Current Trends in Labor Management Bhavana Mittal, Poonam Goyal, Narendra Malhotra, Kawita Bapat, Kavita Mandrelle Bhatti
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
ABCDE strategy 344
Abdomen 62
stretching layers of 127f
Abdominal circumference 322
Abdominal examination 10, 86, 90, 183, 205, 310
Abdominal wall, closure of 128
Abnormal labor 67
patterns 104t
Abnormal red blood cells 237
Abnormal spinal anatomy 36
Abnormal uterine action 96, 101t, 105, 105fc
classification of 96fc
diagnosis of 96
Abnormal vital signs 12
Abnormally adherent placenta 152
Abnormally invasive placenta 152
Abortion 18, 71
Abruptio placentae 81, 158, 214
Abruption 288
history of 158
Abscesses 206
Absorbable suture 168
Acardius 297
Accelerations 49, 50
Accidental scalpel injury 129
Accredited birth center 6
Acid-base status 45
Acidemia, duration of 285
Acidosis 52, 217
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 268
Activated partial thromboplastin time 160, 208, 214, 215
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 220, 241, 243
Adequate pain relief 97
Adherent placenta 147
Adhesion 136
formation, preventive strategies for 136
preventive agents 136
surgical lysis of 136
Adjacent lumbar spinous process 31
Adjunctive therapy 156
Adrenaline 33
Advanced life support 19, 49
Air-handling unit 3
Airway 242, 330
aminotransferase 246
transaminase 240
Alcohol, history of 239
Alert voice pain unresponsiveness 211
Allergy 32
Alloimmunization 316
Ambulation 129
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 67, 220, 232, 234, 247
American Diabetes Association 220
Classification of Diabetes 220
Amnionicity, determination of 295fc
Amniotic fluid 262
adequate 138
embolism 43, 208, 214
volume 274, 285
Amniotomy 24, 69, 262, 316
Ampicillin 150
first-generation cephalosporin 125
Analgesia 30, 35, 307
complications of 37t
controlled epidural 35
epidural 32, 49, 68, 92, 231, 260
greater 31
inadequate 36, 37t
inhalational 31
lumbar epidural 33
patient-controlled 32
provide excellent 33
rapid onset 34
timing for 34
Analgesic 205
postoperative 206
Ancillary tests 310
Android pelvis 68
effect of 234, 235t
in pregnancy, etiological factors of 233t
microcytic 235
mild 235
moderate 236
Mukt Bharat 233
severe 19, 236
Anenchephaly 84
Anesthesia 195, 205
cause of 134
choice of 135
complications 129
general 16, 133, 182, 231, 260
inadequate regional 135
technique 133
types of 133, 133t
Anesthesiology 213
agents 224
dose, reduced total local 34
drugs 135
Angina, unstable 344
Angiographic embolization 157, 205
Angioplasty 344
Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors 249
Anhydramnios 188
Annular detachment, features of 98
Anomalies, congenital 68, 300
Anomalous pulmonary venous return 226
Antacid 124
Antenatal corticosteroid 274, 312
administration 277
Antenatal fetal surveillance 219
Antenatal prophylaxis 320
Antepartum 7, 242
classification 291t
eclampsia fits 243
heart rate 285
surveillance, limitations of 285
testing, techniques of 285
rupture 189
Anterior vaginal wall retractor 112
Antibiotics 232, 312
cover 97
prophylaxis 186
routine 26
broad-spectrum 150
role of 276
Antibody, atypical 237
Anticipated serious maternal hemorrhage 32
Anti-D alloimmunization 55
Antidote 243
Antiembolism stockings 335
Antihypertensive 243
agents 227
antibody 239
syndrome 333
Anti-red cell antibody 304
Antiretroviral treatment 268, 269, 270t, 271, 272
use of 268
Antishock garment 167, 167f
Antispasmodic agents 260
Anti-tachyarrhythmia therapy 228
Antithrombin deficiency 333
Anxiety 13
Aorta passes, abdominal 167
Aortic compression 167, 167f
Aortic dissection 226
Aortic stenosis 227
Appendicitis 273
Arms, extraction of 140f
Aromatherapy 31
Arrhythmias 36
cardiac 243
Artefact, minimize 289
Arterial blood gas 183, 208
levels 208
Artery, embolization of 179
aminotransferase 246
transaminase 240
Aspiration 134, 243
Aspirin, low-dose 335
Assisted breech delivery 76, 77, 78f
Assisted instrumental delivery 270
Assisted reproductive technology 142
Assisted vaginal deliveries, consent for 16
Asthma 232
Atosiban 276
Atrial septal defect 226, 227
Atrial-ventricular block 50
Atrioventricular septal defect 226
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 232
Autism spectrum disorders 232
Azathioprine 249
Backache 129
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 248, 274
Bakri balloon 164
catheter 155
tamponade 129, 143, 164
Bandl's ring 100, 100f
Bartholin's gland cysts 206
Barton's forceps 88
Basal infusion 33
Baseline maternal obesity 95
Basic life support 19
Beta-agonists 275
drugs 50
Beta-blockers 247
administration of 50
Bilateral ovarian vessel ligation 142
Bilateral uterine artery ligation 142, 169, 169f
Biliary stones 245
Bilirubin 234
Bimanual uterine compression 159, 164, 167f
Biomedical waste management 5
Biophysical profile 300
asphyxia 72
canal, abnormal low resistance of 107
companion 251, 252, 258
instructions for 17f
role of 17, 252
companionship 251, 253t
initiation of 251
depression 68
fractures 72
position 24
preparedness 179
prevention, preterm 299
trauma injury 222
Birthing units, midwife-led 22
Bishop's scoring system 39, 40, 40t, 230
Bladder 115, 191
catheter 125, 191, 243
empty 111
injury 73, 119, 154, 189
line, disruption of 153
wall, interruption of 154
Blade, pelvic curve of 138
diathesis 275
intraoperative 142
Blocked epidural catheter 36
Blood 6, 216
amount of 318
circulation, negative 255
gases 45
group 236
hematinics 234
intraperitoneal 136
loss 121, 165t, 185
intraoperative 143
oxygen carrying capacity of 234
pressure 4, 45, 129, 165, 168, 224, 239, 242
diastolic 165
low 275
systolic 165
products 216
transfusion of 216
quantification of 172
reservation 237
sugar 236
fasting 221
transfusion 175, 187, 236, 277
cross matches for 183
workup and classification 234
B-lynch stitch 142, 168, 168f, 194
Body mass index 163, 222, 230
maternal 114
Bolam principle 340
Borderline pelvis 80
empty 115
injuries 154
Brachial plexus injury 72
Bracht maneuver 80
Bradycardia 36, 134
Brand-Andrews technique 147
Breakthrough pain 33
Breast stimulation 42
Breastfeeding 267, 272, 319
continue exclusive 269
encourage exclusive 270
exclusive 271
impaired 38
Breathing 328
deep abdominal 31
exercises 31
techniques 17
Breech 75
complete 76, 76f
deep engagement of 81
delivery 77, 137
spontaneous 76
extraction 81f
internal rotation of 77
presentation 107, 302
lower incidence of 75
preterm 80
unengaged 81
British Committee for Standards in Haematology 234
Broad ligament
anatomy of 206f
hematoma 202, 206, 207, 207f
Broad spectrum antibiotics 97, 105, 189
Brow presentation 83, 84f
Budd-Chiari syndrome 248
Bulbocavernosus muscle 283f
Bupivacaine 33, 133
Burns Marshall
maneuver 79
method 142
Calcineurin inhibitors 249
Caput succedaneum 105, 139
degree of 97
Carboprost 227, 237
Carboxymethylcellulose 136
Cardiac arrest 36, 208
services 213
Cardiac disease 30, 224, 227, 228
significant 34
Cardiac echocardiography 228
Cardiac failure 235, 243
Cardiac malformations 55
Cardiac output 224
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 222
Cardiopulmonary arrest 243
Cardiotocogram 132, 288
Cardiotocography 231
continuous 220
Cardiovascular disease 228
Cardiovascular system 75, 204, 262
Carle's obstetric early warning score charts 23
Carotid intima thickness 228
Catheterization 100, 125
routine 260
Cavity, abdominal 126
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 234
Central nervous system 45, 75, 286
Central oxygen 2
Cephalopelvic disproportion 18, 68, 69, 71, 81, 91, 97, 111, 188, 221
unanticipated 138
rule out 100
Cephalosporin, first-generation 150
artery, middle 317
hemorrhage 243
palsy 72
Cerebroplacental ratio 322
Cerebrospinal fluid 133
cancer 191
dilation 10, 273
dystocia 68, 98, 98f
management 98
types of 98t
encirclage in situ 314
exploration 176
lacerations 159
ripening 39
balloon 39, 225
tear 176, 188
exposing apex of 177f
suturing of 177f
Cervicouterine junction 35
Cervicovaginal canal 150
Cervix 28, 62, 99, 146
anterior lip of 98
condition of 220
edematous 73
full dilatation of 67
fully dilated 91, 110, 115
lacerations of 159
upper 206
visualize 336
Cesarean birth, second 152
Cesarean delivery 11, 37, 136, 177, 230, 232, 270, 301
indications for 221
lower rates of 41
previous 152
Cesarean hysterectomy 154, 179
Cesarean section 76, 89, 97, 99, 105, 119, 120f, 128, 134, 136, 137, 138f, 172, 178, 231, 278, 318
anesthesia for 133
classical 127
classification of 121
complications of 128, 128fc
decreased rate of 252
delivery 137
epidemiology of 121
history of 119, 120t
incidence of 121, 136
indications for 121, 123fc
modern 121
preoperative preparation for 124
previous 32, 81
risks with 231
spinal anesthesia for 133
technique of 136, 142
Childbirth, facility-based 251
Chlorhexidine 191, 260
Cho's square suture 142
Cholestasis 286
intrahepatic 39, 245, 246fc
Chorioamnionitis 46, 68, 275, 310
diagnosis of 312
Choriocarcinoma 206
Chorionicity, determination of 295fc
Christopher Balogun-lynch 168
Chromosomal anomalies 75
Chronic kidney disease 248, 249
progression of 249
stage of 249
Cirrhosis 247
hepatic 247
Clonidine 33
Coagulation system, subsequent activation of 214
Coagulopathy 32, 208, 246
Color Doppler 153
Colporrhexis 178
secondary 178
Coma, stage of 242
Combined spinal epidural
analgesia 34
blocks 32
Communication 15, 16, 21, 340
obstacles to 347
Complete blood count 124, 205, 234, 240
Complete inversion 182
Complex infusion device 33
Complex maternal medical conditions 7
Component therapy 6, 216
Comprehensive obstetric care 72, 179
Compression sutures 129, 168
Computed tomography 188, 205
scan 6, 7
tamponade 165
use of 271
Cones protocol 346
Connective tissue disorders 204
Consanguinity 18
Consciousness, loss of 36
Constriction ring 68, 99, 99f, 114
Continuous electronic fetal monitoring 45, 46, 56, 243
Continuous positive airway pressure 260
Continuous pulse oximetry 208, 243
Contraception 222
Contraceptive counseling 236, 237
Contraction 49
duration of 48
frequency, assessment of 273
stress test 285, 291
interpretation of 292, 292t
principle of 291
around neck, coils of 84
avulsion 26
after delivery 270
delayed 267, 277
presentation 39
prolapse 90, 135, 285
classification of 91t
management of 92fc
traction, control 64, 65
Coronary perfusion 227
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 252, 258, 265
infection 258, 262, 265
management 266t
novel 258
precautionary measures 253
severity, classification of 258
Corticosteroids 262, 274
Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis 271
Craniotomy 89
C-reactive protein 235
Cryoprecipitate 155, 209, 236
Crystalloid solutions 159
Cup, application of 116
Curved artery forceps 112
Cyanosis 208
Cystectomy, require partial 155
Dais 182
Danaparoid 334
Decelerations 49, 52
classification of 56
Deep vein thrombosis 128, 129, 332
prophylaxis, postnatal 332, 333
prevention of 332
Deformity 72
Dehydration 100, 237
correction of 97, 105
signs of 100
Delivery 308
abdominal 137
and baby, instruments for 4t
criteria of 322
indications for 311
method of 33
mode of 105, 248, 316, 322
neonatal resuscitation for 330
place of 220
plan for 11, 220
route of 226, 258
thromboprophylaxis after 333
timing of 220, 246f, 258, 301
Deoxyribonucleic acid 271
Depression, postpartum 252
Desflurane 31, 184
Dextran 335
Diabetes mellitus 39, 219, 304
control of 220
gestational 19, 219, 220
poorly controlled 221
pregestational 220, 286
secondary 220
type 1 220
type 2 220
Dichorionic twin pregnancy 299
Digital vaginal examination 274
Dinoprostone 41
preparations of 41t
Disruption, symptoms of 92
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 144, 153, 208, 214, 215, 241, 306
management of 216, 217t
monitoring of 216
spectrum of 215, 215t
Diuretic, role of 243
Dizygotic twins, frequency of 294
Dizziness 36, 276
Double balloon catheter insertion, procedure of 41f
Down's syndrome 75
Doyen retractor 126
Dried blood spot 271
Drowsiness 31, 243
effects 243
neurohormonal influence of 135
Dual hematinic disease 234
Duhrssen incision 176
Duncan's method 62, 63f
Dural puncture epidural technique 35
Dynamic dystocia 68
Dysfunctional uterine contraction 104t
Eclampsia 19, 214, 242
intrapartum 243
risk of 240
severe 275
sibling history of 239
uncontrolled 135
Ectopic pregnancy 320
cornual resection of 153
Eight-finger pull technique 127f
Eisenmenger syndrome 227, 228
Ejection fraction 226
Electric vacuum aspiration 4
Electrocardiography 49
Electronic fetal monitoring 47t
Embryotomy 69
Emergency 121
cesarean section 16, 76
laparotomy 153, 189
obstetric room, specification of 2t
Encephalopathy, hypoxic-ischemic 45, 46
Endocarditis prophylaxis 227
Endometrial ablation 153
Endometrial polyp 187
Endometritis 230
Endothelial injury 332
Enflurane 31
Environmental pollution 31
Ephedrine 36
Epidural analgesia 32, 49, 68, 92, 231, 260
maintenance of 33, 33t
method of 38
patient-controlled 33, 35
Epidural anesthesia 133, 134
Epidural failure, increased risk of 231
Epidural veins, engorgement of 30
Episiotomy 16, 112, 236, 237, 270, 280, 284
advantages of 280
angle of 280, 281f
extensions 175
perform 281
procedure of 282, 282f
repair 283
routine 262
structures injured during 281
types of 280, 280t, 281t
Erb's palsy 73
Ergot alkaloids 26
Ergotamine derivative, administration of 146
Esophageal variceal bleeding 247
Esophageal varices 245
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 248
Evaluate fetal membrane status 273
Exophytic mass 153
External anal sphincter 197f
External cephalic version 81, 137, 188
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 209
Extrinsic intravascular coagulation cascade, abnormal activation of 158
mask, reservoir 93
maternal complications 318
muscle twitching of 242
presentation 84
Facial edema 85f
severe 84
Failed instrumental delivery 138
Failed lactation 221
Fallopian tube 184
mesosalpinx of 206
Fatty liver, acute 246t
Federation of International Gynecologist and Obstetricians 67
Fentanyl 32, 33, 97
Fertilized ovum 294
arrhythmias 50
ascites 72
asphyxia 108
autopsy 305
behavioral states 55
blood disorders 48
bradycardia 36, 50t, 208
causes of 50
less risk of 35
cardiac rate 287t
coagulopathies 117
complications 18, 108, 242, 309
compromise 124f, 135, 220
distress 81, 231, 240
early signs of 97
exposure minimal 32
extraction, technique of 136
fibronectin 274
assessment 300
restriction 322, 322t, 323t, 324
head, malpresentation of 69
heart 323
auscultation of 11
block 49
monitoring 11
rate 11, 32, 124, 188, 237, 243, 272, 287f
hypoxemia 53
hypoxia 52, 55, 234
macrosomia 95, 117
malformations 90, 303
malposition 68
malpresentation 68, 314
membranes 26, 188
monitoring, continuous 44
occipitoposterior position 87f
oxygen supply 30
parts 13, 188
outside uterus 188
pelvic disproportion 306
pillow 70, 141, 141f
prognosis 243
station 10
assessment of 11
nonreassuring 275
reassuring 35
surveillance 11
tachycardia, causes of 49
weight 322
wellbeing 24
antepartum testing for 300
Feticide, selective 296
Fetomaternal hemorrhage 55, 81
abnormal position of 91
anemia in 234
congenital anomalies of 68
expulsion of 24
extraction of 141, 142
preterm 82, 117
term 115
Fibrin degradation products 214%–%216
Fibrinogen fibrin degradation 158
Fibrinolysis systems 214
Fibroblast activities 136
Fibroid uterus 90, 137, 158
Fixed cardiac output disease 32
Fluid 216
abnormalities 286
choice 216
extrauterine 188
maintenance 129
resuscitation 209
Focal intraparenchymal flow 154
Folate's deficiency 234
Foley's catheter 40, 73, 141, 205
insertion, procedure of 40b
Footling breech 39, 76, 76f
Footling extraction 76f
application of 113, 137, 138f
assisted delivery 138
blade application 138
delivery 110, 118, 118t
complications of 114, 115t
failure 114
indications for 110t
prerequisite of 110
types of 110t
extraction 88
parts of 112f, 112t
types of 111t
Frank breech 76, 76f
Fresh frozen plasma 155, 173, 209, 216, 236, 245
Full hand method 88, 88f
placenta accreta 177f
polarity, loss of 97
pressure 64, 64f
minimal 131
Gastric volume 32
Gastrointestinal system 75
Gastrointestinal ulcerative disease 275
Gastroschisis 55
General anesthesia 16, 133, 182, 231, 260
indications for 135
Generalized tonic uterine contraction 97
herpes, active 39
tract, lacerations of 158
trauma 68
Genitourinary system 75
Gentle assisted pushing, results of 26
order of 239
period of 311
Gestational age 39, 224, 322
small for 249, 322
Girth, abdominal 129
Global clotting tests 217
Glomerular hyperfiltration 249
Glucose tolerance test 222
Glycemic control, poor 220
Green armytage forceps 131
Half hand method 88, 89f
Hallmark symptom 204
Hand prolapse 90
classification of 90t
management of 91fc
Hand rubs, use of alcohol-based 265
Hands-off technique 26
Haptoglobin 234
Haptonomy 31
Hartman's solution 216
method 184, 186f
procedure 184
Hayman's modification 142
Hea trunk ratio 137
Head, engagement of 77
Headache, postdural-puncture 134
Healthcare team, staff members of 17
Heart disease
ischemic 227
severe 225
Heart rate 224, 227, 330
Heavy bleeding, retained placenta with 148
Heavy vaginal bleeding 11
Hematocrit 165
Hematocrit, regular monitoring of 217
Hematoma 206
formation 324
Hematuria 93
Hemodialysis, schedule 249
Hemodynamic instability 36, 188, 275
Hemoglobin 183
electrophoresis 234
Hemoglobinopathy 163, 233, 234
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet 214, 240
count syndrome 39, 245%–%247, 247fc
syndrome 214
indicative of 240
suggestive of 240
Hemolytic anemia, microangiopathic 246
Hemolytic disease 316
Hemoperitoneum 188
signs of 73
Hemorrhage 8, 119
acute peripartum 214
antepartum 158, 163, 210, 212
atonic postpartum 129, 162
cart 163
control 161t, 189
internal 207
intracranial 68, 108
manage 182
placental 48
risk of 147
severe 208
Hemostasis 204f
Hemostatic suture 189
Hemostatic test 217
compounds 334
unfractionated 334
Hepatic disorders 245
Hepatic Doppler ultrasound 248
Hepatic dysfunction 275
Hepatic failure, fulminant 246
Hepatitis 19
A virus 248
acute viral 248
autoimmune 245
B E-antigen 248
immunoglobulin 248
surface antigen 124, 236
virus 248
C virus 124
Hold-locked forceps 113
Hormonal contraceptives, lowdose 222
contraction 99
uterus 72
Human immunodeficiency virus 19, 48, 124, 236, 259, 268270, 272
care of 271
cesarean delivery in 270
education 269
infection 271
rapid test 271
risk of 268t
testing 269, 272
vertical transmission of 268, 270
Huntington's methods 184
Huntington's procedure 184, 186f
Hyaline membrane disease 222
Hyaluronidase 42
Hydatidiform mole 297
Hydrocephalus 55, 72
Hydrocortisone 209
method 187f
pressure 184
reduction 185
Hydroxychloroquine 249
Hyperbilirubinemia 222
Hyperglycemia 275
Hypertension 8, 158, 227, 231
acute pulmonary 208
chronic 107, 239, 303
duration of 239
family history of 239
gestational 39, 107
labor onset 239
pregnancy-induced 19
Hypertensive disorders 32, 203, 303
of pregnancy, spectrum of 239
Hypertonic dysfunction 100
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 227
Hypogastric artery ligation 170
Hypokalemia 275
Hypomagnesemia 222
Hyponatremia 43
Hypotension 32, 33, 36, 187, 208
Hypothermia 217
Hypothyroidism 19
Hypotonic uterine inertia 99
Hypovolemia, acute severe maternal 135
Hypoxemia 287
duration of 285
Hypoxia, acute 208
Hysterectomy 119, 170, 187, 209
delayed 144
frequently 169
secondary 156
vertical 127
Hysterotomy scar 188
Iliac artery ligation
bilateral internal 179
unilateral internal 179
Iliac fossa 82f
Immunization 271
Immunoglobulin 319
Impaired glucose intolerance 223
Impaired glucose tolerance 220
In vitro fertilization 125, 148
Incision virtually blood less 130
Indian Council of Medical Research 234
Indian Health System 20
Indomethacin 275
feeding 271
monitoring of 327
Infections 119, 206, 274, 303
control practices 265t, 266
prevention and control practices 266
risk of transmission of 268
signs of 28, 312
transmission of 272
Infectious diseases 233
Inflated balloon 141
Infralevator hematoma 175f, 202, 204f
Initial effective resuscitation techniques 210
Initiate massive transfusion protocol 6
Injuries, intestinal 129
Instrumental deliveries 37, 110, 164, 221
complications of 72
fear of 71
Insulin management 221
Intensive care unit 191, 209, 213
care 134
Intensive resuscitation 189
Intensive supportive care 245
Internal iliac artery 143, 155
ligations of 170
Internal podalic version, role of 81f
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 56, 152, 228
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis 216
Intestinal obstruction 129
Intra-abdominal bleeding, incidence of 245
Intra-abdominal pressure 63
Intra-arterial balloon occlusion 143, 143f
Intrapartum fetal
distress 59f
evaluation 57
monitoring 45
Intrapartum hemorrhage 158
causes 158
surgical management 160
Intrapartum management 164, 269, 269fc
Intrapartum monitoring 231
Intrauterine adhesions
hysteroscopic removal of 153
risk of 149
Intrauterine contraceptive device 337
insertion 270, 336t
Intrauterine death 117
Intrauterine device 188
Intrauterine fetal
death 75, 81, 220
demise 214, 275, 303, 306
Intrauterine growth restriction 235
Intrauterine infection 68, 214, 310
Intrauterine manipulation 177, 188
Intrauterine pressure catheters, use of 48
Intravascular fluid status 224
Intravascular injection
signs of 34
symptoms of 34
Intravenous cannula, secure 124
Intravenous fluid 243
Intravenous infusion 42, 221t
Invasive fetal monitoring 270
Invasive intrapartum fetal monitoring 270
Invasive prenatal procedures 314
Invasive removal techniques 178
Inversion, extent of 181
Inverted T incision 143
Iron deficiency anemia 154, 234, 235
diagnosis of 235
Iron requirement, normal 233
Ischial tuberosity 283f
Ischiorectal fossa 175
Isoflurane 31, 184
Isoimmunization 81, 316
Jehovah's witnesses 164
Joel-Cohen incision 125
Johnson maneuver 184
Johnson method 178f
J-shaped incision 143
Kangaroo mother care 326, 327
benefits of 327
components of 326
initiation of 326
intermittent 326
Ketamine 33
Ketoacidosis 100, 221
correction of 97, 105
Kidney disease 245
chronic 248, 249
Kielland's forceps 88, 111f
Kiwi cup 116f
Klumpke's paralysis 72
Kneeling breech 76
Kristeller maneuver 80
Kustner's techniques 184
Labetalol 240
Labor 188, 228
active first stage of 24t
active management of 24, 221
third stage of 5, 25, 237
analgesia 33
techniques of 31
anemic patients during 235t
augmentation of 69
care guide 24
delivery 1
dysfunctional 96
dystocia 231
enthusiastic management of 21
evaluate status of 10
event charting 270
first stage of 11, 12f, 38
induction of 39, 42, 230, 231, 313
management of 258, 270, 301
first stage of 259
prolonged 69
second stage of 24, 240, 261
third stage of 26, 62, 66, 262
mechanism of 77, 83, 85, 86f, 87
medical disorders in 219
mismanaged third stage of 181
monitoring during 224
obese woman in 230, 231
pain, systemic effects of 30
placental stage of 62
prevent obstructed 72
prevention of prolonged 68
progress of 10, 24
prolonged first stage of 68
prolonged second stage of 68
protracted 67
rapid 107
renal disease in 248
second stage of 11, 12t, 38
shorter 252
signs of 13
stages of 22, 22fc
third stage of 146
triage for stage of 11
uncomplicated 62
unique situations in 90
Labor and delivery 251, 301, 305
recovery 1
companion during 251
Labor room
assessment in 22t
dimensions of 1t
equipment for 4t
interior 2
Laboratory-based conventional coagulation tests 216
Lacerations 158, 159, 191, 207
first-degree 197
fourth-degree 195, 197
Lactate dehydrogenase 234, 240
Lactation, suppression of 307
Laparotomy 189
Laqshya-manyata 351
Laryngoscopy 134
Laser ablation 296
Lax pelvic musculature 109
Legs, extraction of 140, 141f
Leiomyoma 191
Less frequently performed regional techniques 32
Lethal fetal anomaly 275
Leukocytes, serial monitoring of 312
Levators, approximation of 283f
Levobupivacaine 33
Liberal J-shaped incision 137
Lidocaine 33
Ligaments, round 184
Ligamentum flavum 30, 134
Lignocaine 196
Liquor, adequate 81
Lithotomy 24
disease 245
dysfunction 234
enzymes, elevated 239
function test 240, 241, 242
hematoma 245
rupture 246
transplant 245
Local anesthesia 195
toxicity 33
Local anesthetic 32
drugs 32
solution 112
Local compressions 205
Long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase 245
Lovset's maneuver 78, 79f
Low amniotomy 100
Low birth weight 81, 136
Low molecular weight heparin 228, 237, 260, 333, 334
antenatal 333t
postnatal 333t
Low uterine vessels ligation 142
Lower segment cesarean section 119, 128t, 136, 148, 178, 237, 279, 307
absolute indications for 100
second stage 69
technique of 69
Lumbar lordosis, apex of 30
Lumbar sympathetic block 32, 35
Lung injury, acute 160, 216
flare 249
nephritis 249
Macrosomia 172, 188, 222, 232
Magnesium levels, strictly monitored for 262
Magnesium sulfate 182, 184, 227, 262, 274, 276, 277, 312
administer 243
bolus 241
regime 243
Malformation, congenital 18, 68, 72
Manual fundal pressure 262
Manual vacuum aspiration 4
Marrow suppression 234
Massive blood transfusion 129, 214
Massive fibrinolysis 158
Massive transfusion protocol 216
Maternal affinity 30
Maternal and fetal monitoring 311
Maternal bleeding 275
Maternal cardiac disease 224
Maternal care, specialty 6
Maternal causes 324
Maternal cerebral hemorrhage 241
Maternal collapse 210, 211b
causes of 210t
immediate action of 211fc
secondary action of 212t
Maternal complications 108, 242, 309
Maternal death 194
Maternal dehydration 68, 72
Maternal deterioration 93
Maternal diabetes 95
Maternal echocardiography 6, 7
Maternal exhaustion 72
Maternal fever 312
Maternal health conditions 49
Maternal heart rate 48, 52
simultaneous monitoring of 49
Maternal height 231
Maternal hemodynamic tolerance 227
Maternal hemorrhage, uncontrollable 189
Maternal hypotension 276, 288
Maternal hypothermia 50
Maternal hypoxemia 288
Maternal hypoxia 259
Maternal illness, significant 11
Maternal kyphosis 86
Maternal medical comorbidities 131
Maternal monitoring devices 225
Maternal morbidity, risk of 230
Maternal mortality rate 6
Maternal pelvis, adequate 76
Maternal position 46
Maternal pyrexia 38, 49
Maternal refusal 32
Maternal repositioning 36
Maternal request 32
Maternal resuscitation 213
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein 220
Maternal soft tissue injuries 221
Maternal status, assessment of 11
Maternal viral load 270
Maternal vital signs 273
Maternal warfarin 227
Maternal wellbeing 24
Maternal-fetal medicine care 7
Maternity care 21, 252, 253
quality of private 349
Mauriceau method 80
Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver 79, 79f, 137, 142
Mayo's scissor 126f
Mechanical dystocia 68
Mechanical urethral obstruction 204
Meconium, thick 11
Meconium-stained liquor 97
Medical disorder 19, 273
Medical nutrition therapy 220
Medical profession 339
Medical safety, part of 340
Medical therapy 174
Medicolegal safety 339
Mediolateral episiotomy 112
artificial rupture of 235, 270
prelabor rupture of 309
premature rupture of 81, 137, 158
prolonged rupture of 235, 270
ruptured 115, 159
stripping 43
Menstrual irregularities 129
Mental distress 237
Mental disturbance 30
Mental status change, acute 13
Mentum anterior 85
Mentum posterior 85
Metabolic syndrome, increased risk of 232
Metal cup 116f
Metallic taste 36
Methergine 227
Methylergometrine 237
Methylergonovine 209
Metronidazole 205
Microcatheter 34
Microvessel structure 228
Mifepristone 42
Mind-body interventions 31
Minimize per vaginal examination 270
Misgav Ladach cesarean section 129
method of 130
Misgav Ladach method 129
Misgav Ladach technique 121
advantages of 131
Misoprost 26
Misoprostol 41, 227, 236, 237, 306
Mitral stenosis 227
Mobilization, early 206
Monozygotic twin chorionicity 294t
Morphine 33
Mother's abdomen 113
Mother's feelings, control of 252
Motor block, minimal 34
Multifetal gestations 295
Multiparous women 90
Multiple drugs 135
Multiple gestation 11, 81, 294, 295
fetal risk of 295
maternal risk of 295
Multiple pregnancy 19, 32, 68, 84, 86, 294
delivery of 137
diagnosis 294
pathophysiology 294
excitation 36
fasciculation 36
weakness 243
Music therapy 31
Mutual support 15
Myasthenia gravis 276
Myocardial compromise 276
Myocardial infarction 227
Myomectomy, full thickness 39
Myometrium 147f
Mysterious psychophysiology complex 255
Narcotics 290
Nasogastric suctioning 270
National AIDS Control Organization 268
Nausea 13
Necessitates fluid bolus 133
Neck, enlargement of 84
Needle-through-needle 35
Nelaton catheter 143
Neonatal asphyxia 73
Neonatal cardiomyopathy 246
Neonatal complications 232
Neonatal injury, fivefold risk of 230
Neonatal intensive care 46
unit 1, 238, 239, 243
Neonatal resuscitation 76, 328, 328b, 329fc, 331b
program 330
Neoplasia, types of 170
Neostigmine 33
Neuraxial analgesia 35
contraindications for 32
indications for 32
Neuraxial analgesic technique 38
Neuraxial technique, ultrasoundguided 36
Neurological dysfunction, shortterm 45
Neurological signs and symptoms 204
Neuroprotection 276
Nevirapine prophylaxis 271, 272
care area 3
immediate care of 270
prognosis 319
Nifedipine 275
Nipple stimulation 292
Nitrazine test 310
Nitric oxide
donors 42, 276
secondary 237
Nitroglycerine 182, 184, 276
Nitrous oxide 31
patients 259, 262
woman 260
Noneffective lower gastroesophageal sphincter 134
Noninflatable antishock garment 167
Noninsulin dependent 220
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 272
Nonobstetric vulvar hematomas 203
Nonpharmacological pain relief 252
Nonrapid eye movement 287
Nonreassuring fetal assessment 11
Nonscalpel vasectomy 271
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 249, 337
Nonstress test 220, 285, 286, 291t, 292, 300
clinical significance 289
equipment 288
indications 286
machine 289f
physiological basis of 286
reactive 274
Nontender and relaxed uterus 81
Nontoothed forceps 112
Nontraumatic liver rupture 245
Non-urgent symptoms 13
Nonvertex presentation 117
Normal labor 21
management of 21, 22, 27fc
prerequisites of 21
Normal uterine contour 99
Nourishment causes, poor 71
Nuchal cord anomaly 84
Nuchal translucency 220
Nulliparous patient 97
Nutritional supplements 299
Nutritious diet 271
Obesity 333
childhood 232
Oblique lie 81
Obstetric causes, treatment of 216
Obstetric complication 273, 303
Obstetric concerns 225
Obstetric factors 38
Obstetric haemorrhage, massive 162
Obstetric history 305
previous 220
Obstetric hysterectomy 189, 191
Obstetric management 243
Obstetric mortality 134
Obstetric risk factors 332
Obstetric ultrasound examination 274
Obstetric ultrasound imaging 6
Obstetric vulvar hematoma 206
Obstetrician's nightmare 172
Obstructed labor 18, 71, 188, 240
common complications of 72
diagnosis of 72
higher risk for 71
management of 73, 74
medical causes of 71
signs of 69
Occult rupture 188
Oligohydramnios 75
Operation theater 149
Operative delivery 68, 119, 221
fear of 71
Operative destructive operations 72
Opioids 33
Optimum uterine contractions 92
Oral iron therapy 235
Oral thrombin 335
Ovarian artery 169
ligations of 169, 170f
Ovarian cancer 191
Ovarian vessel ligation, unilateral 142
Overexertion 237
cylinder 2
therapy 259
Oxytocin 24, 26, 188, 209, 227, 292
administer 42
augmentation 69
challenge test 285
drip 100
infusion 42, 42t, 129
regimens 43, 43t
nonjudicious use of 97
side effects of 43
use of 100
Pacemakers 228
Packed red blood cell 173, 191, 216, 236
abdominal 92, 188
ligament 13
physiology of 30
Painless rubbery mass 175
Pampiniform plexus 207
Paper scales 46
Paper speed 46, 49
Paracervical block 32, 35
Paralytic ileus 68, 129
Parasitic diseases 233
Parasympathetic blockers 50
Parenteral antibiotic 132
Parent-to-child transmission, prevention of 269t
Parietal peritoneum, opening up of 130f
Patient counseling 191
Patient transfer protocol 18
Patwardhan maneuver 70
Patwardhan method 139
Peak systolic velocity 297, 317
Pediatric laryngoscope 3
arterial embolization 204f, 206
bleeders, suture deep 194
computed tomography 183f
devascularization 144
examination 205
dysfunction 280
resistance 68
neoplasm 75
pain, chronic 129
phase 67
thrombophlebitis 129
trauma 205
tumor 68, 86
vascular sutures 169
vasculature ligation, step wise 169
Pelvimetry, role of 77
Pelvis 110
computed tomography 183
contracted 68, 80, 82
variations in 91
Pendulous abdomen 86
Per rectal examination 183, 205
Per speculum examination 10, 205
Per vaginal examination 205
Per vaginum examination 62
Perinatal morbidity rate 309
Perinatal mortality 189
rate 309
Perineal analgesia, satisfactory 33
Perineal examination, procedure of 195, 199t
Perineal hygiene 262
Perineal injury 195, 199t
classification of 195, 197t
complications of 200
degrees of 195f
long-term complication of 201b
management of 198t
prevention of 195, 198t
risk factors of 198b
Perineal laceration, high-degree 282
Perineal massage 283
Perineal muscles 196f, 197f
Perineal phase 67
Perineal protection 282
Perineal repair 16, 284f
Perineal skin 196f
Perineal tear 201, 221
degrees of 196f
early 236, 237
first-degree 196f
fourth degrees of 196f, 197f
second-degree 197f
stitching of 200f
third and fourth degree 68, 176
third-degree 197f
Perineal trauma, reduce 26, 262
Perineum, anatomy of 195f
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 228
Peripartum hysterectomy 153
Peripheral cyanosis 208
Peripheral vascular resistance 227
Peripheral vasodilatation 275
Peritoneal air ileus abscess 188
Peritoneum, opening of 127f
Persistent ductus arteriosus 226
Persistent neurological symptoms 134
Personal protective equipment 266, 266t, 330
Pethidine 97
Pfannenstiel incision 231
Phenargan 97
Phenobarbitone 290
Phenylephrine 209
Phosphatidylserine 237
Pinard maneuver 80
Piper's forceps 79
delivery 79f
Placenta 26
abruption of 39, 158
anterior 86
cornual-fundal insertion of 75
descent of 62
examination of 65
expulsion of 63
incarcerated 146, 147f
increta 152
management of 185
manual removal of 149, 153
morbidly adherent 151
percreta 152, 155
previa 19, 75, 81, 82, 86, 90, 142, 285, 301
risk factors for retained 148t
separation of 62, 158
spontaneous delivery of 146
succenturiate lobe of 187
types of retained 146, 147, 151
Placenta accreta 148, 152, 158, 170
conservative management of 156
posterior 156
removal of 156
spectrum 129, 142, 147, 151, 152
disorders 152
syndrome 191
unexpected 156
Placenta adherens 147, 147f, 149f, 151
management of 150fc
Placental abnormalities 303
Placental abruption 107, 235, 237, 241, 246, 285, 310
signs of 13
Placental and fetal factors 75
Placental bulge 153
Placental causes 324
Placental delivery 144
Placental forceps 336
Placental lacunae 153
Placental separation, signs of 62
Placental tissues 304
Planning delivery 137
Platelet 214
count 216, 242
dysfunction 275
Pleasant odor 31
Pneumatic compression 191
Pneumonia 273
Point-of-care testing 216
Poliomyelitis 72
Polyglactin 128
Polyhydramnios 75, 82, 84, 86, 90, 158
Polymerase chain reaction 271
Postepisiotomy 283
Postnatal care 262
Postpartum 222, 242, 336
care 241, 270
endometritis 147, 153
hysterectomy constitutes 170
Postpartum hemorrhage 4, 66, 68, 108, 128, 137, 147, 162, 173, 187, 191, 210, 212, 221, 232, 235, 262, 334
ascertainment of 172
case of 262
causes of
primary 163t
secondary 163t
etiology of 163t
initial management of 164
management of 164, 192b
triad of 162
prediction of 162, 163t
prevention of 162, 163
treatment of 164
Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device 4, 271, 336
insertion 337t
Postprandial blood sugar 220
Post-traumatic stress disorder 30
Povidone-iodine 191
Prague maneuver 80, 80f
modified 80
Precipitate labor 105, 107, 172
graph of 108, 108f
management of 108, 108t
Preconception 219
Preeclampsia 19, 214, 295
diagnosis of 243
late-onset 239
risk of 235
severe 275
treatment of 243
Pregnancy 39, 233
acute fatty liver of 214, 245, 246
anatomic changes of 30
and cardiac disease 224
complicated 20
diabetes during 219t
discomforts of 13
ectopic 320
high-risk 19t, 20, 46, 46t
intrahepatic cholestasis of 245, 245, 246fc
loss, recurrent 239
low-risk 46t
physiological changes in 332
postdated 18, 95
stages of 235
termination of 317fc
uncomplicated 62
weight gain 231
Prelabor ward 1
Premature babies 136
Prepared childbirth method 31
Preprocedural task 195
Pressure necrosis 205, 206
Preterm birth, high risk of spontaneous 273
Preterm labor 18, 81, 273
diagnosis of 273
inhibition of 275
management of 221, 262
threatened 273
Previous uterine
rupture 39
surgery 153
Primiparous delivery 159
Procoagulant factors, release of 214
Professional midwife 6
Profound fetal bradycardia 135
Progesterone 222
Progestins 313
Proliferative retinopathy 221
Prolonged labor 32, 67, 69, 97, 159, 221, 240
complications of 68
Prominent sub-placental venous complex 154
Prompt surgical repair 129
Prophylactic antibiotics 109, 124, 125, 191, 237, 245
Prophylactic endovascular intervention 155
Prophylactic oxytocin 262
Prophylactic uterotonic agent 26
Prophylaxis 108, 137
postpartum 319
Propranolol 247
Prostaglandin 40, 188, 236, 237, 306
E1 41
E2 41
Proteinuria 249
Prothrombin time 160, 214
Pseudosinusoidal pattern 55, 55f
Psychoprophylactic methods 31
Psychosocial fallouts 72
Public health agencies 8
Pudendal artery, course of 202
Pudendal block 32, 195
Pudendal nerve block 35
Puerperal genital hematoma 203fc
types of 202
Puerperal sepsis 68, 221, 243
Pull technique 69, 140f
Pulmonary artery
catheter 225
pressure 227
Pulmonary branches 332
Pulmonary edema 239, 241, 243
Pulmonary embolism 129, 232, 243, 332
Pulmonary failure 246
Pulmonary hypertension 228
Pulmonary stenosis 228
Pulmonary system 258
Pulsatility index 322
oximetry 49
rate 129, 165
Pulseless electrical activity 211
Push technique 69, 139f
conventional methods of 73
Pyelonephritis 273
Racemic bupivacaine 33
Rapid fluid boluses 36
Record keeping, methods of 341
Rectal epithelium 197f
Rectal mucosa 197f
Rectovaginal fistula 72
Rectus muscle 126f, 130f
Rectus sheath 126f, 131f
incision 130f
Red blood cells 158, 160
adequate 155
Reflex tachycardia 227
Refractory maternal hypotension 32
Regional analgesia 31, 32
Regional anesthesia 125
Regional perinatal health care centers 7
Rehabilitation care 206
Remifentanyl 32
Renal disease 303
Renal dysfunction 275
Renal failure 153, 241
Renal function 94
test 240, 242
Renal stones 248
complicate 248
Renoprotective medications, essential discontinuation of 249
Repair, technique of 196, 199t
Respiratory complications 309
Respiratory depression 31, 36
Respiratory distress 222, 262, 313
severe 13
syndrome 153
development of 129
Respiratory failure, acute 243
Respiratory rate 165, 242
monitor 241
Respiratory support 330
Respiratory system 204
Respiratory tract, nonirritant to 31
Restore fluid balance 217
Resuscitation 159, 205
cardiopulmonary 211
equipment 330
procedure, condition for 328
team 213
Retained placenta 146, 159
and clots 162
diagnosis of 148fc
management of 150fc
Retained stillbirth 214
Reticulocytes 234
Retinal injury 241
Retraction ring 100
Retroperitoneal spaces 207
Reverse breech 73
extraction 70, 139, 140f
Reversed-arterial-perfusion sequence 297
Rhesus 316
incompatible 316
negative 19
Rheumatic heart disease 228
Ribonucleic acid 268
Rickets 72
Right sacral
anterior 77
transverse 77
Rigid edematous cervix 98
Ritgen's maneuver 26, 262, 282
Robson's classification 121, 124f
Robust referral system linkages 72
Ropivacaine 33, 133
Ruptured membrane 97, 110
Rüsch balloon 164
Sacral analgesia, early 34
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 72
Safer surgical techniques 270
Saltatory pattern 50, 51f
Salvage technique 34
Scanzoni double application 89
dehiscence 93
endometriosis 129
healing of 128t
rupture 129
Schroeder's ring 99
Schultze method 62, 63f
neonatal 288
prophylaxis 241
recurrent 243
Sengstaken tube 164
Sepsis 137
Septate uterus 75
Septic abortion 214
Septic pneumonia 243
Septostomy 296
Sequential organ failure assessment 215
Serosa-bladder interface, hypervascularity of 154
ferritin 235
uric acid estimation 240
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 258
infection 330, 331b
Sevoflurane 31, 184
Sevox 31
manage 182
postpartum 243
engagement of 77
first method 139
internal rotation of 77
Shoulder dystocia 95, 107, 172, 221
classification of 94t
first warning sign of 95
management of 94fc
Sickle cell
crisis, precipitate 237
disease 72, 237
Silicon cup 116f
Simpson's forceps 111f
Sims speculums 112
Singleton 239
Sinusoidal pattern 55f
additional features of 53
causes of 55
Skeletal system 75
closure 283f
incision 125, 130f
Skin-to-skin contact 326, 331
Slurred speech 36, 243
Smoke abuse 239
Smoking 18
Sodium hyaluronate 136
Sparing motor blockade 33
Spastic lower segment 96, 97f
Speculum examination 273
Spinal analgesia 34
continuous 34
Spinal anesthesia 30, 36, 133
Spinal surgery, previous 34
Spinelli's techniques 184
Sponge holder 111
Sterile gloves 112
Sterile speculum examination 310
Stillbirth 18, 72
evaluation of 304fc
pregnancy after 307
previous 286
Strict intrapartum fetal monitoring 240
Stroke volume 224
Structured intermittent auscultation 46
frequency of 47t
indications of 47t
procedure of 47t
Subarachnoid block 32
Subcapsular hematoma 246
Subcutaneous tissue 130
Subinvolution 68
Submucous fibroid 187
Subplacental myometrial contraction 147f
Substance abuse 18
Suction oropharyngeal secretions 243
Sullivan's method 184
Supraglottic airway 211
Supralevator hematoma 176f, 203
Surgical disorder 273
Surgical management 175
Surgical methods 205
Surgical technique 136
modification of 136
episiotomy 236, 237
material required 196
Symmetrical analgesia 35
Symphysis pubis 65, 78
Syphilis 19
mother-to-child transmission of 268
Systematic ward rounds 15
Systemic analgesia 31, 32
Systemic illness, past history of 18
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 215
Systemic lupus erythematosus 239, 249, 286, 304
Systemic opioids 32
Systemic vascular resistance 224, 227
Tachycardia 36, 50t, 275
supraventricular 50
Tachysystole 98
Tamponade pelvic bleeding 194
Tear 207
Technical modification 35
Teenage pregnancies 72
Terbutaline 182, 184, 275
Termination of pregnancy 303, 316
Tertiary obstetric care 6
Tetanic contraction 288
Thalassemia 237
Thermoelectrometry 216
Third cesarean birth 152
Thoracic aorta disease, hereditary 226
Thoracic kyphosis, reduces 30
Thrombin 162
Thrombocytopenia 32, 239
Thromboelastography 216
Thrombophilia 303, 304, 332, 333
acquired 333
asymptomatic 333
Thromboprophylaxis 260, 265, 333, 334
agents for 334
postnatal 333
Thrombotic diseases 119
disease 234
disorders 303
screen 304
stimulating hormone 236
Tight nuchal cord 107
Tinnitus 36
Tissue 162
degrees of 159
desiccation 136
hypoxia 217
ischemia 136
Tocodynamometry, external 231
Tocolysis 274, 275, 277
Tocolytic agents 262, 275
Tocolytic therapy 275
Tone 162
Tongue and mouth, numbness of 36
Tonic stage 242
Tonic uterine contraction 100
Tonic-clonic seizures 208
Toothed forceps 112
Total breech extraction 76, 76f
Traction, direction of 114f
Traditional fundal pressure 137
Training health workers 15
Tranexamic acid 217, 262
use of 175
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 31, 60
Transesophageal echocardiography 208
Transient cardiac contractions 303
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 248
Transvaginal sonography 143
Transvaginal ultrasonography 183f
Transvaginal ultrasound 274
Transverse lie 81, 82f, 137
Transverse skin incision
advantages of 126t
disadvantages of 126t
Trapped placenta 147, 149f, 151
Trauma 162
abdominal 158
Traumatic postpartum hemorrhage 129, 172%–%174, 178
Trisomy 18 75
Trophoblastic invasion, abnormal 152
Trunk, extraction of 140f, 141f
T-sign 295
Turbulent lacunar blood flow 154
Turner's syndrome 75
Turtle sign 95
anemia-polycythemia sequence 296
conjoined 72, 295
foetuses, discordant growth of 297
gestation 239
monoamnionic 295
pregnancy 19, 90
complicated 301
uncomplicated 301
second 300
vaginal delivery of second 302
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 55, 296, 300
Ultrasonography 183
role of 77
Ultrasound 146
role of 310
Umbilical artery 322
Umbilical cord 26, 288
abnormalities 303
care of 318
clamping, delayed 26
Upper limbs, extraction of 76f
Urinary bladder invasion 152
Urinary protein estimation 240
Urinary tract infection 129, 191, 248
analysis 236
culture 274
void 28
Urogenital diaphragm, reconstruction of 283f
Urological injury 72, 129
Uterine 75, 84
activity 10, 11
inadequate 69
atony 162, 170, 208, 236, 237
balloon tamponade 189
bulge 154
closure, single layer 188
defect, repair of 189
devascularization 129
distention 159
dysfunction 81
fundus correctly 182
hematoma 129
hyperstimulation 188
milieu 40
myoma 183f
perforation 48
sandwich 168
segment 126, 136
shape 92
surgery 18, 39
tenderness 92
tetany 97
tocolysis 137
tumor, prolapse of 187
vessels, lacerations of 191
Uterine anomaly 75, 82
congenital 188
presence of 81
Uterine artery 322
embolization 7, 155
ligation 161
unilateral 142
Uterine compression suture 186
techniques 168
Uterine conservation
complications of 156
interventions 156
Uterine contraction 49, 62, 108, 287
adequate 115, 146
asymmetrical 98, 98f
external monitoring of 48
internal monitoring of 48
poor 92
spontaneous 63
stoppage of 93
terminologies for 48
Uterine incision 137
extension of 73
Uterine inertia 68
primary 100
secondary 100
Uterine inversion 147, 177, 177f, 181
acute 184
degrees of 181f
reduction of 178f
Uterine massage 65
sustained 26
Uterine rupture 81, 92, 159, 170, 177, 187%–%189, 191, 288
classification of 92t
management of 93fc
signs of 13
stage of 159
Uteroplacental insufficiency 18, 81, 243
Uterotonic agents 64, 129, 189, 164, 166t
administer 186
Uterus 126, 332
atony of 158, 159t
bicornuate 75
closure of 127
colicky 99, 99f
devascularization of 142
empty 188
pressure of 97
tone of 99
inverted 182f, 184
manual method, reposition of 186f
medical management of 159
opening of 127
physiologic contraction of 158
rupture of 72
subinvolution of 221
suturing 131f
unicornuate 75
Vacuum assisted delivery 138
Vacuum cup 138
placement of 117f
Vacuum delivery 110, 115, 118t
complications of 118, 118t
contraindications of 117
failure of 117
indications of 115
prerequisites for 115
Vacuum extraction 87
Vacuum generation 116
Vacuum generator 116f
Vacuum rotation 87
Vagina 28, 73, 109
inspection of 114
lacerations of 159
Vaginal assisted delivery 227
Vaginal birth 279, 306
after cesarean 278, 279, 302
carries 306
Vaginal bleeding 165, 188, 204
fresh 46
Vaginal breech delivery 76
Vaginal delivery 16, 76, 172, 173fc, 270, 302, 306, 318
complication of 177
spontaneous 252
Vaginal discharge 13
Vaginal examination 10, 11, 183
Vaginal hematomas 159
Vaginal lacerations 159, 221
Vaginal pessary 300
Vaginal surgeries 184
Vaginal tears 175
Vaginal vault
after full-term vaginal delivery, tear of 178f
tear 178
Vaginal wall, repair of 283f
Valsalva maneuver, repetitive 247
van Hoorn's method 80
Vasa previa 285
ruptured 55
Velcro device 167
Venereal disease research laboratory 236, 259
Venous stasis 332
Venous thromboembolism 232, 334
risk of 232, 238
Venous thrombosis 230
adequacy of 328
negative pressure 259
Ventricular septal defect 226, 228
Vesicovaginal fistula 72
Vesicovaginal fold 128, 129
Vibroacoustic stimulation 290
Violence, prevention of 340
Viral hepatitis 245
Virchow's triad 332, 332f
Virus transmission, risk of 268
Visual disturbances 239
Vital parameters 242
A supplementation 271
Volatile halogenated agents 31
hematoma, complication of 205
inspection of 205
Vulvar cancer 206
Vulvar hematoma 202, 203
nonobstetric cause of 203
Vulvar varicosities 206
Vulvovaginal hematoma 175, 176f
Vulvovaginal metastasis 206
Vulvovaginal varicosity 203
Walking epidural 35
Warfarin 335
Warning signs 20
Waste disposal protocol, standard 270
blocks 31
providing sips of 17
White blood cells 136
White's classification 219t
Whole blood sample 271
Wigand-Martin maneuver 80
Woman's body habitus 231
Woman's social network 251
Women-based classification 121
care 206
dehiscence 194
rupture 230
Wrigley's forceps 111, 111f
Yellow zone 13
savior 255
techniques 255
Young primigravida 18
Zatuchni and Andros breech score 76, 77, 77t
Chapter Notes

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Current Trends in Labor Management
Current Trends in Labor Management 
Series Editor Narendra Malhotra MD FIAJAGO FICMU FICOG FICMCH FRCOG FICS FMAS AFIAP Managing Director Department of IVF and Infertility Global Rainbow Healthcare, Agra Director ART Rainbow IVF Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Advisor Editor Kawita Bapat MS FICOG Renowned Vaginal Surgeon Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Director, Bapat Hospital Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India Editors Poonam Goyal MD FICOG FICMCH Director Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology and IVF Panchsheel Hospital, New Delhi Head, IVF Unit Max Super Speciality Hospital Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India Kavita Mandrelle Bhatti MD FICOG FMAS ACME FRM Professor and Head Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Christian Medical College and Hospital Ludhiana, Punjab, India Bhavana Mittal DNB FNB MNAMS FICOG Director Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology and IVF Shivam IVF and Infertility Centre, New Delhi Consultant, Max Super Speciality Hospital New Delhi, India Forewords Padma Shri Alka Kriplani S Shantha Kumari
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Current Trends in Labor Management
First Edition: 2022
Printed at:
We dedicate the book to
God's most wonderful creation
and all the Obstetricians taking care of her.
Contributors Foreword
It gives me immense pleasure to write a series forward for the PK series of books. This series of books aims at bringing light to important areas of obstetrics and gynecology.
This first book of this series has the blessings of Dr Narendra Malhotra and Dr Kawita Bapat as Senior Advisors. This book has been compiled and edited by senior gynecologists and academicians—Dr Poonam Goyal, Dr Kavita Mandrelle Bhatti, and Dr Bhavna Mittal.
It is totally dedicated to intranatal care and throws light on tackling labor patients in different conditions and situations. The book aims to provide uniform evidence-based protocols all over India. Sole aim is to bestow respectable maternal care to all the laboring patients. There are contributions from over 70 authors from all over the country who have immense experience and knowledge on the subject.
I give my best wishes to the editors, publishers and the readers who are devoted to promote academics and knowledge.
Padma Shri Alka Kriplani
Director and Head
Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and ART
Paras Hospitals
Gurugram, Haryana, India
Former Professor and Head
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
New Delhi, India
Former Director In-Charge, WHO-CCR, HRRC, and Family Planning
“Padma Shri”, distinguished service in Medicine by President of India—2015
I am extremely delighted to write a foreword for this first book Current Trends in Labor Management of the PK series. This book has been compiled and edited by senior gynecologists and academicians—Dr Poonam Goyal, Dr Kavita Mandrelle Bhatti, and Dr Bhavna Mittal. There are contributions from all over the country who have immense experience and knowledge. I congratulate the editors for bringing out a complete book on the very much-needed topic of intrapartum care. Actually, medical science is improving 24/7 and newer concepts are laid from evidence and experience. The traditional labor care approach has taken a new turn for the better. A recent simple and guidelines-based book on labor is the need of the hour.
This book has come up very well. The title and the subtopics have been very carefully chosen to throw light on this important area of any obstetrician's practice. I also appreciate the vision of senior advisors Dr Narendra Malhotra and Dr Kawita Bapat without whose help this venture would not have taken shape. I hope that the readers of this book will enjoy and benefit from the concise but updated content.
I give my best wishes to all those associated with publishing this book.
Senior Consultant
Obstetric and Gynecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon
Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, Telangana
President, FOGSI 2021-22
Treasurer FIGO
The ability to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality is dependent on trained personnel who attend women in labor and during delivery.
The care that a woman receives during labor and delivery can affect the woman's physical and emotional health, and also have short- and long-term effects on the outcome. Intrapartum care aims to avert delivery-related complications and improve maternal and neonatal health.
This book is the first of a series of handbooks on important topics related to Obstetrics and Gynecology. It covers a large range of chapters related to basics of intrapartum care for normal and abnormal labor as well as complicated and uncomplicated cases during labor and delivery.
The book is a culmination of chapters which are authored by acknowledged masters in obstetrics. The authors have used best available evidence and standardized as much as possible the way we care for our antenatal mothers in labor. The practical manual is a comprehensive and easy reference book for undergraduates, postgraduates and colleagues practicing obstetrics. It is a user-friendly resource for how to care for patients in labor.
The topics have been organized sequentially into 14 sections and 60 chapters which include setting up of an ideal labor room, triaging patients, care during normal and abnormal labor, labor in medical disorders during pregnancy, vaginal and operative delivery, counseling and medicolegal aspects pertaining to labor and delivery.
In producing this series of handbooks and practical manuals, the editors and authors sincerely hope that the healthcare professionals and trainees will benefit and the practical information provided in the book will help in rendering high quality, respectful maternal care to our patients.
Narendra Malhotra
Kawita Bapat
Poonam Goyal
Kavita Mandrelle Bhatti
Bhavana Mittal
We have the pleasure of introducing this Current Trends in Labor Management.
We thank God Almighty for helping us throughout the journey of completing this task.
Our heartfelt gratitude and indebtedness to Dr S Shantha Kumari for her guidance and for being a constant pillar of support and strength to us in this academic initiative.
We are grateful to Dr Alka Kriplani for accepting to write the foreword of this book and also for sharing her expertise and pearls of wisdom.
It is with utmost pleasure that we thank Dr Narendra Malhotra and Dr Kawita Bapat, our mentors and guides for this practical manual which is the first of the ‘PK Series’ of books in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Their enthusiasm and encouragement kept us motivated to accomplish this task.
We wish to thank all the authors who responded to our requests with promptness and have contributed immensely by writing the chapters timely, and for sharing their knowledge and expertise.
We wish to appreciate the efforts of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for publishing this book so well. We also thank Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), and Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head).
Our special appreciation and thanks to all our colleagues, friends and students who supported our idea of bringing out this practical manual and gave us the confidence to finish the book.
Most importantly, none of this could have happened without the support and co-operation of our family. We acknowledge the love and encouragement of all our near and dear ones which strengthened us and kept us going to finish this work of ours.