IAPS Textbook of Pediatric Surgery Prakash Agarwal, Rajeev Redkar, V Raveenthiran, Shirin Joshi Gosavi, Anant Bangar
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abdomen 188, 357, 455, 609, 642
acute 386, 390, 408
contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of 596f
magnetic resonance imaging of 596
plain X-ray of 571
ultrasonography of 751
Abdominal compartment syndrome 196, 197, 230, 235
Abdominal ureter 713
blood supply of 713
Abdominal wall 365
defect 13, 359, 570
diseases 359
edema 393
poor 796
Abdominis plane, transversus 118, 128
Abdominocentesis 192
Aberrant luminal recanalization theory 499
Abortion, risk of 38
Abortive twinning theory 499
Abrahamson's procedure 301
Abscess 93, 542
pancreatic 469, 483
splenic 490
Acardiac twin, ligation of 19
Acardius acephalus 24
Acardius amorphous 24
Acardius myelacephalus 24
Acastello classification, modified 297t
Accessory spleen 486
detection of 493
Acetaminophen 126
Acetylcholinesterase 508, 578
Achalasia 337, 347
cardia 336, 352
hypoperistalsis suggestive of 337f
Acholic stools 421
Achondroplasia 42
Acid reflux, reducing 342
Acidosis 129
Acinetobacter 97, 237
baumannii 437
Actinomycin D 583, 593, 600, 655, 658
Acute appendicitis 408
differential diagnosis of 410t
Adductor canal block 128
Adenitis 170
treatment of acute 273
Adenoid facies 268
Adenoidectomy, complications of 269
Adenoma 438
hepatic 625, 625f
hepatocellular 619
Adenomatosis 619
Adenosine 56, 137
Adenovirus 387
Adhesiolysis 157
Adhesive intestinal obstruction 414, 536
Adjacent fascia, division of 280
Adrenal hyperplasia 821
treatment of congenital 819
Adrenalectomy 158
Adriamycin 513, 641, 667
Advanced cardiac life support 55
Aerosol medication delivery system 56
Aganglionosis, extensive 510
Agenesis 829
anorectal 520f
bilateral renal 41, 676
embolism 110
fluid levels, paucity of 509
insufflation 390
leak 77, 78
movement 141
Airway 54, 68, 95, 139, 143, 145, 182, 217, 231
abnormalities, additional 319
access 183
assessment 182
collapse 77
complications 78
edema 78
endoscopy 318
foreign bodies 266
gases 120
hemangioma 323
injury 203
congenital pulmonary 15, 15f, 31, 33, 158
management of 56, 71, 181183, 234
lower 141
syndrome, congenital high 22
patency of 71, 135, 141, 142
positioning 141, 143
resuscitation equipment 135f
securing 183
sounds, abnormal 69
structural anomalies of 316
supraglottic airway devices 116
transfusion, congenital pulmonary 22
Alanine transaminase 419
Alarm therapy 754
Albumin 63
Albuterol 56, 141
Alcohol 417
sclerosis 634
swabs 56
Aldehyde dehydrogenases, levels of 588
Alfuzosin 754
Alkalosis 371
Allergic reaction 110
Allergic rhinitis 261
signs of pediatric 261
symptoms of pediatric 261
types of 261
Allergy 68
Allogeneic blood transfusion 65
alternates of 65
Allogenic stem cell transplantation 670
Alloimmune thrombocytopenia, neonatal 62
Alopecia 585, 586, 588
Alpha-fetoprotein 363, 618, 627, 629, 640, 642, 643, 645, 890
Alpha-thalassemia 490
Alport's syndrome 839
Aluko's stitch-N-stab technique 285
Alveolar cleft, treatment of 247
Amblyopia 878f
Amenorrhea 824
American Academy of Pediatrics 50
American Association for Surgery of Trauma 474t
Liver Injury Scale 194
Organ Injury Scale 192
American College of Critical Care Medicine 94
American Fertility Society classification 830
American Heart Association Guidelines Update 129
American Pediatric Surgical Association 6, 192
American Society of Anesthesiologists 115
Grading for Anesthesia Fitness 115
Physical Health Status Classification System 115t
Task Force on Blood Component Therapy 61
American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons 552
Amikacin 98, 99
Amino acid infusion 435
Amiodarone 56, 137
Ammonia, anhydrous 229
Amniocentesis 12, 16, 33
Amniotic cavity 29
Amniotic fluid 3234
index 31
transabdominal aspiration of 16
Amniotic membrane 236
Amoxicillin 98, 99
Amphetamines 417
Amphotericin B 99
Ampicillin 27, 98, 99, 411
Amyloidosis 488
Anal atresia 707, 830
Anal membrane stenosis 517f
Analgesia 119, 128
caudal 127
patient controlled 118
Anaphylaxis 140142
Anaplasia 595
Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty 686
steps of 688f
Androgen 776, 803
biosynthesis, disorder of 814
excess 814
insensitivity syndrome 628, 804, 824
receptor 776
defects, disorder of 814
Anemia 147, 373, 588
autoimmune hemolytic 488
chronic hemolytic 488
hemolytic 434, 446
Anencephaly 37
Anesthesia 29, 113, 115, 156, 413
fetal 34
neonatal 120
pediatric 113, 122
techniques 116
topical 128
Aneuploidy 10
fetal 13, 16
chromosomal 11
first trimester screening for 11
Angioma, tufted 880
Angioplasty 449
Angiosarcoma 488, 618, 619, 622, 648, 877
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor 678, 759
Angular facial dermoid 170
Anhidrosis 609
Anion gap 376
Aniridia 604
Ann Arbor staging classification 663, 665, 666
Anocutaneous fistula 514
black pearl sign of 516f
Anorectal malformations 120, 158, 406, 505, 513, 515, 515t, 518t, 520t, 522, 526t, 528
female 523
Krickenbeck classification of 515t
low 517f
original international classification of 515t
staged repair of 521
anterior sagittal 523
posterior sagittal 522, 535
Ano-recto-vaginoplasty, posterior sagittal 536
Ano-recto-vagino-urethroplasty 525
Anorexia 588, 609
Antegrade colonic enema procedure, appendicostomy for 158
Anthracyclines 605
Antibiotics 87, 96, 141, 328, 468
administration 533
antitumor 583
broad-spectrum 236, 411
lock prophylaxis 863
prophylaxis, use of 373
selection of 98t
topical 236
use of 408
antithyroid 290
mediated rejection, severe 872
profiles, prevalence of 543t
Antidote 141
Anti-fibrinolytics 63
Antifungal drugs 96
Antihistaminics 141
Antimesenteric seromuscular stripping and inversion plication 385
Antimetabolites 583
Anti-Mullerian hormon 822, 823, 831
Antireflux surgery 343, 704b
Anti-thrombolytics 63
Antithymocyte globulin 847
Anus fissures 542
Anxiety 44, 76, 90, 124, 141
Aorta 199
Aortic stenosis, severe 27
Aortic valve, needle across 29f
Apert syndrome 252, 253, 254f, 908f
Aplasia 303f, 676
Apnea 69, 147
test 225
Appendectomy 166, 408, 411
Appendiceal orifice, open 543f
Appendicectomy 157, 406
Appendicitis 408, 409, 568
acute 88
chronic 415
complicated 412, 415
diagnosis of 409
recurrent 415
simple 415
treatment of acute 411
uncomplicated acute 88
Appendicocecal junction 744f
Appendicovesicostomy 166, 743, 744f, 745, 745f
Appendicular mass 412
Appendix 408, 410
ruptured 408
stoma, maturation of 744
Appetite, loss of 589
Arap procedure, principles of 734
Arnold-Chiari malformation 891
Arnold-Chiari syndrome 292
Arrhenoblastomas 645
Arrhythmia 67, 78, 586
cardiac 110, 160
congenital 10
fetal 18
treatment of 205
Arterial blood 69
gas 69, 92, 186
analysis 191
Arterial carbon dioxide tension 91
Arterial line, insertion of 110f
Arterial oxygen
partial pressure of 70
tension 91
Arterial thrombosis 845
Arteriovenous malformations 877, 884, 884t
carotid 84, 287
inferior mesenteric 529
multiple 845
testicular 809f
Arthralgias 542
Artificial erection test 779f
Arytenoid dislocation 78
Ascites 455
intra-abdominal 609
Ascorbic acid, high-dose 235
Aspergillus 232, 325, 873
Asphyxia, traumatic 200, 206
Aspiration 78, 141, 147, 328, 377
Asplenia syndrome 416, 486
Asthma 141
Atelectasis 78, 354
Atresia 570, 834
anorectal 16
congenital intestinal 381
duodenal 12, 13, 41, 158
extrahepatic biliary 417419
ileal 41
intestinal 16, 381, 385, 570
multiple 382f
tricuspid 266
types of 382f
unilateral 262
Atretic portal plate tissues 420f
Atrial septal defect 205, 266
Atrophy, testicular 811
Atropine 56, 137
Atticoantral disease 260
Atypia 641
Autologous blood
donation 65
harvesting, schedule of 65t
Autologous intestinal reconstructive surgery 862
Automated endoscopic system 163
Automated external defibrillator 130, 131, 134f
Azathioprine 446, 549, 855
Azimuth angle 157
Azithromycin 98
Azoospermia 826
Aztreonam 98
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 170
adenitis 176f
excision 170
Baclofen 343
coliform 89
virulence of 88
Bacterial inoculum, size of 88
Bacteroides fragilis 98
Bactum 98
Baddha gudodaram 503
mask 95
ventilation 55
Balanced salt solution 117t
Balanitis xerotica obliterans 790, 791
Balanoposthitis 790
dilatation 686
tamponade 456
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 677, 678, 908
Bariatric surgery 555, 556
contrast enema 507f
enema 410
meals 372
Barrx flex energy generator 156
Bartter syndrome 768
Basic life support 141
Basiliximab 855
Baskin's and Duckett's tunica albugenia approximation procedure 778
Baskin's dorsal plication 778
Battle's sign 222, 222f
B-cell 872
lymphoma 670
neoplasms 662
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 670
Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome 252
Beck's triad 184, 205
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 360, 595, 604, 607, 678, 804
Bell's staging criteria, modified 394, 394t
Benjamin's classification 323
Benzodiazepines 116
Berdon syndrome 576
Berlin heart EXCOR VAD 869f
Bersting's theory 725
Best motor response 186, 218
Best verbal response 218
Beta-hemolytic streptococci 89
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 11, 642, 645
Betamethasone 792
Beudoin's hypothesis 726
Bianchi procedure 862
Bifid pelvis 675
Bile duct
adenoma 619
disease 433
hamartoma 619
injury 195
Biliary atresia 416, 417f, 418t, 850
classification of 418f
management of 419
splenic malformation 418
Biliary tract disease 481
Biliopancreatic junction 437
Bilirubin conjugates 434
Biochemical disorder 371
Bioelectrical impedance analysis 552
Biopsy 157, 610, 642, 663
testicular 642
trans-scrotal 635
Bipolar cord coagulation 25
Bipolar forceps 26f, 165f
fashion 347
sign 337
Birth trauma 291, 320
Black eye 222
Black pearl sign 516, 516f
Black pigment 433
stones 434, 434f
Bladder 522f, 609, 652, 657, 749
abnormality 843
augmentation 765
calculi 773
closure, complications of 734
complete involuntary emptying of 750
compliance, poor 735, 765
cycling, lack of 764
drainage 754, 761
dysfunction 701, 748, 765
exstrophy 41, 571
classical 726
clinical appearance of 724f
modern staged reconstruction of 728
fetoscope entering 32f
abnormal 843
disorders of 748
incontinence 609
injury 210
extraperitoneal 210f
types of 210
mucosa, triangular patch of 733
neck 514
dysfunction, primary 753
hypertrophy 765
incision 756, 762
reconstruction 729, 735, 743
repair 729
sling 166
outlet obstruction 757
outlet procedures 735
repair 731
wall, thickened 760f
Blake's pouch cyst 40
Bleeding 77, 110, 116, 452
acute variceal 461
anogenital injuries 214f
assessment of 185
gastrointestinal 157
intra-abdominal 147
varices 352
Bleomycin 585, 627, 631, 637, 643, 667, 886
intralesional 288
Blisters, absence of 232
borne transmission 452
cell count 438
leukocyte reduction of 63
transfusion 64
intraoperative strategies of 65
techniques 65
count, complete 68, 92
cultures 93
flow, absence of 389
glucose 475
fasting 556
measurement 373
and cross-matching 191
antigens 872
lactate 92
loss 77, 117
estimated 61
intraoperative maximum allowable 61
maximal allowable 63
permissible 61
pressure 48, 61, 72, 95, 185
cuffs 56
monitoring 55, 187
noninvasive 120
replacement, adequate 451
sugar 120
fasting 840
random 92
surface interaction 81
testis barrier, breach of 801
tests 255
transfusion 47, 59
complications of 64
facilities 451
indications of 61t
therapy 60, 117
urea nitrogen 70, 93, 467
estimated 117
loss, small 199
total 60
Blue cell tumor, small round 647
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 883
Blunt trauma 187, 204, 282, 473
Boari flap 722
psoas-hitch technique 723f
technique 722
fluid, physiology of 43
mass index 552, 840
surface area, total 227
water, total 43
Bone 609
flaps, removal of 257f
aspirate 93
examination 93
metastasis 609
needle 56
suppression of 585, 589
transplantation 446, 614
morphogenic protein 683
pain 585, 609
sarcomas 647
Bony pelvis, three-dimensional reconstruction of 727f
Botox 347
Botryoid 648
Botulinum toxin 347
injection 755
atresia 505
bladder dysfunction 749, 750
clinical diagnosis of 750
types of 750t
extra-abdominal 360
intra-abdominal 360
Doughnut’ of 509f
dysfunction 701, 748
evisceration of 404
grasper 155
herniated 361
incontinence 609
injuries 197
length measurement 383
management 896
program 527, 527t
mobilization 526
nonrotation of 306
obstruction, proximal 570
perforation 510
preparation 157, 521
rupture, pneumoperitoneum of 519f
vaginoplasty 832
Brachial artery traversing mass 651f
Brachial plexus 287
catheters 127
injury 111
Brachycephaly, severe 254f
Bracka's repair 784, 785f, 787
Bradyarrhythmias 142, 143
Bradycardia 69, 70, 114, 137, 289
Brain 663
death 225
growing 252
injury 218
hypoxic-ischemic 224
natriuretic peptide 873
parenchymal monitors 221
tissue 82
tumors 586588, 593, 647
Branchial clefts, embryology of 280f
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome 676
cancer 590
carcinoma 647
milk 46
Breath sounds 141
Breathing 54, 68, 139, 143, 145, 181, 184, 217
disordered control of 141
management of 234
mouth-to-mouth 133f
pattern 220
type of 220
British Association of Pediatric Urologists 721
British Columbia Children's Hospital 914
British Hematological Society 47
Brochodilator trials 141
Bronchial leak 77
Bronchiectasis 158
Bronchiolitis 141
Bronchopleural repair 77
Bronchoscope 35
Bronchospasm 78, 230, 231
Broselow tape 130, 130f
Broviac and Hickman catheters 103
Brown pigment stones 433, 434
Bryce's sign 284
Buccal mucosal graft 787, 882
Buck Gramco's method 911
Buck's and Dartos fascia, abnormal 779
Buck's fascia 780, 733, 820
Bucket-handle deformity 516, 517f
Budd-Chiari syndrome 445, 446
Bulbourethral glands 766
Bulky disease 666
outside mediastinum 666
Bull Gore injuries 203
Bull horn injury 203f
Bull motility chart 237
Bullectomy 77, 158
Burkholderia cepacia 437
Burkitt's lymphoma 410, 588, 642
Burns 89, 138, 227
acid esophageal 352
chemical 138, 229
contact 228
electrical 138, 229
flame 228, 231
flash 228
history of 231
incidence of 227
inhalation 230
injury 230
depth of 232, 232f
extent of 232
second-degree 232
types of 227, 228
victims, metabolic stress of 233
management of 235
specific evaluation of 232
Butterfly needles 56
Byar's and Bracka's methods 784
Byar's repair 784
Byar's skin flap 730, 781
Cadaveric donor 421, 853
operation 852
Cafe-au-lait spots 817f
Cajal interstitial cells 504
Calcineurin inhibitor 847, 872
levels 855
therapy 855
Calcium 70, 137, 236, 769, 771
bilirubinate 434
carbonate stones 433, 434
channel blocker 482
overdose 137
chloride 56
sensing receptor 466
gene 470
Calyces 675
extrarenal 675
Camper's and Scarpa's fasciae 799
Canadian Assessment of Tomography for Childhood Head Injury Rule 218b
Canavan disease 11
Cancer 546
antigen 645
cell 588
testicular 805
Candida 232, 325
albicans 236
Cannulation techniques 82
Cantwell Ransley technique, modified 729
Capillary lymphaticovenous malformation 887
Capillary refill time 70
Capnograph 187
Capnometry 135
Capnothorax 122
Carbimazole 290
Carbohydrates 237
Carbolic acid 87
dioxide 120, 135
arterial partial pressure of 89
monoxide intoxication 231
Carbonic anhydrase 898
inhibitors 769
Carboplatin 587, 615, 631, 637, 670
Carboxyhemoglobin 231
adrenal 446
adrenocortical 647
embryonal 636, 642, 645
hepatocellular 618, 619, 621
in situ 805
testicular 585
Cardiac anomalies 41, 305
Cardiac arrest 129
anticipating 140
causes of 129
intraoperative 138
Cardiac defects 14, 707, 830
Cardiac tamponade 131, 142, 143, 200, 205
Cardiomyopathy 142, 143, 867, 868
hypertrophic 868
standard techniques for 870
Cardioplegia, adequate 870
Cardiopulmonary bypass 603, 871
prolonged 81
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 67, 129, 131
complications of 149
Cardiorespiratory monitoring 69
Cardiotoxicity 605
Cardiovascular disease 840, 847
Cardiovascular system 217
Carney's syndrome 641
Caroli's disease 422f, 423, 423f
Cartilage, types of 322
Cat eye syndrome 515
Cataract 40
Catastrophes, intra-abdominal 859
Catecholamines 609
Catel-Manzke syndrome 286
Catharanthus roseus 584
caudal epidural 118f
intravenous 56
migration 111
partial occlusion of 112
Cationic pancreatic trypsin 469
Caudal regression syndrome 16, 515
Caudate lobe 620
Cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator 156
Cavity, abdominal 157
Cecoureterocele 719
Cecum 410
Cefepime 98, 99
Cefixime 421
Cefoperazone sulbactam 99
Cefotaxime 98, 99
Ceftazidime 99
Ceftriaxone 98, 99, 411
plus 98
apoptosis 588
derived neurotropic factor 503
enteroendocrine 860
membrane 43
salvage transfusion 65
tumors, small round 648
type of 805
Cellular rejection, acute 845
Cellulose acetate 236
Central catheter, peripherally inserted 103, 106f
Central nervous system 85, 867
abnormalities 14
defects 306
stabilization 54
Central neuraxial techniques 127
Central vascular access 102
insertion of 102b
Central venous access 74
device 74f, 105, 107f, 108f
Central venous catheter 103
insertion of 108f
Central venous pressure 72, 846
Cephalohematoma 222, 223f
Cephalo-trigonal procedure 729
hypoplasia 40
vermian agenesis 40
edema 219f
hypoperfusion 231
palsy 804, 902
perfusion pressure 220, 898
Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome 303
Cerebrospinal fluid 224, 897, 898
flow pathway 897f
leak 893
production 898
atresia 834f
lateral 280, 281
pathogenesis of lateral 280f
ectopia cordis 304
esophagostomy 336f
lymph node
biopsy 170, 173
mobilized 173f
lymphadenopathy 272
causes of 273t
meningocele 14f
muscle, atretic 834f
neuroblastoma, primary 290
spine 217
anomalies 255
control 139
injury 217
inline mobilization of 183f
stabilization 182
stabilization 182
teratoma 638
malignant 639
thymic cysts 278
vertebrae 113, 217
Cervicothoracic somite
abnormalities 676
dysplasia 830
absence of 823
squamous cell carcinoma of 585
Cesarean section 634
lower segment 7, 38
C-flap 245
Chaotic lipomas 890
Charge-coupled device
chips 153
video camera 152
Charter draws 8
Chemiluminescence 64
immunoassay 610
Chemotherapy 583, 599, 601, 614, 627, 630, 632f, 666
antineoplastic 446
duration of 671
induced cell lysis 630
practical principles of 670
principles 655
regimen 631
role of 656
Chest 295
anteroposterior diameter of 131
cage injuries 201
compressions 146
computed tomography of 327
contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of 596f
injury, management of 139
pain 200, 609
physiotherapy 75
postoperative X-ray of 312f
preoperative X-ray of 312f
radiographs 89
retractions 147
thrust 138f
tube 130
drainage 328
insertion of 111
deformity 297, 297t, 303f
injuries 201
Chevassu maneuver 643
Children's Cancer Study Group 599, 612, 631
Children's Hepatic Tumor International Collaboration 620
Children's Oncology Group 600, 612, 620, 631, 653
Staging 644
of ovarian tumor 636t
of testicular tumor 635t
Chloride 376
Chlorofluorocarbons 156
Choanal atresia 149, 262
Cholangiocarcinoma 428, 619
hepatocellular 619
intraoperative 419
operative 425f, 427
Cholangitis 421, 430
incidence of 421
Cholecystectomy 158, 166, 195, 440
indications for 437
single-site 442
acalculous 436, 437, 440
acute 436
chronic 439
Choledochal cyst 422, 423, 466, 497
excision 158, 166
Choledochal malformation 423f, 424, 429, 430, 438
congenital 422
ecision of 427b
treatment of 429
Choledochocele 426
Choledocholithiasis 436
Choledochoscopy 427
Cholelithiasis 435
elective cholecystectomy 436
Choleretic agents 419
Cholestasis 629
neonatal 419t
Cholesterol 433
metabolism, pathway of 815fc
stones 433, 435
supersaturated 433
Cholinergic drug toxicity 137
Choral hydrate 116
Chordee 778, 779, 779f
correction 778, 780f
persistent 735
Chorioadenoma destruens 590
Chorioamnionitis 21
Choriocarcinoma 590, 637, 642, 645
gestational 590
Chorionic villous sampling 12, 16, 17, 33
plexectomy 900
plexus 901
cysts 13
Chromogranin 608
Chromosomal aberrations, synopsis of 646t
Chylothorax 206
Chymotrypsin C gene 466, 470
Cilastin 99
Ciprofloxacin 98
Circulation 68, 143, 182, 184
Cirrhosis, background of 849
Cisplatin 586, 615, 627, 631, 637, 643
Citrate 767, 768, 771
Clarithromycin 98
Clavulanic acid 98, 99
Clean intermittent catheterization 701, 754, 765
Clear cell sarcoma 597, 598, 650, 652
Cleft lip 42, 241, 242, 242t
bilateral 243
complete 241f, 244
deformities, spectrum of 241f
management of 244t
repair 246t
bilateral 248f
unilateral 247f
secondary deformities of 248, 250t
surgical repair 245
unilateral 243
complete 241f
incomplete 241f
Cleft palate 42, 241, 242, 242t, 243f, 244
bilateral complete 241f
isolated 241f
management of 244t
secondary deformities of 248, 250t
surgical repair 247
unilateral 244
complete 241f
Clindamycin 98, 411
Clitoral body, collapsing imbrication of 819
Clitoral enlargement 819f
Clitoris 726
producing clitoromegaly, neurofibroma of 817f
Clitoro-labial dissociation 726
Cloaca 528, 536
persistent 520f, 525, 835
posterior 525
Cloacal exstrophy 360, 529, 725f, 736, 736f, 814
Cloacal membrane, anatomy of 725f
Clonidine 128
difficile 540
perfringens 88
Cloxacillin 99
Club foot 42
CO2 insufflation, complications of 160
Coagulogram 191
Cobb's collar 757
Cobblestone 539
appearance 541
Coccyx 522
Cohen's cross-trigonal ureteric re-implantation 710
Cohen's procedure 711f
Cohen's ureteric reimplantation 733
Coit's tail sign 285
abscess, drainage of 176f
water caloric responses tests 225
Colectomy, total 158
Colitis, indeterminate 539
Colloid 73
goiter, long-standing 289
solutions 117
Colon 197, 410
congenital short 528
interposition, complications of 354
patch esophagoplasty 354
Colonic aganglionosis, total 503, 504, 507f
Colonic atresia 381, 570, 571
etiology of 571
Colonic duplication 573
preoperative diagnosis of 573
Colonic obstruction
causes of 570
etiology of 570t
Colonic patch, right 510
Colonic stricture 570, 572
Coloplasty 523
completion of 535
technique of 535
Colostomy 510
care 521
diversion 520
Coma 44, 69, 482
Comb sign 544f
Common bile duct 420f, 425f, 436, 442f, 463, 463f
obstruction 436
Complete androgen insensitivity 824
syndrome 777
Complex heterotaxy syndrome 868
Computed tomography 663, 665
scan 196
contrast-enhanced 208, 595, 629, 650
severity index 468
Connective tissue 648
disorders 446
Consciousness 588
level of 141
Constipation 126, 498, 570, 585, 609
functional 751b
treatment of 754
Continuous daily therapy 589
Continuous positive airway pressure 141, 146, 147
Continuous pulse oximetry monitoring 69
Contusion 199
Coomb's test 488
Copper beaten appearance 253f
fibrous 382
free loop of 23
Core body temperature 89, 90
Corkscrew appearance 403f
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 804
Coronal synostosis, unilateral 251
Coronary artery 204
disease 850
Corpora spongiosa, deficiency of 779
Corpus colossal agenesis 39
Corpus spongiosum 731, 780
bifurcated 780f
lateral dissection of 782f
Corticosteroids 141
Costal cartilages, subperichondrial excision of 299f
Costello syndrome 607
Costochondral anomalies 303
Cough 609
new onset 231
Couinaud's segments 195
Cow's milk protein intolerance 342
Cowper's gland 750, 766
Craniofacial defects 306
Craniofrontonasal syndrome 252
Craniosynostosis 251, 253t, 255t
Boston-type 252, 253
patterns of 251f, 252t
surgery 257t
syndromes 252t, 253t
theories of formation of 252
treatment of 255
Craniotomy 223
C-reactive protein 68, 93, 409, 426, 467
Creatinine 70
velocity 764
Crede's maneuver 157, 809
Crescent sign 684
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 64
Cricothyroidotomy 56, 184
Cricotracheal resection 322
blastic 588
splenic sequestration 489
Crohn's colitis 549
features of 541
Crohn's disease 434, 435, 539, 544f, 549, 563
activity index 542t
endoscopic index 542t
Crohn's stricture 544f
Croup 141
Crouzon syndrome 252, 253
Crouzonodermoskeletal syndrome 252
Cryoprecipitate 47, 62
Cryptomenorrhea 816
Cryptorchidism 803
associated conditions of 804t
congenital 811
Crystalloids 73, 467
Currarino syndrome 515
Currarino-Silverman syndrome 301
Cushing's reflex 219, 282
Cushing's syndrome 622
Cyanosis 69, 231, 266
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 584
Cyclooxygenase 759
Cyclophosphamide 588, 589, 602, 615, 655, 657, 658, 667
Cyclosporine 866, 872
benign 498
branchial 280
dermoid 170, 175f, 497
drainage 634
ductal 267
duplication 387, 570
epithelial 643
epithelium lined 282
esophageal duplication 158, 347
exposure of 175f
fluid spillage 501
functional 645
huge superior mediastinal 282
hydatid 446, 487
ileal duplication 158
splenic 487, 487f, 488
thymic 277
wall 285
Cystectomy, hydatid 158
Cystic adenomatoid malformation, congenital 33
Cystic duct 442f
dissection of 442f
obstruction of 434
Cystic dysplasia, testicular 642
Cystic fibrosis 11, 385, 435, 565, 566, 768
conductance regulator gene 466, 470
receptor 565
Cystic hygroma 13, 40, 170, 281, 282, 284287, 885
clinical appearance of 286f
neck 885f
Serres’ staging of 287t
Cystic lesion 595
Cystic malformation 425f
extrahepatic 426f
Cystic renal dysplasia, obstructive 758f
Cystine 771
Cystinuria 768
acute 698
hemorrhagic 588
Cystogastrostomy 158, 482f
robot-assisted 469f
Cystojejunostomy 479
Cystoplasty, augmentation 158, 166
Cystoscopy, fetal 31
Cystotomy 744, 744f
detubularization of 744f
Cystourethrogram 212f
Cytogenetic studies 596
Cytomegalovirus 16, 63, 64, 273, 417, 419, 847, 857, 873
infection 566
Cytosine arabinoside 670
da Vinci prototypes 162
da Vinci robot 162
da Vinci SI system 163f
da Vinci XI system 163f
Dacarbazine 587, 667
Dactinomycin 602, 641
Dandy-Walker sequence 40
Dartos fascia 778
deficiency of 779
Daunorubicin 586
Davydov procedure 832
Death, intrauterine 27
Decortication 77
Deficit therapy 45, 46
Dehydration 52, 142, 435, 571
Delta valves 901
Dengue 98
Denis-Browne bowel holding forceps 374
Denis-Browne method 384
Denys-Drash syndrome 593, 595, 604, 605, 641
Deoxyribonucleic acid 566
Dermal regeneration templates 236
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 646, 648, 659
Dermatographism 585
cysts, midline 277
internal angular 172f
Desmoplastic round cell tumor 619, 623, 646, 659
Desmopressin 63, 754
Detrusor underutilization disorder 753
Detrusorotomy 739, 743
Dexamethasone 18, 280
Dexmedetomidine 76, 128
Dextranomer-hyaluronic acid 704
Dextrose 56, 117
fluids 390
Dextrostix 56
Diabetes mellitus 554, 555
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage 192
Diaphragm 344
rupture of 200
valves 901
Diarrhea 409, 498, 588, 860
secretory 862
watery 609
Diastematomyelia 40
Diathermy 155
Diatrizoate solution 565
Diazepam 116
Diclofenac 118
calcium 774
oxalate 775
sodium 774
Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid 685, 708
Digastrics muscle, belly of 277
Digoxin 56
Dihydroepi-androstenedione 817
Dihydrofolate reductase, inhibition of 590
Dihydrotestosterone 776, 822, 828
testosterone to 776
Diltiazem 56
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 676, 680, 685, 698, 708, 719, 763
scan 708, 708f
Diminished testosterone production 804
Diphenhydramine 56
Diplopia 899
Direct radionuclide
cystography 702
cystourethrogram 700
Discordant amniotic fluid volumes 27
Discordant monochorionic twins 23
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy 93
Distal atretic areas, detection of 383
Distal common bile duct and junction, delineation of 427
Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome 568
Distal ureteric calculus 770f
Diuretic 141
renal scintigraphy 685t
renogram 720
Diverticulectomy, incidental 564
Diverticulum, calyceal 675
Dizziness 590
Dobutamine 73, 100
Dohle bodies 92
Doll's eyes 225
Domperidone 862
evaluation of 840
heart, reconstruction of 872f
nephrectomy, open 842
operation 852
Dopamine 56, 73, 100
Doppler ultrasonography 447, 684
Dorsal dartos fascia 786
Dorsal skin closure 730
Dorsal slit preputioplasty 792
Double balloon enteroscopy 563
role of 563
Double bubble sign 403
Double U-flap vaginoplasty 833f
Doughnut’ sign 389
Down syndrome 1113, 38, 39, 566
Doxazosin 754, 765
Doxorubicin 585, 586, 602, 605, 659, 667
Doxycycline 288
Drowning 140
Drowsiness 44, 899
Drugs 146, 418
antithyroid 290
category of 847
therapy 879
Dry bladder syndrome 763
Dry inspired gases, humidification of 116
Dual hit theory 306
Duckett's tube urethroplasty 783, 784
Ductal anomalies, congenital 438
arteriosus 144
venosus 144
Duhamel's operation 510
Duhamel's procedure 511
Duodenal papilla
major 462
minor 462
Duodenal web 406
Duodenoduodenostomy 158
Duodenojejunal flexure 403f
Duodenojejunal junction 399
Duodenojejunostomy 158
Duodenum 383
Duplex system
ectopic ureter, management of 718
management of 720
Stephens’ classification of 719t
Duval's distal pancreatectomy 473f
Dynamic compression system 301
Dyselectrolytemia 68
Dysfunctional elimination syndrome 701
Dysfunctional voiding 750, 753
symptom score 753
asymmetrical gonadal 826
gonadal 628
Dysgerminoma 636, 637, 642, 645, 826
Dysglycemia 43
Dyskinesia, biliary 433, 436, 437, 442
Dyslipidemia 559
Dysmenorrhea 835
Dysmotility 859
Dysnatremia 43
Dysplasia 541, 676
campomelic 676
congenital 33
craniofrontonasal 253
unilateral 677
Dystocia 634
Dysuria 214, 760
Eagle-Barrett syndrome 766
anomalies 42
pain, symptoms of 260
Early advanced life support 130, 135
Echocardiogram 94
Echogenic bowel 13, 566
identification of 566
Ectopic ureter 717, 718
evaluation of 718
management of single system 718
Edema 71, 455
generalized 147
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 796
Electrocardiogram 120
electrodes 56
monitor 56, 187
abnormalities 373
balance 407
disturbances 147
imbalance 231, 533
urinary loss of 117
Electromyography 752
Electron microscopy 608
Electrosurgery 155
Elephant trunk deformity 736
pathognomonic appearance of 736
Elevated prothrombin time 93, 419
Embryogenesis 890b
Embryology 725
Embryonal sarcoma, undifferentiated 622, 622f
Embryonic cloaca 736
Emergency medical system 130, 133
Emphysema, surgical 160
Empiric combination therapy 97
Empyema 93, 325, 354
cavity 330
chronic 330, 330f
decortication for 158
stages of 326t
thoracis 325
En bloc kidney retrieval 842
Encephalocele 39, 121
Encephalopathy, hepatic 67
Endobronchial intubation 199
disruptors 776
neoplasia syndrome, multiple 290
pancreatic supplementation 472
Endopyelotomy 688
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 196, 423f, 426, 440, 453, 462, 480, 857
Endoscopic variceal eradication 460
Endoscopy 94, 152, 453, 860
Endosurgical bag 492
Endotracheal intubation 183
Endotracheal tube 52, 56, 135, 146
cuffed 56
Endourethral injection 733
End-stage renal disease 699, 707, 757
common causes of 839b
management of 839
End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring 56, 120
contrast 389, 512, 571
reduction 390
Entamoeba histolytica 325
Enteric duplication cyst, large 499f
Enteric origin, cysts of 497
Enteric sparing duplication cyst excision 166
Enterobacter 98, 698
Enterocele, excessively large 800
Enterococcus 698
faecalis 98
Enterocolitis 505f, 510
acute necrotizing 395
Enterocytes 860
Enteropathy 859
Enuresis 754
cardiac 70
deficiency 815
particular 857
types of 815, 821
immunoassay 64
inborn deficiency of 776
Ephedrine 29
Epidermal growth factor receptor 242
Epidermolysis bullosa 352
Epiglottis 317
shape of 114f
Epilepsy 482
Epinephrine 56, 73, 100, 137
intramuscular 141
nebulization 234
male 724f
repair 729
complications of 735
Epsilon amino caproic acid 63
Epstein-Barr virus 269, 437, 847, 857, 873
Erector spinae plane block 128
Erythema 232, 393
nodosum 542
Erythromycin 862
use of 342
Erythropoietin, preoperative 65
Escharotomy 236
Escherichia coli 88, 97, 236
Esophageal acid exposure 340
Esophageal atresia 38, 40, 333, 334, 334f, 336, 347, 370
historical aspect of 333t
long gap 336, 336b
prognostic classifications of 334t
repair of 158
types of 334, 334f
Esophageal diseases, benign 339
Esophageal disorders, congenital 333
Esophageal motility 340
Esophageal perforation 77, 352
Esophageal replacement 352, 352b, 353f, 355
Esophageal sphincter, lower 336, 339, 568
Esophageal stenosis, congenital 337, 347
Esophageal stricture 203, 346
resection anastomosis 158
Esophageal varices 452
Esophagectomy 158
advanced obliterative 352
severe 352
Esophagogastric devascularization 456
Esophagogastric dissociation, total 346
Esophagogram, contrast swallow 337f
Esophagoscopy 318
Esophagus 199, 335f, 344
conserved 354
dilated lower end of 337f
Estriol, unconjugated 11
Estrogen hormone 878
Ethanol 288
Ethics 5
and law 8
principles of 5
Etoposide 587, 588, 602, 615, 627, 631, 637, 643, 659, 667, 670
Euglycemia 482
Eurocollins solution 841
European Neuroblastoma Study Group 612
European Society of Pediatric Urology 772
Euthyroids 288
Ewing's sarcoma 586, 588, 649
Ex utero intrapartum treatment 22, 34, 885
Excessive vagal tone 137
Exocrine pancreatic supplementation 472
Exomphalos 41
female 733f
male 731f
complete primary repair of 730
duplicate 727
epispadias complex 724, 726
management of 728
variants 727
External anal sphincter 514
External jugular vein 104, 104f
Extracorporeal life support organization 79
Extracorporeal membrane
cardiopulmonary resuscitation 84, 135, 137
oxygenation 79, 140, 309, 868
basics of 80
circuit 80f
circulation 80
devices 81
equipment 135
indications for 81
venovenous 83
Extracorporeal shock 440, 772
wave lithotripsy 440, 772
Ex-utero intrapartum treatment 287
Eye opening 186, 218
Eyeballs, rolling of 609
Eyelid, drooping of 220
Face, flame burns of 231
Facemask, simple 71
cleft 13
hemihypoplasia, progressive 293
Falciform ligament 853
Fallopian tube 755, 825, 826
single 826f
Fallot's tetralogy 14f
Familial inheritance theory 279
Fan retractor 155
Fascia 745
iliaca block 128
Fasting insulin levels 556
Fat wrapping 541
Fatigue 590
Fatty acid 434
oxidation 554
non-hemolytic transfusion reactions 63
urinary tract infection 698
Fecal incontinence 526, 609
gastrostomy 336f
intolerance 147
issues 147
vessel embolization 634
Felty syndrome 488
Femoral block 128
Femoral vein 107
Femur, short length of 13
Fentanyl 118, 125, 126, 235
Fertility 765, 812
preservation 640
anemia 10, 22
assessment of 22
severe 21
anomalies, management of 37
blood sampling 17, 22
anomalies 14
interventions 27
valvular obstructions 27
cord blood 22
cystoscopic laser fulguration 32f
demise 566
intrauterine 19
endoscopic balloon occlusion 308
fluid collection 21
gastrointestinal anomalies 16
genitourinary anomalies 15
growth restriction, early 13
intervention 31, 35, 38
routes of 17
split-up of 21f
lower urinary tract obstruction 760
management congenital diaphragmatic hernia 34
medical therapy 17
medicine 10
renal cortical cysts 764
structural abnormalities, common 13
surgery 7, 17, 21, 29, 891
open 17, 29
testis 776
therapeutic interventions 21, 22, 22fc
therapy 10, 17, 24
direct 22
indications for 21b
thoracic masses 15
analysis, value of 764
sampling 31
vesicostomy 31
creation of 32f
Fetoscopic cord occlusion 19
Fetoscopic laser
coagulation 27
photocoagulation 27
procedure 28f
Fetoscopic repair 33, 34
Fetoscopic tracheal occlusion 22
Fetoscopy 20, 28f
acardiac 25f
avascular acardiac 25f
transplacental treatment of 18
virilization of 814
Fever 77, 87, 92, 585, 590, 609, 760, 801
Fibrinogen 62
concentrate 64
Fibrinolysis 331
Fibroblast growth factor 878
Fibrochondrogenesis 360
Fibroma 642, 644, 645
Fibromatosis 647
colli 291
Fibromuscular stenosis 347
Fibromyxoid sarcoma, low grade 648
Fibrosarcoma 648
infantile 646, 648, 658
Fibrosis, congenital hepatic 677
Fibrotic peel 330
Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant 646648, 659
Fibrous tissue, presence of 279
Filariasis 446
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 273, 630, 651, 663
contracture 911
deviation 911
pulp 882
Fish-hook sign 721
Fissure, anterior 41
Fistula 542
anovestibular 520f
aortocolonic 354
arteriovenous 877, 881
branchial 281
bronchopleural 78, 326
complex 549
distal tracheoesophageal 334f
fecal 414
Fistulotomy 549
Five-point auscultation 135
Fixed wing aircraft 51, 57
Flail chest 201
Flatus tube 157
Flip-flap vaginoplasty, technique of 834f
Fluconazole 99
Fluid 45
column, swinging of 74
compartments 43
creep 235
deficit, estimated 116
extracellular 43
infusion 95
intake 774
interstitial 43
intracellular 43
maintenance 44, 46, 467
management 855
overload 43
postoperative 47
preoperative 46
resuscitation 185, 235, 467
types of 47, 73, 117
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 651
Fluorodeoxyglucose 596, 665
Fluoroquinolone 98
Foley's catheter 160, 171f
technique 174, 174f
Foley's urethral catheter 745
Foley's VY plasty 687, 688f
Foley's YV plasty 686
Folic acid 889, 890
Follicle-stimulating hormone 630, 805, 830
Follicular lymphoma 642
Fontan operation 868
anterior 145
posterior 145
Foramen ovale 144
delivery 320
guided technique 791
Foregut dysmotility 860, 862
Foreign body 260, 263, 266
airway obstruction 138
aspiration of 141
types of 263
Foreskin, embryology of 789
Formula milk 46
Fortified cow's milk 393
Fosphenytoin 56
Fossa cyst, posterior 13
Fournier's gangrene 792
Fracture, diastatic 222, 222f
Frank technique 831
Fraser's syndrome 515, 628, 641, 644, 676
Fresh frozen plasma 47, 59, 62, 63, 117, 406
transfusion 62
Frey's procedure 473f
Fronto-orbital advancement technique 257f
Fryns syndrome 286
Functional liver residual volume 619
Functional lower urinary tract disorders 748
Functional residual capacity 76, 122
Fundoplication 158, 344
Furlow's palatoplasty 249f
Furosemide 56, 685
therapy, chronic 435
Fusiform 422
malformation 426f
abnormalities, lateral 835
anomalies of 675
Gairdner's pioneering 789
Gallbladder 372, 452
agenesis 438
cholesterol 439
congenital abnormalities of 437
diseases 433, 435, 437, 438, 442, 568
risk of 436
excised specimen of 434f
non-stone conditions of 436
pain, causes of 433
pediatric 433
polyps 438
Gallstones 439
ceftriaxone associated 439
classification of 433
development of 435
implication of 479
management of 439
pediatric 440
prevalence of 433
Galveston formula 237, 237t
Gamma-glutamyltransferase 419
Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 425
Ganglia, ectopic 578
Ganglion cell 499
maturity 508
Ganglioneuroblastoma 290, 607
Ganglioneuroma 607
Gardner's syndrome 647
Gartner's cyst 719
Gartner's duct 716, 718
anesthetic 120
embolism 160
exchange 81
band, adjustable 557, 557f
catheters 186
contents, decompression of 53
heterotopia 438
hypersecretion 862
juices, loss of 371
mucosa 573
ectopic 347
outlet obstruction 544f
pouch, small 557
teratoma 638
varices 452
vessels, division of short 491f
Gastrinoma 475
Gastroepiploic vessels, left 485
Gastroesophageal junction 346
Gastroesophageal reflux 339, 342f, 372
disease 339, 340
causes of 311
diagnosis of 340
pathophysiology of 339f
treatment of 265
abnormalities 727
anomalies 505, 516
disease 555, 768
duplications 497, 573
cysts 41
dysmotility 860
losses 92
obstruction 413
reconstruction 736
rotation and fixation, disorders of 399
signs 393
tract 67, 381, 479, 663
duplications 497, 499
reconstruction of 736
venous malformations 883
Gastrojejunal tube 345, 345f
Gastroschisis 13, 41, 109, 121, 359, 360, 360f, 406, 571
defect 362f
Gastrostomy 158, 344, 345
Gastrulation, malformation of 890
Gatifloxacin 98
Gaucher's disease 488, 490, 494
defects, single 10
disorder, single 363
mutations 609
syndrome, contiguous 678
Generalized bowel dilatation 506f
disorder 11, 804
mutations 470
predisposition 764
sonogram 12, 13
syndromes 363
Genital defects
female 726
male 726
Genital tract
agenesis 830
female 718
ambiguous 814
development of 817
diminutive 728
external 532, 749, 776
germ cell tumor of 638
Genitofemoral nerve 795, 801
Genitogram 817f
Genitoplasty, feminizing 821f
Genitoscopy 830
Genitourinary malformations 724
Genitourinary tract reconstruction 737
Gentamicin 99, 411
Germ cell 628, 645
dysfunction 805
tumor 584, 587, 588, 619, 623, 627, 628, 630, 635, 638, 645
embryopathogenesis of 627fc
histological classification of pediatric 628t
mixed 645
pathway 643, 643fc
perinatal 638
testicular 634
German guidelines 46
German Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology 612
Gerota's fascia 208, 599, 686
multiple 363
weeks of 148
Gestational age 15
Giant omphalocele 364
Giggle incontinence 750
Gilbert's syndrome 434
Gil-Vernet repair 711
Glandular urethra 776
Glansplasty 787
Glanuloplasty 731
repair 779
Glasgow coma scale 186t, 217
modified 218t
Glasgow coma score 72, 91
Glasgow system 467
Glenn operation, bidirectional 868
Glenn-Anderson repair 711
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor 714
Glioblastoma 647
Glisson's capsule 420
Glomerular filtration rate 685, 759, 840
estimated 847
Glomerulonephritis 839
Glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental 701
Glottis 206
position of 317
Glucagon 56, 575, 862
Glucose 45, 70, 137
adequate serum 476
infusion rate 475
tolerance 847
Glycocalyx 44
Glycosaminoglycans 767
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol 714
Goblet cells 860
dyshormonogenic 289, 289f
physiological 289
regression of 18
Goldbal balloon 35f
Goldenhar syndrome 515
Gonadal dysgenesis, mixed 7, 814, 826, 827f
Gonadoblastoma 628, 641, 642, 644, 645
Gonadotropin 803
elevated serum 805
Gonocyte 805
dysfunction 845
causes of 846
chronic causes of 846
differential diagnosis of 846t
reduced 854
versus-host disease, transfusion-associated 64
Gram stain 92
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 671
Granulocytopenia 585
Granulosa tumors, juvenile 641, 645
Graves’ disease 18, 290
Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome 908
Growing skull fracture 222, 222f
Growth hormone
action of 847
deficiency 899
Grunting sound 147
Gubernacular regression 803
Gubernaculums 786
Guillotine technique 791
Gut, normal rotation of 400f
Gynecomastia 641
Haemophilus influenzae 98, 194, 259, 261, 269, 491, 495
Hair, loss of 585, 589
Haller index 299, 299f
Hamman's crunch 203
Hamman's sign 203
Hand technique, single 131f
Handlebar injury 196
Harmonic scalpel 195
Harvesting-transfusion plan 65
Hashimoto thyroiditis 289
Hassab's procedure, modified 456
Hassan trocar 154f
Head 187
and neck 609
epidermoid cancers of 590
teratoma 638
end elevation 77
face and neck 239
injury 75, 217
concurrent 231
minor 218
moderate 219
pediatric 216, 221, 226
sequelae of 225
severe 219, 220
Headache 44, 609, 899
Hearing loss 244, 260
Heart 204
block, complete 18
congenital 12
major 13
disease 586
congenital 142, 143, 347, 866
structural congenital 868
congestive 488
end-stage 867
right 78
implantation 870
injuries 199
penetrating 204
rate 61, 120, 146, 185
retrieval 870
transplantation 873
complications of 873
indications for pediatric 867
Heartware™ HVAD™ system 869f
Heat exchanger 82
Heimlich maneuver, pediatric 139f
Heimlich valve 56
Heinz bodies 486
Heller's cardiomyotomy 158
Heller's myotomy 348
Hemangioendothelioma, epithelioid 619, 622
Hemangioma 271, 284, 642, 877
cavernous 882
congenital 880
cutaneous 267
focal infantile hepatic 623f
gastrointestinal infantile 878
infantile 619, 877, 878f
hepatic 623
mimicking salivary gland swelling 284f
noninvoluting congenital 880
origin of 878
rapidly-involuting congenital 880
Hemangiomatosis 878f
Hemangiopericytoma 648
infantile 648
Hematocrit 18, 60, 373
Hematologic disorders, management of 485
Hematologic thrombogenic disorders 445
Hematology 851
Hematoma 110, 194, 196, 387
epidural 219f
formation 110
Hematometra 834f
Hematuria 760
cyclic 816
gross 210
Hemihypertrophy 604
Heminephrectomy 158
Hemiplegia, contralateral 882
Hemithorax 110
Hemivagina, obstructed 836f
Hemochromatosis, neonatal 849
Hemodialysis 68
Hemofiltration 856
Hemoglobin 60, 61, 191
concentration 60t
denatured 486
fetal 60, 61
levels, neonatal 60
Hemoglobinopathies, abnormal 60
Hemogram 191
Hemolytic disease 18, 22, 435, 439
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 410, 572
Hemoperitoneum 187, 192
large 192
moderate 192
small 192
Hemophilia A 62
Hemopneumothorax 202
Hemorrhage 85, 594, 594f
fetomaternal 22
internal 499f
large fetomaternal 19
massive external 182
splenic 488
subarachnoid 219f
Hemostasis 30f
adjuvant therapies of 63
Hemostatic agents and techniques 195
Hemostats 811
Hemothorax 187, 202
Hemotympanum 222
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 410
Heparin 56
Hepatectomy 166
Hepatic artery
bifurcation of 420f
selective ligation of 195
thrombosis 856
Hepatic disease 422, 676, 678
Hepatic duct, common 427
Hepatic dysfunction 91
Hepatic encephalopathy, minimum 460
Hepatic failure, acute 67
Hepatic portal vein 23f
Hepatic resection, non-anatomical 195
Hepatic vein 448f
Doppler of 448f
non-visualization of 448f
wedge pressure 453
Hepatic veno-occlusive disease 605
Hepaticoduodenostomy 158, 166, 426, 429
Hepaticojejunostomy 158, 427
A 437
immunization 851
B 64
immunization 851
C 64
chronic 850
fulminant 850
Hepatobiliary procedures 158
Hepatoblastoma 158, 618, 619, 620f, 630
Hepatocyte bilirubin conjugation 434
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 421
Hepatorenal syndrome 447
Hepatotoxicity 589
incidence of 605
Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome 835
Hermaphrodite, true 7
Hernia 128, 160, 367, 794, 795
block 119f
congenital diaphragmatic 10, 15, 15f, 21, 34, 84, 121, 148, 158, 305, 306b, 306t, 307f, 308f, 310f, 312f, 339
diaphragmatic 13, 38, 40, 41
epigastric 367
female inguinal 799
hiatus 342f, 370
infantile umbilical 366
irreducible 367, 798
obstructed 367
periumbilical 367
reduction 311
repair 88
sac 799, 808
uncomplicated 801
uteri inguinalis 825
Herniotomy 798, 799
Herpes simplex virus 273, 419, 873
Heterotaxy syndrome 406, 871, 872f
Heterozygosity, loss of 593, 596, 646
H-fistula 524
Hickman and Broviac catheters 107
Hidden incision endoscopic surgery 695
pyeloplasty 695
High anorectal malformations, flat perineum of 517f
High performance liquid chromatography 610
High plasma procalcitonin 409
High vaginal atresia 833f
High-dose marrow ablative therapy 615
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation 81, 234, 309f
Hirschsprung's disease 158, 385, 406, 503, 504, 505f, 507f, 508f, 509f, 511t, 550, 566, 570, 571
genetic of 503
Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution 841
Hodgkin's disease 494, 584, 585, 587, 588
Hodgkin's lymphoma 584, 589, 590, 662, 663, 665, 666
characteristics of 663t
classical 666
pediatric 666, 667t, 668
treatment of 585
Hodgkin's tumors 290
Holliday Segar formula 44t, 45, 117t
Holmium-YAG laser fibers 773
Holoprosencephaly 13, 39
Homovanillic acid 610
Hook sign 571
Hormonal stimulation, role of 777
anabolic 231
antidiuretic 44
Horner's syndrome 609
Horseshoe kidney 604, 675, 676, 680, 696, 768
appearance of 680f
Host defenses, acquired 88
Hounsfield units 770
Howell-Jolly bodies 486
Huber needle 108
Human chorionic gonadotropin 618, 629
Human immunodeficiency virus 64
Human leukocyte antigen 417, 866, 867
Human papillomavirus 417
Human platelet antigen 62
Human T-cell lymphotropic viruses 64
Humerus, short length of 13
Hutchinson procedure 390
Hydatidiform mole 590
Hydranencephaly 39
Hydrocalycosis 675
Hydrocele 794, 795, 798
encysted 800
postoperative 801
surgical treatment for 800
types of 796f
Hydrocephalus 39, 40, 121, 253, 893, 897, 900t
congenital 898
etiological classification of 899t
infantile 898
normal pressure 897
obstructive 899
pathology of 897
pediatric 902
treatment of 900
Hydrochloric acid 229
Hydrocortisone 280
Hydrodistension implantation technique 710
Hydrogen ion 129, 131
Hydrometrocolpos 835f
Hydromorphone 126
Hydronephrosis 683, 694f, 699, 740, 759f
antenatal 684t
severe 159f
Hydrops 21, 437
development of 14
Hydrostatic reduction 390
Hydroureter 699
Hydroureteronephrosis 759
mild 770f
secondary bilateral 835f
Hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase deficiency 817
Hydroxy-iminodiacetic acid 426
Hydroxylase deficiency 821
Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency 821
Hymen 829
Hyoid bone, body of 276
Hyperbaric oxygen 234
Hypercalciuria 767, 768
idiopathic 768
Hypercapnia, arterial 69
Hypercarbia 160
managing 76
Hyperchloremia 43
Hypercholesterolemia, familial 850
Hyperechoic bowel 13, 566
Hyperemia, zone of 228
Hyperglycemia, stress-induced 92
Hyperinsulinemia 554
congenital 475, 482
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 475, 476
genetic of 475
persistent 475
types of 476
Hyperinsulinism, congenital 477
Hyperkalemia 64, 92, 121, 129, 131, 137, 147, 373
Hypermotile colon 527
Hyperosmolar enema 567
therapy 565
Hyperoxaluria 768
primary 768
secondary 768
Hyperparathyroidism 768
Hyperpigmentation 585
congenital adrenal 18, 815, 818, 818f, 820f, 821f
epithelial 438
focal nodular 619, 625
odontoid 292
Hypersplenism 487, 488b
Hypertension 585, 595, 609, 701, 707, 847
benign intracranial 897
elevated intracranial 220
extrahepatic portal 451
features of 609
intra-abdominal 197
Hyperthermia 137, 147, 219
Hyperthyroidism 18, 288
Hypertrophy, adenoid 268
Hyperuricosuria 768
Hyperventilation 160
Hypervitaminosis D 768
Hypnotherapy 119
Hypocalcemia 64, 92, 95, 120, 147, 768
ionized 137
Hypochondrium, left 384
Hypocitraturia 768
Hypodermic needles 56
acquired 64
congenital 64
Hypoganglionic anal zone, physiologically 508
Hypoglycemia 95, 120, 129, 131, 137, 147, 475t, 479, 482
neonatal 575
Hypogonadism 605
Hypokalemia 92, 129, 131
Hypomagnesemia 64, 92, 137
Hypomotile colon 527
Hyponatremia 92, 147, 817
Hypoparathyroidism 768
Hypoperfusion 189
signs of 99
Hypophosphatemic rickets 649
Hypoplasia 33, 41, 303f, 514, 676
aortic arch 870
unilateral 677
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 28, 867, 868
Hypoplastic urethra 778, 779f, 780f
Hypospadias 604, 776, 777, 779, 779f, 816
cripple 787
repair 778t, 788
Hypospadiology 776
Hypotension 85, 87, 90, 91, 120, 147, 217, 224, 393
intractable 81
Hypothalamic dysfunction 607
Hypothermia 64, 120, 121, 129, 131, 137, 147, 160, 224, 421, 533, 855
ischemic 291, 381
two hit 33
Hypothyroid fetus 18
Hypothyroidism 10, 288, 624, 668
fetal 10
necessitates thyroxine 277
Hypoventilation 607
Hypovolemia 43, 52, 129, 131, 231
rapid correction of acute 116
Hypoxemia, arterial 69
Hypoxia 52, 70, 114, 120, 129, 131, 147, 189, 217, 231, 439
altitude 52
hypoxic 52
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, severe 147
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 122
Ibuprofen 118
Ideal colostomy, characteristics of 521
Idiopathic detrusor overactivity disorder 753
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 488, 489
Ifosfamide 588, 659, 670
Ileocecal junction 567
Ileocecal valve 549
Ileocolic resection 549f
Ileocystoplasty 745f, 746, 746f
augmentation 741
Ileosigmoid knotting 570, 576, 577
Ileostomy 392f, 510, 534
Ileum, detubularization of 744f
Iliac fossa, right 455
Iliohypogastric nerve block 128
Ilioinguinal nerve block 119f, 128
Iminodiacetic acid, hepatobiliary 419, 857
Imipenem 98, 99
Immature leukocytes, presence of 92
dysregulation 418
management 866
thrombocytopenic purpura 486
Immunization 115
Immunosuppression 855, 872
maintenance 872
treatment, side effects of 873
Immunosuppressive drugs 847t
Imperforate hymen 834
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 663
In vitro fertilization 777
Incision laparoscopic surgery, single 159
Indian Law Medical Termination of Pregnancy 37
Indian shunt systems 901
Indinavir 769
Indolent esophageal stricture 352
Induction immunosuppression 872
Infant pain profile, premature 124, 125
Infections 89, 231, 454
bacterial 89
catheter-related 863
control 54
healthcare-acquired 87
immunosuppression-induced 847
intra-abdominal 454
possible sepsis 110
surgical site 87, 88
Infertility 605
causes of 466
signs of 438
Inflammatory bowel disease 412, 539, 543t, 545, 546
diagnosis of 541
incidence of 539f
management of 545
Inflammatory cell, chronic 790
Infusion pumps 56
Inguinal hernia 157, 795, 797799, 804
diagnosis of 797
incidence of 799
laparoscopic repair of 800
repair of 806
Inguinal pouch, superficial 796, 804
Inhalation injury 230
absence of 227
presence of 227
Injury 197
abdominal 191, 194
aortic 205
cardiac 201
caustic 346
circumcision 212
corrosive 158
description of 196
diaphragmatic 204
duodenal 197
electrical 139
esophageal 203
genitourinary 213
hepatic 363
intestinal 363
ischemic 735
type of 196
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 91
Insulinoma 475
Intensity modulated radiation therapy 660
Intensive care unit 663
Intensive induction chemotherapy 615
Intercostal tube 74f
Internal jugular vein 106
International Association for Study of Pain 124
International Children's Continence Society 749, 750t
International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Systematic Review 145
International Neuroblastoma Pathology Classification 607
International Neuroblastoma Response Criteria 617
International Neuroblastoma Risk Group 611, 612
International Normalized Ratio 83, 93
International Pathology Pediatric Liver Tumors Symposium 618, 622
International Reflux Study Committee Classification 709f
Intersex disorder 814
Interstitial laser 24
Intestinal adaption after small bowel resection 860
Intestinal aganglionosis, total 504, 510
Intestinal failure 859, 863
causes of 859t
management of 863
types of 859
Intestinal intussusception 386
Intestinal lymphomas, primary 546
Intestinal malrotation, familial 406
Intestinal neuronal dysplasia 511, 570, 577, 578
Intestinal obstruction 570, 572, 573
advanced 389
Intestinal rotational anomaly 399
Intestinal transplantation 859, 863
types of 864f
Intracranial pressure 44, 160, 217, 253, 897
monitoring 220
Intrafetal laser 25f
Intrahepatic bile ducts 423f
dilated 426f
Intrahepatic stone formation 430
Intraoperative fluid therapy 46, 116
Intraoral incision, simple 285
Intraosseous access 136f
adolescents, sites of 136f
Intraosseous infusion 185f
Intraosseous needle 130, 136f
Intraosseous vascular access device, insertion of 106f
Intrathoracic compression procedure 301
Intrauterine growth restriction 566
selective 27
Intrauterine transfusion 18, 19, 22, 23f, 634
Intrauterine vascular accident theory 500
Intravascular intrauterine transfusion 23f
Intravascular osmotic pressure 230
Intravenous fluid 44, 395
administration tubing 56
maintenance 335
therapy 43
Intravenous immunoglobulin G, maternal administration of 18
Intussusception 386, 386f, 391
recurrent 387
reduction of 158
uncomplicated 389
In-utero fetal therapeutic interventions 13
deficiency of 289
tincture of 288
Ionic calcium 92
Ipratropium 141
Ipsilateral renal agenesis 835
syndrome 836f
Ipsilateral retroperitoneal modified nerve sparing lymph node dissection 655
Iritis 542
Iron granules 486
Ischemia 89
Ischemic injury, minimize 854
Ischio-pubic rami 731
Isoproterenol 56
Isotretinoin 615
Itching 214
Ito cells 624
Itraconazole 99
Ivermark syndrome 486
J pouch 548f
Jack-knife position 522
Jackson's burn model 228f
Jackson-Weiss syndrome 252
Jarcho-Levin syndrome 303
Jaundice 371, 416, 422, 424, 455
progressive 857
Jejunal atresia 384, 416
Jejunoileal atresia 381
diagnosis of 381
morphological classification of 382
Jejunostomy, proximal 396f
Jejunum 479
Jeune syndrome 302, 302f
Joint instability 911
Jones-Lovett's Z-plasty 280
JPN scoring system, pediatric 467
Jugular vein 282, 287, 460
Jugular venous
oxygenation 82
pressure 205
Kallman syndrome 804
hemangioendothelioma 877, 880
lymphatic anomaly 877, 880
Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon 880
Kasai portoenterostomy 419, 420
Kasai procedure 850
Kasai scissors 420, 420f
Kawasaki disease 410, 437
Keisewetter-Koop hypothesis 279
Kelley clamp 56
Kelly's and Kieswwetter scoring system 537
Kelly's repair 729
Kernahan striped-Y classification 242, 243, 243f
Ketamine 116, 235
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 410
Kidney 207, 663, 699
clear cell sarcoma of 597
congenital abnormalities of 675, 676t
cystic 676
damage 698
development of 675
disease, chronic 554, 701
donor, potential living 841b
ectopic 679
failure 590
function, abnormal 559
hypoplastic 675
acute 47, 68
types of 698
isolated ectopic 679
parenchymal injury, acute 698
preservation, principles of 840
transplant, self-administered 841b
Kimura procedure 510
King's classification 720
Klebsiella 98, 236, 237, 698
Klinefelter syndrome 628, 637, 804, 814
Klippel-Feil syndrome 292, 303
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome 887, 887f
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome 595
Kocher's point 221
Koff and Eakins, corporal rotation technique of 779
Krickenbeck classification 514, 515t
Kulkarni's technique 730
Kulkarni's theory 726
Kureel's technique 732
Kyphoscoliosis 14
Labetalol 56
Labia minora, hypoplastic 726
Labioplasty 821
Labor, premature 21
Labyrinthine sedatives 53
Laceration 194, 196, 199
Lactate dehydrogenase 326, 610, 645
Ladd's bands 404, 405
division of 406
Ladd's procedure, steps of open 404, 405f
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding 557
Laparoscopic appendectomy 413, 413f
steps of 414f
Laparoscopic augmentation ileocystoplasty, robot-assisted 741
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 152, 436, 440, 441, 442f
popularized 152
Laparoscopic cysto-gastrostomy, operative technique for 481
Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy 842
Laparoscopic extravesical ureteral reimplantation 705
robot-assisted 738
Laparoscopic Heller's myotomy 348
Laparoscopic ileocystoplasty, robot-assisted 745, 746
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair 800
Laparoscopic Ladd's procedure 405
Laparoscopic lateral pancreaticojejunostomy 159f
Laparoscopic near total pancreatectomy 483
Laparoscopic necrosectomy 483
Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication 343
Laparoscopic orchiopexy 810, 810f
port position for 810f
technique of 809
Laparoscopic pancreatectomy 483
Laparoscopic pancreatic surgery 484
Laparoscopic pancreaticojejunostomy, operative technique for 480
Laparoscopic partial splenectomy 494f
Laparoscopic pyeloplasty 686, 688, 689f, 692
Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy 375
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 557559
Laparoscopic splenectomy 491
controversies of 493
Laparoscopic surgery 121, 156, 160, 166t, 429, 479, 773
advantages of 807
Laparoscopic technique 563
Laparoscopic trocars 154f
Laparoscopy 157, 192, 404, 479, 508, 636, 665
complications of 159
disadvantage of 391
indications for 157
trolly 153f
Laparotomy 94, 508, 665, 851
Laryngeal clefts 323
Laryngeal cysts 267, 282, 323
clinical features of 283t
type of 284
Laryngeal mask 184
airway 135
Laryngeal nerve 287
injury, recurrent 77
Laryngeal tube 135
Laryngeal web 267
Laryngocele 282, 284, 323
Laryngomalacia 264, 318, 319fc
management of 319
natural course of 319
surgical management of 319
Laryngoscope handles 56
Laryngotracheal clefts 323
Laryngotracheal tube 265
Laryngotracheoplasty 322
Larynx, congenital conditions of 264
Laser ablation 10, 634
Laser therapy 27, 880
L-asparaginase 589
Laurence-Moon syndrome 804
Left atrial anastomosis, recipient 871f
Left colon syndrome, small 509, 570, 574, 574
Left ventricular assist devices 873
Left ventricular outflow obstruction 143
Leiomyoma 642, 647
Leiomyosarcoma 647, 648
Lembert technique 711
Leptin treatment 555
Lesions, types of 890
Lethal anomalies, congenital 10
Lethal skeletal dysplasia 42
Lethargy 44, 90, 482, 609
Letterer-Siwe disease 584
Leukemia 488, 588, 593
acute 446, 647
lymphatic 589
lymphoblastic 584, 588590, 642
monocytic 588
myelogenous 588
myeloid 589, 619
granulocytic 588
lymphocytic 588, 589
myelogenous 586
group B 599
Leukocyte 89
depleted blood products 64
esterase 708
Leukocytosis 467
Leukopenia 585, 587, 588, 590
Leukotrienes 392
Levofloxacin 98
Leydig cell tumor 640, 641, 643
Lich-Gregoir extravesical ureteral reimplantation technique 738
Lidocaine 56, 137
Li-Fraumeni syndrome 607, 647
Ligament, round 799
Lignocaine 25, 128, 787
intravenous 128
absence of 42
anomalies 707
axes 905t
chronology of 905t
hypertrophy 887
irregular jerking of 609
malformations 830
Limp 609
Linear skull fracture 221
Lingual cysts 276
Lining mucosa 499
defect, closure of 247f, 248f
repair, unilateral 245
Lipoblastoma 648
Lipoid adrenal hyperplasia 821
Lipoma 271, 642
Lipomeningomyelocele 893
Lipomyelomeningocoele 39
Lipoprotein, low-density 555
Liposarcoma 659
Listeria monocytogenes 97
Live vaccines 879
Liver 157, 191, 195f, 622f, 663, 853
biopsy 453
changes 455
irradiation 446
metastasis 609
parts of 364f
resection 158
transaminases 191
trauma 194, 195f
Liver abscess
amebic 446
drainage of 158
Liver disease 863
cholestatic 850
chronic 850, 851
end-stage 850
inherited 850
Liver failure
acute 849, 850
chronic 850
Liver function 650, 852
tests 70, 147, 438
Liver graft 852
reduced 853
Liver transplant 195, 416, 419, 421, 449, 851
auxiliary 857
complications after 856t
indications for 849, 850t
pediatric 849
Liver tumor 618, 622, 850
benign 623
consensus classification, pediatric 619t
malignant 618
pediatric 618
Living donor
liver transplantation 449
operation 852
selection 840t
Lobar collapse 77
Lobectomy 77
Local anesthetics 118
Local Poison Control Institute 141
Long segment disease 509
Loop diuretics 769
Lorazepam 76, 513
Low airway pressure, theory of 307
Low flow devices 71
Low molecular weight heparin 449
Lower gastrointestinal
bleeding 563
procedures 158
Lower grade injuries 204
Lower limb
blocks 128
hypoplasia 16
weakness of 609
Lower lobe pneumonia 410
Lower moiety, pelvis of 718
Lower urinary tract 748
dysfunction 707, 748
non-neurogenic 748
symptoms 748
LUAA method 739, 739f
completion of 739f
Lumbar epidural catheter 118f
Lumbar plexus block 128
Lumbo peritoneal diversion 900
Lumbotomy, posterior 687
Lump 609
Lund and Browder chart 139, 232, 234f
Lung 652
aplasia of 41
bifurcation of 316f
development of 316f
cancer 590
contusion 202
cystic adenomatoid malformation of 40
development, dual hit theory of abnormal 307f
hypoplastic 38
laceration 202
malformations, congenital 15
maturity 17
metastasis 609
sequestration of 40
source 98
tissue diseases 141
torsion 78
Lupus anticoagulant 446
Lupus erythematosus 488
Luteinizing hormone 630, 805, 823
Lymophoblastic leukemia 589
Lymph node 157, 271, 273f, 609, 620, 644, 650, 662
dissection 655
evaluation 654
metastasis, abdominal 609
sampling 598
mass, excision of 176f
primary 272
secondary 272
Lymphadenopathy 662, 663, 665
acute 273
causes of 664t
chronic 273
primary 272, 273b
primary 272
Lymphangioma 497
circumscriptum 886f
Lymphatic cyst 497, 498
Lymphatic development, embryology of 881
Lymphatic malformation 271, 884, 885f
type of 885
Lymphatic origin, cysts of 497
Lymphatic system develops 881
Lymphedema 885
Lymphoblastic leukemia, treatment of acute 585, 586
Lymphoblastic lymphoma 671
depletion 663
predominant 663
rich 663
Lymphocytic leukemia 589
treatment of acute 590
Lymphocytic lymphoma 584, 588
Lymphoid cells 662
Lymphoid hyperplasia 408
Lymphoid leukemia 290
Lymphoid tissues, mucosa-associated 662
Lymphoma 272, 273f, 290, 387, 446, 488, 593, 662, 664b, 665
anaplastic large cell 671
clinical presentation of 663
histiocytic 584, 588
kinase, anaplastic 607
low grade 662
malignant 588
mixed cell type 588
pediatric 662
Lymphovascular anomalies 877
Maastricht classification 853, 853t
Mackie and Stephens hypothesis 715
Macroposthia 790
Macroregenerative nodule 619
Magill forceps 56
Magnesium 92, 767
sulfate 56, 137
maternal administration of 18
Mainstem bronchi 317
Malaise 585
Malaria 64, 89, 98
Male pseudohermaphrodite, dysgenetic 827
capillary 881, 882
congenital 10, 129, 416, 436
Malignant transformation 662
high risk of 826
Malone antegrade continence enema 755, 896
Malrotation 399t, 401, 403f
asymptomatic 402
correction of 158
laparoscopic views of 404f
Manometry, anorectal 506
Manubriosternal joint 301
Marfan's syndrome 38, 406, 796
Marshall-Muecke theory 725
Marshall-Smith syndrome 360
Martin procedure 510
Maryland dissector 155
Maryland forceps 165f, 413
Mass 455, 609
acardiac 26f
Massive blood
loss 121
transfusion 62, 63
Massive omental cyst 499f
Massive small intestinal resection, consequences of 861f
Mastoid fontanelle 145
Mastoid insertion 280
Maternal alpha fetoprotein 39
Maternal anesthesia 34
Maternal autoimmune disease 18
Maternal diabetes 889
Maternal hyperthermia 889
Maternal oxygenation 34
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein 11, 360
Maternal transmissible infectious disease 16
Maternally administered fetal therapy 22
Mathieu's perimeatal flip-flap procedure 787
Matrix metalloproteinases 242
Mature cystic teratoma 497
Mature germ cells 805
Maxillary artery, parts of 268
Maxillofacial structure 188
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome 523, 831
McBurney's point 408, 409
McDonald and McClellan's classification 681f
McIndoe procedure 831
Meatball bladder 734
Mechanical circulatory support 866, 868
Mechanical shunt obstruction, causes of 902t
Mechanical ventilation 76
Meckel's diverticulum 157, 158, 387, 406, 562, 563
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 360
Meconium 520f
antenatal 567
aspiration syndrome, severe 81
disorders, spectrum of 565
peritonitis 566
pseudocyst formation 566
Meconium ileus 565, 567
contrast enema of 567f
cystic fibrosis complex 509
etiopathogenesis of 565f
of complicated 568
of uncomplicated 567
Meconium plug
image 574f
syndrome 566, 570, 571, 574
Median small solid mass 272
Mediastinal cysts 158
Mediastinal germ cell tumors 637
Mediastinal shift 78
Mediastinal tumor resection 77
Mediastinoscopy, anterior 77
Mediastinum 609
Medical termination of pregnancy 37
Medical therapy 10, 17
Medullary ischemia 225
Medullary spongy kidney 768
Megacalycosis 675
Megacystis 40, 707, 759, 843
Megacystis-microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome 570, 576
Megaprepuce, congenital 794
Megaureter 720, 843
classification of 720t
Meglumine iodoxamic acid 438
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor 642
Melphalan 670
Membranes, preterm premature rupture of 21
Meningeal artery, middle 223f
Meningeal leukemia 590
treatment of 590
Meningitis 98
Meningocele 39
large 892f
Meningococcus 98, 495
Meningomyelocele 10, 121
Menstrual blood loss 60
Mental retardation 253, 255, 556
Mental status 69, 91, 95, 139, 226, 231
Mercaptopurine 589
Mercedes-Benz incision 854
Meropenem 98, 99
Mesenchymal cell, extra-skeletal malignant tumors of 646
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 648
Mesenchymal hamartoma 619, 624, 625f
Mesenchymal tumors 619
Mesenteric adenitis 411, 412
Mesenteric artery, superior 480
Mesenteric cyst 158, 497
Mesenteric defect, closure of 743f
Mesenteric massage 406
Mesenteric vein, superior 403, 455, 457f, 480
Mesenterico-left-portal vein bypass 460
Mesoappendix 412, 413
Mesocolic hernias 406
Mesonephric duct 714f, 716f, 718, 830
derivatives 715f
development of 713
Mesothelial origin, cysts of 497
Metabolic abnormalities, underlying 767
Metabolic acidosis 43, 147, 234
Metabolic diseases 464
Metabolic disorders 14
Metabolic liver disease 850
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 606, 610
Metalloproteinase, tissue inhibitors of 759
Metanephric blastema 714, 716f
Metanephric cap, anomalies of 675
Metanephric kidney 700
Metanephric mesoderm 714
Metanephric tissue 595
Metanephros 714f
Metastases, distant 597, 644
Metastatic cancer 590
Metastatic carcinomas 585
Metastatic disease 606
Metastatic dissemination 623
Metastatic liver tumors 623
Metformin 555
Methadone 126
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus enterocolitis 572
Methlene tetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme mutation 446
Methotrexate 549, 590
Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase 446
Methylprednisolone 56, 856
Meticulous hemostasis 855
Metoclopramide 342
Metopic synostosis 256f
Metoprolol 56
Metronidazole 98, 411
Microalbuminuria 702
Microbial glucuronidase 434
Microcephaly 39, 482
Micrognathia 42
Microlithiasis 434, 642
Micropenis, true 793
Microphallus 793
Microsurgery, robot-assisted 162
Micturating cystourethrogram 212, 534, 708f, 716, 751
Micturating cystourethrography 760, 761f
Micturition 609
burning 214
cystourethrogram 699
frequency of 749
Midazolam 76, 116, 235
Middle cerebral artery 24f
peak systolic velocity 18, 22
Middleton hypothesis 279
malrotation of 505
volvulus 401, 402f
Migraine, post-traumatic 225
Mikulicz enterostomy 568
Mikulicz hypothesis 279
Mildenberger-Kluth hypothesis 726
Milk, animal 46
Millard versus Tennison-Randall techniques 246t
Miller laryngoscope blades 56
Milrinone 73
Milroy disease 885
Minimal access surgery 169
Minimally invasive surgery 152, 162
role of 311
techniques 686
Miosis 220, 609
Mitchell's theory 725
Mitchell-Bagli penile disassembly technique 730
Mitomycin-C application 346
Mitoses 641
karyorrhexis index 609
Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy 741, 744746, 746t
Mitrofanoff channel creation 734
Mitrofanoff port, stenosis of 735
Mitrofanoff procedure 765
Mitrofanoff technique 755
Möbius syndrome 303
Mohan's valvotome 762
Monochorionic twins 21, 23
Monoclonal antibodies 847
Monopolar cautery, electrosurgical complications of 160
Monopolar hook electrocautery 480f
Monopolar scissors 165f
Mons pubis 726
Montasser and Gohary classification 794b
Moraxella catarrhalis 259, 261
Morbidity, causes of 227
Morphine 118, 126, 235
Morphogenic defects 418
Morrison's pouch 191, 192
Mortality, causes of 181, 227
Motion sickness 53
Motor vehicle
accidents 200
crashes 199
Mucocele 284
Mucocutaneous telangiectasia 882
Mucopolysaccharidoses 490
Mucosal cells 860
Mucosal perforation 376
Mucosal prolapse 536
Muenke craniosynostosis 252
Muenke syndrome 253
Müllerian agenesis 520f
Mullerian component 824
Müllerian duct 718, 829
aplasia 830
syndrome, persistent 824
Mullerian elements, absence of 823
Müllerian inhibiting substance 803
effect of 822f
Müllerian remnants, excision of 158
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 41, 675, 677, 679, 679t, 707, 715
Multicystic kidneys 675
Multicystic renal disease 758f
Multidisciplinary care 248
Multifetal pregnancy 21
reduction 19
Multifocal infantile hepatic hemangioma 623, 624f
Multifocal leukoencephalopathy, progressive 590
Multiloculated empyema 327f
Multiorgan dysfunction
syndrome 90
system 83
Multisegmental saccular dilatations 423f
Murphy's button 422
Murphy's sign 436
division of 280
occludes, hypertrophy of 370
perforation, cardiac 110
thickness 372
Muscular torticollis 291
Muscularis mucosa 508
Musculoskeletal anomalies 726
Musculoskeletal stabilization 54
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 156, 327
Mycophenolate 855
mofetil 847
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 98, 269
Mycosis fungoides 584, 588
advanced 590
Mycotoxins 417
Mydriasis 220
Myeloblastic leukemia, treatment of acute 585, 586
Myelofibrosis 446
Myeloma, multiple 588
Myelomeningocele 22, 33, 34, 38, 39, 804
Myeloproliferative diseases 488
Myelosuppressive chemotherapy 62
Myocardial contusion 205
treatment of 205
Myocardial dysfunction 99
Myocardial failure 101
Myocardial function 64
Myocardial rupture 205
Myocarditis 142, 143
Myofascial flaps 34
Myringitis 260
eczematoid 260
granular 260
symptoms of 260
liposarcoma 648
tumors 648
well-differentiated liposarcoma 648
N-acetyl cysteine 234, 567
Nadir creatinine
level 764
values 764
Nagpur classification 242, 243, 243t
Nail deformity 911
Naloxone 56
Narcotics 116, 118
Nasal bone 13
Nasal cannulas 56
Nasal cartilage 263
Nasal deformity 243
Nasal flaring 147
Nasal glioma 264
Nasal hair, singeing of 231
Nasal prongs 71, 71f
Nasal septum, deviated 262
Nasal suctioning 141
Nasal trauma 263
Nasoalveolar molding 244
Nasogastric tube 53, 130, 262
aspiration 381
indwelling 373
Nasolaryngoscopy, flexible 318
Nasopharyngeal airways 56
Nasopharyngeal swabs 93
National Cancer Institute 600
National Child Measurement Programme 553
National Council of Clinical Establishments 8
National Health Service 789
National Human Rights Commission Drafted Charter of Patients’ Rights 8
National Pediatric Trauma Registry 190, 199
National Wilms Tumor Study Group 593, 599
and Children's Oncology Group 599
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery 156, 169, 442
Nausea 44, 126, 586, 588, 590
Nebulized epinephrine 141
Neck 188
lipoma 170
swelling 271
differential diagnosis of 271, 272t
large 39
tumor of 290
wound 354
Necrosis 594, 641
acute pancreatic 483
acute tubular 845, 846
Necrotizing enterocolitis 109, 120, 392, 393t, 394, 394t, 395t, 396fc, 572
Needle cricothyroidotomy kit 56
Neisseria meningitidis 194
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy 632f
Neoanus, site of 523
Neonatal infant pain score 118
Neonatal intensive care unit 14, 38, 361, 568, 797
Neonatal intestinal obstruction 570
Neonatal mortality 129
Neonatal resuscitation 129, 142, 146fc
Neonatal small left colon syndrome 566, 571
Neonate, management of 15
hepatocellular 619, 622
malignant 446
Neoplastic giant cells 662
Neoureterocystostomy 710
Neourethra 784
constructed 783f
Nephrectomy 158, 598
immediate 598
partial 166, 604
total 166
unilateral 604
Nephritis, interstitial 839
Nephroblastoma 593
Nephroblastomatosis 595, 604
Nephrocalcin 767
Nephrogenesis 713
Nephrogenic blastemas 681
Nephrogenic rests 595
Nephrolithiasis, concomitant 696
Nephron sparing surgery 604
Nephronophthisis 677
juvenile 678
Nephroureterectomy 711
Nerve 609
block, continuous peripheral 127
conduction 370
injury 110
Nesbit dorsal plication technique 778
Nesidioblastosis 475
Nested epithelial-stromal tumor 619, 622
Nethanson retractor 155
Neural structures, compression of 609
Neural tube defect 38, 39, 889
care of 889
open 39
types of 14
Neuraxial catheters, continuous 127
Neuroblastic cell, nucleus of 609
Neuroblastic tumors 607
Neuroblastoma 158, 584, 586588, 595, 606608, 611f, 611t, 613f, 617619, 623, 638
adrenal 159f, 610f
biologic characteristics of 608
clinical features of 609t
combination therapy 587
originates 607
pathophysiology of 608fc
staging systems of 612t, 613t
treatment of 614
Neurocristopathy 505, 505f
Neuroendocrine tumors 623
Neurofibroma 271
Neurofibromatosis 595
Neurofibrosarcoma 646, 648
Neurogenic bladder 707, 748
management of 896
Neurogenic hypotension 224
Neurogenic pulmonary edema 225
Neurologic disorders 319
Neurologic dysfunction 91
Neurological breathing patterns 220t
Neurological deficit 206, 892f
Neuromodulation 755
Neuromuscular disease 141
Neuropathic pain 125
Neuropathic voiding dysfunction 843
Neuropsychiatric disorders 253, 254
Neurospinal abnormalities 727
Neurosurgical consultation 217
Neurovascular bundle 819
Neurulation malformations 890
primary 890
secondary 890
Neutrophilia 92, 409
Nevus flammeus neonatorum 881
Niemann-Pick disease 488
Nifedipine 482
Nil per oral guidelines 115
Nissen fundoplication 77, 166, 343, 343f, 344f, 345
Nitrates 347
Nitric oxide
inhaled 81
production of 336
Nitroglycerin 56, 100
Nitroprusside 56
Noblett's criteria 569
Nociceptive pain 125
Nocturnal enuresis 750
Nodular sclerosis 663
Nodules, dysplastic 619
Noise 53
Nonaccidental trauma 187
Nonadrenergic noncholinergic neurons 506
Non-communicating children's pain checklist 125
Non-dysgerminoma 637
Non-febrile urinary tract infection 698
Non-germ cell 628
tumor 645
Non-gonadal genital germ cell tumor 638
Non-Hirschsprung causes 570
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 584586, 589, 590, 662, 663, 670
characteristics of 663t
treatment of 585
Non-Hodgkin's tumors 290
Noninvasive prenatal testing 17
Noninvasive transplacental route 17
Non-opioid analgesics 126
Nonpalpable testis 807, 808f
Non-pharmacologic therapy 125
Non-pulsatile flow 81
Non-rebreathing mask 72, 72f, 95
Non-rhabdomyosarcoma 646, 648, 652f, 656
Non-scrotal gonad 641
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 118, 125, 126, 235, 289, 393, 455
Nonsurgical vaginal elongation 831
Nonsyndromic craniosynostosis 252
Non-transplant surgical techniques 863b
Noonan syndrome 286, 607, 804
Norepinephrine 73, 100, 235, 322
Normocalcemia 768
Nuchal translucency 10, 12
image, standardized 12f
Nuclear cystogram 702
Nuclear remnant 486
Nuclear scan 563
Nucleic acid testing 64
Numeric rating scale 124
Nutritional rehabilitation 236
Nutritional status 851
Nutritional support 83
Obesity 435, 554
consequences of 553
management of 554
predisposes 554
prevention of 553t, 554
rapid-onset 607
Obstruction 408, 750
chronic biliary 425
duodenal 402
esophageal 77
Obstructive megaureter, primary 699, 720
Octreotide 482
Ogilvie's syndrome 575
Oligohydramnios 30, 31, 34, 759, 764
Omental cyst 158, 497, 498
Omental torsion, primary 410
Ominous sign 402
Omphalocele 13, 14f, 109, 121, 363, 364f, 365, 406, 571
ruptured 364
Omphalocele-exstrophy-imperforate anus-spinal defect complex 736
Omphalomesenteric duct 561
Oncology 581
Onlay island flap 783
urethroplasty 783
Oophorectomy, unilateral 636
Open decortication 330
Open stone surgery, role of 774
Operating room setup 164f, 810f
analgesics 126
anesthesia, less 127
dependence 126
Opitz-G syndrome 515
Opportunistic infections 866, 873
Opsoclonus-myoclonus 609
Oral administration 589
Oral airways 56
Oral contraceptives 435
Oral feeding 468
Oral steroids 879
Orbis-sigma valve 901
Orchidopexy 157
Orchiectomy 642
high inguinal 641
Orchiopexy 805
early 806
single-stage 807, 809
two-stage 807
Organ dysfunction
diagnostic criteria of 91t
syndrome, multiple 140
Organ preservation 866
Organ retrieval
after brain death 841
after cardiac death 842
from deceased donors, technique of 841
from living donor, technique of 842
Organ system 147
Origin of mass, organ of 595
Oropharyngeal airways 182
Orthopedic abnormalities 895
Ortho-phthalaldehyde 156
Orthotic brace system 301
Orthotopic liver transplantation 450, 857
Orthotopic ureterocele 718
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome 882
Osmotic diarrhea 862
Osmotic diuretics 900
Osteogenesis, distraction 244, 258f
Osteogenic sarcoma 586
Osteoma, frontal 170
Osteosarcoma 588
Osteotomy 258f, 302f, 732, 733, 737
Ostomy 481f
Otitis media 259
acute 259
chronic suppurative 260
Otolaryngological diseases, pediatric 259
Otology 259
Ovarian cyst 157, 411, 497
Ovarian cystectomy 158
Ovarian development, disorder of 814
Ovarian dysgenesis 370
Ovarian germ cell tumor 635, 644
Ovarian mass 643, 645, 645fc, 645t
Ueland criteria for 645
Ovarian pathologies 412
Ovarian torsion 411
Ovarian tumors 628, 643
classification 645
types of 645t
Ovary 631
component of 828
germ cell tumor of 635
Overactive bladder 748, 750, 753
Ovum holding forceps, open 330f
Oxalate 771
Oxalosis, primary 857
Oxaluria, primary 850
Oxybutynin 765
Oxycodone 126
Oxygen 120
consumption 89, 113
cylinder 55
delivery 71
devices, types of 71
hood 72, 72f
mask 71f
saturation 146
lower 147
tubing 56
Oxygenation 56, 95
failure 69
index 81
Oxygenator 79, 82, 83
Oxyhemoglobin 231
Packed cell volume 97
Packed red blood cells 59, 185
transfusion of 47
Pain 44, 124, 260, 493, 609
abdominal 424, 467, 498, 590
assessment of 117, 124, 125fc
chronic abdominal 157
evaluation of 124
excruciating 232
genital 214
genitourinary 749
jaw 585
management 76, 124, 125, 125fc, 235
acute 127
mild 125
moderate-to-severe 125
relief of 117, 118, 467
Palatoplasty 249f
two flap 249f
Pallister-Hall syndrome 515, 676, 908
Pallor 147
Palpable sternomastoid tumor 291
Palpable testis 806
Pancake kidney 675
Pancreas 466f
annular 463
divisum 438, 462, 463f
normal physiology of 466
pseudocyst of 158
distal 158
near total 158
Pancreatic anomalies 462
Pancreatic cysts 463
Pancreatic disorders 462, 479
Pancreatic duct 462, 463, 463f, 466, 473f, 479, 480, 480f, 481f
accessory 462
decompression 480
Pancreatic endocrine neoplasm 475
Pancreatic injury 194, 473
grading 474t
Pancreatic lipase inhibitors 555
Pancreatic necrosis 469
Pancreatic procedures 158
Pancreatic trauma 196, 472
Pancreatic tumors 474
Pancreaticobiliary malunion 463
Pancreaticojejunostomy 463, 480
end-to-end 479
lateral 158
longitudinal 472
Pancreatitis 196, 410, 438, 463
acute 464, 465, 465t, 466, 467, 468f, 469, 479, 483
necrotic 483
recurrent 464, 470, 471
biliary 436, 466
causes of 464, 464f
chronic 345, 463, 464, 470, 471, 472t, 479, 480
calcific 158, 480
etiology of 480
management of acute 467
models of recurrent
acute 471f
chronic 471f
risk stratification of acute 465fc
severe acute 468f
types of 464, 464t
Pancreatobiliary malunion 438
Pancreatoblastoma 474, 623
Paneth cells 860
Pan-intestinal lesions 395f
Papilla, duodenal 463f
Papillary carcinoma 275
Papilledema 224
Pappenheimer bodies 486
Para-aortic nodes 595
Para-caval nodes 595
Paracetamol 118, 235
Paradoxical vocal fold motion 320
Paraganglioma syndromes 607
Paralytic ileus 91
burn induced 237
Paramesonephric ducts 829
Paraneoplastic hypoglycemia 649
Paraneoplastic syndrome 609
Paraparesis 609
Paraphimosis 793, 793f
Paraplegia 609
Parasagittal fibers 514
Parasites 387, 408
Parasitic cysts 487
Parasitic diseases 488
Paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma 641
Paratesticular tumors 640
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide 759
Parathyroid nodules 170
Paraumbilical hernia 367
Parenchyma, amount of 480
Parenchymal damage 220
Parenchymal disruption 493
Parenteral infusions 235
Parenteral nutrition 396, 434, 860
total 395, 435, 439, 568
Parkes-Weber syndrome 887
Parkland formula 139
Parotid venous malformation 883f
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 446
Partial androgen insensitivity 823, 824
syndrome 641
Partial thromboplastin time 70, 93
Parvovirus 873
infection 22
Patch ileocystoplasty 744
Patent ductus arteriosus 148, 266, 393
ligation 158
Pattern-Barry theory 725
Paucicystic lesions 288
Peak inspiratory pressure 83
Peak systolic velocity 24f
Pectoralis hypoplasia 303
Pectoralis major, hypoplasia of 303f
Pectus carinatum 301
Pectus excavatum 297, 299f
surgical correction of 299b
Pediatric advanced life support 129
Pediatric broselow tape 130f
Pediatric burns 228b
prevention of 237b
Pediatric cardiac
arrest 130, 131fc
transplantation 866
Pediatric chest, compliance of 199
Pediatric critical care transport programs 58
Pediatric intensive care unit 68
admission, criteria for 67
Pediatric Oncology Group and Children's Cancer Group 631
Pediatric paddles 135f
Pediatric pancreatitis scoring system 467t
Pediatric population 190
Pediatric Regional Anesthesia Network 126
Pediatric resuscitation 129, 138
guidelines for 130
Pediatric surgery 1, 5, 6, 169, 570
anesthesia for 113
conditions 120
history of 3
robotic in 162
Pediatric transfusions 60
Pediatric transport programs, history of 50
Pediatric trauma
centers 200
emergency management of 181
score 188, 189t
Pediatric ulcerative colitis 541
activity index 542t
management of acute 547fc
Pel-Ebstein fever 663
appendicitis 409
cavity 514
closure 729
dilatation 31
hemangioma 879
kidney 159f, 675, 679
mass 835
osteotomy, role of 728
pain 835
ring abnormalities 727f
tumors 166
ureteric junction obstruction 772
Pelvicalyceal dilatation 694f
Pelvicalyceal system 700
Pelvis 609, 642, 689f, 879
extrarenal 675
ultrasonography of 751
Pelviureteric junction obstruction 159f, 679, 681, 683, 692, 716, 768
antenatal diagnosis of 684
bilateral 690
management of 686b
Pena's classification 514
Penile amputation, complete 213
Penile block 119f, 128
Penile injuries 212
Penile skin 779
Penile trauma 212
buried 794, 794f
diminutive 823f
dorsal chordee of 726
inconspicuous 793, 794f
short 735
squamous cell carcinoma of 585
trapped 794
webbed 794, 794b
Penoscrotal dissociation 726
Penoscrotal junction 780
Pentazocine 118
Percutaneous antegrade endopyelotomy 686
Percutaneous aspiration 487
Percutaneous cystolithotomy 774
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy 772
Percutaneous polyethylene catheter 103
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 857
Perianal fistula 549
disease 550
Park's classification of 549f
Pericardial effusion 85
Pericardial injuries 204
Pericardial laceration 205
Pericardial tamponade 184
Pericardiectomy 158
Pericholecystic fluid 440
Perineal canal 524, 524f
Perineal excoriation 536
Perineal fistula 516
Perineal groove 524
Perineal hypospadias 825f
Perineal trauma 197
Perineal wound dehiscence 536
Perinephric drain 845
Perinephric fat 208
Perineum 188
cranioventral displacement of 726
Periodic acid-Schiff 640
Perioperative blood
component therapy 59
loss 61t
management 59
Perioperative fluid therapy 43, 46, 116
Periorbital infantile hemangioma 878f
Peri-pancreatic fluid collections 469
Peripheral blood
smear 488
stem cell 615
Peripheral intravenous access 102
Peripheral large bowel 506f
Peripheral nerve 648
block 127
sheath tumor, malignant 647, 648, 659
stimulator 120
Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor 588, 595
Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor 619
Peripheral pulses, return of 185
Peripheral smear 70
Peripheral vascular
access 102, 102b
catheter, insertion of 105f
Peripheral warmth 185
Peristalsis, esophageal 339
Peritoneal dialysis 68
Peritoneal lavage, direct 187
Peritoneal mesothelioma, malignant 546
Peritoneocentesis 192
Peritoneum 157
Peritonitis 412, 510
primary 410
secondary 859
Peritonoscopy 742
Perkin's operation 276
Permissive fluocapny 172
Peroral endoscopic myotomy 338, 348
Perovic's penile disassembly method 779
Perthes’ syndrome 206
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 438, 641
Peyer's patches 499
Peyrone's salt 586
Pfeiffer syndrome 252, 253
Pfister-Hendren classification 720
Pharmacologic therapy 126, 862t
Pharmacology 114
Pharmacotherapy 456, 754, 775
Pharyngeal pouches 282
Pharynx, congested 231
Phenol 87
Phenylephrine 100
adrenal 159f
hereditary 607
Phimosis 789
differential diagnosis of true 791
management of 791
pathological 790
physiological 790, 790f, 791, 792
Phimotic foreskin, ballooning of 749
Phlebectasia, jugular 281, 284, 287
Phlebitis 110
Phleboliths, calcified 882
Phlegmon 412f
Phlegmonous mass 413
Phosphoric acid 229
Phosphorus 70
levels 92
Phrenic nerve 287
Phytotoxins 417
Picibanil 886
Pierre-Robin sequence 242
Piggyback techniques, modified 855
Pigment gallstones 434
Pigment stones 438
Ping pong fracture 222, 222f
Piperacillin 99
Piperacillin tazobactam 98, 411
Pippi Salle technique 819
Placental chorioangiomas 22
Placental vascular anastomoses, fetoscopic laser coagulation of 27
Plant alkaloids 583
factors 59
proteins 59
renin activity, elevation of 764
Plasmapheresis 872
Plasmodium 64
Plastibell technique 792
Plate urethroplasty, tubularized incised 782f
Plateau pressure 120
Platelet 47
activating factor 392
concentrates 59, 62
derived growth factor receptor 659
dysfunction, congenital 62
random donor 62
single-donor 62
transfusion 62
Pleomorphic liposarcoma 648
Pleural effusion 38, 77, 78
Pleural fluid 70, 327
Pleural infections 325
Pleuritis 410
Pleuroamniotic shunt 38
Pleurodesis 158
Pneumatic reduction 390
Pneumocystis 873
Pneumomediastinum 160
Pneumonectomy 158
Pneumonia 70, 89, 129, 141, 230, 354
recurrent 337
severe 81
ventilator-associated 76
Pneumonitis 141
acute 590
Pneumoperitoneum 394, 521
complications of 160
gas shadow 519f
Pneumothorax 52, 70, 78, 85, 110, 147, 149, 160, 201, 202f, 354
closed 202
open 202
recurrent 158
types of 201
Poisoning 140, 143
Poland's syndrome 299, 303, 303f, 908, 909f
Poliglecaprone 745
Politano-leadbetter repair 711
Polycystic kidney 422, 675, 676, 678, 679
disease 677, 678, 679t, 844
autosomal dominant 422, 677, 768
autosomal recessive 41, 422, 677
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 554
Polycythemia rubra vera 446
Polydactyly syndrome 908
Polydioxanone 743
suture 778
Polyglactin 743
Polyhydramnios 18, 400, 566
severe 308
Polymerase chain reaction 93
test 89
Polymorphonuclear predominance 327
Polyoma virus 847
Polyp's tumor 387
Polysplenia 486
syndrome 416
Polyuria 765
Pope's dermal graft technique 779
Popliteal block 128
Pop-off mechanism 764
Porphyria 410
Port placement 171
Port site complications 160
Porta hepatis 420f
Portal biliopathy 452
Portal hypertension 421, 451, 488
Portal vein 420f, 459
cavernoma 452
changes 454
thrombosis 495
Portal venous obstruction, extrahepatic 451, 452
Portosystemic shunts 456, 459
nonselective 456
partial 456
Positive end-expiratory pressure 141, 148, 234
Positive pressure ventilation 143, 146
Post-concussive syndromes 225
Posterior urethral membrane, congenital obstructing 757
Post-liver transplantation 856t
Postmenopausal disease 289
Post-orchiopexy testicular atrophy 812
Postpyloromyotomy 377
Post-renal disease 846
Post-resuscitation care 130, 135, 147
Post-splenectomy infection, overwhelming 192, 495
Postsplenectomy sepsis 495
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder 873
Post-umbilical catheterization 454
Potassium 376
chloride 56
intracardiac 19
rich foods 775
Potent acid suppression 203
Potential neurotoxic agents 127
Potter's syndrome 41, 676
Pouch colon 514, 519f
congenital 523, 528, 530t, 531t, 532f, 534t, 535, 535f
types of 534
syndrome 528
Pouch stoma 534
Prader-Willi syndrome 804
Precocious puberty 641
Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 37
Precordial stethoscope 120
Prednisolone 289
Prednisone 667
Preduodenal portal vein 416
Pregnancy, continuation of 38
Pregnancy-associated plasma protein 10
transport 51, 54
treatment 182
Premenarchal vaginal bleeding 651f
Prenatal screening 10, 11
Pre-pubertal germ cell counts 805
Prepuce preserving surgeries 792
Preputial adhesion 792
physiological 790
Preputial edema 790
Preputial tube urethroplasty, transverse 783
Preputioplasty, tri-radiate 792
Pre-renal disease 846
Pressure augmented distal colostogram 522f
Pressure flow studies 752
Pressure garments 160
Pressure hypothesis 430
Pressure infuser 185f
Pressure volume loops 120
Preterm babies, stabilization of 147
Pretransplant nephrectomy 842
Pretransplant recipient nephrectomy, indications of 843b
Prilocaine 128
Primitive neuroectodermal tumors 649
Procainamide 56
Procalcitonin 68, 93
Procarbazine 667
Processus vaginalis, failure of 795
Prokinetics 342
Prolapsing mucosa 561
Promethazine 116
Prophylactic cholecystectomy 440
Prophylactic transfusion 439
Prophylaxis 456
postexposure 215
primary 452, 458, 459
secondary 452, 458, 459
Propofol 235
Propranolol 290, 879
Prostrate 652, 657
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 213
animal 774
C 446, 454
deficiency 446
cytoplasmic 229
energy malnutrition 537
pump 565
S 446, 454
deficiency 446
Proteinuria 701
Proteus 236
syndrome 887
Prothrombin complex 64
Prothrombin time 70
Prothrombotic disorder 446
Prothrombotic state 454
Proton pump inhibitors 342
Prune Belly syndrome 406, 796, 804, 843
Pruritis 126
Prussian military surgeon 369
Pseudocyst 196, 284, 469, 469f, 481, 497
pathogenesis of 481
Pseudoexstrophy 727
female 7
male 7
Pseudoincontinence 526
Pseudokidney sign 389
Pseudomonas 97, 232
aeruginosa 89, 236, 698
Pseudo-obstruction, acute colonic 570, 575
Pseudopancreatic cyst 481
Pseudopolyp 545f
Pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias 822
Psychological rehabilitation 237
Psychologist, pediatric 7
Ptosis 609
ipsilateral 220
Pubic bone 729
diastasis 728
Pubic diastasis 727
Pubic ramus osteotomy, superior 732, 733f
Pubic symphysis 730, 732
Pubic tubercles 731
Pulmonary artery 144, 870
Pulmonary aspiration 75
Pulmonary contusions 199
Pulmonary edema 141, 230
Pulmonary embolism 78, 142, 143
Pulmonary fibrosis 590
Pulmonary function tests 298
Pulmonary hypertension 78, 268, 870, 871
management of 309
persistent 81, 84, 147
treatment of 15
Pulmonary hypoplasia 149, 678
Pulmonary metastases 598t
Pulmonary parenchyma 230
Pulmonary toxicity 605
Pulmonary tuberculosis 325
Pulmonary vascular resistance 144, 867
Pulmonary vaso-occlusive crisis 81
Pulmonary venous return 871
oximeter 55, 56, 120
pressure 185
Pulseless electrical activity 129, 137, 187
Pulsus paradoxus 200
bilateral dilated 220
reaction 220
Purine antagonists 847
Pyelectasis 13
Pyelogram, intravenous 208
Pyelography, intravenous 682
Pyelolithotomy 166
Pyelonephritis 698, 738, 839
acute 698
Pyeloplasty 158, 166, 687, 696
dismembered 686
flap-based 687
robotic 690, 692, 694, 694f, 695t, 696f, 696t
left 692f
Pyelopyelostomy 843
Pyelovesicostomy 843
Pyloric canal 372
Pyloric edema 377
Pyloric olive 372
Pyloric spreader 374
Pyloric stenosis 369, 370, 372, 377
incidence of 369
recurrence of 377
Pyloric tumor 371
palpation of 372
Pyloromyotomy 158, 372, 374377
incomplete 373, 376
open 374
Pylorospasm 370
Pyocele 284
Pyoderma gangrenosum 542
Pyogenic granuloma 881, 881f
Pyrexia 116
Pyrophosphate 767
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids 446
Pyuria 708, 760
QT syndrome, long 862
Quadratus lumborum block 128
Quadruple test 16
Quinine 288
Quinolone 98
Raccoon eye 222, 222f
Radial artery 109
role of 668
side effects of 668
Radical soft tissue mobilization 729
ablation 156
coagulation 195
cystogram 740
scans 94, 209
Radiotherapy 598, 599, 601, 614, 631, 654, 668
role of 656
RALIMA UOC technique 743f
Randall's plaques 767
Randomized controlled trials 27, 342, 375
Randomizedcontrol trials 79
Ransley's big bang hypothesis 707
Ransons's score 467
Ranula 284
ascending 284
differential diagnosis of 284
simple 284
Rapamycin, mammalian target of 847
Rapid sequence
induction 75, 183
intubation 75, 75fc
Rash 585
Rathke's plica 513
Ravitch procedure 299, 299f
Raynaud's phenomenon 585
Rectal atresia 524, 524f
Rectal biopsy 508f
Rectal stenosis 524
Rectosigmoid bladder reservoir 734
Rectosigmoid Hirschsprung disease 506f
Rectourethral fistula 522f
Rectovaginal fistula 520f
Rectovestibular fistula 520f
Rectum 188
Rectus sheath
block 128
hematoma 410
Red blood cell 59, 485
production 65
transfusion 61
indications for 61
Red cell
alloimmunization 22
isoimmunization 22
Red flag signs 664b
Redo-pyeloplasty 696
Reed-Sternberg cells 662
esophagitis 352
grades of 709f
nephropathy 699, 707
obstructing megaureter 765
Refractory arrhythmia 21, 81
Refractory disease 669
Refractory germ cell tumor 587, 639
Refractory metabolic acidosis 81
Refractory septic shock 101
Regional anesthesia 126, 127
techniques 126
Regional ileitis 539
Regional lymph node, presence of 660
Regional oxygen saturation 82
Regurgitation, aortic 29f
Rehabilitation 236, 896
Rehydration 45
Reinke's crystalloids 641
Renal abnormalities, classification of 675b
Renal agenesis 675, 676, 707, 830
unilateral 41, 675
Renal anatomic abnormalities 840
Renal anomalies 675, 707, 830
Renal architecture, disorders of 676
Renal arteriovenous fistula 675
Renal artery 208
aneurysm 675
Renal blood flow 759
Renal calculi 772
Renal cell carcinoma 598
Renal coloboma 676
Renal cortical scintigraphy 702
Renal cysts 676
Renal defects 676
Renal disease 840
inherited 840
intrinsic 846
recurrence of 844
Renal dysfunction 91
Renal dysgenesis 676
Renal dysplasia 595, 675677, 764
syndrome 759
Renal ectopia 681
crossed 675, 681, 681f
Renal failure 147, 393, 604
acute 92
Renal function 851
assessment of 841
tests 650
Renal handling 685
Renal hypoplasia 676
Renal impairment 707
Renal injuries 83, 207
management of 208fc
Renal insufficiency 605
Renal parenchyma 594f
Renal pelvic anteroposterior diameter 684
Renal pelvis 675
Renal replacement therapy, continuous 68
Renal reserve, estimation of 764
Renal scintigraphy 682, 684
Renal stones 840
Renal transplantation 765, 839b, 841, 849
complications of 844t
pediatric 839, 847, 847t
Renal trauma 195f
Renal tubular
acidosis, distal 768
dysgenesis 676
Renal tumor study group 600
Renal vasculature, anomalies of 675
Renal vein 208
dissection 457f
thrombosis 845
Renovascular anastomosis 842
Replacement therapy 116
Residual esophagus 204
Residual valves 765
Resistivity index 684
Respiration 200
Respiratory care 335
Respiratory depression 126
Respiratory disorders 141t
Respiratory distress 38, 69, 141, 147, 266, 302f, 609
signs of 69t
syndrome 148
acute 81, 141
severe 81
Respiratory dysfunction 91
Respiratory emergencies, management principles of 141t
Respiratory failure 69, 141, 206, 393
identification of 69
signs of 69t
Respiratory function 851
Respiratory infections 367
Respiratory mechanisms, compensatory 371
Respiratory obstruction, severe 267
Respiratory rate 76, 141, 142
Respiratory signs 340
Respiratory symptoms 340
Respiratory syncytial virus 387, 417
Respiratory system 114
Respiratory tract
chronic 311
lower 340
recurrent 609
Restriction fragment length polymorphism 566
Resuscitation 45, 58, 147, 389
early cardiopulmonary 130
fluids 45
preoperative 116
Retention cysts 283
Retinoblastoma 40, 588, 638
Retinoic acid 513
receptors 307
Retinoid therapy 614
Retractile testis 803, 811
Retrocaval ureter 721, 722f
embryology 722f
Retrograde cholecystectomy 427
Retrograde intrarenal surgery 772, 773
Retrograde urethrogram 212f
Retroperitoneal germ cell tumors 637
Retroperitoneal location 196
Retroperitoneal lymph node
dissection 599, 635, 640
surgery 635
Retroperitoneal structures 713
Retroperitoneal teratoma 595
Retroperitoneoscopic approach 690
Retroperitoneoscopic pyeloplasty 686, 690
port position for 690f
Retroperitoneoscopic surgery 159
Retroperitoneum 207, 652f, 658
Revolution per minute 82
Rex recess 420
Rex shunt 460
Reye's hypothesis 279
Rhabdoid tumor, malignant 618, 619, 622
Rhabdomyolysis, acute 68
Rhabdomyosarcoma 584, 588, 595, 619, 646, 648, 653t, 654, 658
alveolar 647
biliary 622
embryonal 647
Rhesus antibodies 22
Rhinitis 261
classification of 261
infectious 261
Rhinology 261
Rhinoplasty, primary 246
polydactyly syndrome, short 678
regeneration of 299
Ribcage 199
Rim sign 684
Ring block 128
Ringer's lactate 30, 95, 143, 390, 467
Ringer's solution 63, 117
Rituximab 590
Road ambulance 51
Robotic approach 692
benefits of 740
Robotic partial splenectomy 494
Robotic pediatric surgery 166, 167
Robotic procedures 166b
Robotic pyeloplasty, pediatric 696
Robotic sialoendoscopy 285
Robotic splenectomy 494
Robotic surgery 430
Robotic telepresence 162
Robotic trocar 165f
Robotic ureteric reimplantation 166, 740, 741, 741t
Rose bud hand 908f
Rotary wing 51
Roux loop of jejunum 481f
Roux loop preparation 427
bypass 559
gastric bypass 557, 557f
hepatojejunostomy 420
jejunal drainage 473f
loop 479
Rubella 16, 273, 419
Rule-of-nine 233f
S pouch 548f
Saccular cysts 267, 283
Sacral agenesis 16
Sacral plexus block 128
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 10, 32, 42, 121, 632, 632f, 634, 634fc
malignant 632f
Sacrococcygeal tumor 629f, 638
Altman classification of 633f
Sacroiliac joints 518
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome 252, 253
Safety devices 82
Salem sump nasogastric tubes 56
Saline, normal 56, 143, 467
infection 490
paratyphi 98
typhi 98, 437
Salter's anterior innominate osteotomy 728
Salty baby disease 566
Salvage procedures 733
Salvage urethroplasty 787
Sandifer syndrome 340
Sandwich sign 389
Sarcoidosis 446, 488
Sarcoma 648
alveolar soft part 648
botryoid 719
embryonal 619
epithelioid 648
theory 279
Scalds 138, 228
of buttocks 232
Scalp nodules 609
hypertrophic 236
rehabilitation 237
Scardino-prince vertical flap pyeloureteroplasty 686
Schall's transthyrohyoid membrane 283
Schiller-Duval bodies 640
Schistosomiasis 446
Schönlein purpura 387
Schwannian stroma 609
Sciatic nerve block 128
Scintigraphy 684
Sclerosis, arteriolar 846
Sclerotherapy 458, 886
Scoliosis 42
Scrotal edema 801
Scrotal swelling 796
Scrotum, upper border of 730f
Seahorse sign 721, 722f
Seat belt sign 190
Second trimester screening 11
Sedation 76, 126
Segmental chromosome anomalies 609
Seizure 44, 137, 220, 482
episodes 147
post-traumatic 225
Seldinger technique 27
Self-limiting disease 289
Seminoma 642
Senior-Loken syndrome 676
Sentinel lymph node biopsy 652
Sepsis 87, 89, 92, 93, 98, 142
biochemical markers of 93
management of 94, 96fc, 97fc
newer markers of 94b
pathogenesis of 90
pathological spectrum of 89
screening 70
severe 87, 90
Septate vagina 536
Septic shock 81, 87, 9092, 100t
management of 94
Septicemia 62, 435, 571, 572
Serial transverse enteroplasty 407, 863
Serine protease inhibitor 466, 469
Serratia 98
Sertoli cell tumors 641
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor 645
amylase 191
beta human chorionic gonadotropin 10
biochemistry 468
calcium 92
creatinine 93, 846fc
D-lactate levels 860
electrolytes 92, 650
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 191
glutamic pyruvic transaminase 191
osmolality, fine tuning of 44
thyroxine levels 289
total bilirubin and alanine transaminase 93
Sex cord-stromal tumor 645
Sex development, ovotesticular disorder of 642
Sexual abuse 213, 214, 214f
incidence of 213
Sexual activity, terms of 829
Sexual development, disorders of 641, 804
Sexual differentiation
disorder of 157, 777, 794, 806, 814, 822
ovotesticular 827
Sexual function 527, 765
Shallow vaginal pit 824
Shimura index 287
Shock 70, 72, 87, 91, 101, 134, 142
cardiogenic 142, 143
clinical signs of 142t
cold 90
distributive 90, 142, 143
hemodynamic 230
hemorrhagic 142
hypovolemic 142, 143
identification of 70
management of 72, 72fc, 139
principles of 143t
obstructive 142
signs of 67
symptoms of 67
Short bowel syndrome 407, 435
management of 863b
Shorter trachea 199
Shoulder tip pain, postoperatively 160
Shunt 901
failure 901
nonselective 460
procedure 461
selective 460
types of 901
Sick child, transport of 50
Sick euthyroid syndrome 91
Sickle cell
anemia 434
disease 60, 410, 488
Sigma rectum pouch 734
Silicone catheters 107
Silodosin 754
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome 595
Single shot axillary block 119f
Single shot sciatic block 119f
laparoscopic surgery 441
laparoscopy 169
Sinusitis 261
types of 261
Sinusoids 485
Sirenomelia 515
Sistrunk's operation
modifications of 275
robot-assisted 177
Situs inversus 416
Sjögren syndrome 18
Skeletal maturation 556
Skeletal system 609
defects 306
Skene's cyst 719
Skin 141, 573, 609, 663
dorsal preputial 784
grafting 236
inner preputial 790
lesions, isolated 671
rashes 89
slammy 72
base fracture 222, 222f
deformity 251
depressed 221
specific 221
metastasis 609
Sleep apnea, obstructive 554
Sleeve gastrectomy 558f
Sleeve resection technique 791
Small bowel
atresia 406
injuries 194
obstruction 16f, 391
type of 860
Small intestine 197, 364f, 410
Small volume voids 750
Smartfire stapler 165f
Smegma pearl 790, 790f
Smith's classification 720, 721t
Smith's principle 778
Smith's theory of deformation 726
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome 804, 908
Smooth muscle 648
actin 531
Snodgrass urethroplasty 780
Snoring 317, 319
Soave operation 511
Soave procedure 511
Societe internationale D oncologie pediatrique 593, 600
Society of Adolescent Medicine 913
Society of Fetal Urology 684
Grade of Hydronephrosis 691
Society of International Pediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma 612
Sodium 43
bicarbonate 56, 137
hydroxide 229
tetradecyl sulphate 288
Soft markers 13
Soft tissue 884
lesion 650f
masses, site nonspecific 272
sarcoma 588, 646, 660
pediatric 646, 660
Solid organ injuries 192
Solid pseudopapillary
neoplasm 474
tumor 474
Solid tumors 619
pediatric 640
Solitary umbilical artery 25f
Sonic hedgehog, group of 252
Sotos's syndrome 595
Southwest Oncology Group 599
Speech development 245
Spermatogonia 805
Sphenoidal fontanelle 145
Spherocytosis, hereditary 434, 488
internal 732f
reconstruction 732
Sphincteroplasty 463
Spider nevi 882
Spider telangiectasias 882
Spigelian 854
Spina bifida 292, 752f
Spinal cord 33
magnetic resonance imaging of 751
metastasis 609
Spinal dysraphic malformations, classification of 890b
Spinal dysraphism 796
Spinal immobilization device 56
Spinal signs 891
Spinal stabilization 140
Spindle cell 648
subtype 641
tumors 648
Spiral flap pyeloureteroplasty 686
Splanchnic pressure 160
Spleen 191
primary malignant lesions of 488
role of 485
rupture of 160
vascular anatomy of 485f
wandering 486
Splenectomy 158, 166, 456, 487, 488
indications for 487, 488b
open 491
partial 494
role of 488, 489, 490
Splenic artery 457f
Splenic cysts, primary 487
Splenic disorders 485
Splenic dysfunction 92
Splenic hilum 462
Splenic injury 77
management for 485
Splenic trauma 192, 193f, 490
Splenic vein 457f, 458f, 495
thrombosis 488
Splenogonadal fusion 487
Splenomegaly, congestive 488
Splenorenal shunts, proximal 461
Split graft 853
Split notochord theory 499
Split onlay skin flap 787
Spongioplasty over native hypoplastic urethra 780f
Spontaneous circulation, return of 131, 137
Spontaneous recurrent epistaxis 882
Sprengel anomaly 303
Square flaps technique 791
SRY gene, translocation of 827
Stabilization 58
Staghorn calculus 769, 770f, 774
Standard deviation score 552
Staphylococcus 88, 236, 275, 490
aureus 89, 98, 232, 259, 325
epidermidis 98, 374, 437, 902
saprophyticus 698
Stapled pouch anal anastomosis 548f
Stasis, zone of 228
Static tube 74
Stealth subcutaneous endoscopic surgery 169
Stealth surgery 169
use of 175
Steatosis, hepatic 554
Stenosis 382, 536, 570
arterial 845
cardiac valvular 21
colonic 572
colonic 572
subglottic 265
tracheal 265
infantile hypertrophic pyloric 369
Stenotic vaginal orifice 726
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 437
Stent placement 449
Stephens-Fowler orchiopexy, stage of 809f
Sterile water 56
Sterilization 156
Sternal anomalies 304
Sternal cleft 304
compartment syndrome 291
muscle 104f, 291
tendon 174, 174f
Sternomastoid tumor 278
Steroids 17, 322, 847
intralesional 879
Stertor 317
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 704
Stoma, preliminary 510
Stomach 52, 197
opening anterior wall of 482f
Stomatitis 585, 590
analysis 771
disease 433
formation, prevention of recurrent 774
location of 772, 772t
Stone's diagnostic criteria of inhalation burns, modified 231b
Stopcocks, three-way 56
Storage diseases 488, 490
Stork bite 881
Strap muscles, division of 175f
Strawberry and port wine 877
Streak ovary 827f
Streptococcus 275, 288, 490, 495
pneumoniae 98, 194, 259, 261, 325, 327, 328, 437, 495
pyogenes 325, 437
Streptomyces peucetius 586
Stress 115, 124
incontinence 750
Stricture urethra 786
Stricturoplasty 549f
Stridor 78, 231, 317, 590
character of 319
Stromeyer hypothesis 279
Stupor 69
Sturge-Weber syndrome 882
Subcutaneous emphysema 200
Subcutaneous endoscopic
stealth surgery 169
advantages of 175
technique 177
transaxillary, robot-assisted 177
Subcutaneous endoscopy 169, 172
Subcutaneous epinephrine 141
Subdural hematoma 219f
Subfertility 805
Subglottic hemangioma 267, 323
Subglottic infantile hemangioma 879f
Subglottic stenosis 321
Sublingual gland 285
Submucosal fibrosis 541
Submucous cleft palate 244
Substance abuse 840
Succinic dehydrogenase 508
Suction catheters 56
Sudden acute bleeding 67
Sudden infant death syndrome 129, 140, 341, 370
Sulbactam 99, 411
Sulfadiazine 769
Sulfamethoxazole 496, 703
Sulfuric acid 229
Supernumerary kidney 675, 676
Supraglottoplasty 319
Suprapubic catheter 211f, 754
placement of 212
Suprapubic pressure 809
Suprapubic region 803
Suprascrotal undescended testis 803
Supravesical urinary diversions 764
cardiothoracic 77
endoscopic 121
fetoscopic 17, 29
adjuvant chemotherapy 637
observation 637
principles of 599
Surgical resection, primary 654
Surviving sepsis campaign 87
Sweating 609
Swenson procedure 511
Swyer's syndrome 628
Symptomatic hyperkalemia 137
Synaptophysin 608
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 234
Syndactyly 904, 905
complete 905f, 911
multiple simple 909f
complex complicated 905
incomplete 905f, 910
release, simple 910f
surgery, principles of 909
synonyms of 904t
Syndromic costal anomalies 302
Syndromic obesity 556
Syndromic syndactyly 907
Synergistic gangrene 792
Synovial cell sarcoma 649f
Synovial sarcoma 646, 648, 659
Synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone 817
Syringocele 750, 766
Systemic chemotherapy 654
Systemic diseases 464
Systemic infection 435, 464
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 89, 467
Systemic lupus erythematosis 18, 410, 446
Systemic malignancies 642
Systemic thrombolysis 406
Systemic toxicity 230
Systemic vascular resistance 72, 144
Systolic blood pressure 142
T cell lymphoma, cutaneous 590
Tachyarrhythmias 142, 143
Tachycardia 69, 72, 91, 92, 141, 147, 388
disproportionate 91
supraventricular 18, 137
Tachypnea 69, 89, 92, 147, 231, 609
Tacrolimus 855, 872
Taenia coli 412, 523
Talipes equinovarus, congenital 895
Tamsulosin 754, 765
Tapering duodenojejunoplasty 384
Target cells 486
Tay-Sachs disease 11
Tazobactam 99
T-cell 872
neoplasms 662
Technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid 742
Telangiectasia 882, 882f
hereditary hemorrhagic 882
Telepresence surgery system 162
Tell-tale sign 516
Telomerase pathways 609
Temporary abdominal closure 197
Temtamy classification 906t
Temtamy-Mckusick system 905
Tenotomy 170
Tension pneumothorax 77, 129, 131, 142, 143, 184, 201
Teratoma 640, 643, 645
cervicofacial 638
cystic sacrococcygeal 32f
immature 637, 643
Terazosin 754, 765
Terbutaline 56, 141
Terminal ileostomy 396f
Termination of pregnancy 39, 40
Testes 631, 663
Testicular development, disorder of 814
Testicular dysgenesis syndrome 777
Testicular ectopia, transverse 803
Testicular injuries 212
Testicular regression syndrome 803
Testicular sparing surgery 643
Testicular Tumor Children's Oncology Group Staging System 643
Testicular tumor classification 643
Testicular vessels 802
mobility of 809
abdominal 809
undescended 803
absent 803
ascended 803
atrophic 803
bilateral undescended 794f, 806, 816f
component of 828
dysgenetic 827f
ectopic 803
emergent undescended 803
iatrogenic ascended 801
intra-abdominal 811
Testosterone 776, 824
cream 823
synthesis 822f
Tethered cord syndrome 895
Tetralogy of Fallot 266
Thal fundoplication 344, 344f
Thalassemia 60, 434, 488, 490
Thanatophoric dysplasia syndrome 252
Thecoma 645
Thermal injury 187
method 784
principle 785
technique 784
Thin basement membrane disease 840
Thoracic blocks 128
Thoracic duct 199, 206
Thoracic ectopia cordis 304
Thoracic injuries 199
Thoracic kidney 675, 679
Thoracic lesions 892
Thoracic surgery 320
Thoracic trauma 199
pediatric 199
Thoracic vertebra 217
Thoraco-abdominal ectopia cordis 304
Thoracolumbar spine 39
Thoracoscopic cartilage 301
Thoracoscopic procedures 158
Thoracoscopic surgery
steps of 335
video-assisted 121, 328
Thoracoscopy, indications for 157
Thoracotomy 94, 331
emergency 200
exploratory 201
left-sided 335
right 335
Thorax 188, 295
Throat 93
Thrombocytopenia 85, 91, 92, 147, 587, 588
Thromboelastogram 120
Thromboelastography 82, 192
Thromboembolism 131, 160
Thrombosis 110, 131, 204
formation of 112b
Thymectomy 158
Thymus, ectopic 277
Thyrocyanin 289
Thyroglossal cyst 170, 175, 273, 274f, 276f
clinical features of 275t
Thyroglossal duct 273, 276
arborizing morphology of 276f
Thyrohyoid membrane 283
cyst excision 170
disorders 18
ectopic 275, 277
gland, acute inflammation of 289
goiter 40
malignancies 290
nodules 170
stimulators, long acting 290
swellings of 271, 288
differential diagnosis of 288t
Thyroidectomy, subtotal 289f
Thyroiditis 289
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 630
Thyrotoxicosis 290
Thyroxine replacement therapy, life-long 289f
Ticarcillin 99
Tillaux-Lange division 280
Timolol maleate 879
Tip deformity 911
biopsy of 157
burns electric current 229
diagnosis 630
ectopic pancreatic 500
edema 230
handling of 160
matching 841
plasminogen activator 406
trauma, severity of 117t
Tocolytic supplementation 34
Tongue 317
Tonsil 269
Tonsillectomy 270
indications for 269
acute 269
chronic 269
Topiramate 769
Torsades de pointes 137
Torsion, testicular 804
Torticollis 170, 174, 291
acquired 292
congenital 291
postural 291
treatment 292
Toupet fundoplication 344f
Townes-Brocks syndrome 515, 676
epidermal necrolysis 590
granules 92
megacolon 545f
diagnosis of 545t
shock 505
Toxicity, cardiopulmonary 668
Toxins 418
Toxoplasma 16, 419
gondii 873
Toxoplasmosis 273
Trabecular arteries 485
Trachea 113, 317
Tracheal plug 38
Tracheal rupture 203f
Tracheal stenosis 265
Tracheobronchial injuries 203
Tracheobronchial remnants 337
Tracheobronchial tree 199, 336f
Tracheobronchitis 230
Tracheoesophageal fistula 38, 158, 333, 334f, 335f, 336, 347, 707, 830
prognostic classifications of 334
proximal 334f
recurrent 158
Tracheomalacia 267
types of 267
Tracheostomy 56, 235, 322
tube 52, 73f
care of 73
Tracheotomy 73
Trachoesophageal fistula 120
Tramadol 118
Tranexamic acid 63
Transarterial chemoembolization 621
Transaxillary subcutaneous endoscopic approach 175f
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 119
Transcutaneous pacemaker 56
Transected urethra 212f
Transesophageal echocardiography 120, 205
Transforming growth factor
alpha 242
beta 720, 882
Transfusion 121
history of 59
intravascular 23
related infections 64
Transient intussusception 387
Transient renal dysfunction 85
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 449, 850, 852
Transluminal membrane 382
Transparenteral nutrition 107
Transplacental estrogen 834
adverse events during 53
inter-hospital 51
intra-hospital 51
physiology 52
ventilator 56
Transthyrohyoid approach 284
Transureteroureteral anastomosis 723
Transverse colon duplication 573f
Trauma 89, 115, 129, 139, 179, 181, 189, 216, 454, 488
abdominal 190
genitourinary 207, 207fc, 213
penetrating 187, 210f
scissors 56
testicular 805
Traumatic brain injury, severe 221
Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture 204f
Traumatic injuries 203
Traumatic rupture 367
Trendelenburg position 111
Triamcinolone 280, 288
Triamterene 769
Triangular flap technique 245
Trichohepatoenteric syndrome 860
Tricyclic antidepressant 754
overdose 137
Triglycerides, medium-chain 862
Trimeprazine 116
Trimethoprim 496, 703
Triphalangeal thumb 908
Triploidy syndromes 360
Trivial trauma fracture 609
injury 160
standard set of 154f
Trunk lipoma 176f
Trunk-like appearance 736
Trypanosoma cruzi 347
Tubal occlusion stage 259
Tube enteral feeding 343
Tuberculosis 158
abdominal 157
Tubings 82
Tubo-ovarian abscess 411
Tubotympanic disease 260
Tubular colonic duplication 573
Tubular dysgenesis 676
Tubular ectasia 768
Tubular necrosis, irreversible 839
Tubularized colorrhaphy 534
Tubularized pouch 533
Tubularizing coloplasty 535f
Tumor 408, 594, 609t, 640, 645, 653, 654
abdominal 157
anaplastic 600
anterior mediastinal 637
benign 640
bilateral renal 597
biology 628
cell 640
ploidy 609
containing tissue 585
cystic 32
desmoid 648
endocrine 479
epithelial 619, 645
epithelioid 648
excision of 632f
extension 599
gastrointestinal stromal 623
gonadal 640
histology 607
inflammatory myofibroblastic 648
lysis syndrome 121
acute 665
malignant 622, 642
margin, negative 654
markers 610, 611, 629, 642, 645
necrosis factor 298, 392
rupture of 160
site of 631
primary 653, 660
specific 632
spill, lesser chances of 604
staging of 596
testicular 628, 634, 640, 642, 643
thrombus 595
unilateral 604
Tunica albugenea 820
deficiency of 778
wedge of 778
Tunica vaginalis flap 735, 783f, 786, 787
Turner's syndrome 286, 628, 641, 814, 826
Twin anemia polycythemia
sequence 22
postprocedural 27
syndrome 19
Twin reversed arterial perfusion 19
sequence 24
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome 10, 19, 22, 23
Two-finger technique 132f
Two-thumb encircling technique 132f
Tympanic membrane 260
Tympanocentesis 259
Tyrosinemia 849
Tyson's glands, secretions of 790
Ueland criteria 645
Ulceration 543f
Ulcerative colitis 446, 539, 544f, 548f, 563
aphthous 542
ileal 543f
postsurgical 860
Ultrasonic dissector 484
Ultrasonogram 716
role of 770f
abdominal 388, 411
advantages of 411
endoluminal 684
endoscopic 500
role of 12
interventions 17
medical intervention 18
Umbilical artery 109
Umbilical cord 23f
clamping 144
hernia of 365, 367, 562f
management 145
Umbilical granuloma 561f
nonresolving 563f
Umbilical hernia 366
types of 368
uncomplicated 367
Umbilical laparoscopic cholecystectomy, single-site 441
Umbilical scissor 453f
Umbilical sepsis, neonatal 454
Umbilical stump 732
Umbilical vein 109
Uncuffed endotracheal tubes 56
Underactive bladder 750
Undescended testis 157, 642, 777, 803, 818
management of 803
bilateral 806fc
unilateral 807fc
role of 642
sequels of 804b
true 803
type of 808fc
Unicornuate uterus 827
Universally sepsis 87
Unresectable liver tumors 850
Upper airway obstruction 141
Upper extremity blocks 127
Upper gastrointestinal
contrast study 403, 403f
procedures 158
Upper moiety ureter, anastomosis of 718
Upper tract changes, persistent 765
Ureter 675, 713
anomalies of 715
development of 675, 713
dysplastic floppy 765
endoscopic anatomy of 713
malformations of 713
quadruple 721
surgical anatomy of 713
triplication of 721, 721t
Ureteral duplication 715
complete 716
embryology of 715
Ureteral injuries 209
Ureteral isolation and mobilization 738
Ureteral mobilization 711f
Ureteral orifices, zones of 716f
Ureteral polyps 722
Ureteral valves 722
Ureteric bud 718
development of 714f
position of 716f
Ureteric calculi 773
Ureteric dilatation, distal right 708f
Ureteric duplication, incomplete 716
Ureteric orifice 704f, 705f
cystoscopic appearance of 713
final position of 716f
vaginal ectopia of 718
Ureteric reimplantation 158, 710, 738
extravesical 166
trans-vesicoscopic 705
Ureteric replacements 722
Ureteric stenosis, congenital mid 721
Ureterocalicostomy 686, 687
Ureterocele 718, 719, 768
disproportion 719
extravesical 719
management of single system 719
types of 719f
Ureteroneocystostomy 843
Ureteropelvic anastomosis 693f
Ureteropyelostomy 720
Ureterorenoscopic lithoclast 772, 773
Ureterorenoscopy 722, 773
Ureteroscopic retrograde endopyelotomy 686
Ureterosigmoidostomy 733
Ureterostomy, cutaneous 721
Ureteroureterostomy 158, 718, 720, 843
Ureterovesical junction 739
Urethra 207, 522f, 719, 749
obstructive anomalies of 765
short 735
spinning-top deformity of 751
Urethral atresia 766
Urethral calculi 774
Urethral catheterization 211
Urethral closure 731
Urethral diameter, posterior-to-anterior 764
Urethral diverticulum 787
Urethral duplication, management scheme of 717fc
Urethral groove 776
Urethral injuries 211, 212
Urethral meatus 726, 789
Urethral plate, edges of 783
Urethral polyps 766
Urethral repair 781
Urethral stricture 212f
iatrogenic 765
Urethral trauma, missed 211f
Urethral valves
anterior 765
posterior 31, 35, 38, 39, 41, 699, 707, 748, 757, 758f, 759, 761f, 762, 762f, 843
types of 757f
Urethrocutaneous fistula 785, 786
incidence of 783
Urethroplasty 731
Urethroscopy 212
Urethrovaginal confluence 820f
Urge incontinence 750
Uric acid 556, 650, 769, 771
Urinalysis 191, 769, 841
anomalies 521
bladder 207, 209
catecholamines 610
catheter 130, 186, 533
diversions, temporizing 763
fistulae 735
frequency, extraordinary daytime 750
function 527
incontinence 535
management of 535
management 896
obstruction 844
retention 735
sodium, low 860
sphincter 834
symptoms 409
work-up 896
Urinary tract 410, 522, 573, 699
abnormalities of 768
anomalies 726
congenital abnormalities of 675
dilation abnormalities 10
infection 533, 679, 698, 706, 718, 760, 767, 768, 790
recurrent 683, 751
types of 698
postmortem appearance of 758f
reconstruction 843
analysis 92, 707
culture 93
discoloration of 586
leak 844
output 95
low 846fc
Urinoma 690
Urodynamic studies, part of 896
Urogenital ostium 789
Urogenital passage 817f
Urogenital sinus 714f, 776, 817f, 829, 834
anomalies, management of 536
Urogram, intravenous 684
Urography, excretory 722f
Urolithiasis 767, 770f
etiology of 767
medication-induced 769
pediatric 767
Urological procedures 158
Urology 673
congenital obstructive 839
obstructive 41, 768
Uroprophylaxis 527
Urorectal septum 725f
Urosepsis 98
Urotherapy 753
Ursodeoxycholic acid 439
Uterine transplantation 832
Uterovaginal anomalies 829, 830
Uterovaginal development, embryology of 829
Uterus 29
absence of 823
ipsilateral cornu of 825
ovary 410
rudimentary 827f
Uveitis 542
Vagina 188, 657
congenital absence of 832
foreshortened 726
isolated agenesis of 832
rudimentary 823f
Vaginal atresia 814, 832, 833
clinical appearance of 832f
low 833f
Vaginal fistula 526
Vaginal malformation, embryogenesis of 830t
Vaginal orifice 729
Vaginal reflux 750
Vaginal rhabdomyosarcoma 649f
Vaginal septum, transverse 834
Vaginal tumors 652
Vaginalis 803
Vaginoscopy 830
Vagus nerve 287
Vallecular cysts 324
Valsalva maneuver 281, 282, 284, 797
incision 762
laser ablation of 31
mechanisms 901
newer types of 901
Valve ablation
complications of 763
endoscopic 762
Valve bladder 748
syndrome 765
Valvular injuries 205
van Roonhysen hypothesis 279
Vancomycin 9799
Vanillylmandelic acid 610
Vanishing testis syndrome 803, 807, 808f
Variceal ablative procedures 461
Variceal bleeding 455, 850
management of acute 456
Varicella zoster virus 873
Vas deferens 731
Vascular access 107, 184
device 102, 110b
insertion of 110b
patency of 104
Vascular anomalies, classification of 877b
Vascular cannula 82
Vascular development, embryology of 881
Vascular endothelial growth factor 878
Vascular malformation 285f, 387, 881
Vascular pedicle, ligation of 492f
Vascular structures, compression of 609
Vascular tumors 877
Vasoactive intestinal peptide 609
Vasoactive therapy 141
Vasopressin 73, 100, 235
Vaso-testicular collaterals, development of 811
Veau classification 242, 243t
Veau-Wardill-Kilner palatoplasty 249f
Vecchietti procedure 832
Vein, inferior mesenteric 455
Velopharyngeal incompetence 244
Veloplasty, intervelar 250f
Vena cava
inferior 596f, 599, 722, 887
pre-ureteral 721
superior 870
syndrome, superior 110
Veno-occlusive disease 445, 446
Venous access 185
Venous blood gas analysis 191
Venous engorgement 200
Venous malformation 882
Ventilation 75, 95
failure 69
initial settings of 75
Ventilatory support 141
Ventral dartos fascia 783
incision 782f
Ventricular fibrillation 129, 131, 137
Ventricular septal defect 205, 266
Ventricular tachyarrhythmia 868
Ventricular tachycardia 129, 131, 137
Ventriculocisternostomy, endoscopic third 895
Ventriculomegaly 39, 40
Ventriculoperitoneal shunts 796, 894, 901
Ventriculostomy, endoscopic third 902
Ventriculovenous diversion 900
Venturi masks 95
Verapamil 56
Veress needle 155, 160
technique 689f
Vertebral defects 707, 830
Vertical flap technique 689f
Very low birth weight 618
Vesical fissure, superior 727
Vesicoamniotic shunt 31, 38, 634, 760
placement 10
Vesico-intestinal fistula 571
Vesicoscopic ureteric reimplantation 166
Vesicostomy 754
Vesicoureteral junction, normal 707
Vesicoureteral reflux 521, 676, 679, 685, 738, 790, 896
diagnosis of 702
management of 702
primary 700fc
severity, assessment of 700
syndrome, unilateral 759
Vesicoureteric junction 692
obstruction 15f
concomitant 765
Vesicoureteric reflux 698700, 707, 726, 751
risk groups of 703b
risk-based stratification of 701
spontaneous resolution of 704b
disease, large 839
epigastric 160, 811
sealer 165f
Videocapsule endoscopy 544
Videourodynamics 709
Vinblastine 584, 667
sulfate 584
Vincent's curtsy 750
Vincristine 584, 615, 641, 655, 658, 659, 667
sulfate 584
Viral hepatitis 629
Viral illness 481
Viral infection 418
Virchow's law 252
Viruses 466
Visceral pain 125
Viscus, rupture of 160
Visible gastric peristalsis 371
Vision 902
Visual abnormalities 253
Visual analog
scale 124
score 118
Vitals charting 219
Vitamin 556
A 419
deficiency of 307
C 235, 768
high-dose 235
infusions 235
D 419
supplementation 769
E 419
fat-soluble 861
K 419
deficiency 418
Vitellointestinal duct, disorder of 561
Vocal cord dysfunction 320
Vocal fold paralysis 320
bilateral 320
unilateral 320
Voice, hoarseness of 231
Voiding cystourethrogram 685, 708, 740
Voiding pain, absence of 790
Voiding postponement 750
Voiding symptoms 749
Volcano appearance 705f
Volvulus 403f, 570, 573
gastropexy for 158
management of 402
symptoms of 402
Vomer flap 246f
Vomiting 44, 126, 147, 585, 586, 588, 589, 609, 899
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome 678
von Willebrand
disease 62, 64, 595
factor 62, 63
Voriconazole 99
Vulva 657
squamous cell carcinoma of 585
Vulvovaginitis, recurrent 214
Waardenburg syndrome 505f
WAGR syndrome 595, 605
Waldeyer's ring 663
Wallace's rule of Nines 139, 232
Warren shunt 460
Water-soluble lubricant 56
Waveform capnography, real time 184
Web creep 911
Weech's formula 182t
law 721
rule 715
Weight loss 609, 663
West Nile virus 64
Wheezing 317
Whirlpool sign 388f
classical 403f
Whitaker test 685
White blood cell count 90
White pearl sign 516
Whole blood transfusion 59
Willital's classification 297t
Wilm's tumor 307, 584, 587, 593, 594, 594f, 595597, 597t, 598, 598t, 601t, 604606, 619, 623, 638
bilateral 599, 604
intravascular extension of 603
Wilmer's mechanical theory 680
Wilson's disease 849, 857
Windsock sign 571
Wingspread classification 514
Wire balloon endopyelotomy, retrograde cutting 686
Wolffian duct 675, 713, 830
care 227
closure 384
complications 376
contused lacerated 218
dressing 236
infection 88, 391
types of 88
inoculations, types of 88t
related complications 484
type of 88
Wrenn's method 501
Wry neck 291
Xenograft skin 236
Xiphisternum 732
Y-blood administration tubing 56
Yohan's measure 374
Yolk sac tumor 627, 638, 640, 643, 645
Young's classification 757
Young-Dees-bladder neck reconstruction 536
Young-Dees-Lead better
bladder neck repair 729f
reconstruction, modified 729
technique 729
Yo-yo reflux 716
Zargar classification 346, 346t
Zona pellucida 244
Z-plasty 293, 733
Zymogens overwhelms 466
Chapter Notes

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