Yearbook of Anesthesiology 11 Baljith Singh, Mukul Chandra Kapoor
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdominal wall, tumor of 271
Abortion, recurrent spontaneous 309
Absorption atelectasis 31
Accident, cerebrovascular 37
Acetylcholine 167
Acid-base balance 258
Acidosis 9, 71, 97
Activated partial thromboplastin time 45, 51, 256
Acute coronary syndrome 46, 62
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 102, 142, 143
Adenosine triphosphate 192
Adrenalectomy 266
partial 266
Adrenaline 284, 325
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 159
Advanced life support 281, 284
Aerosol generating procedures 226, 323
Aggression 296
Airway 154
assessment 5, 21
MACOCHA score for 6t
computed tomography scan 3
management of 1, 10, 21, 24, 284, 319, 326
pressure 143, 144, 268
surgery 19
Alcohol 185
abuse 170
All India Difficult Airway Association guidelines 12
Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor agonists 173
Alprazolam 327
Alveolar collapse 31
Alveolar interstitial syndrome 159
Alzheimer's disease 184, 191
Ambulatory spinal anesthesia, advantages of 223
American Cancer Society Guidelines 251
American College of Cardiology 60
American College of Critical Care Medicine 168
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 241
American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program 65
American Heart Association 60, 96, 329
American Psychiatric Association 164
American Society of Anesthesiologists 203, 252
and Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation 322
American Society of Anesthesiology 12
American Society of Hematology 311
American Society of Regional Anesthesia 53
Amide 223
Amino acids 167
Aminoglycosides 327
Amiodarone 45, 327
Analgesia 258
balanced 300
epidural 133, 134
regional 137
Analgesics 167, 325
Anaphylaxis 285
Anemia 60
Anesthesia 181, 195, 203, 246, 319, 339
cardiothoracic 111
central neuraxial 68
choice of 68
conduct of 25, 294, 325
deciding scope of 359
drugs 325
epidural 225
general 26, 68, 125, 188, 217, 219, 252, 300, 329
induction of 25
machine 337
monitoring 253f
depth of 214
neuraxial 237, 329
opioid-free 299, 300, 299, 303
public perception of 360
regional 111, 112, 115, 125, 126, 127t, 128, 129t, 136, 219, 225t, 327
role of 187
technique 240
Anesthesiology 336, 353b
Anesthetic agents 91
neural tissue absorption of 187
Anesthetic implications 235, 265
Anesthetic technique 91
regardless of 240
Anesthetists 319, 333
Anger 296
Angina 37
Angiotensin receptor blocker 64, 67, 70
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor 64, 67, 70
Anterior cruciate ligament 219
Anterior cutaneous branch
block techniques 116
lateral division of 113f
medial division of 113f
Antiarrhythmic 325, 327
drugs, regarding use of 284
Antibiotics 167, 258, 325, 327
antitumor 249
Anticholinergic 189, 293
use 185
Anticholinesterases 173
Anticoagulation 44
Anticonvulsants 167
Antidepressants 327
Antiemetics 325
Antifungals 327
Antihistamines 167
first-generation 189
Antimetabolite 249
Antinauseants 167
Antipsychotics 189, 296
atypical 172
typical 172
Antispasmodics 167, 189
Anxiety 296
Aorta, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of 236
Apixaban 43, 44, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53
Apnea syndrome 6
Apneic oxygenation 1, 8, 9, 19, 30
Appendicectomy 132
Appetite 296
Arrhythmias, development of 290
Arterial blood
gas 258
sampling 255
Arterial cannulation 252
Arterial pressure waveform analysis 252
Arterial pulse pressure variation 252
Artery balloon inflation 236
Articaine 223
Artificial intelligence 1, 2, 5, 12
Asian sudden cardiac death 58
Astrocytes 192
Atelectotrauma 142
Atherosclerotic plaques 186
Atrial fibrillation 60, 62, 290
Atrial natriuretic peptide 101
Atrioventricular block 290
Atropine 325
Auditory verbal learning test 184
Auriculotemporal nerve 129
Automated cuff pressure regulator 12
Automated external defibrillator 283
Awakening and breathing controlled trial 172
Axillary blood vessels 119f
Axillary thoracotomy 115
Azithromycin 327
Bag valve mask 8
Barbiturates 167, 293
Barotrauma 142
Basic life support 281, 283
Beer-Lambert law 211
Behavioral pain scale 171
Benzodiazepines 167, 174, 189, 293
Benztropine 167
Beta-blockers 167
Betadine 90
Betrixaban 43, 46, 47, 53
Bhang 288
Bidirectional therapy 260
Biopsy 154
Bispectral index 204, 205
Black box data, use of 344
brain barrier 174, 186
loss, visual estimation of 230
pressure 8
urea nitrogen 170
mass index 251
tissues 152f
Brachial plexus block 128, 130
Bradycardia, severe 303
Brain 203
derived neurotrophic factor 193
intraoperative monitoring of 203
monitoring 203, 204, 205fc, 213, 214
peptide 60, 62
polypeptide 62
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 192
stem 206
Brainstem auditory evoked potential 205, 207
Branchial cyst, excision of 129
Breast 51
Breathlessness 160f
Bronchial tone 290
Bronchodilators 325
Bronchoscopy 51
Bullous emphysema 290
Bupivacaine 127, 220, 221, 223
Buprenorphine 327
Burst suppression ratio 204
Calcium 325
Canada Study of Health and Aging Frailty Index 37
Cancer 256
burden of 246
recurrence 303
exogenous 289
receptors 289, 290, 290t
Cannabis 288, 289, 294, 297
hyperemesis syndrome 295
indica 289
onset of effect of 292t
pharmacodynamics of 289
sativa 289
anesthetic concerns in 292
types of 289
withdrawal syndrome 295, 296t
Caprini score 308, 309, 310t
Carbamazepine 45
Carbon dioxide 267, 328
Carboplatin 249
Carboxyhemoglobin 290
Cardiac arrest 280
epidemiology of 281
Cardiac implantable electronic devices 90, 97
function of 69
intraoperative management of 69
Cardiac index 252, 254, 257
Cardiac medications 167
Cardiac output 83, 257
monitoring 253f
Cardiac resynchronization therapy 64
Cardiac surgery 111, 186, 215, 312, 313
association of 181
Cardiopulmonary bypass 182, 204
Cardiothoracic surgery
analgesia for 111
anesthesia for 111
surgical incisions for 114
Cardiovascular life support, advanced 80
Carotid endarterectomy 214
connector 131f
insertion 131f
Caudal analgesia 132, 134
Caudal block 132, 133f
Cell activation 186
Central anticholinergic effects 189
Central nervous system 167, 191, 293
effects 291
pathology 166
Central venous pressure 68, 107, 252
blood flow 207
monitoring 208
velocity 209
circulation 186
hypoxia 189
metabolism 204
microdialysis 213
oximeters 211
oxygenation 210, 211
monitoring of 210
perfusion pressure 211
state monitor 204
vasodilation 270
Cerebrospinal fluid 191
plexus block 129
spine limitation 6
surgery, anterior 129
Cesarean hysterectomy 229, 235
Charas 288
Charlson comorbidity index 185
Chemotherapeutic drug toxicities 245
Chemotherapy 249
intraperitoneal 260
movement 28
radiograph 63
wall 154
fascial blocks of 122
X-rays 63
Chills 296
Chloroprocaine 219, 220, 222, 223
Cholecystectomy 50, 132
Choledocoduodenostomy 132
Chemotherapy, regional heated 245
Chorionic villi invade myometrium 230
Chronic hyponatremia reverses cognitive dysfunction 190
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 37, 60, 267, 290
Circle of Willis 272
Cisplatin 249
Clamshell thoracotomy 114
Clarithromycin 45
Classical phenotype method 36
lip 129
palate 129
Clinical frailty scale 37
Clinical impairment assessment score 185
Clonidine 127, 173
Clotting time 239
Coagulation 258
parameters 253
Cognitive dysfunction 181, 182, 185, 187, 194
Cognitive impairment 170, 189
Colloids 325
Coma 6
Communication 353
Compartment syndrome 267
Complete apnea for tubeless technique 30
Comprehensive complication index 254
Computed tomography scan 2, 3, 63, 205, 358
Confusion 184
assessment method 168, 184
Consciousness, acute disturbance in 164
Consolidation 157
Continuous flow 79
output 83
Continuous infusion 127
Cords, posterior third of 26
Corneal injury 270
Coronary angiography 188, 285
Coronary artery
bypass graft 186
disease 60, 290
surgery 182
Coronary spasm 290
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 226, 282, 319, 323, 329
anesthesia leadership during 360
crisis 299
disease 328, 329
guidelines, development of 280
infection 281, 321, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329, 332
intensive care of 319
pandemic 14, 217, 226, 319, 351, 361
symptoms 324
Corticosteroids 189, 293
use 170
Cough, excessive 328
Cranial disease 270
Cranial nerve 204
monitoring 208
Craniopharyngiomas 207
Craniotomy, frontal 129
percutaneous 13
surgical 13
Critical-care pain observation tool 171
Crystalloids 325
Custom-built transnasal oxygen cannula 31f
Cystectomy 266, 309
Cystic artery 338
Cystic duct 338
Cytology 154
Cytoreductive surgery 245, 246, 257, 259, 261
anesthetic management of 245
Dabigatran 44, 45, 52, 53
etexilate mesylate 45
inhibits 43
Daily living, activities of 182
Deep vein thrombosis 48, 257, 308
prophylaxis 259
Delirium 163, 165, 165t, 167b, 174t, 177, 184, 189, 293
causes of 166t
chronic 166
management of 170
pathophysiology of 166
persistent 166
phenotypes 164
postoperative 182, 184, 185, 217
prevalence of 168
subsyndromal 165
tremens 166
Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol 289
Dementia 37
grading of 184t
Depressed mood 296
Destination therapy 82
Dexamethasone 127, 327
Dexmedetomidine 127, 173, 303
Diabetes mellitus 60
Diaphragm 143
Diazepam 327
Diclofenac 327
Difficult airway
assessment 5
management guidelines 5
Difficult Airway Society 9
Digitalis 167
Diltiazem 327
Dilute thrombin time 51
Dimenhydrinate 167
Direct brain tissue oxygen monitoring 210
Direct-acting oral anticoagulants 43, 44, 49, 48t, 49t, 51t, 52, 313
Docetaxel 250
Dopamine 167
antagonists 172
Dorsal rami 116
blocks 120
lateral cutaneous branch of 113f
medial cutaneous branch of 113f
Doxorubicin 249
Drugs 166, 167
interactions 293t
safety 345
Duke activity status index 66
Dutch prospective cohort study 59, 343
Dyselectrolytemia 245, 258
Dyspnea 328
Ear surgery 129
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 251
Edema, pulmonary 324
Edmonton frail scale 38
Edoxaban 43, 44, 46, 47, 52, 53
Ejection fraction 60, 63, 70
Electrocardiogram 63, 252
Electroencephalography 204, 205
Electrolyte disturbances 255
Electromagnetic interference 90
Electrophysiologic procedures 51
Electrophysiology monitoring 204
Embolism, pulmonary 43, 48, 62, 285, 308
Embolization 186, 236
Emergency transtracheal airway catheter 13
Emotional intelligence 353
End-diastolic velocity 209
End-expiratory pressure 8
Endocannabinoid system 288, 289
Endocrinopathy 166
Endoscope 13
Endoscopic sinus surgery 129
Endothelial glycocalyx 100, 101
Endothelial injury, biomarker of 192
Endotracheal tube 1, 10, 11, 71, 257, 326
placement, artificial intelligence-assisted 12
End-tidal carbon dioxide 8
Enhanced recovery after surgery 104, 112, 217, 225, 273, 300
Entropy 206
Epidemiology 281
Epidural catheter 131f
Epidural kit pediatric 131f
Epiglottis, laryngeal surface of 25f
Epinephrine 241, 284
Erector spinae 121f
muscle 113f, 121f
plane block 113f, 120, 122, 131f
Esophagectomy 103
European Registry of Cardiac Arrest 282
European Resuscitation Guidelines 280
European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry 58
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 286
Evoked potential monitoring 206
Exercise tolerance, measurement of 66
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 82
Extravascular lung water 159
Face recognition technology 2
hair 21
nerve 208
Factor Xa inhibitors 45
Fascia iliaca 135
Fascial plane 117f, 119f
blocks 125, 127
produce analgesia 116
Favipiravir 327
Fentanyl 127, 327
Fever 296
Fiberless videoendoscope 1
Flexible intubation video endoscope 13
Flexible nasal laryngoscopy 22f
Flow waveforms 94
administration 100, 102
choice of 105
management 100, 101, 103
therapy 245, 253
Fluoroquinolones 167
Focused transthoracic echocardiography 154
Food and Drug Administration 45, 81
Formal cardiopulmonary exercise testing 66
Fraction of inspired oxygen 148
Fractures 135
Frail scale 38
Frailty 3436, 40
assessment of 34, 35
index 36
Frank-Starling principle 88, 89
French-Language Society of Pediatric Anesthesia 136
Fresh frozen plasma 238, 258
Fried phenotype method 35
Front-of-neck airway access 2, 13
Functional residual capacity 250
G6PD deficiency 327
Gait speed 39
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 167, 188, 194
role of 194
theory 181, 194fc
Ganja 288
Gastric cancer 250
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 23
agents 167
anastomosis 247
bleeding 45
Geriatric depression score 184
Glial fibrillary acidic protein 205
Glidescope, development of 10
Global brain dysfunction 164
Glomerular filtration rate 275
Glycemic control 259
Goal-directed fluid therapy 107, 253, 254fc
Gosling index 209
Greater occipital nerve 129
Greater palatine nerve 129
Grip strength 35
Gynecological robotic laparoscopic surgery 265
H2-receptor antagonists 189
Haloperidol 172
Head and neck, surgery in 128
Headache 296
cervicogenic 129
Healthcare system 350
Hearing impairment 185
Heart failure 5760, 64fc, 70, 73, 80, 327
ambulant 58t
chronic 59
clinical presentation of 61
congestive 37, 65
diagnosis of 61, 62fc
end-stage 79
etiology of 72
evaluation for 61
hospitalizations 58
management of 63, 71
registry 58
Society of America 72
status of 72
with mid-range ejection fraction 60
with reduced ejection fraction 60
Heated chemotherapy infusion 253f
Heavy metals 166
fluctuations 245
instability 103
monitoring 252
Hemoglobin, deoxygenated 211
Hemorrhage, diffuse alveolar 290
Hemorrhoids 51
Heparin 325
unfractionated 312
Hernia 51
repair 266
Herniotomy 132
High clinical frailty score 185
High-flow nasal cannula 15
High-intensity signals 214
High-mobility group box-1 chromatin protein 191
High-quality chest compressions 284
Hip and knee arthroplasty 309
Hoarseness 21
Hormone replacement therapy 309
Human papilloma virus 23
Humidified oxygen 33
Hunsaker tube 29, 29f
Hydrocortisone 325, 327
Hydropneumothorax 160f
Hydroxychloroquine 327
Hydroxyzine 167
Hyoid bone 2
Hyperactive delirium 164
Hyperalgesia, opioids-induced 300
bupivacaine 127
prilocaine 219
Hypercapnia 9, 268, 269
Hypercarbia 9, 30, 71, 97, 265
Hyperchloremia 106
Hyperchloremic acidosis 106
Hyperglycemia 250, 255
transient 255
Hyperkalemia 9, 106, 285
Hyperlactatemia 250
Hypernatremia 185, 190
Hypertension 7, 37, 60, 166
pulmonary 9, 62
Hyperthermia 185, 255, 285
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy 245247, 254, 259
Hyperthermic thoracic chemotherapy 261
Hyperthermic thoracoabdominal chemotherapy 261
Hypoactive delirium 164
Hypocalcemia 250
Hypokalemia 285
Hypokinesia 324
Hypomagnesemia 250, 255
Hyponatremia 185, 255
Hypophysectomy, trans-sphenoidal 129
Hypotension 71, 166, 189
intraoperative 189
management of 93
Hypothermia 71, 97, 185, 190, 256, 285
Hypovolemia 189
neonatal 235
Hypoxemia 6, 7, 97, 265
Hypoxia 62, 71, 166, 285
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 8
Hysterectomy 50, 234
peripartum 230, 241
Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy 60
Iliacus muscle 135
Immunization 73
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators 64, 69, 79, 87
longitudinal extent of 122
site of 122
Inducible nitric oxide synthase 166
Infection 166
Inferior vena cava 252
Inflammation 166
Infraorbital nerve 129
Inhalational anesthetic agents 325
In-hospital cardiac arrest 282
Inner intercostal muscle 113f
Inotropes 100, 325
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 65
Intensive care
delirium screening checklist 168, 169
unit 3, 5, 163, 259
Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulation 81
Intercostal muscle 113f, 117f
Intercostal nerve blocks 112, 115
Internal oblique muscle 134, 135
Internal thoracic blood vessels 113f, 114
International congestive heart failure 58
International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 81
International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis 44
Interventricular septum 89
Intracranial biochemistry 213
monitoring 204
Intracranial hemodynamics 204
Intracranial pressure 8, 205, 211, 265, 270, 271
monitoring 211
Intracranial procedure 208
Intralipid 325
Intraocular pressure 265, 270
Intraoperative fluid management 106
Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy 245, 257, 261
Intrapleural pressure 145
Intrathoracic pressure 107, 270
Intravenous technique 25
box 14
esophageal 337
Invasive neurosurgical procedures 309
Irinotecan 250
Irritability 296
Ischemic heart disease 65
Isobaric bupivacaine 127
Ivermectin 327
Jet ventilation 19, 27
Jugular venous
oximetry 210
pressure 62
Ketamine 295
metabolism of 327
sequence intubation 9
Ketoconazole 45
Ketorolac 327
disease, chronic 160f
dysfunction 327
injury, acute 105, 250, 259
Knee arthroscopy 219
Lambert laws 211
Laminectomy 52
nephrectomy 274, 275
varicocelectomy 266
Laparoscopy 321
Large intra-abdominal mass 271
mask airways 12
nerve, recurrent 208
pathology 23
surgery 19
Larynx 20
Laser surgery 24
Lateral cutaneous branch
anterior division of 113f
block techniques 117
posterior division of 113f
Latissimus dorsi muscle 112, 113f, 118f
development methods 355
fundamental principles of 353
Left ventricular
assist device 79, 80
dysfunction, categorization of 60t
Levobupivacaine 127, 221, 223
Lidocaine 220, 223
Lignocaine 220, 221, 327
Lithium 167
Liver dysfunction 250
Local anesthetics 127t, 218
agents 325
distribution of 125
Local infiltration analgesia 128
Low molecular weight heparin 48, 49, 312
Low-cost interventions 343
Lower limb
blocks 127
surgery 134
Lower lip surgery 129
Low-flow oxygen 30
Low-lying placenta 229
Lumbar epidural anesthesia 225
Lung 154
fluid-like behavior of 145
injury 102, 142, 146, 147
acute 102
causes of 146
following thoracic surgery 102
parenchyma, ultrasound appearance of 156f
sliding sign 151, 155
ultrasonography 150, 153, 159
volume 147
Lymph node 129
dissection 309
M mode ultrasonography 160f
Macrolides 327
Magnetic resonance imaging 2, 3, 63, 205
Major adverse cardiac event 57, 65
Major neurocognitive disorder 183
Major vascular procedures 309
Mallampati classification 3, 21
Mallampati score 6
Manual aortic compression 236
Manual jet ventilation 27
Massive blood loss 238
Massive transfusion protocol 238
Matrix metallopeptidase 205
Mean arterial pressure 211, 238, 257, 258, 269, 286
Mean flow velocity 209
Mechanical circulatory support 64, 79, 80
Mediastinal mass lesion, anterior 159f
Medical emergency team 284
Medical leadership competency framework 355
Melker surgical cricothyrotomy set 13, 14
Mental fatigue 330
Meperidine 189
Mepivacaine 223
Mesotheliomas 246
Metabolic acidosis, severe 7
Methadone 327
Methotrexate 236
Methyldopa 167
Metoclopramide 189
Microlaryngeal tube 26f
Micro-transducer invasive techniques 212
Microtubule inhibitor 250
Midazolam 327
Middle cerebral artery 209
Midline dermoid excision 129
Mid-thoracic wall, cross-section of 113f
Migraine 129
Mild neurocognitive disorder 183
Mini-mental state examination 184
Mitomycin C 249
Modern classification system 72
Modified frailty index 36
Modified rapid-sequence intubation 9
Monitored anesthesia care 15, 359
Morbidly adherent placenta 230
Morphine 127, 327
Motor cortex 207
Motor evoked potential 207, 208
Multiple neuropsychological testing 183
Multiple trauma 309
Multisystem disease 57, 59
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome 324
external intercostal 113f
relaxants 294
Myelosuppression, pulmonary toxicity 250
Myocardial infarction 37, 115
Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery 69, 70
management of 70fc
Myocardium 96
Myosin targets 72
Naltrexone 327
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 289
Nasal septal surgery 129
Nausea, postoperative 217, 220, 224, 227, 302
National Center for Healthcare Leadership's Health Leadership Competency 355
Near-infrared spectroscopy 210, 214
dissection 51
masses 21
soft tissue, anterior 4
X-ray 2
Necrotizing bronchiolitis 290
Needle cricothyrotomy 13
Nephrectomy 265, 266
partial 266, 275
Nephropexy 266
Nephrotoxic drugs 327
block kit 135f
injury 253
positioning 270
Neural tissue 192
Neuroinflammation 191, 193fc
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 173
Neurologic surgery 312, 314
Neuromuscular blocker 8
Neuronal apoptosis 192
Neuropsychiatric syndrome 163
Neurosurgery 51
Neurotoxic effects 189
Neurotransmitters 167
New York Heart Association 60
Nitroprusside 71
Nitrous oxide 24
Nociceptive stimuli 114
Nomenclature 182
Noncardiac disorders 62
Noncardiac surgery 57, 58
perioperative management for 64
procedures 79, 81
Noninvasive blood pressure 252
cuff and pulse oximetry 89
Noninvasive cardiac output monitoring 269
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 2, 8
Noninvasive techniques 212
Nonrebreather mask 8
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 167, 253, 325
Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation 43, 48
Norepinephrine 71, 167
Nosocomial infections, prevention of 161
Nursing delirium screen scale 184
Nutrition 259
Nutritional assessment 251
Obesity 60, 315
anesthesia 229
hemorrhage, management of 238
management 233
Occipital neuralgia 129
Off-pump coronary artery bypass graft 186
Olanzapine 173
Oliguria 105
Omeprazole 327
Ommaya reservoir placement 129
Oncologic procedures 309
Ondansetron 327
On-pump coronary artery bypass graft 186
Open cardiac surgery 51
extensive abdominal 271
theater 325t
drug safety in 345
equipment for 325b
Opioids 111, 224, 293, 295, 299, 300, 303, 325, 327
Optic nerve 207
sheath diameter 212
Optiflow high-flow humidified oxygen delivery system 31f
Oral absorption 45
Oral contraceptives 309
Orchidopexy 132
procedures 313
surgery 215, 311, 313
Orthopnea 328
Orthotopic liver transplant surgery 214
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 282
Ovarian 250
cancer 250
Oxaliplatin 249
Oxidative stress 191, 192, 193fc
Oxycodone 327
delivery 256
humidification unit 31f
partial pressure of 143
saturation 8
measurement of 210
P wave 137
Packed red blood cells 238
Paclitaxel 250
abdominal 296
chronic 112
management 97, 253
perioperative 295
related cognitive dysfunction 190
surgical 301
Pan endoscopy 25
Pandemic on anesthesia personnel, effect of 330
Paracetamol 253, 325
Paralysis 144
Parapneumonic effusion 159f
Parathyroid 214
Parkinson disease 173
Partial thromboplastin time 88
Patient state index 204, 206
Peak systolic velocity 209
Pecto-intercostal plane block 113f, 117f
Pectoral nerve block 132
target plane 113f
Pectoralis major 113f, 117f, 119f
muscles 114
Pectoralis minor 113f, 119f
muscles 119f
life support 281
neurosurgical and craniofacial procedures, regional anesthesia for 129t
regional anesthesia network 136
Pericardial disease 62
Pericardial tamponade 285
Perioperative acute heart failure and hypotension 70
Perioperative neurocognitive disorder 182, 186
Perioperative neurological dysfunction 181, 183t, 189
Perioperative venous thromboembolism 308
prevention 307
Peripheral nerve 206, 207
blocks 126, 154, 225, 328
Peripheral vascular disease 37
Peripheral vision 330
Peritoneal carcinomatosis index 248f
Peritoneal surface
malignancies 245
oncology group international criteria 247, 248b
Persistent postoperative opioid use 300
Persistent post-thoracotomy pain 112
Personal protective equipment 281, 320, 322
Pertrach emergency cricothyrotomy kit 13
P-glycoprotein inhibition 53
Pharmacokinetics 47t, 291
Pharmacoprophylaxis 314
Phenothiazine-type antiemetics 189
Phenylephrine 241
Pheochromocytoma, extra-adrenal 266
Physical frailty phenotype 35
Physiotherapy 259
Phytocannabinoids 288
Piezoelectric crystal arrangement 152
accreta 237
spectrum disorders 229, 230
vera 230
increta 230
percreta 230
previa 229, 233, 241
Plant alkaloid 250
Plateau pressure 145
Platelet function analysis 88
Platinum analogs 249
Pleura, ultrasound appearance of 156f
Pleural effusion 157, 324
Pleural fluid aspiration 154
Pleural pressure 143
Pneumonectomy 102
Pneumonia 37, 324
bacterial 159f
Pneumoperitoneum 265, 267, 268, 321
Pneumothorax 151, 158, 160f
testing 88
ultrasound 285
Polyneuropathy 250
Polypectomy 51
Polyurethane 126
Polyvinylchloride 14
Positive end-expiratory pressure 144
Postanesthesia care unit 224, 273
Postdural puncture headache 219
Posterior fossa surgery 129
Post-intensive care syndrome 177
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction 182, 183, 184t, 188
Post-resuscitation care 281, 286
Potassium 325
Pourcelot index 209
Povidone iodine 90
Powered air-purifying respirator 322
Pre-existing neurocognitive disorder 182
Pregnancy 309
Prehabilitation 251
Premature birth 309
Preoperative fine nasal fiberoptic endoscopic examination 22
Preoxygenation 6, 326
Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy 260
Prilocaine 220, 222, 223
Propofol 174, 293, 327
Prostate, transurethral resection of 312
complex concentrate 239
time 45, 51, 88, 238, 256
Proximal humerus surgeries 128
Proxy paravertebral blocks 120
targets for 113f
Pruritus 217
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 246, 250
Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring 252
Pulsatility index 87, 209
index 92, 95
pressure variation 68
flow 92, 93, 95
output 87
power 92, 93, 95
speed 92, 93, 95
Pyeloplasty 266
QRS complex 137
Quantitative methods 238
Quetiapine 173
Quinolones 327
Racemic ketamine 127
cystectomy 265, 266
prostatectomy 265, 266, 309
Raised intracranial pressure 9
Randomized controlled trial 177, 186
Ranitidine 327
Rapid-sequence induction intubation 8, 326
Ravussin cannula 30
Reconstructive procedures 310t
Regional wall motion abnormalities 324
Remdesivir 327
Remote robot-assisted intubation system 16
Renal failure 53, 62
Renal injury 275
Renal pelvis 266
index 209
syringe, loss of 131f
Respiratory failure 170
Respiratory system 258
Restrictive fluid management 105
Resuscitation 80, 319, 325, 329, 356
drugs 325
cardiopulmonary 280, 330
Retrolaminar block 113f, 120, 121f
Retroperitoneal surgery 134
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 323
Revised cardiac risk index 65, 65t
Rhabdomyolysis 267
Rhomboid intercostal sub-serratus plane block 119
Rhomboid major 121f
muscle 113f
Richmond agitation sedation scale 168
Rifampicin 45
Right ventricular
dilatation 324
dysfunction 71
failure 7
Rigid bronchoscopy 32
Ringer's lactate solution 105
Risperidone 173
Rivaroxaban 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 65
assisted partial nephrectomy 275
assisted radical
cystectomy 273
prostatectomy 271
endoscope 16
intubation 16
laparoscopic surgery 266
partial nephrectomy 275
radical prostatectomy 265
urological surgeries 265, 267, 271, 276
Ropivacaine 127, 220, 222, 223
Rotational thromboelastometry 88, 238, 239
ROTEM-guided goal directed therapy 239fc
Sacral cornu 133f
Sacrococcygeal ligament 133f
Sarcopenia 39
nevus excision 129
temporoparietal incision of 129
Scopolamine 167
daily interruption of 172
lesser use of 144
protocols 172
scoring 172
Seldinger's technique 210
Sensory impairment 185
Sepsis 8, 166, 285
Serotonin 167
Serratus anterior muscle 112, 117, 119f
Serratus anterior plane block 120
ultrasound image for 118f
Severe acute respiratory
disease syndrome 142
syndrome coronavirus 2 323
Severe local anesthetic systemic toxicity 136
Severe obstructive sleep apnea 3
Sevoflurane 327
Shock 69
critical cardiogenic 82
hypovolemic 271
Shoulder 128
Sickle cell disease 271
Simulators, use of 344
Skeletal muscle relaxants 167, 189
Skin surface surgeries 51
Sleep apnea 62
Sliding sign 155
Small renal masses 275
Society of Critical Care Medicine 168
Sodium bicarbonate 325
Somatosensory evoked potential 207
Spinal anesthesia 127, 136, 217219, 224226
Spinal cord 206
Spontaneous breathing 143145
effect of 142
mechanism of 143
trial 172
Spontaneous respiration 142, 146
induced lung injury, management of 147
Starling's mechanism 91
Starling's principle 101
Steep head-down tilt 265, 266
Stem cell therapy 72
Sternomastoid tumors 129
Sternum 113f
Steroids 167
surgical 186
ulcer prophylaxis 259
prevention 48
volume 257
variation 68, 252, 254
Subtransverse process interligamentary block 113f, 121
Sufentanil 127, 327
Sugarbaker peritoneal carcinomatosis/cancer index 248
Superficial anterior cutaneous branch block 113f
Superficial cervical plexus 129
Superficial lateral cutaneous branch block, target plane for 113f
Superficial serratus anterior plane block 113f
Superior costotransverse ligament 114
Supraclavicular nerves 114
Supraglottic airway device 1, 9, 12
Supraglottic jet ventilation 28
Supraorbital nerve 129
Supratrochlear nerve 129
Surgery 181, 195
abdominal 132
ambulatory 217, 218, 225, 226
anesthesia for 19, 20
esophageal 214
general 311, 312
timing of 321
Surgical airway, newer devices in 13t
Sweating 296
Swedish dementia quality registry 188
Synaptic network breakdown 192
Systemic inflammatory response 186
Systemic vascular resistance 252
Tachycardia 293
Tandem mass spectrometry 51
management 256
regulation 291
Tension pneumothorax 285
Teres major 118f
Tetrafluoroethylene 14
Thermal chemotherapy 253
Thiamine 166
Third-generation continuous flow centrifugal pump 84f
anesthesia 101
fluid management for 100
analgesia 114
anesthesia 115
paravertebral block 115, 120
spinal nerves, ventral rami of 112
surgeons 81
surgery 105, 111, 130
fluid in 100
ultrasonography 150, 153f
evolution of 153
Thoracoscopic surgery 132
Thoracotomy 131, 132
anterolateral 114
bilateral anterolateral 114
incision 114
Three-dimensional CT scan 3
Thrombectomy, pulmonary 285
Thrombin time 51
Thromboelastography 88, 238, 256
Thromboembolic disease 267
Thromboembolism 285
prevention of 48
Thrombolysis 285
Thrombophilia 315
Thyroglossal cyst 129
Thyroid 166, 214
surgery 129
Tilburg frailty indicator 35, 38
Timed up-and-go test 39
measurements 4
volume 4
Tonometry 212
Topoisomerase inhibitor 250
Total hip replacement 313
Total intravenous anesthesia 19, 252
techniques 25
Total joint replacement 313
Toxemia 309
Toxins 166
Trachea 20
Tracheal deviation 21
Tracheal intubation 1
laryngeal imaging for 16
Tracheostomy 23, 32
percutaneous dilatational 14
Tracoe smart cuff managerTM monitors 12
Tramadol 327
Transabdominal plane block 132
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement 115
Transcranial Doppler 209, 213
basic principle of 209
Transesophageal echocardiography 252, 275
Transglottic jet ventilation 28
Transient ischemic attack 37
Transnasal humidified rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange 9, 31
Transpulmonary pressure 143, 145, 345
Transthoracic echocardiogram 92
Transtracheal jet ventilation 30
Transverse abdominis plane 253
Transversospinalis muscle 114
Transversus abdominis muscle 134
Transversus thoracic muscle 113f
Transversus thoracis plane block 113f, 117
Trapezius 113f
Trauma 285, 356
surgery 312, 314
Traumatic brain injury 8
Tremors 296
Tricyclic antidepressants 167, 293, 296
Trihexyphenidyl 167
Triple P procedure 235
Tubeless anesthesia 19, 20, 26
Tumorigenicity, soluble suppression of 72
Tuohy needle 131f
Tympanic membrane displacement 212
Tympanomastoid surgery 129
Ultrasonography 2, 3, 151, 157, 232
display of 152f
Ultrasound 126
examination 154
brachial plexus block 130
fascial plane blocks 115
interventions 154
nerve blocks 111, 122
thoracic interventions 162
probe 161
technique 154
transducer 152
Upper limb
blocks 127
surgeries 128
Ureter percutaneous stone retrieval 266
Ureteric reimplantation surgery 134
Urinary catheterization 252
Urine output 100, 254, 255
Urologic surgery 52, 311, 312
Urological laparoscopic surgery 266
Uterus 233
Uvular edema 290
Valvular heart disease 60
Vascular surgery 51, 214
Vasoactive drugs 241
Vasodilators 325
Vasopressors 100, 325
Venous ophthalmo-dynamometry 212
Venous thromboembolism 43, 49, 307, 328
Caprini risk assessment model for 310t
Ventilation 203
failure, complete 9, 10
strategies 26
Ventilator-associated pneumonia 11, 14
Ventrain device 15
Ventral rami 116
anterior cutaneous branch of 113f, 116
blocks 120
lateral cutaneous branch of 113f, 116
Ventricular assist device 98
Ventricular tachycardia 290
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 129
Verapamil 45
Vertebral body 113f
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 104
Videolaryngoscope 1, 2, 10
classification of 11fc
Visual acuity 330
Visual evoked potential 207
Visual impairment 185
Vital signs, monitoring of 125
B12 166
K antagonist 43, 44, 48t, 49
Vocal cord, midpoint of 4
Vomiting, postoperative 217, 220, 224, 227, 302
Warfarin 293, 327
Weight loss 296
World Health Organization 299
X-ray 2
Chapter Notes

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Yearbook of Anesthesiology 11 2022
Indian College of Anaesthesiologists Board of Trustees
  1. Dr VP Kumra, New Delhi, India
  2. Dr Manorama Mittal, New Delhi, India
  3. Dr B Radhakrishnan, Kerala, India
  4. Dr Jayashree Sood, New Delhi, India
  5. Dr LD Mishra, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  6. Dr Vijay Vohra, New Delhi, India
  7. Dr Roshan Lal Garg, New Delhi, India
  8. Dr Surinder Mohan Sharma, New Delhi, India
  9. Dr Bimla Sharma, New Delhi, India
  10. Dr Pradeep Jain, New Delhi, India
  11. Dr SK Malhotra, Chandigarh, India
  12. Dr Raminder Sehgal, New Delhi, India
  13. Dr Muralidhar Kanchi, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  14. Dr Sunila Sharma, New Delhi, India
  15. Dr Kumar Belani, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  16. Dr Sunanda Gupta, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Yearbook of Anesthesiology 11 2022
Editors Mukul Chandra Kapoor Director Anesthesia Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India Dean Academics, Indian College of Cardiac Anesthesia Scientific Director, Indian Resuscitation Council Ex-Professor and Senior Adviser Anesthesiology and Cardiac Anesthesiology Armed Forces Medical Services New Delhi, India Baljit Singh Professor and Head, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana CEO Indian College of Anaesthesiologists Ex-Professor Anesthesiology GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi, India
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Yearbook of Anesthesiology 11 2022
First Edition: 2022
Printed at
  • Abhini Prabhakar
  • Senior Resident
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Critical Care and Pain
  • Tata Memorial Hospital
  • Homi Bhabha National Institute
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Achal Dhir
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
  • Schulich School of Medicine
  • London, Ontario, Canada
  • Achirabha
  • Senior Registrar
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Perioperative Medicine and Pain
  • Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals
  • Limited
  • Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Agya Prempeh
  • Clinical Fellow
  • Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
  • Schulich School of Medicine
  • London, Ontario, Canada
  • Anju Grewal
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Dayanand Medical College
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Asha Tyagi
  • Director Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • UCMS & GTB Hospital
  • New Delhi, India
  • Aveek Jayant
  • Clinical Professor of Cardiac
  • Anesthesiology
  • Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences
  • and Research Centre
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
  • Kochi, Kerala, India
  • Baljit Singh
  • Professor and Head
  • Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana
  • CEO Indian College of Anaesthesiologists
  • Ex-Professor Anesthesiology
  • GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi, India
  • Bernd W Böttiger
  • Professor and HOD
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
  • University Hospital of Cologne
  • Koln, Germany
  • C David Mazer
  • Professor
  • Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care
  • Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael's Hospital
  • Institute of Medical Sciences and Departments of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, and Physiology, University of Toronto
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Deep Arora
  • Director
  • Department Anesthesia
  • Max Smart Hospital
  • New Delhi, India
  • Devjit Srivastava
  • Consultant Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
  • Raigmore Hospital, NHS Highland, Inverness, Scotland and Member Professional
  • Standards Committee
  • Faculty of Pain Medicine
  • Royal College of Anaesthetists
  • London, UK
  • Fabio de V Papa
  • Clinical Fellow
  • Department of Anesthesia
  • Unity Health Toronto - St. Michael's Hospital
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Hemant Bhagat
  • Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  • Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
  • Chandigarh, India
  • Jyotindu Debnath
  • Consultant
  • Professor and Head (Radiodiagnosis)
  • Army Hospital (R&R)
  • Delhi Cantt, India
  • Kirandeep Sandhu
  • Senior Consultant
  • Anesthesiology
  • Wockhardt Hospitals
  • Nashik, Maharashtra, India
  • Krishna Kumar M
  • Classified Specialist
  • (Anesthesiology and Intensive Care)
  • and Assistant Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Command Hospital (EC)
  • Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Manazir Athar
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • J.N. Medical College
  • Aligarh Muslim University
  • Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Manisha Mehta Kumar
  • Consultant Anesthetics and College Tutor
  • Department of Anesthetics
  • NHS Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
  • Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Marc Stone
  • Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Perioperative and Pain Medicine
  • Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • New York City, New York, USA
  • Mukul Chandra Kapoor
  • Director Anesthesia
  • Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital
  • New Delhi, India
  • Dean Academics
  • Indian College of Cardiac
  • Anesthesia
  • Scientific Director, Indian
  • Resuscitation Council
  • Ex-Professor and Senior Adviser
  • Anesthesiology and Cardiac Anesthesiology
  • Armed Forces Medical Services
  • New Delhi, India
  • Nadine Rott
  • Quality Management and Projects
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
  • University Hospital of Cologne
  • Koln, Germany
  • Nidhi Bhatia
  • Additional Professor
  • Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  • Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
  • Chandigarh, India
  • Nikahat Jahan
  • Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Armed Forces Medical College
  • Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Peter Slinger
  • Professor Anesthesia
  • Chair, CPD Committee
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Director, Continuing Education
  • Department of Anesthesia
  • University Health Network -
  • Toronto General Hospital
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Rakhee Goyal
  • Lead Consultant Anesthesia
  • Madhukar Rainbow Hospital
  • New Delhi, India
  • Rangraj Setlur
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Armed Forces Medical College
  • Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Reshma Tewari
  • Chief, Department of Critical Care
  • Artemis Hospital
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Sandhya Yaddanapudi
  • Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  • Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
  • Chandigarh, India
  • Sarah McDonald
  • Staff Anesthetist
  • University Health Network - Toronto General Hospital
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Saurabh Kumar Das
  • Senior Consultant
  • Department of Critical Care
  • Artemis Hospital
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Seema Brar
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology
  • Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Assistant Attending
  • Anesthesiologist
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • New York City, New York, USA
  • Shalini Dhir
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
  • Schulich School of Medicine
  • London, Ontario, Canada
  • Shalvi Mahajan
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  • Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
  • Chandigarh, India
  • Shibani Das
  • Director
  • Department Anesthesia
  • Max Smart Hospital
  • New Delhi, India
  • Sohan Lal Solanki
  • Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Tata Memorial Hospital
  • Homi Bhabha National Institute
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Syed Moied Ahmed
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Aligarh Muslim University
  • Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Tanmoy Das
  • Senior Consultant and Head
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Perioperative Medicine and Pain
  • Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals
  • Limited
  • Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Tripiti Sinha
  • Consultant Anesthesia
  • Madhukar Rainbow Hospital
  • New Delhi, India
  • Usha Shenoy
  • Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Jubilee Mission Medical
  • College and Research Institute
  • Thrissur, Kerala, India
  • Vahid Kiarad
  • Clinical Fellow in Cardiothoracic
  • Anesthesiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • New York City, New York, USA
  • Vandna Arora
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Pt. BD Sharma Post Graduate
  • Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Rohtak, Haryana, India
  • Vinod Malhotra
  • Professor of Clinical
  • Anesthesiology
  • Professor of Anesthesiology in
  • Clinical Urology
  • Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Senior Executive Advisor
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Medical Director of David H Koch Center
  • New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • New York City, New York, USA
  • Vivek Sharma
  • Professor
  • Department of Radiology
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth
  • Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Wolfgang A Wetsch
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
  • University Hospital of Cologne
  • Koln, Germany
Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (ICA) was established as an academic entity in India to promote the revival of anesthesia education, install best global practices in the conduct of anesthesia, and encourage sub-specialty education. The Yearbook of Anesthesiology (YBA), published each year, is steadily meeting the college requirements to bring in equity of distribution of knowledge gained each year worldwide.
The college is happy that YBA is accepted well amongst all practitioners and postgraduates as a compendium of anesthesia developments. Like in the past, a serious effort is shown in selecting topics of international importance, reviewing the contents multiple times, and presenting it in the most readable format to attract all and widen the knowledge and skill.
ICA congratulates the Editors and Contributors to this eleventh yearbook and wishes you all an excellent career forward.
B Radhakrishnan
Indian College of Anaesthesiologists
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
“Knowledge is Power. Knowledge shared is Power multiplied.”
—Robert Boyce
The ‘Indian College of Anaesthesiologists’ completed a decade of sharing knowledge with fellow Anesthesiologists and students of Anesthesiology and Critical Care with the publication of the last issue of the ‘Yearbook of Anesthesiology.’ The last decade saw the emergence of this yearbook as a credible, popular, and much sought-after book for updating knowledge. The reader base of the book has seen a steady rise with each edition.
After a long, successful, and illustrious inning as editors of this popular book, Dr Raminder Saigal and Dr Anjan Trikha decided to hand over the editorial reins to a new editorial team. We express our gratitude to the management team of the ‘Indian College of Anaesthesiologists’ for believing in us and bestowing the responsibility of the book on us. The new team has made efforts to publish articles penned by pioneers and forerunners in various subspecialties of Anesthesiology. We hope to meet the high expectations of our readers.
Knowledge in the field of healthcare is dynamic. There is constant evolution in therapy, assessment, monitoring, and patient management modes to improve patient outcomes. For success in the field of medicine, there is a continual need to upgrade knowledge. Knowledge and technology in Anesthesiology and Critical Care are advancing at an incredible pace. It is challenging to keep pace with this progress. One needs to aggregate information from multiple journals, books, and online resources. This yearbook assimilates a large amount of data and facilitates the availability of this advanced knowledge in a precise manner.
The days of ‘Jack of All and Master of None’ are over. Today, the knowledge pool is exceptionally vast. We needed to identify Masters in different subject fields to bring forth the best and most credible learning. We are incredibly grateful to many internationally acclaimed academic leaders and authors for accepting to contribute to this edition of the book. The knowledge presented is diverse and covers recent developments in various subjects.
Online education has changed the spectrum of teaching and dissemination of knowledge. The easy sourcing of information is weaning professionals away from standard printed literature. The emergence of COVID and the consequent lockdown promoted this online sourcing of knowledge. Several start-up companies, run by young Turks, are offering professional teaching aids with easy access. The benefits of this web-based information are, however, not absolute. A significant shortcoming of this model is the absence of an expert to moderate and correctly present this plethora of knowledge. The knowledge offered by this media is usually fragmented and not comprehensive. Only an expert in a field can cover a subject comprehensively and succinctly. The success ‘mantra’ of the successive editions of the yearbook possibly lies in the comprehension of the book's chapters by experts.
We want to express our extreme gratitude to our respective families. They graciously sacrificed their family time to facilitate this book edition. They believe that we can enhance professional competence by sharing knowledge, and family commitments should not be stumbling blocks. We acknowledge the role of our colleagues who helped us in this endeavor. Lastly, we would fail in our duty if we do not express our gratitude to our patients, who are our most valuable teachers.
Mukul Chandra Kapoor
Baljit Singh