Neonatal ICU Protocols Neelam Kler, Pankaj Garg, Anup Thakur
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Aagenaes syndrome 152
Absolute neutrophil count 217f
Acetaminophen 246
Acetazolamide 190
disorders, management of 198
imbalance 194
Acidosis, correction of 24
Acinetobacter spp 215
Activated partial thromboplastin time 157
Adenosine triphosphate 67
Adrenal insufficiency 30
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 30
Air and oxygen, compressed source of 85
Air leak 62, 70, 237
management 71
Air transport, problems with 237
Alagille syndrome 149
Albumin transfusion 152
Albuterol 24
Alfentanil 245, 246
Alkaline phosphatase, elevations of 150
Amblyopia 213
American Academy of Pediatrics 46
American Heart Association 110fc
Amiel-Tison method 259
Amino acid 43
constitution 43
metabolism, hereditary defects in 30
Aminophylline 103
algorithm of 165
clinical effects of 162
clinical features of 162
in neonate 161
management of 163
of prematurity 161
prevention of 165
Angiogenic growth factors 94
Angiotensin receptor blockers 198
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 196, 198
Antenatal corticosteroids 191
Antenatal steroids 140, 211
Antepartum risk factors 3
Anthropometric measures 258
Antibacterial prophylaxis 152
Antibiotics 224
Anticipatory guidance 257, 262
Antiepileptic drug 184
Antimicrobial treatment 221fc, 222fc
Antiplatelet antibodies 158
Antitrypsin deficiency 149
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment 212
Aortic root
left atrial to 121
left atrium to 127
Aortic stenosis 107
Apnea 192
monitors 102
of prematurity 100
Arginine vasopressin, low-dose 69
Arterial blood gas 133, 181
Arterial puncture 246
Arterial venous oxygen 126
Arthrogryposis renal
cholestasis 152
syndrome 149
tubular dysfunction-cholestasis syndrome 152
Asphyxia 27, 130, 173t
risk factors for 172t
Asphyxiated neonates 177
Asymptomatic baby with murmur 107
Atelectasis, multiple areas of 94f
Atelectotrauma 232
Atrial natriuretic peptide 13
Atrial septal defect 107, 114
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 256
Auditory brainstem response 259
Auditory evaluation 259
Baby on ventilator, acute deterioration of 78, 79fc
Baby's lung 2
ventilation of 12
Baroda development screening test 261
Basal ganglia 147
Bayley infant neurodevelopment screen 261
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 30
Behavioral problems 256
Behavioral skills 2
Bell's staging 139t
Bernard-Soulier syndrome 156
Bile acid
synthetic defects 149, 152
synthetic disorders 150
Bile duct
obstruction 149
spontaneous perforation of 149
Bilirubin encephalopathy, acute 146
Bilirubin-induced auditory toxicity 146
Biphasic positive airway pressure 8284
Birth asphyxia, incidence of 172
Blalock-Taussig shunts 114
Bleeding neonate 155
age of onset of 156
diagnostic evaluation of 156
etiology 155
treatment 158
Blindness and deafness 256
ammonia 30
culture 218
exchange transfusion 222
for transfusion, volume of 163
group incompatibility 144
lactate levels 30
large amount of 190f
loss 161
transfusions, judicious of 211
urea nitrogen 199
Blood clot
large amounts of 189f
small amounts of 189f
Blood gas 87
analysis 111
approach to 203
parameter, normal 77
Blood glucose
level estimation, methods of 28
screening, indications for routine 28t
Blood pressure 130
fluctuations, phenobarbital modulates 191
Bloodstream infection 215
central-line-associated 214
Bolus feeding 52
Bone marrow 165
Bosentan 69
developing 247
natriuretic peptide 121
Brainstem nuclei 147
Breastfeeding 144
Breast milk 224, 233
expressed 48, 50
jaundice 144
Bronchodilators 96
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 58, 91, 92, 98, 104, 227, 231, 234
Caffeine 103, 104
Calcium 41, 49
disorders of 26
Capillary blood gas 57
Capillary refill time 126
Carbohydrate 40
metabolism, hereditary defects in 30
Cardiac catheterization 112
Cardiac disease, suspected 108t
Cardiac function 127t
Cardiac size 111
Cardiovascular system 230
Care beyond technology 254
Care during transport 239
Cataract 213
Catastrophic deterioration 188
Cation exchange resins 24
Cell surface markers 219
Central apnea 101
Central arterial lines 232
Central cyanosis 109
Central line placement 246
Central nervous system 102, 112, 229, 230, 262
Central pattern generators 260
Central venous pressure 126
Cerebellum 147
Cerebral blood flow 187
Cerebrospinal fluid 102, 222
examination 218
indications for 190
compression 9
physiotherapy 247
Child psychologist 256
Chlorhexidine, use of 232
Chloride 41
Choledochal cyst 149
Cholestatic disorders, management of 153t
Cholestatic syndromes 149
Cholestyramine 152
Chorioamnionitis, criteria of 215
Chromosomal disorders 106
Chylothorax 11
Circulatory collapse 107, 109
Circulatory management 69
Claudin-3 138
Clear airway 4
Coagulation factor disorder 156
Coagulation protein disorders 156
Coagulopathies, treatment of 159
Coarctation of aorta 107
Cognitive 256
Collagen receptor deficiency 156
Communication and family support 238
Complete blood count 150
Congenital heart disease 11, 106
Congenital hyperinsulinism 30
Congenital hypopituitarism 30
Congenital hypothyroidism, screen for 256
Congenital infection 155
Congestive cardiac failure 107, 108
Congestive heart failure 149
Constricted ductus 119f
Continuous feeding 52
Continuous positive airway pressure 5, 83, 87, 89, 96, 103, 211, 227, 228, 231
Continuous renal replacement therapy 199
Conventional ventilation 76
Cord clamping 226228
Coronal cranial ultrasound scan 190f
Coronal ultrasound scan 188f
Corticosteroids 96
Cranial ultrasonography 233
C-reactive protein 101, 216, 220
Cryotherapy 211
Cyanosis 106, 107
Cyanotic heart disease 107
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 67
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate 67
Cyclooxygenase-1 67
Cysteine 43
Cystic fibrosis 149
Cystic periventricular leukomalacia 260
Cytomegalovirus 150, 151
infection, prevention of 164
Deficit replacement strategy 15
Deficit repletion and maintenance 15
Dehydration 17
Delivery room
care in 226
continuous positive airway pressure 228
oxygen in 227
stabilization 58
Denver developmental materials 261
Detect readily treatable disorders 150
Development assessment tests 261
Developmental screening tools 260
Developmentally supportive care 252
implementation of 255
Dexmedetomidine 245
Dextrose 43
concentration 43
Diazoxide 30
Disability screen test 261
advice 250
planning 249, 256
elements of 250t
preparation 249
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 157, 175
Dobutamine 129
effect of 131fc
Docosahexaenoic acid 40, 47
Documentation and consent forms 238
Donor blood, hematocrit of 164
Donor human milk 233
Dopamine 129, 130fc, 134
Double volume exchange transfusion 24
Down's syndrome 106
Downes' score 87t
Doxapram 103
Ductal arteriosus closure, factors controlling 117
Ductus arteriosus 119
Duke's abdominal assessment scale 137
Dyselectrolytemias, management of 197
Early intervention therapy 257
Electrolyte 43
deficit 14
imbalance 25
management, goals of 13
hypoxic-ischemic 172, 176t
severity of 174t
End stage liver disease 152
Endocrine causes 152
Endocrinopathies 149
Endoscopic variceal ligation 152
Endothelial cells 187
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 67
Endothelin-1 67
Endotracheal intubation 5
Endotracheal suctioning 78
Endotracheal tube 5, 7f, 9
Enhanced potassium excretion 24
Enteral feedings
advancement of 50
initiation of 50
Enteral iron 165
Enteral nutrition
benefits of 46
options for 47
Enzymes 232
Epidermal stripping, risk of 232
Epinephrine 10, 129, 134
effect of 131fc
Epithelial and fibrotic markers 94
Erythropoietic stimulant agent 165
Erythropoietin 165
Escherichia coli 215
Essential fatty acid 40
Ethamsylate 191
Eutectic mixture 245
Euvolemic hyponatremia 18
Exogenous surfactant therapy 59
Expiratory limb 85
Extracellular fluid 13
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 182, 192, 196, 247
Extrahepatic biliary atresia 149
Eye drops 245
Familial intrahepatic cholestasis, progressive 149, 150, 152
Fanconi's syndrome 155
Fatty acid oxidation defects 30
Fecal calprotectin 138
cue-based 253, 254
mode of 51, 51t
Fentanyl 245, 247
remifentanil 246
Fetal blood flow 172
Fetal echocardiography 109
Fetal platelets, antibodies against 158
Fetal tachycardia 215
Fibrinogen 157
Fibrocystic changes 94f
Flow inflating bag, parts of 7, 7f
administration and nutrition 96
deficit volume 14
disorders of 17
estimation of 14
management 197
overload 17
replacement strategy 15t
schedule 20, 22
Fluid and electrolyte 231, 232
management 13
requirements 14t
status, monitoring of 17t
Fortification, types of 48
Free fatty acid levels 30
Free water deficit 14
Fresh frozen plasma 139, 159, 164
Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency 30
Fructose intolerance 30
Functional echocardiography 126
Furosemide 24, 190
G6PD of donor blood 164
Galactose-1 phosphate uridyltransferase 150
Galactosemia 30, 149, 150
Gallbladder 151
Gamma-glutamyltransferase 150
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 181
Gas conditioning effects 88
Gas exchange, maintain adequate 127
Gastrointestinal distension 88
Gastrointestinal inflammatory process 135
Gastrointestinal injury 175
Gastrointestinal system 229
Gaucher disease 149
General movements assessment 260
Genetic diseases 144
Genetic syndromes, familial predisposition of 109
Germinal matrix hemorrhage 187
factors in causation of 187f
Gestational age
large for 257
small for 26, 149, 257
Gestational alloimmune liver disease 150, 151
Gestational hypertension 167
Gestational thrombocytopenia 158
Glanzmann thrombasthenia 156
Glaucoma 213
Glomerular filtration rate 130
Glucagon 30
disorders of 26
infusion rate 29
metabolism 26
Glutamine 223
storage disease 30
synthase deficiency 30
Glycosylation, congenital disorders of 149
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 224
Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor 224
Granulocyte transfusion 223
Great arteries, transposition of 28
Growth and nutrition 258
Growth monitoring 52
Hearing 262
loss 234
screening 256, 259
disease, acyanotic 107
rate 5
Hebb rule 262
Heel stick 246
Hemangioma 157
Hematological system 230
Hemoglobin changes after birth 162t
Hemolysis 144
Hemolytic disease 144, 155
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 150
acute 163
large 186
periventricular 58
small 188f
Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid 150
Hepatosplenomegaly 156
Herpes simplex virus 150, 151
Hindrance to developmentally supportive care 252
Home environment preparation 250
deficiencies 30
excess 30
Human herpesvirus 150
Human immunodeficiency virus 257
Human milk 140
benefits of 47
fortification 47, 48
guidelines for 48t
fortifier 48, 233
Humidified incubators, use of 232
Humidifier 85
Hydrocortisone 30
Hydronephrosis 256
Hydrops 11
Hyperbilirubinemia 257
Hypercapnia produces 187
Hyperglycemia 31
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 27
Hyperkalemia 22
Hypernatremia 25
assessing severity of 21t
complications of 25
with increased weight 20
with weight loss 21
Hypernatremic disorders 15, 20
Hyperoxia test 111
management of 198
pregnancy-induced 172
Hypertonia, prevent development of 262
Hypoglycemia 26
Hypokalemia 22
acute 19
causes of 19t
chronic 20
etiology of 18
hypervolemic 19
hypovolemic 18
Hyponatremic dehydration 14
Hyponatremic disorders 18
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 114
Hypothermia 27
Hypoxemia 67
Iatrogenic blood loss, reducing 165
Ibuprofen 120, 245
Immune thrombocytopenia 156
Immunization 257, 262
Immunological function 229
Impaired platelet function 156
Indomethacin 120
Infant and toddler development, Bayley scale of 262
Infant neurological international battery 259
Infection 92, 233
management of 231
prevention of 231
Inflammation 92
Inflammatory markers 94
Inhaled beta-2 agonists 96
Inhaled nebulized beta-agonist 24
Inhaled nitric oxide 67
Injury, chronic manifestation of 147
Inotropes, initiation of appropriate 128
Inspiratory and expiratory time 75
Inspiratory gases, humidification of 78
Inspiratory limb 85
Inspissated bile 149
Insulin infusion 23
Insulin-like growth factor 1 207
Intercostal drains 246
Interleukin 220
Intermittent hemodialysis 199
Intermittent mandatory ventilation 76
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation 187
Interstitial opacities 93f
Interventional catheterization 113
Intracellular fluid 13
Intracranial anomalies 169
Intracranial hemorrhage 169, 186
in term infant 191
Intracranial pressure 182
Intrahepatic cholestasis, benign recurrent 149
Intramuscular injection 246
Intratracheal intubation, assessment of 10
Intravenous catheter, removal of 247
Intravenous immunoglobulin 224
Intraventricular hemorrhage 79, 182, 186, 187, 187fc, 188f, 227, 228, 231, 233, 234
Intubation 10
indication for 10
procedure 10
Invasive ventilation 73, 103
complications of 81
T-piece concept of 74f
Ionotropes 129b
Iron 49
Isolated growth hormone deficiency 30
Isonatremic dehydration 14
Isonatremic disorders 17
Jaundice 156
Kangaroo mother care 253, 254, 256
Kayexalate 24
Kernicterus 142, 147
Ketogenic defects 30
disease 195
injury, acute 175, 194, 199, 234
Klebsiella pneumoniae 215
Lactoferrin 223
Laryngeal mask airway 5, 9, 10
insertion of 11f
Laser photocoagulation 211
Learning disabilities 256
Left atrium 117
Left ventricle 117, 127, 132, 133
Leukomalacia, periventricular 231
Levosalbutamol 96
Lidocaine 245
Life-threatening bleeding, severe 159
Lipid 40
emulsion 43
tolerance of 40
dysfunction 175
early onset severe 150b
function test 150
transplantation 152
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids 92
Lorazepam 245
Low birth weight 10, 215, 250
care of extremely 226
extremely 14, 130, 211, 226, 228, 229t
in delivery room, care of extremely 228t
infants, problems of extremely 228
Low gamma glutamyltransferase cholestasis, causes of 152b
Lower extremities, passive tone in 259f
Lumbar puncture 246
disease, chronic 13, 229, 231
malformations 64
recruitment 232
volume, increased 93f
Lymphedema cholestasis syndrome 152
Macronutrients 40t
Macular dragging 213
Magnesium 41
disorders of 26
Malpositioned nasal prongs 88
Manroe's chart 217f
Maple syrup urine disease 30
Marfan syndrome 109
Maternal leukocytosis 215
Maternal medical problems, antenatal management of 178
Maternal tachycardia 215
Mean airway pressure, strategies to increase 75f
Mean corpuscular volume 165
Mechanical ventilation 81, 246
Meconium aspiration syndrome 62, 64f
Medical social worker 256
Medicolegal issues during transport 240
indication 218
treatment 218
Metabolic abnormalities 169
Metabolic acidosis 203
etiology of 205
Metabolic alkalosis 203
Metabolic diseases 144
Metabolic disorders 149
compensation in 203
Metabolic problems 257
Metabolic screen 256
Metabolism, inborn errors of 102, 184, 257
Methionine 43
Methylmalonic acidemia 30
Micronutrients 40
Micturating cystourethrography 197
Midazolam 245
Milani-Comparetti and Gidoni method 259
Milrinone 69, 129
Minerals 41
Minimal enteral feeds 140
Minimally invasive surfactant therapy 228
Minimizing volutrauma 232
Mitochondrial disorders 30
Mitochondrial hepatopathies 149
Mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction 150
Modulating pathways, use of 262
Morphine 245, 246
Mouzinho's chart 217f
Multiple blood transfusion 206
Multivitamin 43
infusion 43
Myocardial dysfunction 175
Naloxone 152
Nasal airway 82
Nasal cannula
heated humidified high-flow 86f, 88, 96
high-flow 84
low-flow 82
setup for heated humidified high-flow 89f
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure 8284
interfaces for 86f
Nasal high frequency oscillatory ventilation 82, 84
Nasal injury 88
Nasal intermittent positive
airway pressure 88, 88t
pressure ventilation 8284, 103
Nasal oxygen, heated humidified high-flow 103
Nasal prongs 87
Nasal trauma, less 89
Nasogastric feeding 51
Nasopharyngeal prongs, bilateral 85
National neonatal perinatal database 215
National neonatology forum screening guidelines 210b
Necrotizing enterocolitis 13, 121, 135, 135f, 139, 139t, 224, 228, 234, 257
Negative predictive value 220
Neonatal acute kidney injury 194
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia 157, 158
Neonatal anemia, causes of 161
Neonatal cholestasis 148
Neonatal deaths 1
Neonatal encephalopathy 192
Neonatal hemochromatosis 149
Neonatal hepatitis 149
Neonatal hypoglycemia 27
Neonatal intensive care unit 41, 215, 226, 231, 234, 247, 250, 252, 256, 263
Neonatal iron storage disease 150
Neonatal meningitis 214, 218
Neonatal modified Kidney disease 195t
Neonatal pain
management 244
scoring tools 243t
Neonatal renal physiology 194
Neonatal resuscitation 1
pathophysiology 2
program 4, 5fc
Neonatal RIFLE classification 195t
Neonatal sclerosing cholangitis 149
Neonatal seizure 180, 185
Neonatal sepsis 214, 219, 224
Neonatal shock 124
Neonatal transport 239
system components 238
Neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia 142
Neonate with bleeding, workup of 157fc
Neurodevelopmental assessment 257, 260
Neurodevelopmental impairment 178
Neuroimaging assessment 257
Neurologic disorders 109
Neurological examination 256
abnormal 257
Neurological outcomes, risk for abnormal 263
Neuromotor assessment 257, 258, 263
Neuromuscular paralysis 17
Neuronal injury, site of 173t
Neurons 262
assessment 259
examination 257
motor development assessment 260
care, initial steps of 4
discharge of 249
high-risk 250
screening 250
Niemann-Pick type C 149
Nitric oxide 67
Noise and vibration 237
Noninvasive blood pressure 128
Noninvasive high frequency oscillatory ventilation 83
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation 232
Noninvasive neurally adjusted ventilatory assist 82, 83
Noninvasive respiratory
modes 84t
support 82
modes, types of 83fc
Noninvasive support, extubated to 60
Noninvasive ventilation 82
Nonopioid analgesics 245
Nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors, use of 120
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 17, 121
Nonsyndromic bile duct paucity 149
Noonan's syndrome 106, 109
Norepinephrine 129
Norwood procedure 114
Nutrition 198, 231, 232
importance of 46
monitoring of 257
requirements 47
Nutritional supplementation 49, 50t
of preterm infants 49t
Obstetric cause 161
Obstructive apnea 101
Occipito-frontal circumference 46
Occupational therapist 256
Octreotide 30
Ophthalmic examination 259
Opioid 246
analgesics 245
Organ dysfunction, management of 177
Orogastric feeding 51
Oscillatory ventilation, high frequency 80
Osmolarity 43
Oxidant injury markers 94
Oxybuprocaine 245
inspired 80
judicious of 234
toxicity 232
Oxygenation 69
measures 211
Packed cell volume 128
assessment of 243
behavioral response to 242t
biobehavioral response to 242t
feel 247
long-term effect of 244
management 242, 246, 247, 253, 254
modalities of 244
physiological response to 242t
prevention, modalities of 244
source of 246, 247
Painful procedure, unnecessary 244
Pancreatic islet cells, hereditary defects of 30
Paracetamol 245
Parent understanding, assessment of 256
Parenteral and enteral nutrition strategies 92
Parenteral nutrition 39, 40, 149, 233
Partial external biliary diversion 152
Patent ductus arteriosus 13, 79, 92, 107, 114, 116, 117f, 118, 121, 127, 187
hemodynamically significant 119
management of 120
Patient-triggered ventilation, classification of 76
Peak inspiratory pressure 7476, 80, 88
Pelviureteric junction 196
Pentoxifylline 223
Peri-extubation care 80
Perinatal asphyxia 149
severe 198
Perinatal intensive care, advances in 256
Periodic breathing 100
Peripheral arterial line 246
Peritoneal dialysis 24, 199
Peroxide formation 43
Peroxisomal disorders 149
Persistent hypoglycemia, management of 30
Persistent pulmonary hypertension 62, 64, 66, 79, 132, 133, 169, 182
Phenylalanine 43
Phenylketonuria 106, 109
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor 223
Phosphorus 41, 49
PHOX2B gene mutation 101
glucose level estimation, methods of 28
inter-alpha inhibitor protein 138
count, decreased 155
disorder 155
combined 156
transfusion, indication for 159
Pleural effusion 11
Plus disease 208, 209f
Pneumonia 64, 169
episode of 214
Pneumothorax 11, 70, 88
Polycythemia 27, 167
Polymerase chain reaction 150, 219
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 43
Portal hypertension 152
Positive end expiratory pressure 74, 75, 80, 88, 121, 231
Positive predictive value 220
Positive pressure ventilation 4, 5, 9, 227
Post-extubation care 80
Posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation 190
Postlaser 212f
Postmenstrual age 91, 92
Postnatal growth failure 46
Postnatal systemic corticosteroids 96
Potassium 41
balance, disorders of 22
chloride 43
Predict cerebral palsy 260
Prenatal care 58
Pressure support ventilation 76
Preterm births, preventing 60
Preterm infant 116, 130
Preterm neonate
enteral nutrition in 46
monitoring in 102
Prethreshold classification 212b
Prilocaine 245
Probable sepsis 214
Probiotics supplementation 140
Procalcitonin 220
Propionic acidemia 30
Prostacyclin synthase 67
Prostaglandin 113, 117
Proteins 40
inter-alpha inhibitor 219, 220
Pseudomonas 215
Public-private partnership, model of 236
Pulmonary atresia 114
Pulmonary dysfunction 175
Pulmonary hemorrhage 58
Pulmonary hypertension 58
vascular mediators of 67f
Pulmonary hypoplasia 11
Pulmonary stenosis 114
Pulmonary valve stenosis 107
Pulmonary vascular resistance 130
Pulmonary vasodilators 69
Pulse oximetry 111
screening 110, 110fc
Quality management 240
Radioisotope imaging 197
Reconstitution of red blood cell 164
Red blood cell 165
destruction, increased 161
production 161
decreased 161
Refractive errors 213
Refractory fluid overload 199
Refractory hyperkalemia 199
Refractory hypoglycemia 28, 30t
management of 30
Refractory metabolic acidosis 199
Renal disease 149
Renal functions resulting 194
Renal losses 15
Renal replacement therapy 199
indications of 199b
Renal ultrasound 113
Respiratory acidosis
acute 203
chronic 203
Respiratory alkalosis
acute 203
chronic 203
Respiratory disorders 109
compensation in 203
Respiratory distress 27
syndrome 54, 88, 130, 187, 206
Respiratory management 95
Respiratory rate 80
Respiratory support 59, 228, 238
and surfactant 60
in delivery room 227
Respiratory syncytial virus 229
Respiratory system 228, 229
Resuscitation 12
requirement of 1f
team 2
Retina, zones of 208f
Retinal detachment 213
Retinopathy of prematurity 206, 208f, 209f, 210, 210b, 211, 213, 233, 234
Rh hemolytic disease 257
Riboflavin 43
Ribosomal ribonucleic acid, amplification of 219
Rifampicin 152
Right atrium 117, 127
Right pneumothorax 64f
Right ventricle 117, 127, 132, 133
Right ventricular output 130
Rotor wing aircraft 237
Rubella 106
infection 109
Salbutamol 24, 96
Saline, normal 130
Saltatory syndrome 188
Sclerotherapy 152
Seizure 192
classification 180
management of 176t
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 109
Self-inflating bag 6
parts of 6f
Sepsis 27, 64, 130, 138, 156, 232
peripartum risk factors for 233
quality improvement for 215
screen 216
Serum bilirubin, total 145
Shock 27
assessment of 126t
cause of 127
compensated 124
early identification of 126
in preterm infants, treatment of 133fc
in term infants 132fc
management of 124, 127t, 128
type of 125
uncompensated 124
babies 252
neonate 236
transport of 236
preterm neonates 102
Sildenafil 69
Silverman-Anderson score 55
Single gene defects 106
Skin care 231, 232
Skin-to-skin care 253, 254
Sodium 41
and water balance, disorders of 17
cutoffs 21t
excess 20
in hyponatremia, correction of 19
restriction of 18, 152
Solute fluid deficit 14
Solute potassium deficit 15
Solute sodium deficit 15
Stabilizes upper airway 85
Standard transfusion guidelines 164t
Staphylococcus aureus 215
Storage disorders 149
Strabismus 213
Streptokinase, intraventricular injection of 190
Subcutaneous injection 246
Subependymal germinal matrix 188f
Subtle seizure 180
Sufentanil 246
Supplemental oxygen, need for 91
Suprapubic bladder aspiration 246
Surfactant deficiency disorders 229
Surgical shunt procedure 152
Sustained inflation 227, 228
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 76
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, diagnosis of 19t
Systemic blood flow 130
Systemic lupus erythematosus 158
Tachypnea, decreases 84
Tandem mass spectroscopy 30
Teratogenic drugs 109
Tetracaine 245
Tetralogy of Fallot 107
Thermoregulation 227, 228
Thrombocytopenia 155, 192
absent radius syndrome 155
incidental 158
Thrombosis 232
profile 30
stimulating hormone 150, 229
TORCH infection 155
Total leukocyte count 216
Total neutrophil ratio, immature to 220
Total parenteral nutrition, compounding of 41
T-piece resuscitator 8
parts of 7f
Trace elements 43
Tracheal aspirate 94
Tracheal extubation 247
Tracheal intubation 247
Transient hyperinsulinism 27
Transient hypoglycemia 27
Transient tachypnea 64
Tricuspid atresia 107, 114
Tricuspid stenosis 114
Triglyceride, medium change 47
13 106
18 106
Trivandrum screening chart 261
Trophic benefits 46
Tryptophan 43
Tuberous sclerosis 109
Tumor necrosis factor alpha 219, 224
Turner syndrome 109
Twin-to-twin transfusion 257
Tyrosine 43
Tyrosinemia 30, 149, 150
Umbilical arterial catheters 232
Umbilical catheterization 247
Umbilical venous catheter 5, 232
Upper extremities, passive tone in 259f
Urinary anion gap 205
Urinary tract infections 214
culture 219
output, low 13
Ursodeoxycholic acid 152
Uterine tenderness 215
Vascular endothelial growth factor 207
Vascular integrity, disorders of 156
Vascular resistance 130
Vasopressin 129
Vehicle, types of 237
Vena cava
inferior 127
superior 127, 128, 130, 132
Venipuncture 246
Venous thrombosis 169
Ventilated baby, bedside best practices for 78
Ventilation 69, 211, 231, 232
assist control 76
basic concepts 74
corrective steps 9, 9t
high frequency 80
in neonates, indications of high frequency 80
indications of 73
strategies 92
volume targeted 232
Ventilator settings, adjustment of 77
Ventilator-associated pneumonia 214
Ventilatory parameters 75
Ventricular septal defect 107, 114
Ventriculomegaly 260
decrease 190
Very low birth weight 217f, 250
babies 46t, 49, 50t, 51
infants, preterm 47t
Vesicoureteric junction 196
Visible tissue ridge 207
Vision 262
Vitamin 40, 43
A 152
supplementation 234
D 49, 152
E 152, 191
K 152
deficiency 156
supplementation 152
water-soluble 152
Vojta's neurokinesiologic method 259
von-Willebrand disease 157
Weaning and extubation 78
Weight gain 46
Weight measurement 230, 231
White blood cell 218
Williams's syndrome 106
Wiswell classification 63
Wolman disease 149
Wound treatment 247
Xanthine derivative 223
Chapter Notes

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Neonatal ICU Protocols
Neonatal ICU Protocols
Editors Neelam Kler MBBS MD (Ped) Chairperson Department of Neonatology Institute of Child Health Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi, India Padma Bhushan 2014 Pankaj Garg MBBS MD (Ped) DNB (Ped) Senior Consultant Department of Neonatology Institute of Child Health Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi, India Anup Thakur MBBS MD (Ped) DNB (Neonatology) Consultant Department of Neonatology Institute of Child Health Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi, India Forewords Ann R Stark DeWayne M Pursley Ashok Deorari VK Bhutani ON Bhakoo
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Neonatal ICU Protocols
First Edition: 2020
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Sidharth Kler, Aditya Kler, Tanmay Garg, Paavni, Atharv Sachdeva Thakur, Anika Sachdeva Thakur
Contributors FOREWORD
We were very pleased to learn that our distinguished colleague Professor Neelam Kler and her associates, Drs Pankaj Garg and Anup Thakur, have collaborated to develop a new and much needed Neonatal ICU Protocols. Drawing on national experts in neonatology and supplemented by their own decades of experience providing neonatal care at the renowned Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, India, the editors have developed an important resource for neonatal care providers in India.
A key characteristic of the handbook is that it is easy-to-use and can be applied directly at the bedside. Thirty-three individual chapters focus on the important issues in providing contemporary neonatal care. Rather than providing a long narrative, each chapter is organized with clear headings that include relevant information noted with bullet points. Ample tables, flowcharts, diagrams, illustrations, and photos provide additional well-organized information and supplement the text. At the end of each chapter, bulleted Key Points emphasize the “take home” messages. The self-assessment questions that follow will be helpful to students at every level, from residents and fellows to practicing neonatologists. Finally, a list of carefully selected articles provides a handy resource for more extensive reading.
The importance of high quality neonatal care cannot be overstated. The newborn period—the first 28 days of life—is the most vulnerable time for a child's survival. In India, deaths during this period represent more than half of the deaths occurring among children under 5 years of age. The interventions that are effective in the care of preterm and medically fragile newborns are unique to that period and require substantial training and mastery. Textbooks such as Neonatal ICU Protocols can be effective tools in improving outcomes for this most vulnerable of populations. Combined with public health measures, improved clinical outcomes facilitated by making current knowledge readily accessible can contribute to improved survival and help minimize sequelae of neonatal illness.
Another potential benefit of this handbook would be that neonatal care is standardized within a facility or perhaps across several in a region, since reducing variation tends to improve clinical outcomes. Standardization also provides a platform for quality improvement, allowing incremental tests of change. Finally, recognizing where evidence is limited may stimulate readers to pursue research and expand our knowledge.
We are confident that the Neonatal ICU Protocols will be increasingly found in NICUs throughout India, contribute to optimizing care of our fragile patients, and provide a study guide to a new generation of learners in our field. We look forward to further editions as knowledge continues to expand.
Ann R Stark MD
DeWayne M Pursley MD MPH
Department of Neonatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Harvard Medical School, USA
Ensuring healthy survival of all neonates is among the highest priorities of our times. The global community has committed itself to attain an under-five child mortality rate of less than 20 per 1,000 live births in all countries by 2035. This would only be achieved if the neonatal mortality rate declines to less than 10 per 1,000 live births. For India, this would be nearly halving the current neonatal mortality rate of 23 per 1,000 live births.
India's success in reduction of neonatal mortality since the launch of the National Rural Health Mission has been modest. Nonetheless, the country mounted a spectacular effort in establishing newborn care corners and special newborn care units, thus creating an impressive neonatal care infrastructure in the public sector. There has also been a concomitant expansion of neonatal care services in the private sector. This massive expansion of neonatal care services has also brought to the fore an extraordinary need for skilled nurses and doctors. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India, which runs one of the best tertiary care, newborn units for more than three decades in the city of Delhi, has been in the forefront of training healthcare providers in neonatal care. The unit has tried to capture the best learnings in neonatology in the current handbook. This compilation is a timely step towards filling the gap for knowledge translation for ensuring quality of care for sick newborns. The handbook has 33 chapters on common issues faced while caring a sick newborn. It provides comprehensive, systematic approach in identification and management of sick neonates. The evidence-based practices are tailored to day-to-day needs of neonatology fellows, resident doctors, and practicing pediatricians. I am confident that the effort of updating chapters of the handbook in the future will continue with the energetic next generation leadership of the unit.
I would like to congratulate the contributors, reviewers, and the editorial team for an outstanding product. The credit goes to a very large team of neonatologists trained in India who have contributed in this endeavor. I am glad to see many young neonatologists, most of whom I know personally, contributing to this book. They are exceptional up-to-date educators with hands-on experience in managing sick neonates. My special congratulations to Dr Neelam Kler for taking, leadership role in this endeavor.
I am sure this handbook will help in providing safe, affordable care with focus on quality in neonatal units in the country and beyond.
Ashok Deorari
Professor and Head
PDepartment of Pediatrics
PWHO Collaborating Center for Education and Research in Newborn Care
PChairman, Skills Center Lead for QI in SEARO
PAll India Institute of Medical Sciences
PNew Delhi, India
PPresident (2020)
PNational Neonatology Forum (NNF), India
Padma Bhushan Dr Neelam Kler leads her team Dr Pankaj Garg and Dr Anup Thakur to take the key steps that will help develop a national “standard of care” for neonatal medicine for Indian families. Collaboration with national experts provides a unique insight that bridges the gap between academic knowledge and practical realties that burden practicing front-line clinicians. The algorithms and tables categorizing neonatal conditions should be used as guidelines for judgment-driven disease management.
This handbook deals with the current state of neonatology and provides a comprehensive, systematic approach in the identification and management of sick neonates to make evidence-based decisions in clinical practice for both public and private sectors. Sections on follow-up care deserve special mention. Future publications could include individual attention to antibiotic stewardship, breastfeeding, small-for-dates neonates, phototherapy, hyperammonemia syndromes and NICU-based neurodevelopmental protection and maturation. Other novel areas on the horizon in future editions include prenatal and perinatal cardiac disorders and other fetal disorders that require specific neonatal care.
The handbook is directed for use by the bedside clinician who is still a student of neonatal diagnosis and disorders before the results of laboratory tests are available. It is well structured and easy-to-read. Editors are specifically congratulated for attempting to provide a forum for families who are likely to be readers.
Content in this handbook should be updated periodically (more than annually). Hopefully this will be achieved through a web-based portal for rapid alerts, novel approaches and newer sections. These are exciting prospects and speak to the mission of the handbook as a knowledge resource that governs national intensive neonatal care patterns for safer care of vulnerable infants.
Contributions of Drs Neelam Kler, Pankaj Garg and Anup Thakur are significant and over the years will help clinicians and families to develop sound as well as safe judgment.
Well done and well-read.
VK Bhutani
Professor of Pediatrics (Neonatology)
Lucile Salter Packard Hospital
Standford University, USA
Neonatal intensive care has become more rewarding because of the improving intact survival rates of high-risk neonates. This has been possible because of better understanding of neonatal physiology, new technology, and improved skills of collating the two.
The current book uses this amalgam to describe the practical approach to evaluation and management of a sick neonate. The text is kept to minimum and there is liberal use of tables and illustrations. Flowcharts and algorithms make the decision making easy.
To keep the book small and easily portable recent literature has been condensed, but provides adequate evidence for appropriate decision making. Additional highlight of this book is that each chapter closes with key points which highlight the take home message. The self-assessment questions following the key points should be helpful to the student for self evaluation. This book can be carried to the bedside in a pocket and should be a boon for the residents, fellows, consultants, and the senior nursing staff involved in neonatal intensive care.
I congratulate Dr Neelam Kler and her editorial staff along with expert contributors to various chapters for bringing out a very useful and timely publication. In fact, going through this book one felt like a student once again.
ON Bhakoo
Former Professor and Head Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Chandigarh, India
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
Isaac Newton
The confines of knowledge are limitless. How much sand can we hold from the vast shores of knowledge? As we begin this Neonatal ICU Protocols, we attempt to unravel the art and science of neonatology in a comprehensive manner, understanding that it is a tall order. Well! It is not just a compendium of 33 chapters covering most practical aspects of neonatal intensive care, but a treasury of recent evidence-based literature accrued and turned into an elixir by a team of experts from India and abroad in an easy-to-read format with ample numbers of figures, tables, and diagrams. The cardinal points at the end of each chapter and self-assessment questions further add up to the potion. The realms of neonatology are vast and the book being limited by its volume does not encompass some of its aspects such as drugs, procedures, quality improvement and perinatal medicine, which we intent to include in the future editions. While the pursuit for excellence may be eluding, we the editors and the authors have put into our hard work with unfeigned passion to make this book a small treatise for medical students, residents, pediatricians, nurses and neonatologists to assist them in management of critical and sick neonates ultimately helping them to save these little angels, who are our tomorrow.
Walt Disney aptly said, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.” We hope the readers not only enjoy reading the book but also practice its principles of management in neonatal intensive care.
Neelam Kler
Pankaj Garg
Anup Thakur
We are indebted to our teachers for the knowledge and skills imparted to us to take care of sick and vulnerable neonates.
We are extremely thankful to our colleagues Drs Satish Saluja, Arun Soni, Manoj Modi, team of residents and nurses for providing an environment of clinical and academic excellence in the department. We are grateful to our institution Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi, India for nurturing a culture of humanitarian care and stand by its ethos to provide world class healthcare in a safe, comfortable and caring environment at an affordable cost to all sections of the society.
We are thankful to Dr Naveen Parkash Gupta for reviewing some important sections of the book and providing us with important feedbacks to improve its content and readability. We sincerely acknowledge the secretariat help provided by Ms Renu Bisht. We thank Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director–Content Strategy) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, who invited us to edit the textbook and guided its framework throughout the period of writing.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and their families who have always inspired us to practice the art of compassionate neonatal care. Last but not least, we thank our families for bearing with us.