Prenatal Counseling for Optimizing Pregnancy Outcomes Ashok Kumar
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and t refer to table
spontaneous 20
unsafe 16, 17
Accredited Social Health Activist 135
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 140
Activated partial thromboplastin time 98
Alanine aminotransferase 70
Albuterol 77
American Academy of Pediatrics 23
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 45, 61
American Diabetes Association 62
Amino acids 30
Amniocentesis 41
Amniotic fluid index 71
Amplification refractory mutation analysis 41
Anemia 16, 17, 20, 86
Angiotensin receptor blocker 67, 68
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 63, 68
inhibitors 67, 68, 85, 136
Antenatal immunization, characteristics of 106
Anticoagulants, endogenous 98
Anticonvulsants 89, 139
Antiepilepsy medicine 2
Antiepileptic 48
drugs 88
teratogenic 139
drugs 68t, 72
in pregnancy 68t
therapy 73
Anti-Müllerian hormone 122
Antiphospholipid antibody 138
syndrome 67, 100
Antithrombin deficiency 100
Antithyroglobulin 80
Antitubercular drug 141
Antral follicle count 122
Anuria 85
Anxiety disorders 10
Aortic dilatation 96
Appendectomy 101
Ascorbic acid 31
Aspartate aminotransferase 70
Assisted reproductive technology 101
Asthma 56, 74
management of 74
severe 75
Atenolol 68
Atherosclerotic vascular disease 59
Autosomal dominant
inheritance 47f
pattern 46
Azathioprine 85
Bacillus Calmette Guerin 108
vaccine 109
Barbiturates 139
Barrier methods 23, 92
Basal estradiol levels 122
Beclomethasone 77
Bilirubin, serum 70
Biophysical profile 71
defects 44
weight, low 20
Bleeding disorders 49
genetic disorders of 35
glucose 63
self-monitoring of 58, 61
testing 60
pressure measurement 59
Body mass index 29, 30, 48, 59, 101
Budesonide 76, 77
Caffeine 3
Calcium 31, 32
Calories 34
Cancer 120, 126
breast 129
gynecological 123
lung 129
syndromes, familial 49
therapy 127
treatment 127
Carbamazepine 89, 90, 139
Carbimazole 82
Carbohydrate 62
Carboplatin 129
Cardiac disease 56
Cardiac failure 100
Cardiomyopathy, peripartum 95, 96
Cardiovascular disease 10, 11, 136
Carrier screening 39
cycle 122
replication 30
Cellular growth 30
Cerebrovascular complications 72
delivery 103
section 94, 101
Chemotherapy 121, 122
ovarian reserve before 122
Chorionic villus sampling 41, 51
Chromosomal disorders 49
Cisplatin 129
Clostridium tetani bacteria 110
Coagulation, in vitro tests of 98
Coeliac disease 2
Communicable diseases 38
Community health center 81
Computed tomography 130
Consanguinity 11
Contraception 58, 142
counseling 134
injectable 23
long-acting reversible 22
preconception 143
counseling for 134, 135, 142
advice 135-141
combined hormonal 22, 23, 135
hormonal 141
methods 22, 24, 58, 134
services 134
use 20
Copper intrauterine device 24, 135, 136, 138, 143
Counseling 11, 21, 25
adolescent 16, 17, 20
components of 9
difficulties in 22
for nutrition during pregnancy 29
interconceptional 13
premarriage 35, 38
prenatal 1, 116
prepregnancy 84, 91
sessions 9
technique of 21
Craniospinal irradiation 121
Cromolyn 77
Cyclosporine 85
Deafness 49
Dehydration 101
Depotmedroxyprogesterone acetate 22, 23, 135
benefits of 135
Depression 10
Diabetes 2, 10, 67
and pregnancy, interaction of 57
duration of 59
management 59
mellitus 56, 100, 135
gestational 57
pregestational 58
types of 59
Diabetic complications, chronic 59
Dimethylarginine, asymmetric 70
Diphtheria toxoid 108, 109
DNA mutation studies 41
Donor gametes 45
Doppler study 71
Down syndrome 49
Eating disorders 59
Echocardiography 92, 93, 128
Edema, pulmonary 72, 86
Electrocardiogram 60
Embolism, pulmonary 104
Embryo cryopreservation 125
Embryopathy 95
Emergency contraception 24
timely use of 24
Endocarditis 138
Energy 31
daily recommended dietary allowance for 31t
Epilepsy 10, 11, 139
Exercise 3, 59
Family planning 134
preconception 134
Fasting plasma glucose 65
Fat 61
daily recommended dietary allowance for 31t
Fatigability 63
Feeding pattern 32
Felbamate 89
Fertility 122
counseling 120
chemotherapy-induced 121
radiation induced 121
preservation 126, 131
counseling 122
hormonal treatment for 124
methods of 125
surgical methods for 123
cord sampling 41
growth restriction 84, 91
weight 71
Fibrinogen 99
Flexible ovarian stimulation protocols 125
Fluticasone 77
Folate 31
Folic acid 11, 32, 34, 63, 90
supplementation 2
Gastroesophageal reflux 75
Gastrointestinal problems 59
General nutrition 3
conditions 50
counseling 49, 93
disease 45
burden of 44
familial 11
disorder 38, 49, 50
preconceptional counseling in 44
risk of 45
risk factors 49, 50
test 47
Glucocorticoids 77
oral 77
Glucometer, use of 58
Glucose levels 62
Glycemic control, aim of 58
Glycemic index 61
Gonadal toxicity 131
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone-analogs 125
Group B streptococcal vaccine 110
Group health
counseling 12
education 12
Growth 30
restriction 85
Headache 63
Health, preconceptional 13
Hearing and visual impairments 11
defects, congenital 49
disease 91, 96, 137
failure 72
congestive 68, 86
obstruction, severe left 96
Hemoglobin 48
abnormal 36
glycosylated 60
production of 35
Hemoglobinopathies 35, 38
burden of 36
Hemophilia 112
Hemorrhage 17
postpartum 101
Hemorrhagic disease 88
Heparin cofactor 99
A 108, 109, 112, 116
B 108, 109, 112, 117
High-performance liquid chromatography 37, 48
Hodgkin lymphoma 129
Homocysteine 70
Hormonal methods 24
Human immunodeficiency virus 12, 38, 140
infection 16, 140, 143
Human papillomavirus 110
Hyperaldosteronism 67
Hyperemesis 101
fetal risks of 57
in pregnancy 56
maternal risks of 57
symptoms 58
Hyperplasia 30
Hypertension 10, 11, 56, 59, 66, 67, 69, 136, 138
chronic 67, 72
development of 67
family history of 67
future risk of 69
gestational 67
history of 67
in pregnancy, adverse effects of 69
pulmonary 138
severe pulmonary arterial 96
Hypertensive disorders 57
Hyperthyroidism 81, 82, 136
subclinical 82
Hypocalvaria 85
Hypoglycemia 58, 63
history of 59
identification of 58
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 121
Hypothyroidism 10, 79, 136
congenital 82
overt 80
subclinical 79
Immobility 101
Immune response, state of 107
Immunity 108
acquired 106
adaptive 106
cell-mediated 108
humoral 108
innate 106
types of 106
Immunization 4
Immunoglobulin 114
agents 85
treatment 138
In vitro fertilization 45, 67, 101
Inactivated influenza vaccine 109
Inactivated polio vaccine 108, 109, 116
Inactivated toxins 108
Infections, history of 59
Infertility 120
Inflammatory bowel disease 100
Influenza 76, 105, 108, 116
vaccination 4, 110
regimen 59
therapy 61
titration, use of 58
Intellectual delay 49
contraceptive device 92
devices 22
insemination 45
Iron 31
Irritability 63
Ischemic complications 72
Isophane 64
Jugular venous pressure 93
Ketoacidosis, history of 59
Ketones, monitoring 61
Ketonuria, detection of 58
Kidney disease 10, 84
Labetalol 68
obstructed 17
prolonged 101
Left ventricular ejection fraction 96
Leukemia, chronic myeloid 140
Levalbuterol 77
Levonorgestrel 24
intrauterine device 125
benefits of 136
Live vaccines 108, 108t
Liver disease 10, 11, 112
Low molecular weight heparin 95, 102, 103
Lupus nephritis 138
Macromolecules, purified 108
Magnetic resonance imaging, cardiac 92
Malformations, congenital 49
Marfan syndrome 96
age, advanced 5
disease, acceleration of 84
Mean cell hemoglobin 48
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin 40
volume 40, 48
Measles 108
mumps, rubella 108
vaccine 114, 115
vaccine 109
Mechanical pneumatic compression 103
Medical diseases 55
Medical disorders 55, 135
Medical nutrition therapy 59, 60
constituents of 61
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 125
Megestrol acetate 125
Membranes, preterm rupture of 57
Mendelian disorder 46
Meningococcal vaccine 109, 113, 117
health problems 8
retardation 11, 49
Metabolic diseases 11
Metabolic syndrome 58
Methimazole 82
Methyldopa 68
Micronutrients 34
Mifepristone 24
Miscarriage 95
recurrent 49
Mitral stenosis 93
Mood changes 63
Multiple booster dose 108
Mumps vaccine 109
Muscles, tracheobronchial 129
Mycophenolate mofetil 85
Naked eye single tube red cell osmotic fragility test 40
National Family Health Survey 134
National Immunization Schedule 111
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 62
guidelines 3
Nephropathy 58, 59, 100
Nephrotic syndrome 100
Neural tube defect 1, 49
Neuropathy 58, 60
autonomic 59
peripheral 59
New York Heart Association 92, 96
Nifedipine 68
Nonhormonal method 24
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 140
Nonstress test 71
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 140
Nutrition 29
Obesity 67, 75, 103
in pregnancy 103
Oligohydramnios 85
Opioids 26
Oral anticoagulation therapy 103
Oral antidiabetic agents 64
current use of 59
Oral contraceptive 89
pills 23
Oral glucose tolerance test 65
Organogenesis 29
Orofacial clefts 49
hyperstimulation syndrome 101
suppression 126
tissue cryopreservation and transplantation 126
transposition 124
Oxcarbazepine 89, 139
Pedigree analysis 46
Pedigree chart 47f
symbols used in 46f
Pelvic vessels, Doppler of 93
Perinatal death 84
Pertussis 76, 116
vaccine 109
Phenobarbital 89
Phenobarbitone 89
Phenytoin 89, 139
Plasma pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A 70
Platelets 99
Pneumococcal polysaccharide 114
Pneumococcal vaccine 109, 117, 114
Polio vaccine, oral 108
Polyarthropathy, inflammatory 100
Polyhydramnios 57
Polysaccharide vaccine, quadrivalent 113
Positron emission tomography 130
Potency 108
Preconception care, hallmarks of 56
Preconceptional counseling 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 44, 51, 55, 66, 91, 98, 105, 120, 127, 143
primary purpose of 56
Preconceptional education and management plan 60
evaluation, and management 70, 75, 79, 81, 85, 89
Preeclampsia 67, 71, 73, 84, 91, 100
prediction of 70
prevention of 70
Pregnancy 17, 34, 98
avoidance of 45
changes during 99t
complications of 20
diagnostic criteria in 80
food intake during 30
high risks of 20
immunology of 106
in cancer survivors 127
losses, recurrent, history of 50
multiple 67, 101
outcome 86, 88
effects on 79
phases of 29
termination of 72
unwanted 16
weight gain recommendation for 30t
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis 45, 130
Premature birth 20
Prenatal screening 116
Prenatal tests 41
Preprandial 62
Preterm delivery 57, 84
Primary health center 81
Primidone 89, 139
Progesterone only pills 135
Progestin only methods 143
Propranolol 68
Propylthiouracil 82
Protein 31, 34, 61, 70, 99
C deficiency 100
daily recommended dietary allowance for 31t
placental 70
S deficiency 100
gene mutation 100
time 98
Puerperium 67
Pulmonary function tests 129
Rabies 108
vaccine 109, 115, 117
Radioactive iodine 82
Randomized controlled trial 71
Red blood cell 48
count 48
Renal disease 56, 67, 84, 85
Renal dysplasia 85
Renal failure 72, 85
Renal function, baseline assessment of 60
Reproductive health education 13
Reproductive life planning 20
Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine 110
Retinopathy 58, 59
Rhinitis 75
Rifampicin 141
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 84, 114
Rubella 8
vaccine 110
Screening tests 40
Sedatives 26
Seizure disorders 56, 88
Sepsis 17
Serum follicle-stimulating hormone 122
Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone, measurement of 60
Sexual behaviour, high-risk 25, 26
Sexually transmitted
diseases 38
infection 11, 12, 16
Shoulder dystocia 57
Sickle cell
anemia 49, 100
counts 140
disease 114, 139
Sterilization, postpartum 101
Stillbirth 20, 95, 101
Stimulants 26
Stress, reduction of 58
Substance abuse 26
cardiac 94
conservative 124
Systemic infection, current 101
Systemic lupus erythematosus 100, 138
Tacrolimus 85
Target plasma glucose levels during pregnancy 62t
Teenage pregnancy 135
Tetanus 105, 110, 116
diphtheria, and pertussis 111
toxoid 108, 109, 111
vaccination, unknown status of 112
Thalassemia 35, 38, 42, 49
burden of 36
inheritance of 36, 37f
prevention of 39
screening 39
trait 2, 40
Theophylline 77
Thiazide diuretics 68
Thrombin time 98
Thrombocytopenia 138, 143
Thromboembolic diseases 11
Thromboembolism 100t
Thrombophilia 100, 102t
high-risk 100
Thromboprophylaxis 103
disease 11, 59, 67, 79
disorders 56, 79, 83, 136
peroxidase antibodies 80
stimulating hormone 80, 81
Tingling sensation around
lips 63
mouth 63
Topiramate 89, 139
TORCH infection 11
Tuberculosis 141
congenital 141
Typhoid 109
oral 108
vaccine killed 117
Ulipristal acetate 24
Urinary tract infections 86
Urine ketone testing 60
Uterine irradiation 121
Uterus 129
Vaccination 76, 105, 106, 115, 118
protection through 106
scheduling of 107
Vaccines 106, 109, 111, 116
classification of 109
conjugated 108
during pregnancy
doses of 116t
recommendation of 116t
killed 108, 108t
subunit 108
types of 108
under trial 110
Vaccinia 110
Valproate 90
Valproic acid 89
Varicella 108
vaccine 114, 115
Vascular disease 58, 60, 136
Venous thromboembolism 98, 101, 102t
risk of 139
Ventilatory pattern 129
Viral infections 75
Viral vaccines 115
Visible fat 31
A 31
B12 31
B6 30
D deficiency 3
K supplementation 90
Vomiting in pregnancy 63
von Willebrand factor 99
preconceptional 59
status, prepregnancy 30
Whooping cough vaccine 109
World Health Organization 105, 134
Yellow fever 108, 109
vaccine 115, 117
Yuzpe regimen 24
Chapter Notes

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Prenatal CounselingCHAPTER 1

Meenakshi Ahuja
Preconception counseling is essential to give optimal outcome to any pregnancy, to correct wrong lifestyle habits, investigations to check and correct deficiencies, add routine supplementation, and plan pregnancy at the desired time. Women are often unaware that they are pregnant for the first few weeks of embryonic life, and promoting good health and nutrition before pregnancy is at least as important as during pregnancy.1
First Counseling
The first counseling include:
  • Informed choice to women to make them understand health issues that may affect their pregnancy
  • Optimizing chronic health issues
  • Encouraging women and their partners to be as healthy as possible, to have healthy sperms and healthy eggs
  • Identifying couples at risk for genetic problems, and counseling them accordingly
  • Routine screening and encouraging immunizations to prevent infections in pregnancy
  • Folic acid supplementation.
It has been seen that 25–50% pregnancies are unplanned or happen without prior visit to a doctor. In these cases, outcome may not be optimal, as by the first antenatal visit, organogenesis is well underway and neural tube defects (NTDs) due to folic acid deficiency can no longer be prevented. Also a high 2maternal glucose level would cause abnormalities at this stage of pregnancy which cannot be remedied later. The window of opportunity to vaccinate women may be lost, putting her and the unborn fetus at high risk to infections in pregnancy.
A routine history taking is very pertinent when a patient comes for preconception counseling. Understanding risky behavior in her lifestyle, past history of surgeries or illnesses, and family history of hypertension and diabetes are very important to elicit.
Overweight or underweight women should be counseled to approach optimal weight so that pregnancy outcome is favorable.
Cardiovascular and respiratory status should be documented.
A routine breast examination and a pap smear should be done at the checkup.
In India, all women should be recommended a thyroid screening investigation as it is almost endemic in our country and can lead to early miscarriage and even cretinism in new borns, if left uncorrected.
The couple needs to be assessed together and then counseled.
All women should be prescribed 400 µg folic acid while they are trying to conceive and in the first 3 months of pregnancy to reduce the risk of NTDs.2 Diet alone does not adequately supply folic acid. Women at a high risk of NTD should take a higher dose of 5 mg/day.3 High-risk group includes:
  • Either partner has an NTD
  • Previous pregnancy affected by NTD
  • Family history of NTD
  • Thalassemia trait
  • Women with body mass index more than 30 kg/m2
  • Diabetes
  • Coeliac disease
  • On antiepilepsy medicine.
  • In healthy women, advice on healthy eating of 5 portions of fruits and vegetables and adequate dairy intake to increase stores of iron, calcium, and vitamins should be given.
  • Lifestyle choices that women may have made including being vegan or keto diet may be at higher risk of nutritional deficiencies and need to be addressed.
  • Women with prior history of bariatric surgery will need special attention as the absorption of nutrients may be suboptimal.
  • Iron and calcium tablets are prescribed if the patient is anemic or has inadequate nutritional status.
  • Vitamin D deficiency causes impaired fetal growth. Indian women are at particular risk of deficiency due to limited exposure to sunlight. Their diet does not include oily fish eggs and meat and hence counseled about the importance of maintaining adequate vitamin D stores during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Caffeine during pregnancy may cause intrauterine growth restriction and hence its consumption in pregnancy should be limited. NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines recommend limiting caffeine intake to 300 mg during pregnancy which is the equivalent of 4 cups of tea/3 mugs of instant coffee/2 mugs of instant coffee.
  • Women should be cautioned against herbal preparations and teas as their use and safety in pregnancy has not been established.
Women who exercise regularly should be advised to continue their fitness regime. Those who are inactive should start exercising regularly. Saunas and hot tubs should be avoided. Contact and high impact sports can be dangerous and should be warned against.
Smoking in pregnancy is associated with many complications including intrauterine growth restriction, musculoskeletal and limb defects,4 premature contractions and preterm labor, miscarriage and stillbirth, and placental issues. Passive smoking should also be avoided.
Alcohol in pregnancy can lead to deleterious effects in the fetus, these include facial abnormalities, growth restriction, intellectual problems, and behavioral issues.5 This is called “fetal alcohol syndrome”.
Illicit drugs like cocaine, opiates, and marijuana can cause serious problems in pregnancy, like miscarriage, stillbirth, placental abruption, and even sudden infant death. Women or their partners with history of drug usage should be screened for hepatitis and HIV prior to planning pregnancy.
All medication and drug use should be minimized. A special warning should be issued against herbal medication as the effects have not been documented in pregnancy.
All women should be offered cervical cancer vaccination when they come for prepregnancy counseling, if they have not received it earlier. They should be reassured that in the event of pregnancy, the vaccinations can be continued after delivery.
Influenza vaccination should be offered to all women planning pregnancy if it has not been administered in the past 12 months.
All women should be screened for rubella as primary rubella can be disastrous for the unborn fetus. Birth defects like cleft lip and palate, cardiac defects, cataract, deafness, and intellectual impairment are seen in the infants. Infection in first 8–10 weeks of pregnancy can lead to up to 80% of pregnancies being affected.
5In the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, varicella infection can lead to congenital fetal varicella syndrome. Those afflicted have limb hypoplasia, growth restriction, skin scarring, cataract, and microcephaly. Mortality rate is high if it happens in early pregnancy so screening and vaccination, if required, is essential.
When a couple comes for preconception counseling, they are hopeful of conceiving soon. The menstrual cycle should be tracked and fertile period should be explained so that the couple can have positive results before anxiety builds up. In case the woman's cycles are irregular, investigations to rule out or treat hormonal imbalance should be a priority. History of previous abortions, pelvic pain or irregular bleeding should be elicited and investigated.
The NICE guidelines recommend that women over the age of 30 years should be informed about the increasing risk of Down syndrome with increasing age. The risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities increase sharply with maternal age, being 1:1,500 at 20, 1:800 at 30, 1:270 at 35, 1:140 at 40, and 1:50 at 45 years of age.7 Current trend is for women to delay their pregnancy, and though women should be supported in their choices they should be aware that outcomes change with age. As age advances there would be increasing difficulty in conceiving, higher risk of miscarriage, fibroids, twins, and problems associated with hypertension and gestational diabetes. Though more older women will need assisted reproductive technique and are at risk of higher complications, they should be reassured that with good screening and care in their pregnancy the outcome of the pregnancy is favorable.
  1. Inskip HM, Godfrey KM, Cooper C. Women's compliance with nutrition and lifestyle recommendations before pregnancy. BMJ. 2009;338:b481.
  1. De-Regil LM, Fernández-Gaxiola AC, Dowswell T, et al. Effects and safety of periconceptional folate supplementation for preventing birth defects. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010;(10):CD007950.
  1. Cawley S, Mullaney L, McKeating A, et al. A review of European guidelines on periconceptional folic acid supplementation. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016;70(2):143–54.
  1. Hackshaw A, Rodeck C, Boniface S. Maternal smoking in pregnancy and birth defects. Hum Reprod Update. 2011;17(5):589–604.
  1. Feldman HS, Jones KL, Lindsay S, et al. Prenatal alcohol exposure patterns and alcohol related defects and growth deficiencies. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2012;36(4):670–6.
  1. CDC. Pregnancy and vaccination. [online] Available from>vaccines>. [Last accessed September, 2019].
  1. NICE. (2008). Antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies: Clinical Guideline (CG 62). [online] Available from [Last accessed September, 2019].