Obstetric Emergencies Kamini A Rao, Vyshnavi A Rao
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomen 234
blunt injury 73
lower 300
X-ray 61
Abdominal circumference 174, 177
Abdominal examination 23, 200, 289, 367
Abdominal trauma, penetrating 75, 79, 82fc
Abdominovaginal examination 66
Abortion 4, 12, 53
complete 6
tubal 22
incomplete 7
tubal 22
induced 10
inevitable 7
medical 11
missed 8
tubal 22
septic 8, 9, 399, 400
spontaneous 329
threatened 6
Abruptio placenta 73, 146, 218, 399, 400, 401fc
Abruption 6, 480f
Accelerations 210
Acetaminophen 275
Acidosis 369
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 12, 332
Activated partial thromboplastin time 115, 117, 187
Active phase disorders 438
Acupuncture and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation 431
Acute abdomen 24, 297
differential diagnosis of 298
incidence of 297
Acute asthma 385, 386, 391
exacerbation 391
treatment of 387
Acute chest syndrome 456
causes 456
clinical features 456
incidence 456
pathophysiology of 456, 457f
treatment 456
Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation 401
Acute pain 300
abdomen 488
management 455b
Acute polyhydramnios 188
diagnosis of 184
management of 185
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 196, 447, 472
Acute stroke 456
clinical features 456
differential diagnosis 457
management 456
Acute transfusion reaction 441
pathophysiology of 441t
Addison's disease 17
Additional obstetric
maneuvers 226
procedures 86
Adenosine 274
triphosphate 366
Adherent placenta 163f, 342, 487
accreta 262
diagnosis of 162
Adhesions 52
Adnexa 25, 473
Adnexal mass 327
presence of 473
Advanced life support in obstetrics 242
bags, deployment of 83
embolism 186
Airway 240, 295
assessment of 157, 218, 227
difficulties 75
obstruction, upper 75, 451
support 448
Alanine transaminase 115
Albuminuria 2
Albuterol 275, 390
Alkaline phosphatase 116, 117
Alkalosis, worsening of 387
Allergy 78, 142
Alloantibodies 441
Allograft rejection 143
Alloimmune thrombocytopenia 190
Amenorrhea 41, 49
American Academy of Pediatrics 259
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 145, 230, 258, 273, 293, 363
Aminoglycoside 273
Amiodarone 274
Amniocentesis 142
Amnioinfusion 304, 308
role of 184
Amniotic fluid
embolism 158, 185, 186fc, 188, 193, 196, 226, 294, 347, 354, 399, 400, 401fc, 451
clinical features of 193, 194t
diagnosis of 194, 195t
incidence 193
management 195
pathogenesis of 193, 194fc
pathophysiology 193
prognosis 196
emergency, management of 181, 183
index 178, 181, 182, 201
methods of sonographic measurement of 181
physiology of 181
sources of 181
volume 77, 179
severe reduction in 188
Amniotomy 262, 428
Ampicillin 152, 362
Ampullary lumen, normal 21f
Anal sphincter 254
external 254
injuries, obstetrical 255
internal 254
Anal triangle 253
Analgesia 236, 317
epidural 208, 224
nonopioid 455
Anaphylactoid reaction hypothesis 193
Anaphylaxis 444
clinical manifestations of 447f
diagnosis of 446, 446b
differential diagnosis of 450
etiology 444
exercise induced 445
management of 447, 449f, 451f
multisystem involvement in 446t
pathogenesis of 445, 445f
prevalence 444
prevention of 450, 452
refractory 448
signs of 447f
symptoms of 447f
treatment in 450f
types of 445
Anechoic fluid collections 25
Anemia 76, 459, 467, 468
aplastic 468
classification of 459
complications of 469t
determinants of 460
etiology of 460
hemolytic 468
hereditary hemolytic 462
immune hemolytic 468
management of 469, 469fc
pathological 462t
physiological 459
rule out 2
severe 459, 469
stages of 463f
types of 461fc
Anesthesia 225, 231, 241
epidural 286
general 217, 223, 225
high spinal 186
local 232
Anesthetic complications 216
Anesthetic management 217, 218, 220, 222
Aneurysm, abdominal aortic 299
Angiogenesis imbalance 279
Angiography, pulmonary 131
Angiotensin receptor blocker 111, 283, 284
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 284
inhibitor 111, 283
Anhydramnios 183, 183f
diagnosis of 183
etiology of 183
management of severe 183
Anorexia 333
Antacids 275
Antenatal care 1
components of 1
mental preparation 3
objectives of 1
physical examination 2
Antenatal monitoring 316
Antenatal visits, protocols of 1
Anterior sacculation 53
management of 54
Antibiotics 148, 236, 241
prophylaxis 152, 230
intrapartum 121fc
regimens 362t
Antibodies 441, 445
Anticoagulant 273
drugs 273t
therapy 133
initial 132
Anticoagulation 282, 285
postnatal 134
administration 64
immunoglobulin 64
Antidepressants 274
Antiemetics, low dose 16
Antiepileptic drugs 316
adverse effects of 315
common 314t
dose modification, postpartum 317
effect of 313, 318
monitoring of 315
Antifibrinolytic 196
therapy 404
Antifungal agents 275, 275t
Antihistamine H1 receptor blocker 16
Antihypertensive 105t
category of 105
treatment 103
Antimicrobial therapy 361
Antioxidants 101, 102
Antishock garment, nonpneumatic 246
Antithrombin concentrates 196
Antithrombotic agents 102
Antiviral agents 275, 275t
Anxiety 141, 333
Anxiolytics 328
Appellant's arguments 345, 350
Appendicitis 17, 300, 327, 488
Arrest disorders 436, 438
Arrhythmia 194
management 112, 282, 285
Arterial balloon occlusion 250
Arterial blood gas 455
Arteriovenous malformation 298
ablation of 185
ligation, ovarian 250
thromboembolectomy, pulmonary 196
utero-ovarian 32
uteroplacental 173
Asherman's syndrome 250
aminotransferase 223
transaminase 115
Asphyxia 90
perinatal 175
Assisted reproductive technology pregnancies 297
Asthma 385, 387
acute severe 387, 387t
attacks 387
exacerbations 385, 387
dosages for 390t
features of 387
home management of 386, 386fc
life-threatening 388
postpartum 391
flare-ups 385
life-threatening 387, 387t
near-fatal 387, 387t
Atopy 385
Atosiban 147
Autoimmune disease 190
Azithromycin 335
Bacterial infection 119
tests 190
Bacterial vaginosis 360
Bagel sign 25
Ballooning cervical pregnancy, ultrasound appearance of 42f
Bandl's ring 366
Barker hypothesis 175fc
Basic life support 295
Benzodiazepines 316, 317
Beta-adrenergic receptor agonists 147
Beta-blockers 111
Beta-hemolytic streptococcus 359
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin surveillance 65
Beta-lactams 444
Betamimetics 146
Beta-thalassemia major 467
Biochemical tests 152, 176
pathophysiological basis of 101t
Biophysical tests 152
endometrial 27
endomyocardial 281
Bipolar cautery 45
Birth weight, low 133, 164, 173, 173f, 304
Bishop score 426t, 487
Bitolterol 390
displace 242
drainage 236
filling 306
injury 91
management of 489
Bleeding 340
abdominal 49
abnormal 23
implantation 4
intraoperative 62
neonatal 133
per vagina 488
torrential 49
Blood 72
and blood products 417
physical effects of 441
therapy 403
components of 441
flow, renal 323
for cross matching 218
glucose values 324
group 57, 230
indices 477f
loss 216, 467
minimize 234
severity of 155
pressure 283, 297
diastolic 95
monitoring 2
reduce 103
regular 2
support 448
systolic 72, 95, 359
support 403
transfusion 217
stained urine 394
sugar 230
supply, reduction of 42
tests 280
transfusion 9, 39, 354, 455, 465
incompatible 399
indications for 456b
urea nitrogen 15, 280
volume 100
Blunt trauma 72, 73, 79
obstetric consequences of 74
B-lynch suture 187, 248f
Body mass index 114, 231, 363
Bolam test 340
Bone marrow insufficiency 462
Bony pelvis 366
disorders 300
segment of 38f
Brachial plexus injury 88, 90
Bradycardia 209
Brain 100
growth 174
type natriuretic peptide 108, 280
Brandt-Andrews method, modified 170
Breast examination 2
Breastfeeding 113, 134, 445
Breathing 240, 290, 295
assessment of 157, 227
shortness of 109
wheezy 386
Breathlessness 58, 66, 386
complete 198
documentation of 206
types of 202
diagnosis of 200
extraction, reverse 235
footling 198
frank 198
incomplete 198
labor in 201
nonengaged 201
positions, incomplete 199f
presentation 198, 236, 421
external version of 201f
management of 200
positions of 198, 199f
Broad ligament hematoma 488
Bromocriptine 285
Brow presentation 379t, 384
diagnosis of 381
Burn injuries 75
Buttocks 202
channel blocker 146, 147
serum 244
Carbamazepine 272, 314
dioxide 327
partial pressures of 221
monoxide 297
Carboperitoneum 328
Carboprost 63, 221
Cardiac arrest 194, 196
reversible causes of 227
Cardiac disease 109
Cardiac failure 108
Cardiac index 328
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging 280, 281
Cardiac medications 274, 274t
Cardiac resynchronization therapy 282
drugs induced 109
familial dilated 282
hereditary 109
idiopathic dilated 278
Cardiorespiratory systems 293
Cardiotocography 208, 329
characteristics 209
limitations of 214
monitoring 189, 208
nonreassuring 165
recording, prerequisites for 208
Cardiovascular collapse 194
Cardiovascular support 195
Cardiovascular system 72, 420
Caregivers blame victim 331
Castor oil 431
Catheter placement 354
Ceftriaxone 10
Cells of Cajal 20
Central nervous system 274
Central venous pressure 10
Cephalic version, role of external 267
Cephalosporins 273
Cerebellar atrophy, midline 274
artery Doppler, middle 177
venous thrombosis 294
Cerebrovascular accident 195, 451
history of 456
Cerebrovascular pathophysiology 100
canal 289
changes 142
dilatation, advanced 146
encerclage 149
fetal fibronectin 411
fibronectin 413
finding 367
incompetence 141, 142
insufficiency 143
lacerations 91
length 145, 413
assessment 144
transvaginal 144, 145
pregnancy 41, 43f, 474
management of 41
pretreatment 62
ripening 424, 426f
spine injury 75
vaginal swabs 359
Cervix 51, 62
barrel-shaped 474
examination of 217
laceration of 91
lower fibrous 51
unfavorable 102
Cesarean delivery 133, 229, 230, 258, 384
complications of 235, 235t
effect of 450fc
indications for 229b
number of prior 266
pregnancy with prior 258
Cesarean scar
ectopic pregnancy 50
ruptured 44f
pregnancy 43, 44f, 475
Cesarean section 115, 217, 219, 229, 263, 264fc, 308, 370, 393, 399, 433
anesthesia for 225
complicated 235
consent for 230
elective repeat 266
lower segment 260, 340, 383
planned 201
urgency of 230b
Cetirizine 275
prophylactic 66
single-agent 68
systemic 42
compressions 187
radiograph 280, 388
tightness 386
Chlamydia trachomatis 124
diagnosis 124
management 124
maternal and fetal risks 124
Chloramphenicol 273
Chlorpheniramine 275
Chlorpromazine 271
Cho suture 249, 249f
Cholecystitis 17, 327
management of acute 299
Cholesterol, total 297
Chorioamnionitis 146, 155, 221, 399
signs of 150b
Choriocarcinoma 66, 67, 477f
Chorionic plate, movement of 480
Chorionic villi 21f, 43f, 55, 96
absence of 27
immature 41f
Chorionic villus sampling 142
Chromosomal anomalies, detection of 178
Chromosome 98
Chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation 401
Circulation 240, 290, 295
assessment of 157, 227
pulmonary 193
Classical segment scar 263t
Cleidotomy 89
Clindamycin 273, 362
Clobazam 316
Clotrimazole 275
Coagulation 218
inhibitory system 398
profile 244
system 398
Coagulopathy 196, 218, 220, 244
management of 187
mechanism of acquired 400
prevention of 196
treatment of 196
Cobweb appearance 26f
Cocaine 155
Cochrane review 201
Coitus 21
Colles’ fascia, superficial space 253
Color flow Doppler 262
Complement activation hypothesis 193
Complete blood count 62, 117, 280, 335
Complete mole 57f, 60, 60f
duplex ultrasound 130
advantages of 250, 250t
disadvantages of 250, 250t
uterocaval 79
Computed tomography 77, 131, 374
scan 61, 374
products of 7
retained products of 472, 477
Congenital anomaly 200, 425
Congenital malformations
reducing risk of 314
risk of major 311
Congestion, hepatic 279
Consciousness 75
Contraception 65, 318
advice 12
emergency 5, 335
methods of 318
reversible 7
combined oral 65
device, intrauterine 65
oral hormonal 318
Convulsions, control of 104
Copper intrauterine devices 318
abnormalities 304
accidents 200
entanglement 421
multiple loops of 185
prolapse 225, 304
types of 303fc, 304t
callosum, agenesis of 274
luteum 26f
Cortisol 323
Cough 66, 386
Couvelaire uterus 155
Crackles, pulmonary 279
C-reactive protein 279, 418
Creatine kinase 25
Crede's method 169, 170
Crohn's disease 466
Cryoprecipitate 217, 441
Culdocentesis 25
Cullen's sign 23
Customized symphyseal-fundal distance charts 177
Cyclizine 271
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors 147
Cyclophosphamide 68
Cyst, ovarian 39
Cysteinyl leukotrienes 445
Cytomegalovirus 174
Dalteparin, initial dose of 133t
Dandy-Walker malformation 274
D-antigen 64
D-dimer 131
Dead fetus 369
causes of 196
maternal 73
neonatal 201, 327, 489
sudden unexpected 311
Decelerations 210
Decidua basalis 97
Deep vein thrombosis 73, 129, 472, 484
Defibrillation 187
Dehydration, severe 455
Delivery 240, 286
decision for 158
expected date of 2
in emergency department, limitations of 421
indications for 103, 165
instrumental 88
vaginal 88
method of 73
mode of 113, 316
placental 233
precipitous 418
preterm 327
route of 166
timing of 179fc
Deoxyhemoglobin 454
Deoxyribonucleic acid 34
Deoxyuridine monophosphate 34
Depotmedroxy progesterone acetate 468
Diabetes mellitus
gestational 2, 87, 190, 322
pregestational 323
requiring insulin 425
treatment of 273t
type 1 137, 322
type 2 322
Diabetic ketoacidosis 17, 298, 325
management of 325
prevention of 325
risk factors of 324
Diarrhea 17
Digoxin 274
Dihydroergotamine 275
Dinoprostone 261
Diphenhydramine 275
Diphtheria 3
Diphyllobothrium latum infestation 466
Disseminated gonococcal infection 124
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 8, 76, 103, 116, 155, 158, 196, 218, 398, 401, 402, 418, 447
causes of 399
manifestations of 402f
nonobstetrical causes of 399
pathogenesis of 398, 400fc
postpartum risks in 402
Diuretics 104, 110
Doppler sonography, role of 474
Doxycycline 273
Drugs 221, 240
antiarrhythmic 187
antibiotics 273t
antiepileptic 316
antithrombotic 101
antituberculous 274, 275t
cardiovascular 101
categorization of 270
immunosuppressive 285
therapy 110, 224, 269
usage 269
Dysmenorrhea 333, 394
Dyspareunia 394
Dyspnea 442
acute 194
exertional 279
paroxysmal nocturnal 279
Dystocia 436
Early pregnancy 54
discomforts 23
loss 4
predictors 394
Echocardiogram, transthoracic 280
Echocardiography 281
parameters 278
Eclampsia 96, 103, 104, 195, 223, 342, 399, 408, 425, 451, 456
clinical features in 103
management of 104
severe 58, 146
syndrome 95
treatment 342
Ectopic pregnancy 19, 21, 25, 26f, 27f, 30, 31, 35, 40, 41, 41f, 49, 49f, 327, 472, 474
acute 21, 22, 49
chronic 21, 22, 24
classification 19
clinical manifestations 22
cornual resection of 393
diagnosis of 19, 49, 474, 475
diaphragmatic 49
epidemiology 19
etiology 20
incidence of 297
interstitial 46f
management 19, 29
pathophysiology 20
persistent 36
postoperative plan 33
preparation 29
procedures 30
recurrent 36, 50
risk factors for 20
ruptured 26f
sites of 19f
splenic 47f
technique 29
tubal 23, 31f
Eczema 134
Edema 2
interstitial alveolar 75
leg 279
pathological 2
physiological 2
pulmonary 103, 451
Electrocardiogram 280
Electrolytes 325
serum 244
Emboli, pulmonary 469
Embolism, pulmonary 129, 186, 195, 226, 451, 483, 484
Embryofetal malformations 313
delivery 450, 452
section 436
delivery tray, contents of 417, 418b
and hospital-based care 388
delivery in 417
evaluation 387
management 389fc
hypertensive 95
in utero transfer 407, 409
interventions 417
laparotomy 30
transfers 409
treatment 340
Emphysema, subcutaneous 329
Empty uterine cavity 474
hepatic 114
syndrome, posterior reversible 472
Endocrine disorders 143
Endometrial cavity 25, 473f
Endometrial echo complex 477
Endometriosis 52
Endometritis 360, 394
puerperal 362t
Endometrium 20, 473
trilaminar pattern of 26f
Endothelial cell
activation 98, 99fc
injury 99
Endothelial damage 129
Enoxaparin, dose of 132t
Enterocolitis, necrotizing 175
Entonox 317
Eosinophilia 363
Epilepsy 71, 311, 315317
diagnosis of 311
during pregnancy, management of 319
juvenile myoclonic 312
Epinephrine 275, 390
systemic administration of 391
Epsilon aminocaproic acid 404
Ergot alkaloids 221
Ergotamine tartrate 275
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 6
Erythromycin 152
Erythropoietin, injection 465
Escherichia coli 8, 142, 360
Esophageal rupture 17
Estimated gestational age 82
Estrogen, levels of 323
Ethambutol 275
Etomidate 219
European Society of Cardiology 284
Guidelines 282
Exchange transfusion, indications for 456b
External cephalic version 155, 200, 304, 383, 384, 487
Extra-amniotic saline instillation 426
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 196
Face presentation 379t, 384
diagnosis of 379
mentoanterior 380
mentoposterior 380
Fallopian tube 21f, 40
Family planning 3
Fatigue 109, 279
Feeding difficulties 175
Femur length 174
Ferritin, serum 462
abnormalities, screening for 315
acidosis, early 72
activity 386
maternal perception of 152
anemia 78
anomalies 304
asphyxia 369
assessment 166, 306, 329
bleeding 133
bradycardia 200, 201, 209
chest 89
chimerism 279
complications 150t, 174, 369
component 141
compromise 103, 411
condition, assessment of 158
death 369
demise 103, 218, 383
distress 73, 146, 194, 218, 219, 225
fibronectin 25, 144, 145
genes 98
abnormal 208
restriction 110
retardation 17
extended 200
manual delivery of 234f
palpable 201
heart rate 208, 309, 329, 367
abnormal 488
external monitoring of 208
monitoring 152, 218
heart tone 81, 82
hypoxemia, pathophysiology of 446, 447fc
hypoxia 200
infections 190
injury 76
common 73
invasive procedures 304
laser therapy 185
loss 4
lung maturity assessment 152
monitoring 316, 448
electronic 81
intraoperative 329
morbidity 76
majority of 155
movements 179, 210
neck, hyperextended 380
risks 440
skull, diameters of 380f
surveillance, antepartum 178
survival 241
tachycardia 209, 209f
tone 179
weight 87t
well-being, assessment of 77
Feticide, intra-amniotic 42
Fetus 414
and placenta, microbiological examination of 190
delivery of 196
low profile 173
minimizing radiation exposure to 301
neuroprotective for 147
nonviable 383
placenta 340
prompt delivery of 306
persistent puerperal 362, 363t
rheumatic 457
Fexofenadine 275
Fibrin degradation product 402, 418
Fibrinogen 244, 402
Fibrinolytic system 398
Fibroblast proliferation 266
Fibroid 52
polyp 291
Fick's principle 446
Fire, ring of 26f
Fistula 368
Flank pain 300
Flecainide 274
Flu vaccination 3
Fluconazole 275
status 388
therapy 9, 217, 325
Foley's catheter 427
Folic acid
deficiency 462, 465, 466f
supplementation 3
Folinic acid 42
Food and Drug Administration 270t
Forceful violent Act 331
Forceps 235
Fractures 90
Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin 463
Free fatty acids 324
Fresh frozen plasma 196, 417, 441
Functional residual capacity 297
Fundal fibroid, posterior wall 52
Fundal pressure 90, 489
excessive 288
Fusobacterium species 142
Gallbladder 299
disease 299
Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase 116, 117
Gardnerella vaginalis 142
Gas insufflation 327
Gastric emptying, prolonged 72
Gastroenteritis 299
Gastrointestinal medications 275, 275t
Gastrointestinal system 72
Genital infections, female 360b
Genital trauma 220, 221
anesthetic management of 222
Gentamicin 362
ectopic 33
multiple 221, 394
period of 181
singleton 213f
tubal ectopic 27f
Gestational age 103
for termination of pregnancy 337
pregnancy of 11
small for 173, 173f
Gestational sac 42f, 48f, 60, 473f
Gestational trophoblastic disease 55, 56
classification of 56f
Glands, endocervical 43f
Glipizide 273
Glomerular filtration rate 139
Gluconeogenesis, ketones stimulating 324
Glucose tolerance, normal 323
Glyburide 273
Glycogenolysis 324
Gonorrhea 124
diagnosis 124
management 124
maternal and fetal risks 124
uncomplicated 124
Gossypiboma 372, 374
burden of 372
imaging features of 374
intraoperative appearance of 376f
prevention of 375
risk factors for 373
Grand multipara 304
Group B Streptococcus 119, 120, 121fc, 360
diagnosis 120
management 120
prophylaxis 120fc
factor, placental 98
restriction intervention trial study 179
Harmonic scalpel 45
Haultan's repair 291
Hayman suture 249, 249f
Head 202
circumference 174
Headache 333, 456
disease 231
coronary 231
valvular 457
failure 108, 137, 278, 280, 285
acute left 195
decompensated 112
diagnosis of 111fc
drug therapy, strategy for 284t
etiology of 109
magnitude of 109
management of 110
medications 113
nonacute onset of 110
population of 112
pre-eclampsia with 282
signs typical of 110t
symptoms typical of 110t
therapy 282
types of 108, 108t
rate 297
sound, third 279
Helicobacter pylori infection 14
Hematocrit 71, 72, 218
Hematoma 480, 481f
postcesarean 481
puerperal 481
subcapsular 481
Hematosalpinx 34
Hematuria 300, 488
Hemodynamic changes 459f, 460f
Hemofiltration 196
Hemoglobin 230, 459
estimation 462
Hemogram 25
Hemolysis 100, 223, 467, 472
elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome 100, 116, 117, 223, 399, 402
massive intravascular 399
Hemolytic reaction, delayed 442
Hemoperitoneum 34, 46
Hemoptysis 66
Hemorrhage 58, 472
acute 165
antepartum 155, 158, 164, 200, 216, 408, 411
atonic postpartum 194, 196
cerebral 472
decidual 6, 143
fetal-maternal 74
intracerebral 294
intracranial 73
intraparenchymal 482f
massive obstetric 216
maternofetal 76
obstetric 340
postpartum 91, 155, 158, 168, 220, 243, 294, 368, 394, 399, 401, 472
pulmonary 175
risk of 61
severe 155
transplacental 200
uncontrolled 62
vaginal 208
commonly available tests of 402
normal 398
Heparin 273, 403
low-molecular-weight 273, 285, 404
Hepatic artery ligation 47
Hepatic failure, acute 447
A 121
diagnosis 121
management 121
maternal and fetal effects 121
B 121, 332, 335
immunoglobulin 335
surface antigen 6
virus surface antigen 230
C virus 6, 122, 230
diagnosis 122
management options 122
maternal and fetal risks 122
infection 121
viral 115
virus infections 121
Herbal supplements 431
Hernia surgery 327
Herpes simplex virus 174
Hormone metabolism disorders 142
Hour-glass appearance 42f
Human chorionic gonadotropin 55, 56, 59, 62
high levels of 323
serum 4
Human endometrial stromal cells 7
Human immunodeficiency virus 6, 230, 278, 332, 335, 358, 468
Human papillomavirus 332
Human placental lactogen 323
Huntington's repair 291
Hydatidiform mole 55, 68, 399
clinical presentation 58
clinical signs 58
complete 56t
diagnosis 59
management 61
partial 56t
pathogenesis 57
pathology 58
risk factors 55
Hydralazine 271
Hydroxyzine 275
Hypercapnia, severe 391
Hyperemesis gravidarum 14, 14t, 17
clinical examination 15
dual therapy 16
history 15
investigations 15
management 15
medications 16
pathogenesis of 14
risk factors 15
severe 16
single therapy 16
transient hyperthyroidism of 15
Hyperglycemia 175
uncontrolled 322
Hypertension 105, 218, 271, 425
chronic 96
drugs for treatment of 271t
excessive 139
gestational 95, 96
mild-to-moderate 103
persistent pulmonary 175
postpartum 104
pregnancy induced 332
severe 104
types of 96
Hypertensive crisis 103
Hypertensive disorders 95, 96, 96t, 223, 481
classification of 95
complications of 472
Hypertrophy, left ventricular 108
Hypocalcemia 175
Hypocapnia 72
Hypofibrinogenemia 196
Hypoglycemia 175
Hypotension 194, 195, 219, 442, 451, 455
maternal 73
sepsis induced 358
Hypothermia 175, 443, 455
Hypovolemia 399
management of 370
Hypoxia 88
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 489
fractures 90
Hysterectomy 64, 155, 187
definitive treatment 219
subtotal 32 251t
Hysterotomy 64, 90, 393
high vertical 487
resuscitative 239, 295
Ibuprofen 275
Ibutilide 274
Iliac artery ligation, internal 250
Immune hemolytic disease 190
Immunity, humoral 98
E independent anaphylaxis 445
G 445
role of 445
intravenous 285
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 282
Implantation, secondary 37
In utero transfer 407, 408, 413
feasibility of 412
for spontaneous preterm labor 412fc
roles and responsibilities 410fc
staffing needs for 413
In vitro fertilization 21
causes of 52
clinical picture of 53
classical 233
small abdominal 328
T-shaped 233
types of 265
Indomethacin 147
Infections 119, 142, 368, 399, 468
classification of 119
congenital 123
gene-environment interactions 143
microbiology 142
nonpregnancy-related 358
nosocomial 358
parasitic 119
prevention of 113
puerperal 469
routes of 142
manifestation of 359t
signs of 358
viral 119
Inferior vena cava 239, 300
Infertility, secondary 394
Inflammation, acute 20
Inflammatory bowel disease 137
abdominal 193
electrical 76
endothelial 398
genital 332
inhalation 75
nongenital physical 332
pattern of 71
physical 334
thermal 75
Inotropes 10
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 359
Insulin 273
secretion of 323
therapy 325
Intensive care unit 240, 299, 387, 417
Intermenstrual spotting 394
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 67
International normalized ratio 187, 244
International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 402
Interval after index pregnancy 67
Intra-aortic balloon pump 196
management 178, 316
monitoring 212f
risk factors 88
stillbirth 489
Intrauterine balloon tamponade 246
Intrauterine death 155, 201
Intrauterine device 309
Intrauterine fetal
death 189, 432, 433
demise 146, 399, 400, 401fc
growth restriction 425, 432
Intrauterine gestation 27f
normal 19
Intrauterine growth
intervention, disproportionate 179
restriction 6, 58, 173, 173f, 176b, 200, 327, 332, 407
asymmetrical 174, 174t
complications 174
diagnosis 177
etiology of 173, 174t
management 178
neonatal complications of 175t
pathogenesis 173
prediction 174
prevention 176
symmetrical 174t
Intrauterine insemination 433
Intrauterine pregnancy
absence of 473
normal 48
Intravenous fluids, administration of 214
Inversion, degrees of 288f
Ipratropium 275, 390
bromide 390
deficiency 462
anemia 58, 460, 462t, 464
folic acid supplementation 3
requirement, calculation of 464
serum 462, 463
Ischemia, uteroplacental 142, 143
Isoniazid 275
Isoxsuprine 147
Itching 442
Jaundice 114, 117fc
severe 456
Joel-Cohen incision 232
Johnson maneuver 290
Kadar principle 24
Karman cannula 63
Ketamine 219, 317
Ketoacidosis 323, 368
euglycemic 323
Ketoconazole 275
Kidney 100
disease, chronic 96
injury, acute 447
Klebsiella pneumoniae 360
Kleihauer count 190
Kleihauer-Betke test 81
Krebs cycle 366
abnormal progress of 436, 440
abnormalities, types of 436
after cesarean delivery, trial of 486, 487
and delivery in emergency department 417
augmentation of 208, 221, 265
cessation of 219
course of 380, 381
dystocia 438t
elective induction of 424
first stage of 470
induction of 260, 265, 317, 423, 424, 424fc, 424t, 425t, 432, 432t
management during 202, 470
methods of induction of 261, 424, 427
monitoring of 262, 262b
normal 141, 365
obstructed 365, 487
precipitate 439
latent phase of 438b
second stage of 88
second stage of 243, 470
spontaneous 260
third stage of 169, 170, 204, 470
trial of 259, 260
Lacerations, vaginal 91
Lactate dehydrogenase 467
Lactation failure 469
Lactic acid dehydrogenase 116
Lamotrigine 272, 313, 314
Laparoscopic approach over laparotomy, advantages of 29
Laparoscopic technique 31, 32, 33
advantages of 328
basic guidelines for 329
diagnostic 26
gasless 327
hand-assisted 327
in pregnancy 327
complications 328
contraindications 327
indications 327, 328
patient position 328
premedication 328
preoperative instructions 328
types 327
three-port 31
Laparotomy 44f
Last menstrual period 241
Late pregnancy 54
loss 4
Left ventricular ejection fraction 108, 284, 285
Lethal fetal anomaly 146
Levalbuterol 390
Levetiracetam 272, 313, 314
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system 318
Levothyroxine 275
Lidocaine 274
Linezolid 273
Lipolysis 324
Liver 100, 481
disease 115, 139
chronic 35
management of 116t
enzymes, elevated 223, 472
function test 15, 35, 61, 62, 244, 280, 335, 464
Lobectomy, partial 47
Loratadine 275
Lorazepam 317
Loveset maneuver 203, 204f
Lung injury, acute 441, 442
Lupus erythematosus 457
Macrolides 273
Macrosomia 87, 221, 394
Magnesium sulphate 146148, 224, 342
dosage regimen of 104
Mallory-Weiss syndrome 17
Malpresentation 366, 379, 383
mixed echogenic 477f
spectrometry 25
Mast cells 193
Mastitis 363
age, advanced 141, 394
anaphylaxis 447fc, 448f
and fetal risks 119, 122, 123
cardiac status 450fc
collapse 239, 239t, 293, 295
causes 239
management of 239
complications 150t, 368, 489
disease 176, 411
hemodynamic monitoring 218
morbidity 266, 369
mortality 48, 266, 369, 447
causes of 95
sepsis, management of 484
trauma, causes of 71
Matrix metalloproteinases 7
Mauriceau maneuver 205f
Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver 203
Maylard incision 232
McRoberts maneuver 421
Mean amniotic fluid volume across normal pregnancy 182f
Mean arterial pressure 221, 358
Mechanical circulatory support and transplantation 282, 285
Meclizine 275
aspiration 175
stained liquor 208
Medical and legal implications 372
Medical boards, role of 337
Medical professionals, role of 331
Medical Termination of Pregnancy
amendment Bill 12
Act 11, 12, 337
Medical treatment 344
and care postsurgery 345
Medroxyprogesterone acetate injections 318
Membranes 151, 151fc
artificial rupture of 304, 308, 428
intact 141
preterm rupture of 412, 413
rupture of 155, 425, 432
premature rupture of 141, 149, 150, 155, 200, 346, 347, 358
prelabor rupture of 425, 432
premature rupture of 71, 151, 359
rupture of 74, 201, 382
spontaneous rupture of 304
stripping 261, 424
Mental health, care of 191
Mesosalpinx 31
Metered-dose inhaler 386
Metformin 273
Methimazole 275
Methotrexate 34, 48, 68
inhibits cellular proliferation 34
therapy 35
Methyldopa 271
Methylenetetrahydrofolate 34
Methylergometrine 63, 187
Methylprednisolone 275
Metoclopramide 271
Metronidazole 273, 335
Microbiological tests 455
Mifepristone 11, 261, 431
Migraine 274
drugs for treatment of 275t
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist 283, 284
Minimal access surgical procedure 327
Miscarriage 4, 5, 133, 327
clinical examination 5
complete 5
delayed 4
etiology 4
incomplete 5
inevitable 5
laboratory investigations 6
missed 5
septic 5
spontaneous 5
threatened 5
types of 4, 5t
Misgav Ladach technique 235
Misoprostol 11, 221, 234, 261
Molar pregnancy 55, 57, 59, 59f, 183f, 472
clinical signs of 58, 59t
complete 63, 64
follow-up of 66fc
management of 62fc, 63fc
previous 55
invasive 67
partial 57f, 60
types of 66
Morison's pouch 25
Morning sickness 14, 14t
Motor vehicle road accident 155
Müllerian duct anomalies 487
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 398
perineal 256f
relaxants, nondepolarizing 225
Myocardial function 100
Myocardial infarction 186, 195, 294
Myocardial inflammation 279
Myocarditis, acute 282
Myomectomy 393
Myometrium, residual 487
Myosin light chain kinase 366
Naegele's formula 2
Naked eye appearance 58
Naratriptan 275
National Anemia Prophylaxis Programme 464
National Crime Records Bureau 332
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 438
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit Survey 408
Nausea 14, 271
treatment of 271t
NCDRC's observations 346, 350, 352
Neck vein, engorged 279
Neglected shoulder presentation 369
care 180
after delivery 421
infection, spectrum of 120
intensive care unit 178, 263, 322, 408, 417
morbidity, short-term 201
Neoplasia, gestational trophoblastic 61, 64, 67, 476
Neoplasm 462
Nephropathy 137
Nephrotic syndrome 137
Neural tube defects 313
Neuropathy, peripheral 17
New York Heart Association 279
Nifedipine 147
Nitrates 148
Nitrazine test 150
Nitric oxide 431
Nitrofurantoin 273
Nitroglycerin 147, 170
Nonmolar trophoblastic malignant neoplasms 55
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 275, 329, 444
Nonstress test 179
N-terminal pro-brain type natriuretic peptide 108, 280
Nuchal cord 90, 304
Nystatin 275
O'Sullivan method, modified 290, 290f
Obesity 236
morbid 200
complications 315
consequences 332
emergencies 23, 216, 339, 457, 472
and trauma, managing 242
management 112, 218, 222, 223
thromboprophylaxis 138
risk assessment and management 136
ultrasound scanning 77
Obstructed labor 365, 487
causes of 366
etiology of 366t
pathophysiology of 366
Oligohydramnios 200, 425
management of severe 183
Omentum 48f
Ondansetron 271
Opioids analgesics 329
Optic atrophy 274
Organ dysfunction 359
Orthopnea 279
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 297
Ovarian vein thrombosis 472, 483
Ovary, dermoid cyst of 376f
Oxidative stress 279
Oxygen 9
mask 354
partial pressure of 359
saturation 63
supplementation 388
Oxytocic agents, role of 63
Oxytocic drugs 113, 170, 290
Oxytocin 187, 221, 234, 261, 430
augmentation 262
dosage, protocol for 430t
dose of 261
infusion 64
prophylactic 246
receptor antagonists 147, 148
risks of 430
umbilical vein injection of 170
Packed red blood cell 196, 217, 441
abdominal 46, 358, 488
degree of lower abdominal 58
localization of 298
nature of 298
Pallor 2
Palmer's point 327
Palpation, abdominal 177
Palpitations 109
Pancreatitis 17
Paralytic ileus 368
Parenteral iron
preparations 465t
therapy 464
Parenteral nutrition, total 17
Partial molar pregnancy 63
diagnosis of 60
Partial thromboplastin time 217
Parvovirus B19 174
Peak expiratory flow 386
abscess 363
bones 73
examination 5, 39
bimanual 21
inflammatory disease 20, 298, 299
pain, chronic 394
surgeries 52
tenderness 23
vessels, engorgement of 73
Pelvis 73
Penicillin 273, 362
Pentoxifylline 285
Peptic ulcer disease 488
Peptide hormone 55
Pereira suture 249, 249f
Perimortem cesarean
contraindications of 419
delivery 239
section 81, 419
Perinatal death 91, 201
risk of 487, 487t
Perinatal morbidity 266
Perinatal mortality 266
risk in 307
Perineal body 254
Perineal damage 91
Perineal tear 253
degrees of 254
first-degree 254f
fourth-degree 255f
second-degree 254f
third-degree 255f
Perineal tissue, lack of elasticity of 254
Perineal triangle
anterior 253f
posterior 253f
Perineum 253
lacerations of 253
overstretching of 254
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 109, 113, 186, 195, 278, 280b, 280fc, 281b, 284t
differential diagnosis of 281b
medications for 283t
Peripartum collapse 293
etiology 294
incidence 293
risk reduction 293
Peripheral blood
film 462
smear 464
Peripheral vein thrombosis 469
Peritoneum 234
closure 234
nonclosure 234
Peritonitis 394
Pethidine 317
Pfannenstiel incision 232, 488
Phenytoin 272, 314
Physical abuse 155
Pinard maneuver 203f
Pirbuterol 390
Placenta 244
accreta 168, 169, 222, 288
spectrum 472
adherens 168, 169
anterior 478
control cord traction of 170
cross-section of 171f
fundal implantation of 288
growth factor 101
immature 55
increta 169
low-lying 160, 166
management of retained 170fc
manual removal of 171, 172f, 248, 487
normal sized 38f
percreta 169
posterior 478, 478f
prapped 168, 169
previa 158, 200, 216, 236, 340, 381, 472, 478
asymptomatic 164
case study 341
classification of 159, 160f
clinical findings 161
complications 164
diagnosis of 161, 478
etiology 159
incidence of 159
major 161
management 164
marginal 160, 160f, 216
minor 161
on color Doppler 162
partial 160, 160f, 216
prediction of 163
risk factors for 159b
signs of 479fc
symptomatic 164
total 159, 160f, 216
removal of piece of 341
removing 242
retained 168
Placental abruption 71, 74, 103, 155, 200, 201, 339
clinical features 156
complications 158
history of 155
management of 157, 157fc
pathophysiology 155
risk factors 155
treatment 339
Placental extraction, Crede's method of 169, 170
Placental lacunae, abnormal 163f
Placentation, abnormal 263, 394
exchange transfusion 196
volume 72
activating factor 445f
concentrate 441
count, low 488
transfusions 196
Plethora 339
Plethysmography, impedance 130
Pneumomediastinum 327, 329
Pneumothorax 329
Polyarthropathy, inflammatory 137
Polycythemia 175, 456
Polyglactin 45
Polyhydramnios 155, 185f, 200, 221, 304
acute severe 184
delivery of 185
symptom of 185f
Polymerase chain reaction 122, 468
test 123
Polymerization, hypoxia-induced 454
Polymicrobial infection 360
Postabortion 12
examination 190
report 345
Postpartum hemorrhage 91, 155, 158, 168, 220, 243, 294, 368, 394, 399, 401, 472
classification of 243b
management of 245, 245fc, 246f
pharmacological management of 247t
prevent 234
recognition of 220fc
Postsurgical excision 33
laparotomy 33
Post-thrombotic syndrome 134
Potassium 323, 325
Pouch of Douglas 24, 40, 52, 53f, 473, 474
Prednisolone 275
Prednisone 275
Pre-eclampsia 2, 6, 17, 58, 95, 96, 98, 98f, 101, 110, 200, 223, 342, 399, 400, 408, 426, 451
classical features in 99t
management of severe 104
mild 102t
severe 58, 102t, 146, 456
superimposed 96
syndrome, development of 101t
treatment 342
Pregnancy 96, 270, 297
abdominal 36, 36f, 39, 475
accurate dating of 177
acute fatty liver of 114, 116, 117, 298
advanced abdominal 38
after rape, reporting with 335
and bowel 300
and childbirth 303
and kidney 300
anembryonic 60
antecedent 67
complications in 263
cornual 45, 474
cranial trauma during 75
ectopic tubal 21f
fatty liver of 17
hepatic 46, 47, 47f
heterotopic 27, 297, 327, 475
interstitial 45, 46f, 474
intrahepatic cholestasis of 115, 425
location of 49
management of subsequent 489
multifetal 466
multiple 155, 200, 304
nonmolar 66
omental 48
ovarian 39, 40, 475
pharmacokinetics of 269
physiological alterations in 72t
physiology of 276
poses, types of 48
postdated 87
post-term 425
presentation of 19
primary abdominal 37
prophylaxis 335
rape-related 332
related complications 1
risk factors to 293
scoring 2
secondary abdominal 37
singleton 303
splenic 46, 47f
subsequent 68, 286
termination of 337
therapeutic termination of 64
trauma in 71, 301
tubal 20, 49
types of 46
Pregnant trauma victim 74, 76, 79
Prematurity 133
Prepregnancy 120
intra-abdominal 327
intracranial 75
Preterm birth 6
prevention of 148, 149fc
Preterm labor 74, 81, 327, 411, 412
accurate tests for 411
advanced 148
diagnosis of 143
early 145
management of 144fc
pathophysiology 141
risk factors 141, 141b
stage of 144
stimulation of 201
Preterm premature rupture, management of 151, 151fc
Previous cesarean delivery 260
number of 265
Previous cesarean section 263, 393, 432, 486
effects of 263
indication of 262
number of 394
Procainamide 274
Prochlorperazine 271, 275
Progesterone 323
serum 25
supplementation 149
Progestin-only, endometria of 7
Prolactin theory 279
Prolonged labor 221, 436
causes of 436
Promethazine 271
Prophylaxis 466
regimens 121t
Prostaglandin 187, 428
analog 428
gel 178, 428
alpha 221
inhibitors 148
umbilical vein injection of 170
use of 487
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences 337
deficiency 462
angiogenic 99
antiangiogenic 99
Proteinuria 100
Prothrombin time 115
Proton pump inhibitors 275
Protraction disorders 436, 438
Pseudoephedrine 275
Pseudogestational sac 25, 473f
Pseudo-sinusoidal pattern 212, 212f
Psychological disorder 331, 333
Psychological distress, forms of 331
Puerperal sepsis 358
clinical findings 360
diagnosis 360
effects 362
management 361
microbiology 360
prevention 363
Puerperium 470
Pyelonephritis 399
Pyrexia, puerperal 359
Quantifying amniotic fluid, methods of 181
Quinidine 274
Quinolones 273
Radiation, ionizing 77
Radiology, conventional 374
Raising plasma glucose levels 323
pregnancy of 331, 338
trauma syndrome 333
muscle 234
sheath 234
hematoma 74
Red blood cell 72, 457
leukocyte reduced 441
Red cell indices 462t
Relaxin 431
Renal disease, chronic 462, 468
Renal disorder, serious 139
Renal failure 158
acute 155, 218, 347
Renal function test 61, 62, 98, 244
abnormal 35
Reproductive system 24
Resistant microorganism 363
treatment of 362t
distress 442
medications 274, 275t
support 195
system 72, 420
tract infection, upper 457
Resuscitation 361
cardiopulmonary 79, 82, 227, 240, 295, 419
hemostatic 187
maternal 419fc
Retained placenta 168
causes of 169t
clinical features 169
treatment 169
types of 168, 168fc, 169
clot 480f
collection 480
sonolucent space, loss of 162, 163f
space, normal 163f
Retroverted gravid uterus 51
fate of 52
manual correction of 54f
Retroverted uterus 51f, 52
causes of 52
Rhesus isoimmunization 200
Ribonucleic acid 34
Ricinus communis 431
Rifampin 275
Ringer's lactate 221
Rubella virus 174
Rubin's criteria 43
Rudimentary horn, excision of 327
infusion, intra-amniotic hypertonic 399
solution, isotonic 325
Salpingectomy 30
partial 30, 33, 33f
total 32, 33f
Salpingostomy 30
procedure, laparoscopic 32f
technique of 30f
Salpingotomy 30
Saltatory pattern 210, 211f, 212, 212f
dehiscence 393
features of 264
treatment of 395
factors affecting integrity of 262
lower segment 263t
pregnancy 41
rupture, features of 264
tenderness, elicitation of 265
Seat belt, correct placement of 83f
Second trimester pulsatility index 175
Seizures 223
absence 312
common types of 312
classification of 311
types of 312t
effect of pregnancy on 314
focal 312
in labor, management of 316
tonic-clonic 312
Sengstaken-Blakemore catheter 248
Sepsis 146, 158, 457
Septic abortion 8, 9, 399, 400
investigations of 9
management of 9
types of 8
Septic pelvic vein thrombophlebitis 363
Septicemia 399
Serine protease 193
Serological tests 123, 190
Sexual assault 338
victim of 335
Sexual dysfunction 332, 333
Sexual problems 333
Sexually transmitted
disease 124, 334
infections 12, 334
risk of 332
Shock 368, 399
absorber 73
hemorrhagic 74, 218
hypovolemic 158
management of 9
maternal 73
neurogenic 289
septic 358
Shoulder 202
dystocia 86, 87b, 87t, 89, 90b, 91, 226, 347
antepartum 87
labor in 86
management 88
manipulations in 487
maternal 91b
preconceptual 87
prevention of 91
recurrence of 91
resolve 88
risk of 86, 87, 226
posterior 89
Sickle cell
anemia 454
management of 468fc
crisis 454
complications of 454, 454t
incidence 454
investigation 455
management 455
pathophysiology 454
precipitating factors 454
disease 137, 231, 467
hemoglobinopathies 462
trait 467
Sinusoidal pattern 212, 212f
Skin 235
disorders, inflammatory 466
edges, approximation of 256f
incision 232, 241
types of 232f
active 212
deep 212
disorders 333
pattern 212
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Guidelines 187
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons 300
Soft tissue 366
abdominal 77
focused abdominal 77
transabdominal 25, 217, 474
transvaginal 25, 161
Speech abnormalities 456
Spherocytosis 462
Spironolactone 112
Sputum examination 464
Sterile speculum examination 150
Sterilization 266
surgical 65
Steroids 10
antenatal 145
prophylactic 152
rescue dose of 146
role of 316
therapy 470
Stomach 75
Stool examination 464
agalactiae 142
pyogenes 359
Stress 141
disorder, post-traumatic 191, 333
incontinence 368
Stroke, repeated 456
Stroma, ovarian 41f
Subarachnoid block 222
Sudden cardiorespiratory collapse 452
Sulfonamides 273
Sulfonylurea 273
Sumatriptan 275
Swelling, soft globular 289
Symphyseal-fundal distance 177
Symphysiotomy 90
Synthetic protease inhibitor 404
Syphilis 334
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 358
Systemic lupus erythematosus 96
Systemic vascular resistance 109, 297
Tachycardia 194, 209
ventricular 295
Tamponade 42
test 248
Targeted therapy 282, 285
first-degree 254
fourth-degree 254
first-degree 255
second degree 255
second-degree 254
third-degree 254
Telangiectasis 134
Tenderness, abdominal 23
Terbinafine 275
Terbutaline 147, 275, 390
diphtheria, and pertussis 3
dose of 3
toxoid 3
Tetracycline 273
Thalassemia 462, 462t, 467
Therapeutic dosage 3
Threatened preterm labor 410
management of 120fc, 145fc
Thrifty gene hypothesis 175fc
Thrombin time 402
Thrombocytopenia 223
maternal 100
Thromboelastography 244, 402
Thromboelastometry 244
Thromboembolic disorders 482
acute pulmonary 484fc
pulmonary 472
Thrombophilia 155
diseases 190
Thromboprophylaxis, indications for 328
Thrombotic disorders 472
diseases 190
medications 274, 275t
profile of mother 190
stimulating hormone 6, 62
storm 58, 64
Thyrotoxic crisis 17
Tinzaparin 133
initial dose of 133b
Tiredness, chronic 333
hypoperfusion 359
ovarian 41f
subcutaneous 235
trophoblastic 43f
Tocolysis 146, 148, 152
prophylactic 328
Tocolytics 470
agents 221, 317
contraindications of 147t
mechanism of action of 146, 146f
Topiramate 272, 314
Torsion ovary 297
Total iron binding capacity 463
Toxemia, pre-eclamptic 414
Toxic shock syndrome 359
Toxoplasma gondii 174
isolation of 123
Toxoplasmosis 123
diagnosis 123
management 123
maternal risk of 123
transmission 123
Tranexamic acid 196, 234
Transcervical catheter 426
Transferrin receptor, serum 463
Transfusion reactions 441
delayed 441t
diagnosis 442
etiology 441
immune-mediated 441
management 443
pathophysiology 441
symptoms and signs 442
treatment 443
Transverse incision 232
lower segment 232
Transverse lie 236, 381, 381f, 382, 383, 383fc
abdominal 79
blunt abdominal 76, 81fc
complicates 71
during pregnancy 73
etiology of 81
minimize 49
setting of 77
severe 77
Treponema pallidum 174
endovascular 97
proliferation, abnormal 55
surgical excision of 41
tissue 41
Trophoblastic disease, persistent gestational 66
Trophoblastic invasion 97f
asynchronous 97
Trophotropism 159
Tubal ring 25, 473f
Tube muscularis layer 21
necrosis factor-alpha 323
ovarian 327
size, largest 67
trophoblastic 68
Twin pregnancies 303
Tyrosine molecule 98
role of 382
transvaginal 395
Ultrasound, abdominal 46
Umbilical cord
accidents 225
prolapse 303, 304b, 305, 306, 306fc, 421
consequences of 308, 308f
diagnosis 305
epidemiology 303
incidence 303
management of 306, 308, 309fc
pathophysiology 305
prevention 308
risk factors 304
types 303
United States Food and Drug Administration 77, 270
Ureaplasma urealyticum 142
Uric acid, serum 102
Urinary bladder rupture 74
Urinary tract infection 298, 332
examination 464
pregnancy test 64
Urogenital triangle 253
Urticaria 442
Uterine 51
abnormalities 141
anomalies 265
metroplasty for 393
septoplasty for 393
Doppler 175
embolization 44, 250
ligation 219, 250
atony 187, 220, 221
abnormal 7
profuse 58
changes 23
component 141
bimanual 246
sutures 248
contractility 141
contractions, maternal 208
curettage 393
dehiscence 486
devascularisation, stepwise 248
displacement 218, 240
distention, excessive 142
dystonia 304
fundus 53f
gauze tamponade 246
hemorrhage 58
incision 232
types of 233f, 265, 393t
inversion 223, 288, 289f
anesthetic management of 223
classification 288
diagnosis 289
etiology 288
management 289
prevention 291
preventive measures for 291t
massage 246
overdistention 143
position 51
prolapse 291
relaxation, adequate 201
repair 219
retroversion 52
rupture 74, 91, 219, 263, 486, 487t, 488
complete 219, 264t
differential diagnosis 488
during trial of labor, risk factors for 265
incidence 486
incomplete 264t
management 488
predicting 487
prevention 489
previous 486
rate of 261t, 395, 395t
risk of 265b, 486, 486t
symptoms of 263
terminology 486
scar dehiscence 219, 393
segment cesarean section 200
subinvolution 66
tenderness 218
vascular resistance 72
wall 187, 342
wound, healing of 266
Utero-vaginal packing 246
Uterus 27f, 40, 51, 72, 234
anteverted 51f
atonic 288
clinical anatomy of 51
exteriorization of 234
hyperstimulated 213
incise 242
intact 369
inversion of 289fc
massage of 170
normal sized 38f
position of 51f
retroverted 51f
gravid 51
rupture of 38, 351, 368, 370, 481
scarred 267
specimen of 43f
Vagina 289
laceration of 91
posterior 89
Vaginal birth after cesarean 259
in twins, role of 267
risks associated with 259
section 258
benefits of 259
with preterm birth, role of 267
Vaginal birth, planned 201
Vaginal bleeding 218, 219, 368, 394, 488
irregular 66
Vaginal breech delivery, indications for 202
Vaginal delivery
operative 88
spontaneous 286
Vaginal discharge 358
Vaginal evacuation, complications of 63
Vaginal examination 23, 169, 200, 289, 308, 367
Vaginal mucosa, closure of 255f, 256f
Vaginal swabs, high 359
Valproate 314
Valproic acid 272
Vancomycin 273
Varicose veins 134
Vasa previa 162f, 220, 472, 479
Vascular cell adhesion protein 457f
Vascular endothelial growth factor 101
Vasopressors 9, 187
during labor and delivery 448
Vasospasm 99
Venereal disease 6
Venography 130, 131
Venous stasis 129, 455
Venous thromboembolism 134, 158, 231, 300, 404, 468
risk assessment for 135
Ventilation, mechanical 391
Ventricular failure 109
Ventricular fibrillation 295
Ventricular function, normal 110
Vertical incision 232
lower segment 232
Vesicles per vaginum, expulsion of 59f
Vesicoamniotic shunts, role of 184
Vessels, uteroplacental 327
Vincristine 68
Virchow's triad, constituents of 129
Visual disturbances 456
Vital signs 23, 143, 442
B12 deficiency 462, 466
K 404
antagonist 133
injection 421
role of 316
Vomiting 14, 17, 271
excessive 58
treatment of 271t
Weight gain, excessive 87
Wernicke's encephalopathy 17
White blood cell 359, 363
Wood screw maneuver 89
World Health Organization 293, 365, 375
Wound infection 363
Zavanelli maneuver 89
syndrome, congenital 125
virus 124
diagnosis 125
fetal risks 125
management 125
prevention 125
transmission 125
Zolmitriptan 275
Chapter Notes

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