KNV’s Manual of Clinical Neurology K Neelakantan Viswanathan
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abadie's sign 31
ABCD2 score 99
Abdominoperineal resection 246
Abducens nerve 54
Abetalipoproteinemia 150, 183
Abscess 183
Acalculia 10
Accommodation reflex pathway 43
Acetyl cholinergic neurons, loss of 277
Achromatopsia 264
Acromegaly 135
Adamkiewicz artery 117
Addenbrooke's cognitive assessment scale 274
Addisonian crisis 229
Adeno-associated vector 163
Adiadochokinesia 33
Adrenal crisis 229
Adson's test 258
reverse 258
Adult polycystic kidney disease 97
Agnosia 10, 210, 277
auditory 9
Agraphia 10, 209
Air conduction 85f
Akathisia 10
Akinesia 154, 156
Albuminocytologic dissociation 139, 141
Alcohol 63
consumption 6
injection 212
intake, chronic 41
produces 6
withdrawal 6
Aldehyde 233
Alexander's law 63
Alexia 10, 209
Alien limb phenomenon 11
Allesthesia 30
Allochiria 10
Allodynia 30, 135
Alopecia 199
Alpers disease 219
Alteplase 115
Alzheimer's cells 268
Alzheimer's disease 271, 272, 275
Amantadine 160
Amaurosis fugax 41
Aminoglycosides 205
Amnesia 277
anterograde 277
Amphetamine 235
Amygdala 264, 265
light-chain 283
neuritic plaques 272
precursor protein 272, 277
Amyloidosis 134, 135, 283
familial 46
Amyotrophy 145f
alcoholic 6
diabetic 134, 137
hereditary neuralgic 258
neuralgic 258
Amytal sodium, intracarotid injection of 7
Anal reflex 27
Analgesics, narcotic 205
Andersen–Tawil syndrome 202
Anemia, aplastic 225
Anesthesia 30, 229
dolorosa 32
sacral 32
saddle 124
Aneurysm 112f
aortic arch 255
clipping of 97
Angiography 97, 294
Angioid streaks 285f
Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors 115
Angular gyrus lesion 10, 262
Anhidrosis 44
Anisocoria 40
Anisosterixis 267
Ankle 24
clonus 21f
jerk 24f
absent 27
paradoxical 24
Ankylosing spondylitis 279, 280
Anoctamin 199
Anosmia 11, 157
unilateral 11
Anosognosia 9, 277
Anoxic 228, 229
Antacids 205
Anterior cerebral artery 92, 95, 108f
stroke, effects of 107
Anterior choroidal artery 95
thrombosis of 99
Anterior spinal artery 92, 118f
syndrome signs 119f
Antiamyloid oligomer monoclonal antibody 160
Anti-aquaporin 4 antibody 281
Antiarrhythmics 205
Antibiotic regimens 296
Antibody 172, 194, 203
Anticholinergics 159
Anticholinesterase inhibitor 203
Anticoagulants 115
Anticonvulsants 63, 177, 205, 224
mechanism of action of 224
selection of 224
Antihistamines 152
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody 279, 283
Antinuclear antibody 222
Antioxidant 147
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 279, 282, 283
Antiplatelets 115
Antiretroviral therapy 292
Antirheumatic drugs 284t
Antisense oligonucleotides 147
Antisynthetase syndrome 194
Anton's syndrome 9, 105, 264
Anton–Babinski syndrome 261
Aorta, coarctation of 97
Apathy 277
Aphasia 208, 263, 277
nonfluent 207, 260
primary progressive 210, 275
receptive 207
sensory 207
subcortical 208
transcortical 208
types of 208t
Aphonia 210
Applause sign 159
Apraxia 261, 277
constructional 10, 266, 267
dressing 9f, 262f
ideational 9
ideomotor 9
sympathetic 10
verbal 208
Aqueous crystalline penicillin G 296
Arachnoiditis 280
Archicerebellum 174
Argyll Robertson pupil 43, 294
examination 116
medial cutaneous nerve of 254
Arnold–Chiari malformation 183, 190
Arrhythmias 229
Arterial blood gas 232
Arteritis 116, 133
Artery, pontine 92
inflammatory 279
nonerosive 194
Arthrogryposis 199
Ascending reticular activating system 5, 7, 94, 227f
affection of 227
Aschner–Dagnini oculocardiac reflex 88
Ash leaf macule 238, 238f
Asomatognosia 261
Aspartate 82
transaminase 162
Aspergillus 71
Aspirin 115
Astasia 251
Asterixis 266
Astrocytes-containing glycogen, proliferation of 268
Ataxia 34, 182t
acute 182
chronic 183
locomotor 295
sensory 251, 295
spinocerebellar 182, 183, 184t
telangiectasia 183, 185, 186f, 240, 241f
vestibular 251
Atenolol 205
Atheroma formation, sites of 101f
Atherosclerosis 6
Atlantoaxial dislocation 190
Atrophic rhinitis 11
Atrophy 206t
frontotemporal 275
monomelic 145
olivopontocerebellar 155, 158f
peroneal muscular 130
testicular 198
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 150, 195, 238
Audiometry 85
Auditory nerve 293
Autoantibody 172
Autonomic disorder 280
Autonomic nervous system 5, 34, 132, 281
Autosomal dominant 135, 183, 195, 226, 237, 243
disorder 272
Autosomal recessive 183, 185, 195
disorder 272
Autotopagnosia 9
Avellis syndrome 88, 102
Axillary nerve lesions 257
Axonal neuropathies 281
Azathioprine 172
Babinski's response 26
spontaneous 26, 26f
Babinski's sign 13, 25, 26, 83, 117
Babinski–Nageotte syndrome 106
Balint syndrome 261, 262
Balloon implant 97
Balo concentric sclerosis 171
Bamford classification 103
Bangalore variant 145
Barber's chair sign 5, 122, 128, 167
Barnes bundle 13
Barognosis 32
Basilar artery occlusion 105
Basilar syndrome 104
Batten-Turner myopathy 200
Battle's sign 229
Baum's loop 261
Bechterew's sign 14
Becker disease 13, 200
Becker muscular dystrophy 196
Beevor's sign 24, 123
Behavior, antisocial 260
Behçet's disease 282
Behçet's syndrome 279
Bell's palsy 80, 82
Bell's phenomenon 78, 79f
Bell–Magendie law 29
Benediction, hand of 16
Benedikt syndrome 101
Bergara–Wartenberg sign 83
Berry aneurysms 96
sites of 98f
Beta-N-oxalylamino alanine 6, 127
Betz cells 12
Biceps jerk 23f, 255
Biedl–Bardet syndrome 50
Bielschowsky's cerebral hemiatrophy 151
Bielschowsky's head tilt sign 56, 56f
Binswanger's disease 103, 276
Biot's breathing 233
Birth trauma 152
Bladder 143
automatic 245
autonomous 244
dysfunction 295
incontinence of 221
Bleeding 177
Blepharospasm syndrome 152
sight 264
spot 39
cortical 264
sudden 41
Bloch–Sulzberger syndrome 241
culture 232
flow testing 111
pressure 34, 97, 139, 229
elevated 262
raising viscosity of 115
sugar 222
Body mass index 137
Bogorad syndrome 79
conduction 85f
inflammation of 211
Bonnet's sign 50
Boston classification 208
Botulism 58, 130
Boucher–Neuhäuser syndrome 183
Bow Hunter's syndrome 107
Bowel 143
care of 233
incontinence of 221
movement, normal 5
Bowler's thumb 123
Brachial plexus 252
neuritis 134, 258
parts of 253t, 254f
total lesions of 255
tumors, primary 255
Brachioradialis 23, 255
prominence of 145f
Bradykinesia 154, 156
tests for 156f
Brain 184
biopsy 268
computed tomography scan of 45f
contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of 269f
death 234
diseases 251
disorders, degenerative 11
injury, traumatic 275
magnetic resonance imaging of 141
stimulation 160
vascular supply of 92
Brainstem 65, 66t, 91, 96, 101
function 229, 231
lesion 111, 234t
syndrome, acute 172
Branch retinal
artery occlusion 285f
vein occlusion 285f
Breastfeeding 222
apneustic 233
ataxic 233
cluster 233
Brisk jaw jerk 69f, 210
Brisk reflexes 19
Brissaud's reflex 26
Brissaud–Sicard syndrome 81
British anti-Lewisite 162
Brivaracetam 224
Broadbent's law 18, 78
Broca's aphasia 207
Broca's area 94, 207
Brow lift sign 83
Brown Séquard syndrome 32, 33f, 126
Brudzinski's sign 35
Bruns nystagmus 65
Bruns–Garland syndrome 137
Bulbar dysarthria 210
Bulbar palsy, progressive 142
Bulbocavernosus 27, 124
Bull's angle 188, 189f
Bulldog reflex 143
Bunina bodies 144
Burner syndrome 255
Butyrophenones 152
Cacosmia 11
Cadaveric hands 143
Café au lait
maculé 236, 236f
spots 3
Caisson disease 130
Calcium channel, disorders of 202
Calf muscles 146f, 198f
cysticercosis of 202f
pseudohypertrophy of 195f
California coast 236, 236f
Callososeptal interface demyelination 169f
Campylobacter jejuni 138
Capillaroscopy 193f
Carbamazepine 151, 212, 224, 225
Carbon monoxide 229
Cardiomyopathy 127, 185
obstructive 228
Caries spine 4
Caroticocavernous fistula-pulsatile exophthalmos 58
bifurcation 36f
sinus reflex 88
tunnel syndrome 17, 133, 136, 136fc, 281
Carphology 10
Cataplexy 235
venlafaxine 235
Cauda equina
lesions 124t
syndrome 280, 281
Caudate nucleus 150, 278
Causalgia 30
Cavernous sinus 73f
thrombosis 71
Cayman syndrome 183
Ceiling phenomenon 106
adhesion molecules 140
death 233
Cellular immunities 140
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 296
Central core disease 200
Central nervous system 6, 161, 167, 183, 279, 280, 282, 292
primary angiitis of 282, 283
vasculitis 280
Central retinal
artery occlusion 41
vein occlusion 41, 41f, 286f
Cephalalgia, histaminic 212
anterior inferior 92, 176, 177
posterior inferior 32, 92, 176, 177, 190
superior 92, 176
alcoholic 183
paraneoplastic syndrome of 184
dysfunction 65, 66t, 178f
causes of 177
signs of 33
functions 3
infarction 114f, 183
lesions 13, 22, 63
peduncle, superior 175
signs 167
distribution of 177, 177f
syndromes 174, 281
Cerebellopontine angle 82, 177
Cerebellum 96, 143, 169f, 177
blood supply of 176f
connections of 175, 176f
neoplasms of 183
nuclei of 175, 175f
parts of 174, 174f
artery, posterior 92, 104f
autoregulation 115
autosomal dominant arteriopathy 276
diplegia 24, 130
gummas 293
hemispheres 231
dysfunctions of 260
ischemia, manifestations of 294
palsy 130, 183
venous thrombosis 228
anomalies of 242
vasodilation of 216
Cerebrospinal fluid 59, 97, 138, 143, 188, 202, 211, 224, 232, 267, 272, 292
criteria 141
flow, obstruction of 190
Cerebrovascular disease 1, 92, 228, 260, 280, 281
Cerebrum 246
Ceroid lipofuscinosis 183
Cerulocerebellar tract 175
Ceruloplasmin, serum 162
Cervical 77
bruits 36f
cord lesions 123f
myelopathy 279
roots 117
sympathetic palsy 57
Cestan–Chenais syndrome 102
Chamberlain line 188, 188f
Channelopathies 201
Chapati test 3
Charcot's artery 93
Charcot Bouchard aneurysms 96
rupture of 4
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 134
Charcot–Wilbrand syndrome 8
Charles Bonnet syndrome 10
Charlevoix–Saguenay autosomal recessive spastic ataxia 183
Chédiak–Higashi disease 183
Chemical chaperones 163
Chemiluminescence immunoassay 295
Cherry red spot 48, 48f
Chest X-ray 222
Cheyne–Stokes respiration 233
Chloroquine 205
Cholinesterase inhibitors 276
Chorda tympani 75, 82
Chorea 278
gravidarum 150
severe 150
Choreoathetosis 161
Chorioretinal coloboma 286f
Chorioretinopathy, central serous 285f
Choroid, diseases of 41
Choroidal tubercle 50, 51f
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy 139, 164, 173
types of 140
Chvostek's sign 36
Ciliary ganglion 42
Ciliospinal reflex, loss of 44
Cingulate gyrus 264
Cisplatin 134
Clasp-knife spasticity 13, 14, 117
Claude Bernard syndrome 46
Claw hand
central cause of 17f
deformity 16
Clobazam 225
Clomipramine 235
Clonazepam 224
Clopidogrel 115
Coat's disease 198
Cocaine 116
Cogan's syndrome 282
Cogan's twitch sign 204
Cold agglutinins 140
Collet–Sicard syndrome 88
Colliculus, inferior 84
Collier's sign 105, 105f
Coloboma disk 286f
Color blindness, inheritance of 41
Color vision 46
Coma 234
causes of 228
clinical effects of 234t
myxedema 229
Common cold 11
Complete blood count 222
Computed tomography 97, 104f, 107f, 108f, 110f, 156, 214f, 219, 222, 269, 274
aphasia 208
velocity 134
Cones, function of 40
Confusion 227
Conn's score 267
Conn's syndromes 229
Connective tissue diseases 279, 280
Consciousness 7
Constipation 249
Contraction, flicker of 14
Conus medullaris 124t
Conventional catheter techniques 294
Convulsions 167, 241
Cord 103, 252
compression 130
lesions 33f, 256
lateral 253, 256
types of 119
medial 253, 256
posterior 253, 256
transverse section of 129f
Cornea, Descemet's membrane of 161
Corneal reflex 69f, 82
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 226
infection 11
Corpora quadrigemina, fusion of 190
callosotomy 221
callosum 165
Corti spiral ganglion 84
Cortical sensory functions, loss of 262
Corticobasal degeneration 272
Corticobulbar fibers 94
Corticobulbar tract 13
anatomy of 12
lesion 19
Corticosteroid 172
Corticostriatal fibers 148
Corticotropin releasing hormone 265
Costoclavicular syndrome 259
Cowdry A inclusions 269
Cramping 143
Cranial nerve 4, 67, 69f, 75, 84, 87f, 88
examination of 11
involvement 135
palsy 57
causes of 55
Cranial neuropathies 281
Craniofacial pains 211
causes of 211
Craniovertebral anomalies 187
classification of 187t
C-reactive protein 193, 222
Creatine phosphokinase 195
Creatinine 170
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease 151, 272, 275, 275f
Critical care polyneuropathy 133
Crocodile tears 79
Crude sensations 30
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis 279, 282
CSF FTA-ABS test 296
CSF-VDRL tests 295
Cuff compression, Gilliat and Wilson test of 137
Curtain sign 204
Cushing's syndromes 229
Cyanide poisonings 229
Cysticercosis 6
Cytochrome C oxidase 143
Cytomegalovirus retinitis 6
Czarnecki sign 46
Dabigatran 115
Daily living, activities of 9, 261, 271
Danaparoid 115
Dancing middle finger sign 16
Dandy–Walker malformation 183
Dangling arm syndrome 257
Dawson's fingers 169
Deafness 127
Decompression, microvascular 212
Deep brain stimulation 213
Deep tendon reflex 13, 117, 134, 146, 151, 185, 191, 192, 255
loss of 19
lower extremity 295
Deep vein thrombosis 115
Dehydration 59
Déjà Vu phenomenon 10
Dejerine syndrome 106, 107f
Dejerine–Roussy syndrome 100
Dejerine–Spillane syndrome 106
Delirium 248
tremens 6
Dementia 10, 271, 277
abnormal proteins in 274b
cardinal features of 275b
degenerative 276
etiological classification of 273b
frontotemporal 274, 275, 277
irreversible 275b
neurodegenerative 272
prevention 276b
reversible 273b, 277
syphilitic 296
treatment of 276
vascular 276
Demyelination 169, 170f
segmental 133t
Denervation supersensitivity, Cannon law of 17
Dental caries 211
Dentate nucleus 175
Dentatorubro pallidoluysian atrophy 183, 219
Dentato-thalamo-cortical tract 175
Dermatomyositis 239
primary idiopathic 192
Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia 248f
Devic's disease 172
Diabetes mellitus 3, 55, 127, 133, 134, 229
Didmoad syndrome 183
Diencephalic syndrome, acute 172
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging 269f, 275f
Digastric line 188
Dinkler sign 90
Diphtheria 134
Diplegia 124
Diplopia 4, 56, 57
Dipyridamole 115
Disequilibrium 251
Disialosyl antibodies 140
Distal muscle wasting 130
Distal sensory neuropathy 6, 280
Distress, respiratory 146
Diuretics 115
Dive-Bomber's sign 199
Dix–Hallpike maneuver 86
Doll's eye movements 229
Donepezil 277
Dopamine deficiency 154
Dorsal cochlear nuclei 84
Dorsal interossei wasting 144f
Dorsal midbrain syndrome 59, 105f
Dorsal scapular nerve 256
Double Panda signs 159
Down syndrome 11
D-penicillamine 162, 205
Dracunculus medinensis 202
Dravet syndrome 226
Droopy shoulder syndrome 259
Drugs 172
intoxication 65
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 195
Dural tail sign 293
Durkan test 136
Dysarthria 106, 209
cerebellar 209
cortical 210
hypokinetic 210
spastic 70, 210
Dysdiadochokinesia 180f
Dysesthesia 30
Dysferlinopathy 199, 200
Dysfunctional elimination syndrome 249
Dyskinesia, biphasic 160
Dyslipidemia, diabetic 3
Dysmetria 33, 65
Dysphagia 106
Dysphonia 106
spasmodic 152
Dysplasia, cerebellar 242
Dyssynergia 33
cerebellaris myoclonica 183
Dystonia 151
musculorum deformans 152
oromandibular 152
primary 152
segmental 152
Dystrophia myotonica 195, 198
Dystrophy 198, 206t
oculopharyngeal 195, 199
Ear 127
Echolalia 208
Edaravone 147
Edema 262
anticerebral 115, 214
macular 286f
Eden's test 259
Edinger–Westphal nuclei 42, 43, 53
Efferent motor fibers, lesions of 246
Egawa sign 16
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome 97
Eight and a half syndrome 61
Ekbom's syndrome 150
Electrocardiogram 185, 202, 222, 232
Electrodes placement 222f
Electroencephalogram 216, 217, 220f, 222f, 223f, 243, 267
Electromyography 193, 249
Electroneuromyography 139
Electrophoresis, normal serum 169
Elevated arm stress test 259
Elsberg phenomenon 122
Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 196
Emotional disorders 277
Empty delta sign 116
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 173
epileptic 226
hepatic 149, 266
hypertensive 97
hypoxic ischemic 275
metabolic 65
mitochondrial 202
Endarteritis 4
tuberculous 4
Endocrine 133, 134, 150, 277
abnormalities 202
adenomatosis, multiple 229
disorders 177
Endothelial dysfunction 262
Enophthalmos 44
causes of 59
Entorhinal cortex 264
Ephelides 238
Epilepsy 217, 239
anterior nucleus of thalamus for 221
catamenial 221
hot-water 220
juvenile myoclonic 219
myoclonic 202, 219
progressive myoclonus 219
syndromes 226
Epstein–Barr virus 134
Erb's paralysis 255
Erb's syphilitic paraplegia 4, 130, 293
Erdheim–Chester disease 184
Erectile dysfunction 167
Ergot derivatives 159
Ericson's test 137
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 193, 213, 222
Escherich sign 36
Escherichia coli 80
Eslicarbazepine 224
Ethanol 183
Ethosuximide 224, 225
Euosmia 11
Evoked response audiometry 85
Excessive daytime sleepiness 235
Exner's writing center 8
Exophthalmos 58f
causes of 58
Extraocular movements, abnormalities of 37
Extraocular muscles 55, 143
actions of 54f
palsies 57f
Extremity weakness 103
Eyes 127, 295
downward deviation of 232
inward deviation of 232
of tiger appearance 274f
Ezogabine 224
angiofibromas of 239, 239f
examination 116
angiofibromas 238
expression, abnormal 249
hemiatrophy 83
muscles, examination of 77
nerve 96
course of 75, 76f
disorders of 75
involvement 82
palsies 79f, 81t
Facioplegia 216
Fasciculations 17, 143
malignant 18
Fastigiobulbar tract 176
Fastigiovestibular tract 176
Fazio–Londe syndrome 145
Feces, impaction of 248
Felbamate 224, 225
Ferguson–Critchley syndrome 130
Fetor hepaticus 267
Fever of unknown origin 213
parasympathetic 40
sympathetic 40
thalamostriatal 148
Fibrillations 18
Fibromas, periungual 239
agnosia 9
finger test 18, 19f, 178, 179f
flexion 24
nose test 18, 19f, 178, 179f
Fishgold's digastric line 188f
Fistula sign 86
Flaccid paraparesis, causes of 129
Flail 3
arm 145
leg syndrome 145
Flapping tremor 149, 266
Flick sign 136
Floccillation 10
Fluent aphasia 207
analysis 111
attenuated inversion recovery 169f
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption 295
Fluorodeoxyglucose 275
Fluorosis 127, 127f
endemic 130
Fluoxetine 235
Foix–Chavany–Marie syndrome 210
Foodstuffs rich 215
Foot dorsiflexors 13
ovale 68
rotundum 68
medial cutaneous nerve of 254
pronators of 13
Foreign accent syndrome 207
Fothergill disease 71, 211
Foville syndrome 81, 102, 249
Fracture skull 229
Friedreich's ataxia 24, 27, 126, 130, 177, 183
Froment's sign 17
Frontal cortex, lesions of 247f
Frontopontine fibers 94
Fuchs sign 58
Fundus examination 214
Funduscopy reveals subhyaloid hemorrhage 97
Funiculus, anterior 246
Fused-in-sarcoma 143, 144
Gabapentin 224, 225
Gacs sign 109
Gag reflex 88
Gait 251
abnormalities of 35, 250
antalgic 251
ataxia of 190
automatic 251
broad-based reeling 251
cerebellar 180, 180f
dancing 251
decorticate 251
disorganized 251
double tapping 295
dystonic 251
evaluation of 109
festinant 157, 250
freezing of 251
gluteus maximus 250
hemiplegic 251
high steppage 251
magnetic 251, 260
myopathic 250
posterior lurch 250
scissors 251
short shuffling 154
slipping clutch 251, 260
spastic 251
stamping 251
transfemoral 250
unsteadiness of 34
vaulting 250
waddling 250
Galantamine 277
Gamma aminobutyric acid 18, 135, 151, 155f, 161, 224, 268
Gamma knife radiosurgery 212
Ganglia, basal 143, 148f, 149f, 267
Ganglionopathies 281
Ganglioside antibodies 139
Garcin syndrome 90
Garland sign 147
Gasperini syndrome 81, 105
Gasserian ganglion, lesions of 71
Gastrointestinal tract, immotility of 199
Gastroparesis diabeticorum 138
Gaze palsy 260
Gaze-evoked tinnitus 296
Gegenhalten 14
Geigel reflex 25
Gelle syndrome 102
Genetic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 143
Gerhardt syndrome 89, 103
Gerstmann syndrome 10, 210, 261, 262
Giant cell arteritis 213, 279, 281, 283
Giant panda, face of 159
Giddiness 5, 216
Giggle incontinence 249
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome 150
Glabella 28
tap 82, 157f
Glasgow coma scale 227, 228t
Glatiramer acetate 171
Glaucoma 211
acute congestive 41
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor 160
Glioblastoma multiforme 177
Gliosis 169
Globus pallidus 267
Glossopharyngeal nerve 87
Glutamate 82
activity attenuation 224
high levels of 144
Glycoprotein, anti-myelin associated 140
Godtfredsen syndrome 90
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 265
Goodpasture syndrome 163
Gottron papules 193f, 240, 240f
Gowers's sign 195, 196f
Gradenigo syndrome 74
Grady coma scale 227
Granular cell layer 175
Granulomatosis 283
eosinophilic 282
Graphesthesia 33
Graves’ disease 58
Gray-matter myelitis, addition of 280
Greater superficial petrosal nerve 75, 82
Grenet syndrome 102
hormone inhibiting hormone 265
retardation 238
Guam variant 145
Guillain–Barré syndrome 129, 133, 138, 164, 177, 251, 280, 283
treatment of 139
variants of 139
Gunn's sign 50
Hachinski sign 27
Half and half syndrome 61
Hallervorden–Spatz disease 272
Hallucinations 10, 277
auditory 263
olfactory 11
Halo sign 214f
Haloperidol 151
Halstead's maneuver 258
Hammond's disease 151
elevation test 136
grip, muscles of 13
small muscles of 125f, 125t
Hard exudate 291f
Harlequin syndrome 70
Harris’ sign 59, 60f, 63, 63f, 167
Hashimoto's encephalopathy 183
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 172
Hatchet facies 199, 199f
Headache 211, 213, 216
alarm clock 212
causes of 211
chronic daily 216
cluster 212
coital 216
hypnic 216
neuralgiform 213b
thunderclap 97, 211
Hearing loss 33
congenital 116
rheumatic 116
failure 149
murmurs 229
Heel-knee test 18, 20f, 179f
Heerfordt syndrome 283
Heliotrope rash 240, 240f
Hemangioblastomas 177
Hemangiomas 242
intracerebral 242
port-wine 241f
extradural 113f
subdural 6, 98, 113f, 228, 277
altitudinal 40
binasal 40
bitemporal 39
homonymous 103, 264
inattention 40
right homonymous 39, 40
Hemiballismus 151
angioparalytica 212
chronic paroxysmal 216
Hemimegalencephaly 241
Hemiparesis 260
Hemiplegia 100, 101, 109, 111
carotid 103
cruciate 100
double 100
hysterical 100
recurrent 100
stage of 111
Hemisensory loss 30, 100
Hemisphere, nondominant 209
Hemispherectomy 221
Hemispheric lesion 111
Hemorrhage 48, 51f, 94, 113f, 183
cerebellar 114f
duret 96
intracerebral 4
intraventricular 98f
peripapillary 48
pontine 41
retinal 41
splinter 290f
subarachnoid 4, 96, 98f, 211
subconjunctival 289f
subhyaloid 52f, 97f, 291f
Hennebert sign 87
Henoch–Schönlein purpura 150, 282, 283
Heparin 115
Hepatic dysfunctions 277
Hepatitis B 134
Hepatotoxicity 225
Herald hemiparesis 105
Herculean appearance 13, 200
Herpes simplex virus 268
encephalitis 266, 268, 269f, 270
Herpes zoster 133
ophthalmicus 70f
Heubner's artery
occlusion 108
thrombosis of 99
High arched foot 127, 185
High-fat diet 6
Hinman–Allen syndrome 249
flexors 13
hiking 250
Hippocampal atrophy 275b
Hirayama disease 145
Hitzelberger's sign 82
Hochsinger's sign 36
Holmes Adie pupil 44
Holster sign 240
Horner's syndrome 41, 44, 44f, 59, 88, 103, 106
Horton's headache 212
Hot-cross bun sign 158
Human immunodeficiency virus 6, 119, 129, 133, 134, 224, 292
myelopathy 130
Human leukocyte antigen 139, 143, 165, 203
Hummingbird sign 158, 158f
Hung up reflex 22
Huntington's chorea 150
Huntington's disease 153, 272, 278
Hutchinson's pupil 45, 45f
Hydrocephalus 183, 239
normal pressure 155, 251
Hydronephrosis 249
Hyperactive jaw jerk 143
Hyperacusis 78
Hyperalgesia 135
Hyperammonemia 225
Hypercholesterolemia 229
Hyperemesis gravidarum 11
Hyperesthesia 30, 135
Hyperglycemia 150
Hypergraphia 210
Hypermetropia 48
Hyperosmia 11
Hyperparathyroidism 146
Hyperpathia 30, 135
Hyperreflexia 19, 117
Hypertension 3, 213
malignant 229
severe 115
Hypertensive retinopathy 4
Keith–Wagener–Barker classification of 49
Hyperthermia, malignant 202
Hyperthyroidism 150
Hypertonia 117
Hypertriglyceridemia 52
Hypertrophy 13
Hyperventilation 218
central neurogenic 229, 233, 234
Hyperviscosity syndrome 280
Hypoadrenocorticism 11
Hypoesthesias 30
Hypogammaglobulinemia 199
Hypoglossal nerve 90
Hypoglycemia 229
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 11
Hypometric saccades 157
Hyponatremia 225, 272
Hypoparathyroidism 183
Hyporeflexia 117
Hypotension, orthostatic 138, 155
Hypothalamocerebellar tract 175
Hypothalamus 212, 264
Hypothenar eminence, muscles of 125
Hypothyroidism 3, 22, 133, 183, 272
Hypotonia 13, 33, 117
Hypsarrhythmia 220f
Hysterectomy, radical 246
Ice test 204f
Immune neuropathies 134
Immunity, humoral 140
Immunoglobulin, intravenous 139, 172, 194
Immunosuppressive therapy 280
Impaired glucose tolerance 127, 185
Inclusion body 277
myositis 194
Incontinence 221, 260
functional 249
overflow 249
types of 248f
Incontinentia pigmenti 241
Inebilizumab 172
Infantile 146
spasms 219
Infections 116, 183
urinary 249
Inferior cerebellar peduncle 175
Inferior rectus 55, 58
Inflammation 169
Inguinal ligament 29
Insane, general paralysis of 4, 149, 292
Intensive care unit 138
Internal carotid artery 95
aneurysm of 55
International League Against Epilepsy 217
Interosseous ligament, calcification of 127f
Interstitial lung disease 194
Intra-axial intracranial space occupying lesion 215f
Intracranial pressure 191
Intracranial tension 5, 211, 243
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities 51
Iris 238f
atrophy of 43
hamartomas 238
Isaacs’ syndrome 200
Ischemic attacks, recurrent transient 281
Ishihara's chart 46, 47f
Isolation aphasias 208
Ito hypomelanosis 242, 242f
Jackson syndrome 88, 102
Jaeger's card 38
Japanese variant 145
Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction 296
Jaw drop 74
Jaw jerk 22, 22f, 69, 69f
Jaw tremors 149
Jeanne's sign 17
Jeavons syndrome 226
Jendrassik's maneuver 21, 22f
Jerky nystagmus 62
Joubert syndrome 177
Kallmann syndrome 11
Katz and Stirrat hand diagram 136
Kayser–Fleischer ring 161, 162f
Kearns–Sayre syndrome 50, 59
Keith–Wagener–Barker classification 49
Kennedy disease 146
Kernig's sign 35, 35f, 109, 229
Kernohan–Woltman sign 56, 229, 230f
Kestenbaum sign 49
Ketoacidosis 233
diabetic 71, 229
Kidney 134
failure 149
Kiloh–Nevin syndrome 137
Kinesia paradoxa 156, 250
Kinetic limb apraxia 10
King Denborough syndrome 200
Kjellin syndrome 130
Klaus height index 189
Klippel–Feil sign 26
Klippel–Feil syndrome 189
Klumpke's paralysis 255
Klüver–Bucy syndrome 262, 263
Knee 23
jerk 22, 22f, 23f, 34
pendular 178f
Koenen tumor 239, 239f
Koerber–Salus–Elschnig syndrome 66
Koh's blocks 10
Köllner rule 47
Korsakoff psychosis 6
Kozhevnikov's epilepsy 225
Krause end bulbs 29
Kudzu root 213
Kufor–Rakeb disease 157
Kussmaul breathing 233
Kyphoscoliosis 190
Laban's tethered median nerve stress test 136
artery 92
dysfunction 66t
Labyrinthitis 183
Lacosamide 224, 225
Lactic acidosis 202, 229, 233
Lafora body disease 219
Lagophthalmos 59f
Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome 15
Lamotrigine 224, 225
Lance–Adams syndrome 151
Landau–Kleffner syndrome 219
Landolt C chart 38f
Landouzy and Dejerine facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 197
Larynx 18
Lateral spinothalamic tract signs 29, 33f
Lathyrism 24, 127, 130
Lathyrus sativus 127
Latissimus dorsi 257
Lead neuropathy 134
Leão spreading depression 216
muscle weakness 242
painful 150
Legius syndrome 237
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome 219
Leprosy 68f, 133
Leri sign 26
Lesch–Nyhan syndrome 152
ischemic 275
site of 150, 227, 228
Leucine rich repeat kinase 2 156
Leukoencephalopathy 276
progressive multifocal 280
Levetiracetam 224, 225
Levine–Critchley syndrome 152
Levodopa 154, 159, 160
Lewis–Sumner syndrome 140
Lewy body 154, 155f, 275b
dementia 277
Lhermitte peduncular hallucinosis 104
Lhermitte's sign 5, 122, 128, 167
Lhermitte–Duclos disease 183
Lichen planus 163
Lid nystagmus 66
Light reflex 42
Lilliputian 10
girdle 195
muscular dystrophies 199
prosthetic 250
tremors 65
upper 2, 111, 178
Limbic system 264
Lincoln's ataxia 185
Linear nevus syndrome 241
Lipemia retinalis 52f
Lipomas 238
high-density 1
low density 203
Lisch nodules 237, 238, 238f, 287f
Lithium 205
carbonate 216
Liver 134
function test 222
Lobule, paracentral 245
Locked-in syndrome 105, 232
Loud noises 85, 218
Louis–Bar syndrome 185, 240
Low set ears 187
Lower cranial nerve 84
lesions, principal causes of 91
Lower limb 3, 18, 20f, 179
Lower motor neuron 3, 13, 77, 79f, 88, 117, 142, 174, 210, 244
bilateral 80, 81t
facial palsy 77
features of 78
lesions 117
Lubag syndrome 152
canal stenosis 246
cord lesions 123, 124f
puncture 97, 215, 269
headache 215
Lumbrical, paralysis of 16
Lung diseases, obstructive 229
Lust phenomenon 36
Luys subthalamic nucleus 151
Lyme disease 133, 183, 257
Lymphadenopathy 225
Lymphoma 255
Lytico–Bodig disease 145
Macrographia 34
Macula 48, 48f
Macular scar 287f
Madras motor neuron disease 145
Magendie cysts, Foramen of 190
Magnetic resonance 97, 170, 243, 294
imaging 96, 104f, 107f, 108f, 110f, 128, 147, 157, 158f, 162f, 169, 188, 214f, 219, 222, 232, 267, 272, 275
Maine coast 236f, 237
Maldon teeth 127
arteriovenous 112
hamartomatous 183
Malignancy 133
Mammillary body 264
Marburg variant 171
Marcheà petit pas 251
Marcus Gunn
phenomenon 79, 80
pupil 45, 167
Marie–Foix syndrome 81, 102
sign 79
syndrome 79, 80f
Marinesco–Sjögren syndrome 183
Mask 161
Mastication, muscles of 70
McArdle's disease 14
McCarthy reflex 82
McGregor lines 188, 188f
McLeod syndrome 153
McRae line 188, 188f
Mechanic's hands 194, 194f
Medial brachial fascia 258
Medial cord 253, 256
lesions 257
Medial longitudinal fasciculus 53, 102, 167, 174
lesion 60f, 63, 63f
Medial medullary syndrome 103
Median nerve 257
compression 17
lesions 258
Medulla 87f, 102, 190
lateral wedge of 71
Meissner's corpuscle 29
Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome 80
Memantine 277
Membrane protein, vesicle associated 143
Memory lapses 260
Meningeal irritation, signs of 35
aseptic 280, 281
basal 11
symptomatic 292, 293
tuberculous 4
Meningocele 242, 242f
Meningoencephalitis 228
Meningomyelitis 4
Meningomyelocele, lumbosacral 246
Meningovascular disease 292
Menses 216
functions 143
status examination 7
Merkel's disks 29
Metabolism, inborn errors of 183
Methanol ingestion 233
Methyl phenyl tetrahydropyridine 156
Methylcobalamin 136
Methylosinus trichosporium 163
Methylphenidate 235
Metoclopramide 152
Meyer's loop 262
Mickey mouse sign 158, 158f
Microbiological test 297
Micrographia 157
Microgyria 190
Microhemorrhage, hypertensive 114f
Microsaccadic oscillations 65
Micturition reflex 247f
Midbrain 65, 101
Middle cerebellar peduncle 175
Middle cerebral artery 93, 95, 110f, 207, 260
sign 109f
Migraine 183, 215
basilar 216
classical 215
premonitory phase of 11
Mill's variant 145
Millard–Gubler syndrome 81, 101
Mimetic palsy 83
Mini-mental state examination 274
Miosis 44
Miotic pupils 41
Mixed connective tissue disease 279, 281, 283
Miyoshi myopathy 200
Modafinil 235
Moersch–Woltman syndrome 160
Monocular eye movements 66, 232
Mononeuritis multiplex 4, 132, 281
Mononeuropathy 132, 257
Monoparesis 260
Monoplegia 101
Montreal cognitive assessment scale 274
Mood disorder 280
Morning glory sign 158, 278
Morvan's disease 128
Moschcowitz syndrome 116
Motor aphasia 207
Motor apraxia 9
Motor axonal neuropathy, acute 139
Motor band sign 147
Motor neuron disease 24, 91, 130, 142, 145, 147, 147b
clinical feature of 143
Motor neuropathy 134
Motor nucleus 67
components of 77
Motor paralysis, bilateral symmetric 119
Motor pathways 12f, 120f
Mouth-neurogenic bladder syndrome 249
disorder 280, 281
range of 20
Moving toes syndrome 150
Moyamoya disease 116f
Multiple choroidal tubercles 51f
Multiple sclerosis 24, 129, 130, 165, 171, 171t, 172, 177, 183
clinical course of 166f
etiology of 165f
primary progressive 166
progressive relapsing 166
relapsing-remitting 166
secondary progressive 166
types of 166f
variants of 171
Multisystem atrophy 154, 155, 158f, 159f
Muscles 15t, 16t, 253t
atrophy 280
biopsy 194, 199
bulk of 3, 13
diseases of 192
eye brain disease 199
specific kinase 203
stretch reflexes 19, 229
tone of 13
weakness of 207
Muscular dystrophy 3, 13, 194
congenital 199
Musculocutaneous nerve 254, 258
Mutism 210
Myasthenia gravis 163, 172, 202, 281
diagnosis of 206fc
management of 206fc
Myasthenic crisis, treatment protocol of 205f
Myasthenic snarl 204, 204f
Myasthenic syndromes, congenital 205
Mycophenolate mofetil 172
Mydriasis, periodic 46
Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 172
Myelinated nerve fibers 48
acute 172
transverse 127, 129, 130, 172, 281
white matter 280
Myelopathy 128, 280
compressive 119, 121t
noncompressive 119, 121t
vacuolar 6
Myerson's sign 28, 82, 157
Mylohyoid 70
Myocardial infarction 229
Myoclonus 151
dystonia syndrome 153
Myoinositol 170
Myokymia 18
Myopathy 6
centronuclear 200
metabolic 129
mitochondrial 202
multiminicore 200
myotubular 200
ocular 58
proximal myotonic 195, 199
Myositis 194
Myotonia 199
congenita 200
Myotonic dystrophy 195
N-acetyl aspartate 170
Nail fold, capillary dilatation of 193f
Naked eye appearance 162f
Narcolepsy 227, 234
Nasopharynx 91
Natalizumab 171
Nazer prognostic index 162, 162t
Near vision 39f
nape of 29
pain 191
short 187
stiffness 35, 35f, 229
tongue syndrome 74
Negro sign 83
Neocerebellum 174, 175
Neoplasms 183, 184
Neostigmine 41
test 203
Nephrotic syndrome 163
biopsy 141
cell 11
conduction 167f
studies 138
velocity 140
fibers, classification of 134t
Nervous system 164f
demyelinating diseases of 164
examination of 2, 7, 261
parasympathetic 244f
syphilis of 156
Neuralgia 135
petrosal 212
sphenopalatine 212
trigeminal 71, 72f, 211
Neurapraxia 133
Neuritis 80
Neuroacanthocytosis 155
Neurocysticercosis 219f
Neurodegeneration, pantothenate kinase-associated 272, 274f, 275
Neurofibromas, subcutaneous 237f
Neurofibromatosis 35, 237
Neurologic syndromes 283t
Neuromuscular junction 117, 202, 203f
diseases of 192, 202
disorder 57
Neuromyelitis optica 172, 281
spectrum disorder 172, 280
Neuromyotonia 200
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 219
Neuronopathies, sensory 281
first order 44
internuncial 20f
second order 44
third order 44
anterior interosseous 137
ataxic 134
autonomic 4, 280, 281
chronic ataxic 140
classification of 134
demyelinating 135
diabetic 137
entrapment 132, 258
paraproteinemic demyelinating 140
small fiber 134, 280, 281, 283
trigeminal 281
Neuropsychiatry syndrome 266
classification of 280t
Neurosyphilis 292, 293
asymptomatic 293
forms of 294
late 294
Neurotmesis 133
Neurotransmitters 203f
Neurotrophin 136
Niemann–Pick disease 183
Nigrostriatal fibers 148
Nimodipine 97, 115
Nissl–Alzheimer arteritis 294
N-methyl D-aspartate 159, 270
Nocturnal sleep disturbance 234
subcutaneous 237f
subungual 239
Nominal aphasia 208
Non-neurogenic neurogenic bladder 249
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 80, 284
Nontreponemal tests, serum 295
North sea progressive myoclonus epilepsy 219
Nothnagel syndrome 101
fastigial 175
mesencephalic 67
sensory 67
Numb chin syndrome 74
Nystagmoid jerks 62, 65, 232
Nystagmus 33, 62, 64, 86, 229
central 66t
convergence 64
downbeat 64
grading of 64
monocular pendular 296
ocular 62
optokinetic 64
pendular 62
periodic alternating 65, 232
retraction 64
rotatory 64
upbeat 64
voluntary 66
windmill 65
Obstructive sleep apnea 198
Ocular fundus, normal 47f
Ocular signs 109, 111
Oculocephalic reflex 86, 232
Oculogyric crises 157, 296
Oculomotor nerve 43, 52
course of 53
palsy 57, 58f
clinical feature of 55
Odors, abnormal 229
Ohtahara syndrome 226
Okamoto syndrome 249
loss 33
modality of 263
Olfactory nerve 11, 42
Oligoclonal G bands 169
One and a half syndrome 60, 61f, 63, 64f, 168, 168f
Opalski syndrome 106
Ophthalmoplegia 140
bilateral internuclear 296
chronic progressive external 59, 202
internuclear 57, 59, 60f, 63, 167, 168, 168f
Ophthalmoscope 47f
Opsoclonus 65
idiopathic microsaccadic 65
Optic atrophy 4, 6, 48, 49f, 127, 130
consecutive 49
development of 49
glaucomatous 49, 291f
primary 49
secondary 49
Optic chiasma, relations of 37
Optic disk drusen 48
Optic nerve 42, 43, 165
course of 37
tumors 58
Optic neuritis 167, 172, 281, 283
Optic neuropathy 163, 281
anterior ischemic 213
Optic radiation 94
affection, inferior fibers of 262
Optokinetic nystagmus 64
asymmetry of 262
Orbit, cellulitis of 58
Orbital roof, fracture of 11
Orbitofrontal cortex 265
Orexin 235
Organ failure 134, 228
Orofacial apraxia 210
Oscillopsia 66
Osler–Vaquez disease 150
Osteitis 74
Oval pupils 46
Oxcarbazepine 224
Pachymeningitis 4, 280
Pacinian corpuscles 29
Paget's disease 85, 187
central 122
funicular 119, 122
intermittent 259
radicular 122
vertebral 122
Palatal myoclonus 88
Paleocerebellum 174
Panayiotopoulos syndrome 226
Panda sign 162, 162f
Pantomime agnosia 264
Papez circuit 264f
Maclean's modified 264
Papilledema 47, 48f, 214, 287f
long-standing 41
Papillopathy, diabetic 286f
divergent 296
hyperkalemic periodic 201
hypokalemic periodic 202
lower plexus 255
middle plexus 255
periodic 129
upper plexus 255
Paramedian pontine reticular formation 81, 102, 168
Paraneoplastic phenomenon 65
Paraplegia 124, 125t
central cause of 124
familial spastic 130
Parapontine reticular formation 63
Parasellar lesions 63
Paresthesia 30
Paretic jerks 62
Parietal lobe 260
Parinaud syndrome 59, 101
Parkinson's disease 82, 154, 155, 250, 266, 276
pathophysiology of 156f
Parkinsonism 154, 250, 251, 278
Parosmia 11
Parry Romberg syndrome 83
Parsonage–Turner syndrome 258
Partington syndrome 153
Patellar clonus 22f
Patent foramen ovale 95, 99
Paton's lines 47
Pectoral nerve
lateral 254
medial 254
absence of 197f
jerk 22f
reflex 23
Penguin sign 158, 158f
Penumbra, ischemic 115
Peripheral disorders 210
Peripheral nerve 35
disorders of 132
sheath tumors 238
Peripheral nervous system 279281
Peripheral neuropathy 33f, 130, 132t, 135, 138
types of 132, 133t
Pes cavus 127
Petite madeleines phenomenon 8
PHACE syndrome 242
Phakomatoses 236
Phalen's sign 136
Phantom sensations 30
Phantosmia 11
Pharynx 18
Phenobarbitone 224
Phenothiazines 150
Phenylbutyrate 147
Phenytoin 205, 224, 225
Phosphate 156
Pick's bundle 78
Pick's sign 66
Ping-pong gaze 65, 232
Piriform cortex 265
Pitres Testut sign 16
Pitres’ law 209
Plantar reflex 25, 25f, 26
inversion of 26
Plasma exchange 172
Plasmapheresis 139
Platybasia 187
Plexopathy 135, 281
Plexus injury 255
Plus-minus lid syndrome 57
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia 6
Poisoning 11
organophosphorus 41, 134
Poliomyelitis 91, 129
Pollakiuria 249
Poly hill sign 196f, 197, 197f
Polyangiitis 282, 283
Polyarteritis nodosa 134, 279, 281, 283
Polymerase chain reaction 269
Polymyositis 130
primary idiopathic 192
Polyneuritis 138
inflammatory demyelinating 138
Polyneuropathy 132, 137
sensorimotor 281, 283
Polyradiculopathies 137
Pons 96, 101, 246
Pontine paramedian reticular formation 60f, 246
Pool-Schlesinger's sign 36
Pop-eye 197
Porphyria 133
acute intermittent 133, 134
Porter's tip hand 255
Positron emission tomography 224, 274
Posterior communicating artery 95
aneurysm of 55
Posterior cord 253, 256
lesions 257
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome 262, 263f, 282
Postsynaptic disorders 206
Potassium channel, disorders of 202
Pott's spine 4
Pourfour du petit syndrome 45
Pradhan sign 195, 196f
Praxis 9
Preacher's hand 16
Preeclampsia 262
Pregabalin 224
Preganglionic lesions 71
Pregnancy 134
Prevost sign 260
Primidone 224
Prolactin inhibitory hormone 265
Pronator sign 151, 260
Propranolol 216
Prosody, lack of 260
Prosopagnosia 264
Protein electrophoresis 138
Proust phenomenon 8
Pseudo Babinski sign 25
Pseudo von Graefe's sign 58
Pseudobulbar palsy 69f, 70, 210
Pseudopapilledema 48
Pseudoseizures 221
Psilocybin mushrooms 213
Psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score 268
Psychosis 280
lateral 70
medial 70
Ptosis 56f, 58f, 199
partial 44, 44f
Pudendal nerve 27
Pulvinar sign 275f
Punch drunk syndrome 154
Pupillary reflex 42, 138
absent 43
pathway 42, 54f
Pupils, paradoxical 46
Pure alexia 264
Pure motor stroke 99
Pure sensory
neuropathy 283
stroke 99, 100
Pure tone audiometry 85
Pure word deafness 209
Purkinje cell layer 175
Putaminal lesion 111
Putaminal rim 159
Pyramidal tract 120f
abnormalities 266
Pyridoxine toxicity 134
Q-T prolongation 225
Quadrantanopia 38
inferior 261
lower right 40
upper right 40
Quadriceps sign 201f
Quadriplegia 124
Rabbit syndrome 150
Radial nerve 16, 254
lesions 258
Radial reflex 23, 23f, 255
Radiation 133
Radiology 278
Raeder paratrigeminal syndrome 71
Ragged red fibers 59, 202, 219
Ramsay Hunt syndrome 81
Ranvier node 167f
Rapamycin, mammalian target of 243
Rapid eye movement 234
Rapid plasma reagin 295
Rasdolsky syndrome 102
Rauwolfia alkaloids 205
Raymond–Céstan syndrome 102
Raynaud's phenomenon 194
lateral 55, 55f, 58
superior 55, 58
Red blood cells 97
Reflex 19, 82, 109
abdominal 24, 25f, 143
absent 127
conjunctival 82
cremasteric 24
epilepsies 220
grading of 21
nasal 70
nasolacrimal 83
oculovestibular 232
pathways 43f
primitive 27, 260
superficial 24
vasospasm 97
Refractory seizures, management of 221b
Refsum disease 50, 183
Regurgitation, nasal 4
Reinforcement techniques 21
Reitan's number connection test 267
Renal failure 262
Renshaw cell 18, 20f
inhibition 21f
Residual paralysis, stage of 111
Respiratory failure 149
Respiratory rate 34
Restless legs syndrome 150
Reticulospinal tract 19
Retina, diseases of 41
Retinal detachment 41, 288f
Retinitis 291f
pigmentosa 41, 50, 51f, 127, 135, 185, 272, 288f
anemic 52, 53f
diabetic 50, 51f
high-risk proliferative 286f
hypertensive 4
Revilliod sign 83
Rhabdomyomas, cardiac 239
Rheumatic diseases 279
arthritis 136, 279, 283
disease 134
meningitis 280
nodules 280
Ribot's law 7, 209
Richardson–Steele–Olszewski syndrome 154
Ricker syndrome 199
Riddoch syndrome 264
Rigidity 14, 154, 156, 200
Rinne test 84, 85f
Rivastigmine 277
Robertson pupil 295
Roger sign 74
Romberg's sign 31, 128, 295
Romberg's test 32, 128
Roos test 259
Root pain 120, 122
Rostral nucleus ambiguus 88
Roth spots 50, 51f, 288f
Rotigotine 160
Roussy–Levy syndrome 183
Ruffini's plumes 29
Rufinamide 224, 225
Rule of nine 115
Rum fits 6
Saccadomania 65
cord lesions 123, 124f
reflex arc 245f
Salaam seizure 151, 217
Salicylate intoxication 233
Salivary reflex 83
Salus's sign 49, 50, 193f
Sandifer syndrome 152
Sarcoglycanopathies 199
Sarcoidosis 279, 283
Scalenus anticus syndrome 258
superior angle of 196f
winging of 198f, 256, 256f
Schilder disease 171
Schirmer's test 83
haematobium 1
mansoni 202
Schmidt syndrome 88, 102
Schultze sign 36
Sclera, yellowish discoloration of 229
Sclerosis 221
amyotrophic lateral 142, 142f, 143
familial amyotrophic lateral 143
opticospinal multiple 172
systemic 279, 281, 283
tuberous 238, 239f
Scoliosis 127
central 41
paracentral 41
See-saw nystagmus 63
Seizures 221, 280
absence 218f
adversive 220
atonic 217, 224
attack of 218
complex focal 217
discharges 223f
febrile 219
focal 217, 224
generalized 217
tonic-clonic 217, 218
myoclonic 217
partial 217
petit mal 217
simple focal 217
tonic 217
typical absence 224
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 276
Selegiline 159
Semantic dementia 275
Senataxin 143
Senile chorea 150
Sensations, examination of 82
Sensorimotor neuropathy 280
hereditary 134, 135
Sensorimotor polyneuropathy, chronic 283
Sensory axonal neuropathy, acute 139
Sensory loss 32
dissociated 32, 119, 128
patterns of 32, 33f
stocking type of 32
Sensory pathways 121f
anatomy of 28f
Sensory system 5
Sensory tracts, anatomy of 28
Sepsis 233
Septicemia 228, 229
Septum pellucidum 264
Serotonin 213
Serratus anterior 256
Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 162
Shagreen patches 239, 239f
Shaky legs syndrome 150
Shawl sign 193f, 240, 240f
Sheehan's syndrome 229
Sherrington's law 18
Shock, neuronal 111
SHOT syndrome 33
Shoulder abductors 13
Shy–Drager syndrome 155
Sialidosis 219
Sialorrhea 157
Sick sinus syndrome 229
Sight loss 33
Silver syndrome 130
Simpson test 204
Simultanagnosia 41
Single photon emission computed tomography 224, 270
Sinusitis 211
headache of 216
Sjögren–syndrome 134, 138, 172, 279, 280, 283
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome 130
Skeletal deformities 238
Skew deviation 229, 232
Skin biopsy 193
deprivation 218
disturbance 157
rhythm 267
inversion of 266
sign 240
Slit-lamp examination 162f
Sluder's neuralgia 212
Small muscles, wasting of 143
Snake charmer's movements 151
Sneddon syndrome 283
Sneeze reflex 70
Snellen chart 38f
channel 167f
disorders of 201
oxybate 235
valproate 136
Souques interosseous phenomenon 27
Souques leg sign 157
Spasmus nutans 62
Spastic paraparesis 130
causes of 130
hereditary 130
Spastic paraplegia, hereditary 130
Spastic tongue 70, 210
Speech 10
disturbances of 207
examination 116
fluency of 207
Sphingolipidoses 183
Sphingosine-1-phosphate inhibitors 171
Spillane syndrome 106
Spina bifida 242
Spinal accessory nerve 89
Spinal artery, posterior lurch 92, 118f
Spinal cord 122f, 130fc, 246
disorders, localization of 117
hemisection of 32
horizontal section of 118f
involvement, patterns of 131f
subacute combined degeneration of 128, 128f, 130, 134
transverse section of 34f, 119f
Spinal muscular atrophy 130, 146
Spinal pains, types of 122
Spinal reflex arc 244, 245, 245f
Spinal shock, stage of 129
Spine, rigidity of 200
Spinocerebellar tract 184
Spinothalamic tract, anterior 29
Spinster's claw 16
Split hand syndrome 143, 143f
Sporadic disease 272
Sprengel's deformity 190
Spurling's sign 128
Square wrist sign 136
Squints 61
concomitant 61t
convergent 56
divergent 56f
paralytic 61t
Staccato speech 210
Stapedius reflex 82
Staphylococcus aureus 71
Star figure test 267
Statins 115, 205
Status epilepticus 225
Steele–Richardson–Olszewski syndrome 159, 251
Stereognosis 32
Sterling sign 83
Sternocleidomastoid muscles 89, 89f
Sternomastoid 191
Sternotomy, median 255, 259
Steroids 213
Stewart–Holmes rebound phenomenon 178f
Stinger syndrome 255
Stokes–Adams syndrome 229
Strabismus 61
Stress incontinence 248
Striatonigral fibers 148
Striatothalamic fibers 148
Stridor, laryngeal 191
Stroke 92, 94, 99
anterior circulation 103
causes of 116
clinical feature of 108
embolic 6
episodes 202
hemorrhagic 112, 115
imitates 269
ischemic 112
lacunar 103
localization of 101
management of 112
mechanisms of 97
partial anterior circulation 103
pathophysiology of 95f
posterior circulation 103
risk factors for 98f
sensorimotor 99
Strümpell tibialis sign 27
Strychnine 11
Stupor 227
Sturge–Weber syndrome 71, 73f, 241, 241f
Stylomastoid foramen 82
Subscapular nerve lesions 257
Substantia nigra 155f
Sulbactam 224
Sunflower cataract 161
Superior orbital fissure syndrome 68, 73
Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis 130
Superoxide dismutase 143
Supinator jerk 23f
Supraclavicular fossa 35, 36f
Supranuclear palsy, progressive 154, 158f, 159f, 278
Susac syndrome 87
Swallow tail sign 157
absence of 34
presence of 34
Swinging flashlight test 45
Sydenham's chorea 150
Symmetric signs 229, 231
Synaptic disorders 206
meningovascular 4, 292
serological tests for 224
Syringomyelia 27, 128
Systemic lupus erythematosus 134, 150, 172, 255, 279, 280, 280t, 283
Tabes dorsalis 4
Taboparesis 27
Tacrine 277
Tactile agnosia 9
Taenia solium 202
Takayasu arteritis 279, 281, 283
Tandem walking 180f
Tangier's disease 134, 143
Tapia syndrome 89, 103
Tapir mouth 197
Tardive dyskinesia 160
Taste sensation, loss of 79
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid 147
Tectal pupils 46
Tectocerebellar tract 175
Teichopsias 215
Telangiectasias 185, 241f
ocular 186f
periungual 240
Temporal bone, osteitis of petrous apex of 74
Temporal lobe
epilepsy 220
sclerosis 221f
Tendinitis, bicipital 259
Tendon xanthomas 229
Tension 211
headache 216
Terson syndrome 97
Tetraplegia 124
lesion 111
nuclei 264
radiation, anterior 94
Thalamus 96, 209
inhibition 224
Thalassemia 116
Thenar eminence, muscles of 125
Thiamine 232
deficiency 272
Thigh muscles, anterior 4
Thimble bladder 249
Thomsen disease 13, 200
Thoracic cord lesions 123
Thoracic outlet syndrome 259
Thoracodorsal nerve 254
lesions 257
Thrombocytopenia 225
Thrombosis 94
primary 71
secondary 71
Thyroid storm 229
Thyrotropin releasing hormone 265
Tiagabine 224, 225
Tibial nerve 25
Tic douloureux 211
Tick paralysis 183
Ticlopidine 115
Timolol 41
Tinel sign 136
T-lymphotropic virus 130
Todd's palsy 5, 226
Todd's syndrome 10, 263
Tolosa–Hunt syndrome 73
Tomato-splash fundus 41f
Tone decay test 85
atrophy of 191
bite 221
trident 205, 205f
Tonic pupil 44
Topiramate 224, 225
Tornado epilepsy 221
Torticollis, spasmodic 152
Toxic metals 134
Toxin 205
ingestion 65
Toxoplasma gondii 202
Transient ischemic attack 2, 94, 99, 282
management of 99
types of 99
Trapezius 89, 89f
wasting of 196f
Trauma 58, 183
Tremors 138,149, 154, 266
benign essential 148
coarse 33, 148
hypoglycemic 149
intention 161
orolingual 149
orthostatic 149
perioral 149
postural 149
psychogenic 150
vocal 149
Treponema pallidum 292
Tricarboxylic acid cycle 233
Triceps jerk 23f
Trichinella spiralis 202
Tricyclic antidepressants 150
Trigeminal nerve
dermatomal distribution of 68f, 211f
disorders of 67
motor supply of 70
Trinucleotide 199
Triphasic delta waves 267f
Trochlear nerve 53
Trophic ulcers 295
Trophy sign, calf heads on 201f
Trousseau's sign 36
Troyer syndrome 130
Trunks 252
muscles of 3
Tuberculoma 4
Tuberculosis 4
Tullio phenomenon 87
cerebellar 177
necrosis factor 284
orbital 58
secondary 255
superior sulcus 255
Türck's bundle 13
Turn hesitation 251
Turner syndrome 58, 97
Twins 186f
Tyramine 215
Ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase 156
Uhthoff's phenomenon 168
Ulnar nerve 254
Ultimum moriens 89, 144
Umbilicus 29
Unverricht–Lundborg disease 219
Upper limb 2, 111, 178
muscles 145
Upper motor neuron 3, 13, 77, 79f, 88, 117, 142, 245
bilateral 81t
facial palsy 77
lesions 117
Uremia 233
Urethral sphincter, external 246
Urge incontinence 245, 246, 248
Urinary bladder
atony 138
innervation 244
supranuclear control of 246f
Urinary retention, painful 246
Urinary tract, infections of 248
Urine, retention of 248
Urofacial syndrome 249
Usher syndrome 50
V sign 193f, 240f
Vagus nerve 88
Valley sign 195, 196f
Valproic acid 151, 224, 225
Valsalva retinopathy 290f
Vascular disease 271
Vasculitic disorders, primary 281t
Vasculitides 281
Vasculitis, retinal 281
Vecuronium 205
Venereal disease research laboratory test 293
Ventral cochlear nuclei 84
Ventral pons 105, 232
Vernet syndrome 88, 102
Vertigo 216
causes of 86t
central 86t
peripheral 86t
Vessels, dilatation of 211
Vestibulocerebellar tract 175
Vestibulocochlear nerve 84
Vestibulo-ocular reflex 229
Vialetto–Van Laere syndrome 183
Vical's syndrome 146
Vidian neuralgia 212
Vigabatrin 224, 225
Villaret syndrome 88, 102
Vincristine 133
double 4
total loss of 39
Visual acuity 38
Visual agnosia 9
Visual anosognosia 264
Visual area, secondary 37
Visual ataxia 251
Visual cortex
primary 263
secondary 263
Visual cortical lesions, bilateral 41
Visual field
concentric constriction of 41
defects 40f
testing of 39
Visual pathway, disorders of 37
B12 6
deficiency 41
deficiencies 277
E 160
Vocal cord paralysis 210
Volar hot dog sign 136
Volitional palsy 83
Vomiting 5
von Hippel Lindau disease 177, 240
Wackenheim line 189
Wada's test 7
Waiter's tip hand 255
Walker–Warburg syndrome 200
Wallenberg syndrome 105, 106f, 107f
Wartenberg's sign 17, 17f
Wash basin sign 3
Weakness, distribution of 132
Weber's syndrome 101
Weber's test 84, 84f
Welcher basal angle 187f
Wernicke's aphasia 207, 208
Wernicke's area 94, 208, 260, 261
Wernicke's encephalopathy 6, 183, 229, 233
Wernicke's hemianopic pupil 45
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome 265
West Haven criteria 267, 267t
White blood cell count 297
Willis circle 55, 93f
Wilson's disease 151, 152, 154, 161, 163
Wilson's sign 46
Wine glass appearance 147
Wolfram syndrome 183
Woltman sign 22
Wonderland syndrome 10
Wright's test 258
Wrisberg nervus intermedius 77
Wrist drop 16
Writer's cramp 152
Wyburn–Mason syndrome 242
Xanthelasmas 229
Xanthomas 229
Xiphisternum 29
Y-amorphosynthesis 261
Yergason's test 259
Yerkes–Dodson law 265
Zinc acetate 162
Zonisamide 224, 225
Chapter Notes

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