Approach to Clinical Endocrinology through Selected Cases Pramila Kalra, Chandar Mohan Batra
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abdomen 108
contrast-enhanced computed tomography of 128
noncontrast CT scan of 66f
Absolute androgen deficiency 153
Acetylcholine 41
Acid loads 110
Acidosis 75, 110
Acne 187
Acromegaly 33, 35, 42, 121
coassociation of 38
complications of 35
diagnosis of 35
treatment modalities of 36
Adenohypophysis 24
Adenoma 1
Adrenal disorders 8, 71
Adrenal failure 71
Adrenal hyperplasia
primary 121
unilateral 134
Adrenal insufficiency 26, 30
Adrenal venous sampling 133, 138
Adrenarche 168
Adrenocortical tissue 68f
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 5, 22, 36, 40, 76, 134, 174, 189
Aggressive saline infusion 2
Alanine aminotransferase 75
Aldosterone 134, 135
deficiency 112
hypersecretion 137
adenoma 134
adrenocortical carcinoma 134
Aldosteronism, primary 138
Alendronate 162
advantages of 118
disadvantages of 118
replacement 119
therapy 117, 118
Alkaline phosphatase 109, 182
Alpha fetoprotein 144
Altered mental status 78
Altered sensorium 8
Amenorrhea 180, 181
hypothalamic 189
secondary 183, 189
American Diabetes Association 192
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 187
American Thyroid Association 82
Amiloride 110
Aminoaciduria, generalized 109
Amiodarone 75
Amitriptyline 42
Amlodipine 151
Ammonium chloride 110
Anabolic steroids 154
Excess Society 187, 193
receptor defects 153
resistance syndromes 154
Anemia 22, 69
Anesthesia 106
converting enzyme inhibitors 110, 112
receptor blocker 110
Anorexia 23
Anovulation 187
Anterior pituitary hormone 5, 40
Antiandrogens 152
Anticoagulation therapy 4
Antidiuretic hormone 9, 27
Antihypertensive drugs 158
Anti-Müllerian hormone 173, 182, 184
Anti-ovarian antibodies 184
Antipsychotics 45
drug 91, 92
peroxidase 182
Antitubercular treatment 56
Apoplexy 2, 3f
Arginine 28
vasopressin 9, 16, 28
activity 155
excess syndrome 153
Arrhythmia 82
Arterial blood
gas 79
volume 15
Arthritis 35
Aseptate 59f
Aspartate aminotransferase 66
Asthenia 23
Ataxia telangiectasia 181
Atrial natriuretic peptide 15, 16
adrenalitis 184
antibodies 48
oophoritis 183
polyglandular syndromes 184
thyroiditis 75
Autonomously functioning ovarian follicular cysts 176
Avogadro's number 9
Axillary hair 142, 168
growth of 168
Azotemia 77
Backache 33
Basal luteinizing hormone 168
Beta-thalassemia 68
Bicalutamide 153
Bile duct hyperplasia 35
Biopsy tissue, histopathological examination of 59f
Bisphosphonates 104
therapy 104
Bitemporal hemianopia 41
Blepharophimosis 181
Blindness 95
biochemistry 122
collection 135
pressure 85, 132, 151
transfusions 65
urea nitrogen 10, 75
vessels, constriction of 12
Blue sclera 99f
Blurred vision 88
Body mass index 47
Bodyaches 108
Bone 98
mineral density 98, 130, 158, 175
Bradycardia 22, 77
contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of 41f
magnetic resonance imaging of 2, 3f
natriuretic peptide 15, 16
noncontrast CT scan of 57f
Breast 151, 164
atrophy 22
buds, development of 168
cancer 184
carcinoma, metastatic 42
development 169
tanner stage of 168
enlargement 152, 170
progressive enlargement of 168
ultrasound of 156
Brittle bone disease 100
Bromocriptine 45
Cabergoline 45
macules 123, 124
spots 121
Calcineurin 112
Calcirol 183
carbonate 182
chloride 110
serum 182
Cancer 164
Carbonic anhydrase 2 deficiency 111
Carcinoma, bronchogenic 13
Cardiac function 79
Cardiomegaly 77
Cardiovascular disease 163
Cardiovascular dysfunction 79
Carpal tunnel syndrome 35
Central nervous system 16, 63, 76, 147, 169, 170
Central precocious puberty 145, 147, 169
Central venous pressure 17, 78
Cerebellar dysfunction 181
Cerebral function 76
Cerebral hepatoma 95
Cerebral salt wasting 8, 12, 16, 17
Cerebrospinal fluid leak 95
Cerebrovascular accidents 75
Chemotherapy 60
surgery 42
wall trauma 42
Chlorpromazine 42
Cholesterol, serum 188
Cholestyramine 110
Choriogonadotropin receptor 191
Cimetidine 152, 153
Cirrhosis 30, 42
hepatic 153
Citalopram 160
Clinical activity score 90t
Clonidine 28, 159
Coitus 42
Color vision 85
Colorectal cancer 35
Columnar epithelium 59f
Coma 8
Combined oral contraceptives 192
Complete blood count 79
Computed tomography 67, 136
Confusion 8
acute-onset 21
Conjugated estrogen 165, 167
Constipation 101
Corneal exposure 95
Coronal sections, panoramic reconstructions of 66f
Coronary artery
bypass grafting 4
disease 82
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 4, 27
deficiency, replacement of 29
serum 182
Cranial nerve 4
Craniopharyngioma 42
C-type natriuretic peptide 15
Cubital fossa 138
Cushing's disease 132
Cushing's syndrome 121, 132, 187
Cycloheximide 62
Cyproterone acetate 174
Deep vein thrombosis 30
Defective thermoregulation 78
ambisome therapy 62
use of 72
Dehydration 17
Dehydroepiandrosterone 29
sulfate 171, 173, 188
Delayed puberty 68, 69
Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide 15
Denosumab 163
Dental malocclusion 101
Dentinogenesis imperfecta 100f, 101
Depression 189, 193
in young 47, 49
insipidus 25
mellitus 35, 47, 52t, 6870
management of 48
post-transplant 55
type 1 52
type 2 47, 52, 189
secondary 65
Dialysis 153
Diarrhea 108, 110
Dihydroepiandrostenedione sulfate 144
Dihydrotestosterone 157
Diplopia 1, 2, 92, 95
Distal convoluted tubule 16
Distal renal tubular acidosis 108
causes of 111
clinical manifestations of 116
major causes of 111t
management of 117
Domperidone 42
antagonists 42, 45
depletors 42
receptor agonist, withdrawal of 4
Drowsiness 21, 74
Drugs 110, 153
Dry skin 181
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 71
Dydrogesterone 167
Dynamic pituitary function tests 4
Dysgerminoma 42b
Dyslipidemia 171, 189, 192, 193
Dysplastic lesions 124
Dysuria 158
Echinocandins 60
Ectopic production 42
Edema, subcutaneous 59f
Effective arterial blood volume 16, 17
Electrocardiography 75, 79
Embryo cryopreservation 185
complications, prevention of 72
disorders 65
dysfunction 72
Endocrinopathy, pathophysiology of 69
Endometrial hyperplasia 184
Endometrium 164
Epicanthus inversus syndrome 181
Eplerenone 139
Erectile dysfunction 44
Erythroid precursors 68f
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 108
Estradiol 165, 167, 182
Estrogen 41, 42, 151, 184
deficiency 183
formulations 167
producing tumors 154
therapy 4
European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy 89, 90
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group 61
European Society of Cardiology 132
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 187
Euvolemic hyponatremia 27
Exaggerated thelarche 171
Excessive tearing 88
Exercise 42
Exogenous estrogens 153
Exophthalmos 181
Extracellular fluid 11, 19
Extraocular movements 85
abnormalities 181
adjustment surgery 95
malposition 95
Fabry's disease 37
Facial acromegaloid features 34f
Familial male precocious puberty 147
Fanconi syndrome 119
clinical findings of 116
Fatigue 8, 26
Feminizing adrenal tumor 173
Ferriman–Gallwey score 189
Fever 22
Fibrous dysplasia 121, 122f, 124
Fine facial wrinkling 22
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 128
Fluid replacement 26
Flutamide 192
Follicle-stimulating hormone 5, 22, 34, 144, 147, 154, 159, 173, 180
serum 144
Follicular cysts 173
Fragile X mental retardation 1 181
Free thyroxine 5, 30, 144, 156
Free triiodothyronine 156
Free water excretion 12
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery 58f
Functional ovarian hyperandrogenism 171
Fungal hyphae 57f
Furosemide-fludrocortisone test 114
G protein-coupled receptor 170
Gabapentin 160
Galactorrhea 189
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 41
Gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss 110
Gastrointestinal bleeding 75
Gastrointestinal tract 59
Genitalia 144
Genome-wide association studies 191
Gentamycin 62
Germ cell tumors 155, 156
Gestational age 175
adrenal 67f
progressive atrophy of 29
Glandular tissue, enlargement of 151
Glasgow coma scale 4, 8, 21, 74
Glomerular filtration rate 76, 79
Glucocorticoid 5, 139
resistance 187
therapy 81
Glucose 11
Glucosuria 109
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 49
Goiter 181
Gonadal dysgenesis 180
Gonadoblastoma 42
Gonadotropic hormones 36
Gonadotropin 70, 152
independent precocious puberty, treatment of 149
releasing hormone 4, 144, 145, 154, 169, 170, 173, 176, 191
agonist 144, 145, 148, 174, 175, 176t
dependent sexual precocity 170
independent sexual precocity 170
Goserelin 176
G-protein-coupled receptors 121
Gram-stain 21
colony stimulating factor 62
transfusion 62
Granulomatous disorders 42
Granulosa cell tumors 154, 155, 173
Graves' disease 85, 96
Graves' hyperthyroidism 95
Graves' ophthalmopathy 8588, 90, 91, 93
clinical features of 88
diagnosis of 88
differential diagnoses of 88
epidemiology of 86
management of 89
natural history of 87
occurrence of 87
pathogenesis of 86
progression of 89
Graves' orbitopathy 86f, 96
hormone 26, 27, 30, 31, 33, 35, 40, 65, 104, 105, 122, 148, 149, 151, 152, 175
releasing hormone 28, 35, 69
velocity 72
Gynecomastia 151157
causes of 152
diagnostic evaluation of 155
drug-induced 151, 153
etiology of 153b
management of 156
mechanism of 156
nontumor causes of 155
pathological 154
physiological 154
refeeding 153
Haloperidol 42
Hamartoma, hypothalamic 146
Hashimoto encephalopathy 75
Hashimoto thyroiditis 181
injury 8
trauma 4, 42
Headache 40
acute-onset severe holocranial 1
and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study 163
disease 133
coronary 163
enlarged 35
failure 35
congestive 75
Hematocrit 17
Hematoxylin and Eosin stain 68f
Hemoglobin 67
glycosylated 47
Hemorrhage 3
acute 1, 2f, 3f
subacute 2, 2f, 3f
subarachnoid 8
Heparin 110, 112
Hepatitis 30
Hernia 101
Herpes zoster 42
Heterosexual precocious puberty 143
Hiccoughs 8
Hip 161
Hirsutism 187
Histiocytosis 42
Hormone replacement therapy 135, 159, 161, 164166
Hot flushes 158
Human chorionic gonadotropin 144
secreting tumors 153
Human leukocyte antigen 47
Hydration, intravenous 5
Hydrocortisone, intravenous 2
Hydroelectrolytic disorder 8
Hydroxyprogesterone 144, 173
Hyperaldosteronism 132
familial 134, 140
primary 132, 134, 138fc, 129
Hyperalimentation 110
Hyperandrogenemia 187
Hyperandrogenism 187
Hypercalcemia 127
exacerbate myxedema coma 75
Hypercalciuria 109, 111
Hypercapnia 75
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis 109
Hypercortisolism 125
Hyperglycemia, mild 50
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism 180
Hyperinsulinemia 190, 191
Hyperinsulinism 171
Hyperkalemia 77
drug-induced 110
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome 11
Hyperparathyroidism, secondary 185
Hyperphosphaturia 109
Hyperpigmentation 181
Hyperplasia, congenital adrenal 145
Hyperprolactinemia 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 187, 189
causes of 42b
drug-induced 45
etiology of 41
management of 40
Hypertension 35, 38, 55, 132134
systemic 4
uncontrolled 30
Hyperthermia, malignant 106
Hyperthyroidism 121, 125, 153
Hypoadrenalism 69
Hypoaldosteronism, hyporeninemic 109
Hypocalcemia 28
Hypocitraturia 111
Hypocortisolemia 4
Hypoglycemia 4, 22, 26, 7577
Hypogonadism 154
primary 153
secondary 153
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 44
Hypokalemia 28, 111, 118, 132, 134, 135
causes of 152
induced renal concentrating defect 135
Hypokalemic alkalosis 135
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, diagnosis of 151
Hypomagnesemia 28
Hyponatremia 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19fc, 22, 26, 27, 7577, 81
traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage 8
Hypoparathyroidism 69, 71
Hypophosphatemia 28
Hypophysitis, lymphocytic 30, 42
Hypopituitarism 22, 24
Hypotension 4, 22, 26, 77, 80
Hypothalamic disease 153
Hypothalamic-pituitary region, magnetic resonance imaging of 172
Hypothalamus 42
diseases of 42
infiltrative diseases of 42
Hypothermia 75, 77, 81
accidental 75
Hypothyroidism 42, 69, 70, 76, 83
postsurgical 75
primary 55, 146, 147f, 173
secondary 75
Hypoxemia 75, 76
Idiopathic central precocious puberty 142
Immunochemiluminometric assay 172
Impaired fasting glucose 191
In vitro fertilization 182
Indian Council of Medical Research 52
Infections 75, 153
Inferior vena cava 138
Infertility 44, 187
Inflammatory signs 90
Inner medullary collecting duct 16
like growth factor 5, 22, 35, 86, 122, 149, 151
resistance 190
tolerance test 28
Intact parathyroid hormone 108, 127
Intensive care unit 8
Intercurrent pulmonary infection 76
Intermittent severe headaches 2
International Network on Endocrine Complications in Thalassemia 72
Intracellular fluid 11
Intracranial tension 4
Intramuscular hydrocortisone 6
Intravenous glucocorticoid therapy
contraindications for 93
role of 92
Iron overload 66f, 70
Irradiation 42
Irregular menses 181
Isosexual precocious puberty 143
Karyotype 182
Ketoconazole 152
disease, chronic 55, 116
failure 35
function tests 36
stones 116
Klinefelter syndrome 153, 154
Labia minora, growth of 170
Lactation 42
Lactational failure 26
Lactotrophs 25
Laparotomy 68
Laser therapy 190
Latent autoimmune diabetes 47, 48, 53
Late-onset virilizing congenital adrenal hyperplasia 173
Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society and European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology 175
Lethargy 8
Leukemia 60
Leuprolide 172, 176
Levodopa 28
Levothyroxine 22, 29, 82
Leydig cell tumors 153, 154
Libido 44
Liposomal amphotericin B 62
Lithium carbonate 75
cirrhosis of 30
fibrosis 35
function tests 5, 36
high attenuation of 66f
Low adrenocorticotropic hormone 72
Low ammonia excretion 111
Low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 31, 192
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 31
Low-molecular-weight proteinuria 109
Luteinizing hormone 5, 22, 144, 147, 154, 173, 182, 188, 191
hypersecretion 191
releasing hormone 192
Macroadenoma 42, 46
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation 52
Magnesium sulfate 110
Magnetic resonance imaging 122, 133
Male pattern baldness 187
Mammography 156
Maturation, stages of 68f
Maturity-onset diabetes of young 47, 4951, 51t, 52, 53
Maxillary sinus 57f
McCune–Albright syndrome 121, 124, 147, 173, 176
Mean corpuscular volume 67
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 167, 174, 181, 182
Menarche 169, 181, 187, 189
Meningioma 42
Menopause 158, 159
diagnosis of 159
Menstrual disturbances 187
Mental status 79
Mercury thermometers 77
Metabolic acidosis, correction of 117
Metaphyseal bands 105, 105f
Metastasis 42
Metformin 192
Methimazole 125
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 24
Metoclopramide 42
Micronized progesterone 167
Micturition, frequent 158
Mineralocorticoid receptor 134
Missed abortion 127
Mixed defects 109
Monitoring gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy 148
Monotherapy 94
Morning basal cortisol 28
Mucormycosis 55, 58f, 59f, 60, 62, 63
pulmonary 61f
Multicentric microadenomas 130
Multiple endocrine adenomas 127, 129
Multiple pituitary hormone deficiency 27
Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification 129
Mycophenolate mofetil 55
Myeloid 68f
Myxedema 75
coma 74, 75, 78, 79, 83
diagnostic scoring system for 79t
screening tool 80t
Narcotics 75
Nasal cavity 57f
Nasolacrimal outflow obstruction 95
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 187
Nausea 23, 26
Necrotic tissue 58f
Neoplastic androgen secretion 187
Neuroendocrine tumor 128
Neurohypophysis 24
Neurointensive care unit 12
Neurological disease 13
Night sweats 158
Nonaccidental injury 106
Nonclassic adrenal hyperplasia 187
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 42
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 110, 112
Nontransferrin bound iron 69
Norepinephrine 41
Norethisterone 165, 167
Normal anion gap acidosis, causes of 110, 110t
Normal puberty 168, 178
physiology of 168
Normocytic normochromic anemia 28
Obesity 153, 187
Obstructive sleep apnea 133
Ocular dryness 88
Oculomotor nerves 4
Oligoanovulation 187
Oligomenorrhea 181
Oocyte cryopreservation 185
Ophthalmoplegia, external 4
Opioids 42
Oral contraceptive 135, 181
pills 192
low dose 159
Oral glucocorticoids 94
Oral glucose tolerance test 188
Oral sodium loading test 136
Oral thyroxine 2
Orbital cellulitis 95
Orbital decompression surgery 95
Orbital radiation therapy, indications for 94
Osmolality 9, 10, 17
serum 10
Osmolarity 9, 10
Osteogenesis imperfecta 98101, 103106
classification of 102
clinical features of 100
diagnosis of 101
differentiation of 106
pathophysiology of 103
Osteomalacia 116
Osteopenia 71, 185
Osteoporosis 69, 71, 161
Ovarian biopsy 184
Ovarian cysts 169
recurrent 124
Ovarian dysfunction 187
Ovarian failure 159, 180, 189
Ovarian follicles, loss of 158
Ovarian function, loss of 180
Ovarian hyperthecosis 193
Ovarian insufficiency, primary 180, 185
Ovarian teratoma 42
Ovarian tissue 185
Ovarian tumor 183
Ovary 158, 164
Oxytocin 41
Pain, abdominal 67
Pancreas 128f
Paralysis, periodic 108
Parathyroid 98
hormone 66, 182
serum 122
sestamibi scan 127
Parkinson's disease 181
Partial thromboplastin time 34
Pelvis 161
ultrasound of 182, 188
Perrault syndrome 181
Phenytoin 42
Pheochromocytoma 132
Phonophobia 40
Phosphorus 182
Photophobia 40, 88
Pituitary 1
adenoma 35, 121
apoplexy 1, 37
acute management of 5
clinical features of 4
incidence of 3
pathophysiology of 3
score 4
disease 153
gland, enlargement of 24
hyperplasia 147f
infarction 23
infiltrative diseases of 42
macro-adenoma 2, 2f, 3f
macro-edema 122f
mass, suprasellar extension of 42
stalk, disruption of 42
tumor 41f, 130
albumin 17
glucose 10
gonadotropins 173
potassium concentration 133
uric acid 17
Plurihormonal adenoma 42
Pneumonia 27
community-acquired 22
Pneumonitis 76
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 42, 43, 171, 183, 187, 189, 191
Polydipsia 28, 47
Polymyxin B 62
Polyuria 28, 47, 108
Postmenopausal syndrome 159
Postpartum hemorrhage 21
control of 29
Postpartum pituitary
failure 23
infarction, development of 23
Post-renal transplant 55
Potassium 10
salt 119
sparing diuretics 110
Prader orchidometer 143f
Precocious puberty 124, 142, 143, 145, 147f, 148150, 168, 169, 174
causes of 169
clinical features of 143
etiology of 146t
investigations for 144t
pathophysiology of 168
Pregnancy 4, 42
Premature adrenarche 171, 173
Premature ovarian
failure 180
insufficiency 185
Premature pubarche 169
Premature thelarche 169, 170, 173
Premenstrual syndrome 166
Progesterone 165, 166
Progressive hirsutism 187
Prolactin 22, 27, 33, 182
Prolactinoma 121
symptomatic 41
Prothrombin time 34
Proximal convoluted tubule 16
Proximal muscle weakness 108
Proximal tubular defect 109
Pseudocyesis 42
Ptosis 181
Pubarche 171
Pubertal delay 70
Puberty 142, 153
tanner staging of 144t
Pubic hair 144, 168
growth of 168
Puffy face 181
Radiation 153
therapy 4
Radioiodine ablation 92
Raloxifene 156
Random blood sugar 127
Random serum cortisol 5
Ranitidine 42
Rapid saline administration 110
Rathke's cleft cyst 42
Raynaud's phenomenon 33, 34f, 3638
primary 38
treatment of 38
Recurrent abortions 187
Red blood cells 75
Renal artery stenosis 133
Renal cell carcinoma 42
Renal disease 133
Renal failure 42, 43, 153
Renal insufficiency 110
Renal transplant 55
Renal tubular acidosis 108, 109, 111, 112, 113t, 114, 114t, 115, 120
causes of 111, 112t
characteristic feature of 110
etiology of 109
types of 109
Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system 9
Reserpine 42
Respiratory system features 77
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis 55
Rhizopus arrhizus 55
Rickets 116
Risperidone 42
Road traffic accident 8
Sabouraud dextrose agar 62
Sarcoidosis 42
Schirmer's test 108
Sedatives 75
Seizures 8, 42
Selenium supplementation, role of 91
Sellar surgery 42
Sensorineural hearing loss 116
Sensory loss, cutaneous 95
Sepsis 75
Serotonin 41
Sertoli cell tumors 153155
Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 152
Serum low-density lipoprotein, serum 188
Serum prolactin 36, 189
elevated levels of 40
measurement of 44
Severe hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis 116
Sex hormone-binding globulin 153, 191
Sex steroid concentration, serum 173
Sexual differentiation, disorders of 183
Sexual dysfunction 160
prevalence of 160
Sexual hair 170
Sexual precocity 168, 169, 173
causes of 170t
differential diagnosis of 173t
Sheehan's syndrome 21, 2327, 2931
clinical features of 26
development of 23
diagnosis of 22, 26
differential diagnosis of 30
prevalence of 23
Shock 26
necessitating blood transfusion 26
Short stature 68, 69
Sinus bradycardia 75
Sjögren's disease 181
Skeletal disease, systemic 161
Sleep 42
Small bowel drainage 110
Sodium 10, 12
metabolism 11
serum level of 8
Somatostatin 41
Somatotrophs 25
Somatotropin release inhibiting factor 36
Sparse sexual hair 22
Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy 142
Sphenoid bone 122f
Sphenoid extension 122f
Spine 161
Spironolactone 110, 139, 152, 153, 192
Splenectomy 68
Splenomegaly 67f
Steatorrhea 108
Steroids 92
hormone 134
supplementation 78
Strabismus, correction of 95
Stress 42
Suprasellar extension 2, 42
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 8, 19
secretion 27
Systemic lupus erythematosus 111, 181
Tacrolimus 55
Tamoxifen 156
Teriparatide 162
Testicular injury 154
Testicular trauma 153
Testicular tumors 147, 154
Testis 153
Testosterone 188
Thalassemia 65, 69
growth in 69
major 65, 68
Thelarche 168
Thermoregulatory dysfunction 79
Thrombocytopenia 28
Thromboembolism 184
Thyroid 33, 70, 74
associated orbitopathy 85
disease 91
dysfunction 187
eye disease 85
function 6
tests 172
hormone 83
replacement 78
status 93
stimulating hormone 5, 22, 36, 40, 65, 75, 85, 122, 144, 152, 188
Thyrotropinomas 42
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 4, 41
Thyroxine 22
Tibolone 162
Tonic-clonic seizures, generalized 8
Tonicity 9
Tranquilizers 75
Transsphenoidal surgery 36
Transthoracic echocardiography 75
Trauma 75
Triamterene 110
Triglycerides, serum 188
Trimethoprim 110, 112
Triptorelin 172, 176
True precocious puberty 173
Tuberculosis, pulmonary 55
Tumors 154
adrenal 147, 154, 169
adrenocortical 153
hypothalamic 42
size of 123f
Turner's syndrome 33, 181
UK Prospective Diabetes Study 48
Ultrasonography 67, 184
prenatal 101
Urea nitrogen, serum 17
Uric acid 17
fractional excretion of 17
anion gap 108
sodium 77
Urogenital atrophy 160, 162
Uterus, growth of 170
Vagina, dryness of 158
Vaginal bleeding 168
Vaginal delivery, spontaneous 142
Vasoactive intestinal peptide 41
Vasopressin 11
Venlafaxine 160
Venous thromboembolism 163, 165
Ventilatory support 80
Verapamil 42
Vision, dimness of 1
Visual acuity 4, 85
Visual field defect 4, 85
D deficiency 182, 185
D3 183
Vitiligo 181
Vomiting 26, 40
Voriconazole 60
Water metabolism, physiological regulation of 11
Weight 17
gain 187
loss 47
White blood cell 75
Women's Health Initiative Study 163
Wormian bones 100
Zoledronic acid 162
Zygomycosis 59
Chapter Notes

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