282
Prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy 35
Prophylactic cervical encirclage 238
Propylthiouracil 66, 68
Prostacyclin 29
inhaled 333
intravenous 333
Prostaglandin 251, 262, 282
synthetase inhibitors 155
Prosthetic valves 23, 25
Prostin 253f
Proteinuria 31
Prothrombin time 331, 332
Proton-pump inhibitors 5, 283
Pruritic urticarial papules 138
Pruritus 135
generalized 138
gravidarum 135
Puerperal infection 230
Puerperal sepsis 194
Puerperium 73
Pulmonary arterial hypertension 432
Pulmonary artery 328
stenosis 145, 146
Pulmonary capillary leak 50
Pulmonary diseases 348
Pulmonary edema 31, 32, 43, 111, 155
complication of 346
diagnosis of 43
management of 43
Pulmonary hypertension in pregnancy 436
Pulmonary valve diseases 25
Pulse 416, 418
oximetry 381
wave velocity 436
Purandare's method 318
Pyelonephritis 37, 150
Pyrexia 313
Pyridoxine 280, 282
Q fever 222
Quadruple test 355
Quantitative fluorescence-polymerase chain reaction 358
Quintero's classification 234
Radical trachelectomy 170
Radiolucent bone disease 145
Radiotherapy 412
Raised maternal serum alfa fetoprotein 191
Ranitidine 89
Rapid diagnostic test 112
Recurrent pregnancy loss 65, 389, 390, 436
immunology of 390
Red blood cells 3, 122, 342
Red cell
antibodies 21
antigens 197
Reflect trophoblastic proliferation 293b
Reflex limb movements 232
Reflexology 396
Rehydration, adequate 280
Renal allograft dysfunction 402
Renal disease 47, 71
effects of 71
Renal dysfunction 47, 73, 87
Renal failure 111, 194, 401
Renal function 229
Renal insufficiency 31
Renal transplant 74, 401
Respiratory distress syndrome 55, 59, 161, 213, 237, 293, 401
Respiratory functions 229
Respiratory secretions 348
Resuscitation, cardiopulmonary 335
Reticular veins 397f
Retinitis 95
Reversed end-diastolic velocity 212, 214
Rhesus blood group system 197
Rhesus sensitization 248
Rheumatic heart disease 23, 348
Rheumatoid arthritis 47, 348
Rh-positive cells 198
Ribonucleic acid, strands of 95
Rickets 317
Rifampicin 89
Right ventricular systolic pressure 26
Rigid cervix 311
Ringer's lactate 280
Ringer's lactate solution 312
Ritodrine 155
Robert's pelvis 314, 316
Robert's sign 218
Robertson's method 203
Robson's classification 303
Rollover test 47
Rosenfield system 198
Rosetting test 201
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologist 160
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 160, 238, 255, 371, 384
Rubella 145, 222
clinical diagnosis of 145
syndrome, congenital 145, 337
Rubin maneuver 181
risk of 259
site of 264
Sacrum, body of 316
Salmonella 129
Salmonellosis 130
Salpingectomy 272
Saltatory pattern 422
edema 324f
stimulation 307
dehiscence 311, 313
intraoperative finding of 259f
integrity of 259
rupture 264
incidence of 310
tenderness 264
thickness measurement 258f
Screening test 354, 357
Sebaceous gland activity 136
causes of 38
effects of 78
refractory 42
Sellheim spoon 305
Sensorineural deafness 145
Sepsis 85, 313
Septostomy 235
Serine protease 328, 330
Serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 267, 268
Serum glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase 72, 87, 103
pyruvic transaminase 32, 72, 87
Serum integrated test 356
Severe malaria 111, 111b, 114
management of 113, 113t
Severe preeclampsia 32b, 33, 34, 37
complications of 36
Sexual arousal in women 437, 438b
Sexually transmitted infections 267
Sheehan's syndrome 194
Shirodkar's cerclage 171
Shirodkar's operation, modifications of 172
Shirodkar's stitch 171f
Shirodkar's technique, modified 172
Shock 119, 193, 378
circulatory 111
hemorrhagic 331, 342, 344
hypovolemic 84, 194, 342
profound 123fc
septic 331
septicemic 84, 114
severe hemorrhagic 342
Shoulder dystocia 55, 180, 374
Sickle cell
anemia, risk of 18
crisis 15
management of 18
disease 15, 16fc
categories of 15t
diagnosis of 16
effects of 17
management of 16
types of 15
Sickling syndromes 15
Sildenafil 333, 431
citrate 431, 438t
contraindications 431
history 431
in gynecology 437
in obstetrics and gynecology 431
indications under trial 432b
mechanism of action 431, 432f
role of 434, 436
uses of 432b
in intrapartum fetal distress, role of 435
in obstetrics 431
on endometrial vasculature, mechanism of action of 437fc
on maternal hemodynamics, effect of 436
Silicone plastic cuff 169
Simple flat pelvis 314
Single-stranded ribonucleic acid 100
Singleton pregnancy 362t
Sinusoidal pattern 423, 423f
causes of 423
Skeletal malformations 279
Skin 277
diseases 134, 135
Small for gestational age 72, 206, 207, 209, 212
prevention of 213
Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 329
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 221, 393
Sodium nitroprusside 34
Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 30
Somersault maneuver 352, 352f
Somnolence 40
Sonographic assessment methods 360
Sonography 219
Sore nipples 136
Spalding sign 218, 219
Speech, slurred 40
Sphingomyelin 179
Spider angiomas 135
Spider nevi 135
Spinal analgesia 347
Spinal anesthesia, disadvantages of 306
Spine 314
hyperflexion of 219f
Spleen, ultrasonogram of 20
Splenic avulsion 279
Split pelvis 314
Spondylolisthesis 314
Staphylococcus aureus 407
Stenosis, pulmonary 25
Step-wise sequential test 356
Steroids 238
antenatal 383
Stillbirth 55, 213, 215, 401
previous history of 216
Stomatitis 271
Stress 151
psychological 150, 230
Striae distensae 135
Strider trial, study design of 434fc
Subarachnoid block 342
Subcutaneous drain 375f
Subepithelial stroma 165
Succinylcholine 345
Sudden obstetric collapse syndrome 328
Sulfonylureas 59
Superfecundation 226
Superfetation 226
Superficial inferior epigastric veins 303
Supportive therapy 342
Supraglottic airway device 342
Suprapubic pressure 181
Surgery 396
cardiac 26, 348
Suyajna Joshi's classification 40
Swansea criteria 106
Swine flu 119
Symphysial fundal height 208, 212
measurement 208
Symptomatic biliary disease 108
Synthetic progestins 392
Syphilis 222, 361
detection and treatment 222
Systemic corticosteroids, short course of 139
Systemic lupus erythematosus 31, 37, 73, 91, 159, 216, 364
evidence of 88
Tachyarrhythmia 422
Tachycardia 264, 278, 380
supraventricular 142
symptoms of 293
Tacrolimus 402
Tardive dyskinesia 280
tCAN syndrome 351, 353
Telemedicine 426
Tetanus 336, 337
diphtheria-influenza 337
toxoid, doses of 337
Tetralogy of Fallot 25
Thalassemia 20
types of 20
Theca lutein cysts 293
Thiamine 279
Thiazides 89
Thick subcutaneous tissue 374f
Thiopentone 345
Thoracic masses 324
Thrombocytopenia 31, 32, 86, 87, 201, 204
drugs producing 89, 89t
gestational 87
heparin-induced 87
idiopathic 37
pregnancy-associated 87t
Thromboembolism, venous 371
Thrombophilia 31, 47, 190, 216
Thromboplastins, release of 84
Thromboprophylaxis 283
postpartum 18
role of 21
Thrombosis, prevention of 93
Thrombotic pulmonary embolism 331
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 37, 87, 107
Thromboxane 47
Thyroid 20
autoantibodies 68
cancer 68
disorders 63, 65, 68, 68t
signs of 65t
symptoms of 65t
dysfunctions 348
function test 279
hormones 63t
nodules 68
stimulating hormone 63, 64, 67, 218, 276, 292
storm 66, 293
Thyroidectomy, subtotal 66
Thyroiditis, postpartum 63, 64, 68
Thyrotoxicosis 422
gestational transient 66
Thyroxine 63, 218
Tigabine 80
Tissue ischemia 308
Tocolysis 381
aim of 153
prophylactic 152, 238
Tocolytic agents, use of 153
Tongue bites 38
Tonic-clonic seizure 81
Topiramate 80
Total iron
binding capacity 3
dose, calculation of 7
Total parenteral nutrition 284
Total triiodothyronine 63
Tourniquet test 115
Toxic nodule 65
Toxoids 336
infection 143
prenatal treatment of 148
Toxoplasmosis 95, 222
congenital 144
other agents, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex 141, 324, 362, 363
fetal implications of 141
infection, ultrasound features of 143t
management of 144t
Tracheloplasty 173
Tranexamic acid 344
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 250
Transfusion transmitted infection 4
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 105
Transmission, routes of 141t
Transplacental route 141
Transplant recipients planning pregnancy, criteria for 402, 402b
Transvaginal route 170
Transvaginal scan 362
Transvaginal ultrasound 166, 184
cervical length 167
Trauma 190
abdominal 200
history of 341
Traumatic rupture 311
Trendelenburg position 170
Trichomonas vaginalis 159
Tricuspid valve diseases 25
Triiodothyronine 63, 218
Trimethadione 80
Trimethobenzamide 280, 282
Triple test 355
Trisomy 18 354
Trisomy 21 354
Trophoblast, solid mass of 269
Trophoblastic invasion
abnormal 30f
normal 29f
Trophoblastic lesions, benign 287
Tryptase, serum 330
Tubal pregnancy
diagnosis of 268
unruptured 268
Tuberculosis 95
Tubular necrosis, acute 279
epithelioid trophoblastic 290
gestational trophoblastic 287
necrosis factor
alpha agents 94
expression of 30
Twin 365
gestation 307, 425
intrapartum management of 241
peak sign 228f
pregnancy 200, 233f
reversed arterial perfusion 231, 232f
management of 232, 233fc
to-twin transfusion 233f
syndrome 216, 228, 230, 232, 234, 323, 326, 364, 366
Typhoid 128
clinical features of 128f
fever 128, 129
control of 130
laboratory diagnosis of 129
management of 130
Ulcer, venous 397f
Ultrasonography 178, 236, 237, 258f, 260
transvaginal 250, 268
Ultrasound 225, 228
examination 228
indicated cerclage 167, 170
role of 21
transabdominal 166
transperineal 166
Umbilical artery 210, 353
Doppler velocimetry 210
single 208
Umbilical blood
flow, obstruction of 378
sampling, percutaneous 89
Umbilical cord
cysts 208
dimensions 176
formation 350
hematoma 204
knots 208
problems 236
prolapse 378
Uncomplicated malaria 111, 113t
treatment of 112
United Nations Children's Fund 95
Universal ultrasonography 209
Universal vaccination 101
Urgent emergency surgery 344
Uric acid, serum 47
Urinary abnormalities 326
Urinary calcium excretion 47
Urinary fistula 313
Urinary kallikrein 47
Urinary tract infection 32, 54, 150, 152, 159, 379
Urine examination 32
Urogenital defects 79
Urogenital infection 158
Uropathy, obstructive 73
Ursodeoxycholic acid 103, 138
Urticaria 139
activity 264, 309
anomalies 216
artery 47f, 210, 212
Doppler velocimetry 214
atony 341
bleeding, abnormal 389
conditions 399
contraction 164, 416, 417
excessive 422
stimulation of 248
decompression, sudden 190
exteriorization 305
hyperstimulation 255
incision closure 305
leiomyoma 190
overdistention 151
perforation 292
rupture 216, 255, 310, 311
classification of 310
diagnosis of 312
incidence of 310
mechanism of 311
risk of 309
sign of 309
scar 183
assessment of 260
classification 260
healing of 259, 308
rupture 259
transplant 399
trauma 328
Utero nutritional deprivation 213
Uteroplacental apoplexy 194
Uteroplacental blood flow, obstruction of 378
Uteroplacental insufficiency 432
Uteroplacental vessels 380
absence of 399
anatomic abnormalities of 151
bicornuate 165
evacuation of 292
inversion of 342
multiparous 311
normal 311
nulliparous 311
overdistension of 151
rupture of 310, 313
scarred 221, 310
septate 165
site of 184
subinvolution of 54
subseptate 165
ultrasound image of 258f
unscarred 220, 311
Vaccination, guidelines for 338t
Vaccine 128, 336
Vaginal antiseptics, use of 171
Vaginal birth after cesarean 221, 257, 258, 261, 262, 308, 376
fetal benefits of 258
maternal risks of 259
selection for 308
success, predictors of 260
Vaginal bleeding 264, 309, 379
Vaginal delivery 36, 55, 74, 193
benefits of 257
management of 238fc
Vaginal examination 264, 312, 319
Vaginal infections, treatment of 152
Vaginal pessary 252
Vaginal progesterone 168, 393
Vaginal spotting 271
Valproic acid 80, 89
Valvular lesions 24
Vanishing twin 230
Varicella 125
infection 126
contact, management of 127fc
immunoglobulin 127
virus 126f, 127, 128
Varicose vein 395, 397f
postpregnancy, development of 397
treatment of 396
Variolae vaccine 336
effects of 336
Vasa previa 208, 216
Vascular endothelial injury 84
Vascular resistance dysfunction 47
Vasopressin 29, 333
Vasopressors, utilization of 333
Velamentous cord insertion 208
Venereal disease research laboratory 325
Ventricular failure, acute right 333t
Ventricular septal defect 25, 80, 146
Vertical transmission, risk of 118
Very low birth weight 405
Vibroacoustic stimulation test 426
Villous choriocarcinoma 289
Vincristine 297
Virchow's triad 84f
Viscoelastic signs 344
Visual disturbances 32
B1, water-soluble 279
B12 11t
deficiency 12, 14
metabolism of 11
K 138
V 431
Vitiligo 137
Vomiting 271, 276, 278, 279, 393
antiemetic drugs for 282t
causes of 281fc
differential diagnosis of 278b
fetal effects of 279
therapeutic treatment of 281fc
von Willebrand disorder 90
Warfarin 25
Warning signs 118, 152
Water immersion technique 396
Water shaker bath pasteurizer 407f
Weight gain 229
gestational 237
Weighted Bishop's score 250
Weiner system 198
Weinstein scoring system 262, 262t
Wernicke's encephalopathy 278, 279
Wharton's jelly 350
Whipple's disease 12
White blood cell 117
Widal test 130
Woods screw maneuver 181
World Health Organization 1, 27t, 46, 63, 101, 295f, 296f, 404
Classification, modified 27
partogram 418f
Wound dehiscence 313
Wurm's cervical stitch 173, 173f
Zahara prediction score 26, 26t
Zavanelli-O'leary maneuver 181
Zhange guidelines 419
coproporphyrin 3, 330
supplementation 48
Zona spongiosa 158
Zygosity 225
Chapter Notes

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High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery
High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery
Second Edition
Editor-in-Chief Hemant Deshpande MD Professor and Head Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr DY Patil Medical College and Hospital Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Pune, Maharashtra, India Associate Editor Priyanka A Dahiya MD Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College Karnal, Haryana, India Foreword Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery
First Edition: 2011
Second Edition: 2021
Printed at
Contributors Foreword
Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Health and Social Care Science
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
+44 7710470270
Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran PhD DSc FRCS FRCOG
Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Room 1.126, First Floor Jenner Wing
I am delighted to provide the foreword for this excellent textbook on High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery edited by Professor Hemant Deshpande. He does not need an introduction to the maternity care audience. I had the privilege of lecturing alongside him in conferences and listened to his clear dispensation of the subject with organized thought process. This ability is reflected in the editorial process in producing this textbook. This book with 52 chapters provides a comprehensive cover of all the topics in ‘High Risk Pregnancy’ that one should know. The book starts with problems of various types of anemia followed by endocrine, medical, obstetric and infective disorders encountered in managing any pregnancy. The final chapters deal with difficult and complex problems of managing a pregnancy after solid organ transplant and oncofertility and pregnancy after malignancy. There are special chapters on Intensive Care and Human Milk Banking. With such an extensive coverage the readers can get the knowledge needed in ‘High Risk Pregnancy’ from this one dedicated textbook alone.
I must congratulate the well-renowned authors who have tackled each of the subjects well. The designation of authors indicate that almost all of them are senior Professors and Heads of departments. Accordingly the chapter not only reflect the evidence-based practice but also provides suggestions based on their wisdom of experience. The chapters are well-written and comprehensively illustrated with figures, photographs and imaging pictures. There are tables and algorithms and important points given in concise bullet format. This makes it easy for the readers to understand and remember the subject. The chapters have the recent references that provides the readers with the up-to-date knowledge.
This textbook should be in the hands of every health professional who practices obstetrics/maternity care. It is a valuable asset to postgraduates and clinicians at consultant level. Special credit must be given to Professor Hemant Deshpande who has undertaken the great effort in bringing this book for the health care personal to serve our patients better.
Yours sincerely
Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
Past President of the RCOG (07-10), FIGO (12-15) and BMA (14-15)
Preface to the Second Edition
“Knowledge is an addiction, the more you get, the more you want”
It gives us immense pleasure to bring to you the second edition of High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery after great success of the first edition. Medical knowledge is constantly changing and in this constantly evolving field, need for upgradation of existent knowledge exists. Since the publication of first edition in year 2011, there have been constant changes in treatment, procedures and protocols in management of high risk obstetrics cases all over the world. Here we have tried to incorporate the basic facts along with latest developments in the field.
This book examines full range of high risk pregnancy problems and offers latest management options to prepare the students and clinicians for day-to-day challenges and saves your time in addressing them. Nationally proclaimed authors have employed evidence-based management approach throughout and explore series of options to equip you to select the most appropriate option for each patient. The topics are organized in a fashion that illuminates the principle of thinking and application correlation, which is the tool with which we approach clinical case scenarios.
“Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power”
—Horace Mann
We are deeply honored and thankful to all the contributors who took out time from their busy schedule and contributed their valuable part in this book.
It is a sincere hope that readers will find this second edition both informative and supportive.
Hemant Deshpande
Priyanka A Dahiya
Preface to the First Edition
You see things; and you say ‘Why?’
But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?’
—George Bernard Shaw
Medical knowledge is constantly changing. In this constant changing world, it gives me an immense pleasure to introduce the first edition of my book High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery. Editing and publishing the first edition of the book has been, to me, just like bringing a new life into this world. Though there have been constant changes in the treatment, procedures and other protocols in managing the patients with high risk all over the world and in this book I have tried to incorporate all the basic facts along with the recent knowledge.
This book is aimed for not only undergraduates and postgraduates but also for the practicing clinicians who also encounter these complications in their day-to-day practice.
The contributors of this book are highly acclaimed obstetricians from renowned medical institutions, who have acclaimed their fort in this field.
Over the course of 24 chapters, most of the clinically important aspects of pregnancy-associated risks are covered, ranging through the overall antenatal till the puerperal and further management of the same. It is clear that the book has been written by all experienced obstetricians, as the topics are organized in a fashion that illuminates the principle of thinking and application correlation, which is the tool with which obstetricians approach clinical problems.
I am deeply honored and thankful to all my colleagues who have taken out time from their busy schedules and contributed their part in this book and to my family for their utmost support and patience.
I have been very careful and have tried to make this book very informative, but all suggestions will be welcomed.
Hemant Deshpande
We are especially thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Dr Rajul Jain (Development Editor) and the publishing staff at Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for their work in completing this book successfully.