Long and Short Cases in Anesthesiology Puneet Khanna, Abhishek Singh
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abdomen 547
Abscess, parapharyngeal 522
Absorption 4, 498
Acarbose 118
Accidental extubation 73
Acetohexamide 117
Acetone breath 123
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 362
Acetylsalicylic acid 173, 185, 186
Acid-base balance, disorder of 254
Acidosis 287
metabolic 36
signs of 123
Activated partial thromboplastin time 494
Acupuncture 213
Acute arterial occlusion
signs of 19
symptoms of 19
Acute coronary syndrome 165, 182, 187
Acute kidney injury 11, 12, 247, 259, 580
Akin classification of 11
diagnosis of 263
management for 13, 263
novel biomarkers of 12
rifle criteria for 11
Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score 137
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 45, 123, 317
Adductor canal block 37
Adenocarcinoma 339
Adenohypophysis 25
Adenosine diphosphate 2, 8, 118, 171
Adenotonsillar hypertrophy 522
Adenovirus 357
Adiponectin 224
Adjusted body weight 222
Adrenal deficiency, acute 31
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 120
secreting tumors 27
Advanced chest drainage digital systems 202, 203f
Adventitial cystic disease 19
Advocated pain management strategies 203
Air 53
Airway 46, 74, 102, 220, 241, 314, 320, 523, 547, 554, 572
abnormalities 523
assessment 47, 101, 119, 411, 537
tests of 410
choice of 466
clearance therapy 358
collapse 367
compromise 365
predictors of 367
control, mode of 79
deterioration 425
evaluation 333
examination 218
exchange catheter 425
heating and humidification 517
management 85, 101, 306, 411, 524
principles of 412
obstruction 220, 485
predictors of difficult 412t
protection 488
rescue devices 80
topicalized 418
Alanine transaminase 248
Albumin 138
Alcohol consumption 573
Alcoholism, chronic 252
Aldosteronoma 111
Aldrete score
modified 142, 143, 143t
system 142, 142t, 143
Alertness/sedation scale, modified observer's assessment of 218
Alkaline phosphatase, raised 245
Allergic reaction 580
Allodynia 113
Allogeneic blood transfusion 548
Alopecia 252
Alpha-adrenergic agonists 436
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 118
Alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine 293
Alveolar hypoventilation 376
Amblyopia 152
American Academy of Sleep Medicine 226
American Burn Association 44
American College of Cardiology 22, 40, 187
Foundation 171
American Diabetes Association classification 111
American Heart Association 22, 112, 171, 187
American Society of Anesthesiologists 38, 53, 88, 130, 227, 249, 482, 565
physical status classification system 130, 131t
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 23
American Thoracic Society 371
Aminophylline bolus 375
Amiodarone 382, 401
Ammonia toxicity 500
Anakinra 42
Analgesia 295, 467
controlled 552
epidural 34
intravenous 478
labor 126
methods of 556
multimodal 37
neuraxial 306, 320
nonopioid intraoperative 471
patient-controlled 50
postoperative 73, 243, 368
regional 368
Analgesic 219
agents 6
Anaphylaxis 548
Anastomotic leak 241
Anemia 2, 45, 186
Anesthesia 14, 30, 71, 128, 233, 306, 320, 539
conduct of 438
depth of 96
epidural 310, 318, 322
general 14, 15, 23, 24, 34, 55, 69, 126, 149, 186, 237, 310, 322, 462, 497, 573, 576
goals 22
induction of 17, 295, 466
maintenance of 109, 374, 532
neuraxial 39, 318, 514
ophthalmic 149
options 482
regional 15, 18, 23, 56, 125, 150, 154, 244, 295
techniques of 23, 573
topical 149, 573
total intravenous 30, 88, 368, 546
agent 550
drugs 120, 282, 305
metabolism 4
goals 16, 129
implications 60
induction, principles of 454
management 17, 55, 102, 127, 205, 294, 562
regimen 367
technique 80, 366, 373
Angina 166
mechanism of 166fc
characteristics of 167
mild 64
types of 167
unstable 167
variant 167
Angiography, coronary 170
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 567
inhibitors 13, 64, 113, 183
Angiotensin-receptor blocker 13, 113
Angular stomatitis 253
Anhidrosis 114
Ankle-brachial index 20
Ankylosing spondylitis 34, 42
Antiaspiration prophylaxis 319, 415
Antibiotics 93
Anticholinergics 306
drugs, role of 414t
Anticholinesterase therapy 369
Anticoagulants 189
Antimuscarinic agents 158
Antinuclear antibody 21, 211
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 313
Antiplatelet 176
agents 189
therapy 176fc
Antipsychotic drugs 567
Anti-sialagogue 413
Antithyroid drugs 400
side effects of 399
Antler sign 450, 450f
Anxiety 24, 50
Aorta, abdominal 436
Aortic arch hypoplasia 105
Aortic diastolic pressure 162
Aortic stenosis, severe 40
Aortic surgery 65
Aortocaval compression 300
Apert syndrome 152
Apfel score 145
Apgar score 140, 140t
Apgar sign 140
Apnea 225, 469
hypopnea index 225
Apneic ventilation 562
Apoplexy, pituitary 28
Appendicitis, acute 317
Aqueduct of Sylvius 67
Argon 53
Arnold-Chiari malformation 539
Arrhythmias 30, 57, 65, 221, 224, 338, 442
atrial 338
cardiac 174, 550
common 338
intractable 375
significant 64, 188
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 277
Arterial blood gas 108, 232, 256, 335
analysis 83, 287, 371
Arterial catheter 108
Arterial disease, peripheral 20, 112
Arterial insufficiency, degree of 20
Arterial oxygen desaturation 434
Arterial saturation 232
Arteriovenous fistula 10
surgery 14
complications of 14
Artery, left anterior descending 446
Arthritis 63
Artificial implanted cardioverter-defibrillator 40
Asbestos 382
Ascites 12, 253, 259
formation, mechanisms of 259
Aspartate transaminase 248
Aspiration 218, 221
pneumonitis, risk of 415
prophylaxis 308, 321
risk 425
Aspirin 39, 176
Asterixis 252
Asthma 42, 225, 370, 373, 374, 376, 573
allergic 370
bronchial 369, 373
Asthmatic attack 370
severe 370
Atelectasis, postoperative 242
Atherosclerosis 19, 21
Atracurium 5, 250
Atresia, pulmonary 430
Atrial demand pacing 277
Atrial fibrillation 151, 174, 224, 448, 451f
rate control therapy in 455t
Atrial natriuretic peptide 14, 163
Atrioventricular node 95
Atrioventricular septal defect 430
Atrioventricular valve defects 105
Atropine 158
Autoimmune disease 21
Autonomic neuropathy 114, 115
signs of 114
symptoms of 114
Autonomic system 514
Awake fiberoptic
intubation 86, 413, 415, 422
technique 81
Axillary block 581
Azathioprine 6, 93, 96
Azotemia 254
Azygous vein 480
Bacteremia, transient 500
Bacterial infections 357
Barbiturates 550, 551
Bare-metal stent 176, 179, 185
Bariatric surgery 237, 239
Barium sulfate 35
Basal atelectasis 376
Basedow-Graves disease 396
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 106
Benzodiazepines 38, 306, 401, 416, 551, 567, 570, 573, 574
Berlin questionnaire 226
Berowitz cough test 385
Beta-adrenergic agonists 111
Beta-blockers 182, 190, 293, 400, 436
Betamethasone 400
Bicarbonate 122, 123
Bier's block 576, 579
Biguanide 117
Bilevel positive airway pressure 228
Biliary drainage, preoperative 248
Biliary obstruction, systemic effects of 247
Biliopancreatic diversion 231
Bilirubin 138
metabolism 245
Biochemical tests 291
sensitivity of 291t
specificity of 291t
Biochemistry, serum 279
Bioprosthetic valves 457
Bipedal edema 297
Bipolar disorder, severe 565
Birth defects 98
Bispectral index 88, 235
use of 218
Bitot's spots 253
dysfunction 114
neurogenic 537, 541
Blalock-Taussig shunt 437
Bleeding tonsils 468
Bleomycin 338
approach 346
nasal intubation 413
nasotracheal intubation 80
chemistry 68
counts 7
coronary 162f
pulmonary 507
gases 301
glucose 64, 108
loss 2, 38, 65, 540
massive 45
reduce 548
pressure 113, 300
noninvasive 102, 108, 341, 438, 540
optimization 21
orthostatic 116
systolic 35
products 307
sugar 280
control of 113
postprandial 7
type 108
urea 34
and serum creatinine 7
nitrogen 122, 133
volume 302
Blunt metal cannula 155
Bochdalek hernia 105
mass index 35, 131, 222
master gland of 25
plethysmography 382
Bone cement 35
implantation syndrome 34, 35
classification of 35
Bone marrow 2
suppression 2
Bougies tubes 240
Bowel disease, inflammatory 357
Brachial plexus
block 14
injury 352
Bradyarrhythmias 485
Bradycardia 35, 151, 158, 275
Brain tumors 26
Brainstem 73
swelling 74
Breath, shortness of 122, 369
Breathing 320
capacity 361
central dysregulation of 114
deep 115
British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group Generic Defibrillator Code 277
Bromage scale 139
Bromage score, modified 140
Bromocriptine 28
Bronchial blockers 342, 343, 348, 350
Bronchial challenge 383
Bronchial reactivity, reduce 114
Bronchiectasis 356, 357359
etiology of 357
Bronchodilator 373
therapy 340
Bronchoscopy 477
Bronchospasm 97
intraoperative 375, 376
Brown fat 511
Brugada syndrome 277
Buerger's disease 19
Bupivacaine 310, 577
Burn 43
injury 221
magnitude of 43
shock 48
Cabergoline 28
CABG, indications of 177
Calcium 2, 7
channel blocker 173, 293, 455
chloride 268
serum 108
Calibration tubes 240
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Grading for Angina 167
Canagliflozin 118
Capnometry 540
Capsulorrhexis 150
Caput medusa 253
dioxide 52
diffusion capacity of 382, 384
poisoning 44
Carboxyhemoglobin 372
cavity 87
mucosa 82, 84
large cell undifferentiated 339
Cardiac anomalies 105
Cardiac arrest 221
Cardiac catheterization 434, 444, 508
Cardiac complications 64, 265
Cardiac disease 20, 395
Cardiac failure 158
congestive 168, 432, 506
Cardiac function 443
Cardiac herniation 355
Cardiac output 234, 299, 462
monitoring 88
Cardiac resynchronization therapy 275
Cardiac toxicity 338
Cardiac transplantation 92, 93, 96
anesthesia for 92
Cardiomyopathy 128
cirrhotic 265
hypertrophic 277
infiltrative 277
Cardiopulmonary bypass 93, 177, 439, 456, 508
duration of 12
Cardiopulmonary reserve 336
Cardiorespiratory function, assessment of 331
Cardiorespiratory reserve, assessment of 331
Cardiovascular collapse 366
Cardiovascular disease 2, 112, 298, 331, 425
Cardiovascular function 397, 572
Cardiovascular implantable electronic devices 275
types of 275
Cardiovascular system 2, 5, 21, 60, 83, 114, 136, 223, 247, 284, 333, 374, 394, 397, 544, 553
Carotid endarterectomy 65
Carotid sinus denervation 88
Cataract 149
surgery 65, 149151
elective 151
Catatonia 565
Catecholamines 95, 297
Cell salvage 328, 548
Cellulitis 578
Cement reaction 35
Central cyanosis, causes of 434
Central nervous system 15, 44, 69, 106, 124, 136, 153, 228, 314, 398, 402
Central neuraxial block 23, 39
Central retinal artery occlusion 552
Central venous
access 235
catheter 88
pressure 9, 35, 73, 117, 249, 296, 300, 546
catheter 108
Cerebellopontine angle 67
surgery 73
tumors 6769
signs of 67
symptoms of 67
aneurysm 565
flow 69
volume 72
edema 123, 254
hemodynamic effect 568
oxygen consumption 61
palsy 106, 542, 552554
risk factors for 553
type of 553
salt-wasting syndrome 32
Cerebrospinal fluid 30, 38, 67
collection of 525
flow 525
leak 77
pressure, normal 525
volume, rate of 527
Cerebrovascular accident 131, 178, 565
Cerebrovascular disease 12, 42, 112
Cervical spine
injury 79
manual in-line stabilization 78
Cesarean delivery
epidural anesthesia for 310
spinal anesthesia for 310
Cesarean section 125, 307, 462
anesthesia for 307
indications for 307
lower segment 297
Charcot joints 112
Chemoradiation therapy 82
Chemotherapeutic agents 8284
adverse effects of 83
Chemotherapy agents 338
drain 191, 194, 201
insertion 194, 200
modifications of 195
placement, indications for 193
removal 202
system 194, 195
pain, acute 166
physiotherapy 340
radiograph 7, 47, 68, 280
signs 332
tightness 369
tube placement 109
X-ray 55, 64, 101, 108
Child's heart and lungs, evaluation of 443
Child-Pugh classification 253
Child-Pugh score 138, 138t, 139
Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification 253
Chlorpropamide 117
Choanal atresia 99
Cholangiography, percutaneous transhepatic 251
Cholestasis 317
Cholesterol 64
Cholinergic crisis 364, 369
Chordae tendineae 446
Chronic kidney disease 1, 2, 7, 12, 13, 41, 92, 262
causes of 1
stages of 1
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 34, 41, 63, 131, 150, 151, 218, 224, 331, 369, 573
Chronic renal failure 1, 112
clinical manifestations of 1
development of 113
Chvostek's sign, positive 407
Ciclosporin 6, 42
Cilostazol 21
Cimetidine 415
Cirrhosis 92, 252, 253, 263
biliary 252
cardiac 252
causes of 252
hepatic 229
implication of 252
Cisatracurium 5, 266
Classic bamboo spine appearance 42
Claustrophobia, severe 151
Cleft lip 98, 99, 99t, 100, 101
isolated 98
surgery 102
anesthesia for 98
surgical correction of 100
Cleft palate 98, 99, 99t, 100, 101
isolated 98
surgery 102
anesthesia for 98
Clindamycin 35
Clonidine 35
suppression test 292
Club foot 555
etiology of 555
idiopathic 555
Coagulation 2
profile 136
test of 7
Cobb's angle 543
calculation of 543f
correlation of 543
ischemia 10
pressor test 116
Colle's fracture 576, 577
Colloid solution, use of 8
Coloboma, heart, atresia choanae, retardation, genital, and ear syndrome 106
Colonoscopy 575
Combined spinal-epidural anesthetic technique 455
Common bile duct 245
Complete blood count 64, 68, 101, 108, 211, 358
Compression 74, 404
test 211
Computed tomography 28, 257, 292
scan 68
Conduction system 160
Confusion sleepiness 122
Congenital anomalies 99, 105, 481
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 106
anesthetic management of 105
intraoperative management of 107
management of 106
pathophysiology of 105
postnatal diagnosis of 106
treatment of 106
Consciousness, level of 68, 123
Constipation 114, 254
Continuous femoral perineural catheter placement 37
Continuous positive airway pressure 226, 228, 353, 490
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography 248
Contrast-enhanced transthoracic echocardiography 257
Cormack-Lehane classification 140, 141
Cornelia de Lange's syndrome 106
Coronary artery 159, 160
anatomy of 159
bypass grafting 172, 173, 178
disease 21, 112, 131, 151, 163, 165, 182, 293, 573
normal 159f
Coronary blood flow, normal 161
Coronary perfusion pressure 162
Coronary steal
phenomenon 164, 165f
syndrome 186
Coronary vascular tone 163
Coronary vasculopathy 96
Corticosteroids 400
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 27
Cortisol 124
Cough 203, 369
Cranial nerve 28
dysfunction, postoperative 74
stimulation 73
Craniofacial abnormalities 521
C-reactive protein 211
Creatine kinase-myocardial band 169, 170f
Creatinine phosphokinase 242
Cricothyroidotomy 80
advantages of 485
disadvantage of 485
indications of 485
Cri-du-chat syndrome 152
Cross clamp time 12
Crossed straight leg raise test 211
Crouzon's syndrome 152
Crush injuries 578
Cryoprecipitate 440
Crystalloid solutions, use of 8
Cuffs, types of 488
Cushing's disease 2730, 230, 522
Cushing's reflex 88
Cushing's syndrome 27, 28, 111
Cyanosis 435
intermittent 435
mechanism of 435
sites of 435
types of 434
Cyanotic spell 435, 443
Cyclopentolate 158
Cyclophosphamide 298
Cycloplegia 158
Cycloplegic refraction 158
Cyclosporine 93, 96
Cystatin C 13
Cystic fibrosis 357
Cytomegalovirus 97, 111
Dacarbazine 298
Dalrymple's sign 405
Dancing eyes 67
Daytime sleepiness 225
De bono whistle blowing test 385
Deafness 151
Deep vein thrombosis 36, 39, 232, 376, 462
Defibrillator 566
Dehydration 565
Delirium, postoperative 38
Dementia 63
Dentition, evaluation of 409
Denys-Drash syndrome 106
Deoxyribonucleic acid 559
Depression, respiratory 35
Desflurane 550
Dexmedetomidine 35, 38, 219, 573, 574
Diabetes 63, 573
duration of 118
insipidus 31, 317
central 31
mellitus 1, 7, 12, 21, 40, 62, 64, 65, 111113, 128, 131, 151, 229, 265
complications of 112
gestational 111, 124
symptoms of 112
types of 118
Diabetic autonomic neuropathy 114
Diabetic cardiomyopathy 114
Diabetic emergencies 121
Diabetic ketoacidosis 118, 121, 124, 401
treatment of 123
Diabetic nephropathy 113
Dialysis 8
dementia 3
disequilibrium syndrome 3
Diaphragm, embryological development of 105
Diarrhea 114
Diastolic arterial pressure 230
Diastolic dysfunction 65
Diazepam, oral 401
Diazoxide 111
Difficult airway 243, 351, 411, 423, 521, 556
condition 523, 524
management 409, 412
syndrome 524
Diffuse hyperthyroid goiter 396
Digitalis glycoside 455
Digits, clubbing of 252
Diltiazem 178
Dilwyn Evans procedure 556
Dingman retractor 102
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 120
Direct laryngoscopy 79, 82, 85, 524
Discectomy 215
Disk decompression, percutaneous 214
Disk herniation 212
stages of 212f
Diskogenic pain 209, 214
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 123, 131, 254, 326
Distraction techniques 203
Distraction test 211
Diuretic 14, 64
therapy 528
Dobutamine 95
Dopamine 13, 107, 136
low-dose 9
Dorsal root ganglion 207
Double lumen endobronchial tube 344, 353
advantages of 344
disadvantages of 344
Double pneumatic tourniquet 577
Down syndrome 100, 111, 152, 431, 523
Downbeat nystagmus 68
Doxorubicin 338
system 201
tube 194
Dressler's syndrome 174
administration techniques 220
eluting stent 176, 179, 185
metabolism 515
Dry gangrene 126
Dual antiplatelet therapy 41, 173, 175, 176, 179, 185, 189
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 542
Ductus arteriosus 105
Duke activity status index 181
Dulaglutide 118
Dupuytren's contracture 253
Durant's position 89
Dwyer's osteotomy 556
Dyselectrolytemia 395
Dyslipidemia 229
Dysphagia 388
Dysplasia, fibromuscular 19
Dyspnea 203, 256, 360, 388
Roizen's grading of 133, 133t
Ear malformations 99
Echocardiography 64, 170
transthoracic 366
Eclampsia 319, 320
clinical presentation of 319
Eclamptic seizure 320
peripheral 114
pulmonary 377
severe pulmonary 158
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 543, 544
Ejection fraction 300
Electrocardiogram 7, 24, 34, 47, 55, 64, 68, 83, 101, 169f, 169t, 181, 227, 275, 280, 294
Electroconvulsive therapy 282, 565
anesthesia for 565
Electrode, type of 493
Electrolyte 2, 7, 31, 34
abnormality 123, 548
management 48
serum 108
Electromagnetic interference 280
Electromyogram 227
Electromyography, intraoperative 70
Electron beam computed tomography 170
Electro-oculogram 227
El-Ganzouri risk index 410
Embolization syndrome 34
Emergence delirium 572
Emphysema 369
Encephalopathy 138
End-expiratory pressure, positive 46, 107, 205, 353
Endocarditis prophylaxis 510
Endocrine 3, 21, 303
disorders 387
system 63
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography 217
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy 529
Endoscopy 65
anesthesia for 573
Endotracheal intubation 69
Endotracheal tube 83, 86, 342, 405, 411, 466, 546, 560, 569
positioning of 476
End-stage liver disease 139, 253
model for 139
End-stage renal disease 5, 9, 16
End-tidal carbon dioxide 74
Entropy 88
Enzymatic dysfunction 515
Enzyme deficiencies 521
Epidural analgesia, continuous 37
Epidural catheter 552
Epidural steroid injections 214
Epidural test dose 23
Epilepsy 553
Epinephrine 95, 310, 318
Epworth sleepiness scale score 226
Erectile dysfunction 114
Ergometrine 330
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 211
Erythropoiesis 2
Erythropoietin production, reduced 2
Esmolol 69
Esophageal anvils 240
Esophagogastrodudenoscopy 574
Esophagus, dysfunction of 114
Estimate blood loss 72
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 1
Estrogen 124
Etomidate 234, 551
Euro-Collin solution 8
European Society of Cardiology 171
Euthyroid sick syndrome 389
causes of 389
Euthyroidism 388
Ex utero intrapartum treatment 541
Exenatide 118
Exercise intolerance 114
Expiratory reserve volume 224, 225, 380, 544
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 107
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 282
Extubation 405
Eyes 68, 99, 547
Face and neck, visual inspection of 409
Facet joint 210
arthropathy 210f
dysfunction 214
hypertrophy 212
syndrome 210
bones 76
burns 522
injuries, classification of 77
Famotidine 415
Fascia iliaca plane 37
Fasting blood sugar 7, 494
Fasting plasma glucose 112
Fast-track criteria 144
embolism 34, 580
mass 234
Fatty liver
acute 317
disease, nonalcoholic 229
Fecal incontinence 114
Femoral nerve 33
block 34, 37
plus sciatic nerve block 37
Femoral stretch test 211
Femoral triangle block 37
Fenoldopam 14
Fentanyl 35, 62, 69, 219, 234, 250, 305, 310
alcohol syndrome 100
circulation 284, 285
macrosomia 124
surgery, role of 541
Fetor hepaticus 253
Fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion 106
Fever, rheumatic 447
Fiberoptic bronchoscope 79, 346, 347
Fibrinolytic therapy 177
Fire triad 563
Fisher scale 134, 135, 135t
modified 135, 135t
Fistula 14
bronchopleural 355
bronchopulmonary 205
care of 16
Flame sign 77
Fluid 1, 450, 533
abnormalities 31
and electrolyte management 109
and goal-directed therapy 13
creep 48
management 354
strategy in
donors 9
recipient 9
therapy 556
Fluorodeoxyglucose 32
Folic acid deficiency 2
Follicle-stimulating hormone 25
Food and Drug Administration 570
Forced duction test 152
Forced expiratory
time 385
volume 224
Forced vital capacity 232, 379
Fortin finger test 211
Four-bottle system 195
Four-chamber pleural drainage system 199, 199f
compound 578
forearm 576
Free flap reconstructions 89
Friedreich ataxia 542
Fuji systems 343
Fuji uniblocker 350
Functional residual capacity 53, 60, 224, 225, 235, 380, 381, 544
Furosemide 14
Gaenslen's test 211
Galactorrhea 27
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 248
Gangrene 126, 127
types of 126
dilution technique 382
embolism 56
management of 57
Gasserian ganglion 153
Gastroenteritis 317
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 63, 415
severe 151
Gastrointestinal decompression 107
Gastrointestinal dysfunction 402
Gastrointestinal system 114
Gastrointestinal tract 392, 397
embryological development of 105
Gastroparesis bloating 114
General anesthesia 14, 15, 23, 24, 34, 55, 69, 126, 149, 186, 237, 310, 322, 462, 497, 573, 576
induction of 367, 516f, 539
maintenance of 368, 467
Genitourinary system 114
Gentamicin 35
Gestational diabetes mellitus 111, 124
pathophysiology of 124
GH-secreting pituitary adenomas 27
Giant cell arteritis 19
Glasgow coma
scale 131, 131t, 134
score 68
Gliflozins 118
Glimepiride 117
Glipizide 117
Global Registry of Acute Cardiac Event 171
Glomerular filtration rate 12, 45, 247, 260, 303
Glomerulonephritis 1, 317
Glossopharyngeal-vagal reflex 73
Glossoptosis 99
Glucagon-like peptide-1 118, 120
Glucagonoma 111
Glucocorticoids 111
low-dose 37
supplementation of 30
Glucose 297
dependent insulinotropic polypeptide 118
Glyburide 117
Glycine toxicity 499
Glycoprotein 41
Glycopyrrolate 86, 97, 567
Goiter 388
exophthalmic 405
Goldenhar syndrome 152, 431, 523
Goldman cardiac risk index 133, 133t, 180
Graft failure, acute 96
Graves’ disease 404, 405, 408
Greenbaum cannula 155
Growth hormone adenomas, management of 27
Guideline-directed medical therapy 182
Gustatory sweating 114
Gynecomastia 252
Haemophilus influenzae 357
Hardy's classification 26
Harsh ejection systolic murmur 433
Head and neck surgery 65
Headache 27, 297
Head-elevated laryngoscopy position 236
Head-up tilt test 116
Hearing loss 63
block 442
types of 275
coronary 166, 223
ischemic 34, 40, 63, 112, 159, 168
rheumatic 446, 447
severe valvular 64
embryological development of 105
failure 12, 168, 187
chronic 151
congestive 40, 64, 65, 133, 224, 402, 494
major venous drainage of 161
normal 96
venous drainage system of 161f
rate 22, 24, 153, 163, 164, 459
beat-to-beat variation of 115
fetal 319
sound 299
fourth 299
second 299
transplanted 93, 96
Heat and moisture exchanger 486
Heat loss 513
mechanisms of 513f
Heimlich valve 202, 202f
Helium 53
HELLP syndrome 315, 317
clinical features of 317
differential diagnosis of 317
management of 317
Hematocrit 315
Hemianopsia 123
Hemifacial microsomia 100
Hemiparesis 123
Hemithorax, right 347
Hemithyroidectomy 388
Hemochromatosis 252
acute normovolemic 89
isovolemic 89, 549
Hemoglobin 49
abnormal 435
Hemogram 279
complete 465
Hemolysis 2, 12, 317
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome 317
acute 242
variceal 261
antepartum 324
causes of 323
intraventricular 68, 135
massive 486
obstetric 324, 328
postpartum 324, 326, 327
post-tonsillectomy 468
subarachnoid 134, 135
Heparin assay rapid method 179
Hepatic arterial anastomosis 268
Hepatic dysfunction 402
Hepatic encephalopathy 252, 254, 255, 317
pathogenesis of 254
severity of 255
Hepatic failure, signs of 252
Hepatic system 62, 84, 136
alcoholic 263
autoimmune 252
B, chronic 252
C, chronic 252
viral 318
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 256
diagnosis of 256
Hepatorenal syndrome 252, 263, 264
pathophysiology of 263
anteromedial 105
hiatus 415
paraesophageal 105
posterolateral 105
Herniated disks 214
Herniation, left-sided 355
Hilton's law 33
Hip and knee
joint, nerve supply of 33
replacement 34
anesthetic options for 34
Histamine 415
Histidine 8
antidiuretic 31
hyposecretion 28
luteinizing 25
replacement 31
Human chorionic gonadotropin 124
Human papilloma virus 82
Humoral defense mechanism 3
Hunt and Hess scale 134, 134t
Hunter syndromes 524
Hurler syndromes 524
Hyaluronidase 157
role of 157
Hydralazine 316
and mucolytic therapy 340
intravenous 318
Hydrocephalus 74, 525, 527, 528, 541
active 526
chronic 528
posthemorrhagic 526
presentation of 527
variants of 528
Hydrocortisone 28, 30
Hydrothorax 253
hepatic 260
Hydroxychloroquine 42
Hyperbaric oxygen 58
Hypercapnia, permissive 107
Hypercarbia 36, 53, 221, 225, 287, 568
Hypercyanotic spell 435
Hyperdynamic circulation 253
Hyperemesis gravidarum 317
Hyperfibrinogenemia 254
Hyperglycemia 112, 122
Hyperglycemic crisis 112
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma 123
Hyperhidrosis 114
Hyperinsulinemia 224
Hyperkalemia 36, 259
Hyperlipidemia 21, 113
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state 123
Hyperpigmentation 253
Hyperplasia, benign prostatic 492
Hypersensitivity 580
Hypertension 1, 3, 12, 21, 34, 40, 42, 62, 63, 65, 113, 131, 150, 151, 158, 224, 229, 233, 265, 290, 296, 297, 573
acute 315
chronic 312
gestational 312
hepatic portal 256
portal 252
portopulmonary 258
prehepatic portal 256
pulmonary 107, 108, 225, 544
systemic 225
uncontrolled 565
Hypertensive disorders 312
Hyperthermia, malignant 403, 569
conditions 405
phase 397
Hyperthyroidism 111, 396, 398, 400
cardiovascular function in 397
transient 397
trophoblastic 408
uncontrolled 398
Hypertrophy 212
benign prostatic 492
left ventricular 3
Hyperventilation 3, 109
Hyperviscosity syndrome 432
Hypnosis 416
Hypocalcemia 48
Hypocapnia 352, 532
Hypodactyly 105
Hypoglycemia 64, 123, 124, 150, 296
loss of signs of 114
Hypogonadism 36, 230
Hypokalemia 48
Hypomagnesemia 48
Hyponatremia 259
Hypophosphatemia 48
Hypophyseal artery
inferior 26
superior 26
maxillary 99
pulmonary 108, 109
Hypopnea 469
Hypotension 24, 35, 57, 106, 107, 168, 221, 548
orthostatic 114, 297
treatment of 318
Hypothalamic disorders 230
Hypothermia 24, 49, 72, 85, 109, 287, 352, 395, 500, 511, 512, 516f, 540, 548
inadvertent 515
intraoperative 517
perioperative 511
phases of 516
Hypothyroidism 230, 392
causes of 392
hematological effects of 394
severe 394
signs of 393
subclinical 389
symptoms of 393
treatment of 394
Hypovolemia 8, 45, 254
Hypoxemia 57, 107, 108, 221, 225, 353
Hypoxia 35, 44, 117, 254, 256, 287, 568
causes of 376
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 352
Ichthyosis 253
Icterus 253
Ideal body weight 222
Immature baroreceptor reflexes 441
Immune 3
arteritis 19
dysfunction 357
Immunoglobulin E, levels of 370
Immunomodulators 363
Immunosuppression therapy 6
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator 275
implantation, indications of 277
placement of 444
Infective endocarditis prophylaxis 510
Inferior vena cava 105, 284
Influenza virus 357
Infraclavicular brachial plexus block 581
Infundibulum 25
Inhalation agents 4, 238, 295, 305
Injuries, severe vascular 578
Inotropes 287
Inoue-balloon technique 460
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 353
Insulin 64, 122
like growth factor-1 27
resistance 224, 229
types of 118
Insulinoma 230
Intensive care unit 32
Intensive spirometry 341
Intercostal catheter 191
Intercostal chest
drain 191, 199
system 191
tube insertion, contraindications of 193
Intercostal nerve block 478
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation 405
Internal jugular vein 93
International Club for Ascites 262, 263
Interstitial laser coagulation 492
Interstitial lung disease 42
Intra-abdominal pressure 52, 539
Intra-aortic balloon pump 93, 174, 189
use of 12
Intra-articular steroid injection 214
Intracranial pressure, raised 67, 565
Intradiskal electrothermal therapy 214
Intraocular pressure 156
Intrapleural pressure 191, 192f
Intrathoracic compression 390
Intravenous induction agents 305, 551
Intravenous regional anesthesia technique 576, 577
Intravenous steroid therapy, role of 373
Intubation, neonatal 521
Invasive blood pressure 70, 249
monitoring 235
Iodine preparation 400
Ipack block 38
Iron 2
Ischemia 10
cardiac 221
myocardial 30, 66, 158
post-thoracotomy 337
silent 114
warm 10
Isoflurane 266, 550
Isoproterenol 95
classification of 245
hemolytic 245
hepatocellular 246
Jet ventilation 562
Joffroy's sign 405
Jugular venous
compression 352
pressure 133
Kartagener's syndrome 357
KDIGO classification 11
Ketamine 220, 319, 374, 551
Ketoglutarate 8
Ketone bodies 123
abnormalities 234
disease, acute 41, 262
donor 7
injury 263
preservation solutions 8
transplantation 9
Kilner-dot mouth gag 102
Klinefelter syndrome 111
Klippel-Feil syndrome 100, 431, 523
Knee joint 33
Kumar Dodd plastic cannula 155
Kussmaul breathing 122
Kussmaul respiration 123
Kyphoscoliosis 537
Labetalol 69, 316
bolus 319
Lactate dehydrogenase 169
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 362
Laminectomy 215
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band 231
Laparoscopic bariatric surgery 240
Laparoscopic surgeries 52, 53, 5558
anesthetic implications for 52
basics of 52
over open procedures, major benefits of 52
Laryngeal mask airway 79, 102, 411, 422, 466, 524, 561
Laryngeal papillomatosis 522
Laryngoscope blade 521
Laryngoscopy 412, 524
Laryngospasm, risk of 556
Laryngotracheal injury 79
Larynx, nerve supply of 390
Lasègue's straight leg raise test 211
Laser 558
goggles 560
properties of 558
risk associated with 558, 559
surgery 560, 561, 562
anesthesia for 558
used for 560
uses of 558
Lasertubus 561
Latex allergy 540
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 111, 431
Le Fort
classification 76
fracture 76
Lean body weight 222, 234
Leflunomide 42
Left atrial pressure 448
Left coronary artery 162f
Left main coronary artery 159
Left ventricular
assist device 174
ejection fraction 42, 265
pressure 162
volume 164
outflow tract 355
Leptin resistance 224
Leukomalacia 106
Leventhal's criteria 364
Levobupivacaine 310
Lidocaine 86, 250, 310, 419
role of 374
Lingual tonsil 522
Lipid emulsion infusion 580
Lipomeningomylocele, blood loss in 540
Lipoprotein, high density 229, 230
Lipotoxicity 224
Liraglutide 118
Lithium 567
Liver 247
abnormalities 234
failure, clinical signs of 252
malfunction 252
cirrhosis of 252
acute 263
chronic 253, 254, 259, 262, 265
enzymes 317
failure 138
function tests 7, 47, 64, 118, 119, 232, 238
herniation of 106
support systems 264
toxicity 42
transaminases 297
transplantation 252, 258, 266
Living donor transplant program 7
Lixisenatide 118
Local anesthesia toxicity, management of 580
Local anesthetic 6, 220, 305, 310
dose requirements 306
toxicity 579
Local infiltration 14, 15
analgesia 37
Local skin infections 578
Long bone aplasia 105
Long QT syndrome 277
Loop diuretics 9
Lounge chair position 70
Low back pain 206
causes of 209
Low molecular weight heparin 39, 173, 459
Low platelet count 317
Low T3 syndrome 389
Lower motor neuron involvement 542
Lower opioid consumption 239
Lower-extremity pulse oximeter 108
canal stenosis 212, 215
disk herniation 211
epidural catheter 23
fusion 215
plexus block 37
spinal pain 206
spine 206
anatomy of 207f
cancer 338
types of 339
capacities 380
parenchymal 382
restrictive 380
embryological development of 105
expansion therapy 358
function, evaluation of 334
injury, acute 580
isolation 339, 342, 359
techniques of 490
parenchymal function 335
pulse sign 347
resection surgery 331, 333, 335, 338, 339
ventilation 475
volumes 370
normal 380
Macroaggregated albumin 257
Macroglossia 74
Magnesium 2, 178
sulfate 320
side effects of 316
Magnet over pacemaker pulse generator 278
Magnetic resonance
cholangiopancreatography 248
imaging 26, 68, 292, 297
Major obstetric hemorrhage, management of 327
Mallampati classification, modified 29
Mallampati grading 409
Mallampati score 140, 141t
Malnutrition 63, 565
Mandibular fracture 78
Mannitol 9, 14
Manual jet ventilation 80
Marfan's syndrome 152, 542
Mask ventilation 411
effects 338
left ventricular 223
Maternal systemic disease 314
Maxilla fracture 77
Maxillofacial bleeding 79
Maxillofacial injury 76, 78, 80
Maxillofacial trauma 81, 522
management of 76
Maximum voluntary ventilation 382
Mean arterial pressure 136
Mean pulmonary artery pressure 258
Mechanical valves 457
Mechanical ventilation 488
Median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials 70
Mediastinal mass 360, 365367
Medical electroconvulsive therapy, contraindications of 565
Medulloblastoma 75
Meglitinides 117
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone 25
Memory 61
Meningomyelocele 536538
Meperidine 310
Metabolic derangements 425
types of 229
Metabolic syndrome 113, 229
Metabolism, inherited disorder of 252
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 292, 298
Metanephrines 292
Metaraminol 60
Metastases 338
Metformin 66, 117
Methacholine 383
Methimazole 398
Methotrexate 42
Methyldopa 298
Methyl-para-tyrosine 298
Methylprednisolone 96
Microcephaly 106
Micrognathia 99
Microlaryngeal surgery 91
Microvascular angina 167
Midazolam 62, 218, 416, 515, 551
Miglitol 118
Milrinone 107
Minimal airway manipulation 239
Minimal allowable blood loss 87
Minimal alveolar concentration 62, 70
Minimize positive end-expiratory pressure 532
Minitracheostomy 490
Minute ventilation 225
Mitomycin 338
Mitral leaflet, posterior 446
Mitral regurgitation 168, 174
Mitral stenosis 446, 450f, 451f, 456, 462t
causes of 447t
etiology of 446
grading of 452t
management in 454
pathophysiological peculiarities of 448fc
signs of 449
symptoms of 449
Mitral valve
apparatus, anatomy of 446
area 456
indications of 456t
prolapse 544
repair 456
replacement 456
Mivacurium, use of 5
Molecular adsorbents recirculating system 264
Molecular patterns, pathogen-associated 264
Monitoring excess fluid absorption 503
Monoamine oxidase 567
inhibitors 566
Monology of Fallot 431
Mononeuritis 113
Morgagni hernia 105
Morphine 35, 250, 305, 310, 515
sulfate 436
Moustache sign 450, 450f
Mucopolysaccharidosis 543
Multifunction chest drain systems 199f
Multinodular hyperthyroid goiter 396
Multivariable apnea prediction instrument 226
relaxants 295, 305, 568
wasting 252
Muscular dystrophies 542
Musculoskeletal system 63, 303
Myasthenia gravis 360, 364, 367, 368
Myasthenic crisis 364, 369
Myasthenic syndrome 362
Mycobacterium avium complex 357
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 357
Mycophenolate mofetil 6
Mydriasis 158
Mydriatic agents 158
Myocardial extravascular compression 162
Myocardial infarction 40, 64, 118, 131, 168, 169f, 169t, 170f, 187t, 355, 401
acute 170f, 187
complications of 174
painless 114
perioperative 187, 189
presentation of 168
Myocardial oxygen supply 163, 164fc, 187
Myocardial rupture 174
Myocardium 160
Myofascial pain syndrome 207
Myoglobinuria 36
Myopathies 542
Myotonic dystrophy 111
Myxedema coma 395
N-acetylcysteine 14
Naloxone 417
Nasal bone 76
fracture 77
Nasal mucosa
preparation of 30
vasoconstrictors, role of 414
Nasoethmoid fracture 77
Nasogastric tube 107, 189
Nasotracheal intubation 80, 81
fiberoptic guided 80
videolaryngoscopic-guided 80
Nateglinide 117
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 119
Nausea 122, 145
Near-infrared spectroscopy 440
Near-total thyroidectomy 389
Neck 547
burns 522
dissection operation 85
scars 333
Needle cricothyroidotomy, percutaneous 411
Needle thoracostomy 109
Neonatal intensive care unit 106
Neostigmine oral 363
Nephritis, interstitial 1
Nephrolithiasis 317
Nephropathy 112, 128
contrast-induced 65
Nephrotoxicity 42
injury 38
stimulation, technique of 578
Nervous system 21, 61
Nesiritide 14
Neural foraminal stenosis 213f
Neuraxial anesthetic technique 308, 309
Neuroendocrine system 114
Neurohypophysis 25
Neuromuscular blocking
agent 5, 6
drugs 367
Neuromuscular disease 425
Neuromuscular junction, disorder of 360
Neuromuscular monitoring 235
Neuropathy, peripheral 112, 113
Neurovascular system 114
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin 12
New York Heart Association 93
Functional Classification 132, 132t
Nicardipine 316
Nifedipine 316
Nitrates 189
Nitric oxide, inhaled 107
Nitrogen 53
Nitroglycerin 30, 295
Nitrous oxide 53, 550
Nondepolarizing muscle relaxant 2, 234, 367
Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 165, 189
Non-ST elevation-acute coronary syndrome 173
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 6, 13, 18, 83, 91, 186, 214, 220, 249, 263, 323, 444, 467, 552
oral 50
use of 6
Nonthyroidal illness syndrome 389
Nontransplant surgery, anesthetic management for 15
Norepinephrine 95, 289, 290
North America and European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation 178
North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 277
Nose, nerve supply of 420
Nystagmus, vertical 68
Obesity 151, 218, 222, 224, 225, 228, 230, 232, 234, 243, 425, 522
abdominal 113
cardiomyopathy 224
central 229
hypoventilation syndrome 227
morbid 34, 222
paradox 224
hemorrhage 323, 324
management of 329
risk factors 313
Obstructive disorder 381
Obstructive jaundice 245248
clinical features of 246
etiology of 246
pathophysiology of 246
Obstructive sleep apnea 30, 31, 225, 425, 573
anesthetic implications of 228
severity of 227
syndrome 464, 469
Obturator nerve 33
Obtuse marginal artery 160
Ocular toxicity 42
Oculocardiac reflex 153
pathway 153
Oculorespiratory reflex 153
Off-pump CABG, advantages of 177
One-bottle system 195
One-lung ventilation 351, 353
indications of 341
Operating room
preparation 438
temperature management 518
Operating theater 540
preparation of 295
Ophthalmic anesthetic techniques 154
Ophthalmic blocks 157
complications of 157
Opioids 6, 219, 305, 310, 416, 515, 551, 573, 574
free analgesia 356
Optic neuropathy, ischemic 552
Oral anticoagulants 41
Oral cancer 82
Oral cavity 421
Oral hypoglycemic agent 125
Oral hypoglycemic drugs 117
classification of 117
Oral intubation 81
Orbital floor fracture 77
Organ failure assessment, sepsis-related 135, 136
Orogastric tube 107, 240
Oropharyngeal airway 524
Oropharyngeal anatomy 409
evaluation of 409
Oropharynx 421
Orotracheal intubation 79
videolaryngoscopic-guided 80
fracture 565
surgery 65
peripheral 576
Orthotropia 152
Ortner's syndrome 449
Osteoarthritis 33, 34
Osteoporosis 363
Osteoradionecrosis 82
Oxidizer 563
Oxybuprocaine 157
Oxygen 53, 425
cerebral metabolic rate of 69
dissociation curve 164
saturation 35, 353
Oxygenation 306
Oxytocin 329
Pacemaker 40, 275, 566
malfunction, types of 279
modes of 276
Pain 24, 50
relief 189
Palmar erythema 253
Pancoast syndrome 338
Pancreatitis 580
Pancuronium 5
Papillary muscles 446
Papworth bivent tube 348
Paracetamol 6, 444
Paraplegia, contractures 537
Parotid gland enlargement 252
Pars nervosa 25
Partial thromboplastin time 7
Passive handgrip test 116
Passy-Muir tracheostomy speaking valve 488
Patent ductus arteriosus 42, 284286, 472
incidence of 286
long-term sequelae of 286
Patrick's test 211
Peak inspiratory pressures 374
airway 521
assessment 522
cardiac surgery 441
cardiopulmonary bypass 441t
cardiovascular system 441
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome 470
tonsillectomy 466
anesthesia for 464
Pemberton's sign 405
Penicillin 510
Pentalogy of Fallot 431
Pentamidine 111
Peptic ulcer 318
Percutaneous coronary intervention 171, 173, 179
Percutaneous transvenous mitral
commissurotomy 456
valvuloplasty 456
Peribulbar block 156
Pericarditis 174
Perioperative anaphylaxis grading system 141, 142t
Perioperative beta-blocker therapy 22
Peripheral cyanosis, causes of 435
Peripheral nerve block 24, 37, 576, 578, 580
advantages of 579
disadvantages of 579
Peripheral vascular disease 12, 19, 20, 151
causes of 19
symptoms of 19, 20
Peritoneal cavity 52
Peritonitis, spontaneous bacterial 252, 259
Permanent tracheostomy, indications of 485
Peroneal nerve injury 352
Persistent stoma 490
Pethidine 305
Phacoemulsification 150
Phenoxybenzamine 291, 298
Phenylephrine 400
Pheochromocytoma 111, 288291, 297, 297t, 565
classic rule of 10 288
clinical features of 290
epidemiology of 288
localization of 292
locations of 288
malignant 298
pathophysiology of 289
Phosphate 122
Pickwickian syndrome 227
Pierre Robin sequence 99, 102, 523
Piggyback’ technique 267
Pinocytosis 304
Pioglitazone 118
Pituitary adenoma, management of 28
Pituitary gland 26
Pituitary tumor 26, 2830
excision 31
incidence of 26
types of 26
accreta 326, 329
increta 326
percreta 326
previa 324, 325
Placental abruption 324, 325
Placental circulation 541
Placental transport mechanisms 304
Placentation, abnormal 314, 326
cholinesterase 365
proteins 302
Plasmapheresis 363
Platelets 136, 440
count 7
dysfunction 4
hypothermia-induced 515
Pleural pressures, normal 192
Pleuravac and aqua-seal dual drainage systems 199f
Plummer's disease 396
Pneumocephalus 74
Pneumomediastinum 56
causes of 56
diagnosis of 56
management of 56
Pneumonia 42
Pneumopericardium 56
causes of 56
diagnosis of 56
management of 56
Pneumoperitoneum 5254
Pneumothorax 56, 57, 548
causes of 56
diagnosis of 56
management of 56
treatment of 109
Poland's syndrome 431
Polar diseases 397
Polio 542
Polycystic kidney disease 1
Polycythemia 225, 228
complications of 432
Polydipsia 123
Polymethyl methacrylate 35
Polysomnography 226
Polyuria 123
Polyvinyl chloride 91
Popliteal vascular injury 39
Porphyria 111
Portal venous system 26
Portopulmonary syndrome 252
Port-site infiltration 478
Positron-emission tomography 292
care unit 238
discharge scoring system 144, 145t
Post-coronary artery bypass grafting 188
Posterior anesthetic techniques 155
Posterior fossa 73
anesthetic implications for 67
boundaries of 67
syndrome 74, 75
tumor 70
Posteromedial soft tissue release 556
Postextubation ventilatory failure 369
Postictal agitation 569
Postoperative airway obstruction, causes of 104
Postoperative nausea and vomiting 31, 35, 56, 89, 145, 146, 153, 241, 467
Apfel score 145
lower 239
Postoperative nausea, prevention of 467
Postoperative pain 534
control 376
management 36, 91, 103
Postoperative warming therapy 518
Postrenal transplant incidental surgery 17
Postreperfusion syndrome 268
Post-tumor excision hypotension 296
Potassium 2, 7
Preanesthesia management 466
Prednisone 96
Preeclampsia 297t, 312, 318
clinical presentations of 314
complications of 317
diagnostic criteria for 312
risk factors for 313
severe 312
Preoperative endoscopic airway
evaluation 84
examination 85
Preoxygenation 236
hydrocephalus, normal 528
ventilation, positive 462
Prinzmetal angina 167
Pritchard regimen 316
Progesterone 124
Prolactinoma 26
Proparacaine 157
Propofol 38, 62, 72, 219, 234, 250, 305, 515, 551, 573, 574
Prostacyclin analogs 287
Prostaglandin 330
anesthesia for transurethral resection of 495
gland, anatomy of 491
hypertrophy of 491
surgery 65
transurethral resection of 491494
syndrome 502
transurethral resection of 502, 503
transurethral resection of 491, 497, 498
Proteinuria 265
Prothrombin time 7, 138
Proton pump inhibitors 415
Provocative test 383
Proximal cuff 577
Proxymetacaine 157
Pruritus 35, 253
Pulmonary artery 93, 448, 508
catheter 460, 512
hypertension 448, 456
occlusion pressure 164
wedge pressure 186
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 300
Pulmonary embolism 376, 377
Pulmonary function 337, 358, 384
evaluation of 334
report 384
tests 83, 336, 377, 384, 494
categories of 377
contraindications of 377
indications of 377
Pulmonary gas exchange 225
Pulmonary system 544
Pulmonary vascular
defect 256
resistance 92, 462
Pulse oximetry 341, 540
Pyridostigmine oral 363
Quadratus femoris 33
Quadriplegia 74
Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome 111
Radicular pain 208, 208t
Radiculopathy 208
Radioactive iodine therapy, contraindications of 398
Radioallergosorbent test 540
Radiocontrast dyes 401
ablation 214
denervation 214
Radioiodine therapy 401
Ramsay sedation scale 147, 218
Random blood sugar 7
Ranitidine 415
Rapid eye movement 227
Rapid sequence induction 69, 79, 81, 121, 237, 461
indications for 533
Rathke's pouch 25
Recombinant human beta natriuretic peptide 14
Rectus femoris 33
Red blood cells 245
Redo or Revision arthroplasty, implications of 42
Referred pain 208, 208t
Refractory ascites 260
Regional anesthesia 15, 18, 23, 56, 125, 150, 154, 244, 295
advantages of 462t, 497
challenges of 239
disadvantages of 239, 462t
over general anesthesia, advantages of 34
pros and cons of 239
role of 455
Remifentanil 69, 219, 234
Renal deficiency 151
Renal disease 331
Renal dysfunction, postoperative 338
Renal dysplasia 106, 472
Renal failure 112
functional 263
Renal function 55
test 7, 16, 64, 125, 494
Renal impairment 34
Renal plasma flow 303
Renal replacement therapy 264
Renal system 21, 62, 137, 262
Renal transplantation 8
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, activation of 224
Repaglinide 117
Residual muscle weakness 554
Respiration 220
Respiratory disease 331, 425
Respiratory failure 243, 355, 376
postoperative 369
Respiratory mechanics 301, 334
Respiratory obstruction 484, 489
Respiratory problems 150
Respiratory rate 224, 384
Respiratory system 21, 114, 135, 332
depression of 220
Respiratory tract infections, recurrent 464
Restricted airway access 425
Restrictive disorder 381
Reticular activating system 68
Retinopathy 112
Retrobulbar block 157
Retrograde ejaculation 114
Retrograde intubation 81, 413
Retrosternal goiter, implications of 404
Revised cardiac risk index 180, 181
Rhabdomyolysis 242
prevention of 242
Rheumatic fever, acute 447t
Rheumatoid arthritis 34, 41, 211, 357
Richmond agitation-sedation scale 146, 146t
Right coronary artery 159, 159f, 160f, 162f, 446
Right ventricular
failure 376
hypertrophy 431
outflow tract obstruction 431
Ringer's acetate 250
Ringer's lactate 250
Road traffic accidents 76
Robotic transoral surgery 90
Rocuronium 5, 69, 250, 311
Roizen's criteria 294
Ropivacaine 310
Rosiglitazone 118
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 231
Rubella, congenital 111
Sabrasez breath holding test 384
Sabrasez single-breath count 384
Sacral thrust 211
Sacroiliac joint 210
pain 211
syndrome 210, 214
dysfunction, causes of 211
Saline, normal 72
Scalp burns 550
Schizophrenia, acute 565
Sciatic nerve 33
block 37
injury 352
Scoliosis 542, 546
neuromuscular 542
postoperative management 552
severity of 543
surgery 545, 546, 548, 551
anesthetic plan for 546
types of 542
Secretes adrenocorticotropic hormone 25
Sedation, depth of 218
Seizure 123, 550
prophylaxis, regimens for 316
Sella dimensions 25
Sellick's maneuver 79
Sensory impairment 63
Sepsis 12
Septal defects 42, 105
Septicemia 500
Serological tests 362
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, selective 566
Serum creatinine 12, 34
level 315
Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 133
Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 190
Sevoflurane 550
Sexual dysfunction 114
Sheehan's syndrome 28
cardiogenic 174
electric 113
Shoulder dystocia 124
signs of 534
symptoms of 534
patency 439
procedures, complications of 530
types of 529
Sickle cell disease 578
Sigmoidoscopy 575
Single-bottle drainage system 196, 196f
Single-photon emission computed tomography 170
Sitagliptin 118
Skeletal malformations 570
and breast operations 65
blood flow 114
injuries 36
Sleep 61
apnea 218
clinical score 226
Small airway obstruction 382
Small cell lung cancer 339
Sneider's match blowing test 385
Snoring 225
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia 120
Society of Thoracic Surgeon 178
Sodium 2, 7
nitroprusside 295, 316
Soft cartilages 481
Somatosensory-evoked potentials 549f, 551
advantages of 550
disadvantages of 550
Southwick and Katz classification 29
Spider angiomata 34, 253, 322
Spinal curvature 542
Spinal epidural anesthesia 318
Spinal muscular atrophy 542
Spinal stenosis 34
Spine pathologies 42
Spirometry interpretation 380
Splanchnic blood flow 234
Squamous cell carcinoma 339
Stable angina 167
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 229, 252
pulmonary 430, 431
subglottic 522
Stereopsis 152
dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 42
replacement, preoperative 373
therapy 363
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 42
Stickler syndrome 100
Stoma 489
Strabismus 151
surgery 152, 153
goals of 152
Stress response 121
Stridor 388, 406, 407
causes of 406
Stroke 63, 112, 151
volume 223
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction 165, 189
Subarachnoid blockade 496
Subconjunctival injection 154
Subcutaneous emphysema 56
causes of 56, 486
management of 56
Subsartorial compartment block 37
Sub-Tenon block 149, 155, 158
Sub-Tenon space 155
Succinylcholine 5, 48, 234, 250
Sudden death 112, 168
Sudomotor test 116
Sufentanil 310
Sugar control 125
Suicidal tendency, severe 565
Sulfasalazine 42
Sulfonylureas 66, 117
Superior laryngeal nerve 86
Supraclavicular block 580
Supraglottic airway device 409, 569
Suprasternal compression 390
abdominal 65
cardiac 12, 13
electric 21
invasiveness of 233
noncardiac 286, 443, 458
nonobstetric 321
ophthalmic 154, 157, 158
pituitary 25
positioning for 539
subsequent 541
timing of 539
Surgical tracheostomy, steps of 482
Surgical wound infection 515
Suxamethonium 152
Sweating abnormalities 114
Sympathetic nervous system, test of 116
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 31
Syringomyelia 542
Systemic lupus erythematosus 1, 318
Systemic vascular resistance 284, 462
Systolic arterial pressure 230
Tachycardia 114, 164fc, 275, 460
junctional ectopic 509
ventricular 277
Tacrolimus 6
Takayasu's arteritis 19
Talipes equinovarus, congenital 555
Tar syndrome 431
Temporary cardiac pacing, indications for 278
Temporomandibular joint 426
anatomy of 427
ankylosis 409, 426
causes of 427, 427t
complications of 427
surgery, implications of 428
transfers 556
xanthomata 253
Tenon's capsule 156
Tensilon test 362
Tension pneumothorax 192
Testicular atrophy 253
Tetracaine 157
Tetralogy of Fallot 430, 432f, 433f
diagnosis of 432
pathophysiology of 431
Therapeutic lumbar facet joint injections 214
Thermoregulatory sweat test 116
Thiazides 111
Thiazolidinediones 118
Thiopentone 250
cage, anatomy of 191
cavity 192
deformity 544
epidural anesthesia 478
surgery 65, 331333
Three-bottle drainage system 195, 197, 198f
Throat pack, use of 87
Thrombin 326
Thromboangiitis obliterans 19
Thrombocytopenia 45, 297
idiopathic 317
Thromboelastography 49
Thromboelastometry, rotational 49
massive pulmonary 92
pulmonary 401
Thromboprophylaxis 34, 39
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 318
Thymectomy 363
Thymoma 366
Thyroglobulin 387
abnormalities 387
cancers, types of 388
cartilage 421
compression 381
disease 404
classification of 387
prevalence of 390
disorder 387, 573
dysfunction 390
subclinical 389
enlargement, massive 485
anatomy of 387
hyperfunction 392, 396, 397
normal weight of 387
physiology of 387
hormone 111
abnormalities of 392
act 387
levels, rapid lowering of 399
metabolism 392
peripheral manifestations of 400
production rate of 387
release, control of 399
replacement 395
secretion 392
synthesis 399
synthetic pathway, steps of 387
mass 404
stimulating hormone 25, 27, 389
storm 401403
differential diagnosis of 403
partial 389
subtotal 388, 406
total 389
types of 388
autoimmune 389
subacute 389
Thyrotoxicosis 397
management of 402
systemic effects of 397
Thyroxine, dose of 394
Tibial nerve block 37
Tidal volume 224
Tobramycin 35
Tocolytics agents 323
Tolbutamide 117
bluish discoloration of 432f
large 522
Tonsillectomy, indications for 464
chronic 464, 465
complications of 465
recurrent 465
Topical airway preparation 414t
role of opioids in 416t
Topicalization, methods of 419
Total blood volume 223
Total body
surface area 43
weight 222, 234
Total hip and knee replacement 33
anesthesia for 33
Total lung capacity 60, 225
Total parenteral nutrition 108
Trachea 480
compression of 390, 404
Tracheal deviation 333
Tracheal intubation 55, 81
Tracheal lumen 347
Tracheal stenosis 381
Tracheobronchial tree 359
Tracheoesophageal fistula 472
pathogenesis of 473
types of 472
Tracheomalacia 381, 405
Tracheostomy 480, 482, 486, 489
challenges of 487
complications of 483
contraindications of 481
disadvantages of 482
emergency 80
high 485
indications of 481
low 485
percutaneous dilatational 411
postoperative 485
preoperative 484
procedure, anatomy of 480
tube 483, 488
decannulation of 488
types of 481, 487
under local anesthesia 81
Tranexamic acid 39
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 203
Transesophageal echocardiography 70, 93, 510
Transient cerebral ischemic attack 131
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 254, 260
procedure 139
Transnasal high-flow rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange 86
Transnasal transsphenoidal surgery 30
Transtracheal jet ventilation 422
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy 505
Traumatic hip fracture 33
Treacher Collins syndrome 99, 102, 523
Tricuspid regurgitation 448
Tricyclic antidepressant 291, 566
Trigeminocardiac reflex 73
Triple arthrodesis 556
Tripod test 211
Trisomies 13, 18, 21, 106
Tropicamide 158
Tryptophan 8
Tumescent anesthesia 51
Tumor 68, 522
carcinoid 339
necrosis factor 224, 247
surgery 67
types of 67
Turner syndrome 111, 152
Two-bottle drainage system 195, 197, 197f
Tyrosine kinase, muscle-specific 360
Ultrashort cannula 155
Unfractionated heparin 173, 459
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis 381
Univent tubes 343, 348
Unstable coronary symptoms 64
Upper airway
fixed obstruction of 381
obstruction 481
signs of 333
Upper limb, complications of 577
Upper lip bite test 29
Upper motor neuron involvement 542
Upper respiratory tract infections 101, 556
Urinary bladder, perforation of 500
Urinary retention 35, 39
postoperative 39
Urinary tract infections 538
analysis 280
protein-creatinine ratio 315
blood flow 300
inversion 326
rupture 324, 325
Uteroplacental perfusion 315
Vaginal lubrication, loss of 114
Vagotonic drugs 95
Valsalva maneuver 116, 202
Valvular heart disease 458
Varicose veins 114
Vascular disease 62
Vascular surgery 65
Vecuronium 5, 311
Velocardiofacial syndrome 100
Venous air embolism 69, 73
Venous thromboembolism 39, 49, 580
Ventilation 301, 306, 532
control of distribution of 341
postoperative 364
spontaneous 562, 572
strategies 109, 354, 562
volume-controlled 354
Ventilatory support, postoperative 368
Ventricular fibrillation 277
Ventricular rupture 168
Ventricular septal
defect 431, 506
rupture 174
Ventricular shunts 529
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 531
Vertebral anomalies 472
Vertebral fracture 542
Vestibular schwannoma 69
Videolaryngoscope 86, 524
Vildagliptin 118
Vincristine 298
Vision loss 151
Visual analog scale 146
Visual evoked potential 30
Visual loss 63
B12 2
H deficiency 254
K antagonist, management of oral 458
Vocal cord dysfunction 381
Vomiting 122, 145
prevention of 467
von Graefe's sign 405
Wake-up test 545
Warfarin therapy 458
Warm skin 114
Waterston shunt 437
West haven grading system 255
Wet gangrene 126
Wheeze 369
Whipples surgery 128
Widened pulse pressure 253
Wilkins score 453t
Wilson's disease 252
Wire-guided endobronchial blocker 349
Wolff-Chaikoff effect 403
World Federation of Neurological Surgeons 134
grading system 134
World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 131
grading system 134t
World Heart Federation Task Force 171
Wright's spirometer 385
Xylometazoline 30
Yellow fat 511
Zirconium dioxide 35
Zuspan regimen 316
Zygapophyseal joints 210
Zygomatic arch fracture 77
Zygomaticomaxillary complex 76
fracture 76, 77
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Chronic Kidney DiseaseCHAPTER 1

Abhishek Singh,
Puneet khannaxy
Q1. Define chronic renal failure.
Ans. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as gradual and progressive decline of renal function taking several years leading to accumulation of excess fluid, electrolyte, and waste product of metabolism in blood.
Chronic kidney disease can also be defined as the presence of renal damage characterized by abnormal excretion of albumin or reduced kidney function quantified by measured or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 that persists for more than 3 months.
Q2. What are the causes of chronic kidney disease?
Ans. Most important causes are:
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Hypertension
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  • Interstitial nephritis.
Q3. What are the stages of chronic kidney disease?
Ans. Stages of CKD (National Kidney Foundation) are as follows:
  • Stage 1: Normal eGFR ≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2 and persistent albuminuria
  • Stage 2: eGFR between 60 and 89 mL/min/1.73 m2
  • Stage 3: eGFR between 30 and 59 mL/min/1.73 m2
  • Stage 4: eGFR between 15 and 29 mL/min/1.73 m2
  • Stage 5: eGFR of <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
Q4. What are the clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure?
Ans. Fluid
Over the period of time, CKD patients develop fluid overload as they are not able to adapt to varying amount of salt intake and have reduced capacity to concentrate or dilute urine which makes these patients vulnerable to volume overload when large amount of fluid is given.
Infusion of large amount of normal saline in patients with CKD leads to development of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis having deleterious effect like reduced cardiac contractility, cardiac output, renal blood flow, and GFR.2
Potassium: Potassium concentration in the body usually remains within normal limit until CKD stage 5 by increasing the excretion through remaining functioning nephron and by increasing excretion of potassium in stool.
Patients with CKD may develop hyperkalemia if there is exogenous intake of potassium or if there is transcellular shift which may occur in acidemia, insulin therapy, IV beta blocker use, etc.
Sodium: Chronic kidney disease may be associated with normal sodium balance, sodium retention or sodium excretion. Sodium homeostasis is also influenced by medication like diuretics, cardiac function, and fluid status of the body.
Magnesium: Patients with CKD have altered magnesium clearance leading to muscle weakness and increased action of nondepolarizing muscle relaxant (NMDR).
Calcium and phosphorous: Chronic kidney disease patients are more prone to hypocalcemia because of decreased absorption of calcium from the gut due to fall in production of vitamin D3.
There is hyperphosphatemia which causes calcium phosphate to be deposited in soft tissue further causing hypocalcemia.
Chronic hypocalcemia causes secondary hyperparathyroidism leading to activation of osteoblast and osteoclast causing osteitis fibrosa cystica.
Chronic kidney disease is associated with normocytic and normochromic anemia which has multifactorial origin. These are:
  • Reduced erythropoietin production
  • Ineffective erythropoiesis
  • Bone marrow suppression
  • Iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid deficiency
  • Reduced life span of red blood cell
  • Blood loss from gastrointestinal tract and dialysis
  • Hemolysis
  • Increased sampling in admitted patients
  • Anemia of chronic disease
  • Bone marrow fibrosts.
Patients with CKD usually have normal tests of coagulation and platelet count is usually within normal limit. Defective is the qualitative function of platelet. They have decreased adhesiveness and aggregation due to impaired release of von Willebrand and factor eight complex, reduced adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and thromboxane A2 leading to increased risk of bleeding.
Thromboelastographic indices show that each aspects of coagulation are increased, including initial fibrin formation, fibrin–platelet interaction, and qualitative platelet function.
Cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular diseases like myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke are more common as well as the leading cause of death in end-stage CKD patients.3
Pressure and volume overload are responsible for left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with long-standing history of CKD. Fluid retention is responsible for volume overload while hypertension and arteriosclerosis for pressure overload. Myocardial fibrosis associated with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) results in diastolic dysfunction and arrhythmias including high prevalence of second- and third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block and permanent pacing.
Long-standing CKD patents also have compromised endothelial function, low grade inflammation as well as dyslipidemia which lead to accelerated atherosclerosis and calcification of major blood vessels (Calciphylaxis).
Hypertension may be the cause or manifestation of kidney disease. Hence, controlling blood pressure is of prime importance in preserving residual renal function in both diabetic and nondiabetic renal disease (Cardio renal syndrome—effect of cardiac system on renal failure and vice versa).
Volume overload and pulmonary congestion are the main implicating factors for changes in respiratory system in patients with CKD. One of the complications of peritoneal dialysis which affect respiratory system is diaphragmatic splinting which leads to atelectasis of basal portion of the lung subsequently leading to arteriovenous shunting. CKD patients who are undergoing surgery are advised for dialysis and ultrafiltrate removal in order to reduce pulmonary congestion as well as complication (Hyperventilation as compensation for metabolic acidosis).
Humoral defense mechanism and cell-mediated immunity are defective in patients with CKD leading to poor wound healing, fistula, and catheter-related infection.
A lot of patients with kidney failure develop uremia which subsequently leads to gastroparesis. Many patients with ESRD also suffer from diabetes mellitus and autonomic neuropathy which slow gastric emptying hence these patients should be treated as full stomach and necessary precaution should be taken during surgery.
Neurological (Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome and Dialysis Dementia)
Uremia associated with renal failure can lead to neurological complications like malaise, fatigue, difficulty to concentrate, seizures, and coma which can be reduced with regular dialysis. Cerebrovascular manifestations like stroke can be seen due to vascular system involvement. Peripheral and autonomic neuropathies associated with ESRD can lead to orthostatic hypotension and silent myocardial ischemia.
The most common disease associated with CKD is diabetes mellitus. Patients developing nephropathy due to diabetes have higher morbidity and mortality than patients with other causes of CKD. All diabetic patients undergoing transplantation should undergo detailed evaluation of cardiovascular system as they have very high prevalence of fatal cardiovascular disease which often gets masked or remains symptom free due to diabetes mellitus. Successful renal transplantation needs good glycemic control which is also associated with a lower mortality.4
Neuraxial block
Platelet dysfunction associated with CKD and use of anticoagulants like heparin during dialysis are associated with an enhanced risk of bleeding in epidural space.
Epidural anesthesia should be given carefully in ESRD as these patients with poorly controlled blood pressure may land in hemodynamic instability after administration of local anesthetic that may further compromise renal perfusion and increase the risk of developing acute kidney injury. Therefore, risk and benefit of neuraxial anesthesia in patients with CKD should be analyzed and decision should be taken on individual case scenario.
Q5. How CKD affects anesthetic drug metabolism?
Ans. Chronic kidney disease-induced alteration in the body affects both—the pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics of a drug. Alteration in protein binding and hepatic metabolism is responsible for variation of clinical outcome of drugs.
Pharmacokinetic changes
Absorption: Pathophysiological manifestation of CKD like reduced gastric motility, raised gastric pH, and intestinal edema is responsible for altered absorption of many drugs.
Distribution: Changes in body composition induced by ESRD like fluctuating total body water content, plasma protein binding, tissue binding, etc., affect volume of distribution of drugs and their clinical effects.
Albumin acts as binding sites for acidic drugs. Accumulation of organic acids like lactic acid in CKD patients affects binding of acidic drugs on albumin as these organic acids also compete for the same binding site on albumin as those by acidic drugs.
Basic drugs mainly bind to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein which is an acute phase protein that is often elevated in CKD.
Elimination: Kidneys play an important role in drug metabolism as well as excretion of product of metabolism. All of these important functions of kidney are accomplished by activity of cytochrome P450 and various types of conjugation reaction.
Interestingly, nonrenal clearance of many drugs is reduced in patients with kidney disease. Hepatic clearance of drugs varies with changes in blood flow to the liver, the free fraction of a drug, and the metabolic capacity of the liver enzymes.
Changes in pharmacodynamics
Inhalation agents: All inhalational anesthetic agents cause reduction in the renal blood low as well as GFR in a dose-dependent manner. Many agents release fluoride after undergoing metabolism in the body and they are linked to high output renal failure in majority of cases. Amount of fluoride produced by isoflurane after metabolism is very small and is unlikely to cause any harm to the kidney. So isoflurane can be used as inhalational anesthetic for renal transplantation. Sevoflurane is known to produce compound A when it gets into contact with carbon dioxide absorbent used in anesthesia workstation. Studies have shown accumulation of compound A in anesthesia circuit when sevoflurane was used with low fresh gas flows. On evaluation, compound A has been found to be nephrotoxic in rats but no such association has been found in human beings with preexisting renal disease.5
Desflurane has also shown no derangements in renal function in patients with preexisting renal disease.
Hence, apart from isoflurane, sevoflurane as well as desflurane can also be used as anesthetic agent during renal transplantation.
Induction agents
End-stage renal disease has little impact on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of propofol. It is mainly metabolized in the liver and metabolites of propofol are not pharmacologically active. Infusion dose is similar in both ESRD patients as well as patients with normal kidney function.
Thiopental is also used during induction of patients with ESRD. Thiopental is metabolized entirely in the liver and its metabolites are excreted by the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. No harmful effects of thiopental on kidney function have been recorded so far.
Neuromuscular blocking and reversal agents
Succinylcholine is used as muscle relaxant in order to facilitate tracheal intubation. Succinylcholine has rapid onset of muscle relaxation and brief duration of action which make it ideal agent for tracheal intubation. But bolus dose of scoline is associated with rise in serum potassium concentration which can cause cardiac arrhythmias and in some cases even cardiac arrest especially in CKD patients. Hence, a caution should be exercised while using scoline in patients with ESRD.
Use of pancuronium in patients with CKD is associated with the problems of prolonged neuromuscular block and postoperative residual curarization (PORC) as pancuronium has a decreased clearance and increased half-life in patients with ESRD.
End-stage renal disease has little impact on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of atracurium. It is not dependent upon either renal or hepatic function for its metabolism and excretion. Atracurium mainly undergoes spontaneous breakdown at body temperature and pH which is known as Hofmann degradation, and some part of atracurium is also metabolized by nonspecific esterases. Hence, it can be safely used in patients with ESRD.
Cisatracurium which is cis isomer of atracurium is also metabolized by Hofmann degradation and ester hydrolysis. Many anesthetists prefer using cisatracurium as it is more potent and the plasma concentration of laudanosine after cisatracurium administration is lower than after an equipotent dose of atracurium.
Use of mivacurium in patients with ESRD is associated with slow recovery as a result lower infusion rates are required in these patients.
Vecuronium mainly undergoes biliary excretion but around 30% of drug is excreted by the kidney. Hence, use of vecuronium in ESRD patients is associated with prolonged duration of its action.
Rocuronium also undergoes primary bile excretion with up to 33% of drug being excreted in the urine within 24 hours. So the duration of action and time to recovery are significantly prolonged in patients with ESRD.
Patients with CKD have reduced clearance and prolonged half-life of neostigmine. Hence, while reversing the patient's neostigmine should be used with longer acting glycopyrrolate 6rather than atropine in order to avoid parasympathomimetic response, including bradycardia and AV block.
Sugammadex may prove useful in preventing PORC when patients have received an amino steroid NMBA (neuromuscular blocking agent). Its efficacy as a reversal agent does not appear to rely on renal excretion of the cyclodextrin-relaxant complex.
Analgesic agents
Paracetamol: Occasional use of paracetamol in normal subjects and in patients with ESRD showed no evident change in glomerular or tubular function but prolonged use has been associated with analgesic nephropathy. Intraoperative use of paracetamol is safe and does not require dose alteration.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in patients with ESRD is more likely to cause harm than any benefit during perioperative period. Their use is associated with acute reduction in GFR and in rare cases acute interstitial nephritis.
Opioids: Morphine is metabolized by the liver but its active metabolites are excreted by the kidney. Patients with ESRD receiving morphine will have prolonged effect due to accumulation of active metabolite of morphine, i.e., morphine 6 glucuronide. In the same way, repeated doses of meperidine may lead to seizures because of accumulation of normeperidine. There is no change in pharmacokinetics of fentanyl, alfentanil, and sufentanil in ESRD patients as their metabolites are inactive and have no effect on opioid receptors even if they accumulate due to repeated doses. As far as remifentanil is concerned, it is a very short-acting opioid which is metabolized by tissue esterases and do not require change in dose in ESRD patients as compared to normal patients.
Immunosuppression therapy: All ESRD patients post-transplantation require immunosuppression. Traditional regimens consist of—calcineurin inhibitor (ciclosporin or tacrolimus), antiproliferative agent (azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil), and a corticosteroid while newer regimens try to avoid or remove corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors. Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies also form part of treatment protocol post-transplantation.
Local anesthetics: The duration of action of local anesthetic is reduced in patients with CKD due to altered protein binding. Local anesthetic needs dose reduction by 25% because of altered protein binding and a lower seizure threshold.
  1. How prostaglandin mediated injury?
  2. Types of dialysis, flow rates, advantages and disadvantages, quality of dialysis.
  3. Routes of dialysis.
  4. Order of access for dialysis.
  5. Symptoms which improve/not improve/develop after dialysis.
Q1. Who is expanded criteria kidney donor?
Ans. An expanded criteria donor is donor who is either:
  • Age of donor: 60 years or more
  • Age: 50–59 years having two or more of the following criteria:
    • History of hypertension
    • Death from cardiovascular accident
    • Serum creatinine level >1.5 mg/dL.
Q2. What is a living donor transplant program?
Ans. A living donor transplant program allows both recipient and donor surgery to be done simultaneously. It has the advantage of having minimal time for organ preservation. The time taken for removal of kidney from donor to restoration of blood supply of kidney in the recipient can be reduced to less than 1 hour which increases the chances of survival of graft and reduces the incidence of delayed graft function.
Q3. What are the preoperative workups for chronic kidney disease patient?
Ans. The recipient should undergo routine tests such as:
  • ECG
  • Chest radiograph
  • Blood counts and platelet count
  • Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.
  • Fasting, postprandial, and random blood sugar
  • Renal function test—blood urea and serum creatinine
  • Test of coagulation—prothrombin time, INR (international normalized ratio), and partial thromboplastin time
  • Liver function test
Since cardiac disease is common in this patient population, a thorough cardiac evaluation is recommended.
Cardiac stress test should be done when they have:
  • Age >49 years
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Abnormal ECG showing findings of ischemia or old myocardial infarction, a new left bundle branch block, or diagnostic Q-wave changes in two contiguous leads
  • History of ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease.
But all the patients are not able to undergo exercise stress test due to various limitation and disease manifestation. Such patients are required to undergo dipyridamole thallium imaging or dobutamine stress echocardiography. All the high-risk patients with previous history of cardiac disease having positive finding should undergo further evaluation with coronary angiography and cardiac catheterization.
Preemptive coronary revascularization with stent or surgery is associated with improved cardiac event-free survival rate.8
Dialysis, if indicated, is done within 24 hours of the operation. Excessive removal of ultrafiltrate should be avoided during dialysis as adequate hydration is needed for graft to function properly after anastomosis.
Dialysis itself is associated with various complications like disequilibrium syndrome, dementia and hypovolemia, peritonitis due to peritoneal dialysis, and systemic anticoagulation which should be evaluated thoroughly before proceeding with the surgery. Pre- and postdialysis body weight should be noted and it should be above dry weight.
Q4. What are the various kidney preservation solutions?
  • Euro-Collin solution: It contains phosphate as pH buffer and glucose as osmotic agent.
  • University of Wisconsin: It contains cell impermeant agents like lactobionic acid, hydroxyl ethyl starch, raffinose, etc. They maintain the integrity of cell during storage of kidney during cold ischemia. Glutathione and adenosine stimulate recovery of normal metabolism after reperfusion—more hyperkalemia during reperfusion.
  • Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate:
    • Histidine—acts as potent buffer
    • Tryptophan—acts as membrane stabilizer and antioxidant
    • Ketoglutarate—improves adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production during reperfusion.
Q5. Discuss strategies of fluid management in renal transplantation.
Avoidance of hypovolemia
Adequate intravascular volume is required for proper functioning of graft. Perioperative fluid therapy during renal transplantation should aim at maintaining adequate hydration so that the transplanted kidney is well perfused reducing the incidence of delayed graft function and also improving graft survival. Donor kidney is generally denervated and has lost its capacity of autoregulation in case of hemodynamic instability. Hence, any decrease in blood pressure leads to reduced perfusion and repeats ischemia of transplanted kidney which necessities that perioperative fluid management should be done cautiously during kidney transplantation.
Use of crystalloid solutions
Isotonic crystalloid solutions are considered as first choice for volume replacement during kidney transplantation. Fluids such as normal saline and Ringer lactate are used for correcting hemodynamic instability during surgery, but balanced crystalloid solution are often preferred as compared to saline-based fluid because administration of large amount of normal saline may lead to development of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis while balanced crystalloid solutions are not associated with such disturbances of electrolyte and acid-base status. But caution should be exercised while using balanced crystalloid solutions as there is risk of hyperkalemia in cases of impaired graft function. So proper monitoring of serum electrolytes is advised while using them as fluid replacement during kidney transplantation.
Use of colloid solution
Use of human albumin for volume expansion during kidney transplant has shown positive outcome with respect to urine output, renal function, and graft survival.9
Use of hetastarch has certain concern in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients since its use is associated with impaired platelet function and coagulation in a patient who is already prone to bleeding complication because of uremia-induced platelet dysfunction.
Mannitol, loop diuretics, and low-dose dopamine
Use of mannitol during kidney transplantation just before declamping of vascular anastomosis offers many advantages like:
  • By expanding the intravascular volume of recipients it offers protection against repeat ischemia of transplanted kidney.
  • By preventing water reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubule it prevents tubular obstruction and increases tubular flow rate of urine.
  • It acts as free radical scavenger.
  • It increases the release of vasodilatory prostaglandins in the kidney.
Loop diuretics like furosemide are generally given during period of vascular anastomosis to promote urine production but it is unclear whether it improves graft function or simply increases urine production from a functioning kidney.
Studies on the use of dopamine infusion during kidney transplantation have failed to show any significant benefit.
Q6. Perioperative hydration policy during kidney transplantation.
Ans. The most important goal of fluid administration during kidney transplantation is to maintain adequate intravascular volume status as well as stable hemodynamics. Both overhydration and underhydration should be avoided. It is pertinent to note that adequate hydration of donor as well as recipient is important for success of renal transplantation and for proper functioning of graft after surgery.
Fluid strategy in donors
It is recommended to give fluid generously in all cases of donor nephrectomy in order to main good diuresis before clamping of renal vessels. Balanced crystalloid solutions are preferred as compared to saline-based fluid. Good hydration along with stable hemodynamics helps the graft to tolerate ischemia time after nephrectomy with less damage till vascular anastomosis is completed in the recipient.
Fluid strategy in recipient
Proper fluid management leads to stable hemodynamics in surgical patients. Maintaining adequate hydration of recipients during vascular anastomosis and declamping is an essential part of anesthetic management during kidney transplantation. Good hydration of recipient leads to good cardiac output, tissue perfusion, and stable hemodynamics which are very essential for good graft function in early postoperative period. To reduce the incidence of delayed graft function recipients are given unrestricted fluid intraoperatively. Systolic blood pressure is targeted between 130 and 160 mm Hg while central venous pressure (CVP) is targeted between 10 and 15 mm Hg. Declamping of renal vessels followed by reperfusion of graft may be associated with sudden hypotension. It is important to maintain blood pressure in order to avoid any injury to transplanted organ due to hypoperfusion.10
The important factors leading to postrevascularization hypotension are:
  • Rapid shift of 25% of cardiac output to the renal graft
  • Release of vasodilator mediators accumulated during renal ischemia period.
Hence, adequate precaution should be taken to avoid hypotension and subsequent injury to transplanted organ.
Q7. What are the intraoperative concerns and precautions during transplant surgery?
Ans. The main anesthetic goal is to maintain renal perfusion and prevent harm to the donated kidney by avoiding hypoxia, hypovolemia, hypotension, and nephrotoxic drugs.
Some important concerns are:
  • Cadaveric renal transplants are usually done on emergency basis. Recipients of cadaveric renal transplants should be evaluated by proper history, examination, and investigation before taking them to surgery.
  • Antihypertensive medications should be continued perioperatively.
  • Central venous cannulation and arterial cannulation should be done on extremities other than arteriovenous (AV) fistula. The AV fistula should be protected by cotton pad.
  • Adequate blood and blood products should be made available in operating room (OR).
  • Intravenous (IV) methylprednisolone is usually given after induction.
  • Invasive monitoring (CVP and arterial) is established to guide fluid therapy.
  • Postdeclamping adequate hydration should be maintained.
  • Mannitol and furosemide may be given during anastomosis to stimulate urine formation and to restore function in the transplanted kidney after reperfusion.
  • Hyperkalemia should be treated promptly.
  • If the kidney function is not restored, some patients may need dialysis in the postoperative period for hyperkalemia and fluid overload.
  • Regional anesthesia/analgesia can be administered after weighing the risks and the benefits.
Q8. What is cold and warm ischemia time?
Ans. Ischemia time during kidney transplantation starts with clamping of renal vessels in the donor to the end of vascular anastomosis in the recipient. The whole period is divided into warm and cold ischemia time. Warm ischemia time starts with clamping of renal vessels in the donor being interrupted by preservation of graft in low temperature and starts again with start of vascular anastomosis in recipients and ends with declamping of renal vessels.
Cold ischemia is the time during which graft is usually preserved by storing it at 4°C generally for less than 24 hours.
  1. Expected GFR in a post-transplant donor and recipient.
  2. Optimization of donor.
  3. Maastricht classification of DCD.
  4. Anesthesia management of brain dead donor.
  5. Criteria for live donors for transplantation.
  6. Role of antithymocyte globulin.
  7. HLA matching, PRA.
  8. Brain death diagnosis.
Q1. Define RIFLE criteria for AKI.
GFR criteria
Urine output criteria
Serum creatinine increased × 1.5
Or GFR decrease >25%
<0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥6 h
Serum creatinine increased × 2
Or GFR decrease >50%
<0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥12 h
Serum creatinine increased × 3
Or GFR decrease ≥75%
Or an absolute serum creatinine ≥354 μmol/L
With an acute rise ≥4 μmol/L
<0.3 mL/kg/h for ≥24 h or anuria for >12 h
Persistent AKI, requiring renal replacement therapy for >4 weeks
Requiring dialysis for >3 months
(ESRD: end-stage renal disease; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; AKI: acute kidney injury)
Q2. Define AKIN classification of acute kidney injury (AKI).
GFR criteria
Urine output criteria
Stage 1
Serum creatinine increased ≥26.2 μmol/L
Or × 0.5–2 baseline
<0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥6 h
Stage 2
Serum creatinine increased × 2–3 baseline
<0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥12 h
Stage 3
Serum creatinine increased >× 3 baseline
Or serum creatinine ≥354 μmol/L with an acute rise ≥44 μmol/L or initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT)
Q3. Define KDIGO classification of AKI.
GFR criteria
Urine output criteria
Stage 1
Serum creatinine increased × 1.5–1.9 baseline
<0.5 mL/kg/h for 6–12 h
Stage 2
Serum creatinine increased × 2–2.9 baseline
<0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥12 h
Stage 3
Serum creatinine increased >× 3 baseline
Or serum creatinine ≥354 μmol/L with an acute rise ≥44 μmol/L or initiation of RRT
<0.3 mL/kg/h for ≥24 h or anuria for ≥12 h
Q4. Define AKI.
Ans. The AKI network defines AKI as presence of one of the following criteria:
  • An absolute rise in serum creatinine level of ≥0.3 mg/dL (≥26.4 μmol)
  • A percentage rise in serum creatinine level of ≥150% (>1.5-fold from the baseline)
  • A decrease in urine output of <0.5 mL/kg/h for >6 h.12
Q5. Why serum creatinine is neither sensitive nor specific marker for AKI?
  • Serum creatinine level in a patent is affected by many factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, muscle bulk, volume status of body, treatment, and diet like amount of protein intake.
  • No change in serum creatinine level is observed till glomerular fitration rate (GFR) is reduced by >50% from baseline.
Q6. What are the risk factors for AKI?
Patient-related factors
Surgical factors
Length of surgery
Major abdominal surgery
Diabetes mellitus
Duration of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
Pulmonary disease like chronic obstructive
Cross clamp time
pulmonary disease (COPD)
Cardiac causes like heart failure
Hemolysis (cardiac surgery)
Chronic kidney disease
Hemodilution during cardiac surgery
Emergency operation
Use of intra-aortic balloon pump
Peripheral vascular disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Q7. What should be the characteristics of ideal biomarker of AKI?
Ans. An ideal biomarker should have following characteristics:
  • It should be highly sensitive as well as specific.
  • It should have rapid and consistent response to injury.
  • It should have normal values for age, sex, and race already established.
  • Its level should correlate with the severity of the disease.
  • Its detection should be quick, reliable, and cost-effective.
Q8. Elaborate some novel biomarkers of AKI.
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) cannot be detected in urine or in plasma of all those patients having normal kidney function. Studies have shown that urinary NGAL has higher sensitivity and specificity in pediatric population undergoing cardiac surgery for predicting postoperative AKI as compared to adult population.
Plasma NGAL level has demonstrated low sensitivity for detecting AKI following cardiac surgery hence limiting its use as single biomarker for predicting AKI.13
It is a transmembrane glycoprotein which is generally not expressed in normal renal tissue. Various human and animal studies have shown that soluble form of KIM-1 molecule is readily detectable in urine following injury to kidney due to ischemia and nephrotoxins. It is also found to be highly sensitive marker for AKI following cardiac surgery.
Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is an inflammatory cytokines which is raised in a number of inflammatory diseases but it has found to be early biomarker for AKI in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), postcardiac surgery, etc.
Cystatin C
Cystatin C is produced by all nucleated cells of the body. It is freely filtered by the kidney and undergoes complete reabsorption in the renal tubules. Various studies have shown no clear association between plasma cystatin C level and AKI but urinary cystatin level was associated with AKI and correlated with severity of injury.
Q9. What are the management strategies for AKI?
Ans. Avoidance of AKI remains the cornerstone of management.
Preventive measures
Fluids and goal-directed therapy: Maintaining renal perfusion is the most important strategy for preventing AKI as most of the patients developing postoperative AKI have episodes of hemodynamic instability during intraoperative period. Maintaining adequate hydration is vital but fluid should be given cautiously as fluid overload associated with complication like poor wound healing, gut edema, increased duration of mechanical ventilation, and length of stay in the hospital. Positive fluid balance during perioperative period has a detrimental effect on renal function. Hence, goal-directed fluid therapy is recommended during perioperative period to prevent AKI as well as to improve patient outcome.
Avoidance of nephrotoxic agents: A number of medications being used during perioperative period have lethal effect on kidney function. Drugs like angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARB), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the main culprits. Antibiotics like aminoglycosides, penicillin, fluoroquinolones, and cephalosporin's can also lead to AKI either by direct injury or by secondary interstitial nephritis.
Hemodilution and transfusion in cardiac surgery: Studies have shown association between blood transfusion and hemodilution during cardiac surgery with increased incidence of AKI. In order to prevent AKI current guidelines suggest to maintain hemoglobin >7 g/dL and hematocrit >21%.
Pharmacological interventions
Dopamine: Studies have shown no benefit for using dopamine either for the treatment or prevention of AKI.14
Fenoldopam: Fenoldopam has conflicting results when it is used for the management of AKI. When used during cardiac surgery, it has reduced the incidence of AKI, need for RRT and mortality.
Diuretics (furosemide/mannitol): Use of diuretics during AKI may improve urine output but studies have not shown any survival benefit or reduced the need for hemodialysis after their use in AKI.
Atrial natriuretic peptide: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is an endogenous diuretic and natriuretic which is produced by cardiac atria in response to stretching and dilation. Use of recombinant ANP in postoperative period of cardiac surgery patients with decompensated heart failure has reduced the need for RRT, but it has shown no such benefit in other patient's population.
Nesiritide (recombinant human β natriuretic peptide): Further studies are needed before any recommendation can be made about its use in AKI patients.
N-acetylcysteine: Use of N-acetylcysteine in perioperative period has not shown any survival and protective benefit, but there is some protective role of N-acetylcysteine in contrast-induced nephropathy.
Prophylactic RRT: Prophylactic RRT is not recommended in high-risk patients undergoing major surgery because of insufficient evidences.
RRT in established AKI: Patients with established AKI need RRT for definite management.
2013 - Cochrane analysis on perioperative renal protective strategies concluded that no pharmacological intervention is effective. Prevention of hypovolemia is the single best strategy for renal protection.
  1. Significance of FeNa.
  2. Early diagnosis of complications like sepsis, abdominal, HTN and hemorrhage.
Q1. Anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula surgery. Why is it created for dialysis?
Ans. A fistula is surgically created between radial artery and cephalic vein. Other sites include brachial and the basilic vein. They have the advantage of long-term patency, lower infection and reduced mortality but they need at least 1–4 for maturation.
Complications of arteriovenous (AV) fistula consist of infection, stenosis, thrombosis, aneurysm, and limb ischemia.
Anesthetic options include:
  • General anesthesia (GA)
  • Local infiltration
  • Brachial plexus block.
15General anesthesia has a lot of concern and complications in view of significant comorbidities, but may have to be administered if patient refuses or is not willing for regional anesthesia (RA).
Local infiltration anesthesia is other option which requires patient cooperation. Repeated injections may be required; this can increase the chances of systemic local anesthetic toxicity.
Regional anesthesia with brachial plexus block is an effective and preferred alternative to GA and infiltration anesthesia. RA has various advantages such as vasodilatation, better hemodynamic stability and good postoperative analgesia, but the maximum dose of the local anesthetic drug should be reduced by 25% because of their altered pharmacokinetics in chronic renal failure (CRF) and lower seizure threshold.
Q2. Anesthetic management for nontransplant surgery.
Ans. Our main goal is to avoid hypoxia, hypovolemia, and hypotension.
Preoperative evaluation
History should consist of:
  • Proper history regarding onset of disease
  • Disease process leading to CRF
  • Requirements and schedule of dialysis (dry weight, native urine output)
  • Comorbidities
  • Detailed history of drug therapy including antihypertensive and oral hypoglycemic agent
  • Assessment of fluid and electrolyte status
  • Assessment of renal function
  • Blood pressure (BP) and sugar trends
  • Use of radiocontrast
  • Previous surgical history
  • Bleeding disorders, blood transfusion
  • Allergies
  • Use of nephrotoxic agents
  • Significant history of cardiac disease and peripheral vascular disease
  • Any symptoms of congestive heart failure
  • Functional capacity.
General examination (Examination of AV fistula)
  • Build
  • Nutritional status
  • Pallor, periorbital and peripheral edema
  • Features of uremic syndrome
  • Raised jugular venous pressure (JVP).
Systemic examination
  • Cardiovascular system (CVS)
    • Murmurs, carotid bruits, pericardial effusion
  • Respiratory
    • Respiratory rate, pattern, added sounds
  • Central nervous system (CNS)
    • Orientation16
    • Uremic encephalopathy
    • Sensory/motor/autonomic neuropathy
  • Renal
    • Native urine output
    • Input and output charting.
Preoperative diagnostic testing
  • Complete blood count
  • Renal function test: Na+, K+, Cl, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Cr, Ca, and HCO3 levels
  • Repeat electrolyte 2–3 hours before surgery/4–6 hours after last dialysis
  • Chest X-ray
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Arterial blood gas analysis
  • Prothrombin time
  • Liver function test
  • Echocardiography can be done in patients with
    • Hemodynamic instability
    • Poor functional capacity
    • Patients with long-standing end-stage renal disease (ESRD) associated with diabetes.
Preoperative optimization
For elective surgery, it is important to optimize BP, serum potassium level. Avoid unnecessary blood transfusion. The antihypertensive should be continued perioperatively. Metoclopramide and H2-receptor antagonists should be administered if patient has gastroesophageal reflux.
Care of fistula
  • Avoid hypotension—prevent fistula thrombosis
  • Avoid injecting any drug
  • Avoid cannulation of artery or vein on same side of fistula
  • Apply light bandage
  • Avoid BP cuff on that side
  • Adequate circulation should be maintained in that arm
  • Avoid flexing or overextending the arm.
Anesthetic goals
Preoperative period:
  • Maintain hydration
  • Avoid acid-base and electrolyte imbalance
  • Maintain hematocrit above 25%
  • Coagulopathy if any should be corrected
  • Adequate BP and blood sugar control
  • Aspiration prophylaxis.
Intraoperative period:
  • Proper care during positioning
  • Proper care of AV fistula17
  • Appropriate drug use and dose modification
  • Asepsis in placing invasive lines
  • Neuromuscular monitoring
  • Drugs to blunt intubation response and maintain hemodynamic stability
  • Adequate hydration and goal-directed fluid therapy
  • Urine output monitoring.
Postoperative period:
  • Avoid aspiration
  • Avoid extubation response
  • Avoid respiratory depression
  • Extubate only when patient is completely reversed and fully awake.
Postoperative care:
  • Monitor urine output
  • Postoperative analgesia—multimodal
  • Intermittent boluses of fentanyl/morphine/patient-controlled analgesia
  • Serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine level should be measured daily
  • Maintain adequate hydration.
After minor surgery, patient should return to their preoperative regimen as soon as possible. After major surgery, some patients may require dialysis for some time in the postoperative period.
Q3. Postrenal transplant incidental surgery
Ans. The main considerations for post-transplants patients are:
  • Side effects of immunosuppressant
  • Potential for rejection
  • Risk of infection
  • Status and function of transplanted organ
  • Status of other organs affected by immunosuppression or the transplanted organ
  • H/s/o metabolic syndrome, CVD, obesity, OSA. 65% - new onset OM.
Anesthetic management
The main anesthetic goal is to maintain renal perfusion with least alteration in the immunosuppressive regimen.
Preoperative evaluation
  • Functioning of graft and any evidence of rejection should be noted. Presence of uremia, hypertension, and proteinuria may indicate chronic graft rejection. Some postrenal transplant patients may require dialysis. There is high morbidity and mortality during rejection so elective surgery should be postponed.
  • Evidence of infection: Typical signs and symptoms of intra-abdominal sepsis are often absent.
  • All baseline investigations should be done including liver function test as they may be deranged secondary to immunosuppressive drugs.
Induction of anesthesia
  • The choice of perioperative monitoring is determined by the nature of surgery.
  • Nasal endotracheal intubation should be avoided to prevent infection.18
  • Use of LMA acceptable.
  • Avoid nasal intubation.
  • Regional anesthesia can be administered if the clotting studies and platelet count are normal.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are contraindicated and can augment nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine.
  • Drug interactions—cyclosporine A interacts with nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers potentiating their action, thus decreasing the dose and frequency of top-up doses is required.
  • Azathioprine antagonizes neuromuscular blocking drugs.
  • Immunosuppressive agent should not be stopped perioperatively.
  • Perioperative steroid treatment regimen.
Patient receiving more than 10 mg prednisolone continuously for last 3 months:
Minor operation (hernias, hand surgery)
25 mg hydrocortisone at induction
Moderate surgery
Usual preoperative steroids
+ 25 mg hydrocortisone at induction
+ 100 mg hydrocortisone/day
Major surgery (major trauma, prolonged surgery, or surgery where there is delayed oral intake)
Usual preoperative steroids
+ 25 mg hydrocortisone at induction
+100 mg hydrocortisone/day for 2–3 day
All other patients—no additional steroids required
  1. Analgesia options for
    • Donor nephrectomy
      (i) open (ii) lap
    • Kidney transplant surgery
    • Post-transplant surgery.
  2. Calculate GFR.
  3. 2020 – AAGBI guidelines on management of patients using perioperative steroids.