Embalming: Principles and Legal Aspects
Note: Page numbers followed by t indicate tables; numbers followed by f indicate figures
Abdomen, nine regions of 102f, 102t
aorta 77, 112
aorta bifurcates 71
cavity 119
aspiration of 103
removal of 109
regions to locate to internal organs 101
wall 13
branches, lateral 70
tributaries from 71
Absinthi 13
Accavederata 13
Acid glutaraldehyde 43
Acids 21
use of solutions of 17
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 41, 128, 131, 165
Actin 56
Adenodiphosphate 56
Adipocere 58
formation of 54, 58
Aerosols, form of 40f
algor 54
fever 54
period 54
handling in preparation room 42
pressure machine 95
Albert H Worsham 31
Algor mortis 54, 114
Alkali salts 17
Alkalies 21
Alkaline 55
Alkalinized (cidex) glutaraldehyde 43
Aloes 8, 13
Alum 18
acetate of 18
salts of 21
Ambroise Pare (1510–1590) 13
Aminoglycosides 125
Ammonia 121
chloride 27
nitrate 138
Amphetamines 124, 125
Amytal 124
Anatomical considerations 63
Anatomical dissection 13
Anatomical specimens, collection of 14
Anatomists, period of (AD 650–1861) 11
Anatomy departments 182
ethiopians 8
persians 8
restorative art 6
Anethi 13
Animals experimental 181
Antibiotic chemotherapy, combination of 122
Anticoagulants 83
sodium citrate 83
Antihypertensives anticlotting agents 125
Anti-inflammatory drugs 123
Antimicrobial procedures 50t
Aorta 67, 70
arch of 68, 75
ascending 68, 75, 112
descending 68
Appendix 102
Aqueous 49
formalin 51
Army order for embalmers 25
Arsenic 27
Arsenicals 21
Arterial fluid for
obese subjects, composition of 85t
preparation of 110
thin subjects, composition of 85
Arterial injection 2, 119
and cavity treatment 2
chemicals, rate of flow of 44
of the blood vessels 33
Arterial route 110
Arteries and veins of upper limb 66f
Arteries of
abdomen 70
body 75
head and neck 64, 64f
lower limb 71
neck 64
common carotid artery 64
external carotid artery 64
internal carotid artery 64
subclavian artery 64
thorax and abdomen 68f
upper limbs 66
Arteriosclerosis 117
Artery forceps 148f
Artery in autopsied bodies, choice of 93
Artificial cold 2
Ascites 116
Aspergillus 56
Asthma-like symptoms 180
Astonishing 35
Atherosclerosis 117
Atomic bombardment 35
Auguste Renouard's chemical formulas for embalming fluid 28f
Auricular artery, posterior 64
Autodigestion of gastric mucosa 56
Autolysis 56
body 110
preparation of 109
gloves 131
postmortem examination of dead body 109
precautions for 168
Axilla, contents of 76f
Axillary and brachia/arteries 76
artery 66
vein 67
Babylonians 8
Bacteremia 44
agents 40
etiology 41
septicemias 47
wound infections 47
Balantidium aerogenes capsulatus 56
Balantidium coli 56
Balantidium proteus 56
Balsami 13
Barbed tracks 35
Barbiturates 124, 125
Bard-Parker solution 43
Baron Leopold Cuvier (1769–1832) 17
Bartholin (1585–1629): developed continuous flow syringe 12
Basler solution, composition of 186
Belly Punchers 33
Benjamin F Lyford 26
Benjoini 13
Benzedrine 124
Bernardino Ramazzini 20
Betadine 49
Bichloride of mercury 21, 27
Biohazard 131
circulation of 73
changes at birth 74
fetal 73
cleaning and decontaminating spills of 171
clots 125
vascular system 26
vessels, removed blood 12
vessels, surface anatomy and exposure of 75
Blow fly 118
cavities 108
contusion of 55t
flesh of 9
fluid precautions 131
identification of 134
orifices 109
packing polythene bag 108
preservation of 8, 88
proteins 92
size and weight of 110
circulatory 53
nervous 53
respiratory 53
tissue pH 55
wash and dry 108
wrapping bandage soaked in petroleum jelly 108
Boric acid 138
Brachial artery 67
artery 75
trunk 68
left 69
right 69
adult 58
removal of 60, 109
British Epidemiology Study 163
British Medical Research Council's Environmental Epidemiology Unit 163
Buccal cavity 163
Buffered and unbuffered, composition of 91
Buffers 82
Burn injuries 109
Cadaver storage facilities 90
lividity 55
spasm 56
drying of 12
type of 88
Calami aromat 13
Calliphora erythrocephala 118
Camphor 27
powder of 17
Canadian Funeral Licensees 163
Canary islands 8
Cancer chemotherapeutic agents 123
Cancer chemotherapy 125
Candida 127
Canopic urns 6f
Carbolic acid 82
Carcinogenicity of formaldehyde 181
Carl Lewis Barnes 31
Carotid artery
common 17, 75, 112
external 75
internal 75
Caryophyll 13
closure of 111
embalming 101
instruments required for 101
period for 103
composition of 86, 131
injection of 103
injection and immersion 2
injector 101
advocates 33
chemicals, use of 46
need of 101
techniques 46
Cecum 102
Cedar, cases of 7
artery 77
trunk 70
death 55
membranes less permeable 125
Cellular death 53
early changes 54
Cellular material 56
Cellular metabolism 55
Centers for Disease Control 131
Central nervous system 40
Cerebral artery
anterior 64
middle 64
Cerebrospinal fluid 40
Cervical artery, superficial 65
Cervical injection 93
Cervical portion of trachea, removal of 109
Chamomile 13
agents and drugs 120
and ingredients 81
and physical decontamination, methods of 47
body defense 39
constituents of soft embalming 138t
for embalming and techniques 22
sterilant 43
substance, type of 120
Chemotherapeutic agent 122
Chemotherapeutic agents, problems caused 125
case 121
problems, possible solutions to 126
treatment of disease 120
Chickenpox 44
Chin rest method 106
Chloride of alumina 18
Chlorine compounds 49
Chlorpropamide (diabinese) 124
Choroidal artery 64
Cidex 49
Cinamoni 13
Cincinnati College of Embalming 30
Circle of Willis 64
Circulation, cessation of 54
drugs 125
system 20
Circumflex iliac artery, superficial 71
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris 51
Civil war times 21
Clarence G strub 31
Clean up procedure 132
Clearance from embassy 135
Close eye method 106
Clostridium welchii 55
Cloth fluid 118t
composition of 87t
Clotting 107
Cocaine 124, 125
Coffins shaped 7
Coils of small intestine 102
Colic artery
inferior left 70
middle 70
right 70
superior left 70
Colonel Ellsworth's embalming 22
Communicating artery, posterior 64
Compazine 124
Concurrent disinfection 42
Confirmed studies 39
Consent 134
Contact dermatitis 180
Copper-mercury alum 18
Cornelius stated 26
Coronary artery
left 68
right 68
Coroner's physician 22
Corticosteroids 123, 125
and presentation 133
treatment 108
use of 133
ornamental 133
technical 133
Costocervical trunk 65
Cotton-like circulatory blockages 125
Crane's electrodynamic mummifier 27
Cranial cavity 109, 111
aspiration of 103
Creosote 26
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease 88
Criminal abortions 109
Crooked spine 7
Cryptococcus 127
Cut diaphragm 60
Cuticle intact 55
Cut-up benches 197
Cyperi 13
Cytotoxic drugs act 123
Daniel H Prunk (1829–1923) 24
Dark ages 12
Dead body, luminescence of 57
Dead methods of disposal 58
and postmortem changes 53
baby 109
biological 53
brainstem 53
cause of 110
cellular 53
cerebral 53
clinical 53
individual cells 53
molecular 53
stage of somatic 53
types of 53
molecular death 53
somatic 53
whole brain 53
Decontamination 42
embalmer(s) 43
Decubitus ulcers 117
Deep cervical artery 65
Deep external pudendal artery 71
Deep veins 65, 67, 73
femoral vein 73
popliteal vein 73
Dehydration 59, 125
Dental tie method 106
Dentistry, precautions for 168
Deodorants 84
Determine concentration 182
Dexedrine 124
Dialysis, precautions for 169
Diaparine chloride 49
Diluents 84
Diodorus siculus 4
Discussion with staff 183
Disinfect body 112
Disinfectant 131
solution 109
intermediate-level 49
low-level 49
Disinfection 170
Disinfection 84
activity, levels of 49t
and decontamination chemistry 39
antimicrobial activity 84
concurrent 48
disinfectant 84
germicide 84
high-level 48
primary 48
sterilization 84
terminal 48
and demonstration purposes 185
material 191
rooms, working environment in 188t
Domestic flies, types of 118
Doorway 149
Dorsal venous arch 67
Dorsalis pedis artery 78
Dosi-tube readings for formaldehyde vapor 91t
Double rubber gloves 129
Drainage technique 98
contents of drainage 98
drainage sites 99
femoral vein 99
inferior vena cava 99
internal jugular vein 99
right atrium of the heart 99
methods of 100
alternate drainage 100
concurrent (continuous) drainage 100
intermittent drainage 100
purpose of drainage 99
Droplet infection particle 40
Droplet nuclei 40, 51
cold 1
grass 10
heat 1
Duamutef 6f
Dutch physician Peter Forestus (1522–1597) 12
Dyes 83
eosin 83
ponceau 83
Ears cavity 107
Earthquakes 35
Ecuador 9
Egypt's new Kingdom period 59
burial site 3f
embalming practice 7
law 11
preparation steps in 5
covering with natron 6
evisceration 5
removal from natron 6
removal of brain 5
wrapping and spicing 6
aspirator 101
pump 148f
Embalmed cadavers 137
Embalmer 42
arterial 33
as sanitarian 40
legal responsibility 134
self-manufactured 21
AIDS body, guidelines for 128
anatomical 117
and chemical manufacturers association 39
and subsequent dissection 91t
art and science of 33
bodies in state of rigor mortis 114
body 147
exposed to radiation 116
burnt bodies 116
certificate of 135
changing room 148
chemical continuously 21
chemicals 81
completion of 131
decomposed bodies 115
delayed 114
facilities, establishment of 146
fluids 40, 81f, 84, 88, 130
arterial fluid 85
cavity fluid 85
composition of four different 91t
percentage composition of 89
preinjection fluid 86
to kill microorganisms 82
hands 108
history of 18, 20
human dead bodies, form of application for 134
human remains, recommended minimum standards for 44
hypodermic 95
ideal method of 108
improvement in 26
infant procedure 112
cavity treatment 113
fluid strengths and volume 113
pressure 113
rate of flow of injection 113
selection of blood vessels 112
knowledge 21
methods of 95, 129
arterial embalming 95, 129
cavity embalming 95, 129
supplemental methods of 95, 129
hypodermic embalming 130
surface embalming 130
variation in 3
modern 92
multidisciplinary science of 39
near battlefield during the civil war 24f
need of 146
origin and history of 1
periods of history 2
powders 159
practical 92
practice of 32
preparation room 148
procedure 12, 90, 130
arterial embalming 95
electric pump 95
gravity injection 95
hypodermic embalming 96
process and materials 12
process of 105
professionalism in 33
refrigerated bodies 115
reports concerning arterial injection 32
room 129, 146, 156
equipment and furniture 147
preparation 148
establishment of 2
increase in 31
soft 137
alternative to thiel 138
procedure 137
role of various components of 138
solutions, look for alternative 183
specific purpose of 14
surface 95
surgeons of the civil war 22
table 35
techniques, modern 88
third mode of 4
unautopsied adult bodies 105
unit 178f
waiting room 149
invasion 40
microflora 40
Endothelial, surface of pleura 57
Endothelium of blood sinusoid 189f
Endotracheal tubings 128
England's customs and achievements 14
Environment 39
safety branch 41
Enzyme 121
action of 56
immunoassay 172
Eosin 85
Epigastric artery, superficial 71
Equanil 124
Esophagus, removal of 109
Ethyl alcohol 51
Ethylene glycol 138
monophenyl ether 190
Ethylene oxide gas 51
Europe from the dark ages, emergence of 11
Europe's access to cadavers 17
Evisceration 2
and drying 2
and immersion 2
local incision 2
Exhaust duct against the back wall 43f
and cannulation 94
effects of 162
External pudendal artery, superficial 71
and respiratory tract, effects on 194
bank story 32
changes in 54
irritation of 180
osiris 61
Facemask 129
Facial vein 66
Factory accidents 109
Falcon electric embalmer 35
Falconry 19
Faulty theories 39
Felix Aloysius Sullivan (1843–1931) 30
Femoral artery 17, 71, 77, 107, 112
Femoral triangle 77f
Fetal death 109
Fixative solutions, composition of 186
Flaccidity muscles 55
primary 55, 114
secondary 56, 114
Flammable gas 179
for nervous tissue 87
manufacture 21
oozes 108
required, quantity of 86
Forceps 147f
autopsy 109
expert 109
Forestus embalming 12
Formaldehyde 49, 51, 81, 91, 138, 193
adverse effects of 179
alternatives to 89
and cancer 194
and paraformaldehyde
methods and materials 152
results 152
chemical structure of 81f
concentration 152, 158, 163, 159t
comparison of ventilation systems 153
dissection rooms 180
in anatomy laboratories 180
in funeral homes 153t
demand 121
exposure, reported studies on effects of 162
fumes 34
in anatomy 179
in long-term preservation of human anatomical specimens 185
in Medical Schools in the UK, use of 89
in pathology departments 193
levels, experiments to monitor 90
mutagenicity of 181
properties of 179
risks and problems in the use of 88
safe levels of 88
safe limit of 157
study in funeral homes 151
study in preparation rooms 158
tolerance to 194
toxicity 158
transfer of concentrate 178
vapor emission study 156
workers 151
Formalin 34, 85, 87
Foul-smelling gases, liberation of 57
Francois Chaussier (1746–1828) 17
Freezing 1
Frozen cases 105
Frozen solid state 115
Fume cupboards 196
Fume extraction unit 198f
Fumigation 198
Funeral home 153
personal health policies 44
Fungal infection 117
Fungal infections 44, 47
Gabriel clauderus (late 17th century) 14
Galen's teachings and writings on human anatomy 11
Gall capillaries 189f
Gaseous compounds injected 26
Gases, liberation of 57
Gastric juice 56
tract 40, 119
ulcerations 123
General guidelines 43
Genicular artery, descending 71
Genitourinary tract 40
Gentiana 13
Germicide protective barrier attire 51
Germicides 82
Germs die with the host 39
Girolamo Segato 19
Gloves 131
Gluing lips 106
Glutaraldehyde 49, 82
activated 51
Gluteal artery
inferior 70
superior 70
Glycerin 85
Glycerol 91
Glycolytic 56
Goatskins 9
Goggles 129
Grave wax 58
Gravity fluid injection 20f
Guanches’ method of embalming 9
Hair covering 129
Handling sharp instruments 131
Harlan's translation of history of embalming 19f
Hazardous chemical particulates 42
Head and face, injection treatment of 110
Health hazard 149
Healthcare workers
acquiring HIV in healthcare settings 166
definition of 165
management of exposures 174
testing of 174
with AIDS 165
Heart 63, 63f
right side of 102
surfaces diaphragmatic (inferior) 63
surfaces left surface 63
surfaces sternocostal (anterior) 63
simple 1
sterilization 51
Hepatic veins 71
Hepatitis 109
B virus 174
Hepatocytes with cytosomes 189f
Hinged instruments 50
Histoplasma infections 127
Homicides 109
Host of salts 21
Hot tap water 138
Household bleach 109
Housekeeping 170
Howard S Eckels (1865-1837), manufacturer of embalming chemicals 31
Human immunodeficiency virus 41, 128, 165, 172t
antibody tests 173t
in environment, survival of 130, 170
infection during pregnancy 132
infection, serologic testing for 172
precautions to prevent transmission of 167
testing of patients 173
transmission in healthcare settings 165
transmission, environmental considerations for 170
liver stained 189f
remains 42
skeleton 79f
Hydrochloric acid 21
Hydrocyanic acid poisoning 55
embalming 115
needles 50
Hypostasis 55
Hypostasis stain 57
Ileocolic artery 70
Iliac artery
common 70, 77
external 70, 77, 112
internal 70
Iliac veins
external 71
internal 71
Iliolumbar artery 70
contagious 88
terminal 88
Immersion solution 138
Immunization 43
Incisions, various types of 94, 94f
combined 94
longitudinal 94
transverse 94
wedge 94
Indian Medical Council 144
Industrial methylated spirit 89, 91
Infected healthcare workers, management of 174
danger of 200
prevalence of 172
risk-handle with care 129
risks of 46
agent 47
diseases, refusal on the ground of 136
hepatitis 47
Infective waste 171
Information, lack of 40
Ingestion 194
Inguinal ligament 71
Inhalation of infectious 42
Inhaling formaldehyde, adverse effects of 181t
Injected wax to secure castings 12
and drainage 107
solution 138
syringe 24f
techniques 97
multipoint injection 97
one-point injection 97
restricted cervical injection 98
six-point injection 98
split injection 97
treatment of
lower extremities 110
upper extremities 110
disposal of used 132
for injection, early 12
Intercostal artery
posterior 68
superior 65
Intermittent (restricted) drainage, use of 45
large 58, 60, 63
removal of 60
small 63
Inventor of the microscope 14
Investigators in Europe 202
Iodophors 49
Iowa state department of health 163
Irosflorent 13
Isopropyl alcohol 51
Isotope 116, 124
Jackal's head 6f
Jaundice, conquest of 32
Jean-Nicolas Gannal (1791–1852) 17
Jejunal and ileal arteries 70
John Hunter (1728–1793) 16
John Morgan (Circa 1863) 19
Jugular vein
anterior 65
external 65
internal 64, 65, 116
Kidneys, removal of 60
Kodiak archipelago 10
Kodiak Archipelago practiced preservation 10
Laboratories, precautions for 169
Larynx and trachea 58
Larynx, removal of 109
Laundry 171
Lavendula 13
Law and dead 141
Indian practice 141
Western scenerio 141
Legionnaires’ disease 44
Lensed instruments 50
Librium 124
Lifespan of less-specialized cells 54t
artery 64
vein 66
Lipolytic action of enzymes 56
Liquid microbicide 49
part of 102
removal of 60
Living from disease 41
Livor mortis 114
Louis Jacques Thenard (1777–1857) 17
Ludwig De Bils (1624–1671) 14
Lung diseases, treatment of 28
Lungs, removal of 60
Lysosomes 56
Macula densa 189f
Maggots 118
event of 118
Magic bullet 120, 123
Mammary artery, internal 65
Mantoux skin test for tuberculosis 43
Marjoran 13
Massage cream to face 110
Materials and methods 186
Matter insoluble in water 61
Matthew Baillie (1761–1823) 16
Maxillary artery 64
Mechanical pump 90
Medical Schools 90
Medicolegal case 135
Medicolegal examination 109
Mediterranean 11
Meningitis 109
Meprobamate 124, 125
Mercurial compounds organic 49
Mesenteric artery
inferior 70, 77
superior 70, 77
Mesenteric vein
inferior 71
superior 71
Metal and materials 35
Methanol 82, 85
Methe 13
Mexico's outstanding anthropologist 10
Microbial contamination, controlling 48t
Micrograft 189f
Military religious campaigns 11
Miltown 124
Mission and high commissions 135
Mobile embalming unit 177
Modern period 21
Moisture, lack of 58
Mood-altering drugs 124
Morticians’ services, precautions for 168
Mortuary services, practitioners of 41
Mourner's room 149
Mouth gags 128
Multi-site injection and drainage 44
Mummies, wrapped 7
Mummification 54, 58, 59
procedure 60
results 60
Mummifier's table 61t
Mummiform coffin 8f
Musca domestica 118
atrophy 125
cell life, end of 56
protein 56
relaxants 84
infection 117
Myosin 56
Myrrh 8, 13
Narcotics 124
Nasal and oral cavities 110
Nasal cavities 57, 107
National Accreditation of Mortuary Schools 32
National Funeral Directors Association 28
National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke 201
National Institutes of Health 41, 201
Natron dimensions 61
Natron salt wrapped in linen 61
Neck, side of 75
Needle injector method 106, 106f
Neutralizing chemotherapeutic agents 125
New technique, discovery of 13
New York State Supreme Court 1
New York University Medical College 22
Niter 17
Nitrate of potash 18
No objection certificate from police 135
North American Indians 10
Nostrils 110, 149
Notifiable diseases 136
Novel ventilated necropsy table 197f
Nucis moschat 13
Nylon thread 104
Obesity 118
Obturator artery 64, 70, 72
Occupational health authorities 185
Occupational health hazard 179
Occupational safety and health administration 41
Oil of cedar 4
Omnium quod sut'ficit 13
Operative antemortem epithelial 40
Ophthalmic artery 64
supplies the eye 64
Opiates 124
Opponents of formalin fluids 34
Oral drugs control 124
Oral-nasal masks 44
Organs, removal of 60
Ormation of alkaline product 55
Orphanages and poorhouses, establishment of 11
Oxygen starvation 53
Pacemaker 118
Paint mixture 86, 118t
composition of 86
Pancreas 58
removal of 60
Pancreaticoduodenal artery inferior 70
Paraffin section of human kidney 189f
Paraformaldehyde powders 153
Paraformaldehyde study in funeral homes 151
Pasteurella 202
Pelvic cavities 46
removal of 109
Penicillins 125
Performance procedures 46
Perfumes 84
Pericardium 57
Peritoneum 57
Personal health considerations 39
Personal hygiene and safety 41
Personal involvement dealing with the embalmer's 39
Peru 9
Petrosal sinus, inferior 66
buffered 91
unbuffered 91
Pharyngeal artery, ascending 64
Pharyngeal vein 66
Phenol 82, 85, 91
compounds 49
derivatives 82
Phenomenon, internal 57
Phenothiazines 124, 125
Phenoxetol 190
Phenoxyethanol 185, 190, 191
Phrenic veins, inferior 71
Physical examination 43
Physicians and anatomists 19
Pituitary gland 109
Plastic apron 129
Plutarch 5
Poisoning by nitrates 55
Poisoning suspected or evident 109
Poisonous chemicals 34
catheters 50
tubing 50
artery 72, 77
fossa 77f
Portal circulation 63
Portal of “host” entry 47
Portal veins 71
Portrait of
Dr Thomas holmes 22f
Henry P Cattell 23f
Jean-Nicolas Gannal of age 4U 18f
Joseph Henry Clarke, founder of Cincinnati College of Embalming 29f
caloricity 55
changes 54, 114, 193
delivery of fetus 57
regurgitation 119
room layout 198f
staining 55, 55t, 57
suggillation for 55
bicarbonate 55
chlorate 55
nitrate 26, 138
Powdered mixture of alum salt 27
Powdered resin 9
Practical containment measures 196
for invasive procedures 167
implementation of recommended 171
consideration criteria for selection of vessel 92
preparations 128
treatment 119
Pregnant workers 132
Preludin 124
artificial means of 1
body in peru 9
natural means of 1
Preservative 81
agents by drugs, inactivation of 122
chemicals 82
concentration of 45
Profunda femoris artery 71
Properties 156
Prophylactic antibodies, administration of 44
Propylene glycol 138
Prosector's wart 201
Protective barrier attire 39
Proteins 120
chemistry of 120
Proteolytic 56
enzymes 122
Protozoan 200
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 190
Public and professional acceptance 26
Public health
areas of 41
guideline 47
for risk embalmer “host” 47t
premise 42
purpose 41
safety 39
Pudendal artery internal 70
circulation 63
trunk 69, 75
veins 70
Pulsating devices 35
Purge 119
Putrefaction 56
and autolysis 54
factors affecting the rate of 58
in water 58
modified 58
Putrefactive changes 57
Pyocyanea infections 190
Pyramids 59
Qebeh-Snewef 6f
general 21
officer 21
Quaternary ammonium
compounds 49
solutions 51
Radial artery 67, 76
Radiation, type of 116t, 124
Radioactive isotopes
effect of 124
used to treat malignancy 116t
Radioisotopes, used to treat malignancies 124t
Receptacle jar 101
Receptacles 7
Rectal artery
middle 70
superior 70
Rectum 149
Red blood cells, hemolysis of 57
Red tagging 40
Renal veins 71
Reserpine 124
Resin 17
Respiration, cessation of 54
infections of viral 41
tract mucosa 180
Reticuloendothelial system 40
Richard Harlan (1796–1843) 18
Richardson's eye process 33
Rigid plastic pipes 177
Rigor mortis 54, 55, 114
time of onset of 56
Ritalin 124
Road side accidents 109
Rodgers’ method of single-entrance 33
Room ventilation 183, 196
Rorismar 13
Royal College of Surgeons 15, 16
tube 101
tubing rubber catheters 50
Rubella vaccination 43
Ryle's tube 128
Sacral artery
lateral 70
median 70
Salvia 13
Sanitation survey 47
Santel 13
Saphenous vein
great 73
small 73
Saponification 58
Saprophytic bacteria 56
Scalpel 101
Scalpel and blades 147f
School of Embalming and Organic Chemistry 29
Scissors 148f
Seconal 124
Sedatives drugs 124, 125
Selected microbicides, activity levels of 49t
Semiopaque cream 133
Septicemia 44
Serum hepatitis 43
Simmons School of Embalming in Syracuse 32
Skin changes in 54
Skin effects on 194
Smooth muscles 55
bicarbonate 61
borate 85
carbonate 61
chloride 18, 61
citrate 85
hypochlorite 51
solution of 131
sulfate 61, 138
Soft-embalmed cadavers
advantages and disadvantages of 139
surgical procedures performed 139
Soil, nature of 1
Soluble wintergreen 85
Somatic death, immediate 54
Sonacide 43, 49
Specimens for anatomical studies, preparation of 177
Spices grossly powdered 13
Spinal cord, removal of 109
Spleen 63
removal of 60
Splenic vein 71
Sporicidin 49
Staphylococci 56, 202
Starves 120
Sterilization 170
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 64
Stimulants drugs 125
Stomach 102
removal of 60
Streptococci 56, 202
Styracis calamita 13
artery 68, 76
vein 66
Sugar of lead 21
Suicides 109
Supplemental chemicals, use of 45
Suprarenal vein, right 71
Suprascapular artery 65
Surgical instruments 147
Syrians 8
Syringes 147f
Systemic failures
asphyxia 53
cases of 109
coma 53
syncope 53
Systemic mycoses 41
Tank (immersion) fluid 86
Tank (immersion) fluid, composition of 86t
Tap water 91
Temporal artery, superficial 64
branches 70
disinfection 42, 43
Tetrabromofluorescein 83
Tetracyclines 125
Thermometers 50
Thomas Joseph Pettigrew 19
Thomas Marshall 19
Thoracic aorta descending 75
Thoracic cavity
aspiration of 103
removal of 109
Thoracic, treatment of 46
Thorazine 124
Threshold limit value 151
cavity 107
cutters 33
Thymi 13
Thymol 85
Thyrocervical trunk 65
Thyroid artery
superior 64
Thyroid gland, removal of 109
Thyroid vein
middle 66
superior 66
Tibial artery
anterior 72, 78
posterior 72, 78
Tissue decomposition, order of 58
firm tissue 58
hard tissue 58
soft tissue 58
Tissues, liquefaction of 57
Tofranil 124
Tolbutamide (orinase) 124
Total volume of arterial 45
Toxic gas 151
Toxicity survey 153
Toxicity to humans 194
Toxoplasma 200
Toxoplasmosis 200
Tranquilizers drugs 124, 125
Translations, differences in 5
Transmission electron micrograph 189f
Tributaries 66
Tripod of life
brain 53
heart 53
lung 53
guides 103f
insertion of 102
Tuberculosis 47
Tuberculosis incidence of 47
Tumor, incidence 182
Turnip watch 118
Ulnar artery 67, 76
Ultrathin section of human liver stained 189f
Ultraviolet light illuminator furnished 35
Umbilical artery 70
Undertaker's manual 28f, 33
Universal blood 131
Universal precautions 167
Universal work precautions 131
Urea 121
Urethral catheters 128
Uric acid 121
Urinary bladder 103
Uterine artery (in female) 70
Vaccination (heptavax B) 43
Vacuum breakers 43
artery (in female) 70
orifice 149
Vagus nerve 64
Valium 124
Vascular system 44
Vehicles 84
Veins 71
Veins of
abdomen 71
body 78
external jugular vein 78
femoral vein 78
great saphenous vein 78
inferior vena cava 78
internal jugular vein 78
left brachiocephalic vein 78
portal vein 79
right brachiocephalic vein 78
small saphenous vein 78
subclavian vein 78
superior vena cava 78
head and neck 65f
lower limb 72
neck 65
thorax 69
and abdomen 69f
upper limb 67
Veins, superficial 65, 67, 72
basilic vein 67
cephalic vein 67
Vena cava, inferior 63, 70, 71, 92, 112
tributaries of 71
Vena cava, superior 69
blood 63
coagula 107
drainage, reasons for 108
Ventilation systems 153, 156, 159, 159t
Vertebral artery 65
Vesical artery inferior 70
choice artery 92
choice in infants and children 92
depth location of 92
exposure of 93
axillary artery and vein 93
basilic vein 93
brachial artery 93
common carotid artery 93
femoral artery and vein 94
internal jugular vein 93
radial artery 94
proximity of heart 92
selection of 107, 114
size of 92
encephalitides 41
upper respiratory infections 47
Viscera of body 79, 80
ascending colon 80
cecum 80
descending colon 80
gallbladder 80
heart 79
kidney 80
liver 80
lungs 79
pancreas 80
spleen 79
stomach 79
trachea 79t
transverse colon 80
Viscera, preservation of 104
Viscera, treatment of 111
Visceral branches
anterior 70
lateral 70
Visceral tributaries 71
Warmth enhances 58
Washing solution 109
Waste materials 121
Water 85
Weight loss 125
Werowance Indian 10
Wescodyne 49
Wetting agents 83
glycerin 83
sodium lauryl sulfate 83
sorbitol 83
William Hunter 15
William J Bunnell 22
William Peter Hohenschuh 31
Women embalmers 32
Wooden anthropoid 8f
Wooden coffin 7f
World War II, end of 35
Zephiran chloride 49, 82
Zinc chloride 21, 26, 27
Chapter Notes

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