ECG in Medical Practice ABM Abdullah
Acidosis 153
correction of 153
Acute coronary syndrome 130
Addison's disease 159
intravenous 61
mode of action of 62
therapy, contraindications of 62
Adrenaline 55
Alkalosis 157
Amiloride 152
Amiodarone 31, 102, 104, 106
Amyloidosis 100, 104, 106
Aneurysm, aortic 136
pectoris 128, 129
types of 128
Anorexia 27, 147
Anticoagulant 132
role of 73, 126
Anxiety 27
Aortic valve
disease 115
stenosis 38
Arm leads, reversing of 15
Arrhythmia 3, 10, 32, 124, 153, 161, 171
documentation of 40
ventricular 157
coronary 5
posterior descending 5
Ashman beats 74
Ashman phenomenon 74
Aspirin 132
Atherosclerosis 170
Atrial beat 14
Atrial dilatation 19
Atrial ectopic 79, 334
causes of 79
electrocardiogram criteria of 79
high 77
Atrial fibrillation 17, 70, 72, 73, 140, 148, 161, 166, 171, 329, 331333, 335, 337339, 342, 343
causes of 71
complications of 71
electrocardiogram criteria of 70
permanent 143
persistent 73
types of 70
Atrial flutter 17, 75, 161, 332, 337
appearance of wave of 75
causes of 75
differential diagnosis of 76
electrocardiogram criteria of 75
fibrillation 328, 330, 340
mechanism of 75
Atrial septal defect 168, 169
complications of 169
Atrial tachycardia 62, 64
causes of 64
electrocardiogram criteria of 64
mechanism of 64
multifocal 65
Atrioventricular block 102
second-degree 103
Atrioventricular dissociation 108
causes of 108
Atrioventricular node 3
Atropine 55
Attack, acute 61, 129
Automatic cells, number of 4
Axis deviation, types of 34
Beta-blocker 106
Biatrial enlargement, causes of 53
Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia 90
Bifascicular block 96, 113, 335, 339
causes of 113
complications of 96
prognosis of 96
Bigeminy, causes of 84
Bipolar limb leads 7
position 8
Bisphosphonate 157
Biventricular hypertrophy 49, 335, 339, 343
causes of 49
Bizarre QRS widening 154
Brachial plexus 144
Bradycardia 10, 29, 55, 59, 72, 101, 152, 173, 332
causes of 59
symptomatic 68
Breast, carcinoma of 134
Broad-complex tachycardia 56
causes of 56
Bronchus, carcinoma of 134
Brugada syndrome 92
Bundle branch block 21, 27, 38, 110
channel blockers 102, 104
lowering drugs 160
Camel hump T waves 28
Cannon wave, mechanism of 106
Cardiac arrest 153
Cardiac axis 34, 35
quick and simple way of determination of 35
Cardiac contraction, stimulus for 7
Cardiac cycle 7
Cardiac failure 124
congestive 170
high output 171
Cardiac muscle 6, 7
fibers 6
properties of 6
Cardiac plexus 6
Cardiac rhythm 33
Cardiac rupture 172
Cardiac surgery 66, 136
Cardiac tamponade 136, 145, 172
causes of 136
Cardiomyopathy 27, 64, 84, 88, 114, 115
dilated 12
hypertrophic 49, 328, 334
Carditis, acute rheumatic 19, 108
Cells, types of 6
Cerebral injury 31
Chamber enlargement 10
leads 2, 8
pain 125
wall 8
thin 20
Cholinergic nerves 6
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 17, 52, 167
Circumflex artery 5
Citrate 157
Coccidioidomycosis 134
Complete heart block 105, 106, 109, 329, 332, 337, 341
causes of 106
signs of 106
sites of 105
Conduction 3
system 4
Conductive tissue, anatomy of 4
Confusion 147
Conn's syndrome 151
Cor pulmonale, chronic 36
Coronary artery
disease, severe 115
normal 5
right 5
Coronary circulation 5
Coronary vessels 5
Cushing's reflex 173
Cushing's syndrome 151
Cyanosis 161
Cyclizine 125
Cyclosporine 152
Deafness, congenital 31
Decubitus angina 128
Delirium 147
Demand pacemaker 144, 145
Depolarization 13
Depression 128, 147
Dextrocardia 36, 164, 334, 339, 341
differential diagnosis of 164
electrocardiogram criteria of 164
prognosis of 165
Diabetic retinopathy 126
Diamorphine 125
Diarrhea 147
Digitalis toxicity 19
Digoxin 27, 30, 72, 88, 100, 106, 169, 343
effect 147, 148, 328, 335, 339
effect, electrocardiogram criteria of 147
normal value of 149
poisoning 147, 153
toxicity 38, 60, 64, 66, 83, 84, 102, 108, 114, 147149
Disopyramide 31, 102
Diuretics 169
Dressler syndrome 124, 125
Drowsiness 147
Drug effect 10
Dual chamber pacemaker 143, 341
Dual chamber pacing 145, 339
electrocardiogram criteria of 143
Early repolarization syndrome 37
Echocardiogram 162
beat 77, 78, 81
causes of 78
electrocardiogram criteria of 77
types of 77
couplet 81
multifocal 80
ventricular 21
multiple ventricular 38, 328331, 337
runs of 81
supraventricular 343
unifocal 80
Edema, pulmonary 62
Eisenmenger's syndrome 49, 169
Electrical interference 13
Electricity conducting cells 6
Electrocardiogram 7, 1517, 37
ambulatory 40
basic concepts of 1
before interpretation of 10
normal 14
paper 11
tracing, normal 14
Electrocardiographic patterns, types of 45, 48
imbalance 84, 114, 172
serum 148
Electromechanical dissociation 172
electrocardiogram criteria of 172
Emphysema 12, 2123
Endocardial pacing 35
Endocrine disease 152, 159
Endothelin 5
Enzymes 128
Ephedrine 55
Epicardial pacing 36
Escape rhythm 105
Esmolol 62
Exercise 27
electrocardiogram 38
contraindications of 38
indications of 38
tolerance test 38
False positive exercise test, causes of 38
Fascicular block 112
Fast atrial fibrillation 70, 328, 330, 332, 336340, 343, 344
Fenoterol 151
Fibers, parasympathetic preganglionic 6
Fibrinolytic therapy 163
First-degree atrioventricular block 102
causes of 102
clinical features of 102
First-degree block, electrocardiogram criteria of 102
Flecainide 31
Foscarnet 157
Frozen shoulder 124
Frusemide 150, 151
Functional syncytium 6
Gitelman syndrome 151
Gordon syndrome 153
Gynecomastia 147
Haemophilus influenzae 134
Hallucination 147
Head injury 31
Heart 6, 7, 111, 153
block 3, 95, 107
acute complete 106
chronic complete 106
congenital complete 106
first-degree 37, 97, 102, 339
partial 19
second-degree 37, 97
sites of 95
types of 95
disease 7
chronic ischemic 88
congenital 36
hypertensive 29
ischemic 19, 60, 64, 66, 114, 170
multiple valvular 49
organic 83
rheumatic 64
failure 54, 151
lung transplantation 169
nerve supply of 6
normal 90
rate 33
calculation of 33
control of 73
rhythm of 32
specialized conductive system of 3
ventricular tachycardia, normal 90
Heartbeat 7
Hemiblock 95, 112
Hemochromatosis 100, 104, 106
Hemolysis 152
Hemorrhage, intracerebral 31
Hepatic failure 166
Hereditary syndrome 31
electrocardiogram tracing, causes of 12
QRS, causes of 20
His bundle 35
Histoplasmosis 134
Holter monitoring 40
Hormones, systemic 5
Hyocardial infarction, hyperacute 27, 119
Hypercalcemia 10, 30, 159
cardiac effects in 159
causes of 159
clinical features of 160
Hyperkalemia 10, 17, 21, 27, 85, 104, 114, 115, 152, 153, 331
causes of 152
effects of 153
electrocardiogram criteria of 152
features of 153
severe 154
Hypermagnesemia 155
cardiac effects of 155
causes of 155
electrocardiogram criteria of 155
Hypertension 115, 171
Hyperthyroidism 29, 171
cardiac complication of 171
electrocardiogram criteria of 171
Hypertrophy 19
biatrial 53, 336
ventricular 20, 21, 29, 38
Hypoalbuminemia 157
Hypoaldosteronism, hyporeninemic 153
Hypocalcemia 157, 158
causes of 157
electrocardiogram criteria of 157
features of 158
Hypokalemia 10, 19, 27, 29, 38, 58, 79, 84, 85, 88, 102, 114, 150, 172, 333, 342
causes of 151
effects of 150, 151
electrocardiogram criteria of 150
severe 151
Hypomagnesemia 19, 85, 114, 88, 102, 156
cardiac effects of 156
causes of 156
electrocardiogram criteria of 156
Hypoparathyroidism 157
Hypotension 62, 153
Hypothermia 12, 21, 23, 166, 172
electrocardiogram criteria of 166
Hypothyroidism 21, 23, 170
cardiac complication of 170
electrocardiogram criteria of 170
Hypovolemia 172
Hypoxemia 84
Hypoxia 172
Idioventricular rhythm 17, 21
Infarction, right ventricular 123
Infection 145
Infiltrative disease 100, 106
Irregular rhythm, causes of 32
inferior 335
lateral 341
myocardial 10, 27, 128
Isoelectric line 11, 16
Isoprenaline 55
Ivabradine 100
James bypass tract 139
Jaundice, obstructive 58
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome 31
Junctional rhythm 37, 66
Kent bundle 139
Lactate 157
Large U wave, significance of 30
Lead displacement 145
Left anterior
descending artery 5
hemiblock 96, 97, 112, 330, 335, 340
Left atrial hypertrophy 50, 53, 329, 332, 337, 339
causes of 50
criteria of 50
Left axis deviation 35, 112, 168
Left bundle branch 35
block 115, 329, 331, 339
causes of 115
electrocardiogram criteria of 115
incomplete 115
Left coronary
artery 5
sinus of Valsalva 5
Left posterior hemiblock 36, 96, 113, 335, 344
Left ventricle, inferoposterior aspect of 5
Left ventricular
hypertrophy 43, 44, 49, 330, 331, 333335, 337340, 342344
wall 5
Lenègre-Lev disease 115
Leukemia 134, 152
Levocardia 164
Limb leads 7, 8
Lithium 100
intoxication 159
Liver failure 151
Lone atrial fibrillation 71
Long QT
interval, causes of 31
syndrome, congenital 30
Low atrial ectopics 77
Low nodal
ectopic 78
rhythm 66
Low voltage tracing 135, 341
Lown classification 83
Lown–Ganong–.Levine syndrome 139, 141
electrocardiogram criteria of 141
prognosis of 141
electrocardiogram tracing, causes of 12
QRS, causes of 21
tracing, criteria of 12
Lung diseases, chronic 52
Lymphoma, carcinoma of 134
Mahaim fiber 139
Massive pulmonary embolism 172
Mesocardia 165
Metoprolol 62
Mid-nodal rhythm 66
Milk alkali syndrome 159
Mitral stenosis 329, 332
Mitral valve
prolapse 38, 88
repair 104
Mobitz type atrioventricular block 103, 104
Mononucleosis, infectious 152
Morphine 125
Muscles fibers
contract 6
ventricular 4
Myocardial cells 6
Myocardial infarction 10, 12, 22, 36, 54, 117, 118, 126, 127, 131
acute 25, 84, 88, 107, 108, 112, 115, 117, 124, 125, 127, 133
anterior 55, 329, 342
anteroseptal 328, 330, 331, 337, 338, 342
extensive anterior 328
inferior 329, 330, 332, 333, 338, 343, 344,
anterior 131, 332, 343
anteroseptal 36, 329, 333, 335, 337, 338, 340
complications of 124
inferior 123, 140, 332
lateral 331, 338
non-Q wave 120, 121
old anteroseptal 330, 332, 339, 341, 344
old inferior 119, 331, 333339, 342, 343
posterior 140
sites of 117
subendocardial 120, 328
transmural 120
true posterior 122
Myocardial ischemia, transient 128
Myocarditis 19, 66, 84, 88, 114, 115
rheumatic 66
Myocardium, ventricular 139
Myxedema 12, 27
Narrow-complex supraventricular tachycardia 344
Narrow-complex tachycardia 56
causes of 56
Nausea 147
Nephrotic syndrome 151
Neuropeptides 5
Nitroglycerin, sublingual 125
Nodal ectopic, high 78, 334
Nodal rhythm 17, 66, 67
electrocardiogram criteria of 66
high 66
Nodal tachycardia 334
Nonrespiratory sinus arrhythmia 54
Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction 328
Obesity 12
Oral anticoagulant 163
primum defect 168
secundum defect 168
P mitrale
causes of 50
indicate 50
P pulmonale 17, 51, 52
causes of 52
transient 52
P wave 17
abnormalities of 17
causes of multiple 18
characters of normal 17
Pacemaker 21, 114, 142, 144
cells 6
complications of 145
malfunction 146
permanent 143, 144
syndrome 146
temporary 144
ventricular 142, 341
Pacing modes and functions, letter code of 145
Paget's disease 159
Pain 125
abdominal 147
Pancreatitis, acute 157
Paralysis, hyperkalemic periodic 153
Paralytic ileus 153
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 330
causes of 71
Partial left bundle branch block 337, 339
Partial right bundle branch block 48, 110, 336, 338, 339
Pathological Q wave
causes of 22
characters of 22
Pentamidine 31
Pericardial disease 10
Pericardial effusion 12, 21, 23, 125, 135, 136, 170
electrocardiogram criteria of 135
Pericardial rub 133
Pericarditis 66, 125, 144
acute 25, 27, 124, 133, 134, 333
chronic constrictive 12, 21
Phenothiazine 21, 27, 30
Plasma 149
Pleurisy 125
Plural effusion 12
Pneumonitis 125
Pneumothorax 12, 144, 145
Pocket hematoma 145
Polycythaemia 169
Postcardiac surgery 88
Postinfarct angina 124
Postmyocardial infarction
pericarditis 134
syndrome 124, 125
serum 151
sparing diuretics 152
P-R interval 19
abnormalities of 19
characters of normal 19
variable 19
Prinzmetal's angina 25, 27, 128
Procainamide 21, 31, 102
Propantheline 55
Propranolol 62
Pseudo and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 157
Pulmonary embolism 36, 161163, 336
causes of 162
electrocardiogram criteria of 161
types of 162
Pulmonary hypertension 52
features of 47
signs of 47
Pulseless electrical activity 172
causes of 172
Purkinje fibers 3, 4, 139
Pyrexia 125
Q wave 21
characters of normal 21
QRS complex 20
abnormalities of 20
characters of normal 20
components of 20
QT interval 30
abnormalities of 31
characters of normal 30
prolongation of 31
Quinidine 19, 21, 30, 88, 102
R wave 22
abnormalities of 22
characters of normal 22
poor progression of 23
progression 23
Raised intracranial pressure 173
electrocardiogram criteria of 173
Recurrent pulmonary embolism 163
Refractory period, absolute 6
Regularly irregular rhythm, causes of 32
Renal diseases 152
Repolarization 13
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia 54
Rhabdomyolysis 153
Rhythm, accelerated idioventricular 89
Right atrial hypertrophy 51, 53, 329, 335, 337
causes of 51
electrocardiogram criteria of 51
Right atrium 5
Right axis deviation 34, 36, 113
Right bundle branch block 35, 36, 96, 97, 110113, 168, 330332, 335, 338340, 342344
causes of 111
electrocardiogram criteria of complete 110
Right ventricular hypertrophy 46, 47, 49, 329, 332, 333, 335, 336, 340, 344
S wave 24
characters of normal 24
Salbutamol 55, 151
Sarcoidosis 100, 104, 106
Sensory fibers 6
Serum digoxin level 148
Shock, hypovolemic 166
Short PR interval 19
causes of 141
Short QT interval, causes of 31
Sick sinus syndrome 40, 58, 64, 100, 101
causes of 100
electrocardiogram criteria of 100
Single chamber ventricular pacemaker 328
Sinoatrial block 98, 99, 340
causes of 98
electrocardiogram criteria of 98
prognosis of 99
Sinoatrial node 3, 4, 7
Sinus arrest 100, 341
Sinus arrhythmia 32, 37, 54
types of 54
Sinus bradycardia 5, 37, 58, 59, 80, 166, 170, 333, 340, 342, 343
causes of 58
electrocardiogram criteria of 58
Sinus node function 145
Sinus of Valsalva, right coronary 5
Sinus rhythm 32, 146
characters of 32
Sinus tachycardia 5557, 61, 161, 171, 173, 333, 336338, 341, 343, 344
causes of 55
electrocardiogram criteria of 55
Situs inversus 164
clinical importance of 165
prognosis of 165
Slow atrial fibrillation 70
Small P wave, causes of 18
Small R wave, causes of 23
Small T wave, causes of 27
Sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 157
Spironolactone 152
ST depression, causes of 26
ST elevation, causes of 25
ST segment 25
abnormalities of 25
characters of normal 25
Stable angina 128
electrocardiogram criteria of 128
Staphylococcus aureus 134, 144
aortic 49
pulmonary 49, 52
Stokes-Adams attack 107
clinical features of 107
Stored blood, transfusion of 153
Streptokinase 126
Stress tests 129
Stroke 166
Subclavian artery injury 144
Subendocardium, infarction of 120
Supraventricular tachycardia 17, 56, 60, 61, 88, 328, 331, 334
causes of 60
complications of 61
types of 62
Syncytium 6
Systolic flow murmur 106
T inversion, causes of 26
T wave 26
abnormalities of 26
biphasic 27
characters of normal 26
flattened 28
pattern, juvenile 28
Tachycardia 10, 56, 101, 161
bradycardia syndrome 100, 101
pacemaker mediated 145, 146
types of 56
Tachypnea 161
Tall P wave, causes of 17, 27
Tall R wave, causes of 22
Tall T wave 27
Tension pneumothorax 172
Tetralogy of Fallot 36
Theophylline 88
Thiazide 150, 151
diuretics 159
Thrombocytosis 152
Thromboembolism 124
Thrombolytic therapy, contraindications of 126
Thyrotoxicosis 60, 66, 159
Thyroxine 55
Tissue plasminogen activator 126
Torsades de pointes 21, 91, 157
causes of 91
electrocardiogram criteria of 91
tachycardia 30
Trauma 136
Triamterene 152
regurgitation 52
stenosis 52
Tricyclic antidepressant 21, 31
Trifascicular block 96, 97, 113, 114
causes of 114
complications of 114
Tumor lysis syndrome 153
U wave 29
abnormalities of 29
causes of prominent 29
characters of normal 29
Unipolar limb leads 8
Unstable angina 128, 130
Venesection 169
Ventricular aneurysm 25, 88, 124, 131, 132
causes of 131
complications of 132
electrocardiogram criteria of 131
Ventricular bigeminy 81, 84, 85, 334
electrocardiogram criteria of 84
Ventricular ectopics 21, 36, 8083, 124, 148, 161, 329, 332, 339343
causes of 82
electrocardiogram criteria of 80
runs of 81
severity for 83
types of 80
Ventricular fibrillation 21, 93
causes of 93
electrocardiogram criteria of 93
Ventricular flutter 94
electrocardiogram criteria of 94
prognosis of 94
Ventricular hexageminy 87
electrocardiogram criteria of 87
Ventricular pacing, electrocardiogram criteria of 142
Ventricular pentageminy 87
electrocardiogram criteria of 87
Ventricular premature complex 82
Ventricular quadrigeminy 81, 86, 334
electrocardiogram criteria of 86
Ventricular tachycardia 21, 81, 8890, 126, 166
causes of 88
differential diagnosis of 88
electrocardiogram criteria of 88
mechanism of 90
types of 89
Ventricular trigeminy 81, 86, 335
electrocardiogram criteria of 86
Vigorous exercise 153
Visual disturbance 147
Vitamin D
deficiency 157
therapy 158
Vomiting 147
Wandering pacemaker 19, 37, 68
causes of 68
electrocardiogram criteria of 68
Wenckebach phenomenon 19, 37, 103, 338
causes of 103
prognosis of 104
Wide P wave, causes of 18
Wide QRS, causes of 21
Wide-complex tachycardia, causes of 89
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome 20, 21, 36, 38, 40, 60, 63, 137140, 328, 338, 344
presence of 139, 140
prophylactic treatment of 139
treatment of 138
types of 138
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Basic Concepts of ECGCHAPTER 1

“Workout the best method for examination and practice it until it is a second nature to you”2
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There are five specialized tissues which are called conductive system of the heart. These are:
  • Sinoatrial (SA) node
  • Atrioventricular (AV) node
  • Bundle of His
  • Right bundle branch (RBB) and left bundle branch (LBB)
  • Purkinje fibers
These specialized conductive pathways allow the heart to be electrically activated in a predictable manner (see the sequence below).
The electrical activity or the impulse of the heart starts in the SA node (which is called primary pacemaker), then spreads across the atria (by three internodal pathways and Bachmann's bundle), causing depolarization of both atria. From the atria, the impulse reaches the AV node, where there is some delay, which allows atria to contract and pump blood into the ventricles. The impulse then spreads along the bundle of His, then along the LBB and RBB, finally into the ventricular muscles through Purkinje fibers, causing ventricular depolarization.
Initially, the ventricular septum is depolarized and moves from left to right, then depolarization is of body of the left ventricle, and finally the right ventricle.
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This is the normal sequence of stimulation of the specialized tissue. Normal rhythm is called sinus rhythm. The way electrical impulse flows through the heart is called conduction. If abnormalities of electrical activity of the heart or if any disturbance of this sequence occur, there is rhythm disturbance, which is called arrhythmia, or if there is any abnormality of conduction, it is called heart block. Any changes of normal flow of electricity through the heart can be detected by electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing and may indicate damaged cardiac muscle or any abnormality.
Sinoatrial node is the dominant pacemaker. Other pacemaker sites in the heart are atria, AV node, and ventricles. All these are dormant, but can initiate impulse at a slow rate when SA node fails.
  1. SA node: It is located in the superior and right side of right atrium, near the root of superior vena cava. Normally, the impulse arises in the SA node, called sinus rhythm. From the SA node, the impulse spreads along three internodal pathways (anterior, middle, and posterior) into both right and left atria. Finally, these three internodal pathways enter into the AV node. There is an additional internodal pathway, called Bachmann's bundle, which transmits impulse to the left atrium.
    Normal rate in SA node is 60–100/min.
  2. AV node: The AV node is smaller than the SA node. It is located in the subendocardial surface of right side of right atrium, at the posterior part of interatrial septum, near the opening of coronary sinus, just above the tricuspid valve.
    If the SA node is blocked or fails, the AV node can initiate cardiac impulse and perform as a pacemaker. Normal rate of the AV node is 40–60/min. According to the electrical response, the AV node is divided into three parts:
    • High nodal (AN region)
    • Mid nodal (N region)
    • Low nodal (NH region)
    In ECG, these three regions can be detected by looking at the configuration of P wave (see details on page no. 17).
  3. Bundle of His: It is the extension of the tail of the AV node that extends downward and to the left, then enter into the interventricular septum, near the junction of muscles and fibrous part of ventricular septum. Then, it is divided into two branches: Right and left bundle branches.
    When there is AV block, bundle of His can initiate cardiac impulse and perform as a pacemaker. Normal rate of bundle of His is 20–40/min.
  4. Right bundle branch: It extends on the right side of interventricular septum and spreads into the right ventricle through Purkinje fibers.
  5. Left bundle branch: It divides into anterior and posterior fascicles. Anterior fascicle spreads into the anterosuperior part of the left ventricle. Posterior fascicle spreads into the posteroinferior part of the left ventricle, through Purkinje fibers.
  6. Purkinje fibers: These are the terminal network of fibers, diffusely spread into the ventricular muscles in subendocardial and subepicardial myocardium. Normal intrinsic rate of Purkinje fibers is 15–40/min.
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NB: Most specialized cardiac fibers contain large number of automatic cells. But atrial and ventricular muscles fibers, under normal condition, have no automatic activity.
There are two major coronary arteries: (1) Right and (2) left.
1. Right Coronary Artery
It arises from the right coronary sinus of Valsalva, runs along the right AV groove, and gives marginal branch that supplies right atrium and right ventricle. It continues as posterior descending artery, which runs in the posterior interventricular groove and spreads into the posterior part of interventricular septum and inferoposterior aspect of the left ventricular wall.
Right coronary artery supplies the following parts:
  • SA node: 60% cases
  • AV node: 90% cases
  • Right atrium and right ventricle
  • Inferoposterior aspect of left ventricle
So, the occlusion of right coronary artery results in sinus bradycardia, AV block, infarction of inferior part of left ventricle, and occasionally of right ventricle.
2. Left Coronary Artery
It arises from the left coronary sinus of valsalva. Within 2.5 cm of its origin, left main coronary artery divides into two branches: (1) Left anterior descending artery and (2) Circumflex artery.
  • Left anterior descending artery: It runs in the anterior interventricular groove and gives branches to supply the anterior part of interventricular septum, anterior wall, and apex of the left ventricle.
  • Circumflex artery: It runs posteriorly in the left AV groove and supplies the marginal branch to the left atrium, also lateral and posteroinferior part of the left ventricle.
Left coronary artery also supplies:
  • SA node in 40% cases
  • AV node in 10% cases
  • Bundle of His
  • Right and left bundle branches
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Occlusion of the left anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery causes infarction of the corresponding territories of left ventricle. Occlusion of the left main coronary artery causes extensive damage and is usually fatal.
Venous system mainly follows coronary arteries, but drains to the coronary sinus in the AV groove, then to the right atrium.
Coronary vessels receive sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations. Stimulation of α-receptor causes vasoconstriction and β2 causes vasodilatation. Sympathetic stimulation of coronary artery causes dilatation and parasympathetic stimulation also causes mild dilatation of normal coronary artery. Healthy coronary endothelium releases nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilatation. Systemic hormones, neuropeptides, and endothelin also influence arterial tone and coronary flow.
Cardiac muscles have some special properties:
  • Automaticity: Without external stimulus, heart muscle can initiate normal cardiac impulse by the SA node.
  • Autorhythmicity: Cardiac muscle can contract after a regular interval called autorhythmicity.
  • Excitability: Cardiac muscle can be excited by adequate external stimulus.
  • Conductivity: Cardiac muscle has the ability to conduct impulse from one muscle cell to another cell.
  • Contractility: Ability to contract after depolarization.
  • Refractory period: It is a period during which activated muscle fibers do not respond to further stimulus. It is of two types: (1) Absolute refractory period and (2) Relative refractory period.
    • Absolute refractory period: During this period, muscle fibers do not respond to any stimulus.
    • Relative refractory period: With very strong stimulus, muscle fibers may respond.
  • All-or-none law: If external stimulus is too little, no cardiac impulse is initiated. But with adequate stimulus, all muscle fibers contract with its best ability.
  • Functional syncytium: Cardiac muscle fibers are electrically connected with one another by a gap junction. When one muscle fiber is excited, the action potential spreads to whole cardiac muscle fibers, because of the presence of intercalated disc. It is called syncytium.
NB: Remember the following points:
The heart is supplied by both sympathetic and parasympathetic (in cardiac plexus).
  • Sympathetic (adrenergic) supplies both atria and ventricular muscle, and also conductive specialized tissue.
  • Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers and sensory fibers reach the heart through vagus nerves. Cholinergic nerves supply the SA node and the AV node via muscarinic (M2) receptors.
Nerve supply is mainly through β1 and β2 receptors.
  • β1 receptor is predominant in heart, having both inotropic and chronotropic effect.
  • β2 receptor is predominant in vascular muscles and causes vasodilatation.
Under basal condition, predominant effect is parasympathetic through vagus nerve over sympathetic, resulting in slow heart rate. So during sleep, the heart rate is slow. Also in athlete, there is predominant vagal effect (so heart rate may show bradycardia).
Heart consists of three types of cells:
  • Pacemaker cells: They generate the impulse.
  • Electricity conducting cells: They transmit the impulse.
  • Myocardial cells: They maintain the contractile functions of the heart.
It is the graphical representation of electrical potentials produced when the electric current passes through the heart. Electrical activity is the basic characteristic of heart and is the stimulus for cardiac contraction.
Electrical activity is detected by electrodes attached to the skin. Normal electrical conduction of the heart allows the impulse that is generated by the SA node, to be propagated to and stimulate the cardiac muscle, which contracts after stimulation. It is the ordered, rhythmic stimulation of the myocardium during the cardiac cycle that allows efficient contraction of the heart, thereby allowing blood to be pumped throughout the body. Disturbance of electrical function is common in heart disease.
Electrocardiogram records the electrical impulse on ECG paper by electrodes placed on the body surface, called waves or deflections. Waves that appear on ECG paper represent the electrical activities of the myocardial cells. The following points of waves are observed recorded on ECG paper:
  • Duration: It is measured in horizontal direction.
  • Height or amplitude: It is measured in vertical direction.
  • Configuration: It indicates the shape and appearance of particular wave.
One heartbeat is recorded as a grouping of waves which are designed by P-QRS-T and U.
  • P wave
— It represents atrial depolarization
  • PR interval
— It represents the time taken for the cardiac impulse to spread over the atrium
  • QRS complex
— It represents ventricular depolarization
  • T wave
— It represents ventricular repolarization
  • U wave
— It represents repolarization of interventricular septum
In a normal ECG recording, there are 12 leads, which are different view parts of heart's electrical activity.
  • Three bipolar limb leads
  • Three unipolar limb leads
  • Six chest leads
Bipolar Limb Leads
These are also called limb leads, which are designated as LI, LII, and LIII.
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Unipolar Limb Leads
These are also called augmented limb leads, which are designated as aVR, aVL, and aVF (which means augmented vector right, augmented vector left, and augmented vector foot, respectively). Three unipolar leads have very low voltage, which cannot be recorded satisfactorily. For this reason, recordings of these leads are increased in amplitude. For this reason, they are called augmented unipolar leads, which are represented as aVR, aVL, and aVF.
Chest Leads (Unipolar)
Designated by V.
Electrodes are placed in the following places on the chest wall (See figure on page 2).
  • V1—4th intercostal space at right sternal border.
  • V2—4th intercostal space at left sternal border.
  • V3—midway between V2 and V4 on left side.
  • V4—5th intercostal space in left midclavicular line.
  • V5—5th intercostal space in left anterior axillary line.
  • V6—5th intercostal space in left midaxillary line.
NB: Before application of the electrode, skin preparation by a special jelly should be ensured which improves the quality of ECG. Limb lead electrodes are attached at the wrists and ankle, with the patient in a supine position and a pillow under the head.
9View of the Heart in All Leads
By looking the following leads, the site and surface of heart lesion are identified.
NB: Remember the following points:
Before interpreting an ECG, one must know the details about the ECG paper, standardization, and different waves in ECG. It is a matter of good exposure, experience, and understanding of the pattern interpretation, which requires a method of systematic ECG analysis.
So, everyone must have some basic knowledge about the ECG paper, normal ECG tracing, different waves, limits of normal value, duration and rhythm, etc.
During interpretation: Look at the following points carefully:
  1. Standardization (see in the beginning)—like this ∏, which is 10 mm (1 mV), normally.
  2. Paper speed—25 mm/s.
  3. Rhythm—by looking at RR interval (LII is usually called rhythm lead), see whether it is regular or irregular.
  4. Count the heart rate (per minute).
  5. Different waves and segments: Important points to be seen are as follows:
    • P—Whether normal, small or tall, inverted, wide, notched, bifid, variable configuration
    • PR—Normal or prolonged or short
    • Q—Normal or pathological
    • R—Normal or tall or short, notched or M pattern
    • QRS—Normal or wide, high or low voltage, variable or change of shape
    • ST segment—Normal or elevated or depressed
    • T—Normal or tall or small or inverted
    • U wave—Normal or small
    • QT—Short or prolonged
  6. Axis—whether normal or right or left axis deviation (LAD).
  7. Abnormalities—any arrhythmia, infarction, hypertrophy, etc.
Ques. What is rhythm?
Ans. It is the interval between two successive RR waves.
Ques. What are the diseases diagnosed by looking at an ECG?
  • Tachycardia or bradycardia
  • Chamber enlargement (right or left atrial or both and right or left ventricular or both)
  • Myocardial infarction (acute or old)
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Arrhythmias (such as atrial fibrillation or flutter, ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation or ectopics, etc.)
  • Pericardial disease such as acute pericarditis and pericardial effusion.
  • Block (first degree block, SA block, AV block, and bundle branch block)
  • Drug effect (such as digoxin)
  • Extracardiac abnormalities—electrolyte imbalance (such as hypokalemia or hyperkalemia), hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia, low-voltage tracing (in myxedema, hypothermia, and emphysema). Pulmonary disease such as pulmonary embolism and cor pulmonale.
  • Exercise ECG to see coronary artery disease.
  • Also, Holter monitoring ECG to detect arrhythmia and conduction defect.
Systematic approach in ECG interpretation: Look at the following points chronologically–
  • Rate—what is the rate?
  • Rhythm—regular or irregular, regularly followed by occasional irregular.
  • Characters of individual waves (P, PR, Q, R, QRS, ST, T, and U).
  • Specific pathological changes.
Electrocardiogram paper shows small and large squares. In each small square, thin horizontal and vertical lines are present in 1 mm interval. A heavier thick line is present in every 5 mm interval (five small squares). Time is measured horizontally and voltage height is measured vertically.
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  1. One small square:
    • Height = 1 mm
    • Horizontal (in time) = 0.04 second
  2. One big square (five small squares):
    • Height = 5 mm
    • Horizontal (in time) = 0.04 × 5 second = 0.2 second
    So, 0.2 second = 5 mm
    1 second = 5/0.2 = 25 mm
    So, recording speed is 25 mm/s (i.e., 1,500 mm/min).
    A faster recording speed (50 mm/s) is occasionally used to visualize wave deflection.
  3. Isoelectric line: It is the baseline in ECG paper.
  4. Different waves or deflections in ECG tracings are measured. If the wave is above the baseline, it is called positive deflection and if it is below the baseline, it is called negative deflection.
  5. Positive deflection means the stimulus spreads toward the electrode, and negative deflection means stimulus spreads away from the electrode.
NB: Remember the following points:
12During Interpretation of any ECG
  • Before telling low voltage or high voltage, always see whether the normal standardization is correct or not (i.e., it should be 10 mm in height).
  • Arm leads are properly placed or not.
  • Be careful about artifact.
Criteria of Low-voltage Tracing
  • In standard limb leads—QRS <5 mm (mainly R wave in LI, LII, and LIII)
  • In chest leads—QRS <10 mm (mainly R wave in V1 to V6)
Causes of Low-voltage ECG Tracing
  • Incorrect standardization (i.e., if <10 mm)
  • Obesity
  • Pericardial effusion
  • Chronic constrictive pericarditis
  • Myxedema
  • Emphysema
  • Hypothermia
  • Pneumothorax
  • Plural effusion
  • Previous massive myocardial infarction
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
Causes of High-voltage ECG Tracing
  • Incorrect standardization (i.e., if >10 mm)
  • Hypertrophy of left or right ventricle
Summary of ECG Conventions and Intervals
13Ques. What is depolarization and repolarization?
  • Depolarization: It means initial spread of stimulus through the muscle, causing activation or contraction.
  • Repolarization: It means the return of stimulated muscle to the resting state (recovery from activation or contraction).
Artifact in ECG
Sometimes in an ECG tracing, there may be unexplained abnormal waves which are due to electrical current interference or muscle tremor or spasm. These are actually artifacts.
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Characters of Normal ECG
  • Normal ECG recording consists of P wave (atrial beat), followed by QRS, ST, and T waves (ventricular beat).
  • Capital letters P, Q, R, S, and T indicates large wave (>5 mm).
  • Small letters p, q, r, s, and t indicates small wave (<5 mm).
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Types of Waves in ECG
  • P
It is the deflection produced by atrial depolarization
  • QRS
It is the deflection produced by ventricular depolarization
  • Q (q)
It is the first negative deflection produced by ventricular depolarization. It precedes the R wave
  • R (r)
It is the first positive deflection produced by ventricular depolarization
  • S (s)
It is the negative deflection after R wave produced by ventricular depolarization
  • T
It indicates ventricular repolarization
15Other Waves
  • J point—seen at the beginning of ST segment. J point is the junction between the termination of QRS complex and beginning of ST segment. J (junction) point indicates the end of QRS complex. It is often situated above the baseline, particularly in healthy young males.
  • U wave—not always seen. When present, it follows the T wave, preceding the next P wave. It indicates the repolarization of interventricular septum or slow repolarization of the ventricles.
Electrocardiogram of Reversed Arm Leads
If the limb electrodes are wrongly attached (right one on the left and left one on the right), there will be inverted P in LI.
Also, abnormal QRS complex and T wave in LI. It is called “technical dextrocardia.” QRS is normal in chest leads.
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In any ECG, there are different waves and intervals described as follows:
  • PR interval: It is the distance between the beginning of P to beginning of QRS (or Q). Ideally, it is called PQ interval.
  • PP interval: It is the distance between two successive P waves. In sinus rhythm, P-P interval is regular.
  • RR interval: It is the distance between two successive R waves. In sinus rhythm, R-R interval is regular.
  • QT interval: It is the distance between the beginning of Q wave and the end of T wave.
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Segment in ECG
The portion of the baseline is called the isoelectric line.
  • ST segment: It is the distance from the end of QRS complex to the beginning of T wave. It indicates the beginning of ventricular repolarization. Normally, it is in isoelectric line, but may vary from −0.5 to +2 mm in chest leads.
  • PR segment: It is the distance between the termination of P wave and the onset of QRS complex. Normally, it is at the isoelectric line.
NB: Remember the following points:
P Wave
Characters of Normal P Wave
  • P wave results from spread of electrical activity through the atria.
  • Width or duration (in time, horizontally): 0.10 second (2.5 small squares).
  • Height: 2.5 mm (2.5 small squares). Height × Duration = 2.5 × 2.5 small squares.
  • P wave is better seen in LII, as atrial depolarization is toward LII (also seen in V1), because the impulse spreads from the right atrium to the left atrium.
  • P wave is upright in all leads, mainly LI, LII, and aVF (except aVR). P is inverted in aVR and occasionally in aVL.
  • P wave in V1 may be biphasic: Equal upward and downward deflection, notched, and wide. Activation of the right atrium produces positive component and activation of the left atrium produces negative component.
  • Normal P is rounded, neither peaked nor notched.
Abnormalities of P Wave
P wave may be:
  • Absent, or fibrillary or saw-toothed
  • Tall or small
  • Wide, notched, and biphasic
  • Inverted
  • Variable and multiple
Causes of absent P wave:
  • Atrial fibrillation (P is absent or replaced by fibrillary f wave)
  • Atrial flutter (P is replaced by flutter wave, which shows saw-tooth appearance)
  • SA block or sinus arrest
  • Nodal rhythm (usually absent in mid nodal)
  • Ventricular ectopic and ventricular tachycardia
  • Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) (P is hidden within QRS, due to tachycardia)
  • Hyperkalemia (may be small or absent)
  • Idioventricular rhythm
Causes of tall P wave:
  • Tall P is called P pulmonale (height >2.5 mm, i.e., >2.5 small squares).
  • It is due to right atrial hypertrophy or enlargement [due to cor pulmonale and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)].
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18Causes of small P wave:
  • Atrial tachycardia
  • Atrial ectopic
  • Nodal rhythm (high nodal)
  • Nodal ectopic (high nodal)
  • Hyperkalemia
Causes of wide P wave:
  • It is broad and notched P is called P mitrale (duration >0.11 second, or >2.5 small squares). It is found in mitral stenosis.
  • It is due to left atrial hypertrophy or enlargement.
  • In V1, P wave may be biphasic with a small positive wave preceding a deep and broad negative wave (indicates left atrial enlargement or hypertrophy).
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Causes of inverted P wave (negative in LI, LII, and aVF):
  • Incorrectly placed leads (reversed arm electrodes)
  • Dextrocardia
  • Nodal rhythm with retrograde conduction
  • Low atrial and high nodal ectopic beats
Causes of variable P wave:
  • Presence of variable P waves indicates wandering pacemaker (P may be inverted, some small, and some upright).
Causes of multiple P waves (consecutive two or more):
  • AV block (either partial or complete heart block)
  • SVT with AV block
19P-R Interval
Characters of Normal P-R Interval
  • It is the distance between the onset of P wave to the beginning of Q wave (if Q wave is absent, then measure up to the onset of R wave).
  • It is the time required for the impulse to travel from the SA node to the ventricular muscle. The impulse is transmitted to the ventricle via the AV node.
  • P-R interval varies with age and heart rate.
  • P-R interval is short, if the heart rate is increased, and long, if the heart rate is decreased.
  • Normal PR interval—0.12–0.20 second (maximum five small squares):
    • In children, upper limit is 0.16 second.
    • In adolescent, upper limit is 0.18 second.
    • In adult, upper limit is 0.20 second.
  • P-R is short, if it is <0.10 second and long, if it is >0.20 second.
Abnormalities of P-R Interval
PR interval may be:
  • Prolonged
  • Short
  • Variable
Prolonged P-R interval (>0.2 second)
It is due to first degree heart block. Causes are as follows:
  • Ischemic heart disease (occasionally, inferior myocardial infarction)
  • Acute rheumatic carditis
  • Myocarditis (due to any cause)
  • Atrial dilatation or hypertrophy
  • Hypokalemia
  • Hypomagnesemia
  • Drugs—digitalis toxicity, quinidine, occasionally β-blocker, and calcium channel blocker (e.g., verapamil)
Short P-R interval (<0.12 second)
Causes are as follows:
  • Normal variant
  • Wolff–Parkinson–White (WPW) syndrome. In this case, there is delta wave.
  • Lown–Ganong–Levine (LGL) syndrome. In this case, there is no delta wave.
  • Nodal rhythm
  • Nodal ectopic (high nodal)
  • Occasionally, if dissociated beat is present and also in infant, steroid therapy
Variable P-R interval
Causes are as follows:
  • Wenckebach phenomenon (Mobitz type I): In such case, there is progressive lengthening of P-R interval followed by a drop beat.
  • Partial heart block (Mobitz type II): P-R interval is fixed and normal, but sometimes P is not followed by QRS.
  • 2:1 AV block: In which, alternate P wave is not followed by QRS.
  • Complete AV block: There is no relation between P and QRS.
  • Wandering pacemaker: There is variable configuration of P.
20QRS Complex
Characters of Normal QRS Complex
  • QRS complex represents the depolarization of ventricular muscles.
  • It consist of three waves: Q, R, and S.
  • First downward deflection is called Q wave.
  • Upward deflection after Q is R wave.
  • Downward deflection after R is S wave.
  • Depolarization of the left ventricle contributes to main QRS (as the mass of the left ventricle is two to three times more than the mass of right ventricle).
  • QRS is predominantly positive in leads that look at the heart from the left side—L1, aVL, V5, and V6.
  • It is negative in leads that look at the heart from the right side—aVR, V1, and V2.
  • In V1, S is greater than R.
  • In V5 and V6, R is tall.
  • QRS appears biphasic (part above and part below the base line) in V3 and V4.
  • Normal duration of QRS is 0.08–0.11 second (<3 small squares) and height <25 mm.
Various Forms and Components of QRS Complex
  • Q wave: Initial downward deflection.
  • R wave: Initial upward deflection.
  • S wave: Downward deflection after R wave.
  • rS complex: Small initial r wave, followed by large S wave.
  • RS complex: A complex with R and S waves of equal amplitude.
  • Rs complex: A large R wave followed by a small s wave.
  • qRS complex: Small initial downward deflection, followed by a tall R, which is followed by a large S.
  • Qr complex: Large Q, followed by a small r.
  • QS complex: Complex with complete negative deflection (no separate Q and S).
  • rSr complex: Small r, then deep S, followed by small r.
  • RSR complex: Tall R, then deep S, followed by tall R.
  • RR complex: When deflection is completely positive and notched (M pattern).
Abnormalities of QRS Complex
QRS may be:
  • High voltage
  • Low voltage
  • Wide
  • Change in shape
  • Variable
Causes of high-voltage QRS
  • Incorrect calibration
  • Thin chest wall
  • Ventricular hypertrophy (right or left or both)
  • WPW syndrome
  • True posterior myocardial infarction (in V1 and V2)
21Causes of low-voltage QRS (<5 mm in LI, LII, LIII, and <10 mm in chest leads)
  • Incorrect calibration
  • Thick chest wall or obesity
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Pericardial effusion
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic constrictive pericarditis
  • Hypothermia
Causes of wide QRS (>0.12 second, three small squares)
If it is >0.12 second, it is called wide QRS.
  • Bundle branch block [left bundle branch block (LBBB) or right bundle branch block (RBBB)]
  • Ventricular ectopics
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Idioventricular rhythm
  • Ventricular hypertrophy
  • Hyperkalemia
  • WPW syndrome
  • Pacemaker (looks like LBBB with spike)
  • Drugs (quinidine, procainamide, phenothiazine, and tricyclic antidepressants)
Causes of changes in shape of QRS
  • Right or left bundle branch block (slurred or M pattern)
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Ventricular fibrillation
  • Hyperkalemia
  • WPW syndrome
Causes of variable QRS
  • Multifocal ventricular ectopics
  • Torsades de pointes
  • Ventricular fibrillation
Alternative QRS voltage (alternate large and small QRS complex)
Normally, voltage of all QRS complex is same. But, if the voltage of QRS complex alternates between high and low in successive beats, it is called electrical alternans. Causes are as follows:
  • Moderate-to-severe pericardial effusion (due to malignant, tubercular, or postsurgical). It may indicate cardiac tamponade or impending tamponade.
  • Organic heart disease such as ischemic cardiomyopathy and diffuse myocarditis.
NB: Electrical alternans of QRS may be clinically associated with cardiomegaly, gallop rhythm, and signs of left ventricular failure.
Q Wave
Characters of Normal Q Wave
  • Q wave is usually absent in most of the leads. However, small q wave may be present in I, II, aVL, V5, and V6. This is due to septal depolarization.
  • Small q may be present in LIII (which disappears with inspiration).
  • Depth—<2 mm (two small squares).
  • Width—one small square.
  • It is 25% or less in amplitude of the following R wave in the same lead (one-fourth of the R wave).
22Characters of Pathological Q Wave
  • Deep >2 mm (two small squares)
  • Wide >0.04 second or more (>1 mm or one small square)
  • Should be present in more than one lead (if present in one lead, it is not pathological).
  • Associated with loss of height of R wave.
  • Q wave should be >25% of the following R wave of the same lead.
Causes of Pathological Q Wave
  • Myocardial infarction (the most common cause)
  • Ventricular hypertrophy (left or right)
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • LBBB
  • Emphysema (due to axis change or cardiac rotation)
  • Q only in LIII is associated with pulmonary embolism (SI, QIII, and TIII pattern).
NB: Remember the following points:
R Wave
Characters of Normal R Wave
  • It is the first positive (upward) deflection, due to ventricular depolarization.
  • Duration <0.01 second.
  • R wave usually small (<1 mm) in V1 and V2. It increases progressively in height in V3 to V6 (tall in V5 and V6), i.e., R is small in V1 and V2, tall in V5 and V6.
Normal Height of R Wave
  • In aVL <13 mm
  • In aVF <20 mm
  • In V5 and V6 <25 mm
(If R wave is >25 mm, it is always pathological).
Abnormalities of R Wave
R wave may be:
  • Tall
  • Small
  • Poor progression
Causes of tall R wave
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy (in V5 or V6 >25 mm, aVL >13 mm, aVF >20 mm).
  • In V1, tall R may be due to:
    • Normal variant
    • Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)
    • True posterior myocardial infarction
    • WPW syndrome (type A)
    • Right bundle branch block
    • Dextrocardia23
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Causes of small R wave
Looks like low-voltage tracing.
  • Incorrect ECG calibration (standardization)
  • Obesity
  • Emphysema
  • Pericardial effusion
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hypothermia
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R wave progression
The height of R wave gradually increases from V1 to V6. This phenomenon is called R wave progression.
Poor progression of R wave:
Normally, amplitude of R wave is tall in V5 and V6. In poor R wave progression, amplitude of R wave is progressively reduced in V5 and V6. Causes are as follows:
  • Anterior or anteroseptal myocardial infarction
  • Left bundle branch block
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy (though R is tall in most cases)
  • Dextrocardia
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • COPD
  • Left-sided pneumothorax
  • Left-sided pleural effusion (massive)
  • Marked clockwise rotation
  • Chest electrodes placed incorrectly
  • Deformity of the chest wall
  • Normal variation24
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S Wave
Characters of Normal S Wave
  • It is the negative deflection after R wave (normally one-third of R wave).
  • Normally, deep in V1 and V2, as the impulse is going to the muscles of the left ventricle and then to the right ventricle.
  • It is progressively diminished from V1 to V6 (small S wave may be present in V5 and V6).
  • In V3, R and S waves are almost equal (corresponds with interventricular septum).
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25ST Segment
Characters of Normal ST Segment
  • Measured from the end of S to the beginning of T wave. It represents beginning of ventricular repolarization.
  • Normally, it is in isoelectric line (lies at same level of ECG baseline).
  • ST elevation is normal up to 1 mm in limb leads and 2 mm in chest leads (mainly V1 to V3).
  • In Negroes, ST elevation of 4 mm may be normal, which disappears on exercise.
  • Normally, ST segment may be depressed, <1 mm.
Abnormalities of ST Segment
ST segment may be:
  • Elevated
  • Depressed
Causes of ST elevation (>2 mm)
  • Acute myocardial infarction (ST elevation with convexity upward)
  • Acute pericarditis (ST elevation with concavity upward, chair-shaped or saddle-shaped)
  • Prinzmetal's angina, also called vasospasm angina (ST elevation with tall T).
  • Ventricular aneurysm (persistent ST elevation)
  • Early repolarization (high take-off)
  • Normal variant in Africans and Asians.
  • May be in hyperkalemia.
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26Causes of ST depression (below the isoelectric line)
  • Acute myocardial ischemia (horizontal or down slope ST depression with sharp angle ST-T junction)
  • Ventricular hypertrophy with strain (ST depression with convexity upward and asymmetric T inversion).
  • Digoxin toxicity (sagging of ST depression—like thumb impression, also called reverse tick).
  • Acute true posterior myocardial infarction (in V1 and V2), associated with dominant R and tall upright T wave.
  • Reciprocal change in STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction).
Early repolarization (high take-off)
  • It is a benign, normal finding in young healthy person, more in black males.
  • It is seen in chest leads, commonly V4 to V6 (rarely, in other chest lead).
  • ST elevation is usually associated with J point elevation.
  • It is not associated with inversion of T wave or abnormal Q wave.
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NB: Remember the following points:
T Wave
Characters of Normal T Wave
  • It indicates ventricular repolarization.
  • It follows S wave and ST segment.
  • It is upright in all leads, except aVR.
  • Usually, it is >2 mm in height. It may be normally inverted in V1 and V2.
  • Normally, it is not >5 mm in standard leads and 10 mm in chest leads.
  • It is minimum one-fourth of R wave of the same lead.
  • The tip of T is smooth (rounded).
Abnormalities of T Wave
T wave may be:
  • Inverted
  • Tall peaked and tented
  • Small
  • Biphasic
Causes of T inversion
  • Myocardial ischemia and infarction
  • Subendocardial myocardial infarction (non-Q wave myocardial infarction)
  • Ventricular ectopics
  • Ventricular hypertrophy with strain
  • 27Acute pericarditis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Myxedema
  • Bundle branch block
  • Drugs (digoxin and phenothiazine)
  • Physiological: Nonspecific (smoking, anxiety, anorexia, exercise, after heavy meal, or glucose)
Causes of tall peaked T wave
  • Hyperkalemia (tall, tented, or peaked)
  • Hyperacute myocardial infarction (tall T wave)
  • Acute true posterior myocardial infarction (tall T in V1 to V2)
  • Prinzmetal's angina
  • It may be normal in some Africans and Asians.
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Ques. How to differentiate between tall T due to hyperkalemia from hyperacute myocardial infarction?
Ans. As follows:
  • In hyperkalemia: T is tall, tented, narrow-based, and symmetrically peaked. QT interval is short.
  • In hyperacute myocardial infarction: T is broad, not tented, and asymmetrical. QT interval is prolonged.
Ques. What is the other causes of tall, peaked T?
Ans. Prinzmetal's angina (also called vasospasm angina).
Ques. How to differentiate between hyperacute myocardial infarction and Prinzmetal's angina?
Ans. Tall-peaked T wave may also be found in Prinzmetal's angina, confused with hyperacute myocardial infarction. To differentiate it from myocardial infarction, in Prinzmetal's angina, serial ECG shows fall down of T wave, Q wave never appears and enzymes are not raised.
Causes of small T wave:
  • Hypokalemia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Pericardial effusion
Biphasic T wave:
It means part of T is above isoelectric line and part below the isoelectric line. Causes are as follows:
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Hypokalemia
To differentiate between these two, morphology of T is as follows:
  • In myocardial ischemia: T wave goes up and then down (Fig. A).
  • In hypokalemia: T wave goes down then up (Fig. B).
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28Ques. What is juvenile T wave pattern?
Ans. It is a disorder in which T is inverted in V1 to V3 (rarely V4 to V6). T inversion is neither symmetrical nor deep. It is common in children and young adults, more in female <40 years. Frequently, it is associated with sinus arrhythmia and high left ventricular voltage.
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Camel hump T waves:
Camel hump T waves have a double peak. Causes are as follows:
  • Prominent U waves fused to the end of the T wave (as seen in severe hypokalemia).
  • Hidden P waves embedded in the T wave, as seen in sinus tachycardia and various types of heart block.
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Flattened T waves:
Flattened T waves are usually considered as a nonspecific finding. However, flattened T wave may be due to the following causes:
  • Ischemia
  • Hypocalcemia
See the ECG on the next page.29
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U Wave
Characters of Normal U Wave
  • U wave is seen after T wave.
  • It may be present in normal ECG, usually smaller and in the same direction of the preceding T wave.
  • It represents slow repolarization of interventricular Purkinje fibers and also papillary muscles (but actual genesis of U wave is still controversial).
  • Better seen in chest leads (V2 to V4).
  • Normal amplitude is 1 mm (2 mm in athlete).
  • U wave is easily visible when QT interval is short and heart rate is slow.
Abnormalities of U Wave
U wave may be:
  • Inverted
  • Prominent
Causes of inverted U wave
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy with strain (hypertensive heart disease).
Causes of prominent U wave
  • May be normally present in young athlete (usually small).
  • Hypokalemia (the most common)
  • Bradycardia
  • Ventricular hypertrophy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • 30Hypercalcemia
  • Drugs (phenothiazine, quinidine, and digoxin)
  • Congenital long QT syndrome
Ques. What is the significance of large U wave?
Ans. The patient is prone to develop torsades de pointes tachycardia.
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QT Interval
Characters of Normal QT Interval
  • It is the distance from the beginning of Q wave (or R wave, if there is no Q wave) to the end of T wave.
  • It represents the total time required for both depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles.
  • Normal QT interval is 0.35–0.43 seconds. It is better seen in aVL (because there is no U wave).
  • Its duration varies with heart rate, becoming shorter as the heart rate increases and longer as the heart rate decreases. In general, QT interval at heart rate between 60 and 90/min does not exceed in duration, half the preceding RR interval.
  • Corrected formula for real QT is:
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31Abnormalities of QT Interval
QT interval may be:
  • Short
  • Long
Causes of short QT interval
  • Digoxin effect
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Hyperthermia
  • Tachycardia
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Acidosis
Causes of long QT interval
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Hypokalemia
  • Hypomagnesemia
  • Bradycardia
  • Acute myocarditis
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Hypothermia
  • Drug (quinidine, procainamide, flecainide, amiodarone, tricyclic antidepressant, disopyramide, and pentamidine)
  • Cerebral injury (head injury and intracerebral hemorrhage)
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • During sleep
  • Congenital long QT syndrome
  • Hereditary syndrome:
    • Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (congenital deafness, syncope and sudden death)
    • Romano–Ward syndrome (same as above except deafness)
Ques. What are the clinical importance of prolongation of QT interval?
Ans. Prolonged QT interval may be detected in an asymptomatic individual. It may be associated with ventricular arrhythmia. Rarely, it can cause torsades de pointes tachycardia and sudden death.
To see the rhythm—successive RR interval should be seen.
  • If the RR interval is equal, it is called regular rhythm.
  • If the RR interval is irregular, then it is called irregular rhythm.
NB: Remember the following points:
Causes of Irregular Rhythm
  • Physiological: Usually found in sinus arrhythmia
  • Pathological:
    • Atrial fibrillation
    • Atrial flutter
    • SA block or sinus arrest
    • Atrial tachycardia with block
    • Second-degree heart block
    • Ventricular fibrillation
Ques. What are the causes of regularly irregular rhythm?
Ans. Causes of regularly irregular rhythm are:
  • Physiological: Common in sinus arrhythmia
  • Pathological: Ectopic beat, second-degree heart block (e.g., 2:1 or 3:1 block), SA block or sinus arrest
Ques. What are the causes of irregularly irregular rhythm?
Ans. Causes of irregularly irregular rhythm are:
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Atrial flutter
  • Multiple ectopics
  • Atrial tachycardia with block
  • Ventricular fibrillation
Characters of Sinus Rhythm
Sinus rhythm shows the following five characters:
  • P wave is of sinus origin (means characters of normal P wave).
  • P waves and QRS complexes are regular (that means P-P and R-R interval should be constant and identical).
  • Constant P wave configuration in a given lead.
  • P-R interval and QRS interval should be within normal limit.
  • Rate should be between 60 beats/min and 100 beats/min (atrial and ventricular rates are identical).
NB: Remember the following points:
Ques. What is arrhythmia?
Ans. It is the abnormality in initiation or propagation of cardiac impulse.
In any ECG, heart rate should be calculated. Methods vary according to the cardiac rhythm, whether regular or irregular. Standard speed in ECG paper is 25 mm/s. Heart rate is the number of beats per minute. It is calculated by looking at the ECG tracing in the following way:
In the ECG paper:
  • 0.04 second
1 small square
  • 0.2 second
5 small squares or 1 large square
  • So, 1 second
25 small squares or 5 large squares
  • So, 1 minute
25 × 60 = 1,500 small squares or 5 × 60 = 300 large squares
Heart rate is determined in the following way:
  1. When the cardiac rhythm is regular:
    • Calculate R-R or P-P interval in small squares or large squares (if rhythm is sinus, R-R or P-P interval is same).
    • If small square is calculated:
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    • If large square is calculated:
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  • Suppose, the number of small squares between R-R and P-P is 15.
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  • Suppose, the number of large squares between R-R is 5.
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  1. When the rhythm is irregular:
In irregular rhythm, the above method is not valid. In such case, QRS complex is counted in 6 seconds (30 small square) in rhythm strip, multliplied by 10.
Proceed in the following way:
  • Count the number of R in 30 large squares (it is equivalent to 6 seconds).
  • Then, simply multiply this by 10 (it becomes rate in 1 minute).
  • Suppose, the number of R in 30 large squares is 12.
  • So, the heart rate is 12 × 10 = 120 beats/min.
NB: In ECG, PP interval indicates atrial rate and RR interval indicates ventricular rate. Normally, PP and RR intervals are same. But in some arrhythmia, atrial and ventricular rates are different. These should be counted separately. Examples are atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, complete heart block, ventricular fibrillation, etc.
It is the sum of all the depolarization waves as they spread through the ventricles as seen from the front. Axis is the direction of the ECG waveform in frontal plane measured in degrees. The axis of ECG is the major deflection of the overall electrical activity of the heart. It may be normal, LAD, right axis deviation (RAD), or indeterminate. QRS complex is the most important to determine the axis, usually limb leads are examined (not precordial leads).
Axis Determination
  • Axis can be derived most easily from the amplitude of QRS complex in LI, LII, and aVF.
  • The greatest amplitude of R wave in LI or LII or aVF indicates the proximity of cardiac axis to that lead.
  • The axis lies at 90° to the isoelectric complex, i.e., positive and negative deflections are equal in any of the lead LI, LII, LIII, aVL, aVR, and aVF.
Normal axis is between −30° and +90°.
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Type of axis deviation:
  1. Left axis deviation
  2. Right axis deviation
  3. Indeterminate axis deviation
35Quick and Simple Way of Determination of Cardiac Axis
  • Positive QRS in both LI and aVF means axis is normal.
  • Positive QRS in LI and negative in aVF (tall R in LI and deep S in aVF) means LAD. However, in such case, look at LII. If negative in LII, it is more likely to be LAD. But, if positive in LII, axis may be normal.
  • Negative QRS in LI and positive in aVF (deep S in LI and tall R in aVF) means RAD.
  • If negative QRS in LI and also aVF, the axis is indeterminate.
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Left Axis Deviation
When the cardiac axis is between −30° and −90°. Causes are as follows:
  • Normal variant (with increased age)
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Left anterior hemiblock
  • Left bundle branch block
  • Inferior myocardial infarction
  • WPW syndrome (some)
  • Ventricular ectopic
  • Pacing from the apex of the right or left ventricle (endocardial pacing)
36Right Axis Deviation
When the cardiac axis is between +90° and +180°. Causes are as follows:
  • Normal variant (common in children and young adult)
  • RVH (due to any cause such as chronic cor pulmonale, pulmonary embolism, and congenital heart diseases, i.e., tetralogy of Fallot)
  • Anterolateral myocardial infarction (high lateral myocardial infarction)
  • Left posterior hemiblock
  • Dextrocardia
  • WPW syndrome (type A)
  • Right bundle branch block
  • Epicardial pacing
  • Ventricular ectopic
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Indeterminate Axis
Occurs when QRS lies between +180° and −90°. This term is used when exact axis can not be determined (all six limb leads are biphasic). It may be found in:
  • Severe right ventricular hypertrophy.
  • Aneurysm of left ventricular apex.
NB: Remember the following points:
In an ECG, occasionally, there are certain findings detected, which are the normal variants, may be observed in healthy individuals. These are commonly found in young adults and children. Some examples are:
  • Sinus arrhythmia
  • Early repolarization syndrome (in young black males)
  • Inverted P (in inferior leads)
  • Short P-R interval
  • QRS in V1 (not >0.12 second) and RBBB pattern
  • Q wave in LIII (disappears with deep inspiration)
  • Tall R in V1 (R/S ratio ≥1)
  • T inversion in LIII, aVR, and V1
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy (in children and young adults)
  • RAD (in children and young adults)
  • Mild LAD or left anterior hemiblock, in the absence of cardiac disease
  • Wandering pacemaker
  • Low voltage in obese people
  • First-degree heart block
  • Wenckebach phenomenon
  • Juvenile T wave pattern in children and young adults.
Careful interpretation is essential for the diagnosis. This should not be confused with underlying pathology. Detailed history and physical findings should be correlated with the ECG findings.
Ques. What are the possible ECG features of healthy athletes?
Ans. There may be change in normal rhythm and ECG pattern in healthy athletes, which are usually normal findings. The following may be the variations in rhythm and variations in ECG pattern.
  1. Variations in rhythm:
    • Sinus bradycardia
    • Marked sinus arrhythmia
    • Junctional rhythm
    • Wandering atrial pacemaker
    • First-degree heart block
    • Second-degree heart block (Wenckebach phenomenon)
  2. Variations in ECG pattern:
    • Tall P waves
    • Prominent septal Q waves
    • Tall R and deep S waves
    • Counterclockwise rotation
    • Slight ST segment elevation
    • Tall symmetrical T waves
    • T wave inversion, especially in lateral leads
    • Biphasic T waves
    • Prominent U waves
Exercise ECG is a technique used to assess the cardiac response during exercise. The 12-lead ECG is recorded, while the patient walks or runs on a motorized treadmill. The traditional Bruce protocol is followed. The limb leads are placed on the shoulders and hips, rather than on the wrists and ankles. Blood pressure is recorded, symptoms such as anginal pain are assessed, and ST depression or elevation is noted.
The test is positive, if there is:
  • Anginal pain
  • Blood pressure falls or fails to rise
  • ST depression >1 mm (planar or downsloping depression is more important rather than upsloping ST depression which is nonspecific)
  • ST elevation may occur, which indicates transmural ischemia due to coronary spasm or critical stenosis.
The patient who can perform exercise <6 minutes, generally have poor prognosis. Sustained fall of blood pressure indicates severe coronary artery disease.
Exercise tolerance test (ETT) may be false positive (20%), or false negative. It has a specificity of 80% and sensitivity of 70%.
Indications of Exercise Testing
Contraindications of Exercise Testing
Causes of false positive exercise test:
  • Digoxin toxicity
  • Hypokalemia
  • Ventricular hypertrophy
  • Bundle branch block
  • WPW syndrome
  • Mitral valve prolapse
  • Significant aortic or mitral valve insufficiency
  • Significant aortic valve stenosis
  • Female sex
39False negative ETT may occur if the patient is on: β-blocker, verapamil, diltiazem, and nitrate group of drugs.
Reasons for stopping of ETT: During ETT, if any of the following is detected, the procedure should be stopped.
  1. Sign and symptoms:
    • If the patient request stopping, because of severe fatigue
    • Severe chest pain, dyspnea, or dizziness or syncope
    • Fall in systolic blood pressure (>20 mm Hg).
    • Hypertensive response (SBP >260 mm Hg and DBP >130 mm Hg)
    • Ataxia
  2. ECG criteria:
    • Severe ST-segment depression (>3 mm)
    • ST-segment elevation >1 mm in non-Q wave lead
    • Frequent ventricular extrasystoles (unless the test is to assess ventricular arrhythmia)
    • Onset of ventricular tachycardia
    • New atrial fibrillation or supraventricular tachycardia
    • Development of new bundle branch block
    • New second- or third-degree heart block
    • Cardiac arrest
Holter monitor is a battery-operated portable ECG. It records the electrical activity of the heart continuously over 24–48 hours or longer depending on the type of monitoring used. The patient is provided with a pocket-sized device, which can record and store a short segment of ECG. Electrodes, which are small, plastic patches that stick to the skin, are placed at certain points on the chest and abdomen. The electrodes are connected to an ECG machine by wires, which is kept at the belt of waist. It does not interfere with patient's physical activity. The electrical activity of the heart can be measured, recorded, and printed. No electricity is sent into the body.
  • To detect suspected arrhythmia in patient with symptoms such as palpitation, dizziness, or syncope.
  • To determine the risk or type of arrhythmia or conduction defect.
  • To assess the rate control in patient with atrial fibrillation.
  • To detect transient myocardial ischemia using ST segment analysis.
  • To monitor the efficacy of antiarrhythmic drug therapy.
Patients with the following disease that may require documentation of an arrhythmia:
  • Structural heart diseases such as postmyocardial infarction, dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and valvular heart disease.
  • Primary electrical heart disease such as sick sinus syndrome, WPW syndrome, and high grade AV block.
  • Family history of sudden death or arrhythmia.
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