DC Dutta’s Clinics in Obstetrics DC Dutta
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table, respectively.
Abdominal compartment syndrome 197
Abdominal wall incision 200
midtrimester recurrent 23
septic 147
unsafe 153f
Abruptio placentae 6, 24
acephalus 70
amorphus 70
Accelerations 169
Acidosis, metabolic 167
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 233
Active immunization 226
Acute chest syndrome 120
Acute coronary syndrome 222
Acute kidney injury 147
aggravating factors for 147
pathogenesis of 147
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 147, 222
Acute uterine inversion
classification of 210
surgical management of 211
Adenine 143
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 244
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 241
Airway 214
Alpha-fetoprotein 36
Alpha-hydroxyprogesterone 53
Amino acids, placental transfer of 36
Aminoglycosides 147
Amniocentesis 34, 131, 219
Amnioinfusion 39, 173
advantages of 173
disadvantages of 173
Amnion 158
Amnionicity 158
Amnioreduction 245
Amniotic band 244
Amniotic cavity 157f
Amniotic fluid embolism 152
management of 152
Amniotic membrane 198f
Amniotomy 245
Amoxicillin 242
aplastic 115
classification of 115t
deficiency of 115
hemolytic 115
microangiopathic hemolytic 137
microcytic hypochromic 39
types of 116
Anencephaly 18, 18f, 27
Aneuploidy 219
marker, genetic sonogram for 73
Angiogenesis 158
Angiography, intravascular pulmonary 154
converting enzyme 79
infusion test 4
receptor-blocking drugs 79
Antenatal care 150, 222
Antenatal corticosteroids 47, 52
benefits of 47
Anterior face presentation, diagnosis of 32
Antibiotic 47, 94, 147
administration, timing of 200
guidelines for use of 252
prophylactic 200
regimens 93
therapy 14
use of 252, 252t, 253t, 254t
Antibody formation 26
Anticoagulation 130
drug 128, 129
therapy 129
Anti-D gammaglobulin 26
drugs 78, 79
therapy 78
place of 77, 78
selection of 93t
therapy 242
Antiphospholipid syndrome 135, 138
Anti-shock garments 185
Antithrombotic 129
agents 65
Antithyroid drugs 123, 124t, 125
Antiviral therapy 234, 235f
abdominal 91f, 185
complete occlusion of 192
Aortic isthmus 162
Aortocaval compression, physiological implications of 214
Aortogram 41
Apheresis 143
Appendicitis 26
Arterial embolization 89
Arterial ligation
bilateral 192
unilateral 192
Arteriovenous malformations 14
condition of 14
Arteriovenous pseudoaneurysm formation 14
Artery, systemic 189
Aspirin, low-dose 65, 136
Assisted reproductive technologies 70
Assisted vaginal breech delivery, principles of 44
Asthma 241
Atenolol 79
Atonic postpartum hemorrhage 188, 194
medical management of 185
Atosiban 49, 52
Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study 59
diseases 147
disorders 244
Auxiliary nurse midwives 58
A-wave 163
Bacteremia 241, 251
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 40, 251, 252
Bandl's ring 26
Barnum's maneuver 183
Barrier methods 130
BCG vaccine 227
Beta-adrenergic therapy, use of 34
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 74, 75
Beta-lactamase, extended-spectrum of 93, 251
Betamethasone 48, 57, 244
acetatate 58
minor 118f
trait, diagnosis of 118
Biguanides 61
Biophysical profile 140
Bioprosthetic heart valves 129
Biopsy 233
Biparietal diameter, sonographic measurements of 35
Birth asphyxia 131, 202
Bleeding, abnormal 13
Blood 93
autologous 145
cell formation 158
coagulation disorders 25, 224
components 143
types of 143
flow 191
loss 88
pressure 121
maternal 11
products 143
transfusion 13, 143, 144
vessel 93
formation 158
Blurred vision 224
B-lynch uterine brace suture 13f
Body mass index table 255
Bony pelvis 43
injury, ischemic 181
magnetic resonance imaging of 153f
Breast 92
abscess 254
Breastfeeding 14, 32, 79
difficulty in 16
Breathing 214
extraction method 203
presentation 19
trial 212
British Society of Hematology and Transfusion 154
Broad-ligament hematoma 194
Broad-spectrum antibiotics 93
Calvarium 18f
Capillary blood glucose levels, optimum levels of 61t
Captopril 79
Carbimazole 123
dioxide, partial pressure of 97
monoxide 222
Carcinoma, hepatocellular 235
Cardiac arrest 34
Cardiac arrhythmia 128, 159
Cardiac disease 128, 153
Cardiff count 141
Cardiorespiratory collapse 97
Cardiotocography 8, 8f, 9, 31, 69
antenatal 39
limitations of 171
machine 8f
use of 175
Cardiovascular disease, risk of 79
Cell-free DNA 219
Central nervous system 168, 237
Centripetal macular rash 230f
Cephalic presentation 19
Cephalocentesis 19
autoregulation, loss of 3
edema 153f
palsy 47, 55
causes of 55
characteristic manifestations of 55
prevalence of 55
cerclage 254
dilatation 11, 200, 202
advanced 48
incompetence 35
length measurement 52
pregnancy 194
ultrasound diagnostic criteria for 160
sonography 52
effective dilatation of 23
full dilatation of 202
Cesarean delivery 15, 63f, 94f, 131, 198f, 202, 204, 205, 242
emergency 83
incidence of 202
on maternal request
potential benefits of 204
potential risks of 204
risk of 205
Cesarean hysterectomy 90, 192
Cesarean scar pregnancy 107, 108f
diagnosis of 107
management of 108
ultrasound diagnostic criteria for 160
Cesarean section 107, 154, 198, 204
anesthesia for 199
different techniques of 199t
elective 181
indications for 6
lower segment 10
perimortem 154, 214, 215
procedure of 200
rates 204t
steps of 200
wound infection 254
Chemotherapy, prophylactic 23
compression 214
pain 224
X-ray 241
Chickenpox 29, 31
infection 230
neonatal central 231
Chills 241
Chlamydia 229
Cholestasis 235
Chorioamnionitis 48, 251
Chorionic villus sampling 43, 74, 75, 219
Chorionicity 66
Chromosomal abnormalities 20, 36
Circulation 214
Circumvallate placenta 6f, 7f
Cirrhosis 235
Clarithromycin 242
Clavicle, fracture of 183
lip 10f
palate 10f
Cleidotomy 183
Coagulation failure 147
Collateral circulation, development of 189
Combined oral
contraceptives, use of 36
pills 41
Compartmental syndrome 197
Computed tomography pulmonary angiography 154
Congenital cytomegalovirus
disease 233
infection 233
Congenital infections 229t
classical triads of 238
types of 229
Contingent screening 74fc
emergency 41
safe and effective method of 25
use of 121
Contraceptive 29, 130
methods, failure rate of 41
Cooley's anemia 119
Coombs’ test 26
clamping 200
compression 168
Cordocentesis 219
Cornual resection 106
Cornuostomy 106
Coronavirus 222
Corticosteroid 42, 58t, 125
delivery 47
synthetic 48t
Cortisol 48
Cortisone 48
Cough 241
Coumarin derivatives 129
Couvelaire uterus, management of 24
COVID-19 222, 227
infection 222, 224
effect of 222
high-risk for 222
pandemic 222, 223
vaccination of 224
vaccines 227
C-peptide 60
Cranial vault, absence of 18f
Crown-rump length 158
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors 48, 49, 53
Cystic hygroma 19, 20f
Cystitis 252
Cytomegalic inclusion disease 233
Cytomegalovirus 229
infection 25, 233
complications of 233, 233t
diagnosis of 233
secretion 233
Decompensation, features of 223
Decompression, abdominal 19
Deep vein thrombosis 37
Defibrillation 214
Delivery 70, 77
normal 40
Depo-provera 29
Dexamethasone 48, 57, 58, 58t
dosage of 58
preparation of 58
Dextrose 143
Diabetes 149
mellitus, gestational 25, 39, 59, 65
severity of 149
nephropathy 149
retinopathy 149
Diarrhea 241
Dichorionic twins 69, 220
pregnancy 68
Diphtheria toxoid 227
Diplegia 55
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 147
Diuretics 79
flow velocimetry 38
ultrasound, role of 162
Double decidual sign 157
Down's syndrome 72
ultrasound screening for 42
Doyen's retractor 198f
Drowsiness 224
Drugs 136
toxicity 155
Ductus venosus 162
Doppler 163
Dysplasia, bronchopulmonary 47
Dystonia 55
Early pregnancy 194
complicated 159
diagnosis of 158
failure 159
measurements 157
sonographic features of 159
Eclampsia 4, 4f, 77f, 124, 135, 147
maternal death in 78
risk of 3
Ectopic pregnancy 5, 5f, 99, 159
diagnosis of 102, 103
incidence of 36
interstitial 160
Edward's syndrome 72, 246
Electronic fetal monitoring 121
confusing pattern of 174
Elevated liver enzymes 80
Embolectomy 154
Embolism, pulmonary 37, 222
Embryocides, local injection of 108
Embryology 35
Embryonic demise, sonographic diagnosis of 159
Embryonic pole 157
Emergency peripartum hysterectomy 207
clinical high-risk factors of 207
Enalapril 79
Encephalitis 241
Encephalocele 18f
End-diastolic velocity 162f, 163
Endometrioma 99
Endometrium, trilaminar 103
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 133
Epidural analgesia 16, 37
contraindications of 33
Epilepsy, sudden unexplained death in 153
Episiotomy 29
Erb's palsy 39
Erythropoietin, role of 117
Escherichia coli 229
Estrogen 28
E-wave 163
Exhaustion 241
External cephalic version 212
Extracellular matrix 51
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 222
Extrauterine intrapartum treatment 246
Fatigue 241
Femoral pulse, palpation of 91f
Ferric carboxymaltose 116, 117
fumarate 116
gluconate 116
sulfate 116
abnormalities 244
prenatal screening for 72
alloimmune thrombocytopenia 244
anemia, Doppler in 164
artery, typical Doppler waveform of 163f
benefits 52
biophysical profile 142
bradycardia 9
causes of 9
breathing movements in utero 42
cardiotocography 173
chromosomal abnormality, noninvasive prenatal testing for 219
circulation 39, 44
compromise 48
anomaly 63
malformations 18
consequences 238
early 69
late 69
mechanism 175t
response 167
distress, management of 38
effects 52
electrocardiogram 171, 171f, 173
erythropoiesis 33
factors 48
fibronectin test 52
growth restriction 79, 120
aortic isthmus Doppler in 163
atrioventricular valves in 163
prediction of 163
umbilical artery Doppler in 162
head, intraoperative disengagement of 203
heart 246f
rate 9, 64, 168, 173, 174
sound 6, 7, 141
variability 168
hemoglobin 44
hyperthyroidism 125
hypoxia, grades of 167
infection 239
inflammatory response syndrome 51, 240
loss 36
lung 44
maturation 42, 131
magnetic resonance imaging 69
malformations 69
monitoring 31, 150
continuous 30
mosaicism 219
movement 8, 8f, 140, 141, 142f
actual 140
reduced 140
pharmacotherapy 244
physiology 38
presentation 31
scalp electrode, use of 177
situations 140
tachyarrhythmia 244
tachycardia 9
causes of 9
therapy 244247
thyroid dysfunction 125
thyrotoxicosis 244
umbilical artery, Doppler waveform of 162f
vessels, doppler abnormalities of 162fc
weight estimation 181
Fetoplacental circulation 167
Fetoscopic laser ablation 245
autopsy of 246f
evaluation of 173
genotype of 219
hemopoiesis in 31
management of 173
papyraceus 17
ultrasonography of 20f
Fever 224, 241
Fibroid, red degeneration of 25
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 219
Folic acid 19, 121
supplementation of 19
Forceps delivery 29
Fraction of inspired oxygen 97
Fresh frozen plasma 144
Furosemide therapy, hazards of 34
Ganciclovir 233
Gastrointestinal system 148
Gastrointestinal tract 214
Gene 120
therapy 245
Genetic sonography 73
Genital sepsis, features of 153t
Genital tract, lower 185
Genitalia 22
Germ cells 22
Gestation, period of 47
Gestational age 31f, 55, 131
small for 124
ultrasound assessment of 39
Gestational diabetes mellitus 25, 39, 59, 65
management of 60, 62
treatment for 60, 62
Gestational sac 157, 158f
normal 158
Gestational thyrotoxicosis 123, 124
causes of 124
Gestational trophoblastic
disease 24
neoplasia 43, 123
Glomerular filtration rate 147
Glucocorticoid 48, 52
antenatal administration of 47
Gonorrhea 229
Graves’ disease 123, 124
Gravid uterus, postoperative specimen of 83f
Guillain-Barré syndrome 233
H1N1 241
flu 242
infection 242
virus 241
H2 receptor antagonists 147
Haemophilus influenzae 120
Headache 224, 241
Heart disease 25, 37, 128, 130
congenital 34
ischemic 64
organic 25
Heart valves 129
Helicobacter pylori 34
Hematocrit 115
Hematopoiesis 158
Hematuria 251
Hemiplegia 55
Hemoglobin 115
polypeptide chains, production of 31f
Hemoglobinopathy 25, 118
types of 118
Hemolysis elevated liver enzymes low platelet count syndrome 3, 24, 80, 81, 135, 147
basic pathology of 80
classification of 80
diagnostic criteria for 3, 80
management of 80
maternal complications of 80
risk of 81
Hemolytic disease 33
exchange transfusion in 26
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 137, 147
Hemorrhage 115, 147, 188
antepartum 115
control of 192
intra-amniotic 245
intraventricular 47, 55, 57
major 130
massive 84
pulmonary 233
Hemorrhagic disorders 98
Hemotherapy 81
unfractionated 65, 138
use of 33
Hepatitis 233
A 227
vaccine 227
virus 229
B 227
vaccine 227
virus 35, 229, 234
virus infection 234, 235
C virus 229
infection 234, 236
chronic 235
D virus 229
infection 234
fulminant 235
virus 229
Hepatosplenomegaly 233
Hernia, congenital diaphragmatic 246, 246f
Herpes simplex 133
Highly active antiretroviral therapy 133
flexion 182f
hyperflexion of 183f
Hospital gangrene 93
Hospital-acquired infection 251
Human chorionic gonadotropin 22, 43, 100, 123
Human coronavirus 222
Human immunodeficiency virus 30, 133, 229, 233
infection 37, 133, 134
treatment of 28
Human leukocyte antigen 245
Human papillomavirus 227
vaccine 227
Human placental lactogen 35
Hydatidiform mole 23
Hydralazine 79
Hydration, maternal 173
Hydrocephalus 19, 20f
Hydrochlorothiazide 79
Hydrocortisone 48, 125
Hydrostatic method 211
Hydroxyurea 120
Hyperemesis gravidarum 23, 123
diastolic 78
essential 24
gestational 24
mild 79
mild to moderate 79
moderate 79
systolic 78, 124
crisis 79
disorders 98, 135
Hyperthyroid state, control of 125
Hyperthyroidism 123, 124
autoimmune 123, 124
gestational 123, 124
neonatal 125
Hypogastric artery 190f
close origin, ligation of 192f
dissection of 192f
ligation 188, 189, 193, 194
Hypoglycemia 131
Hypothyroidism 126, 126f, 127
neonatal central 125
primary 126
Hypotonia 55
Hypovolemia 148
treatment of 210
Hypoxia 169, 171, 175t, 222
phase of 167
severe 167
Hypoxic acidosis 181
Hysterectomy 84, 106, 108f, 192, 194
advantages of 23
specimen of 90f
subtotal 209
surgical principles of 208
types of 209
Hysteroscopic procedures 106
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 244
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura 136
Immunizations, types of 226
Immunoglobulins, maternal 123
Inactivated influenza vaccine 227
Inactivated polio vaccine 227
Incision, abdominal 90
Infections 144, 231
acquired 238
control of 125
early 94
intra-amniotic 251
maternal 239
neonatal 229
transmission for 237
viral 136, 232
Inferior vena cava 214
Influenza virus 229
Injectable contraceptive steroids 41
Intensive care unit 93, 222
admission in 81
Internal iliac artery 189, 191
bilateral ligation of 41
embolization of 89f
hemodynamic mechanism of hemostasis following ligation of 41
ligation 189, 190f, 191f
indications of 189
steps of 191
Interstitial line sign 105, 160
Intracranial calcifications 233
Intramuscular injection 155
Intraoperative blood salvage 145
antibiotic prophylaxis 240
fetal monitoring, ST analysis for 175
balloon tamponade 185
contraceptive devices 130
death 67f
device 6
death 140, 147
transfusion 247
growth restriction 48, 68
infection 51, 177
packing 194
valvotomy 247
absorption 116
deficiency 115
anemia 25, 115, 116
evidences of 33
isomaltoside 116
polymaltose 116
sucrose 116
supplementation 115, 116t, 121
Ischial spine 43
Isoxsuprine 53
therapy 34
Japanese encephalitis 227
Joel-Cohen incision 200
advantages of 200
steps of 200
Killed vaccines 226
Labetalol 79
active phase of 8, 10, 30
analgesia 223
anesthesia 223
augmentation of 11, 16
care guide 257, 262
dysfunctional 63
elective induction of 128
fetal response in 167
first stage of 42, 259
latent phase of 10, 27
management of 10, 11, 223
nonprogress of 7
normal 40
pain 11
partographic management of 40
prolonged latent phase of 11
second stage of 25, 43, 260
slow progress of 7
third stage of 261
total duration of 11
trial of 26
Lactation 40
failure 64
suppression of 28
Lacunar blood flow 87f
method 109
procedures 106
Laparotomy 106
Laser therapy 244
complications of 245
Learning disabilities 233
Lethal congenital malformations 48
Leucocyte esterase 251
Leukomalacia, periventricular 55
Levonorgestrel intrauterine system 31, 41
Ligation, techniques of 191
Listeria monocytogenes 229, 237
Listeriosis, long-term complications of 237
Live births, incidence of 72t
Live vaccines 226
Liver 241
disease 137
Local and systemic methotrexate therapy 108
Logethetopulos pack 196f
Long-acting nifedipine 79
Lower urinary tract obstruction 247
Lower uterine segment bleeding 195
Low-molecular-weight heparin 136, 138, 222
use of 65
Lugol's iodine solution 125
Lungs 92
disease, chronic 47
anticoagulant 31
erythematosus 147
nephritis 147
Macrophase inflammatory protein 240
Macrosomia 63
Magnesium sulfate 47, 55, 147, 155
highlight place of 56
role of 55
therapy, fetal safety of 56
use of 55, 56
Magnetic resonance
angiography 154
imaging 83, 87, 153f
Magpie trial 78
Malaria 36, 229
Manual vacuum aspiration 27
Massive transfusion 145
Mastitis 254
Maternal collapse 151, 155, 214
causes of 153
Maternal death 95fc
Maternal disseminated intravascular coagulation 69
Maternal near miss 95, 95fc, 96
criteria 96
incidence ratio 98
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein 75
McRoberts maneuver 182, 183f
Mean corpuscular volume 115t
Mean gestational sac diameter 158
Mean pressure 191
Measles 229
mumps and rubella 227
vaccine 227
Mechanical heart valves 129
Mechanical ventilation 128
Meconium 173
Medical therapy 100, 244
Membranes, premature rupture of 251
Meningitis 241
Meningococcus vaccine 227
Meningoencephalitis 233
Metformin 61
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 93
Methimazole 123, 124
Methotrexate 100, 103, 105
adjuvant treatment 91
therapy 160
Methyldopa 79
Methylprednisolone 48
Microarray comparative genomic hybridization 219
Microcephaly 233
Microorganisms 94
Middle cerebral artery 162, 163f, 164
Doppler 163
Middle east respiratory distress syndrome 222
Mineralocorticoid potency 48
Miscarriage 23, 63, 120, 161
complete 104, 161
complications of 161
diagnostic criteria of 161
incomplete 161
Mitral stenosis, severe 128f
Mitral valve replacement 128f
Modified early obstetric warning score 251
Molar pregnancy 23, 160
Monoamniotic twins placenta 67f
Monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy 70
Monochorionic twins 67, 68, 219, 245
pregnancy 6668
placenta of 66f
Monochorionicity 67
Monozygotic twins 24
pregnancy 37
types of 23
Morbid adherent placenta 83, 90f, 195
Morbidly adherent placenta 83f, 87f, 88, 89f, 90, 198, 200
grades of 82f, 86
Mortality index 98
Multi-drug resistance infection 252
Multiple pregnancy 16, 49, 123, 219
management of 16
Mumps vaccine 227
Muscle aches 241
Myalgia 224
Mycobacterium avium 133
Myocarditis 233, 241
Nasal bone 73, 75
Nausea 224
Necrotizing enterocolitis 47, 57
Necrotizing fasciitis 93, 94f
diagnosis of 93
Neisseria meningitidis 120
Neonatal intensive care unit 55, 131
Neural tube defects 18, 19, 64
Neuropathy 233
Nicardipine 79
Nifedipine 49, 52, 79
Nitroglycerine 49
Nitroprusside 79
Non-hemorrhagic shock 151
management of 155
Nonimmune hydrops fetalis, causes of 35
Noninvasive prenatal testing 219
Nonreassuring cardiotocography 48
Nonreassuring fetal status
interventions for 174
management of 173
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 147
Nonstress test 8f, 9
abnormal 9f
Nuchal translucency 7275
Nutrients, transfer of 158
Nutritional supplementation 64
Obesity 63, 64
classification of 63
combined 63
generalized 63
maternal 219
morbid 241
prevalence of 63
Obstetric 1
and gynecology, history in 275, 277
behavior 120
cholestasis 63, 146
diagnosis of 146
collapse 214
examination 113
hemorrhage 43, 194196
life-threatening conditions in 98
management 136
palpation 113
shock, causes of 151, 151f
transfusion in 143
Obstructed labor, management of 27
Ocular toxoplasmosis 238
Oligohydramnios 67
Omphalopagus 70f
Open fetal surgery 244
Open heart surgery 128f
Open surgical method 109
Operative vaginal delivery 254
Operative wounds, classification of 94t
Optic atrophy 233
Oral acyclovir 230
Oral glucose tolerance 60t
Oral hypoglycemic agents 61
Organ system dysfunction intervention-based criteria 96
Oseltamivir 242
Ovarian pregnancy, diagnosis of 32
administration 173
carrying capacity 143
partial pressure of 97
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curves 44f
Oxytocin 11f, 38, 43, 128
infusion 173
Pain, abdominal 5, 6
Painful crisis 120
increased risks of 120
Palpation 113
Panton-valentine leukocidin 93
Partograph 10, 11f, 12f, 262
Parvovirus 229
Passive immunization 226
Patau syndrome 72
Patent ductus arteriosus 57
Patwardhan method 203
Peak systolic velocity 162f, 163
collateral circulation 189
examination 113
packing 192, 196, 196f
ultrasonography 5
vessels and ureter, anatomy of 192f
Pelvis 22, 40, 183f, 197
contracted 26
normal 23
Penicillin-allergy 254
Perfusion scan 154
Perinatal death 30
Perinatal infections, congenital 229
Peripartum hysterectomy 207, 208f
indications of 207
Peripheral blood film 115
Peritoneum, parietal 199
Peritrophoblastic flow 159
Periventricular leukomalacia 55
causes of 55
Personal protective equipment 222
Pertussis 227
vaccine 227
Phosphate 58, 143
Phospholipids 44
Pill users, beneficial effects of 28
Pioglitazone 61
Piperacillin 242
accreta 31, 84, 86
spectrum 86
syndrome 86, 88, 90
chorioangioma of 245
increta 83
percreta 90f
perforates uterine scar 90
previa 6, 24, 82, 87f
accreta 82, 83
degree of 24
incidence of 7
succenturiata 84f
Placental abruption 48, 147
Placental delivery 200
Placental mosaicism 220
Placental transfer 32, 35, 36, 48
Placentation, abnormal 208
Planned vaginal delivery, benefits of 204
Plasma half-life 48
concentrate 144
functions of 135
transfusion 81
Pneumococcal vaccine 227
Pneumocystis jirovecii 133
Pneumonia 131, 233, 241, 242
severe 222
viral 222
Poliomyelitis 226
Polygenic disorders 73
Polyhydramnios 67
Polymerase chain reaction 233
amplification 238
Poly-oli syndrome 67
Posterior arm, delivery of 183, 184f
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome 3, 4f
Postmaturity syndrome 36
examination 152
observation 152
Postpartum 124, 127
care 150, 223
hemorrhage 33, 63, 115, 143, 185, 188
management of 13, 185, 188
optimal management of 13
primary 12
secondary 13, 14
surgical management of 37, 188
traumatic 188
management 125
period 64, 81
thyroid dysfunction 126
diagnosis of 126
management of 126
Postpill amenorrhea 29
Prednisolone 48
Prednisone 48
Pre-eclampsia 4, 64, 79, 120, 124, 135, 147
predisposing factors for 4
prevention of 77
severe 3, 48, 77, 78, 153
treatment of 34
Pregnancy of unknown location 100103, 161
asymptomatic 103
clinical outcomes of 103
conservative management of 103
diagnosis of 102
medical management of 103
surgical management of 103
Pregnancy 15, 25, 31, 115, 131
acid-base changes in 44
acute fatty liver of 147
acute kidney injury in 147
anemia in 115, 115t, 117
antithrombotic therapy in 138
aortocaval compression in 155
associated plasma protein A 74, 75
benefits of vaccination in 224
beta-thalassemia in 118
blood transfusion in 121
cardiac disease in 128
chickenpox infection in 31, 231
complications 19, 241
cornual 105, 105f
COVID-19 infection in 222
cytomegalovirus infection in 233
drugs used in 147
endocrinology in 38
epilepsy in 30
group B streptococci infection in 240
H1N1 in 242
heart disease in 37, 128, 130
hemodynamic changes in 30
hemorrhage in 115
heterotopic 109
hypertension in 79
hypertensive disorders in 135
hyperthyroidism in 123, 124, 124t, 126
immunization in 226
infections in 231
interstitial 105
intrahepatic cholestasis in 39
late 194
listeriosis in 35, 237
malaria in 36
medical termination of 33, 36
megaloblastic anemia in 37
multiple 16, 49, 123, 219
normal 40
obesity in 63
persistent ectopic 101
plasma volume in 34
renal transplant in 150
respiratory system in 42
rubella infection in 232
ruptured interstitial 105f
sickle cell disease 34, 120
swine flu infection in 241, 242
termination of 3, 77
thrombocytopenia in 34, 135, 136t, 137t
thromboprophylaxis in 138
dysfunction in 123
functions in 123
testing in 126
thyrotoxicosis in 38, 238
universal iron supplementation in 115
viral hepatitis in 234
vomiting in 34
weight gain during 61
Prenatal genetic
diagnosis 21, 43
indications of 72t
tests 75t
Preterm birth 47, 53
classification of 50
management of 47, 54
prevalence of 54, 55
syndrome 51
Preterm labor 34, 50, 120, 245
clinical presentations of 52
diagnosis of 51
etiology of 50
importance of 50
pathophysiology of 50, 51
prediction of 52
prevention of 48, 49
spontaneous 34
tocolytics in 49
Previous cesarean section 7
number of 83
Progesterone 53, 102
only contraceptives 130
mechanism of actions of 53
place of 53
Propylthiouracil 123, 124
Prostaglandins 28
functions of 33
Prosthetic heart valves, types of 129
Proteinuria, massive 79
Proton pump inhibitors 116, 147
Pubis delivery 27
Puerperal foot drop 28
Puerperal pyrexia 16, 92
Puerperal sepsis 92, 93, 147
management of 93t
maternal risk factors for 92
pathogenesis of 92
treatment of 92
Puerperium 65
Pulse pressure 191
Push method 203
acute 253
severe 147
Pygopagus fetuses 70
Pyuria 251
Quad screen 73
Quadriplegia 55
Quintero system 68
Rabies 227
vaccine 227
muscle 199
suturing 199
sheath 199
Red cell alloimmunization 247
Renal disease 137
Renal papillary necrosis 121
Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system 147
Reproductive function, maintenance of 192
Respiratory disease, chronic 241
Respiratory distress syndrome 47, 57, 131, 224
Respiratory failure 131
Respiratory system 42, 155
Reticulocyte count, significance of 115
Retinitis 233
Retinopathy 149
of prematurity 47
antigen 26
incompatibility 26
Rigors 241
Ritodrine 53
Roll over test 4
Rosiglitazone 61
Rubella 229, 232
infection 232
syndrome, congenital 232
vaccine 227
Rule of 30 187
Rupture uterus, surgical treatment of 27
Ruptured cesarean scar pregnancy 108f
Sacrosciatic notch 32
Salpingectomy 106
Scalp electrode 177
Scintigraphy 154
Sclerosis, tuberous 77f
Seizures 78, 233, 241
Sensorineural hearing loss 233
Sepsis 153, 207, 222, 251
resuscitation bundle 153
maternal 253
severe 93, 94
Septostomy 245
ferritin 116
iron 116
Severe acute maternal morbidity 95, 151, 207
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 222
Severe eclampsia 77, 153
management of 78
Severe pre-eclampsia 3, 48, 77, 78, 153
complications of 77
diagnosis of 3
management of 77, 78
markers of 78
Sexually transmitted infections 229
index 187, 188
neurogenic 210
dystocia 39, 181, 182
complications of 182
diagnosis of 181
management of 181183
prediction of 181
prevention of 181
internal rotation of 182, 184f
Sickle cell
anemia 25
disease 34, 120
hemoglobinopathy 122
Sickling phenomenon, clinical manifestations of 120
Single umbilical artery 42
Sinusoidal pattern 9, 10, 10f, 170
Skin 92
incision 199, 200
Sliding organ sign 107, 160
Small intestine, loops of 153f
Snowstorm pattern 160
Sodium citrate 143
Soft tissue 92
Sore throat 241
Speculum examination 113
Speech difficulty 224
Spiegelberg's criteria 32
Spina bifida 18f
ST segment analysis 171, 176
limitations of 177
procedure of 176
system 172
Stem cell transplantation 245
Sterilization 130
Steroid therapy 81
Stillbirth 63
Streptococcus pneumoniae 120
Subcutaneous tissue 199
closure of 200
Subtotal hysterectomy 209
benefits of 209
Sudden cardiac arrest 154f
Sudden maternal collapse 155
Sulfonylureas 61
Suprapubic pressure 182f
benefits of 182
procedure of 183f
Surfactant therapy 52
complications of 90
fetoscopic 244
laparoscopic 5f, 100
steps of 208
Surgical procedures 90, 188
Surgical therapy 244
Suturing techniques 186
Swabs 93
Swine flu 241, 242, 2541
infection, complications of 241
Symphysiotomy 183
Symphysis pubis 183f
Syphilis 229
Systemic lupus erythematosus 42, 244
Tachypnea, transient 131
Tamponade test 185, 188
Telencephalon 18f
Terbutaline 53
Tertiary villi 22
Tetanus toxoid 227
Tetanus-diphtheria and influenza 226
Thalassemia 25, 37, 116
Thiazolidinediones 61
Thoracic cavity 246f
Three-dimensional sonography 73
Thrombocytopenia 34, 80, 135, 137, 233
causes of 135
gestational 136
Thromboembolism 63, 64
previous 138
recurrent 40
Thrombogenicity 129
Thrombophilia 138
acquired 138
Thromboprophylaxis, antenatal 138
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 137, 147
disease 125
dysfunction 123
neonatal central 125
function tests 123fc
chronic 123
immune 123
non-immune 123
postpartum 126
clinical diagnosis of 124
gestational 123, 124
Thyroxin-binding globulin 123
Tocograph 9
Tocolysis 52, 53
mimetics for 53
Tocolytics 48, 49, 53
adverse effect of 49
contraindications of 53
drugs 173
cost-effectiveness of 49
use of 48
maintenance therapy of 49
overall contraindications of 53
rational use of 48
side effects of 53
Tongue bite, severe 77f
Total iron binding capacity 116
Total spinal block 155
Toxic nodule 123
Toxoplasma 229
gondii 238
Toxoplasmosis 238, 239
complications of 239
transmission for 238
Tranexamic acid 200
Transabdominal infraumbilical route 191
Transabdominal route approach, advantages of 191
Transfusion 143
Transvaginal scan 5
Triple-P procedure 91
Trisomy 20, 21, 72
Trophoblasts, persistent 101
Tubal ectopic pregnancy 5, 5f, 99
medical management of 100
recurrence of 6
Tubectomy 130
Turner's syndrome 20, 20f
conjoint 70, 70f
dichorionic 69, 220
discordant 68
growth discordance in 68
placenta of 33
pregnancy 24, 28
single fetal death in 69
reverse arterial perfusion 66, 70
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 66, 244, 245
diagnosis of 17, 66, 68
Doppler assessment in 164
management of 66, 68, 245
pathology of 67
Typhoid 227
vaccine 227
Ultrasonogram 158
Ultrasonographic fetal biometry 38
Ultrasonography 20f, 22, 70, 160
place of 157
Doppler study 69
markers 38
Umbilical artery 162
Doppler evaluation of 169f
ultrasound Doppler waveform of 162f
Umbilical cords 66f
clamping, timing of 42
entanglement of 67f, 71f
Umbilical flow velocity, Doppler studies for 37
Umbilical vein Doppler study 163
Unruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy 99f
diagnosis of 40
management of 23
Unstable lie 7
Ureteric stenting 90
Urethral valves, posterior 244
Urinary tract infections 92, 120, 121, 252
Urine 93
culture 251
dipstick test 251
Urosepsis 147, 253
Uterine arteriovenous malformations 13, 14
Uterine artery 162
chemoembolization 108
Doppler 163
velocimetry of 4f
embolization 105, 188
complications of 15
procedure of 14
success rate of 15
flow velocity waveform of 4f
ligation 106, 187, 188, 189f
Uterine atony 207
Uterine compression sutures 185, 186, 188
complications of 187
Uterine contraction 11f, 48
Uterine devascularization 188
Uterine incision 199, 200
extension of 200
Uterine inversion 192, 211f
thrombocytopenia in 210
Uterine muscle 199
Uterine rupture 207
Uterine trauma 207
Uterine vascular malformations 14
management of 14
Utero-ovarian vessels ligation 188, 189f
Uterus 16, 233
acute inversion of 210, 211fc
bimanual compression of 185
lower segment of 198f
manual replacement of 210
perforation of 153f
posterior surface of 13f
puerperal 118f
Vaccination, breastfeeding contraindication for 226
Vaccine 242
Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery 16, 205, 206f
Vaginal bleeding 6, 13
irregular 5
Vaginal breech delivery 205
Vaginal delivery 31
Vaginal examination 203
Valves 129
Varicella syndrome, congenital 231
Varicella vaccine 227
Varicella zoster
immune globulin 226
virus infection 229, 230, 230f
features of 230
maternal complications of 231
Vasa previa 6, 82, 85
Vascular communications beneath amnion 66f
Vascular system 22
Vasectomy 130
operation 29
Vasogenic edema 4f
Vena cava filters 154
Venous thromboembolism 154
diagnosis of 154
prevention of 222
Ventilation perfusion 154
Vertical uterine incision, indications for 201
Villi, deeper penetration of 22
Virus 144
transmission of 222
Vomiting 34, 224
Warfarin 65
Weakness 224
Whooping cough vaccine 227
Wood's screw maneuver 182, 184f
Wound infections 64
Yellow fever 227
vaccine 227
Yolk sac 157, 158f, 159
abnormally large 159
dorsal part of 158
importance of 158
number of 158
Zanamivir 242
Zavanelli maneuver 183
Chapter Notes

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