Diagnostic Cytology Pranab Dey
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Acetic acid 143
Acetylation 19
Acid alcohol 273
Acid-fast bacilli 206f, 435f
demonstration of 436
Ziehl-Neelsen stain for 517
Acid-fast stain 577
modified 206f, 577
Acinar cells, pancreatic 489, 489b, 489f, 493, 493f
Acinic cell carcinoma 360, 360t, 363, 364, 364b, 364f, 364t, 366, 368
higher magnification of 364f
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 168, 242
Actin filament 15
Actinomyces israelii 578
Actinomycosis 113, 113b, 113f, 205, 578, 578f
Adamantinoma 570, 570b
Adenine 21, 21f
Adenocarcinoma 65, 87, 109, 135f, 136, 136b, 136f, 157159, 159b, 159t, 191, 204, 211, 213, 215, 221, 230, 231f, 235, 238, 278, 368, 441, 483
endometrial 107, 136, 136f, 136t, 137b, 137f
in situ 135b
metastatic 170, 171, 171t, 218, 279f, 442f, 478t, 484f, 513f, 556f, 565
mucinous 522
pancreatic well-differentiated 495
polymorphous low-grade 363, 366, 366f
rectal 194f
serous 522
well-differentiated 107, 492, 495, 495t
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 222, 350, 357, 357t, 359, 361, 362f, 363b, 363f, 367
cribriform appearance of 362f
Adenoma 65, 403
bronchial 65
follicular 380
lactating 403, 407, 408b, 408f
parathyroid 343f
renal 65
sclerosing polycystic 368
tubular 403
Adenomatous polyposis coli 62, 70f, 78
Adenosine triphosphate 49
Adenosis 403
microglandular 403
sclerosing 403
Adenovirus 44, 209
Adherens junction 9
Adipocytes 80, 81
cells 81, 95
tissue 94
Adrenal 499
adenoma 511b, 511f
fine-needle aspiration cytology of 510b
glands 510
tumor 505
Adrenocortical neoplasm 510
Adult stem cell 35, 36
types of 36
Agarose gel electrophoresis 321f
Air-dried smear 255
Alcian blue 272
Alcohol 268
Alkaline phosphatase, placental 283, 284
Allophycocyanin 304, 308, 310
Alpha-fetoprotein 480
Alum 268
Alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary 199
Alveolar soft part sarcoma 545, 546b
Alzheimer disease 44, 48, 49, 51
Amebic abscess 475
Ameloblastoma 341, 342b, 342f
American Cancer Society 141
Amorphous crystals 184
Anal cytology 238
Anal intraepithelial neoplasia 239
Anaplastic carcinoma 391, 391f, 394, 492, 492f, 539
cytological feature of 391b
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 56, 169, 454, 454b, 454f, 470, 539
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase 210, 213, 470
Ancillary techniques 171, 194, 256, 394, 423, 530
Ancillary tests 87, 87t, 149
Androgen receptor 285
Anemia, aplastic 44
Aneuploidy 57
Angiogenesis 68, 80
Angiomyolipoma 499, 501, 501b, 502f, 504, 505
Angiosarcoma 65, 482, 483b, 483f, 543, 543b
Anoscopy, high-resolution 239
nonspecific binding of 276
panel of 282b
primary 305
site-specific 285, 285t
Antigen 276, 450
Antler horn clusters 410
adenocarcinoma 403
adenoma 403
carcinoma 416, 417, 417b, 417f, 417t
cells 402
benign metaplastic 417
large cluster of 402f
metaplastic 417t
metaplasia 406, 417
Apoptosis 39, 40, 40t, 43, 44, 44f, 46, 46t, 49, 49t, 50, 50t, 51, 51t, 74, 79, 310
biochemical pathway of 43b
blockage of 67f
detection of 44
different markers of 45t
mitochondrial pathway of 42f
molecular pathway of 41, 41b
morphology of 40
Apoptotic bodies, removal of 43
Apoptotic cell 40f, 44, 45
Apoptotic death 11, 12
Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions 33
Arm 289
Arthritis, rheumatoid 50, 52, 152, 153b
Artificial neural network 298, 299f
in cytology, applications of 299
learning of 298
Artificial neuron 298
Asbestos bodies 203
Aspergillosis 581
Aspergillus 206, 582f
flavus 581
fumigatus 581
niger 581
Aspiration 253, 431
Atrophic smear 117, 117b, 129, 134
Atrophy 38, 39, 109
chemotherapy-induced 131
inflammatory 130, 420
Autoimmune diseases 52
Autoimmunity, prevention of 43
Autolysosome 46
Automated cervical screening techniques 143
Automated screening devices 315
Automation 312, 315
advantages 316
aims of 312
disadvantages 316
primary purposes of 312
Autophagic cell death, molecular mechanism of 47f
Autophagosome 46
formation 46
completion of 47
fusion of 47
Autophagy 45, 46, 46b, 46t, 48
clinical implications of 46, 48
control of 47, 47f
formation of 46f
molecular basis of 47
types of 46, 46f
Avidin-biotin complex technique 275f
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin 186, 187f
therapy 186b
vaccine 186
Bacterial infection 185, 205, 548
acute 241
chronic 241
Balloon technique 226
Banding technique, types of 58
Barcoding system 293
Barr body 87
Barrett's esophagus 39, 229, 229b, 230b
Basal cell 104
adenoma 359, 359b, 359f
carcinoma 345, 552, 553b, 553f
Basal epithelium 122f
Basaloid cells, multiple clusters of 359f
Basophils 95, 97
lymphoma 458
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, clonality of 305
small lymphocytic lymphoma 444
system 108, 109, 121
modified 374t
terminology 374
ductular cells 474b, 474f
ductules 473
Bilirubin crystals 184
Biological contaminated wastes 332
Biopsy, conventional 88, 89, 89t
Biotin 276
Birbeck granules 440
carcinoma 63
high-grade transitional cell carcinoma of 190f, 191f
low-grade transitional cell carcinoma of 192f
mucosa, transitional epithelial layer of 179f
small cell carcinoma of 193f
squamous cell carcinoma of 193f
tumor antigen test 194, 195
wash 182, 183b
Bland dyskaryosis 127, 128b
Blastemal cells 507
pleuropulmonary 222, 223f
pulmonary 210
cells 151
vessels 65
B-lymphocyte 80, 81, 95, 430
Body cavities 147f
anatomy of 147
histology of 147
Bone 65, 94, 558
cyst, aneurysmal 569, 570f
forming tumor 559
giant cell tumor of 564, 564f, 565b, 565f
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of 567b
plasmacytoma in 568f
tumors, World Health Organization classification of 559b
Bony metaplasia 406
Borderline tumor 354
Borrelia burgdorferi 321
Bowman's capsule 92f
Brain tumor 246
Branchial cyst 337, 337f, 338b
Breast 69, 158, 299, 399
adenoid cystic carcinoma of 418
apocrine carcinoma of 417f
aspiration material 422
benign lesions of 402
cancer 62, 399
grading of 423t
carcinoma 159b, 243, 400, 401f
highlight molecular classification of 425t
invasive 403
male 422f
metastatic 160f, 415
molecular classification of 424
nonproliferative 408
proliferative 408, 409f, 410, 410t
fat necrosis of 404f
fibroadenomas of 405f
fibrocystic disease of 407f
fine-needle aspiration
biopsy 423t
cytology of 399, 399b, 400b
galactocele of 407f
histology of 402
infiltrating duct carcinoma of 244f, 414f
lactating 407, 408b
benign 400t
male 421
malignant 400t
lobular carcinoma of 419f
medullary carcinoma of 415f
mucinous carcinoma of 416f
mucocele of 416
neuroendocrine carcinoma of 420f, 421f
normal cytology of 402
neoplasm of 413f
tumor of 413b
tumor 403
WHO classification of 403b
Bromodeoxyuridine 33
Bronchial brush 199, 201
Bronchial cell
hyperplasia 204b
large three-dimensional papillary clusters of 204f
reactive atypical 210
Bronchial epithelial cells, abnormalities of 204
Bronchial lining cells, pseudostratified columnar epithelium of 93f
Bronchoalveolar lavage 199, 200b, 201, 202f, 207f209f, 214f, 216f, 217f, 581f
Brush cytology 225b
Bubble gum cell 115
Buffy coat preparation 267
Burkitt's lymphoma 56, 452, 453b, 453f
Busulfan 186
Calcinosis cutis 549f
carbonate crystals 183
oxalate crystals 183
storage 11, 12
Calretinin 278
Cancer 31, 43, 44, 55, 65, 71, 73, 154, 321
antigen 125, 176
biological characteristics of 66
broad categorizations of 87t
cell 67, 68f, 72f, 83
morphology of 82
products of 87t
types of 87
clonal evolution of 70
colorectal 70
diagnosis of 89b
hallmarks of 66, 66f
molecular basis of 70
stem cell 6, 69, 69b, 69t
characteristics of 69
identification of 69
Candida 112, 112b, 227, 583f
albicans 112, 207, 582
glabrata 112
Candidal infection 113f
Candidiasis 582
pulmonary 207
Cannon ball 155, 157b
Capillary fragments 404
Carbohydrate 4, 5
Carbol fuchsin 273
Carcinoembryonic antigen 160, 176, 195, 196, 278, 517
Knudson's two-hit hypothesis of 77f
multistep process of 70, 70b
Carcinoid 220, 221, 221b, 237, 340
atypical 466
thymic 466, 466b, 466f
tumor 219, 235, 236b
Carcinoma 51, 87, 116, 169, 213, 219, 237, 404, 413, 420, 459f, 491, 526, 554
adenosquamous 210, 493
adrenocortical 505, 505t, 511f, 512, 512b, 512f, 512t, 513
breast 422
bronchioloalveolar 216, 217f, 218f
bronchogenic 65
colonic 159
colorectal 62, 76
endometrioid 523
epithelial myoepithelial 367, 367b
ex pleomorphic adenoma 367, 367b
extrauterine 139
follicular 380
in situ 410f
inflammatory 420
intestinal type 233
invasive 117
keratinizing 132
lactation 408
mediastinal embryonal 468f
medullary thyroid 62, 383
metastatic 156f, 158, 174f, 193, 340, 370, 394, 465, 466, 469, 471, 513, 520, 523, 545, 569, 569f, 570
colonic 160f
follicular 286f, 569f
mucinous 403, 415, 416, 416b, 416f, 416t
mucoepidermoid 350, 365, 365f, 366b, 366f
myoepithelial 367
nasopharyngeal 340, 341b, 341f, 458
neuroendocrine 420f, 421f, 495, 496f
oncocytic 403
pleomorphic 210
pregnancy 408
prostatic 193
sebaceous 345, 403, 553, 554b, 554f
solid papillary 403
thymic 465
tubular 403, 417, 418b
urothelial 178, 506, 506b, 506f
well-differentiated 527
Carcinosarcoma 210
Cardiomyopathy, dilated 13
Cardiovascular disease 48
Carnoy's fixative 267
Cartilage 65, 94
forming tumor 561
Castleman's disease 429, 432, 441
Cell 3, 3b, 4f, 5, 67, 83, 183, 202
adequate number of 110
arrangement 157, 155
atypical 357
benign 82t, 149
block 148, 183, 267, 274, 531
advantages of 148
fixatives for 263
preparation 274
section, peroxidase technique on 276
cannibalism 87, 157
cell recognition 6
collection 313
concentration 305
count 241
cycle 11, 12, 26, 26b, 26f, 33
arrest 78
checkpoint 29, 31, 31b, 79
control 31, 79
regulator proteins 30
cytoplasm 385, 573
death 38, 43
division 26, 27
function of 81t
highly invading property of 6
identity 5
inflammatory 107
causes of 38b
irreversible 39
reversible 39
junction 8
types of 9f
membrane 3, 83
composition 4b
functions 5b
neuroendocrine 80, 81, 237
normal 103, 180b, 241, 473, 489, 499, 516, 526, 558
oncocytic 358f
organization 92
papillary cluster of 384f
parakeratotic 106f
permanent 27
physaliphorous 565
pleomorphic 471
polarity 5, 6, 6b
complete loss of 7
polymorphic population of 470f
population, homeostasis of 43
proliferation 26, 32, 74
shape 155
single rows of 155, 157b
small loose cluster of 167f
squamous epithelial 123, 201
superficial squamous 104
surface absorptive 237
survival 79
syncytial arrangement of 344f
transfer 313
tubular 499
type 81, 97
Whorling arrangement of 343f
adaptation 38
components 80
constituents, production of 26
metabolism 68
reaction 38
senescence 79
Central low-grade osteosarcoma 561
Central nervous system 240f
lymphoma 246
tumor 240, 246
Centrifugation 148
basic principle of 265f
simple 183
technique 265, 265f
Centrifuge 264
machine 265f
interior of 265f
Centrioles 3
Centromeric probes 58
Centrosome 15
supernumerary 75
Cercariform cells 191f
Cerebrospinal fluid 240, 241, 241t, 242, 242f, 243f, 245f, 246f
circulation of 240f
ependymoma of 247f
gross appearance of 240
laboratory technique of 241fc
Cervical cancer 140
risk factors of 119
screening 140, 141
different modalities of 141t
modes of 140t
Cervical carcinogenesis 119
Cervical cytology 260
computer-assisted interpretation of 109
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 119, 121, 122, 143f
natural history of 121, 122t
Cervical lining epithelium, epithelial cell of 103t
Cervical preneoplastic lesions 121
nomenclature of 122t
Cervical smear 103, 106, 299, 327, 328
actinomycosis of 113f
collection of 260f, 261b
method of collection of 261f
Cervical stroma 102
acute 114
follicular 109, 114
lymphocytic 109
Cervix 101, 143, 260
histology of 102
squamocolumnar junction of 103f
Chaperone-mediated autophagy 46
Charcot–Leyden crystals 152, 203
Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease 13
Chemical hazards 331
Chemotherapeutic drugs 6
Chemotherapy effects 229b
Chest wall, malignant round cell tumor of 284f
Chimeric fusion gene 55
Chlamydia trachomatis 114, 114b, 119, 321
infection 114f
Cholangiocarcinoma 480, 481b, 481f
Cholesterol 4
crystals 184
Chondroblastoma 562, 562b, 562f
Chondrocytes 558, 559f
Chondroid syringoma 550, 551b
Chondroma 65, 561
Chondrosarcoma 65, 87, 563, 563b, 563f, 564
mesenchymal 563, 564b
Chordoma 565, 565b, 566f
Choriocarcinoma 65, 521
immunocytochemistry of 521
Choroid plexus 240
Chromatin 3, 18, 18b, 19f, 21, 21t
basic unit of 19
clumping 409
organization 17
relocation 86
remodeling 79, 80, 86
structure 18
Chromogranin 281
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma 504b
abnormalities 54, 54b, 55
gain 55, 57, 62
instability 68, 75, 75b
loss 55, 57
rearrangement 55
structure 53
translocation 56, 71
effects of 56f
Chromosome 21, 21t, 53f, 54, 71, 78
enumeration probes 58
Cilia 7, 8
structure of 8f
Ciliated columnar cell 202b
Ciliocytophoria 204
Cirrhosis 154, 154b
Cis Golgi network 10
Cisterna maturation model 11
Citric acid cycle 11, 12
Clear cell
carcinoma 523, 523b, 523f
chondrosarcoma 564, 564b
sarcoma 509, 509f, 510b, 544, 545b
Cobas 4800 system 143
Coffee-bean appearance 441
Cold knife conization 130
Collagen vascular disease 200
Colloid 375, 385
carcinoma 415
goiter 375, 377
Colon 69
cancer 62
Colonic cells 108
Color charged device camera 60
Colposcopy 143
Columnar cell 180, 182b, 201
lesions 403
variant 388
Columnar epithelium 65
Compact cell block technique 267
Comparative genomic hybridization 57, 59, 60
basic principle of 60f
Compound microscope, image formation in 289
Computed tomography scan 473, 488, 530
Confocal microscopy 291
basic principle of 291f
Congo red stain 272
Connective tissue 94
stroma 362f, 405f
Conventional cytogenetics 57, 58b
Conventional gel electrophoresis 44
Conventional glass slide 296
Conventional Pap smear 141
Convolutional neural network 299, 300f
Core needle biopsy 401
Coronavirus disease-2019 332, 333
Corpus luteal cyst 521, 521b
Cortex 429
COVID-19 333
biosafety 332
infection 332, 333, 333fc
Cowdry nuclei 584
Creola body 204b
Cristae 12
Cryotherapy 130
Cryptococcal meningitis 243, 243b
Cryptococcosis 582
pulmonary 207
Cryptococcus neoformans 207, 243, 582
Cryptosporidium 238
Crystals 152, 183
Cuboidal epithelial cells 552
Curschmann's spirals 202, 203f
Cyclin dependent kinase 30, 30b, 78, 80
Cyclophosphamide 61, 186
Cylindroma 551, 551b, 551f
Cyst 337b, 474, 489
acquired 489
benign 505
congenital 474, 489
endometriotic 521, 522b
follicular 521
lymphoepithelial 352, 353b
non-neoplastic 521
renal 500, 500b
simple 352
thyroglossal 338, 338b
mucinous 523, 523b
serous 522f, 523b
Cystadenoma, serous 490
carcinoma 222f
fibrosis 199
hygroma 338, 339f
lesions 337, 351
carcinoma 387
neoplasm 495, 496f, 497b
squamous cell carcinoma, cytology smear of 338f
Cysticercosis 580, 581f
Cysticercus infection 549f
Cystitis 185
Cytocentrifugation 183
machine 266f
interior chamber of 266f
technique, basic process of 266f
Cytochemistry 171, 271
Cytogenetics 57, 572, 574
techniques 59t
Cytokeratin 160, 161, 176, 196, 211, 213, 278, 279, 284, 285, 394, 517
expression of 280t
Cytokinesis 28
laboratory, workflow of 331fc
screeners 330
Cytomegalovirus 185, 209, 227, 228b, 584
infection 228
Cytomorphology 113, 165, 168, 445448, 450, 452455, 572, 573t
Cytoplasm 3, 40, 83, 156, 157
moderate amount of 433f
orangeophilic 193f
iron 51
organelles 9
organelles, functions of 291
product 156
staining 267, 268
vacuoles 39
Cytosine 21, 21f
methylation of 76
Cytoskeletal structures, types of 15f
Cytoskeleton 3, 14, 14b
Cytotoxic T cell 96
De Novo mutation 13
domain 41
receptor pathway 41
Decidual cells 107
Dehydration 268, 269
Dense connective tissue 94
Deoxynucleotide triphosphate 318
Deoxynucleotidyl transferase 44, 167
Deoxyribonucleic acid 3, 20, 21b, 33, 59, 78, 291, 302, 318
aneuploidy 86
breakdown 43
damage 32, 79, 80
flow cytometry 33, 173
library preparation 323
ploidy 309
polymerases 22
replication 21, 22b
license and cancer 32
sequencing 321
transcription 23, 23b
Desmin 16, 280
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor 285, 572574, 575b, 575f, 576f
Desmosomes 9
Diabetes mellitus 50
Diakinesis 29
Diamidino phenylindole 304
Diaphragm 289
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 56, 393, 393f, 450, 451b, 452f, 485, 521
Digital karyotyping 58
Digital patholog 293
advantages of 294
integrated different systems in 294f
essential components of 293
workflow of 293, 293fc
limitations of 294
Digital slide, characteristics of 295b
Diplotene 29
Discrete cells 155, 157b
Disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis 164
Distilled water 268
Double helical strands 21
Double-layered nuclear membrane 17f
Down syndrome 54
Doxorubicin 61
adenocarcinoma 491, 491f
adenoma 403
carcinoma 420, 421, 426b, 492
in situ 403, 410, 410b
cell 402
benign 351
hyperplasia 403
atypical 400, 403, 406
Ductular cells, pancreatic 489f
Dysgerminoma 65, 524
Dysplasia 121, 191, 229, 230b, 230f
E-cadherin, mutational inactivation of 68
Eccrine spiradenoma 551, 552b
Echinococcus granulosus 474, 580
infection 580
Ectocervix 102
Ectopic origin, tumor of 210
microscopy 44, 45, 174, 440, 531, 572
fixatives for 263
transport 11, 12
Electronic patient record system 293
Embolus, pulmonary 154
Embryogenesis 43
Embryonal carcinoma 468, 468b, 520, 520b, 520f
immunocytochemistry of 520
Embryonic stem cell 35, 35f, 36t
Emperipolesis 438
Encephalomyopathy 13
Encephalopathy, mitochondrial 13
Enchondroma 561b, 561f, 564
Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration 200, 201, 332
Endocervical adenocarcinoma 134, 136, 136t
in situ 109, 111, 134
Endocervical brush 260
Endocervical cell 104, 104b, 109, 110, 124
cluster 128f
reactive 134, 138
tubal metaplasia of 105f
Endocervical gland 93f
squamous metaplasia of 39f
Endocervical polyp 138
Endocervix 102
markers 282t
tumor, pancreatic 493, 494f, 495, 495b, 495t
Endodermal sinus tumor 468
Endometrial aspiration smear 262
Endometrial cells 106, 106b, 129, 131, 134
atypical 138, 138b
high power magnification of 106f
mimickers of 107
Endometrial polyp 106
Endometriosis 106, 548, 549f, 556
Endometritis 106
Endometrium 69, 102
Endoplasmic reticulum 9, 10b
Endoscopic brush cytology 225
Endoscopic fine needle aspiration cytology 226
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 226, 488
Endothelial cells 474, 499
Enzymatic digestion 304
Enzyme coupled receptors 5f, 6
Eosin 268
azure 267
solution 268
Eosinophilia, pulmonary 154
Eosinophilic effusion 154
etiologies of 154b
Eosinophils 95, 97, 151
large number of 154f
Epidermal growth factor receptor 210, 213
Epidermal inclusion cyst 338, 549, 550, 550f
Epidermoid cells 366f
granulomatous 517
tuberculous 517
Epigenetic 76
study 88
Epithelial cell 7, 172t, 507, 512
abnormalities 110
adhesion molecule 7, 89, 310
malignant 522f
multiple clusters of 356f
rectal 526
tubular arrangement of 544f
types of 94f
Epithelial growth factor 72
Epithelial hyperplasia, traditional classification of 409b
Epithelial membrane antigen 171, 280, 394, 465, 517
Epithelial mesenchymal transition 6, 6b, 7, 70
mechanism of 6, 7, 7f
Epithelial proliferation, benign 403
Epithelial tissue 92
classification of 92
Epithelial tumor, benign 354
Epithelioid cell 51, 435f
granuloma 187f, 206f, 378f, 380f, 404, 404f, 435, 435f, 436b, 518f
higher magnification of 518f
bronchial 203
different types of 94t
renal 65
respiratory 65
squamous 105
columnar 93
cuboidal 93
squamous 93
transitional 93
types of 94
Epitope tagging 291
Epstein–Barr virus 340
Escherichia coli 185
Esophageal brush cytology 231f
Esophagitis 228, 228b, 229b
candidal 227b, 227f
Esophagus 226
adenocarcinoma of 231b
benign diseases of 227
candida infection of 227f
diseases of 227b
dysplasia in 230f
Esthesioneuroblastoma 344f
Estrogen receptor 176, 285, 287
Ethanol 268
Ethyl alcohol 262
Euchromatin 18, 18t, 19
Eukaryotic cell 3, 3t, 4f
Ewing's sarcoma 61, 87, 285, 565, 566f, 567f, 572, 573
Exfoliated endometrial cells 106
Eyelid, malignant neoplasm of 345
Eyepiece 290
Fallopian tubes 101, 103
False-negative immunocytochemistry, causes of 278b
False-positive immunocytochemistry, causes of 277b
Fasciitis, nodular 535
Fat 65
necrosis 404, 404b, 404f
Female genital tract 101, 101f
anatomy of 101
cytology of 101
histology of 101
Ferroptosis 39, 50, 51, 51t
mechanism of 50, 51f
significance of 51
Ferruginous bodies 203
Feulgen stain 272
Fibrillar center 20
Fibrin degradation product 195
Fibroadenoma 403, 405, 405f, 406b, 407, 407f, 408, 410, 412, 413
Fibroblast 95, 436
cancer-associated 7, 80, 81
growth factor 68, 81
Fibroblastic lesion 535
Fibrocystic disease 406, 407, 407b, 407f
Fibrolamellar carcinoma 479f
Fibroma 65
Fibromatosis 418, 535, 535b, 535f
Fibromyxoid stroma, fragments of 410
Fibrosarcoma 65, 442, 535, 537, 538b, 538f
congenital 509
Fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary 200
Fibrous tissue 65
Field-inversion gel electrophoresis 44
Filarial inflammation 517
Filariasis 579
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 199, 251, 252f, 252t, 253f, 256, 257, 304, 308, 332, 333, 335, 337339, 342, 343, 349, 355, 372, 399, 429, 463, 467f, 473, 488, 499, 516, 529, 530, 548, 558, 580
advantages of 251b, 529b, 548b
complications of 251, 252b
contraindications of 252b
indications of 372b, 529b
limitations of 251, 400
over tissue biopsy, limitations of 251b
procedure 253b
smear 258b
technical consideration 350
technique 252, 510, 530b
ultrasound-guided 238f, 256f, 373
Fine-needle sampling technique 254, 255b
Fire hazards 331
Fire-flare appearance 377f
Flagella 7
Flow cytometry 33, 45, 149, 195, 302, 302f, 310, 394, 429, 458, 530
basic principle of 302
dyes used for 304b
future of 311
history of 302
processing of 264
sample 262
processing of 149fc
Fluidics system 303
Fluorescein isothiocyanate 304, 306308
activated cell sorter 302, 303
in situ hybridization 58, 59, 149, 175, 195, 531
advantages of 59
technique, basic principle of 59f
microscope 60
principle of 290
Foam cells 402, 406
Focal nodular hyperplasia 475, 475b
Folic acid deficiency 124, 125f, 131
Follicular center cell 430
lymphoma 168f, 450
Follicular thyroid cancer 61
Foreign body
granulomas 52
reaction 550
Fragmentation 84
Franzen's guide 257
Friedreich-ataxia syndrome 13
Fundus 101, 102
infection 185, 206, 207b, 440, 548, 569, 581
meningitis 243
organisms 109
Fungus 52
yeast form of 243
Fusion gene 71
Galactocele 406, 407f, 408
Ganglioneuroblastoma 471
Ganglionic cells 512
Gap junctions 9
Gardnerella vaginalis 111
adenocarcinoma 233, 233b
carcinoma 159, 442f
mucosa, normal columnar epithelium of 232f
polyp 233
acute 232, 232b
chronic 232
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 233, 234b
behavior of 234f
diagnosis of 234
Gastrointestinal tract 225, 226f, 243, 421
lesions 299
Gaucher's disease 485
Gel electrophoresis 44, 45
Gene 21
amplification 71, 72
fusion 56
nonfusion 56
rearrangement 211
sequencing 175
Genetics 445, 447, 453
diseases 321
markers 175
bacterial artificial chromosome 61
instability 68, 74, 79, 80
Germ cell 65
markers of 283, 284t
tumor 163, 166f, 442, 466, 523
nonseminomatous 520
Giant cell 386, 405f
arteritis 52
carcinoma 210
osteoclastic 492
multinucleated 116f, 150f, 380f, 404, 435
tumor 537, 538b, 538f, 564, 564f, 565b, 565f
metastatic 392
Giardia lamblia 237
Giemsa stain 269
Glacial acetic acid 268
Glands, sublingual 349
Glandular cell 109
atypical 108, 109, 111, 131, 137, 137f, 138, 138b, 138f
status post-hysterectomy 109, 116
Glandular lesion, atypical 111
Glandular neoplasm 188
Glial fibrillary acidic protein 16
Glomerular fragments 499
Glomerulonephritis, immune-mediated 44
Glomus tumor 542, 543b
Glycolipid 4
Goblet cell 202, 202b, 237
hyperplasia 218
Goiter, nodular 376b, 376f
apparatus 10
bodies 3
complex 10, 10b
Gomori's methanamine silver 577, 581, 582
Gonads 516
G-protein-coupled receptors 5, 5f
Granular components 20
Granuloma 52, 435f
causes of 52
Granulomatous reaction, causes of 52b
Granulosa cell tumor 524, 525b, 525f
Graves’ disease 377, 377f, 378b, 378f
Green fluorescent protein 291
Gross cystic disease fluid protein 176
Ground glass nuclear appearance 114f
Growth 80
platelet-derived 72, 80, 81
receptors 72
Guanine 21, 21f
Guanosine diphosphate 73
Gynecomastia 421, 422f
Haemophilus influenzae 205
Hale's colloidal iron staining 505
Hamartoma 218
mammary 403
Harris hematoxylin 268
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 379
Head and neck 69, 337
Heart failure, congestive 154
Helicobacter pylori 232, 232b, 448, 579
infection 579
Helper T cells 96
Hemangioendothelioma, epithelioid 482, 483b
Hemangioma 65, 543, 543b
Hemangiopericytoma 542, 543b
Hematological diseases 36
Hematolymphoid tumor 354, 403
stem cell 35, 95
tissue 94
Hematoxylin and eosin stain 198, 198f, 342345, 356, 577
Hemidesmosomes 9
Hemophagocytosis syndrome 438
Hemorrhagic fluid 263
processing of 267
Hemosiderin Laden crystal 152
Hepatoblastoma 481, 481f, 482b, 482f
Hepatocellular carcinoma 62, 87, 459f, 476, 477f, 478f, 478b, 478t, 482, 484
Hepatocytes 473, 473b, 480, 505
Herpes simplex
infection 116
viral esophagitis 227
virus 113, 114b, 584, 584f
Herpetic esophagitis 228b, 228f
Heterochromatin 18, 18t
Heterozygosis, loss of 78
Hibernoma 533
Hidradenoma 551, 552b, 552f
Hippuric acid crystals 183
Histiocytes 107, 129, 131, 151, 431
Histiocytic cell 458, 458t
Histiocytoma, malignant fibrous 442, 539, 561
Histiocytosis, malignant 438
acetyltransferases 19
code 19
deacetylase 18, 19, 80
methylation 19
methyltransferase 18, 19, 80
modification 19, 19f
post-translational modification of 76, 77
Histoplasma 207, 582, 583f
capsulatum 52, 207, 582
Hodgkin's disease 441
Hodgkin's lymphoma 434436, 439, 441, 455, 456f, 457b, 457f, 465, 470, 470b, 470f
classical 455
lymphocytic predominant 457
sclerosis classical 457f
World Health Organization classification of 455b
Human chorionic gonadotropin 521
Human chromosome 53b
Human herpes virus 168
Human immunodeficiency virus
infection 310
lymphadenopathy 434, 439
Human leukocyte differentiation antigen 97
Human papillomavirus 119, 120f, 132, 185, 238, 314, 321f, 584
infection 119, 120f
test, advantages of 142
Human polyomavirus 185, 185b
Human rhabdomyosarcoma 61
forkhead in 61
Huntington disease 48, 51
Hurthle cell 382, 382f, 383b
adenoma 383f
neoplasm 380, 382, 382f, 383, 383b, 383f, 391
aspirates of 382
tumor 383, 383t
differential diagnosis of 383t
Hyalinizing trabecular adenoma 383
Hyaluronic acid 195
Hyaluronidase 195
Hydatid 580f
cyst 474, 475b, 475f
Hydatidiform mole 65
Hydrocele 517
Hydroxytryptamine 81
Hyperchromasia 124
crowded groups 127, 128b
nuclei 219f
Hyperdiploid aneuploidy 309, 310f
Hyperkeratosis 105
Hyperplasia 38
adenomatoid 377b
microglandular 135
nodular 380
pathological 38
physiological 38
reactive bronchial 204f, 217, 218
Hyperplastic bronchial
epithelial cells 204f
epithelium 204
Hyperplastic nodule 377, 377b
Hypersensitivity reaction 154
Hypertetraploid aneuploidy 309
Hypertrophy 38, 39
Hypodiploid aneuploidy 309
Hypoxia 38
Immunoblasts 431
Immunocyt 194, 195
Immunocytochemistry 87, 149, 171, 210, 215, 219, 271, 275f, 278, 340, 346, 361, 368, 382, 390, 394, 394f, 422, 429, 438, 448, 465, 472, 495, 508, 512, 531, 539, 541543, 554, 569, 572, 577
fixatives for 263
protocol 276
technique 274
Immunohistochemistry 34, 45, 467, 495
Immunological diseases 38, 44
Immunophenotype 445, 447, 448, 452454
Imunocytochemistry 458
In situ hybridization 577
Indirect staining procedure 305
Induction 46
Infections 48, 185, 205, 227, 237, 577
granulomatous 485
natural course of 119
parasitic 209, 321, 439, 440, 548
viral 44, 185, 186, 208, 241, 433f, 548, 583
Infectious mononucleosis 458
Infertility, male 518
Infiltrating duct carcinoma 244f, 403, 412, 413, 414b, 414f, 424f
Inflammation 51, 115b, 517, 548
acute 51, 238
chronic 51, 114, 238
granulomatous 51, 434, 435b, 458
xanthogranulomatous 500, 500f
Inner membrane 11, 12
Insular carcinoma 392, 392f
cytology of 393b
Intermediate cell 104, 180
layer 102
Intermediate filament 14, 15, 16t
Intermediate rhabdomyoblast 541
Intestinal cell, brush border of 8f
large 237, 238
small 237
Intracellular transport 15
Intraepithelial lesion 108111, 125
Intramuscular myxoma 534
Intranuclear pseudoinclusion 157, 386
Intrauterine contraceptive device 109, 115, 115f, 138
Intrauterine instrumentation 107
channel-coupled receptors 5, 5f
semiconductor sequencing 323
torrent machine 324f
Islet cell tumor 493, 497
Isochromosomes 57
Kaposi sarcoma 65, 168, 439
Karrolysis 48
Karyorrhexis 48
Keratin 156, 157
pearls 132, 157
Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 215
Kidney 499
clear cell sarcoma of 509f, 510b
injury 50
metastatic tumors of 506
papillary carcinoma of 504b
rhabdoid tumor of 509
tumor of 501b
Kikuchi's disease 439
Kikuchi's lymphadenitis 439, 439b
Kimura's disease 438, 438b, 439
Kinetochore-microtubule attachment 75
Klebsiella pneumoniae 205
Knudson's two-hit hypothesis 77, 77f
Koilocytes 124f
Koilocytosis 124b, 124f
Kupffer cells 474
Labile cell 27
bar code 264
information system 293, 312
waste, accumulation of 332
Lacrimal gland, lesions of 345
Lactic acidosis 13
Lactobacilli 108
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 438, 440, 440b, 440f, 568, 568b, 568f
Large cell carcinoma 210, 220, 220b
carcinoma, differential diagnosis of 221b
non-Hodgkin lymphoma 469b
nonkeratinizing carcinoma 132
sclerosing lymphoma 471
Large eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion 584
Legionella pneumophila 321
Leiomyoma 65
Leiomyosarcoma 62, 65, 87, 442, 542, 542b, 542f
donovani 436, 548, 581
lymphadenitis 436, 437f
Leishmaniasis 580, 581f
Lens 288
Lepidic adenocarcinoma 216, 217b, 218b
Lepra stain 437f
Leprosy 578f
lymphadenitis 436b
Leptotene 29
Leptothrix 113
Lesions 345, 464
inflammatory 402
non-neoplastic 184, 474, 548, 549
orbital 344
parathyroid 394
peritesticular 517
renal 500
Leukemia 69, 168, 244
lymphoblastic 56, 244, 245b, 245f, 460
megakaryoblastic 56
myeloblastic 245, 245b
myeloid 56, 71, 245f, 460
promyelocytic 56, 62f
lymphocytic 56, 245, 445
myelogenous 56f
myeloid 55, 56, 245, 460, 460f
Leukemic infiltration 346, 460
Leukocyte 107
common antigen 220, 284, 520
removal 88
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 56
Leydig cells 517
Light chain restriction 305
Light microscope 44, 45, 288, 289
basic principle of 289f
Lipids 4
bilayerd cell membrane 4f
Lipoma 65, 531, 532b, 532f
pleomorphic 532, 533b
Liposarcoma 61, 65, 533, 533f
pleomorphic 534, 534f, 535b
well-differentiated 533
Liquid biopsy 88, 88b, 89, 89t
constituents of 88
molecular techniques in 88
Liquid-based cytology 110, 115, 141, 260, 274, 312
gross smears of 314f
preparation 148, 151f, 183
smear 139f
Listeria monocytogenes 321
Lithiasis 184
Lithium carbonate 268
Liver 69, 473
cell adenoma 475, 476b, 476f
lesions 474
space-occupying lesion of 256f
tumors, World Health Organization classification of 474t
Lobular carcinoma 403, 418, 419, 419b, 420, 420t
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure 130
Loose areolar tissue 94
Lung 69, 198
adenocarcinoma of 163f, 212b, 216b, 216f
adenoid cystic carcinoma of 222f
cancer, classification of 209
carcinoid of 221f, 222f
carcinoma 62, 159, 209, 213fc, 221, 243, 285
fine-needle aspiration cytology of 321f
immunocytochemistry of 211t
metastatic 243f
infection 207f, 208f
metastatic small cell carcinoma of 164f
primary sarcoma of 223f
small cell carcinoma of 219f, 220t
squamous cell carcinoma of 212f214f
tuberculosis of 206f
tumors, WHO classification of 210b
Lupus erythematosus cell 153, 153f
Lymph node 429, 432, 458fc
anatomy of 429, 430f
aspirate 459f
fine-needle aspiration cytology
advantages of 429
approach of 431
limitations of 429b
histology of 429
intramammary 421
Langerhans cell histiocytosis of 440f
lesions, diagnosis of 458
normal components of 202b, 431, 432b
para-aortic 442f
supraclavicular 442f
tuberculous 435f
acute 434
dermatopathic 432, 440, 441f
filarial 437
lepromatous 436, 437f
necrotizing granulomatous 439
benign 432
infective 429
massive 437
Lymphangioma 65
Lymphatic tissue 65
Lymphocyte 95, 107, 151, 202, 219, 242f, 386, 404
depletion, virus-induced 44
Lymphocytic cell 458
Lymphocytic thyroiditis 379f, 380f, 382, 383
differential diagnosis of 383t
Lymphoglandular bodies 432f
cells 370f, 430
enlarged 433f
immature 194f, 236f
large atypical 433f
polymorphic population of 448
reactive 437f
hyperplasia 237
reactive 429, 432, 432f, 433f, 434b, 438, 439, 441, 458
malignancies 56t
markers 282
progenitors 95
rich lesion 351, 351b
tissue, mucosa-associated 369
Lymphoma 87, 220, 222, 237, 238, 246, 305, 354, 393, 415, 438, 443, 450, 468, 486
chromosomal alterations in 459b
classification 443, 444t
follicular 56, 429, 447, 447b, 447f, 449f
immunophenotyping of 305
lymphoblastic 167f, 452b, 452f, 469, 469b, 469f, 521f
lymphoplasmacytic 447, 448b, 450
malignant 484
marginal zone 448, 448b, 450
mucosa-associated 393
orbital 346f
primary effusion 168, 169b, 169f
intestinal 238f
lymphocytic 445b, 450
subtyping 282b
Lysosomes 3, 14, 14b, 47
primary 14
secondary 14
Macroautophagy 46
stages of 46
Macrophages 95, 107, 150, 151, 151t, 386
alveolar 202, 202b
tumor-associated 7, 80
Magnetic resonance imaging 488, 530
Major histocompatibility complex 81
Malignancy 48, 69, 87, 191
chromosomal changes in 55b
criteria of 340
detection of 173, 310
diagnostic pitfalls of 89
hematological 165
hematopoietic 556
recurrence of 62, 116
relative risk of 190
risk of 155, 155t
Malignant cells 82f, 82t, 84f, 187, 193f, 194f, 210, 210t, 219f, 231f, 443f
abundant discrete 422f
cluster of 233f
cytological features of 157b
identification of 155
Maltoma, differential diagnosis of 237t
Mammary analog secretory carcinoma 368, 368b
Mantle cell
lymphoma 56, 446, 446b, 446f, 450
carcinoma 553, 555, 556f
Markel cell tumor 556b
Mast cell 95, 151
Mastitis 402
chronic 415, 421
granulomatous 403, 404b, 404f
Matrix 11, 12
attachment region 18
metalloproteinases 7
Mature cystic teratoma 466, 467b
Mature small B cell lymphoma 450fc
May–Grünwald–Giemsa stain 148, 149, 174f, 194f, 206f208f, 221f, 222f, 227f, 228f, 232f, 236f, 238f, 241, 242f, 245f247f, 255, 268, 339, 342344, 347, 350, 375, 431, 504, 517, 530, 560, 577
Measles virus 209
Mediastinum 463
anatomy of 463
Medulla 430
Medullary carcinoma 340, 383, 383t, 389, 389f, 390f, 394, 415, 415b, 415f
cytological features of 390b
spindle cell variant of 392
Medulloblastoma 246, 246b
Meibomian carcinoma 345, 345f
Meiosis 27, 28, 28b, 29
different phases of 28f
Melamed–Wolinska bodies 180
Melanin 156
Melanoma 62, 87, 162
amelanotic 221
malignant 62, 87, 165b, 346, 420, 471, 483, 554, 555b, 555f
markers 283
metastatic 440
malignant 443f, 484f
Membrane protein, peripheral 5
Memory T cell 96
Meningioma 342, 343f, 344b, 344f, 347
Meningitis 242
acute 242, 242b
bacterial 242
tuberculous 242
viral 242, 242b
Menstruation 106
Mercuric oxide 268
cells 507
tissue 65
Mesothelial cells 65, 149, 149b, 151, 151t, 159t, 278
benign 278
flat sheet of 150f
interpretation of 150b
malignant 172b, 278
markers of 172t
reactive 151, 158, 159, 171, 218
Mesothelioma 65, 150, 151, 151t, 169, 170f
diffuse malignant 169
malignant 65, 170b, 171, 171t
molecular study of 170
Metaphase 28, 29
Metaplasia 38, 39
cartilaginous 406
mucinous 406
squamous 105b, 109, 215
Metaplastic carcinoma 403, 412, 418, 418f
cytology of 418b
Metaplastic cells, squamous 129
Metastasis 6870, 556
characteristic features of 514t
Metastatic malignancy 223, 347, 441, 483, 485b
diagnosis of 429
Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma 484f
Methanol 262
Methylene blue stock solution 273
Microautophagy 46
Microfilament 14, 15
Microfilaria 580f
Microfluidic chips 88
Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor 62
Microribonucleic acid 73
Microsatellite 75
instability 68, 75, 75b
care of 290
handling of 290
Microtubules 14, 15
Millipore filtration 266
technique, basic equipment of 266f
Minimal residual disease 88
detection of 311
Mitochondria 3, 11, 11b, 11f, 51
disease 13
matrix 12
pathway 41, 42
Mitochondrion, double membrane bound structure of 11f
Mitomycin C 186
Mitophagy 48
mechanism of 48
Mitosis 27, 27b, 32, 86, 157
different phases of 27f
qualitative abnormality of 86
count 33
index 32
spindle movement 15
cytogenetic techniques 58
diagnostic tests 458
genetics 53, 219, 394
pathway 46
study 170, 211
techniques 88, 149, 175t
tests 395
efficacy of 395
weight 16
Monoclonal therapy 310
Monocytes 95, 97
Monosomy 57
Morphology 51, 95, 582
Morphometry 291
Mucicarmine 582
stain 271
Mucin 156
Mucinous cystic neoplasia 490, 490b, 490f
Mucocele 338, 352, 416, 416t
Mucormycosis 582, 582f
Mucous-secreting cells 232
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 62, 72
Multiple epithelioid cell granulomas 404, 435f
Multiple mitochondrial dysfunction syndrome 13
origin, tumor of 540
striated 65
Muscular layer 179
Mutation 71, 72, 78, 211
Mycobacteria, atypical 206f
Mycobacterial culture 577
Mycobacterial leprae 578
complex 434
infection 577, 578f
bovis 186
kansaii 434
leprae 52, 578
scrofulaceum 434
tubercule infection 205
tuberculosis 52
Myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene 62
Myelodysplastic syndromes 44
Myeloid cells, immature 460f
Myeloma, multiple 56, 567b
Myoepithelial cells 351, 402, 409
Myoepithelioma 362
Myofibroblastic lesion 535
Myogenin 280
Myometrium 102
Myopathy 13
Myositis ossificans 535, 536b, 536f
liposarcoma 533, 534, 534b, 534f
tumor 534
Nanopore sequencing, basic principle of 325f
Natural killer T cells 82, 96
Necroptosis 39, 48, 49, 49t
molecular mechanism of 49, 49f
significance of 49
Necrosis 39, 40, 40t, 48, 49, 49t, 52, 404
morphological changes in 48
Neoplasm 65, 243, 486, 518
benign 65, 355
classification of 65t
detection, primary 173t
epithelial myoepithelial 403
follicular 380, 381b, 381f, 382, 382t, 391
neuroendocrine 403
papillary 403, 406, 412
parathyroid 342f, 343b, 343f
renal 500
solid papillary 495, 497b
Neoplastic lesions 187, 339, 549
Nephroblastoma 507
Nephroma, mesoblastic 508, 508b, 508f
Nerve sheath tumor 87, 471, 539, 539f
Neural network
advantages of 300t
disadvantages of 300t
module 293
types of 298
Neuroblastoma 62, 285, 470, 470b, 508, 572, 573, 574b, 574f
mediastinal 470f
olfactory 343, 344b
Neurodegenerative diseases 48, 49, 51
Neuroectodermal tumor, peripheral 285, 572, 573
Neuroendocrine markers 281
Neurofibroma 471, 471b
Neurofilaments 16
Neutropenia, chronic 44
Neutrophils 95, 97, 404
Next-generation sequencing 88, 175, 321
pros and cons of 325
adenoma 403
discharge 425, 425f, 426b, 426f
Paget's disease of 403
tumor of 403
Nocardia 205, 579, 579f
Nodule, adenomatoid 377, 377f
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 56, 193, 220, 236, 241, 246, 246f, 285, 305, 340, 351, 380, 421, 434, 436, 439, 463, 465, 467, 468, 485, 520, 548, 554, 567, 567b, 572, 573
World Health Organization classification of 444t
Non-small cell
carcinoma 210
lung cancer 61, 62
atypia 406
chromatin 17, 18, 21f, 85, 86b, 156
enlargement 83
envelope 17
hyperchromasia 189f
lamina 17
margin irregularity 83, 84b, 156
matrix 3, 17, 18, 84
protein 18, 194
membrane 3, 17, 17b
functions of 17
thickening of 84
pleomorphism 409
pore 17, 18, 86
complex 18
staining 267
study 291
Nuclei, ground glass appearance of 584
Nucleoli 3, 17, 19, 20b, 85, 157, 409
organization of 20f
Nucleosome 18, 19, 19f
remodeling 76, 77
Nucleotide 21
incorporation 323
Nucleus 3, 17, 17f, 40, 48, 51, 83, 156, 157, 385, 573
chromatin of 53
molding of 584
Octamer-binding transcription factor-4 283, 284
Okazaki fragments 22, 23
Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic 62
Oncocytes 364, 383b
Oncocytoma 359, 360, 360b, 360f, 360t, 364, 505, 506b
renal 506f
Oncogene 71, 71t
activation of 71
activity of 72b
properties of 72
mutation of 211
Optic glioma 347, 347f
Optical components 289, 303
Orbit 337
maltoma of 347f
Osteoblastoma 559, 559b
Osteoblasts 558, 558f
Osteoclast 558, 558f
Osteoma 65
Osteosarcoma 65, 87, 536, 559, 560b, 560f, 561f
fibroblastic 560
telangiectatic 561
Outer membrane 11, 12, 17
Ovarian carcinoma 159
metastatic high-grade serous carcinoma of 161f
Ovarian tumor 522
Ovary 69, 101, 103
adenocarcinoma of 139f
Pachytene 29
Paget's disease 403, 420, 420b, 554
Pagetoid malignant melanoma 554
Pale cell dyskaryosis 127, 127b
Pancreas 488
adenocarcinoma of 492b, 492t
cystic papillary neoplasm of 495, 496f, 497f
cysts of 489
islet cell tumor of 493
neoplastic lesion of 490
neuroendocrine carcinoma of 496f
solid papillary neoplasm of 495
Pancreatic tumors, WHO classification of 490b
Pancreatitis 154, 492, 492t
Papanicolaou's stain 27f, 40f, 48f, 104f108f, 111f117f, 123f131f, 133f139f, 150f153f, 158f, 163f170f, 184f187f, 189f194f, 202f204f, 208f, 214f, 216f220f, 230f, 233f, 236f, 243f, 267, 268, 310f, 314f, 338f, 350, 356f, 404f, 431, 530, 577
hematoxylin solution for 268
Papillary carcinoma 384, 385, 413, 413b, 497
follicular variant of 380, 382, 382t, 387, 387b
high-grade 193b
low-grade 190, 192b
Papillary cystic acinic cell carcinoma, cytological features of 364b
Papilloma 187
intraductal 403
Parabasal cells 104, 107, 181b
Paracortex 430
Paraganglioma 339, 339f, 340b, 340f, 471
Parakeratosis 106, 116, 584
Parasites 579
ova of 108
Parathyroid hormone-positive cells 343f
Paris system of classification 188
Parkinson disease 44, 48
Parotid gland 349
idiopathic enlargement of 352
metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of 370f
Pediatric renal tumors 507
Pelvis, renal 178
Pericytes 95
Periodic acid-Schiff 207, 271, 360, 577, 582
Peripheral lung mass, computed tomography-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology of 257f
Peripheral nerve sheath tumor
benign 539
malignant 471, 471f, 540, 540b, 540f
Peripherin 16
Peritoneal dialysis 154
Peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis 164
Peroxidase anti-peroxidase method 275f, 276
Peroxidase technique, chromogen for 276
Peroxisome 14
Pexophagy 47
Phagocytosis 43
Pheochromocytoma 62, 511, 512f, 513b, 513f
Philadelphia chromosome 56f
Phosphatase 78
Phosphate buffer solution 210
Phospholipid 4
Phosphorylation 19, 30
Phosphotungstic acid 268
hematoxylin 360
Photomultiplier tube 303
Phycoerythrin 304, 306
Phyllodes tumor 403, 406, 411, 411f, 412, 412b
benign 403
borderline 403
malignant 403, 412f
multiple clusters 411f
Picket fence-like appearance 102
Pilomatrixoma 549, 550b, 550f
cell 95, 431
myeloma 567, 568b
reactive 568
tumor 361
membrane 3, 10
function of 5
receptors, types of 5f
Plasmodium falciparum 321
Pleomorphic adenoma 350, 355, 355f, 356f, 357, 357b, 357t, 362, 363
spindle cell type of 362f
Pleomorphism 83
Pleura, direct involvement of 152
carinii 208, 209f, 581
infection 199, 208, 208b
pneumonia 581
jiroveci pneumonia 581, 581f
Pneumocytes, hyperplasia of 203, 205, 218
Pneumonia 153
Pneumothorax 154
Polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen 480
Polygonal cells 213f, 389
Polyhedral malignant cells 231f
Polymerase chain reaction 88, 149, 175, 311, 318, 436, 577
applications of 320, 320b
basic principle of 318, 318f
components of 318
principle and steps 319b
steps of 318
types of 319
Polymer-based labeling method 276
Polymorph 151, 202
Polypeptide, lamina-associated 17
Poxvirus infection 44
Prednisolone 61
Progesterone receptor 176, 285, 287
Prokaryotic cell 3, 3t
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen 34
Prostate 516, 525
adenocarcinoma of 527b, 527f
epithelial cells 526, 526f
fine-needle aspiration cytology 258f, 526
specific antigen 285, 525
Prostatic hyperplasia, benign 526, 526b
Protease, liberation of 68
Protein 4, 5, 42
breakdown 43
function 78
integral 5
modification 10
synthesis 23
transport 11
Psammoma body 152, 157, 203, 386, 386b
Pseudocyst 489b
pancreatic 489
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 185
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 163, 164, 166b, 166f, 167f
Pseudoparakeratosis 106
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 93, 93f
Pulse field gel electrophoresis 44
Pyelonephritis, xanthogranulomatous 505
Pyknosis 48
Pyogenic abscess 475, 475b
Pyroptosis 39, 50, 50t
molecular mechanism of 50f
Quality assurance procedure 329b
Radiation 109, 131, 229, 229b
changes 187b
effect 116, 116b, 186
induced nuclear enlargement 124
Radiology imaging system 293
Reactive ductal epithelial cells 404
Reactive squamous atypia 215
Reactive transitional cells 180, 181b, 506
Rectal carcinoma, metastatic 194
Red blood cells 241, 302
Reed–Sternberg cell 456f, 457b, 458, 458t
Regressive method 267
Renal carcinoma, papillary 504
Renal cell carcinoma 65, 159, 193, 499, 501, 503f, 503b, 504t, 505, 505t, 511, 512
clear cell type of 503
differential diagnosis of 505
immunocytochemistry of 512t
metastatic 162f, 523
nuclear grading of 504, 505t
types of 505t
Renal tubular cells, benign 505
Reserve cell hyperplasia 203, 205b, 219
Respiratory system 201t
Respiratory tract
anatomy of 198f
lining of 198t
lower 198
Retention cyst 352, 352b, 366
Reticulocyte count 310
Retinitis pigmentosa 44
Retinoblastoma 62, 67f, 78, 345, 346b, 346f
gene 79
protein 79b
Retinoic acid receptor alpha 56
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 319, 531
basic principle of 320f
Revised European American Lymphoma Classification 443
Rhabdomyoblast 541
different types of 541t
early 541
Rhabdomyoma 65, 540
Rhabdomyosarcoma 61, 65, 87, 285, 346, 508, 540, 541f, 572574
alveolar 541
diagnosis of 280f
embryonal 442, 541
metastatic 244f, 421f
pleomorphic 541
Ribonucleic acid 291
Ribosomes 3, 13, 13b
subunits of 13f
Ring chromosomes 57
Ring finger binding protein 17
Robertsonian translocation 55, 57
Robinson's criteria 423t
Romanowsky stain 268
Rosai–Dorfman disease 437, 438b, 438f
Rough endoplasmic reticulum 3, 9, 10, 10f
Round cell
malignancies 284
morphology 471
tumor 572
cytomorphology of 573t
malignant 284f, 285t, 572b
Round plasmacytoid cells 389
Routine laboratory techniques 260
Salivary acini, benign 353f
Salivary duct carcinoma 368
Salivary gland 349, 362t, 370f
anatomy of 349
aspirate, benign 364
cells, normal 351
cystic lesions of 351b, 352
cytopathology, Milan system of reporting for 355, 355t
fine-needle aspiration cytology of 349
histology of 349
lesions 352
lymphoma of 369
minor 349, 369
neoplasia 351
submandibular 349
tumors 210, 368, 403
classification of 354t
Salt-and-pepper chromatin 218, 235
Salvage cytology 226
Sanger sequencing 321, 322f
pros and cons of 322
Sarcoidosis 52, 200, 436, 436b
Sarcoma 87, 162, 221, 222, 418, 442, 486, 535, 540, 554
epithelioid 545, 545b, 545f
high-grade 530
immunocytochemistry of 531b
low-grade 530
pleomorphic 534, 539
primary 223f, 482
synovial 61, 281f, 442, 543, 544b, 544f, 545
two-tiered grade of 530t
Scanty cytoplasm 192f
Schiff's reagent 271
Schistosoma haematobium 191
infection 187
Schwannoma 361, 362, 471, 471b, 539, 540b
amyotrophic lateral 44, 48, 49, 51
multiple 49
Seminal vesicle cells 526
Seminoma 65, 467, 467b, 518, 519b, 519f
immunocytochemistry of 520
metastatic 442f
Sensitivity 140
Sequencing technique, generation of 321
Serosa 102
Serosal tumor, primary 169
Sertoli cell 516, 516f
only syndrome 518, 518f
tumor 525, 525f, 526f
Sex chromatin 87
Sexually transmitted infection 114
Sheish kabab-like arrangement 112
Sialadenitis 352, 353
acute 353
chronic 353, 353f
lymphoepithelial 353, 354f
Sialadenosis 352
Sialolithiasis 352
Signet ring
carcinoma 418, 419b, 493
cells 157, 157b
Simple columnar epithelial cell 93f
Simple cuboidal epithelium 92, 92f
Simple light microscope 289f
Simple squamous epithelium 92, 92f
Single cell
gel electrophoresis 44
preparation 304
Single strand conformation polymorphism 319
Single-molecule real time sequencing 324
basic principle of 325f
Sinus histiocytosis 437
Sjogren's syndrome 448
Skin 548
adnexa, benign tumor of 549
adnexal carcinoma 553
basal cell of 65
benign diseases of 548
lesions 548
malignant tumors of 552
markel cell carcinoma of 556f
neoplastic lesions of 549
tumor, primary 556
Small B cell lymphomas 448
Small blue round cell tumor 542
Small cell
carcinoma 162, 164b, 193, 210, 211, 215, 218, 218b, 220, 221, 230, 231b, 236, 237, 442, 466, 483, 492, 553
metastatic 164f, 341, 442f
nonkeratinizing carcinoma 132
osteosarcoma 561
Small cleaved cell 430
Small mature B cell lymphoma, immunophenotype of 450t
Small round cell tumor 482, 572
cytogenetics of 573t
Small round intracellular histoplasma 208f
Smear, rehydration of 267
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 3, 9, 10
Smooth muscle 65, 280
Sodium hypochlorite 332
lesions 529
tumor 354, 471, 529, 531
cytogenetics of 532t
WHO classification of 531
Somatic cell nuclear transfer 35
Spastic paraplegia 13
Sperm 517
Spermatids 516
Spermatocele 517, 517f
Spermatocytes 516
Spermatocytic granuloma 517, 518f
Spermatogenesis, normal 518
Spermatozoa 108, 517, 526
Spherulosis, benign collagenous 418
Spinal muscular atrophy 44
Spindle cell 389, 512
lesions 362t
lipoma 532, 532b, 532f
malignant 418f
morphology 471
sarcoma 537, 540
soft tissue tumor 235
tumor 236t, 343, 542
type 362f, 471, 530
variant 392, 479
Spleen 473, 485
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of 486f
Sputum 199, 199b, 201
processing of 264
sample 262
Squamous cell 109, 180, 181b, 203
abnormalities of 203
adequate number of 109
atypical 108110, 124, 129, 130, 130b, 130f, 131, 131b, 131f, 132, 188, 189b
carcinoma 65, 87, 109, 111, 132, 133f, 134f, 134f, 161, 163b, 191, 209211, 213, 213b, 214f, 218, 220, 221, 228, 228t, 230, 230b, 231f, 345, 359, 441, 459f, 467, 483, 555, 555b
differential diagnosis of 215b
metastatic 164f, 215, 366, 370f, 442f, 550
nonkeratinizing 215, 220
malignant 338f, 442f
metaplastic 104, 356f
neoplasm 188
papilloma 65
Squamous epithelial lining 102f
Squamous intraepithelial lesion 110
high-grade 107, 109, 119, 122, 126f128f, 129, 129f, 129fc, 131, 131b, 131f, 132
low-grade 109, 119, 122, 123, 123b, 123f, 124f, 125, 125fc
Staphylococcus aureus 205
Stem cell 35
classification of 35fc
maintenance 74
multipotent 35
non-embryonic 36
normal 69, 69t
oligopotent 35
pluripotent 35
possible applications of 36
unipotent 35
Stomach 231
benign diseases of 232
carcinoid of 236f
intestinal type adenocarcinoma of 233f
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of 236f
signet ring type adenocarcinoma of 233f
Stress, acquired 38
Stroke 13
Stroma 103
Strongyloides stercoralis infection 209
Strongyloidiasis 209
Sugar molecule 21
Superficial cell 180
layer 102
Superficial umbrella cells 180b
Surepath technique, basic principle of 314f
Sweat gland tumor, malignant 555
Swollen excess cytoplasm 86
Synaptophysin 281
Synovial cell sarcoma, monophasic 543
Synthesis, ribosomal 20
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum 551, 552f, 553f
Systemic lupus erythematosus 44, 153, 153b
Taenia solium 580
Tamoxifen therapy 107
T-cell 450
lymphoma 308f, 453, 458
peripheral 455
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, clonality of 306
receptor 81, 96
Telomerase 195
reverse transcriptase 175
Telomeric repeat amplification protocol 175
Tendon sheath, giant cell tumor of 537, 538b, 538f
immature 467, 524, 524f
malignant 65
Teratomam mature 65, 524
Testicular tissue, normal 516f
Testicular tumor 62
classification 519b
Testis 516
anatomy of 516
fine-needle aspiration cytology, normal cells of 516
histology of 516
neoplasm of 518
tumor of 521
Tetraploid aneuploidy 309
Thinprep technique, basic principle of 313f
Thymine 21, 21f
Thymoma 464, 464f, 465b
classification 464b
invasive 465
malignant 465, 465b
spindle cell type of 471
Thyroglobulin 285
Thyroid 299, 372, 383b
anaplastic carcinoma of 391f
cancer, papillary 61
carcinoma, papillary 384
cytology 395f
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of 393f
diseases of 375
fine-needle aspiration cytology of 372
follicles 379f
cells 375, 379f
neoplasm of 381f
Graves’ disease of 377f, 378f
Hurthle cell neoplasm of 382f, 383f
insular carcinoma of 392f
lesion, classification of 376t
lymphoma, primary 393
malignancy, primary 394
maltoma of 393f
medullary carcinoma of 389f, 390f
papillary carcinoma of 384f, 385f, 387, 387f, 388f, 391
scan 372
stimulating hormone level 372
swelling, management of 395t
transcription factor 176, 211, 213, 220, 285, 394
tumor 342
Thyroiditis 377
acute 377, 378b, 392
chronic lymphocytic 379, 380b, 388, 393
subacute granulomatous 378, 378b, 378f
Tissue 92
invasion 68
T-lymphoblastic lymphoma 453
T-lymphocyte 80, 81, 96, 431
Totipotent stem cell 35
Toxic goiter, diffuse 377, 378b
gondii 243, 437
lymphadenitis 437
Trans Golgi network 10
Transbronchial fine needle aspiration cytology 199201
Transesophageal fine-needle aspiration 201
Transformation zone 102, 102b
components 109
large loop excision of 130
Transitional cell 180
carcinoma, metastatic 484f
papilloma 65
Transmitted light fluorescence microscopy 290, 290f
Transporter protein 5
Treponema pallidum 52
Trichomonas infection 123
Trichomonas vaginalis 109, 112b, 112f, 124, 579, 579f
Triple phosphate crystals 183
Triple test 399, 401
Trisomy 57
Trophoblast 65
Trophoblastic cells 107
Tubal metaplasia 104, 105f, 109, 117, 138
Tuberculosis 152b, 154, 205, 206f, 238, 378, 434
mycobacterial 577
Tuberculous effusion 152, 152f, 153f
Tubular cells
benign 504t
renal 499f
Tumor 62, 213, 360, 527
adenomatoid 517, 517f
atypical lipomatous 533
benign 65, 66t, 233, 351
cells 6, 89, 222f, 236f
spindle shaped 483f
development 56f
diathesis 133f
epithelial 210, 403
fibroepithelial 403, 537
initiation of 80
intraorbital 345
invasion 80
low-grade 351
lymphohistiocytic 210
malignant 65, 66, 66t, 155, 351, 476, 552
epithelial 354
mediastinal 471
melanocytic 188
mesenchymal 188, 210, 403
metastatic 157, 162, 210, 391, 403, 421, 459f, 506, 513
malignant 393
neuroendocrine 484, 485f
solid 243
microenvironment 80, 80b, 82
myoepithelial 360, 361b, 361f
necrosis factor receptor 41, 49
neuroendocrine 87, 188, 210, 235, 493, 494
neurogenic 465, 470
oncocytic 364
parathyroid 341
primitive neuroectodermal 508
probable origin of 280t
rhabdoid 509, 509b
solid-pseudopapillary 493
solitary fibrous 536, 537b, 537f
suppressor gene 74, 77, 78b, 78t
urothelial 188
Tyrosine kinase activity 71
Ultrasonography 199, 473, 488
Umbrella cells 180
Upper respiratory tract 198
Urachal carcinoma 188
Ureter 179
Urethra 179
Uric acid crystals 183
Urinary bladder 179
low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma of 192f
transitional lining epithelium of 94f
Urinary calculi 184b
Urinary lithiasis 184f
Urinary tract 178f, 184
epithelium 65
Urine cytology 178
diagnostic accuracy of 196
examination 178b
smear 181f
Urine sample 262
processing of 183
Urothelial cell 108, 526
carcinoma 184b
high-grade 188, 189, 189b, 190b, 190f, 191b
low-grade 190, 192b
pseudopapillary clusters of 181
Urothelial neoplasm
noninvasive 188
papillary 187
WHO classification of 188b
Urovysion test 194, 195
Uterine cancers 62
Uterus 101
efficacy of 145
safety of 145
Vacuoles 3
Vagina 101
Vaginal smear 261
Vaginalis infection, bacterial 111f
Vaginosis, bacterial 111, 111b
Vascular endothelial
cells 80, 82
growth factor 68, 81, 168
Vesicular transport model theory 11
Vimentin 16, 280
Vincristine 61
Viral protein interaction 120
von Hippel–Lindau disease 62
Vulva 101
Warthin's tumor 350, 351, 354, 357, 358b, 358f, 359, 360, 364, 366
Warthin–Finkelday cells 209, 439
Waste disposal 332
methods of 332f
Whiff's test 111
White blood corpuscles 302
Whole slide imaging, applications of 296, 297
Wilms’ tumor 62, 161, 176, 278, 285, 507, 507b, 507f, 572574
metastatic 166f
Wooly body appearance 113
Wuchereria bancrofti 437
Xylene 268
Yokohama system 423t
Yolk sac tumor 520
Ziehl–Neelsen stain 205, 206f, 435f, 436, 483f, 517, 518, 577
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome 235
Zygomycosis, pulmonary 207
Zygotene 29
Chapter Notes

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Third Edition
Pranab Dey MBBS MD MIAC FRCPath Professor, Department of Cytology Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh, India
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Diagnostic Cytology / Pranab Dey
First Edition: 2014
Third Edition: 2022
Printed at
Dedicated to
Shree Shree Satyananda Giri
Shree Shree Paramahansa Yogananda
Madhumanti and My Mother Nisha Dey
In the third edition of the book, I introduced several changes. The digital pathology, whole slide scanning, and artificial neural network are described in details in Chapter 19. Furthermore, there are several significant changes in different techniques, such as the polymerase chain reaction and next-generation sequencing, immunocytochemistry, and flow cytometry. In addition, the molecular pathology and immunocytochemistry of various tumors are highlighted in each chapter. Finally, I have discussed the updated classification of the World Health Organization and International Academy of Cytologists in the urinary cytology, lung, breast, salivary gland, and lymph node.
The significant addition of the book is the introduction of different cytological techniques in a video format. I hope that the videos will help the readers immensely.
Pranab Dey
Cytology is an integral part of pathology curriculum and it is very important to have working knowledge in this area. I designed this book in four sections: general cytology, clinical cytology (exfoliative cytology), laboratory techniques in cytology and fine needle aspiration cytology. I hope that this present book will help immensely all the postgraduate students in pathology, students of cytology (both BSc and MSc), cytology practitioners and all others who are interested in clinical cytology. I have tried to explain various areas of cytology by simple language, tables and illustrations (both line diagrams and microphotographs). All the line diagrams are drawn by me. I hope that these figures are satisfactory. There are multiple boxes in this book which convey the essential and important messages. I will be glad if this book is helpful to the students, teachers and practitioners of cytology.
Pranab Dey
I am grateful to Shri Jitendar Pal Vij, (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director) and Mr MS Mani (Group President) of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, for his constant support and encouragement in writing the third edition. My special thanks to Dr Richa Saxena (Associate Director, Professional Publishing) and Ms Himani Pandey (Development Editor), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, who helped me in each stage of this present edition.
I wish to express my thanks to all my Junior residents, Senior residents, and technical staffs in the Department of cytology for their valuable comments to improve the book. I am particularly thankful to Dr Saumya Sahu and Dr Pawan for their suggestions and help in different book chapters.
My wife Rini and daughter Madhumanti encouraged me to write the third edition in the tough time of the COVID pandemic. I am thankful to them.
Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to God Almighty for his immense blessings. He has the magic to make anything possible.
Pranab Dey
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute myeloblastic leukemia
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Adenomatous polyposis coli
Adenosine triphosphate
Adrenocortical carcinomas
Alpha fetoprotein
American Cancer Society
Anaphase-promoting complex
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase
Androgen receptor
Aneurysmal bone cyst
Apoptosis-activating factor
Apoptosis-inducing factor
Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region
Artificial neural network
Atypical ductal hyperplasia
Atypical glandular cells
Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance
Atypical lipomatous tumor
Atypical squamous cell
Atypical squamous cell cannot exclude HSIL
Atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance
Autophagy-related gene
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
Barrett's esophagus
Basal cell adenoma
Basal cell carcinoma
Bayesian Belief Network
Bladder tumor antigen
Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
Bronchoalveolar lavage
Burkitt lymphoma
Carcinoembryonic antigen
CDK inhibitory
Cerebrospinal fluid
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Clear cell sarcoma of kidney
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
Cluster of differentiation
Comparative genomic hybridization
Computerized tomography
Conventional preparation
CpG island methylator phenotype
Cyclin-dependent kinases
Dense fibrillar component
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis
DNA methyltransferases
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Endodermal sinus tumor
Endoplasmic reticulum
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided FNAC
Epithelial growth factor
Epithelial membrane antigen
Epithelial mesenchymal transition
Epithelioid sarcoma
Epstein–Barr virus
Estrogen receptor
Ewing's sarcoma
Fas-associated death domain
Fibrillar center
Fibrin degradation product
Fibroblast growth factor
Fibrocystic diseases
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy
Fine-needle aspiration cytology
Fine-needle sampling
Flow cytometry
Flow cytometry immunophenotyping
Fluorescein isothiocyanate
Fluorescence in situ hybridization
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Follicular adenoma
Follicular carcinoma
Follicular center cell lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma
Follicular neoplasm
Follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Food and Drug Administration
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Gastrointestinal tract
Giant cell tumor
Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath
Glial fibrillary acidic protein
Glucose-transport protein 1
Golgi complex
G-protein-coupled receptors
Granular components
Granulomatous mastitis
Guanosine triphosphate
Guanosine diphosphate
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Herpes simplex virus
Heterochromatin protein
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
High mobility group box 1
Histone deacetylases
Histone methyltransferases
Hodgkin lymphoma
Homogenously staining region
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Human herpes virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Hyaluronic acid
Hybrid capture
Image cytometry
Infiltrating duct carcinoma
Inner nuclear membrane
Insular carcinoma
Internal quality control
International Society of Urologic Pathologists
Intranuclear pseudoinclusions
Intrauterine contraceptive devices
Invasive lobular carcinoma
Lactate dehydrogenase
Lamin B receptor
Lamina-associated polypeptide
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Large cell carcinoma
Laser scanning cytometry
Liquid-based cytology
Loss of heterozygosity
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial
Low Power
Lupus erythematous
Lymphoblastic lymphoma
L & H
Lymphocytic and/or histiocytic
Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis
Lymphoglandular body
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Malignant mesothelioma
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
Malignant round cell tumor
Mantle cell lymphoma
Marginal zone lymphoma
Matrix attachment region
Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1
Medium Power
Medullary carcinoma
Messenger RNA
Micro RNA
Microsatellite instability
Mucinous cystic neoplasia
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Mucosa associated lymphoma
Multicolor FISH
Multiple endocrine neoplasia
Myxoid Liposarcoma
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
National Health Service, United Kingdom
Natural killer T
Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy
Neuron-specific enolase
Nodular lymphocytic predominant HL
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Nontuberculous mycobacteria
Nuclear matrix proteins
Nuclear pore complex
Nucleolar organizing regions
Numerical aperture
Oil immersion
Open reading frames
Oral contraceptive pill
Orange G
Origin recognition complex
Outer nuclear membrane
p53-binding protein 1
Pancreatic endocrine tumor
Papillary neoplasia of low malignant potential
Papillary thyroid carcinoma
Periodic acid–Schiff's
Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma
peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis
Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate
Phyllodes tumor
Placental alkaline phosphatase
Plasma cell myeloma
Platelet-derived growth factor
Pleomorphic adenoma
Polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen
Polymerase chain reaction
Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma
pre replicative
Precursor miRNA
Primary effusion lymphoma
Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma
Primary miRNA
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
Progesterone receptor
Programmed cell death
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen
Proliferative breast disease
Prostate-specific antigen
Psammoma bodies
Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
Renal cell carcinoma
Replication licensing factors
Reverse transcriptase PCR
Ribonucleic acid
Ribosomal RNA
Ring finger-binding protein
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Scavenger receptors
Sebaceous carcinoma
Single strand conformation polymorphism
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy
Small cell carcinoma
Small lymphocytic lymphoma
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Soft tissue sarcoma
Solid and cystic papillary neoplasm
Spectral karyotyping
Spindle assembly check point
Squamous cell carcinomas
Squamous intraepithelial lesion
Standard operating protocol
Synovial sarcoma
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
Systemic lupus erythematosus
TATA-binding protein
Telomeric repeat amplification protocol
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling
The Bethesda System
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin
Thyroid transcription factor
Transbronchial fine-needle aspiration cytology
Transfer RNA
Transitional cell carcinoma
Trichomonas vaginalis
Tumor necrosis factor–receptors
Upstream regulatory region
Urothelial carcinoma
Vascular endothelial growth factor
Vascular permeability factor
Visual inspection of cervix with acetic acid
Wilms’ tumor
World Health Organization