Current Concepts in Refractive Surgery: Comprehensive Guide for Decision Making & Surgical Techniques Jeewan S Titiyal, Manpreet Kaur, Sridevi Nair
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer table.
Aberration 42
analysis 47
chromatic 42
flap-induced 116
free eye 44
higher-order 42
lower-order 42, 43f, 114
postoperative 224
reveal 44
Aberrometers 42
classification of 46fc
sequential ray-tracing 46
and wavefront analysis 42
device, expensive 113
ray-tracing 47f, 47t, 48f, 190f
algorithm 74
decentered 81
deeper 71
depth of 74
ray tracing-based 119
topography guided 118t
wavefront-guided 113f, 114, 115
wavefront-optimized 111
Abrasions, peripheral small 141
Abrupt corneal curvature changes 31
Acanthamoeba 102
ACD See Anterior chamber depth
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 58
Age-related macular degeneration 33
Allergic keratoconjunctivitis 61
Amblyopia 58
Ambrósio relational thickness 31
maximum 61
Ambrósio-enhanced ectasia display 26
Ametropia 225
AMG See Amniotic membrane graft
Aminoglycosides 56
Amniotic membrane graft 107
AMO VISX hyperopia 196
Anisometropic amblyopia 221, 222
Anterior chamber
air bubbles 97
depth 64, 155157
Anterior chamber gas bubbles 97
prevention 98
risk factors 97
treatment 98
Anterior corneal
curvature 18
keratotomy incisions 3
stroma 213
surface 229
Antiglaucoma medications 104
Anti-inflammatory therapy 107
Aphakia 200
Arc length 237
Arcuate keratotomy 237t
ArF excimer laser 90
Argon fluoride 4, 90
laser 90
ARS See Adjustable refractive surgery
Artificial intelligence, role of 40
Artiflex toric 153
Artisan iris claw lens 4
Artisan toric 153
ART-MAX See Ambrosio relational thickness maximum
Aspheric ablation profile 111
Aspheric shape 111
Astigmatic correction, magnitude of 237
Astigmatic keratotomy 236, 237
incisions 236
indications 237
principle 236
surgical technique 237
Astigmatism 4, 75, 84
low-to-moderate 238t
post-operative 225
SMILE for 132
surgically-induced 168
Asymmetrical technique 197
Athens protocol 217
Azar flap technique 73
Azar technique 73
Bacterial endotoxins 146
BAD-D See Belin ambrosio enhanced ectasia display deviation value
Bandage contact lens 78, 79, 94, 99, 101, 232
Barraquer’s technique 4
Basal epithelial cells, elongation of 12
Bausch and Lomb keratometer 18, 19
BCL See Bandage contact lens
BCVA See Best-corrected visual acuity
Beam profile 91
Beam’s homogeneity 75
Belin-Ambrósio deviation index 31, 213
Belin-Ambrósio enhanced ectasia 29f, 35, 61
display 28t, 31t
Best spectacle corrected visual acuity 61, 118, 173, 175, 210
Best-corrected visual acuity 142, 198, 209
Best-fit sphere 23, 23f, 25
concept of 23, 26
enhanced 29f
BFS See Best-fit sphere
Bi-aspheric multifocal corneal surface 196
Bioptics 65, 207, 207t
classification of surgical techniques of 207
differed 208, 209
reverse 209
surgical approaches in 210t
surgical techniques of 208t
Black spots 136, 137f
clinical significance 137
incidence 136
mechanism 136
predisposing factors 137
prevention 137
Blepharitis 61
Bowman’s layer 188
Brillouin frequency 40
Brillouin microscopy 40
Bruch’s membrane 56
BSCVA See Best spectacle corrected visual acuity
Camellin technique 73
Cap and side-cut tears 140
incidence 140
management 140
predisposing factors 140
prevention 140
Cap cut 130
Cap diameter 128
Cap edema 138
Cap lenticular adhesion 139f
Cap microstriae 142, 143
incidence 143
management 143
pathophysiology 143
predisposing factors 143
Cap parameters 128
Cap side-cut 128, 130
Cap tear 140f
Cap thickness 128
Cap-lenticular adhesions 126, 139
Capsular bag 190
Carriazo pendular microkeratome 85
Cataract 65, 163, 164f, 222, 224
development of 164
incidence 163
management 164
morphology 164
pathophysiology 164
predisposing factors 164
secondary 162
surgery 46, 238
Causative organisms 100
CBI See Corvis biomechanical index
CDVA See Corrected distance visual acuity
Center keratoconus index 26
Central cornea 4
thickness 34, 158, 207
Central islands 82
Central keratometry 23
Central myopic refraction 119
Central presbyLASIK 195
Central toxic keratopathy 100, 104, 105t
clinical diagnosis 104
Chemical de-epithelialization 72
Chilled balanced salt solution 78
Choroidal neovascular
complex 56
membrane 5456
Chronic uveitis and inflammation 163, 166
CHRPE See Congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium
Chung’s swing technique 131
Ciliary body 192
Ciliary muscle, electrostimulation of 199
Ciliary sclerotomy, anterior 192
Circle technique 182
CL See Contact lens
cross-linking 142
fibers 79, 229
lamellae 11
peripheral 187
vascular disorders 235
Confocal microscopy 13, 79, 101
Conic intrastromal relaxing incisions 209
Conjunctival chemosis 95
Conjunctival goblet cells 106
Connective tissue disorder 58, 59
Contact glass 129
Contact lens 101, 119, 129, 187
history of 58, 143
Continuous curvilinear lenticulerrhexis 132
technique 131
Cornea 11, 22, 23, 26, 46, 48f, 62, 85, 95, 119, 192, 218, 219
anatomy of 11, 12f
locations of 111
movement of 33
normal 29f, 119, 229
Scheimpflug imaging of 24
Corneal ablation 91f, 111, 112fc, 117, 187, 189, 226
complications of flap-based 94
conventional 194
customized 111, 120
excimer laser platforms for 91t
flap-based 71
minimal 196
platforms 114t
procedures 69
Corneal ablative procedures, retreatment after 175fc
Corneal and intraocular procedures 209
Corneal applanation 55
Corneal astigmatism, irregular 118
Corneal backscattered light 38
Corneal biomechanical
assessment 33, 34f, 62
parameter 31
properties 33, 40
response 111
strength 92
Corneal biomechanics 33, 62, 92, 126
Corneal biopsy 101
Corneal carving 4
Corneal collagen 103
cross-linking 65, 101, 210, 211, 213, 217, 217t, 218, 219
plus 217
Xtra 213
efficacy of 108
Corneal curvature, actual 23
Corneal decompensation 163, 166
Corneal deformation 35
stages of 35
Corneal densitometry 38
Corneal diagnostics, advancements in 3, 4
Corneal ectasia 33, 108, 219
management of 230
postoperative 221
Corneal ectatic disorders 61, 219
Corneal endothelial cell density 61
Corneal endothelium 162
Corneal epithelial
cells 11
defect 99
Corneal epithelium 11
Corneal flaps 84
create 84, 86t
Corneal flattening 229
concept of 3
Corneal haze 76, 7880, 144
persistent 80
Corneal hysteresis 34
Corneal incision 3, 158
Corneal infiltrates 82
Corneal inlays 188, 200, 200t, 203
advantage of 203
history of 200
Corneal irregularity measure 20
Corneal laser
ablation 174t
retreatment after 173
based procedures 225
refractive surgery 67f
treatment 5
Corneal light reflex 129
Corneal necrosis 200
Corneal nerve
fiber, sub-basal 14f
regeneration 13
Corneal onlays 204
Corneal pachymetry 62, 71
Corneal power, redistribution of 235
Corneal refractive
procedures 203
surgeries 214t, 222
Corneal relaxing incisions 236
Corneal reshaping inlays 200
Corneal resistance factor 34, 216
Corneal rigidity 33
Corneal scrapings 101
Corneal sphere 50
Corneal stability 35
Corneal stroma 34
Corneal suction 55
Corneal surface 85
anterior and posterior 18
application, intraoperative 75f
Corneal thickness 31, 156, 218
increased 229
spatial profile 29, 30f
Corneal tissue 195
Corneal topography 18, 62, 108f, 119, 120, 193, 231f
accurate 18
Corneal transparency 15
Corneal vertex centration 145
Corneal visualization scheimpflug technology 34, 38
Corneal wavefront, fourier analysis of 50t
Corneal wound 13, 14
healing 11, 12fc, 1315, 222
clinical relevance of 15
comparative evaluation of 15t
elements of 12f
Corrected distance visual acuity 107, 174, 195, 202
Corticosteroids, prolonged topical 164
Corvis biomechanical index 61, 108, 213
laser vision correction 174
CORVIS-ST See Corneal visualization scheimpflug technology
Crystalline lens 4, 156, 158, 168
exchange, bioptics with 211
CT See Corneal thickness
CTD See Connective tissue disorder
Curvature map
anterior 25
axial 18
Custom Q
ablations 119
treatments 119, 198
Customized corneal ablation, types of 111, 112t
CXL See Corneal collagen cross-linking
Cystic retinal tufts 53
Cystoid macular edema 55
Cytokine 16
DALK See Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
Decentered treatment 142, 145
incidence 145
management 145
predisposing factors 145
prevention 145
DED See Dry eye disease
Descemet’s membrane 188
Deviation index 28
Diabetes mellitus 59, 99, 144
Diffuse lamellar keratitis 12, 16, 65, 78, 89, 90, 98, 100, 101, 103, 103f, 105t, 107, 142, 146, 177
clinical diagnosis 103
development of 146
incidence 146
management 146
pathophysiology 146
predisposing factors 146
prevention 146
risk factors 103
treatment 104
Dilated fundus examination 52, 174
Distance vision 119, 196, 197, 202
Distance visual acuity 146, 159, 192, 222
Distortions 167
DLK See Diffuse lamellar keratitis
DM See Diabetes mellitus
Docking 129
Docosahexaenoic acid 16
Dry eye 67, 78, 101, 142
assessment 60
disease 5, 61, 101, 106
pre-existing 61
mild 143
postoperative 5, 16, 82, 135, 143
severe 143
symptoms 16
transient 132
Dynamic corneal response 38t
Dysfunctional lens syndrome 193, 193fc
Dysphotic symptoms 81, 145
EBM See Epithelial basement membrane
EBMD See Epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
ECC See Endothelial cell count
ECM See Extracellular matrix
Ectasia 67, 68, 82, 101, 142, 146
incidence 146
management 146
pathophysiology 146
postoperative 5, 33, 58
postsurgical 58
preclinical 62
predisposing factors 146
red indicates 29
subclinical 35
Ectatic cornea 26
Ectatic disorders, family history of 58
Ectatic eye 40
EDOF See Extended depth of focus
Elastography 40
Elevation maps, anterior and posterior 25
Emerging technologies 40
Endophthalmitis 162, 168
etiology 168
incidence 168
management 168
Endothelial cell 151, 222
count 61, 64, 156, 157
loss 65, 163, 166, 167, 211
Endothelial corneal dystrophies 58
Endothelial decompensation 156
Endothelial perforation 233
Enhanced Athens protocol 217
Epipolis-laser in situ keratomileusis 74, 80
Epiretinal membrane formation 54
cells 13, 144
changes 11
debridement 81
drag 238
hyperplasia 14, 216
injury 13
removal, technique of 72, 72t, 78
Epithelial basement membrane 11, 12, 12f, 15
dystrophy 59, 61, 63, 99
regeneration 13
Epithelial defect 141
healing of 15
incidence 141
intraoperative 99
prevention 100
risk factors 99
treatment 100
large central 141
management 141
predisposing factors 141
Epithelial flap 81
related complications 81
Epithelial healing 15
delayed 79, 81
Epithelial ingrowth 87, 101, 105, 142, 144, 144f
clinical diagnosis 106
incidence 144
management 144
pathophysiology 144
predisposing factors 144
risk factors 106
risk of 97
treatment 106
Epithelial thickness 223
mapping 175
Epitheliotoxic medication predispose 99
peripheral 13
removal, method of 75
Erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 192
Ergonomics 91
Excimer ablation time 224
Excimer laser 90
ablation 74, 90, 187, 193, 219
calibration 74
function 222
monovision 195f
platforms 92
evolution of 91f
procedures 194fc
technology 90
evolution of 90
treatment 213
Extended depth of focus 63f, 64
Extracellular matrix 12, 12f, 15
Extreme ametropia 207
Eye 132, 161
bleed in 99
blurred 197
both 197
deep-set 95
displacements of 92
dominant 196, 197
nondominant 196
optical aberrations of 115
refractive power 18
rubbing 102
symptom 106
tracker 92, 115
conventional 92
response time 91
speed 91
tracking, passive 74
Facial deformities 221
FECD See Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy
Femtosecond 90
flaps 87
Femtosecond laser 84, 85, 89, 94
application 129
created flaps 89
delivery 98f
flap 89, 96t
lentotomy 191
role of 191
platform 85, 86t
settings and technique 87
systems 87
technology 4
Femtosecond laser-assisted
astigmatic keratotomy 238t
nomogram 238t
cataract surgery 163f, 165f, 239
ablative 6
flaps 89t
flap 55
creation 85, 88f
in situ keratomileusis 35, 65
planar flap 89f
procedures 209
Femtosecond lenticule extraction 4, 125, 139
Femtosecond technique 232
Ferrara ring 230
Fibroblast 15
growth factor 13
Fixation and eye trackers 74
architecture 87
buttonholes 95
centration of 85
characteristics 89
dislocation 100
incomplete 94
irregular 94
macrostriae 103f
recutting 176
related complications 87, 89, 94
stroma, ablation of 175
Flap striae 100, 102
clinical diagnosis 102
prevention 103
risk factors 102
treatment 103
Flap tears 99
prevention 99
risk factors 99
treatment 99
Flapless refractive surgery 93
Flapless surgery 146
Flaporhexis 176
Flatter periphery 18
Flexivue microlens corneal inlay, design of 202f
Fluoroquinolones 102
Fortified antibiotics 102
Fourier analysis 50
Fourier transform 115
Free cap 95
Fruste keratoconus 107
FS-LASIK See Femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy 59, 61
Galilei dual scheimpflug analyzer 24
GAT See Goldmann applanation tonometry
Giant cell 219
Giant retinal tear 168
Glaucoma 33, 65, 164, 165, 165t, 224
postoperative 166f
secondary 162
steroid-induced 222
Goldmann applanation tonometry 38
Goldmann-correlated intraocular pressure 34
Gonioscopy 60
Good near vision 197
Gram-positive bacteria 102, 146
Hartmann-Shack aberrometer 44, 115
Haze 67
clinical evaluation of 79
postoperative 15
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans 11
Herpes simplex virus keratitis 82
Hexagonal keratotomy 236
Higher order aberration 42, 43f, 44t, 50, 62, 89, 111, 112, 128, 174, 175, 223
HOA See Higher order aberration
Hormone replacement therapy 59
HPMC See Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
Human cornea 33, 111
Human eye, monochromatic aberrations of 42t
Hydroexpression 131
Hydrophilic acrylic
lens 191
optic 152
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 217
Hyperopia 4, 5, 75, 80, 84, 116, 153, 155, 221, 225, 237
bioptics for 211
correction of 5, 222
high 155
refractive surgery for 22, 223t
SMILE for 132
Hyperopic corneal ablation 223
principle of 222
profiles 16
Hyperopic correction 223
diopter of 223
Hyperopic shift, mild 202
ICL See Implantable collamer lens
ICRS See Intrastromal corneal ring segments
Implantable collamer lens 65, 151, 157, 157t, 158, 161, 165, 209, 211, 222
evolution of 155f
hyperopic visian 155
Implantable phakic contact lens 191
Implants, characteristics of 231
Incisional refractive surgery 235
role of 238
Incisions, intersection of 236
Infectious keratitis 82, 100, 105t, 142, 146
causative agents 146
incidence 146
management 147
Infectious keratoconjunctivitis, postoperative 103
Inflammatory cells 146
Initial intracorneal rings 229
Intentional anisometropia, creation of 195f
Interface epithelial cell 144f
Interface haze 141, 142
incidence 141
management 143
pathophysiology 141
predisposing factors 141
prevention 143
Interface infiltrates, incidence of 146
Interface irrigation 102
Interpreting videokeratograph maps 18
Intracameral gas bubbles 98f
Intracorneal ring segment 229, 231f
characteristics of 230t
evolution of 229f
implantation 218
selection for 230t
Intralamellar stromal keratitis 104
pressure-induced 104
Intraocular lens 4, 47, 63, 63f, 64, 187, 193, 209, 210
accommodative 190
dual-optic 190
hyperopic phakic 224
multifocal 226
premium 46
Intraocular pressure 34, 38, 85, 89, 104, 129, 162, 163, 165t
accuracy of 33
corneal compensated 34
raised 82, 164
Intraocular procedures 161
Intraocular structures 119, 162
damage to 161
Intrastromal corneal lenticule 125
Intrastromal corneal ring 233
segments 142, 209, 210, 229, 230
complications of 233t
Intrastromal femtosecond laser 187
Intrastromal gas 146
Intrastromal refractive 125
Intrastromal small incision lenticule extraction, creation of 129f
Intrastromal tunnels 232
Intravitreal antibiotics 168
Invasive radial keratotomy 236
IOL See Intraocular lens
IOP See Intraocular pressure
Iridectomy, peripheral 157, 164
Iridocorneal angle 162
Iridotomy, peripheral 154, 157, 165
Iris 161, 162
chafing 166f
claw 157, 159
lens 152
registration 97
Irregular astigmatism 81, 145
index 23
Irregular topography 142, 145
incidence 145
management 145
predisposing factors 145
Javal and Schiotz keratometer 18, 19
Jeweler’s forceps 73
Kamra corneal inlay 200, 201
complications 202
design of 201, 201f
principle 201
technique 201
Keraring 355 230
Keratoconic eyes 35
Keratoconus 21f, 59, 116, 213, 230
bioptics for 211
classification index 23
index 26
mild-to-moderate 119
prediction index 23
progressive 219
severity index 23
subclinical 5
Keratocytes 11
density of 11
Keratometry 18, 128, 223, 224
maximum 217
Keratomileusis, concept of 4
Keratoplasty 217
conductive 187
procedures 125
surgeries 11, 12fc, 13, 15, 16, 46, 235, 239
Keratoscopy 18
Lamellar keratoplasty 79, 230
deep anterior 101
Lamellar plane, anterior 130
Lamellar separation, posterior 130
Laser blended vision 193
Laser epithelial keratomileusis 76t, 81
Laser flaps, customization of 87
Laser in situ keratomileusis 46
epithelial 76t
Laser keratome 129
Laser presbyopia reversal 192
Laser programming 74
Laser refractive surgery, contraindications for 59t
Laser settings 127
Laser subepithelial keratomileusis 71, 73
Laser vision correction 6, 38, 175
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis 3f, 4f, 5, 12, 13, 14f, 15t, 58, 63, 63f, 79, 84, 86t, 9294, 99f, 100t, 114, 117,151, 136, 146, 173, 176, 176t, 179, 188, 193, 195, 196f, 207, 209, 210, 221, 225, 230, 237
complications with 216
flap 85t
creation 84
relift 177
multifocal 198
myopic 224t
postoperative complications after 100
retreatment after 176
simultaneous 201
surgery 201
thin-flap 180, 181, 181f
wavefront-guided 115
Laser-assisted sub-epithelial keratectomy 175
Laser-blended vision 195, 197, 197f
principle of 197
Laser-in situ keratomileusis 135
Laser-related complications 5
LASIK See Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
Latent hyperopia 222
Lattice degeneration 53
LBV See Laser blended vision
Lens 46, 48f, 156
and cornea 207
based procedures 64, 222
decentered 163, 167
dislocated 163, 167
single-piece 151
Lens-based procedures, history of 4
Lenticular accommodation 115
Lenticular astigmatism 117, 118
Lenticular opacities 5
pre-existing 164
Lenticular side-cut dissection 131
cut 129, 130
diameter 128
dissection 130f, 138
and extraction 130
forceful 140
difficult 138, 139
flap-based 125
procedures 6
intrastromal keratoplasty 6
irrigation 131
minimum thickness of 128
lower 132
upper 132
side-cut 130
Limbal bleed 98
prevention 98
risk factors 98
treatment 98
Limbal centration 115
Limbal region, peripheral 22
Lindstrom nomogram, modified 237t
Lipid layer thickness 62
LK See Lamellar keratoplasty
Local anesthesia 55, 157
Low refractive errors 139
Lower energy femtosecond laser platform 86
Lower-frequency excimer lasers 174
LVC See Laser vision correction
Machine and laser settings 126
Macular diseases 54
Macular hemorrhage 5456
Macular hole 55, 56
Manifest refraction spherical equivalent 114, 179
MCA See Mutual comparative analysis
McDonald technique 73
Mean toric keratometry 22
Medennium phakic lens 154, 157
Meesmann dystrophy 76
Meibomian gland
dysfunction 107
function 62
secretions 146
Meniscus sign 130, 139
Merocel sponges 73
Mesopic pupil size, large 167
MFIOL See Multifocal intraocular lens
Microbial keratitis 100, 222
Microkeratome 84, 85, 87, 89, 89t, 90, 99
and femtosecond laser flaps
complications to 98
creation, comparison of 87
evolution of 84
systems 85t
types of 84
Microkeratome flap 4, 87, 89, 102
complications 94, 94t
prevention of 96
creation 84, 86f
Mid-peripheral laser pulses 119
Minimal dysphotic symptoms 192
Mini-radial keratotomy 236
Mitomycin C 12, 71, 75, 75f, 80, 142, 180, 216
intraoperative 173
MK See Microkeratome
MMC See Mitomycin C 79
keratometers 18, 19t
phacoemulsification 226
Monovision 194, 195
limitations of 194
MPL See Medennium phakic lens
MRSE See Manifest refraction spherical equivalent
Multifocal cornea 188
ablation 196f
Multifocal intraocular lens 63f, 64, 189
implantation 190f
Multifocal laser vision correction 194
Multifocal transition profile 194
Multipass technique 75
Mycobacteria, atypical 102
Myofibroblasts 13, 14
Myopes, anterior chamber of 210
Myopia 5, 56, 80, 84, 152, 153, 157, 159, 197
bioptics for 210
correction of high 154
high 75, 200
low-to-moderate 159
mild 230
moderate-to-high 151
reduction of 155
small 152
treatment of 71
moderate-to-high 159
Myopic correction 80
higher 173
Myopic errors, treatment of 222
Myopic eyes 56
Myopic maculopathies 55
Myopic regression 11
Natural ocular growth 221
NCT See Non-contact tonometry
ND:YAG See Neodymium-doped:yttrium aluminum garnet
Near vision 190
Neodymium-doped:yttrium aluminum garnet 101, 106, 144, 157
Nerve regeneration 15
Neuroadaptation, postoperative phase of 68
Nidogens 11
Night vision 81
disturbances 46
symptoms 5
Nocardia 100
Nomograms 237
refinement of 173
Non-contact tonometry 38
Non-pupillary block glaucoma 165
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 75, 78, 79
Nonvision-threatening complications 66, 67
NSAID See Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
OBL See Opaque bubble layer
adnexal assessment 60
biomechanics 33
biometry 61, 62
comorbidities 58
contraindications 59
dominance 61
history 58, 59
response analyzer 33, 34f, 34t
structures, iatrogenic damage to 162
Ocular aberration 45t, 114, 115
assessment of 111
Ocular surface 60, 81
assessment 61
disease 235
index 132
staining 61
Ocular wavefront 44, 114
analysis 62
technology 111
Opaque bubble layer 87, 90, 96, 98, 98f, 128, 136, 137, 142
clinical outcomes 138
clinical significance 138
incidence 137
management 98, 138
mechanism 137
predisposing factors 138
prevention 98
risk factors 98
Ophthalmic viscosurgical device 157, 165
Optic diameter 153
Optical aberrations 44, 142, 145
incidence 145
management 145
predisposing factors 145
Optical system 42, 198
Optical zone 74, 174, 175, 217
Oral antiviral prophylaxis 58
Oral doxycycline 105
OZ See Optical zone
data 28
evaluation 29
map 24, 25
progression index 31
Pain, postoperative 78
Pannus 99
Panoptix lens transmits 189
Paracentral flattening 82
Parachute centering technology 154
Pellucid marginal degeneration 59
Penetrating keratoplasty 101, 142, 230
Pentacam maps, evaluating 25
Pentacam random forest index 40
Pentacam topometric index 28
Periodic fundus screening 54
Peripheral cornea
exhibits 11
relaxing incisions, nomogram for 238t
vascularization 99
Peripheral retinal
breaks 53t
degeneration 53
types of 53t
lesions, types of treatable 53
screening, preoperative 52fc
tears 53
Persistent focal tissue 99
Phacoemulsification 189
Phakic eye 151
Phakic intraocular lens 54, 58, 65, 151, 157, 159, 159f, 161, 162f, 165f, 165t, 166f, 167f, 217, 221
angle-supported 151, 152f
broken 161
chamber 156, 207
chipped 161
complications of 161
implantation of 65, 157t, 168
claw 153t
fixated 168f
supported 152
surgeries 66f, 163t
complications of 161t
types of 151
Phoric posture 61
Photoablative de-epithelialization 72
Photorefractive keratectomy 3f, 4, 4f, 11, 12f, 15t, 58, 71, 72f, 72t, 75, 75f, 76t, 80, 80f, 81f, 82, 136, 142, 175, 180, 193, 213, 217, 217t, 230, 237
Phototherapeutic keratectomy 218
Pigment dispersion 163, 166
PIOL See Phakic intraocular lens
Piston aberration 43
PKP See Penetrating keratoplasty
Placido-based systems 116
system 24
topographer 24
Plasma, rapid expansion of 137
PMD See Pellucid marginal degeneration
Polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate 155
Polymethylmethacrylate 151
Polymorphonuclear cells 13
Post-LASIK 53, 105f, 105t, 108f
infectious keratitis 101f
Post-cataract surgery astigmatism 3
Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens 153, 154t, 158f, 164f, 167f
Posterior corneal
astigmatism 117, 118
incisions 3
Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy 59
Post-keratoplasty 225
astigmatism 116
cases 221
error 225
surgery in 225
clinical staging for 106t
corneal ectasia 107
clinical diagnosis 107
prevention 108
risk factors 107
treatment 108
development of 33
dry eye 106
clinical diagnosis 106
pathophysiology 106
prevention 107
risk factors 106
treatment 107
ectasia 108, 116, 217
infectious keratitis 89, 100, 104
causative organisms 100
clinical diagnosis 101
risk factors 101
treatment 101
management of 102t, 104t, 107t
surface ablation 175
ametropia 226
refractive surgery 226
Post-phakic IOL endophthalmitis 168
patients 173
Post-radial keratotomy 25
Post-refractive surgery 15, 16
ectasia 230
evaluation 35
vitreoretinal complications 54
wound healing 11
infections 146
retreatment 180fc
PPCD See Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
Preoperative keratorefractive 71
workup 84
PresbyLASIK, peripheral 195
PresbyMAX software 196
Presbyond laser-blended vision 188, 197, 197f
Presbyopia 154, 185, 187, 193, 193fc, 195f, 219
correction of 188f, 189, 194fc, 197, 198
corneal approach to 194
laser correction of 194
multifocal approach 196
pathophysiology of 191, 192
procedures for 192
refractive surgery for 187
surgical correction of 187t, 191
treatment 91
Presbyopic corneal ablation 6
techniques of 195t
Presbyopic excimer laser ablation techniques 193
Presbyopic laser vision 194
Presbyopic phakic intraocular lens 65, 191, 191f
Presbyopic procedures 68
Present-day excimer laser platforms 90
Present-day femtosecond laser platforms 85
Present-day microkeratome systems 84
PRK See Photorefractive keratectomy
Promote re-epithelialization 81
Prophylactic laser 56
therapy 54
Prophylactic treatment 54
Pseudomonas 102
Pseudophakia, refractive surgery in 226
Pseudophakic monovision 189
Pseudo-small incision lenticule extraction 125
PTA See Percentage tissue altered
PTK See Phototherapeutic keratectomy
Pupil 62, 68
and limbus tracking 91
based centration 115
camera, frontal 24
natural 115
ovalization 151, 162, 163
periphery 119
size 115
Pupillary block glaucoma 165
postoperative 157
Pupillary dilation 140
Push-up and push-down technique 131
Quadrifocal diffractive technology 189
Quantifying irregular astigmatism 50
Q-value represents 25
Rabinowitz-McDonnell index, modified 23
Radial corneal incisions 235
Radial keratotomy 3, 107, 230, 235
incisions, mechanism of action of 235f
principle 235
prospective evaluation of 236
surgical technique 235
Rainbow corneal inlay, design of 203f
Raindrop corneal inlay 200, 203
Rapid strides 6
Refraction, planning target 221
Refractive correction 5, 44, 71, 108, 119, 146
amount of 13
range of 154
Refractive display 27f
Refractive error 52, 58, 63, 179, 192
high magnitude of 164
higher 143, 144, 213, 221
low-to-moderate 71
mild-to-moderate 180
range of 224
total correction of 207
type of 15
Refractive index 154
variability 117
Refractive inlays 200, 202
Refractive lens 154
exchange 193, 225
Refractive lenticule extraction 125
Refractive map 20, 22f
Refractive optic inlays 202
design 202
principle 202
Refractive outcomes 92
Refractive power 22f
map 24
Refractive predictability 216
Refractive procedures 68
complications with 65t
lens-based 64fc
Refractive regression 15
Refractive stability, lack of 221
Refractive surgeries 3, 3f, 4f, 5, 6, 33, 34, 40, 46, 50t, 55, 60, 63f, 84, 155, 198, 207, 213, 221
adjustable 209
clinical examination of 60t
clinical history of 59t
complications of 55
cornea-based 55
lens-based 56
contraindications for 54
cornea- and lens-based 55t
corneal based 63fc
current trends in 5
evaluation of 35
evolution of 3
field of 58
pediatric 222
procedures, cornea-based 187
role of 54
screening 35
technique 50, 211
timing of 54
type of 62
Regression, risk of 133
Regular astigmatism 27f
Relifting flap, advantages and limitations of 176t
Relifting LASIK flap 176
Residual ametropia 226
Residual error 66, 67
Residual myopic error 210
Residual refractive error 68, 173, 226
Residual spherical equivalent 209
Residual stromal bed thickness 59, 61, 63, 63f, 64, 128, 142, 173, 175, 176, 180
Retained lenticule 139
clinical outcomes 140
fragments 140f, 145
incidence 139
management 140
predisposing factors 139
prevention 139
Retina 45
Retinal breaks 54
development of 54
Retinal complications 55, 168
Retinal detachment 53, 55, 65, 67
unrepaired 54
Retinal lesions, management of treatable 52
Retinal nerve fiber 55
layer changes 55
Retinal phlebitis 55
Retinal pigment epithelium, congenital hypertrophy of 53
Retinal spot diagram 46
Retinal tear and detachment 55
Retinal vein occlusion 55
Retinal vessels 53
Retroillumination techniques 140
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 53, 54, 168
Riboflavin solution 213
Rigid gas permeable contact lens 59, 65
RK See Radial keratotomy
RLE See Refractive lens exchange
Root mean square
error 44
values 47f
RSBT See Residual stromal bed thickness
RSE See Residual spherical equivalent
Scanning-slit lasers 75
Scheimpflug camera 24
Schirmer’s test 60, 61
Schlemm’s canal 97
Schwind eye-tech-solutions 84
Scleral expansion surgeries 192
Sclerociliary complex 192
Scotopic conditions 81
SE See Spherical equivalent
Sequential bioptics 208, 209
Shimmer sign 139
Side cut tears 141f
Silicone gel 190
Simultaneous accelerated corneal collagen 214t
Simultaneous bioptics 208, 209
Sinskey-hook-assisted dissection 131
Skewed radial axes 23
Slit illumination 140
assessment 61
evaluation 61
examination 60, 102
based topography 24
methods 155
Small aperture inlays 200
Small incision lenticule 129
intrastromal keratoplasty 6
Small incision lenticule extraction 3, 3f, 4f, 11, 14, 34, 59, 63, 123, 125, 126, 126f, 128t, 132, 136t, 137f, 138f, 142t, 143f, 144f, 179, 189, 213, 221, 225
circle pattern of 181
complications of 135
contraindications for 126
intraoperative complications in 147
laser parameters of 127t
modified techniques for 131
retreatment after 179, 180t
surgical technique of 131t
techniques for 131t
Small palpebral fissure 95
SMILE See Small incision lenticule extraction
Snail track degeneration 54
Snell’s law 22f
Snellen’s visual acuity 145
Sodium citrate drops 105
Space-occupying corneal inlays 203
design 203
principle 203
Specular microscopy 156
Spherical aberration 44, 111, 112, 196
Spherical equivalent 90, 117, 132, 223
Spherocylindrical correction, amount of 232
Spherocylindrical error 119
Staar foam tip 158
Staphylococcal species 146
Staphylococci 82
Staphylococcus 100, 168
aureus 82
epidermidis 168
Starbursts 46
Steep keratometry 95
Steeper keratometric axis 231
Steeper preoperative keratometry 173
Sterile corneal infiltrates 82
Steroids, discontinuation of 165
Streptococcal species 146
Streptococcus 100, 168
species 82
Streptomyces caespitosus 75
Stroma 132
anterior one-third of 11
changes 13
dystrophies 61
fibrosis 201
healing 15
hypercellularity 15
keratitis 100
keratocytes 11, 13
nerve bundles 14
pocket 6, 87
tissue 4, 5
Stromal ablation, deeper 11
Stromal keratitis, pressure-induced 100, 104f
Stromal placement, depth of 231
Stromal tunnel/pockets, creation of 232
Sub-basal nerve plexus 143
Sub-cap lenticule extraction 182, 182f
Subepithelial nerve fiber 125
Submacular hemorrhage 168
Suboptimal visual gain 144
Suction loss 96, 135
incidence 135
intraoperative 136f
management of 137fc
management 135
pathophysiology 135
predisposing factors 135
prevention 97, 135
risk factors 96, 97
treatment 97
Supracor 196
Surface ablation 71, 175, 177
complications of 78
indications of 71f
procedures 78
techniques 71
with LASIK, comparison of 76
Surface asymmetry index 23
Surface regularity index 23
Surgical technique 129, 226, 231
Synthetic polymethylmethacrylate 229
Systemic disorders 58
Systemic medications 59
Tangential map 18
TBI See Tomographic biomechanical index
Tear 238
film 81
osmolarity 61
Terrien’s marginal degeneration 230
Theoretical eye models 111
Therapeutic keratoplasty 102
Thermal keratoplasty 4
Tissue elastic properties 40
TLSS See Transient light sensitivity syndrome
TMR See Topography-modified refraction
Tomographic biomechanical index 61
Topical anesthetics 78
Topical brimonidine tartrate 81
Topical corticosteroids 146
Topical steroids 143, 222
Topography systems 31
Topography systems, elevation-based 23
Topography-guided ablation 5, 116, 117, 117fc, 118, 119
platforms 114
profile 116f
Topography-modified refraction 117
Topometric display 26
Toric intraocular lens 226
Torsional alignment 115
Trabecular meshwork 97
Trabeculectomy 165
Tractional tears, risk factors for 54
Transient light sensitivity syndrome 89
Traumatic choroidal ruptures 54
Trigeminal nerve 11
True corneal ectasia 27f
True optical aberration 42
Tscherning aberrometers 45, 115
UCVA See Uncorrected visual acuity
UDVA See Uncorrected distance visual acuity
Unclean contact lens 137
Uncorrected distance visual acuity 216218, 223
Uncorrected visual acuity 61, 65, 76, 117, 118, 174, 175, 196, 210, 211, 218
Uveitis 33
Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome 151, 163
VA See Visual acuity
Vannas scissors 73
Vertical asymmetry, index of 26
Vertical gas breakthrough 97
prevention 97
treatment 97
Videokeratograph 18
butterfly technique 73
screening report 37f
Virgin eyes 5
treatment of 117
Vision 211
and ocular motility assessment 60
non-improvement of 145
optimal quality of 207
quality of 76, 92
threatening complications 66, 67
Visual acuity 65, 68, 102, 112, 175
and quality 201, 211
Visual disturbances 102
Visual gain 232
Visual outcomes 90, 113
efficacy of 4
Visual quality 76, 111
Visual recovery 92
delayed 67, 135
Visual symptoms 145
Visually disturbing optical phenomena 167
VisuMax femtosecond laser 129
system 128t
components of 127t
VisuMax laser 140, 182f
platform 126f
system 130
Vitamin C 105
Vitreoretinal pathologic conditions 56
Vitreous detachments, posterior 52
Wavescan system 115
White ring sign 139
White without pressure 53
Wound healing
fibroblasts 14
severe 15
WWOP See White without pressure
Xenon dimer gas 90
Zernike coefficient 45
Zernike polynomials 44, 45f, 45t, 50, 115
descriptions 50
Zonular traction tufts 53
Chapter Notes

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1Historical Perspective
  1. Evolution of Refractive Surgery
    Sridevi Nair, Manpreet Kaur, Jeewan S Titiyal2

Evolution of Refractive SurgeryCHAPTER 1

Sridevi Nair,
Manpreet Kaur,
Jeewan S Titiyal
Refractive surgeries are one of the most commonly performed elective ophthalmic procedures worldwide. The journey of refractive surgery has been a continual evolution from the now archaic corneal incisional surgeries to excimer laser-based corneal ablative procedures, to the present-day minimally invasive femtosecond laser-based techniques such as small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE). Till date, more than 40 million laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and 2 million SMILE procedures have been performed worldwide.1
Advancements in corneal diagnostics and laser technology have paved way for the development of customized corneal ablation profiles with a revival of interest in surface ablative procedures. Despite the excellent outcomes observed with the current procedures in treating myopic errors, their results in presbyopia and hyperopia are not as predictable. Ongoing research in this ever-expanding field may help us to improve our understanding of these conditions and optimize their management in the foreseeable future. We herein trace the evolution of refractive surgeries in ophthalmology, the current trends and the future frontiers (Figs. 1 and 2).
The concept of reshaping the cornea to correct refractive errors was first proposed by Hjalmar Schiotz in 1885, who employed limbal relaxing incisions to correct postcataract surgery astigmatism. Subsequently, Leendert Jan Hans studied the utility of corneal incisions for treating astigmatism and proposed the concept of corneal flattening occurring in the meridian perpendicular to the incision. The introduction of radial keratotomy (RK) by Sato in 1939 heralded the era of incisional corneal refractive surgeries. He performed anterior and posterior radial corneal incisions to flatten the central cornea and correct myopic refractive errors; however, the posterior corneal incisions were associated with endothelial cell damage and bullous keratopathy in up to 70% of patients.2 Fyodorov, a corneal surgeon from Russia modified the technique to perform only anterior corneal keratotomy incisions and employed various multifactorial nomograms to improve predictability of outcomes.3 Meanwhile, hexagonal keratotomy was introduced by Dr Antonio Méndez for treating hyperopic refractive errors, wherein, corneal incisions were placed circumferentially in a hexagonal configuration to cause steepening of the central cornea.4
zoom view
Fig. 1: A timeline describing the evolution of refractive surgery. (FS: femtosecond; LASIK: laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis; SMILE: small incision lenticule extraction; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; PRK: photorefractive keratectomy; ICL: implantable collamer lens)
zoom view
Fig. 2: The past, the present, and the future of refractive surgeries. (LASIK: laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis; PRK: photorefractive keratectomy; SMILE: small incision lenticule extraction)
RK enjoyed widespread popularity through the 1970s and 80s; however, it was eventually discontinued due to unpredictable and fluctuating visual outcomes and the introduction of more accurate excimer laser technology for corneal ablation.5,6
The concept of keratomileusis or “corneal carving” was pioneered by José Ignacio Barraquer in 1964. Epikeratoplasty was described in 1980s based on Barraquer’s technique wherein a lathed donor stromal lenticule was sutured onto the cornea.3 The 1970s and 80s saw the emergence of corneal reshaping techniques including radial thermal keratoplasty and conductive keratoplasty, which were less invasive and technically simpler. Fyodorov introduced radial thermal keratoplasty to treat hyperopia and astigmatism. The shrinkage of collagen fibrils gave rise to a midperipheral purse string effect with corresponding steepening of central cornea. Conductive keratoplasty was developed in 1990s for low-moderate hyperopia and presbyopia, wherein central corneal steepening was achieved with the controlled delivery of high-frequency and low-energy electric current to the mid-peripheral stroma. The corneal reshaping techniques were discontinued due to associated complications, lack of long-term stability, and significant regression.710
The introduction of argon fluoride (ArF) lasers in 1983 for corneal ablation marked a paradigm shift in the field of corneal refractive surgery. It enabled removal of precise amounts of stromal tissue within a fraction of microns while causing negligible damage to the adjacent tissue.11 Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) was the first procedure to employ excimer laser-mediated corneal ablation for reshaping the cornea in order to correct myopic refractive errors, and received FDA approval in 1995.12 Over the years, innovations in excimer laser technology such as the use of higher frequency lasers, introduction of flying spot lasers, advanced eye-tracking systems, and the introduction of Gaussian beam profile have enhanced the safety and efficacy of visual outcomes. Postoperative pain and corneal haze associated with epithelial removal in PRK led to the development of flap-based corneal ablative procedures. In 1990, Pallikaris described LASIK wherein he created a corneal flap with a guarded microkeratome and ablated the underlying stromal bed with excimer laser; the procedure received FDA approval in 1999.13
Advancements in corneal diagnostics, including corneal imaging and aberrometry, facilitated the development of customized laser vision correction. Customized corneal ablation aimed to treat the pre-existing ocular aberrations or minimize their induction during the procedure. Wavefront optimized LASIK minimizes the induction of new spherical aberrations during LASIK and continues to remain the most commonly used ablation profile.14 Wavefront-guided ablation aims to objectively correct the total ocular aberrations measured preoperatively by an aberrometer or wavefront sensor.15 Corneal topography-guided ablation was essentially introduced as a modality to treat irregular corneas including keratoconus, postkeratoplasty astigmatism, and healed keratitis.16
The advent of femtosecond laser (FS) technology in early 2000s revolutionized the field of refractive surgery.17 The use of a highly focused photodisruptive laser, employing ultra-short pulses, heralded the era of high precision flap-based and flapless procedures. Femtosecond laser-assisted flaps were associated with better precision, reproducibility, faster visual recovery, and lesser incidence of postoperative dry eyes as compared with microkeratome flaps.18
Femtosecond lenticule extraction (FLEx), introduced in 2006, was the first procedure to utilize a single FS laser platform (VisuMax, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena, Germany) for creating the corneal flap and an intrastromal lenticule, thus eliminating the need for excimer laser-mediated stromal ablation.19 The technique was further modified to extract the intrastromal lenticule via a small side cut incision instead of a flap, known as SMILE.20
The history of lens-based procedures for treating refractive errors dates back to the late 18th century when Abbé Desmonceaux of France proposed the removal of crystalline lens to treat high myopic errors. Removal of crystalline lens with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation for treating refractive errors or refractive lens exchange gained popularity following advancements in the field of cataract surgery.21
Phakic IOLs for the correction of myopia were first introduced in 1953 by Benedetto Strampelli. Initial phakic IOLs were meant to be implanted in the anterior chamber and fell out of favor due to associated endothelial decompensation and glaucoma. The 1980s saw a revival of phakic IOL surgery with advancements in IOL design and material. Iris fixated lens and posterior chamber phakic IOLs were developed with a favorable safety profile.22 The Artisan (Ophtec) iris claw lens received FDA approval in 2004; subsequently, its modification, Artiflex (Ophtec), made of flexible silicone with a larger optic size was introduced. Implantable Collamer lens (ICL), a posterior chamber phakic IOL, was first introduced in 1993. The enhanced biocompatibility and superior optics of ICL afforded a favorable safety profile while providing excellent visual outcomes.5 The earlier models of ICL were associated with a significant incidence of lenticular opacities caused by the intermittent contact between the ICL and crystalline lens. This was reduced in the subsequent models due to improvements in the ICL design and material, furthering the widespread acceptance of these lenses.23
Cornea-based refractive surgeries are the current standard of care, with LASIK and SMILE being the most widely performed corneal refractive surgeries. Femtosecond laser for creation of corneal flaps prior to ablation has further enhanced the safety and predictability of LASIK; however, it is associated with its unique set of complications related to suction loss and cavitation bubbles breakthrough. The advent of newer femtosecond lasers employing a higher frequency, lower energy, and tighter spot and line separation has led to a decrease in the laser-related complications. The prospect of a flapless corneal refractive surgery, which was at par with LASIK in terms of precision, efficacy, and safety profile, became a reality with the introduction of SMILE. Though associated with a considerably steeper learning curve, the procedure has distinct advantages over LASIK including a better corneal biomechanical profile, less dry eyes, lesser induced higher-order aberrations, and absence of flap-related complications. SMILE has recently received FDA approval for the treatment of astigmatism up to 3D in addition to myopia, further enhancing its scope for refractive correction.24,25 The technique has also shown promising results for correction of hyperopia in various clinical trials.26
A resurgence in surface ablation techniques has been witnessed in the recent times owing to the advent of customized corneal ablative treatments, transepithelial ablations, and its utility in performing retreatments following SMILE or LASIK. Topography-guided ablation was first introduced for treatment of irregular corneas; however, it has recently shown promising results in virgin eyes, with studies implying its significant potential for superior visual outcomes, both in terms of visual acuity and quality. Topography-guided ablation for treating myopia with or without astigmatism received US FDA approval in 2016.27
Among the lens-based refractive procedures, posterior chamber phakic IOL implantation remains the most commonly performed surgery today. The newer fourth-generation ICL (V4c or EVO Visian ICL) with a central 360 microns hole at the center of its optic (KS-AquaPORT) was introduced in 2011 with the aim of preventing secondary cataract and eliminating the need for peripheral iridotomy. Subsequently, the V5 model (EVO+ Visian ICL) with a large diameter optic was introduced in 2016 to alleviate the night vision symptoms in patients with larger mesopic pupil. The long-term efficacy and safety of ICL implantation has been demonstrated in patients with high-refractive errors unsuitable for corneal procedures as well as low and moderate myopia, making it a feasible alternative to corneal refractive surgeries.28,29
The unparalleled safety and efficacy of FS-LASIK and SMILE has led to their soaring popularity over the years; however, certain issues such as iatrogenic ectasia and postoperative dry eye disease remain unresolved. Recent advances in corneal imaging have allowed us to look beyond placido disk technology for preoperative screening of patients at risk to develop postoperative ectasia. While newer technologies such as Scheimpflug technology, corneal biomechanical assessment, and high-resolution optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging are more sensitive at detecting subclinical keratoconus, the ideal tool that can identify the patients predisposed to postoperative ectasia with optimal sensitivity and specificity continues to elude us. The use of techniques such as machine learning, which rely on artificial intelligence to improve the diagnostic accuracy of subclinical keratoconus in refractive surgery patients, may help us to eliminate iatrogenic ectasia following laser vision correction.30
Postoperative dry eye remains another common side effect observed after LASIK and SMILE, though the incidence is lower with latter. Agents that promote corneal re-innervation may help to mitigate this postoperative adverse effect in the future.31
SMILE is a less invasive alternative to LASIK for laser vision correction while being comparable in terms of efficacy and safety. The need for retreatment following SMILE is considerable and has been reported to be around 2–4.4% in various studies. Retreatment options following SMILE include surface ablation, thin flap LASIK, and converting the cap to flap using the CIRCLE software. Re-SMILE is being investigated as an enhancement option owing to its benefit in preserving the biomechanical strength of the eyes while ensuring patient comfort.32
Corneal laser treatment for correction of hyperopia remains a challenge. The outcomes of LASIK for hyperopic refractive error correction remain confounded with issues such as increased regression due to epithelial remodeling and visual disturbances resulting from the hyperprolate corneal shape, especially in patients with higher magnitudes of error. Hyperopic SMILE is a relatively new procedure that entails the creation of a negative meniscus lenticule, which is then extracted. The lenticular profile for hyperopic SMILE is still evolving and its efficacy and safety are still being investigated in clinical studies.26 Stromal tissue additive procedures for correction of hyperopia may be more suitable in patients with higher refractive errors or those unsuitable for corneal ablative procedures.6 These investigational procedures entail the intrastromal implantation of a SMILE lenticule beneath a flap (lenticule intrastromal keratoplasty) or in a stromal pocket (small incision lenticule intrastromal keratoplasty) for hyperopic correction.33
Presbyopia is another frontier yet to be conquered by refractive surgeons. Presbyopia correction is presently the most dynamic domain in laser vision correction owing to increasing demands of spectacle independence among older population. Presbyopic corneal ablation relies on the creation of a multifocal corneal profile or an increased depth of focus; however, a satisfactory approximation of the dynamic physiological accommodation necessary for countering the presbyopic symptoms is not provided. Furthermore, presbyopic corneal ablation performed in phakic patients predisposes them to unpredictable refractive outcomes following cataract surgery, which may be required subsequently.34 Newer generation multifocal intraocular lenses are a viable alternative for patients requiring concomitant cataract surgery. In addition, phakic presbyopic IOLs are a promising addition to the armamentarium of presbyopic surgeries.
Rapid strides have been made in the field of refractive surgery over the past few decades, propelled by the increasing demands for precision and safety by surgeons and patients alike. Femtosecond laser-assisted corneal ablative and lenticule extraction procedures continue to enjoy overwhelming popularity for myopic correction. Posterior chamber phakic IOLs have excellent efficacy and safety and are a feasible alternative to LASIK or SMILE across the spectrum of myopic refractive correction.
Today, the field of refractive surgery offers us endless opportunities to not just rid the patients of their spectacles but also elevate their quality of vision and life. While newer technology and scientific advances continue to emerge in the field of presbyopia correction, a therapeutic intervention, which can successfully simulate the dynamic features of the natural accommodative process, will be the future of refractive surgery. The evolution of refractive surgery will require to keep pace with the growing demands for superlative vision while ensuring long-term stability, optimal patient comfort, and a favorable side effect profile.
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