IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology Vishal Gupta, M Ramam, Sujay Khandpur, Neetu Bhari
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abscesses, neutrophilic 162
Acantholysis 416
Acantholytic cells 51, 416
Acantholytic dyskeratosis 119
Acanthoma, epidermolytic 361
Acanthosis 126, 162, 362
nigricans 222, 222f
Accidental trauma 81
Acid mucopolysaccharide 318, 338
Acid-fast bacilli 133, 146, 152, 411
keloidalis 236, 244
vulgaris 245
Acneiform 207
eruptions 163
Acquired dermal melanocytosis 212
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 173
Acral fibrokeratomas 258
Acral keratosis 327
Acral melanoma 400, 401f
Acral persistent papular mucinosis 320
Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans 198
Acrokeratoelastoidosis 270, 271, 271f
Acrokeratosis verruciformis 121, 342
Acrosyringia 133
Actinic elastosis 267, 267f, 268f
Actinic keratosis 362, 362f
madurae 157, 159
pelletieri 157, 159
Actinomycetoma 158f-160f
Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 189f, 190, 190f
Acute generalized
eruptive pustulosis 22
exanthematous pustulosis 206, 207f
Acute graft-versus-host disease 48f
Acute intermittent porphyria 327
Acute lupus erythematosus 47
Acute military cutaneous tuberculosis 150, 150f, 151f
Acute myeloid leukemia 315
Acute spongiotic reactions 31
Acute superficial folliculitis 244
Adenocarcinoma 405
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 376
damage 106
Adipose tissue 382
tumors of 382
Adnexal tumors, primary 404
Adnexocentric pattern 313
Alcian blue stain 12f, 338
Alkaptonuria 219
Allergic granulomatosis 93
Allergic rhinitis 93
Allergic vasculitis 85
Allopurinol 206
Alopecia 200, 231, 236fc, 240, 244, 404
areata 233, 236, 237, 237f-239f
chronic stages of 237
mucinosa 236, 321f, 322f
neoplastica 404
universalis 237
Alopecic disorders, diagnosis of 236fc
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency panniculitis 115
Alpha-smooth muscle 264
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 386
Amicrobial pustulosis 275
Aminoethyl carbazole 395
Amphophilic cytoplasm 139
Amyloid 97
infiltration 326
rings 326
Amyloidosis 11
cutaneous 325
cutis dyschromica 222, 223f
incidental 326
primary 325, 326f
systemic 325, 326f
Anagen hair 231
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, primary cutaneous 310, 310f, 311f, 311t
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase 291, 311
Ancient schwannoma 387
Androgenetic alopecia 236, 236f, 237, 237f, 238
Anetoderma 268, 269, 269f, 270f
Angiodestructive lymphocytic vasculitis 95
Angioedema 202
Angioendotheliomatosis, reactive 355
Angiokeratoma 347, 347f, 415
corporis diffusum 347
Angioleiomyoma 385f
Angiolipoma 383f
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia 313, 354, 354f, 420
Angiosarcoma 356, 357f
cutaneous 357
idiopathic 357
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 44, 200
Anisotrichosis 236
Antiepileptic drugs 200
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive systemic vasculitis 93
Anti-p200 pemphigoid 62f
Aphthous ulcer 277, 277f
Aplasia cutis congenita 265
Apocrine carcinoma 376
Apocrine ducts 7
Apocrine gland 6, 7, 370f, 385f
Apocrine hidrocystoma 336, 337f, 371f
Apoptotic keratinocytes 183
Appendageal tumors 369
Argyria 208f, 217f
Arrector pilorum 234, 415
Arteriolitis 89
Arthroconidia 154
Arthropod infestations 178, 183
Ashy dermatoses 204, 219
Aspergillosis 166, 167f
cutaneous 167f
Aspergillus 113, 166, 167
flavus 166
Aspirin 202
Asteroid body 68, 162, 290, 418, 419f
Atopic dermatitis 251
Atrichia 244
Atypical mycobacterial infection 145, 151, 152, 152f
Auditory canal, external 212
Auricle, pseudocyst of 338
Autoimmune disorders 64
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome 291
Baboon syndrome 205
Bartholin's gland 377
Basal cell
carcinoma 10, 258, 365, 365f, 366, 366f, 368
damage 42, 241
nevus syndrome 333
Basal epidermal cells 211
Basal keratinocytes 325
plasma membrane of 39
vacuolar damage of 39f
Basaloid cells 381
Basement membrane 4, 4f, 415
Basidiobolus ranarum 165
Basilar pigmentation 421
Bathing suit 165
Bazin erythema induratum 106
B-cell lymphoma 126, 288, 291, 307, 312
Beau's lines 252
Becker's nevus 344, 344f
Bednar tumor 390
Bees, swarm of 238
Behçet's disease 88, 94, 96, 116, 277
Biopsy 23, 35, 73, 129, 250, 277, 345, 370
site 234
small 401
techniques of 9, 234
Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome 381, 386
Blaschko's linear
epidermal disorders 412
eruptions 27
Blaschkolinear epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 118f
Blastomyces dermatitidis 163
Blister cells 353, 354
Blue nevus 397, 398f
Blue rubber bleb nevus 348
Blueberry muffin lesions 176
Bone 317, 357
deposition 322
marrow derived cells 290
Borderline lepromatous leprosy 72, 72f, 73, 126f, 138, 138f, 139f
Borderline tuberculoid leprosy 40, 72, 103f, 135f, 136, 137f, 141f, 284f
Borderline vascular tumors 355
Borrelia burgdorferi 183, 306
Bowel arthritis dermatosis syndrome 88
Bowen's disease 256, 257, 364, 364f, 365f
Bowenoid papulosis 172, 172f, 364, 364f
Branchial cyst 337f
Breast malignancies 405
Brocq pseudopelade 236, 243
Bromoderma 207
Brooke–Spiegler syndrome 373
Brucella 109
Brunsting–Perry variant 63
Buffalopox 176
Bullous amyloidosis 65
Bullous dermatophytosis 57, 57f
Bullous disease, chronic 63
Bullous disorders 9
Bullous erythema multiforme 47f, 66
Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma 118
Bullous impetigo 57, 184
Bullous insect bite 65, 99f
Bullous mastocytosis 66, 66f
Bullous morphea 196
Bullous papular urticaria 99f
Bullous pemphigoid 15f, 54, 59, 60f-62f
Buruli ulcer 151
Buschke–Lowenstein tumor 172
Buschke–Ollendorff syndrome 263, 267
Café-au-lait macules 387
Calcinosis cutis 322, 323f
Calciphylaxis 323, 323f
Calcium 97, 322
salts 317
Candida 156
albicans 252
glabrata 163
Candidiasis 26, 156, 156f
Capillary malformation 346
Carbamazepine 202, 206
Carbon baby 214, 214f, 215f
Carcinoembryonic antigen 377, 405
en cuirasse 405
erysipeloides 405, 405f
metastatic 312
Castleman's disease 54
Catagen hair 231
follicle 232f
Caterpillar bodies 327
Cellulitis 185
eosinophilic 65, 279
Central centrifugal
cicatricial alopecia 243
scarring alopecia 236
Central nervous system 89, 291, 312
Centrifugal alopecia 242
Cephalic histiocytosis, benign 297
Cerebriform tongue 278
Cetuximab 208
Chancroid 186
Chapel Hill classification 84b
Cheilitis, granulomatous 71f, 76f
Cherry angioma 352
Chickenpox 174, 175
Chilblain lupus 192, 192f
Chlorothiazide 206
Cholesterol clefts 335
Cholesterosis, extracellular 93
Chondroid syringoma 375, 375f
Chondromyxoid stroma 375
Chromoblastomycosis 77f, 160, 160f, 161f, 420f
Chromomycosis 77
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 54, 89
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia 315
Chronic spongiotic reactions 31, 32, 32f
Chronic sun damage 399
Chronic telogen effluvium 239
Chrysomya 184
Church spires 342
granulomata 207
syndrome 85, 93
Cicatricial alopecia 415, 416f, 421, 421f
Circinate balanitis 21
Civatte bodies 39, 41
Cladophialophora carrionii 160
Cladosporium carrionii 160
Clark's nevus 394, 398, 398f, 399f
Clear cell 28
acanthoma 360, 361f
adenocarcinoma 406
Clofazimine 216
pigmentation 216f
Clonal seborrheic keratosis 360
Coccidioides immitis 164, 165
Coccidioidomycosis 165
Cochliomyia 184
Cold panniculitis 114
disorders of 263, 265
fibers, eosinophilic 264
Collagenoma 263, 263f, 264, 264f
bodies 39, 39f, 42, 362
milium 317, 327, 328, 328f
Colorectal carcinomas 406
acuminata 171, 171f, 172f, 232f
lata 181
Congo red stain 222
coronatus 165
incongruous 165
Connective tissue disease 83, 86, 91, 187189
Contact dermatitis 34, 34f
Cookie cutter sign 196
Cordylobia anthropophaga 184
Corneal mucosae 297
Cornoid lamellation 118, 119
Corps ronds 57
Corynebacteria 185
Corynebacterial infections 185
Cowpox 176
Crohn's disease 77, 95
metastatic 71f
Cryoglobulinemia 89
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis 89
Cryptococcosis 163f, 164f, 420f
Cryptococcus 78
neoformans 164
Cuniculatum, epithelioma 363
Cutaneous adverse drug reactions 200
Cutaneous cysts, classification of 333t
Cutaneous deposition disorders 317
Cutaneous epithelioid angiomatous nodule 354
Cutaneous leishmaniasis 71f, 74, 74f, 178, 178f, 286, 287f, 417
Cutaneous lymphoid infiltrates 302, 316
patterns of 302
Cutaneous lymphoma 301, 301t
simulators of 315
Cutaneous metastasis 103, 103f, 404, 404f, 404t, 405
Cutaneous mucinosis 317, 318, 320
Cutaneous vasculitis 83, 84
classification of 84
Cutis laxa 268, 269f
Cutis marmorata 347
telangiectatica congenita 347
Cyanotic infarctive pseudovasculitis 97
Cylindroma 372, 373, 373f
Cysticercosis, cutaneous 339, 339f
Cysts 333, 336
bronchogenic 338
infective 333, 339
Cytomegalovirus 89, 176
Darier's disease 57, 57f, 59, 119, 120f, 121, 224, 225f, 252, 412
Darier's sign 9, 225
Deep folliculitis, chronic 244
Deep fungal infection 157, 157f, 168, 420
Deep morphea 115, 116f
Degos disease 96, 97
Dendritic cell 291, 355
Dendritic melanocytes 212
Dense papillary dermal infiltrate 419
Deoxyribonucleic acid 179, 259
Dermal dendritic cell 290
Dermal dendrocytes 291
Dermal deposits, eosinophilic 327
Dermal duct
nevus 345
tumors 372
Dermal edema 303
Dermal lymphocytic infiltrate 275
Dermal melanocytes 415
Dermal melanocytosis 212, 416f
acquired 212
Dermal melanophages 303
Dermal mucin 5f, 193
Dermal mucinoses 318
Dermal nevus 395
Dermal papilla 65, 231, 361
Dermal pattern, diffuse 309
Dermal subcutaneous junction 83
Dermal vessels 5f
acute 31f
chronic 32
chronic spongiotic 25, 25f, 203
eczematous 24
exfoliative 24
herpetiformis 64, 64f
hyperkeratotic 419f
hypopigmenting 36, 36f, 220, 414f
interface 38, 49b, 303
subacute 32f
Dermatobia hominis 184
Dermatofibroma 356, 389, 389f, 390, 390f
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 390, 390f, 391f
Dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata 267
Dermatomyositis 111, 189, 195, 195f, 321, 322f
Dermatophyte 168, 253
Dermatophytic infections 36
Dermatophytosis 26, 26f, 27f, 36, 154, 154f, 155
Dermatosis 286
arthritis syndrome, bowel-associated 277
classification of 276t
Dermis 5, 5f
Dermoepidermal junction 45, 59, 136, 201, 267
Dermoid cyst 336
Diabetes 198
insipidus 293
Diaminobenzidine 10, 395
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 309f, 310f
Digital mucous cyst 259, 338
Digital papillary carcinoma 376
Discoid lupus erythematosus 189, 190, 190f, 191f, 242f, 421
Donovanosis 185
Dowling–Degos disease 220, 220f, 221f
D-penicillamine 206, 207
DRESS syndrome 202f
Drug reaction 187, 200, 201
Ductal carcinoma 405
Dutcher bodies 307
Dyshidrosiform pemphigoid 61
Dyskeratosis 117, 119
Dyskeratotic cells 121
Dyskeratotic keratinocytes 59
Dysplastic nevus 398
Ear, elastotic nodules of 268
Eccrine ducts 6, 6f
Eccrine glands 6, 6f, 196, 343
Eccrine hidrocystomas 336, 337f, 370, 371f
Ecthyma 184
gangrenosum 184
Ectothrix 155f, 240
Eczematous dermatitides, lesions of 25
Eczematous disorders 33
Elastic fibers 5
Elastic nevus 267
Elastic tissue 241, 266, 268
disorders 266
stains 123, 234
Elastin, disorders of 261
Elastoderma 267
Elastolysis 268
Elastoma 267
Elastosis correlates, degree of 267
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa 123, 123f, 207
Elastotic striae 267
Electrosurgical biopsies 10
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 386
Emperipolesis 296
Encephalitis 201
Endarteritis obliterans 97
Endocarditis 88
Endospores 164
Endothelialitis 90, 96
Endothrix 155f, 240
Endovasculitis, lymphocytic 96
Entomophthoromycosis 112f, 113f, 165, 165f, 166f
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 53
Eosinophil 202, 275, 278, 307, 354, 413, 415, 417
exocytosis of 52
Eosinophilia 201, 354, 354f, 420
Epidermal changes 144, 394
Epidermal growth factor receptor 208
Epidermal nevus 121f
classification of 341t
Epidermal reaction 117, 121
Epidermis 3, 25, 77, 265, 304, 313, 376
granular layer of 20
intercellular staining of 15f
layers of 3f
lesional 225
reactive atypia of 419
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis 170, 172, 172f, 173f
Epidermoid cyst 333, 334, 334f
Epidermolysis bullosa 10, 65
acquisita 61, 64, 65f, 209
Epidermotropism 31f, 214, 270, 414
Epithelial cells 225
Epithelial membrane antigen 391, 405
Epithelioid cell 68, 75, 125, 145, 148, 149, 157, 158, 166, 182
granuloma 68f, 69f, 70, 74, 76, 127, 136
Epstein–Barr virus 89, 176, 313
Erdheim–Chester disease 298
Eruptive vellus hair cysts 335
Eruptive xanthoma 299, 299f
Erysipelas 184
Erythema 235
annulare centrifugum 36
elevatum diutinum 91, 93, 93f
induratum 74f, 90, 94, 94f, 108, 109f, 149, 150f
multiforme 46, 46f, 47f, 54, 66, 200, 205, 205f
nodosum 107, 108, 108f, 116, 200
leprosum 94, 94f, 103f, 113, 113f, 129f, 128, 141, 142f, 411, 411f, 413, 413f
toxicum neonatorum 59, 278
Erythroderma 24, 25f, 200, 305
Erythrodermic mycosis fungoides 24
Erythronychia 250
longitudinal 254, 254f, 255t
Erythropoietic protoporphyria 324
Eumycetoma 158f, 160f
grains of 160
Exocytosis 414
neutrophilic 184
Exophiala jeanselmei 160
Fabry's disease 347
Facial aseptic granuloma 76
Factitious panniculitis 113
Fasciitis, eosinophilic 196, 198, 280
Fatty macrocysts 106
Favre–Racouchot syndrome 268
Fibrofolliculoma 381
Fibroinflammatory systemic syndrome 286
Fibrokeratoma 258
Fibromatosis 391, 392f
Fibrosis 144, 394
Fibrous stroma 366, 374, 382
Fibrous tissue 339
tumors of 389
Fixed drug eruptions 44, 44f, 45f, 200, 204, 204f
Flag sign 362
Flexural Darier's disease 120
Flexural psoriasis 21
Fluoroquinolones 44
Foam cells 299, 411, 413
Foamy cytoplasm 130
Foamy histiocyte 128, 417, 421
Foamy macrophages 355
Focal acantholytic dyskeratosis 342
Focal dermal
dysplasia 336
elastosis 267
Focal dermal hypoplasia 265
Focal rhabdomyoblastic morphology 386
Follicle center cell lymphoma 309
primary cutaneous 307, 307f, 309t
Follicular bulge 233
Follicular epithelium 238, 416
Follicular granulomatous pattern 127
Follicular infundibulum, tumor of 225, 381, 381f
Follicular lichen planus 41
Follicular mucinosis 417, 417f
Follicular occlusion triad 245
Follicular scar 234, 234f
Follicular spongiosis 36f, 37, 414
Folliculitis 122, 123f, 288f
acute 244f
chronic superficial 244
decalvans 236, 243, 243f, 288f
eosinophilic 244
Folliculosebaceous units 326
Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides 313, 313f
compacta 160
pedrosoi 160
Fox–Fordyce disease 37, 119
Friction blister 58
Fried-egg appearance 225, 282
Fungal hyphae 153f, 154f, 162
Fungal infections 418
cutaneous 153
subcutaneous 156
Fungal panniculitis 107f
Fungal yeast forms 154f
Furosemide 44
Ganglion 338
Gangrene 93
Gardner syndrome 333
Gasterophilus 184
Gastrointestinal carcinoma 406
metastatic 406
Gastrointestinal infection 275
Gastrointestinal tract 347
Generalized eruptive histiocytosis 297
Genital mucosa 361
Genital skin 8f
Germinal membrane 339
Giant cells 68, 115, 125, 135, 149, 158, 178, 293, 297
multinucleated 270
Giant condyloma 172
acuminata 363
Giant congenital nevus 397
Giemsa staining 179
Glandular lumina 406
Glomangioma 256, 350
Glomangiomyoma 350
Glomeruloid hemangioma 352, 352f
Glomerulonephritis 203
Glomulin gene 348
Glomus bodies 247
Glomus cells 256
Glomus tumor 256, 256f, 349, 350, 350f
malignant 350
Goltz syndrome 417, 418f
Gomori's Silver methenamine stain 12f, 69
Gottron's papules 195
Gottron's sign 195
Gout 324, 324f
Graft-versus-host disease 47, 96, 173, 198, 200, 355
sclerodermoid 198
Granular cell 4
nerve sheath tumor 389
tumor 389, 389f
benign 389
Granulocyte, types of 282
Granuloma 81f, 143, 162
angiocentric 93
annulare 78, 79f, 221f, 318
subcutaneous 79f
eosinophilic 293
epithelioid 73, 79, 145
faciale 92, 92f
foreign body 70, 80, 81
infiltrating arrectores pilorum muscle 135f
nature of 143
sandwich 73
suppurative 77, 77f
Granulomatosis 93
Granulomatous diseases 71, 134, 143, 413, 418
Granulomatous drug reactions 207
Granulomatous inflammation 162, 340
Granulomatous lobular panniculitis 94
Granulomatous medium-vessel vasculitis 95f
Granulomatous periorificial dermatitis 76
Granulomatous reaction 164, 313, 339
Granulomatous rosacea 76, 128
Granulomatous slack skin 270
Granulomatous tissue reaction 68
Grenz zone 129, 264, 298
Griscelli syndrome 213f
Grocott methenamine silver 153
Grocott stain 253
Groove sign 198, 281
Grover's disease 59, 119, 121, 224
Guttate morphea 196
Haemophilus ducreyi 186
Hailey–Hailey disease 56, 56f, 120, 120f, 410, 410f
bulb 230
cycle 231
disorders, congenital 244
follicle 196, 235, 333, 384
central 270
disorders 227, 235
inflammatory disorders of 244
normal 229
structure 229
loss 414
shaft disorders 244
Hairy cell leukemia 315
Hairy palm sign 32f
Hairy pigmented macules 224
Halo nevi 213
Hamartoma 341
Hamazaki–Wesenberg bodies 68
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease 176
Hand-foot-skin reaction 208
Hand–Schüller–Christian disease 293
Helicobacter pylori infection 307
Hemangioendothelioma, epithelioid 357, 358f
Hemangioma 351, 356
congenital 343, 351, 352
epithelioid 354
infantile 351, 351f
Hematologic diseases 300
Hemorrhage, intracorneal 217f
Hemorrhagic pseudovasculitis 97
Hemorrhagic telangiectasia, hereditary 347
Henoch–Schönlein purpura 83, 86
Hepatitis C infection 95
Herpes 175f
labialis 175f
simplex 174
zoster 174, 175, 175f
Herpesviridae 169
Herpetic dermatitis 96
Hidradenitis suppurativa 157
Hidradenocarcinoma 372
Hidradenoma 372, 372f
papilliferum 374
Hidroacanthoma simplex 372
Hidrocystoma 336, 337f, 370
Histiocytes 166, 174
epithelioid 68
Histiocytic cells 293
Histiocytic infiltrates 290
Histiocytoses 290
Histoid leprosy 130, 130f, 139, 140f
Histoplasma 74, 78, 113
capsulatum 162
Histoplasmosis 162, 163f, 420f, 421f
disseminated 163
pulmonary 162
Hori's nevus 212
Hortaea werneckii 156, 224
Human herpesvirus 355
Human immunodeficiency virus 244, 319
infection 173
Human papillomavirus 171, 257
Hutchinson's sign 254
Hyaline deposits 324
Hyaline fibromatosis, juvenile 329
Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae 327
Hyaluronic acid 318
Hybrid cyst 336, 339, 339f
Hydrochlorothiazide 44
Hyperchromatic endothelial cells 357
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 279
Hypergranulosis 40, 362
Hyperkeratosis 162, 362
epidermal 121
epidermolytic 117, 117f, 118, 118f, 342, 411
subungual 250
Hyperkeratotic foot dermatitis 35
Hyperkeratotic hand dermatitis 35, 35f
Hyperpigmentation, drug-induced 209
epidermal 73
melanocytic 399
Hyperplastic nail bed 256
Hyperproliferative keratins 361
Hypersensitivity angiitis 85
Hypersensitivity syndrome, drug-induced 201
Hypersensitivity vasculitis 85
Hypertrophic keloid 264
Hypertrophic lichen planus 41, 42f
Hypertrophic scar 264, 264f
Hypoderma 184
Hyponychium 247
Hypopigmented mycosis fungoides 222, 224f
nevus 343
reactions 209
Ichthyosis vulgaris 251
Ichthyosis, epidermolytic 118f, 411f
Ichthyotic disorders 24
Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis 156
Idiosyncratic reaction 201
Immature hair follicles 343
Immunity, cell mediated 141
Immunofluorescence technique 14f
Immunofluorescence, types of 11
Immunoglobulin heavy chain 309
Immunohistochemistry 10, 12f
role of 394
Impetigo contagiosa 184
In vivo antinuclear antibodies 85
Incisional biopsy 10
Incontinentia pigmenti 278, 278f
Infections 88, 130, 131
bacterial 178
mycobacterial 152
Inflammatory cells 78, 299
Inflammatory dermatoses 249
Inflammatory infiltrate, chronic 338
Inflammatory leg nodules 417
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus 27, 27f, 121, 122f, 342, 343f, 412f
Infliximab 203
Infundibular epithelium, fusion of 241
Infundibulofolliculitis 37
Inner root sheath 236
Insect bite 415,
hypersensitivity 279, 280f
Inter-follicular dermis 243
Inter-follicular epidermis 345
Interstitial granuloma annulare 101, 101f
Interstitial granulomatous
dermatitis 102, 102f
drug reaction 103
Interstitial tissue reaction 101
Intradermal nevus, congenital 396f, 397f
Intraepidermal blister 51, 59, 415
Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma 312
Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia 355
Iododerma 207
Ixodes scapularis 183
Jadassohn nevus sebaceous 343
Jejunoileal bypass surgery 277
Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate 192
Junctional nests 394
Kamino bodies 397
Kaposi's sarcoma 176, 288, 289f, 355, 355f, 356f
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma 353, 356
Kasabach–Merritt syndrome 352
Kawasaki disease 91
Keloid 264, 265f
Keloidal blastomycosis 167
Keratinic amyloidosis 325
Keratinization, epidermal 231
Keratinocyte 3, 174, 205, 335, 342
nuclear fluorescence 85
vacuolated 412
Keratinocytic nevi 341
Keratinocytic tumors, benign 359
Keratoacanthoma 208, 258, 362, 363f, 368
plate-shaped 363
subungual 258
Keratoderma blenorrhagicum 21
Keratoelastoidosis marginalis 268
Keratohyalin granules 169
Keratosis 362
follicularis 361
spinulosa decalvans 244
lichenoides chronica 45, 119
pilaris 245
Kerion 155f
Kitamura's reticulate pigentation, acral 220
granulomatis 185
rhinoscleromatis 185
Koebner phenomenon 169
Koilocytes 334
Koilonychia 251
Kyrle's disease 124
Lacazia loboi 167
Langerhans cell 4, 30, 247, 290292
collections of 305
histiocytosis 291, 292f
Langhans giant cells 68, 72, 80, 149, 150, 290
Large cell
acanthoma 361
lymphoma 311
Large clear cells 377
Leiomyoma 384, 384f
types of 384
Leiomyosarcoma 385, 385f
retroperitoneal 385
Leishman–Donovan bodies 74, 178, 179f
Leishmania braziliensis 74
Leishmaniasis 178, 211
acute cutaneous 179f
chronic cutaneous 179f
localized cutaneous 178
Lentigo maligna 399, 400, 400f
melanoma 399
Lentigo simplex 395
Leopard syndrome 389
Lepromatous leprosy 126f, 135, 136f, 138, 139f, 140f, 287f, 411, 414f
old lesion of 140f
Leprosy 72, 125, 133, 142, 142f, 143, 144, 418
characteristic of 290
diagnosis of 133, 143, 144
early 133
granulomas of 70, 134
indeterminate 134f
management of 133
pathogenesis of 133
pattern 72f, 125, 134f, 135f
reaction 113
Leptosphaeria senegalensis 159
Leser–Trélat, sign of 359
size of 394
types of 295
Letterer–Siwe disease 293
cutis 103, 315, 315f
lymphocytic 103
Leukemic cells 103
Leukocytoclasia 80, 86, 277
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 85, 85f-87f, 199, 413
Leukoderma 214
Leukopenia 176
amyloidosis 325f, 326f, 412f
aureus 218
myxedematosus 319
nitidus 43, 43f, 148
planopilaris 41, 42f, 236, 241, 241f, 242f
planus 11, 40, 40f, 41f, 44, 54, 250, 287, 288f, 362, 412, 421
pemphigoides 61
pigmentosus 42, 42f, 219, 219f, 220f
sclerosus 48, 49f, 102, 102f, 156, 196, 196f, 197, 197f, 198f, 413, 413f, 414f, 415
early lesions of 48
scrofulosorum 71f, 74f, 127, 127f, 128f, 148, 148f
simplex chronicus 25, 26f, 32f
striatus 43, 43f, 252
Lichenoid 117
actinic keratosis 362
benign keratosis 362
eruption 44, 44f
reaction 204
granulomatous pattern 126
interface dermatitis 38, 38t, 40
lymphocytic vasculitis 96
papular pseudovesicular eruption 45
purpura 305
reaction 38
tissue reaction 38, 38f, 39f
Li-Fraumeni syndrome 383
Limb defects nevus 343
Line sign 196
Linear focal elastosis 267
Linear immunoglobulin A 63f
disease 63f
Linear lichen planus 412, 412f
Lipodermatosclerosis 114
Lipoid proteinosis 324, 327f, 328f
Lipoma 382, 382f
types of 382
Lipophages 106, 115
Liposarcoma 383, 383f
Lipschutz ulcers 176
Livedoid vasculopathy 97, 98f, 416f
Liver 357
Loboa loboi 156
Lobomycosis 167
Lobular panniculitis 106f
eosinophilic 166
Localized lichen myxedematosus 319
Loose anagen hair syndrome 244
Lucio phenomenon 115
Lung 357
adenocarcinomas 406
carcinoma, metastatic 405
Lupus erythematosus 47, 54, 189, 415
chronic cutaneous 236, 242
panniculitis 110, 111f
Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei 69, 76, 76f, 127
Lupus panniculitis 189, 190f, 193f, 194f, 419
Lupus profundus 110
Lupus vulgaris 70, 70f, 126, 126f, 127f, 145, 146, 146f
biopsy of 73
Lymphadenoma 379
Lymphangioma circumscriptum 349
Lymphangitis, sclerosing 98
Lymphatic malformation 349
Lymphedema, chronic 300
Lymphocyte 28, 69, 125, 174, 296, 302, 303, 305, 376, 413
adnexotropism of 303
peppering hair follicle 303
Lymphocytic atypia 419
Lymphocytic exocytosis 30, 31f, 143, 154
Lymphocytic proliferation 13
Lymphocytoid melanocytes 394
Lymphocytoma cutis 306, 306f, 309t
Lymphogranuloma venereum 286
Lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic 291
cells 314
follicles 315
Lymphoma 93, 111, 273
lymphoplasmacytic 285
panniculitic 314
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis 312, 313
Lymphomatoid papulosis 311, 312f
types of 311t
Lymphoplasmacytoid cells 307
Lymphoproliferative disorders 95
Lysozyme 294
Macrophages 290
Macular amyloidosis 222, 223f
Macular atrophy 269
Macular hypopigmentation 414
Macular post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 181f
Maculopapular drug exanthema 146f, 201f
Maculopapular exanthem 201
Madurella mycetomatis 159
Magnaporthe grisea 159
Majocchi's granuloma 155, 155f
Malassezia 156
Malassezia furfur 224
Malpighian layer 197
Marginal zone lymphoma 289f
primary cutaneous 307, 308f, 309t
Marjolin ulcer 367
Masked nail tumors 258
Massive cutaneous hyalinosis 329
Massive lymphadenopathy 295
Mast cell 282, 282f
abnormal 284
infiltrates 282, 284
leukemia 284
number of 283
sarcoma 283
Mastocytoma 224
cutaneous 283
Mastocytosis 283, 315
cutaneous 283, 283f, 284f
diffuse cutaneous 283f
systemic 284
Matrix metaplasia 256
Max–Joseph spaces 41
Median raphe cyst 337
Medium-vessel vasculitis 89, 89f-91f
Meissner corpuscle 5, 6f
Melanin 211
epidermal 216
pigmentation 379
Melanoacanthoma 360
Melanocyte 4, 211
hyperplasia 203
morphology 394
Melanocytic lesions 393, 393t, 394, 395t
Melanocytic proliferations 212
Melanoma 255, 368, 394, 398, 399
childhood 397
desmoplastic 400, 401f, 402f
excision 402, 402b
hallmark of 394
signs of 398
Melanonychia 248, 254, 257
Melanophages 412, 415
Melanosome synthesis 213
Melasma 211
Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome 71, 76
Meningitis 201
Meningococcemia 185
Merkel cells 4
Mesenchymal cells 257
Mesomycetozoea 164
Metachromatic granules 282
Metaplastic ossification 323
Metastasis 405
Metastatic breast
adenocarcinoma 405
carcinoma 405
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma 406
Methenamine silver stain 253
Methyl bromide 207
Methylene blue stains 218
Michel's medium 234
Mickey mouse ears 167
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma 376
Microcystic lymphatic malformation 349f
Microcysts 106
Micropapular light eruption 45
Mid-borderline leprosy 70f, 72f, 135, 138, 138f, 138f
Mid-dermal elastic fibers 270
Mid-dermal elastolysis 270
Mikulicz cells 185, 185f
Milia 334f
Miliaria 37, 59
crystallina 37
Miliary tuberculosis 150
Milker's nodule 176
Miniaturized vellus hair 231f
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 291
Mitotic figures, normal 377
Mixed cell infiltrate 287f, 417
bodies 174
contagiosum 173, 174f
Mondor disease 98
Mongolian spot 212, 213f
Monkeypox 176
Morbilliform drug eruption 201
Morphea 102, 102f, 196, 196f, 223, 411f
profunda 115, 197, 197f
Morpheaform, sclerosing 366
Mosaic epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 118f, 342f, 411f
Moth-eaten alopecia 240
Mucha–Habermann disease 96
Mucicarmine stain 164
Mucin 318
stain 234
focal 338
primary cutaneous 318
Mucinous carcinoma 376
Mucocele 338, 338f
Mucorales 166
Mucormycosis 166
Mucosal epithelium 4, 4f
Mucous membrane pemphigoid 62
Mucous retention cyst 338
Muir–Torre syndrome 363, 377, 378
Müllerian cysts, cutaneous 338
Multibacillary leprosy 143
Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 295, 295f, 296f
Multinucleate giant cells 157
Multinucleate keratinocytes 364
Multinucleated floret-like giant cells 383
Multiple cytoplasmic vacuoles 378
Multiple myeloma 289
Multiple trichoblastomas 379
Munro's microabscesses 249, 250
Muscle specific actin 257
Mycetoma 77, 77f, 78f, 157, 158, 158f, 417
grains, histomorphology of 159t
Mycobacteria 125
atypical 151
avium-intracellulare 151
chelonae 113, 151
fortuitum 113, 151
kansasii 151, 152
leprae 89, 113, 133, 151
lepromatosis 151
marinum infection 151
scrofulaceum 151
tuberculosis 113, 145, 151
ulcerans 113, 151
Mycosis fungoides 49, 222, 302, 302f-305f, 420
diagnosis of 305
recurrent 305f
Myelin bodies 216
Myelodysplastic syndrome 93
Myeloma 93
Myeloperoxidase 93, 277, 315
Myeloproliferative disorders 297
Myiasis 184
Myoblasts 319
Myocarditis 203
Myoepithelial cells 374
Myxedema 318
pretibial 318f
cyst 338
pseudocyst 259
stroma 383
Myxomatous cyst 259
Nail bed 247
papilloma 254
Nail biopsy 247, 248, 253
techniques of 247, 248t
types of 248f
Nail disorders 246
Nail folds 247
Nail lentigo 255
Nail lichen planus 249, 250f, 251, 251f
Nail matrix 247, 249
nevus 255, 255f
Nail plate 247
Nail psoriasis 22, 249, 249f, 250f
diagnosis of 250
Nail specimens, processing of 249
Nail unit
anatomy of 246
biopsies 249
gross anatomy of 246f
histology of 247
infectious disorders of 252
sagittal anatomy of 247f
tumors 254
Naked granulomas 69
Nanogen hair 232
Nasal mucosa 212
Natural killer cell 291, 311
Neck, white fibrous papule of 264
Necrobiosis lipoidica 79, 80f, 115
Necrobiotic foci 78
Necrobiotic granuloma 70, 78, 78f
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma 294, 295f
Necrosis, warfarin-induced cutaneous 207
Necrotic keratinocytes 39f, 192, 208
Necrotic papules 176
Necrotizing vasculitis 85
Nekam's disease 45
Neoplasm, malignant 385
Neoplastic cells 309
Neoplastic disorders 290
Neoplastic mast cells 282
Nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy 198
Nerve involvement, types of 136
Nerve twigs 6f
Neurilemmoma 386
Neuritic leprosy 285f
Neuritis 203
Neurofibroma 285f, 387
diffuse 388
Neurofibromatosis syndrome 224, 387, 387f
Neutral glycosaminoglycans 321
Neutrophil 28, 98, 113, 129, 164, 166, 174, 202, 275, 296, 297, 413
absence of 419
admixture of 310
collections of 343
density of 142
exocytosis 20
Neutrophilic dermatosis 199
Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis 209, 209f, 278
Neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis 79
Neutrophilic lobular panniculitis 113, 116
Neutrophilic microabscesses 148
Neutrophilic scarring alopecias 243
Neutrophilic spongiosis 32, 33f
Neutrophilic urticaria 91
dermatosis 277
anelasticus 270
comedonicus 345, 345f
epidermal 121f
intradermal 395
junctional 395, 396f
lentiginous 395
lipomatosus 417, 418f
sebaceous 343, 343f, 344f
Nicholson cambium layer 386
Nipple, Paget's disease of 377
Nocardia 78, 109
asteroides 157
brasiliensis 157, 159
otitidiscaviarum 157
Nodal follicle center cell lymphoma 309
Nodular amyloidosis 289f, 325, 325f
Nodular dermal pattern 306
Nodular epithelioid cell granulomas 180
Nodular melanoma 399, 400f
Nodular post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 128, 128f, 180f
Nodular scabies 184
Nodular vasculitis 90, 94, 94f, 108
Nodule, subcutaneous 404
Non-dermatophyte mold 253
Non-granulomatous infiltrates 125, 145
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 54, 301
Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis 293, 293t, 297, 297f
Non-melanin pigments 214
Non-scarring alopecia 233, 235, 240, 241
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 44, 200
Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection 151
antigen, patency-associated 291
atypia 258, 372
debris 374
hyperchromasia 258, 385
morphology, abnormal 284
Nummular dermatitis 34f
Ochronosis 218, 218f, 219f
Omalizumab 203
Omphalomesenteric duct cyst 338
Onycholemmal carcinoma 259
Onychomatricoma 257, 257f, 258f
Onychomycosis 156f, 250, 252, 252f-254f
types of 253t
Onychopapilloma 254, 255
Onychorrhexis 249
Oral carcinoma, metastatic 406
Oral erosions 63
Oral hairy leukoplakia 176
Organisms, infective 13
Organoid nevi 343
Orofacial granulomatosis 71
Osteoblasts 259
Osteoma cutis 323, 324f
Ota, nevus of 212, 212f
Outer root sheath 236
Ovarian carcinoma, metastatic 406
Owl's eye nucleus 176
Paget's cells 377
Paget's disease 377
extramammary 376, 377f
Pale cell acanthoma 28, 28f
Palmoplantar dyshidrosis 58
Palmoplantar eczema 419
Pancreatic disease, sign of 115
Panniculitis 105, 106, 106f, 107, 110, 111, 115, 209, 323
diagnosis of 105
eosinophilic 112
hyalinizing 107f
infective 113
mixed 107t
pancreatic 115, 115f
sclerosing 114
subcutaneous 111, 111f, 112f, 194f, 195, 195f, 314, 314f, 419, 419f
traumatic 114
types of 107
Papillary dermal
microabscesses 278
sclerosis 116
vessels 21
Papillary dermis 45, 352, 412
Papillomatosis 121
cutis carcinoides 363
Papovaviridae 169
Papular elastorrhexis 270
Papular mucinosis 319f
Papular urticaria 99
Papulonecrotic tuberculid 149, 149f
Papulo-pustular eruption 208
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 167
Paracoccidioidomycosis 167
Parakeratosis 27, 155, 362, 421
zones of 342
Parakeratotic nail 252
Paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome 54
Paraneoplastic pemphigus 51, 54
Parapsoriasis 24, 24f, 420
Parasarcophaga 184
Parry–Romberg syndrome 196
Pasini, atrophoderma of 223
Patch stage disease 356
Pauci-inflammatory subepidermal blister 65
Pautrier's abscesses 305
Peau d'orange 207
Pellagra 27
gestationis 61
nodularis 61
Pemphigus 51, 410
biopsies 416
erythematosus 54
foliaceus 51, 53, 54f, 410, 410f
herpetiformis 51, 54, 278
stages of 52
vegetans 53, 53f, 278, 279f
vulgaris 51, 51f, 52f, 53, 53f, 251, 410, 416, 416f
diagnosis of 416
lesions of 278
Pencil tip hair 238
Penicillamine 204, 207
Penicillins 202
Penicillium marneffei 163, 164, 168
Penile tuberculid 149, 149f
Perianal ulcers 163
Perifollicular elastolysis 270
Perifollicular granulomas 135f
Perineural infiltrates 413
Periodic acid-Schiff 69, 89, 153, 185, 190, 373
stain 22, 216, 250, 318
Periorbital xanthogranulomas 294
Peripheral nerve sheath tumor, malignant 388, 388f
Periungual fibroma 258
Perl's stain 216
Perniosis 96
Phaeohyphomycosis 77, 161, 161f, 162f
Phaeohyphomycotic cyst 161f, 339, 340f
Phenobarbital 202
Phenytoin 202, 206
Pheohyphomycotic cyst 161f, 339, 340f
Phialophora verrucosa 160
Photoallergic dermatitis, drug-induced 203f
Photoallergic reaction 203
drug-induced 203
Phototoxic reactions 203
Phototoxicity, acute 203
Phycomycosis, subcutaneous 112f, 113f
Piedraia hortae 153
Pierini, atrophoderma of 223
Pigment casts 233, 233f, 234f
Pigment, distribution of 394
Pigmentary disorder 187, 211, 254
diagnosis of 219
drug-induced 215
heavy metal-induced 216
Pigmented purpuric dermatoses 96, 96f, 218, 218f, 219f
Pilar sheath acanthoma 381
Piloleiomyoma 410, 410f
Pilomatrical carcinoma 380
Pilomatricoma 327, 379, 380f
Pilosebaceous unit, hamartoma of 345
Pinkus, fibroepithelioma of 366
Pityriasis alba 36, 156, 220, 221f
Pityriasis lichenoides 47, 96
acute 48
chronica 47, 48, 49f
et varioliformis acuta 40, 47, 311
Pityriasis rosea 36, 200, 209
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 23, 23f
Pityriasis versicolor 156, 168
biopsy of 156
Plane xanthoma, diffuse normolipemic 300
Plaque morphea 196
Plasma cell 28, 45, 102, 158, 164, 166, 182, 202, 285, 285f, 286, 287, 295297, 355, 376
balanitis 287
infiltrates 282, 285
neoplasia 289
Plasmacytoma, extramedullary 289
Plasmacytosis, cutaneous 286, 286f
neurofibroma 224f, 225f, 387, 388, 388f
schwannoma 387
Pneumocystis carinii 156
Pneumocystis jirovecii 156, 163
POEMS syndrome 352
Poikiloderma 49, 195f
Polyangiitis 85, 93, 93
microscopic 93
nodosa 83, 89, 109, 110f
classic 91
cutaneous 89, 109
Polychondritis, relapsing 338
Polymerase chain reaction 75
Pompholyx 34, 34f, 35f, 58, 59f
Porocarcinoma 372
Porokeratosis 119, 119f, 410, 410f
center of 421
Porokeratotic adnexal ostial nevus 345
Poroma 371, 372f
benign 372
Porphyria 11, 198, 327
cutanea tarda 65, 66f, 198, 324
Port wine stain 346, 346f, 347f
Post-irradiation pseudosclerodermatous panniculitis 116
Post-kala azar dermal leishmaniasis 74, 75f, 178, 179, 180f, 181f, 286, 287f, 413, 414f, 417, 418f
Post-steroid panniculitis 114, 114f, 115f
Potassium hydroxide 153
Poxviridae 169
Pretibial pemphigoid 61
Progenitor cell 290
Progressive nodular histiocytosis 297
Protoscolices 339
Prurigo nodularis 25, 26f
Pseudocyst 338
Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia 152
Pseudogranules 155
Pseudo-horn cysts 220
Pseudolipomatosis 412, 412f
Pseudolymphoma 306, 402, 419
Pseudomonas 113
aeruginosa 152, 252
Pseudoscleroderma 198
Pseudovasculitis 97
lymphocytic 96
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 266, 266f, 267f
Psoriasiform 117
hyperplasia 25, 343
nodular 302
reaction 19
tissue reaction 19
Psoriasis 19, 19f-21f, 251
eruptive 20, 21f
palmoplantar 22, 22f, 36, 55, 58, 419
plaque 19
vulgaris 19
Psychoda 184
Punch biopsy 9, 10
Purpura 200
fulminans 97
Pustular eruptions 9
Pustular folliculitis, eosinophilic 279
Pustular lesions 207
Pustular psoriasis 22, 23f, 55, 56f, 206
Pustular vasculitis 88, 88f
PUVAsol therapy 327
Pyoderma 184
classification of 184t
gangrenosum 275, 276f
Pyogenic granuloma 350, 350f, 351f
Queyrat, erythroplasia of 367
Raynaud's phenomenon 197
Reactive perforating collagenosis 122, 122f
Reed nevus 397
Renal carcinoma 406
Renal cell carcinoma 406
Renal clear cell adenocarcinoma 406
Rendu–Osler–Weber's disease 347
Reniform 292
Renin–angiotensin system 351
Reticular erythematous mucinosis 318
Reticulohistiocytoma 295
Rhabdomyoma 386
Rhabdomyomatous hamartoma 386
Rhabdomyosarcoma 386, 386f
pleomorphic 386
arthritis 55, 116, 189, 198
neutrophilic dermatosis 278
nodule 80, 115, 198
papules 93
Rhinocladiella aquaspersa 160
Rhinoscleroma 185, 185f
Rhinosporidiosis 164, 165f, 420, 420f
Rhinosporidium seeberi 156, 164
Rickettsial disease 96
Rickettsial infections 185
Rituximab 203
Rodent ulcer 365
Rosai–Dorfman disease 288f, 291, 295, 296f, 297f
S-100 protein 4
S-100 stain 13f
Sandwich sign 26, 36, 154
Sarcoidal granuloma 81, 417
Sarcoidosis 68, 75, 75, 115, 417, 418, 418f
botryoides 386
histiocytic 298
Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis 183
Satellite necrosis 205
Sawtooth 251
Scabies 183, 183f
Scalp hair 231
Scarring alopecia 240
end-stage 241
Schamberg's disease 218
Schaumann bodies 68, 290, 418
Schnitzler syndrome 277
Schopf–Schulz–Passarge syndrome 336
Schwann cells 6
Schwannoma 386, 387f
cells 387
epithelioid 387
types of 387
Scleredema 320, 320f, 417
diabeticorum 320
Sclerema neonatorum 115
Scleroderma 189, 196
Scleromyxedema 198, 319, 319f
Sclerosis 411
systemic 102, 197
Scotochromogens 151
Scrofuloderma 147, 147f, 148, 148f
Scurvy 97
Sebaceoma 377, 378f
Sebaceous adenoma 377, 378f
Sebaceous carcinoma 378, 378f, 406
Sebaceous gland 6, 7, 7f, 370, 370f
Sebaceous lobule 7
Seboacanthoma 362
Sebopsoriasis 22
Seborrheic dermatitis 34
Seborrheic keratosis 359, 359f, 360, 360f, 368, 393
Secondary mucinoses 318, 321
Senear–Usher syndrome 54
Senile purpura 99, 100f
Sensorineural deafness syndrome 389
Septa, thickening of 106
Septal fibrosis 114
Septal panniculitis 106f, 107, 107t
Septal venules 83
Septic vasculitis 88
Septicaemia 88
Serum sickness 203
Sézary cells 305
Sézary syndrome 24, 305, 306f
Shagreen patch 264
Ship steering wheel 167
Shulman disease 198, 280
Sialomucin 321
Signet-ring morphology 105
Simple lentigo 395, 396f
Single melanocytes 398
Sinus histiocytosis 295
macrophage 290
Sister Mary Joseph nodule 404
Sjögren's syndrome 89
Skeletal muscle, tumors of 386
Smallpox 176
Smooth muscle
actin 13, 385, 390
cells 83, 256, 341, 384
tumors 384
Sneddon syndrome 96
Sneddon–Wilkinson disease 55
Sodium hydroxide 249
Soft tissue
bacterial infections of 184
neoplasms 382
structures 382
tumors 382
malignant 382
Solar elastosis 267, 267, 268f
Solar purpura 99
Solitary angiokeratoma 348
Solitary lichen planus 362
Sorafenib 208
Spindle cell 387
hemangioma 353
lipoma 383
melanoma 401
proliferation 13
pseudotumor 130
sarcoma 54
Spiradenocarcinoma 373
Spiradenoma 372, 373f
benign 373
Spitz nevus 394, 397, 397f
Spitz tumor, atypical 397
Spitzoid morphology 397
Splendore–Hoeppli phenomenon 160, 166
Spongiform pustules 20, 88
Spongiosis 30, 30f, 33
eosinophilic 33, 33f, 278
Spongiotic blister 30f
Spongiotic dermatitis 45
Spongiotic reaction 33t
Spongiotic tissue reaction 30
Sporotrichosis 77, 162, 162f
Squamoproliferative lesions 208
Squamous cell carcinoma 172, 258, 327, 363, 367, 367f, 393, 405, 406
Squamous eddies 334, 360
Squirting papilla 20
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 57, 58, 184
Staphylococcus aureus 113, 152, 184
Steatocystoma 335, 336f
multiplex 335, 336f
Stelae, large 233f
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 46, 47, 200, 205, 205f
Stills disease 277
corneum 33, 59
granulosum 3
lucidum 3
spinosum 59
Streptococcal pharyngitis 108
Streptococcus pyogenes 113
madurae 159
somaliensis 157, 159
Stucco keratosis 360
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 189f, 192f
Subacute spongiotic
dermatitis 25, 25f
reactions 31, 36
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis 55, 56f
Subcutaneous fat 7
necrosis 114
normal histology of 105
Subcutis 7f
Subepidermal blister 59, 66
disease 54
disorders 59
Subepidermal bulla 65
Subepidermal calcified nodule 323f
Submandibular glands 286
Subungual exostosis 259
Sulfasalazine 206
Sulfonamides 44, 202
Sun damage, signs of 394
Sun's nevus 212
Sunburn cells 203
Superficial acral fibromyxoma 259
Superficial dermal
pattern 302
vessels 88
Superficial dermis 49, 420
Superficial fungal infections 153
Superficial pigmented mycoses 224
Superficial spreading melanoma 399
Suprabasal acantholysis 416
Sweat duct 370f
Sweat gland
differentiation 369
ducts 333
Sweet's syndrome 66, 88, 115, 142, 184, 275, 276f, 277f, 315, 411
Swiss-cheese appearance 114
Syphilis 181
granulomatous 69
primary 181
secondary 181f, 182f, 286f
Syphilitic alopecia 234, 240
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum 327, 343, 374, 375f
Syringofibroadenoma 372
Syringoma 370, 371f, 376
Systematized verrucous epidermal nevus 342f
Systemic lupus erythematosus 15f, 55, 85, 189, 236, 240, 275
Taenia solium 339
Takayasu's arteritis 95
Talaromyces 163
marneffei 164, 168
Talon noir 217, 217f
Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma 353
Tattoo 215, 215f, 216f, 329
T-cell lymphoma 110, 111, 111f, 112f, 193, 194f, 195f, 314, 314f, 315, 395, 419, 419f
Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans 283
Telangiectatic metastatic carcinoma 405
effluvium 236, 239
hair 232, 233, 237
follicle 232f
Temporal triangular alopecia 230, 236
Terminal anagen hair follicle 230f
hair bulb of 231f
suprabulbar region of 231f
Terminal hair 230
follicles 230f
Tetracyclines 44
Thioflavin T stains 325
Thromboangiitis obliterans 96
Thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced 207
Thrombophlebitis 109
superficial 98
Thymoma 54
Thyroglossal duct cyst 338
Thyroid carcinoma 406
metastatic 406
Thyroid transcription factor 406
Thyroiditis 64, 201
Tinea 36
capitis 155, 240
faciei 26f
nigra 156
pedis 57
Tongue 8f
Touton giant cells 293, 294f, 298, 300
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 46, 47, 65, 200, 205
Toxic pustuloderma 206
Trachyonychia 251, 251f
Traction alopecia 235, 236, 240
Transient acantholytic dermatosis 59
Transient neonatal pustular melanosis 59
Traumatic injury 233
Treponema 76
pallidum 69, 76, 89, 181, 182
immunostain 13f
Treponematoses 178, 181
Trichilemmal cyst 334, 335f
proliferating 381
Trichilemmoma 380, 380f
Trichoblastoma 327, 379
Trichodiscoma 381
Trichoepithelioma 379, 379f
desmoplastic 376
Trichofolliculoma 380
Trichohyalin granules 370
Trichomalacia 233
Trichosporon beigelii 153
Trichotillomania 234, 239, 239f, 240, 240f
True vellus hair 230
Truncal pityriasis alba 414f
Tuberculids 145
leprosy 69, 125, 125f, 136, 136f, 137f, 284
cutaneous 73, 145, 145f
diagnosis of 147
primary 145, 150
secondary 145
varieties of 150
verrucosa cutis 70, 71f, 73f, 126, 127f, 147, 147f
Tuberoeruptive xanthomas 299
Tubular apocrine adenoma 374, 374f
Tubular carcinoma 374
Tubular papillary adenoma 374
Tufted angioma 352, 353f
Tumid lupus erythematosus 192f, 321
Tumors 331, 370, 377, 379
atypical lipomatous 383
benign 349
keratinocytic 359
malignant 388
keratinocytic 365
mixed 375
mesenchymal 382
mixed 375
neural 386
premalignant keratinocytic 362
thickness 402
Tyndall phenomenon 212
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors 208
Ulcers, biopsy of 186
Umbrella sign 394
Universal acquired melanosis 214
Unna's nevus 395
Urbach–Wiethe disease 327
Uremic arteriolopathy 323
Urticaria 93, 98, 99, 99f, 207, 415
drug eruption 203f
lesions 207
neutrophilic 91
pigmentosa 224, 283
reactions 202
tissue reactions 83
vasculitis 87, 88f
Vaccinia 176
Vacuolar interface dermatitis 38, 48
Varicella zoster infections 58
Variola 176
Varioliform scar 122, 149
Varioliformis acuta 311
Vascular stelae 233
Vascular tumors, malignant 356
Vasculitic drug reaction 206
Vasculitis 83, 84, 84, 94, 97f, 113, 176, 209, 415
Chapel Hill classification of 84b
drug-induced 89
granulomatous 95
incidental 96
lymphocytic 48, 95
secondary 280
small vessel 85
types of 93
Vasculopathic ulcers 97f, 199
Vasculopathy 415
Vater–Pacini end organs 5
Vellus hair 229, 230f
cyst 335, 335f
follicle 230f, 235
Verhoeff–Van Gieson stain 109
Verruca plana 121, 170
Verruca vulgaris 121, 169, 169f, 170, 170f
Verruciform xanthoma 299, 300f, 421f
Verrucous carcinoma 363, 363f, 364f
Verrucous cyst 334, 334f
Verrucous epidermal nevus 341, 341f, 342f
Verrucous hemangioma 348, 415, 415f
Verrucous psoriasis 22
Verrucous venous malformation 348, 348f, 349f
Vesiculobullous reaction pattern 50t, 51t
Vesiculobullous tissue reaction 50
invasive microorganisms 97
large 420
thick 420
Viral blister 58
diseases 176
Viral exanthema 176f
Viral infections 169
Visceral mucinous carcinoma 376
Vitiligo 213, 214f
Vulva, extramammary Paget's disease of 377f
Waldenström's macroglobulinemia 54, 324, 329
Warthin-starry stain 181, 182
anogenital 171
common 169
palmoplantar 172
periungual 257
plane 170, 171f
subungual 257
Warty dyskeratoma 120, 121f, 361, 361f
Wegener's granulomatosis 85, 313
Wells’ syndrome 65, 279, 279f
Wickham's striae 40
Windblown appearance 364
Woodworm-like cavities 257
Xanthelasma palpebrarum 298, 299f
Xanthogranuloma 291, 293, 294f, 413
cells 413
Xantholeukonychia 254
Xanthoma 290, 293, 298, 298f, 413, 414f
cells 143, 413
cutaneous 298
disseminatum 297, 297f
plane 299
tendinous 299
Xanthomatized verrucous acanthoma 421
Xanthomatous infiltrates 299
Xeroderma pigmentosa 363
Xerosis 208
Ziehl–Neelsen stain 12f, 69, 113, 284
Zygomycosis 165
subcutaneous 165
Chapter Notes

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IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology
IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology
Editors M Ramam MD Professor Department of Dermatology and Venereology All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Sujay Khandpur MD DNB MNAMS Professor Department of Dermatology and Venereology All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Neetu Bhari MD DNB MNAMS Associate Professor Department of Dermatology and Venereology All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Vishal Gupta MD Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology and Venereology All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India
Under the Aegis of IADVL Academy
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IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology / M Ramam, Sujay Khandpur, Neetu Bhari, Vishal Gupta
First Edition: 2023
Printed at:
To my parents, and to Anuradha, Varun, and Megha.
—M Ramam
To my parents Jayanti and Subhash, my gurus, my wife Shaifali and children Saanchi and Shaurya.
—Sujay Khandpur
To my parents, my husband Amit, and son Aariket.
—Neetu Bhari
To my teachers and parents, and to Riti and Rudroo.
—Vishal Gupta
I am delighted that the “IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology”, a project which was envisioned during my tenure as President, IADVL in 2019 is finally complete and coming out as a hardcopy in the year 2023. I congratulate the editors Professor M Ramam, Professor Sujay Khandpur, Dr Neetu Bhari, and Dr Vishal Gupta for all their efforts in editing, contributing, and bringing out a much needed easy to read and well-illustrated, multiauthored new textbook that will give a refreshingly new perspective to dermatopathology, not only to dermatologists but to the pathologists as well. I am sure this textbook will enrich, strengthen, and enliven the dermatopathology teaching and discussion practices in medical colleges and other institutes. I am very happy to note that this textbook has nine sections and 38 chapters to cover all aspects of dermatopathology, from basics to cutaneous metastasis, while not being exhaustive at the same time.
I convey my sincere appreciation to all the authors/contributors of various chapters and editors for their efforts in bringing out this much awaited “IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology”. I am certain that this textbook will be very well received by the medical community and dermatology fraternity.
Best Wishes
P Narasimha Rao MD PhD
President IADVL, 2019
It is our great pleasure to pen this message for the “IADVL Textbook of Dermatopathology”. It has been a felt need to have a reference textbook covering the approach to the interpretation of dermatopathology in our patients. Dr M Ramam, Dr Sujay Khandpur, Dr Nitu Bhari, and Dr Vishal Gupta have done a tremendous and painstaking job in bringing out this title to aid the clinician and dermatopathologists toward this end. They carefully crafted the scientific content that includes chapters covering practical aspects of techniques of skin biopsy, transport media, special stains, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and basic dermatopathology like histology of normal skin and 10 reaction patterns to facilitate ease in differential diagnosis. Inclusion of sections on infections, connective tissue diseases, disorders of pigmentation, cutaneous adverse drug reactions, cutaneous infiltrates, deposition disorders, cysts, epidermal nevi and tumors, disorders of collagen and elastin, and histopathology of skin appendages—hair follicle and nail, make it an all-encompassing reference textbook. The book is replete with the authors' personal experience based inputs, is well illustrated with high-quality images to enable the reader to get a vivid visual impression of the dermatopathological changes and the chapter on clues, observations, and insights by the editors is a unique chapter providing rare tips in dermatopathology, that could only come from clinicians with a keen interest in dermatopathology.
We are sure the title, encompassing varied topics authored by experts of dermatopathology from across the country will be a handy treasure for those who practice dermatopathology and also for the clinician and students to understand dermatopathology and appreciate the variations seen in our patients. The authors of all the 38 chapters in this handbook must be hugely complimented for their mammoth effort in accumulating excellent images to illustrate dermatopathology so well.
We congratulate everyone involved in this project and wish this title achieves its objectives.
Dr Dipankar De
Convener, IADVL Academy (2020–2021)
Dr Deepika Pandhi
Chairperson, IADVL Academy (2020–2021)
In writing this book, the task we set for ourselves and our contributors was simple—we wanted to write an account of the pathology we saw and to provide a framework to think through the problems and challenges associated with these cases. To this end, we encouraged our authors to ground their chapters firmly in their own experience, and where it differed from conventional descriptions, to mention both. We were also careful not to assume any previous knowledge of the subject among our readers, to keep things simple and to point things out clearly both in the text and images. Dermatopathology benefits enormously from the wealth of morphological expertise in clinical dermatology and we have included clinical details and images throughout the book to provide the context in which biopsies are interpreted.
We would like to thank all authors for the high quality of their contributions that make this book what it is. Several friends and colleagues have generously permitted us to use images from their collections and they are gratefully acknowledged. We would like to make a special mention of Dr Meenakshi Batrani who took a large number of photomicrographs of her cases at our request and helped to fill many gaps in the book and our colleague, Professor Sudheer Arava. Our colleagues in the department and outside, read proofs of the book and provided helpful comments and suggestions. Our thanks to Rhea Ahuja, and also to Vaishnavi Verma, Ananya Sharma, Geeti Khullar, Deepika Yadav, Biswanath Behera, Suman Patra, Meenakshi Batrani, KA Seetharam, and V Ramesh.
The team at Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd has been a revelation with their professionalism and high standards. Our special thanks to the entire production team specially Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head) for their excellent work and willingness to go the extra mile to accommodate our requirements. Our particular thanks to Mr Sumit Kumar (Team Leader – Graphic Designer) who worked diligently and hard on the images to ensure they came out well. A note of thanks to Ms Himani Pandey (Development Editor) who coordinated the project, efficiently and courteously.
We thank the IADVL Academy for entrusting us with this project, giving us a completely free hand and patiently waiting for us to complete it.
In the past, our trainees have pointed out that some of the things we taught them were not in the dermatopathology books they read but matched up with what they observed when looking at slides. They urged us to put the teaching into a book and this is the result. We hope they, and others, will find it useful.
M Ramam
Sujay Khandpur
Neetu Bhari
Vishal Gupta
New Delhi, January 2023
My debt to my friend Manoj Singh is enormous. If it had not been for his encouragement and support over several decades of our friendship and partnership in dermatopathology, this book would not have been written. At a time when it was considered odd for a clinical dermatologist to want to see slides every day, Manoj set up a system in his department that allowed me to do so. There were some bumps along the way, some resistance and some disruptions but Manoj dealt with them with his trademark blend of bluster and tact and kept the collaboration going. In effect, he let everyone know that we were his people and could be trusted with resources in his department. Thank you, my friend.
It is a reflection of the simplicity and robustness of the system he helped set up that even today, some 20 years later, my colleagues and I continue to have unfettered access to all the resources we need to be part of a strong dermatopathology service at our Institute, now led by Professor Sudheer Arava and Dr Shipra Agarwal.
Navjeevan Singh was my first teacher when I began to be interested in dermatopathology and among many other lessons, exhorted me to stop squinting at the slide through one eyepiece of a binocular microscope and look through both! Asha Kubba provided encouragement and access to her laboratory and slides and the opportunity to meet and learn from several leading dermatopathologists and some outstanding brownies. She set high standards and showed us what could be achieved if one aimed high. Phil LeBoit and Tim McCalmont were my mentors during a 7-month fellowship at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and were patient teachers as I slowly learnt to look at and think about slides in a way I had not done before. In addition, Phil found me opportunities to present our work on pigmentary disorders and infections at many places, from the Ackerman Academy to Hawaii.
I also had the support of colleagues and friends not directly a part of the dermatopathology team. My good friend, Binod Khaitan has been a great resource for advice on overcoming obstacles in our path and was always willing to use his good offices to ensure we had what we needed, even at short notice. He finished writing his book on van Gogh while we were working on this book and by example, stimulated us to complete our work, too. His insights into book design have been very valuable. My friend Neena Khanna is the well-known author of an enormously popular undergraduate textbook of dermatology, now in its seventh edition. Her considerable experience and insight helped us at every stage of this book, from conception to writing to image editing to page composition and proofreading. Deepika Pandhi, wise beyond her years, provided sensible advice and guidance in matters related to the book.
I wish to thank my younger colleagues, who are co-editors and/or contributors, for their insistence that this book be written. There was a time when I was not entirely convinced we could do this but they helped me begin and then worked hard to complete the project.
And finally, thanks to Anuradha for a constant supply of invaluable intangibles.
M Ramam
Blessed are those who meet people who define the ideal course of their life, thoughts, and values. I feel blessed to have parents who were my ideals and who provided me a very loving and conducive environment to fulfil my dreams and passions. I would not have been where I am without the immense love and selfless support of my family, my wife Shaifali, and children Saanchi and Shaurya.
I feel extremely blessed and fortunate to have been trained by excellent teachers like Professor BSN Reddy under whom I did my MD, whose guidance, unflagging efforts, and pithy words of wisdom have always encouraged me. I give huge credit to Professor M Ramam, my dermatopathology guru, for shaping my thoughts, scientific temper, and values. His exemplary and endearing personality, indefatigable energy to work, inexhaustible knowledge and experience, philosophy of teaching, and practice of considering the patient a human being and not merely “a case”, have been a source of constant inspiration for me. My interest in dermatopathology reached the next level when I came under the tutelage of Dr Phil Leboit and Dr Tim McCalmont at the Department of Dermatopathology, University of California San Francisco. I was hugely impressed by their excellence in the subject, professionalism, impartial scientific observation, critical analysis, and an insatiable desire to learn more. I pride myself to have been one of the privileged groups to have their guidance and get an opportunity to work with them. I am hugely indebted to Professor Manoj K Singh, Department of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, without whose incessant support, guidance, and encouragement, the dermatopathology program and training in our institution would not have existed. My sincere thanks to all my colleagues and students whose boundless knowledge and expertise has always inspired and humbled me.
Sujay Khandpur
The entire credit for my dermatopathology interest and knowledge goes to my Professor, Dr M Ramam. In his words, every slide is a puzzle and reaching a diagnosis thus gives immense satisfaction. His way of teaching and his commitment to the subject inspires me daily to work hard. It is my privilege to work in our institute with my esteemed colleagues and enthusiastic students where I get an opportunity to learn and grow everyday. My sincere thanks to my teacher, Professor Neena Khanna, who has greatly inspired my writing and editing skills and has taught me many valuable life lessons.
Lastly, I want to express my immense gratitude to my parents and siblings, who have always encouraged me to achieve my dreams and have been the wind beneath my wings. I feel incredibly blessed to have a supportive husband and a wonderful son, who are my constant source of positivity.
Neetu Bhari
It was a twist of fate that made Professor M Ramam my MD thesis supervisor, and for that, among other things, I am grateful to the almighty. I am deeply indebted to Dr Ramam, my mentor and guide in more ways than one. I learnt the fine art of reading a skin biopsy slide from him; first “blinded” and then opening one's eyes to the clinical information, a concept that I initially found strange but have now come to value. He was instrumental in arranging an observership in Dermatopathology at the UCSF for Riti and me, a short stint that broadened our horizons. That my name appears as an editor of a few books, including this one, and a journal is owed enormously to him showing me the ropes. On a similar note, I thank Professor Binod Khaitan, whom I have watched countless times editing books and chapters with his favorite red pen, for being an inspiration with his diligence and attention to detail.
I was fortunate to train under the best teachers in the country during my formative years, and the credit for all my accomplishments goes to them. It would be remiss of me not to thank my colleagues, senior and junior, as well as the residents of our department who have always made me strive to be a better version of myself.
And lastly, I express my immense gratitude to my family; my parents and sister for their unconditional love and support, my wife Riti for being my friend and teacher (pointing out my blunders in great detail, unasked, and without fail!), and my adorable little son Rudraditya for showing me a different way of looking at life.
Vishal Gupta
L to R: Vishal Gupta, Neetu Bhari, M Ramam and Sujay Khandpur.
Acknowledgements for Diagrams and Images
We would like to thank the following colleagues for permission to use their images:
If we have inadvertently missed crediting the source of any images in the book, please bring it to our notice. We will be happy to acknowledge the contribution in the next printing.