Year Book of Dermatology – 2019 Trichology BS Chandrashekar, C Madura
Abametapir 107
Abametapir lotion 106
Abametapir lotion, clinical studies evaluating 105
Abusive attitude 29
Acceptance therapy 28
Acetyl decapeptide-3 99
Achromotrichia 49
Acquired environmental factors 51
Adalimumab 18, 110, 162
Adipose tissue transplant 183, 184
Adipose-derived stem cell 146
Adipose-derived stromal vascular cells 148150
Albinism 49
Alcohol consumption 49
Allopregnanolone 83
Aloe vera 120
Alopecia 8
areata 26, 32, 34, 80, 98, 100, 101, 148, 154
developed 35
incognita 168, 169
sparing 35
tofacitinib for treatment of 95
treatment of 98, 100
common clinical presentations 59
highly effective for 148
in Association with Malignancy 57
incidence of 59
malignancy, treatment-related 59
multi-centre observational study 59
neoplastica 58
risk factors for 59
survivors of critical illness 59
tool score, severity of 100
totalis, case of 80
types of 60
use of topical minoxidil in 79
Amino acids 93
Anagen effluvium 57
Anakinra 162
Androgen resistant 181
Androgenetic alopecia 1, 6, 41, 64, 70, 71, 86, 88, 70, 86, 94, 125128, 135, 136, 154
drugs for managing 86
effectiveness for 181
in male 61, 67, 70
minoxidil in treatment of 71, 122
prevalence of 151
treatment for 61, 68, 122, 146
treatment of 78, 86
Androgenic alopecia 41
autologous platelet-rich plasma for treating 129
technique 8
Antifungal agents 120
Antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents 121
Antihelix 23
Anti-inflammatory agents 120
Antimalarials inhibit tyrosine kinase C 49
Anxiety 88
Apoptotic cells 185
Aspirin 84, 85
Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons 182
Association of Hypothyroidism 43
Atomic force microscopy 4
Atopic diathesis 52
Autoimmune condition, multifactorial 34
Autoimmune disease 3234, 49
resulting 32
Autoimmune disorder 158
chronic 100
Autoimmune T-cell-mediated disease 35
Autoimmunity and nail involvement 32
Autologous adipose derived stem cell 146
Autologous fat transplantation 183
use of 183
Autologous platelet-rich plasma 129, 133, 145
Azathioprine 100
agent of skin flora 164
diversity 165
Bar code hair 177
Beck anxiety inventory 119
Beck depression inventory 119
Behavioral avoidance 30
Behavioral based therapeutic techniques 30
Behavioral social avoidance 30
Benign prostatic hyperplasia 82
treatment of 61
Benzoyl peroxide 120
Bio-based microemulsions 114
Biomimetic peptides 90, 99
Biosimilar adalimumab 110
Biotin 93
Biotinidase 14
Bisabolol cream 121
Black dots 170
count 63
diastolic 54
systolic 54
sugar 51
test 63
Body-focused repetitive behavior disorders 28
Body mass index 51, 116
Body surface area 116
Boggy plaques 23
Burning sensation 184
Burnt matchstick sign 170
Cadmium 166
preparation 71
topical liquid 70
Calcium 49
Calcium pantothenate 50
Cancer therapy 57
Canities 49
Caregivers’ sympathy 29
Carpronium 40
Caucasian women 55
Causative fungi 174
Cell proliferation of dermal fibroblasts 91
Cell viability 179
Cellular therapy 148
Cellulitis, dissecting 10
Central nervous system 88
Chemotherapeutic drugs 49
Chemotherapy-induced alopecia 81
Chinese male androgenetic alopecia 141
Chloroquine 49
Cicatricial alopecia 170
Classical lichen planopilaris 43
Clobetasol propionate 114
Cluster of stars 171
Coagulase-negative staphylococci 164
Cobalt 166
Cognitive avoidance 30
Cognitive behavioural
avoidance scale 30
therapy 27
Cognitive dysfunction 88
Collagen 93
Colonization of Pityrosporum ovale 15
Colonoscopy 18
Color-transition sign 168, 169
Comma hair signs 176
Community dermatology camps, useful in 178
Confocal laser scanning microscopy 73
Confocal microscopy 73
Congenital atrichia with papules 171
Copper 49, 166
Copper peptide 135
Corkscrew hair 170, 174, 177
Crohn's disease 17, 18
Curcumin 111
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels 70
Cyclosporine 48
Cyclosporine, treated with 47
Cystic fibrosis 51
Cytopurine 40
Deep-dermal mixed inflammation 25
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 63
Demodex mite 164
Depression 88
anxiety and stress scale 30
Dermal papilla cells 6, 9, 151
Dermatological manifestation of 17
Dermatology life quality index 112
infection, superficial 176
test medium 23
Dermatophytid reactions 23
Dermo-epidermal junction 173
diagnosis easier with 175
signs 175
for discriminating 174
forms 178
in diagnosis 176
Dialectical behavioral therapy 28
Dietary modifications 31
Diferuloylmethane 111
Diffuse alopecia areata 169
Dihydrotestosterone 3, 41, 86
Dihydrotestosterone-induced miniaturization 70
Dilated follicular opening 19
Diphenylcyclopropenone 102
efficacy of 101
Distal angulation 177
DNA synthesis 80
Donor area 181
Double blinded control trial 134
Dulbecco's modified eagle medium 147
Dutasteride 41, 82
Ear sign 23
Ectothrix infection, indicative of 174
Ectothrix parasitation 174
Electrodynamic microneedle 142
trial of 141
Empathy attitude rather 29
Endocrinal causes 49
Entrapment efficiency 5, 73
cell 180
growth factor 89, 128
melanocyte transfer 180
Epidermis 173, 180
Epiluminescence microscope 173
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition 44
Epithelial stem cells 10
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition 10
Erectile dysfunction 88
Erythema 31
Estradiol 160, 161
Etanercept 162
Ethanol 4
Ethosomes 5
Ex vivo drug permeation 73
Excoriation disorder 28, 29
Exogenous oxidative damage 49
Exploratory 29
Extracted follicular outer root sheath cell 179
Eyebrow hypotrichosis 81
Facial eruptive vellus hair cysts 56
Female androgenetic alopecia 93
injections in 132
platelet-rich plasma on 132
Female pattern hair loss 38, 55, 63, 66, 72, 77, 125, 155, 156
combination therapy 65
controlled study 76
double-blind 76
injection on 127
low-dose oral minoxidil 65
management of 124
pilot study investigating 65
platelet-rich plasma for treatment of 126
treatment course of early 37
Ferritin 51, 168
low levels of 167, 168
Fibroblast growth factor 135
Fibrosing alopecia 4348, 55, 80, 157, 163, 185, 186
Fibrotic scar eventually 23
Finasteride 4, 40, 41, 63, 64, 67, 68, 76, 86, 136, 154
administration 42
adverse effects with 63
history of 61
inhibition 89
loaded ethosomes 3, 4
evaluation of 3
long-term side effects of 88
modified 62
penetration 136
risk-benefit ratio of 41
side effects 42, 63
solution 87
use of 87
treatment impairs biosynthesis 88
Fluconazole 22
Fluorescent intensity 5
Folate 167, 168
Folic acid 93
Follicle regeneration 8
stem cell growth 140
accumulation 155
keratosis 175, 176
lichen planus 185
ostia 55
plugging 55
pustules 162, 175
unit extraction 6, 186
unit transplantation 182
Folliculitis 19, 23
Folliculitis decalvans 20, 104, 152, 161, 162, 183, 184
case of isotretinoin therapy-refractory 110
isotretinoin treatment for 104
recurrent 183
Food and Drug Administration 6, 141
adverse event reporting system 61
Fractional laser therapy 145
Fractional non-ablative laser-assisted drug 135
Fractional technique 136
Frontal fibrosing alopecia 4345, 48, 55, 80, 157, 163, 185, 186
culture 25
epidemic 25
infections 101
Game of time 36
Gamma amino butyric acid receptors 88
Gene expression 1, 2, 88
analysis of 1
hair shaft defects 170, 171
hypomelanotic disorders 49
Genital defects in the male fetus 87
Germinal matrix cells 6, 7
Glutathione 49
Glycemia 63
Glycerin 120
Glycyrrhetinic acid 121
Graham-Little-Piccardi-Lassueur syndrome 47
dermatitis 23
infiltrates 23
Granzyme B 34
Griseofulvin 22
Habit reversal training 28
care products, knowledge of 163
casts 55
cycling 89
density, analysis of 155
dyes 50
dystrophic 177
exclamation 170
follicle 9, 44, 73, 89
bulge of 10
growth 151
immune privilege 34
stem cells 9, 151, 180
formulation, intradermal injections 139
growth factor formulation 138
cicatricial patterned 55
female pattern 39, 135
guidelines for the diagnosis 39
male pattern 39, 135
microneedling for treatment of 136
nanotechnology advances for 154
patches 36
premenopausal women 63
treatment of 6, 39
type of 58
pull test 128, 177
pulling disorder 26, 2830
restoration surgery 182
shaft, changes in 170
transplantation 181, 183, 186, 187
controversies in 181
for treatment of 186
Hairline, designing 182
Harvesting donor hair 182
Head lice infestations 22
clinical update 21
treatment of 105
Heavy metal, assessment of 165
Helix 23
Hemoglobin 168
level 33
Hemorrhagic crusts 162
Herpes zoster 100, 101
Heterozygous male 12
Hidradenitis suppurativa 17, 107109
Histidinemia 49
Histomorphometric evaluation 7
Hodgkin's lymphoma 51
Hoffman disease 17
Homocystinuria 49
Homogenous thickness 177
Hormone levels, range of 160
autologous adipose-derived 148
cadaver 5
follicular phenotypes 6
hair follicles 1
hair regrowth, safety and efficacy evaluation 138
monoclonal IgG1 antibody 117
oligopeptide-2 139
Hydrophilic drugs 155
Hydroxychloroquine 48, 97
Hydroxychloroquine sulfate 49
Hypomelanotic hair disorders 50
Illness, critical 60
development 14
response 15
adaptive 14
innate 14
analysis 7
microscopy 6
Immunosuppressive like cyclosporine 100
Impulse control disorder 26
In vitro drug release 73
Infections, risk of transmission of 132
Infiltrates of neutrophils 23
Inflammasome 161
Inflammasome activation 161
cell infiltration 9
disease, chronic 162
origin 10
skin disease 13, 17, 164
Infliximab 18, 162
Inherited seborrheic dermatitis 15
Innate immune signals, activation of 161
Insomnia 88
Insulin-like growth factor 135, 137, 140
Integrin-linked kinase 2
Intensive care units 59
Interleukin, expression of 161
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery 182
Intracellular signaling pathways 89
Intradermal injections 138
Intralesional injection, effect of 133
Intralesional steroid 48, 183
Intralesional triamcinolone 97
Investigator's global assessment 113
Iron 49, 93, 166
Isomorphic reaction 46
Isopregnanolone regulate specific functions 88
Isopropyl myristate 4
Isotretinoin 47, 105
Itraconazole 22, 25
Ivermectin 22
Jakinibs, side effects of 101
Janus kinase 101
Japan Dermatology Association 40
Judgmental therapies 29
Keratin 93
growth factor 89, 140
stem cells 179
markers of 180
Kerion 22
surgical drainage of 24
Ketoconazole 24
Koebner phenomenon 35, 46
case of 45
Koebnerization 47
phenomena 46
Lactoferrin 99, 121
Laser diodes 125
Lead 166
Lesional skin 161
Libido, loss of 88
Lichen planopilaris 10, 11, 44, 45, 48, 97, 157, 162, 163, 186
activity index 97, 124, 157
case-control study 43
characteristics 47
efficacy of oral tofacitinib 103
low-level laser therapy in 123
medical comorbidities in 43
mild 55
retrospective study 47
treatment 47, 103, 186
Lichen planus ulcerations 185
Light therapy, low-level 122
Lindane 21
Linear alopecia areata 36
bilayer 115
nanosystems 155
Lipophilic nature 155
high-density 51, 54
low-density 51
Liposome 50
Lithium gluconate 121
enzymes 63, 77
function test 100
head lice, detection of 22
human tissue 10
Loose anagen hair syndrome 26, 171
Ludwig pattern 132
Lymphocytes 23
maintenance of 14
infiltrates 34, 185
mediated inflammatory, chronic 123
Mace hair 170
Maculae cerulea 16
Magnesium 93, 166
Malassezia 120
Malassezia ovalis 121
Malassezia proliferation 120
Malassezia species 164, 165
Malassezia yeast 31
Malathion lotion 21
Male pattern hair loss, topical minoxidil treating 143
management-related alopecias 58
status of underlying 59
type of 57
Manganese 166
Mantoux test 100
Massachusetts General hospital hair pulling scale 30
Mean platelet volume 32
Melanocytes 49, 179
Melatonin 50
Mesenchymal stem cell medium 6
Metabolic syndromes 49
Methionine sulfoxide reductase 49
Methotrexate 47
Metronidazole 121
Microemulsions 115
Microneedling 138
in alopecia areata 138
with platelet-rich plasma 129
Microscopic wounds 136
Microsporum 174
Microsporum canis 174, 177
Microsporum infection 174
Minoxidil 1, 40, 57, 61, 65, 70, 7375, 77, 78, 81, 84
advantages of 69
and finasteride, determination of 158
application 56
dose of 72
for androgenetic 68
in combination 81
mechanism of action of 1
method for validation of 159
oral suspension 74
percutaneous absorption rate of 142
side effect of 56
solution 86, 154
sulfate, use of 78
sulfotransferase enzyme 79
topical solution for the treatment of 141
uses 72, 81
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 2
Model epithelial stem cell diseases 44
Molecular strata of proteins 50
Monilethrix 81
Monochromatic excimer light 117, 118
Morse-code hair 170
Mud treatment 120
deficiencies in mice 15
in humans 14
Mycological confirmation 176
Mycophenolate mofetil 47
Myelin protein zero-like 3 15
Nanoparticulated systems 155
Nanosystem control drug release 154
Nanosystems promote 155
Narrow-band ultraviolet B therapy 121
National Institutes of Health 71
Neuroactive steroids 88
action of 88
biosynthesis 88
metabolism of multiple 42
physiology of 88
Neutrophil count 33
Neutrophilic 23
Niosomes 155
Non-ablative erbium glass fractional laser 135
Nonsocial goals, avoidance of 30
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 120
Normal saline 90
Notch and Wnt signaling pathways 2
Novel therapeutic targets 13
Nutritional deficiencies 49, 51
Nutritional supplementation 49, 50, 92
Oasthouse disease 49
disorder 119
spectrum 26
Oil-based nanoparticle 154
Oleic acid 4, 73
vesicles 73
Oligopeptide 99
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 13
Order Derivative Spectrophotometric method 158
Orofacial granulomatosis 20
Oxidative stress 2, 49
Oxidative stress, quantification of 52
Panic attacks 88
Pan-Janus kinase inhibitor 97
alopecia 58
conditions 57
Park's whorl theory 182
Paternal genome elimination 11, 12
Pathomechanism, underlying 49
Pediculidae 11
Pediculosis pubis 17
Pediculus humanus 11, 12, 21
Pentadecane 40
Perceived stress scale 52
Perifollicular erythema
and scale 97
recurrent 162
fibrosis 185
inflammatory infiltrate 23, 162
vascularization 90, 91
Peripilar sign 170
Peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor gamma 124
Phenylketonuria 49
Pheomelanin production 49
Phosphate buffer saline 4
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor 70
Phospholipids 155
Photodynamic therapy 138, 183
Phototherapy 120
Phototrichogram and trichoscopy 90
Phthirus pubis infestation 16
Phytoestrogens 50
Pigtail hair 170
Pili annulati 171
Pili torti 171
Pilosebaceous unit 3, 4, 7
Piperidino-pyrimidine derivative 75
Plasma cells 23
Plasma rich in growth factors 6, 181
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells 34
Plastic surgery, master of 182
Plastoquinone 50
Platelet lysate 181
Platelet-derived growth factor 128
Platelet-rich fibrin matrix 181
Platelet-rich plasma 98, 126, 127, 131, 145, 146, 181
effect of autologous activated 127
injection 146
meta-analysis on evidence of 131
plus topical minoxidil 128
Pohl-Pinkus constriction 170
Pollution 49
Polydispersity index 73
Polymerase chain reaction 10, 12
Polymeric nanoparticles 155
Polypeptide growth factors 90
Porfimer sodium 152
Post-Finasteride syndrome 64, 65, 82, 83, 87, 88
analyses frequency of 64
clinical manifestation of 87
drug-induced epigenetics 87
endocrine disruption 87
foundation 83
Post-traumatic stress disorder 26
Prader-Willi syndrome 49
Premature aging disorders 49
Progesterone 161
Progesterone level 160
Progressive miniaturization of terminal scalp hair 86
Propecia 62
Propylene glycol 4
Proscar long-term efficacy and safety study 61
Protease production 140
Protein synthesis 125
Protein tyrosine kinases 101
Protein-energy malnutrition 49
Psoriasis 25, 171
area and severity index 112
localization of 116
plaques 35
scalp severity index 116, 118, 172
Psychological stress environmental factors 51
Pubic and perianal areas 17
Pubis 185
Punishing attitude 29
Pustular dermatosis 58
Quality of life 117
Quantitative telomerase detection kit 150
Quassia amara 120
Reactive oxygen species 49
Real-time polymerase chain reaction 23
Red cell distribution 32, 33
Regulatory substances, role of 89
Renbök phenomenon 35
Reproductive system, unusual 11
Retroauricular regions 23
Rheumatoid arthritis 101
Rhodamine red 4
Rough coat 15
Sabouraud liquid medium 23
Safe donor area 181
Salicylic acid 85
Salivary sex hormones 160
correlation of 160
in trichotillomania 161
Scalp 16, 171, 184
assessment 140
biopsy 1, 19, 169, 178
dermatosis 25
disorders 171
dissecting cellulitis of 17
infestation 171
psoriasis 117
desoximetasone topical spray 113
efficacy and safety 117
excimer lamp in treatment of 117
observational study evaluating 113
open-label 113
rapid improvement of 116
retrospective study 117
treatment 111, 114
skin 178
Scanning electron microscopy 4
Scarring alopecia 9, 55, 170
multifocal 185
Seborrheic dermatitis 13, 31, 164, 171, 172
group 172
lower odds of 31
management of 120
role in development of 165
scalp severity index 172
treatment of 120
Secukinumab 116, 117
Selective Janus kinase inhibitor 1 and 3 100
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 62
Selenium sulfide 24, 121
Self concealment scale 30
Semi-quantitative methods, using of 162
Septic shock 60
Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 62
calcium 51
ferritin 49, 51
iron 168
Sex hormones, lower levels of 161
dysfunction 88
hormones 83
orientation 83
Signaling from stem cells 151
Signaling pathways 1
activation, examination of 1
Silvery hair syndrome 49
disease of 10
milieu of grafted area 181
retention 114
Solanum chrysotrichum 120
Solid lipid nanoparticles 154
Soya phosphatidylcholine 4
Spermatocytes, active 12
Spherical morphology 5
Spironolactone 65
Squamous cell carcinoma 18, 185
Stable vitiligo, management of 179
Staphylococcus aureus 20, 164, 165, 183
infection 152
role of 152
Starburst pattern 19
Stem cell 8
based therapies, use of 148
transition in a human organ 10
Sterile phosphate buffered saline 147
Steroid clobetasol-17-propionate 115
Stimulating hair growth, technique for 123
Stratum corneum 73, 115
Streptococcus agalactiae 20
Stress and anxiety 26
Stromal vascular fraction, adult cells of 148
Suicidal ideation 88
Sulfotransferase enzymatic activity 72
Systemic immunosuppression and surgery 185
Systemic lupus erythematosus 43
Systemic photodynamic therapy 152, 153
Tacrolimus 48
Tape stripping technique 73
Tapering hair 170
Targets hair follicles 32
Telogen effluvium 57, 79, 89, 91, 92, 165, 166, 168, 170, 187
diagnosis of 167
improvement of 92
treatment 91
Terbinafine 22, 177
Terminal hair 170
Testosterone 63, 70, 161
level 160
Thrombocytopenia and neutropenia 101
Thymol 4
Thyroid hormones, decreased 49
Thyroid profile 51
Tinea capitis 18, 22, 18, 26, 170, 174
children with 175, 176
clinical recognition of 174
mimicking dissecting cellulitis 24
monitoring 175
type of 23
homeostasis 9
oxygenation 125
Tofacitinib 100, 101
Total antioxidant capacity 31
Trace element levels in patients 165
Traction alopecia 68, 81
Transforming growth factor 89, 128
Trichological disorders, diagnosis of 170
basic 1
clinical 16
diagnostic and investigative 154
surgical 179
therapeutic 61, 122
soudanense 176
species 25
Trichophyton tonsurans 25, 174
Trichorrhexis nodosa 171
Trichoscope 173
basics of 170
finding, useful 169
in pediatric age group 169
in tinea capitis, utility of 173
Trichotillomania 26, 29, 36
adolescent females with 160, 161
assessment and treatment of 28
clinical characteristics 26
diagnosis of 160
ethical considerations 26
final diagnosis of 119
incidence of 160
psychosocial aspects 26
treatment approaches 26
Trypan blue method 149
Trypan blue staining, using 180
Trypsin-ethylene diamine 179
Tufted hair folliculitis 19
Tulip hair-like structure 170
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors 18
Turmeric tonic 111
Ulcerative lichen planus, treatment of 185
Ultrasound biomicroscopy 125
filters 163
light, using 152
United States Food and Drug Administration 61
Urea 63
Vascular endothelial growth factor 89, 91, 128, 130, 135, 137, 139
Vellus hair cyst, eruptive 56
Versus follicular unit extraction 182
Vertex and frontal scalp 3
Videodermoscopic analysis 147
deficiency of 49
levels 167
D 49
A 93
V sign 170
Wnt signaling pathway activation 151
X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 14
Z hair 170
Zero crossing point 159
Zeta potential 73
Zeta potential of polyethersulfone 5
Zigzag hair 177
Zinc 49, 93, 166
Chapter Notes

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Year Book of Dermatology – 2019 Trichology
Year Book of Dermatology – 2019 Trichology
Editor-in-Chief BS Chandrashekar MD DNB Director and Chief Dermatologist CUTIS Academy of Cutaneous Sciences Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Associate Editor Madura C MD FRGUHS Consultant Dermatologist, Dermatosurgeon and Hair Transplant Surgeon Department of Dermatosurgery CUTIS Academy of Cutaneous Sciences Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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Year Book of Dermatology – 2019 Trichology / BS Chandrashekar, Madura C
First Edition: 2019
Printed at
Associate Editor
Contributing Authors
We are pleased to present this edition of trichology in the series of “Year Book of Dermatology – 2019”. Trichology is the fastest growing offshoot of dermatology with over 30% of patients requiring services of dermatologists for various hair disorders who attend dermatology outpatient department on a daily basis.
As the subject is ever expanding, a lot of research, clinical trials and innovations are constantly flooding the literature. It's humanly impossible to get the knowledge of all what's happening in the field of trichology. This is an attempt to scan the publications on trichology in the year 2018 and 2019. The book is divided into various sections starting from basic trichology to surgical trichology. The articles are selected on the basis of merit and usefulness to both researchers and practicing clinical dermatologists. We have meticulously scanned over 250 publications and selected most useful 118 articles. The articles are judged and edited by experts in the field of trichology, finally edited by myself and Associate Editor Dr Madura C.
I am thankfully acknowledging Dr Madura C, Dr Shruthi C, Dr Kusuma MR, Dr Preethi B Nayak and Mr Lakshmi Narayana N for their attempts to search the meritorious articles.
I hope and expect this book will meet the expectations of fellow dermatologists, postgraduate and fellowship students of dermatology.
I sincerely thank Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. for their magnificent work in designing and publishing this book. I also thank Dr Reddy's Laboratories for the educational grant for this work.
Happy reading and wishful learning!
BS Chandrashekar