Practical Orthopedic Examination Made Easy® Manish Kumar Varshney
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdominal reflex, interpretations of superficial 504
Abduction 12, 13f, 57, 282, 363
deformity 11, 30
lurch gait 602
shoulder splint 192
Abductor 126
mechanism 37
triangle 62
Above elbow amputation 566
Above knee amputation 566
Abscess 407
Acetabular procedure 122
Acetabulum, traveling 49
Achilles tendon 216, 267f, 268f
rupture 274
treatment of chronic 272
Acid-fast bacillus 399
Acquired clubfoot 223, 223t
causes of 223
Active straight leg raise test 21
Adam's test 501f
basis of 500
interpretations of 501
Adamantinoma 575, 585
Adduction 12, 13f, 57, 282, 363
deformity 30, 225
Adductor spasm 10
Adjacent joint, movements of 183
Adson's test 289
Allen test 369
Allis’ sign 24
Allis’ test 149
Allopro prosthesis 628
American Joint Committee Classification 576
Ames test 427
Amputation 564, 565, 567
goals of 565
level of 569, 569t, 609
stump 564, 566
surgery, complications of 568
Amstutz femoral component 629
Ancillary surgeries 406
Anconeus triangle 311, 311f
Andre-Thomas sign 390
Aneurysm 149
Ankle 30, 601
dorsiflexion 458
equinus 31
deformity of 263
arthrodesis 263
articulated 610
Ankylosing spondylitis 7, 46
diagnosis of 43
pain of 7
bony 209, 465
fibrous 465
Annular ligament, reconstruction of 356
Anterior cord syndrome 462
Anterior cruciate ligament 152, 195
diagnosis of 196, 198
Anterior instrumentation, indications of 475
Antibiotic 631
beads 532
beads, disadvantages of 532
cements 631
Antiglide 621
Anti-tubercular therapy 45
Anvil sign 11f
AO compression arthrodesis 293
Apley's compression test 150
Apley's distraction test 150
Apley's grinding test 290
Apley's test 150f
Aponeurectomy, segmental 412
Appendiceal spinal tuberculosis 465
Apprehension test 286f, 287
Arachnoiditis 497
Arch, medial longitudinal 217
chair effect 69
length 306
swing 600
Arthrodesis 66, 314
contraindications of 58
indications of 55
intra-articular 56f
judge position of 293
role of 131, 210
triple 243, 255
Arthrogram, role of 122
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 179, 245
Arthrolysis, contraindications of 317
Arthropathy 7
Arthroplasty 66, 72, 314, 626
distraction 317
excisional 314
fascial interposition 318
interposition 318, 627
role of 72, 140
total joint replacement 627
Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 202
Arthroscopic procedures, role of 302
Arthrotomy 314
Articular cartilage, status of 645
Attitude 31
Aufranc-Turner component 629
Automatic bladder 460
Babcock's triangle 62
Babinski sign 454
Back pain, presentations of 486
Bacteriological index 398
Bado classification 354, 354f
Baker's cyst 146, 149
Bakshi's procedure 89
Bakshi's sloppy hinge prosthesis 635
Bankart's lesion 295
Barlow's maneuver 40
Barlow's tests 40
Barrel plate 137
ideal angle of 136
Barton fracture 440
reverse 440
Basal ganglia 600
Basilar neck osteotomy 104
Baumann's angle 337, 337f
Bead pouch technique 532, 533f
Beevor's sign 453
Beighton criteria 299f
Below elbow amputation 566
Below knee amputation 566
Bending films 506
Betadine, composition of 619
Bhattacharya procedure 317
femoris 194
tendinitis, tests for 289
Bikini incision 122
Bilateral deformity 33
causes of 167
Biodegradable beads 532
Biopsy, types of 581
Bisphosphonates 141, 320
Bitrochanteric compression test 41
Blackburne-Peel ratio 161
Bladder dysfunction 460
Blindness 600
Blood tests 50
Blount's disease 176
Blumensaat line 161
Bone 567
age 511
biopsy, principles of 580
cyst 7
aneurysmal 463, 585
destructions, types of 579
disease 600
forearm 556
grafting 547
intramedullary 563
methods of 86
substitutes 551
types of 547
irregular thickened 521
loss 65
sarcoma, staging of 576t
scan 93, 580, 640
secondary malignancy of 585
transport, types of 555
true tumor of 183
tumor 580, 585
benign 584
common 584
Enneking classification of 575, 576t
excision, types of 582f
malignant 575, 584
secondary benign 584
Bony procedures 241t, 252
role of 240, 278
Bounce home test 150
Bouvier maneuver 389
Bower hemiresection interposition arthroplasty 440f
Boyd's approach 356
Boyd's dual onlay cortical bone grafting 563
Boyd's procedure 357
Boyes transfer 376
Brachial plexus, formation of 391
contraindications of 97
end-point for 97
prerequisites of 97
role of 519
Bragard's test 455
Brittain's method 57, 58f
Broken Shenton's line 115
Broom test 310
Brown-Sequard syndrome 463
Brucellosis 464
Bruner incisions 417, 417f
Bryant's test 289
Bryant's triangle 19, 40, 41f, 62
fallacies of 41
Buchholtz cup 629
Bulbar polio 191
Bulbospinal polio 191
Bunnel O sign 389, 389f
Bursitis 146
Buttress plating, principles of 622
Cabot's maneuver 150
Cabot's position 150
Café au lait spots 9, 499
Caffey's disease 522
Caffey's hypothesis 91
Caffey's sign 93
Caisson's disease 91
Calcaneal position 601
Calcaneocavus deformity 265
Calcaneous gait, transfer for 240
Calcaneum 248f
posterior tuberosity of 218
Calcaneus deformity 255, 265
Calcar comminution 65
Calf atrophy 216
Callaway's test 289
Callus response, types of 558
Calve's disease 464
Camitz transfer 388
Campbell's posterior bone-block 263
placement of 607
types of 607
Card test 389, 390f
Caroll's two incision technique 237
Carpal canal stenosis 430
Carpal compression test 366
Carpal instability 367
Carpal tunnel syndrome 425, 428, 429, 431, 441
nonsurgical treatment for 431
risk factors for 429
surgical approaches to 432
Carrying angle 329f
Cast immobilization 530
Cauda equina syndrome 490, 497
Cavus 226
Cech classification 541
Cell variant, small 585
Cellulitis 522
available, types of 630
disease 630
Cementing techniques 630
Cementless stems, types of 632
Central cord syndrome 462
Central disk 484
Cerebellum 600
Cerebral palsy 7, 600, 604
Cerebrospinal fluid leak 497
lesions 466
spine 453, 473
sniffing position of 448
Cervicodorsal scoliosis 304
Cervicothoracic region 473
Chaddock's sign 459
Chair test 309
Chandler's disease 79
Charcot's joint 39
Charcot-Marie-tooth disease 498
Charlie Chaplin gait 605
Charnley's cup 629
modified 629
Charnley's femoral stem 629
Chauffeur fracture 440
Chemonucleolysis 493
Chemotherapy 401, 583
adjuvant 583
role of 51
types of 583
Chest expansion 452
Chiari's osteotomy 98, 124
Chiene's test 20
Childress’ test 150, 150f
Choi classification 107
Chondroblastic variant 585
Chondroblastoma 575
Chondrogenesis 546
Chondrosarcoma 575
Chordoma 585
Chronaxie 384, 385f
Chronic osteomyelitis 520, 521, 527, 530, 646
complications of 535
differential diagnosis for 522
Cierny-Mader classification 526
Circumduction test 287
Clasp test 394
deformity 403
foot 261
hand 402404, 586
toe 258, 407
Clawing 259
types of 258
lip 499
palate 499
Clonus 461
Closed chain exercises 203
Closed fist
sign 427
test 366
Closed reduction
maneuvers 72
failure of 135
Clubfoot 224, 237, 240, 243
clinical types of 228t
congenital 223, 223t
Kite's manipulative correction 229
manipulative correction technique for 229
Ponseti method of correction of 231
types of 228
untreated 240
Cobb's angle 509
Cobb's method 507, 508f
criticism of 509
Cobra-plate method 56f
Coccygodynia 10
Cock-up wrist splint 192
Codman angle 578
Cold abscess 466
Collared stem 633
Collarless stem 633
Collateral ligament, medial 152
Colles fracture 440, 441
complications of 441
reverse of 440
Column procedure 316
Comminution, posterior 65
Compactotomy 552
Compartment syndrome 586
Complete discectomy, signs of 494
Compression mode 621
Computed tomography 82, 429
role of 428
Condylar blade plate 139
Congenital muscular torticollis, cause of 595
Congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia, treatment for 562
Congenital vertical talus 212, 246, 247, 248f
complications of 251
Congruence angle 161f
Connective tissue disorder 8
Constant length phenomenon 588
Convex hemiepiphysiodesis 518
Copeland sphygmomanometer test 267
branches of posterior 392
involvement, level of 461, 461t
like induration 586
pathogenesis of 411
poor recovery of 480
Core decompression 85
methods of 86
rationale of 85
Cortex 640
Corticosteroid 80
injections, role of 431
therapy 522
Corticotomy 552, 553
complications of 554
S-shaped 553
types of 553
Cosmesis 609
Costotransversectomy, advantages of 481
Coxa breva 106
Coxa magna 98, 106
Coxa valga 600
Coxa vara 44, 600
congenital 99, 100
developmental 99
Cozen's test 309, 310f
Crackling egg-shell consistency 574
Craig's test 149
Cram test 456
Crank test 290, 290f
Crankshaft phenomenon 517
Crepitus 541
Critical median nerve compression 427
Crossed adductor's sign 459
Crutch gaits 605
Crystal arthropathies 600
Cubitus valgus 344, 348
causes of 344
development of 348
Cubitus varus 328, 338, 350
causes of 332
correction of 342f
deformity 330f, 338340
radiograph of 340f
Cuneiform 104
osteotomy 105
Cup arthroplasty 627
Curly toe 258
Curve 506, 512
determine flexibility of 503
De novo tumors, tumor differ from 187
De Quervain disease 369
Deep fibular nerve
palsy 276
supply 275
Deep mycotic infections 522
Deformity 31, 100, 143, 175, 213, 305, 358, 401, 446, 477, 521
around hip 31
correction 69, 232f
techniques for 189
magnitude of 171, 507
Ponseti method of correction of 234
progression 478, 478f, 479f, 479
site 171
worries orthopedician 100
Dejour's test 151
Deltoid contracture 302, 303
causes of 303
bar with shoe 244f
splint 244
Dental hygiene 9
Dentinogenesis 9
Deoxyribonucleic acid 584
Dermal nerves, integrity of 397
Dermatomyositis 600
Dermofasciectomy 412
Desault's sign 24
Diabetes mellitus 8
Diaphyseal fit 633
Diaphyseal lesions 575
Diaphyseal osteomyelitis, causes for 525
Dickson-Diveley procedure 260
Die-punch fracture 441
Digital Z-plasties 412
Digitorum longus, extensor 215, 458
Directly observed treatment in supervision 470
Disability 401
complications of 497
disk material removed in 495
Disease severity, classification of 591
axillary presentation of 485
herniations 482f
sites of 483
types of 482
presentation of 489
shoulder presentation of 485
size of 489
surgical removal of 494
Diskitis 497
Dislocated shoulder, tests for 288
chronic 294
complete 125
incomplete 125
old unreduced 127
pathological 39
Displacement, degree of 73, 324
Distal amputation 569
Distal interphalangeal
flexion 386
joint 593
hyperextension of 258
Distal neurovascular deficit 220
Distal phalanx 415
Distal radioulnar joint 437
grinding test 367
instability 367
Distal radius 436f
fixation of 443
fractures 442
malunion of 435, 436
parameters of 435
Distant metastasis 576
Distraction osteogenesis, physiological effect of 554
Divergent speculated pattern 579
Dome osteotomy 174f, 342f
Dorsal aspect 360, 362
Dorsal bunion 239, 262
Dorsal lesions 467
Dorsal navicular subluxation 239
Dorsal spine tuberculosis 476
Dorsal tilt 437
correction of 438f
Double bundle techniques 202
Double leg stance 602
Down's syndrome 121, 144, 497
Drawer test 287, 287f
anterior 151, 152, 197, 197f, 198, 220
causes of false negative 196, 204
of Daniel, quadriceps active 153
Drop arm test 284, 285f
Drop-back phenomenon 153
Drunkards gait 605
Dry dressing 617
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 600
Duchenne's sign 390
Duchenne's test 275f
positive 275
Duck footed gait 146
Duck walk gait 603
Duga's test 289
Dunlop traction 338f
Dupuytren contracture 409
Dupuytren disease 409, 410, 412
Dupuytren nodules 410
Dural tear 497
Durkan median nerve compression test 366
Durkan test 367f, 427
Dwyer osteotomy 242
Dynamic compression screw 139
Dynamic hip screw
failure of 140
lag screw 138
Dynamization 557
Dysbarism 80
Dysplasia 9, 114, 145
fibrous 522, 561, 575, 646
lobe infiltration 395
small 499
tapering 499
Ectopic ossification 314, 318320
around elbow 321
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 145
Eight-strand technique 419
Elbow 341, 609
alignment of 329
arthrodesis, optimal position of 314
arthroplasty 317, 626, 635
indications of 635
total 635
case, examination points for 305
cubitus varus deformity of 330f
dislocation 322, 331, 348, 644
diagnosis of 322
old unreduced 331f
examination, prerequisites of 310
flexed 586
deformity of 312
resisted 310
test 310
injury, terrible triad of 328
instability 324, 324t, 325
causes of 325
joint 305, 311, 315, 323
tuberculosis of 313
prosthesis 635
types of 635
recurrent dislocation of 328
stability, Fortress concept for 324
tuberculosis of 313
unstable 322, 325
Elephant foot 540
Elizabethtown osteotomy 97
Ely's test 21, 22f
Encephalitis 191
Endoscopic release, contraindications for 432
consumption 569
storing foot 610
Enneking classification 575, 576t
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 50
Eosinophilic granuloma 464, 522, 575, 585
Epidural injection
indications of 492
philosophy of 492
Epiphyseal lesions 575
Epiphyseal nonunions 556
Epiphysiodesis 105
Epithelioid sarcoma 412
Equinovalgus 265
Equinovarus 222
Equinus 225, 226
deformity 263
Erichson's pelvis compression test 23
Erythema nodosum leprosum, types of 400
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 526
Eusol 619
Ewing's sarcoma 522, 575, 583, 585
Excise exostosis 188
Exercises, types of 202
Exostosis 183, 186, 187
complications of 186
Extension 13f, 65
lurch gait 603
Extensor apparatus 146, 147
Extensor hallucis longus, tendon of 215
Extensor pollicis longus tendon, rupture of 441
Extensor tendon 416f
External bridging callus 558
External fixator 557
External rotation 282
test 153
Extra-articular arthrodesis
Brittain's method of 57
role of 57
Extracapsular arterial ring 74
Extraperiosteal resection 188
Eyrebrook's delayed bone grafting 563
Facet dislocation 477
Failed back syndrome 497
Fairbank's and Hall classification 486
Fairbank's apprehension test 148f
Fairbank's triangle 62
False-negative test 38
False-positive test 37
Farmar's cross-legged vascularized pedicle bone grafting 563
Fascicle 381
Fasciectomy 412
Feagin maneuver 288
Femoral anteversion 19f, 146, 154
Femoral capital epiphysis, small 92
Femoral components 628
Femoral condyles 522
Femoral epiphyseal arrest 98
Femoral fracture 600
Femoral head
blood supply of 74, 75f
large malformed 98
malformed 98
osteonecrosis of 46, 77
Femoral length 153
Femoral neck 76
fracture, bilateral 648
Femoral nerve stretch test 456
Femoral osteotomy, advantages of 122
Femoral torsion 600
Femoral triangle 27, 27f, 62
Femoral varus derotation osteotomy 97
Femorotibial alignment 165
Babcock's triangle, head of 53
fracture neck of 66, 72
neck of 53
non-union, fracture neck of 66
old fracture neck of 62
osteomyelitis of 106, 530
Fenestration 494
Ferguson's method 507, 508f
Fever 280
Fibrogenesis 546
Fibrosis 389
epidural 497
Fibula 86
vascularized 563
Fibular nerve
palsy 275
causes of 276
superficial 276
supply, superficial 275
Ficat-Arlet classification 81, 81t
Figure of 4 sign 24
Finger 360362
flexion of 360f
intrinsic function 387
movements 363
Finkelstein test 369f
First metatarsal rise test 221
Fishtail deformity, causes of 341
Fite-Faraco stains 409
Five fingers quadriceps gait 603
Fix joint 57
Fixed abduction deformity 11, 30
Fixed adduction deformity 11, 30
Fixed flexion deformity 11, 16
Fixed rotational deformities 11
Fixed scar 520
Fixing osteotomy, methods of 342
paralysis, acute 251
paraplegia, causes of 470
Flail knee 195
bilateral 195
configuring of 565
vascularity of 566
Flat bones 575
Flexibility index 506
Flexible curves 498, 502f
Flexion 13f, 65, 306, 452
anterior 282
causes restriction of 333
deformity 34, 35, 207, 312
intertrochanteric osteotomy 88
resisted 310
rotation drawer test 152
Flexor digitorum
profundus 415
power 403
superficialis 415, 588
power 403
Flexor hallucis longus 588
Flexor tendon 416f
injury 413
Focus, excision of 54
Foot 30
after triple arthrodesis, appearance of 257
and ankle 212, 610
cases, examination points for 212
common sarcoma of 585
polio affection of 251
deformity, correction of 231f
drop 128, 274, 406
causes of 276
early 406
flat 599
inversion of 458
position 601
pronation of 226
shape 601
supination of 225, 226, 231
surgery in polio, treatment in 253
ulcers 407
Footwear 1
classification of 189t
compartments in 594
length 307
supination, resisted 310
Forefoot 219
adduction 225
equinus of 261
Four-strand technique 418, 419
Fracture 64, 648
affect treatment, status of 373
comminution 64
dislocation 127
displaced 64
fixation, principles of 620
fresh intertrochanteric 134
healing 141, 545
intra-articular 641
intramedullary fixation of 138
irreducible 334
level of 641
geometry of 641
shape of 73
medial epicondyle 348
nonunion 67
old neglected 134
olecranon 348
pathological 648
posteromedial type 333
site 137
surfaces 66
type of 346
Fragments, telescopy of 541
Free-vascularized fibular grafting, principles of 86
French osteotomy 342
modified 341, 341f, 342, 342t
Friedlander technique 549
Friedreich's ataxia 498, 600
Froment sign 389, 389f
Frozen hand 400
disruption of 38
test 23
anterior 518
indications of 495
methods of 495
posterior 518
F-wave 385
Gaenslen's test 23, 24f
Gage sign 94
Gait 177, 213, 451, 463, 499, 598, 600
analysis 598
antalgic 146, 602
base of 602
calcaneus 605
circumduction 604f
cycle 599, 599f
evaluation 599
festinating 605
four-point 605
hand to knee 603
high stepping 603
hysterical 605
inspection of 146
in-toeing 605
pattern 498, 605607
short shuffling 605
stamping 605
stumbling 602
three-point 606
two-point 606
types of 602
Galeazzi's lesion 355
Galeazzi's sign 18f, 149
positive 113f
Ganglion, intraosseous 522
Garceau's cheilectomy 98
Garden's classification 73
Garden's index 73
Garre's osteomyelitis 536
Gaucher's disease 91, 522
Gauvain's sign 21
Gear-stick sign 24
Genu recurvatum
causes of 192
congenital 179
Genu valgum 145, 153, 163, 164f, 165, 207, 600
Genu varum 145, 153, 163, 164f, 165, 172f, 600
Gerdy's tubercle 16
Giant cell
rich osteosarcoma 586
tumor 463, 574, 575, 585
Gibbus 447f
Gill's sign 24
Girdlestone arthroplasty 39, 40, 59, 60
Girdlestone classification 468
Girdlestone-Taylor procedure 260
rim, loss of 301
sign, vacant 295
Glide test 148f
Gluteal folds, asymmetry of 26
Gluteal inhibition 39
Gluteal tenderness 10
Gluteus maximus
gait 603
paralysis 127
tendinitis 10
Gluteus medius 37
gait 603
paralysis 38, 127
Glycocalyx 533
Godfrey's sign 152
Gordon's sign 459
Gorlin's sign 299
Gout 600
Gracilis contracture 179
Grade muscle power 192
Graf's classification 117t
Grafting technique 68
enhance healing 548
failure 476
harvest nerve for 380
heal 548
Graham and Hastings criteria 437t
Granular form 52
Grasp, reversal of 403
Great toe 219
clawing 260
mechanism of 260
extension of 458
Greater trochanter 98, 626
tip of 26
Greater tuberosity 300
Griffith's classification 468
Grind test 369
Grip strength 369
Growing rod
complications of 519
principle behind 518
types of 518
Gunstock deformity 340, 340f
Gupta's method 130
Guyon canal 391f
boundaries of 391
Haglund's deformity 216f
Hairy patch 499
midline 449f
Hallucis longus, extensor 458
Hallux flexus 239
Hallux valgus 214f
Halsted's test 289
Hamilton ruler test 288
Hammer toe 258
Hand 361
common sarcoma of 585
elevation test 366, 427
radial deviation of 359
zones of 415, 415t
cardinal signs of 395
disease 395, 408
foot drop 406
Harmon's procedure, principles of 110
Harris femoral component 629
Harris-Galante prosthesis 628
Hart's classic signs 114
Hawkins impingement reinforcement test 284
Hawkins-Kennedy test 284f
blood supply of 91
position of 448
Healed disease 480
radiological signs of 50
ulcer, characteristics of 616
strike 599
varus 225
Helicopod gait 605
Hemangioma 464, 585
Hematological disorder 8
epidural 497
formation, lack of 64
Hemiarthroplasty 627
prerequisites for 637
Hemichondrodiastasis 175
Hemicircumduction gate 604
Hemiepiphyseal stapling, disadvantages of 174
Hemiepiphysiodesis, disadvantages of 174
Hemiparesis 604
Hemi-shoulder arthroplasty 636
Hemodynamic function, tests for 83
Hemophilia 9, 145, 522
Henri Dejour frog position 150
Herniation, level of 489
Heterotopic ossification 318
High median nerve palsy 400
High molecular weight polyethylene 626
High ulnar nerve palsy 400
methods of 386
High viscosity cements 630
Hilgenreiner's epiphyseal angle 100
Hill-Sachs lesion 295, 301
reverse 295, 301
Hilton law 394
score 235
varus 241
Hinged abduction 98, 99
Hip 6, 16, 52, 609
ankylosis of 106
anterior dislocation of 63
Brittain's method of 58f
types of 56
arthroplasty 626, 638
contraindications of 634
types of 627
case, examination points for 6
central fracture dislocation of 46
chronic old unreduced posterior dislocation of 129
contracture 126
deformity, compensation for 30
developmental dysplasia of 7, 25, 39, 111, 113, 114, 117, 600
complications of 129
direction of 118
dysplasia, Hart's classic signs of 114
extended 13
deformity 34
ipsilateral 458
irritable 92
joint 10, 25, 30, 32f, 39, 62, 72, 105, 465
causes out of 40
osteoarthritis of 70
pain of 42
rest for 43
tuberculosis of 45, 52
osteonecrosis of 44, 79
paralytic dislocation of 114
pathology 43
poliomyelitis affection of 125
posterior dislocation of 25
primary osteoarthritis of 78
reduction of 115, 122
rotation 15f
measurement of 14f
surgical dislocation of 105
transient osteoporosis of 78
tuberculosis of 40, 45, 78
Histoid leprosy 408
Hodgson's classification 469
Hoffa's disease 146
Hoffmann's reflex 459
Hoffmann's sign 459, 459f
Holstein Lewis fracture 377
Homan's sign 221f
Homan's test 221
Hompson-Simmonds test 269
Hong Kong procedure 474
Horse hoof 540
Hot foot syndrome 407
Howship's lacunae 50
H-reflex 385
Hughston's jerk test 152
Human immunodeficiency virus infection 80, 522
Humeral neck, profile of 295
Humerus fracture 378
lateral condyle of 348
Hungerford technique 85
Hunka classification 107, 108f
Hunter, circulus articuli vasculosus of 76
Hurler's syndrome 497
Hutchinson fracture 441
Hybrid system 613
development of 628
Hydrocolloids 619
Hydrogen peroxide 619
Hyperabduction test 289
Hyperextension 258, 306
Hyperkeratosis 9
Hypermobility syndrome 9
Hypertension 8
Hyperuricemia 80
Hypervascular nonunion 547
Hypervitaminosis A 522
Hypotenuse, shortening of 41
Ilfeld phenomenon 118
Iliac crest 563
Iliac fossae 42
Iliac spine, anterior superior 498
Iliac tubercle 26
Iliopsoas transfer 127
Iliotibial band contracture produce 175
Ilizarov fixator, role of 243
Ilizarov method 549, 563
Ilizarov reconstruction osteotomy 111
Immobile joint 54
Implant, intramedullary 139
Inactive residual extremity syndrome 571
Indian Association of Leprologists 398
Infection 497
cause of chronicity of 525
chronic 7
cutaneous 522
subcutaneous 522
foci of 291
focus of 53
throbbing of 7
Infraspinatus, test for 285
Infusion, intravenous 9
Injury 195, 203, 328, 643
acute 162
history of 414
Insall-Salvati ratio 161
modified 161
Intercondylar distances 166f
Interepicondylar distance 311
Intermalleolar distances 166f
Intermittent compressive hydrostatic stress 546
Interpret finger flexion 414
Intertrochanteric fracture 135, 142
malunion 132
stable 135
unstable 134, 138
Intervertebral disk disease 481
Intralesional excision 582
Intrinsic minus hand 382
Invasive test 427
Inversion stress test 220, 220f
Involucrum 524
Iodine 618
Ischial tuberosity 27
Ivory vertebra, isolated 464
Jacob's classification 346, 347f
Jaipur foot 611, 611t, 612
Jansen's sign 23
Japas osteotomy 262
Jaw, osteosarcoma of 585
Jeanne sign 389
Jerk test 287
Jobe's test 285
Jogerson Lewandoz law 397
Joints 255, 641
arthritis 369
basilar 361
disease 600
dislocated 106
hypermobility of 404
line 362
multiple 7
painless 54
space, reduction of 48
stable 54
unstable 54
zygapophyseal 444
Jones procedure 260
modified 260
Joshi's external stabilization system 243
J-sign 159, 160f
Jug test 309
Jumper's knee 146
K-angle 477
Kapandji method 443
Keratin 585
Kernig's maneuver 455
Kiloh-Nevin sign 394
King and Moe classification 512f
Kite's error 233
Kite's manipulative correction 229
Kleinert regime 423
Klemm's triad 530
Klippel-Feil syndrome 281, 303
Klisic subgroups 117
K-nail, principle of 623
Knee 30, 143, 609
amputation, advantages of 571
angular deformity of 163
ankle-foot orthosis 562
case, examination points for 143
congenital dislocation of 179
flexion 226, 458
test 268
gait, flexed 146
instabilities 199
joint 211
flexion contracture of 194
lymphatic drainage of 208
tuberculosis of 205, 207
mechanism 609, 610t
position 601
Q-angle of 154f
rehabilitation 202
stiffness, causes of 530
triple deformity of 207
Knock knee gait 603
Knuckle 447f
Kothari's parallelogram 19, 44
Kushtha 396
Kuwada's classification 272
Kyphosis 446f, 477
partial reduction of 447
Kyphotic deformity 447, 463
severe 480
Labral injuries 301
Labrum anterior to posterior, superior 289
Lachman test 151, 196, 196f
advantages of 196
Lag screw 137
ideal position of 135
Lambrinudi arthrodesis 263
Lamellar reaction, single 578
Laminectomy 494
role of 475
Laminotomy 494
Larsen syndrome 144
Lasegue's test 455, 455f, 456
modified 455, 455f
Lateral condyle fracture 339, 339t, 345, 346, 347f, 348
components of 346
displacements of 348
Jacob's classification of 347f
Lateral cord, branches of 392
Lateral epicondylitis, tests for 309
Lateral ligament complex injury 146
Lateral limb
decreased length of 311
increased length of 311
Lateral translation sign 477
Lax nonunion 541
Laxity 144
Lazarine leprosy 408
fracture of 555
heel raise test, single 269
hyperextension test, single 456
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease 90
Lepra reaction 398
types of 399, 399t
Lepromatous leprosy 399
Leprosy 396, 398, 400
hand 394
prerequisites for surgery in 404
types of deformity in 401
Lesions, posterior 465
Lesser toes 219
Lesser tuberosity 300
Leukocyte imaging 528
Lhermitte's sign 454
Lichtblau procedure 242
status of 645
tibionavicular 250
Ligamentous laxity 280, 299
generalized 166
Ligamentum teres, artery of 76
Light-bulb procedure 86
gait, short 602
discrepancy 8, 17
inequality 600
measurements 498
malformations of 499
motion 600
neurological examination of 498
two 642
Limp 7, 212
painless 7
Lindequist and Tornkvist criteria 73
Linear measurements 306
Linear wear 634
Linton's classification 73
dysfunction 80
function test 526
Load-shift test 286
Long bones, nonunion of 537
Long finger extension test 309, 310
Lordotic deformities 451
Losee test 152
Low friction arthroplasty, principle of 626
Low median nerve palsy 400
Low ulnar nerve palsy 400
Low viscosity cements 631
Lowell's S-curves 73
Lower limb 192
bones 556
Lower thoracic nerve roots 453
Lower trunk, anterior division of 393f
Ludloff sign 10
Ludloff test 24
Lumbar disk disease 481
Lumbar flatback 448
Lumbar interbody fusion
anterior 496
posterior 496
Lumbar lesions 467
Lumbar lift-off test 284
Lumbar lordosis 35
increased 113f
Lumbar region 473
Lumbar spine 176
Lumbar triangle 467
Lumbrical plus finger 424
Lunotriquetral ballottement 368f
Lymphadenopathy 8, 149, 220
Lymphoma 464, 522, 575, 585
Magnetic resonance imaging 429, 468, 528, 645
Maisonneuve test 369
Malformations, congenital 499
Malignant transformation 187
Mallet toe 258
Malunion 537
consequences of 435
incidence of 435
intra-articular 438
type of 434
Malunited distal radius fracture 433
Malunited fracture 133
posterior wall 63
superior wall 63
Malunited supracondylar fracture 333
Malunited tibial plateau fracture 146
Mandibular hypoplasia 499
Marfan's syndrome 121, 144, 497
Marginal excision 582
Martin-Gruber anastomosis 390
Mass 499
maturity of 321
Masse sign 390
Matles knee flexion test 267, 268f
Maudsley's test 309
May's classification 536t, 540
McBab, bowstring sign of 455
McFarland type posterior bypass graft 563
McFarland's test 25
McMurray osteotomy 70
McMurray test 149, 150f
McMurray's osteotomy, principles of 70
Mechanical stimuli, low levels of 546
Medial cord, branches of 392, 393f
Medial limb
decreased length of 311
increased length of 311
Median nerve 369, 371, 384, 396, 590
autonomous zones of 384
compression 429
tests for 393
Medullary canal 557
Medullary cavity 641
Melone classification 442
Meningomyelocele 121, 497
Meniscal cyst 146
Meniscal tear 146
tests for 150f
Meniscus 290
door stopper effect of 198
tests for 149
Mesh cage bone graft technique 548
cysts 94
fit 633
fragment 346
lesions 574
Metastasis 575, 576, 585
Metatarsalgia 259
Metatarsophalangeal joint 213
hyperextension of 258
Metatarsus adductus 241
Methylene blue test 397
Midfoot score 235
Midline defects 499
Midtarsal joint 601
Migrated disk 482f
Milch classification 346, 347f, 348
Milch-Batchelor osteotomy 61
Milgram's test 456
Mill's maneuver 310
Milwaukee brace 614
Mobile joint 54
Monoarticular rheumatoid 46, 78
arthritis 7
Monteggia equivalents 355
Monteggia fracture dislocation 352354
old unreduced 351, 352
Monteggia lesion 354
Bado classification of 354
Moore fracture 441
Morning stiffness 7
Morphological index 398
Morrey and Peterson's criteria 534
Morris bitrochanteric test 20
Morton's test 221
Moth-eaten destruction 579
Motion, range of 219
functional range of 315
limitation of 144, 280, 305
Müller femoral stem 629
Müller's test 153
Multidirectional instability 295, 301
Multifocal osteomyelitis 646
Multiple surgery 530
Muscle 319
condition of 406
contracture formation, causes of 177
disease 600
dysplasia, localized 179
pedicle bone graft 68, 86
advantages of 68
pedicle periosteal graft 68
power 283
release of 126
role of 300
slide operation, disadvantages of 593
stabilization 568
Musculoskeletal disorders 595
Mycobacterium leprae 395, 397
characteristics of 408
stains for 409
Myeloma 575
multiple 585
Myeloproliferative disorders 80
Myerson's classification 272
Myodesis 568
Myopathy 145
Myoperiosteal graft 68
Myoplasty 568
Myositis 645
Myositis ossificans 106, 318, 319
causes of 318
circumscripta 318
clinical features of 319
differential diagnosis of 319
Myosteatosis 318
Naffziger's test 456
Nail 360, 557
larger diameter 557
generations of 624
intramedullary 563
principle of 623
Narath sign 28
Nash and Moe method 510f
Natal cleft 10
National Leprosy Eradication Programme Classification 398
Navicular position 601
Neck femur
fractured 64, 73
stress fracture of 74, 648
Neck reconstruction 66, 68
Neck-shaft angle 101
Necrotic bone
exposed 520
removal, adequacy of 531
Needle test of O’Brien 268
Neer's impingement
sign 283, 283f
test 283f, 284
Neer's test, inferior drawer of 288
Neglected clubfoot 239
Nelaton's line 20, 20f
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy 583
Neoplasia 648
Neosporin ointment, constituents of 620
Nerve 395, 567
anatomy of 372f
entrapment 645
gap 379
grafting, types of 380
injury 382
type VI 382
palsy 370
causes of 388
recovery, earliest sign of 383
repair, types of 380
root injury 497
supply, variegated 42
type of 377
Neuritis 402
Neurofibromatosis 146, 497
Neurofibromatosis, skin lesions of 561
Neurogenic claudication 487
Neurological disorders 8
internal 433
types of 389
Neuromuscular curves, characteristics of 504
Neuromuscular defect 227
Neuromuscular disorder 7
Neuromuscular scoliosis 499
Neutral vertebra 507
Neutralization 621
Newspaper sign 389
Night cries 7, 463
causes of 48
Nodule formation 410, 411f
Noncontained disk sequestration 482f
Non-Dupuytren disease 412
Noninfected nonunion 540
Nonoperative treatment, role of 273, 373
Nonparalytic aseptic meningitis 191
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 320, 432
Nonunion 537539, 555
causes of 64, 539, 543
develop 545
intertrochanteric 63
neck of femur 46, 62, 66, 69, 72
infected 543, 549
lateral condyle fracture 345f
occurrence of 543
principles of treating 546
small segment 552
type of 64
Nonvascular graft 547
Normal hip 49
O’Brien's test 221, 267, 269, 289
Ober's test 21, 22f, 149, 149f, 166, 498
Oblique fracture, fixation of reverse 138
Old femoral head fracture 78
Old Perthes disease 78
Onsall-Salvati ratio 162f
Open discectomy, failure of 496
Open reduction 356
indications of 338
Open release, complications of 432
Opening-wedge osteotomy 172, 172f
Oppenheim's sign 459
Organ transplants 8
Organism reach vertebral column 464
Original Ficat's classification 81
Original French osteotomy 341, 342t
Orthopedic apparatus 191
Orthopedic procedures, aim of 192
Orthopedic residency program 1
Orthosis 608
Orthotics 608
Ortolani's tests 40
Osgood-Schlatter disease 146
Ossifying hematoma 318
Osteoarthritis 146, 600
Osteoblastic metastasis 464
Osteoblastoma 575, 585
Osteochondral grafting 86
Osteochondroma 181
Osteochondroses 464
Osteoconduction 548
distraction 552
imperfecta 498
Osteoid osteoma 522, 575, 585
Osteomalacia 133, 600
Osteomyelitis 521, 522, 524, 525, 534t, 646
acute 534
affecting 534
spread of 529f
Osteonecrosis 7, 65, 78, 79, 81, 522
causes of 79, 80
Osteopenia 65, 65f
Osteophytes 214
Osteoporosis 65, 133, 141
Osteosarcoma 522
multicentric 585
secondary 585
variants 585
Osteotomy 60, 66, 70, 71, 87, 88, 123, 124, 173, 174, 342, 343, 356
angulation 70
barrel-vault 173
closing-wedge 172f, 173
complications of 344
disadvantages of 124
lineal 70
role of 69, 87
step-cut 343f
timing of 439
unstable 124
Oxoferin 619
Paget's disease 78, 464, 522, 600
Pain 7, 143, 212, 279, 305, 358, 444, 463
causes of 481
sudden onset of 187
mediation of 482
Painless exostosis 187
Palate, arch of 9
Paley's classification 541, 541f
Palmar arch 386
Palmar aspect 362
Palmaris longus 405
Palms 361
Palpate pulses 283
Palpation 10, 362
superficial 306
Pantalar arthrodesis 263
Papineau open bone grafting 549
Paradiskal involvement 464
Paraffin gauge 618
Parallel speculated reaction 578
Paralytic curve 503
Paralytic hip instability 125
Paralytic polio 190
knee 195
Paralytic poliomyelitis 191
Paralytic talipes cavovarus 265
Paraplegia 480
causes of 470
grades of 469
stage of 469
Paravertebral spasm 463
Parkinson's disease 600
Particle swarm optimization, types of 61
Passive extension test 150
Passive rotation test 285
apparatus 146, 147
chronic dislocation of 179
faces 13
habitual dislocation of 179, 181
persistent dislocation of 155
recurrent dislocation of 154
restraints for 157
subluxation of 156
Patellar aplasia 179
Patellar height 161
Patellar instability 160
Patellar position 601
Patellar rotation 601
Patellar shift 148f
Patellar tendinitis 146
Patellofemoral adhesions 530
Patellofemoral ligament, medial 148f
Path regimen, middle 470
Patrick's test 23, 23f
Pauwels’ classification 71
Pauwels’ osteotomy 71, 71f, 88
Pavlik harness
contraindications of 121
role of 121
Peg cups 629
Peg-leg gait 605
Pelvic support osteotomy, role of 61, 110
Pelvic tilt 600
Pelvis 30
radiograph of 65f
view of 640f
bony 640f
movements of 35
unsquared 19
Pemberton's osteotomy 124
indications of 123
Pen test 394
Percutaneous automated discectomy 496
Percutaneous fasciotomy 412
Percutaneous nucleotomy 496
Periarticular ossification 318
Periosteal reaction 525
solid 578
types of 577, 577f
Periosteum 640
Peripheral disk herniation 484
Peripheral nerve
injuries 369
structure of 381
Perkin's quadrants 115, 116f
Permeative destruction 579
Peroneal nerve 396
palsy, complete 275
Peroneal tendon instability test 221
Persistent infection 106
Perthes disease 39, 40, 44, 89, 89f, 90, 92, 95, 98
late-onset 46
Petit's triangle 467
Phalanx, middle 415
Phalen test 366, 366f
reverse 366
Phantom limb
pain 572
sensation 572
Phelp's test 21
Phemister bone grafting 549
Phemister grafting
modified 549
philosophy of 550
Phemister triad 61
Piano key test 367
Pinning fracture 336
Pirani score card 236f
Piriformis test 23
Pitres-Testut sign 390
Pitres-Testut test 390
Pivot shift test 151, 152, 309
reverse 153
Plane instability, single 199
Plantar fascia 218
Plantar fat pad 218
Plantar flexion 267f
Plantar reflex 454, 458
Plaster of Paris 314
Plate fixation 547
Polio 251, 497, 600
foot 251, 253
Peabody's classification of 254
infection, types of 190, 191t
knee 189, 192
virus, types of 190
Poliomyelitis 7
Pollock sign 390
Polymerase chain reaction 50
Polymerization, phases of 631
Polymethylmethacrylate 532
Poncet's disease 53
Ponseti corrective casts 231f
Ponseti protocol 232
Poor bone quality 141
Popliteal region 467
Porous-coated anatomic systems 628, 632
Port-wine patch 499
Posterior cruciate ligament 152, 203
tear 204
Posterior drawer test 153
Posterolateral laxity 146
Postinjection nerve palsy 388
Postpolio residual paralysis 179, 190
Postprosthetic care 614
Post-traumatic elbow 635
Post-traumatic malunited supracondylar fracture 330
Pott's disease 463, 464
Pott's paraplegia 468, 471
causes of 469
Pott's paresis 471
Pott's spine 468
Pouteau fracture 440
Preprosthetic care 570
Prescapular abscess 281
Press test 368
intramedullary 83
sore, grades of 620
Prominent humeral head, causes of 304
Prominent ulnar head 359
Propulsion 601
Prosthesis 608
immediate postoperative 613
type of 609
warming of 632
Prosthetic fitting, timing of 570
Protrusio acetabuli 49, 76
Protrusion acetabulum 77f
Provocative tests 285
Proximal femoral osteomyelitis 46
Proximal femur
extracapsular fracture of 134
intracapsular fracture of 134
Proximal interphalangeal joint 359
hyperflexion of 258
Pseudarthrosis 541, 561
Pseudo valgum 175
Pseudo varum 175
Pseudoarthrosis 537, 538
Pseudocoxalgia 90
Pseudocubitus varus deformity 344
Pseudo-osteitis 522
Psoas abscess 9, 42, 467
Psoriatic arthropathy 9
Pubic tubercle 26
Pulsed lavage 531
Pylon prosthesis 570
Pyogenic arthritis 281
Pyogenic sinus 521
Q-angle 154, 158, 159f
Quadriceps contracture 176, 178, 179, 530
Quadriceps gait 603
Quadriceps hypoplasia, congenital 179
Quadriceps paralysis 193
Quadriceps tethering 530
Quadriceps wasting 153
Quadriga effect 423
Quadruple deformity complex 207
Quorum sensing 533
Radial aspect 361, 363
Radial head 312
congenital 352, 353t
traumatic isolated 352, 353t
fracture 348
open reduction of 356
recurrent dislocation of 328
Radial height, correction of 438f
Radial nerve 369371, 378f, 384
autonomous zones of 384
injury, tendons transfers for 375
palsy 372, 378
Radial osteotomy, contraindications of 439
Radial pulse disappears during plastering 336
Radial reflex, inverted 459, 460f
Radiation 80, 445
therapy 320
Radical excision 582
Radiotherapy, role of 583
Reaction hand 400
Reconstruct annular ligament 356
Reconstruction surgeries, indications of 98
Reconstructive method 387
Rectus femoris 178
Rectus phenomenon 21
Recurrent clubfoot 239
Recurrent herniations 497
Recurrent patellar dislocation 157
Recurrent radial head instability 328
Recurrent shoulder instability, development of 295
Red flag signs 486, 491
Reeling gait 605
Reflex 459, 462
sympathetic dystrophy 530, 644
Regional lymph nodes 576
Relapsed clubfoot 239
Relaxing gracilis 21
Relocation test 286, 286f
Renal function test 526
Resection arthroplasty 627
Girdlestone type of 66
Resistant clubfoot 239
Rest and poultice method 530
Retrocalcaneal bursa 216
Retropulsion sign 477
Rheobase 384, 385f
Rheumatoid 145
arthritis 7, 600
Rib vertebra angle
difference 505f
distance 511
Rice bodies 53
Rickets 464, 600
signs of 168, 169
Rickettsial infection 91
Right femur, old fracture head of 63
Rigid clubfoot 229f
Rigid curve 498
Risser sign 511, 511f
Roll test 11
Rolling walkers 607
Rolling-pin test 310
Roos test 289
Rotation, hinge of 124
Rotational deformities 311
Rotational movements 12
Rotator cuff 300
pathology 283
Rotatory tests 200
Russian march gait 603
Ryder method 149
Sacroilitis, bilateral 43
Salmonella typhi 464
Salter's innominate osteotomy 97
Salter's osteotomy 97, 124
advantages of 98
indications of 123
Salter's procedure 99
Salvage procedures 413
Saphena varix 8
Satellite lesions 583
Saucerization 531
Sauve-Kapandji procedure 439f
Scaphoid shift test of Watson 367
Scaphoid tuberosity 360f
Scapular protraction 282
Scapular retraction 282
Scarpa's triangle 10, 27, 42, 62, 467
contents of 28
Scars 10, 146
Scheuermann's disease 447, 464
Schmidt technique 105
Schmorl's disease 464
Schober's test 25
modified 452
Sciatic nerve injury 128
Sciatic stretch test 488
Sciatica 483
Scissors gait 603, 604f
Sclerosing nonsuppurative osteomyelitis of Garre 536
Sclerotic margin 579
Scoliosis 446f, 450, 464, 497, 500
congenital 499, 517, 519
idiopathic 512, 513, 514t, 515
infantile 513
juvenile 513
surgical treatment of 518
Sectoral sign 24
Seddon's classification 382, 469
Seddon's ellipsoid 589
Sensation testing 365
Sensory deficit 373
Sensory examinations 453
Sensory motor examination 456t
Sensory nerves 365f
Septic arthritis 114, 529f
hip joint 106
late sequelae of 105, 107
sequel of 105
subacute 45
Sequestra, types of 523
Sequestrum dense 523
Shanmugasundaram classification 49
Shanmugasundaram test, positive 303
Shell formation 577
Shilla 519
procedure 519
Shoe, examination of 214f
Shoemaker's lines 20, 21f
Shoulder 279
anterior dislocation of 280
arthrodesis 293
arthroplasty 626, 636, 638
indications of 636
limitations of 638
reverse total 636
total 636, 637
case, examination points for 279
functional position of 293
instability 294
tests for 285
joint, tuberculosis of 291
Lachman test 287
position 600
posterior dislocation of 280
prosthesis, total 637
replacements, total 636
restraints for 295, 296t
unstable 294, 298
Silfverskiold test, reverse 269
Silliman and Hawkins
augmentation test of 286
release test of 286
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome 146
Single bundle techniques 202
Sinogram 529f
Sinus 10, 146, 520, 530
Six-strand techniques 419
Skew foot 239
Skin 146
condition of 214
dimples 499
lesions 395
tests 50
Skip lesions 465
Skull deformities 499
Slap lesion, tests for 289
Slew-footed gait 146
Sliding hip screw system 135
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 7, 102
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis 102
Slocum's test 153
Slow union 538
Slump test 456
Smith fracture 440
Smith-Goyrand fracture 440
Smith-Petersen nail plate 140
Smooth shells 578
material of 609
type of 609
Sofield Miller's double
distal osteotomy 563
proximal osteotomy 563
Soft tissue 452, 520, 640
nearby 521
release 126, 237, 317
posteromedial 237
surgery 250
tumor 584
malignant 584
Solid-ankle cushioned heel foot 611, 611t, 612
Solitary exostosis 182f
Solitary osteochondroma 185
Soltanpur method 344
Sonogram, role of 529
Speed test 289, 290f
Sphygmomanometer test 268
Spina bifida occulta 497
Spina ventosa 314
Spinal brace 192
Spinal cord injury 460
Spinal elements, posterior 585
Spinal fusion 494
Spinal level, localization of 456t
Spinal pathology 499
Spinal polio 191
Spinal tubercular infection 475
Spinal tuberculosis 463, 467
adult 465
apophyseal 465
childhood 465
prevent deformity in 480
types of collapse in 466
Spinal tumor
common anterior 585
syndrome 465
Spine 30, 444, 477
actinomycosis of 464
deformity of 446f
examination of 444
lateral bending of 450f, 502f
stiffness of 463
types of 464
Splint, internal 377
Spondylolisthesis 449f
Spondylolysis 456
Spondylosis, ankylosing 11
Sprengel shoulder 281, 303
Spring plate 622
Spurious correction 235
Spurling's maneuver 454
Square pelvis 29, 34
fallacies of 29
Squeezing calf 459
Squeezing heel cord 459
Stability, tests for 21, 150, 151t
Stainless steel, femoral head of 626
Standard cement, components of 631
Stasis ulcer 407
Steindler's fasciotomy 261
Stiff elbow 314, 315
causes of 315
Stiff hip gait 603
Stiff knee gait 146, 603
Stiff nonunions, short 552
Stiffness 7
Stiles-Bunnel FF4T phasic transfer, modified 405
Stinchfield's test 21, 72
Stir-fry test 310
Straight leg raising test 455f
Strength duration curve 384
Streptococcus epidermidis 533
Stress fracture 522
Stress testing, significance of endpoint in 197
Stroking lateral malleolus 459
Structural scoliosis 503
Strut graft 474
Subligamentous extrusion 482f
Sublimis transfer 405
Subluxation test, posterior 288
Subscapularis 300
Liftoff test 284
Subsynovial intra-articular arterial ring 76
Subtalar joint 219
Sugioka's anterior rotational osteotomy 87
Sulcus sign 288, 288f
Superficialis finger 421
Superficialis transfer 376
Supracondylar fracture 332334, 339, 339t
acute 335
complications of 334
displacements of 333
management of 337
of elbow, types of 335f
Supracondylar ridges 306
Supraspinatus 300
Suprasternal notch 28
Sural cutaneous nerve 396
Sural insufficiency, triceps 240, 255
Surgery 180
complications of 413, 596
indications of 54, 320, 471
prerequisites of 527
role of 54
Surgical hardware 521
Suture techniques 418
Swelling 8, 143, 146, 183, 212, 217, 280, 305, 358, 499, 574
benign 573
bony 575
examination of 572
Swing phase 601
Swing through gait 606, 607
Swing to gait 606
Swollen hot foot 407
Symphysis pubis 28
Synergism 374
Synergistic muscles 382
Synovial biopsy 209
Synovial sarcoma 585
Systemic lupus erythematosus 9
Tabes dorsalis 600
Talipes equinovarus 212, 264
congenital 212
idiopathic congenital 226
Talonavicular capsule 250
Talus, defective cartilage enlarge of 227
Tardy median palsy 425
Tardy ulnar nerve palsy
causes of 349
develop of 349
Tarsal joint, mid 248f
Tarsal tunnel syndrome, anterior 276
Tear, acute 273
Teardrop 115
boundaries of 117
Telescoping hip, causes of 39
Telescopy 39
prerequisites for 39
test 72
Temporary pylon prosthesis 609
Tenderness over sacroiliac joint 10
Tenderness, bony 520
Tendo-Achilles 270
discontinuity 268
rupture 266, 266f
Tendon 218
grafting and rationale, two-stage 420
injury 414, 420
repair of 273, 419f
postoperative rehabilitation of 423
rupture 272
transfer 375, 385, 405
prerequisites for 373, 406
role of 240
Tennis leg 269
Tension 379
band 621
Teratologic dislocation of hip 114
Teres minor 285, 300
Thick plastic socket 626
foot angle test 158f
girth, measurement of 18f
posterior aspect of 467
Thomas test 11, 12f, 16, 32, 32f
causes of false positive 34
principle behind 34
Thompson and Epstein classification 129
Thompson test 267f
fallacies of 269
Thompson-Simmonds calf squeeze test 267
Thompson-Simmonds-Doherty test 268
Thomson's test 221
Thoracic disease, early 464
Thoracic outlet syndrome, tests for 289
Thoracic region 473
Three-layer dressing 620
Thrust tenderness 451
adduction 386, 387, 586
and first MCP joint 361
flexed 586
function 405
index finger 386
movements 363
opposition of 385, 387
Thyroid swelling 9
congenital pseudarthrosis of 559f, 561, 562t
fracture of 555, 600
shaft of 543
non-union, radiograph of 545f
over femoral condyles, external rotation of 207
posterolateral subluxation of 207
pseudarthrosis of 559, 561
rotations of 198
vara 175
Tibial length 153
Tibial nerve, posterior 396
Tibial nonunion 541
Tibial position 601
Tibial rotation 601
Tibial tendon transfer, anterior 240
Tibial torsion 154, 600
clinically 157
Tibialis transfer, split anterior 240
Tibiofemoral adhesions 530
Tinel sign 383
Tinel test 426
Tip pinch 386
Tip-apex distance 137f
Tissue injury, sequence of 325
Toe 214
flexion 458
position 601
systolic blood pressure 566
Tom-Smith arthritis 105
Topographic sensitivity 382
Topple sign 477
Torticollis 594
causes of 595
Total active elevation 282
Total hip
arthroplasty, indications of 634
replacement, complications of 634
Total knee
arthroplasty, role of 211
replacement, role of 195
Tourniquet test 366, 427
Toygar sign 271f
Traction, role of 53, 210, 337
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 492
Transferred tendon, amplitude of 374
Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion 496
Transinterosseous membrane 406
Transverse defects 499
Trapdoor procedure 86
Trapeziometacarpal joint 369
Trauma 80, 446, 522
Trendelenburg test, positive 37, 38
Trendelenburg's gait 602
Trendelenburg's sign 39
Trendelenburg's test 36, 37f, 38
Trevor's disease 185
Triangular fibrocartilage complex test 368
Trillat modification 151
Tripod sign 21
Triradiate cartilage 512
Trochanter over Nelaton's line 112f
Trochanter shortening, upriding of 112f
Trochanteric arthroplasty
limitation of 110
principles of 110
Trochlear depth 161f
Tromner sign 459
Trophic ulcer 407
Trough sign 295
Trueta hypothesis 91
Tuber sulcus angle 154
Tubercular rheumatism 53
Tubercular sinus 521
Tubercular spondylitis, clinicoradiological classification of 468
Tuberculosis 7
diagnosis of 291
hip 47, 58, 208
clinicoradiological types of 49f
radiological signs of 50
knee 208, 210
joint 209
pathological stages of 208
shoulder 291
spine, radiology of 467f
Tumor 146, 522
primary 576
Two-strand techniques 418
Ulcer 616
pathological 616
Ulnar aspect 362
Ulnar bow 355
Ulnar claw hand 359
Ulnar deviation of hand 359
Ulnar nerve 369, 371, 384, 387, 390, 393, 396
anomalous innervations for 390
autonomous zones of 384
palsy 349, 385, 387
tests for 389
protect 336
transposition 351
zones of 391f
Ulnar osteotomy, indications of 356
Ulnar paradox 386
Ultrasonogram 117t
Ultrasonography 93
role of 117
Umbilicus 28
Unconstrained prosthesis 635
prerequisites for 635
Unilateral deformity, causes of 167
University of Pennsylvania Classification 82t
Unstable fracture, stabilize 140
Upper dorsal spine, tuberculosis of 304
Upper extremity, bony landmarks for 307f
Upper limb 192, 372f
prostheses available 612
tension test 454
units 613
Upper trunk, branches of 392
Vacuum mixing and centrifugation, effects of 632
Vacuum phenomenon 491
Valgus and varus
laxity 150
stress test 150
Valgus at knee 154
Valgus extension osteotomy 87
Valgus flexion osteotomy 88
Valgus overcorrection 239
Valgus stress test 153f, 309
Valgus thrust
gait 146
with circumduction 146
Valsalva maneuver 456
Varus angulation 65
Varus at knee 154
Varus derotation osteotomy, advantages of 98
Varus recurvatum
test 153
thrust 146
Varus stress 220
test 153f, 309
Varus thrust gait 146
Vascular theory 227
Vastus intermedius 178
Vastus lateralis/intermedius, contracture of 178
Vaughan-Jackson lesion 359
Venus, dimple of 10
apical 506
measure rotation of 509
posterior elements of 575
Vertebral body 575
Vibrio cholerae pyogenic diskitis 464
Volar aspect 361
Volar Barton fracture 440
Volar sensations 386
Volkmann's ischemic contracture 586, 587
Volkmann's sign 404, 587, 587f
pathogenesis of 588
positive 586
von Recklinghausen's disease 497
Waddling gait 602, 603
Walenkamp phenomenon 521
advantages of 607
types of 607
Wallerian degeneration 381
Wandering acetabulum 63
Ward's triangle 62
Wartenberg sign 389
Watson scaphoid shift test 368f
Wearing brace, schedule of 245
Weatherwax modification 197f
Weber and Cech classification 540f
basis of 541
Weight-bearing caliper 192
Wet dressing 617
White blood cells 528
Whittle and Evans protractor method 508
Windswept deformity 145
Wound 615617
classification of 617t
coverage 615
excision 531
infection 615
management, principle of 617
Wright's maneuver 289
Wringing test 309
Wrist 361
and hand 358
case, examination points for 358
extension test 427
resisted 309
flexion 366, 386, 586
motion 363
Xiphisternum 26, 28
Xiphoid process 26
X-ray reading, steps of 639
Yeoman's test 21
for sacroiliitis 23
Yergason test 289
Ziehl-Neelsen stains 409
Zinc impregnated gauge 618
Chapter Notes

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