Textbook of Ventilation, Fluids, Electrolytes and Blood Gases Mohan Gurjar
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomino-thoracic index, calculation of 259f
Abscess drainage 390
Acetate 244
abnormalities 350, 351
component of 331
disorder 330, 350
metabolic 329
primary 329
disturbance 349, 352, 353, 355, 358, 361
homeostasis 325
status 351
Acidemia 336
Acidic drugs 246
Acidic liquid 369
Acidosis 294, 348, 360
acute respiratory 41, 326, 331
chronic respiratory 326, 331, 344, 346
compensation, chronic respiratory 327f
hypercapnic 343, 344
state of 350
Acinetobacter 190
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 384
Activated clotting time 205
Activated partial thromboplastin time 205
Acute coronary syndrome 335, 389
Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure 35
Acute hyponatremia 282, 282b
causes of 279fc
Acute lung injury, transfusion-related 388, 392, 393
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 3, 29, 49, 74, 88, 121, 138, 151, 197, 216, 220, 224, 269, 272, 376, 389
pathophysiology of 85
severe 198
Adenine 387
monophosphate 307
monophosphate 44
triphosphate 307, 374, 389
Adrenaline 402
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 389
Advanced cardiac life support 24, 32
Aerosolized therapy 192
Air 66, 71
embolism 218
devices 21
nebulizers 22
mask 19, 22f
humidification, degree of 181
trapping 82
exhale causing 108
Airway 87
access, type of 184
anatomy 181
burns, context of 4
mechanisms 182
system 229f
collapse, volume related 11
chronic 397
severe 403
management equipment 227
obstruction of 61
occlusion pressure 142, 166
pressure 137, 152, 220
release ventilation 121123
protection of 61
resistance 144
Albumin 251, 350, 367
concentration of 330
low 43
parathyroid hormone 309
Albuterol sulfate 183
Alcohol 315
abuse 307
dehydrogenase 334
Alkalemia 338
Alkaline suspension 369
Alkalosis 332, 346, 356, 360
acute respiratory 328, 328f, 331
chronic respiratory 328, 331
diuretic-induced 338
state of 350
Allen test 348
Allergic reactions 394
Alveolar arterial oxygen gradient 29, 39
Alveolar capillary
boundary 119
membrane 28
perfusion 10
Alveolar dead space 10
Alveolar epithelial cells 8, 14
Alveolar gas equation 28, 29
Alveolar oxygen
content 30
tension ratio 30
Alveolar plateau phase 119f
Alveolar pressure 82, 151
Alveolar recruitment maneuvers 105
Alveolar ventilation 10, 36, 342
inadequate 342
Alveoli, functional cellular anatomy of 9f
American Thoracic Society 85, 172, 177
Amino acid 373, 375
Aminoglycosides 284
Ammonium chloride 340
Amphotericin B 190, 284
Amylopectin 248
Anaerobic metabolism 245
Anaphylactic reactions 394
Anaphylaxis 253
Anemia 43, 388
epidural 241
ventilators 71
Angiotensin converting enzyme 3, 240
inhibitors 294
Angiotensin receptor blockers 294
Anion gap
approach 351
metabolic acidosis, normal 330
normal 335
Antibiotics 190, 308
Anticholinergics 254
bronchodilator 41
Anticonvulsants 308
Antidiuretic hormone 239, 276, 278
level 277fc
Antidotes 41
Antigen presenting cells 3
Antineutrophil antibodies 393
Antioxidant 369
supplementation 369
Anxiety 346
Apixaban 392
Apnea 397
hypopnea index 42
test 397
Arginine 369, 373375
deficiency 376
physiology 375
source 375
toxicity 376
vasopressin 255, 275
Arrhythmias 291, 299, 399
Arterial blood
care and transport of 348
gas 35, 48, 207, 254, 311, 346, 348, 355, 356t359t, 360, 360t
analysis 32, 39, 254
interpretation, basics of 348
values 311t
pressure 251
samples 348
Arterial cannulation 215
Arterial carbon dioxide
partial pressure of 36
tension 176
Arterial gas embolism 25
Arterial oxygen
content 27, 30
saturation 27, 176
measurement of 115
tension 42, 176
Arterial puncture 349
Arteriovenous pumpless system 214
Artificial airway 181, 183
Artificial colloid 247
Aspartate aminotransferase 312
Aspiration 371
pneumonia 85
protection from 6
risk of 226, 367
Aspirin 246
Assist control ventilation 69, 147
Asthma 50, 334, 342, 346
comprise of 77
severe 78, 79t
treat 289
index 107
types of 108
Ataxia 315
Atelectasis 29, 33
Atelectrauma, prevention of 155
Atmospheric pressure 151
Atrial fibrillation 333
Atrial natriuretic peptide 241
Atrial pressure, right 129f
Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome 298
Auto-positive end-expiratory pressure 78, 108
Aztreonam 190
Bacteremia, gram-negative 309
Bacteria, gram-negative 190
Bacterial colonization 8
Bacterium leuconostoc mesenteroides 248
Bag mask
device 24, 24f, 31
ventilation 19, 33
Balanced colloid solution 269
Balanced salt solutions 245
Barbiturate 246
Barometric pressure 30, 39
Barotrauma 109, 220
predisposes to 85
Bartter's syndrome 290, 315, 316, 338
Basal pressure 91
Basic acid-base physiology 349
Basolateral membrane 283
Baydur test 141
Beer's law 114
Beta-adrenergic blockers 293
Bicarbonate 246
therapy 301
Bifidobacteria 368
Bilevel positive airway pressure 35, 59, 60, 69
Bilirubin 115
Bioelectrical impedance analysis 238, 261
Bio-med devices 73
Biotrauma 9
Bisphosphonates 304, 305t
Bivaluridin 205
Bleeding 254
tendency, history of 391
flow 122, 323
analysis 333
partial pressure of 117
glucose 237
loss, exceptional anemia from 25
pressure 53, 54, 176, 211, 240, 348, 400
products, transfusion of 387
transfusion 388
reaction 393
urea 237
nitrogen 35, 276
volume index 261
Body fluid 238
compartments 235
composition of 236
volume of 237t
distribution of 236f
homeostasis 235, 266
spaces, measurement of 237
Body mass index 35, 207, 216
Bone resorption, prevent 304
Boston rules 329
Bowman's glands 3
Boyle's law 24
Bradycardia 319
death 396, 397
diagnosis of 396fc, 396t, 397
effects of 399
pathophysiology of 400
dysfunction 388
injury 271
natriuretic peptide 241, 254
death 400
reflexes 397
absent 397
Breath stacking 78
Breathing 107
cycle 55
pattern of 21
trial failure
signs of spontaneous 176t
symptoms of spontaneous 176t
work of 14, 48, 53
Brewer's yeast 380
Broad-spectrum antibiotics 368
Bronchial asthma 77
Bronchial smooth muscle, role of 8
Bronchioles 8
Bronchoconstriction 182
Bronchodilatation 105
receptors 181
role of 41
therapy, effect of 104
Bronchopleural fistula 83, 94
etiologies of 83t
harmful effects of 84t
management of 84
preventive strategies for 84
Bronchoscopy, fiberoptic 83
Bronchospasm 70, 78, 100, 184
Bubble reduction 24
Bulbar dysfunction 43
Calcimimetics 305
Calcitonin 296, 297
Calcium 244, 296
chloride 301
functions of 296b
gluconate 295, 301
metabolism 297f
sensing receptor 315
sizes 203t
variety of 203t
Capillary blood flow 3
Capillary endothelium destruction 25
Capillary leak index 254
Capnograph 118
Carbamazepine 239, 370
Carbohydrates, oxidation of 235
Carbon dioxide 35, 47, 71, 119, 213, 217
clearance 222
concentrations 114
measurement 117
monitoring 40
partial pressure of 209, 342
tension in blood, measurement of 117
Carbon monoxide
intoxication 334
poisoning 18
severe 25
Carbonic acid 350
Carboxyhemoglobin 117
Cardiac chambers, volume of 131
Cardiac disease 387
active 394
Cardiac dysfunction 144
Cardiac index 258
Cardiac output 18, 27, 115, 198
syndrome, low 197
total 30
Cardiac surgery, protective ventilation in 125
Cardiac tamponade 32, 253
Cardio-abdominal-renal syndrome 261
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, management of 135
Cardiovascular disease 388
Cardiovascular disorders 380
Cardiovascular system 130, 177, 240, 299, 319
Carpopedal spasm 300
Cartilage, long teardrop-shaped 5
Catabolic stress 365
Caudal ventrolateral medulla 239
Cavities, abdominal 161
Cefotaxime 190
Ceftazidime 190
Cell structures, part of 307
acidosis 334
defense 373
dysfunction 309
metabolism 307
Central nervous system 37, 177, 199, 206, 278
disorders 225
dysfunction 199
toxicity 25
Central respiratory depression 31
Central venous pressure 132, 251, 258, 268, 401
attack 335
edema 245, 271
ischemia 246
salt-wasting syndrome 271
tissue oxygenation 388
Cerebrospinal fluid 37
Cervical spine injuries, high 31
Cetuximab 315, 317
deformations 50
physiotherapy 92, 105
radiograph 40
trauma 83
tube 366
management 84
occlusion, intermittent inspiratory 84
placement 83
wall 12, 78
diagnosis of 343
Chloride 244
levels of 269
responsive metabolic alkalosis 338
Chloroquine toxicity 40
Cholecalciferol 379
Cholera, physiology of 243
Chromium 382
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 13, 36, 49, 82, 92, 164, 181, 190, 216, 217, 225, 289, 338, 344
Chvostek's sign 300
Circulatory system, medications performance of 48
Cisplatin 284
Citrate phosphate dextrose 387
Clark electrode 116
Claustrophobia 25
Clofibrate 239
Clostridial myonecrosis 25
Colitis 319
Colloid 247
oncotic pressure 237, 254
osmotic pressure 268f
solutions 401
Colored nail varnish 115
Coma 397
Complete blood count 33, 40, 205
Compressed gas storage system 5
decreased level of 4
depressed level of 77, 239
Continuous positive airway pressure 49, 91, 121, 174, 224
Conventional ventilatory support 196
Core body temperature 4
Cormack-Lehane descriptive system 5
Coronary artery bypass grafting 376
Cortical collecting tubule 294
Corticosteroids 284
ineffective 61
reflex, trachea in 3
strength 144
C-reactive protein 254
Creatine phosphokinase 40
Cricoid cartilage 5
Critical care myopathy 173
Critical illness polymyoneuropathy 162
Crystalloid 243, 249, 271
solutions 243, 271
Cumulative fluid balance 253
Cushing's syndrome 290
Cyanosis 179
Cycled air, humidity of 181
Cystic fibrosis 182
Cytokines 86
Cytotoxic drugs 308
Dabigatran 392
Decompression sickness 25
Dehydration 253
Demeclocycline 284
Dental barotrauma and pain 25
Dephlogisticated air 17
Depressed mental status 176, 179
Dextran 243, 248
Dextransucrase 248
Dextrose 294, 387
containing fluid 245, 246
Diabetes insipidus 240, 283, 285, 402
Diabetes mellitus 284
acute complication of 335
Diaphoresis 179
Diaphragm 67, 162
activity, monitor 166
anatomy 161
dysfunction 162
development of 163fc
diagnostic of 166
electric activity 165
electrical activity of 73, 148
excursion of 147
function 161
inactivity 164
pressure generation, ratio of 165
protective ventilation concepts 166
thickness 147
ultrasound 147
Diaphragmatic dysfunction, ventilator-induced 147, 161, 163, 167
Diarrhea 253, 254, 271, 384
chronic 308, 315
Diastolic function 256
Diethylene glycol 334
Diodes, light-emitting 114
Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine 9
Disinfectant solution 227
Disinfection techniques 229
Distal nephron function, abnormal 291
Disulfiram 247
Dizziness 346
Dobutamine 289
Docosahexaenoic acid 376
Domiciliary ventilators 227
Dorsal chest 122
Double gap acidosis 334
Driving pressure 95, 141, 156
dose 183
formulation 183
interactions 369
properties of 181
Dry cold gas 5
Dry powder inhalers 184
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 37
Duodenum 307
Dynamic hyperinflation 47, 78, 85, 107
hemodynamic consequences of 79
Dynamic occlusion test 148
Dysplasia, bronchopulmonary 220
Dyspnea 39, 48
sudden onset of 83
Dyssynchrony 85
Echocardiography 208
Edema 241
cardiogenic pulmonary 49, 226
pulmonary 135fc
Edoxaban 392
Effective circulatory fluid volume 279, 280
Eicosapentaenoic acid 376
Eisenmenger's syndrome 30
Ejection fraction 251
Electrical impedance tomography 261
Electrocardiogram 35
Electroencephalogram 38
Electrolyte 255
abnormalities 317
balance 330
compartments of 235
disturbance 144, 357
management of 312
severe 173
Electromagnetic stimulation 147
Electromyography 40, 166
Emergency medical services 71, 73
End-diastolic volume 129, 257, 259
End-expiratory collapse 124
End-expiratory lung volume 78, 152
End-expiratory occlusion 258
button 138
technique 80
test 135, 261
End-inspiratory muscle pressure 142
Endobronchial intubation 32
Endoluminal bronchial secretions 182
Endothelial cells, cytoskeleton of 9
Endothelial glycocalyx 252
Endothelial nitric oxide production 122
Endotracheal intubation 6
Endotracheal tube 94, 157, 184, 186
End-tidal carbon dioxide analyzer 118
Enteral nutrition 366, 370
Epidermal growth factor 314, 315
Epiglottic cartilage 5
Epiglottis 4
Epilepsy 315
Epithelial cells, cytoskeleton of 9
Eplerenone 294
Esophageal Doppler monitoring 257
Esophageal manometry 124
Esophageal pressure 80, 141, 146, 148, 157, 161
Esophageal region, fresh fixations in 61
Esophagus 145
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 199
Ethanol 284
Ethylene 334
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 293, 298
European Respiratory Society 172, 177
Euvolemia 253, 272
Expiratory flow
limitation 82, 99f
consequences of 82
obstruction, causes of 84
until downstream water 82
Expiratory muscles, activation of 82, 112f
Expiratory positive airway pressure 52, 57
Expiratory sensitivity 111f
Extracellular fluid 235, 236, 238, 275, 307
composition and volume, regulation of 238, 240
volume 240fc
regulation of 240
Extracellular space 243
Extracellular water 262
Extracorporeal blood flow rate 215
Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal 196, 200, 213
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation 203
Extracorporeal circuit configuration 214f
Extracorporeal Life Support 199
Organization 196, 198
Extracorporeal membrane
carbon dioxide removal 213
oxygenation 43, 87, 88, 196, 197, 197t, 197f, 198, 200, 201, 206, 209, 210
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
cannulation 207, 211
contraindication for 197, 198
management of 202
Extracorporeal therapy 215t
Extravascular lung water 258, 259
index 261
Extubation failure, risk factors for 43b
Face mask 51, 52
simple 19, 20f
Face tent aerosol mask 23f
edema 87
hair, thick 52
sensation 397
skeleton, trauma of 61
Fanconi's syndrome 308
Fast oxygen delivery 72
Fatal metabolic alkalosis 350
Fatty acids 373, 376
essential 368
Febrile nonhemolytic reaction 392, 394
Femoral artery, left 204f
Femoral vein cannula, simultaneous left 201f
Fistula 84
arteriovenous 302
Fluid 253
adverse effects of 268
and Catheter Treatment Trial 269
and electrolytes 233
balance 32, 252, 254
bolus therapy 269
choice of 285t
classification of 243
disturbance 357
homogeneous 243
interstitial 236, 236f, 237
loss 253
during surgery 241
osmotic properties of 243
responsiveness 253, 258
predictor of 256
resuscitation, history of 266
therapy 266, 270, 401
goals of 266fc
maintenance 269
unresponsiveness 260f
Forced vital capacity 35
Fresh frozen plasma 204, 206, 389
indications 390
preparation 390
storage 390
Functional residual capacity 8, 11, 78, 94, 130, 152
concept of 78
Furosemide 294, 319
Galactosemia 308
Gamblegram 337f
exchange 144, 215
catheters 214, 215
pathophysiology of 197
mixture, volume of 21
partial pressure 349
supply 66
trapping 78
catheter 148
contents, aspiration of 366
mucosal pH measurement 120
pressure 146, 161
tonometer 120f
tubes 52
Gastrointestinal failure 375
Gastrointestinal tract 241, 296, 314
Gelatin 248
solutions, types of 248
Gilbert index 165
Gitelman's syndrome 290, 291, 315, 317
Global ejection fraction 258
Global end-diastolic volume index 258
Glomerular filtration rate 240
Glucocorticoids 305
Gluconate 244, 369, 373375
deficiency 375
high-dose 375
in ICU 375
physiology 374
source 374
supplementation 375
Glutathione depletion 334
Glycogen storage diseases 308
Graft versus host disease 394
Granulomatous diseases 302
Guillain-Barre syndrome 31, 37, 343
Haldane effect 36
Hans Rudolph half mask 51f
Harlequin syndrome 203, 204f
Hartmann's solution 245
Headaches, cluster 18
failure 32, 39, 254, 266, 289, 299
chronic 177
congestive 278, 279
decompensated chronic 197
function 396
lung interaction 128
clinical applications of 131
determinants of 128
rate 18, 54, 134, 258, 348
rhythm 134
and moisture exchanger 52, 184
exchange malfunctions 218
Hemiplegia 38
Hemodynamic monitoring 258
techniques 256
Hemodynamic support 202, 400
Hemoglobin 198, 350, 387
bound oxygen 27
concentration 18, 27, 115, 117
deoxygenated 117
oxygen dissociation curve 343
Hemolysis 218
Hemolytic transfusion reactions 394
Hemorrhage, intra-alveolar 25
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 119, 351
Heparin, unfractionated 204206
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 315
Hepatorenal syndrome, development of 272
Hernia, congenital diaphgramatic 223
High anion gap metabolic acidosis 333
High expiratory flow rate 59
High frequency oscillatory ventilation 88, 121, 123, 220, 222
advantages of 222
disadvantages of 222
indications 220
initiation of 220
weaning from 222
High-flow devices 21
High-frequency oscillation ventilation 43
Home-based ventilation 178, 225, 226, 230
classification of 226t
disinfection of 229
Homeostasis 235
replacement therapy 402
role of 241
Human albumin 247
fluids 247
half-life of 247
Human immunodeficiency virus 298
Human leukocyte antigen 393
Human nasal hair differs 4
Human neutrophil antigens 393
Human serum albumin 272
Humidification 57
nose in 3
poor 8
Hungry bone syndrome 298, 315
Hydrochlorothiazide 315
Hydrogen ion 36
Hydrostatic pressure 122, 243
effect 241
Hydroxyapatite 296
Hydroxyethyl starch 244, 248, 249, 401
Hyoepiglottic ligament 5
Hyperbaric oxygen 24
therapy 19, 24, 24b
effect of 24f
physiologic effects of 24
side effects of 25, 25b
uses of 25b
Hyperbilirubinemia 311
Hypercalcemia 247, 296, 302, 304fc, 330
clinical effects 303
clinical presentation of 303t
etiology 302, 302b
evaluation 303
management 303
mild 302, 303
severe 303
Hypercalciuria 315
Hypercapnia 35, 40fc, 217
acute 37, 38
advantages of 38
chronic 38
common causes of 39fc
disadvantages of 38
effects of 37t, 343
evaluation of 39
impact of 43
management of 35
mechanism of 36
prognosis of 35
symptoms of 39
Hypercapnic respiratory failure 42, 47
differential diagnosis of 39
Hypercarbia, managing 222
Hyperglycemia 254, 371, 400
control 308
Hyperglycemic syndromes, severe 272
Hyperinflation, mechanism of 78
Hyperkalemia 247, 288, 291, 292f, 294, 295, 312
cause of 293
clinical effects 294
differential diagnosis of 292t
etiology 291
evaluation 294
management 294
mechanism 291
treatment of 294t, 295
Hyperlactatemia 245, 357
Hypermagnesemia 314, 318, 319, 319t, 330
clinical effects 319
etiology 318
evaluation 319
management of 319, 320
mechanism 318
Hypernatremia 254, 275, 283, 284fc, 285fc
causes of 283t
chronic 284
clinical features 283
drugs causing 284t
etiology 283
management of 286
Hyperoncotic albumin solutions 272
Hyperoxia 24
effects of 25
Hyperoxygenation 24
primary 302
tertiary 305
Hyperphosphatemia 307, 310, 311, 311t, 312
cause of 310
etiology 310
management 312
Hyperpnea 284
Hypertension 399
arterial 333
Hyperthermia, malignant 311
Hypertonic saline 282
Hypertonicity 294
Hypertriglyceridemia 371
Hyperventilation 118
physiological effects of 85
Hypervitaminosis 284
Hypervolemia 135, 253, 277
Hypervolemic hypernatremia, diagnosis of 285
Hypoalbuminemia 266
Hypocalcemia 37, 296298, 300fc, 301, 306, 312, 316
clinical presentation of 299t
etiology 298, 298b
evaluation 300
management 300
mechanism 298
mild 300
pearls in managing 301
severe 300
symptomatic 300, 312
treatment of 300, 301b
Hypocapnia 346
Hypochloremia 330
Hypoglycemia 25
Hypokalemia 37, 288290, 317
causes of 289, 290
clinical effects 290
development of 295
differential diagnosis of 290t
etiology 288
evaluation 290
management 291
mechanism 288
Hypomagnesemia 37, 310, 314, 315, 315t, 316, 317, 318fc
amplification loop of 316fc
causes of 315, 315b
familial 315
Hyponatremia 275277, 277fc, 278, 280, 281fc, 282b, 330
category of 277
causes of 280, 282, 282b
chronic 280, 281fc
diagnostic evaluation of 279fc
etiologies for 278
evaluation of 278
hypertonic 277
management of 282
pathogenesis of 277
pathophysiology of 278fc
rapidly corrected 282
therapy of 280
true 277
Hypoperfusion, treatment of 266
Hypophosphatemia 37, 307, 307t, 308310
clinical effects 309
drug-induced 308t
etiology 307
management 309
severe 309
severity of 309
treatment of 309
X-linked 308
Hypotension 83, 122, 310, 319
Hypothalamic disease 239
Hypothyroidism 40
Hypotonic solutions 271
Hypoventilation 30, 32
Hypovolemia 241, 251253, 255, 262, 277, 284
absence of 338
absolute 241
causes of 241t
clinical signs of 254b
consequences of 253
etiology of 253
hemodynamic parameters in 258b
laboratory biomarkers for 254b
signs of 256b
situations of 85
Hypoxemia 27, 32, 33, 35, 346
absence of 17
classification of 18t
differential diagnosis of 32fc
managing 221
mechanism of 29
mild 18
moderate 18
severe 18, 356
symptoms of 17
Hypoxia 18, 27, 346
types of 19, 19t
Hypoxic blood 10
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 28
Immune system 383
Immunity, humoral 3
Immunoglobulin molecules 3
Immunonutrition 373
Impair diaphragm muscle function 162
Indocyanine green 115
Infection 144, 206
Inferior vena cava 134, 200, 256
Inferior vena collapsibility index 257f
Inflammation 37
Inspiratory air, humidification of 58
Inspiratory flow 84
rate 156, 183
Inspiratory muscle pressure index 142
Inspiratory muscle training 168
role of 168
Inspiratory oxygen fraction 176
Inspiratory positive airway pressure 52, 57
Inspiratory pressure 138, 142
generation 146
maximal 54, 174, 179
Inspired air, humidity of 4
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 18, 29, 35, 48, 69, 73, 153, 156, 186, 192, 197, 202
Insulin 294
deficiency 294
plus glucose 294, 295
Intellivent-adaptive support ventilation 73
Intensive care unit 5, 28, 40, 42, 66, 114, 144, 161, 172, 196, 207, 224, 238, 248, 251, 269, 288, 342, 355, 366, 373
Interleukin 8 156
Internal jugular vein 200
Intestinal disorders, primary 308
Intestinal malabsorption 308
Intra-abdominal pressure 122, 129, 252, 261
Intracellular fluid 236, 236f, 238, 275, 307
Intracellular water 261
Intracranial pressure 243
Intrapleural pressure, application of 84
Intrathoracic pressure 129
effect of 129, 130fc
hemodynamic effects in 129
Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose 389
Intravenous fluid 243, 269
Invasive mechanical ventilation, sedation in 43
Ipratropium bromide 41
Ischemia reperfusion injury 400
Ischemic central nervous system lesions 31
Isothermic saturation boundary 5
Isotonic bicarbonate solution 245, 247
Isotonic crystalloid 401
Isotope dilution techniques 262
Janus Kinase-signal transducer 166
Jaw thrust 4
Jejunostomy tube 369
Jejunum 307
Jet entrainment 22f
Jet nebulizer 185, 188
Jugular venous pressure 254, 400
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 272, 311
Kidney 206
disease 253
chronic 249, 295, 299, 302, 311, 333
dysfunction 255
failure 367
chronic 333
injury, acute 261, 269, 293, 295, 312, 357
Krebs cycle 334
Kussmaul's breathing 85
Kussmaul's sign 132
Kyphoscoliosis 40, 225
Lactobacillus 368
Lamina densa 9
Laryngeal nerve 6
Laryngeal sensory chemoreceptors 6
Laryngoscopy 5
Laryngospasm 6
Larynx 5
anatomy of 5, 6f
Leakage compensation 55, 56
Left vein cannulation 204f
Left ventricular
ejection 135
failure 359
outflow tract 256
Levodopa, level of 370
Levothyroxine administration 370
Life-threatening bleed, management of 392
Limb ischemia 204
Lipid metabolism, incomplete 325
Liquid consistency 369
Lithium 246, 284
disease 272, 368, 371, 391
acute 391
chronic 272
failure 272
chronic 367
function tests 33
Loop diuretics 284
Loop expresses airway resistance 91
Loop system flow, leakage in 104
Loops analysis 100
Low pressure region 151
Low serum osmolality 277
Low tidal volume
strategy 84
ventilation 86
Lowe's syndrome 308
Low-pressure receptors, mechanism of action of 239fc
Lumbar vertebrae 161
Lung 86
aeration 182
capacity, total 11
compliance 134
consolidation, effects of 13
disease, interstitial 40
elastic recoil 98
function 396
hyperinflated 257
acute 85, 334
prevention 41
ventilator-induced 86, 121, 124, 151, 172, 217, 402
parenchyma 12
compression of 122
one-lung ventilation 125
ventilation 43, 88
evaluation of 140
high potential of 140f
low potential of 140f
maneuvers 121, 125
maneuvers, advantages of 123t
maneuvers, disadvantages of 123t
methods 121b
regions, aeration of 181
stress and strain 141
surface area increase 157
transplant 218
volume 124
and capacities 11
at end-expiration 79
hemodynamic effects to changes in 130
zones of 10
Lymphatic system 241
Lymphoid tissue, gut-associated 365
Macronutrients 374
functions of 374t
Magnesium 244, 299
homeostasis 314
clinical effects 316
etiology 315
management 317
mechanism 315
Mainstem bronchi 183
Malate 244
Malnutrition 365
Manganese 382
Manitol 284
Mask 51, 54
designs 22
non-rebreather 19, 21, 21f
Mass median aerodynamic diameter 182
Massive transfusion 393
Maximum inspiratory flow 68
Maximum inspiratory pressure 144, 146, 165
McCune-Albright syndrome 309
Mean airway pressure 138, 211, 214
Mean arterial blood pressure 210, 258, 261, 267
Mean systemic filling pressure 128, 129
Mechanical challenges 218
Mechanical energy 156
Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation 229
Mechanical oscillation, high frequency 229
Mechanical power and intensity 157
Mechanical ventilation 19, 33, 61, 90, 114, 137, 153, 161, 178, 198, 210, 220, 228, 231
controlled 164
conventional 223
evolution of 73
graphic analysis of 90
invasive 24, 35, 42
mode of 181
noninvasive 216
weaning from 50, 172
Mechanical ventilator 65, 90, 109f
circuit 108, 181
models of 92
related equipment 227
settings 154f
Meconium aspiration 223
Medical air 66
Medical gases 66
Medical Research Council Score 162
Membrane lung 199
Mental retardation 315
Mesenchymal tumors 309
Metabolic abnormality 350
Metabolic acidosis 246, 311, 329, 331, 333, 335, 351, 360, 361
causes of 333, 335, 358
hyperchloremic 247
normal response for 328
primary 355
severe 84
Metabolic alkalosis 329, 331, 337, 338, 352
causes of 338, 338b
mild 356
normal response for 328
Metabolic cart 366
Metabolic causes 179
Metabolic disorders 328
Metabolic disturbances 37
Metabolic rate, estimate 200
Metabolic regulation 297
Metabolic system 177
Metabolism 37
Methemoglobin 117
Methemoglobinemia 18, 115
Methylene blue 115
test 83
Methylprednisolone 402
Microvascular blood flow 267
Microvascular injury 162
Middle ear barotrauma 25
Milk-alkali syndrome 302, 311
Mineralocorticoid excess, primary 338
Modafinil 43
Molecular diffusion 221
Monarchtm airway clearance system 229
Motor neuron disorders 226
Mucosal cells 119
Mucosal edema 78
glands 3
plugging 32, 33, 34
Multidisciplinary team 227
Multiorgan dysfunction 9
Multiorgan failure 253, 383
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 389
Mural alveoli 8
action, direction of 161f
damage 107
dome-shaped 161
fatigability 343
pressure 137
weakness 50, 108, 284
Muscular dystrophy 31
Myasthenia gravis 31
Myocardial dysfunction, acute 399
Myocardial infarction 197, 211
Myocardial necrosis 399
Myocardial stress 135
Myocarditis 197
Myoinositol 283
Myopia, hyperoxic 25
Nail varnish 115
Narcotic overdose 33
Nasal airflow, turbulence of 4
Nasal airway resistance 58
Nasal cannula 18, 19, 20f, 177
high flow 19, 23, 23f, 177, 192
receiving high-flow 192
Nasal catheter 19, 20
Nasal mask 51, 54
Nasal mucosa 4
Nasal pillow masks 51
Nasal prongs 18
Nasopharyngeal mucosa 5
Nasopharynx 4
Natriuretic peptides 238
Natural colloid 247
Near infrared spectroscopy 117
Nebulizers 187
ventilator-compatible 187f
Neovascularization 24
Nerve 162
conduction studies 37
Nervous system 299
sympathetic 238
Neural control 8
Neurologic complications 334
Neurologic diseases, acute 173
Neurologic symptoms 37
Neurological injury 271
blocking agents 162
causes 162, 179
coupling 165
disease 37
disorder 225
progressive 225
efficiency 149
junction, dysfunction of 343
weakness 32, 38
Neurophysiological causes 179
Nitric oxide
extensive 375
generation of 375
inhaled 191
synthase 374
Nitroprusside test 335
Nitrous oxide 71
Nocturnal hypoventilation 55
Nonconventional ventilatory techniques 44
Noninvasive ventilation 19, 24, 41, 47, 48, 49t, 51, 53, 56, 57b, 60, 68, 177, 224, 226
contraindications for 60, 61, 61b
efficacy, signs of 54t
failure, causes of 54
implementation technique 53b
indications for 48b
proper qualification for 57
qualification for 61
rebreathing during 58
receiving 191
Nonrenal potassium loss 288290
Nonstatic variables, multiple 366
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 292, 293
Noradrenaline 402
Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis, causes of 335b
Normovolemia 277
Nucleus tractus solitaries 239
high-risk 368
risk in critically ill score 366t
status 365
Nutritional risk screening 365
Nutritional therapy 365
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome 31, 42, 50
Obstructive airway diseases 77
Obstructive sleep apnea 51, 225, 226
Oncotic pressure, reduced 241
Operation theater 238
cavity, motor innervation of 4
fluids 269
Organ donor after brain death, management of potential 400
Organ dysfunction 288
assessment of 261b
Organ function, monitoring of 262
Organum vasculosum of lamina terminalis 239, 283
Orofacial injuries 52
Oropharyngeal pathway, reduced trauma to 178
Osmosis 236
Osmotic concentration 236
Osmotic demyelination syndrome 280
Osmotic regulation 276fc
Osteoblastic metastasis 299
Osteopenia 314
prevention of 25
treatment of 25
Overhydration 253
Oxidative injury, prevention of 373
Oxidative stress 162, 163, 168
Oxygen 17
administration 41
equipment 227
arterial saturation of 18
concentration 8
analyzers 116
consumption of 27, 198
content of 198, 199
continuous measurement of 114
delivery 18, 27, 115
devices 17, 18, 19t
flush 72
hoods and tents 24
in alveolus, pressure of 29
in arterial blood, pressure of 27, 29
low concentration of 18
mask 177
measurement 114
partial pressure of 197, 198
saturation 18, 25, 114, 122
source 31
species, reactive 24, 154, 156, 163
tank 60
tension in blood, measurement of 115
therapy 17, 57, 60
father of 17
goals of 17
history of 17
to tissues, low delivery of 18
Oxygenated hemoglobin, concentration of 117
Oxygenation, targeted 124
Oxyhood (infants) 19
Packed red blood cell 206, 387, 388
transfusion 387, 388fc
Palliative ventilation 224, 230
acute 299, 367
alcoholic 337
chronic 307
Paranasal trauma 25
adenoma 306
glands 298
surgical removal of 304b
hormone 296, 298, 300, 304, 309, 314, 316
secretion 296
Parenteral nutrition 368, 371
replacement 371t
total 310, 367
Partial pressure
arterial oxygen 48
carbon dioxide 48
Partial rebreathing mask 1921, 21f
Partial thromboplastin time 196
Passive leg raising test 260
Passy Muir valve 228
asynchrony 42, 107
dyssynchrony 164
synchrony 148
system 94
Peak airway pressure 210
Peak and plateau pressure 137
Peak expiratory flow 98
Peak inspiratory
flow 103, 144
pressure 95, 138
Pendelluft 13, 153
Perfusion pressure, abdominal 261
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 197
Peripheral and central chemoreceptors, role of 36
Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation 28, 54, 210
Peripheral nervous system 177
Permissive hypercapnia 37, 42, 44, 217
Persistent pulmonary hypertension 223
pH homeostasis 325f
Pharyngeal reflex 397
Phenytoin 284, 369
Philips Respironics face mask 51f
Phlegm in airways, volume of 54
excretion 311
homeostasis 307
internal redistribution of 308
load 310
renal loss of 308
Phospholipid 9
Phrenic nerve stimulation 147
Physical drug properties 182
Pickwickian syndrome 31
Pillows 51
Plasma 271
colloid oncotic pressure 255
osmolality 239, 255
effective 275
normal 239
osmolar substances in 236f
osmotic pressure of 239
pathogen inactivation of 391
proteins, compartments of 235
renin 291
sodium 283, 283fc, 284
levels 255
volume 236, 238
water 275
Plasma-Lyte 246
Plateau airway pressure 80, 84, 87
Plateau pressure 95, 122, 137, 156
end-inspiratory 138
inhibitor cytochalasin 206
levels 392t
rich plasma 392
transfusion 392
contraindications 392
indications 392
preparation and storage 392
Pleural effusion 33
Plicamycin inhibits 305
Pneumonectomy 83
Pneumonia 33, 43, 98, 346
community-acquired 43, 346
necrotizing 83
reduction in rates of 178
risk of 367
ventilator-associated 50, 172, 226
Pneumothorax 18, 33, 34, 94
with chest tube 83
Poiseuille's law 13
Polymethylpentene 213
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 376
Portal vein, entry of 134
Positive end expiratory pressure 11, 42, 55, 68, 83, 88, 121, 125, 138, 152, 155, 173, 184, 202, 220, 228, 254
intrinsic 37
selection of 82
Positive expiratory pressure 65
Positive fluid balance 269
Positive pressure ventilation 129, 132, 220, 225
effects of 130fc, 135fc
noninvasive 23, 24, 191
Postextubation ventilatory failure treatment 50
Postural hypotension 284
Potassium 244, 296
homeostasis 288, 314
Potato starch 248
Potential airway obstructions 173
Prealbumin 367
Pressure assist control ventilation 69
Pressure carbon dioxide 54
Pressure continuous mandatory ventilation 69
Pressure control 93
ventilation 103f, 104
Pressure measurements 165, 166
Pressure of air, total 349
Pressure sores 87
Pressure support 71, 92
ventilation 66, 70, 84, 142f, 147, 174
mode 71f
Pressure trigger 67, 146
Pressure ulcers 87
mode 110
ventilation 92
ventilation 53, 55, 56, 56f
ventilators 56
Pressure-variable ventilation 60
Pressurized metered-dose inhaler 183, 185
Procainamide myopathy 40
Proinflammatory cytokines 162
Prophylactic transfusion 392
Propylene 334
Prostanoids 191
Protein catabolism 325
Proteolytic pathways, activation of 162
Prothrombin complex concentrate 391
Proton pump inhibitor 315, 316, 369
Pseudohyperkalemia 291, 292, 293
Pseudohyperphosphatemia 311
Pseudohypokalemia 288, 290
Pseudohyponatremia 277
Pseudomonas 190
Psychosis 239
Pulmonary anatomy 182
Pulmonary arterial vasodilation 346
Pulmonary artery 259
catheter 401
occlusion pressure 132, 258, 259
Pulmonary capillary 10
wedge pressure 400
Pulmonary circulation, pathophysiology of 9
Pulmonary compliance 47, 95
Pulmonary complications 226
postoperative 155
Pulmonary drug delivery 185
Pulmonary edema 25, 33, 346, 399
negative pressure 132
of weaning 135
Pulmonary embolism 132, 253, 346
Pulmonary embolus 29, 39
Pulmonary fibrosis 13, 31
Pulmonary function tests 35
Pulmonary gas exchange 28
Pulmonary hyperinflation 78
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema 223
Pulmonary lymphatics 10
Pulmonary oxygen toxicity 25
Pulmonary recruitment maneuver 125
Pulmonary vascular
permeability 259
resistance 129, 130
Pulmonary vasculature 122
Pulmonary venous return 131
Pulmonary vessels 10
Pulsatil oxygen saturation 74
oximeter 114, 114f
oximetry 114, 115t
oxygen saturation 42
pressure variation 128, 131, 133, 134, 134t, 258, 260
calculation of 133f
rate 114
Pulsus paradoxus 131
Pump flow rate 199
Pump in circuit 215
Pump system 214
Pumpless system 214
Purulent fluid, expectoration of 83
Pyrexia, low-grade 358
Radical oxygen species 25
Randomized controlled trial 49, 88, 174, 217
Rapid shallow breathing 14
from pain 33
index 173, 174
Rebreathing, minimize issue of 59
Recruitment maneuvers
advantages of 123
disadvantages of 123
methods of 121
Red blood cell 31, 236, 271
Reflex, hepatojugular 254
Refractory osteomyelitis 25
Regional respiratory mechanics 140
Rehabilitation 178
Renal ammoniagenesis 327f
Renal disease, end-stage 198, 336
Renal failure 300, 336, 371
acute 199
chronic 199
Renal function 255
normal 318fc
Renal loss 315
Renal outer medullary potassium 315
Renal potassium
excretion, disorders of 293
loss 288, 290
Renal regulation 314
Renal replacement therapy 309, 335, 366
continuous 367
Renal response 326
Renal symptoms 38
Renal tubular acidosis 291
Renin angiotensin
aldosterone system 238, 254, 255, 292
system 276
Reproductive system 384
Reservoir cannula 19
Reservoir devices 19
low-flow 20
Resmed nasal mask 51f
Respiration 3
Respiratory acidosis 84, 328, 329, 331, 342, 343, 356
acute-on-chronic 346
causes of 342t
clinical effects 343
etiology 342
management of 344
normal response for 326
Respiratory alkalosis 328, 329, 331, 342, 346, 347, 355
causes of 346
management of 346
normal response for 327
Respiratory arrest 77
Respiratory bronchioles 3, 8, 182
microscopic 3
Respiratory center 31
Respiratory compensation 336, 357
Respiratory cycle 56, 118, 137, 139
total 82
Respiratory dialysis 214, 216
Respiratory disorder 225, 326, 350
Respiratory distress syndrome 344
Respiratory duty cycle 82
Respiratory effects 399
Respiratory epithelia, structure of 4f
Respiratory failure
chronic 351
etiologies of 173
severe 344
Respiratory frequency 176
Respiratory insufficiency 309
Respiratory mechanics 12, 178
pathophysiology of 12
Respiratory mucosa 5
damage, risk of 184
Respiratory muscle 54, 328
fatigue 82, 172
forceful contraction of 6
less fatigued 48
weakness of 37, 82, 168
Respiratory physiology 181
Respiratory portion 3
Respiratory rate 21, 36, 53, 54, 67, 79, 153, 155, 174, 179
effect of 192
Respiratory response 326
Respiratory support 41
Respiratory system 12f, 48, 90, 177, 299, 328
compliance 12, 55, 97, 137
monitor static 84
elastic recoil of 14
end-inspiratory elastic load of 137
physiological pressures of 139f
plateau pressure 156
pressures of 138f
resistance 137
Respiratory tract, structural elements of 3
Resting lung volume 78
Restlessness 284
cardiopulmonary 92, 197
fluids 251
Retrolental fibroplasia 25
Ribonucleotides 373
Right ventricular
ejection fraction 258
area 223
volume 257
Ringer's lactate solution 243
Ringer's solution 245
Rivaroxaban 392
Salbutamol 289
Saline, normal 245
Sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral 226
Secreted albumin remains 247
Sedation with noninvasive ventilation 42
Selenium 373, 381, 382
deficiency 383
guidelines 383
in ICU 383
physiology 381
source 381
toxicity 383
Sensorineural deafness 315
Sensory systems 4
pathophysiology of 270fc
severe 334
Septal dyskinesia 252
Septic shock 270, 360
management of 270
Serotonin release assay 205
bicarbonate 335
level 329
calcium 309
chemistry 39
electrolytes 309
magnesium levels 319t
osmolality 279
phosphate 309, 311
potassium 316
sodium 237, 279
sodium concentration 283
regulation of 275
Severe adult respiratory failure 196
Severe hypercalcemia, classification of 302
Shock 253, 334
hemorrhagic 271
hypovolemic 271
Short bowel syndrome 289, 290, 366
Shunt 29
blood flow 30
equation 30
fraction 11, 30
physiology 28
right-to-left 29
Sick eucalcemia syndrome 301
Sick euthyroid syndrome 400
Sickle cell crisis 18
Sinus 25
Sjögren's syndrome 308
Skeletal disorders 225
Skeletal muscle weakness 31
Sleep disorders 107
Smoke inhalation 25
Smoking 115
Snoring 38
Society of Critical Care Medicine 85
Sodium 244, 285
acetate 246
bicarbonate 283285, 294, 369
chloride 283285, 293, 387
concentrations of 246
solution 245
concentration 335
polystyrene sulfonate 294, 295
reabsorption of 296
Solvent detergent treated plasma 391
Sophisticated transport ventilators 73
Sorbitol 387
Speaking valve 228
Spectroscopy, bioimpedance 238
Spinal anesthesia 241
Spinal cord, traumatic transection of 40
Spironolactone 294
Splanchnic blood flow 120
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 272
Spontaneous breathing 55, 151
trial 144, 172, 174, 179
protocol 175fc
Spontaneous ventilations 103
Squamous cell tumors 302
Staphylococcus species 369
Static and dynamic hyperinflation 78
Static transdiaphragmatic pressure, maximum 83
Sterofundin 246
Stewart's approach 331, 354
Stewart's equations 331
Stewart-Fencl approach 351, 352, 355, 360
Stiff lung syndrome 310
Stomach 145
Stomatitis 254
Stress 141
index 124
raisers, mechanism of 153f
Stroke 40
inspiratory down 119f
volume 258
variation 131, 133, 134, 134t, 260
Subclavian artery cannula with graft, right 201f
Subcutaneous emphysema 83
Subglottic larynx 6
Sublingual microcirculation 262
Succinylated gelatin 248
Superior vena cava 134, 200, 256
Supraventricular arrhythmia 320
Surgical emphysema 342
Surrogates 253
Sustained inflation 121, 123
Symptomatic hypercalcemia, severe 302
Syndrome of appropriate deficiency 281
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 278280, 282
Systemic vascular resistance 400
Systolic blood pressure 400
Systolic pressure variation 131, 133, 258
Tachycardia 284, 399
Tachypnea 41, 43, 48, 78
Tank respirator 65
Tank ventilator 226
Taurine 283
Tension pneumothorax 253
Theophylline 289, 369
Theoretical osmolarity 244
Therapeutic transfusion 392
Thiamine 380
deficiency of 380
Thiazide diuretic 315, 317
Thompson portable respirator 66
Thrombin inhibitor 392
Thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced 198
Thrombocytosis 302
Thromboelastometry, rotational 206
Thromboelastogram 206
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia, heparin induced 205
dysfunction 400
function tests 40
Tidal volume 21, 36, 79, 86, 122, 134, 137, 152, 154, 176, 183
Timed inspiratory effort 146
Tonic-clonic seizures 276, 282
Tonicity 237
regulation of 239
Toxic glycolic acid 334
Toxicology screen 40
Trace elements 381
function of 382t
Trach collar mask 23f
Trachea 183
Tracheal reflex 397
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes 10
Tracheobronchial tree 157
Tracheostomy 43, 178
tube, speaking with 228
Tractus solitaries, nucleus of 239
Tranexamic acid 392
Transbronchial biopsy 83
Transdiaphragmatic pressure 54, 148, 161, 166
Transdiaphragmatic twitch pressure 147
Transesophageal cardiac ultrasound 257
Transfusion trigger 387
Transient receptor potential melastatin 314
Translocational hyponatremia 277
Transmural pressure 128
maintains 129
pressure 128, 139, 141, 148, 151, 157
thermodilution 259
Transrespiratory pressure 151
echocardiogram 125
echocardiography 256
pressure 151
Transtracheal catheter 19, 20
Traumatic brain injury 245, 342, 367, 388
Triiodothyronine 402
Trousseau's sign 300
Tubular necrosis, acute 315
Tubular phosphate reabsorption 311
Tumor 40
lysis syndrome 299, 319
Twitch airway pressure 147
Tympanic membrane, rupture of 25
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor 308
Ulcer disease, active 319
Upper airway 4
in humidification, role of 4
mucosa 5
obstruction 32
trachea 14
Upper respiratory tract, mucosa of 3
Urinalysis 255
Urinary phosphate
excretion 308
measurement of 312
Urinary potassium
assessment of 290
wasting, causes of 295
osmolality 279
sodium concentration 280
Urticarial reactions 394
Vagus nerve 6
Vancomycin 190
Vascular injury 218
Vascular pressures 122
Vasoactive drugs 401
clinical aspect of 240
mechanism of action of 239
receptor inhibitors 284
secretion 239
Vasopressors 173
Vena caval variation 134
Venoarterial venous 200
Venous blood gas 41
Venous collapsibility index 256
Venous flow 10
Venous oxygen
content, mixed 30
saturation 270
Venovenous 196, 215, 216
pulmonary artery 200
pump system 215
Ventilation 1, 28, 206, 215
brief historical recall of 65
continuous mandatory 68, 69
dyshomogeneities, detection of 140
high frequency 84
intermittent mandatory 174
long-term 50, 225t
manual 83
minute 21, 36, 174, 179
modalities of 225
mode and settings 181
monitoring during 79
negative-pressure 226
parameters, adjustment of 57, 61
plus, proportional assist 73
pressure controlled 93
reduces comfort of 54
scintigraphy 83
strategies 86
volume targeted 53, 56, 56f
with intentional leak 60f
Ventilation-perfusion 36
mismatch 191
Ventilator 31, 109
assist, neurally adjusted 73, 146, 148, 149, 166
asynchrony 149
auto-triggering 108
delayed cycling 112
double triggering 107, 108
flow asynchronies 108, 110
breathing circuit 52, 60
circuit 181, 183
disinfection 230
humidification of 183
equipment, care of 229
first-generation 226
induced diaphragm dysfunction
concept of 162
diagnosis of 165
mid-level ICU 67
modern 103
operation 55
patient asynchrony 57
patient synchrony 55
second-generation 226, 231
selection 225
settings 183
supported patients 188
variables 158
Ventilator-assisted patients, long-term 224
Ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction
pathophysiology of 163
prevention of 166
Ventilatory failure
after extubation, development of 50
treating acute 49t
Ventilatory management 402
Ventilatory modes 69t
Ventilatory muscles, fatigue of 47
Ventilatory support at night 225
Ventricular assist device 197
Ventricular fibrillation 199
Ventricular function 129
Ventricular interdependence 131
Ventricular septal defect 29
Ventricular tachycardia 199
Vertigo 346
Vibrating mesh nebulizer 188
Vigorous exercise 253
Vili, pathophysiology of 152
Vision 384
changes 25
Vital capacity 48
Vital signs 32
Vitamin 373, 377
A 302, 373
B1 378, 380
B12 378, 381
deficiency 381
physiology 381
source 381
toxicity 381
B6 378
C 369, 373, 377, 378
deficiency of 379
meta-analysis of 377
physiology 377
source 377
use of 379
D 296, 297, 302, 309, 378, 379
deficiency 298, 300, 379, 380
guidelines 380
physiology 379
severe 301
source 379
toxicity 380
E 369, 373
function of 378t
K 378, 391
dependent anticoagulants 391
Vocal cords 5, 6
Volotraumatismes 65
Volume assist-control 35
Volume continuous mandatory ventilation 69
Volume control 93
mode 110
ventilation 96, 101103
Volumetric capnography 119
Volutrauma 83, 141
Vomiting 253, 254, 271, 291, 308
Wall and gas turbine 67f
balance 275, 276, 276fc
compartments of 235
deficit, primary 283
diffuses 236
loss 283
vapor 5
pressure 39
Weaning failure 148, 172
Weaning noninvasive ventilation 42
Weaning success 172
Wernicke encephalopathy 380
Whisper-Swivel connector 59
White blood cell 35
Wilson's disease 308
Winter's formula 353
Winters’ rules 329
Wound healing 383
Xerostomia 254
Zinc 382, 383
deficiency 383
physiology 383
source 383
toxicity 384
Chapter Notes

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