Angoff method (see Standard setting)
Assessment tools
mini-clinical evaluation exercise (see Mini-clinical evaluation exercise) 117–125, 185–186, 188–189, 225
written assessment (see Written assessment) 32
assessment versus evaluation 2
attributes of good assessment 6
COLE framework 16
criterion-referenced versus norm-referenced 5
difference between assessment of learning and assessment for learning 234
end of training 288
formative (see Assessment for learning) 236
in-training 288
measurement versus assessment 2
purposes of 3
reducing assessment stress 15
test versus tool 3
triangulation of data 267
types 3
COLE framework 16
direct observation of field skills 225
directly observed procedural skills 225
family study assessment 225
logbook 225
mini-CEX 225
objective structured clinical examination 225
observation by community stakeholders 225
Competency frameworks 19
core competencies 19
definition 206
dreyfus and dreyfus model 207
five-star doctor 19
indian Medical Graduate (IMG) 19
ideal doctor 19
milestones 208
roles of Indian Medical Graduate 19
sub-competencies 207
construct formulation 353
Constructivism 267
Cronbach's alpha (See Reliability)
Educational feedback (see Feedback to students)
Educational system 236
attributes 166
autonomy 166
beneficence 166
dignity 166
justice 166
non-maleficience 166
difference between professionalism and ethics 166
Evaluation 2
formal approaches 367
informal approaches 367
transfer-oriented training 368
workplace-based assessment (WPBA) 199
Feasibility of assessment 14
immediate feedback assessment technique 337
feedback sandwich 335
PCP model 335
Pendleton model 335
reflective model 336
SET-GO model 336
STAR model 336
stop-start-continue model 336
Kuder Richardson formula (see Item analysis) 315
strengths 122
Objectification 357
admission OSCE 111
computer assisted OSCE (CA-OSCE) 110
group OSCE (GOSCE) 109
key features 93
multiple mini-interview (see Multiple mini-interview) 111
objectivity 107
reliability 108
remote OSCE (ReOSCE) 110
telemedicine OSCE (TeleOSCE) 110
rest station 97
Observable practice activities (OPA) 210
automation 298
consortia 306
open-book exams 305
plagiarism 305
sharing resources 306
skill labs 306
for creating distributing and grading assessment 373
for online collaboration 379
to create rubrics 381
Reflections (see Reflective practice)
Reflective practice
models 155
computer-based objective forms 45
key feature test 44
matching questions 42
multiple choice questions 40
multiple response questions 40
ranking questions 41
true-false questions 40
Self-directed learning 266
Specific learning objectives 210
compensatory standards 324
conjunctive standards 324
MCQs 62
angoff method 326
hofstee method 327
relative method 325
need 323
workplace-based assessment (WPBA) 184
Web resources for assessment (see Online resources for assessment)
difference from traditional assessment 180
faculty development 199
feedback, 181
practice, 181
tasks 180
role of trainee, 197
standard setting 184
strengths 182
assessment of performance, 194
LEADER case-based discussion (LEADER CbD) 195
safeguarding case-based discussion 196
supervised learning events 194
weaknesses 182