An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine Archith Boloor, Anudeep Padakanti
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
A wave 18, 99
Abasia 306
Abdomen 157f
distention 135
irradiation 142
pain in 144
palpation of 160
percussion of 160
quadrants of 156, 157f
shape of 156
Abdominal aorta 11, 158, 159f
palpation of 11
Abductor digiti minimi 266f
Abductor lurch 304
Abductor pollicis brevis 260, 264f
Abulia 475
Abuse, drugs of 106
Acanthosis nigricans 452f
Accommodation reflex 225, 226
Achilles tendon
examination of 358
swelling over 358f
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 327, 329, 336
Acromegalic facies 392f, 455f
Acute diarrhea 142
causes of 142t
Acute dyspnea 65
causes of 65t
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 64, 480
Addison's disease 3, 155, 453f
Adductor femoris 267f
Adductor pollicis 260
Adenine 44
nucleotides 33
Adenoma sebaceum 198f, 452f
Adie's tonic pupil 226
Adventitious sounds 56, 87
Aegophony 89
Aerophagia 140
Agnosia 209, 475
types of 209
Agranulocytosis 155, 474
Agraphesthesia 478
Agraphia 476
Aguesia 239
Airflow obstruction 14, 62, 70
disease 429
partial obstruction of 66
Akathisia 311, 477
Akinesia 341
Akinetic mutism 475
Alar chest 71
moderately increased 473
severely increased 473
Alcohol 106, 154, 383
complications of 462
dependence syndrome 383
intoxication, acute 384
misuse, consequences of 384t
units of 461
use 461
withdrawal syndrome, features of 384
Alderman's gait 307
Alexia 476
Alkaline phosphatase 30
Allodynia 478
Alloesthesia 478
Alogia 382
Alopecia 348, 349f, 455f
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 155
Alveolocapillary junction 62
Ambu bag 441
American College of Rheumatology 362, 364
Amiodarone 402
Amitriptyline 402
Amnesia 204, 475
Amoss's sign 313, 313f
Anal sphincter tone 193
Analgesia 478
Anchovy sauce 61
Anemia 3, 6, 27, 28, 153, 466
aplastic 28
etiology of 28
hemolytic 28
Anesthesia 478
bilateral corneal 237
Angina 103, 372
abdominal 104
decubitus 103
linked 103
pectoris, grading of 484
sine dolore 104
stable 103
types of 103
unstable 103
Angiotensin receptor blockers 16
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 16, 60
Angular stomatitis 155
Anisosphygmia 6
clonus 276
right 276f
joint, examination of 358, 358f
reflex, demonstration of 274f, 275f
Anosmia 214
Anosognosia 479
Antalgic gait 306
Anterior chest 81f
wall 76
Anterior horn cell
disease 256
lesion involving 190
syndromes 330
Anterior spinal artery 326
syndrome 330
Anthem sign 20
Anthropometry 46, 109, 385
Antibodies, antinuclear 364
Anticitrullinated protein antibodies 363
Anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies 364
Antirheumatic drugs, disease-modifying 364
Anton syndrome 323
Anuria 473
Aorta, coarctation of 2
Aortic arch 422f
aneurysm 12
Aortic area 114, 118
auscultation of 129, 129f
percussion of 118
Aortic criteria 51
Aortic dissection 103
Aortic pulsations 114
Aortic regurgitation 2, 112, 114, 115, 118122, 125, 127, 128, 134, 362
murmur of 128
Aortic root dilatation 52f
Aortic stenosis 2, 110, 112, 114, 115, 119, 121, 122, 127, 128, 134
Aortitis 362
Apex 95, 133
abnormalities of 112
beat 468
displacement of 113
pulse deficit 6
demonstration of 6f
Aphasia 205, 206, 207fc, 475
Aphonia 475
Apical area, percussion of 83f
Apical impulse 73, 77, 111
mechanism of normal 112
shift, implication of 77
Apparent enophthalmos 221, 228
Appendicitis 147
Apprehension test 353
demonstration of 353f
Apraxia 209, 479
constructional 209, 479
ideational 209
ideomotor 209
Apraxic gait 305
Argyll Robertson pupil 225, 226f
reverse 225
circumference 15
span 48
measurements of 48
swing 307
Arrhythmias 6
cardiac 104, 106
Arterial blood
gas 32
pressure 14
Arterial pulse
assessment of 5
tracing 7f
Arterial spiders 151
anterior choroidal 324
brachial 11
Arthralgia 347
Arthritis 155, 347
acute gouty 359f
causes of 348
deforming 155
mutilans 355
Artificial sweetener 142
Ascites 2, 140, 151, 170
assessment for 172
causes of 170, 172
demonstration of 170
etiology of 169
grading systems of 170
praecox 170
signs of 173, 174f
Ascorbic acid 45
Aspartate aminotransferase 30
Aspergilloma 428f
Astasia 306
Astemizole 402
Asterixis 477
causes of 154
Asterognosis 478
Asthma 470
bronchial 2, 63
Asynergia 295
Ataxia 2, 188, 294, 300, 479
telangiectasia 199
treatable causes of 302
types of 300
Ataxic gait 304, 304f
Atelectasis, differential diagnosis of 424
Athetosis 309, 477
Atrial enlargement, right 423
Atrial fibrillation 6, 396
Atrial flutter 397
Atrial infarction 394
Atrial premature beat 398
Atrial repolarization 394
Atrial septal defect 2, 110, 114, 115, 120, 122, 134, 399, 434f
Atrial thrombus 130
Atrioventricular node 393
Atrium, right 422f
Atrophy 482
Auscultation 56, 85, 95, 118, 119f, 157
Auscultatory percussion 82, 173
Ausculto-percussion method 162, 163f
Austin Flint murmur 129
Autoimmune 155
Autonomic dysfunction 181, 192, 316, 316t
Autonomic nervous system 187, 314
Autosomal recessive
disorders 461t
transmission 460f
Avellis’ syndrome 322
Axilla 81, 119
Axillary lymph nodes, examination of right 41
B cell, marginal 167
Babinski sign 277
Backache 193
Bacterial endocarditis, subacute 2
Bacterial peritonitis, spontaneous 148
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 473
Bag valve mask 441
Balaclava helmet 236f
Balance test 375
Balanoposthitis 386f
Bald tongue 28f
Balint syndrome 300, 323
Barking cough 60
Barre's sign 269
Basilar artery syndrome 322
Bat wing appearance 424
reverse 424
Bazett's formula 402
Beaus lines 35
Bell's phenomenon 239, 242, 243f
Bell's tympany 83
Bendopnea 64, 64f, 468
Benedict's syndrome 321
Bernheim effect 18
Berry's node 41
Biceps reflex, demonstration of 273f
Bile duct, common 30
Biliary cirrhosis, primary 154
Bilirubin, unconjugated 30
Bing's sign 280f
Binocular diplopia 223
Binocular movements 222
Biotin 45
Bipolar affective disorder 378
Bird index 51
Birmingham paradox 9
Bizarre behavior 382
Black nails 35
dysfunction 192
sensation 193
Bleeding disorders 3
Blepharospasm 310
Blood 362
clinical chemistry of 496, 496t
pressure 4, 14, 16, 17, 44, 54, 68, 69, 95, 109, 133, 136, 150, 196, 344, 465
category 14
cuff, placement of 15f
diastolic 14
low 68
measurement 15f, 465t
Blue nails 35
Blue sclera 29f
Body mass index 4, 49, 54, 68, 94, 136, 183, 344
Bone marrow
aspiration needle 445
biopsy needle 445
Bony structures 418, 418f
Bouchard's node 355, 356f
Bourneville disease 198
Boutonniere deformity 355, 356f
Bovine cough 60
Bow legs 359f
Bow string sign 355
Bowel disease, inflammatory 33, 148
Bowel obstruction 148
Bowel sounds 158
auscultation of 158f
Brachial pulse, palpation of 11, 11f
Brachioradialis 263f
Bradycardia 5, 23, 30, 395, 468
Bradykinesia 341
Bradykinin 33
Bradypnea 13
Brain 205f
lesions, bilateral structural 154
lesion 320
syndromes 321
Brassy cough 60
Brazilian purpuric fever 25
Breath sounds 56, 90
bronchovesicular 86
diminished intensity of 87
graphical representation of 85
intensity, grading of 85
normal physiology of 85
abnormal patterns of 13
advice 85
bronchial 86
patterns, type of 14f
types of normal 85
acute severe 66b
description of 65
Brittle nails 153
Broad-based gait 304
Broadbent's sign 75
Broken neck sign 251
Bronchial disease 61
Bronchiectasis 2, 61, 470
acute 61
chronic 2, 61, 470
Bronchogram 427f
Bronchophony 89
Bronchorrhea 60
Brown-Sequard syndrome 320, 329
Brudzinski's reflex 312
Brudzinski's sign 312, 313f
Brun's ataxia 209, 300
Buccal mocosa 155
Bucket handle movement 78f
Budd-Chiari syndrome 146, 155
Buffalo hump 391f, 454f
Bulbar palsy 253
Bulbocavernosus reflex 277f
sign 357, 358f
unilateral 72
Bulging flanks 170
Bulging intercostal spaces 90
Bulla 481
Bundle branch blocks 403
Burdwan fever 25
Button-hole deformity 355
C wave 99
Cabot-Locke murmur 129
Cachexia 51
Café-au-lait macules 197, 197f, 452f
Calf muscle, pseudohypertrophy of 256f
Calorie test 244, 245f
Calvarium, thickening of 392f
Campbell sign 76
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional Classification of Angina 104
Cancer, colorectal 148
Cannonball metastasis 432f
Carcinoma 61
bronchial 2
esophageal 144
Card test 265f
Cardia 422, 422f
Cardiac apex, types of 113f
Cardiac cycle 98, 98f, 99f, 100, 119, 119f
events of 98, 100f
Cardiac defects 110
Cardiac disease, surgical scars for 116f
Cardiac failure, congestive 2, 36f
Cardiac impulse, location of 112f
Cardiac limb syndrome 110
Cardiac murmurs 99
timing of 99f
Cardiac output 14
Cardiac sounds, characters of 118
Cardiac syndrome 103
Cardiac tamponade 20, 103
Cardinal symptoms 59, 102, 140, 189
dilated 2, 469
hypertrophic 2, 115, 122
obstructive 110, 112, 122, 124, 127, 128
Cardiopulmonary disease 106, 142
Cardiovascular disease 61, 146, 464
Cardiovascular system 2, 56, 66, 187, 362, 377, 458
examination 93
palpation of 111
Carey Coombs murmur 129, 130
Carotid artery 119
internal 324
Carotid pulse 17
left 11f
palpation of 10
right 11f
Carpal tunnel syndrome 355
Carvallo's sign 127
Castell's method 165, 166f
Castell's sign, landmarks of 167f
Cat scratch disease 43
Catamenial hemoptysis 61
Cauda equina
lesions 332
syndrome 332
Caudal vermis syndrome 302
Caudate lobe 163
Caustic ingestion 144
Cavernous sinus syndrome 237
Cavity lesions, diagnosis of 425fc
Celiac disease 148, 300
Cell carcinoma, small 61
Central cord syndrome 329
Central cyanosis 31, 153
demonstration of 32f
Central nervous system 196, 319, 458
anterior inferior 323
posterior inferior 323
ataxia 301, 304
asymmetrical 301
causes of 301
disorders, signs of 294
drift 187
examination 192
history 181
lesions, localization of 302
peduncle, superior 323
signs 2, 186
syndromes 302
Cerebellum 294, 301f
anterior 320, 324
middle 320, 324
posterior 323, 324
hemispheres 210t
lobes of 211f
venous sinus thrombosis 317
Cerebrospinal fluid 329, 445, 498
normal values of 498t
accident 188, 317, 318
disease 2
system 324f
lymph nodes 39
examination of 39
superficial 39
pleura 68
rib 12
signs, features of 331
spine 345
venous hum
demonstration of 27f
elicitation of 27
Chaddock's sign 279f
Charge syndrome 110
Cheek sign 312
Cheilitis 155
Chemoreceptors 62
asymmetry of 72
barrel-shaped 72
broad shield like 111
circumference 55
deformity of 71, 111
engorged veins over anterior part of 75
examination of 71, 79f
expansion 55, 78, 90
flip-flopping in 105
anterior 77, 77f
posterior 77, 78f
movements, causes of 78
pain 53, 66, 93, 102
causes of 102, 102f, 103t
central non-pleuritic 65
common causes of 103
differential diagnosis of 102, 102t
shield-like 72
anterior 77, 77f
posterior 77, 78f
Chilaiditi syndrome 434f
Child-Turcotte-Pugh score 488
Chipmunk facies 29f
Chloroquine 402
Chlorpromazine 402
Cholangitis, acute 146
Cholecalciferol 44
Cholecystitis, acute 146
Chondroectodermal dysplasia 110
Chorea 309, 477
Choreiform gait 306
Choroid tubercles 218f
Chromium 45
Chronic diarrhea 142
causes of 143t
Chronic dyspnea 65
causes of 65t
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy 2, 317, 335, 336, 338, 339
polyradiculoneuropathy 300
Chronic liver disease 2, 28
peripheral signs of 150
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 60, 63, 112, 399, 470
Chronic pain 145
sign of 156
Churg-Strauss syndrome 70
Circumduction gait 303, 303f
Cirrhosis 139, 178f
cardiac 155
causes of 151f
complications of 176, 176t
etiology of 154
features of 456f
Cisplatin 300
Clasp-knife phenomenon 258
Claude's syndrome 321
Claw hand 451f
Clenching teeth 271f
Clinical disease activity index 366f
Clock drawing test 374
Clubbing 32, 34, 68, 150, 153
acute 34
atypical presentation of 34
causes of 33
grades of 33
theories of 32
Coagulation disorder 61
Coanda effect 6
Coated tongue 155
Cobalamin 45
Cobbler's chest 72
Cog-wheel rigidity 258, 476
Coin test 89
demonstration of 89f
Colitis, infectious 147
Collapsing pulse 10
demonstration of 10f
Color vision 216
ishihara chart for 216f
method of examining 216f
Coma 474
Common femoral artery 11
palpation of 11
Communicating artery, posterior 324
Comprehensive geriatric assessment 3, 372
benefits of 372
components of 372f
Confusion 104, 474
Conjugated bilirubin 30
Conjunctiva 29
Conjunctival reflex 235
demonstration of 236f
Connective tissue
disease, mixed 327
disorders 155
Consciousness 202, 379
altered state of 180, 189
drug-induced loss of 106
Consolidation 2
Constipation 143, 148, 471
etiology of 143
functional 471
Constitutional symptoms 145
Constrictive pericarditis 8, 20, 20f
Friederick's sign of 20
Continuous adventitious sounds 87
Continuous murmur 125
differential diagnosis of 126
Conus medullaris, features of 332
Conus syndrome 332
Conus-cauda equina syndrome 332f
Copper 45
wiring 219f
Cor pulmonale
chronic 470
features of 70
compression 2
involvement 330
lesion 331
transection, complete 329
Core body temperature 21
Cornea 155
Corneal reflex 235, 240
demonstration of 236f
Cornelia De Lange's syndrome 110
Coronary artery
bypass grafting 116
disease 115, 122
Coronary syndrome, acute 103, 407, 468
Corrigan's pulse 10
Corrigan's sign 10
Cortical sensations 288
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration 342
Corticospinal tract 323
Cotton wool spots 219f
Cough 59, 60, 65, 469
acute 60
chronic 59b, 60
classification of 60t
duration of 59
production 59
mechanism of 59
productive 60
reflex 59fc
spluttering 60
subacute 60
types of 60t
Courvoisier's law 168
Coxalgic gait 306, 306f
Cracked pot resonance 83
Cranial nerve 213, 214, 219, 232, 244, 248250, 252, 323
branches of 249
disorders of 249
dysfunction 180, 189, 339
examination of 2
palsy 224f
multiple 253
C-reactive protein 363
Crepitations 88
Crepitus 345
Crohn's disease 148
Cross fluctuation sign 357, 358f
murmur 158, 159f
venous hum 129
Cullen's sign 156
Cup deformity 355
Current episode mania 378
Curve of Ellis, S-shaped 84
Cushing's habitus 391f, 454f
Cushing's syndrome 3, 390, 454f
features of 391f
Cyanosis 30, 31, 34, 68, 69, 150, 450f, 467
admixture 32
atypical presentation of 31
cardiac 32
cyclical 31
distributive 32
enterogenous 31
hypoxic 32
intermittent 31
mixed 31
replacement 31, 32
theories of 32
true 31
Cyclosporine 155
Cystic bronchiectasis 435f, 437f
Cystitis 147
D’Espine sign 44
Dahl's sign 74
Daily living
basic activities of 373
instrumental activities of 373
Damoiseau's curve 84
De Lange's syndrome 110
Deep cervical lymph nodes 39
Deep tendon reflexes 186, 271
Dejerine syndrome 322
Delirium 383, 383t, 474
Delphian node 41
Delusions 209, 379
types of 209, 379
Dementia 342, 374, 383, 383t, 474
causes of 374
reversible 374
Deoxyribonucleic acid, double-stranded 364
Depressive episode, major 382
Dermis, loss of 481
mellitus 3, 335, 338, 340, 385
treatment-induced neuropathy of 340
Diabetic eye disease, advanced 218
Diabetic retinopathy
background 219
proliferative 218, 218f, 386f
Diaphoresis 104
Diaphragm 127, 420, 420f
flattening of 420f
normal height of 420f
Diaphragmatic movements 78
examination of 78f
Diarrhea 141, 471
inflammatory 142, 143
large-volume 142
mimics of 143
overflow 143
small volume 142
types of 142
Diastolic knock 122
Diastolic murmur 125, 126, 485
configuration of 126f
Diastolic pulsations 130
DiGeorge syndrome 110
Digestive disorder 142
Digital index 35
Dilated veins, examination of 173
Dimethylsulfide 154
Diphenhydramine 402
Diphtheria 155
Diplopia 222
assessment of 223
Dipping method 165
Discontinuous adventitious sounds 87
Disease activity score 28 365
Disopyramide 402
Distal areflexia 338
Distal interphalangeal joints 34f
Distal small bowel 157
Diverticulitis 147
Diverticulosis 148
Dizziness 192
Docks murmur 129
Doll's eye 247
Dorsal interossei 265f
Dorsalis pedis artery 12
palpation of 12, 12f
Double simultaneous stimulation 288
Down syndrome 110
Downward gaze palsy 230
Dressing apraxia 209
Dropped head syndrome 251
Drugs 142, 155
allergy 458
fever 24
interactions 464
Dry cough 60
Dry powder inhalers 448
Dry tongue 155
Duane's syndrome 221
Duke's criteria, modified 490
Dullness, lower border of 162f
Dumdum fever 25
Dupuytren's contracture 153, 153f, 155, 456f
Dysarthria 205, 208, 294, 475
clumsy hand 325
types of 208
Dysdiadochokinesia 294, 295, 298
demonstration of 298f
Dyselectrolytemia 154
Dysesthesia 478
Dysgraphia 476
Dyskinesia 308
Dyslogia 476
Dysmetria 294, 297
Dyspepsia 143, 470
causes of 144t
functional 147
Rome III criteria for 143
Dysphagia 144, 470
esophageal 144t
Dysphonia 475
Dyspnea 3, 53, 62, 64, 93, 105, 468
mechanism of 62
Dystonia 310, 477
Dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral 256f
Ear, nodular lesions on 453f
Ebstein's anomaly 432, 433
Echolalia 476
Edema 3, 35, 36, 68, 106
drug-induced 36
examination of 35
idiopathic 36, 106
Egophony 90
EHRA score 488
Eisenmenger's syndrome 2
Ejection click 119
Ekbom's syndrome 311
examination of 353
palpation of 353f
Electrolyte 407
disturbances 283
Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome 110
Ellsberg phenomenon 190
Embolic strokes 320tt
Emesis, initiation of 141
Emphysema 2, 61, 470
bilateral 429f
Empyema 2, 68
Encephalitis 106
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 327
Endobronchial metastasis 61
Endocardial cushion defect 110
Endocarditis 362
signs of infective 109, 109f
Endocrine 150
changes 152, 153
disease 142
Endotracheal tube 440, 441
parts of 441
Enophthalmos 221
Enteric infections 142
Enthesitis 347
Epigastric abdominal pain, causes of 147
Epigastric pulsations 114
causes of 115
demonstration of 115f
Epigastrium 119
Epilepsy 479
Episodic angina 103
Epitrochlear lymph nodes 43, 43f
method of palpation of 43f
Epsilon wave 400
Equinus gait 306
Erb's maneuver 114, 119, 129f
Erb's neo aortic area 95, 118
Erythema 156
nodosum 350, 350f, 451f
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 363, 449
Erythrocytosis 466
Esophagitis, infectious 144
Esophagus 103
European League Against Rheumatism 362, 364
Excoriation 482
Exophthalmos 390f
unilateral 220
Expectoration 59
Expiratory film 416, 416f
Extensor carpi
radialis longus 263f
ulnaris 263f
Extensor digitorum 263f
brevis 268f
longus 268f
Extensor hallucis longus 268f
Exteroceptive system 284
examination of 284
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 22
Extrahepatic portal
hypertension 169
vein thrombosis 167
Extraocular movements 221f
Extraocular muscles 221
functions of 221
infiltration of 390f, 454f
Extrapyramidal disorders 249
Extrapyramydal gait 305
Extrasystolic palpitations 105
dryness of 350
signs 390f, 454f
non-nystagmus oscillations of 232
position of 220
Eyelids 219
Fabry's disease 319
edema 36
hair, diminished 153f, 456f
involvement 453f
motor function 242
nerve 237, 241f
lesion 236
palsy 2, 241243
pathway 240f
numbness 237
palsy, syndrome of 243
Facilitatory paratonia 259
False hemoptysis 62, 62t
Far vision 214f
Fasciculations 252, 311
causes of 311
Fasciculus, medial longitudinal 231, 321, 323
Fat 140
Fatal growth 140
Fatigue 104, 192
Fatty diarrhea 143
Fatty stools 142
Febrile neutropenia 474
Fecal incontinence 143, 471
Femoral artery 119
Femoral pulse, examination of 11f
Femur, fracture neck of 372
Ferritin 33
Festinant gait 305
Fetor hepaticus 154
Fetus 140
Fever 22, 23, 25, 54, 107, 150, 196, 467
acute 22
aseptic 24
biphasic 25
chronic 22
continuous 22
defervescence, nature of 24
double quotidian 22
goal 25
grading of 22
high grade 22
intermittent 22
low grade 22
mild 22
moderate grade 22
of unknown origin, revised definition of 467
patterns of 22
subacute 22
types of 22
undulating 25
Fiber neuropathy, small 336, 337
Fibrocavity 2
Fibromyalgia 364
trigger points in 365f
Fibrosis 2, 435f
Fibrothorax 2
Fifth vital sign 25
Figure-of-4 test 361
Filariasis 36f, 451f
Finger flexion reflex, demonstration of 275f
Finger nose test 297
demonstration of 297f
Finger tapping test, rapid 269
Finger test 296
Fistula 112
arteriovenous 112, 125, 388f
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome 146
Five day fever 25
Flabby tongue 252
Flaccid paraplegia, causes of 190, 331
Flail chest 72
Flanks, fullness of 156, 170, 173
Flapping tremor 154, 154f
Flat chest 71
Flatus 140
Flecainide 402
Flesche test 359
demonstration of 360f
Flexor carpi
radialis 263f
ulnaris 264f
Flexor digiti minimi 260
Flexor digitorum
longus 268f
profundus 266f
sublimis 266f
Flexor pollicis longus 260
Floppy head syndrome 251
Flow rate calculation 446
Fluent aphasias 206
Fluid 140
thrill 172, 173
demonstration of 172f
wave 172
Foleys catheter 442
Folic acid 45
Follicular tonsillitis 155
Food allergy 142
Foodborne illness 148
drop 2, 304
pat test 299
demonstration of 299f
test 269
Forced expiratory time 90
Forearm rolling test 269, 269f
Forming macular star 219f
Fothergill's disease 236
Foul smelling sputum 61
Four finger technique 355, 355f
Foville's syndrome 322
Frailty syndrome 373
Framingham heart failure criteria 488
Free fluid, examination of 169
Freeman and Levine grading 484
French paradox 9
Frey syndrome 237
Friction fremitus 80
Friederick's sign 20
Friedreich's sign 85
Frontal lobe ataxia 300
Fundic gas shadow 414
Funnel chest 72
Gaenslen maneuver 361
Gaenslen test, demonstration of 361f
Gaertner's method 20
Gag reflex
components of 248
examination of 248f
testing of 248
Gait 187, 303
abnormalities 181, 191, 303
analysis 307
apraxia 209, 300
cycle, normal 303, 303f
Gallbladder, examination of 167
Gals screen 344
Gander cough 60
Ganglionic disorders 316
Ganglionopathies, autonomic 316
Garland's triangle 85, 85f
Gasserian ganglion 233
lavage tube 439
ulcer 61
Gastritis 61, 147
Gastroenterology 150
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 60, 147
Gastrointestinal bleeding 140
lower 141, 141f
severe 472
Gastrointestinal disease 155
Gastrointestinal system 2, 56, 96, 135, 187, 362, 377, 458
Gastrointestinal tract 130, 156
luminal 144
perforation of 148
Gastrointestinal ulcers, Forrest grading of 492
Gastroparesis 147
Gastropathy 147
Gaucher's disease 167
Gaze apraxia 209
Gaze palsies 230
Gegenhalten 259
Generalized lymphadenopathy 36, 474
causes of 37
Genitourinary system 362
vagus 359f
varus 359f
Geographic tongue 155
Gerhardt's sign 85
Geriatric giants 373
modern 373f
Gerstmann syndrome 323
Ghent criteria, modified 51
Gibson's area 119
Gibson's murmur 129
Gilles De La Tourette syndrome 310
Gingivitis 155
Glabellar tap 281f
Glandular fever 25
Glasgow coma scale 203, 488
Glass slide method 151f
Glenohumeral joint, examination of 353
Glomerulonephritis 3
Glossopharyngeal nerve 248
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 301
maximus 267f
medius 267f
minimus 267f
Gordon's sign 279
Gordon's technique 279f
Gottron's papules 348
Gout, diagnosis of 346
Gradenigo's syndrome 237
Graham-Steel murmur 129
Graphesthesia 288
demonstration of 288f
Grasp reflex 282f
Graves’ disease 3
Great arteries, transposition of 121
Great toe, proximal 286f
Greater auricular nerve 200f
Grey Turner's sign 156
Grocco's triangle 84
boundaries of 84
Guadeloupean parkinsonism 342
Guarino's method 82, 82f
Guillain-Barré syndrome 2, 181, 331, 335, 340
Gum 155
bleeding 155
hypertrophy 155
Gynecomastia 152, 152f, 456f, 482
causes of 152
male 111
palpation breast bud in 152f
H wave 99
Hackett's grading system 164, 164f
Hacking cough 60
Hair, loss of 152
Hairy cell 167
Hairy leukoplakia 155
Hallucinations 210, 380, 382
hypnagogic 210
hypnopompic 210
Hallux valgus deformity 359f
Hallux varus deformity 359f
Hamman's mediastinal crunch 90
asterixis of 154, 154f
movements of 13
muscle wasting, causes of 256
push patella 358f
ulnar deviation of 356f
Harvey's sign 173, 174f
Haverhill fever 25
Headache 181
complex migraine 106
Head-up tilt-table testing 315
Hearing loss, conductive 245
Heart 111f
base of 114
block 401
complete 401
first degree 401
border 56
determination of 116
left 117, 117f, 118f
percussion of 118f
right 116, 117f
conduction system of 393f
acquired 97
congenital 97, 110
cyanotic 31
failure 3, 469
congestive 61, 63
severe 20
symptoms of 107
inspection of 111
palpation of 111
rate 395
calculation of 395f
sounds 119, 119f, 120, 120f, 134
first 120
fourth 122
high frequency 115, 118
low frequency 115, 118
topographical areas of 111, 118
loss 25
production 25
Heatstroke 24, 467
Heberden's nodes 355, 356f
Heel knee test 296
demonstration of 296f
Heel-to-shin test 295
Heliotrope rash 348
Hematemesis 62, 62t, 140, 471
Hematochezia 140, 472
Hematological disorders 61
Hematuria 473
Hemiballismus 310, 325, 477
Hemichorea 325
Hemiplegia 255
causes of 190
localization of 321f
stuttering 318
Hemiplegic gait 303
Hemispheric syndrome 302
circumference, examination of 79f
expansion 78, 79
left 55, 427f
measurement 79
white homogeneous opacity, causes of 427
Hemochromatosis 154
Hemoglobin 31, 443
concentration 27
levels 466t
Hemoptysis 61, 62, 62t
causes of 61t
clinical clues of 61t
true 62, 62t
acute intraparenchymal 437f
signs of recent 493
subarachnoid 106, 317
subconjunctival 109f
Hemorrhagic crust 481
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 349f
Hepatic bruit 158, 159f
Hepatic encephalopathy 176, 472, 489
stages of 489t
types of 176, 176f
Hepatic friction rub 159
acute 2, 146
alcoholic 151
B 154
C 154
chronic 2
Hepatobiliary system 150
Hepatojugular reflux 20
Hepatomegaly 2, 150
causes of 163, 163f
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 64, 151
Hepatorenal syndrome 177
diagnosis of 177
types of 177
Hepatosplenomegaly 2, 3
causes of 167, 168f
labialis 155
simplex virus 317
zoster 453f
ophthalmicus 453f
Hiccoughs 66
High stepping gait 304f
Hilar mass, differential diagnosis of 426
Hilum 419f
Himalayan P waves 399
circumference 50
fracture 464
joint 359
deformities 359f
examination of 357
Hippocrates fingers 32
Hirschfelder wave 18, 99
Hitchhiker's thumb 355, 356f
Hodgkin murmur 129
Hoehn and Yahr staging system 188
Hoffman's reflex 280, 281f
Holmes Adie syndrome 283
Holosystolic murmur 124
Holt-Oram syndrome 110
Homocystinuria 48
Hooking maneuver 165
Hooking method 161, 165
demonstration of 165f
Hoover sign 74
Horizontal gaze palsies 230
Horner's syndrome 221, 228, 229f, 230f
causes of 229
Horseshoe dullness 170, 170f, 173
House-Brackmann grading system 241
Human immunodeficiency virus 23, 43, 319, 336, 338, 341
infection 340
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 329
Hung-up knee jerk 283
Hutchinson's index 71
Hutchinson's pupil 228
Hydropneumothorax 2, 84f
Hydroxytryptamine 33
Hyperalgesia 478
Hypercalcemia 407
Hypercoagulable disorders 319
Hyperglycemia 152
Hyperkalemia 407
Hyperkinetic gait 306
Hyperkinetic pulse 6
Hypermagnesemia 407
Hyperoxia test 32
Hyperpathia 478
Hyperpyrexia 22, 23, 24, 467
Hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly 167
Hypersplenism 474
Hypertension 2, 3, 24, 114, 385, 387, 458, 465
capillary 423
malignant 466
resistant 465
secondary 466
Hypertensive crisis 466
Hypertensive emergency 466
Hypertensive retinopathy 387f
stages of 218
Hypertensive urgency 466
Hyperthermia 467
malignant 24
Hyperthyroid 385
Hyperthyroidism 389, 390f, 454f
Hypertonia 258
causes of 258
assess for 403
true 255
Hyperventilation 62
Hypoalbuminemia 169
Hypocalcemia 407
Hypogeusia 239
Hypoglossal muscle, weakness of left 253f
Hypoglossal nerve 252
location of 252f
Hypoglycemia 106
Hypogonadism 48
Hypokalemia 407
Hypokinetic pulse 6
Hypomagnesemia 407
Hypomastia, female 111
Hypopigmented macule 452f
Hypopituitarism 3
Hypotension 16
causes of 16f
Hypothalamic set point 22
Hypothermia 25
causes of 25
mild 25
moderate 25
profound 25
severe 25
Hypothyroid 385
Hypothyroidism 3, 388
Hypotonia 258, 294
Hypoxia 68
Ice pack test 220, 221f
Icterus 29, 68, 150, 196, 450f
demonstration of 30f
Idioglossia 476
Iliac bruit 158, 159f
Iliopsoas 266f
Immunoglobulin G 329
Impingement test 353
demonstration of 353f
Inclusion body myositis 307
Incontinence, functional 375
Infarction, evidence of 404
Infective endocarditis 130, 490, 490t, 491
diagnosis of 491
Inferior vena cava obstruction 174
Inflammation 167
Inflammatory disease 142, 347
Infraclavicular fossa 73
Infranuclear palsy, etiology of 231
Infusion tubing, primary 446
Inguinal lymph nodes 44
Inhaler, metered dose 447, 448
Innocent murmurs 128
Inositol 45
Insinuate middle finger 76f
Insomnia 475
Inspiratory intercostal retraction 75
Insulin syringe 443
Intercostal muscles 62
Intercostal retraction
bilateral 75
unilateral 75
Intercostal space 96, 114, 115, 119
Interlobar fissure 71f
Internal jugular vein 16, 17
International Ascites Club Grading 170
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia 229231, 231f
bilateral 231
mono-ocular 231
Interphalangeal joint 363
assessment 355
examination of 355f
Interscapular area 119
Interstitial disease, differential diagnosis of 425
Interstitial lung disease 2, 33, 60
Intestinal bleeding, small 141
Intracerebral disorders 142
Intracranial pressure 181, 323
Intradural lesion 328
Intramedullary lesion 236, 327
Intravenous drip set 446
Involuntary movements 2, 181, 191
Iodine 45
Iris nodules 197f
Iron 45
deficiency 155
deplete cyanosis 32
replete cyanosis 32
Irritable bowel syndrome 148
acute mesenteric 148
chronic mesenteric 148
Ischemic neurological deficit, reversible 318
Isosthenuria 449
J receptors 62
Jackson's syndrome 322
Jacobson's neuralgia 250
Jaeger's chart 215f
Jamshidi needle 445
Jaundice 2, 29, 30, 140, 150, 467
differentiating type of 30
mild 30
moderate 30
enlargement of 392f
jerk 235
examination of 235f
Jendrassik maneuver 271f
Jerk nystagmus 232
affection 347
examination of 348, 361
involvement 365f
motion 285
sense, examination of 285f, 286f
symptoms 347
Jones criteria, revised 490
Jug handle appearance 434f
Jugular venous pressure 4, 21, 54, 68, 95, 99, 109, 136, 196, 344, 466
causes of raised 18
height of 17f
method of measuring 17f
square root sign of 20
waveforms of 18, 20f, 99
with cardiac events, timing of 99f
Jugular venous
pulse 4, 16, 17, 19f, 54, 95, 136, 344
review 16
wave 19f
Kala-azar 167
Kartageners syndrome 70
Kayser-Fleischer ring 155
Keel chest 71
Keith-Wagener-Barker classification 218
Keloid 151f
Keratitis 350f
Kernig's sign 312, 312f
demonstration of 312f
Ketoacidosis 148
disease, chronic 3, 28, 336, 338, 385, 388f, 473
bilateral 169
unilateral 169
examination of 168
injury, acute 473
palpation of right 168, 168f
Kinesia paradoxa 9, 305
Kinesthesia 478
Kinetic tremor 309
Klinefelter syndrome 48
demonstration of 274f
right 274f
joint 359
deformities 359f
examination of 357
palpation of 357f
Knock knees 359f
Knuckle pigmentation 29f
Koilonychia 28f, 35
Koplik spots 155
Korotkoff's sounds 14, 15
characters of 14
types of 14
Korsakoff's psychosis 204
Korsakoff's syndrome 384
Kronig's isthmus 83, 83f
Kussmaul sign 9, 20
Labyrinthine disease 142
Lacrimal gland enlargement 153
Lactate dehydrogenase 30
Lactose intolerance 148
Lacunar stroke 479
signs of 325t
symptoms of 325t
Language 205f
domains of 207
functions 379
Laryngeal fixation 76
Laryngoscope 440
Latissimus dorsi 262f
Left bundle branch block 120, 122, 403
Left kidney 169
palpation of 168f
Left ventricular
apex 113
enlargement 423
failure 60, 61, 115
hypertrophy 110, 112, 403, 404f
causes of 403
types of 404
asterixis of 154
deformities of 359
Leminiscus, medial 323
Lentigines syndrome, multiple 110
Leonine facies 453f
Leopard syndrome 110
Lepromatous leprosy, lesions of 453f
Lesion, site of 191, 193, 309
acute myeloid 155
chronic myeloid 167
Leukonychia 153f
Leukoplakia 155
Levator anguli oris 238
examination of 238f
Levator palpabrae superioris 219
area, examination of 113
Lewy bodies 342
Lhermitte's syndrome 231
Lichenification 481
Lid retraction 220
Ligaments 345
Light reflex 225
pathway 225f
Light's criteria 491
Limbs, stiffness of 181, 191
Linea nigra 156
Lipid profile 497, 497t
Lips 155
Lisch nodules 197f
Litten's sign 75
Livedo reticularis 348
abscess 2, 146
complications of 444
contraindications of 444
indications for 444
cell failure
chronic 136
features of 30
cirrhosis of 2, 150, 151f, 472
disease 139
acute on chronic 139
disorders 151
dullness 117f
examination 160
Hooking method of 161
failure, acute 472
palm 151
palpation 160f, 161f
dipping method of 161
span 161, 162f
Lobar disease 424
Locomotor system examination 344
Loratadine 402
Low albumin gradient 170
Low back pain, acute 194
Low cardiac output, symptoms of 107
Lower limb 36, 186, 285f
areflexic paralysis of 332
examination of 357
reflexes, reinforcement of 271f
tactile extinction in 289f
tone in 257f
Lower motor neuron 188, 242, 243, 317, 321
disease, signs of 318t
facial palsy
causes of 242
House-Brackmann grading system of 241
left 180
palsy, bilateral 243
Lower respiratory tract 55, 70, 76, 81, 85
demarcation of 70
Ludwig's angina 104
Lumbar cord, features of 332
Lumbar puncture 445
complications of 446
contraindications of 445
indications for 445
needle 445
abscess 2, 61, 68, 428f
cancer 61
collapse of 2
disease, diffuse parenchymal 2
fields 421
fissures and lobes 70f
hidden areas of 426, 426f
in scapular line 71f
lymphatic drainage of 68
parenchymal disease of 61
resonance 82
right 421
segments of 421
sounds 469
surface marking of 70
topographical percussion of 83
vascular diseases of 61
whiteout 427
zones of 421
Lymph node 38, 41, 41f43f
axillary group of 41
different group of 38
enlargement, causes of posterior triangle 41
group of 38f, 39f
jugulodigastric 39f
jugulo-omohyoid 40f
left central group 42f
left posterior group 43f
posterior triangle 40f
right anterior group 42f
supraclavicular 40, 40f
Lymphadenopathy 3, 36, 68, 150, 196, 430f, 474
axillary 450f
Lymphatic drainage 69f
Macleods syndrome 429
Macroglossia 155
Macrolides 402
Macule 481
Maculopathy, diabetic 219
Malar rash 349f, 455f
Malena 471
Malta fever 25
Mandibular reflex 235
Manganese 341
Manic episode, diagnostic criteria for 382
Mantle cell 167
Mantoux test 444
Marcus Gunn pupil 226, 227f
Marfan's syndrome 48, 51, 110, 221
features of 52f
Masked hypertension 15, 466
Mass lesions 332
Masseter muscle 234f
Massive ascites 169
Massive hemoptysis 62, 469
causes of 62b
Massive splenomegaly 474
Maxillary sinuses 392f
May's sign 20
May-Thurner syndrome 36
Mean arterial blood pressure 14, 131f
Medial medullary syndrome 322
Mediastinal cyst 435f
Mediastinal lymph nodes 44
Mediastinal mass
differential diagnosis of 426, 426f
superior 435f
Mediastinal pleura 68
Medical Research Council Grading of Breathlessness 65t
modified 65t
Medications disorders 142
Medullary syndrome, lateral 322
Megaloblastic anemia 28
Melanoptysis 61
Melena 140
Memory 204, 379, 475
classification of 204
declarative 204
episodic 204
explicit 204
implicit 204
systems, Budson and price concept of 204
types of 204
Meningeal irritation, signs of 187, 312
Meningeal signs 192, 312
Meningeal stiffness 312
Meningism 313
Meningismus 313
Meningitis 181
Menstrual history 458
Mental functions, higher 180, 183, 189, 202
Mental illness 377
Mental state and cognition 180, 189
Mental status examination 377, 379
Mesenteric lymph nodes 44
Mesothelioma 430
Metabolic disease 142
Metabolic disorders 142
Metabolic syndrome 49, 480
Metacarpophalangeal joint 363, 363f
assessment of 354f
examination of 354f
Metacarpopharyngeal joint 287f
Metal tracheostomy tube 440
Metatarsophalangeal joint 359f, 363
examination of 359, 359f
Methemoglobin 31
Microvascular angina 103
Mid-arm circumference 48, 50
Midclavicular line 71, 112
Middle lobe pneumonia, right 427f
Middleton's maneuver 165
percussion 166f
Midtarsal joint 351
Migraine, classical 182
Miliary mottling 431f
differential diagnosis for 431
Milkmaid grip 309
Mill wheel murmur 129
Millard-Gubler syndrome 322
Miller-Fischer syndrome 300
Minerals 45
hepatic encephalopathy, diagnosis of 177
Mini-mental state examination 374
Miosis 224
Mirror movements 311
Mitral area 95, 118
auscultation of 129f
Mitral regurgitation 2, 112, 114, 115, 118120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 134
Mitral stenosis 2, 61, 112, 115, 118, 120, 123, 127, 128, 129f, 134
auscultation of 129
mixed 2
murmur of 128
Mitral valve
disease 433f
prolapse 127, 128
Mixed aortic stenosis 2
Monckeberg's sclerosis 16
Moniz's sign 280f
Monkey fever 25
acute 348
chronic 348
Monocular diplopia 222
Mononeuritis multiplex 334, 340
causes of 334
Mononeuropathy 334, 340
causes of 334
multiple 334
Mononucleosis, infectious 155
Monoplegia affecting lower limb, causes of 190
Montreal cognitive assessment 374
Mood disorder 381
classification of 382t
spectrum of 381f
Moon facies 391f, 454f
Morenheim's fossa 73
Motility disorders 144
Motor component, testing of 234
Motor dysfunction 180, 189, 236
Motor fibres, arrangement of 328f
Motor function 249
examination of 237
Motor impersistence 309
Motor neuron disease 2, 331
Motor neuropathy, multifocal 335
Motor power 259
Motor symptoms 336
Motor system 185
examination 2, 255
Motor tics 310
Movement disorders 308, 308fc
categorization of 308fc
Movement fluidity 307
Movement of joints, range of 351, 352f
Mucopolysaccharidoses 51
Mucosal ulcers 348, 349
Mucous membranes 27
Muehrcke's nails 153
Muller's maneuver 127
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 68
Multiple system atrophy 301, 342
Multivalvular heart diseases 2
Murmur 115, 124, 125, 128
changing 130
cole-cecil 129
diastolic 125, 127, 134
systolic 124
grading of 126
innocent 128
diastolic 125
systolic 124
maximum intensity of 128
mid-diastolic 118, 125, 127, 129f, 134
radiation of 127f
systolic diastolic 126
Murphy's eye 441
Murphy's sign 168
Muscle 345
abdominal 266f
accessory 13
bulk 255
loss of 181, 191
wasting of 181, 191
disease 256
affecting 190, 331
fiber and pathways 270f
hypertrophy, causes of 255
spindles 62
swelling 255
tone 257
wasting, causes of 256
Muscular branch 248
Musculoskeletal system
examination pattern of 351
regional examination of 344, 351
Myasthenia gravis 2, 228
Mycobacterium avium complex 167
Mydriasis 224
Myelofibrosis 167
Myelo-optic neuropathy, subacute 327
Myelopathy, compressive 326, 327
Myerson's sign 281
Myocardial infarction 405
acute 147
Myoclonus 310, 477
negative 154f
Myoedema 259
Myokymia 311, 477
Myoneural junction, diseases affecting 190
Myopathic gait 304
Myopathy 2
Myositis 347
Myotonia 259
demonstration of 259f
Myxedema 36, 36f
Myxomas, atrial 130
Nail 150
changes 35, 153, 350
involvement, diagnosis of 350
Narrow split 121
Nasal reflex 235
Nasal turbinate hypertrophy 70
Nasogastric tube 441
Nausea 104, 135, 141, 470
causes of 142t
Near vision 215f
Nebulizers 448
circumference 51
deformity 355f
extensor of 259, 261f
flexion of 261f
height ratio 51
muscle of 259
pain 193
stiffness, examination of 312f
vein, engorged 18, 18f
Neoarotic area 118
Neologisms 476
Neoplasm 140
Nephritis 155
Nephrolithiasis 147
Nephrotic syndrome 3, 473
dysfunction, causes of 247
fibers 334f
infiltrations 200
palsy 222
bilateral 243
root, diseases affecting 190
sheath 200
thickening 199
causes of 200
tumors of 200
Nervous system 2, 56, 96, 130, 180, 196, 362, 377
diseases stratification of 317fc
examination 183, 202
involvement of 188
Neubauer chamber 443
Neurocardiogenic syncope 106
Neurocutaneous syndromes 196
Neurofibroma 197f
Neurofibromatosis 197, 452f
diagnostic criteria for 197
types of 197
Neurogenic bladder, causes of 193t
Neurogenic edema 36
Neurogenic ptosis 220f
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 24
Neurologic syncope 106
Neurological diseases, pathology of 189
Neurological symptoms, common 181
Neuromuscular disorders 144
Neuromuscular junction 317
Neuromyelitis optica 327
Neuropathic disorders, pathologic classification of 334
Neuropathic pain 26
Neuropathy 188, 335, 339
motor axonal 338
sensory axonal 338
ataxic 336
autonomic 340
axonal 335
chronic small-fiber 316
classification of 335f
clinical types of 334
common 340
diabetic 340b
entrapment 334
hereditary 335, 340
large fiber 336, 337
patterns of 337
Neurosis 381t
Neurovascular syncope 106
Neutropenia 474
Nevus araneus 151
New York Heart Association Classification of Breathlessness 65t
Niacin 44
Niemann-Pick disease 167
Nifedipine 155
Night sweats 23
Ninds myotactic reflex scale 484
Nixon's method 167, 167f
landmarks for 167f
Nocturia 472
Nocturnal angina 103
Nodular goiter, enlarged 390f, 454f
Nodule 481
Noisy breathing 66
Noncompressive myelopathy 326, 327
Nondominant hemisphere, lesions of 211
Nonfluent aphasias 206
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 43
Noninflammatory disease 347
Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 218, 386f
Nonpulsatile neck vein 18
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 36, 60
Noonan's syndrome 110
Nose-finger-nose test 297
demonstration of 297f
Nothnagel syndrome 322
Nuchal rigidity 312
Nuclear involvement 251
Nuclear lesions 249
Nuclear ophthalmoplegia 229, 231
Nuclear palsy, etiology of 231
Nucleus tractus solitarius 59
Nutrition 461
Nutritional deficiency, signs of 196
NYHA breathlessness 483
Nystagmus 232, 244, 294
degrees of 232
grading of 232
types of 232
Obesity 3, 68, 385, 391f
abdominal 50
hypoventilation syndrome 68
Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding 472
Obstetric history 458
Obstipation 143
Obstructing disorders 142
Occipital lymph nodes 40f
Occipitofrontalis 238f
Occult gastrointestinal bleeding 472
Ocular movement testing 222, 222f, 223f
Oculocephalic reflex 247
Oculomotor dysfunction 295
Oculomotor nerve 222f
Oculosympathetic palsy 228
Oddi dysfunction, sphincter of 146
Odynophagia 144
causes of 144t
OK sign 286f
Olfactory nerve 213
examination of 213f
Olfactory pathway 213
Oliguria 472
Oliver's sign 76, 116
demonstration of 76f, 116f
Openheim's and plantar strike 280f
Openheim's technique 279f
Opening snap 119, 123, 127
Ophthalmoplegia 229
external 230
infranuclear 229, 231
internal 230
right complete 223f
Opponens pollicis 264f
Oppositional paratonia 259
Optic ataxia 300
Optic atrophy, causes of 219
Optic nerve 214
Oral cavity examination 69, 155
Oral mucosa 32f
pigmentation of 156
Oral temperature 21
Oral ulcers, causes of 155
Orbicularis oculi 238
examination of 238f
reflex 239
weakness of 243f
Orbicularis oris reflex 240
Orbital fissure syndrome, superior 237
Orogastric lavage, technique of performing 439
Oromandibular dystonia 310
Oropharyngeal dysphagia, causes of 144t
Oroya fever 25
Orthocyanosis 31
Orthodeoxia 468
Orthodeoxia-Platypnea syndrome 153
Orthopnea 63, 468
pathophysiology of 63
Orthostatic hypotension 16, 106
Osborn wave 400
Osler's nodes 109f
Osler's sign 16
Osmotic diarrhea 142
Osteoarthritis 356f, 364, 365f
Osteoporosis 464
Otogenic cough 60
Overpenetrated radiograph 415, 415f
Oxygen mask 447
P wave 100
Packed-cell volume 27
Pain 4, 25, 54, 102
abdominal 135
acute 145
assessment model 26f
behaviors 25
description of 145
diffuse abdominal 148
disorders of 289
funicular 327
cardiac 102t
noncardiac 102t
lower abdominal 147
site of 146
types of 26
Painful clubbing 34
Painful gait 306
Painful ophthalmoplegia 231
Palatal myoclonus 250
Palate 155
high-arched 52f
Palilalia 476
Pallesthesia 286, 478
Pallor 27, 30, 68, 150, 196, 450f
grading of 27
over conjunctiva 27f
flat on chest 112f
hyperpigmentation of 29f
pigmentation of 453f
Palmar erythema 151, 456f
Palmar interossei 265f
Palmomental reflex 240, 282f
Palpable gallbladder 30
Palpable heart sounds 114
Palpable murmurs 114
Palpable nerves
clinical landmarks of 199t
sites of 199f
Palpable purpura 348, 349f
Palpable splenomegaly 164f
Palpation 55, 76, 160, 164
bimanual 130
of liver
method of 161f
traditional method of 160f
superficial 137
Palpebral oculogyric reflex 239
Palpitations 93, 104, 468
anxiety-related 105
causes of 104, 104t
duration of 105
frequency of 105
types of 105
Pancerebellar syndrome 302
Pancreaticobiliary disorders 144
Pancreatitis 156
acute 147, 394
chronic 147
Panretinal photocoagulation 218f
Pansystolic murmur 119, 124
Pantothenic acid 45
Papilledema 69, 216, 217f
causes of 217
Papillopathy, diabetic 219
Pappataci fever 25
Papule 481
Para-aortic lymphadenopathy 44
Paradox 9
Paradoxical hypertension 16
Paradoxical respiration 9, 75
Paradoxical split 122
Parageusia 239
agitans 341
and paresis 479
Paramedian pontine reticular formation 231, 232
Paraplegia 330
causes of 190
Parasitic infection 142
Parasitic infestations 167
Parasternal heave 133
examination of 113f
grading of 114
Paratonia 259
Paresthesias 478
Parietal pleura 68
Parinaud syndrome 322
Parkinson plus syndromes 342t
Parkinson's disease 188, 307, 341
Hoehn and Yahr stage of 342t
idiopathic 341
nonmotor symptoms of 341t
Parkinson's facies 456f
Parkinson's gait, stages of 305f
Parkinson's hand tremors 456f
Parkinson's plus syndromes 188
Parkinsonsian disorder, classification of 341fc
Parotid gland enlargement 153, 153f, 456f
Parotid swelling 155
Paroxysmal cough 60
Paroxysmal hypertension 16
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 63, 63t, 64, 468
mechanism of 63f
Partial ptosis 228
Patch 481
Patellar clonus 276
left 276f
Patellar clonus, right 276f
Patellar tap test 357
Patent ductus arteriosus 2, 110, 112, 114116, 118, 119, 124, 125, 134
Pathologic aortic regurgitation 490
Pathologic mitral regugitation 490
Patrick's test 361
demonstration of 361f
Pectoral reflex, demonstration of 275f
Pectoralis major 262f
Pectus carinatum 71, 73f, 111
Pectus excavatum 72, 73f, 111
Pedal edema 94, 106, 107fc, 135, 150, 196
non-pitting type of 451f
pitting type of 36f
type of 36f
Pedigree analysis 459
Pel-Ebstein's fever 22
Pendular movement 274f
Pendular nystagmus 232
Pentaplegia 190
Peptic ulcer 61
disease 147
Percheron stroke, artery of 322
Percussion 81, 95
direction of 81
types of 81
Pericardial knock 122
Pericardial rub 124
Pericarditis 20, 103, 362
Perihepatitis 146
Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 327
Peripheral arteries 7
Peripheral cyanosis 31
Peripheral facial palsy 241
Peripheral lesions 251
Peripheral nerves, diseases affecting 190, 331
Peripheral neuropathy 2, 316, 334, 337
Peripheral pulses 10, 10f
Peripheral resistance 14
Peripheral smear 28
Peristalsis, direction of 157
Peritonitis, dialysis-related 148
Peroneal nerve, common 200f
Persistent fevers 22
Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy 37
Perverted reflexes 283
Pes cavus 307
Pes planus 307
Phace syndrome 199
Phakomatoses 196
Pharynx 155
Phenomena 380
Phenytoin 155
Phonic tics 310
Phospholipase domain-containing protein 461
Phthinoid chest 72
Phthisis bulbi 221
Phylloquinone 44
Piano-playing movements 309
Pickwikian syndrome 68
Pierre-Marie-Foix syndrome 322
Pigeon chest 71
Pigment cyanosis 31
Pigmentation 155
Pigmented striae 391f
Pill-induced injury 144
Pin head method 151f
Pin prick sensation, examination of 284f
Pitting edema 450f
grading of 35, 35f
Pityriasis versicolor 451f
Placing ulnar border 114f
Plantar reflex 277, 278, 278f
demonstration of 278f
Plaque 481
falciparum 22
malariae 22
Platelet, role of 32
Platypnea 64, 468
Platysma 238, 261f
examination of 239f
lymphatic drainage of 68
parts of 69f
Pleural effusion 2
Pleural mass 430
Pleural opacity, differential diagnosis of 425
Pleural rub 88
Pleuritic chest pain 65, 66
Pleximeter 81
finger, placement of 118f
Plexor 81
Plexus, brachial 256
Plummer nails 35
Pneumonectomy 64, 427f
Pneumonia 61, 68
atypical 428f
bilateral 428f
Pneumoperitoneum 434f
Pneumothorax 2, 103
bilateral 429
right sided 429f
acute 348
chronic 348
Polycystic kidney disease 2
Polycythemia 68, 466
Polyneuropathy 334, 336, 340
acute inflammatory demyelinating 188, 317, 338
causes of 334
types of 338f
Polyradiculopathies 340
Polyuria 472
Pontain's murmur 27, 129
Pontiac fever 25
Popliteal artery 11
palpation of 11
Popliteal lymphadenopathy 44
Portal hypertension 167, 174, 472
classification of 178, 178f
Portal vein thrombosis 146, 174
Portosystemic anastomosis, sites of 178, 178f
Postauricular lymph nodes 40f
Posterior column syndrome 329
Posterolateral column disease 329
Postganglionic disorders 316
Postherpetic neuralgia 237
Postprandial hypotension 16
Postspinal artery syndrome 330
Postspinal headache 446
crepitations 88
suction 89
Postural hypotension 16, 68
Postural tremors 309
Potassium 407f
Pout reflex 282f
Prader's orchidometer 152f
Prayer sign 354
demonstration of 354f
Preauricular lymph nodes 39f
Precordial bulge, causes of 111
Preganglionic autonomic failure 316
Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy 219
pain 287
palsy 335
Presubclavian coarctation 12
Presyncope 105
Presystolic murmur 125
Pretibial fever 25
Pretibial myxedema 36
Primary disorders 144
Primitive reflexes 281
Prinzmetal angina 103
Procainamide 402
Profile sign, demonstration of 33f
Promyelocytic leukemia 317
Proprioceptive system 284
examination of 285
Prostaglandins 33
Prosthetic valve sounds 123
deficiency 45
derivative, purified 444
Proximal interphalangeal joint 363, 34f, 363f
Proximal muscle wasting 256f
Pruritis 30
Pseudoathetosis 287
Pseudobulbar palsy 253
Pseudoclubbing 34
Pseudocyanosis 31
Pseudodiarrhea 143
Pseudogynecomastia 152
Pseudohallucinations 210, 380
Pseudohypertension 16, 465
Pseudohypertrophy 255
Pseudomeningitis 313
Pseudoresistant hypertension 465
Pseudosyncope, causes of 106, 106b
Pseudotumor cerebri 218
Psoriasis 350, 451f
nail changes in 350f
Psoriatic arthritis 356f
Psoriatic nails 356f
Psychiatric illness 142, 376, 381, 381f
Psychogenic syncope 106
Psychosis 381t, 383, 383t
Psychosomatic disorders 104
Psychotic disorders 382
Psychotic phenomena 380
Pterygoid muscle 234f
Ptosis 219, 220
acquired 220
bilateral 220
causes of 220
congenital 220
reverse 221f, 228
unilateral 220
upside-down 228
Puddle sign 173
Pulmonary area 114, 118
percussion of 118
Pulmonary artery 110, 118
hypertension 118, 423
Pulmonary congestion 63
Pulmonary cyanosis 32
Pulmonary edema 425, 432f
Pulmonary embolism 61, 64, 103
Pulmonary emphysema 429
Pulmonary hypertension 68, 114, 121, 122, 469
symptoms of 107
Pulmonary oligemia 434f
Pulmonary overinflation 429
Pulmonary pulsations 114
Pulmonary stenosis 110, 114, 115, 121, 127, 134
Pulmonary venous 423
Pulsatile liver 130, 130f
examination of 130
palpation of 130f
Pulsatile neck vein 18
Pulsatile swelling 76
Pulsatility 162
Pulse 4, 5, 54, 68, 69, 109, 133, 136, 150, 196, 465
characters of 7, 8
deficit 6
grading of 6, 485
oximetry 4, 54
pressure 14
normal 6
wide 68
rate 5
volume of 6
wave, components of 7f
waveform 9f
individual components of 7
Pulsus alternans 9f
elicitation of 9
Pulsus bisferiens 10
Pulsus magnus 6
Pulsus paradoxus 8, 9f
absent 8
reverse 8
Pump handle movement 77f
Pupil 224
size 220
small 224
Pupillary abnormalities 225, 227f, 228f
Pupillary athetosis 228
Purkinje fibers 393
Purpuric lesions 482
Pursed lip breathing 14, 74, 75f
Pursuits 222
Pustule 481
Pyelonephritis 147
Pylorus 157
Pyoderma gangrenosum 348
Pyorrhea 155
Pyramidal drift 187
Pyramidal gait 303
Pyramidal tract 330
Pyrexia of unknown origin 3, 23
Pyridoxine 45
Q fever 25
Q waves 400
QRS complex 399
qSOFA 491
QT interval 402
Quadriceps femoris 267f
Quadriceps weakness gait 306
Quadriplegia, causes of 190, 190t, 331
Quartan fever 22
Quetiapine 402
Quincke's edema 36
Quinidine 402
Quinine 402
Quotidian fever 22
Rachitic chest 72
Radial artery, palpation of 5, 5f
Radiation 127
Radicular arteries, small 326
Radicular pain 327
Radio-femoral delay, demonstration of 12f
Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome 237
Ramus externus 250
Ramus internus 250
Rat bite fever 25
Rauchfuss-Grocco triangle 85f
Raymond-Ceston syndrome 322
Rebound phenomenon 298, 298f
diastasis of 157
divarication of 157, 158f
Recumbent length, measurement of 46f
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy 250
Red blood cell 27
Red nails 35
Reflexes 185, 235, 239, 270
abdominal 277f
generation, mechanism of 270
inverted 283
NINDS scale, grading of 270
superficial 185, 277
types of 270
Reflux esophagitis, severe 144
Refractory angina 104
Refractory hypertension 465
Refsum's disease 339
Regurgitation 471
Reitan's number-connection test 177, 177f
Relapsing fever 22, 25
Remittent fever 22
Renal artery bruit 158, 159f
Respiration 4, 13, 344
muscle of 13
type of 13, 13f
Respiratory diseases 68, 77, 464
Respiratory failure, features of 69
Respiratory movements 55, 74
examination of 77, 77f, 78f
Respiratory muscle function, impaired 62
Respiratory rate 13, 54, 68, 69, 95, 136
method of calculating 13f
Respiratory system 2, 65, 68, 74, 130, 187, 362, 458
examination of 53, 70
Restless leg syndrome 311, 477
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 20
Retching 471
Reticular activating system 202
Retinol 44
Retinopathy, diabetic 218
Rheumatic carditis 490t
Rheumatic fever 2
signs of 109
Rheumatoid arthritis 3, 346, 362, 363f, 364
classification criteria for 362
signs of 28
Rheumatoid factor 363
Rheumatoid hand 455f
Rheumatological diseases 362
Rheumatological disorders 362
Rheumatology 343, 348
Rhomberg's sign 287
Rhomboid 262f
glossitis, median 155
Rhonchi 87
classification of 87
Rhythm 5
Rib 414
crowding 80
Riboflavin 44
deficiency 155
Riedel's lobe 163
Right bundle branch block 120, 122, 403
Right hemithorax 55
with trachea 427f
Right ventricular
apex 113
dilatation 70
failure 70
hypertrophy 114, 115, 403, 423
infarction 20
Right-rotated film 417, 417f
Ring enhancing lesion 438f
Rinne's test 245, 246f, 247f
Roger's area 119
Roger's murmur 129
Romberg's sign, demonstration of 287f, 300f
Romberg's test 186, 300
Rooting reflex 282f
Rostral vermis syndrome 302
Rotch sign 118
Roth spots 109f
Rubella syndrome 110
Rundott abdominojugular reflux 20
Ryles tube 441
position of 442
Rytand's murmur 129
Sacral cord, features of 332
Sacroiliac joint 345, 361
Sahli's hemoglobinometer 443
Salicylic acid 45
Samter's triad 70
Sandfly fever 25
Sarcoidosis 33
Sausage digits 355, 356f
Scabies 451f
Scalene lymph nodes, method of examining 41f
Scanning speech 294
Scaphoid 156
Scapula 414
collaterals around 75
Scars 75, 116, 156, 428
Schamroth's sign 34f
demonstration of 33f
negative symptoms of 382
positive symptoms of 382
Schober's test 360
demonstration of 360f
modified 360, 360f
Scissor technique 354
Scissoring gait 305, 306f
Sclera 29
Scleral color 30
Scleral icterus 29
Scleroderma facies 455f
Scleromalacia perforans 350
Sclerosis, multiple 2, 327
acquired 74
causes of 74
congenital 74
Scorbutic rosary 72
Scratch sign 90
Scratch test 162
Scrivener's palsy 310
Scrotum 175
Second degree heart block 401
Second heart sound 120
variations of 121f
Secretory diarrhea 142
Seizure 106, 182
epileptic 479
Selenium 45
Sellar enlargement 392f
Semantic memory 204
Semilong cases 385
Semilunar ganglion 233
functions 142
mixed 325
Sensorineural hearing loss 245
Sensorium 69
Sensory 233, 249
ataxia 300, 305, 306f
examination of 233f
testing of 233
distribution 233f
dysfunction 181, 191, 236, 293f
homunculus 290f
loss 337, 338
clinical patterns of 290
pattern of 191
motor neuropathy, syndrome of subacute 338
neuronopathy 334
pathway 290, 290f
system 186
examination of 2, 239, 284
Sherrington classification of 284
Sepsis 480
Serratus anterior 262f
ascites albumin gradient 169
bilirubin 30
enzymes 30
Seven day fever 25
Shaeffer's sign 279
Shaeffer's technique 279f
Shagreen patch 198f, 452f
Short stature 3, 46
causes of 47
drooping of 73
joint 353f
shrugging 251f
Shuffling gait 305
Silhouette sign 421, 421f, 422, 427f
Sims position 175
Sinus 75, 76, 156
bradycardia 396
pause 396
rhythm 396
tachycardia 396
Sinusitis, sinus tenderness suggestive of 70
Sjogren's syndrome 300, 350
Skeletal abnormality 429
Skin 150, 385
changes 155, 348
dryness of 348
over abdomen 156
paleness of 27
segment innervation 291f, 292f
tags 452f
calipers, types of 49f
thickness 48
Skoda's sign 113
Skodaic note 82
Skull 187
examination of 314
radiograph 198
Slapping gait 304
Small vessel stroke 323
Smell, impaired 214
Smiling umbilicus 157
Smoking index 464
Sneeze reflex 235
Snellen's chart 214f
Snoring 66
Snout reflex 240
Soft neurological signs 187
Soft tissue 418, 418f
Sokolow index 400
Solitary pulmonary nodule 432f
Somatic pain 26
Sotalol 402
Sotos syndrome 48
Sound production, mechanism of 85
Spastic paraplegia 2
causes of 191t, 331
hereditary 327
Speech 205, 379
genesis of 206f
Spider angiomas 151
Spider naevi 151
demonstration of 151f
Spider telangiectasia 151
Spinal accessory nerve
anatomy of 250f
testing 250
Spinal arteries 326
posterior 326
Spinal cord
anatomy 325
disease 188, 325, 328f
patterns of 328
types of 327fc
involvement of 326
level 326
syndromes 330f
tracts of 325f
vascular supply of 326, 326f
Spinal joints, arthritis of 193
Spinal nucleus 236
Spinal pain, types of 333
Spine 175, 187, 414
deformity of 72, 74f, 361, 361f
examination of 73, 314, 345, 359
extensors of 266f
movements of 314f, 345
Spinoacromion distance 55
examination of 79, 80f
Spinoscapular distance 55
examination of 79, 80f
Spinothalamic tract 284
Spinoumbilical distance 157
Spleen 137, 169
examination of 163
palpation 165f
classical method of 165f
percussion sign 165
surface marking of 164f
tumors of 167
Splenic abscess 147
Splenic cysts 167
Splenic enlargement 163
Splenic infarct 147
Splenic lymphomas, primary 167
Splenic percussion, Castell's method of 166f
Splenic rub 159
Splenic rupture 147
Splenomegaly 2, 30
moderate 167
Split hand sign 256, 257
Spondylitis, ankylosing 3
Spondylosis, ankylosing 360
Sporotrichosis 43
Spotters 450
Squeeze test 354, 354f
Squint 224
types of 224
ST segment
abnormalities 404
depression, causes of 405
elevation, causes of 405
Staccato speech 294
Stamping gait 305
Status anginosus 104
Stereognosis 288
demonstration of 288f
Sternal contact sign 423
Sternoclavicular joint
examination of 361, 361f
right 114
Sternoclavicular pulsations 114
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 261f, 323
examination of 250f
Sternotomy, median 116
Sternutatory reflex 235
Stethoscope, bell of 118
Stiff tongue 252
direction of 277f
site of 278
Stony dullness 83
Strabismus 224
Straight back syndrome 111
Straight leg raising test 360, 360f
Stress incontinence 375
Stretched shiny skin 156
Stridor 88
Stroke 318, 319t, 479
complete 318
hemorrhagic 320t
localization of 320
progressing 318
types of 318fc
Structural heart diseases 104
Stupor 474
Sturge-Weber disease 237
Sturge-Weber syndrome 198, 199f
Sturge-Weber-Dimitri disease 237
Subclavian artery 119
Subcutaneous emphysema 430f
detection of 80
Subcutaneous nodules 350
Submandibular lymph nodes 39f
Substance abuse disorder 383
Subtalar joint 351
Subtle hemiparesis, examination for 269, 269f
Subtympanic note 82
Succussion splash 89, 160
demonstration of 89f
Sucking reflex 240, 282f
Suction catheter 442
Sulfhemoglobin 31
Supinator reflex, demonstration of 273f
Suppurative diseases 33
Supraclavicular area 119
Supraclavicular fossa 175
Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, left 40
Supranuclear lesions
bilateral 249
unilateral 249
Supranuclear ophthalmoplegia 229231
Supranuclear palsy, progressive 230f, 342
Supraorbital nerve 200f
Suprapatellar pouch 358f
Suprasternal pulsations 114
Sustained fever 22
Suzman's sign 115, 116
Swan-neck deformity 355, 355f
Swelling 358
abdominal 140
Swyer-James syndrome 429
Symmetric distal weakness 337
Symmetric sensory loss 338
Symmetrical cerebellar ataxias 301
Symphyseal sign 312, 313f
Syncope 94, 104, 105, 480
Syncope, causes of true 106, 106t
Syndromic lymphadenopathy 37
Synkinesis 311
Synovitis 347
Synovium 345
Syphilis, secondary 43
Syringobulbia 236f
Systemic hypertension 114, 121, 122
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 480
Systemic lupus erythematosus 3, 28, 327, 349f, 364, 364f, 455f
Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics 364
Systemic sclerosis 3, 349f
Systolic blood pressure 14
Systolic click, mid 119
Systolic murmurs 124, 126, 484
Systolic murmurs, configuration of 126f
Systolic murmurs, Levine and Freeman grading of 126
Systolic pulsation 130
T wave 100, 400
inversions, causes of 400
Tachycardia 5, 68, 396, 468
supraventricular 131, 397
Tachypnea 13, 90
extinction 288
fremitus 80, 90
localization 288
sensation 285
examination of 285f
Takayasu's disease 12
Tall stature 47
causes of 48
Tandem walking 299
demonstration of 299f
Tardive cyanosis 31, 32
Task specific tremor 309
Taste sensation 242
examination of 239f
Tattoo 151f
Teeth 155
Telangiectasia 481
Temporomandibular joint 361
examination of 361f
Tendons 345
Tenesmus 143
Tenosynovitis 347
Tense ascites 169
Terfenadine 402
Terry's chalky nails 153
Tertian fever 22
Testicular atrophy 152
Tetralogy of Fallot 2, 110, 434f
Thalamic lesion 236
Thalassemia major 167
Thermoregulation, impaired 25
Thiamine 44
Third degree heart block 401
Third heart sound 122
Thomas test 357
demonstration of 357f
Thoracic cord lesion, features of 331
Thoracic inlet syndrome 12
Thoracolumbar spine 345
Thoracotomy, Lateral 116
Three-days fever 25
Three-layer sputum 61
Thrills 115, 134
Throckmorton's sign 279
Thrombotic strokes 320t
abduction 264f
adduction 265f
extension 264f
flexion 265f
sign 52f
Z-shaped deformity of 356f
disease 283
disorders 385
function tests 497, 497t
stimulating hormone 386
Thyromegaly 454f
Thyrotoxicosis 3
Tibial artery
palpation of posterior 12
posterior 12
Tibial pulse, palpation of posterior 12f
Tibialis anticus 267f
Tibialis posticus 268f
Tic 310, 477
Tidal percussion 83
demonstration of 84f
Timed up and go test 374f
Timed vibration test 287
corporis 452f
cruris 452f
manuum 452f
versicolor 451f
Tocopherol 44
Toe finger test, demonstration of 296f
Toe-walking 306
To-fro murmurs 127f
Tone 476
abnormalities of 258
Tongue 155
anterior two-thirds of 239
color of 155
deviation 252
motor power of 252f
numbness 237
palpation of 252f
small 252
Tonsil, white patch of 155
Topognosis 288
Torsades de pointes 397
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection 125
Total ophthalmoplegia 230
Toxins 142
Trachea 73, 76, 419, 419f
central 427f
Tracheal breath sounds 86
Tracheal shift, implication of 76
Tracheal tug sign 76, 116
Tracing trachea 76f
Trail sign 73
Transesophageal echocardiography 491
Transient ischemic attack 106, 317, 318, 323, 479
types of 323
Transthoracic echocardiography 491
Transverse diameter, examination of 79f
Transverse myelitis 2
Trapezius muscle 251f
lower 251
testing 251
Traube's space
landmarks of 167f
obliteration of 83, 84, 166
percussion of 83, 84f, 166, 166f
normal 83
upward shift of 83, 166
Traveler's diarrhea 142
Tremor 294, 309, 477
Trench fever 25
Trendelenburg gait 304, 306f
Trendelenburg sign 357f
Trendelenburg test 357
Trepopnea 64, 468
Triceps reflex, demonstration of 273f, 274f
Triceps skinfold 48, 49f
Tricuspid area 95, 118
auscultation of 129
Tricuspid regurgitation 112, 114, 115, 119, 120, 124, 125, 127
auscultation of 129f
Tricuspid stenosis 115, 118, 120, 127
Trigeminal lesion 235
Trigeminal nerve 232
disorders 237
involvement, causes of 236
mandibular division of 234f
maxillary division of 234f
motor component of 234f
ophthalmic division of 233f
Trigeminal neuralgia 236
Triorthocresyl phosphate 327
Tripod sign 313, 313f
Trisection method 7
Trisomy 21 110
Troisier's sign 40
Tromner's reflex 280, 281f
Trousseaus syndrome 40
Trucut biopsy gun 444
Trumpet player's neuropathy 237
Trunk muscles 260
Tube 441
Tuberculin syringe 444
Tuberculosis 33, 61, 68, 218
bilateral upper lobe active 435f
disseminated 43
external markers of 69
Tuberculous meningitis 317
Tuberous sclerosis 198, 452f
complex 198t
Tumor 155, 481
Turner syndrome 110
Twin beating pulse 8
Two-thumb technique 353
Tympanic membrane 247f
Typhoid fever 24f
U waves 400
Ulcer 155, 482
aphthous 155
on leg 349f
over skin 348
Ulcerative colitis 148, 493t
severity index for 493
Ulnar deviation 355
Ulnar nerve 200f
Ulnar paradox 9
Umbilical hernia 157
Umbilical node 157
Umbilicus 157
Umblical hernia 158f
Unidigital clubbing 34
Uniocular movements 222
Upper abdominal pain 104
Upper limb 36, 258f
examination of 353
latent reflexes of 280
pseudoathetosis in 287f
reflexes, reinforcement of 271f
tactile extinction in 289f
Upper lobe
mucus plugging in 437f
pneumonia, right 427f, 428
Upper motor neuron 191, 242, 243, 317, 320, 321, 338
disease, signs of 318t
palsy, bilateral 243
Upper quadrant abdominal pain, causes of left 147
Upper respiratory tract 70
demarcation of 70
examination of 55, 70
infection 61
Urea and electrolytes 497t
Urge incontinence 375
Urinary incontinence, types of 375
Urinary retention, acute 147
Urinary tract infection
complicated 473
uncomplicated 473
Urine 30
bilirubin 30
involuntary loss of 375
urobilinogen 30
values, normal 497t
Urinometer 449
Urogenital system 458
Uvula, deviation of 248f
Vagal lesion, unilateral 249
Vagal paralysis, bilateral complete 249
Valley fever 25
Valsalva maneuver 130, 131f
modified 131
phases of 130, 131
Valsalva ratio 315
Valsalva-Müller's maneuver, reversed 131
Valved holding chambers 448
Valvular disease 122, 128
Variant angina 103
Vascular dementia 374
Vascular disease 429
Vascular obstruction, site of 178f
Vascular spiders 151
Vasculitis, medium vessel 349f
Vasodepressor syncope 106
Vasovagal syncope 106
classical 105
Veins, flow of 175f
Velcro crepts 88
Vena cava
edge of superior 422f
obstruction, superior 68, 174
Ventricular activation time 400
Ventricular fibrillation 397
Ventricular septal defect 2, 110, 112, 114, 115, 119, 122, 124, 125, 127, 399
Ventricular tachycardia 397
Vertebral pain 327
Vertical gaze palsies 230
Vertigo 192, 244
Vesicular breath sounds 86
Vessel wall, condition of 10
Vestibular ataxia 300
Vestibulocochlear nerve 244
Vim Silverman liver biopsy needle 444
Vincent's angina 104, 155
Viral gastroenteritis 148
Viral hepatitis 151f
Viral infection 142
Virchow node 41
Visceral pain 26
Visions 380
Visual acuity 214
Visual field
defect 216, 216f
testing 215
A 44
B1 44
B10 45
B11 45
B12 45
B2 44
B3 44
B4 44
B5 45
B6 45
B7 45
B8 45
B9 45
C 45
D 44
deficiency 44
E 44
fat-soluble 44
K 44
Vitiligo 451f
Vocal fremitus 80
demonstration of 80f
Vocal resonance, variations of 89
Vocal tics 310
Voice, hoarseness of 66
Vomiting 104, 135, 141, 471
causes of 142t
postoperative 142
projectile 141
von Hippel-Lindau disease 199
Waddling gait 304, 304f
Waist circumference 49, 50
Waist-hip ratio 49, 50
examination of 50f
Waldeyer ring, external 39, 41
Wallenberg syndrome 322
Wall-to-wall heart 423
Wartenberg's reflex 280
Wartenberg's sign 281f
Watery diarrhea 142, 143
Watson's water hammer pulse 10
Weakness 180, 189
asymmetric distal 337
distribution of 180, 189
Weber's syndrome 322
Weber's test 245, 246f, 247f
Weeping umbilicus 157
Wegeners granulomatosis 70
Weight loss 51
Wernicke's encephalopathy 204, 384
Wernicke's hemianopic pupil 226
Westergren tube 449
Wet test 307, 307f
Wheeze 54, 65, 87
classification of 87
Whispering pectoriloquy 89
White coat hypertension 15, 466
White nails 35, 153, 153f
William's syndrome 110
William's tracheal resonance 85
Wilson's disease 155
Winterbottom sign 41
Wintrich's sign 85
Witts’ severity index 493t
Woltman's sign 283
clonus 276
joint, examination of 353, 354f
sign 52f
Writer's cramp 310
Xanthelasma 451f
X-linked dominant transmission 460f
X-linked recessive
disease 461
disorders 461t
transmission 460f
Y wave 99
Young stroke, causes of 319t
Young's syndrome 70
Z deformity 355
Z score 51
Zeives syndrome 154
Zinc 45
Chapter Notes

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Prerequisites for Practical Examination and Common Examination CasesCHAPTER 1

Clinical skills, such as the physical examination remain an important instrument in the physician's armamentarium and assessment of these skills form the basis of the final clinical examination. Every student appearing for the examination will be under a lot of stress, which even though justifiable becomes detrimental for the performance of the student. Here are some suggestions:
  1. The first and foremost is preparation. Try to have a timetable and cover all important cases well in advance. You have a set of cases that are usually kept for the examination and most of the questions asked are also predictable. Do not keep any important things pending to read on the day prior to examination.
  2. Sleep is of utmost importance on the day prior to the exam. You need to sleep for a minimum 4–5 hours on the day prior to the exam. The curriculum being vast, compromising a few hours of sleep would do more harm than good.
  3. Have a light breakfast. Hypoglycemia hampers your thought process, delays your reaction time and severely impairs the performance. Agreed that the feel of exam maybe like undergoing a surgery, but NIL PER ORAL status is not needed.
  4. Attire is important. Be neatly groomed and dressed. Wear a clean apron with a number badge.
  5. Carry all your instruments.
  6. Write a detailed case sheet. Examine each case thoroughly. Never rely on expert's diagnosis. Make your own diagnosis. Always justify it with your own views.
  7. Stick to the set time limits. Do not waste time.
  8. Be gentle to the patient when you examine. The more cooperative the patient is, the better will be your performance. Always take the permission of the patient and explain before examining and do not forget to thank them at the end.
  9. Never forget to wish the examiner good morning/evening. If you do not know an answer, say sorry! (Most of the examiners will change the question or give you a clue). Always finish with a thank you!
  10. Confidence is of paramount importance. Practice presenting cases without referring to the case sheet. Be clear in the order of presentation, both history and examination. Stress on relevant important findings. To be expressive is important, but not over expressive. Eye-contact is essential. Answer clearly and to the point. Do not speak about rare causes. When demonstrating signs, do it clearly.
  11. Most importantly, have faith in yourself and your preparation. You shall succeed.
  1. Clean apron with roll number tag
  2. Hall ticket
  3. Stationery
  4. Stethoscope with a bell
  5. Knee hammer
  6. Key (to test plantar reflex, stereognosis)
  7. Wristwatch with seconds needle
  8. Measuring tape
  9. Two scales
  10. Pins
  11. Glass slides
  12. Two small boxes for testing smell (soap and coffee)
  13. Four boxes for testing taste (sugar, salt, bitter and sour)
  14. Four cards with the words “sweet”, “sour”, “bitter” and “salt” written on them.
  15. Snellen's chart
  16. Ishihara's chart
  17. Cotton
  18. Tuning forks (128 Hz and 512 Hz)
  19. Divider
  20. Ophthalmoscope with full batteries
  21. Torch with full batteries
  22. Thermometer
  23. Tongue depressor2
  24. Cotton wick/throat swab stick—gag reflex
  25. Two test tubes preferably aluminum for temperature testing (glass test tubes may be used if aluminium test tubes are not available)
  26. Pulse oximeter (not mandatory)
  27. Gloves
  28. Mask
  29. Hand rub
The general format of cases in the examination is as follows:
Type of case
Time given for examination of patient
Time for clinical viva
45–60 min
Detailed case sheet needed
15–20 min
50/40 marks
15 min
7–10 min
20 marks
15 min
7–10 min
20 marks
1 min
2–3 min
5 marks each
Charts (laboratory data, clinical)
1 min
2–3 min
5 marks each
OSCE (any clinical sign)
5 min
5 min—observed
5–10 marks each
Viva voce
4 table vivas, each carrying 5 marks, each timed for 5 minutes
Topic—X-rays, ECG, instruments, drugs, charts, general viva
Respiratory system
Long case
Short case
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Pleural effusion/empyema
  • Lung abscess
  • Bronchial carcinoma
  • Consolidation
  • Pneumothorax
  • Hydropneumothorax
  • Collapse of the lung
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Pleural effusion/empyema
  • Lung abscess
  • Bronchial carcinoma
  • Consolidation
  • Pneumothorax
  • Hydropneumothorax
  • Collapse of the lung
  • Diffuse parenchymal lung disease/Interstitial lung disease
  • Fibrosis/fibrocavity
  • Fibrothorax
  • Diffuse parenchymal lung disease/Interstitial lung disease
  • Fibrosis/fibrocavity
  • Fibrothorax
Cardiovascular system
Long case
Short case
  • Mitral stenosis
  • Mitral regurgitation
  • Mixed mitral stenosis with mitral regurgitation
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Aortic regurgitation
  • Mixed aortic stenosis and regurgitation
  • Multivalvular heart diseases
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis
  • Eisenmenger's syndrome
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Ventricular septal defect
  • Atrial septal defect
  • Patent ductus arteriosus
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Congestive cardiac failure
  • Mitral stenosis
  • Mitral regurgitation
  • Mixed mitral stenosis with mitral regurgitation
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Aortic regurgitation
  • Mixed aortic stenosis and regurgitation
  • Hypertension
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Eisenmenger's syndrome
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Ventricular septal defect
  • Atrial septal defect
  • Patent ductus arteriosus
  • Coarctation of aorta
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Congestive cardiac failure
Gastrointestinal system
Long case
Short case
  • Jaundice
  • Acute/chronic hepatitis
  • Chronic liver disease (cirrhosis of liver)
  • Liver abscess
  • Ascites
  • Hepatomegaly
  • Splenomegaly
  • Hepatosplenomegaly
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Jaundice
  • Acute/chronic hepatitis
  • Chronic liver disease (cirrhosis of liver)
  • Liver abscess
  • Ascites
  • Hepatomegaly
  • Splenomegaly
  • Hepatosplenomegaly
  • Polycystic kidney disease
Nervous system
Long case
Short case
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Ataxia
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Guillain–Barré syndrome
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Spastic paraplegia (cord compression)
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Myopathy
  • Parkinsonism
  • Motor neuron disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Motor system examination
  • Facial nerve palsy
  • Foot drop
  • Claw hand
  • Examination of cranial nerves
  • Cerebellar signs
  • Involuntary movements
  • Sensory system examination
Semilong cases/therapeutic cases
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Systemic sclerosis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Graves’ disease (with thyrotoxicosis)
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Addison's disease
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Acromegaly
  • Obesity
  • Short stature
  • Anemia
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Hepatosplenomegaly
  • Lymphadenopathy
  • Pyrexia of unknown origin
  • Hypertension
  • Edema
  • Heart failure
  • Dyspnea
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment