Textbook of Preclinical Conservative Dentistry Amit Garg, Nisha Garg
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abfraction 26, 32, 33f
clinical features 32
etiology of 32
Abrasion 1, 26, 31
cavities 32f
etiology of 31
classification of 70
particle size 70
Acellular cementum 15
Acetylene 131
Acidulated phosphate fluoride gel 31
Acrylic teeth, artificial 1
Additives 129
Adhesion 48
factors affecting 48
Adhesive 48
cement, role of 48f
dentistry 48
Adjacent tooth 67f
Admixed alloy 45
activator-initiator 52
coloring 52
Air pressure casting machine 131
Air-rotor contra-angle handpiece 68, 68f
Alloy 44
melting of 131, 132f
metals 44
preamalgamated 44
Alumina 40
Aluminum polysalts 42
Alveolar bone 15
Amalgam 44, 94, 112
capsule 155
carrier 65, 65f, 146
cusp capping for 112f
insertion of 46
mulling of 46
pins 97
polishing kit 153
preparation 108f
properties of 45t
form for 94f
retention to 95f
Amalgam alloy
composition of 44t
powder 154
types of 45
Amalgam restoration
cavity preparation for 109, 110f, 112
manipulation of 46
tooth preparation for 106
Amalgamation reaction 45
Amalgamator pestle 46f
Amelogenesis imperfecta 33f
Anatomic apex 140
Angle former excavator 63f
Anterior teeth, composite restoration in 118f
Antibacterial properties 27
Antisepsis 82
Apical constriction 141
Apical foramen 141
Apical root anatomy 141f
Arch, opposite 68
Argon laser curing unit 121
Armamentarium 3, 84
Articulating paper 154
Aseptic technique 82
Attrition 26, 31
etiology of 31
Autocure glass ionomer cement, setting reaction of 42
Axial wall 90, 90f
Axiopulpal line angle, rounding of 111
Bacteria 26
Ball burnisher 3, 66f
Barbed broach 137, 139f
Base-metal alloy pellets 158
Bevel instruments, distal 61
Beveled conventional tooth preparation 118, 118f, 119f
Bibeveled instruments 61
Binangle chisel 63, 63f
Binary alloys 44
Biodentin 159
Birth injuries 33
Blue inlay wax 54f
Bonding 48
agent, eighth generation 50, 50f
Buccal extension 108f
Buccolingual direction 140f
classifications of 68
design 70, 70f
end-cutting 70
entry of 119, 140f
heads, designs of 70f
inverted cone 70, 114f
number, dimensions of 106f
parts of 69
pear-shaped 70
round 69
straight 69f
types of 69, 69f
Burnisher 65, 146
Calcium hydroxide 39, 40f, 157
uses of 40
Calcium polyacrylate, formation of 42
Canal instrumentation, principles of 142
Candelilla wax 54
Canine 15, 19, 21
Carbohydrate intake, frequency of 26
acute 28
arrested 28
complex 28
compound 28
detection, methods of 30
primary 27, 27f
progression, speed of 28
recurrent 27f
risk assessment 30
risk, high 30
secondary 27, 27f
simple 28
smooth surface 27, 27f
Carnauba wax 54
Carry amalgam alloy 47f
Carvers 3, 64, 65
Cast gold alloys
classification of 53
components of 53
Cast metal 94
alloys 53
Cast metal restoration 126, 134f
advantages of 126t
cavity preparation for 126
contraindications for 126t
disadvantages of 126t
indications for 126t
cementation of 133
cleaning of 132
ring 160
trying in 133
Casting machines 131
types of 131
Cavitation 29
Cavity liners 96
Cavity preparation 108, 113, 123, 126, 134f
final 108, 111, 114
stages of 92
Cavosurface angle margin 90
Cellular cementum 15
manipulation of 38, 42, 124
spatulas 64, 64f
Cemento-dentinal junction 141
Cemento-enamel junction 6
Cementum 15
Central fossae 8
Central incisor
distal of 9
fractured 2f
Centres for disease control 82
Centrifugal casting machine 131, 131f
Ceresin 54
Cermet cement 41
Cheek retractor 152
Chisel 63, 146
straight 63, 63f
Chlorhexidine gluconate 30
Chronic caries 28
Cingulum 7, 7f
Circumferential bevel 61
Cleaning 82
and shaping 142
Clear plastic matrix strips 73
Cleoid discoid carver 64f, 65f
Collagen fibers 49
Complex tooth preparation 89, 90f, 96f
Composite gun 120f
Composite placement instruments 119
Composite polishing kit 153
Composite resin
direct 117
flowable 53
instruments 66
light-cured 155
newer 53
Composite restorations 117, 123f
advantages of 117t
contraindications for 117t
disadvantages of 117t
fractured 3f
indications for 117t
instruments for 66f
on teeth, steps of 117
repair of 121
Composite tooth preparation 121
Condensers 3, 65
types of 65f
Conservative tooth preparation 119
modified 119f
Constituent metals, effects of 45t
Copper alloy
admixed high 45
high 44, 44t
low 44, 44t
unicompositional high 45
Copper content, based on 44
Coves 96
COVID-19 82
and dentistry 82
Cowhorn 62f
CPITN probe 145
Cross-arch intraoral finger rest 67f
Crown 6
and root 6
division of 6f
Crown down 143f
technique 143
Curing lamps, polymerization using 120
Cusp 7, 7f
capping 94, 112
Dental amalgam 44, 106
alloys 44
classification of 44
composition of 44
Dental bur 68
parts of 68f
slow-speed 147
sterilization of 82
Dental caries 1, 26, 28f
classification of 27
diagnosis of 30
etiology of 26
histopathology of 29
prevention of 30
Dental cements 36
classification of 37
uses of 36
Dental chair positions 81
Dental composites
agents in 52f
composition of 51
Dental handpiece, sterilization of 82
Dental history 30
Dental materials 36
classification of 36
properties of 36
Dental operatory 80
guidelines for preparation of 83
Dental pulp 14, 15f
Dentifrices 31
Dentin 13, 14t
adhesive systems consist 49
affected 95t
bonding 49
bonding agent 49, 155
generations of 50
color 13
composition 13
functions of 14
hardness 13
hypocalcification, localized nonhereditary 34
hypoplasia, localized nonhereditary 33
infected 29, 95t
intertubular 49
normal 29
primary 14t
secondary 14, 14f, 14t
structure 14
subtransparent 29
supported by 97f
tertiary 14, 14f, 14t
thickness 13
transparent 29
Dentinal caries 29
zones of 29, 29f
Dentinal tubules 14, 14f
Dentin-bonding agent
evolution of 49
fifth 49
first 49
fourth 49
second 49
seventh 50
sixth 50, 50f
third 49
Dentition, permanent 10f, 11f
Depressions, types of 8f
Diamond abrasive instruments 70
Diamond carver 65f
chemical nature of 26
nature of 26
Digital dental radiography 30
Direct wax pattern 128, 128f
Disinfection 82
Double wedging 75
technique 76f
Dovetail in maxillary incisor, cavity preparation with 104
Egg shaped burnisher 66f
Electric melting units 132
Enamel 12, 14t
bonding 48
caries 29
color 13
composition 12
formation, defective 33
functions of 13
hardness 13
hatchet 63, 64f
hypocalcification, localized nonhereditary 33
hypoplasia, localized nonhereditary 33
rods 12f
direction of 13f
structure 12
thickness 13
bluish color of 13f
gray color of 13f
walls and margins, finishing of 108, 111
Enameloplasty 93, 94f
basics of 136
explorer 140f
instruments 137, 137t
color for 138f
Equipment, disinfection of 88
Erosion 1, 32
clinical picture of 32f
etiology of 32
intrinsic 32
Esthetic 16
considerations 112
improvement 1
restorations 3f
treatment 2f
Etchant 155
Etching and bonding 119
Ethoxybenzoic acid reinforced cement 37
composition of 37
Ethyl silica bonded investment 129
Eugenol cement 37
Explorer, types of 61, 62f
Extrinsic erosion 32
Face mask 82
Face shield 82
and goggles 84
Ferrier double bow separator 76f
Fiberoptic transillumination, digital imaging 30
Files 64f, 137
Fillers 51
Filling gold, direct 94
Finger rests 67
Finishing and polishing 47, 124, 133
Fissure bur, straight 70
Fissure caries 27
Flat pulpal 94f
Floor 90
Fluoride 30
effects of 30
products 30
varnish 31
Fogger machine 84, 84f
Foramen, transportation of 143
Fossa 8
Four-number formula 60f
Friction-grip angle handpiece shank 69
Galvanic corrosion 47
Gingival bevels 128
Gingival floor 90f, 93, 94f
Gingival margin 93f
trimmer 13, 60, 64 146
mesial and distal 64f
uses of 64
Gingival tissue 17
Gingival wall, preparation of 114f
Glass ionomer 41
powder, composition of 41
restoration, tooth preparation for 121
Glass ionomer cement 41, 96, 117, 121
reaction of 44f
resin-modified 42f, 96
setting reaction of 42
silver alloy admix 41
steps for placement of 123
type 1 157
type 2 157
Gloves 82, 84
Gold inlays 126
Groove 8
Grossman's classification 137t
Gum dammer 54
Gypsum bonded investment 129, 131
material 160
Gypsum investment material 130f
Hand cutting instrument 62
parts of 59, 59f
Hand hygiene 82
Hand instruments 120f
Hand investing 130
Handpiece, types of 68
Hard surfaces, disinfection of 86
Head cap 82
Head covers 85
Hedstrom file 137
HEPA filter 84, 84f
Hoe excavator 62, 63f
Hollenback's carver 3, 65f
Hybrid composites 52
Hybrid technique 143f
Hydroxyapatite crystals 14
Hypocalcification 34f
Immunization 82
Incisal surfaces 9f
Incisors 15
central 18, 20
lateral 18, 20
mesial of lateral 9
Incremental layering technique 120f
Indirect wax pattern 129f
method 128
Infection, localized 33
Initial cavity preparation 106, 109, 112, 113
stage 92
Inlay 126
casting wax 54
preparation, steps of 126
wax 158
Instrument 3, 126, 145
advantages of balancing of 59
balancing of 59f
bevels in cutting 60
cutting 3, 59, 64
description of 61
designs, different 60
excavating 3
exploring 3
formula 59
grasps 66
handle of 59f
methods of use of 68
mixing 3
noncutting 59
restoring 3
triple-beveled 61
with four-number formula 60f
Interproximal finishing strips 153
Interproximal space 17, 17f, 18f
Inverted pen grasp 66, 66f
Ion leachable glass 41
Irrigants, functions of 142
Irrigating solutions 142
Itaconic acid 40, 41
Ivory matrix
band retainer 72
holder 71
Juxtapose 1
K-file 137
Lathe-cut low copper alloys 45
Layering technique, horizontal 120f
body of 29
smooth surface 92
Light cure unit 149
Light-emitting diode unit 121
Lingual cusps 21
Lingual extension 108f
Lingual portion, axial wall of 108f
Lingual surface 9f
Liquid, composition of 37, 38, 40, 41
Lobe 7, 7f
Loss of gloss 42
Magnesium oxide 40
Maleic acid 40, 41
Mamelons 7, 7f
Mandibular first molar 96f, 103
cavity preparation in 104
preparation of 93f, 103
Mandibular first premolar 112
Mandibular premolar, cavity preparation in 103
Marginal ditching 48f
Marginal ridge 7, 16
Masks 84
Mastication 15
Materials 154
Matricing 71
Matrix 71
application 119
parts of 71
Maxillary anterior teeth, erosion of 2f
Maxillary canine 32f
Maxillary central incisor, restoration of 122f
Maxillary first molar 104, 112
cavity preparation in 103, 104
preparation in 103
Maxillary incisor, cavity preparation in 104, 105
Maxillary molars, cavity preparation for 141f
Maxillary premolar, cavity preparation in 103
Maxillary second premolar 134f
Mechanical vacuum investing 130
Mercury 154
Mercury-alloy ratio 46
bevel instruments 61
pit preparation 104
wall, dentin from 143f
Mesiolingual cusp 7
Metal reinforced glass ionomer cements 41
Microfilled composites 52
Micromotor 68
contra-angle handpiece 68f
Miracle mix 42f
Mixing calcium hydroxide cement 40
Molars 15
and premolar, marginal ridge in 17f
cavity preparation for 141f
first 20, 22
second 20, 22
Mortar and pestle 46f
Mosby's dental dictionary 1
Mouth mirror 61, 145
sizes of 61, 61f
Mouthrinses 31
Mylar strips 75f, 148
Natural gas 131
NiTi instruments
advantages of 139
disadvantages of 139
NiTi rotary instruments 139
Oblique layering technique 120f
Oblique ridge 7
Occlusal aspect, attrition of 31f
Occlusal bevels 128
Occlusal step
establishing 109
proximally, extending 109
Occlusal surface 9f, 108, 123f
Occlusal thickness, minimum 94
Operating stool 80, 80f
Operative dentistry 1, 5, 58, 69t
objectives of 1
scope of 4
Oral habits, abnormal 31
Oral hygiene 30
practice, faulty 31
status of 30
Oral prophylaxis 117
Ordinary hatchet 62
Oxygen 131
Palatal and lingual embrasures 17f
Palatal extension 108f
Palatal surface 9f
Palm and thumb grasp 67, 67f
modified 67, 67f
Paraffin wax 54
Paste-paste system 38
Pen grasp
modified 66, 66f
normal 66f
Periodontal ligament 15
Periodontium 15f
significance of 15
Periradicular tissue 15
Personal hygiene 82
Personal protective equipment 84, 85f
Phosphate bonded investment 129, 131
material 160
Pickling 133
Piggyback wedging 76
technique 76f
Pigtail 62f
Pins 97
Pit 8, 27
Pit and fissure
caries 27f
in premolar 1f
lesions 92f
sealant 158
air sterilizer 84, 84f
arc curing unit 120
Plaster model 3, 4f
Plastic consistency 46f
Plastic deformation 47
Plastic filling instrument 65, 65f, 146
Plastic wedges 75, 75f, 147
Polyacrylic acid 40, 41
Polycarboxylate cement 96
Polymer reinforced zinc oxide-eugenol cement 37
composition of 37
Polymerization shrinkage 52
Post carve burnishing 47
Post-COVID dentistry 83
Powder 42
diamond abrasive 70f
Precarve burnishing 46
Preclinical conservative dentistry 1, 3
Preclinical operative dentistry 1, 5
Preclinical tooth preparations 3
Premolars 15
first 19, 21
second 19, 21
Primary dentition 11f
Primary resistance form 93, 107, 111
Primary retention form 94
Primer 49
Probe 63f
Protective eyewear 82
Protective gown 82
Proximal box preparation 128
Proximal tooth preparation 93f
cavity 136, 136f
chamber 14, 136, 136f
features of 136
protection 95, 96t, 108, 111, 119, 124, 128
Pulpal diseases, etiology of 137
Pulpal floor 90f
rounded 94f
two-level 111
Pulpal pathologies, progression of 137
Pulpal wall 90
Quaternary alloys 44
Quenching 132
Rampant caries 28, 28f
Reamer 137
Refractory material 129
Remaining caries
dentin, removal of 108, 128
removal of 111
Remineralizing agents, application of 31
Reservoir 129
Resin matrix 51
Restoration 48
design 28
failure of 94f
fracture of 48f
repair of 1
retention of 97f
rocking motion of 94f
type of 94, 96
Restorative instruments 64
Restorative material, thickness of 94
Restorative procedures 2f, 4f
Retention form, secondary 96f, 113
Retention grooves 96
Ridge 7
Root 6
Root canal 15, 136f, 137
preparation 143
techniques of 143
system, irrigation of 142, 142f
Root caries 27, 27f
Rotary cutting
instruments 68
types of 68
Rubber dam
clamp 150
forceps 150
frame 150
napkin 151
punch 150
sheet 149
template 151
Saliva 27
composition of 27
control 4
pH of 27
viscosity of 27
Sanitizer dispenser, sensor based 83f
SARS-CoV-2, transmission of 83f
Sclerotic dentin 14
Scrap amalgam 48
adhesive 50
primer 50
Shepherd's crook 62f
Silane coupling agents 52
Silica 40
Silver amalgam
cavity preparation for 106
phases of 45t
Simple box preparation 112
Simple tooth preparation 89, 89f
Single-beveled instruments 60, 60f
Skinner 52
Slump test 42
Smear layer, removal of 50
Speech 15
Spherical alloy 45
Spoon excavator 61, 61f, 63f, 146
Sprue diameter 128
Sprue former 159
angulation of 129
attachment of 128
purpose of 128
types of 128
Sprue length 128
Spruing wax pattern 128
Stannous fluoride 40
Step back technique 143
Straight handpiece 68
shank 69
Streptococcus mutans 26
Sturdevant's classification 58
Sulcus 8
Synthetic waxes 54
Systemic disorders 33
Tapering-fissure bur 70
Ternary alloys 44
Thermal conductivity 47
Three-number formula 60f
Three-site technique 120f
Tissues, protection of supporting 16
band and retainer 75f
matrix, indications of 72
universal matrix band retainer 72
Tofflemire retainer 74f, 147
and band, placement of 72
parts of 72, 72f, 73f
placement of 74f
Tooth 6, 26
abrasion of 2f
access cavity of anterior 139
and restoration 48f
anterior 16f, 140f
biochemical structures of 26
buccal surfaces of 9f
carious lesions of 26
connective tissue of 13
contour of 16
deciduous 11
depressions present on 8
discoloration of 3f
distal surfaces of 9f
enamel 12
extracted 4
natural 1
fracture of 1, 33f, 48
functions of 15
inlay on posterior 126f
labial surfaces of 9f
mandibular 20
anterior 2f
maxillary 18
mesial surfaces of 9f
morphology of individual 18
nomenclature of 9
non-carious lesions of 26, 31
occlusal surfaces of different 108
onlay on posterior 126f
overcontouring of 16
permanent 10, 11, 13f
physiology form of 16
position of 26
posterior 16f, 31f
primary 10, 13f
requires, proper alignment of 93f
rotated 112
separation of 73
substance, causes of loss of 1
susceptible areas on 26
tetracyclin stains of 13f
translucency of 12
types of 15t, 16f
typodont 1
undercontouring of 16
Tooth preparation 1, 3, 4, 4f, 71, 91f, 92f, 103, 117, 118, 121f, 123, 124
classification of 91
compound 89, 89f
designs 91t
different 90
extend 127f
external walls of 90f
final 113
stages of 95
finishing external walls of 97
for composites, designs of 118
internal walls of 90f
principles of 89, 117
steps of 92
type of 71t, 91
Tooth structure
causes of loss of 5
in abfraction, loss of 33
less 111f
noncarious loss of 1
weakened 94
Tooth surfaces 26
based on 28
buccal 28
distal 28
facial 28
integrity of 26
lingual 28
mesial 28
number of 28
occlusal 28
only one 89f
Total etch technique, mechanism of bonding in 49
Traction principle 76
Transparent crown forms matrices 73
Transverse ridge 7
Trituration 46
T-shaped matrix band 73, 75f
Tungsten-quartz halogen curing unit 120
Turbid dentin 29
Tweezer 61, 62f, 145
Typhodonts 3
Under-triturated mix 46
Universal tooth notation system 11f
Varnish 95, 96f, 156
Vertical layering technique 120f
Vision using mirror, indirect 61f
Wax elimination and heating 130
Wax pattern
burnout of 130, 131f
fabrication 128
investing 129
washing of 129
Wedelstaedt chisel 63, 63f
types of 73
wedging 76
technique 76f
Wedging techniques 75
modified 75
Wooden wedges 73, 75f, 147
containing alloys 44
content, based on 44
free alloys 44
oxide 40
oxide-eugenol powder, composition of 37
polyacrylate cement 40
Zinc oxide eugenol cement 37, 37f, 156
manipulation of 38
setting reaction of 37
Zinc phosphate cement 38, 96, 156
composition of 38
hydrated 38
types of 38
Zinc polycarboxylate cement 40, 40f, 157
composition of 40
manipulation of 40
Zinc silicophosphate cements 39
properties of 39
Zoe cement
manipulation of 38f
setting reaction of 39f
Zsigmondy-palmer system 9
tooth notation 10f
Chapter Notes

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