Textbook on High-Risk Pregnancy for Postgraduates Firoza Begum
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
blood group status 203
incompatibility 203
induced 208
spontaneous 208
threatened 207
Acanthosis nigricans 74
Acardiac mass 197
Acardiac twin 198f
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 72
Activated partial thromboplastin time 44, 96, 97, 200
Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 165
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 28
Acyclovir 257
Adenosine 93
Adrenal disease 22
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 218
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 45
Affronti endouterine hemostatic square 140
Air pollution 48
Airway malformation, congenital pulmonary 238
Alanine aminotransferase 23, 41
serum 111
Albumin, low serum 168
Alcohol 180
Aldosteronism, primary 22
phosphatase 102
transaminase 102
Alloimmune factors 179, 184
Alloimmunization 202
Alobar holoprosencephaly 274
Alpha-fetoprotein 50, 102, 144, 265
serum 62
Alpha-thalassemia 10
American Association for Study of Liver Diseases 109
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist 77t, 156
American College of Cardiology 98
American College of Endocrinology 77t
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 22, 31, 32, 58, 73, 74, 147, 157, 181, 206, 223, 247, 249, 271
American College of Rheumatology Classification 166
American Diabetes Association Classification 7274
American Fertility Society 178
American Heart Association Guidelines 98
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 132
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 176
American Thyroid Association Guidelines 153, 155, 158
Amiodarone 93, 156
Ammonia 113
elevated 43
Amniocentesis 243, 251, 280
Amnioinfusion 234, 247
Amnion nodosum 243
Amnioreduction 241
Amniotic band
disruption sequence 266
syndrome 246
Amniotic fluid 211, 237
disorder 237
dynamics 238f
embolism 117, 119
index 237, 240f, 244, 244f
centile chart for 240
synthesis, physiology of 237
ultrasound evaluation of 240f
volume 23, 56, 237, 245
subjective assessment of 239
AmniSure rupture of membranes test 231
Anemia 13, 7, 10, 43, 48, 93, 156, 165, 190, 204
aplastic 2
autoimmune hemolytic 3
disease 3
disorders 2
classification of 2, 3
correction of 136
deficiency 2
hemolytic 2, 43
impact of 2
microangiopathic hemolytic 2, 117
mild 10
moderate 10
pregnancy 1
renal 2
severity of 5
sideroblastic 2
Anencephalic fetus
two-dimensional image of 266f
ultrasonographic image of 266f
Anencephaly 264
Anesthesia 45, 139, 148
general 36
regional 36
Aneuploidy 244
Angiogenic factors 50
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor 15, 23, 39, 93, 243
Angiotensin-receptor blockers 23, 39, 93
Anhydramnios 287
Antenatal anti-D prophylaxis 207
Antenatal care 81, 94
Antenatal management 190, 289, 290
Antenatal visit 23, 191
Antepartum management 15, 197
Antepartum period 7
Antibiotics 226, 233
Antibody 167
mediated immune suppression 207
mechanism of 207
screening 206
Anticardiolipin 178
antibody 167
Anticholinergics 102
Anticoagulant 117
regimen 95, 96t
Anticoagulation 97fc, 126
regimens 95
dose calculation 209
immune globulin 136, 202
prophylaxis 208fc
Antiemetics 102
Antigenic stimulus 203
Antihemophilic factor 118
Antihypertensives 23, 39
therapy 37, 44
treatment 23, 36
Antinuclear antibody 23, 166, 167
Antioxidant therapy 33
Antiphospholipid antibody 126, 165, 167, 173
presence of 173
syndrome 118, 178, 182, 244
Antiphospholipid syndrome 43, 52, 62, 118, 173, 176, 178, 243
Antiproliferative drugs 172
Antishock garments 138
Antithrombin 115
deficiency 125
Antithyroid drugs 155, 160
side effects of 160
Aorta, coarctation of 22, 86
Apex beat, shifting of 89
Apgar scores, low 46
Appendicitis 217
Aqueductal stenosis 276, 276f, 277f
causes of 276
Arnold-Chiari malformation 270, 277
rapid and irregular pulse 89
treatment of 93
Arterial embolization 141
Arterial stiffness index 92
Arthritis 167
Ascites 106
aminotransferase 23, 41, 111
transaminase 102
Aspirin 23, 58, 117, 172
low-dose 95
role of 33
Assisted reproduction technology 132, 176, 218
Asthma, cardiac 89
Atenolol 38
Atosiban 225
Atrial contraction 67
Atrial fibrillation 94
Atrial septal defect 86, 89, 264, 279
Atrioventricular septal defect 86
Autoimmune 156
disease 62
Autotransfusion 98
Avidity test 251
Azathioprine 172
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 217, 226
Bacteroides 229
Ballantyne's syndrome 196
Bayes Theorem-based method 30
B-cell activating factor 172
Belimumab 172
Beta-blockers 38, 161
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 63
Betamethasone 222, 223, 233
antenatal 222
Beta-thalassemia 10, 12, 12t, 19
major 13f
trait 12, 13f
Bile acids
maternal 104
serum 103
Biliary diseases 101
Bilirubin 43, 106
elevated 43
estimation of 211
changes 102, 103
indices 102
markers 31
monitoring 36
tests 35
Biophysical profile 23, 55, 56, 82, 95, 199, 214
modified 78
Biopsy 106
renal 168
Bipolar coagulation 201
control pills 22
defects 262
spacing 226
timing of 25, 35
weight, low 1, 156
abnormalities 289
invasion of 144f
disorders 117
acquired 117
fetomaternal 209
gastrointestinal 121
piles 2
placenta previa, acute care of 137
prediction of 134
recurrent 209
reduce risk of 134
time 117
bank 148
components 138
glucose 71, 77t
fasting 72
monitoring 81
self-monitoring 77
target capillary 77
loss 2, 3, 137
acute 136
anemia 3
assessment of severity of 138t
massive 134
quantify 138
pressure 21, 34, 35
measurement of 21, 244
systolic 21, 122
products 123
transfusion of 138
tests 34
indications of 7
place of 7
urea nitrogen 168
volume 1f
Blueberry muffin rash 251
Blunt abdominal trauma 209
B-lynch suture, application of 141f
Body mass index 31, 49, 216
density scan 14
examination 4
failure 2, 3
magnetic resonance imaging of 251f
sparing effect 47
Branchiootorenal syndrome 286
Breastfeeding 36, 82, 99, 112
Bridging vessels 146
British Committee for Standards in Hematology 7, 183
Budd-Chiari syndrome 101
Caffeine 180
Calcium supplementation 33
Calyceal dilation 289
Canadian Diabetic Association 75
Carbimazole 156
Carcinoma, hepatocellular 108
Cardiac arrest 39
Cardiac chamber diameter 89
Cardiac defect 253
Cardiac disease 86, 9193
types of 86
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging 14
Cardiac output 87, 88
Cardiac strain 66
Cardiac team 90f
Cardiomyopathy 86
Cardiomyopathy, peripartum 86, 99
Cardiotocography 23, 35, 56, 59, 82, 98, 138, 191, 213, 231, 243
Cardiovascular disease 74, 86, 99
Cardiovascular drugs 93
Cardiovascular system 86
Cataract, congenital 253, 253f
Cell salvage 148
Cell-free deoxyribonucleic acid 203, 208, 214
testing, benefits of 206
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 72, 233
Central nervous system 28, 166, 239, 242, 264
abnormalities 264
congenital abnormalities of 264
development of 265, 265f
Cephaloceles 267
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation 271f
Cerebellar vermis 278f
Cerebral artery, middle 47, 48, 53, 55f, 61, 67, 191, 214
Cerebral palsy 229
Cerebroplacental ratio 48, 54, 67
Cerebrospinal fluid 267, 274, 274f
Cerebrovascular accident 28
Cervical cerclage 136, 227, 236
Cervical dilation 220, 221
Cervical length 220, 221, 226
measurement 134
Cervical weakness 178
delivery 139
hysterectomy 148
procedure 139
section 71, 82, 97, 104, 131, 190
indications of 257
lower segment 173
Chemicals 180
Chemotherapeutic agents 180
Chest pain 89
Chiari malformations 267, 274
Chlamydia 179, 230
trachomatis 229
Chloramphenicol 2
Chlorothiazide 93
Chlorpromazine 102
Cholangitis 44
primary sclerosing 101
Cholecystitis 44
Cholelithiasis 101, 103
Cholestasis 101, 107
obstetric 102, 190
Cholestyramine 104
Chorioamnionitis 49, 233, 234
Chorioangioma, placental 238
Choriodecidual inflammation 230
Chorionic villus sampling 13
Chorionicity, diagnosis of 188
Chorioretinitis 251
Choroid plexus cauterization 276
Chromosomal abnormality 177, 181
Chromosomal defect 177f
Chromosomal microarray 59
analysis 49, 181
Chromosome microdeletion 48
Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus 165
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3
Circulatory fibrinolysis test 122
Cirrhosis 101
Clot observation test 121
Clotting mechanism, activated 127
Clotting system 116
disorders, assessment of 116
inhibitors, reduction of 116
Coagulopathy, acquired 119
Cocaine 48
Cochlear defect 253
Collagen vascular disorders 3
Colloid cyst, computed tomography scan of 275f
Color Doppler 145
Combined medical therapy 185
Complete blood count 43, 116, 170
Computed tomography 275f
scan 106, 275f
Conduction defects 86
Congenital anomalies 190, 262
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
diagnosis of 255fc
management of 255fc
Congenital malformations 84, 200
Congenital renal anomaly
etiology of 285
types of 285
Congenital toxoplasmosis 251
classic triad of 251
rubella cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex infections 249
Conjoined triplets 192
Conjoined twin 188, 189f, 190, 192
Connective tissue disease 22
Conservative surgery 149
one-step 150
Contraception 82, 83, 99, 99f
emergency 99
Contraction, assessment of 219
Cooley's anemia 11
Coombs’ test
direct 205, 211
indirect 205, 211
Copper intrauterine contraceptive device 83, 100
blood acidemia 46
entanglement 190
prolapse 190
Coronary artery disease 86
Corticosteroid, antenatal 57, 135, 222, 233
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 218
Craniosynostosis 274
C-reactive protein 231
elevated 168
Crown-rump length 81
Crystalloid 137
Cushing syndrome 22
Cyanosis 89
Cyclooxygenase 2 71
Cyclophosphamide 172
Cystic fibrosis 72
Cystoscopy 148
Cytokines 179
Cytomegalovirus 14, 49, 52, 107, 239, 244, 249, 253, 263
immunoglobulin G avidity test 254
Dandy-Walker malformation 267, 274, 277, 278, 278f
D-dimer 43
De Quervain thyroiditis 156
Death, maternal 86, 150
Deep venous thrombosis 115
Dehydroepiandrosterones 218
Delivery 7, 57, 78, 82, 109, 137, 139, 147, 158, 161, 173, 201, 232
emergency 95
mode of 135, 247, 283
route of 35
timing of 23, 57, 78, 104, 135, 147, 192, 241, 213, 283
Deoxyribonucleic acid 11, 12, 118
analysis 12
Depression, respiratory 39
Desferrioxamine 14
Desmopressin-1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin 124
Dexamethasone 223, 233
Diabetes mellitus 14, 22, 71, 73, 81, 178
gestational 7173, 75, 7779, 172, 190
insulin dependent 265
maternal 62
pathophysiology of 72
pregestational 94
type 1 80
type 2 80
Diabetic ketoacidosis 71, 83
diagnosis of 83
therapeutic management of 83
Diabetic pregnancies, intrauterine milieu of 71
Dichorionic diamniotic 188, 190f
triplets 192
twin 191
Dichorionic twin 200, 201
pregnancies 192, 199
Dicycloverine 102
Diet 17
modification 93
Dietary iodine deficiency, maternal 154
Digital cervical examination 220, 230
Diiodotyrosine 153
Dipstick proteinuria testing 34
Direct surgical scar 143
Discoid lupus erythematosus 165
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 25, 28, 42, 43, 105, 115, 120, 127, 139, 199
pathogenesis of 121fc
prevention of 113
types of 120f
Distended jugular veins 89
Diuretics 93
Dizygotic twin 187, 189f
Dizziness 89
Dopamine antagonists 102
ultrasonography 61
velocimetry 52, 53, 197
Double outlet right ventricle 86
Down syndrome 177, 262, 263
translocation 177
Drugs 2
treatment 160, 171, 246
Ductus venosus 61
Doppler 54, 62, 63, 66, 68f
flow 67
Duodenal atresia 238
Duplex kidney 285
Duplicated collecting system 285
Dysplasia, bronchopulmonary 216
Dyspnea 89
paroxysmal nocturnal 89
severe 89
Ebstein anomaly 86
Eclampsia 101, 117, 190
Edema, pulmonary 45, 98
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 217, 286
Eisenmenger syndrome 86, 94
Electrocardiography 89
Electrophoresis, capillary 13f
Elevated serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase 168
Elliptocytosis 2
Embolism, pulmonary 171
Encephalocele 267, 274
frontal 268f
occipital 268f
Encephalopathy 106
hepatic 113
portosystemic 113
prevention of 113
End-diastolic flow 61
End-diastolic velocity 48, 59
absent 56
infective 86
subacute bacterial 98, 98t
Endocrine disease 83
Endocrine Society Guideline 157
Endoplasmic reticulum 153
Endothelial colony forming cells 71
Endothelial dysfunction 29
Enterocolitis, necrotizing 216
Environmental toxins 48, 50
defect 2
inhibitor, nonspecific 125
linked immunoassay 249
Epigenetic disorders 48
Epsilon amino caproic acid 125
Epstein-Barr virus 164
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 168
cutaneous 251
isolated secondary failure of 2
Escherichia coli 229
European Association for Study of Liver 112
European League against Rheumatism 166, 171
European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy Classification 178
European Society of Cardiology 98
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 176, 178
European Working Group on Abnormally Invasive Placenta 145
Exercise 33
Expectant management 136, 197, 234
External cephalic version 209
Extirpative technique 149
Extravillous trophoblast 28
Factor V leiden 117, 125
Fallot tetralogy 86, 89, 239
Famciclovir 257
Fatigue 93
Fatty liver 101
acute 42, 43, 101, 105, 107, 120, 190
disease, nonalcoholic 101, 103
Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India 249
Fern test 230
Ferric carboxymaltose 6
Ferritin, serum 3
Fetal abdominal wall
defect, common 278
development of 279f
Fetal anatomic survey 277
Fetal anemia 67
Fetal aneuploidy screening 62
Fetal assessment 17, 34, 35t, 136
Fetal behavior biophysical profile 52
Fetal blood
detection of 205
estimation of 205
Fetal brain
lesions 249
magnetic resonance imaging of 251
Fetal complications 83, 174, 241, 246
Fetal compression syndrome 246
Fetal congenital
anomalies 244
malformation 262
Fetal cytomegalovirus infection, cerebral calcification in 254f
Fetal death 209
Fetal demise 193
Fetal deoxyribonucleic acid analysis 13
Fetal disorders 48
Fetal Doppler indications 62
Fetal echocardiography 94, 277, 280
Fetal fatty acid oxidation disorders 105
Fetal fibronectin 216, 220, 223, 229
test 220, 230
Fetal genetic studies, indications of 52
Fetal growth 95
restriction 13, 22, 4649, 52, 58, 59, 62, 63, 174, 190, 191
diagnosis of 191
late-onset 47
management of 59fc, 191
prevention of 58
screening of 191
velocity 52
Fetal heart rate 57, 98, 173, 230
continuous monitoring of 82
Fetal hemoglobin, hereditary persistence of 10
Fetal hydrocephalus 272f
cause of 274
Fetal hydrocephaly, diagnosis of 274
Fetal hydronephrosis, cause of 288
Fetal hypoxia 69f
Fetal infection 250, 252, 259
diagnosis of 251, 252, 254, 258, 259
management of 253
sequelae of 253, 254, 260
Fetal intervention 200, 247, 290
Fetal kidney, normal 285f
Fetal medicine foundation algorithm 30
Fetal membranes, rupture of 229
Fetal monitoring 25, 94, 98, 138
Fetal morbidity 95
Fetal movement 62
Fetal outcomes 112
Fetal perfusion concerns 7
Fetal renal disorders 284
Fetal Rh disease, risk of development of 203
Fetal risk 22, 79, 91, 104, 156, 174, 189, 196
Fetal sex 203
Fetal surveillance 23, 78, 195
Fetal survey 52
Fetal swallowing 238
Fetal thyroid development 155
Fetal transfusion, potential benefits of 258
Fetal transmission 256
Fetal urination 238
Fetal varicella
infection 260f
syndrome 260
Fetal ventriculomegaly, ultrasonographic appearance of 272f
Fetal weight
discordance 192
estimated 4648, 59, 191
Fetofetal transfusion, acute 193
Fetomaternal hemorrhage 208, 211
screening for 210
volume of 203
Fetoplacental circulation 62, 62f
Fetoscopic laser ablation 196
Fibrin 149
degradation products 117, 119, 121
glue 140
Fibrinogen 43, 117, 122, 149
concentrations 123fc
replacement 44
therapy 149
Fibrinolysis 115f
inhibition, reduction of 116
Fibrinolytic inhibitors 125
First-line therapy 225
Flow cytometry 206, 207f
Fluid management 35, 97
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption assay 261
Focal exophytic mass 145
Folic acid 265
deficiency 2, 3
Food and Drug Administration 76, 172, 225
Fossa cyst, posterior 274, 278f
Fossa malformation, posterior 277
Foul smelling vaginal discharge 235
Free thyroxine 156
Free triiodothyronine 156
Fresh frozen plasma 106, 119, 123, 124, 139
Full blood count 3
Gallbladder 14
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 113
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 103
Gardnerella vaginalis 216, 229
Gastric ulcer 44
Gastritis 44
Gastrointestinal tract 38, 239
Gastroschisis 48, 281, 283f
ultrasonographic image of 282f
Genetic 202, 265, 286
aberration 49
analysis 240
counseling 181, 277
disorders 48
factors 30, 48, 163, 262
hypercoagulable states 117
ultrasonography test 94
Genital herpes, recurrent early 257
Genital infection 217, 227
German measles 252, 263
Gestational age 221, 247
large for 79, 239
small for 22, 4648, 65, 126, 282
Gestational diabetes mellitus 7173, 75, 7779, 172, 190
diagnosis of 74
pathophysiology of 72fc
risk factors for 74
screening of 74
Gestational hypertension 24, 24t
management of 24
Glargine 76
Glasgow coma scale 28
Globin chains 10
Glomerular filtration rate 32, 154
Glomerulonephritis 22
diffuse proliferative 166
focal proliferative 166
Glucocorticoids 128, 172
6-phosphate dehydrogenase 2
capillary 82
tolerance test 74
Gonorrhea 230
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 184
Graves’ disease 155, 159, 161
Great arteries, transposition of 86
Group B Streptococcus prophylaxis 217, 222, 233
chart 47f
discordant 190
restriction 46, 48t, 190, 251
management of 200
symmetric 52
scan 78
Guillain-Barré syndrome 166
Haemophilus influenzae 14
Haptoglobin, low serum 42
Harsh systolic murmur 89
Hashimoto's disease 156
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 155157
Health education 253
Heart 14
block, congenital complete 167
defects 262
disease 89, 89t
acyanotic 86
congenital 48, 86, 94
coronary 86
cyanotic 62, 86, 89
diagnosis of 89
ischemic 86
rheumatic 86
congestive 98
early prevention of 93
features of 89
treatment of 93
rate 88, 89
Helicobacter pylori infection 102
Hematinic deficiency 7
Hematocrit 214
Hematological tests 35
Hematoma, subcapsular 45
Hemoglobin 1, 9, 12, 73
E 11, 18, 19
disease, genetics of 18f
trait, electrophoresis in 18f
F 13
glycosylated 240
H 11
Hemoglobinopathy 2, 3
Hemoglobinuria, paroxysmal nocturnal 2
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome 41, 4345, 101, 115, 117119, 127
pathogenesis of 41
Hemolytic disease 202
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 43, 120
Hemophilia 118, 119
A 117
B 117
Hemoptysis 89
Hemorrhage 190
acute 7
antepartum 2, 49, 115, 190
decidual 218
intracranial 216
intrapartum 2
intraventricular 229, 277
life-threatening 149
major obstetric 137
massive obstetric 7
postpartum 45, 87, 104, 115, 123, 132, 140, 156, 190, 230, 241
Heparin 117, 125
unfractionated 96, 97, 127, 173, 182
Hepatic rupture 45
A 107
virus 107
acute viral 101, 107
B 101, 107, 108
immunoglobulin 109, 110
virus 14, 108
C 101, 107, 110
virus 110, 127
E 101, 107, 111
virus 107, 111, 112f
viral 44, 107, 107t
Hepatorenal syndrome, prevention of 113
Hepatosplenomegaly 174, 251
Heritable thoracic aortic diseases 92
Hernia, congenital diaphragmatic 239
Herpes simplex virus 249, 256
antiviral treatment for 257t
infection 257
Homocysteine 126
Homocysteinemia 184
Hookworm infestation 2
Hormonal fluctuations 72
Hormone 164
luteinizing 183
Human chorionic gonadotropin 102, 144, 152, 154
Human immunodeficiency virus 1, 72
Human kidney development, embryology of 284
Human leukocyte antigen 164, 179
Human parvovirus B19 14, 257
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells 71
Hutchinson teeth 260
Hydatidiform mole 209
Hydralazine 38
Hydramnios 194, 237, 238
Hydration 246
Hydrocephalus 251f, 271f, 273, 275, 275f
noncommunicating 275
Hydronephrosis 285, 289
mild 288
minimal 289
Hydronephrotic kidney, bilateral 288f
Hydroxychloroquine 171, 172
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate 226
Hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 219
Hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal 204
Hyperemesis gravidarum 101, 102, 190
Hyperglycemia 74, 82
intrauterine 71f
maternal 79
Hyperhomocysteinemia 118, 126
Hyperprolactinemia 178, 183
Hypertension 21, 24, 28, 34, 46, 74, 83, 166, 190, 286
chronic 2224, 101, 243
control of 35
gestational 24, 24t
pregnancy-induced 93, 244
pulmonary 86, 94
renovascular 22
secondary 22
severe 24, 34, 38
gestational 25
pulmonary 119
Hypertensive disorders 21, 37, 62, 86
classification of 21
Hyperthermia, maternal 265
Hyperthyroidism 159
causes of 159
subclinical 162
Hypofibrinolysis 116
Hypogastric artery ligation 149
Hypoglycemia 43, 106
neonatal 84
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 12
Hypoplasia, pulmonary 246
Hypoprothrombinemia 119
adrenal axis 218
thyroid axis 152
Hypothesis 164
Hypothyroidism 155
congenital 156
subclinical 156, 158
Hypothyroxinemia, isolated 156
Hypoxemia 46, 48, 67
chronic 62
effects of 67
Hypoxia 67
Hysterectomy 141
subtotal 149
total 149
Hysterosalpingography 182
Hysterotomy, transverse 148
Iatrogenic membrane defect 196
Iatrogenic twin anemia polycythemia sequence 196
Ibuprofen 172
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia 128
pathophysiology of 128f
Immune maladaptation 29
Immunofluorescence test 255, 259
G 255
types of 203
intravenous 129, 171, 172
M 255
Immunomodulatory therapies 213
Immunotherapy 184
Impaired glucose tolerance 74
In utero
infection 256
treatment 291
In vitro fertilization 31, 49, 144, 180
Indian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology 158
Indigo-carmine dye 231
Indomethacin 138, 172
Induced hepatotoxicity, drug 101
Infections 2, 14, 93, 179, 183, 218, 263
acute viral 107
congenital 48, 256
control 94
extragenital 217
maternal 252, 259
prevention of 98
transmission of 257
viral 244
Infectious disease 49
Inflammation 218
Insulin 80, 81
choice of 81
regimens 76
treatment 76
types of 76
Intensive care unit 131, 147, 232
Interferon regulatory factor 5 164
Interleukin 27, 164, 219
International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group 73
International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology 176
International Diabetes Federation 73
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 47, 75, 143, 191
International normalized ratio 96, 97, 116
International Society for Abnormally Invasive Placenta 150
International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 21, 31, 33
International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 193
International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis 121
Intrapartum management 35, 58, 97, 192
Intraperitoneal transfusion 213
Intrauterine fetal
death 2, 82, 99, 249, 283
demise 125, 196, 198, 204
Intrauterine growth
intervention trial, disproportionate 57
restriction 16, 4749, 62, 125, 171, 193, 200, 240, 242, 249, 280
Intrauterine infection, pathophysiology of 218, 218fc
Intrauterine transfusion 212
Intravascular transfusion, direct 212
Iodine 154
deficiency 156
Iron 2, 6
binding capacity, total 4, 11, 12
carboxymaltose 6
deficiency 2
anemia 1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 12t
deficit, calculation of 7
dextran 6
analysis 11
serum 4
study 12
sucrose 6
Isophane insulin 80
Isovolumetric relaxation 66
Jaundice 43, 251
Kallmann syndrome 286
Keyhole sign 245f, 290f
congenital anomalies of 285, 289
development of 285f
injury, acute 28, 36, 45
Kleihauer-Betke test 205, 206f, 240
Klinefelter syndrome 263
Labetalol 37, 38
Labor 78, 82, 158, 161, 173
analgesia 82
first stage of 97
induction of 96, 234
management of 241
prodromal signs symptoms of 219
second stage of 35, 98
third stage of 98
Lactate dehydrogenase 23, 41, 106
Laser ablation 195, 201
Lead 48
poisoning 2
Lethal quad 123
Leukocytosis 235
Leukomalacia, periventricular 216
Leukopenia 165, 169
Levothyroxine, dose of 157
Liley's chart 211, 212f
Liley's curve 212
Lipoprotein, high-density 74
Listeria monocytogenes 179
Lithium 156
Liver 14, 113
biopsy 103
disease 2, 3, 101, 107, 117
autoimmune 101
pregnancy-associated 101
disorders, pregnancy-associated 101
enzymes 106
function test 4, 42, 43, 101, 106, 168, 170
injury, severe 112f
transaminases, elevated 42
tumor 101
Long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency 41, 105
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure 217
Loud first heart sound 89
Low-molecular weight heparin 58, 96, 97, 127, 173, 182
Lung disease
chronic 48
severe restrictive 170
Lupus erythematosus 22
neonatal 174
subacute cutaneous 165
Lupus flare 43
Lupus nephritis 165, 166
exacerbation 174
Luteal phase defect 179
Macrocytosis, physiologic 2
Macrosomia 84
sulfate 39, 222, 225, 234
administration of 138
toxicity, treatment of 39
Magnetic resonance imaging 89, 106, 133f, 134, 146, 195, 270, 271f, 273, 278
role of 146
Major histocompatibility complexes 30
Malabsorption 48
Malar rash 165f, 167
Malaria 2, 48
Malignancy 3
Marfan syndrome 94
Marrow suppression 118, 127
Maternal fetal monitoring 171
Maternal infection 252, 259
diagnosis of 110, 250, 252254, 256, 258, 259, 261
sequelae of 258
Maternal monitoring 94, 138, 200
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein 266
Matrix metalloproteinase 218, 219
Maturity-onset diabetes of young 72
Maximum vertical pocket technique 238, 240f
Mean arterial pressure 30, 32, 65, 88
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin 3, 11, 12
concentration 11, 12
volume 2, 11, 12
Mean uterine arteries pulsatility index 48
Measles, mumps, rubella 252
Mechanical prosthetic heart valve 95
Mechanical valve
anticoagulation in 97fc
replacement 94
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 267
Medical nutrition therapy 75
bacterial degradation of 218
defect, acquired 2
Meningocele 267, 268, 270f
Mercury 48
Messenger ribonucleic acid 144
Metformin 75
Methamphetamine 48
Methimazole 156, 160
Methotrexate 150, 172
Methyldopa 37
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 111, 126, 265
Methyltetrahydrofolate 126, 179
Metoclopramide 102
Middle cerebral artery 47, 48, 53, 55f, 61, 67, 191, 214
Doppler of 212
normal 68f, 69f
peak systolic velocity 67
pulsatility index 54
Mini pill 83
Miscarriage 190
recurrent 176, 179, 183, 185
spontaneous 177
Mississippi classification 42
Mitral regurgitation 86
Mitral stenosis 86, 92
Monitoring, frequency of 77
Monoamniotic twin 192
Monochorionic diamniotic 188, 190f
triplets 192
twin pregnancies 192
Monochorionic monoamniotic 190f
triplets 192
twin 188, 192
Monochorionic twin 192, 193f, 197f, 200, 201
complications of 193
Monoiodotyrosine 153
Monozygotic twin 187, 189f
maternal 83, 190
perinatal 83, 190, 237
Mucous membrane lesion 169
Mulberry molars 260
Müllerian duct anomaly 217
Müllerian tract malformations, congenital 178
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 285
bilateral 244
Multicystic encephalomalacia 198, 199f
pathophysiology of 199
Multidisciplinary panel classification system 289
Multidrug resistance protein 3 103
Multifetal gestation 187
Multiple births 187
Multiple daily insulin injection therapy 76
Multiple gestation 49, 187, 218, 219
Multiple pregnancy 93
fetal risks of 189
management of 189
maternal risk of 189
Murmur, continuous 89
Mycophenolate mofetil 172
Mycoplasma 226, 227
hominis 179, 216, 229
Myelodysplasia 3
Myelodysplastic syndrome 3
Myelomeningocele 268, 271f
Myeloschisis 268
Myocardial infarction 100
Myosin light chain kinase 218
Myxedema 3
Nasal ulcers 165
National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy 21
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 3, 31, 32, 76, 191, 192, 220, 227, 231, 233
National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease 86
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 50
National Institutes of Health 235
Natural killer cell function 179
Necrosis 29
Nefidipine 37
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 229
Neonatal infection 256
detection of 251
prevention of 109
Neonatal intensive care unit 232
Nephropathy 71
Neural tube defect 262, 264
Neutral protamine Hagedorn 76, 77
New York Heart Association 9093, 95
Next-generation sequencing 287
Nifedipine 37, 38
Nitiric oxide 71
Nitrazine paper test 230
Nitric oxide 27, 29
Nocturnal cough 89
Noncentral nervous system anomalies 274
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 36, 171, 172, 242
Nonstress test 23, 53, 55, 199, 214
frequency of 56
reactive 137
Nuchal translucency 63, 81
Nutritional status, maternal 263
Obesity 265
morbid 74
Obstetrical hemorrhage, treatment of 123fc
Obstetrics, Doppler in 61
Oligohydramnios 62, 237, 243245, 287
causes of 243
isolated 246
Omphalocele 279, 280f
ultrasonographic image of 282f
Oral contraceptive pill 100, 126
low-dose 83
Oral desogestrel 99
Oral glucose tolerance test 73, 74, 240
Oral hydration therapy 246
Oral iron 6
therapy 5
Oral medications 75
Oral ulcers 165, 167
system 264t
transplantation 72
Orthopnea 89, 93
Overt hypothyroidism 156
management of 157
Oxygen saturation 89, 98
Oxytocin 140
receptor 218
Packed red blood cells 123
abdominal 106
relief 97
Palmar erythema 101
Palpation, abdominal 51
Palpitation 89
acute 44
chronic maternal 72, 104
Paralysis, respiratory 39
Parenchyma, renal 289
Parenteral iron therapy 6
types of 6, 6t
Partial thromboplastin time 43, 117
Partograph 82
Parvovirus B
infection 259f
testing for 258
Patellar reflexes 39
Patent ductus arteriosus 86, 216
Peak systolic velocity 69, 191, 214
Pedal edema 89
Pelvic diameter, renal 288
Pelvis, renal 288, 291f
Penicillin derivative 290
Penicillin treatment 261
Peptic ulcer disease 2
Periarteritis nodosa 22
Pericarditis 169
Perinatal hepatitis B prevention program 110f
Periodontal diseases 217
Peripheral blood smear 4, 11, 43, 122
Peripheral nervous systems 166
Peripheral vascular resistance 37
Persistent twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 196
Pessary 227
Phenothiazines 102
Pheochromocytoma 22
Phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 220
Photosensitivity 167
Placenta accreta 144
spectrum 131, 137, 143, 145
disorder 143, 144, 151
Placenta creta 144
Placenta increta 144
Placenta percreta 144, 144f
color Doppler of 146f
post-hysterectomy specimen of 148f
Placenta previa 131, 132, 132f, 133, 133f, 134, 135f, 136, 141, 143, 146f
color Doppler of 133f
gray scale of 145f
management of 136, 137fc
types of 131f
Placenta, low-lying 132f, 134
Placental abruption 45, 117, 119
Placental growth factor 24, 27, 29, 62
Placental removal 148
glucose, fasting 73
protein-A 29, 30, 49, 144
volume 1f
Plasmapheresis 213
Plasmin 125, 149
Plasminogen 125
activator inhibitor-1 116
Platelet 122
abnormalities 127
count 117
disorders 118
effects on 116
analyzer 117
poor 118
production 118, 127
target 124
transfusion 129
Pleurisy 169
Poiseuille law 68
Polycystic kidney disease 22, 245f
dominant 285, 286
recessive 285, 287, 287f
infantile 244
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 74, 179, 182
Polycythemia sequence 194
Polydipsia 106
Polyhydramnios 190, 219, 237, 241243
causes of 238, 239t
complications of 241
diagnosis of 242fc
management of 242fc
sequence 193, 195f
subacute 238
Polymerase chain reaction 206, 250, 255, 273
Polyuria 106
Postliver transplantation state 101
Postnatal management 7, 36, 104, 158, 173
Postpartum 78, 82, 161
monitoring 99, 99f
period 7
transmission 110
Postreversible encephalopathy syndrome 28
Potter syndrome 244
Prazosin 38
Preconception 39
screening 263
Preeclampsia 21, 2427, 28f, 29, 3133, 43, 101, 119, 173, 190, 243
classification of 30
etiopathology of 26
fetal consequences of 36
first-trimester prediction of 63
long-term prognosis of 36
management of 34, 34t
maternal consequences of 36
prediction of 30
prevention of 33
severe 30, 35
symptoms of 26
Pregnancy 1, 7, 21, 39, 95, 108, 159, 170, 221
abnormal placentation in 26
acute fatty liver of 43, 101, 105, 107, 120, 190
cardiac disease in 86, 91, 93
cardiovascular changes in 87
cholestasis of 101
classification of
anemia in 2
liver diseases in 101, 101t
coagulation disorders in 115
complications of 101
continuation of 280
current 216
diabetes mellitus in 71, 73
diagnosis of
heart disease in 89
thyroid disorders in 155
disorders promoting thrombosis in 117
Doppler interpretation in 61f
duration of 5
ectopic 209
effects of 88, 116
etiology of anemia in 1
hypertension in 21
hypertensive disorders of 21, 37, 62
interval 217
intrahepatic cholestasis of 101, 102
iodine requirement in 154
liver disease in 101
loss 177
mechanism of 178
recurrent 176, 176f, 177
spontaneous 176
management of 24, 24t, 33, 118, 170, 199, 276
medical termination of 94
molar 41, 117
monochorionic 199
normal physiological changes in 101
placental remodeling in 62
systemic lupus erythematosus in 163
termination of 280
thalassemia in 9
thrombocytopenia in 127
disorders in 152
dysfunction in 158fc
transmission of toxoplasmosis in 250f
triplet 192
Premature rupture of membranes 190, 229, 234, 235, 241
diagnosis of 230
prevention of 235
Prenatal management 91, 282
Prepregnancy 157
body mass index 216
evaluation 22
Preterm birth 174, 190, 196, 216, 226
prevention of 226
risk factors for 217f
spontaneous 226
Preterm labor 190, 216, 222t, 223
management of 223fc, 226fc
pathophysiology of 218
Preterm premature rupture of membranes 129, 194, 195, 229, 235fc
risk factors of 229
Prochlorperazine 102
Progesterone 83, 179, 183, 236
choice of 227
only pill 83
prophylactic 227
supplementation 226, 233
therapy 183
implants 99
only pills 99
Prophylactic endovascular balloon catheters 149
Propranolol 38
Propylthiouracil 156, 160
Prostaglandin 27, 218
E 219
imbalance 29
synthetase inhibitor 241, 243
C deficiency 117, 125
placental 29
S deficiency 117, 125
Proteinuria 169
measurement of 22
gene mutation 125, 126
time 43, 116, 117, 200
Pulsatility index 53, 61, 69
Puncture, site of 212
Pyelactasis 288, 288f
Pyelonephritis 217
Pyrimethamine 251
Pyruvate kinase deficiency 2
Qualitative disorders 118
Queenan curve 211, 212, 212f
Quinidine 93
Quintero staging 194
Rachischisis 268
Radiofrequency 201
Random plasma glucose 73
Randomized controlled trial 33, 76, 179
Rash, discoid 167
Raynaud's phenomenon 165f
Reactive oxygen species 12, 28
Rectovaginal swab 220
Red blood cell 1, 11, 12, 68, 139, 168, 202
count 12
membrane defects 2
Red cell
concentrates 139
distribution width 3, 4, 12
mass 1f
morphology 2
Regurgitation, aortic 86
Renal agenesis 286
bilateral 244
unilateral 245f
Renal disease
active 169
chronic maternal 62, 243
Renal failure, acute 22, 45
Renal function test 4, 106, 168
Renal insufficiency, chronic 22
Renal parenchymal
appearance 289
thickness 289
Respiratory distress syndrome 84, 216, 229
Respiratory problems, neonatal 84
Resuscitation 123
Reticulocyte count 3
Retinopathy 71, 83
of prematurity 216
Reversed end-diastolic velocity 56
Reversible ischemic neurological deficit 28
alloimmunization 202
immunoglobulin 129
Ribonucleic acid 14
Ribonucleoprotein 167
Rifampicin 104
Ringer's solution 123
Rituximab 172
Robertsonian translocation 177
Rosette screening test 205, 205f
Routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis 207, 208
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 10, 22, 47, 65, 145, 176, 181, 206, 232, 251
Rubella 252, 263
avidity test 252
infection 253f
syndrome, congenital 253
Rupture of membranes
artificial 98, 241
test, limitations in 231
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 238
S-adenosyl methionine 104
Scleroderma 22
Scoliosis 283f
Second-line therapy 225
Sedation, maternal 212
Sepsis 2, 118, 119, 127
Sequelae, neonatal 253
Serosa bladder interface, hypervascularity of 146
Serositis 167
Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 168
Sexually transmitted disease 217
Shock 136, 137
index 122
Sickle cell hemoglobinopathies 2
Single fetal demise 190, 199
maternal risk of 199
Single nucleotide polymorphisms 206
Singleton pregnancy 49, 131
Sitagliptin 184
active 169
cicatricial lesions of 260f
edema 259f
Small bowel obstruction 238
Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 56, 59, 110, 147, 223
Society of Fetal Urology Grading System 288
Society of Obstetric Medicine 22
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 22
Sonographic fetal biometry 51
transabdominal 131, 221
transvaginal 133, 133f, 221
Sonohysterography 182
Spastic paraplegia syndrome 277
Spherocytosis, hereditary 2, 3
Spina bifida 268, 270f, 271f
occulta 268
open 268
types of 269f
Spiramycin 251
Splenectomy 129
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 74
aortic 86, 97
pulmonary 86
Sterile speculum examination 230
Sterilization 100
Stillbirth 62, 190
Streptococcus agalactiae 222
maternal 218fc
psychosocial 218
Stroke volume 88
Sulfadiazine 251
Supportive therapy 106
Surgery, cardiac 94
Swansea criteria 106
Symphysio fundal height 49, 230
Syncope 89
Synovitis, acute 169
Syphilis 48, 260
congenital 260
early congenital 260
late congenital 260
Systemic arterial oxygen saturation 98
Systemic lupus erythematosus 31, 50, 118, 163, 164, 166, 171, 243
activity 170
diagnosis of 166
flare 169
mild 169
risk of 174
severe 169
moderate 169
pathophysiology of 164f
symptoms of 165
Systolic ejection murmur 89
Tachycardia 89
Tacrolimus 172
Tennessee classification 42
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 109
Teratogens 48, 50
Terbutaline 225
Thalassemia 2, 9, 10, 10t, 12, 13, 15f
diagnosis of 11
fertility in 12
genetic basis of 10
intermedia 10
major 10
pathophysiology of 11
minor 10
trait, blood parameter of 12t
Thrombin time 117
Thrombocytopenia 42, 43, 127, 129t, 169, 251
autoimmune 127
drug-induced 118, 129
features suggestive of 128
gestational 118, 127
idiopathic 128
mild 42
neonatal 129
severe 42
Thromboelastography 116, 124
Thromboembolism, venous 125
Thrombophilia 125
acquired 118, 126
high-risk 126
inherited 125, 179, 183
low-risk 126, 127
Thromboprophylaxis 39, 94, 95
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura 42, 43, 115, 118, 130
binding globulin 152, 154
disease 183
disorders 152, 155
diagnosis of 155
dysfunction 158fc, 178
management of 161
function tests 14, 152
hormone 152
formation of 152, 153f
level, trimester specific 156t
metabolism of 154f
production 152
secretion of 152, 153f
peroxidase 178
antibody 156, 158
physiology, normal 152
releasing hormone 152, 154
status 152
stimulating hormone 102, 152, 154, 156, 158, 161
storm 161
postpartum 156
subacute 156, 159
transient 156
Thyrotoxicosis 22, 86
effects of 159
gestational transient 159
Thyroxine 153, 154, 161
factor 119
plasminogen activator 115
sealants 234
Tocolysis 138, 232, 233
contraindications of 224
mechanism of action of 224
Tocolytic 222, 224
choice of 224
drugs 222
adenoma 159
nodular goiter 159
Toxoplasma gondii 179, 250
congenital 251
neonatal 251f
prevention of 252
subclinical congenital 251
Toxoplasmosis, rubella cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex 48
infections 249
diagnosis of 250
screening for 249
serology, interpretation of 249
Tranexamic acid 118, 140, 149
Transfusion 138
maternal 16
Transient ischemic attack 28
Transvaginal ultrasound 220, 223, 226
examination 220
Trauma, surgical 143
Treponema pallidum 260
atresia 86
flow pattern 63
regurgitation 63, 241
Triiodothyronine 153, 154, 161
Triple P procedure 150
Triple X syndrome 263
Triploidy 48
Trisomy 21, 48, 177, 244, 263
apoptosis 29
invasion 27
Trophoblastic disease 159
Tuberculosis 1
Tumor necrosis factor alpha 27, 28, 102, 164, 184, 218
Turbulent lacunar blood flow 145, 146
anemia 194
polycythemia sequence 190, 196, 200
classification of 187, 188f
entrapment 190
malformations in 200
oligohydramnios 193, 195f
pregnancy 131
reversed arterial perfusion sequence 190, 193, 197
to-twin transfusion 50
syndrome 61, 190, 193195, 238
Ultrasonography 34, 188, 240, 251
assessment 193
prenatal 264
test 106
Ultrasound, transvaginal 220, 223, 226
Ultraviolet 164
Umbilical artery 48, 58, 59, 61, 66, 66f, 265
abnormal 47
Doppler 53, 65, 67
normal 58
pulsatility index 48, 195
Umbilical cord factors 48
Umbilical vein 61
Doppler flow 69f
Upper segment transverse uterine incision 148
Ureaplasma 226, 227
urealyticum 179, 229
Ureteral abnormalities 289
Ureteric stents, preoperative 148
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction 285
bilateral 244
Urethral atresia 244
Urethral valve, posterior 244, 285, 290, 291f
Uric acid 43
Urinary iodine concentration 154
Urinary tract 289
congenital anomalies of 285
dilation 288
classification of 288
infection 44, 83, 190, 229, 286
obstruction, lower 290
Urine analysis 168
abnormal 169
Urine culture 220
Uropathy, obstructive 244
Ursodeoxycholic acid 104
anomalies 217
artery 61, 64
Doppler 31, 31f, 53, 53f, 64, 64f
Doppler, normal 64f
compression sutures 141
contraction 220
distention 218, 219
factors 177
incision 148
pathology 144
Uterotonic agents 149
Vaccination 108
Vaginal bleeding, painless 134
Vaginal delivery, operative 190
Vaginal progesterone 227
Vaginosis, bacterial 216
Valacyclovir 256, 257
Valsalva maneuvers 98
Valvular disease, rheumatic 86
Varicella zoster 258, 259
Vasa previa 133
Vascular dysfunction, programming of 71
Vascular endothelial growth factor 2729
Vasculopathy, decidual 29
Vasopressin 139
Venereal disease research laboratory 261
Ventricular septal defect 86, 89, 264, 267
Ventriculostomy, endoscopic third 276
Vermis, hypoplasia of 277
Vesicoamniotic shunts 247
Vesicoureteral reflux 285
Virus, types of 107
B12 2
deficiency 3
D 33, 184
K deficiency 119
Vomiting 106
von Willebrand
disease 117, 118
factor 116
Weakness 93
gestational 75
poor 48
management 23
Wernicke's encephalopathy 102
White cell count 231
Whole blood transfusion 123
Wilson disease 101
World Health Organization 1, 2, 51, 92, 176, 222
Wright's stain 122
X-ray irradiation 180
Zidovudine 2
Zika virus 48, 49, 277
infection 263
Zinc protoporphyrin 4
Chapter Notes

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Textbook on High-Risk Pregnancy for Postgraduates
Textbook on High-Risk Pregnancy for Postgraduates
Professor Firoza Begum MBBS FCPS FICS Founder Chairman and Former Professor Feto-Maternal Medicine Department Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Dhaka, Bangladesh Foreword TA Chowdhury
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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Textbook on High-Risk Pregnancy for Postgraduates
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My beloved parents, my children, my husband, and
to the memory of my teachers who have encouraged me
and inspired my pursuit of knowledge.
Professor Firoza Begum is an academician and reputed Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Bangladesh. I am happy that she has written a Textbook on High-Risk Pregnancy for Postgraduates. I have gone through few chapters of the book.
This book is a fully revised and updated version following all the available literature, guidelines and recent advances on high-risk pregnancies. The aim of this textbook is to provide an up-to-date overview of the care of high-risk pregnancies. It focuses on an evidence-based approach to the available management options, equipping you with the most appropriate strategy for each patient.
Although this book has been written especially for the postgraduates, it should also prove to be useful to the practicing obstetricians involved in the care of women with high-risk pregnancies. This book is written in a clear and concise language and in author's own style, which holds the reader's interest. The readers will enjoy being stimulated by the fascination and intellectual stimulation that comes from the study of feto-maternal medicine.
I hope, this book will be an essential reference for obstetricians, medical students and physicians who are seeking the most up-to-date information and guidance on high-risk pregnancies. This book will create more qualified consultant in feto-maternal medicine who shows skills in application of medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional values in the provision of high-quality and patient-centered care.
TA Chowdhury
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
BIRDEM, General Hospital, Dhaka
President, GOSB, Infertility Society
Past President, OGSB, SAFOG, BCPS
Former Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Institute of Postgraduate Medical Research (IPGMR)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
During my journey as an academic, I started teaching feto-maternal medicine to postgraduate students and discovered the challenges faced by students in mastering this topic. The length and complexity of existing textbooks have created real and unnecessary impediments to student learning. At the insistence of my beloved students, I agreed to write a compact, comprehensive, and practical Textbook on High-Risk Pregnancy for Postgraduates. This book is the result of combining decades of experience in feto-maternal medicine with extensive research of available literature in the field.
I have attempted to provide comprehensive and updated information in a concise and easy-to-read format to facilitate the learning process. Extensive illustrations and flowcharts have been used to add clarity to the topics and to emphasize the practical nature of the textbook. My extensive experience in high-risk pregnancies helped me identify and synthesize the underlying principles of feto-maternal medicine which are most relevant to students. Although the book has been written especially for postgraduates, it can also serve as a handbook for the undergraduate students focusing on obstetrics. In addition to serving as a textbook, the book is also intended to provide obstetricians with a guide to the most up-to-dated information and evidence-based treatment options for high-risk pregnancies.
A total of 22 chapters are included in this book. The chapters cover the pathophysiology of the disorders of pregnancies, formulation of diagnosis and systematic investigation, and appropriate management of high-risk pregnancies. This book is based on available literature and guidelines up to 2021 on high-risk pregnancies. It is organized in a logical manner so that students can first learn the basics of high-risk pregnancies and then build on their understanding to appreciate the complexities of the topic.
The development of feto-maternal medicine and high-risk pregnancy care is a triumph of modern medicine. Advancements in medical technology and greater understanding of this complex topic have facilitated the management of high-risk pregnancies and reduced maternal mortality rates. I hope this book will provide a wealth of knowledge to both students and practitioners in this field and inspire young doctors to focus on the specialty and contribute to greater advancements in the future.
It is my expectation and hope that high-risk pregnancies in Bangladesh can be both reframed and reformed to achieve the improved outcomes that we know are possible at lower economic cost, leading to substantial benefits for families and communities, as well as for our nation.
I am grateful to all teachers who have taught me, my beloved students, and most of all the patients.
I would like to thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, with the editorial team for their support in the publication of this textbook.
Professor Firoza Begum
I would like to thank all individuals and institutions who contributed to this book's creation and turned my dream of publishing this book into reality.
Firstly, I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to my respected teachers for their guidance and encouragement to write this book. I thank my mentors, Professors TA Chowdhury, Shahla Khatun and Anwara Begum, for being a source of inspiration.
I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Professor Tabassum Parveen who was with me from the very beginning of the idea of writing a book for the postgraduate students, who gave me detailed and constructive comments on different chapters, and contributed to writing one chapter for the book. I would also like to express my very profound appreciation to Drs Syeda Sayeeda, Khandaker Shehneela Tasmin, Shanzida Mahmud, Mahfuza Asma, Most Arifa Sharmin, Masuda Sultana, Rajosree Debnath, Tajmira Sultana, Raunak Jahan, Marzia Khanam and Hasina Begum—all of whom contributed to different chapters of the book as well.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to my colleagues Dr Fatima Wahid and Professor Sahana Afroz for the pictorial support; Mr Mijanur Rahman and Professor AN Nashimuddin Ahmed for their valuable and constructive suggestions during the development of this book; and Dr Shamima Nasreen Barsa for giving me mental support while I was editing this book.
I thank my beloved postgraduate students from different medical colleges/institutions for their inspiration in writing a book.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge my family for their love and support along this journey. I would like to thank my parents, whose love and guidance are with me in whatever I pursue. I wish to thank my husband and my two daughters for their unwavering faith in me.