Ophthalmology Clinics-2 for Postgraduates: Basic Sciences, Instruments, Investigations, Imaging, Interpretation and Viva Voice Namrata Sharma, Prafulla Kumar Maharana
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and t refer to table.
Aberration 96, 97
analysis, uses of 92
corneal 83, 90f, 95f
lower-order 89f, 93
types of 97
Aberrometers 86
Abscess, sub-conjunctival 288
Acanthamoeba 307, 313
Accredited Social Health Activist 329
bacilli 296
organism 310
stain 308, 310
Acinetobacter species 307
Acremonium species 307
Actinic keratosis 302
Actinomyces 307, 310
Acute angle branching 297f
Adaptive optics 199
retinal imaging systems 200
working principle of 199f
Adenocarcinoma 305
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 305, 305f
Adenoma, pleomorphic 19, 19f, 304, 305f
Adnexal infections 307
Age-related macular degeneration 175, 187, 194, 294
Allergic conjunctivitis 78
Allylamine 313
Alport syndrome 93f, 94f
Alternaria species 307
Alzheimer's disease 336
Amblyopia therapy 279
American Optical Keratometer, original 68
Amniotic membrane graft 103
AMO emerald intraocular lens injector and tip, modified 139
Amphotericin B 313
Amplitude 190
modulation scan 34
Amsler chart 204t
interpretation 204t
types of 203t
Amsler grid 202, 203
types of 203
Amyloid 296
deposits 60
Anaglyph principle 280
Anaphylaxis 169
Anderson's criteria 233, 242, 343
Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study 320, 325
Angina, unstable 170
Angiogram, venous phase 177f
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 25
alpha 279
determine occludability of 249
gamma 279
kappa 123, 279
importance of 129
pigmentation 216, 217
Spaeth grading of 218f
recess, angular width of 216
width, Spaeth grading of 217f
Angular width slit 217
Anis corneal marker 131
Antecubital vein 171f
Anterior chamber 72, 100
biometry 248
depth 81, 123, 141, 147
parameters 78f
Anterior cortical layer 60
Anterior segment
ischemia 288
optical coherence tomography 98, 99f, 101f104f, 108f, 119, 120, 348, 359f, 350f
classification of keratoconus 105
indications of 99
interpretation of 348
surgeries 106
trauma 103
tumors 101
Antibiotics 313
Antibodies, immunohistochemistry 298t
Antifungals 313
classification of 313t
Antimetabolites 313
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing 312
Apoptosis 294
Applanation tonometry, principle of 227
Aqueous humor 110
Aqueous tap 295, 308
Aqueous-to-air relative intensity index 66
Aravind Comprehensive Eye Study 325
Arc, unit-second of 285
Argentaffin cells 296
Argon laser trabeculoplasty 213
Arm-to-retina circulation time 171
Arrhythmia 170
Arruga's capsule forceps method 161
Arruga's intracapsular forceps 158, 158f
Arruga's needle holder 44, 44f, 265, 265f
Artemis digital ultrasound 121
Artemis very high-frequency digital ultrasound 153
Arterial injection, inadvertent 169
Arterial phase 171
Arteriovenous phase 171
biopsy, temporal 295
forceps 44, 44f, 265, 265f, 287
posterior ciliary 171
Artificial anterior chamber 133, 136
A-scan 34, 37, 144, 145t, 149, 149f, 151
amplitude 34t
over IOLMaster, advantages of 153
pachymeter 118f
ultrasound 149, 150
Aschner phenomenon 47
Aschner-Dagnini reflex 47
flavus 311f
fumigatus 311f
niger 311f
species 307, 313
Aspiration cannula 156, 156f
Astigmatic elevation map 125f
Astigmatism 95f, 96, 96f, 224, 227
corneal 79f, 93, 95f
total 70
Asymmetric bowtie with
inferior steepening 72
skewed radial axis 72
superior steepening 72
Atrophic rhinitis 53
Atrophy 294
geographical 175
Autofluorescence 172
Automated lamellar therapeutic keratoplasty 100, 121, 126, 137
Automated perimetry, standard 229
Automated positioning system 147
Axial computed tomography 19f
Axial contrast computed tomography 19f, 20f, 23f, 27f, 28f
Axial keratometry map 126
Axial length 6, 141, 144, 145, 147, 149, 153
measurement of 31
Axial noncontrast computed tomography 17f, 22f, 29f
Axial position 33
Axons 296
Azoles 313
Bacillus species 307
Backflush 208, 208f
Bacteria 307
filamentous 307
Balanced phaco tip, advantages of 161
Balanced salt solution 160
Barraquer eye speculum, self-retaining 286, 286f
Barraquer needle holder 265, 265f
Barron's vacuum punch 132, 132f
Basal cell carcinoma 300, 300f
microscopic variants of 301
Basic refractive surgery workup 78
Basic screening technique 32
Basophilic tumor cells 300f
Bausch and Lomb keratometer 67f, 68
Beard's rule 46
Belin/Ambrosio Enhanced Ectasia Display 76, 77f, 339f, 341f
Benzofuran, heterocyclic 313
Berke's ptosis clamp 44, 45f
Berke's rule 46
Best-corrected visual acuity 315, 320t
Best-fit sphere 74f, 75, 80
concept of 124f
Best-fit Toric ellipsoid 75, 80
Bicanalicular stent 53
Biconvex-shaped structure 42
Binocular fusion 277, 278f
Binocular indirect ophthalmoscope 163
Binocular reading 5
Binocular single vision 277f
grades of 277
second grade of 277
third grade of 277
Biochemical oxygen demand 312
Biomicroscopy 55
technique of 57
Biopsy 294
vitreous 308
Bipolar cell 188
layer 189
Bipolaris species 307
Bjerrum's scotoma 246f
Blade breaker 133, 133f
causes of 48
intraoperative 288
Blepharitis 307
Blepharoconjunctivitis, chronic 303
painful eye 49
spot 236f, 245
and visual impairment, causes of 316
burden 315
childhood 318, 323
corneal 317, 318, 323
major causes of 317t
prevalence of 317t
prevention 315
rehabilitation 315
Blink reflex 307
agar 310
brain barrier 13
intracorneal 62
vessels 60, 65
normal 219
Blowout fracture 29, 30f, 268
Blumenthal's anterior chamber maintainer technique 162
lesions 15
window 30f
Bony orbit 7, 307
Borrelia 307
Botulinum toxin, injectable 47
Bowman's lacrimal probe 44, 45f
Bowman's membrane 60
Brain, routine normal magnetic resonance imaging sequences of 13f
Branching vascular network 187
Brightbill polytef cutting block 132
Brightness modulation scan 34
Broad tangential illumination 58
Brown's syndrome, Hess chart of 272f
Bruch's membrane 183
complex 181
B-scan 31, 34, 38
indications for 33
Buphthalmic eye 6
Busin glide 139, 139f
Calcium 296
Calibration 222
Canalicular stenosis 53
Candida species 307
Cannula 205, 208
Can-opener technique 160
Capillary nonperfusion areas 173
Capsular opacities, posterior 81
Capsular tension ring, size of 123
holding forceps 158
posterior 60
ideal size of 160
rescue technique 161
run out, causes of 160
Capsulotomy techniques 160
Carcinoma 27
sebaceous 303
Cardiorespiratory arrest 169
Caroticocavernous fistula 10, 27f
Carotid artery
cavernous 26
external 26
internal 26
Carotid-cavernous fistula 10, 15
direct 26t
indirect 26t
Caspofungin 313
Castroviejo caliper 266f
Castroviejo corneoscleral scissors 266, 266f
Castroviejo marking calipers 266
Castroviejo trephine 131, 131f
Cat's paw lacrimal wound retractor 46, 46f
Cataract 97, 114, 141, 294, 316, 319, 323
congenital 153
evaluation 81
hypermature 161
intumescent 161
pediatric 161
posterior subcapsular 60, 143
surgery 67, 159, 228
appliances in 154
applications in 103
instruments in 154
coverage 317
rate 316
services, rapid assessment of 325
Cell 60
boundaries 111
conformation 111
dropout, presence of 337
grading, classification of 66
Cellulitis 15
Central corneal
thickness 117, 143, 224
topography 147
Central field 245
static testing of 245
Central retinal vein occlusion 178f
Central serous
chorioretinopathy 180, 181f, 187
Smock stack pattern of 174f
choroidopathy 173, 336
retinopathy 180, 195
Centrocecal scotoma 247, 337f
Cerebral artery occlusion, posterior 336
Cerebrospinal fluid 12, 14
leakage 53
rhinorrhea 53
Cerebrovascular accident, recent 170
Ceruloplasmin 307
Chalazion 300, 300f
clamp 44, 45f
nonsurgical management of 50
scoop 44, 45f
Charge-coupled device 87
Charles flute
cannula 208
needle 208, 208f
Chiasmal lesion 203
Chicken suture 289
Chin rest-adjusting knobs 68
Chlamydia 307
trachomatis 313
Chocolate agar 312
Chopper 158, 158f
Chopping techniques 161
Choroid sclera junction 180
Choroidal detachment 3336, 37f
hemorrhagic 37f
Choroidal neovascular membrane 175, 182, 184f, 185f
Choroidal phase 171
Ciliary body band 219
angle recession, abnormal widening of 219f
Clear corneal incision, types of 160
Clostridium species 307
Clotrimazole 313
Coats’ disease 22
Cobalt blue
filter 65
light after fluorescein staining 63f
Cobra tip 159
Coca-cola sign 26
Colibri forceps 135, 135f, 288, 288f
Colibri style 135
polack double corneal forceps 135
Collamer lens, implantable 103
Colloidal iron stain 297f
Coloboma, choroidal 42, 43f
Color coded macular thickness map 182f
Color scale 123
concept of 124f
Composite integrated information 129
Computed tomography 8, 9, 14, 16, 23, 29, 92, 94f
acquisition of 10
angiogram 10
coronal contrast-enhanced 28f
display 94f
interpretation of 10
scan 26
Cone photoreceptors 200f
Configuration, S-shaped 104
Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy 170, 178
optics of 257f
principle 257
Conjunctiva 295
columnar epithelium of 294
epithelial barrier of 307
palpebral 304
Conjunctival diseases 101
Conjunctivitis 307
Connective tissue 296
Contact A-scan, display of 150f
Contact lens 67, 120
fitting 81
induced corneal warpage 127
sensor 226, 226f
solution and case 308
wear 114
Contact specular microscope 110
Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis, concept of 160
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography 10, 29
imaging 10
scan 10
Cornea 55, 60, 67, 70, 295
anterior segment optical coherence tomography post-corneal cross-linking of 106
anterior surface irregularities of 60
asphericity of 76
epithelial barrier of 307
irregular 69
model 68
nonsphericity of 69
normal 338f
anterior elevation map of 125f
opacities, multiple stromal 99f
radius of curvature of 141
thinnest point of 123
thinning of 58f
Zernike analysis of 83, 85f
Corneal button, infected 308
Corneal collagen cross-linking 121, 127
Corneal curvature 224
Corneal disorders, color coding of 62t
Corneal dystrophy
classification 106
posterior polymorphous 114
Corneal endothelial
cells 61
punches 133
Corneal marking instruments 131
Corneal opacity 99, 227
faintest of 61
Corneal optical densitometry display 82, 83f
Corneal pachymetry
layered 121
map 75f
Corneal parameters 78f
Corneal physiology 69
Corneal power, posterior 70
Corneal refractive surgeries 123
Corneal resistance factor 225
Corneal rings 84f
Corneal scars 60
and infiltrates 60
Corneal scissors 134, 134f, 154, 155f
Corneal scraping 308
Corneal staining 65t
Corneal stroma 110, 297f
Corneal surface, irregular 224
Corneal surgery 128
Corneal thickness 101f, 117, 118, 147
measuring 113
progression analysis 76
spatial profile 76
Corneal thinning 79f
Corneal tomographers 71t
Corneal tomography 73f
Corneal topographers 71t
Corneal topographic analysis 92
Corneal topography 96f
Corneal type lens 214, 215
Corneal ulcer
color coding in 65
sequel of 108f
Corneal visualization Scheimpflug technology 225, 225f
Corneal wedge 218
formation 218f
Cortical basal ganglion degeneration 336
Cortical layer 60
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 307
Cottingham corneal punch 133
Crab claw 341
appearance 81f
Craniopharyngiomas 12
Crawford stent 53
Crescent blade 266, 266f
Crescent knife 137, 137f
Crigglers sac massage 54
Cryoextraction 161
Crystalline lens 59f, 60
Curpax-major amblyoscope 275
Curvature map 72, 126
Cyclodeviation, measurement of 277
Cyclodialysis 220
Cyst 42
conjunctival inclusion 288
Cysticercosis 10, 29, 299, 299f
extraocular muscle 41f
USG appearance of 41
Cysticercus cellulosae 299
Cysticercus larvae, body of 299f
Cystoid 174
macular edema 178, 180
Cystotome needle 156, 157f
Czapskiscope 56
D value 76
Dacryocystectomy 53
Dacryocystorhinostomy 51, 54
Daily living, activities of 322
Dastoor iris repositor 156, 156f, 267, 267f
Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty 100, 115, 118, 121, 126
different techniques of 140
Deep intrastromal blood vessel 62
Deep superior sulcus 49
Demarcation line 106
Dense cataract measurement 147
Densitometry, corneal 84
Dermoid 15
cyst 17, 298, 299f
Descemet's folds 60, 62
Descemet's membrane 60, 252
detachment 160, 349f
endothelial keratoplasty 106, 113, 115, 139
instruments 139
Descemet's stripper 138
Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty 100, 113, 115, 121, 138, 154, 348
Busin forceps 139
instruments 138
scraper 138f
spatula 139
Desmarre's lamellar dissector 137
angle of 276
objective angle of 276
subjective angle of 276
Diabetes 114, 116
Diabetic retinopathy
nonproliferative 173
proliferative 174
Diabetic vitrectomy surgery 211
Diamond dusted
membrane scraper 208, 209f
soft silicone tip cannula 208
Diamond knife 134, 134f
Diffusion-weighted images 13
Digital fundus camera 170, 170f
Digital subtraction angiography 27
Diplopia 288
Direct focal illumination 57, 60
Direct gonioscopy
advantages of 215
disadvantages of 215
Direct ophthalmoscope 165, 165f, 166t, 168, 168t
apertures of 165f
head of 165f
uses of 168
Direct slit illumination 58f
edema 168
neovascularization of 174
Distance stereoacuity, tests for 285
Diurnal phasing 226
Diurnal variations 69
dissection 138
glides 139
inserters 139
tissue insertion 140
Donut stent 53
Doppler ultrasound 34
Double corneal forceps 135
Double ended iris repositer 135f
Double layer sign 183
Drug, class of 313
Dry age-related macular degeneration 203
Dry eye 103
severe 294
Dual bore cannula 208
Dye, extravasation of 169
Dysfunctional lens index 91
Dysplasia 294
fibrous 20
Dystrophy, macular 297f
Echinocandins 313
Echogram, upper portion of 32
Econazole 313
corneal 120
progression of 78
Ectatic disorders
diagnosis of 79
screening of 79
corneal 224, 227
epithelial 61, 62
Elastic fibers 296
Electrode 191
active 191
common 191
ground 191
Electron microscopy 297
Electrooculogram 195
Electroretinogram 188
extinguishing 192f
factors affecting 191
full-field 190
leads 191f
machine 189f
normal 189f
physiology of 188
responses, abnormal 191
scotopic 190f
types of 190
Elevation map 74, 92, 124
findings on 80
front and back 75f
Elliot and Nankin procedure 289
modified 289
Ellipsoid zone 180
Enantiomorphism 74
Encephalomyopathy, mitochondrial 336
End grasping forceps 207f
Endoilluminator 140
Endoinjector 139
Endophthalmitis 15, 22, 23f, 38f, 49, 295, 307
postoperative 288
USG appearance of 37
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy
advantages of 52t
disadvantages of 52t
Endoserter 139
Endoshield 139
Endothelial cell
estimating 115
normal 114
density 111
loss, bi-exponential decay model for 114
morphology 337
shape 337
Endothelial keratoplasty 100, 113, 123, 349f, 350, 350f
Endothelial loss 114, 115t
phases of 114t
Endotheliitis, herpetic 120
Endothelium 59
corneal 110
monitoring of 112
research of 112
specular 59f
Enophthalmos 3, 6, 49
Enterococcus species 307
Enucleation 47, 48, 48t, 294, 295
complications of 48
scissors 44, 45f
specimen 295f
types of 48
Eosinophilic cytoplasm, abundant 293
Epidermis, basal layer of 300f
Epilation forceps 44, 44f
Epilepsy 336
Epiretinal membrane 153, 182, 184f, 195, 203
Epithelial appearance, normalization of 101
Epithelial basement membrane 60
Epithelial component 304
Epithelial defect 63, 63f
Epithelial layer 60
Epithelial microcysts 60
Epithelioid cell granuloma 300f
Epithelium 110
assessment of 113
Escherichia coli 307, 312
Ethmoid sinus, anterior 20f
Ethylene oxide 220
Eukaryotes 307
Evisceration 48, 48t, 49, 294
curette 44, 45f
types of 49
Exenteration 49, 294
types of 49t
Exophthalmometry 3, 4
reading, factors influencing 6
types of 3, 4
Exophthalmos 3, 6
Exorbitism 6
Expansile hyperattenuating lesion 20f
External limiting membrane 180
External mechanical devices 47
Extracapsular cataract extraction 115, 155
Extraconal lesions 17
Extraocular muscle 8, 27f, 28f, 34, 41
enlargement 15, 25
Extraocular spread 302
Extrusion instruments 208
aberrations, total 95f
bank 100, 113
cup 248f
drops, topical 47
fields 245
health survey 324
conduct of 325
Eyeball 294
Eyelashes 307
Eyelid 294, 307
lesions 251
retraction 289
Facial asymmetry 5, 6
Faden procedure 289
Fasanella-Servat procedure 46
Fascia lata 47
Fat 12
Fibromas 20
Fibrotic sac 53
Fibrovascular fonds, focal 41
Field defect, position of 335
Filaments 63
Fink's recession 289
First order Kernel 194
Fish hook technique 162
Fixation losses 231
Flared tip 159
Flat iris configuration 250f
Fleischer ring 65
Flieringa ring, uses of 140
Flow cytometry 298
Fluconazole 313
Flucytosine 313
Fluid clefts, multiple stromal 101f
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 12, 13f, 14
imaging 23
angiogram 175f, 177f
normal 172f
angiography 170
dye, intravenous injection of 171f
patterns, abnormal 171
staining 65
Food and Drug Administration 144
Foot-plates 4
Forced duction test 290
Foreign body
forceps 207, 207f
granuloma 288
intraorbital 29
multiple corneal 58f
Formalin 295
Forme fruste keratoconus 80, 124, 339f
Fornices, contraction of 49
Four maps refractive display 342f
Fourier domain 99f
Fourth nerve paresis 268
Foveal avascular zone 171
Foveal image 145f
Freer periosteal elevator 44, 45f
Fresh superior-temporal branch retinal vein occlusion 177f
Frisby-Davis distance
stereotest 285
test 285
Frisby-Davis stereoacuity test 286f
Frontalis muscle suspension using sling 46
Fruste keratoconus 79
Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy 113115, 120
Fundoscopy 63
autofluorescence 170
camera 170, 200
film-based 170
fluorescein angiography 169, 177f, 178, 186f
advantages over 187
phases of 171
photography 199
Funduscopy 163
growth 312f
hyphae 310f
infections 300
Fungi 307
Funnel retinal detachment, closed 35f
Fusarium 313
species 307, 311f
Fusion 276
Fusional amplitudes, determination of 278
Gadolinium 12, 13
enhanced magnetic resonance angiography 27
Galand letterbox technique 160
Galilei 84, 128
devices 119
Ganglion cell 200
analysis 256f
complex 254
layer 180, 181f
Gass retinal detachment hook 209, 209f
Gaussian-shaped spectrum 146
monitoring 229
tracker 229
Geuder glass injector 139f
Giant cell 300f
arteritis 295
Giemsa stain 308
Gill's lamellar dissector 137
Glass injectors 139, 139f
Glaucoma 114, 120, 212, 248, 317319, 323
advanced 226, 246f
applications in 103
congenital 120
drainage devices 104
end-stage 49
evaluation 81
Goldmann visual field of 246f, 247f
Hemifield test 231, 343
probability score 261, 262f
report 263f
screening 86
surgeries, instruments in 264
surgical intervention for 264
Glioma 15
Global indices 232
Globe holding forceps 265, 266f
Glucose transporter 1 298
Glutaraldehyde 295
Goldmann 1/2/3 mirror lens 214
Goldmann applanation 221
prism 227
tonometer 222, 224t, 227
housing of 223f
tonometry 65, 227
Goldmann mires, correct alignment of 223f
Goldmann perimetry 244f
Goldmann two mirror lens 64f, 214f
Goldmann type applanation tonometer, basic parts of 222f
Goldmann visual field 229, 242, 243t, 244, 245f247f, 335, 335f, 335t, 336f, 337f
indications of 243, 247
interpretation of 335
normal 245
principle of 243
Gonio mirror 213f
Goniogram 220, 220f
applications of 215
direct 213
obliterates cornea-air interface 213f
prototype direct 213
types of 213
Gonioscopes, sterilization of 220
Gonioscopy 63, 212, 218
documentation of 220
father of 212
grading systems 216
indentation 214
indications of 213
manipulation 214
normal angle structures visible on 218
principle of 212
procedure 64f
Goniosynechiae 220
Gore-tex strips 47
Gorovoy irrigating stripper 138
Graft holder 132, 132f
Graft insertion 138, 139
Gram's stain 308
bacilli 307
bacteria 309
cocci 307
coccobacilli 307
bacilli 307
bacteria 309
cocci 307
Granular corneal dystrophy 99f
diffuse slit lamp corneal image of 99f
Granulomatous reaction 293
Graves disease 25
Gray scale 231
Green's hook 287, 287f
Grieshaber-Franceschetti trephine 131
Griseofulvin 313
Grocott-Gomori methenamine-silver nitrate stain, modified 308
Grooved arc 4
Guarded diamond knife 137
Guillotine type cutters 206
Gullstand's illumination system 56
corneal 337f
presence of 59f, 337
Haidinger brushes 276
Haigis-l formula 141
Haller's layer 180
Hang-back recession 289
Hanna trephine system 132
Haploscopic principle 268f, 280
Haptic size calculation 123
Hard exudates 173
multiple 175f
Hartmann-Shack aberrometer 86
Hasner valve 51
Heart disease 170
Heidelberg retina tomograph 3 257, 257f
principle of 264
print out, normal 259f
Heijl-Krakau method 229
Helmholtz doubling principle keratometer 68
Hemangioma 41
capillary 15, 18
cavernous 15, 16f
Hemangiopericytoma 15, 18
Hemianopia 335
complete bitemporal 239
homonymous 336f
Hemorrhage 9, 16f, 47, 49, 65
macula 177f
subacute 12
vitreous 37, 37f
Hemostasis 48
Hemostatic forceps 44, 44f, 265, 287, 287f
Henle's layer 180
Herbert's pits 57f
Hering's law 268, 274
Herpes simplex virus 313
Hertel's exophthalmometer 4, 4f
advantages of 5
disadvantages of 5
Hess chart 268, 269f271f, 272, 272f, 273
original 273
Hess screen 268, 273
Hessburg-Barron trephine 131, 132f, 140
High positive vitreous pressure 160
Higher-order aberration 83, 89f
Hirschberg's test 276
Hodapp-Parrish-Anderson classification 233, 233t
Horizontal scissors 209
Horner's muscle 52
Hounsfield units 10
Hruby lens 64
Human immunodeficiency virus 306
Human papillomavirus 302
Humphrey's field analyzer 229f, 230f
exclusive gaze tracker of 229f
Humphrey's visual field 229, 231t, 232f, 234f239f, 241f, 347f
components of 229
interpretation of 342
print out 242
Hyalosis, asteroid 37
Hydrodelineation 160
Hydrodissection 160
Hydrogen 11
peroxide 223
Hydrops, corneal 101f, 105, 107, 252
Hyperfluorescence 172, 173f
Hyperkeratosis 294
Hypermetropia 164
Hyperplasia 294
Hypertension, ocular 226
Hypertrophy 294
Hypofluorescence 171, 172f
Hypopyon 63
Hypothalamic involvement 23
Hypotropia 274
Hysteresis, corneal 225
Iatrogenic infection 306, 307
bulb for 68
system 56, 165
Image test 278
Imbert-Fick's law 221, 222f
modification of 222, 222f
Imidazoles 313
Immersion A-scan, display of 152f
A 307
G, monoclonal 313
calculate size of 49
migration of 49
types of 49, 50
In situ hybridization 298
In vivo confocal microscopy 313
Incision, corneal 155
Indian Council of Medical Research National Survey of Blindness 325
Indian Smith method 161
Indirect goniolenses 213
features of 215, 215t
Indirect gonioscopy 215
advantages of 215
disadvantages of 215
Indocyanine green 186, 187f
administration of 186
angiography 186
disadvantages of 187
dye 186t
phases of 186
Infarction 336
myocardial 170
Infections 47, 49
ocular 307t
parasitic 300
primary 306
secondary 306
Infiltrative diseases 15, 27
intraocular 114
lipogranulomatous 300f
Inflammatory disease, choroidal 187
Inflammatory inflammation, idiopathic 19
Infusion cannula 206, 206f
Inkblot pattern 173
Internal limiting membrane 180, 181f, 207
forceps 207, 207f
International Society of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision 188
Interpupillary distance 275
measurement 276
Intracapsular cataract extraction 115, 155, 161
Intracorneal ring segment implantation 83, 118
Intracytoplasmic lipids 304f
Intradermal nevus 299
Intraocular foreign body 29, 38f
USG appearance of 37
Intraocular lens 32, 91, 144, 145, 149, 157, 158f, 249, 308
dialer 158
holding forceps 158, 158f
injection cartridges, modified 139
master 141
interpretation of 142
placement 135
power calculation formula 141, 142f
Intraocular mass, polypoidal left 21f
Intraocular pressure 78f, 81, 100, 119, 208, 221
normal range of 227
power calculation 82
Intraocular tumors
common 40t
USG appearance of 39
Intraorbital schwannoma 17f
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities 173
Intrastromal corneal ring segment 121, 127
Intubation tubes, different types of 53
IOLMaster 143, 144t, 145t
IOLMaster 500 141, 141f, 144, 145t
IOLMaster 700 142f, 144, 144f, 145f
advantages of 143
IOLMaster, advantages over 149
Iowa PK press corneal punch 133
Iridociliary cleft, obliteration of 249f
Iridocorneal endothelial
cell 338, 338f
syndrome 114, 115
Iridodialysis 220
Iridotomy, peripheral 226
anterior insertion of 220
configuration 216
S-shaped 250f
cyst 251f
level of 216
site of 217f
posterior bowing of 107f
processes 219, 219f
root, insertion of 217
stop platform 157
Irisophake method 161
Iron 296
pigmentation 62
Ischemic diabetic maculopathy 175
Isopropyl alcohol 223
aberrometer 87f
principle of 87
system 86
Itraconazole 313
Jaeger's lid spatula 44, 44f
Jameson's hook 287, 287f
Jameson's muscle forceps 288, 288f
Javal-Schiotz keratometer 67
Jones tube 53
Josephberg-Besser scleral depressor 165f
Kaneka lacriflow stent 53
Kaufmann corneal cutting block 132
Kelly's punch 266, 267f
Kelman's christmas tree approach 160
Kelman's tip 159
Kelman-McPherson forceps 267
photorefractive 141
phototherapeutic 118
post-photorefractive 82
Keratitis 107
bacterial 306
infective 307
interface 100
mycotic 297f
Keratoacanthoma 302
Keratoconus 58f, 60, 71, 97, 114, 121, 127, 129t
diagnosis of 129
early 80t
detection of 105
eyes 100
Orbscan of 127, 127f
Keratomes 154, 154f
Keratometer 67, 68, 68f, 70, 136
disadvantages of 70
handheld 136
normal range of 70
parts of 68
principle of 67, 70
qualitative 136
types of 67
Keratometry 69, 147
abnormal 78
normal 69
performing 68
simulated 123
Keratopathy 47
band-shaped 60
Keratoplasty 155
post-lamellar 59f
postpenetrating 100
Keratotomy, astigmatic 118, 127
Kerrison bone punch 46, 46f
Ketoconazole 313
Kinetic perimetry 242, 247
King's clamp 137f
Kissing birds 72
Kissing choroids 37f
Kissing doves 341
Klebsiella species 307
Knapp procedure 290
Koeppe's lens 213, 213f
Koh mount 310f
Krumeich, Hanna, Olson, and Lieberman systems 133
Lacrimal drainage system 307
Lacrimal gland 13, 28f, 294
atrophy of 294
lesions 19
mass 15, 19f
tumor 304
Lacrimal pump 51
mechanism, muscles of 52
Lacrimal sac
dimensions and parts 51
dissector 46f
and currete 46
tuberculosis of 53
tumor 53
Lacrimal sinuses 308
Lacrimal sump syndrome 53
Lacrimal system, infections of 307
Lactoferrin 307
Lagophthalmos 47
Lamellar dissection
closed type of 140
open type of 140
Lamellar dissector 137
types of 140
Lamellar keratoplasty 83, 136, 295
anterior 100
Lamina cribrosa 200
Lamina papyracea 20f
Lang two-pencil test 284
Lang's stereotest 285f
Large continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis 161
assisted in situ keratomileusis 75, 103, 120, 126, 127, 141
Doppler interferometry 119
epithelial keratomileusis 141
patterns of 197f
peripheral iridotomy 228
photocoagulation 196
trabeculoplasty, selective 213
Lattice corneal dystrophy 60, 114, 297f
Leber's congenital amaurosis 192
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy 178
Lees chart 272
Lees screen 268, 269, 270f, 273
Leiberman single point cutter 132
Leishmania brasiliensis 307
Lens 91, 295
assessment of 113
coupling fluid 110
density measurement 103
epithelium, metaplasia of 294
examination of 62
induced secondary angle closure glaucoma 107
opacity classification system III 103
spatula 155, 155f
thickness 143, 147
types of 215
Lenstar 143, 144t, 146
LS900 146, 146f
principle of 149
Lenticonus 93
anterior 93f, 94f
Lenticular opacities 60
Leptospira 307
Leukocytes, polymorphonuclear 293
Leukoma 108f
Levator advancement, transcutaneous 46
Levator function 46
clamp 44, 44f
contour abnormalities 47
crease and fold asymmetry 47
crutches, spectacle-based 47
height, intraoperative 46
infections of 307
lag 47
retraction 6
Lieberman gravity-action punch 133
emitting diode 71
exposure hazard 168
reflex monitoring 229
sensitivity, differential 229
Lim's forceps 265, 265f, 288, 288f
Limbal dermoid 252
Linear cup/disc ratio 260
Liquid-crystal display 286
Lissamine green 65
Littmann-Galilean telescope principle 56
Loop tenotomy 289
Low coherence interferometry 179
principle of 98
Low vision 315, 323
functional 319
magnitude of 320
rehabilitation 319, 320
matrix, community-based 322
services 321
therapist 322
Lowenstein-Jensen medium 312
LS900, report of 148f
Luedde's exophthalmometer 5, 5f
over Hertel's, advantages of 5
Luminescence 169
Lung cancer, intraocular metastatic 20f
Lyle-major amblyoscope 275
Lymphangioma 15, 16f
Lymphocytes 293, 300f
Lymphoid tissue
conjunctiva-associated 307
mucosa-associated 25
Lymphoma 19, 25, 27
disease 15, 17, 25, 27
disorders 15
lesions 15
Lysozyme 307
Mackay-Marg, principle of 227
Macula 180
Macular branch retinal vein occlusion 178f
Macular corneal dystrophy 296
Macular degeneration 203, 336
Macular edema 336
diabetic 174, 176f, 181, 183f
Macular hole 181, 184f, 195, 203
Macular opacity 62
Macular scars 172
Macular thickness 254
map 256
total 254
Macular threshold test 240f
diffuse diabetic 174
focal diabetic 174
Maddox test 276
Magnetic resonance 16, 27
imaging 8, 11, 1315, 16f18f, 20f22f, 24f, 25f, 28f, 30f
contrast media 11
Magnets 209, 209f
Magnification 168
Littmann-Galilean telescope principle 56
Magnified disc 64f
arteriovenous 9
cavernous 15
Malignancy, intraocular 47
Malignant glaucoma, features of 253
Malignant lacrimal gland tumor 305
Map, types of 338
Mapping technique 118
Masquerade syndrome 303
lesions 10
intraocular 20, 22f
Masson's trichrome stain 297f
Mast cells 293
McNeill-Goldman ring 131f
McPherson forceps 135, 135f, 157, 157f, 267f
Mean deviation 232
Mechanical support system 56
Medial canthal tendon 53
Meibomian glands 300
Meibomitis 307
Melanin 12, 296
Melanoma 15, 27, 302
choroidal 39, 41f
Melles stripper 138
Membranes, multiple 41
Meningioma 15
Mentor binocular visual acuity testing system 285
Metastasis 15, 20, 27, 294
choroidal 41
intraconal 17
intramuscular 27
Methemoglobin 12
Micafungin 313
Michelson interferometry, principle of 179
Miconazole 313
Microaneurysms 173
focal hyperfluorescent 175f
Microbiology 306
methods 308
ocular 306
Microcannula 206
Microcatheter 267, 267f
Microcysts 61, 104f
Microincision vitrectomy surgery 210
Microkeratome 138f
Microorganisms, classification of 307t
Microphthalmia, bilateral 22f
Microphthalmos 48
Microscopy 308
confocal 119
Microspherophakia 59f
Microsporidia 307
Microvectis technique 162
Microvitreoretinal blade 138, 154, 266, 266f
Mid-peripheral iris, posterior bowing of 250f
Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery 213
Mini-Monoka stent 53
Minimum inhibitory concentration 312
Mires, width of 224
Mobility assistive devices 321
Modulation transfer function 88
Mohs’ micrographic surgery 295
Molecular methods 312
Monocanalicular stents 53
Monofilament nylon 47
Moorfields regression analysis 260, 261f
Moorfields synoptophore 275
Moraxella species 307
Moutsouris sign 140
Mucocele 20
Mucopolysaccharides 296, 297f
Mucosal flaps during surgery, loss of 53
Mule's evisceration spatula 44, 45f
Müller cell 188, 194
membrane 189
Müller muscle
resection 46
stimulating 47
Multifocal electroretinogram 193, 194
Multispot laser 196
neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 196
system 196
bilateral extraocular 26f
fibers, splitting of 288
lost 288, 290
slipped 288
Myasthenia gravis 268
Mycobacteria 310
Mycobacterium 307
tuberculosis 312
Mycoplasma 307
Myectomy 289
Myelin 296
Myoconjunctival technique 48
Myocysticercus 15, 30f
Myoid zone 180
Myomatous stroma 305f
Myopia 97
unilateral high 6
Myotomy, marginal 289
Naffziger's view 6
Nagahara technique 161
Nasal cavity 308
Nasal transposition, anterior 289
Nasolacrimal duct
obstruction 53
probing 54
system 51
Natamycin 313
National Blindness Survey 325, 326, 328, 331f, 332
National Programme for Control of Blindness 315, 323, 324
National Trachoma Pilot Project Survey 325
National Trachoma Prevalence Survey 328
Naugle's exophthalmometer 5, 5f
over Hertel's, advantages of 5
Nausea 169
Near stereoacuity 281
tests for 280
Nebular opacity 62
Necrosis 294
Needle assisted technique 139
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 307
Neisseria infection 309
Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 196
Neonatal intensive care units 318
Neoplasia 294, 335
Neoplasms, benign 19
choroidal 187, 202
classic choroidal 175
polypoidal choroidal 182, 185f
Nerve fiber layer 180, 260
three-dimensional visualization of 200
Netherlands organization test 280, 280f
Nettleship's punctum dilator 44, 45f
Neuroblastoma 19
metastatic 19f
Neurofibromatosis 23
Neuromyelitis optica 24, 336
Neuro-ophthalmology 178, 268
Neuroretinal rim 256, 259
Neurosensory detachment 336
Neurosyphilis 336
Neusidl corneal inserter 139
Neutral density filter and gray filter 65
Nevus of Ota 299
compound 299
congenital 299
junctional 299
NGENUITY 3 D visualization system 211f
Nocardia 307, 310
Noncontrast computed tomography 16
scan 10
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 27
Nontoothed forceps 135
Normal corneal endothelium, specular microscopy of 112f
Normal corneal thickness 116, 121
Normative stereometric parameter 260t
Nosocomial infection 306
Nuclear layer, inner 180, 181f
Nucleus 60
drop 42, 42f
Nutrient agar 310
Nylon 47
Nystatin 313
Observation system 55, 167
Occludable angle 215
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid 294
Ocular diseases 55
Ocular media, clear 33
Ocular pathology 294
Ocular response analyzer 119, 225, 225f
Ocular surface
diseases, applications in 101
evaluate tumors of 251
keratinization of 294
squamous neoplasia 101
Oculocardiac reflex 47, 288, 289
Oculoplasty 3
Oil droplet reflex 60
Old retinal detachment 36f
Olson calibrated cornea trephine system 132
Onchocerca volvulus 307
Ondocyanine green images 170
Opacity, leucomatous 62
Open funnel retinal detachment 35f, 41
Ophthalmic imaging, perioperative 106
Ophthalmic ultrasound 31
Ophthalmic vein 27f
Ophthalmic viscosurgical device 160
Ophthalmitis, sympathetic 48
Ophthalmological surveys
conventional 325
uses of 325
Ophthalmology 298, 313
community 315
role of microbiology in 306
survey methods in 324
pattern-based approach to radiologic diagnosis in 15, 23
Ophthalmoscope 163
indirect 163, 163f, 168, 168t, 326
Ophthalmoscopy 163
distant direct 167
Optic chiasma lesion 247f
Optic disc 29f, 257
abnormalities 34
analysis 254, 255f
drusen 39, 40f
evaluation 257
stereometric analysis of 260
Optic foramen view 7f
Optic glioma 23
Optic nerve 13, 16f, 23, 24f, 25f, 295
glioma, postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging of 24f
head 39, 254
cupping 40f
infiltration 295f
parameters 254
pathologies, USG appearance of 39
complex 15, 23
meningioma 23
Optic neuritis 10, 15, 24, 247f, 336
bilateral 25f
Optic neuropathy 203
dystrophic 26
hereditary 336
nonarteritic anterior ischemic 178
Optic sheath meningioma 24f
Optical biometry 146f
method of 141
Optical coherence tomography 98, 106, 119, 141, 176f, 179181, 181f, 182, 198200, 254, 255f
angiography 180
interpretation of 180
intraoperative 100, 140
single 255f
swept source 146, 180
time-domain 179
types of 179
Optical element, adaptive 199
Optical low coherence
interferometry 119, 120
reflectometry 146
Optical pachymetry, manual 118
Optical principle 110, 167
Optical slit section 57
Optical techniques 118
Optimal optic nerve length 48
Orbicularis muscle tone 47
anterior two-thirds of 34
blowout fracture of 29, 30f
disorders of 3
routine normal magnetic resonance imaging sequences of 12f
solitary fibrous tumor of 18
Orbital capillary hemangioma 18f
Orbital cellulitis 10, 28, 28f, 49, 307
Orbital computed tomography, normal 9f
Orbital extension 15
Orbital flow fracture, Hess chart of 272f
Orbital imaging 3
techniques 7
Orbital inflammation, idiopathic 15, 24, 26, 27, 28f
Orbital plexiform neurofibroma 28f
Orbital radiographs 7
Orbital rim fractures, lateral 6
Orbital schwannoma 17, 18
Orbital sinuses 308
Orbital trauma 29
Orbital ultrasound, normal 8f
Orbitopathy, thyroid-associated 15, 25, 26f
Orbscan 84, 85, 85f, 122, 128t, 129t
pachymetry over ultrasonic pachymeter, advantages of 129
quad map 126f, 127
Orthoptic exercises 279
Ostium, site of 53
Outer plexiform layer 180
Over bandage contact lens 224
Pachycam 119
Pachymeter probe 118f
Pachymetric measurements, technique of 118
Pachymetry 31f, 117, 129
abnormal 81
apex 338
map 79f, 126, 126f
methods of 118
technique of 118, 119
thinnest 338
Painful blind eye 47
Palmaris longus tendon 47
Panographic principle 280
Panophthalmitis 10, 307
Pan-stromal scar 105
Paraffin embedding 295
Parakeratosis 294
Parasites 307
Parks recession 289
Pars ciliaris 52
Pars lacrimalis 52
Partial coherence interferometry 119, 144
Pascal 577 nm laser 198
Pascal dynamic contour tonometer 225
Pascal laser
panretinal photocoagulation 197f
spots 197f
Pascal red laser 198
Pascal system 198
Paton spatula 132, 132f
Pattern electroretinogram 192
uses of 193
Pattern scanning laser 196
trabeculoplasty 198
Paufique's knife 137, 137f
Pellucid marginal degeneration 81f, 127
Penetrating keratoplasty 83, 100, 113, 114, 115, 127, 350
Penicillium species 307
Pentacam 70, 71, 71f, 84, 85, 85t, 119, 128, 128t
indications of 78
interpretation of 338
nucleus staging 81
parameters 83
quad map 81f
topography system 83
Peptostreptococcus species 307
Perfluorocarbon 153
liquid 208
Perimetric unit 229
combined 243
types of 242
Peripheral capillary nonperfusion areas 172f
Peripheral iris
configuration of 217
curvature, Spaeth grading of 217f
Perkins applanation tonometer 224, 224f
Persistent fetal vasculature 38f
USG appearance of 37
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous 8f, 9
Phaco needle tip 159, 159f
Phacoemulsification 115
Phacofracture technique 162
Phacosandwich technique 162
Phakic intraocular lens 81, 348, 349f
Phosphorescence 169
Photopic electroretinogram 190f
Photoreceptors 188
outer segment of 180
Phthisis bulbi 49
Pierse-Hoskins forceps 134, 135f
Pigment dispersion syndrome 104, 107, 107f, 249, 250f
Pigment epithelial detachment 172, 174f
Pigmentation 220
Pigtail stent 53
Pituitary adenoma 239f
Placido 128t
Plain curved scissors 287
Plain forceps 44f, 264, 264f
Plain straight scissors 287
Plasma cells 293, 300f
Plateau iris 249f
syndrome 104, 249
Platelet derived growth factor 196
Pleomorphism 112, 116
Plexiform layer, inner 180, 181f
Plexiform neurofibroma 15, 28
Point spread function 88
Polack double corneal forceps 135f
Polyenes 313
Polyester mesh 47
Polyfilament 47
Polymegathism 116
Polymerase chain reaction 297, 312
Polymethylmethacrylate 49, 151, 158
Polypropylene 47
Polyps, thumb-like 183
Polytetrafluoroethylene 47
Posaconazole 313
Positron emission tomography 14
Posner four mirror lenses 214, 214f
Post-anterior lamellar therapeutic keratoplasty 99f
Postenucleation socket syndrome 49
Posterior corneal surface
irregularities 60
power, accurate estimation of 70
Posterior elevation 338
map 126f, 129
Posterior scleritis 39f
USG appearance of 39
Posterior staphyloma 39f, 152, 153
USG appearance of 39
Posterior vitreous detachment 32, 3436, 36f
Post-keratoplasty 120, 227
Post-laser peripheral iridotomy 104
ectasia 82f
eyes 227
Postseptal infection 15
Potassium hydroxide 309
wet mount 309
Power map 129
Prager scleral shell 152f
Pre-laser peripheral iridotomy 104
Premium intraocular lenses, optical alignment for 91
Primary angle-closure glaucoma 107f
Printout, interpretation of 258
Prism, cleaning of 223
Progression, high-risk of 226
Prokaryotes 307
Prolene 47
Proptosis 4, 6, 23
complement 307
high 12
Pseudocolor image 259
Pseudoexfoliation 219
syndrome 57f, 160
Pseudofluorescence 169
Pseudogutta 116
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 65, 307
Pseudoplateau iris 253
Pseudoproptosis, causes of 6
Pterygium surgery 137
Ptosis 46, 49
amount of 46
aponeurotic 251
clamp, complications of 47
nonsurgical management of 47
residual 47
surgery, complications of 47
types of 46
Punctate keratopathy 60
Pupil diameter 123
Pupillary-optic disc portion 296
Purkinje reflex 91f
Putterman müllerectomy 46
Pyogenic granuloma 294
Quad map 72
Quadrantanopia, right inferior 335f
Radial keratotomy marker 131
Random dot test 285
Randot stereotest 283, 283f, 284f
animal test interpretation of 284t
graded circle interpretation of 284t
Randot test, distance 285, 286
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 318
Ray tracing aberrometer 86
advantages of 93
Rebound tonometer 225, 226f
Recti 289
muscles, normal insertions of 289
Red blood cells 180
Red-green spectacles 280f
Refractile materials 60
Refractive errors 317
rapid assessment method for 325
Refractive index 67
Refractive map 92
Refractive surgery 69, 79, 120
applications in 103
community-based 321
matrix, community-based 323
Residual corneal bed thickness 81
Resorcinol phthalein sodium 169
Resuscitation, cardiopulmonary 47
Retina 163
inner 254
temporal 172f
Retinal arterial phase 171
Retinal correspondence, anomalous 275
Retinal cyst 36f
Retinal detachment 9, 20f, 21, 34, 35, 35f, 40, 41
tractional 36f
Retinal imaging 199
Retinal nerve fiber layer 181f, 201f, 255f, 257
graph 259
optical coherence tomography interpretation 254
parameters 254
thickness 254
average 254
sectoral 254
Retinal pigment epithelium 173f, 181f, 188, 199
metaplasia of 294
Retinal spot diagram 87f, 88
Retinal thickness 147
map 182f
Retinal vein occlusion 178
Retinoblastoma 15, 21, 22f, 41, 42f, 47, 48, 295f, 301, 301f, 302
diffuse infiltrating 301
endophytic 301, 302
exophytic 301
intraocular 295f
Retinopathy of prematurity 22f, 178, 318, 319
USG appearance 41
Retinopathy, diabetic 173, 203, 317319, 323
Retinoscope, automated 86
Retract upper lid 47
Retrobulbar fat 28f
Retrochiasmal lesions 336
Retroillumination 58, 59f, 60
Rhabdomyosarcoma 15, 18, 29
Rhinorrhea 53
Rhinosporidiosis 303, 304f
Rhinosporidium seeberi 303
Rickettsiae 307
Riolan, muscle of 52
Ritleng stent 53
Roennes nasal step 246f
Root mean square 88
Rose Bengal staining 65
Rosenmüller valve 51
Rosenwasser shovel 139
Rothman-Gilbard corneal punch 133
RPC classification 216
RPE-Bruch's complex 180
Ruit's technique 162
Ruler method 6
Sabouraud's dextrose agar 312, 312f
Sagittal curvature map 126
Sagittal map
anterior 73f, 74f
findings on 80
Salzmann's nodules 60
Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff formula 151
Sarcoidosis 15, 25, 27, 300
Sattler's layer 180
Scale readings 5
Scanning electron microscope 295, 297
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy 199, 200
Scanning slit
system 122
technology 119
Scar stretch 290
Scheimpflug camera 119
Scheimpflug devices 128
Scheimpflug imaging 128
Scheimpflug principle 71, 72f
Schepens scleral depressor 165f
Schiotz tonometer 221, 226f
Schlemm's canal 103
Schocket scleral depressor 209, 209f
Schwalbe's line 103, 218, 219
Schwannoma 15
Scleral bands, infected 308
Scleral indentation 164
Scleral perforation 288
Scleral scatter 58f
Scleral spur 103, 219
Scleral tonometry 227
Scleral type lens 215
Sclerotic scatter 58, 61
Scotoma 233, 242
bilateral central 336
central 336f
density of 335
Sebaceous cell carcinoma 303, 304f
Sebaceous glands 300, 303
Second order Kernel 194
Seizures 169
Senile keratosis 302
Sensory fusion 277
Serrated forceps 207, 207f
Serratia marcescens 307
Shaffer's angle width determination 216f
Shaffer's system 216, 216t
Shallow choroidal detachment after trauma 107f
Sheets glide 139
Sherrington's law 268, 274
Siedels scotoma 246f
Silicone brush tip cannula 208
Silicone expander lengthening 289
Silicone nonabsorbable sutures 47
Silicone oil-filled eye 151
Silver methenamine stain 296, 297f
Simcoe's irrigation 156
Sinoatrial node 47
Sinonasal masses 15
Sinskey hook 138, 158
reverse 138, 138f
Sinus pathology, cavernous 10
Sinusoidal configuration 104
Sixth nerve paresis 268
Skewed radial axis 74, 80
biopsy punches 132
taping 47
Slides, types of 275
Sling surgery, materials for 47
Slit beam 60, 61
Slit scanning 122, 128
technologies 128t
Slit-lamp 64, 65t, 66t
biomicroscopy 55, 61
dynamic 61, 61f
examination 64f
examination 60t, 78
method of 60, 61
handheld 140
illumination, basic principles of 57
optical principle of 56f
parts of 55, 55f
Slow flow venous malformation 15
cataract surgery 137, 156, 162
lenticule extraction 75
Smith's technique 155
Smock stack pattern 173, 174f
Snellen's entropion clamp 44, 44f
Snellen's letter 88, 90f, 94f
Socket contracture 49
fluorescein 65, 169
hypochlorite 223
Soft calcium 12
Soft silicone tip cannula 208, 208f
Soft tissue
mass 28f
multicompartmental 28f
window 30f
Soft-shell 160
technique 160
Software system 199
Solar keratosis 302
Solid tumor 41
Sound, velocity of 32t
Spaeth grading 217f, 218f
Spaeth system 216, 217t
Spatulas 135
Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography parameters 179, 254
Specular microscope 109, 110f, 119
non-contact 110
types of 110
Specular microscopy 66, 112, 113f, 115, 116, 118
interpretation of 337
Specular reflection 59, 61, 110f
Sphenoid bone lesion 19f
Spheroidal degeneration, recurrence of 59f
Spirochetes 307
Split-tendon lengthening 289
Spot measurements 118
Squamous cell carcinoma 302, 303f
Squint 268
surgery 105
complications of 288
instruments for 286
S-stamp 140f
Staar microinjector 139
aureus 307
epidermidis 307
species 309f
Staphylomatous globe 49
Static perimetry 242, 247
Steep and flat axis, determination of 68f
Steinert Descemet stripper 138
Stereo butterfly test 283, 285
Stereoacuity tests 286
Stereopsis 168, 278, 278f, 279, 281f
grade of 285, 285t
physiologic basis of 279
tests for 279, 280
Steroid, intralesional 50
Stevens tenotomy scissors 44, 44f, 287, 287f
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 294
Stimuli 229
Stimulus 191, 193
color 230
size 230, 335
Stop and chop phaco 161
Strabismus 5, 289, 290
incomitant 273
types of 272
Stratified squamous epithelium 294, 297f
pneumoniae 307, 309
pyogenes 307
viridans 307
Streptomyces 307
Stroma 60
conjunctival 304f
Stromal component 305
Stromal edema 61, 62
Subconjunctival ologen 105f
Subepithelial corneal infiltrate 102f
Subepithelial infiltrates 61
Sump syndrome 53
Superficial anterior lamellar keratoplasty 100
Superficial conjunctival blood vessels 62
Superior field defect 246f
Superior oblique
palsy, Hess chart of 271f
weakening procedures, types of 289
Superior rectus holding forceps 265, 265f, 288, 288f
Superotemporal quadrant 177f
Supraciliary effusion 107
Suprathreshold strategy 230
Surgery 113
filtering 249
long-term effect of 113
ocular 114
Surgical incisions, different types of 159
Swab, conjunctival 308
Swan Jacob lens 214f
Swedish interactive threshold algorithm 230, 231, 242, 342
Swiss cheese
appearance 305
pattern 231, 305f
Symmetric bowtie pattern 73f
Synoptophore 274, 275f, 276t, 279
principle of 279
Taenia solium 299
TAN endoglide 139
Tangential curvature map 92
Tear film
abnormalities 61
assessment 106
breakup 69
constituents 307
lipid layer 307
Tear meniscus 103f
Teflon block 133f
Temporalis fascia 47
Temporal-superior-nasal-inferior-temporal curves 254
Tenectomy 289
Tenon's capsule 289
violation of 289
Tenotomy 289
Tension glaucoma, normal 226
Terbinafine 313
Terrien marginal degeneration 79
Thick taut posterior hyaloid 181
Thickness map, findings on 80
Thioglycollate broth 312
Third nerve paresis 268
Thromboangiitis obliterans 26
Thrombophlebitis 169
ophthalmopathy 10, 268
orbitopathy 15
Tissue 14
plasminogen activator 210
preparation 295
specimen, histopathological examination of 293
Titmus fly test 285
Titmus stereotest 283
TNO test 285
indentation 225
non-contact 224, 224f
summarize different types of 227
transpalpebral 226
types of 224
Tonometry 221
types of 221
Tonopen 224, 224f
Tooke's knife 137, 137f
Toothed forceps 134
Topographic 3D response density plots 194
Topographical keratoconus classification 85
abnormal 81
baseline 78
systems 128
Toric intraocular lens 64, 92f
Torsion 278
Total internal reflection 58, 212, 212f
Toxic maculopathy 203
Toxoplasma 307
scar 336
Trabecular meshwork 103, 213, 219
Trabeculectomy 115
Trabeculotome 267, 267f
Trace array 193
Trachoma 318, 323
healed 57f
rapid assessment 325
Transcompartmental mass 18f
Transillumination 295
Transmission electron microscopy 295, 297
Trapdoor fracture 30
Trauma 47
Traumatic contusion 15
Traumatic injury, severe 49
combination 132
conventional circular cutting 131
corneal 131, 140
noncontact 132
single point cutting 132
types of 131
Treponema pallidum 307
Triangulation 122
Triazoles 313
Tri-soft shell technique 160
Trocar 205, 205f
cannula 210, 210t
needle 206
Troutman corneal punch 133
Trypanosoma species 307
Tscherning's aberrometer 86
T-sign 39, 39f
Tuberculosis 53, 300
Tumbling technique 161
Tumors 34
benign 10
cells 300f
choroidal 188
cribriform appearance of 305f
malignant 10
neuroendocrine 27
pigmented 299
Twenty D lens 164f
Ultimate soft-shell 160
technique 160
Ultrahigh-resolution anterior segment optical coherence tomography 98, 99f
Ultrasonic pachymeter 117
Ultrasonic probe 150f
Ultrasonic techniques 118
Ultrasonography 31, 40t
display 31f
modes of 34
Ultrasound 8, 30f
biomicroscopy 9, 31, 98, 118, 119, 248, 248f
high-frequency 34
Uncorrected refractive error 315, 318, 319
Utrata capsulorhexis forceps 157, 157f
Uvea 20, 163
Uveal melanoma 21, 21f, 47
infectious 307
nomenclature, standardization of 66
Vacuoles 61
Vajpayee corneal marker 131
Valved small gauge cannulas, benefit of 210
Vannas scissors 155, 155f, 266, 266f
curved 134
Vascular endothelial growth factor 196
Vascular lesions 10
Vascular occlusion 177, 195
Vasculopathy, polypoidal choroidal 182, 187, 187f
Vasovagal attacks 169
Vectis technique, Irrigating 162
Vectographic principle 280
Veldman Venn technique 139
Venolymphatic malformation 15, 16f
Venous varix 15, 16
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis 78
Vertical axis 76
Vertical chopping involves 161
Vertical scissors 209
Visante anterior segment optical coherence tomography 98f, 106
Viscoexpression 162
Viscoject intraocular lens injector 139
2020 323
right to sight 323
cataract reporting blurring of 90f
fields of 320t
hill of 243f, 247
rehabilitation therapists 322
stereoscopic 276
Visual acuity 315
central 315
Visual aspects, qualitative 196
Visual disability certification 320
Visual field 203, 257
defect 23
frequency of 233
generalized constriction of 247f
index 232
modeling 231
normal 242
progression 233
Visual function analysis summary display 91
Visual impairment, rapid assessment of 325
Visual substitution devices 322
Visually evoked potentials 192
Vitrectomy 211, 295
cutter 206, 206f
speed of 211
mode 206
transconjunctival sutureless 210
various modes of 211
Vitreomacular adhesion 182
Vitreomacular traction 182, 184f, 185f
disorders 203
Vitreoretinal instruments 205
Vitreoretinal scissors 209, 209f
Vitreoretinal status 34
Vitreoretinal surgery
bimanual 211
digitally-assisted 211
father of 210
Vitreoretinal traction 182
familial exudative 178
proliferative 294
anterior one-third of 60
precortical 180
tap 295, 308
Vitreretinopathy, anterior proliferative 252
Vitritis 42
V-lance blade 154
Vogt's technique 160
Vomiting 169
von Graefe's hook 288, 288f
von Graefe's knife 154, 154f
Voriconazole 313
Wavefront analysis 88
screens 91
Wavefront comparison map 92
Wavefront map total and higher-order aberrations 88
Wavefront sensor 199
Wavefront verification display 87f, 88, 89f, 93f
Wavelength lasers, longer 170
Weak zonules 160
Well's enucleation spoon 44, 45f
Westcott conjunctival scissors 267, 267f
White reflex, evaluation of 22
White-on-white stimuli, protocol of 229
White-to-white diameter 123, 141
importance of 128
Wide-field specular microscope 111
Wire speculum 264, 264f
Wire vectis 155, 155f
irrigating 156, 156f
method 161
technique 162
World Glaucoma Association Guidelines 226
World Health Organization 315
Worm's eye view 6
Wound dehiscence 49
Yellow filter 65
Yoke muscle 268
Yttrium aluminum garnet capsulotomy 228
Zeis glands 300
Zeiss four mirror lens 214, 214f
Zernike polynomials 89f, 90
bar graph 90
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 308, 310
Zoom system 56
Chapter Notes

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Oculoplasty and Orbital ImagingCHAPTER 1

Pallavi Singh, Siddhi Goel
Disorders of the orbit are quite commonly seen in ophthalmic practice. These are often associated with displacement of the globe from its normal position in the orbit. Exophthalmometer is an instrument used for measuring the degree of displacement of the globe. It is used for measurement of both exophthalmos as well as enophthalmos.
Exophthalmometry is the science of quantitatively assessing the position of the globe in the orbit, by measuring the distance of the anterior corneal apex from the lateral margins. There are three different types of clinical exophthalmometry:
  1. Absolute: Comparison with the normal values seen in the general population.
  2. Relative: Comparison of one eye with the other.
  3. Comparative: Comparison of measurements of one eye over a period.
Various types of exophthalmometer have been described over the years. The first such device, called ophthalmoprostatometer was developed by Cohn in 1865.1 Perpendicular globe position was obtained by Zehender, by placing a mirror medial to the cornea and parallel to his ruler. A sighting device was placed lateral to the ruler and exactly opposite to the marked center of the mirror, to ensure perpendicular position of the globe. The Hertel exophthalmometer was introduced in 1905 and till date remains, the most popular device used for clinical exophthalmometry. Luedde invented a pocket-sized device in 1938, which was an inexpensive and useful alternative to the previous devices. In 1970, Davanger sought to eliminate the error caused in measurement by parallax by introducing a prism, which moves forward and back. Naugle and Couvillion described their exophthalmometer in 1992, which uses superior and inferior orbital rims as reference points, thus enabling measurements in cases of lateral orbital wall fractures. Hertel's exophthalmometer has been variously modified to use the external auditory meatus as the point of reference (Yeatts) and with a fixation adapter to fixate on the forehead and nose (Kratky and Hurwitz). Computed tomography scans can be used to document the degree of proptosis accurately, however, 4they are expensive, time consuming and cause radiation exposure.1
To use the Hertel's exophthalmometer, the examiner sits opposite the patient at eye level. The instrument is then placed at both the lateral orbital rims and the base distance between the two is noted. The examiner asks the patient to look straight ahead with eyelids wide open. Each eye is measured separately for proptosis by looking into the mirror (which has a millimeter scale marked on it) with one eye and moving the head side to side until the red fixation lines match up, thus eliminating any parallax. The examiner can now determine the position of the corneal apex of the patient from the millimeter reading.
The normal values in exophthalmometry are taken as 10–23 mm (average 16 mm) in whites, and 12–23 mm (average 18 mm) in blacks. On an average, in the Indian population, a value of greater than 21 mm or a difference of 2 mm or greater between two eyes is considered significant.2,3
1. What are the different types of exophthalmometry?
Ans. There are three different types of exophthalmometry:
  1. Absolute: Comparison with the normal values seen in the general population.
  2. Relative:
    • Comparison of one eye with the other
    • Normal values are ≤2 mm.
  3. Comparative:
    • Serial exophthalmometry readings of the same eye are compared over time
    • It is better to use the same instrument
    • Useful in Graves’ disease
    • Hertel preferred over Luedde.
2. Name different types of exophthalmometer.
Ans. Hertel, Naugle, Luedde, Zehender, Davanger, and Gormaz are a few different types of exophthalmometers.
Hertel's (Figs. 1.1.1 and 1.1.2)
  • It has a Foot-plates (or yokes) “grooved arc” to fit over bony temporal margin of lateral orbital rim; a crossbar to establish baseline and to allow for binocular reading.
  • It uses prisms (Marco's) or mirrors (B&L's or Lombart's) incline at 45° from sagittal plane.
  • Overall dimensions are 25 × 7 × 2 cm. Weight is 117 g (4.1 oz)/light weight or 216 g (7.6 oz)/heavy duty.
  • Scale for orbital wall goes from 75 mm to 121 mm.
  • The scale to measure the proptosis ranges from 0 mm to 35 mm.
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Fig. 1.1.1: Hertel's exophthalmometer.
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Fig. 1.1.2: Hertel's exophthalmometer with the redline used for parallax.
Luedde (Fig. 1.1.3)
  • It is a transparent plastic mm ruler. It has a notch that conforms to angle of lateral orbital rim
  • Scale readings: 0 mm (end of notch) to 40 mm
  • Parallax is minimized by using scale on both sides of the rod (advantages of using Luedde over a standard ophthalmic millimeter ruler).
Naugle's Exophthalmometer (Fig. 1.1.4)
This is an inferior and superior rim-based instrument. It may be used when the lateral orbital rim is not intact.
3. What are the advantages of Hertel's exophthalmometer?
Ans. The advantages are:
  • Binocular reading: It provides the ability to measure both eyes simultaneously and the measurement of the distance between lateral orbital rims.
  • Baseline for sequential readings: It is also useful for serial follow-ups of the same patient.
  • Best for comparative exophthalmometry.
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    Fig. 1.1.3: Luedde Exophthalmometer.
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    Fig. 1.1.4: Naugle's exophthalmometer.
4. What are the disadvantages of Hertel's exophthalmometer?
Ans. The disadvantages are:
  • Parallax error while performing measurements—tilting of instrument leading to minor deviations in position result in gross variations in reading.
  • Difficulty of visualizing the scale under conditions of low illumination, which may result in inaccurate readings.
  • Variations in the distance between the two halves of the instruments lead to displacement of the footplate which considerably affects the measurement.
  • It is also a relatively expensive instrument.
  • Induced error may occur when measuring globes that are not horizontally at the same level.
  • Narrow base on Hertel—difficult setting up.
  • Facial bone deformity—may cause unreliable measurements due to unparalleled placement of device while measuring globes that are not horizontally at the same level.
  • Poor fixation or convergence can lead to unreliable measurement.
5. What are the advantages of Luedde's exophthalmometer over Hertel's?
Ans. The advantages are:
  • Luedde's exophthalmometer measures degree of proptosis of each eye separately, thus is useful in cases of facial asymmetry.
  • It is pocket-sized, portable, and easily stored.
  • It is easier to clean and sterilize.
  • It is cheaper as compared to the Hertel's exophthalmometer.
  • It can be used in presence of strabismus.
6. What are the advantages of Naugle's exophthalmometer over Hertel's?
Ans. Advantages are:
  • Naugle's exophthalmometer uses a prism that can move backward and forward, which eliminates parallax.6
  • It utilizes superior and inferior orbital rims for measurement, thus can be used in cases of lateral orbital rim fractures.
  • It also has the advantage of measuring hyperophthalmos and hypo-ophthalmos with a vertical gradient scale.
7. What is the definition of exophthalmos/enophthalmos?
Ans. Exophthalmos is a protrusion of the eyeball due to an increase in orbital contents in a normal bony orbit. Protrusion of the eyeball more than 21 mm or a difference of 2 mm between both the eyes is defined as proptosis/exophthalmos. Enophthalmos is abnormal posterior displacement of globe (sinking of eyeball into orbit).
8. What are the causes of pseudoproptosis?
Ans. Causes are:
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Unilateral high myopia
  • Buphthalmic eye
  • Lid retraction
  • Enophthalmos of the other eye.
9. What is exorbitism?
Ans. Exorbitism is a protrusion of the eyeball due to a decrease in capacity of the orbital container, with a normal orbital content volume, as seen in Crouzon's syndrome.
10. How is proptosis measured on CT scan?
Ans. The method described by Hilal and Trokel is most commonly used.4 In a mid-axial CT scan, a line is drawn connecting the tips of the orbital rims. The perpendicular distance from this line to each corneal apex is measured. Proptosis is present if either line measures greater than 21 mm or the difference between the two eyes is more than 2 mm.
11. What are clinical ways to assess exophthalmos?
Ans. The various examination techniques are:
  • Worm's eye view: Looking at the patient from down below, when the head is tilted backward to look for protrusion of the eyeball.
  • Naffziger's view: Looking at patient from above, with the head tilted backward, to look for eyeball protrusion. Alternatively, asking the patient to close eyes and then open them, with the head tilted backward, to see which cornea is seen first on eye opening.
  • Ruler method: Placing a ruler parallel to the coronal plane, touching the superior and inferior orbital rims, and looking for the relative position of the corneal apex to the ruler.
12. What are the factors influencing exophthalmometry reading?
Ans. Several factors can influence exophthalmometry reading such as:3
  • Age: Lower readings are recorded for children (average 14 mm). In children and teenagers mean exophthalmometric measurements increase with age.5
    • <4 years old (13.2 mm)
    • 5–8 years old (14.4 mm)
    • 9–12 years old (15.2 mm)
    • 13–17 years old (16.2 mm)
  • Sex: Males have higher readings (~1 mm)
  • Posture: In supine position normal eyes sink back 1–3 mm in Graves’ disease, eyes are not affected by this phenomena.
  • Ethnicity: Blacks have higher reading. Asians have smaller ranges.
  • Spherical equivalent: Negatively correlated.3
  • Axial length: Positively correlated.3
  1. Genders SW, Mourits DL, Jasem M, et al. Parallax-free Exophthalmometry: a comprehensive review of the literature on clinical Exophthalmometry and the introduction of the first parallax-free exophthalmometer. Orbit Amst Neth. 2015;34(1):23–9.

  1. 7 Karti O, Selver OB, Karahan E, et al. The Effect of Age, Gender, Refractive Status and Axial Length on the Measurements of Hertel Exophthalmometry. Open Ophthalmol J. 2015;9:113–5.
  1. Ramli N, Kala S, Samsudin A, et al. Proptosis—Correlation and Agreement between Hertel Exophthalmometry and Computed Tomography. Orbit Amst Neth. 2015;34(5):257–62.
  1. Hilal SK, Trokel SL. Computerized tomography of the orbit using thin sections. Semin Roentgenol. 1977;12(2):137–47.
  1. Dijkstal JM, Bothun ED, Harrison AR, et al. Normal Exophthalmometry measurements in a United States pediatric population. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012;28(1):54–6.
Sanjay Sharma, Savinay Kapur
Standard projections for the bony orbit include posteroanterior (PA) (Fig. 1.2.1A), lateral (Fig. 1.2.1B), and optic foramen view (Fig. 1.2.1C). The patient can either be seated, standing or semiprone. The PA projection also called the occipitofrontal view is done with a 20° caudal tilt, with the central beam exiting at the nasion. On the radiographs, the innominate line (Fig. 1.2.1A, black arrows) should cross the greater wing of sphenoid on the temporal side of the orbit.
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Figs. 1.2.1A to C: Different commonly done normal orbital radiographs views. (A) Anteroposterior (AP) view; (B) Lateral view; and (C) Optic foramen view (marked by a white arrow). Black arrows mark the innominate line.
8For the lateral view, the patient is positioned with the mid sagittal plane of the skull placed parallel to the image receptor. The beam is centered at a point 2.5 cm posterior to the outer canthus. To evaluate whether a radiograph is true lateral or not, look at the superimposition of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa on both sides. For visualizing the optic foramen, Rhese projection is used. Here the head is placed on the detector face first such that cheek, nose, and chin touch the detector, with orbit in center. The head is tilted in a manner such that the orbitomeatal line is perpendicular to the detector, keeping the mid sagittal plane at an angle of 53° to the image receptor. Beam is centered 2.5 cm superior and 2.5 cm posterior to the upper external auditory meatus. The superior orbital fissure and optic foramen are well seen on this view as are the margins of the orbit. With the increasing use of modern cross-sectional imaging this view is not commonly requested. The current use of orbital radiographs are limited to patients with trauma or suspected intraorbital foreign body. In many centers, it is now restricted only to exclude foreign body prior to a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination.
Nowadays, ultrasound is considered as an extension of physical examination due to its easy availability and noninvasive nature. It is the first line of investigation for evaluation of ocular and orbital pathology. Its main utility lies in evaluation of intraocular lesions, especially when the media is opaque. It also acts as a problem solving tool after computed tomography (CT)/MRI as it allows for differentiation of cystic from solid lesions. Also, being a dynamic modality, it can be used to assess intraorbital pathologies and extraocular muscles (EOMs) in various stages of contraction. However, an inherent limitation of ultrasound is the trade-off between image resolution and depth of evaluation. High frequency probes permit high resolution imaging, but allow only limited depth of evaluation. Hence, its utility for evaluation of deep seated orbital pathologies is limited. Both A (amplitude) and B (brightness) (Fig. 1.2.2A) mode scans are used. The A-mode scan is mainly used by ophthalmologists where spikes are produced by the returning echoes from different interfaces within the eye. B-mode scan of the eyeball is done with a linear high resolution array transducer with frequency between 7.5 MHz and 10 MHz. For evaluation of the orbit, a lower frequency probe with 5–7.5 MHz bandwidth is used. To maintain an air free interface, coupling gel is applied over closed eyelids. In a normal individual, the anterior and posterior chambers are cystic (no echoes seen within anechoic) with an echogenic lens present between the two. Posterior to the globe, echogenic fat (Fig. 1.2.2A) is seen with a central hypoechoic linear structure representing the optic nerve sheath complex (Fig. 1.2.2A).
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Figs. 1.2.2A and B: (A) Normal orbital ultrasound; and (B) Doppler in a child with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) showing embryonic vascular channel marked by a white arrow.
9A color Doppler evaluation may be done to evaluate the blood flow in suspected persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) (Fig. 1.2.2B, shown by a white arrow) tumors and vascular malformations. In vascular lesions such as arteriovenous malformation (AVMs) and caroticocavernous fistula, spectral trace can be obtained to confirm the arterial or venous nature of flow. This information has an important therapeutic implication. Another new tool which can add to the evaluation of intraocular masses is contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Microbubble-based ultrasound contrast agents stay within the intravascular compartment and hence differentiate masses from pseudomasses (like retinal detachment/hemorrhage) as well as can potentially help to characterize masses as these tend to have different contrast kinetics. Ultrasound elastography is a yet another tool that evaluates the elasticity of a tissue that may find applications in times to come. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is another exciting application for the evaluation of anterior chamber. It uses a high more than 30 MHz transducer to produce high resolution two-dimensional grayscale images of the anterior chamber.
Computed tomography is a main orbital imaging modality which utilizes X-rays to generate cross-sectional images (slices). This volumetric cross-sectional information is used by software techniques to provide multiplanar images [along axial (Fig. 1.2.3A)/coronal (Fig. 1.2.3B)/sagittal/curved planes] as well as volume rendered imaging (3D dataset, Fig. 1.2.3C).
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Figs. 1.2.3A to C: Normal orbital computed tomography (CT) sections; (A) Axial; and (B) Coronal; (C) A 3D volume rendered view in an adult with left tripod fracture.
CT scanning is based on the following principles:
  • The images are acquired by a 360° rapid rotation of the X-ray tube around the patient. In modern CT scanners, the table moves horizontally through the gantry which houses the X-ray source and the detectors to generate helical (spiral) dataset.
  • As the X-rays pass through the patient, they are attenuated depending on the radiographic density (attenuation coefficient) of tissues through which they pass. The scattered and transmitted radiation is then measured by a ring of sensitive detectors located in the gantry around the patient.10
  • Hence, each point in the body is imaged by a number of X-ray beams at different angles which allows for depth assessment (third dimension). The final image is reconstructed from multiple X-ray projections depending on the attenuation coefficients of the tissues through which beam passes.
  • Filtered back projection is the most commonly used method by which attenuation data is converted to an image.
  • The attenuation value of tissues is expressed on a scale named Hounsfield units (HU) with a range of 3,000 HU. Cortex of bones generally has an attenuation value of around +800 to +1,000 HU (white on the CT image), air has an attenuation value in the range of −800 to −1,000 HU (black on the CT image), muscles and soft tissues have an attenuation value of +40 to +80 HU while fat has an attenuation of −40 to −80 HU. Water is defined by having zero attenuation as a standard reference.
Contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) imaging of the orbit and brain is obtained following intravenous injection of an iodinated contrast medium. Enhancement of various tissues following contrast administration depends on their blood flow and vascular permeability. Iso-osmolar iodinated contrast media like iohexol (Omnipaque) and iodixanol (Visipaque) are used routinely with iodine concentration between 300 mgI/mL and 350 mgI/mL. Orbital fat provides an intrinsic background contrast against which some orbital pathologies can be visualized without requiring a contrast medium.
Q. When to order a contrast-enhanced CT scan?
Ans. The following clinical situations require an additional injection of a contrast medium:
  • Mass lesions: Benign/malignant tumors
  • Vascular lesions: Caroticocavernous fistula (CT angiogram)/cavernous sinus pathology
  • Inflammatory conditions: Optic neuritis, cysticercosis, panophthalmitis/orbital cellulitis, especially if suspecting an abscess.
Q. (More importantly) when to order a noncontrast enhanced CT scan?
  • Where the clinical indication is for detection and localization of foreign bodies or trauma where assessment of bony fractures/extraocular muscle entrapment is of primary concern.
  • To differentiate between acute hemorrhage and mass lesions as both would be bright on contrast-enhanced images [blood is hyperdense on noncontrast computed tomography scan (NCCT), most mass lesions are not).
  • As a complimentary tool for detection of calcification/bony destruction in masses already being evaluated by MRI.
  • When there is a contraindication to iodinated contrast media—renal function derangement/known contrast allergy.
  • Thyroid ophthalmopathy to evaluate anatomy of EOMs and crowding at orbital apex.
The first step in acquisition of CT scans is obtaining a scout image/scannogram/localizer. For orbital CT, a lateral scout view is obtained which is a low dose X-ray projection where there is no gantry rotation around 11the patient but taken with a fixed position of the X-ray source and detectors. The use of a scannogram is to plan the acquisition and specify the craniocaudal extent of the scan. Volumetric data is now obtained with overlap between slices of the helix so that 3D reconstruction can be obtained.
Contrast can be given hand injected or by a pressure injector. For routine CECT, a hand injection is a safer, cheaper, and acceptable technique. Generally 50 mL of contrast in adults (2 mL/kg for children) would suffice for most indications. However, in cases where CT angiogram is required a pressure injector must be used. Angiograms are arterial phase images to evaluate arterial anatomy/supply (like in suspected AVMs and sometimes caroticocavernous fistula).
On hard copy CT films, the scannogram is usually displayed as the first image on the CT film, preceding the series of axial images. The scout view not only gives an overview, but also allows confirmation of the fact that the entire region of interest has been included in the scanned area
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in human body. It has unpaired protons in their nuclei and therefore behaves as tiny magnet. These protons precess about their axis and as a result have a very small associated magnetic field. However, as they precess in different directions and are randomly oriented inside the body, the net magnetization vector is nullified. However, it changes when the human body is placed in a strong external magnetic field. The protons inside the hydrogen atoms act like tiny dipoles and get aligned along the direction of magnetic field, being either parallel or antiparallel to the field (longitudinal magnetization). They also rotate around their axes following the strength of the magnetic field. When a radiofrequency pulse is applied, these tiny dipoles are tilted off the equilibrium and start to precess in phase with one another in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the main magnetic field (transverse magnetization). When external pulse is switched off, the longitudinal magnetization is regained with time (T1 relaxation). There is also a loss of the transverse magnetization (T2 relaxation). T1 and T2 relaxation times (time needed to regain 66% of longitudinal magnetization and lose 66% of transverse magnetization, respectively) depend upon the composition of the tissue and also the environment in which the tissue is situated. Hence, different magnetic resonance sequences can be designed to make use of this difference in T1 and T2 relaxation times to display difference in composition of different tissues. These sequences can have different T1 and T2 weighting to display contrast between tissues which have different T1 and T2 relaxation times.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Media
Most commonly used compounds for contrast enhancement are gadolinium-based. These are also extracellular agents like CT contrast media and are distributed in the intravascular and interstitial tissues depending on the blood flow and permeability. They shorten the T1 relaxation times and hence are bright on T1-weighted (T1W) images. Because fat is also bright on T1W images it needs to be suppressed so that enhancement is not masked due to bright signal of fat. Hence, postcontrast images are generally fat suppressed.
When to Choose MRI over CT?
  • Higher contrast resolution needed—characterization of masses and soft tissue lesions12
  • To assess intracranial pathologies including cranial nerves and cavernous sinus pathologies
  • To see intracranial extent/spread of extracranial pathologies like fungal sinusitis
  • Children.
Basic Image Sequences in MRI
T1-weighted Images (Figs. 1.2.4A and 1.2.5A)
Tissues with shorter T1 relaxation times such as fat appear brighter than those with longer T1 relaxation times such as water, vitreous, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
It is the best sequence for studying anatomy.
T2-weighted Images (Figs. 1.2.4B and 1.2.5B)
Tissues with longer T2-relaxation like water, vitreous, and CSF appear brighter than tissues with shorter T2-relaxation such as blood products.
Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recovery (Fig. 1.2.5C)
Signals from free fluid can be suppressed using the fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence. FLAIR is especially useful in demyelinating conditions where white matter hyperintensities on T2W images are better appreciated when the bright signal from the adjacent CSF in the ventricles is nulled.
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Figs. 1.2.4A to C: Routine normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences of orbit in axial plane. (A) T1-weighted; (B) T2-weighted fat suppressed; and (C) T1-weighted postcontrast images.
It is the best sequence for studying in brain pathology.
Fat-suppressed Images (Figs. 1.2.4B and C)
Bright signals from intraorbital fat can mask the signal and enhancing pathologies. This problem can be overcome by suppressing the signal of fat by unique fat suppression 13sequences. It is an ideal sequence for identifying intraorbital pathology along with postcontrast T1W images.
Postcontrast Images (Figs. 1.2.4C and 1.2.5D)
Gadolinium does not cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and hence does not cause enhancement in the brain when BBB is intact. When the BBB is disrupted, gadolinium diffuses into the interstitial spaces resulting in their enhancement.
Diffusion-weighted Images
Primary application of diffusion-weighted images (DWI) in the brain is to look for acute infarcts. When there is cytotoxic edema, the cells swell and there is a restriction of diffusion in the extracellular space. This is reflected as a bright signal on DWI and low signal on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps. Always look at ADC maps to differentiate true diffusion restriction from “T2 shine through” (T2 bright areas may appear bright on DWI images without having diffusion restriction, however these are bright on ADC images as well).
Susceptibility-weighted Images
Magnetic resonance imaging sequences can either be spin echo or gradient echo sequences.
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Figs. 1.2.5A to D: Routine normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences of brain in axial plane. (A) T1-weighted; (B) T2-weighted; (C) Fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR); and (D) T1-weighted postcontrast images.
Table 1.2.1   Appearances (signal) of various tissues on standard MRI sequence.
FLAIR/Fat saturation
Free water (like in cysts/CSF)
Suppressed (dark)
Suppressed (dark)
Interstitial fluid secondary to increased vascular permeability in inflammatory/neoplastic pathology
(CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; CT: computed tomography; FLAIR: fluid attenuation inversion recovery; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; T1WI: T1-weighted image; T2WI: T2-weighted image)
Note: The terminology used to describe images is as follows:
Dark = hypointense
Bright = hyperintense
(On CT; dark = hypodense, bright = hyperdense)
The technique of gradient echo images is beyond the scope of this book. However, it is important to know the utility of these images (Table 1.2.1). Susceptibility-weighted images (SWIs) are very sensitive to local field inhomogeneities and hence are therefore best to look for calcification and deoxyhemoglobin (hemorrhage).
Standard brain protocol—routine sections are taken at 5 mm
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Orbit protocol:
  1. Thin (3 mm sections) T2 axial
  2. Thin T1 axial
  3. Thin T2 fat saturation axial, coronal (oblique sagittal on the side of pathology)
  4. Thin T1 fat saturation postcontrast images in all three planes.
Emission computed tomography is a form of scintigraphy wherein a radioactive tracer substance is injected intravenously. The tracer substance acts as a source of radiation for imaging. However, the spatial resolution is lower compared to CT as well as MRI. With single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), the radionuclides emit gamma and X-rays, and the images are obtained using a rotating gamma camera. This technique allows detection of disturbances of BBB as well as abnormalities of cerebral blood flow. Positron emission tomography (PET) on the other hand utilizes a β+ emitting nuclide (11carbon and 18fluorine) and is based on the concept of positron annihilation. It is frequently employed when there is suspicion of a systemic disease coexisting with orbital disease.15
Sanjay Sharma, Savinay Kapur
Most orbital pathologies can be divided into six basic imaging patterns:
  1. Intraocular: Retinoblastoma (RB), melanoma, metastasis, and endophthalmitis.
  2. Intraconal: Cavernous malformation, venous varix, lymphoproliferative disease and metastasis, and venolymphatic malformation.
  3. Extraconal: Dermoid, lacrimal gland masses, bone lesions, venolymphatic malformation, schwannoma, hemangiopericytoma, capillary hemangioma, sinonasal masses with orbital extension, postseptal infection, and lymphoproliferative lesions (Subperiosteal space is separate from extraconal compartment).
  4. Optic nerve sheath complex (ONSC) lesions: Meningioma, glioma, sarcoidosis, optic neuritis, idiopathic orbital inflammation, and lymphoproliferative disease (These are intraconal lesions).
  5. Conal [extraocular muscle (EOM) enlargement of various etiologies): Thyroid-associated orbitopathy, idiopathic orbital inflammation, carotid cavernous fistula (CCF), sarcoidosis, lymphoproliferative disease and metastasis, myocysticercus, and traumatic contusion.
  6. Infiltrative diseases: Metastasis, idiopathic orbital inflammation, lymphoproliferative disease, cellulitis, sarcoidosis, plexiform neurofibroma, and rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • Three most common intraorbital pathologies—thyroid orbitopathy, lymphoproliferative disorders, and idiopathic orbital inflammation.
  • Three most common transcompartmental orbital lesions—idiopathic orbital inflammation, capillary hemangioma, and venolymphatic malformation.
Cavernous Hemangioma (A Slow Flow Venous Malformation)
Typical presentation: Painless, progressive proptosis in a middle-aged woman.
Imaging findings: They appear as well-defined (pathologically encapsulated), oval to round, and homogeneous masses with a density somewhat greater than that of the muscle. They are typically located within the intraconal space (especially laterally), but larger lesions may extend outside the muscle cone. Bone remodeling is seen with large and longstanding lesions. Small foci of calcification are sometimes present which represent phleboliths. Enhancement is generally moderate owing to the low vascular flow. The lesion enhances progressively with homogeneous enhancement on delayed images (Fig. 1.3.1). On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the lesion is hypointense on T1, hyperintense on T2-weighted images (T2WIs). Intralesional hemorrhage is uncommon (cf. cerebral cavernous malformation and lymphatic malformation).
Lymphangioma (Venolymphatic Malformation)
Typical presentation: Gradual, painless progressive proptosis in a child, often painful when sudden in onset.16
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Fig. 1.3.1: Oblique parasagittal T1-weighted (T1W) fat suppressed postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with cavernous hemangioma, showing an ovoid enhancing soft tissue intraconal mass separate from the optic nerve.
Imaging findings: They appear as irregular heterogeneous masses, which are poorly defined (pathologically unencapsulated) and insinuate along normal orbital structures. They are known to cross anatomic boundaries such as the orbital septum and fascial layers. They can be macrocystic or microcystic. The macrocystic variant has multiple low-density cystic areas while in the microcystic variants the cysts are too small (to be seen on imaging) and hence look like a soft tissue mass. There is mild or no contrast enhancement. The wall and septae may show patchy enhancement, typically less than capillary hemangioma. Larger lesions may cause bone remodeling with extension into preseptal or infratemporal fossa through the inferior orbital fissure. Magnetic resonance (MR) is the investigation of choice for evaluating the extent of lesion. Signal characteristics depend on the presence or absence of proteinaceous contents/blood products within the lesion. In the absence of these, the cystic areas are hypointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2. Blood-fluid levels are characteristically seen in the setting of recent intralesional hemorrhage (Fig. 1.3.2).
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Fig. 1.3.2: Axial T1-weighted (T1W) fat suppressed postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with lymphangioma (synonyms. venolymphatic malformation) showing a transcompartmental ill circumscribed mass lesion with foci of hemorrhage and fluid–fluid levels.
Venous Varix
Typical presentation: Painless, progressive proptosis that increases on stooping forward/Valsalva.
Imaging findings: Orbital varix represents a form of hamartoma, with thin-walled distensible venous channels that communicate with the normal orbital venous vasculature. Ultrasound is a highly useful modality for their diagnosis as it allows for dynamic assessment. The dilated venous channels collapse in the upright posture or at rest, but on straining, the increased blood flow with dilation of channels becomes obvious. On computed tomography (CT) the varices appear as an irregular or smooth variably enhancing lesion located at the orbital apex, which significantly increases in size with straining. However, as the study requires dynamicity and straining CT and MRI are seldom used for diagnosis. Once it is thrombosed, patients may present with acute onset retro-orbital pain and proptosis. CT at this time shows no change on straining and absence of enhancement. The lesion may appear hyperdense on noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) due to hemorrhagic contents. MRI done at this time will show a 17well-defined T1/T2 heterogeneously hyperintense lesion due to hemorrhagic contents.
Orbital varices can be a difficult radiologic diagnosis (on CT/MRI), as the discrete venous channels are seldom visualized.
Lymphoproliferative Disease and Intraconal Metastasis
Difficult to differentiate from other intraconal masses. Need evidence of a primary elsewhere to make this diagnosis. Rapid increase in size may be a pointer. Systemic work is warranted.
Dermoid Cyst
Typical presentation: Child or young adult with a mass near the frontozygomatic/frontoethmoid suture often with globe dystopia.
Imaging findings: It typically appears as a round to oval, well-defined lesion, located in the anterior superotemporal orbit. It is almost always extraconal and has a cystic center with areas of fat within (Fig. 1.3.3). A fat–fluid level may be present. Denser foci within the lesion represent flecks of keratin and sebum. The cyst is surrounded by a thin rim of tissue that may be partially calcified. Adjacent bone commonly shows remodeling/sutural widening. Occasionally the cystic cavity extends into the temporal fossa or the intracranial space. Contrast administration may produce mild enhancement of cyst rim, but not its center. On MRI, the lesion tends to be heterogeneously hyperintense on T2WI and hypointense on T1WI, however, areas of T1 hyperintensity are seen within the mass which show signal dropout on fat suppressed images.
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Fig. 1.3.3: Axial noncontrast computed tomography (CT), with right medial angular dermoid, showing a well-defined mass of fat attenuation.
Orbital Schwannoma
Typical presentation: Painless, progressive proptosis along with symptoms due to mass effect on surrounding structures. May be present acutely with painful proptosis in cases of hemorrhage into the lesion.
Imaging findings: They are typically extraconal though they can be intraconal or extraconal or both. Commonly involves the frontal branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. Schwannomas have a heterogeneous T2 signal (Fig. 1.3.4) and variable patterns of enhancement with homogeneous or ring enhancement being most common.
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Fig. 1.3.4: Axial T2-weighted (T2W) fat suppressed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with right intraorbital schwannoma showing an elongated extraconal heterogeneous well-defined mass lesion with foci of necrosis and hemorrhage.
Hemangiopericytoma (Solitary Fibrous Tumor of Orbit)
These appear as homogeneous to heterogeneous, rounded or elongated masses of moderate density in an extraconal location most commonly along the paranasal sinuses. The borders are smooth and well circumscribed, similar to cavernous hemangioma. Calcification may be seen in up to one-fourth of cases. Bone erosion is unusual, but some degree of cortical disruption is sometimes seen along with rare periosteal reaction. Following contrast administration, enhancement is moderate to mark. Dynamic CT may show prominent early enhancement with rapid washout. The MRI image shows a round to oval tumor with well-defined borders. On the T1WI, the signal is isointense to cortical gray matter and muscle, and hypointense to fat. On the T2WI, the lesion is hyperintense to fat. Low-intensity signal voids represent large vessels with rapid blood flow. Moderate, diffuse, and homogeneous enhancement is seen with gadolinium.
Capillary Hemangioma
Typical history: Cutaneous discoloration or leash of vessels on the lids, periocular soft tissues; present at birth during infancy, grows with the child say up to 5–7 years age, and disappear by 10 years.
Imaging findings: They appear as ill-defined to irregularly marginated, lobulated, infiltrating masses most commonly located anterior to the globe in the eyelid. They show moderate to marked contrast enhancement. Longstanding lesions in young children may cause expansion of bony orbital volume. Rarely occur as intraosseous lesions forming expansile masses with intact tables. In its proliferative phase, the mass shows intense and early enhancement (in arterial phase) with multiple flow voids on T1W/T2W images. However, in its involuting phase or if it does not involute completely, they tend to have heterogeneous high signal intensity on T1W and T2W (Fig. 1.3.5) with heterogeneous enhancement on contrast images.
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Fig. 1.3.5: Axial T2-weighted (T2W) fat suppressed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with right orbital capillary hemangioma, showing an ill-defined transcompartmental mass with areas of flow void. It showed marked contrast enhancement (in another section not shown).
These lesions appear as irregular, moderate to well-defined soft tissue masses, mostly occupying the extraconal space, with about half extending into the intraconal space. Two-thirds of tumors arise in the superonasal quadrant of orbit. The density is similar to that of the EOMs, but may be heterogeneous due to intervening focal areas of hemorrhage. The tumor may conform to adjacent bony walls and orbital structures such as the globe. Bony erosion or destruction is unusual, but with larger lesions can be seen in up to 40% of cases. With contrast administration, 19mild to moderate uniform enhancement is observed.
Most common malignancy of the orbit (head and neck region) in a child.
Lacrimal Gland Lesions
Benign neoplasms like pleomorphic adenoma present as indolent painless enlargement of the gland. Malignant and inflammatory lesions present with a shorter history and pain. They are broadly divided into epithelial and nonepithelial lesions. Epithelial lesions arise from the acini and tend to be neoplastic while nonepithelial lesions are predominantly inflammatory or infiltrative in nature. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the lacrimal gland with propensity for perineural spread. CT scan of these lesions shows a heterogeneous mass in the lacrimal gland fossa area (Fig. 1.3.6). They can be irregular in shape with poorly demarcated margins or be round to oval in shape with well-defined borders. Larger tumors may extend along the lateral orbital wall to reach up to the orbital apex. Foci of calcification are frequently present within the lesion. Destruction or sclerosis of adjacent bone is a common phenomenon, especially with large tumors. Contrast administration shows areas of marked and focal enhancement.
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Fig. 1.3.6: Axial contrast computed tomography (CT), with a left lacrimal gland mass (pleomorphic adenoma), showing heterogeneous enhancement, remodeling of the adjacent bone, and abaxial proptosis.
On MR, pleomorphic adenoma is typically isointense to muscle with bright enhancement. Lymphomas on the other hand have a homogeneous T2 hypointense signal higher than muscle. Lacrimal glands are the second most common location for idiopathic orbital inflammation.
Idiopathic inflammatory inflammation and lymphomas are the two most common masses of lacrimal gland.
Bony Orbital Lesions
Orbital bone lesions are malignant or benign. Metastatic lesions are more common than primary malignancy. In children, the common causes are Ewing's and neuroblastoma (Fig. 1.3.7) while in adults metastases are common from lung, breast, and prostate.
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Fig. 1.3.7: Axial computed tomography (CT) (bone window), in a 2-year-old child with metastatic neuroblastoma, showing a destructive left sphenoid bone lesion with spiculated periosteal reaction and abaxial proptosis.
20Meningiomas of the greater wing of sphenoid cause intraosseous growth, which may cause narrowing of intraorbital foramina. This sclerosis can be more easily seen on the CT images while on MR there is increase in the dark signal of the bone. Non-neoplastic benign fibro-osseous lesions include fibrous dysplasia (FD) and ossifying fibroma. FD is seen in patients less than 30 years of age. On CT, characteristic ground glass density is seen, with T1/T2 hypointensity on MR. Sagittal and oblique planes are helpful for evaluating the orbital apex and optic canal.
Longstanding lesions appear as masses opacifying one or more paranasal sinuses, extending into the orbit. The most common sinuses to get involved are frontal and ethmoid. The intervening bone may be expanded or remodeled or dehiscent around the cyst. This is best evaluated in bone window settings. Orbital structures are displaced, usually laterally or inferiorly. The cystic cavity is usually filled with a homogeneous, low-density mucoid material. The lesion lacks contrast enhancement unless contains pus. Longstanding inspissated secretions and proteinaceous contents appear T1 hyperintense and hyperdense on NCCT (Fig. 1.3.8) despite their cystic character.
In half of these cases, the intraocular metastases are asymptomatic, but in the other, they may present with vision loss or scotoma.
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Fig. 1.3.8: Axial contrast computed tomography (CT), with right ethmoid mucocele, showing an expansile hyperattenuating lesion centered in the right anterior ethmoid sinus seen breaking into the orbit through the dehiscent lamina papyracea and causing abaxial proptosis.
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Fig. 1.3.9: Axial T1-weighted (T1W) fat suppressed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with left intraocular metastatic lung cancer showing bright homogeneous enhancement and retinal detachment.
Uvea is the most common site for intraocular metastasis, mostly localized to the choroid. These tend to occur as flatter/broad based lesions (posterior to the equator) (Fig. 1.3.9), compared to melanoma which tend to mushroom shaped. The most common primary tumors responsible for intraocular metastases are lung for men and breast for women. The prevalence of orbital metastases ranges from 2% to 5%. Few tumors have a propensity to metastasize to particular tissues (prostate to bone, melanoma to EOMs, breast to fatty tissue, and EOMs). The overall 21distribution of orbital metastases is in a ratio of 2:2:1, bone:fat:muscle.
Retinal Detachment
Retinal detachment (RD) typically begins with posterior vitreous detachment and is typically a clinical diagnosis based on history and examination. On imaging, there is a characteristic V-shaped area of abnormal density in the posterior globe which is limited by the anterior attachment of the retina, in contradistinction to suprachoroidal collections, which extend anteriorly to the level of the ciliary body.
Ultrasound is the best radiologic modality for its detection. A CT may completely miss the RD.
Uveal Melanoma
Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults, constituting 5–6% of melanoma diagnoses with up to 50% of patients developing distant metastases. It may arise in any part of the uvea, including the ciliary body, iris, or choroid (most common). Cross-sectional imaging is of use when ocular opacities limit assessment. MRI is the investigation of choice with characteristic findings of melanoma being marked hyperintensity on T1WIs and hypointensity on T2WIs (Figs. 1.3.10A and B) which makes this a unique tumor. It enhances brightly on contrast-enhanced CT and MR, however subtraction MR imaging may be needed to demonstrate enhancement as the tumor is bright on T1 images as well. MR is also useful for distinguishing the tumor from associated hemorrhage.
Ultrasound should be the first-line radiologic modality for the evaluation of suspected intraocular masses, and MRI later, if required. Systemic workup is necessary for staging.
Child typically presents with white reflex or strabismus. It is the most common intraocular malignancy in childhood. It is considered a clinical diagnosis supported by ultrasound.
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Figs. 1.3.10A and B: Axial T1-weighted (T1W) (A) and T2-weighted (T2W) (B) fat suppressed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in an elderly man, with a polypoidal left intraocular mass, a uveal melanoma, which is bight on T1W and dark on T2W images.
22MRI is required for the larger tumors for local staging. Ultrasonography and MRI can both be useful to distinguish RB from other differential diagnoses, viz. Coats’ disease, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, retinopathy of prematurity (Fig. 1.3.11) or toxocariasis. CT is only considered a problem solving tool due to the radiation risk, CT is an excellent modality to detect small calcifications which may be diagnostic in doubtful cases (Fig. 1.3.12A). However, an A-mode ultrasound is a popular modality to evaluate calcification in the tumors. MRI is the preferred imaging modality for delineating the morphology and extent of the tumor, especially extraocular spread and optic nerve involvement (Fig. 1.3.12B). RB has characteristic low T2 signal, because of its high cellular density and variable postcontrast MR enhancement.
Evaluation of white reflex in a child is a common and difficult clinical problem. The diagnosis is often not apparent even after thorough clinically evaluation and radiology.
Endophthalmitis occurs either following surgery or trauma due to local inoculation or even secondary to hematogenous spread of infection from a distant anatomic site. Although usually a clinical diagnosis, the role of imaging remains detection of complications like formation of intraorbital abscess, RD, cavernous sinus involvement, and development of phthisis bulbi. The ocular coats are seen to be diffusely thickened (Fig. 1.3.13).
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Fig. 1.3.11: Axial T2-weighted (T2W) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in a premature child who received oxygen in neonatal care for 2 weeks, having retinopathy of prematurity, showing bilateral microphthalmia, retinal detachment, and bilateral intraocular hemorrhage but no mass.
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Figs. 1.3.12A and B: Axial noncontrast computed tomography (CT) (A) and T1-weighted (T1W) fat suppressed contrast-enhanced (CE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (B) in another child with retinoblastoma, showing calcified right intraocular mass (A) and enhancing left intraocular mass with optic nerve involvement up to the apex.
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Fig. 1.3.13: Axial contrast computed tomography (CT), with right metastatic endophthalmitis, showing diffuse thickening of right ocular coats but no fluid collection or abscess. An active abdominal sepsis was presumed to be the cause of his disease.
Abscesses can also occur in both the suprachoroidal space and the subretinal space. On CT and MR, abscesses are peripherally enhancing layers of predominantly fluid attenuation. On T2WI, the high signal of vitreous may obscure pathology; however, the inflamed uveal tract can be clearly seen separately from the vitreous on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging. Contrast MRI assisted may be useful in demonstrating abscesses.
Sanjay Sharma, Savinay Kapur
Optic Glioma
Typical presentation: Decreased visual activity, visual field defect, proptosis, and relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD).
Imaging findings: These are glial tumors which in the brain arise from the parenchyma of white matter, but often also involve the adjacent gray matter. The Dodge classification divides these tumors into just three groups based on anatomical localization:
  1. Stage 1: Optic nerves only
  2. Stage 2: Chiasm involved (with or without optic nerve involvement)
  3. Stage 3: Hypothalamic involvement and/or other adjacent structures.
In patients of neurofibromatosis (NF), these lesions appear on computed tomography (CT) as hypodense and poorly-defined masses. The optic nerve cannot be seen separate from the mass; hence, the nerve appears tubular, tortuous, and kinked. Minimal or no enhancement is seen in the lesion. Sporadic gliomas tend to have solid cystic appearance similar to pilocytic astrocytomas. The solid areas are generally T2 hyperintense and show contrast enhancement (Fig. 1.4.1).
If unilateral, NF1 in 20% patients; if bilateral— pathognomonic of NF1.
Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma
Typical presentation: Insidious vision loss over months to years.
Imaging findings: The typically appear as smooth tubular enlargement of the optic nerve.24
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Fig. 1.4.1: Oblique sagittal T1-weight (T1W) postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of optic nerve glioma, showing a fusiform enhancing tumor not separate from the optic nerve.
Less commonly, they may be fusiform or globular in appearance in case the dura is breached. The lesion appears iso to hyperdense on CT and may show foci of calcification in 20–50% of cases. There is marked and homogeneous contrast enhancement of the mass, often with a linear central zone of reduced density representing the normal optic nerve (tram-tracking sign). Expansion of bony orbital walls is seen in case the tumor is longstanding. Meningiomas generally produce isointense signals on T1-weighted (T1W) images with respect to normal optic nerve and cortical gray matter. The T2-weighted (T2W) image is heterogeneous and varies from being slightly hypointense to slightly hyperintense (Fig. 1.4.2) with respect to the gray matter. The fibroblastic stromal elements give meningiomas their characteristic hypointense signal. The postgadolinium T1W image shows marked enhancement of the tumor surrounding an optic nerve of lower signal intensity with a dural tail. This is best distinguished on fat suppression sequences. A subtle intracranial extension may only be visible on the contrast image.
Think of NF2, if multiple or associated with other neoplasms like schwannomas or ependymomas.
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Fig. 1.4.2: Oblique sagittal T2-weight (T2W) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with optic sheath meningioma, showing a fusiform intermediate signal intensity neoplasm encasing the optic nerve. Note that the neoplasm is seen distinct from the optic nerve.
Optic Neuritis
Typical presentation: Unilateral rapid onset of vision loss; eye pain worsened with eye movements.
Imaging findings: Optic neuritis is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnosis; CT has no role. Key imaging sequences—axial, coronal T2 FS, and T1 FS postcontrast are required. Optic nerve involvement may be segmental or diffuse. Optic neuritis manifests as increased T2 signal and bulk of the nerve which may be associated with abnormal enhancement.
1st pearl: Always image the brain if optic neuritis presents as there is 25% risk of multiple sclerosis. Can also be seen with neuromyelitis optica (NMO).
2nd pearl: Hence screening of cervical spine with STIR sequence may be done.
3rd pearl: If bilateral (Fig. 1.4.3), then think of infectious causes, such as viral prodrome in children.
Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation
Typical presentation: Unilateral more common than bilateral, rapid onset pain + diplopia + vision loss and redness.25
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Fig. 1.4.3: Axial postcontrast fat suppressed T1-weight (T1W) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with bilateral optic neuritis showing a marked enhancement of both optic nerves. Note that the normal optic nerves never enhance as brightly as the extraocular muscles (EOMs), as in this case.
Imaging findings: Orbital inflammation may be seen in a variety of orbital conditions, however, about 5–15% have no discernible cause and hence classified as idiopathic. Also called orbital pseudotumor, idiopathic orbital pseudotumor or nonspecific orbital inflammation. Many patients would have underlying systemic vasculitis as a cause. It may be related to immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) disease. Here the optic nerve sheath is involved instead of the optic nerve itself. There is frequent involvement of retrobulbar fat, EOMs, lacrimal glands, and optic nerve. The masses are ill defined on CT. On MRI they are T1 intermediate, T2 dark, and show variable enhancement.
Radiological differential diagnosis—lymphoproliferative disease/sarcoidosis (neither has a similar clinical presentation), systemic vasculitis, and IgG4-related orbital disease.
Lymphoproliferative Disease
Includes lymphoma (most common), lymphoid hyperplasia and atypical lymphoid hyperplasia, and ocular adnexal lymphoma. Around a quarter of all masses in patients older than 60 years are lymphomas. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, specifically the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) form is the most common primary orbital lymphoma.
Presentation is similar to inflammatory pseudotumor. Most common site of involvement is the uvea or lacrimal gland. On MRI, involvement of the optic nerve sheath may show linear tram-track enhancement. On imaging, if there is isolated optic nerve involvement, it may be indistinguishable from the above two conditions. Laboratory investigations [serum calcium and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels] are supportive, besides the systemic workup for the evidence of the disease elsewhere in the body to help make the diagnosis.
Thyroid-associated Orbitopathy
Typical presentation: Bilateral painless axial proptosis.
Imaging findings: Most common extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves disease (25–50% patients). Caused by accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the orbital soft tissues and increased fat volume. On CT, enlargement of EOMs is the imaging hallmark of the disease and is best appreciated on axial and coronal scans (Figs. 1.4.4A and B). The enlarged muscles are sharply defined, sometimes demonstrating increased density. There may be focal areas of low density, reflecting fatty infiltration. Typically, only the muscle bellies are involved, with relatively normal tendinous insertion referred to as 26the “coca-cola” sign seen on axial images (cf. pseudotumor). The inferior and the medial rectus muscles are the most frequently involved ones. The superior ophthalmic vein may be enlarged as a result of apical compression. The bulky EOMs are isointense on T1, slightly hyperintense on T2W images. The thickened tensor intermuscularis appears as a prominent curved band between the superior and lateral rectus muscles. Contrast administration is not necessary for imaging to make a diagnosis. Up to 8% of patients with thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) develop dystrophic optic neuropathy (DON) likely secondary to optic nerve compression by the enlarged EOMs. The presentation may sometimes be asymmetric (unilateral) or even antedate the clinical disease.
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Figs. 1.4.4A and B: Axial (A) and coronal (B) contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) scan in thyroid-associated orbitopathy, shows bulky bellies of bilateral extraocular muscles (EOMs) especially inferior and medial recti. Note the typical tendinous sparing.
Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation
Typical presentation: Pain, ocular dysmotility, and redness.
Imaging findings: Myositis is one of the most common orbital manifestations of IOI. In contradistinction to TAO, IOI of the EOMs is typically unilateral, painful, and rapid in onset (hours to days). However, some patients may have an atypical presentation, with a relatively painless manifestation, or bilateral disease (25% of patients, common in children). On imaging, the differentiation is based on involvement of tendinous insertion with inflammation in the adjacent fat.
Carotid-cavernous Fistula
They have been variously classified by their hemodynamics (high or low flow), cause (spontaneous or posttraumatic), or vascular anatomy (direct or indirect) or vascular anatomy (direct or indirect, Table 1.4.1).
Computed tomography scan in these cases demonstrates proptosis with the prominence of the orbital vasculature. The superior ophthalmic vein is dilated in most cases. Low density, nonenhancing areas within the vessel or the cavernous sinus represent thrombosis. Symmetrical enlargement of EOMs from vascular engorgement is commonly seen.
Table 1.4.1   Direct and indirect carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF).
Direct CCF
Indirect CCF
Frequently associated with trauma (spontaneous may be to aneurysm rupture) and direct flow from CCA to cavernous sinus
Dural shunting of arterial flow from branches of ICA/ECA/both into the cavernous sinus
Progresses rapidly
Insidious onset
High flow
Low flow
(CCA: cavernous carotid artery; ECA: external carotid artery; ICA: internal carotid artery)
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Fig. 1.4.5: Axial contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) in a young male with carotico-cavernous fistula, showing engorged right superior ophthalmic vein. The swelling of left extraocular muscles is not seen in this section.
Enlargement of cavernous sinus may be appreciated, and in longstanding cases, the superior orbital fissure can be widened. Contrast CT is generally diagnostic in most cases (Fig. 1.4.5). However, invasive digital subtraction angiography (DSA) may be necessary some occasionally times, especially to demonstrate an indirect fistula or for interventional radiological treatment of CCF. On magnetic resonance (MR), vessels with fast flowing blood show a signal void on both T1W and T2W images and these can be demonstrated on gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images.
Involvement of the EOMs by sarcoidosis is unusual and can have a variety of presentations. There may be involvement of multiple muscles on one side or bilateral, painful or indolent, with or without involvement of other orbital soft tissues such as the lacrimal gland. It may spare or involve the tendinous insertions, and hence is difficult to differentiate from TAO or IOI by physical examination and imaging, especially if there is no evidence of systemic sarcoidosis.
Lymphoproliferative Disease and Metastases
Intramuscular metastases and lymphoma are rare. Metastases and lymphoma or other lymphoproliferative diseases occurring in the EOMs have been reported only sporadically in the literature. Carcinoma (predominantly breast), melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and neuroendocrine tumors such as carcinoid are better known primaries. Breast carcinoma may sometimes involve the EOMs in a bilateral symmetric pattern with sparing of the tendons, which may be difficult to distinguish from TAO on imaging.
Most common primary malignancy to metastasize to the orbits is breast carcinoma. Diffuse intraconal disease is one of many imaging patterns that may be seen in breast cancer, in addition to intramuscular or osseous masses. Infiltrative scirrhous breast carcinoma may cause enophthalmos, because fibrous tissue replaces the normal orbital fat.
Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation
Diffuse involvement of the orbital fat is less common than involvement of other orbital structures such as the lacrimal gland or EOMs (Fig. 1.4.6). The eponym “Tolosa–Hunt syndrome” applies when there is predominantly involvement of the orbital apex or cavernous sinus.
Lymphoproliferative Disease
Similar to IOI, lymphoproliferative disease such as lymphoma may present with an infiltrative pattern, involving any orbital structure. However, in contrast to IOI, lymphoproliferative disease presents with minimal or no pain and with gradual progression.28
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Fig. 1.4.6: Axial contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) in a middle-aged woman with idiopathic orbital inflammation, showing the infiltrating multicompartmental soft tissue mass involving left lateral rectus, lacrimal gland, retrobulbar fat, and preseptal soft tissues.
In some series, diffuse ill-defined orbital disease was found to be commoner than a well-circumscribed round or oblong mass. On MRI, T2W signal isointense or hypointense to muscle is typical of lymphoproliferative disease and restricted diffusion may also be seen.
Orbital Cellulitis
Involvement of the soft tissues posterior to the orbital septum is the imaging hallmark of orbital cellulitis (cf. preseptal cellulitis). It is important to make this distinction as orbital cellulitis has a higher complication rate and may be associated with optic neuropathy, encephalomeningitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, sepsis, and intracranial abscess. Orbital cellulitis in early stages is characterized by eyelid edema and sinusitis on CT images. Postcontrast scans show marked increased in enhancement. More typically inflammation is seen in the medial or superomedial orbit adjacent to the opacified sinus, associated with fat stranding, i.e. heterogeneity in the retrobulbar fat (Fig. 1.4.7). An orbital abscess appears as a well-defined mass with a low density necrotic center, and an enhancing rim. On MRI, orbital inflammation and edema produce a diffuse signal that is isointense to muscle. On the T2W image, a fluid level may be visible as a layered hyperintense signal in an abscess or sinus. The inflammatory exudate remains hypointense. The necrotic abscess center remains dark, but there is an enhancement of the peripheral rim.
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Fig. 1.4.7: Coronal contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) in left orbital cellulitis, showing swollen left extraocular muscles and fat stranding.
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Fig. 1.4.8: Axial postcontrast fat suppressed T1-weighted (T1W) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with left orbital plexiform neurofibroma showing an infiltrating enhancing soft tissue mass in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).
Plexiform Neurofibroma
It occurs in about one-third of patients with NF1 (Fig. 1.4.8). It commonly affects the trigeminal nerve, especially the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions. PNF has a multispatial growth pattern, similar to venous and 29lymphatic malformations that follow vessels. The patient's age and relevant history are the key to the correct diagnosis. On imaging, PNF follows the distribution of the involved nerves through fascial boundaries with a characteristic targetoid appearance on T2W images.
Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of the head and neck in childhood (mean age is 8 years), with 10% of all cases involving in the orbit. Proptosis and blepharoptosis are common presenting symptoms of orbital RMS. Pain is uncommon and may indicate an advanced tumor. Typically, it presents as an extraconal well-defined mass without osseous destruction, however more advanced cases can be both extra- and intraconal and infiltrative with destroy bone. It can involve any part of the orbit, including the EOMs. On noncontrast CT (NCCT), the mass is isodense to muscle. On MR imaging, RMS is typically T2 hyperintense with areas of high T1 signal secondary to hemorrhage, with some contrast enhancement.
Intraocular/Intraorbital Foreign Body
Noncontrast CT scan is the imaging modality of choice for evaluation of suspected intraorbital foreign bodies. It has an advantage over the plain radiographs owing to its superior spatial resolution; it can often identify nonmetallic foreign bodies like wood also. Helical CT scans allow precise localization of the foreign body and delineation of its relationship with the surrounding structures (Fig. 1.4.9). MRI is contraindicated for evaluating metallic intraorbital foreign bodies.
Ultrasound is often the first-line imaging modality for evaluating suspected cysticercus (Figs. 1.4.10A and B), especially if intraocular. MRI is preferred over CT for identification of myocysticercosis. Orbital cysticercosis on MRI scans appears as a T2 hyperintense cystic lesion often with an eccentric hypointense scolex within the EOM. The muscle itself may be bulky with perilesional T2 hyperintensity suggestive of edema (Figs. 1.4.10A and B). Contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) may show a ring enhancing lesion in one of the EOMs with an eccentric focus of enhancement or calcification representing the scolex.
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Fig. 1.4.9: Axial noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) shows a tiny metallic foreign body just behind the right globe, adjacent to the optic disc. It clearly shows that it is lying in extraocular location.
Orbital Trauma
Computed tomography is the preferred imaging modality for evaluation of orbital and cranial fractures because of its ability to provide detailed bony images in high spatial resolution. A NCCT with bone and soft tissue windows with multiplanar reconstruction is employed (Figs. 1.4.11A and B). Diffuse hyperdense areas suggest acute intraorbital bleed while air pockets represent orbital emphysema. A “blowout” orbital fracture involving the medial wall and floor is a frequent injury. In a pure blowout fracture of the orbital floor, it is displaced downward into the maxillary sinus (Figs. 1.4.11A and B).30
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Figs. 1.4.10A and B: Ultrasound (A) and axial T2-weighted (T2W) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (B) in myocysticercus showing a cystic intraorbital lesion in the lateral rectus with a hyperechoic center suggesting a scolex (A); another patient showing a swollen medial rectus with a cyst and nodule.
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Figs. 1.4.11A and B: Oblique sagittal computed tomography (CT) reconstruction, bone window (A) soft tissue window (B), in two different patients of blowout fracture of the orbit. Note clearly the orbital floor fractures with normal inferior rectus (IR) and tear drop shaped hemorrhage pouting in the maxillary sinus in (A) and entrapped swollen IR in (B).
In children, due to resilient bones, there is often a minimal bony displacement and herniation of orbital contents but inferior rectus may still get entrapped, referred to as “trapdoor fracture”. The muscle may be bulky, heterogeneous with a rounded contour suggesting hematoma or contusion. Medial wall fractures show displacement of the lamina papyracea into the ethmoid air cells often with opacification of the sinus. The medial rectus muscle with intraorbital fat may also be displaced into the fracture site.
Axial images are best for the evaluation of the maxillary antrum, pterygoid plates, zygomatic arches, and the medial and lateral orbital walls. Coronal images are more useful for evaluation of orbital rims, the orbital floor and roof, the cribriform plate, and the skull base. Reformatted images in the orthogonal sagittal and oblique planes are helpful for evaluating subtle orbital apex and optic canal fractures.
Magnetic resonance imaging may miss fractures as the bony structures are not quite conspicuous.31
Asha Samdani, Aditi Dubey
Ultrasonography (USG) has broad application in ophthalmology. In 1793, Lazzaro Spallanzani (Italy) discovered that bats orient themselves with the help of sound whistles while flying in darkness. This was the basis of modern ultrasound application. Two types of devices, are used diagnostically, i.e. A-scan and B-scan. A-scan is a one-dimensional amplitude modulation scan commonly used for measurement of axial length (AL) and pachymetry.
Along with B-scan, it is used to determine the ultrasonic properties such as internal reflectivity, and dimensions of posterior segment masses. B-scan is a two-dimensional, cross-section brightness scan. Its use is primarily to evaluate posterior segment and orbital pathology when the ocular media are cloudy, and a direct view is not possible. High-resolution B-scan or ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) uses higher frequency probes (20–50 MHz vs the standard 10 MHz) to provide detailed images of anterior segment structures such as the angle, iris, and ciliary body. This chapter deals with B-scan USG primarily.
For sound to be considered ultrasound, it must have a frequency of greater than 20,000 oscillations per second, or 20 KHz, rendering it inaudible to human ears. Ultrasonography of the eye is an indispensable noninvasive tool in the diagnosis and management of various ocular orbital diseases. It was first used in ophthalmology in 1956 by Mundt and Hughes as A-scan. Baum and Greenwood introduced the first B-scan in 1958. Coleman in the 70s developed the first commercially available B-scan.
Ophthalmic ultrasound (Figs. 1.5.1 and 1.5.2) uses high-frequency ultrasound waves, which are transmitted from probe to eye. Tissue penetration is directly proportional to resolution and inversely to frequency. That is why; USG probes used for Ocular USG are of higher frequency (10 MHz) as it needs much less tissue penetration. As the sound waves strike intraocular structures, they are reflected back to the probe and converted into an electric signal. These signals are subsequently reconstructed as an image on a monitor.
The ophthalmic B-scan probe has high frequencies of 10 MHz and contains piezoelectric crystal. Marker on probe helps in the understanding orientation of the image on the screen (Fig. 1.5.2).
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Fig. 1.5.1: Ultrasonography display.
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Fig. 1.5.2: Ultrasonography probe.
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Fig. 1.5.3: Orientation of USG probe while performing scanning.
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Fig. 1.5.4: Orientation.
The orientation of the marker (Fig. 1.5.3) is directly correlated to the sound beam orientation. Wherever the marker is directed on the eye represents the upper portion of the echogram (Fig. 1.5.4) and, in most instances, the probe is placed opposite the area of the eye to be examined.
Velocity depends on the density of the medium. Sound travels faster through solids than liquids in aqueous and vitreous = 1,532 m/s, and in cornea and lens = 1,641 m/s (Table 1.5.1).
Reflectivity is higher when the echoes are stronger and thus producing brighter dots. The angle of incidence of the probe is critical. When the probe is held perpendicular to the area of interest, more of the echo is reflected directly back into the probe tip and sent to the display screen. When held oblique to the area imaged, part of the echo is reflected away from the probe tip, and less is sent to the display screen the higher the perpendicularity.
Table 1.5.1   Velocity of sound in various media.
Silicone IOL
Silicone oil
Fresh water
Aqueous, vitreous
Solid tissue: Intraocular and orbital soft tissue blood
Clear crystalline lens
(IOL: intraocular lens)
Absorption: The density of the solid lid structure results in absorption of part of the sound wave when B-scan is performed through the closed eye, thereby compromising the image of the posterior segment.
Shadowing reduction in echo amplitude posterior to a strongly reflecting or attenuating surface can also lead to poor quality of the image.
Gain: The amplification of the display can be altered by adjusting the gain, which is measured in decibels (dB). When the gain is high, weaker signals are displayed, such as vitreous opacities and posterior vitreous detachments (PVDs). When the gain is low, the weaker signals disappear, and only the stronger echoes, such as the retina, remain on the screen.
Probe positions: The probe can be used in the following positions:
  • Transverse position: Most commonly used. The probe is positioned parallel 33to limbus (on opposite scleral surface). It demonstrates the lateral extent of pathology (approximately 6 o'clock hours) (Fig. 1.5.4).
  • Longitudinal position: The probe is perpendicular to the limbus. It represents the radial extent of pathology and proximity to the optic nerve and demonstrates only 1 o'clock hour that represents optic nerve to the periphery.
  • Axial position: Patient is fixating in primary gaze, probe face centered on the cornea. Displays the lens and the optic nerve. Horizontal axial scan-marker is toward the patient's nose. Vertical axial scan-marker toward the 12 o'clock position.
  • Oblique position: The patient is asked to look at various gazes and probe is placed at the oblique axis.
An examination performed when there is no view into the eye because of opaque media, and the determination of the status of the posterior segment is required. The highest gain setting must be used to visualize any weak signals, such as vitreous opacities and posterior vitreous detachments, or to gauge the extent of vitreous hemorrhages. If any pathology such as retinal or choroidal detachments (CDs) is found, then the gain may be reduced for better resolution of the stronger signals from these structures. The entire globe must be examined, from the posterior pole out to the far periphery.
Using a limbus-to-fornix approach, the four major quadrants include the 12-o'clock, 3-o'clock, 6-o'clock, and 9-o'clock positions, and each centered on the right side of the echogram in transverse approaches are evaluated. The posterior pole with a horizontal axial scan is evaluated, which incorporates both the optic nerve and the macula in one echogram. If no additional pathology is detected, these five echograms complete the examination.
In case of any posterior pathology is detected during basic screening, it should be centered on the right side of the echogram to achieve the highest resolution. This is accomplished by determining the clock hour represented in the transverse scan where it was discovered. Once determined, the patient should be instructed to redirect his or her gaze to that meridian, with the probe then placed on the opposite scleral surface. The gain is now reduced until the highest resolution is achieved, and photographic documentation is produced.
Macular localizing: The four methods of localizing and centering of the macula are horizontal, vertical, transverse, and longitudinal. In the horizontal and vertical method, the probe is on the corneal vertex and should be aimed straight ahead to center the macula with marker directed nasally in horizontal while the marker is in the 12-o'clock position in the vertical method. In the transverse and longitudinal method, patient fixating slightly temporally and the probe is placed onto the nasal sclera with the marker at the 12-o'clock position in transverse method while toward the limbus or temporally toward the macula in the longitudinal method. These scan bypasses the lens, thereby preventing absorption or reverberation artifacts from an intraocular lens
Indications for B-scan
  • Opaque ocular media:
    • Anterior segment: For example, corneal opacification, hyphema or hypopyon, miosis, cataract, pupillary or retrolenticular membrane
    • Posterior segment: For example, vitreous hemorrhage or inflammation
  • Clear ocular media:
    • Anterior segment: For example, iris lesions, ciliary body lesions34
    • Posterior segment: Tumors, choroidal detachment (CD), retinal detachment (RD), optic disc abnormalities
  • Intraocular foreign bodies: For detection and localization.
1. Different examination modes of ultrasonography (USG).
Ans. Various examination modes in ophthalmic ultrasonography are:
  • A-scan: Amplitude modulation scan
  • B-scan: Brightness modulation scan
  • Vector A-scan
  • Doppler ultrasonography
  • UBM (high-frequency ultrasound).
A-scan: Amplitude modulation scan—salient features are:
  • Axial length
  • Time-amplitude scan
  • Pressure, falsely low AL
  • It can also be used for pachymetry
  • The frequency of the probe is around 8 MHz
  • Quantitative USG:
    • Helps to determine the texture of lesion
    • Based on reflectivity
  • It is semiquantitative (Table 1.5.2).
B-scan (brightness modulation scan):
  • Multiple A-scans
  • As internal emitter is rapidly swept back and forth
  • Two-dimensional (2D)
  • Topographic examination for shape, border, location, and extent
  • Kinetic USG: Mobility, after movements, vascularity (Valsalva).
  • It can assess:
    • Vitreoretinal status
    • Macula
    • ONH
    • Anterior two-thirds of orbit
    • Extraocular muscle (EOM)
Table 1.5.2   A-scan amplitude.
Spike height (%)
Extremely low
Medium to high
Doppler ultrasound:
  • Using frequency shifts from acoustic reflections to measure movements, flow conditions within vessels is detected
  • Presentation as false color based on the frequency
  • Three-dimensional reconstructions.
2. Differences between retinal detachment (RD), choroidal detachment (CD), and posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).
  • Retinal detachment: It appears as a highly reflective, attached to the ora serrata anteriorly and the optic nerve (Fig. 1.5.5). It has moderate mobility and translucent subretinal space. Maintains 100% reflectivity even on low gain.
    • There is a gradual separation of the membrane from the ocular wall unlike in CD
    • Attachment at disc is broad and at the periphery of the disc
    • Persists at low gain
    • Thickness corresponds to PVR
    • Configuration—convex RRD, concave TRD, double layer sign in GRT.
    • The configuration of funnel (Figs. 1.5.6 and 1.5.7), retinoschisis
    • Coexisting findings can be peripheral retinal looping, cyst formation in long-standing RD (Fig. 1.5.8)
    • Tractional RD common finding in vascular retinopathies caused strong adhesion (Fig. 1.5.9) and subsequent traction detached retina—concave appearance35
      Table 1.5.3   Differences between RD, CD, and PVD.
      Dome shaped
      Linear, V
      V, U
      Periphery (pre-equator)
      Attachment to optic disc
      Kissing choroids, vortex vein
      Folds, breaks
      Inferior, thicker
      Quantitative (A)
      Spike height
      Spike peak
      Kinetic (A and B)
      After movement
      Minimal to moderate
      (CD: choroidal detachment; PVD: posterior vitreous detachment; RD: retinal detachment)
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.5: Retinal detachment.
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.6: Open funnel retinal detachment (RD).
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.7: Closed funnel retinal detachment (RD).
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.8: Retinal cyst in old retinal detachment (RD).
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.9: Tractional retinal detachment (RD).
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.10: Posterior vitreous detachment.
    • Giant retinal tears appear as large tears with rolled out tissue and clear breach
  • Posterior vitreous detachment: In PVD with the normal eye, the reflectivity is very low, high gain (90 dB) setting is required (Fig. 1.5.10). The reflectivity disappears on lowering the gain under 70 dB. Kinetic echography typically shows a very undulating movement that continues after the eye movements’ stop.
    • Attachment at disc narrow or none
    • About 40–90% spike height decreasing anteriorly
    • The height of PVD generally more superiorly
    • Thick PVD spike may persist at low gain
    • How to differentiate from RD? Measure the difference in decibels between the 50% spike height of membrane and sclera
  • Choroidal detachment: Choroidal detachment is smooth, dome-shaped and thick, no movement seen with eye movement (Fig. 1.5.11). When extensive, one can see multiple dome-shaped detachments, which may “kiss” in the central vitreous cavity.
    • Serous CD has anechoic suprachoroidal space
    • Hemorrhagic CD has dispersed opacities (Fig. 1.5.12)37
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.11: Choroidal detachment.
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.12: Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment (CD) with kissing choroids.
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      Fig. 1.5.13: Vitreous hemorrhage.
    • Seen as thick bright opacity even at low gain
    • Sometimes thin stretched cord-like opacity extending between the wall and detached choroidal layer presumed to be vortex vein.
3. Vitreous hemorrhage.
Ans. A fresh mild hemorrhage appears as small dots or linear areas of low reflective mobile vitreous opacities (Fig. 1.5.13). Old vitreous hemorrhage appears vitreous filled with multiple large opacities that are higher in their reflectively and membranes as the blood organizes.
Differentiation between vitreous hemorrhage and asteroid hyalosis: Asteroid hyalosis is calcium deposits in vitreous cavity and appear as bright round signals on B scan with echo-free space in front of the retina.
  • Asteroid hyalosis is highly echogenic, and they are still visible when the gain setting is reduced up to 60 dB whereas vitreous hemorrhage which usually disappears by 60 dB.
4. USG appearance of endophthalmitis.
Ans. It depends on the degree and severity of infection and extent of vitreous involvement.
  • Low to moderate cases—hyper-reflective opacities noted
  • Severe cases—moderate or coarse opacities with membrane formation (Fig. 1.5.14).
5. USG appearance of persistent fetal vasculature:
Ans. It is a congenital abnormality when the fetal hyaloid artery does not resorb. Very thin persistent hyaloidal vessel coursing from the disc to the lens can be seen. Globe size is usually small (Fig. 1.5.15).
6. USG appearance of intraocular foreign body.
  • A-scan:
    • Steeply rising wide echo spike along the baseline between the initial spike and ocular wall spike.38
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.14: Endophthalmitis.
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      Fig. 1.5.15: Persistent fetal vasculature.
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      Fig. 1.5.16: Intraocular foreign body.
    • Extremely high reflectivity (100% spike), which persists on low gain (Fig. 1.5.16).
    • The distance between the intraocular foreign body and the adjacent sclera is accurately measured at lower system sensitivity.
    • Sound attenuation is very strong.
  • B-scan:
    • Acoustically opaque contrasting with the acoustically clear vitreous.
    • Persists even when the system sensitivity is decreased by 20–30 db.
    • Topographic and kinetic echography will show if the foreign body is adherent to the retina or if it is floating in the vitreous.
    • Sound attenuation is very strong.
    • Shadowing of the ocular and orbital tissues behind it as it totally reflects the sound beams preventing its propagation within tissues behind it (Fig. 1.5.16).39
    • Associated findings like vitreous hemorrhage, vitreous bands, fibrosis, RD, CD, and even scleral entry wounds can be assessed.
7. USG appearance of posterior staphyloma.
Ans. Appears as a shallow excavation of posterior pole with smooth edges in highly myopic eyes (focal area of thinned sclera) (Fig. 1.5.17).
8. USG appearance of posterior scleritis.
Ans. The degree of scleral thickening can vary from mild to severe. It is commonly, associated edema adjacent to the sclera. This manifests itself as an echolucent area in the tenon space, it forms a “T-sign” USG is the best modality for diagnosis (Figs. 1.5.18A and B).
9. USG appearance of optic nerve pathologies.
  • Optic disc drusen—appears as an echogenic focus within or on the surface of the optic nerve head (Fig. 1.5.19). Posterior acoustic shadowing may be present with larger lesions. Astrocytic hamartomas may confuse with drusen and can be differentiated by following points:
    • Seen in patients with tuberous sclerosis or neurofibromatosis
    • Usually unilateral
    • Usually larger
    • Associated with RD
  • Optic nerve head cupping—appears as an excavation of the disc (Figs. 1.5.20 and 1.5.21). It is important to note that USG can detect cupping reliably only in advanced cases.
9. USG appearance of intraocular tumors.
Ans. Ultrasonographic appearance of intraocular tumors has been summarized in Table 1.5.4.
  • Choroidal melanoma:
    • Mushroom shaped is caused by tumor growth through a break in Bruch's membrane)
    • Choroidal excavation (produced by dome-shaped fundus lesions in ultrasound beam path)
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.17: Posterior staphyloma.
      zoom view
      Figs. 1.5.18A and B: Posterior scleritis. (A) “T” sign in the right eye; and (B) Left eye.
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.19: Optic disc drusen.
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.20: Early optic nerve head cupping.
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.21: Advanced optic nerve head cupping.
      Table 1.5.4   Common intraocular tumors in ultrasonography (USG).
      Domed, mushroom
      Domed/bi-domed, irregular
      Near macula
      Near disc
      Associated RD
      Quantitative (A)
      Internal structure
      Sound attenuation
      Kinetic (A)
      (RD: retinal detachment)
    • 41Solid mass with shadowing (Fig. 1.5.22)
    • The scleral extension should be watched for
  • Choroidal metastasis: The tumor has an irregular outline and heterogeneous internal structure.
  • Hemangioma: A scan honeycomb spikes, spikes do not touch baseline.
11. USG appearance of cysticercosis extraocular muscle.
Ans. Extraocular muscle (EOM) cysticercosis manifests as a well-demarcated cyst in relation to the right recti muscle with a central echodense, highly reflective structure within the sonolucent cyst, corresponding to the scolex (Fig. 1.5.23). EOM involvement is the most common variety of orbital cysticercosis. The subconjunctival space is the next common site, followed by the eyelid, optic nerve, retro-orbital space, and lacrimal gland. All the extraocular muscles are involved in myocysticercosis. However, the lateral rectus, medial rectus, and the superior oblique muscles have been found to be affected to a greater extent.
12. USG appearance retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
  • Multiple membranes in the periphery
  • Retinal detachment (RD)
  • Focal fibrovascular fonds
  • Open funnel RD
  • Closed funnel RD.
13. USG appearance coats.
  • Unilateral
  • RD, turbid SRF.
14. RB (Retinoblastoma)
  • Solid tumor
  • Calcification
  • Moderate internal reflectivity
  • If necrosis, calcification: High reflectivity (Fig. 1.5.24).
  • Sound attenuation moderate to high
  • If glaucoma: Globe enlarged.
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Fig. 1.5.22: Choroidal melanoma.
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Fig. 1.5.23: Cysticercosis extraocular muscle.
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Fig. 1.5.24: Retinoblastoma.
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Fig. 1.5.25: Nucleus drop.
15. Nucleus drop.
  • Biconvex-shaped structure (Fig. 1.5.25)
  • Surrounding mild to moderate spikes suggesting vitritis.
16. Choroidal coloboma.
  • Following findings can be there:
    • Excavation of posterior layer (Fig. 1.5.26)
    • Cyst43
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.5.26: Choroidal coloboma.
      zoom view
      Figs. 1.5.27A to C: Choroidal coloboma with RD.
    • Small eyeball.
  1. Aironi VD, Gandage SG. Pictorial essay: B-scan ultrasonography in ocular abnormalities. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2009;19(2):109–15.
  1. Coleman JD, Silverman RH, Lizzi FL, et al. Ultrasonography of eye and orbit, 2nd edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins;  2005. pp. 47–122.
  1. Pushker N, Bajaj MS, Chandra M, et al. Ocular and orbital cysticercosis. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2001;79(4):408–13.
Saloni Gupta, Sahil Agrawal, Pranita Sahay
The commonly used instruments in oculoplasty surgery include the following:
  1. Lid clamp or Snellen's entropion clamp (Fig. 1.6.1)
  2. Jaeger's lid spatula (Fig. 1.6.2)
  3. Epilation forceps (Fig. 1.6.3)
  4. Plain forceps (Fig. 1.6.4)
  5. Artery (hemostatic) forceps (Fig. 1.6.5)
  6. Arruga's needle holder (Fig. 1.6.6)
  7. Stevens tenotomy scissors (Fig. 1.6.7)
  8. Berke's ptosis clamp (Fig. 1.6.8)
  9. Well's enucleation spoon (Fig. 1.6.9)
  10. Enucleation scissors (Fig. 1.6.10)
  11. Mule's evisceration spatula (Fig. 1.6.11)
  12. Evisceration curette (Fig. 1.6.12)
  13. Chalazion clamp (Fig. 1.6.13)
  14. Chalazion scoop (Fig. 1.6.14)
  15. Nettleship's punctum dilator (Fig. 1.6.15)
  16. Bowman lacrimal probe (Fig. 1.6.16)
  17. Freer periosteal elevator (Fig. 1.6.17)
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.1: Lid clamp or Snellen's entropion clamp.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.2: Jaeger's lid spatula.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.3: Epilation forceps.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.4: Plain forceps.
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    Fig. 1.6.5: Artery (hemostatic) forceps.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.6: Arruga's needle holder.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.7: Stevens tenotomy scissors.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.8: Berke's ptosis clamp.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.9: Well's enucleation spoon.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.10: Enucleation scissors.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.11: Mule's evisceration spatula.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.12: Evisceration curette.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.13: Chalazion clamp.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.14: Chalazion scoop.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.15: Nettleship's punctum dilator.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.16: Bowman lacrimal probe.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.17: Freer periosteal elevator.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.18: Cat's paw lacrimal wound retractor.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.19: Lacrimal sac dissector and currete
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.6.20: Kerrison bone punch.
  18. Cat's paw lacrimal wound retractor (Fig. 1.6.18)
  19. Lacrimal sac dissector and currete (Fig. 1.6.19)
  20. Kerrison bone punch (Fig. 1.6.20)
    The details of the above-mentioned instruments have discussed in Ophthalmology Clinics for Postgraduates 2016.
The three categories of surgical procedures most commonly used in ptosis are:
  1. External approach: Transcutaneous levator advancement
  2. Internal approach: Levator/tarsus/Müller muscle resection (Putterman müllerectomy, Fasanella-Servat procedure)
  3. Frontalis muscle suspension using sling.
The most common determining factors in the choice of the surgical procedure for ptosis repair are:
  • The amount and type of ptosis
  • Levator function
  • Surgeon's comfort level and experience with various procedures.
Surgical correction of the levator aponeurosis is preferred in cases with good levator function.
  • External (transcutaneous) levator advancement surgery is most commonly used when levator function is normal and the upper eyelid crease is high. In this setting, the levator muscle itself is normal, but the levator aponeurosis (its tendinous attachment to the tarsal plate) is stretched or disinserted, thus requiring advancement. It also allows the surgeon to simultaneously remove excess eyelid skin.
  • For repair of minimal ptosis (2 mm)—Putterman müllerectomy if 2.5% phenylephrine test is positive or Fasanella-Servat procedure (requires removal of the superior tarsus).
  • Frontalis muscle suspension techniques done in cases where levator function is poor or absent.
Amount of Resection
Berke's Rule
Levator function
Intraoperative lid height
2–3 mm
At upper limbus
4–5 mm
1–2 mm overlap
6–7 mm
2 mm overlap
8–9 mm
3–4 mm
10–11 mm
5 mm overlap
Beard's Rule
Preoperative margin to reflex distance
Amount of resection
10–13 mm
3–4 mm
14–17 mm
2–3 mm
18–22 mm
1–2 mm
>23 mm
0–1 mm
Complications of Ptosis Surgery
  • Overcorrection
  • Undercorrection
  • Lid contour abnormalities
  • Lid lag and lagophthalmos
  • Lid crease and fold asymmetry
  • Keratopathy
  • Infection and/or inflammation
  • Hemorrhage.
Complications of Ptosis Clamp
  • Oculocardiac reflex (Aschner phenomenon or Aschner-Dagnini reflex) is a known complication. Compression, traction or any manipulation of the extraocular muscles can lead to a sudden decrease in pulse rate/bradycardia.
  • Afferent pathway is ophthalmic branch of the Vth cranial nerve via the ciliary ganglion.
  • Efferent pathway is the vagus nerve.
  • The reflex is mediated by visceral motor nucleus of the vagus nerve in the brain stem, stimulation of which leads to decreased output of the sinoatrial (SA) node of heart causing bradycardia, junctional rhythm, and asystole. Most commonly seen in neonates and children during strabismus correction surgery. However, it can occur with other ocular surgeries and adults.
  • Immediate removal of the stimulus can results in the restoration of normal sinus rhythm.
  • If not, the use of atropine or glycopyrrolate can revert the attack.
  • In severe cases, such as asystole, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is required.
  • Surgery can be continued if the attack can be reversed successfully.
Materials for Sling Surgery
  • Autologous tissue:
    • Fascia Lata (both autologous and preserved)
    • Palmaris longus tendon
    • Temporalis fascia
  • Synthetic material:
    • Silicone nonabsorbable sutures, Gore-Tex strips (polytetrafluoroethylene), polypropylene (Prolene), polyester mesh, monofilament nylon, and Supramid Extra (polyfilament and nylon).
Management of Residual Ptosis
  • The moderate to severe cases of residual ptosis were tackled by levator resection by skin approach which has all the advantages like ease of the proper exposure of levator and its dissection, availability of adequate amount of levator muscle for resection after cutting the horns, and proper lid fold formation is possible.
  • The cases of mild ptosis with faint lid folds were managed by proper lid fold formation.
Nonsurgical Management of Ptosis
A dropped eyelid can be managed nonsurgically by:
  • External mechanical devices (skin-taping, adhesives, or spectacle-based lid crutches) to retract the upper lid
  • Stimulating Müller's muscle (topical eye drops)
  • Weakening orbicularis muscle tone (injectable botulinum toxin).
  1. Current indications of enucleation:
    • Intraocular malignancy (uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma)
    • Trauma
    • Painful blind eye48
    • Sympathetic ophthalmitis
    • Microphthalmos.
  2. Evisceration versus enucleation: Table 1.6.1 shows difference between evisceration and enucleation.
  3. Causes of bleeding during enucleation:
    • Bleeding from central retinal vessels following optic nerve transection.
    • Bleeding from anterior ciliary arteries during muscle transection.
  4. Hemostasis during enucleation:
    • Retrobulbar injection of lignocaine and adrenaline preoperatively can help in intraoperative hemostasis.
    • Small amount of bleeding can be controlled by firm digital pressure.
    • Use of cautery is rarely required and should be used with caution near the orbital apex to prevent damage to extraocular muscles and oculomotor nerves.
    • Postoperatively a pressure patch for the first 48 hours helps in maintain hemostasis.
  5. Types of enucleation:
    • Based on technique:
      • Conventional (imbrication) technique of enucleation
      • Myoconjunctival technique of enucleation—where extraocular muscles are attached to the respective fornices instead of imbricating over the implant.
      • Modifications of conventional:
        • 4-petal technique
        • Double petal technique
        • Scleral patch/orbital fat over porous implants.
    • Based on primary or secondary implant.
  6. Best approach to achieve optimal optic nerve length in retinoblastoma:
    • Gentle traction is applied to cause subluxation of globe out of rim.
    • Use of blunt 15° curved tenotomy scissors from the lateral aspect to transect the nerve.
  7. Complications of enucleation:
    • Intraoperative:
      • Damage to or loss of extraocular muscles
      • Hemorrhage
      • Extensive dissection and mishandling of conjunctiva and tenons, leading to poor closure.
      • Improper implant sizing.
        Table 1.6.1   Differences between evisceration and enucleation.
        Surgical technique of removing the intraocular contents, at the same time preserving the remaining scleral shell, extraocular muscle attachments, and surrounding orbital adnexa
        Surgical procedure of removal of the entire globe and its intraocular contents, while preserving all other periorbital and orbital structures
        • Endophthalmitis
        • Penetrating ocular trauma
        • Painful blind eye
        • Intraocular malignancy (uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma)
        • Trauma
        • Painful blind eye
        • Sympathetic ophthalmitis
        • Microphthalmos
        Shorter duration of surgery
        • Less complex procedure
        • Less disruption of orbital tissues
        • Improved postoperative prosthesis motility and better orbital volume
        • In cases of infection, less chance of spread to central nervous system (CNS)
        • Less painful more cost-efficient
        • Lesser risk of sympathetic ophthalmitis
        • Lesser risk of intraocular tumor dissemination
        Table 1.6.2   Types of exenteration.
        Contents removed
        Anterior exenteration/extended enucleation
        Globe, posterior lamella of eyelid, and conjunctival sac
        Lid sparing exenteration/subtotal exenteration
        Orbital contents including periosteum of orbital walls
        Total exenteration/eyelid sacrificing
        Orbital contents, periorbita and lids
        Radical/extended exenteration
        Dissection involves paranasal sinuses, face, jaw, palate, and skull base
    • Postoperative:
      • Infection
      • Hemorrhage
      • Wound dehiscence
      • Extrusion of the conformer
      • Contraction of the fornices
      • Exposure, extrusion or migration of the implant
      • Ptosis
      • Hollow or deep superior sulcus
      • Poorly fitting prosthesis
      • Enophthalmos
      • Socket contracture
      • Postenucleation socket syndrome
      • Orbital cellulitis.
  8. Calculate the size of implant:
    • Formula for enucleation implant size:
    Implant diameter = Axial length-2 mm
    • Subtract 1mm from the above implant diameter for evisceration or hyperopia.
    • With a proper sized implant, almost no chances of superior sulcus deformity or enophthalmos.
    • The implant replaces the volume, leaving space for prosthesis 1.5–2.5 mL.
  9. Types of implant:
    • Nonintegrated [silicone, acrylic, and semi-integrated implants (Universal and Iowa) polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)] and integrated (hydroxyapatite, porous polyethylene, and bioceramic).
    • Buried and exposed implants.
  10. Exenteration: Exenteration is a surgical procedure involving removal of the entire globe and its adnexa (including muscles, fat, nerves, and eyelids). Types of exenteration are shown in Table 1.6.2.
  1. Current indications of evisceration:
    • Blind painful eye
    • Endophthalmitis
    • Phthisis bulbi
    • Staphylomatous globe
    • Severe traumatic injury
    • End-stage glaucoma.
  2. Difference between enucleation and evisceration: As answered above in Table 1.6.1.
  3. Causes of bleeding during evisceration: From retained uveal tissue.
  4. Hemostasis during evisceration:
    • Subconjunctival injection of lignocaine and adrenaline preoperatively can help in intraoperative hemostasis.
    • Complete removal of uveal tissue adherent to scleral shell.
    • Inner side of empty scleral cup should be cleaned with sponge soaked in absolute alcohol aids in removing residual uveal tissue.
    • Small amount of bleeding can be controlled by firm digital pressure.
    • In case of excessive bleeding, cautery can be used.
  5. Types of evisceration: Two-flap technique and four-flap technique.
  6. What is anophthalmic socket?
    • Anophthalmic socket is defined as the absence of the globe and ocular tissue from the orbit.
    • The majority of cases of anophthalmos are seen following evisceration or enucleation. Congenital anophthalmos, 50although seen rarely, happens due to the arrest of embryogenesis during formation of the optic vesicle.
  7. Types of implant: See enucleation.
  1. Nonsurgical management of chalazion:
    • Warm compresses and lid hygiene.
    • Tetracycline class of antibiotics [nonantimicrobial effects—inhibiting polymorph degranulation, reducing meibomian secretion viscosity, decreasing collagenase production, and inhibiting matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity].
    • Topical steroids—to prevent the chronic inflammatory response.
    • Local intralesional injection of a steroid (triamcinolone or methylprednisolone)—reduces inflammation and cause regression of the chalazion.
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  2. Intralesional steroid: agents, dose, technique, indication, and complication:
    • Local intralesional injection of a steroid (triamcinolone or methylprednisolone) 0.2 mL of 40 mg/mL into the chalazion's center.
    • Indications:
      • As an alternative first-line treatment when biopsy is not required
      • When the lesion is located near the lacrimal drainage system
      • Where an incision could cause complications involving tear flow.
    • Complications: Hypopigmentation and atrophy of the area, a visible depot of medication, corneal perforation, traumatic cataract, elevated intraocular pressure, and bacterial or viral infections.
  3. How to prevent recurrence following chalazion excision?51
    • Adequate curettage and drainage may prevent recurrences.
    • Cauterization of the meibomian gland with a hyfrecator, phenol or trichloroacetic acid, and helps in preventing recurrences.
    • Long-term low-dose tetracycline class therapy frequently has also been shown to prevent recurrence.
  4. Approaches for excision:
    • Transconjunctival vertical incision—to avoid damage to nearby glands.
    • External (skin) horizontal incision—if a chalazion threatens to break through the skin or has drained through.
  1. Valves in nasolacrimal duct (NLD) system and their clinical importance?
    • Valves in NLD system: The mucous membrane folds in the lacrimal pathways form a type of valve and serve to block the backward tear outflow.
    • Valve of Rosenmüller: It is a fold of mucosa at the junction between common canaliculi and lacrimal sac. It prevents reflux of tear from sac back into canaliculi.
    • Valve of Hasner: It is located at the junction of the opening of duct into inferior meatus of nose. It prevents sudden blast of air entering the lacrimal sac while blowing the nose.
    • Other valves: Valve of Huschke, Bochdalek, Folta, Krause, Hyrtl, Taillefer.
  2. Lengths/distance of surgically important landmarks in NLD system:
    • The NLD is located, on average, 24.6 ± 3.56 mm posterior to the anterior nasal spine.
    • The marginal vessels lie medial to medial canthus while angular vein lies 8 mm medial to medial canthus. Thus, it is important to plan the skin incision and dissect tissues carefully.
    • The uncinate process is attached just posterior to the NLD, which is only 4 mm anterior to the maxillary sinus ostium.
    • Maxillary sinus ostium is also an important landmark to determine the location of the NLD.
  3. What is false passage in probing?
    At the time of probing, lacrimal probe may pierce through and go into a different track instead of NLD system creating a false passage.
  4. What is the size of probes preferred in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction?
    Size: 0–00
  5. Lacrimal sac dimensions and parts:
    • Lacrimal sac:
      • Length 15 mm
      • Breadth 5–6 mm
      • Volume 20 mm3
    • Parts:
      • Fundus (3–5 mm)—portion above the opening of canaliculi
      • Body (10–12 mm)—middle part
      • Neck—lower small part
  6. What is lacrimal pump?
    • Lacrimal pump is a system helping in tear drainage.
    • In the relaxed state, the puncta lie in the tear lake.
    • With eyelid closure, the orbicularis oculi muscle contracts. The pretarsal orbicularis squeezes and closes the puncta and canaliculi. The preseptal orbicularis, which inserts into the lacrimal sac, pulls the lacrimal sac open and draws the tears into the sac by creating a negative pressure within sac.
    • With eyelid opening, the orbicularis relaxes, the puncta open, and the lacrimal sac collapses, propelling tears down the duct. Simultaneously, with the puncta opened, the canaliculi refill, completing the cycle.52
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      Table 1.6.3   Advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR).
      No external scar
      Requires extensive knowledge of endonasal anatomy
      Endonasal anatomy is directly visualized
      Requires skills
      In cases of primary failure, scar tissue under direct visualization can be easily mended
      Increased operative time
      If indicated concomitant sinus surgery performed
      Expensive equipment
  7. Muscles of lacrimal pump mechanism:
    • Horner's muscle (pars lacrimalis): Fibers of pretarsal portion arising from lacrimal fascia and upper part of post lacrimal crest. They help in draining tears by lacrimal sac
    • Muscle of Riolan (pars ciliaris): Fibers of pretarsal portion which run along lid margins behind ciliary follicles. They keep lid in close opposition to globe.
  8. What is percentage of tear drainage through upper and lower puncta?
    70% tear enter the lower canaliculus while 30% enter the upper.
  9. Types of dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR):
    • External DCR
    • Endonasal DCR
    • Transcanalicular endoscopic DCR
    • Conjunctival DCR
    • Canalicular DCR.
  10. Advantage and disadvantage of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy.
    Advantage and disadvantage of endoscopic DCR are shown in Table
  11. Site of ostium in DCR:
    • The bony ostium is initiated at the junction of lacrimal bone and lamina papyracea.
    • Extension:
      • Superiorly: About 2 mm above the medial canthal tendon (MCT)
      • Inferiorly: Till the upper edge of NLD
      • Posteriorly: Including the lamina papyracea
      • Anteriorly: Till 3–4 mm above the level of anterior crest.
  12. What is sump syndrome?
    • Lacrimal sump syndrome occurs as result of incomplete opening of inferior portion of the lacrimal sac, or the bone adjacent to the inferior sac, such that dependent fluid continues to collect in the sac. It can also result when mucosal healing leads to reapproximation of cut surfaces.
    • It is an uncommon cause of failed DCR.
  13. Describe indications of intubation DCR.
    Not indicated in uncomplicated DCR as tube induced granulation tissue formation can itself cause closure of anastomosis.
    Indications of intubation DCR are as follows:
    • Canalicular stenosis
    • Fibrosed sac with inadequate mucosal flaps
    • Repeat DCR
    • Loss of mucosal flaps during surgery
  14. Different types of intubation tubes (stents).
    Two main types of stents are bicanalicular and monocanalicular.
    1. Bicanalicular stent: Pass through both the upper and lower canaliculus. For example Crawford stent, Ritleng stent, Pigtail/Donut stent, and Kaneka Lacriflow stent.
    2. Monocanalicular stents: Do not provide a closed loop system, only intubating either the upper or lower canaliculus. Types—Mini-Monoka stent and Jones tube.
  15. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in DCR:
    • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage or rhinorrhea is a very rare complication of DCR
    • The cause of CSF leak after external DCR can either be the direct or indirect mode of bone injury. Inadvertent extension of the osteotomy to the anterior part of the base of the skull can produce direct injury
    • With the development of new surgical procedures such as endoscopic DCR the incidence of iatrogenic CSF rhinorrhea has increased
    • It is more likely to occur during a pediatric DCR as children have low lying cribriform plate as compared to adults.
    • Most of the iatrogenic CSF leaks resolve within 7–10 days with conservative management. The main goal of management of CSF rhinorrhea is to prevent ascending meningitis.
  16. Rate of failed DCR: The failure of DCR in most series is less than 10% of cases.
  17. Difference between DCR and dacryocystectomy (DCT)
    • Dacryocystectomy is a surgical procedure of complete extirpation of the lacrimal sac.
      • It was the standard of care for management of dacryocystitis and lacrimal fistulas before the advent of DCR.
      • Indications for DCT include fibrotic sac, lacrimal sac tumor, tuberculosis (TB) of lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) associated with atrophic rhinitis.54
  18. Appropriate age for massage, probing, and DCR in congenital NLDO?
    • Conservative management (Crigglers’ sac massage) of congenital NLDO up to 6–12 months of age
    • Nasolacrimal duct probing (therapeutic):
      • 12–18 months if conservative treatment fails
      • Before 1 year in special cases (mucocele, prior to intraocular surgery, and repeated episodes of dacryocystitis)
    • Dacryocystorhinostomy—after at least three trial of failed probing.
  19. How to confirm that regurgitated fluid is from sac not canaliculus?
    • Regurgitated fluid from canaliculus is clear fluid whereas from sac is mucoid/pus.
    • It can be confirmed by dacryocystography.