Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography Sumeet Bhargava, Satish K Bhargava
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdomen 327
Abdominal lesions, common causes of 327t
Abdominal wall 331
anterior 332f
lesions 327, 328t
metastases 327f
Abscess 47, 205f, 215, 225, 228, 300, 352, 370, 534
amebic 340
hepatic 352f
cerebellar 140f
chronic 204
epidural 504f
formation 188f
large retroperitoneal 403f
loculated 224f
mediastinal 304
neck 504f
pancreatic 375
pelvic 436
periapical 496
periodontal 495
perirenal 426f
prostatic 438
psoas 404f
pyogenic 340
brain 93
renal 426, 426f
retropharyngeal 228f
soft tissue 518f
cord 111
epidural 123
Acavernous angioma 48f
Achalasia 294
Achondroplasia 127
Acoustic canal
internal 150t
stenosis, bilateral external 134f
Acoustic schwannoma 15f, 81, 150
Acquired cystic disease 420
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 27, 40, 102
Acquired toxoplasmosis 100
Actinomycosis 456
Adenocarcinoma 136, 262
Adenoid 206
cystic carcinoma 253
Adenoma 144, 263, 338
proximal tubular 422
Adenomatous hyperplasia 240, 247
Adenomatous polyp 379
Adhesive otitis media, chronic 140
Adnexa 442, 446
Adnexal lesions, common causes of 446t
Adnexal torsion 449
Adrenal adenoma 412, 412f
Adrenal carcinoma 412
Adrenal enlargement, causes of 411
Adrenal hyperplasia 413
Adrenal lesions 410
Adrenal paraganglioma 414
Adrenoleukodystrophy 22, 64, 98
Aeroceles 49
multiple 20f
Agger nasi cell 210, 213f
bronchogram, differential diagnosis of 283
cells, opacification of 138
Alagille syndrome 155
Alexander's disease 21, 22, 25, 64, 96
Alexander's dysplasia 153
Allergic alveolitis, extrinsic 275
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 280f
Allergic sinusitis 185
Altered globe size 163
Alveolar cell carcinoma 263, 284
Alzheimer's disease 77, 98, 104
Ameloblastoma 198, 457f
Aminoaciduria 21, 65
Amyloid angiopathy 74
Amyloidosis 237, 308, 358, 361
Anaplastic carcinoma 248
Anaplastic ependymoma 96
Aneurysm 17, 70, 71f, 82
malformation 3
Aneurysmal bone cyst 129, 199, 458, 458f
Angioblastoma 456
Angiofibroma 216
juvenile 206
Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy 311
Angioma 7
Angiomyolipoma 422, 422f
Angiosarcoma 371
and foot 529
joint effusion 483f
Ankylosis 512
Anomalies, duplication 430
Antral polyp, benign 192f
Antrochoanal polyp 189, 522
Antronasal fungal polyposis 200f
aneurysm of 296
ascending 292
atherosclerosis of 409
Aortic aneurysm 301, 409
Aortic arch aneurysm 297f
Aortic dissection 409
Apical meningocele 152, 159
Aplasia 156
Apophyseal joints 515
Appendix, mucocele of 393, 394f
Arachnoiditis 121
Arch of atlas, anomalies of 500
Arch of axis, fracture of 538
Arnold-Chiari malformation 30, 36
Arterial infarct 37
right cerebral acute 38f
Arteriosclerosis 67
Arteriovenous malformation 27, 82, 87, 168, 258, 260, 427
Arthritis 505, 506f
mutilans 511
Articular disease, diagnosis of 526
Asbestosis 276, 319
Astrocytic hamartoma 164, 181
Astrocytoma 12, 54, 88, 96, 111
Ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome 77, 80
Atheroma 7
Atlantoaxial articulation 515
Atlantoaxial fusion malsegmentation 501
Atlantoaxial subluxation 501
Atlanto-occipital fusion 500
Atlanto-odontoid subluxation 537
Atlas assimilation 500
Atlas fracture 537
Atrophic fatty pancreas 374f
Atrophy 35
Auditory canal, internal 83
Autoimmune labyrinthitis 146
Axonal injury, diffuse 76, 78
Baker's cyst 513
Bamboo spine 514
Bartholin's cyst 441, 443
Basal cell carcinoma 136
Basal cisterns, effaced 78
Basal ganglia 8f, 51f
diffuse hypodensities 23
Basilar artery 56f
Bifid facial nerve 156
Bile pseudocyst 340
Biliary cystadenoma 339, 347
Biliary lesions 362, 364
common causes of 362t
Biliary pseudocyst 353
Biliary tract lesions 362
Biloma 340, 353
Bing-Siebenmann dysplasia 153
Binswanger's encephalopathy 104
Bladder 430
calculi 431
carcinoma 433, 433f
endometriosis 431
fungal ball in 432
intraluminal pseudomasses of 434
Blood dyscrasias 75
Bochdalek's hernia 298
Bone 454, 454t
adamantinoma of long 456
angiosarcoma of 459
avascular necrosis of 459
cyst, simple 487, 487f
destruction 184t, 199t
island 460
lesions, primary 194t
benign 453
malignant 453
resorption of 507, 508
sclerosis with periosteal reaction 455
small 508
temporal 132, 148t
tumors 456
salient features of 456
Bone-in-bone appearance 514
Bony labyrinthine anomalies 154t
Bony lesion 132, 132t, 452, 453, 524
spinal 499
Bony lytic metastases 63f
Bony texture, abnormal 195f
Bony type disease 133
Borrelia burgdorferi 103
Borreliosis 103
Bowel lesions, small 382, 383
Bowel loops, floating 402f
Bracket calcification 4f
Brain 1, 13t, 26, 69
abscess 101
causes of 18t
lesions 12, 37, 37t, 69
nontumoral 20
nodules, innumerable small enhancing 26
normal aging 104
occipital horns 35
parenchyma, parasagittal 25
pseudomasses of 18, 18t
tumors 74
causes of 17t
glioma of 55, 56f, 82, 84
hypodensity 23
lesions 76
Branchial cleft cyst
first 231, 251
second 218, 224, 228
Breast carcinoma 474f
Brodie abscess 455, 460
Bronchial atresia 313
Bronchiectasis 315
acute 317
constrictive 316
obliterans 316
organizing pneumonia 318
obliterative 316
Bronchogenic carcinoma 264, 410f
Bronchus, carcinoma of 295
Buccal space 225
Budd-Chiari syndrome 342
Buphthalmos 175
Burkitt's lymphoma 497
Burst fracture
complete 536
incomplete 535
Buschke-Löwenstein tumor 395
Butterfly glioma 26
Button sequestrum 470, 492
Caffey's disease 455
Calcific pancreatitis, chronic 373f
Canavan disease 21, 22, 25, 64
Canavan-van Bogaert disease 97
Candida 249
Capillary angioma 47
Capillary hemangioma 169
Capsuloma 425
Carcinoma 365, 385
bronchus 296f
cecum 390f
Caroli disease 340, 351, 364
Carotid artery 217, 224
Carotid sheath mass 220f
Carotid space 219
Cartilage tumors 454
Castleman's disease 310, 406
Catscratch fever 249
Cavernous angioma 47, 70, 72
Cavernous hemangioma 168, 371
Cavitary prostatitis 437
Cavitating lesion 255
causes of 265t
Cavum septum pellucidum 17
Cavum velum interpositum 17
Cavum vergae 17
Cell carcinoma
large 262
small 262
transitional 424, 424f
Cellulitis 173
Cementoma 498
Central dot sign 351
Central nervous system 27
tumors 96f
Central pontine myelinolysis 105
Centrilobular emphysema 282
Cerebellar atrophy 77
Cerebellar hemisphere 43f, 77
Cerebellar vermis 77
angle 83
masses, differential diagnosis of 81, 81t
left 15f
Cerebellum 82
astrocytoma of 84
Cerebral atrophy 77
Cerebral edema 78
diffuse 25
Cerebral hemisphere, left 70f
Cerebral infarction 92
Cerebral lesions, deep 76
Cerebral neuroblastoma, primary 90
Cerebritis 94
Cerebrospinal fluid 44f, 83, 182
Ceruminoma 136
carcinoma 445
fascia 225
deep 229
space, posterior 228, 229t
thymic cyst 238
Cervix 441
Chance fracture 536
CHARGE syndrome 155
Chest 255
Chloroma 120
Cholangiocarcinoma 365
Cholangitis 364
Cholecystitis 365
acute 367f
Choledochal cyst 340, 364
large 365f
Choledocholithiasis 363f
Cholelithiasis 367
Cholesteatoma 134, 141, 141f
acquired 141
congenital 81, 142
primary 152
Cholesterol granuloma 17, 143, 151
Chondroblastoma 148, 152, 458, 461
Chondroma 198, 237
Chondromesenchymal hamartoma 203, 204f
Chondromyxoid fibroma 461
Chondrosarcoma 152, 199, 258, 461
Chordoma 7, 209, 464
Choriocarcinoma 292, 446
Choroid plexus
carcinoma 54, 85
papilloma 12, 53, 85, 96
Choroidal detachment 164, 178
Choroidal hemangioma 165, 180
Choroidal melanoma 165
Choroidal nevus 181
Choroidal osteoma 164, 181
Chronic injury 113
Cirrhosis 359
Cluster sign 353
Coal miner's pneumoconiosis 308
Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis 278, 321
Coalescent mastoiditis 141
Coats’ disease 164, 176
Cocaine 75
Coccidioidomycosis 270
Cochlea 146t
Cochlear aplasia 155
Cochlear hypoplasia 155
Cockayne syndrome 25
Codman's triangle 484
Codman's tumor 461
Cold abscess, calcified 484f
Colitis cystica profunda 390
Collagen diseases 508
Collagen vascular disease 279
wafer-like 514
wedge-like 514
Coloboma 177
Colon mass, ascending 332f
Colonic lesions 389, 435
common causes of 389t
Colonic tuberculosis 399f
Colonic wall thickening, lesions with 389
Compression fracture 535
Concha bullosa 210, 211f
Congenital disorders 25
Constrictor muscles 215
Contour abnormalities 361
Cord contusion 113
Corduroy appearance 469
Corpus callosal agenesis 30
Corpus callosum 26
absence of 36f
agenesis 35
dysgenesis 30, 36
Cortical contusions 76, 77f
Cortical dermoid 464
Cranial fossa
bones of anterior 491f
lesions, middle 15
Craniopharyngioma 6, 12, 61, 62f, 92
Craniovertebral anomalies, differential diagnosis of 500
CREST syndrome 513
Crohn's colitis 392
Crohn's disease 383, 387, 387f
Cryptococcosis 42
Cumbo sign 260
Cyst 339, 507, 530
adrenal 411
apical 496
arachnoid 17, 45, 46f, 83, 120, 490
bony 225
bronchogenic 259, 264, 293, 296, 303f
choroid 181
fissure 45
plexus 45
colloid 49, 238, 239, 247
congenital 234, 235, 369
corpus luteal 447
dental 225, 496
dentigerous 496, 525
dermoid 171, 224, 490
developmental 496
duplication 383
ejaculatory duct 438
enteric 398
enterogenous 49
ependymal 45
epidermoid 120, 151, 152, 224, 465, 490
esophageal duplication 293
fissural 496, 525
follicular 447, 496
gastric duplication 377
hepatic 339, 349, 350f
leptomeningeal 17
lymphoepithelial 231
maxillary dentigerous 189
mediastinal 302
mesenteric 398, 398f
mesothelial 398
omental 398
pancreatic 374
parapelvic 418
parathyroid 242
pelvicalyceal 417
periodontal 496
peripelvic 418
pineal 17, 91
pleuropericardial 292
porencephalic 43, 44f
post-traumatic 271
primordial 496
prostatic 437
pyelogenic 417
radicular 496
residual 525
retention 222, 437, 522
sebaceous 17, 329
simple 417
springwater 292
subchondral 467
midline 17
paramidline 17
theca lutein 447
thymic 302
thyroglossal 224
duct 245
trichilemmal 17
unicameral 487
urachal 329
utricular 438
Cystadenocarcinoma 347, 450
Cystic bronchiectasis 282, 282f
Cystic glioma 55f
Cystic hygroma 223, 286, 293
Cystic lesions 184
multiple 449
Cystic lymphangioma, large 226f
Cystic pulmonary diseases 281, 281t
Cystic schwannoma 304
Cystic tumors 303
Cysticercosis 103
cystica 432
emphysematosa 432
Cytomegalovirus 2, 3, 9, 249
congenital 10f
Dacryoadenocystitis 175
syndrome 30, 31f
De Quervain's thyroiditis 246
Degenerative disease 104, 124
Dehiscent jugular bulb 158
Dementia, subcortical 77
Demyelinating disease 20, 22, 22t, 29
Demyelinating disorders, congenital 96
Demyelinating lesion, causes of 21t
Dens fracture 538
Dermal sinus, dorsal 114
Desmoplastic fibroma 464
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia 278
Destructive lesions 493
Diaphragmatic hernia 302, 267f
Diaphyseal achalasia 477
progressive 149
Diastematomyelia 109, 110f
Diastrophic dysplasia 126, 127
Diffuse hepatic lesions, differential diagnosis of 359, 359t
Diffuse liver diseases, common causes of 355t
Discal calcification 501
Discal disease 122
Disk herniation, postoperative 126
Double-target sign 353
Down syndrome 25, 501, 515
Dromedary hump 421
Drug abuse 75
Duodenal diverticulum 384f
Duodenum 382f
adenocarcinoma of 385f
Dwarf cochlea 156
Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome 77, 79
epiphysealis hemimelica 509
multiple 154f
Ear 132
lesions, differential diagnosis of 132
Echinococcal cyst 339, 370
Eclampsia 75
Ectatic carotid artery 220
Ectopic pancreas 380
Edema, nonenhancing 38f
Effusion 151
Eggshell calcification 307
and wrist 530
tubercular osteomyelitis of 483f
Emboli 270
Embryonal cell carcinoma 292
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 144
Emphysema 315
Emphysematous cholecystitis 365
Empyema 49
Encephalitis, acute disseminated 68, 105
Encephalocele 208
Encephalomalacia 43
Encephalomeningocele 204
Enchondroma 464
Endocrine neoplasia, multiple 248
Endodermal sinus tumor 292
Endolymphatic sac
lesions 146
tumors 146
Endometrioma 448
Endometriosis 328
Endophthalmitis 165, 177
Endosteal hyperostosis 148
Engelmann-Camurati disease 489
Eosinophilic gastritis 380
Eosinophilic granuloma 144, 146, 197, 470
Ependymal enhancement, causes of 27t
Ependymoma 57, 84, 89, 96, 111, 119
Epidural lesions 16
Epidural lipomatosis 120
Epiphrenic esophageal diverticulum 295
Esophageal masses 296
Esophagus, distal carcinoma of 297f
Esthesioneuroblastoma 187f, 202
Etate crible 22
Ethmoid bulla 210, 212f
Ethmoid infundibulum 212f
Ethmoid mucocele 190f
Ethmoid sinus, left 190f
Ethmoid sinusitis 188f
Ewing's sarcoma 199, 465, 466f, 474
Exostoses 137
Expansile bony lesions, common causes of 453t
External ear 132t, 154f
lesions 132t
Extramedullary hematopoiesis 299
Extraparotid lesion 231
Extrapyramidal disorders 77
Eye, thickened coats of 165t
Facial nerve
anomalies 156t
anterior migration of 157
duplication of 156
hypoplasia, congenital 156
neuroma of 144
schwannoma 150
Fahr's disease 3f, 25, 80
Fahr's syndrome 2
Falcine lesions 16
Fallen fragment sign 487
Fatty infiltration, diffuse 356, 357f
Feeding vessel sign 258
Femur, distal 472
Fetal lobulations 421
Fibrin balls 323
Fibrinoid leukodystrophy 96
Fibroid 445f
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma 337, 344, 345f
Fibrolipomatosis 416
Fibromatosis 532
Fibrosarcoma 466
Fibrosing alveolitis 274
Fibrosing mediastinitis 314f
Fibrosing mesenteritis, chronic 399
Fibrosis, retroperitoneal 408
Fibrous cortical defect 466
Fibrous dysplasia 137, 148, 194, 195f, 458, 467, 491f
Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant 473, 533
Fibrous tissue tumors 454
Fibrous tumor, malignant 325
Fibrous type disease 133
Filum terminale 116
Fistula 436
Flexion distraction 536
Fluid lesions 184
Focal bacterial nephritis, acute 426
Focal basal ganglia, bilateral 23
Focal caliectasis 417
Focal fatty infiltration 341, 355
Focal hepatic lesions 335
common causes of 335t
Focal hepatic metastasis 346f
Focal interhemispheric blood 71
Focal lesions 488
Focal nodular hyperplasia 338, 349
Foley's bulb 434
Follicular carcinoma 248
Foramen magnum 15
Foreign body 164, 318
Fracture 521
Frontal horns, abnormal 30
Frontal sinus 185f
extension 210
mucocele of 190f
Frontoethmoidal encephalocele 209f
Fucosidosis 65
Fungal infection 192f, 310
Fungal sinusitis 199, 200f, 522
Fungiform papilloma 191
Gallbladder 362
carcinoma 365
fundus of 366f
Gangliocytoma 89
Ganglioglioma 58, 89
Ganglioneuroma 89
Gardner's syndrome 479
Garre's osteomyelitis 455, 467
Gartner's duct cyst 441, 442
Gastric adenocarcinoma 379f
Gastric bezoar 382
Gastric carcinoma 378
Gastric diverticulum 378
Gastric lesions 377, 377t
Gastric varices 377, 381
Gastroesophageal junction mass 378f
Gastrointestinal lesions 377
Gastrointestinal tumors 473
Genioglossus muscle 221
Geniohyoid muscle 221
Genitourinary lesions 414
Germ cell tumor 59, 258, 287, 292
Germinoma 12, 59, 91, 447f
Gerota's fascia 426
Giant apical air cell 159
Giant cell
astrocytoma, subependymal 55, 56f
tumor 137, 198, 458, 468
Giant hypertrophic gastritis 381
Giant osteoid osteoma 475
Giant periapical granuloma 495f
Glioblastoma multiforme 26, 88
Glioma 6, 96
Gliomatosis cerebri 55
Gliosis 87
Glomus jugulare tumor 82, 145, 145f, 493
Glomus tumor 220, 469
Glomus tympanicum 144
Glycogen storage disease 21, 65, 355
Gorlin syndrome 496
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome 52
Granulocytic sarcoma 120
Granuloma, infectious 255
Granulomatous disease 307
Granulomatous masses 186f
Granulomatous sialadenitis 249
Granulomatous thyroiditis, subacute 246
Graves’ disease 174, 245
Gray matter lesions 21
Gut wall signature 383
Gyriform enhancement 26
Haller cell 210, 213f
Hallervorden-Spatz disease 25, 100
Hamartoma 263
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease 470, 471
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 245
Hearing loss, X-linked congenital mixed 156
Hemangioblastoma 39, 85, 90, 112
Hemangioma 83, 135, 135f, 226, 231, 237, 251, 338, 347, 469, 531
Hemangiopericytoma 58, 58f
Hematoma 42, 71f, 204, 206, 263, 328, 534
epidural 94
hypertensive acute 70f
intramural 388
bladder 434
subcapsular 341, 354
Hemivertebra 126, 128
Hemochromatosis 356, 360
Hemophilic pseudotumor 470
Hemorrhage 69, 74, 75, 87, 164, 521
acute 69
adrenal 411
benign 74
chronic 69
idiopathic pulmonary 279
intracerebral 94
intraparenchymal 72
malignant 74
perinatal 69, 72
sinus 193
subacute 69
subarachnoid 25, 70, 72, 78
tumoral 70
Hemorrhagic contusion, coincidental small 24f
Hemorrhagic cystitis 432
Hemorrhagic infarction 69, 73
Hemorrhagic ovarian mass 450f
Hepatic abscess, large 352f
Hepatic adenoma 349
Hepatic adenomatosis 338
Hepatic disease, diffuse 356f
Hepatic flexure 399f
Hepatic hemangioma, typical 348f
Hepatic infarct 355
Hepatic laceration, large 354f
Hepatic lesions 335
differential diagnosis of 337
Hepatic lobe herniation, left 267f
Hepatic metastases 408f
Hepatic parenchyma 353, 356, 358
Hepatic tumors, common causes of 337t
Hepatic venous occlusion 342
Hepatobiliary lesions 335
Hepatoblastoma 347, 348f
Hepatocellular carcinoma 337, 344
diffuse 358, 361
Hepatocellular disease 75
Hepatolenticular degeneration 99
Hernia 331
femoral 333
obturator 333
traumatic ventral 332f
types of 331, 331t
Herpes encephalitis 100
Heterotopias 36
Hiatus hernia 294, 295, 301
Hiatus semilunaris 212f
Hilar lip 421
Hip, tuberculosis of 484f
Histiocytosis 281, 470
Hodgkin's disease 303, 325, 514
Holoprosencephaly 30, 33
Homocysteinuria 99
Huntington's disease 25, 79
Hyaloid detachment, posterior 164, 178
Hydatid cyst 45, 93, 260, 260f, 351
healing 351f
Hydatid disease 264, 471
Hydranencephaly 35
Hydrocephalus 32, 78
Hydrometra 444
Hydromyelia 110
Hydroxyapatite deposition disease 128
Hypercementosis 498
Hyperdense basal ganglia, bilateral 25
Hyperdense bile 362
Hyperdense brain lesions, causes of 24t
Hyperdense cisterns 78
Hyperdense falx 25
Hyperdense renal lesion 415
Hyperdense skull base 490
Hyperdense vitreous, common causes of 164t
Hyperperfusive hepatic abnormalities, common causes of 343t
Hyperplastic gastropathy 381
Hyperplastic polyp 379
Hypertension, portal 362f, 372f
Hypertrophied column of Bertini 421
Hypochondroplasia 127
Hypodense bony lesions, common causes of 453t
Hypodense lesion, causes of 20t, 27t
Hypopharynx 215
Hypophysitis 187f
Hypoplastic dens 501
Hypoplastic left lamina 110f
Hypoproteinemia 383, 388
Hypothalamic glioma 12
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 67
Hyrtl's fissure 159
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 274, 281
Idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, diffuse 501
Ilium, osteomyelitis of 481f
Ill-defined lytic lesions 453
common causes of 453t
Infarct, chronic 42
Infection 100
disseminated 26
orbital 173
suppurative 146
Infectious lesions 74
Inflammations 100
Inflammatory disease 74, 431
Inflammatory lesions 83
Inflammatory lymph nodes 290
Inflammatory polyp 379, 522
Infraorbital nerve and canal 211
Infratentorial lesions, differential diagnosis of 84, 84t
Inguinal hernia 334
Inherited disorders 25
Inner ear 148t, 150t, 154f
cavity of 155
dysplasia, congenital malformations of 153t
Interclinoid ligaments 5
Internal ear lesions 146
Interstitial disease 272f
Interstitial lung disease 272, 272f
common causes of 273t
Interstitial pneumonia, nonspecific 278
Intervertebral foramina, enlarged 502
Intra-articular loose bodies, differential diagnosis of 515
Intracerebral hemorrhage, hypertensive 70
Intraconal lesions 165t
Intracranial calcification 1, 4f, 5t, 12f
causes of 1t, 3f
Intracranial lipoma 4f
Intracranial masses 19, 19t
Intracranial pressure, elevated 167
Intradural lipoma 117
Intrahepatic hematoma 341, 353f, 354, 354f
Intraosseous ganglion 471
Intraparenchymal hemorrhagic lesions 69
Intraparotid lesion 229
Ischemia 388
Ischemic encephalopathy 25
Ivory vertebra 486
Jaccoud's arthritis 507
Jaw 494
ameloblastoma of 497
lesion 489
salient features of 495
sclerotic lesions of 495
diseases, differential diagnosis of 526, 526t
effusion 506, 506f
space narrowing 507
Jugular diverticulum 158
Jugular foramen agenesis 158
Jugular vein 217
internal 224
Juxtacortical chondroma 486
Kartagener's syndrome 522
Keratocyst 525
Keratosis obturans disease 133
Key-hole appearance 30
Kidney, right 419f
Klippel-Feil syndrome 126, 127
Knee 528
right 460f
Koehler's disease 509
Krabbe's disease 21, 22, 63, 97
Labyrinthine aplasia, complete 155
Laceration 341
Lacrimal gland
lesions, malignant 164
tumor 173
Lamellar concha 210, 211f
Lamina papyracea 212f
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 91, 276
Laryngeal space, causes of 234t
Laryngocele 236
Left orbit, coronal anatomy of 161f
Leigh disease 25, 66, 99
Leiomyoma 296, 379, 384
Leiomyosarcoma 296, 380, 384
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis 113
Lesion 238, 264
benign 255, 256t
causes of enhancing 27t
congenital 312
developmental 255
dural 16
enhancing 24
malignant 255, 256t
miscellaneous 138
nonenhancing 24
of spleen, common causes of 368t
of vertebra, causes of expansile 499t
orbital 161, 164
peripheral 263
cavitating 268f
retroperitoneal 403
tumor-like 29, 456
vascular 17, 255
ventricular 29
Letterer-Siwe disease 470, 471
Leucinosis 99
Leukemia 51, 286, 372, 425, 471
acute 472
chronic 472
Leukodystrophy disease 22t
Leukoencephalopathy 12f
Ligament 129
Ligamentum flavum
hypertrophy 124, 130f
ossification of 129
Lingual thyroid 233
Lipoblastoma 302
Lipoma 7, 12, 38, 86, 92, 218, 219f, 301, 329, 339, 380, 387, 392, 397, 472, 531
chordoma 83
Lipomatosis 301
Lipomyelomeningocele 116
Liposarcoma 397, 532
Lissencephaly 9
Liver 351f, 357f, 358f
causes of 361t
cirrhosis of 344f
disease, diffuse 355
fatty 360
infarction 342
infiltrating mass in 357f
Lobar nephronia 426
right 352f
frontal 72f
temporal 51f
Local pleural masses 321
Lowe's syndrome 163
Lucent bone lesions 454, 454t
Ludwig's angina 222
Lumbar hernia 331
adenocarcinoma of 263f
right 261f
tissue, normal 255
zones in 259t
Lyme disease 101, 103
Lymph nodes 215, 242
calcified 307
enhancing 310
hypodense 308
Lymphadenopathy 243
Lymphangiectasia 429
Lymphangioma 168, 215, 225, 231, 251, 286, 371, 398, 531
Lymphangiomatosis 429
Lymphangitis carcinomatosa 274
Lymphectasia, retroperitoneal 404f
Lymphocele 429
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis 281
Lymphocytic thyroiditis, chronic 245
Lymphoma 50, 86, 90, 146, 171, 202, 207, 217, 254, 269, 284, 285f, 286, 309, 372, 376, 380, 386, 425, 523
diffuse 359, 361
of bone, primary 487
Lymphomatous adenopathy 405f
Lymphosarcoma 284
Lytic lesion 453, 456, 488, 490, 492494
common causes of 452t, 456t, 491t
of jaw, common causes of 494t
of orbit, common causes of 493t
of rib, common causes of 488t
well-defined 452
Macrocystic tumor 376
Macrophthalmia 164, 175
Macular degeneration 165, 181
Madelung's deformity 477
Madura foot 472
Maduramycosis 472
Maffucci syndrome 465
Malakoplakia 432
Maple syrup urine disease 99
Marchiafava-Bignami disease 105
Massive fibrosis, progressive 259, 283
Masticator space 225
causes of 225t
Mastoid lesions, causes of 138t
carcinoma of 203f
osteomyelitis of 480f
Maxillary dentoalveolus 211
Maxillary ostium 212, 212f
Meatus, middle 211
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy 307, 307t
Mediastinal masses 285, 301
anterior 286, 286t, 290t
middle 293
posterior 298
Medullary carcinoma 248
Medullary cystic disease 420
Medulloblastoma 52, 84, 96
Medulloepithelioma 181
Melanocarcinoma 74
Melanoma, malignant 136
MELAS/MERRF syndrome 66
Ménétrier's disease 377, 381
Meningioma 6, 12, 52, 81, 85, 89, 96, 117, 150, 164
Meningitis 101, 159t
Meningocele 204, 208, 304, 490
dorsal 114
Meningoencephalocele 490
Mesenchymal bladder tumors 432
Mesenchymal hamartoma 339, 349
Mesenchymal tumors, retroperitoneal 406
Mesenteric fat stranding 400f
Mesenteric lesion 396, 396t
Mesenteric mass, large 396f
Mesenteric panniculitis 399
Mesoblastic nephroma 425
Mesothelioma 324, 401
Metabolic disorders, congenital 99
Metachromatic leukodystrophy 22, 25, 63, 98
Metastases 62, 83, 86, 91, 104, 124, 129, 137, 146, 167, 203, 241, 248, 254, 265, 307, 337, 345, 473, 524
types of 346t
Metastatic disease 358f
diffuse 358, 361
Metastatic lesions 474
Metastatic lymphadenopathy, bilateral 244f
Metastatic tumor 451
Methyl alcohol 25
Methylmalonic aciduria 25, 98
Michel deformity 155
Michel dysplasia 153
Microcystic tumor 376
Microphthalmia 163, 175
Midbrain 34
Middle ear 138, 154f, 493
causes of 138t
lesion of 138
Mitochondrial encephalopathy 25
Mondini's dysplasia 153, 155
Morgagni hernia 286, 292
Morquio syndrome 501
Moth-eaten lesions 454, 454t
Mucinous 450
adenocarcinoma 258
Mucocele 189, 522
carotid artery aneurysm 152
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 253
Mucolipidosis 65
Mucopolysaccharidoses 65
Mucosal disease 392
Mucus retention cyst 189, 204
Müllerian duct cyst 438
Multicentric central nervous system lesion 29
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 419
Multifocal brain tumors 29
Multifocal infarction, subacute 26
Multifocal leukoencephalopathy, progressive 3
Multifocal white matter lesions 22
Multilocular cystic nephroma 416, 419
Multilocular nephroma 419f
Multilocular thymic cysts 303
Multinodular goiter 291f
Multiple vertebra, causes of 499t
Mumps 249
Mural hematoma 383
Musculoskeletal system 452
Myelinating lesion, causes of 21t
Myeloblastic leukemia, acute 51
Myeloblastoma 120
Myelocele 109
Myelocystocele 109
Myelolipoma 413
Myeloma, multiple 474
Myelomeningocele 109
Myelopathy, acute transverse 110
Nabothian cyst 444
Nasal cavity
left 186f
right 187f
Nasal septum, destruction of 186f
Nasal sinus lesions 183, 183t
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 207f
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 205
Nasopharyngeal lesions
causes of 204t
common 205t
Nasopharyngeal mass 216f
Nasopharynx 215
Neck 215, 242
space lesions 220
Neoplasm 107
benign 255
Neoplastic disease 104, 271
Nephroblastoma 425
Nephroblastomatosis 421
Nephronophthisis 420
Nerve sheath tumors 163, 219
Neural tumors 60
Neuroblastoma 413, 474
Neurocutaneous syndrome 22
Neurocysticercus 40
Neurofibroma 118, 218, 532
dumbbell-shaped 119f
Neurofibromatosis 9, 22, 164, 165f
Neurogenic masses 298
Neurogenic tumor 193, 299, 387, 407
Neurolemoma 532
Nodes, calcification in 245
Nodular compensatory hypertrophy 421
Nodular pleura 326f
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia 339
Nonacoustic schwannoma 82
Nonenhancing lesion, causes of 20t
Nonhemorrhagic contusion 21f, 37
Non-Hodgkin's disease 325
Noniatrogenic coagulopathy, causes of 75
Noninfectious disorders 280
Noninfectious granuloma 255
Nonodontogenic lesions 494
Nonossifying fibroma 475
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 478
Norrie's disease 163, 164, 176
Nose 204f
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 318
Occipital bone, anomalies of 500
Occipital condylar hypoplasia 500
Occipital lobes 34
Occipital vertebra 500
Occult intrasacral meningocele 114
Ocular metastasis 165, 179
Odontogenic lesions 494
Odontoid bone 501
Odontoma 197, 525
Olfactory fossa depth 210
Oligodendroglioma 26, 56, 89
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy 80
Olivopontocerebellar degeneration 77
Omental lesion 396
common causes of 396t
Oncocytoma 422
Onion peel sign 260
Onodi cell 210
right sided 214f
Opacification, common causes of 184t
Ophthalmic vein thrombosis, superior 175
Optic disc
drusen 182f
ocular hemorrhage of 182
Optic glioma 12
Optic nerve
glioma 165, 166f
left 166f
meningioma 166f
right 214f
tumor 164
variations 210
Optic neuritis 167
Optic perineuritis 167
Oral cavity 215
causes of 232t
lesions of 232, 232t
Oral mucosa 221
Orbital lesions 493
causes of 161, 162t
Ormond's disease 408
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency 98
Oropharynx 215
Os odontoideum 126, 128
Osseous destruction 132
Osseous involvement 132
Ossification center, changes in 508
Ossifying fibroma 148, 194, 196f, 525
Osteitis condensans ilii 527
Osteitis deformans 130
Osteoarthritis 509f
Osteoblastoma 130, 458, 475
Osteochondroma 130, 131f, 476, 477f
Osteoclastoma 468, 468f
Osteogenesis imperfecta 147
neoplasms 454
osteoma 478, 478f
Osteolytic metastasis 492f
Osteoma 137, 196, 197f, 479
frontal 185f
Osteomeatal complex frontoethmoid recess 212f
Osteomyelitis 479
actinomycotic 188f
acute 479
chronic 480, 481f
subacute 480
tubercular 482, 482f
Osteopenia 506, 514
diffuse 472
Osteophytes 509
Osteosarcoma 199, 258, 458, 484, 485f
Osteosclerosis 488, 514
benign 498
Otitis externa, malignant 135, 136f
Otitis media
chronic 141f
granulomatous 140
suppurative 139f, 140, 140f
with mastoiditis 138
Otosclerosis 146
Otosyphilis 146
Ovarian cyst, simple 447
Ovarian cystadenoma 450
Ovarian dermoid 449, 449f
Ovary, hemorrhagic lesions of 447
Pacchionian bodies 5
Paget's disease 130, 147, 149, 196, 458, 466, 468, 486, 488, 514
atrophic 373
fatty 373
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma 375
Pancreatic atrophy, mild 373f
Pancreatic islet cell tumor 376
Pancreatic lesion 368, 372, 372t
hypervascular 373
Pancreatic pseudocyst 370, 374
Pancreatitis, acute 375f, 397f
Panencephalitis, subacute sclerosing 68, 105
Papillary carcinoma 247
Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum 232
Papilloma 237, 523
inverted 186f, 201
Papillomatosis 237
Paradoxical middle turbinate 210
Paraganglioma 82, 119, 220
Paragonimiasis 270
Paralaryngeal space, right 236f
Paranasal sinus
anatomical variants of 210, 210t
carcinoma 202
development of 209, 209t
lesions 183
Paraovarian cysts, congenital 447
Parapelvic lymphangiectasia 418
Parapharyngeal lesion 215, 215t
Parapharyngeal space 217
Paraseptal emphysema 282
Parathyroid gland lesions 238, 238t
Parathyroid lesion 239t, 242
Parathyroid mass 242
Parenchymal cell tumors 59
Parietal bone, right 476f
Parietal lobe, right 24f
Parkinson disease 25
Parosteal osteosarcoma 485
Parotid gland 230f
accessory 226
right 232f
Parotid lesions 229
differential diagnosis of 249, 249t
space 229
Parotid space, causes of 230t
Parotitis, acute 249
Pars flaccida 142
Pars tensa 142
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 21, 22, 64, 97
carcinomatosis 435
edema 435
fibrosis 435
hematoma 436
lesions 430, 434
lipomatosis 435
lymphocele 436
trauma 527
urinoma 436
Pencil-in-cup appearance 508
Periapical granuloma 496
Pericardial fat pad 292
Perilesional edema 28f
Perinephric lesions 427
common causes of 427t
Periosteal new bone formation 510
Periosteal osteosarcoma 485
Periportal edema 354
Perirenal pseudocyst 428
Perisylvian region, right 57f
Peritoneal carcinomatosis 401
Peritoneal dissemination and adenopathy 451f
Peritoneal lesion 396, 396t
Peritoneal metastases 402f
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous 176
Persistent stapedial artery 158
Petroclinoid ligaments 5
Petrositis, acute 151
Petrous apex lesion, common lesion of 151t
Petrous apicitis 153
Petrous bone, malformations of 159t
Petrous pyramid 493
Pharyngeal lesion 215
causes of 215t
Pharyngeal mucosal space 215
Phenylketonuria 65
Pheochromocytoma 414
Phleboliths 237
Phthisis bulbi 163
Pick's disease 77, 79, 98
Pilocytic astrocytoma 96
Pineal cell tumors 59
Pineal gland 5, 59f
Pinealoblastoma 96
Pineoblastoma 12, 59
Pineocytoma 59
Pituitary adenoma 12, 60
Pituitary gland 5
Pituitary macroadenoma 61f
Plasmacytoma 198, 486
Pleomorphic adenoma 252
malignant 230f
Pleura 325
mesothelioma of 324f
Pleural calcification 318
causes of 318t
Pleural effusion, loculated 322f
Pleural lesions 318
Pleural lipoma 323
Pleural lymphoma 325
Pleural thickening 326
Pleuropulmonary blastoma 264
Plexiform neurofibroma 165f
Pneumatosis cystoides coli 391
Pneumocystis carinii
infection 307
pneumonia 271, 278
Pneumonia 264
cryptogenic organizing 317
Pneumonitis, hypersensitivity 275
Polka dot appearance 469
Polycystic kidney disease 418
Polycystic liver disease 350f
Polymicrogyria 36
Polyp 208, 237, 385
regenerative 379
Portal vein thrombosis 359
acute 357
Postinflammatory sclerosing osteitis 498
Poststyloid compartment 219
causes of 218t
Pott's disease 502, 515
Pott's spine 504f
type of 503f
Pouch of Douglas 402f
Prestyloid compartment, causes of 217t
Propionic acidemia 98
Proptosis, left-sided 190f
benign hyperplasia of 439f
carcinoma 439
Prostatic calculi 440
Prostatic hyperplasia, benign 439
Prostatic lesions 437, 437t
Protruding jugular bulb 158
Prussak's space 142
Pseudocyst, post-traumatic 369
Pseudomembranous colitis 394
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 395f, 399
Pseudotumor 169
Psoriatic arthritis 510
Pulmonary artery
left 261f
right 296f
Pulmonary edema 274
Pulmonary infarction 260
Pulmonary lesions 285f
Pulmonary metastases 265f
contralateral 324f
multiple 266f
Pulmonary nodular lesion 255
Pulmonary sequestration 259
Pulmonary varix 260
Pulmonary vessels, visualization of 283
Pyogenic arthritis 516, 516t
Pyogenic spondylitis 504
Pyometra 444
Pyriform fossa, left 235f
anterior 500
posterior 500
Racing car sign 35
Radiation injury 342
Radiation myelopathy 110
Radiation necrosis 92
Radiation pneumonitis 283
Ranula 222
Rathke's cleft cyst 17, 49
Rectal duplication 389f
Rectal lesion 435
Rectosigmoid carcinoma 391f
Regional intrathoracic lymph nodes, classification of 304, 305t
Reiter's syndrome 507, 510, 514, 515
Renal cell carcinoma 423, 423f
Renal cyst, calcification in 415f
Renal hamartoma 422
Renal leiomyoma 425
Renal lesions 414, 416
bilateral 415
common causes of 414t
Renal lymphangiectasia, bilateral 429f
Renal pelvis, right 424f
Renal pseudotumor 421
Renal sinus
cyst 418
lipomatosis 416
Reproductive system lesions
female 441
male 437
Respiratory tract infection, upper 241, 248
Reticulum cell sarcoma 487
Retinal angioma 181
Retinal astrocytoma 164, 181
Retinal detachment 164, 178
Retinal dysplasia 176
Retinal telangiectasia, congenital 176
Retinoblastoma 164, 178, 182
Retractile mesenteritis 399, 400f
Retrobulbar soft tissues 186f
Retrolental fibroplasia 163, 177
Retrolental hyperplasia 164
Retromandibular vein 229
Retroperitoneal fibrosis, malignant 408f
Retroperitoneal liposarcoma, large 407f
Retroperitoneal mass lesion 407f
Retroperitoneal sarcoma, large 406f
Retropharyngeal space 227, 227t
Retrosternal goiter 290
Rhabdomyosarcoma 164, 171, 204, 208, 264, 533
Rheumatoid arthritis 237
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis 208
chondrosarcoma of 462f
lesions 488
multiple 489
Riedel's thyroiditis 246
Ring enhancing lesions 26
pneumonic for 26
Rosai-Dorfman disease 16
Rotatory atlantoaxial dislocation 537
Rugger Jersey spine 514
Ruptured aneurysms 70
Sacral meningocele, anterior 114
Sacroiliac joint 526
Salivary gland adenoma 218
Salivary inclusion defect 498
Salpingopharyngeus muscle 215
Sarcoidosis 146, 174, 275, 275f, 358, 360, 371
Scalp, lipoma of 519f
Scar, postoperative 125
Scheibe dysplasia 153
Schilder's disease 105
Schistosoma japonicum 360
Schistosomiasis 360
Schizencephaly, bilateral 44f
Schizophrenia 98
Schmorl's nodes 514
Schwannoma 85, 118, 169, 302, 395
malignant 227
Sciatic hernia 334
Scleritis 165, 177
Sclerosing endophthalmitis 177
Sclerosis, multiple 66, 87, 105
Sclerostenosis 148
Sclerotic bone
disease 455
lesions, common causes of 455t
Sclerotic lesions 456, 488, 493
common 148t
causes of 456t, 489, 493t
Seminal vesicle
cyst 440
lesions 440
neoplasms 440
Seminoma 292
Seroma 406
Serous 450
Sheath meningioma 166
Shepherd's crook deformity 467
Short pedicles, congenital 126
Shoulder 530
joint 509f
Sialadenitis, chronic recurrent 249
Sialosis 250
Sickle cell disease 480, 514
Sigmoid adenocarcinoma 391f
Silicosis 277, 307
Sinonasal cavity
causes of 199t
lesions of 199t
mass lesions of 184t
Sinonasal polyposis 191, 192f
ethmoid 209
frontal 209
inner table of frontal 185f
maxillary 209, 212
right frontal 197f
sphenoid 209
straight 33
Sinusitis 521
acute 184
chronic 185
Sjögren syndrome 250
Skull base
common causes of 490t
hyperdense lesions of 490t
Skull lesion 489
Skull vault 489t, 490, 491t
sclerotic lesions of 489
Small bowel lesions, common causes of 382t
Soap bubble appearance 468, 497
Soft tissue 174f
atrophy 513
calcification 513, 516
causes of 132t
density 164
extension 203f
swelling 512
Soft tissue lesions 132, 138, 205f, 228f, 257f, 521t
common causes of 517t
differential diagnosis of 521, 530, 530t
Soft tissue mass 131f, 519f
benign 532
common 150t
extradural 63f
lesion 433f
large 186f, 466f
Soft tissue sarcoma
large 518f
malignant 533
Solitary dense pedicle 502
Solitary pulmonary nodule 255, 258, 259, 262
classification of 259t
Solitary sclerotic bone lesion 455
Space occupying lesions, causes of 13t
Sphenoid bone 195f
osteomyelitis of 187f
Spiculated sunray appearance 497
Spigelian hernia 331
Spina ventosa 483
Spinal accessory 243
Spinal arteriovenous malformation 122
Spinal canal stenosis 130f
Spinal cord 106
lesions 106, 107
causes of 107t
common 109t
Spinal fractures, differential diagnosis of 535, 535t
Spinal hematoma 121
Spinal stenosis 126t, 127t
lesions with 126
Spine 513
abscess in 370f
diffusely hyperdense 368
tuberculosis of 369f
Splenic hematoma, large 369f
Splenic infarct 371, 372f
Splenic lesion 368
Splenic pseudocyst 375f
Splenosis 401
Split cord 109
Spondylitis 123
Spondylodiscitis 123
Spondylolisthesis 124
Spongiform leukodystrophy 97
Squamous cell carcinoma 135, 143, 216, 262, 269f, 271, 523
Stafne's mandibular defect 498
Staphylococcus 249
Stein-Leventhal syndrome 448
Stewart's granuloma 201
Stomach, diffuse lymphoma of 381f
Streptococcus 249
Sturge-Weber syndrome 2, 9, 11f
Subchondral sclerosis 509, 510f
Subcutaneous edema 408f
Subcutaneous fat, edema in 517f
Subdural hematoma 7, 32, 72, 95
acute 24f, 32f
Subdural lesions 16
Subependymoma 57
Subfalcine 30
herniation 32f
Sublingual gland, mucocele of right 222f
Sublingual space 220
causes of 221t
Submandibular gland, sialadenitis of 223f
Submandibular space 223
causes of 223t
Subpleural honeycomb cysts 272f
Subtalar osteoarthritis 510f
Suprasellar cystic mass lesion 62f
Supratentorial mass lesions, differential diagnosis of 88, 88t
Swan-neck deformity 511
Swirl sign 69
Sylvian fissure 33
Synovial sarcoma 258, 533
Systemic lupus erythematosus 273, 507
Systemic sclerosis 279f
Tail sign 222
Talus, tubercular osteomyelitis of 483f
Tarsal coalition 529
Tay-Sachs disease 65
Tegmen tympani, dehiscence of 159
Temporal lobe
left 8f
right 51f
Temporomandibular joint 530
Tentorial meningioma 53f
Teratocarcinoma 287
Teratoma 12, 59, 91, 290, 380
benign 287
malignant 287
Testes 441
ectopic 441
undescended 408, 441
Tethered cord 115
Thigh, intramuscular lipoma of 520f
Thoracic meningocele, lateral 300
Thornwaldt's cyst 204, 215, 216
Thymic mass, large 291f
Thymolipoma 302
Thymoma 288, 290, 291f
Thymus, normal 286
adenoma 240, 247
carcinoma 240, 258
diseases, differential diagnosis of 245
gland lesions 238
causes of 238t
goiter 246
granuloma 239
large carcinoma of 241f
lesion 239t
differential diagnosis of 245t
lymphoma 241, 248
ophthalmopathy 174
stimulating hormone 248
Thyroiditis 239
acute suppurative 246
metaphysis of right 460f
upper end of 468f, 485f
Tick borne multisystem disease 103
Tight filum terminale 115
Tissue, granulation 143
Tongue 221f
Tooth appearance, floating 497
Tooth-bearing area 211
causes 25
demyelination 67
encephalopathy 25
Toxocariasis 164
Toxoplasmosis 40
congenital 8f
Tracheal bronchus 313
Tracheal stenosis 312, 314
Tracheobronchial tree, lesions of 312
Tracheoesophageal fistula 313
Tracheomalacia 312
Translabyrinthine fistula 159
Translation injury 537
Transtentorial herniation 30
Trauma 340, 528
Tree-in-bud appearance 280
Trevor's disease 509
Trichobezoar 382f
Tubercular arthritis 516, 516t
Tuberculoma 50, 51f, 259
Tuberculosis 249, 289f, 309, 319f, 383, 388
Tuberculous colitis 394
Tuberous sclerosis 9, 10f, 22, 56f, 281
Tubo-ovarian abscess complex 448
benign 338, 456t
brown 198, 461
macrocystic 376
malignant 337, 456t
microcystic 376
mucinous 376
primary 318, 373
serous 376
supratentorial midline 12
Tumoral ossification 329
Typhlitis 393
Ulcerative colitis 392
Ulcerative proctitis 393f
Umbilical hernia 332f
Unicystic ameloblastoma 457f
Upper lobe, left 261f
Urachal anomalies 430
Ureter, ectopic 439
Ureterocele 434
Urinary bladder 433f
lesions 430
Urinoma 428
Uterine cancer 446
Uterine collection 444
Uterine leiomyoma 445
Uterine segment, lower 445f
Uterus 441, 443
Uveal melanoma 179, 180f
Vagina and vulva 441
Vaginal atresia 441, 442
Vaginal carcinoma 441, 443
Vaginal embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 443
van Buchem disease 489
Varix, orbital 168
Vascular anomalies 157t
Vascular dementia 77, 79
Vascular disease 67, 104
Vascular malformation 3, 70
Vascular metastasis 310
Vascular scars 337t
Vascular tumors, malignant 164
Vasculitis 67, 74
Vein of Galen 33
Vena cava, inferior 409
Venous infarctions 73
expansile lesions of 499
multiple 499
part of 500
plana 470
posterior elements of 477f, 500t
Vertebral body 475
Vertebral neoplasm, primary 124
Vertebral pedicle erosion 502
Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia 82
Vesical diverticulum 430
Viking horn sign 35
Villous adenoma 395
Virchow-Robin spaces 22, 42
Visceral disease 100
Vitamin K deficiency 75
von Hippel-Lindau disease 420
Vulvar carcinoma 441, 443
Waardenburg syndrome 155
Waldeyer's ring 217
Warburg's disease 164
Warburg's syndrome 176
Warthin's tumor 232, 232f, 252
Water lily sign 260
Weber Christian disease 399
Wegener's granulomatosis 164, 169, 186f, 201, 269, 524
White matter
diseases, differential diagnosis of 96, 96t
lesions 21
Wilms’ tumor 416, 425
Wilson's disease 25, 80, 99, 360
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis 427
Zellweger syndrome 66
Zenker's diverticulum 238
Zygomaticomaxillary suture 211
Chapter Notes

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