Dasgupta’s Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume 12) Pratik Tambe, Rohan Palshetkar, Nandita Palshetkar
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Accredited Social Health Activist 67
Acetic acid 122
Acupuncture 216, 219
Adenomyomectomy 165, 168, 173
Adenomyosis 174, 175, 175f, 175t
Adhesiolysis 165, 178
Adjustable gastric band 72, 73f
Adjuvant therapy 151
Airway meconium, clearing of 108
Albumin 153
Alpha-fetoprotein 11, 12f
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 50, 59, 65
American Diabetes Association 45, 45b, 47, 50, 65
American Fertility Society 168
American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology 116
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery 75
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 157
American Society of Clinical Oncology 121
Amnihook forceps 40
Amniotic fluid 12f
Anemia, maternal 92
Anesthesia, general 100
Aneuploidy 224
chromosomal 15, 15t
Anorexia, mild 59
Anterior uterine wall adenomyosis 175f
Anti-Müllerian hormone levels 148, 167
Antithyroid drugs 28
Antral follicle count 148
Aorta, abdominal 226
APGAR score 105, 106t
Aromatase inhibitor 156
femoral 235
gluteal 228
vesical 228
Artificial intelligence system 124, 224
Asherman's syndrome 210, 211
Aspirin 216
low-dose 216
Assisted reproductive technology 165, 218
cycles 215
Atopobium 243, 244
Automated auditory brainstem response audiometry 86
Auxiliary nurse midwife 67
Bacteriocins, synthesis of 244
Balloon tamponade 97
Bariatric surgery 76
preoperative evaluation for 69
procedures 76, 78, 78t
relevance of 68
Barlow's maneuver 87
Barlow's test 87
Basal insulin 55, 58
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 9
Bifidobacterium 243
Biliopancreatic diversion 73, 74f
Biophysical profile 60
preterm 175
trauma 49
Bishop score, modified 36t
collection 94
pressure, systolic 94
goals 53
level 45, 62, 62t
postprandial 54, 57
B-lynch compression suture 98, 99f
Body mass index 45, 47, 50, 52, 52t, 53, 68
Breastfeeding 62
Brunschwig operation 229
Cabergoline 153
Calcium citrate 77
Calorie requirement 51, 52b, 52f
Cancer 116
cervix, late stage 229
endometrium, advanced 229
Carbohydrates 53
Cardiac disease 69
Cardiomegaly 49
Cardiotocography 112
Cardiovascular diseases 49
Cell cycle dysregulation 120
Cellular proliferation, biomarkers of 116
Center for Disease Control and Prevention 87
Central coring method 199f
Cephalopelvic disproportion 34
cancer screening 115
future of 126
carcinogenesis 118f
dilation 36
dysplasia 119, 124
intraepithelial neoplasia 3 116
length 36
ripening, methods of 36
Cesarean section 62, 92
Chest compressions 109
Chocolate cyst 167f
Chromosome abnormalities 8, 222
Clomiphene 215
Coagulopathy 93
Cold knife morcellation 202, 203f
Colpotomy, posterior 198, 199f
Combination therapy 160
Combined oral contraceptive 148, 215
Common iliac vein 236f
Communication 2
Comparative genomic hybridization 223
aortic 97
bimanual 96, 96f
sutures 98
Condom balloon tamponade 97
Conservative surgery 173
Continuous positive airway pressure 107
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump 56, 65
Contraception 4, 62
Contraceptive implant 63
Controlled cord traction 92
Copper 77
Cord clamping, delayed 92
COVID-19 113
Cycle cancellation criteria 152
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate 218
Cyclooxygenase 218
Cystic fibrosis 222
da Vinci Si system 138f
da Vinci Xi system 139f
Deafness, neonatal 86
Deep vein thrombosis 47
Delivery 61
mode of 61
timing of 61, 61t
Deoxyribonucleic acid 115, 118, 222, 224
Desmopressin 101
Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India 44, 45, 48f, 65
Diabetes mellitus 43, 67
gestational 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 5254, 57, 5961, 63, 65, 67, 247
remission of 78
type 1 50
type 2 49, 50
Diabetic ketoacidosis 47
Diarrhea 59
Diet composition 53t
Digital colposcopy 123
gel 37, 37f
vaginal pessary 37, 37f
Disintegrin 13
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 101
Distal tubal block 176
Down syndrome 8, 222
Drug update 156
Dual-stain testing 122, 123f
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 222
Duodenal switch 73, 74f
Eclampsia 60
Edward's syndrome 222
Electrical impedance spectroscopy 125
Electrocardiography 69
Electromechanical morcellation device 196
Elemental iron 77
Embolism, pulmonary 47
Embryo transfer 149
cycles 214
Endometrial scratch 216, 217
Endometriosis 160, 165, 166, 168, 245
associated infertility, laparoscopic surgery for 165
deep infiltrative 168
fertility index 168
surgery 170f
laparoscopic surgery for 165
Endometritis, postpartum 215
Endometrium 214
Endoscopic surgical advancements 178
Endoscopic tubal surgery 165, 176
Endoscopy, operative 165
Endothelium, maternal 17
Endotracheal tube 107
placement 109
Enucleation 172f
Estrogen 148, 245
therapy 216, 218
European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 129
European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy 130
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 147, 149f, 209
External elastic uterine bandage 97
External iliac
artery 232f, 235, 236f, 237f
vein 227f, 236f
Extra-amniotic saline infusion 41, 41f
Family planning 3
Fasting blood
glucose 53, 57
sugar 45
Fasting plasma glucose 43, 50, 65
Fats 53
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic 47
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 45
Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India 45
Fertility 3, 245
enhancing laparoscopic surgery 165
preservation 161
Fertilization 209
abnormalities, controversies regarding 157
aneuploidies 9
complications 49
distress 35
gastrointestinal tract 36
growth restriction 18t, 49, 61
macrosomia 92
serum 12f
surveillance 60
Fetus, compartment of 11
Fibroids 92, 168, 210
intramural 210
large 229
subserosal 210
Finger palpation 232f
First trimester 56, 60
screening 8, 15
Fluid aspiration 167f
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 120, 223
Focal adenomyosis, laparoscopic surgery for 173
Foley's catheter 95
Folic acid 77
Follicle-stimulating hormone 148
secretion 156
Food and Drug Administration 117, 129, 196
Foot switch panel 132f
Footling breech 34
Fragile X syndrome 222
Fragility index 157
Fresh frozen plasma 96
Frozen embryo transfer 160, 215
cycles 161
Frozen thawed embryo transfer 157
Galectin 13 14
Gardnerella 243, 244
balloon 77
bypass 77
sleeve 77
Genital herpes 34
Gestational age 19
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 85
challenge test 65
tolerance test 44
Glyburide 59
Glycemic monitoring 62
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 148, 149
antagonists 150
Grand multipara 92
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 216, 217
Graves’ disease 27
Gynecology, robotics in 129
disease, congenital 82, 86
rate 94, 107, 108
Helicobacter pylori screening 69
Hematoma 93, 100
Hemoglobinopathy 85
Hemophilia 222
Hemorrhage 239
antepartum 92
atonic postpartum 228
postpartum 35, 91, 92, 92t, 93, 95
secondary postpartum 101
Heparin 216, 217
Hepatomegaly 49
High-dose flexible pitocin regimen 39, 39t
developmental dysplasia of 87
dislocation 87
Holobionts 244
Hologenomes 246
Homeostasis 245
Hormone replacement therapy 215
Human chorionic gonadotropin 9, 15, 23, 149, 152, 215, 217
Human microbiome project 243
Human papillomavirus 115, 116, 118, 244
genotyping assays 117t
testing 115, 121
Human reproductive system 245
Hunger hormone 70
Hydrogen peroxide 244
Hydrosalpinx, laparoscopic surgeries for 176
Hygroscopic cervical dilators 41
Hyperbilirubinemia 49
Hyperglycemia 43, 49
management of 43, 49
Hypersensitivity 36
Hypertension, pulmonary 69
Hypertensive disorders 92
Hyperthyroidism 27, 29t
classification 27
clinical features 27
etiology 27
implications 27
treatment of 28
Hypocalcemia 49
Hypogastric artery 226
ligation 238
Hypoglycemia, neonatal 49
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 215
Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis 157, 177
Hypothyroidism 24
classification of 24, 25t
clinical features 25
congenital 81, 84
etiology 24
implications 25
isolated 30
management of 26, 27t
subclinical 25
treatment of 26, 26t
Hypoxia 14, 17
Hysterectomy 98, 99
Hysterosalpingogram 176
Hysteroscopy 209, 211
Iliac artery, bifurcation of 233
failure of 209, 210, 224
rate 171
In vitro fertilization 3, 143, 147, 156, 167, 209, 214, 218
Incision, over myoma 172f
Infection 215
acute bacterial 215
endometrial 217
iatrogenic 230f
Instrumental delivery 92
Insulin 54
like growth factor 157
binding protein 8
requirement 56
therapy 58
type 58
Internal artery, clinical aspect of 229
Internal iliac artery 226, 227f, 230f, 231f, 234f, 236, 238, 239
anatomy of 226, 228f
aneurysms of 229
anterior division of 237f
embolization 238
ligation 99, 226, 230, 234f, 238, 239
advantages of 239
complications of 239
methods of 232
procedure of 235
steps of 242
timing of 239
posterior division of 237f
Internal iliac vein 227f
Internal pudendal artery 228
International Association of Diabetic and Pregnancy Study Group 45, 49, 49f, 50
International Confederation of Midwives 93
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 50, 93
Intractable pelvic hemorrhage 226
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 147, 157, 209
Intrauterine insemination 147, 149, 156, 158
Intravascular oncotic pressure 11
Invasive cervical carcinoma 34
Invasive placenta 93, 100
Inversion 100
Iron 77
Ischial spine 36
Kinase insert domain receptor 12
Kocher's forceps 40
Labor 61
augmentation of 33, 92
first stage arrest of 39
induction of 33, 34, 36, 92
mismanaged third stage of 92
preterm 61
third stage of 92, 92t
Lacerations 93
Lactic acid dehydrogenase 205f
Lactobacillus 244, 245
Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery 140
adhesiolysis 178
adjustable gastric banding 77, 78
chocolate cyst excision 167f
morcellation 196
myomectomy 165, 168, 171, 172f
ovarian drilling 177
sleeve gastrectomy 77, 78
Laparoscopy 200f, 202
L-arginine 216
Leiomyoma 168, 205f
Leiomyosarcoma 196, 205f
Letrozole 156, 157, 158, 160, 161
current status of 156
Leukemia inhibitory factor 160, 219
Light-emitting diode 133
Lipopolysaccharide 245
Live birth rate 147, 218
Low-dose pitocin regimen 39
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 119
Luteal phase support 149, 152
Luteinizing hormone 218
suppression 150
Macrophage 9
Macrosomia 49
Magnetic resonance imaging 205f
Malignancy 248
gynecological 248
Manual morcellation 201f
Massive adenomyosis 174
Maternal death 91
surveillance and response 102
Maternal mortality ratio 91
Mean arterial pressure 18
amniotic fluid 112
liquor 35, 36
Medical nutrition therapy 51, 53, 54, 57, 65
Megasphaera 243
artificial rupture of 40
premature rupture of 36
Messenger ribonucleic acid 218
Metabolic surgery 78
Metabolism, inborn errors of 81, 84
Metallic taste 59
Metalloproteinase 13, 17
Metformin 58, 59
Methimazole 28
Methyl ergometrine 95
Microbiome 243, 245, 246, 248
emerging role of 243
hologenome concept and symbiosis 244
Microbiota, alteration of 248
Middle rectal artery 228
Mifepristone 40, 40f
Minerals 77
Minimally invasive surgery 139, 198
Miscarriage 175
rate 171
recurrent 224
Misoprostol 37, 38f, 95
Mobile optical detection technologies 124f
Morcellation, types of 198f
Morsafe bag use 202f
Mother-child protection card 66f
Motor function, impaired 49
Multivitamin 77
Myoma 172f
intramural 172f
full thickness 34
local 199f
Myometrium 172f
National Diabetes Data Group 50
National Health Service 87
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 50
Nausea 59
Neonatal intensive care units 81
Neonatal resuscitation 105, 110, 111, 112t, 113
steps of 107
Neonatal screening procedure 82
Neosalpingostomy 177
Neutrophil enzymes 9
Newborn screening 81, 83f, 87
timing of 82
Next gen sequencing 222, 223
Nipple stimulation 41
Nitric acid donors 40
Noninvasive chromosomal screening 222
Noninvasive prenatal testing 223
Nonpneumatic antishock garments 97, 98f
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 72
Nonstress test 60
Normoglycemia 51
Nuchal translucency 15
Nutrients 53
Obesity 49, 92
management 68
Obstetric indications 229f
artery 228
nerve 227f
Open morcellation 199
Operative delivery 49
Oral antidiabetic drug 65
Oral antihyperglycemic agents 54
Oral glucose tolerance test 43, 48f, 49, 50, 50t, 65
Organomegaly 49
Ortolani's test 87
Otoacoustic emission 86
Ovarian endometriomas 166
types of 166t
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 147, 153
Ovarian reserve testing 148
Ovarian stimulation 147, 153
new guidelines for 147
Overlapping flap method 174f
Ovulation induction 158
Ovum pick-up 209
Oxygen saturation 108
Oxytocin 38, 38f, 95
quality 92
supply 92
Packed cell volume 96
Pap test 123f
Paper roll technique 200f
Para-aortic lymph node dissection 144
Paramidline incision 235
Patau syndrome 222
embolization 229
endometriosis 229
exenteration 229
structural deformities 34
surgeries 34
Pentoxifylline 216
Perinatal mortality 49
Peritoneum 241
incision 241
Personal protective equipment 113
Pharmacology basics 156
Pharmacotherapy, choice of 54
Phenylketonuria 82
Placenta 9, 34, 92, 93, 100
accreta spectrum 99
previa 238
Placental dysfunction 19
Placental growth 14
factor 11, 18
Placental protein 14
Plasma glucose 65
Platelet-rich plasma 216, 218
Pneumoliner olympus 201, 203f
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 47, 148, 156, 177
Polycythemia 49
Polyhydramnios 49, 92
Polyps 210
endometrial 210
Polysomnography 69
Poor ovarian reserve 165
Positive-pressure ventilation 107109
Postpartum care 62, 65b
Postpartum thyroiditis 29, 30
clinical features of 30t
pathophysiology 29
phases of 30t
Prandial insulin 58
Pre-assisted reproductive technology hysteroscopy 209, 210
conditions for 210
Preeclampsia 16, 17, 49, 60, 247
Pregnancy 23, 25t, 26t, 29t, 30, 43, 49, 56, 175, 246
advice 4
associated plasma protein A gene 8, 9f, 15, 17, 18
hypertensive disorder of 61
loss, recurrent 210
multiple 92
rate 215
Prevotella 243, 244
Progesterone 148, 215
Prophylactic intraoperative embolization 238
Propylthiouracil 28
Prostaglandins 36, 37t
Proteins 53
number of 8
Proximal tubal
block 176
occlusion 176
Psoas 227f, 232f
major 227f
muscle 236f
Radiation exposure 215
Radical vulvectomy 229
Random start stimulation 151
Randomized controlled trials 148, 157, 218, 219
Rastriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 87
Respiration 108
Retroperitoneal anatomy 237
Revised American Society for Reproductive Medicine classification 169f
Revised American Society of Endometriosis 168
cervical cerclage 143
laparoscopic myomectomy 143
Robotic arms 133f
Robotic instruments 135f
dexterity of 135f
Robotic laparoendoscopic single-site surgery 139
Robotic simple hysterectomy 140
Robotic surgery, complications of 145
Round ligaments, division of 142f
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 71, 71f, 77, 78
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecolgists 209
Rusch hydrostatic device 97
Sacral promontory 227f, 240
Sacroiliac joint 226
Saline infusion sonography 209
Salpingectomy 176
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa 176
Salpingo-ovariolysis 178
Sample registration system 91
Screening methods 45, 116, 121
Second trimester 56, 60
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube 97
Septic abortion 215
Serum luteinizing hormone 148
Sex chromosome 222
Sexually transmitted infections 215
Shock 100
index 94
Shoulder dystocia 49
Sickle cell
anemia 222
disease 85
Sildenafil 216
Single anastomosis duodenal-ileal bypass 70, 75, 75f
Single incision laparoscopic surgery 139
Sleeve gastrectomy 69, 70f, 75, 75f
Small opening scope mouth 202f
Smartscope device 124, 125f
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 59
Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons 129
Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery 130
Spinal muscular atrophy 222
Stanford artificial intelligence laboratory 129
Stem cells 216
Sterilization, reversal of 177
Stimulation drugs 150
Streptococcus pneumoniae 85
Submucous myoma 210
Supplementation after bariatric surgery 76, 77t
Surgery, indications for 165
Tachysystole 35
Tamponade test 97
Tears 100
Thalassemia 222
Thiamine 77
Thin endometrium
causes of 214
effect of 215
management of 214
treatment of 216, 216t
Thioamides 28
Third trimester 56, 60
Thrombin 93
Thrombus 100
antibody 24
autoimmunity 25
cancer 31
disorders 23
screening of 23
dysfunction 23
function test 24
interpretation of 24t
gland, physiology of 23
nodule 31
evaluation of 30
stimulating hormone 2426, 29, 30, 47, 84
storm, management of 28
Thyroiditis, postpartum 29, 30
isolated 30
severe 28
Thyroxine binding globulin 23
Tissue 93, 100
adenomyotic 175
Tocopherol 216
Total abdominal hysterectomy 206f
Traditional screening methods 223
Tranexamic acid 95
Transabdominal approach 233
Transcervical Foley catheter 41
Transfundal uterine surgery 34
Transvaginal morcellation 198
Transverse lie 34
Trauma 93, 100
Triiodothyronine 23
Trisomy 16, 222
Trocar placement 137
invasion 13
populations 13
Tubal anastomosis 177
Tubal clipping 176
Tuberculosis 215
Tumor 196
suppressor genes, aberrant methylation of 120
Umbilical artery 226
Doppler-pulsatility index 18
Umbilical cord presentation 34
Umbilical vein catheter 107
Unexplained infertility 159
Urea breath test 97
Ureter 227f
identification 235
artery 19, 228
embolization 98, 238
contractions 39
injury 229
posterior 175f
rupture 34, 35, 39, 100, 175
sarcomas 206
sparing surgery 174
tachysystole 36, 39
atonic 93
bivalving of 199f
septate 210, 211
Vaginal agenesis, robotic sigmoid vaginoplasty for 143
Vaginal bleeding 36
posthysterectomy 229
Vaginal microbiome 244
Vaginal sildenafil 216
Vaginal wedge resection 199f
Vasa previa 34
Vascular access 110
Vascular adhesions 178
Vascular endothelial growth factor 13, 218, 219
intracorporeal suturing of 143f
opening of 142f
Vessel ligation 98, 99
Vision cart 133, 134f
Visual assessment system 123
B3 77
E 216
Water intoxication 39
gain 53t
loss 68
White's classification, modified 43, 44t
Whole-genome amplification 224
World Health Organization 45, 50, 91
Xenon light 134
Yoga 216, 219
ZedScan 125, 125f
Chapter Notes

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Dasgupta's Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dasgupta's Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Volume 12
Editor Nandita Palshetkar MD FCPS FICOG FRCOG (UK) Professor Emeritus in Obstetrics and Gynecology DY Patil School of Medicine Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Scientific Director and Co-Founder, Bloom IVF Scientific Director and Co-Founder, Baufici Genetics President, AMOGS President, ISAR Past President, FOGSI, IAGE, MOGS and MSR Co-Editors Pratik Tambe MD FICOG ART Consultant and Gynec Endoscopic Surgeon Chair, AMOGS Endocrinology Committee Governing Council Member, ICOG Managing Committee Member, ISAR, MSR, MOGS Rohan Palshetkar MS (Obs & Gyne) FRM Associate Professor DY Patil School of Medicine Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 2nd Joint Secretary, AMOGS Managing Committee Member, MSR, MOGS
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Dasgupta's Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume 12)
First Edition: 2022
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Our teachers, mentors, and patients
Contributors Preface
Respected colleagues and dear friends,
It is with immense pride that we bring to you this 12th volume of Dasgupta's Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology. This series seeks to address a much-felt lacuna in postgraduate teaching.
As you may be aware, postgraduate teaching in India is classically behind the curve as compared to our Western counterparts. While on paper, there are bedside clinics, grand-rounds, hands on surgical experience, departmental lectures and journal clubs; often these are few and far between. The Western concept of protected learning time for postgraduates and residents unfortunately does not exist in India.
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable,
to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you
have lived and lived well
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Often students only receive a short period of study leave prior to the examinations during which, precious time is lost scouring for resources and locating updated guidelines, research papers, and evidence on topics of thematic interest. Hence, we felt that we should address this paucity with this textbook series which aims to unite senior, respected, and stalwart postgraduate teachers from all over India who have been mentors and guides to generations of students. Each of the chapters in this book is a crash course on the subject and will serve the reader well by focusing on traditional concepts as well as the most modern updated evidence on the issues at hand.
We hope that this book will be a useful compendium for postgraduate students and readers who wish to keep themselves updated with the latest evidence on the topics, we have covered. The chapters have been carefully chosen keeping in mind the current proceedings at national and international meetings while keeping the language used simple, easy to understand, and concise.
We welcome your feedback on this volume and suggestions for future topics which you may wish to see covered.
Yours sincerely,
Nandita Palshetkar
Pratik Tambe
Rohan Palshetkar
The editors would like to acknowledge the efforts of all the authors and contributors in the preparation of the manuscript, revision of their chapters, and for reverting back to us within the deadlines.
I am extremely thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman),
Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head) and Kritika Dua (Senior Development Editor) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for giving the go-ahead at the very beginning and helping me in every way possible to bring out this book.