Principles of Assessment in Medical Education Tejinder Singh, Anshu
360° Assessment (see Multisource feedback)
Admission procedures 248251
Medical College Aptitude Test (MCAT) 249251
multiple mini-interviews (MMI) 249, 251
National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) 252255, 257
UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) 249250
AETCOM 69, 174175, 290
Angoff method (see Standard setting)
Assessment tools
acute care assessment tool (ACAT) 126, 194195
direct observation-based assessment of clinical skills 114137
directly observed procedural skills (DOPS) 125126, 185186, 189, 225
ethics (see Ethics) 169171
long case (see long case) 8390
mini-clinical evaluation exercise (see Mini-clinical evaluation exercise) 117125, 185186, 188189, 225
mini-peer assessment tool (mini-PAT) 128129, 185186, 193
multiple choice questions (see Multiple choice questions) 4764
multiple mini-interview (MMI) 111, 143147, 249251
multisource feedback (360° assessment) 127129, 170171, 185186, 192193
objective structured clinical examination (see Objective Structured Clinical Examination) 91113
objective structured long examination record (OSLER) 87, 129130
online assessment (see Online resources for assessment) 300301, 371383
oral examination (see Oral examination) 138148
patient management problem 301303
portfolios (see Portfolios) 151164
professionalism (see Assessment of Professionalism) 169171
selection type questions (See Selection type questions) 3946
structured oral examination 142143, 144146
team assessment of behavior (TAB) 129, 185186, 193194
viva voce (see also Oral examination) 138148
workplace-based assessment (WPBA) (see also Workplace-based assessment tools) 184196
written assessment (see Written assessment) 32
assessment as learning 20, 2628, 263
assessment for learning (see Assessment for learning) 20, 25, 28, 233246, 263, 266
assessment of learning 2025, 234, 263
assessment versus evaluation 2
attributes of good assessment 6
basic concepts 117
clinical competence 1829, 84, 117, 120, 179, 275, 301, 353, 359
community-based (see Community-based assessment) 221232
competency-based (see Competency-based assessment) 206220
COLE framework 16
criterion-referenced versus norm-referenced 5
difference between assessment of learning and assessment for learning 234
end of training 288
ethics 165177
expert judgment 28, 122, 262, 267, 357, 359
for selection (see Admission procedures) 247260
formative (see Assessment for learning) 236
in-training 288
measurement versus assessment 2
objective 352353, 357
objective versus subjective 359361
online (see Online assessment) 296307
professionalism (see Professionalism) 165177
programmatic (see Programmatic assessment) 243244, 261277
purposes of 3
reducing assessment stress 15
subjective (See Subjective expert judgment) 353, 357
summative assessment limitations 234235, 279280
summative versus formative 36
test versus tool 3
triangulation of data 267
types 3
utility 15, 262
Vleuten's formula 15, 2324, 262263 (see also Utility of assessment)
workplace-based assessment (WPBA) (see Workplace-based assessment) 178205
written 3039
Assessment as learning 5, 20, 26, 263, 297
Assessment for learning 20, 25, 28, 233246, 263, 266
attributes 237240
cycle 236
effect size of feedback 235
faculty development for 242245
methods 240241
strengths 235
SWOT analysis 242
Assessment of learning 2025, 234, 263
Bloom's levels 33
taxonomy 33
MCQ writing 5658
Blueprinting 24
OSCE 101102, 117
question paper setting 7172
Checklists versus global ratings 358359
Clinical competence 18
newble's model 31
COLE framework 16
Community-based assessment 221232
4R model 223226
clinical axis 223224
evidence axis 223224
personal axis 223224
social axis 223224
methods 224226
direct observation of field skills 225
direct observation of professional skills 225, 230231
directly observed procedural skills 225
family study assessment 225
logbook 225
mini-CEX 225
multisource feedback 225, 231
objective structured clinical examination 225
observation by community stakeholders 225
portfolios 225, 226
project assessment 225, 229230
reflective writing 225, 228229
assessment 228229
rubrics 228229
self-assessment of professional skills 225, 227
Paul Worley's framework 223226
principles 222223
Community-oriented medical education 221223
Competency frameworks 19
Competency-based assessment 206220
design 212216
prerequisites 210
principles 210212
Competency-based medical education (CBME) 206, 264
assessment, competency-based 206220
core competencies 19
definition 206
dreyfus and dreyfus model 207
ACGME competencies 19, 207
CanMEDs competencies 19, 207
five-star doctor 19
General Medical Council competencies 19, 207
indian Medical Graduate (IMG) 19
medical Council of India 19, 207
tomorrow's doctors 19, 207
ideal doctor 19
milestones 208
roles of Indian Medical Graduate 19
sub-competencies 207
Construct 9, 353
construct formulation 353
construct irrelevance variance 10, 353
construct underrepresentation 9, 353
Constructivism 267
Contrasting groups method (see Standard setting) 326327
Cronbach's alpha (See Reliability)
Direct observation-based assessment of clinical skills 114137
360° team assessment of behavior (TAB) 129
acute care assessment tool (ACAT) 126
directly observed procedural skills (DOPS) 125126, 185186, 189, 194
mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) 117125, 188189, 225, 356
mini peer assessment tool (mini-PAT) 128129
multisource feedback (360° assessment) 127129
OSCE 90113, 116, 131, 299, 356, 359
OSLER 129130
professionalism mini evaluation exercise (PMEX) 127
tools (see Assessment tools) 115
Directly observed procedural skills (DOPS) 125126, 185186, 189, 225
Dreyfus and Dreyfus model 207210, 213216
Educational environment 239240
Educational feedback (see Feedback to students)
Educational impact 14, 262
Educational system 236
Entrustable professional activities (EPA) 207, 213219
designing EPAs 208, 213217
EPA versus specific learning objectives (SLO) 210
stages of entrustment 213
AETCOM 174175
attributes 166
autonomy 166
beneficence 166
dignity 166
justice 166
non-maleficience 166
difference between professionalism and ethics 166
narratives 173174
Evaluation 2
Evaluation of teaching (see Student ratings of teaching effectiveness) 342351
Expert judgment (see Subjective expert judgment) 357, 359361
Faculty development for better assessment 364370
assessment for learning 242245
for better assessment 364370
formal approaches 367
informal approaches 367
model program for training 368370
objective-structured clinical examination 100101
transfer-oriented training 368
workplace-based assessment (WPBA) 199
Feasibility of assessment 14
Feedback (see also Feedback, educational; Feedback, from students; Feedback, to students) 2526, 238239
Feedback, educational 329341
attributes 332334
definition 329330
descriptive 334335
feedback loop 330331
immediate feedback assessment technique 337
issues 338339
models 335336
feedback sandwich 335
PCP model 335
Pendleton model 335
reflective model 336
SET-GO model 336
STAR model 336
stop-start-continue model 336
opportunities 336338
self-monitoring 337338
strategies for improvement 339340
types 332333
benchmarking 332333
correction 332333
diagnosis 332333
longitudinal development 332333
reinforcement 332333
Feedback, from students (see Student ratings of teaching effectiveness) 342351
Feedback, to students (see Feedback, educational) 6, 15, 25, 26, 63, 86, 92, 103, 115, 117, 123, 130, 170, 180, 188, 211, 234, 237, 263, 266, 268, 282, 329341
Feed forward 2526
Hofstee method (see Standard setting) 327
Internal assessment 278284
1997 MCI regulations 278279
2019 MCI regulations 279
formative or summative 280281
issues 286288
principles 283
quarter model (see Quarter model) 281, 285295
reliability 281282
strengths 255256, 278284, 286
validity 282
Item analysis 308318
item statistics 308313
difficulty index 309310
discrimination index 309311
distractor efficiency 309, 311
facility value 309310
point biserial correlation 311313
test analysis 313318
methods of estimating reliability 314318
equivalent-forms reliability 314
internal consistency reliability 314315
Cronbach's alpha 315316
KR 20 formula 315
Kuder Richardson formula 315
split half method 315
standard error of measurement 317318
parallel-forms reliability 314
test-retest reliability 314
reliability coefficient 284, 313314
assessment of knowledge (see Written assessment) 3046
free response type questions 3039
multiple choice questions (see Multiple choice questions) 4764
selection type questions (see Selection type questions) 3946
type A (declarative) 31
type B (procedural) 31
Kolb's learning cycle 155, 330331
Kuder Richardson formula (see Item analysis) 315
Logbook 185187, 225
Long case 8390
comparison with mini-CEX 131133
comparison with OSCE 131133
issues 8485
OSLER 83, 260
process 8384
strategies for improvement 8589
Mentoring 26, 153, 244245, 266, 271
Miller pyramid 2023, 3031, 92, 114115
Mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) 117125, 185186, 188189, 225
comparison with long case, 131133
comparison with OSCE, 131133
form 119120
process 118121
strengths 122
Mini-peer assessment tool (mini-PAT) 128129, 185186, 193
Modified essay questions (MEQ) 31, 3536
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) 4764
challenges of using MCQs 4849
conducting MCQ tests 48
guidelines for writing MCQs 5055
negative marking 6061
optical mark reading scanners 59
scoring MCQs 5860
standard setting 62
strengths of MCQs 48
structure of an MCQ 49
Multiple mini-interview (MMI) 111, 143147, 249251
Multisource feedback (360° assessment) 127129, 170171, 185186, 192193
Narratives 173174
critical incident technique 173
portfolios 173174
Objectification 357
Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) 91113
admission OSCE 111
blueprinting 101102, 117
checklists versus global ratings 105, 116, 358359
comparison with long case 131133
comparison with mini-CEX 131133
computer assisted OSCE (CA-OSCE) 110
examiner training 100101
factors affecting utility 106108
feasibility 106107
group OSCE (GOSCE) 109
key features 93
modifications and innovations 109111
multiple mini-interview (see Multiple mini-interview) 111
objectivity 107
reliability 108
remote OSCE (ReOSCE) 110
resources to conduct OSCE online 380381
setup 97103
simulated patients 100101
standard setting (See Standard setting) 103104
team OSCE (TOSCE) 109110
telemedicine OSCE (TeleOSCE) 110
types of stations 9397, 116
procedure stations 94, 9597
question stations 9495
rest station 97
validity 107108
Objectivity 2, 108, 212, 282
reliability versus objectivity 352363
Observable practice activities (OPA) 210
Online assessment 296307
automation 298
cheating 305306
consortia 306
designing 297304
electronic patient management problem 301303
implementation 304307
methods 300301
open-book exams 305
plagiarism 305
question formats 299300
sharing resources 306
skill labs 306
take-home exams 305306
triage 306307
types of questions 300301
Online resources for assessment 371383
e-portfolios 379380
for creating distributing and grading assessment 373
for high stakes examinations 381382
for online collaboration 379
gamification apps 376377
interactive tools for formative assessment 373375
learning management systems 372373
online security 381382
proctor devices 381382
quiz apps 376377
to conduct online OSCE 380381
to conduct online simulations 380381
to create interactive videos 377378
to create online polls 378379
to create online surveys 378379
to create rubrics 381
to enhance student engagement 373375
Oral examination (viva voce) 138148
cost-effectiveness 141142
examiner training 147148
flaws 139
halo effect 140
objectivity 139140
reliability 140141
strategies for improvement 142148
strengths 139
structured oral examination 142143, 144146
validity 141
OSLER (see Direct observation-based assessment of clinical skills) 83, 129130, 260
Patient management problem 301303
Portfolios 151164, 185186
advantages 159160
challenges 162163
contents 152154
definition 151152
e-portfolios 379380
for assessment 157159, 173174
for learning 152157, 241
implementation 161162
limitations 160161
reflective writing 154157
workplace-based assessment 185186
Professionalism 165177
AETCOM 174175
altruism 166
assessment methods 169171
principles 167169
attributes 166
challenges 167169
conscientious index 175
definition 165167
difference between professionalism and ethics 166
multisource feedback 170171
narratives 173174
critical incident technique 173
portfolios 173174
patient assessment 170, 171
peer assessment 170, 241
professional competence 166
professional identity formation 174175
professionalism mini evaluation exercise (PMEX) 127, 172173
self-assessment 169170
supervisor ratings 170, 172
Professionalism mini-evaluation exercise (PMEX) 127, 172173
Programmatic assessment 11, 26, 243244, 261277
CBME 264, 270
challenges 273276
components 264270
implementation 271276
principles 264267
rationale 262264
traditional assessment versus programmatic assessment 268270
triangulation of data 267
Quarter Model 281, 285295
format 289
implementation 289293
Question banking 318321
steps 319
uses 320321
Question paper setting 6582
blueprinting 7172
determining weightage 6870
item cards 7376
limitations of conventional practices 66
moderation 7778
steps for effective question paper setting 6778
Reflections (see Reflective practice)
Reflective practice
for assessment for learning 26, 166, 173, 241, 266
models 155
reflective writing 154157, 225, 228229
rubrics 228229
Reliability 1213, 262, 354356
equivalent-forms reliability 314
methods of estimating reliability 313318
internal consistency reliability 314315
Cronbach's alpha 315316
KR 20 formula 315
Kuder Richardson formula 315
split-half method 315
Standard error of measurement 317318
parallel-forms reliability 314
test-retest reliability 314
reliability coefficient 313314
versus objectivity 352
Selection type questions 3946
assertion-reason questions 4142
computer-based objective forms 45
matching questions 4344
key feature test 44
matching questions 42
multiple choice questions 40
multiple response questions 40
ranking questions 41
true-false questions 40
Self-monitoring 337338
Self-directed learning 266
Short answer questions (SAQ) (see Written assessments) 31, 36
Simulated patients 100101
Specific learning objectives 210
Standard error of measurement (see Item analysis) 317318
Standard setting 24, 322328
absolute standards 323324
compensatory standards 324
conjunctive standards 324
criterion-referenced 323324
effect on learning 324325
MCQs 62
methods 325328
for clinical skills 327328
for knowledge tests 325327
angoff method 326
contrasting groups method 326327
hofstee method 327
relative method 325
need 323
norm-referenced 323324
OSCE 103104
relative standards 323324
workplace-based assessment (WPBA) 184
Student ratings of teaching effectiveness 342351
design of instrument 343344
Dr Fox effect 347
generalizability 347
interpretation of data 345346
logistics 344345
misconceptions 342343
misuses 342343, 348
process 343346
professional melancholia 346
purposes 348
reliability 346347
validity 346347
Subjective expert judgment 28, 122, 262, 267, 357, 359361
Triage in medical education 306307
Utility of assessment 15, 262
Vleuten's formula 15, 2324, 262263
Validity 611, 353354
consequence-related evidence 8, 10, 262
construct-related evidence 8, 910, 353
content-related evidence 8
criterion-related evidence 89
factors which lower validity 11
Kane's arguments 354
key concepts 10
Web resources for assessment (see Online resources for assessment)
Workplace-based assessment (WPBA) 170171, 178205
difference from traditional assessment 180
faculty development 199
implementation steps 181184
need 178179
prerequisites to implementation 179181
direct observation 180181
feedback, 181
practice, 181
tasks 180
problem areas 199202
quality parameters 197199
role of assessors 196197
role of trainee, 197
standard setting 184
strengths 182
tools 184196
acute care assessment tool (ACAT) 194195
assessment of performance, 194
case-based discussion (CbD) 185186, 190191
clinical encounter cards (CEC) 185188
directly observed procedural skills (DOPS) 185186, 189
discussion of correspondence (DOC) 185186, 192
evaluation of clinical events (ECE) 185186, 191192
assessment tool (HAT) 195196
LEADER case-based discussion (LEADER CbD) 195
logbook, 185187
mini-clinical evaluation exercise 185186, 188189
mini-peer assessment tool (mini-PAT) 185186, 193
multisource feedback (360° assessment) 185186, 192193, 225, 231
patient satisfaction questionnaire, 185186
portfolio, 185186, 225226
procedure based assessment (PbA) 185186, 189190
safeguarding case-based discussion 196
sheffield assessment instrument for letters (SAIL) 185186, 192
supervised learning events 194
team assessment of behaviour (TAB) 185186, 193194
weaknesses 182
Written assessment 3138
closed-ended questions 32
context-poor questions 32
context-rich questions 32
essay questions 31, 3435
modified essay questions (MEQ) 31, 3536
multiple choice questions 4764
open-ended questions 32
short answer questions (SAQ) 31, 36
best response type, 37
completion type, 37
open SAQ, 3738
structured essay questions (SEQ) 31
Chapter Notes

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