Essentials of Applied Microbiology for NURSES Including Infection Control and Safety
Essentials of Applied Microbiology for NURSES Including Infection Control and Safety
As per the Revised INC Syllabus for BSc Nursing
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Essentials of Applied Microbiology for Nurses Including Infection Control and Safety
First Edition: 2022
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Our Beloved Parents, Family Members
And, above all, the Almighty
It gives us immense pleasure to announce the release of Essentials of Applied Microbiology for Nurses. The excitement reaches its pinnacle as our sleepless nights of the last three months have come to an end.
The idea of scripting a Nursing book on Microbiology came to our mind as we received numerous requests from the Microbiology and Nursing faculties across the country to write a Microbiology book with a different approach exclusively catering to the nurses. The existing nursing books on this subject are discouraging with suboptimal matter and do not cover the infection control part, which is the most important area of Microbiology for Nurses.
Nurses are the pillar behind the success of any hospital. Their motherly care gives great relief to the patients. Proper training in Microbiology and infection control can produce competent nurses who will deliver better patient care.
- Infection control activities: The thorough knowledge of Nurses on various aspects of infection control such as contact precautions, e.g. hand hygiene with correct indications and steps, appropriate use of PPE is of immense help to prevent cross-transmission of infection in hospital.
- Antimicrobial stewardship activities: Nurses play a crucial role in several key activities of antimicrobial stewardship such as—(1) appropriate specimen collection by correct technique and at right time, (2) apposite administration of antimicrobials in the correct dose, frequency, etc.
- Comprehensive knowledge of sterilization and disinfection would help the Nurses to adhere to the disinfection policy and monitor environmental cleaning protocols in the healthcare facility.
Infection Control Nurses are the functional unit of the hospital infection control and prevention (HICP) unit and are pillars behind the implementation of infection control activities in healthcare facilities. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of infection control nurses in India. Therefore having in-depth knowledge of Microbiology and infection control can help nursing students in the future to pursue their careers as infection control nurses, which is a highly demanding and specialized area.
Keeping all the above-mentioned aspects in mind, we have drafted this textbook with a very unique approach to suit the need of nursing students of India—both in their examination and in clinical practice. The book has been thoroughly framed as per the revised Indian Nursing Council Curriculum for BSc Nursing 2021.
- Divided into two parts: Applied Microbiology and Infection Control Including Safety
- Applied Microbiology Part comprises of sections: General Microbiology, Immunology, Bacterial Infections, Viral Infections, Parasitic Infections, and Fungal Infections
- Section 1: General Microbiology section is meticulously structured with the inclusion of general bacteriology, general virology, general parasitology, and general mycology chapters. General bacteriology is reorganized into a single chapter with several sub-chapters
- Section 2: Immunology section covers topics such as immunity, components of the immune system, immune response, antigen, antibody and complement, antigen-antibody reaction, hypersensitivity reactions and immunoprophylaxis, and national immunization schedule
- Section 3: Systematic Bacteriology section covers topics such as gram-positive cocci (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Enterococcus), and gram-negative cocci infections (meningococcus and gonococcus), gram-positive bacilli infections (Corynebacterium and Bacillus), anaerobic infections, mycobacteria infections, gram-negative bacilli infections (Enterobacterales, Vibrio, non-fermenters, fastidious bacteria) and others
- Section 4: Virology section covers topics such as DNA viral infections like Herpes and others, and RNA viral infections such as Myxoviruses, rubella, coronaviruses, arboviruses, rabies, polio, HIV, hepatitis viruses, Ebola, viral gastroenteritis, oncogenic viruses, and others. COVID-19, the most catastrophic disease of today's date has been addressed as a completely new chapter covering in detail.
- Section 5: Parasitology section covers topics such as Amoebae, flagellates (Giardia, Trichomonas, Leishmania, and Trypanosoma), malaria parasite (Plasmodium), coccidian parasites infections, cestode, trematode and nematode (intestinal and tissue) infections
- Section 6: Mycology section covers topics such as superficial mycoses, subcutaneous mycoses, systemic (deep) mycoses, and opportunistic fungal infections
- Section 7: Infection control section comprises of topics such as healthcare-associated infections (HAI), standard precautions including hand hygiene and PPE, transmission-based precautions, major HAI types, HAI surveillance, and infection control committee, sterilization and disinfection (Including CSSD), biomedical waste management, needle stick injury, environmental surveillance, laundry management, immunization program for healthcare workers and antimicrobial stewardship
- Section 8: Applied Microbiology section comprises of topics on various infective syndromes such as bloodstream infection, meningitis, UTI, diarrhea, respiratory infection, and others.
- A separate chapter on Specimen Collection has been incorporated covering in-depth various aspects of appropriate specimen collection—correct technique, adequate volume, and at the correct time (before the start of antimicrobials),
- The chapter on Practical Microbiology has been incorporated covering the various practical aspects of Microbiology and Infection Control relevant to Nurses including several problem-solving exercises
- Patient Safety and Safety Protocol for Healthcare Personnel have been added as separate chapters, which is as per the new curriculum for BSc Nurses
- Most features of the author's popular MBBS book have been maintained in this book
- More content, less pages—saves student's time
- Concise, bulleted format, and to-the-point text—easy to read during the examination
- Simple and lucid language—makes the understanding easy
- Separate highlight boxes—for important topics and treatment boxes for quick review.
We hope that the nursing students will relish reading this book and find it useful. We also hope that we have made a good start in addressing the varied needs of nursing students and faculties teaching microbiology for nurses with a single comprehensive book. We will feel glad to receive your valuable feedback, which will enable us to improve further.
Apurba S SastrySandhya Bhat | Sandhya Bhat |
The release of Essentials of Applied Microbiology for Nurses would not have been possible without our close association with many people. We take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who made this book possible.
Hearty acknowledgments to our teachers, departmental staff, family members, and others, for their blessings and support.
- We are extremely thankful to Director, JIPMER, Puducherry, and Director-Principal, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Puducherry for giving permission to write this textbook.
- We would like to sincerely thank Dr Deepashree R, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, JSS Medical College, Mysuru, Karnataka, for her input during the manuscript preparation.
- We would like to sincerely thank Dr Ketan Priyadarshi, Senior Resident and Fellow in Hospital Infection Control, JIPMER for his inputs during the manuscript preparation.
- Faculty of Department of Microbiology, JIPMER for their constant support, inputs and help during preparation—Dr Sujatha S (Professor), Dr Rakesh Singh (Professor and Head), Dr Jharna Mandal (Professor), Dr Rahul Dhodapkar (Professor), Dr Noyal M Joseph (Additional Professor), Dr Rakhi Biswas (Additional Professor), Dr Nonika Rajkumari (Additional Professor) and Dr Maanasa Bhaskar (Assistant Professor).
- Faculty of Department of Microbiology, PIMS for their constant support, inputs, and help during preparation—Dr Shashikala, (Professor and Head), Dr Sheela Devi (Professor), Dr Johny Asir (Professor), Dr Vivian Joseph P (Professor), Dr Sujitha E (Associate Professor), Dr Arthi E (Associate Professor), Dr Patricia Anita (Associate Professor), Dr Meghna (Assistant Professor), Mrs Desdemona Rasitha (Tutor) and Mr Gnanavelu E (Tutor).
- Residents and postgraduates, Department of Microbiology, JIPMER and Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Puducherry.
- HICP, JIPMER—infection control nurses and support office staff such as Ms Ilaveni, Ms Ramya, and Mr Venkat.
- Infection control nurses, HICC, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry.
- Microbiology faculty from various institutes—for their inputs during manuscript preparation
- Dr Anand B Janagond, Professor of Microbiology, S Nijalingappa Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka
- Dr Tessa Antony, Faculty of Microbiology, Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai
- Dr Sribal Selvarajan, Faculty of Microbiology, Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai
- Dr MJ Kumari, Professor cum Principal (Ag.) and Vice Principal, College of Nursing, JIPMER, Puducherry
- Sr Dr Mony K, Principal, College of Nursing, PIMS, Puducherry
- Mrs Jessica Shushma D'Souza and Dr Mridula M, Faculty of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka.
- Special thanks to our teachers—Dr Reba Kanungo (PIMS, retired), Dr SC Parija (JIPMER, retired), Dr BN Harish (JIPMER, retired), Dr ER Nagaraj (SSMC Tumkur, retired), Dr Sharadadevi Mannur (CDSIMER, Bengaluru) and Dr Renushree (SSMC, Tumkur).
- For providing photographs—We are extremely thankful to all people/institutes/companies who have agreed to provide valuable photographs.
As you know, human errors are inevitable; and no book is immune to them. We would request all the readers to provide any errata found and also valuable inputs.
If any reader wishes to share feedback, suggestions, updates, and errata, please feel free to mail us at As a token of gratitude, the reader will be acknowledged in the subsequent edition of the book.
Special Acknowledgments to My Publishers
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India
- Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman)
- Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director)
- Mr MS Mani (Group President)
- Dr Madhu Choudhary (Director–Educational Publishing): She has been a great support throughout the manuscript preparation
- Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head)
- Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Visualizer)
- Dr Astha Sawhney (Assistant Manager): Extremely dynamic, have lot of patience and available 24×7 to address to our queries
- The Development Team: Mr Deepak Saxena (Typesetters), Mr Nitin Bhardwaj (Graphic Designer), Mr Binay Kumar (Proofreader). These guys are simply outstanding in their work. A special mention for Mr Deepak Saxena, we must say that he is the best operator of India in medical publishing. The way Nitin Bhardwaj does the designing of photographs is extraordinary. It is a treat for us to work with all of them. These guys are extremely workaholic and have a very good team spirit. We salute them, for their professionalism.
- Marketing heads from various zones: Mr Narendra Shekhawat (Vice President–Sales), Mr Venugopal V (South Head), Mr Rishi Sharma (North Region Head), CS Gawde (Western Head) and Sandip Gupta (Eastern Head).
- Branch managers and Sales manager from various branches: Bengaluru branch (Ravi Kumar, A Palani, E Venkatesh), Chennai branch (Maran A [Adoption Head for South], Dharani Kumar P, RK Dharani, Dharanidaran), Kochi branch (Sujeesh VS, Diffin Robin, Arun Kumar), Hyderabad branch (Parimal Guha Neogy, Marthanda Sarma, Rajesh Malothu, Hamza Ali), Mumbai branch (Sameer S Mulla), Nagpur branch (Rajesh Shrivas), Ahmedabad branch (Ms Priyanka Kansara, Dinesh Waghade), Delhi branch (Sujatha Puri), Kolkata branch (Sanjoy Chakraborthy).
Lastly, we would like to keep in record that without the support of our son, parents (of both Dr Sandhya and Dr Apurba) and other family members, it would have been impossible to continue the spirit on, during the journey of the current edition. A special mention to our son (Master Adarsh), who really helped us being very much cooperative. In fact, he was encouraging us to work for the book. We deeply apologize to you as well as our parents (Mr Anooj Sastry and Ms Tarini Purohit), as we could not give enough time and care during the manuscript preparation.
Apurba S Sastry
Sandhya Bhat
Theory: 2 Credits (40 hours)
Practical: 1 Credit (40 hours) (Lab/Experiential Learning – L/E)
Theory: 20 hours
Practical: 20 hours (Lab/Experiential Learning – L/E)
Description: This course is designed to enable students to acquire understanding of fundamentals of Microbiology, compare and contrast different microbes and comprehend the means of transmission and control of spread by various microorganisms. It also provides opportunities for practicing infection control measures in hospital and community settings.
Competencies: On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Identify the ubiquity and diversity of microorganisms in the human body and the environment.
- Classify and explain the morphology and growth of microbes.
- Identify various types of microorganisms.
- Explore mechanisms by which microorganisms cause disease.
- Develop understanding of how the human immune system counteracts infection by specific and non-specific mechanisms.
- Apply the principles of preparation and use of vaccines in immunization.
- Identify the contribution of the microbiologist and the microbiology laboratory to the diagnosis of infection.
T – Theory, L/E – Lab/Experiential Learning
Unit | Time (Hrs) | Learning Outcomes | Content | Teaching/ Learning Activities | Assessment Methods | |
T | P | |||||
I | 3 | Explain concepts and principles of microbiology and its importance in nursing | Introduction:
| |
II | 10 | 10 (L/E) | Describe structure, classification morphology and growth of bacteria | General characteristics of Microbes:
Identify Microorganisms |
| |||||
III | 4 | 6 (L/E) | Describe the different disease producing organisms | Pathogenic organisms
IV | 3 | 4 (L/E) | Explain the concepts of immunity, hyper sensitivity and immunization | Immunity
Theory: 20 hours
Practical/Lab: 20 hours (Lab/Experiential Learning – L/E)
Description: This course is designed to help students to acquire knowledge and develop competencies required for fundamental patient safety and infection control in delivering patient care. It also focuses on identifying patient safety indicators, preventing and managing hospital acquired infections, and in following universal precautions.
Competencies: The students will be able to:
- Develop knowledge and understanding of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) and effective practices for prevention.
- Integrate the knowledge of isolation (Barrier and reverse barrier) techniques in implementing various precautions.
- Demonstrate and practice steps in Handwashing and appropriate use of different types of PPE.
- Illustrate various disinfection and sterilization methods and techniques.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skill in specimen collection, handling and transport to optimize the diagnosis for treatment.
- Incorporate the principles and guidelines of Biomedical waste management.
- Apply the principles of antibiotic stewardship in performing the nurses‘ role.
- Identify patient safety indicators and perform the role of nurse in the patient safety audit process.
- Apply the knowledge of International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) in the patient care settings.
- Identify employee safety indicators and risk of occupational hazards.
- Develop understanding of the various safety protocols and adhere to those protocols.
T – Theory, L/E – Lab/Experiential Learning
Unit | Time (Hrs) | Learning Outcomes | Content | Teaching/Learning Activities | Assessment Methods | |
T | P | |||||
I | 2 | 2 (E) | Summarize the evidence based and effective patient care practices for the prevention of common healthcare associated infections in the healthcare setting | HAI (Hospital Acquired Infection)
II | 3 | 4 (L) | Demonstrate appropriate use of different types of PPEs and the critical use of risk assessment | Isolation Precautions and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
III | 1 | 2 (L) | Demonstrate the hand hygiene practice and its effectiveness on infection control | Hand Hygiene
IV | 1 | 2 (E) | Illustrates disinfection and sterilization in the healthcare setting | Disinfection and sterilization
V | 1 | Illustrate on what, when, how, why specimens are collected to optimize the diagnosis for treatment and management | Specimen Collection (Review)
| |
VI | 2 | 2 (E) | Explain on Biomedical waste management and laundry management | BMW (Biomedical Waste Management) Laundry management process and infection control and prevention
VII | 2 | Explain in detail about antibiotic stewardship, AMR Describe MRSA/ MDRO and its prevention | Antibiotic stewardship
| |
VIII | 3 | 5 (L/E) | Enlist the patient safety indicators followed in a health care organization and the role of nurse in the patient safety audit process Captures and analyzes incidents and events for quality improvement | Patient Safety Indicators
Incidents and Adverse Events
IX | 1 | Enumerate IPSG and application of the goals in the patient care settings | IPSG (International Patient Safety Goals)
| |
X | 2 | 3 (L/E) | Enumerate the various safety protocols and its applications | Safety protocol
XI | 2 | Explain importance of employee safety indicators Identify risk of occupational hazards, prevention and post exposure prophylaxis. | Employee Safety Indicators
Healthcare Worker Immunization Program and management of occupational exposure
*Experiential Learning:
Experiential learning is the process by which knowledge is created through the process of experience in the clinical field.