Decision Making in Otolaryngology Cuneyt M Alpe, Eugene N Myers, David E Eibling
extradural 54
periapical 191
Acetaminophen 125
Achalasia 271
Acid reflux, extraesophageal 288
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 321
Acral lentiginous melanoma 375
Acute airway obstruction 252
Addison's disease 199
Adenitis 187
Adenocarcinoma 155
metastatic 91
cystic carcinoma 155
hypertrophy 57, 134
radiographs of 181
requires nasal endoscopy 107
Adenoidectomy 178, 181
Adenoma 332
Adenomatous polyposis, familial 330
Adenotonsillar disease 180
Adenotonsillectomy 181
Adipose tissue 52
injection 242
foreign body of 298
inflammation 254
obstruction 108
prenatal suspicion of 246
Alar batten grafts 347
Alar strut grafts 347
Allergens 128
Allergy 84
management 134
signs of 140
testing 135, 141
therapy 141
Alport's syndrome 12, 383
Alveolus, fractures of 357
Alzheimer's disease 121, 256
Ameloblastoma 191
American Academy of Otolaryngology 11, 14, 30, 130, 177
American Academy of Pediatrics 11, 177, 178
American Academy of Sleep Medicine 169
American College of Surgeons Advanced Trauma-Life Support Protocols 324
American Thyroid Association 330
Amikacin 89
Aminoglycosides 89
Amoxicillin 55, 127, 135
Amyloidosis 198, 242, 245, 284
Anal atresia 220
Anemia 295
Anesthesia 380
Angiofibroma, juvenile nasopharyngeal 107, 144, 148, 149
Angiography 336
Angiolymphatic invasion 385
Angiosarcoma 373
Angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors 121, 265
levels 150
test 65
Ankylosis 166, 357
Ann Arbor staging system 335
Anosmia 121, 146, 154
Anotia 45
Antiarrhythmics 121
Antibiotic 89
broad-spectrum 359
therapy 94
intravenous 43
Antibodies, monoclonal 388
Antidepressants 167
Antiemetics 167
Antihistamines 135
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 63
Antinuclear antibodies 63, 151
Antiproliferative agents 199
Antireflux therapy 223
Antirheumatic agents 199
Antisecretory therapy 260
Antrostomy, maxillary 139
Apert's syndrome 383
Aphonia, functional 242
Apnea 230
Apnea-hypopnea index 178
Apraxia 257
cyst 95
granulations 81
Arnold-Chiari malformation 163, 268, 383
Arrhythmias 101
Arteriovenous malformation 200, 313
inflammatory 197
rheumatoid 242, 289
Arthrocentesis 197
Arthroplasty 197
Arthroscopy 197
Arytenoids 290
Aspergillus flavus 151
Aspergillus fumigatus 151
Aspiration 230, 268, 270
chronic 267, 382
pneumonia 224, 230
symptoms of 270
Aspirin 89, 125, 141, 181
sensitivity 107
triad syndrome 131
Asthenia 259
Asthma 107, 134, 135, 230
Atlanto-occipital extension 211
Atopic dermatitis 140
choanae 111, 220
congenital 7
esophageal 220, 268
Attic cholesteatomas 72
Atticoantral cholesteatoma 73
Audiometry 24, 39, 56
brainstem response 4, 19, 26, 89
development, lack of 28
neuropathy spectrum disorder 4, 11
Aural atresia 44
congenital 46
congenital anomalies of 46
deformities of 44
injuries of 78
Auricular trauma 78
Autism 11
Autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder, pediatric 181
Automated auditory brainstem response 9, 11
Aviation safety reporting system 399
Bacterial rhinosinusitis, acute 107, 126, 127
Bacterial sinusitis 138
complications of 136, 137
Balance disturbance 56
dilation 234
test occlusion 93
Bandemia 311
Bariatric surgery 178
Barium swallow 231
modified 163, 224, 271, 296, 383
Barotrauma 8, 15
Barrett's metaplasia 260
Bartonella henselae 311
Basal cell carcinoma 81, 200, 372
Battle's sign 62
Bell's palsy 6265
Benzodiazepines 101
Bernard-Soulier syndrome 379
Bethesda classification system 331
Bevacizumab 122
Bezold's abscess 60, 61
Bifid uvula 263
Biopsy 43, 144, 150, 203
technique 146
Bisphosphonates 83
Blastomycosis 151
Bleeding 150
disorders 378
Bleomycin 335
Blepharoplasty, transconjunctival 370
Blindness 159
coagulation 378
dyscrasias 302
Bloody otorrhea 39
Body dysmorphic disorder 349
Body mass index 80, 275
anchored hearing aid 19, 47
cysts 191
direct erosion of 154
marrow 95
asymmetric 94
transplant 379
Bordetella pertussis 264, 265
Boston diagnostic test 257
Botulinum toxin 259, 270, 370
abscess 54
symptomatic 75
magnetic resonance imaging 124
parenchyma 157
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome 12, 383
Breast 81, 191
Breath sounds 267
Breathing, sleep-disordered 140, 168
Bronchiectasis 302
Bronchitis 302
Bronchomalacia 265
Bronchoscopy 221, 249, 251, 267, 303
Brudzinski's signs 77
Burning mouth syndrome 199
Burow's advancement flaps 365
Button batteries 119, 23
Calcium channel blockers 121
Canalicular obstruction 113
Cancer 154, 189, 259, 386, 394
head and neck 388
of sinonasal tract, intracranial extension of 154
pain 319
parathyroid 333
supraglottic 291
treatment of 155, 203
Candida albicans 184, 199
Candida resistant fluoroplastic material 297
Carcinoembryonic antigen 331
Carcinoma 259, 260, 284
in situ 205, 259
mucoepidermoid 155
nasopharyngeal 95, 146, 152
Cardiac defects 220
Cardiopulmonary testing 245
Carney complex 330
Carotid aneurysm 95
Carotid artery
dissection 196
neoplastic involvement of 336
Cartilagenous disorders 37
Catecholamine secretion 327
Caustic ingestion, management of 232
Cavernous sinus thrombosis 137
Cefpodoxime 127
Ceftriaxone 128
Cefuroxime 127, 135
Cellulose, porous 43
Cemento-ossifying fibroma 191
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 22
Central nervous system 87, 128, 137, 148
disease 87
extrapyramidal effects 167
Cephalalgias, trigeminal autonomic 125
Cephalosporin 128
Cerebellopontine angle 63, 96
cholesteatoma 73
lesions 19
tumors 96
Cerebritis 77
Cerebrospinal fluid 39, 114, 148, 154, 353
leak 159
otorrhea 78, 80
accident 167, 257
disease 101, 169
adenopathy 320
metastasis 291
myofascial pain 196
pain 196
Cetuximab 388
CHARGE syndrome 44
Chemical labyrinthectomy 85
Chemoradiation therapy 207, 209
Chemotherapy 89, 147, 184, 219, 386
pain 267
radiograph 248, 267, 284
Chiari malformation 33, 249, 276
Childhood adenotonsillectomy trial 177
Chills 43
Chloroquine 89
Chlorox 233
Choanal atresia 45, 107, 108, 110, 220, 249
bilateral 108
repair 111
Cholesteatoma 49, 72, 74, 75, 81, 94, 95, 97
congenital 75
intratympanic 72
mesotympanic 72
Cholesterol granuloma 67, 94, 95
Chondritis 37, 197
Chondroma 284
Chondrosarcoma 95, 147, 155
Chorda tympani 198
nerve, viral infection of 199
Chordoma 95
Churg-Strauss syndrome 151
Cibophobia 225
Cisplatin 89
Citric acid 193
Clavulanate 55, 127, 135
Cleft lip 342, 367
deformities 342
Cleft palate 45, 342, 367
deformities 342
Clindamycin 127
Cocaine 141
Coccidioidomycosis 151
implantation 9, 12, 26, 28
nerve deficiency 11, 29
Codeine 181
Cogan's syndrome 9
Cognitive linguistic quick test 257
Cold dissection techniques 181
Coloboma 111, 220, 382
Colon cancer 191
Complete blood count 63, 121, 133, 233, 311, 316
Comprehensive genetic testing 12
Computed tomography 7, 8, 11, 24, 62, 72, 90, 9496, 112, 117, 146, 153, 154, 157, 187, 197, 207, 213, 215, 216, 259, 290, 314, 320, 326, 331, 350, 358, 359, 393, 394
angiography 324
high-resolution 80, 92, 115
imaging 7, 40, 123, 128
scan 14, 32, 59, 108, 137, 138, 148, 218, 226, 303, 336, 383
Condyle, fractures of 357, 360
Cone beam computed tomography 194
Congestion, chronic 135
Conjunctival injection 140
Conjunctivitis 140
Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy 113
Connective tissue disorders 349
Conservative therapy 318
Continuous positive airway pressure 169, 173, 178, 275
therapy 175
Cosmetic deformities 349
Cotton wool appearance 191
Cough 266
chronic 230, 264, 265
diagnosis of 266
management of 266
suppression therapy 265
Cowden disease 330
Cranial nerve 96, 219, 353
dysfunction 146
symptoms 153
abnormalities 268, 270
anomalies 176
resection 155
syndromes 383
synostoses 383
injuries 359
trauma 358
Craniotomy 95
C-reactive protein 123, 125
elevated 311
Cricoarytenoid joint dysfunction 274
Cricoid cartilage, invasion of 291
achalasia 222
bars 223
hypertonicity 271
myotomy 269
Cricopharyngeus muscle 222
dysfunction 222
Crigler massage 112
Crystalloid fluid resuscitation 236
Cyanosis 230, 275
Cyst, residual 191
Cystic fibrosis 105, 128, 135
heterozygous 134
testing 107
Cytomegalovirus 12, 28
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 388
da Vinci surgical system 210
Dacarbazine 335
Dacryocele, congenital 112
Dacryocystocele 109, 112, 249
Dacryocystorhinostomy 113
Dandy's syndrome 33
Deafness, unilateral 18
Deep brain stimulation 260
Deep neck abscesses 311
Dementia 167
communication disorders of 257
Dental pain 127
Dentigerous cyst 191
Dermal fillers 370
Dermatographism 140
Dermatologic disease 39
Dermoid 107
Desflurane 179
Destructive glottic enlargement surgery 275
Dexmedetomidine 179
Diabetes 121, 189, 198, 349
mellitus 199
Diploic cholesteatomas 73
Diplopia 146
Disabilities Education Act 21
Disequilibrium, multisensory 33
Diuretics 89
Diverticula, esophageal 224
Diverticulopexy 225
Dix-Hallpike maneuver 32, 34
Dizziness 32
migraine associated 101
multisensory 101
Dohlman procedure 225
Down syndrome 176, 179
Doxorubicin 335
Doxycycline 127
Drooling 164, 268
Dry mouth 192
Duplications cysts, esophageal 221
Dysarthria 257
Dysosmia 121
Dysphagia 162, 163, 181, 192, 225, 230, 320, 328
complain of 296
Dysphonia 240, 241, 272, 320
functional 242
spasmodic 242
Dysplasia 205
cochlear 9
ectodermal 367
severe 259
Dyspnea 241, 244, 245, 267
index 272, 275
psychiatric 245
severe 245
Dystopia canthorum 383
anomalies 382
tumors of 90
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 211, 395
Eber and Rinne tuning fork tests 79
Eczema 79, 134, 135, 140
Edema 42
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 379
Electrocardiography 12, 380
Electromyography 62
laryngeal 272, 273, 275, 277
testing 97
Electroneurography 65
Electroretinography 12
Emesis 230
Emphysema, massive subcutaneous 325
Empyema, subdural 54
Encephalocele 107, 249
frontonasal 109
Endocrine disorders 199
Endolymphatic sac, tumors of 91
Endolymphatic shunt 85
Endonasal endoscopic insertion 52
Endoscopic sinus surgery, complications of 158
Endoscopy 146
fiberoptic transnasal 284
Endotracheal intubation 287
Eosinophilia syndrome 141
Epidermolysis bullosa 167
Epiglottitis 255
Epiphora 112, 146
Epistaxis 116, 302
Epithelial vocal fold lesions, benign 259
Epithelium, different types of 147
Epstein-Barr virus 152, 311, 322
Erectile dysfunction medications 143
Erythema 202
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 63, 123, 125, 311
Erythromycin 89
Erythroplakia 259
Esophageal sphincter, upper 222
Esophagectomy 235
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 224, 229, 237
Esophagoscopy 234
Esophagus 226
malformations of 220
short 221
Esthesioneuroblastoma 154, 155
Ethmoid artery, anterior 116
Ethmoidectomy 139
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer 387
Eustachian tube 52, 152
dysfunction 7, 48, 49, 59, 69, 71, 146, 153
Ex utero intrapartum treatment 246
Exophthalmos 329
External auditory canal 3, 39, 42, 59
disorders of 37
stenosis, congenital 46
External beam radiation 292
therapy 259
External ear canal 3
External nasal deformity/mass 109
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 252
bones 350
burn contracture 167
deformity 144
electroneuronography 97
fractures 197
injuries 352
microsomia 383
myofascial pain 196
nerve 65
neuroma of 97, 98
paralysis 78
resection 217
schwannomas of 97
numbness 154
pain 124, 127, 196
bilateral 196
palsy 216, 217
paralysis 62, 64
acute 61
idiopathic 199
peripheral 62, 81
paresis 54
skeleton 353, 359
tenderness 127
trauma 356, 359
Fascia 52
Fasciocutaneous flaps 363
Fasting glucose 121
Fetal ultrasound 246
Fever 43
high 39
periodic 187
recurrent 181
rheumatic 187
Fibroma 202
Fine-needle aspiration 201, 215, 216
biopsy 207, 216, 321, 323, 327, 331
cytology 335
Fistula 83
arteriovenous 313, 315
pharyngocutaneous 294, 295
tracheoesophageal 220, 268, 382
Flash pulse dye laser 314
Flesh-colored lesions 313
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test 9
Fluorides 83, 100
Fluorodeoxyglucose 290, 331
Fluoroquinolone 127
Fluoxetine 167
Fluphenazine 167
Foramen ovale 154
Foreign body 298, 302
injury 226
Fossa of Rosenmüller 152
laryngeal 280
zygomatic 359
Frontal sinus, fractures of 353
Fundoscopy 12
invasive 128
noninvasive 151
infections 311
invasion 123
rhinosinusitis 132
allergic 104, 132, 133
allergic 128
invasive 133, 151
Fungi 43
Fungus ball 132, 133
Furosemide 89
Furstenberg's sign 109
Gait ataxia 33
Gastrinoma 332
Gastroesophageal reflux 134, 288
disease 189, 228, 242
otolaryngologic manifestations of 230
pathologic 230
Gastrostomy 235
percutaneous 294
Gentamicin 89
Germ cell
arteritis 125, 167
central 191
tumors 147
Glanzmann's thrombasthenia 379
Glenoid fossa 40, 43
Glioma 107, 249
extranasal 109
Globus pharyngeus 230
Glomerulonephritis 151, 383
Glomus tumor 67, 92
Glossopharyngeal nerves 121
cancer 293, 322
protective function 270
stenosis, posterior 274
Glottis, vancer of 292
Glucagonoma 332
Glucose 39
Glycerol 85
Glycopyrrolate 269
Goiter, multinodular 328
Goldenhar syndrome 44, 383
Goldman-Fristoe test 256
Gram stain 55, 77
Granulamatous disorders 311
Granular myringitis 40
chronic 67
tissue 299
Granuloma 150, 241
eosinophilic 91
Granulomatosis 143
Granulomatous disease 121, 128, 198
systemic 151
Granulomatous infections 81
Graves' disease 328, 329
Griesinger's sign 77
Haemophilus influenzae 55, 77, 127, 135, 139, 255
Halitosis 188
Hallpike's maneuver 85
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease 91
Hard palate, notch of 263
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 329
Hasner's valve 109
Headache 77, 124, 125, 127, 196
episodic tension-type 125
meeting migraine criteria 125
severe frontal 137
Hearing aids and assistive devices 22
Hearing loss 9, 11, 20, 24, 29, 56, 71, 73, 78, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87
bilateral 28
conductive 6, 25, 47
congenital 1012
mixed 24
noise-induced 16, 17
occupational noise-induced 16
pediatric 20
sensorineural 5, 8, 11, 27, 28, 47, 66
sudden sensorineural 14
unilateral 47
defect 111, 220
failure 101, 168
Hecht's syndrome 167
Heimlich maneuver 298
Hemangiomas 91, 249, 313
congenital 316
infantile 317
subglottic 317
Hematemesis 236
Hematoma 325
Hematopoietic cell transplantation, autologous 335
Hemicrania 196
continua 125
supracricoid 213
supraglottic 213
Hemipalatal paresis 45
Hemiparesis 325
Hemoptysis 302
Hemorrhage 93, 159
active 325
retrobulbar 354
Hemotympanum 62
idiopathic 67
Herpes simplex virus 15, 86
Heterochromia iridis 383
High airway obstruction syndrome, congenital 247
Histamine type 2 receptor antagonist 259
Histiocytoma, malignant fibrous 373
Histoplasmosis 151, 302
Hoarseness 230, 240, 259, 325, 328
Hodgkin's lymphoma 334
Home portable sleep testing 169
Hopkin's rod rigid laryngoscopy 275
Hormone, parathyroid 332
House-Brackmann grades 65
Human immunodeficiency virus 215
infection 218
Human papillomavirus 184, 202, 206, 210, 322, 394
Hurst dilators 234
Hürthle cell neoplasms 331
Hydrocephalus 115, 276
Hydrochlorothiazide 89
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 79
Hyperbilirubinemia, conjugated 12
Hypercalcemia 332
Hyperglycemia 295
Hyperosmia 121
Hyperparathyroidism 332
Hyperplasia, parathyroid 332
Hypertension 116, 169
Hyperthermia, malignant 167
Hypertrophy, adenotonsillar 181
Hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, familial 332
Hypochlorous acid 233
Hypoglossal nerve stimulation therapy 175
Hypoglycemia 248
Hypopharyngeal mass, evaluation of 212
cancers of 212
neoplasms of 212
Hyposmia 121, 146
Hypothyroidism 121, 198, 199, 295, 393
Hypovolemia, acute 116
Hyrtl's fissures 80
Hysteria, psychiatric 167
Incidentalomas 331
Individual family service plan 21, 257
Individualized education plan 21, 257
Infantile hemangiomas, segmental 317
Infections 115
bacterial 215
Inflammatory disease, chronic 151
Infraorbital nerve, hypesthesia of 146
Infratemporal fossa 154
esophageal 234
inhalational 245
mucosal 233
Inner ear malformations 9
Insulinoma 332
Intact canal wall 75
Intensive care unit 227
Internal auditory canal 19, 97
Internal carotid artery 93, 116, 155, 157, 159, 337
International Prognostic Score 335
International Society for Study of Vascular Anomalies 313
Interosseous cancer 191
Interstitial diseases, chronic 245
Interstitial emphysema, pulmonary 248
Intestinal obstruction 189
extension, bilateral 145
injury 159
Intranasal steroids, topical 141
Ipratropium bromide 115
Ipsilateral paralysis, recurrent 65
Jahrsdoerfer systems 47
modified 47
committee on infant hearing 4, 383
disease, degenerative 196
replacement 197
Jugular foramen 43
Jugular vein 92
compression, failure of 77
Jugular venous compression 109
Jugulodigastric nodes 153
Kanamycin 89
Kaposi's sarcoma 215, 321
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma 316
Karapandzic flap 201
Karnofsky score 395
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome 316
Kaufman speech praxis test 256
Keratoacanthomas 373
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca 199
Kernig's signs 77
Ketamine 179
Ketorolac 181
Kidney 81
disease 189
failure 198
ultrasonography of 12
Killian's triangle 224
Killian-Jamieson diverticula 224
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis 151
Kyphoscoliosis 245
Labyrinthectomy, total 85
Labyrinthine fistula 73
Labyrinthitis 54, 61, 83
Lacrimal gland masses 338
Lacrimal sac cyst 112
Lactate dehydrogenase, serum 335
Laimer's diverticula 224
Langerhans cell 311
disease 191
histiocytosis 91
Language disorders, management of 256
Language test 257
Laryngeal mask airway 108, 249
Laryngeal nerve, recurrent 260, 276
Laryngectomy, supraglottic 291
acute chemical 233
posterior 230
Laryngocele 284
Laryngomalacia 249
Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease 228, 241, 259, 260
Laryngoplasty, medialization 163
flexible 281, 282
nasopharyngeal 384
transnasal flexible 275
Laryngotracheobronchitis, membranous 254
Laryngotracheoesophageal clefts 249
Laryngovideostroboscopy 240
granulomas of 241
sarcoidosis of 289
supraglottic structures of 290
Laser microsurgery, transoral 291
LeFort osteotomy 145, 179
Lentigo melanoma 374
Leprosy 123, 151
biopsy of 90
laryngeal 249
Lester Jones tube, placement of 113
Lethargy 77
Letterer-Siwe disease 91
Leukemia 191
Leukocytosis 311
Leukoplakia 259, 288
Levator veli palatini muscles 263
Lichen planus 198
Lidocaine, local injections of 159
Limb abnormalities 220
cancers, treatment of 201
neoplasms of 200
Liver disease 121, 198, 237
Loop diuretics 89
Loose maxillary teeth 146
Lumbar puncture 77
Lung 81, 181
disease 135
Lyme disease 9
Lyme titer 65, 260
Lymph node
dissection, completion 375
staging 213
Lymphadenectomy, regional 219
Lymphadenopathy 275
Lymphatic malformations 313
tissue, mucosa associated 338
tumors 338
Lymphoma 91, 147, 154, 155, 216, 334
Lynch incision 139
Lysosomal storage syndromes 383
Magill forceps 299
Magnetic resonance angiography 125, 148
Magnetic resonance imaging 9, 11, 59, 62, 66, 75, 80, 87, 9397, 108, 111, 121, 133, 138, 144, 148, 153, 157, 179, 187, 196, 203, 209, 215, 218, 247, 259, 290, 314, 320, 326, 335, 383, 394
functional 199
Malaise, generalized 43
Malar fractures 353
Malignant neoplasms, primary 190
Mallory-Weiss tear 237
Malnutrition 295
Maloney dilators 234
Mandible, fractures of 356
defects 367
injuries 356
Mandibulectomy 205
segmental 205
Marfan syndrome 379
congenital 311
pulmonary 390
Masticatory dysfunction 196
Mastoidectomy, role of 71
Mastoiditis 54, 60
complicated 60
uncomplicated 60
defects, extraocular 367
prosthetic rehabilitation 366, 367
Maxillomandibular fixation 360
McGovern nipple 108, 111
Meclizine 101
Medial nevus simplex 314
Mediastinitis 233
Medpor polyethylene implants 47
Melanoma 200, 374
malignant 374
mucosal 147
superficial spreading 375
Ménière's disease 9, 33, 8385, 101
bilateral 85
medical management of 85
vestibular 85
Ménière's syndrome 84
Meningioma 9598, 149
intranasal 149
Meningitis 21, 54, 77, 93, 167
bacterial 137
management of 75
Meningocele 109
Meningoencephalocele 115
Mental retardation 11
Merkel cell carcinoma 373
Metastatic cancer, treatment of 391
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus 40, 255
Metoclopramide 167
Microdirect laryngoscopy 383
Micrognathia, severe 247
Microlaryngoscopy 251
Microsomia, hemifacial 45, 167
Microtia 44, 45
surgical management of 46
Microvascularized fibula free flap reconstruction 367
Midazolam 179
Middle ear 52
effusion 54, 56
pressure 49
reconstruction 12
structures 69
Midface fractures 360
Migraine 84, 125, 134
Milk allergy 107
Millard rotation 343
Minor salivary gland, tumors of 207
Minor's syndrome 52
Mixed venous lymphatic malformations 314
Mohs micrographic surgery 373
Mondini malformation 19
Moraxella catarrhalis 127, 135, 255
Motor unit action potentials 65
Motor vehicle accident 318
breathing, chronic 193
floor of 204, 205, 219
mucosal diseases of 182
Moxifloxacin 127
Mucoceles 109
Mucoepidermoid, high-grade 216
Mucormycosis 132
Mucosal melanoma, primary 375
Mueller maneuver 181
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 330, 332
Muscle, extraocular 355
Muscular-fascial tenderness 318
leprae 151
tuberculosis 151, 311
Myeloma, multiple 332
Myer-cotton staging system 282
Myositis ossificans 167
Myospherulosis 151
Myringosclerosis 7
Myringotomy 7, 55
bilateral 5, 57
Nager syndrome 383
airway 194
allergy 140
bleeding 146
cavity 154
examination of 189
tumors of 156
congestion 278
continuous positive airway pressure 177
decongestants 141
deformity 344
dermoids 109
drops 52
encephalocele 109
endoscopy 121, 123, 130, 150
foreign bodies 118, 119
fractures 353, 360
gliomas 109
hamartomas 109
hemangioma 109
lesions 150
mass 105
congenital midline 107, 108
unilateral 148
obstruction 104, 106, 108, 110, 144, 146, 249, 344, 349
polyps 107, 131, 151
unilateral 107
projection 347
pyriform aperture stenosis, congenital 110
irrigations 141, 142
lavage 135
septal perforation, treatment of 122
septum 116
speech 262
deformities of 346
dynamics 347
trauma 121
tumors 105
Nasoalveolar molding 343
Nasoangiofibroma, juvenile 237
Nasolacrimal apparatus, disorders of 112
Nasolacrimal disorders 112
Nasolacrimal duct 109
congenital obstruction of 107
cyst 109, 249
Nasolaryngoscopy, flexible 278
Naso-orbital ethmoid fractures 353, 360
Nasopharyngoscope, fiberoptic 153
Nasopharyngoscopy 153
flexible 181
Nasopharynx 7, 39, 154
carcinoma of 152
evaluation of 107
Nasotracheal intubation 255
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 17
National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders 256
National Institutes of Health Consensus Group 11
Natural killer cell origin 334
computed tomography of 201, 212
dissection 201, 209
exploration 333
injury, high-velocity penetrating 324
management of 205, 322
masses 153, 320
inflammatory 310
malignant 311
pain 318
trauma 324
Necrotic tissue 150
Neomycin 89
Neonatal intensive care unit 4, 11
Neoplasia 121, 198
Neoplasms 40, 94, 115
benign 202
malignant 146
metastatic 190
pulmonary 302
types of 95
Neoplastic lesions 91
Nerve sheath tumors 321
Neuralgia, trigeminal autonomic 196
Neuroblastoma, olfactory 147
diseases 11
disorders 1
Neuroepithelium, olfactory 121
Neurofibroma 191, 321
Neurofibromatosis 12, 97
Neurologic disorders 260
Neuroma 97, 98
acoustic 96
Neuropsychiatric disorders 121
New daily persistent headache 125
Nivolumab 388
Nodal metastases 147
Nodular melanoma 375
Noisy breathing 250
Nonadherent gauze strips 43
Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis 265
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 334, 335
Nonodontogenic infections 167
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 125, 141, 319
Nose 353
inflammatory lesions of 150
Nystagmus 87
Obesity 245
Obstructive sleep apnea 80, 168, 170, 172, 175, 176, 275, 381, 383
medical management of 172
pediatric 178
surgical management of 174
Oculomotor testing 87
Odontogenic infection 167, 196
Odynophagia 320
Olfactory disorders 120
Olfactory dysfunction 121
Olfactory foramina 154
Olfactory loss
conductive 121
sensorineural 121
Operative endoscopy 277
Ophthalmoplegia 154
Optic nerves 157
antihistamines 141
blister formation 184
cavity 219
ciprofloxacin 79
contraceptives 141
fetor 188
fluoroquinolone antibiotic therapy 43
hard tissue diseases 190
infections 192
microstomia 167
mucositis, chemotherapy associated 167
pain 192
soft tissue 184
swellings 184
tongue 202
Orbit 154, 353
abscess, subperiosteal 138
fissures 154
fractures 354, 360
hematoma 159
roof fractures 360
subperiosteal abscess 138
pediatric 138
oropharyngeal cancer of 206
tumors of 206
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease 379
Osteitis 60
Osteochondroma 197
Osteogenesis imperfecta 379
Osteogenic sarcoma 155, 191
Osteoma 148, 194, 197
Osteomyelitis 167
sclerosing 191
Osteoradionecrosis 167
Osteosarcoma 95
Osteosclerosis 191
Otalgia 36, 37, 39, 196
Otitic hydrocephalus 77
Otitis 167
externa 39, 42, 83
acute 42
chronic 42, 43
necrotizing 43
media 5, 14, 54, 56, 58, 60, 83, 140
acute 40, 54, 60
chronic 24, 58, 66
complications of 76
sequelae of 69
Otoacoustic emission 4, 11, 89
testing 26
Otoendoscopy 3
Otologic surgery 39
Otorrhea 38, 40, 75, 77
chronic 24
persistent 40
purulent 39
Otosclerosis 82
Ototopical drops 59
Ototoxicity 88
Paget's disease 191
Pai syndrome 109
Pain 202, 320
masticatory 196
fistulas 262
stiffening procedures 171
anesthesia of 146
lengthening 263
Palliative care service 396
Papillary lesions 184
Papilledema 77
Papilloma, parenchymal 287
Paradoxical vocal fold movement disorder 278
diagnosis of 278
Paraffin wax 193
Paragangliomas 92, 95, 321, 327
Paranasal sinuses 128, 154
Paraneoplastic tumors 332
Parapharyngeal space
lesions of 326
masses 326
Parathyroidectomy 333
subtotal 333
Parkinson's disease 121, 167, 259
Parotid gland 216
neoplasms of 216
tumors of 216
Parotid neoplasms 216
Parotiditis 196
Parotitis 167
Paroxysmal hemicranias, chronic 125
Paroxysmal positional vertigo, benign 101
Pars flaccida cholesteatoma, small 75
Passy Muir valve 275
Patulous eustachian tube dysfunction 50
Peanut deformity 47
Pembrolizumab 388
Pemphigoid 198
Pemphigus 198
Pendred's syndrome 12
Penicillin 187
Peptic ulcer 237
Perennial allergic rhinitis 140
Periarteritis nodosa 9
Perichondritis 37
Perilymphatic fistula 15, 81
Periodontitis 191
Periostitis 60
Peritonitis 233
Petrosal fallopian canals, enlarged 80
Petrositis 54
Petrous apex
cholesteatoma 73
lesions 94
surgical management of 95
Petrous apicitis 94, 95
Pfeiffer's syndrome 383
Phantosmia 121
Pharyngeal constrictor myotomy 297
Pharyngeal infection 167
Pharyngectomy techniques, partial 213
Pharyngitis 186, 187
Pharyngoesophageal segment 296
Pharynx, mucosal diseases of 182
Pierre Robin sequence 249, 342
Piriform sinus, apex of 290, 291
Pituitary tumors, anterior 332
Plasmacytoma 154, 155
Plummer's disease 329
Pneumoconiosis, chronic 245
Pneumomediastinum 248
Pneumonia, neonatal 248
Pneumothorax 248
Polyangiitis 143
Polyethylene, porous 349
Polyposis 105, 130
Polyps 135
Polysomnography 169, 177
Polytetrafluoroethylene 349
Poor school performance 56
Port-wine stain 313, 314
Positive airway pressure
bilevel 177
therapy 172
Positron emission tomography 63, 197, 207, 208, 213, 290, 320, 323, 335, 384, 391, 393
Postanesthesia care unit 381
Posterior fossa, epidermoid tumors of 98
Posterior nasal cavity, evaluation of 107
Postlaryngectomy voice restoration 296
Postoperative tracheostomy care 300
Post-tracheostomy, careful management of 300
Post-traumatic ageusia 199
Postviral vagal neuropathy 265
iodide 52
titanyl-phosphate laser ablation 259
Potential temporal artery biopsy 125
Pott's puffy tumor 128, 137
Precholesteatoma 75
Presbycusis 9
Preseptal cellulitis 137
Prochlorperazine 167
Professional voice, disorders of 258
Promethazine 101
Propofol 179
Proptosis 146, 156
Prostate 81, 191
Protein 39
Proton pump inhibitor 228, 259, 294
therapy 237
Pseudoaneurysm 93
Pseudomonas 59, 79
aeruginosa 39
Psoriasis 39
Pulmonary function testing 245, 381
Pulse deficit 325
Pyriform aperture stenosis 108, 110, 111, 249
Queckenstedt sign 77
Quinine 89
Rabies vaccines 351
Radiation therapy 93, 199, 291, 384
intensity-modulated 153, 211, 293, 385
oncology group 211
primary 211
Radical mastoidectomy, Bondy modified 73
Radioactive iodine 329
Radionuclide cisternography 115
Radiotherapy 147
Ramsay Hunt syndrome 9
Rapid streptococcus test 187
Red lesions 313
Reflux 134
Reinke's edema 241
Relaxed skin tension lines 368
Renal function tests 121
Respiratory distress 325
Respiratory papillomatosis, recurrent 286
Respiratory tract infection 39, 114
upper 37, 86, 264
Retromastoid 98
Retromolar trigone 208, 209
Retropharyngeal lesions 326
Rhabdomyosarcoma 91, 155
embryonal 154
Rheumatoid factor 63
Rheumatologic diseases 242
Rhinitis 140, 141, 143
allergic 104, 107, 121, 128, 140142
atrophic 143
autonomic 143
drug-induced 141, 143
hormone-induced 105, 143
idiopathic 142
medicamentosa 105, 107, 151
neonatal 249
nonallergic 141143
occupational 143
vasomotor 107, 115, 141, 142
Rhinoplasty, revision 348
Rhinorrhea 114, 127, 135
Rhinoscleroma 151
Rhinoscopy 146
anterior 106, 108, 119
Rhinosinusitis 134
acute 127
chronic 105, 121, 130
recurrent acute 130
severe 134
subacute bacterial 126, 127
Rhinosporidiosis 151
Rifampin 187
Rinne sign 83
Robotic surgery, transoral 210, 291, 327
Romberg test 32
Saddle nose deformity 150, 151
Salicylates 89
Salivary duct
carcinoma 216
obstruction 215
Salivary gland
advanced 207
benign tumors of 209
cancers 200
enlargement 214, 215
Salivary substitutes 193
Salt and pepper pattern 93
Salvage nasopharyngectomy 153
Samter's triad 107, 131
Saphenous vein graft, autologous 337
Saprophytic fungal growth 133
Sarcoid 143, 215
Sarcoidosis 9, 150, 151, 242, 245, 332
Scar revision 368
Schizophrenia 121
Schwannomas 95, 98, 321
Scleroderma 167, 245
amyotrophic lateral 167, 256
multiple 15, 167
Scopolamine, topical 269
Scrofula 321
Seizures 12, 167
Sensorineural hearing loss, acute 60
Sentinel lymph node biopsy 323, 375
deflection 249
fractures 360
injury 107
perforation 150
Septoplasty 107
Sertraline 167
Sevoflurane 179
Shock, signs of 233
Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome 125
Sialendoscopy 215
Sialometry 193
Sialorrhea 164, 268, 270
Single-gland disease 215
cancer 154, 155
disease, inflammatory 121
benign 148
malignant 146
benign tumors of 148
malignancy of 146
tumors of 154
maxillary 135
surgery, endoscopic 131, 158
thrombosis 77
trauma 121
Sinusitis 135, 137, 138, 140, 196
Sjögren's disease 193
Sjögren's syndrome 151, 192, 199, 215, 216
cancer 372
nonmelanoma 372
dryness 140
graft, full-thickness 364
lesions 40
Skull base 92, 153
Sleep apnea, central 168
Sleep disordered breathing
evaluation of 168
pediatric 176
Sleep endoscopy, drug-induced 175
Snoring 176, 181
non-apneic 170
Soft tissue 353
injuries 350
tumors, malignant 147
Somatosensation 33
Sore throat 186, 230
childhood apraxia of 257
disorders, management of 256
esophageal 296
language 57
delay 56
disorders 257
pathologist 241, 256, 259
therapy 271, 278
tracheoesophageal 296
Sphenopalatine artery 116
Sphincter pharyngoplasty 263
Spoken language 257
Spreader grafts 344
Squamous cell carcinoma 81, 123, 152, 155, 184, 200, 202, 206, 216, 219, 372, 395
cutaneous 372
head and neck 288, 388
management of 211
oropharyngeal 206, 210
tissue 209
Stapedectomy 83
Staphylococcus aureus 39, 59, 79, 128, 135, 139, 255, 283, 311
congenital 107
laryngotracheal 282
Stereotactic body radiation therapy 385
Stickler's syndrome 12
Stomach 81
Stomatitis, aphthous 187
Streptococcus pneumoniae 39, 55, 80, 127, 135, 139, 255
Stridor 250, 254, 292, 325
biphasic 249
symptomatic 275
Stroke 93, 168, 256
Strychnine neurotoxin 167
Sturge-Weber syndrome 314
Stylomastoid foramen 43
Subdigastric nodes 153
Subdural abscess, management of 75
Subglottis, cancer of 292
Submandibular gland 218
neoplasms of 218
Sulcus vocalis 241
Sulfamylon burn cream 79
Superficial peels 370
Superior semicircular canal dehiscence 7
Suppurative frontal sinusitis, acute 137, 139
Supraglottis, cancer of 290
fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of 163, 383
flexible endoscopic evaluation of 222, 271
Syndromic children, management of 382
Synovitis 167
Syphilis 107
titers 65
Syphilitic labyrinthitis 9
Systemic lupus erythematosus 9, 151
aberration 192
disturbance 198
T-cell lymphoma 123
Tearing 112
99m scan 43
pertechnetate 329
Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic 116, 122, 379
Temporal bone 90
carcinoma 90
computed tomography scan of 82
fractures of 78, 81
glomus tumor of 92
imaging 11
lipomas 91
squamous carcinoma of 91
tumors of 90
Temporomandibular joint 36, 166, 171, 196
disorders 52
dysfunction 357
neoplasms 197
pain 196
Tension pneumothorax 245
Thoracic wall diseases 245
Thrombocytopenia 12
Thrombosis 93
Thyroglossal duct cysts 321
carcinoma 328
disease 328
enlargement 328
function tests 12
nodule 330
scintigraphy 329
stimulating hormone 63, 121, 294, 329, 331, 393
Thyroidectomy 329
total 329
Thyroiditis 329
Thyroxine 393
Tinnitus 30, 73, 84
Tissue diagnosis 205
Tobey-Ayer test 77
Tobramycin 89
neoplasms of 202
tumors of 206
biopsy of 209
neoplasms of 208
Tonsillectomy 178
TORCH infections 11
Tracheomalacia 265
Tracheostomy 179
neonatal 247
Tracheotomy 177
Trail sign 71
Transnasal esophageal insufflation test 297
Transthoracic echo 317
Trauma 83, 302
acoustic 8
antecedent 39
laryngeal 280
maxillofacial 352
severe 8
Treacher Collins syndrome 44, 383
Trendelenburg positioning 159
Tri-iodothyronine 393
Trismus 166, 167
Trisomy 21 383
Tuberculin skin test 311
Tuberculosis 123, 151, 215, 289, 302, 320, 321
Tumors 128
beyond circumvallate papillae, extension of 291
epidermoid 96, 97
head and neck, 167
malignant 147, 209
metastatic 216
neck metastasis 395
neuroendocrine 147
supraglottic 291
syndromes 330
thickness 375
Two-step technique 5
Tympanic membrane 3, 14, 58, 66
disorders of 37
etiology of 71
laceration of 78
perforation 40, 70, 83
retraction 49, 69, 69
Tympanicum 93
Tympanomeningeal fissures 80
Tympanostomy tube 52, 58
Ulceration 150, 202 202
Ulcers, aphthous 184
guided fine-needle aspiration 218
high-resolution 330
University of Pennsylvania smell identification test 121
Upper aerodigestive tract 288
Upper airway
cough syndrome 265
obstruction, complete 176
Usher's syndrome 12, 383
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 175
Vagal nerves 121
Valsalva maneuver 291
Valve of Hasner 112
Vancomycin 89
Vanillylmandelic acid 92
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 117
Vascular malformations 302, 312, 313
Vasculitis, disseminated 151
Velocardiofacial syndrome 383
Velopharyngeal dysfunction 262
Ventilation tube 49, 69
Ventricles 290
Vermilionectomy 201
Vertebral defects 220
Vertigo 73, 78, 81
disorders 34, 100
central 101
peripheral 101
dysfunction 89
evoked myogenic potential 32, 87
loss, bilateral 101
nerve section 85
neuritis 86
rehabilitation 34
therapy 85
schwannoma 9698, 101
sensation 33
Vestibulo-ocular reflex 35
Videoelectronystagmography 84
Videofluoroscopic swallow study 222
Videofluoroscopy 343
Videolaryngoscopy 263, 281
Vidian neurectomy, endoscopic 115
Vinblastine 335
infection 199, 215, 267
rhinosinusitis 127
Vision 33
Vocal cord
augmentation 269
dysfunction 278
nodules 230
paralysis 269
unilateral 272
Vocal fold 240
benign 260
immobility, bilateral 274
motion abnormalities 260
paralysis 241, 276
bilateral 277
neonatal 276
unilateral 272
scar 241
Voice handicap index 240, 272, 275
Voice therapy 242, 273
Vomiting 77
Waardenburg syndrome 12
Waldeyer's ring 323
hypertrophy of tissues of 176
Warthin's tumor 215, 216
Weber-Fergusson incision 149
Weerda diverticuloscope 225
Wegener's disease 9
Wegener's granulomatosis 150, 151, 242
Werner syndrome 330
Western aphasia battery 257
Wheezing 267
White blood cell count 294
White eyed blowout fracture 355
Whooping cough 265
management 397
superficial 351
W-plasty 368, 369
Written language 257
Xerophthalmia 151
Xerostomia 151, 192, 199
drug-related 192
radiation-induced 192
treatment of 199
Yellow vascular lesions 313
Zenker's diverticulum 224, 269
Zenker's resection 269
Zitelli's modification of bilobe flap 365
Zona pellucida 263
Z-plasty 368, 369
Zygoma, fractures of 360
Zygomatic arch 197
Zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures 197
Chapter Notes

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