Basics in Human Anatomy for BSc Paramedical Courses Priya Ranganath, Leelavathy N
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdomen 67, 85
muscles of 57, 57f, 63
veins of 95
Abducent nerve 231
Abduction 2, 41, 42
Acoustic neurinoma 215
Addison's disease 200, 201
Adduction 2, 41, 42
Adductor magnus 60
Adenohypophysis 193
Adipose tissue 15
Adrenal glands 197
Adventitia 126, 132, 136, 163
Alveolar glands, simple 10f
Amyloid bodies 179
Anal canal 96, 141
divisions of 141f
Anal fistula 152
Analgesia 262
Anemia 201
Anesthesia 262
Angina pectoris 101
Anhydrosis 241
Ansa cervicalis 239f
Anterior medullary syndrome 214
Aorta 85
abdominal 86
aneurysm of 77
arch of 86, 196
ascending 85
Apocrine 12
glands 254
Aponeurosis 15
Appendicitis 152
Appendix, positions of 139f
Aqueduct of Sylvius 234
Aqueous humor 260, 263
Arachnoid mater 207, 208
Arbor vitae cerebelli 216
Arm, muscles of 52
Arnold-Chiari malformation 214
Arrhythmia 84, 101
Arterial circle of Willis 88
Artery 99t, 102, 177, 276
brachial 89
carotid 87
cremasteric 177
elastic 99f
femoral 90
medium sized 100f
popliteal 91
splenic 143
subclavian 88
vertebral 88
Articular ends 39, 41, 43
Autonomic nervous system 237, 238f
artery 88
nerve 241
injury 249
Axillary vein 93
Axon 204
Azygos vein 93
Babinski's sign 212
Back, muscles of 51
Ball and socket joint 39
Basal ganglia 224f
Basilic vein 91
Basket cells 218
Basophil adenoma 201
Bell's palsy 249
Benedikt's syndrome 216
brachii 59
femoris 60
Bipolar neurons 205f
catheterization of 169
interior of 166
circulation 75
pressure reading 276
vessels 55
histological structure of 98
Blood-brain barrier 228
Bockdalek's triangle 115
arteries of 85, 86f
veins of 91, 92f, 102
Bone 18, 44
appendicular 21
cancellous 19
classification 18
compact 18, 19f
endochondral 21
ethmoid 31
flat 20
frontal 30
hyoid 33
intramembranous 21
irregular 20
lacrimal 31
maxillary 31
nasal 32
occipital 29
palatine 32
parietal 30
pneumatic 20
sesamoid 20
short 20
sphenoid 30
spongy 19
temporal 31
zygomatic 31
Bony structures 55
Bowman's capsule 160, 162
Brachioradialis 243
Brachycardia 84, 101
blood vessels of 88
functional areas of 222f
ventricles of 227f
Brainstem 203, 212f, 250
Broad ligament 184, 185
Bronchial tree 112
Bronchopulmonary segments 111, 112f
Bundle of His 81
Bursae 55
Calf, muscles of 55
Cancer 74
Carcinoma 143, 150, 189, 200, 275
bronchogenic 77
Cardiac vein
great 83
middle 83
small 83
Cardiovascular system 75, 276
Carotid artery
external 87
internal 87
Carotid system 88
Cartilage 16, 108
elastic 16, 17f
Cartilaginous joint
primary 37
secondary 38
types of 37
Cataract 262
Cavernous sinus 98f
Cecum 137
types of 137f
Celiac trunk 87
Cell 2, 5, 18
body 204
diagrammatic representation of 3f
division 264
neuroglial 206
parafollicular 196
Central nervous system 203, 250
Centrioles 5
Cephalic vein 92
Cerebellar cortex 217
Cerebellar peduncle 217
inferior 214, 217
middle 217
superior 217
Cerebellum 216, 217f, 248, 250
parts of 216f
artery, middle 225
cortex 224
blood supply of 225f
medial surface of 221f
superolateral surface of 219f
Cerebrospinal fluid 209, 226, 228
Cerebrum 218, 249, 250
blood supply of 225
histology of 224
inferior surface of 220f
lobes of 218f
veins of 226
white matter of 222
ligaments, transverse 184, 185
nodes, deep 196
plexus 238
region 209
vertebra 35f
Cholecystectomy 148, 152
Cholecystitis 148, 152
Cholecystography 152
Chondrocytes 18
Chromophobe adenoma 201
Ciliospinal reflex, loss of 241
Circumvallate papilla 122f
Cisterna chyli 70
Clavicle 23f, 44
Claw hand 249
Clitoris 181
Coeliac plexus 143
Colle's fracture 44
Columnar epithelium, simple 9f
Commissural fibers 223
Condyloid joint 39
Connective tissue 14, 274
types of 14
Coracoacromial arch 40
Coracohumeral ligament 40
Cords 240
Cornea 261f
Corpus albicans 182, 269
Corpus callosum 223
parts of 223f
Corpus luteum 182, 269
Cortex, functional areas of 221
Corticospinal tract 210, 212
Cranial nerves 204, 229f, 249, 251
nuclei 234, 235f
Crutch palsy 249
Cryptorchidism 175, 189
Crypts of Lieberkuhn 136, 139
Cuboidal cells 13
Cuboidal epithelium, simple 9f
Cushing's syndrome 194, 200, 201
Cyst, sebaceous 262
artery 148
duct 147
node 148
Cystitis 169, 278
Dartos muscle 180
Dendrite 204
Dense connective tissue 14, 184
Deoxyribonucleic acid 3
Depression 44
Diabetes 201
insipidus 194, 201
mellitus 150, 152
Diaphragm 113, 114f
openings of 114
paralysis of 77, 101
Diaphragma sellae 207
Digestive organs, accessory 142
Digestive system 117, 277
different parts of 154
examination of 277
Dorsal venous arch 91, 94
Duct of Wirsung 150
Ducts 150
submandibular 124
Duodenal cap 152
Duodenum 130f, 131f, 133
Dura mater 207, 208
Dural venous sinuses 97f, 207
Dysarthria 218, 248
Dysdiadochokinesia 218, 248
Dysphagia 77, 101
Dyspnea 77, 101
Ear 256, 257f, 263, 281
drops 280, 281
external 256
inner 258
irrigating 281
middle 256
ossicles 258f
parts of 256
Eccrine glands 254
Ectoderm, derivatives of 270, 271
Ectopia vesicae 167
Ectopic testis 175, 189
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 235
Ejaculatory ducts 176
Ellipsoid joint 39
Endocarditis 84, 101
Endocrine 12
system 192, 279
tissues 192
Endoderm, derivatives of 271
Endometriosis 278
Endometrium 186
Endoplasmic reticulum 4
Enlarged prostate, removal of 179
Enophthalmos 241
Ependymal cells 206
Epididymis 7, 8, 175
lymphatics of 177
parts of 176f
Epiphysis 20
Epispadias 169, 170
Epithelial glands 6, 9, 13
Epithelial tissue 6, 13
Epithelium 9f, 187
simple 8f
transitional 9f
Erb's paralysis 241, 249
Esophageal opening 114
Esophagus 77, 101, 125, 126f, 151
lower end of 96
Ethmoidal sinuses 107
Exocrine 11
Extension 2, 41, 42
Extensor carpi radialis longus 243
Extrahepatic biliary apparatus 146, 147f
Eye 259, 263, 280
coverings 263
layers of 259f
muscles of 56
Eyelids 260
Face, muscles of 55
Facial nerve 55, 231
Falciform ligament 145
Fallopian tube 186, 189
Falx cerebelli 207
Falx cerebri 207
Fascia 15
superficial 180
Female reproductive system 181, 189, 190, 278
parts of 183f
Femoral vein 94
Femur 27f, 44
Fertilization 269
Fetal circulation 84f, 102
Fetal skull, fontanelles of 32, 33f
Fibers, direction of 48
Fibrils 4
Fibrocartilage 16
Fibrocartilaginous layer 109
Fibroid 189
Fibrous coat 259
Fibrous joints, types of 37
Fibula 28f, 29, 44
Filiform papillae 121f
Fissure, posteromedian 213
Flexion 2, 41, 42
lateral 2
Flexor digitorum
profundus 59
superficialis 59
Flocculonodular lobe 216
primary 182, 269
secondary 182, 269
Follicular cells 196
Foot, articulated 29f
Foramen of Morgagni 115
Foramen of Winslow 118
Foramina 29
Forearm, muscles of 52f
Foville's syndrome 215
Fracture 274
supracondylar 24
Fundus 128
Fungiform papillae 121f
Gallbladder 7, 147, 148f, 152
removal of 152
Gallstones 148, 152
Gastric ulcer 151
Genitalia, external 181
Giant pyramidal cells of Betz 224
sebaceous 255
sublingual 124, 153, 154
submandibular 123, 153, 154
suprarenal 197, 198f, 200f, 201
Glaucoma 262
Glomerulonephritis 163
Glossopharyngeal nerve 232
Gluteal region, muscles of 53
Gluteus maximus 55, 60
Goblet cells 9f
Goiter 201
Golgi apparatus 4, 267
Gomphosis 37
Graafian follicle 182, 269
Granular layer, inner 218
Gray commissure 209
bulb 254
follicle 254
papilla 254
articulated 25, 26f
muscles of 53
Haversian canal 19, 22
Head and neck 5, 67
arteries of 87
bones of 29
muscles of 55, 56f, 62
veins of 97
Head of femur, round ligament of 42
Heart 77, 101, 102
abnormalities 276
anterior view of 78f
arterial supply of 82f
chambers of 78
venous drainage of 83f
Helicobacter pylori 151
Hemiazygos vein 93
accessory 94
Hemopoiesis 143
Hemorrhage, pontine 215
Hemorrhoids 152
Hepatic duct 147
Hepatitis 152
Hernia 174, 189
Hilton's law 39
Hinge joint 39
bone 26, 27f, 41, 44
joint 41f
Hirsutism 200
Hodgkin's disease 77
Holocrine 12
Hormones 192
Horner's syndrome 241, 249
Humeral ligament, transverse 40
Humerus 24f, 44
Hyaline cartilage 16, 17f
Hydrocele 174, 189, 279
Hydrocephalus 216, 249
Hydronephrosis 163, 169
Hyperesthesia 262
Hyperplasia, thymic 74
Hypertension, portal 96
Hyperthyroidism 280
Hypertrophy 66
Hypoglossal nerve 56, 234
Hypogonadism 200, 201
Hypophyseal fossa 201
Hypophysis cerebri 192
Hypospadias 169, 170
Hypotension 200, 201
Hypothenar muscles 53
Hypothyroidism 280
Hysterectomy 189
Ileocecal valve 138f
Ileum 132, 133, 134f
Iliac artery
external 90
internal 90
Iliac veins 96
Ilium 26
Insulin, deficiency of 150
Intercostal space, muscles of 57
Interossei muscles 53
Interstitial cells of Leydig 173
Interventricular septum 81
Intestinal intubation 277
Intestine 7
large 135, 136f, 142, 152
small 130, 142, 152
Intralobular ducts 11
Ischium 26
Jejunum 132, 133, 134f
Joints 37, 45, 274
cartilaginous 37
fibrous 37
types of 43
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium 9
Kidney 158, 161f
anterior relations of 160f
developmental anomalies of 162, 169
infection of 278
macroscopic structure of 161f
posterior relations of 160f
relations of 159
structure of 159
Kiesselbach's area 105
Klumpke's paralysis 241, 249
Knee joint 43
Krukenberg's syndrome 189
Labia majora 181
Labia minora 181
Lacrimal apparatus 260
Lamellated corpuscles of Pacini 253
Lamina propria 166
Large intestine, parts of 135f
Laryngeal nerve 77
Larynx, muscles of 57, 108
Lateral cord, branches of 240
Lateral sulcus, posterior ramus of 219
Latissimus dorsi 58
muscles of 54f
posterior compartment of 55
Lens 263
Leptotene 266
Leukemias 143
Levator ani 66
Ligaments 15, 40, 42, 43, 55, 165
accessory 40
coronary 145
glenohumeral 40
ischiofemoral 42
ovary 184
pubocervical 184, 185
pubofemoral 42
transverse 42
uterus 184
Limb 5
Limbic system 226
Little's area 105
Liver 96, 144, 146f, 152
anterior view of 144f
bare area of 96
cirrhosis of 152
inflammation of 152
tissue 152
visceral relations of 145f
Long bone
blood supply of 22
parts of 19, 20f
Lower limb 67
arteries of 90
bones of 26
muscles of 53, 54f, 59
veins of 94
Lower motor neuron 212
plexus 244f
puncture 210, 248
region 209
vertebra 36f
Lungs 109, 113f
abnormalities of 277
Lymph node 68, 70, 74, 184
pancreaticosplenic 143
Lymph vessels 68, 184
Lymphatic 108, 119, 166, 169
organs 70
system 68, 275
Lysosomes 4
Macula densa 162
Malaria 143
Male reproductive system 172, 189, 190, 279
Mammary gland 188
Mandible 32f
Mastication, muscles of 56
Maxillary air sinuses 106
McBurney's point 152
Meckel's diverticulum 132
Medial cord, branches of 240
Median cubital vein 92
Median nerve 242
injury 249
Mediastinal syndrome 77, 101
Mediastinum 75, 101, 102
Medulla oblongata 213, 248
Meiosis 265, 266f, 271
Meninges 206f
Merkel cell receptor 254
Merocrine 12
Mesenteric vein
inferior 95
superior 95
Mesoaxon 205
Mesoderm, derivatives of 270, 271
Metaphysis 20
Microtubules 4
Midbrain 215, 248
Millard-Gubler syndrome 215
Miosis 241
Mitochondria 4
Mitosis 264, 265, 271
Mitral orifice 81
Mixed salivary gland 11, 12f
Mucoid tissue 15
Mucosa 126, 129, 131, 133, 139, 163, 166
Mucous membrane 108, 121
Multipolar neuron 205f
Mumps 151
Muscle 55, 58, 108, 120
atrophy 212
cardiac 48, 51f
cells 48
cremasteric 180
extraocular 260, 263
extrinsic 56
fibers 48
intrinsic 56
lumbricals 53
Muscular system 48, 274
Muscularis externa 126, 128, 130, 132, 133, 136, 140, 163, 187
Muscularis mucosa 166
Musculocutaneous nerve 241
Myelin sheath 204
formation of 205
Myocarditis 84, 101
Myocardium, inflammation of 84
Myoma 189
Myometrium 186
Myringotomy 262
Nail 254
Nasal cavity 104
Nasal septum, formation of 105f
Nasopharynx 107
Neck 149
muscles of 57
Nerve 55
accessory 233
cystic plexus of 149
femoral 245
intercostal 243f
peripheral 249
plexuses 184
Nervous system 203, 280
Neurilemma 205
Neuroglia 203, 206
functions of 206
Neurohypophysis 193
Neurons 203, 204
processes of 204
types of 205
Nodes of Ranvier 205
Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium 9f
Nose, lateral wall of 105, 106f
Nucleus 3
Nystagmus 218, 248
Obesity 201
Obturator nerve 245
Oculomotor nerve 230
Olfactory nerve 229
Oligodendrocytes 205
Oogenesis 268, 269f, 271
Oophoritis 189
chiasma 192
nerve 229
nerve injuries 249
Oral fissure 55
Orbicularis oculi 62
Orbicularis oris 62
Organ of Corti 232
Orifice, cardiac 127
Ossification, laws of 21
Osteoarthritis 45
Osteoblasts 21
Osteoclasts 21
Osteocytes 21
Otitis media 262
Outer molecular layer 217
Outer parietal layer 109
artery 181
cancer, secondary 189
vessels 184
Ovary 181, 182f, 184, 189, 190
inflammation of 189
parts of 181
Oxyphil cells 197
Pachytene 266
Palatine tonsil 72
Palmar arch
deep 90
superficial 89
Palpebral fissure 55
Pancreas 130f, 149, 151f
developmental anomalies of 152
tail of 143
Pancreatic duct, accessory 150
Pancreatic enzymes, deficiency of 150
Paralysis 66
types of 212
Paranasal air sinuses 106, 107f, 277
Parasympathetic fibers 166
Parathyroid gland 197
Paresthesia 262
Parietal lobe 220
Parinaud syndrome 216
Parotid duct 122
Parotid gland 122, 151, 153, 154
Pectoral region, muscles of 51
Pectoralis major 58
diaphragm 185
inflammatory disease 279
muscles of 63
veins of 95
Penis, dorsal nerve of 180
Pennate muscles 49
Peptic ulcer 152
Pericarditis 84, 101
Pericardium 77, 102
inflammation of 84
Perichondrium 18
Perimetrium 186
Perineal body 185
Periosteum 21
Peripheral narve injuries 249
Peripheral nervous system 204, 238
Peritoneal cavity 117
Peritoneum 117
rectovaginal fold of 185
uterovesical fold of 185
Peroneal nerve
common 247
deep 247, 249
superficial 249
Phagocytosis 143
Phagosomes 4
Pharynx 124
muscles of 56, 124
parts of 124, 125f
Phrenic nerve 77, 101
Pia mater 208
Piles 152
Pituitary gland 192, 194f, 200, 201
parts of 193f
Pivot joint 39
Plantar arch 91
Plasma membrane 3
Pleuritis 115
Plexus, brachial 239, 240f
Pneumothorax 115
Polycystic ovarian disorder 189
Polysomes 4
Pons 214, 248
Pontocerebellar angle tumor 215
Portal vein, tributaries of 95f
Posterior abdominal wall, muscles of 57
Posterior cord, branches of 241
Pott's fracture 44
Pouch of Douglas 118, 185
Pouch of Morisson 118
Primordial follicles 182
Processus vaginalis, remains of 177
Profunda femoris artery 90
Prostate 178, 189, 190
carcinoma of 179
enlargement of 189
gland 177, 179f
infection of 278
lobes of 177f
removal of 189
senile enlargement of 179
Prostatectomy 189
Prostatic hyperplasia, benign 179, 189
Prostatic hypertrophy, benign 279
Prostatitis 169, 278
Pseudostratified columnar 8, 9f
Pseudounipolar neurons 205f, 206
Ptosis 241
Pubis 26
Pulse reading 276
Purkinje cell layer, middle 218
Pyelonephritis 169, 278
Pyloric orifice 127
Pyramidal tract 210
Quadratus lumborum 65
Quadriceps femoris 59
Radial artery 89
Radial nerve 243
injury 249
Radius 25f, 44
Raphe 15
Rectum 140
prolapse of 141, 152
Rectus abdominis 64
Red pulp 74
Reflex, cremasteric 180
Reproductive system 172, 278
Respiratory system 104, 277
parts of 104
Retina 262f
Rheumatoid arthritis 45
Rhomberg's sign 218
Ribonucleic acid 3
Ribosomes 4
Ribs 33, 44
Roots, branches of 240
Sacral plexus 246
Sacrum 36f
Saddle joint 39
Sagittal sinus, superior 97
Salivary gland 122, 153
mucous 11f
Salpingitis 189
Saphenous vein
great 94
small 94
Satellite cells 206
Saturday night palsy 249
Scalp, layers of 55
Scapula 23f, 44
medial border of 249
winging of 241, 249
Schwann cells 205, 206
Sciatic nerve 246
injury 280
Sciatica 249
Scrotum 179
layers of 180
Seminal vesicle 176
Sensory organs 253, 280
Septum 104
Serosa 132, 136, 187
Serous salivary gland 10f
Sertoli cells 173, 174
Shoulder joint 39, 40f
dislocation of 274
Sigmoid sinuses 97
Sims position 275
coronary 82
frontal 107
transverse 97
venarum 79
Sinusitis 115, 277
Skeletal muscle 48
longitudinal section of 49f
transverse section of 50f
Skeletal system 14, 15, 274
Skin 253, 263
appendages of 254
applied anatomy of 255
color 262
histology of 255
pigmentation of 201
thick 255f
thin 255, 256f
Skull 30f
Slip disc 44
Smith's fracture 44
Smooth muscle 48, 50f
Soft palate 119
muscles of 56, 119f
Sole, muscles of 55
Spermatic cord 177
Spermatic fascia
external 180
internal 180
Spermatogenesis 267, 268f, 271
Sphenoidal sinuses 107
Sphenomandibular ligament 43
Sphincters 168
Spinal cord 208, 209, 248, 250
central canal of 209
parts of 209f
tracts of 210, 211f
Spinal nerves 204
Spinal segments, relationships of 210
Spinocerebellar tract 211
Spinothalamic tract, lateral 211
Spleen 68, 73f, 74, 142, 152
visceral surface of 142f
Splenectomy 152
Splenic puncture 144, 152
Squamous epithelium, simple 9f
Sternum 34, 35f, 44
Stomach 127, 151
body of 128
functions of 130
fundus 129f
parts of 127f
pylorus of 129f
Strap muscles 48
Stratified squamous epithelium 9f
basale 8
corneum 8
granulosum 8
lucidum 8
spinosum 8
Stylomandibular ligament 44
Submucosa 129, 131, 133
Sudden cardiac arrest 101
anterolateral 213
posterolateral 213
Suprarenal gland, right 198
Sutural joints 37
Sweat glands 254
Sympathetic fibers 166
Symphysis 38
Synchondrosis 37
Syndesmosis 37
Synovial joints 38
classification of 39
parts of 38f
Tachycardia 83, 101
Tactile corpuscles of Meissner 253
Tactile menisci 254
Taenia coli 135
Taste buds 121
Teeth 118
Temporal lobe 220
joint 30f, 43
ligament, lateral 43
Tendon 15
reflexes 212
Tentorium cerebelli 207
Testicular artery 177
Testis 172, 175f, 189, 190
coverings of 172
descent of 174
histology of 174
lymphatics of 177
macroscopic structure of 173
parts of 173f
Thenar muscles 53
Thermanesthesia 262
Thigh, muscles of 53f
aorta, descending 86
duct 68, 69f, 70f
region 209
vertebra 36f
Thorax 67
arteries of 85
bones of 33
muscles of 57, 63
veins of 93
Three germ layers, formation of 270
Thymus 68, 72f, 74
Thyrocervical trunk, branch of 196
arteries, inferior 197
follicles 13
gland 194, 195f, 201
histology of 196f
tumors 201
Tibia 28f, 44
Tibial artery
anterior 91
posterior 91
Tibial nerve 246
Tissue 6, 68, 73f, 74
fibrous 152
Tongue 120f, 151, 153
carcinoma of 121
muscles of 56
Tonsillitis 74
Tooth, parts of 118f
Trachea 8, 77, 101, 108f
Tract of Burdach 214
Tract of Goll 214
Transversus abdominis 64
Triceps brachii 59
Trigeminal nerve 230
Trochlear nerve 230
Trunks, branches of 240
Tubal implantation 189
Tube, parts of 186
Tubectomy 189
Tuber cinerium 192
Tubular glands, simple 10f
Tubuloalveolar glands 10f
Tumor 275
adventitia 99
albuginea 173, 182
intima 99
media 99
vaginalis 172
Tympanic membrane 257f
Typhoid 143
Typical rib 34f
Ulna 25f, 44
Ulnar artery 89
Ulnar nerve 242
injury 249
Umbilicus 96
Unipolar neurons 206
Upper limb
arteries of 88
bones of 22
muscles of 51, 58
veins of 91
Upper motor neuron 212
lesion 248
Ureter 163, 169, 170
constrictions of 163
histology of 164f
Urethra 168, 170
female 169
infection of 278
male 168f
rupture of 169
Urethral sphincter
external 169
internal 168
Urethritis 170, 278
bladder 164f, 167f, 170
infection of 278
posterior relations of 165f
incontinence 167
system 158, 278
parts of 158, 159f
tract infections 169, 278
Urine, stagnation of 163
Urogenital diaphragm 185
Urolithiasis 169
axis 185
tube 184, 186, 187f, 190
pair of 181
vessels 184
Uterosacral ligaments 184, 185
Uterus 181, 183, 184, 186f, 189, 190
body of 183
cervix of 183
prolapse of 189
round ligament of 184, 185
supports of 185f
Uvula vesicae 166
Vagina 181, 184, 188
nerve 233
dorsal nucleus of 235
Vallate papillae 121
Varicocele 175, 189
Vas deferens 175, 177
Vein of Kocher 196
Vein 99t
intercostal 93
large 100f
medium sized 100f
pampiniform plexus of 177
popliteal 94
portal 95
splenic 143
Vena cava
inferior 96
superior 94
Venae cordis minimae 83
Ventral spinothalamic tract 211
Ventricles 226, 250
Ventriculography 249
Vermiform appendix 138, 140f
Vertebrae 35, 44
Vertebral bodies, erosion of 77, 101
Vertebral column 77, 107, 210
Vertebral system 88
Vessels 101
pulmonary 277
Vestibular branch function 232
Vestibule 181
Vestibulocochlear nerve 232
Voice, hoarseness of 77, 101
Volkmann's canals 19
Wallenberg's syndrome 214
Wax, removal of 262
Weakness, muscular 201
Weber's syndrome 216
Wharton's jelly 15
White fibrocartilage 17f
White pulp 73
Wrist drop 249
Zona fasciculata 200
Zona glomerulosa 200
Zona pellucida, functions of 270
Zona reticularis 200
Zygotene 266
Chapter Notes

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IntroductionChapter 1

  • The term ‘anatomy’ is derived from a Greek word, ‘anatome’, meaning cutting up.
  • Anatomical position: Descriptive terms of position are used as though the body is standing upright with the upper limbs hanging by the sides and the palms of the hands, foot, eyes directed forwards.
Subdivisions in Anatomy
  • Macroscopic anatomy: study of anatomy on cadavers by dissection and observation of structures by naked eye. It can be studied by regional anatomy or systemic anatomy. Regional: head and neck, brain, thorax, abdomen and pelvis, upper limb, lower limb. Systemic: an approach in which all structures forming a system are studied together at the same time, that is, integumentary, skeletal, articular, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive.
  • Microscopic anatomy (histology): study of body structures with the help of a microscope.
  • Surface anatomy: study of a deeper structure on skin surface.
  • Comparative anatomy: study of changes in body that have taken place during evolution.
  • Physical anthropology: study of physical characteristics of humans and their ancestors, and of variability among and within different racial groups. This knowledge helps to solve medicolegal problems of identification of individuals.
  • Clinical anatomy: use of anatomical knowledge for anatomical basis, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  • Radiological anatomy: visualization of structures and their relations with neighbouring structures inside the body by taking radiographs.
  • Developmental anatomy (embryology): study of intrauterine development of an individual, which begins with fertilization and ends with birth.
  • Genetics: study of principles of heredity.2
  • Sagittal plane—a vertical imaginary plane passing anteroposteriorly through the midline of the body forming two symmetrical halves.
  • Parasagittal plane—an imaginary plane passing anteroposteriorly through any part of the body parallel to median plane.
  • Coronal plane—a vertical imaginary plane passing side to side at right angles to the sagittal plane.
  • Transverse or horizontal plane—an imaginary plane passing parallel to the ground at right angles to vertical plane.
  • Superior or cephalic—part that is nearer to the head.
  • Inferior or caudal—part nearer the feet.
  • Anterior (ventral)—part nearer the front of the body.
  • Posterior (dorsal)—part nearer the back.
  • Median—part in the middle.
  • Medial—part nearer the median plane.
  • Lateral—part further away from median plane.
  • Superficial—part nearer the skin.
  • Deep—structure away from the skin.
  • Proximal—structure nearer to the trunk or root of the limb.
  • Distal—structure away from the trunk or root of the limb.
  • Movements of the trunk along the sagittal plane are known as flexion (surfaces coming closer to each other) and extension (straightening or surfaces moving away from each other).
  • Movements of the trunk along the coronal plane are known as lateral flexion, in the limb they are called abduction (movements away from the median plane) and adduction (towards the median plane).
  • Rotation is the term applied to the movement in which a part of the body is turned around its own longitudinal axis.
Sagittal plane
Coronal plane
Longitudinal plane
Flexion, extension
Side to side (lateral flexion)
Flexion, extension
Adduction, abduction
Medial, lateral rotation
Adduction, abduction
Flexion, extension
  • The basic structural unit of all tissues and organs of the body are formed by the cells.
  • The shape of the cell differs in many ways. It may be flattened, cubical, columnar, fusiform, stellate, pyramidal or flask shaped.
  • Each cell consists of cell membrane (plasma membrane), nucleus and cytoplasm with organelles (Fig. 1.1).3
zoom view
Fig. 1.1: Diagrammatic representation of a cell.
Plasma Membrane
  • It forms the outer boundary of the cell and separates it from adjacent cells and external environment.
  • It is a trilaminar membrane with two dense lamellae separated by a relatively clear layer.
  • It forms a covering for the cell structures and helps in regulation of transporting selected substances into and out of the cell.
  • In some cells the surface area of the membrane may be greatly increased by the formation of microvilli, for absorption.
  • Small invaginations of the cell membranes may become detached to lie free within the cytoplasm as pinocytic vesicles. By this method, material from outside can be taken into the cell.
  • It contains the genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the cell in the form of thin threads (chromatin) and one or more nucleoli embedded in a matrix of nucleoplasm.
  • The chromatin normally exists in two forms—condensed chromatin (heterochromatin) which represents the coiled segments of chromosomes and extended chromatin (euchromatin) where segments of the chromosome thread are uncoiled.
  • The nucleolus is seen as a dense region in the nucleus and contains ribonucleic acid (RNA).
  • The nuclear membrane is double layered, separated by the perinuclear space.4
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
  • It consists of a system of intercommunicating membranous sacs or channels and exists in two forms—rough endoplasmic reticulum which has ribosomes attached to the outer surface and smooth endoplasmic reticulum with no ribosomes.
  • They are typically arranged in flattened parallel rows. It is prominent in cells that are manufacturing proteins.
  • Rough ER helps in protein synthesis and storage while smooth ER helps in lipid and steroid synthesis.
  • They appear as dense rounded granules lying singly or in dense clusters in the cytoplasm in the form of rosettes or spirals (polysomes) or may be attached to ER.
  • They are composed of ribonucleoproteins and are sites of protein synthesis.
Golgi Apparatus
  • This is a system of sacs arranged like stacks of coins and vesicles like endoplasmic reticulum but with no ribosomes attached to it.
  • It is also seen prominently in secretory cells.
  • They transfer materials synthesized by the ribosomes at the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface.
  • The part of the Golgi apparatus that contains newly manufactured material breaks away from the rest and pass towards the surface of the cell as secretion granules.
  • They are rod-like bodies bounded by a double layered membrane.
  • The outer membrane is smooth while the inner membrane is thrown into folds or cristae which project into the internal substance.
  • The mitochondria provide the metabolic energy for the cell by generating ATP.
  • These are dense granular structures bounded by membrane and containing hydrolytic enzymes.
  • Their function is to break down and digest material that has been brought into the cell by phagocytosis. The phagocytic vacuoles (phagosomes) fuse with lysosomes to enable the enzymes to act on the phagocytosed material.
  • They are present in many cells and help to maintain the cell shape.
  • The fibrils present in the muscle fibers are responsible for their contractility.
  • They become part of mitotic spindles in dividing cells.
  • In the resting cells, if they are seen (as in processes of the nerve cells), they act as stabilizing elements.5
  • These are a pair of short rod-shaped bodies found adjacent to the nucleus lying at right angles to each other.
  • During mitosis they undergo replication and then each pair moves to opposite poles of the nucleus where they take part in the formation of mitotic spindle.
  • Centrioles also give rise to cilia.
  • These are pigments like melanin or lipofuscin, storage granules such as glycogen and fat, and secretion granules.
Terms of movement: In general the movements will be affected if the muscles are paralyzed. For example: extension at the elbow joint will be affected if the triceps brachii (action is extension at elbow joint) is paralyzed. Paralysis of triceps brachii may be due to injury to radial nerve which supplies it.