SURGEON'S KNIFE Head and Neck Incisions Mohammad Akheel, Ashmi Wadhwania
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure
Abbe Estlander flap 69, 69f, 70, 70f
Aesthetic surgery 74
Al-Kayat and Bramley's incision 51
Apron incision 33f
modified 33f
Auricle 6
Axillary incision 42
Bardach palatoplasty 49, 49f
Basic preauricular incision, modifications of 52
Berke lateral canthotomy incision, modified 18, 19f
Bernard Burow's procedure 71, 71f
Bicoronal scalp incision 32f
Blair's incision 51
modified 39, 40
Blepharoplasty, lower 18
Boomerang incision 33f, 34, 35f
bilateral 33f
Borle's extention 28
Bowerman's incision 21
incision, lateral 15, 16f
lift procedures 77, 77f
Buccal mucosal advancement flap 67, 67f
Burbosa incision 31
Canthotomy incision, lateral 19
Carotid body tumor incision line 43f
Cartilage splitting incision 76
Cephalic vein 66
Cervicofacial flap 72, 72f
Cervicopectoral flap 73, 73f
incisions 31
reconstruction 72, 72f
lip 44
incisions 44
palate 49
Commissures 6
split 30, 30f
Conley incision 37, 37f
Coronal incision 17, 19
Cranial nerve 2
Crokett's incision 31
Cross-hair incision 59
Da-Vinci robotic system 41
Deep circumflex iliac artery 64
Deltopectoral flap 63, 63f
Dingman's incision 21, 22f, 51
Endaural incision 51
Envelope incision 12, 12f, 13, 15
Extraphiltral cross-lip flaps, bilateral 70, 70f
Eye incision 28
Eyelids 6
Face, fourth dimension of 1
Facelift incision 40, 40f
Facial nerve 2
branches 54
Fibula flap 63, 64, 64f
flaps 60
incision 60, 60f
scalping flap 60
Frontal bone fractures 19
Frontoethmoidal lynch incision 18, 19f
Furlow Z-plasty 49, 49f
George Crile incision 35, 36f
Gillies fan flap 70, 71f
Gillies principles 9
Glenoid fossa 58, 59
Gluck-Sorenson incision 42f
Hayter incision 30, 30f
Hetter's incision 38, 38f
Hockey incision, bilateral 36, 37f
Hockey stick incision 34, 34f
Horizontal radix incision 23f
Iliac flap 64, 64
Incision 38, 38f, 39, 46, 48f, 51, 64, 77, 77f
concepts of 6
principles of 2
types 74, 78
Infracartilage incision 76, 76f
Infraorbital incision 15, 17f
Infratemporal fossa 32
Intercartilaginous and cartilage splitting incision 76f
Internal jugular vein 34
Intraoral incision 14, 15f, 17, 40, 51
Jaegar Jugal incision 31
Laryngeal tumors 42
Lempert's endaural approach, modifications of 54
Lid percutaneous incision, lower 19
augmentation 78, 78f
reconstruction flaps 67
rectangular flaps, lower 68, 68f
shave 67, 67f
split incision, modified 30, 31f
L-shaped incision 11, 11f, 59
Lymph node excisions 43
Lymphadenectomy 32, 33f
Mandibular fractures 13
Marginal incision 76, 76f
buccal sulcus approach 17
fractures 15, 16
neoplasms 26
Maxillectomy 28f
Maxillofacial fractures 13
McFee incision 35, 35f
McGregor incision 29, 29f
Median forehead flap 61, 61f
Midface degloving incision 28
Milliard rotation 44, 45, 45f
Mini-parotid incision 39, 39f
Mucoperiosteal flaps 49f
alae 6
tip 6
Nasolabial flap 61, 61f
Naso-orbito-ethmoid fractures 20
dissections 32
incision 31
swellings, lateral 43
Necklace incision 41f
Non-lymphatic structures 34
Open sky incision 59
Oral cavity neoplasms 28
Orbit fractures 18, 18f
incisions 19f
rim, inferior 18
Paranasal sinus tumors, removal of 26
Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap 62
Perialar crescentic skin excisions 71, 71f
Postauricular incision 51
Preauricular incision
modifications of 53f
parts of 52f
Radial forearm flap 66, 66f
Radical neck dissection 34
modified 34
Reconstruction, principles of 9
Relaxed skin-tension lines 6
Retroauricular incision 40, 40f
Retromandibular incision 13, 14f
Rhinoplasty 74
open vs closed 74f
Rhinotomy 27
Rhytidectomy incision 51
Risdon's approach 134, 51, 55
Robson's incision 29, 29f
Roux-Trotter incision 29, 29f
Salivary gland neoplasm 39
Scapular flap 66
incision of 66, 66f
Schobinger incision, modified 36, 36f
Seagul incision 21, 22f
incision 54
lower limit of 54
paddle 62
Spinal accessory nerve 34
Stallard-Wright lateral orbitotomy incision 18, 19f
Step ladder method 68, 69f
Sternocleidomastoid 34
muscle, posterior border of 34
Submandibular incision 31, 40
Superficial temporal artery 54
Supraciliary incision 20
Supraomohyoid neck dissection 33, 33f
Surgical scalpel blades, types of 3
Temporomandibular joint 51
capsular incisions 58, 58f
Tennison-Randall flap 46, 46f
Thigh flap 65
Thoma's incision 51
Thyroid tumors 40
Traditional parotidectomy incision 39
Transaxillary thyroidectomy 41, 42f
Transcaruncular incision 18, 19f, 22, 75
Trans-columellar incision 75f
lower lid incision 19
medial orbitotomy 19
Transfixion incision 75, 75f
Trans-tragal incision 51, 57, 57f
V or W wedge resection 68f
Vermilion 6
Vertical incision 20, 20f, 59
Vestibular incision 14, 15, 15f, 16f
Visor incision 31, 31f
von Langenbeck incision 29, 29f
von Langenbeck palatoplasty 50, 50f
Ward's incision 10, 10f
modified 10, 11f
Weber-Ferguson incision 27, 27f
Z-shaped incision 28
Zygomatic arch 58
Zygomatic complex fractures 15
Chapter Notes

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1Fourth Dimension of FaceCHAPTER 1

The most important surface full of secrets which we face is the “FACE”. It is curved, sometimes smooth or rough and has its anatomical depth of muscles, nerves, vessels, fat tissues, and ligaments. But it also has a fourth dimension— that is its spiritual deepness reflecting our mind and soul.
Face is the tool expressing our emotions, thoughts and messages of surprisingly deep contents in endless floating nuances. We use our face for activities like breathing, eating, drinking, speaking, and hearing. Four senses are concentrated here even the fifth sense called the tactile sense is represented here in face. A single look at the face can make us recognize someone's gender, age, health, race, even affection and individuality. It possesses unique anatomy which has expressiveness, beauty, and singularity. There are more than 10 billion faces on earth and no two of the faces are similar. Even mono-ovular twins have symmetry of their faces, composed like in a mirror but not 100% same in mosaic architecture. We have learned more about the face in the last 30 years than in the 20,000 years before. Every human being has a unique and unmistakable iris, pattern of the ears, and thermic emission of the face and, in addition, the voice, fingerprints, and handwriting are unique. If we imagine that facial muscles are musicians in an orchestra, then the game of our facial expressions would be the melody played by this orchestra. The expressive messages of our faces are universally equally produced and understood—we may speak of facial Esperanto.