Manual of Echocardiography Navin C Nanda, Gültekin Karakuş, Aleks Değirmencioğlu
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdominal aorta 36f, 311
pulsed wave Doppler of 36f
Abdominal situs 311
Abdominal vessels 313f, 314f
Abnormally long eustachian valve 322
Acoustic enhancement 5
Acoustic shadowing 5
Acute myocardial infarction 136, 193
complications of 221
Adriamycin 272
Akinesia 220
Akinesis 185, 218
ALCAPA syndrome 163, 368, 370f
Amyloid 249f
cardiomyopathy 248
Amyloid cardiomyopathy 248
Amyloidosis 196, 240, 248, 249f
cardiac 193
Anderson-Fabry disease 240
Anemia, severe 196
Aneurysm, left ventricular 223f
Angina, exertional 105f
Angiography, normal coronary 262
Annulus reversus 289f
Anterior septal hypertrophy 238f
Anterolateral commissure 70f
unicommissural calcification of 69f
Anthracycline 248
ascending 41f, 49f, 354f
coarctation of 353, 354f, 355, 355f, 356
normal echo measurements of 128
proximal ascending 131f
Aortic aneurysm 128, 140, 142
ascending 131f, 322
complications of 131
Aortic annular region 128
Aortic annulus 8, 131f, 299f
Aortic arch 38f, 41f, 51, 52f
color flow Doppler of 38f
Aortic coarctation 142
Aortic cusp 119f
left 103f
non-coronary 103f
right 103f
Aortic diseases 128
Aortic dissection 37, 132, 135-137, 140, 140f, 142, 378
proximal 142
rupture of 140
Aortic elongation 322
Aortic jet velocity 99
Aortic lumen 132, 136
Aortic native valve infective endocarditis 299f
Aortic prosthesis 175, 374
Aortic prosthetic valve 172
Aortic regurgitation 11, 65, 93, 112, 117f, 120f, 122f, 142, 176, 216, 378
chronic 128
severe 236
Aortic root 21, 128, 129f, 183
abscess 120f, 298f
dilatation 210f
Aortic rupture 142
Aortic sclerosis 99, 378
Aortic stenosis 92, 93, 98, 235
evaluation of 102f
mild 99
pseudosevere 110f
severe 99, 110f
severity, classification of 99t
subvalvular 351f
supravalvular 352, 352f, 353f
Aortic syndrome, acute 140
Aortic transection 137, 140
Aortic ulcer, penetrating 140, 142
Aortic valve 27f, 35f, 37f, 41f, 47, 92, 93f, 94f, 96f, 98f, 105f, 106, 108f, 119f, 120f, 122f, 302f, 328f, 350f, 352f, 376, 378-380
area 99
planimetry of 103f
calcified 105f
closure, asymmetric 16f
cusps, perforation of 120f
morphology 5, 92
replacement 240
stenosis 97, 107f, 172, 240
superstructure of 141f
three cusps of 27f
trileaflet 130f
unicommissural unicuspid 95f
ventricular aspect of 298f
Aortic wall 95f
Aortopulmonary window 164
large 340f
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
cardiomyopathy 234
dysplasia 259, 260f
Arteriovenous malformations, pulmonary 323
proximal coronary 217f
right pulmonary 38f, 312, 340f
Ascites 220
Ascitic fluid 278
Atherosclerotic plaque 137
Athlete's heart 240, 240t
Atresia, short segment pulmonary 343f
Atrial pressure, estimation of right 152t
Atrial septal defect 13, 26, 66, 194, 292, 319f, 378-380
coronary sinus type of 325f
Atrial septal pouch 378
Atrial septum 45
color Doppler interrogation of 46f
Atrial situs solitus 311
Atrioventricular block, complete 75
Atrioventricular connection 316f
Atrioventricular discordance 367f
Atrioventricular valves 312, 316f, 320f
Axial resolution 1
Azygos system, enlargement of veins of 138
Balloon mitral valvuloplasty 68, 70
Barlow's syndrome 76
Basal chordae 74
Bernoulli equation 12
modified 99
Berry aneurysms 260f
Bicommissural calcification 68f
Bicommissural fusion 61f
Bicuspid aortic valve 16f, 93f, 94f, 119f, 351
congenital 106
stenosis 108f
Bileaflet mitral mechanical valve 179
Bioprosthetic mitral valve 171f, 173
Bland-White-Garland syndrome 368
cyst 375
pressure 222, 380
systolic 186
volume, severe depletion of 284
Branch pulmonary arteries 343f
Breath, acute shortness of 261
Broad-based right atrial appendage 315f
Bulboventricular loop 312
Carcinoid 374
disease 272f
syndrome 270
Cardiac abnormalities 258
Cardiac dysfunction 234
Cardiac motion 292
Cardiac resynchronization therapy 191, 194
Cardiac tamponade 278, 282f, 285
regional 284
Cardiomyopathy 234, 259
acute tachycardia induced 262
adriamycin-induced 273f
apical hypertrophic 295
chemotherapy-induced 272
diabetic 248, 257, 258f
dilated 241, 242f
familial 248
infiltrative 196
ischemic 72, 75, 219, 219f, 243, 243t, 244, 247f
nonischemic 72, 75, 244
dilated 243, 243t
primary 234
restrictive 66, 192, 247, 248, 291
septic 262
two hypertrophic 261f
Cardiotoxicity, chemotherapy induced 192
Caseous calcification 298
Cervical spine surgery 43
Chamber and great vessel identification 311
Chest pain 220
central 262
Chiari network 341, 373
Chin criterion 255
Chordal rupture 90
Chordomas 376
Coaptation depth 74
Color Doppler 9, 10, 24, 28, 39, 150, 161
criteria 80
examination 295
flow 293f
imaging 75f
mapping 25f, 150
propagation velocity 202f
M-mode examination 201
Commissural calcium 68
Commissure, posteromedial 69f
Computed tomography scan 135
Continuity equation 13
Continuity equation method 109
Continuous wave 64
Doppler 10f, 99, 145, 148f, 151, 162, 209f
signal 148
waveforms 107f
Conventional Doppler 8
Cor triatriatum 341, 344, 345f
Coronary artery 47, 312
aneurysms 368
anomalies 368
disease 196, 207, 229, 234
flow, normal left main 218f
left anterior descending 185f
right 185f, 215, 217f, 369
stenosis 215
Coronary sinus 368, 368f
drainage 368f
Crista terminalis 40f
Cystic medial necrosis 128
Cysts, pericardial 292, 293f, 310, 375
D’Cruz sign 286, 288f
Daughter cysts 309
Degenerative disease 71
Dextrocardia 311, 313f
Diabetes mellitus 196
Dilated cardiomyopathy 232
Diastolic dysfunction 98, 194, 236
Diastolic heart failure 66, 196, 207
etiologies of 196
Dimensionless index 104
Discrete subaortic membranous stenosis 240
Dissection flap, proximal extension of 141f
D-loop 312
Dobutamine stress echocardiography 109, 110, 110f, 111
different types of 8
echocardiography 8, 212
equation 8
gradients 12
mitral inflow 258f
principle 8
velocity waveform 147f
Double image artifacts 7
Double orifice mitral valve 347f
Double outlet right ventricle 360f
Doughnut appearance 304
Duchenne muscular atrophy 262
Dyskinesis 185, 218
Ebstein's anomaly 14, 356, 357f, 358
Echocardiography 90, 149, 160, 207, 243, 271
Edema, severe peripheral 156
Effusive constrictive pericarditis 290
Eisenmenger physiology 344
Eisenmenger syndrome 319, 344
Electrocardiogram 21, 94f, 235
Emphysema 322
Endocardial fibrosis 374
clinical findings of 373
infective 119
Endomyocardial diseases 248
Endomyocardial fibrosis 248, 251, 374
Endothelin receptor antagonists 344
Eosinophilic endomyocardial disease 322
Esophageal fistula, repair of 43
Esophageal intubation 43
Esophageal perforation 43
Eustachian valve 40f, 341, 373
Fabry's disease 248, 250, 250f
False-negative stress echo studies, causes of 231
False-positive stress echo studies, causes of 232
Fatty infiltration 248
Fibroelastoma 375
papillary 302f
Fibromas 375
Fibrosis, pulmonary 323
Fibrothrombotic growths, large 251
Filling pressures, assessment of left-sided 206fc
Fish-mouth appearance 61f, 70f
Fistula, arteriovenous 196
Fontan procedure 341
Fossa ovalis 319f
Frank-Starling mechanism states 195
Friedreich's ataxia 240
Fundamental imaging 3,4
Gallbladder 33
Gastrointestinal tract 376
Gaucher disease 248
Gerbode defect 334f
Gerbode ventriculer septal defects 333
Glycogen storage disease 248
Glycosphingolipids, deposition of 250
Grand-daughter cysts 309
Great arteries 311
congenitally corrected transposition of 311
corrected transposition of 367f
transposition of 363, 366f
Great vessels 312
Harmonic imaging 3, 4
defects, congenital 352
atherosclerotic 128, 207
congenital 192, 234, 311
ischemic 215
metastatic carcinoid 270
rheumatic 71, 98f, 146f
valvular 192
failure 191
muscle, progressive disease of 241
transplant 192
Hemangioma 375
left atrial 307f
Hematoma 374
intimal 132
intramural 132, 137, 138f
subadventitial 137
Hemiazygos system, enlargement of veins of 138
Hemochromatosis 248, 259
cardiac 259
Hemorrhage, subarachnoid 220
Hepatic vein 36f
diastolic flow 287f
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 323
Hiatus hernia 220, 309
Hockey stick, appearance of 61f
Hodgkin's lymphoma 272
Hurler syndrome 248
Hydatid cyst 216, 375
Hydrothorax, right 322
Hyperdynamic interventricular septal motion 122
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 248, 251, 295, 374
Hyperinflated lungs 20
Hyperkinesis 185
Hypertension 193, 234, 235, 240, 247, 260
chronic 197f
long-standing 128
pulmonary 145, 149, 152, 199, 240, 319, 333, 344
severe pulmonary 319, 327
systemic 240, 240t
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 107f, 196, 227, 235, 238f, 239f, 240
differentiation of 193
Hypertrophy 235
left ventricular 111, 197f
major patterns of 238f
right ventricular 237
Hypokinesis 185, 218, 220, 242f
Hypovolemia, acute 220
Infarction, right ventricular 227
Inferior vena cava 23f, 36f, 40f, 154f, 279, 280f, 311, 313f, 314f, 378
dilated 248
M-mode of 18f
Infiltrative disorders 248
Infundibular pulmonary stenosis, severe 343f, 359f
Interatrial septal aneurysm 323
Interatrial septum 26, 317
posterior 34f
International Stress Echo Complication Registry 232
Intravenous adenosine 262
Ischemic cardiomyopathy 75
Jenni criteria 255
Kawasaki disease 368
Kidney 33
disease, chronic 209f
Kinetic energy 106
Lambl's excrescence 300f, 373
Large ostium primum atrial septal defect 337f
Laryngeal spasm 43
Late diastolic tissue Doppler myocardial velocity 188f
Lateral resolution 2
Leaflet angle, posterior 73
Left atrial appendage 30, 45f, 78, 178f, 185f, 311, 378, 379
Left bundle branch block 220
Left coronary artery 217f, 218
flow 164
anomalous origin of 368
Left pulmonary
artery 41f, 49f, 312, 339, 339f, 340f, 343f
veins 45
aneurysm 221
endocardial border 4
outflow tract 7
long-axis view of 48f
short-axis view of 47f
Left ventricular
diastolic function 196
assessment of 202f
dyssynchrony 193
ejection fraction 109, 110f, 192, 194
end-diastolic pressure 210
grades of 203f
noncompaction 234, 254
outflow tract 22, 31f, 99, 120f, 122f, 170, 319, 353f
measurement of 102f
systolic dysfunction, early 193
systolic function 182, 210f
tissue Doppler velocities 188f
wall thickness, cut-off value of 235
Libman-Sacks endocarditis 59
Lipomas rhabdomyomas 375
Live three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography 270f
L-loop 312
Loeffler's endocarditis 254f
Loeffler's syndrome 251
Longitudinal strain 189f, 213
Low pressure tamponade 284
Lymphomas 376
Magnetic resonance imaging, cardiac 259
Main pulmonary artery 25f, 41f, 49f, 96f, 160f, 328f, 340f
bifurcation of 25f
Malignant tumor 376
Marfan syndrome 142
Masses 295, 373
cardiac 373t
extracardiac 309
Mean mitral gradient, measurement of 64f
Metallic mitral prosthesis 172, 175, 177f
Methemoglobinemia 43
Mid-systolic closure 14
Mimicking paravalvular metallic mitral valve prosthesis regurgitation 7
Mirror image artifacts 6
Mitral annular calcification, posterior 302f
Mitral annulus 189f
calcification 297
Mitral inflow 285
pattern 202
respiratory variation 291
Mitral leaflet 59, 73f, 77f
anterior 28f, 60, 61f
posterior 28f, 60, 73f, 77f
thickened 61f
Mitral native valve, anterior leaflet of 299f
Mitral obstruction 59
Mitral orifices, two distinct 60f
Mitral prosthesis dysfunction 180f
Mitral prosthetic valves 172
Mitral regurgitation 11, 64, 71, 75f, 81f, 82f, 88f, 105, 107f, 117f, 142, 178f, 222, 235, 378, 380f
diastolic 117f
Doppler velocity waveform 194
paravalvular 172, 178f
severe 71f, 72f, 77f, 85f, 247f, 321
central 81f
Mitral septal separation 14
Mitral stenosis 59, 61f, 66f, 125, 378
severity of 62t, 67t
Mitral valve 3f, 14, 28f, 59, 63f, 74f, 77f, 98, 122, 145, 146f, 175, 186, 256f, 297, 312, 336f, 347f, 357f, 376, 378, 379, 380f
accessory tissue of 351f
annulus 73f
area, normal 59
atrial aspect of 298f
closure 107f
disease, degenerative 71
displacement 75
estimation of 66f
flow velocity of 282f
level 61f, 70f
M-mode interrogation of 15f
myxomatous 77f
orifice 64, 67
prolapse 76, 77f
syndrome 71
prosthesis 6f
prosthetic 177f
replacement 178f
surgery 89
thickened 70f
transvalvular Doppler flow of 287f
M-mode echocardiography 13, 212
Mobile flaps 138
Morphological right atrium 311
Multiple ectopic beats 75
Mustard procedure 363
Myocardial fibrosis 259f
Myocardial involvement, early 192
Myocardial performance index 194
Myocardial viability 191
Myocardium, disease of 247
Myxoma 306f, 375
Neuromuscular disorders 220
Nitric oxide 344
Nonbacterial verrucous valvular lesion 59
Noninfiltrative disorders 248
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy 75
Normal left ventricle
diastolic dimensions 182
ejection fraction 206fc
function 182
systolic dimensions 182
Nyquist limit 11, 80, 90, 124, 150, 162
Obesity 20
Obstructive coronary artery disease 230f
Orifice area 60
effective 110f, 170
Oropharyngeal perforation 43
Papillary muscle
rupture 222, 227f
posterior displacement of 73f
Paradoxical systolic motion 185
Patent ductus arteriosus 116, 163, 338, 339, 339f, 378, 379
Patent foramen ovale 26, 222, 271, 321, 322, 378
Peak systolic velocity 148, 212
Pedal edema 270
Percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty 66
Pericardial disorders 275
Pericardial effusion 18f, 142, 275, 277
two-dimensional echocardiography of 276f
Pericardiocentesis 283f, 284
constrictive 16f, 66, 192, 285, 287f-289f
tuberculous 294
Pericardium 277f
normal 248
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 264, 270f
Pheochromocytoma 220
Phonocardiogram 94f
Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors 344
Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome 322, 322t
Plethora 280f
Pneumonectomy 322, 323
Positron emission tomography 244
Postmyocardial infarction 225f
ventricular septal rupture 224f, 226f
Poststenotic dilation 128
Post-thoracotomy 323
half time method 65f, 116, 147, 147f
recovery 106
systolic 248
Pressure half time
aortic regurgitation 116
mitral stenosis 65
Prostanoids 344
Prosthetic ball motion, normal 180f
Prosthetic dysfunction 175f
Prosthetic valve 166, 175, 178
obstruction of 166
Prosthesis patient mismatch 170
Proximal isovelocity surface area 55, 83, 84f, 150
method 89
Pseudoaneurysm 131, 142, 221, 299f
left ventricular 223f
Pseudohypertrophy 280, 283f
Pulmonary arterioles facilitate arteriovenous, dilatation of 324
Pulmonary artery 12, 20, 152, 254f, 272f, 317f, 330f, 343, 361f, 367f, 370f
end-diastolic pressure 26f
moderately elevated 248
systolic pressure 62, 199f
Pulmonary regurgitation 162f, 376, 378
flow velocities 26f
Pulmonary regurgitation
etiology 128
severity 161
Pulmonary stenosis 159f, 160f, 360f, 378
acquired causes of 159f
causes of 158
congenital causes of 158f
types of 158
Pulmonary valve 37f, 160f, 162f, 163f, 178f, 272f, 376, 378, 379
leaflets 157
Pulmonary vascular resistance 155, 327, 344
Pulmonary venous Doppler velocities 201f
Pulmonic valve 48f
continuous-wave Doppler of 26f
Pulse repetition frequency 9
Pulsed wave Doppler 10f, 111, 151, 162
Quadricuspid aortic valve 96f
Radial strain 187, 189f
Radiation 248
Real time three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography 148f, 307f
Real time two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography 302f
Regurgitant orifice 84f
effective 83
Relative wall thickness 186
Renal disease, end stage 208f
Resolution 1, 244
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 247, 286
Restrictive transmitral filling pattern 204f
Reverberation artifacts 6
Rhabdomyomas 375
Rheumatic involvement 59
Rheumatic mitral
stenosis 145
valve disease 71f
Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis 148f
diastolic collapse 18f
outflow tract 108f, 217f, 218
M-mode of 18f
Right ventricular
function 212
inflow-apical-outflow plane 37f
noncompaction, diagnosis of 255
outflow tract 25f, 48f, 93f, 96f, 103f, 119f, 160f, 169f, 318, 359f, 361f
Sarcoidosis 248, 258, 259f
cardiac 258
Sarcomas 376
Scleroderma 248
Sclerosis, tuberous 375
Seagull sign 75, 75f
Secundum atrial septal defect 317, 322f
Semilunar valves 312
Sepsis 220
Septal bulge, subaortic 238f
Septal defect 332f, 336f
Septal leaflet, downward displacement of 357f
Septal puncture 46f
Serotonin 374
Shadowing 5
Shunt lesions 317
Side lobe artifacts 8
Simpson's rule method, modified 183
Sinotubular junction 128, 131f
level of 353f
Sinus venosus atrial septal defect, type of 324f
Sinuses of Valsalva 21, 128, 131f, 333
Situs inversus 314f
Situs solitus 313f
Snoopy's nose 311
Spatial resolution 1
Speckle tracking echocardiography 186
imaging 213
Sphericity index 185
Spleen 33
St. Jude aortic valve 148f
St. Jude mitral prosthesis 169f
Stenosis 98, 368
coronary 192
level of 160
severe 147f, 353f
subaortic 348
valvular 377
pulmonary 342
Stenotic aortic valve, transesophageal three-dimensional reconstruction of 108f
Stenotic lesions 341
Stitch artifacts 7
Storage diseases 248
Strain 187
cardiomyopathy 192, 193
normal response of 231
study 232
echocardiography 227
Subaortic membrane 349f
Subclinical diseases, detection of 192
Subvalvular membranous stenosis 120
congenital 120
Superior vena cava 30, 40f, 46f, 49f, 77f, 318, 319f, 324f, 368f
Supramitral membrane, annular type of 346f
Supravalvular membrane 346f
Swan-Ganz catheter 222
Syncope 105f
Systemic diseases 374
Systolic anterior movement 235, 236
Systolic pulmonary artery pressure 152, 154f
evaluation of 155f
Systolic pulmonary venous flow 201f
Tachyarrhythmia 260
Tachykinins 374
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 193, 262, 263f
Tei's index 195f, 212
Temporal resolution 2
Tenting area 74
Tethering 73
Tetralogy of Fallot 120, 158, 342, 343f, 358, 359f, 360, 361f, 362f
Thebesian valve 373
Thoracic aorta, descending 51f, 138f, 139f, 278f, 339, 339f
Thoracic aortic aneurysms, causes of 128
Three-dimensional echocardiography 6, 176, 376, 377, 377t
advantages of 376t
disadvantages of 376t
Three-dimensional transthoracic
echocardiogram 92, 183, 255
echocardiographic assessment of valvular regurgitation 378t
echocardiography 148, 170
Thrombus 295, 373
disorders, connective 128
imaging 10, 186, 192
velocities 289f
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement 193, 194, 379
Transesophageal echocardiogram 5f, 102, 171
Transesophageal echocardiography 6, 68, 95f, 103f, 108f, 215, 216, 217f, 218, 379t
Transesophageal four-chamber view 298f
Transmitral diastolic
flow, early 204f
inflow 204f
velocity, early 206fc
Transmitral mean pressure gradient 64
Transpharyngeal examination 52
Transthoracic echocardiography 3f, 215
Transversal strain 187
Transverse arch 354f
Traumatic aortic rupture 140
Treadmill exercise 229
echocardiogram demonstrates ischemia 230f
Tricuspid annulus 29f
Tricuspid appearance 119f
Tricuspid leaflets 145
Tricuspid regurgitation 12, 22, 147, 148, 151f, 154f, 222, 279, 317, 322, 357f, 376, 378, 380
peak velocity 153f, 209f
Tricuspid stenosis 145, 148t, 151f, 378
Tricuspid valve 3f, 13, 22, 23f, 32f, 37f, 40f, 47, 145f, 146f, 251, 312, 316f, 336f, 357f, 376, 378, 380
annuloplasty 181
flow velocity of 282f
leaflets of 272f
regurgitation, severe 151f
septal leaflet of 332f
stenosis 146f, 148f
Tumors 373, 373t
cardiac 295
intracardiac 303
Two-dimensional echocardiogram 21f, 290f
Two-dimensional echocardiography 212, 288f, 313f-317f, 319f, 324f, 325f, 329f-332f, 334f, 337f, 339f, 340f, 343f, 345f-347f, 349f-354f, 359f-362f, 366f-368f, 370f, 376, 377
Two-dimensional transesophageal
echocardiogram 129, 178f
echocardiography 273f, 300f, 306f, 320f, 377
Two-dimensional transthoracic
aortic short-axis view 92
echocardiogram 129
echocardiography 40f, 41f, 60f, 62f, 68f, 69f, 71f, 72f, 77f, 81f, 85f, 105f, 141, 151f, 177f, 219f, 239f, 242f, 244, 247f, 249f, 250f, 254f, 256f, 259f, 260f, 272f, 302f, 377
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors 376
Ulcer, penetrating 137
area 148
cusp 300f
scallops of 76
Valvular disease 234, 251
Valvular regurgitation, quantitating 84f
Vein, right upper pulmonary 40f, 324f
Velocity vector imaging 186, 190f, 213
Vena contracta 79, 85f, 88f, 115f, 150, 378t
method 89
Vena contracta
mitral regurgitation 85
aortic regurgitation 114
Ventricular interaction 287f
Ventricular length during systole 189f
Ventricular septal defect 13, 328f, 330f, 332f, 337f, 350f, 359f, 360f, 362f, 367f, 378-380
acquired 32
apical muscular 331f
large inlet 332f
perimembranous 329f
types of 325f
Ventricular septal rupture 221, 222, 378, 379
Ventricular septum 14, 145
myocardium of 250f
Visceral familial myopathy 262
Wall motion
abnormalities 192, 243, 244
score index 185
Wall stress 186
Wilkin's score 69, 69t
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 220
Wood units 156
World Health Organization 234
Chapter Notes

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