Essentials of Medical Parasitology Apurba S Sastry, Sandhya Bhat
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
parasite 4
sparganosis 132
Acanthopodia 32
Accidental parasite 3
Acid fast
stain, modified 113, 238
staining 104
Acquired immunity 79
Acute schistosomiasis 159
Adaptive immunity 7
Aedes 219
Agar plate
culture 251
technique 187, 192
Albendazole 10, 42, 110, 140, 179, 187, 218
Algid malaria 78
Amastigote form 51f, 63
Amoebapore 20
dysentery 20
keratitis 32
liver abscess 22
ulcer 21
Amoeboma 21, 22
Amoebostome 30
Amplifier host 4
Anchovy sauce pus 22f
Ancylostoma duodenale 182, 234
Angiostrongylus 201
Animal inoculation methods in parasitic diagnosis 256t
Anisakiasis 203
Anisakis simplex 203
Anopheles 72, 258
mimicry 8
shedding 8
Antimalarial drug resistance 86
Antiparasitic drugs 9
Armed tapeworm 126
lumbricoides 192
suum 196
Autofluorescence 107
Autoinfection 5, 103, 135, 180, 204
Axenic cultures 248
Axoneme 37, 51
Axostyle 42
Babesia 71, 90
divergens 90
microti 90
Bachman intradermal test 230
Bacillary dysentery 23t
Baermann funnel technique 187, 191, 251
Balamuth's medium 24, 249
Balamuthia mandrillaris 34
Balantidium coli 115
Bay sore 61
Baylisascaris procyonis 202
Benign malaria 75
Benzimidazole 26
Black water fever 78
Blastocystis hominis 118
Blood Concentration techniques 65
Blood flukes 154
Boeck and Dr Bohlav medium 257
Bradyzoites 94, 108
Brown-Brenn modification of Gram stain 113
malayi 219
timori 220
Calabar swelling 220
Canal cells 127
Capillaria 175
aerophila 205
hepatica 205
philippinensis 204t
Card agglutination test for trypanosomes 69
Casoni test 146
Cellophane tape method 181
Cercaria 123
Cercarial dermatitis 159, 161
Cerebral malaria 78
Cestodes 125
morphology of 125
Chagas’ disease 63
Chagoma 64
Chandler's index 183
Charcoal culture 251
Charcot Leyden crystals 196, 235
Chiclero ulcer 61
Chilomastix mesnili 46
Chinese liver fluke 164
Chloroquine 9, 26, 79, 87, 88
Cholangiocarcinoma 166
Chopra's antimony test 57
Chromatoid bodies 18
Chronic schistosomiasis 159
Cilia 117f
Cirrus 127
Clinical syndromes in parasitology 265
Clonorchis sinensis 164
Coccidian parasites 93
Coenurus 128
Colpitis macularis 43
Commensalism 4
Blood concentration techniques 65
Conjugation 116
Contracaecum species 203
Coproantigen 25, 254
Coracidium 127
Costa 42
Cryptosporidiosis 105
Cryptosporidium parvum 238
Culex 258
quinquefasciatus 213
Culture techniques in parasitology 248
larva migrans 190
leishmaniasis 59
Cyclophyllidean cestodes 125, 127f
Cyclops 129, 226
Cyclospora cayetanensis 105
Cysticercosis 133
bovis 127f, 134
cellulosae 135
Cytocentrifugation 247
D’Antoni's iodine 236
DEC patch test 223
DEC provocation test 216
DelBrutto's diagnostic criteria 140t
Delhi boil, Aleppo boil and Baghdad button 59
Diamond's medium 25
Dientamoeba fragilis 47
Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) 11, 216, 221
Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis 57
Dilution egg counting method 242
Dioctophyme renale 206
Diphyllobothrium 124
Dipylidium caninum 125
Dirofilaria species 225
Disseminated strongyloidiasis 191
Dobeil's iodine 236
Dog tapeworm 142
Double pored tapeworm 150
Dracunculus medinensis 209
East African sleeping sickness 67
Echinococcus 142
granulosus 142
multilocularis 147
oligarthrus 147
vogeli 147
Echinostoma ilocanum 170
Egg counting methods 242, 243f
Encephalitozoon 111
Endolimax nana 29
Endoparasite 3
Enflagellation test 31
coli 27, 36
dispar 27
gingivalis 28
hartmanni 27
histolytica 41, 117
minuta form of 19
moshkovskii 27
polecki 28
Enterobius vermicularis 179
Enterocytozoon 112
Enteromonas hominis 46
Entero-test 40
Enzyme linked immuno transfer blot 158
Eosinophilic meningitis 201
Epimastigote form 49
Espundia 61
Exflagellation 75
Facultative parasite 3
Falciparum malaria 77, 91t
gigantica 164
hepatica 162, 168t
Fasciolopsis buski 167
Fecal specimen, preservation of 241
Feces, examination of 233
Field's stain 246
Filarial dance sign 217
Filarial nematode 209, 210t
Filariasis control program 218
classical 215t
occult 215t
Fish tapeworm 128
Flame cells 127
Flea 262
Flies 258
Flotation techniques 240
Flukes 152
Forest yaws and uta 61
Formalin fixative method 242
Formol-ether sedimentation technique 240t
Free-living amoeba 29
Fulminant amoebic colitis 21
Gametocytes 87
Gametogony 74
Gastrodiscoides hominis 169, 169f
Geimsa stain 98f, 113
intestinal fluke 167
kidney worm 206
Giardia lamblia 37
Glossina 260
Glycogen mass 18
Gnathostoma species 203
Granuloma cutis 22
Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis 32
Ground itch 198
Hama-EITB 158
Hama-fast-ELISA 158
Hanging groin 223
Harada Mori filter paper tube method 190, 191
Hatching test 160
Hemoflagellates 49
Hemozoin pigment 74
Heterophyes heterophyes 169, 169f
Histidine rich protein 77
Hookworm 182
Host 3
Housefly 258
Human broad tapeworm 128
Hydatid cyst 127f, 143
Hydrogenosome 42
diminuta 150, 259
nana 148, 149f
Hyper-active malarial splenomegaly 78
Hyperinfection syndrome 190, 191
Hysterothylacium species 203
Imaging methods in parasitic diagnosis 257t
Immune evasion mechanisms of parasites 8t
Immunology of parasitic diseases 6
Incubation period 30
Innate immunity 6
Intermediate host 3
flukes 167
nematodes 174
sarcocystosis 109
taeniasis 133, 36
Intradermal skin tests in parasitic diagnosis 256t
Iodamoeba butschlii 29
Iodine mount 236
Iron-hematoxylin stain 238
Isoenzyme analysis 31
Isospora belli 106
Itch mite 262
Ivermectin 11, 179, 196, 208, 223
James dots 76
Jaswant-Singh-Bhattacharya (JSB) stain 246
Jones’ medium 249
Katayama fever 161
Kawamoto technique 82
Kerandel's sign 68
Kinetoplast 49
Kinyoun's cold method 238
Knott's concentration 247
Lagochilascaris minor 202
Large intestinal nematodes 177
currens 198
migrans 198
Lectin antigen 26
Leishman donovan (LD) bodies 55
Leishman's stain 246
Leishmania 50
classification of 50
donovani 51
chagasi 62
braziliensis complex 70
mexicana complex 61t
tropica 70
recidivans 59
with HIV co-infection 54
Leishmanin test 57
Leishmanoma 53
Leopard skin 222
Liver flukes 162
Loa loa 220
Lobopodia 30
Loeffler's syndrome 195
Louse 262
Lugol'siodine 236
Lung fluke 170
Lutzomyia 50
Malabsorption 39
Malignant tertian malaria 77
Maltese cross form 90
ozzardi 224
perstans 224
streptocerca 224
Maurer's dots 76
Mazzotti skin test 223
Megaloblastic anemia 131
Meglumine antimoniate 10
Mehlis’ gland 126
Melarsoprol 70
Membrane filtration 247
Meningoencephalitis 64
Merthiolate-iodine formalin 242
Metagonimus yokogawai 170
Metronidazole 9, 26, 42, 45, 115
Meyers Kouwenaar syndrome 215
Microfilaria 210
Microfilariae of various filarial worms, comparison of 211f
Microfilarial periodicity 209
Microsporidium 16
Mites 262
Monoxenic culture 249
Montenegro test 57, 59, 62
Mosquito 213
Mott cells 69
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 50
Multiceps multiceps 141
Muscular sarcocystosis 109
Naegleria fowleri 29
Napier's aldehyde test 57
National Institute of Health media 24
Necator americanus 182, 183f, 234
Nelson's medium 24
Nematodes 174
general properties of 124
Neoplasia 6
Neurocysticercosis 137
NIH swab 181, 234
NNN medium 56, 65, 250
Nonnutrient agar 31
Nosema 112
Nurse cells 229
Obligate parasite 3
Oesophagostomum 207
Onchocerca volvulus 221
Onchocercoma 222
Oocyst 75, 94
felineus 167
viverrini 166
Oriental lung fluke 170
Oriental sore 59
Oviparous 174
Ovoviviparous 174
Plasmodium 6
Paddy field dermatitis 162
Page's saline 250
Paragonimus westermani 131t
Parasite 3
Parasitism 4
Paratenic host 4, 130
Pentatrichomonas hominis 42
Pentavalent antimonial 58
Pernicious malaria 78
Petri dish/slant culture
method 251, 251f
Phlebotomus 60, 260
Pin worm 179
Plasmodium knowlesi 79, 92
Pleistophora 112
Plerocercoid larva 129
Polyxenic culture 24, 249
Porrocaecum species 203
PKDL (post-kala azar dermal leishmaniasis) 54
Premunition or infection immunity or concomitant immunity or incomplete immunity 79
Prepatent period 74
Procercoid larva 130
Promastigote form 43, 51f
Protozoa, classification of 15
Pseudohookworm 205
Pseudoapolysis 129
Pseudophyllidean cestodes 126f, 128
Pseudoterranova species 203
PAIR (puncture, aspiration, injection and reaspiration) 9
Quantitative buffy coat (QBC)
examination 81, 83, 216
Quartan malarial nephropathy 78
Quinine 10, 78, 86, 87
Rapid diagnostic tests 83
Rat fleas 149, 262
Reduviid bug 63f, 254
Reservoir host 4
Retortamonas intestinalis 46
Ring form 73
River blindness 261
Robinson's medium 24, 249
Romana's sign 64, 64f
Romanowsky stains 245, 245t
Rostellum 126
RPMI 1640 medium 85, 250
Sabin-Feldman dye test 99
Saline mount 106f, 116, 134f
Sandfly 50
Sarcocyst 93
Sarcocystis 93
Sarcoptes scabei 262
Saturated salt flotation technique 241
Schaudinn's fluid 242
Schistosoma 5
haematobium 5
intercalatum 161
japonicum 255
mansoni 5
mekongi 162
Schistosomula 156
Schizogony 73, 74, 111
Schneider's drosophila medium 56, 250
Schuffner's dots 76
Sedimentation technique 104, 240f
Septicemic malaria 78
Serine rich E. histolytica protein (SREHP) 25
Serpiginous tracks 186
Sheep liver fluke 162
Skin snips technique 223
Small intestinal nematodes 182
Somatic nematodes 209
Sowda 222
Sparganosis 132
Sparganum 127
Spirometra 132
Stallion's disease 62
Steatorrhea 39
Stichosome 177
Stoll's method 242
Strobila 126
fuelleborni 192
stercoralis 5, 188, 251
Subcutaneous cysticercosis 137
Sulfadiazine 100
Swimmer's itch 159
Swollen belly syndrome 192
Symbiosis 4
Syngamy 116
Tachyzoite 93
Taenia 133
multiceps 141
saginata 134
asiatica 141
solium 135
Tapir nose 61
Ternidens deminutus 207
Thelazia species 208
Thick smear 65
Thin smear 65
Ticks 263
Tissue cyst 93
TORCH infection 97
Toxocariasis 199
encephalitis 96
gondii 93
Trachipleistophora 112
Trail sign 31
Transfusion malaria 78
Trematodes 152, 153
classification of 152
Triage parasite panel 24f, 41
Triatoma infestans 63
Trichinella 227
Trichinellosis 227
Trichomonas 42
tenax 45
vaginalis 42
Trichostrongylus species 205
Trichrome stain 235
modified 238
Trichuris trichiura 117
pulmonary eosinophilia 215
splenomegaly syndrome 78
Tropical parasitic disease 154, 266t
Trypanosma 62
equiperdum 62
evansi 62
lewisi 62
brucei gambiense 62, 68t
brucei rhodesiense 62, 68t
cruzi 62
Trypanosomal chancre 68
Trypomastigote form 49, 63
Tsetse fly 260
Urogenital specimen, examination of 248
surface protein 39
larva migrans 199
leishmaniasis 53
Vitamin B12 deficiency 131
Vitelline gland 126
Vittaforma 112
Viviparous 174
Wakana disease 186
Wandering parasite 3
Water lily sign 146
Watsonius watsoni 169
Weingarten's syndrome 215
West African sleeping sickness 67
Western blot 139
Whiff test 45
Whipworm 177
Winter bottom's sign 68
Wright's stain 246
Wuchereria bancrofti 210
Xenodiagnosis 66
Yager's liver infusion tryptose medium 65
Ziemann's dots 76
Zinc sulphate flotation concentration technique 240
Zymodeme analysis 25
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  1. General Introduction: Parasitology 32

General Introduction: ParasitologyCHAPTER 1

  • ■ Taxonomy of parasites
  • ■ Parasite
  • ■ Host
  • ■ Host-parasite relationship
  • ■ Transmission of parasites
  • ■ Life cycle of the parasites
  • ■ Pathogenesis of parasitic diseases
  • ■ Immunology of parasitic diseases
  • ■ Laboratory diagnosis of parasitic diseases
  • ■ Treatment of parasitic diseases
Medical Parasitology deals with the study of animal parasites, which infect and produce diseases in human beings.
According to the binomial nomenclature as suggested by Linnaeus, each parasite has two names—a genus and a species name.
These names are either derived from: names of their discoverers, Greek or Latin words of the geographical area where they are found, habitat of the parasite, or hosts in which parasites are found and its size and shape.
All parasites are classified under the following taxonomic units—the kingdom, subkingdom, phylum, subphylum, superclass, class, subclass, order, suborder, superfamily, family, genus and species.
The generic name of the parasite always begins with an initial capital letter and species name with an initial small letter, e.g. Entamoeba histolytica.
Parasite is a living organism, which lives in or upon another organism (host) and derives nutrients directly from it, without giving any benefit to the host.
Protozoa and helminths (animal parasites) are studied in Medical Parasitology.
Parasites may be classified as:
  • Ectoparasite: They inhabit the surface of the body of the host without penetrating into the tissues. They are important vectors transmitting the pathogenic microbes. The infection by these parasites is called as infestation, e.g. Sarcoptes scabiei causing scabies
  • Endoparasite : They live within the body of the host (e.g. Leishmania). Invasion by the endoparasite is called as infection.
The endoparasites are of following types:
  • Obligate parasite: They cannot exist without a parasitic life in the host (e.g. Plasmodium species)
  • Facultative parasite: They can live a parasitic life or free-living life, when the opportunity arises (e.g. Acanthamoeba)
  • Accidental parasite: They infect an unusual host (e.g. Echinococcus granulosus infect humans accidentally)
  • Aberrant parasite or wandering parasite: They infect a host where they cannot live or develop further (e.g. Toxocara in humans).
Host is defined as an organism, which harbors the parasite and provides nourishment and shelter.
Hosts may be of the following types:
  • Definitive host: The host in which the adult parasites replicate sexually (e.g. Anopheles species), is called as definitive host. The definitive hosts may be human or nonhuman living things
  • Intermediate host: The host in which the parasite undergoes asexual multiplication is called as intermediate host. (e.g. in malaria parasite life cycle, humans are the intermediate hosts)
    • Intermediate hosts are essential for the completion of the life cycle for some parasites
    • Some parasites require two intermediate hosts to complete their different larval stages. These are known as the first and second intermediate hosts 4respectively (e.g. Amphibian snails are the first intermediate host and aquatic plants are the second intermediate host for Fasciola hepatica).
Hosts can also be:
  • Reservoir host: It is a host, which harbors the parasites and serves as an important source of infection to other susceptible hosts. (e.g. dog is the reservoir host for echinococcosis)
  • Paratenic host: It is the host, in which the parasite lives but it cannot develop further and not essential for its life cycle (e.g. fresh water prawn and crab for Angiostrongylus cantonensis, big suitable fish for plerocercoid larva of Diphyllobothrium latum and freshwater fishes for Gnathostoma spinigerum). It functions as a transport or carrier host
  • Amplifier host: It is the host, in which the parasite lives and multiplies exponentially.
The relationship between the parasite and the host, may be divided into the following types:
Disease: The disease is the clinical manifestation of the infection, which shows the active presence, and replication of the parasite causing damage to the host. It may be mild, severe and fulminant and in some cases may even cause death of the host.
Carrier: The person who is infected with the parasite without any clinical or subclinical disease is referred to as a carrier. He can transmit the parasites to others.
It depends upon:
  • Source or reservoir of infection
  • Mode of transmission.
Sources of Infection
  • Man: Man is the source or reservoir for a majority of parasitic infections (e.g. amoebiasis, enterobiasis, etc.) The infection transmitted from one infected man to another man is called as anthroponoses
  • Animal: The infection which is transmitted from infected animals to humans is called as zoonoses. The infection can be transmitted to humans either directly or indirectly via vectors. (e.g. echinococcosis from dogs and toxoplasmosis from cats)
  • Vectors: Vector is an agent, usually an arthropod that transmits the infection from one infected human being to another. Vector can be biological or mechanical. An infected blood sucking insect can transmit the parasite directly into the blood during its blood meal.
    Note: Vectors have been dealt in detail in Chapter 16 (Medical Entomology)
  • Contaminated soil and water: Soil polluted with human excreta containing eggs of the parasites can act as an important source of infection, e.g. hookworm, Ascaris species, Strongyloides species and Trichuris species.
    Water contaminated with human excreta containing cysts of E. histolytica or Giardia lamblia, can act as source of infection
  • Raw or under cooked meat: Raw beef containing the larvae of Cysticercus bovis and pork containing Cysticercus cellulosae are some of the examples where undercooked meat acts as source of infection
  • Other sources of infection: Fish, crab or aquatic plants, etc.
Modes of Transmission
The infective stages of various parasites may be transmitted from one host to another in the following ways:
  • Oral or feco-oral route: It is the most common mode of transmission of the parasites. Infection is transmitted orally by ingestion of food, water or vegetables contaminated with feces containing the infective stages of the parasite. (e.g. cysts of E. histolytica, and ova of Ascaris lumbricoides)
  • Penetration of the skin and mucous membranes: Infection is transmitted by the penetration of the larval forms of the parasite through unbroken skin (e.g. filariform larva of Strongyloides stercoralis and hookworm can penetrate through the skin of an individual walking bare-footed over fecally contaminated soil), or by introduction of the parasites through blood-sucking insect vectors. (e.g. Plasmodium species, Leishmania species and Wuchereria bancrofti)
  • Sexual contact: Trichomonas vaginalis is the most frequent parasite to be transmitted by sexual contact. However, Entamoeba, Giardia and Enterobius are also transmitted rarely by sexual contact among homosexuals
  • Bite of vectors: Many parasitic diseases are transmitted by insect bite (Table 16.2 in Chapter 16) such as—malaria 5(female Anopheles mosquito), filariasis (Culex), leishmaniasis (sandfly), Chagas’ disease (reduviid bug) and African sleeping sickness (tsetse fly)
  • Vertical transmission: Mother to fetus transmission is important for few parasitic infections like Toxoplasma gondii, Plasmodium species and Trypanosoma cruzi
  • Blood transfusion: Certain parasites like Plasmodium species, Babesia species, Toxoplasma species, Leishmania species and Trypanosoma species can be transmitted through transfusion of blood or blood products
  • Autoinfection: Few intestinal parasites may be transmitted to the same person by contaminated hand (external autoinfection) or by reverse peristalsis (internal autoinfection). It is observed in Cryptosporidium parvum, Taenia solium, Enterobius vermicularis, Strongyloides stercoralis and Hymenolepis nana.
The life cycle of the parasite may be direct (simple) or indirect (complex).
  • Direct/simple life cycle: When a parasite requires only one host to complete its development, it is referred as direct/simple life cycle (Table 1.1)
  • Indirect/complex life cycle: When a parasite requires two hosts (one definitive host and another intermediate host) to complete its development, it is referred as indirect/complex life cycle (Table 1.2). Some of the helminths require three hosts (one definitive host and two intermediate hosts) (Table 1.3).
The parasites can cause damage to humans in various ways.
  • Mechanical trauma:
    • Eggs: Trematode eggs being large in size, can be deposited inside the intestinal mucosa (Schistosoma mansoni), bladder (Schistosoma haematobium), lungs (Paragonimus), liver (Fasciola hepatica) and can cause mechanical irritation
    • Larvae: Migration of several helminthic larvae (hookworms, Strongyloides or Ascaris) in the lungs produce traumatic damage of the pulmonary capillaries leading to pneumonitis
      Table 1.1   Direct/simple life cycle—parasites that need only one host (man)
      • Entamoeba histolytica
      • Giardia lamblia
      • Trichomonas vaginalis
      • Balantidium coli
      • Cryptosporidium parvum
      • Cyclospora cayetanensis
      • Cystoisospora belli
      • Microsporidia
      • Cestodes
      • Hymenolepis nana
      • Nematodes
      • Ascaris lumbricoides
      • Hookworm
      • Enterobius species
      • Trichuris trichiura
      • Strongyloides species
      Table 1.2   Indirect/complex life cycle—parasites requiring one definitive host and one intermediate host
      Man acts as definitive host
      Definitive host (man)
      Intermediate host
      Leishmania species*
      Trypanosoma cruzi*
      Reduviid bugs
      Trypanosoma brucei*
      Tsetse fly
      Taenia solium (intestinal taeniasis)
      Taenia saginata
      Hymenolepis diminuta
      Rat flea
      Schistosoma species
      Trichinella spiralis
      Filarial worms
      Mosquito (Culex, Aedes, Anopheles) and flies (blackflies and deerflies)
      Dracunculus medinensis
      Man acts as intermediate host
      Definitive host
      Intermediate host
      Plasmodium species
      Female Anopheles mosquito
      Babesia species
      Sarcocystis lindemanni
      Cat and dog
      Toxoplasma gondii
      Echinococcus granulosus
      Taenia solium (Cysticercosis)
      *Note: In Leishmania and Trypanosoma, the definitive and intermediate host terminologies are not applicable as there is no sexual cycle. The better terminologies used are vertebrate host (man) and the invertebrate host (insect vectors)
      Table 1.3   Indirect/complex life cycle—parasites requiring one definitive host and two intermediate hosts
      Definitive host
      First intermediate host
      Second intermediate host
      Diphyllobothrium species
      Fasciola hepatica
      Aquatic plant
      Fasciolopsis buski
      Aquatic plant
      Paragonimus species
      Crab and fish
      Clonorchis species
      Opisthorchis species
      Gnathostoma spinigerum
      Cat, dog and man
    • Adult worms: Adult worms of hookworm, Strongyloides, Ascaris or Taenia get adhere to the intestinal wall and cause mechanical trauma.
  • Space-occupying lesions: Certain parasites produce characteristic cystic lesion that may compress the surrounding tissues or organs, e.g. hydatid cysts and neurocysticercosis
  • Inflammatory reactions: Most of the parasites induce cellular proliferation and infiltration at the site of their multiplication, e.g. E. histolytica provokes inflammation of the large intestine leading to the formation of amoebic granuloma. Adult worm of W. bancrofti causes mechanical blockage and chronic inflammation of the lymphatics and lymph vessels. Trematode eggs can induce inflammatory changes (granuloma formation) surrounding the area of egg deposition
  • Enzyme production and lytic necrosis: Obligate intracellular parasites of man (Plasmodium, Leishmania and Trypanosoma), produce several enzymes, which cause digestion and necrosis of host cells. E. histolytica produces various enzymes like cysteine proteinases, hydrolytic enzymes and amoebic pore forming protein that lead to destruction of the target tissue
  • Toxins: Some of the parasites produce toxins, which may be responsible for pathogenesis of the disease, e.g. E. histolytica. However, in contrast to bacterial toxin, parasitic toxins have minimal role in pathogenesis
  • Allergic manifestations: Many metabolic and excretory products of the parasites get absorbed in the circulation and produce a variety of allergic manifestations in the sensitized hosts.
    Examples include schistosomes causing cercarial dermatitis, rupture of hydatid cyst producing anaphylactic reactions and occult filariasis (tropical pulmonary eosinophilia)
  • Neoplasia: Some of the parasitic infections can contribute to the development of neoplasia (e.g. S. haematobium causes bladder carcinoma, Clonorchis and Opisthorchis cause cholangiocarcinoma)
  • Secondary bacterial infections: Seen in some helminthic diseases (schistosomiasis and strongyloidiasis).
The immune response against the parasitic infections depends on two factors:
  1. Host factors: Immune status, age, underlying disease, nutritional status, genetic constitution and various defense mechanisms of the host
  2. Parasitic factors: Size, route of entry, frequency of infection, parasitic load and various immune evasion mechanisms of the parasites.
Broadly, the host immunity against the parasitic diseases may be of two types:
  1. Protective immune response
    1. Innate immunity
    2. Adaptive/acquired immunity.
  2. Unwanted or harmful immune response (hypersensitive reactions).
Protective Immune Response
Both innate and acquired immunity play an important role in protecting the hosts against parasites. Some of the parasitic infections can be eliminated completely by the host immune responses (complete immunity) while few are difficult to eliminate. In some infections, the immune defense of the host is sufficient to resist further infection but insufficient to destroy the parasite. Immunity lasts till the original infection remains active and prevents further infection. This is called as infection immunity or premunition or concomitant immunity or incomplete immunity. This is observed in malaria, schistosomiasis, trichinellosis, toxoplasmosis and Chagas’ disease.
(i) Innate Immunity
Innate immunity is the resistance which an individual possesses by birth, due to genetic and constitutional makeup.
Factors influencing innate immunity
  • Age of the host: Both the extremes of age are more vulnerable to parasitic infections. Certain diseases are common in children like giardiasis and enterobiasis while certain infections occur more commonly in adults like hookworm infection. Congenital infection occurs commonly with Toxoplasma gondii; whereas newborns are protected from falciparum malaria because of high concentration of fetal hemoglobin
  • Sex: Certain diseases are more common in males like amoebiasis, whereas females are more vulnerable to develop anemia due to hookworm infection
  • Nutritional status: Both humoral and cellular mediated immunity are lowered and neutrophil activity is reduced in malnutrition
  • Genetic constitution of the individuals: People with hemoglobin S (sickle cell disease), fetal hemoglobin and thalassemia hemoglobin are resistant to falciparum malaria, whereas Duffy blood group negative red blood cells (RBCs) are resistant to vivax malaria.
Components of innate immunity
  • Anatomic barriers (skin and mucosa): Skin is an important barrier for the parasites that enter by cutaneous routes like schistosomes, hookworm and Strongyloides7
  • Physiologic barriers: It includes temperature, pH, and various soluble molecules like lysozyme, interferon and complement. Gastric acidity acts as a physiologic barrier to Giardia and Dracunculus
  • Phagocytosis: Phagocytes like macrophages and microphages (neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils) act as first line of defense against the parasites
  • Complements: They play an important role for killing the extracellular parasites by forming membrane attack complexes; which leads to the formation of holes in the parasite membrane
  • Natural killer cells: Natural killer (NK) cells are another important mediator of innate immunity. They play a central role in killing few of the helminthic parasites.
(ii) Acquired/Adaptive Immunity
This is the resistance acquired by an individual during life following exposure to an agent. It is mediated by antibody produced by B lymphocytes (humoral immune response) or by T cells (cell mediated immune response).
Cell mediated immune response
  • When a parasite enters, the parasitic antigens are processed by the antigen presenting cells, (e.g. macrophages) which present the antigenic peptides to T helper (TH) cells. The antigen presenting cells also secrete interleukin-1 (IL-1) that activates the resting TH cells. Activated T helper cells differentiate into TH1 and TH2 cells
  • TH 1 secrete interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon gamma.
    • Interleukin-2 activates the cytotoxic T cells (TC) and NKs, which are cytotoxic to the target parasitic cells. They produce perforin and granzyme that form pores and lyse the target cells
    • IFN-γ activates the resting macrophages which in turn become more phagocytic and release free radicals like reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) and nitric oxide (NO) that kill the intracellular parasites.
  • TH 2 release IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and IL-10 which are involved in activation of B cells to produce antibodies [immunoglobin E (IgE) by IL-4]. IL-5 also acts as chemoattractant for the eosinophils. Eosinophilia is common finding in various helminthic infections.
Humoral immune response
TH 2 response activates the B cells to produce antibodies which in turn have various roles against the parasitic infections. They are:
  • Neutralization of parasitic toxins (mediated by IgA and IgG)
  • Preventing attachment to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) mucosa (mediated by secretory IgA)
  • Agglutinating the parasitic antigens thus preventing invasion (mediated by IgM)
  • Complement activation (by IgM and IgG): Complements bind to the Fc portion of the antibody coated to the parasitic cells. Activation of the complements leads to membrane damage and cell lysis
  • Antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is important for killing of the helminths. NK cells bind to the Fc portion of the IgG antibody coated to the helminths. Activation of NKs leads to release of perforin and granzyme that in turn cause membrane damage and cell lysis
  • Mast cell degranulation: IgE antibodies coated on mast cells when get bound to parasitic antigens, the mast cells become activated and release a number of mediators like serotonin and histamine.
The Unwanted or Harmful Immune Responses
Sometimes immune responses may be exaggerated or inappropriate in the sensitized individuals on re-exposure to the same antigen. Such type of immunopathologic reactions are called as hypersensitivity reactions that may be harmful to the hosts causing tissue damage. These are of four types (Table 1.4).
Parasitic Factors that Evade the Host Immune Response
Sometimes, the hosts find it difficult to contain the parasitic infections mainly because of the following reasons:
  • Large size of the parasites
  • Complicated life cycles
  • Antigenic complexity.
There are a number of mechanisms by which the parasites evade the host immune responses (Table 1.5).
It plays an important role in establishing the specific diagnosis of various parasitic infections. Following techniques are used in diagnosis of parasitic infections (discussed in detail in Chapter 15):
  • Parasitic diagnosis—either microscopically or macroscopically
  • Culture methods
  • Immunodiagnostic methods (antigen and antibody detection)
  • Intradermal skin tests
  • Molecular methods
  • Xenodiagnostic techniques
  • Animal inoculation
  • Imaging techniques.8
Table 1.4   Hypersensitivity reactions seen in parasitic diseases
Hypersensitive reactions
Parasitic diseases
Type I hypersensitivity reactions
These are allergic or anaphylactic reactions, occurring within minutes of exposure to parasitic antigens due to IgE mediated degranulation of mast cells
  • Cercarial dermatitis (Swimmer's Itch) in schistosomiasis
  • Loeffler's syndrome in ascariasis
  • Ground itch (Hookworm infection)
  • Anaphylaxis due to leakage of hydatid fluid (Echinococcus granulosus)
  • Casoni's test (hydatid disease)
  • Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (occult filariasis)
Type II hypersensitivity reactions
These are mediated by IgG or rarely IgM antibodies produced against the antigens on surfaces of the parasitic cells causing antibody mediated destruction of the cells by i) the complement activation or ii) by the NK cell activation (ADCC -antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity)
  • Anemia in malaria
  • Black water fever in malaria following quinine therapy
  • Myocarditis in Chagas’ disease
  • Killing of the helminths by NK cells
Type III hypersensitivity reactions
Immune complexes are formed by the combination of parasitic antigens with the circulating antibodies (IgG) which get deposited in various tissues
  • Nephrotic syndrome in Plasmodium malariae
  • Katayama fever in schistosomiasis
  • African trypanosomiasis
  • Onchocerciasis
Type IV hypersensitivity reactions
This is T-cell mediated delayed type of hypersensitivity reaction. Previously sensitized T helper cells secrete a variety of cytokines, on subsequent exposure to the parasitic antigens. Usually, the pathogen is cleared rapidly with little tissue damage. However, in some cases, it may be destructive to the host resulting in granulomatous reaction
  • Elephantiasis (in filariasis)
  • Granulomatous disease in schistosomiasis and other helminthic infections
  • Leishmaniasis
Abbreviations: IgE, immunoglobulin E; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M; NKs, natural killer cells.
Table 1.5   Immune evasion mechanisms of the parasites
Immune evasion mechanisms
Parasites involved
By intracellular location
Plasmodium species, Babesia species, Trypanosoma species, Toxoplasma species, Leishmania species and Microsporidia
Enters an immunologically protected site soon after infection
Plasmodium species entering into hepatocytes
Leave the site where the immune response is already established
Ascaris undergoes intestinal phase and migratory lung phase during its life cycle
Survives in macrophages by preventing phagolysosome fusion
Leishmania, Trypanosoma and Toxoplasma
Antigenic shedding (capping): Surface membrane antigens of the parasites bound to the antibodies undergo redistribution so that the parasite is covered by a folded membrane that later extrude as a cap containing most of the antibodies that were originally bound to the membrane
Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma brucei and Ancylostoma caninum
Antigenic variation: By change of antigenic composition, the parasites can be protected from the antibodies which are formed against the original antigens
P. falciparum (pf-EMP protein), Giardia and Trypanosoma brucei
Antigenic mimicry: The adult flukes of Schistosoma get coated with the host red cell antigens and histocompatibility antigens, so that they are not recognized as foreign and live free from host attack
Schistosoma species
Inhibit antibody binding
Schistosoma mansoni
Lymphocyte suppression
Schistosoma mansoni
Polyclonal stimulation of lymphocytes
P. falciparum, Trypanosoma brucei, Babesia, Trichinella and E. histolytica
Suppression of immune system
Trypanosoma, Plasmodium and Leishmania
Treatment of parasitic disease is primarily based on chemotherapy and in some cases by surgery.
Antiparasitic Drugs
Various chemotherapeutic agents are used for the treatment and prophylaxis of parasitic infections (Table 1.6).
Surgical Management
For management of parasitic diseases like echinococcosis (or hydatid disease) and neurocysticercosis surgery is indicated. Semi-conservetive surgery is followed wherever possible; for example, PAIR (percutaneous aspiration, injection and reaspiration) is done for treatment of hydatid disease.
Table 1.6   Common antiparasitic drugs, their mechanism of action and clinical indications
Drugs for amoebiasis
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole
Bioactivated to form reduced cytotoxic products which damage DNA
DOC for the amoebic colitis, amoebic liver abscess, and other extraintestinal amoebiasis
Inhibits protein synthesis
Parenterally used for severe hepatic amoebiasis
Probably by concentrating in parasite food vacuoles
Used for extraintestinal amoebiasis
Paromomycin (Aminoglycoside)
Inhibits protein synthesis by binding to 16S ribosomal RNA
Effective luminal agent
Diloxanide furoate (Acetanilide compound)
Unknown; it is thought to interfere with protein synthesis
Effective luminal agent
Iodoquinol (8-hydroxyquinoline compound)
Luminal agent
Amphotericin B
Complex and multifaceted
DOC for Naegleria fowleri
Drugs for flagellates
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Intestinal/Genital Flagellates
Metronidazole and tinidazole
Bioactivated to form reduced cytotoxic products which damage DNA
DOC for giardiasis
Interference with the PFOR enzyme dependent electron transfer reaction which is essential for anaerobic energy metabolism
Cross linking of DNA
Given to children
Protein synthesis inhibitor in nonresistant cells by binding to 16S ribosomal RNA
Can be given in pregnancy
Metronidazole or tinidazole
Bioactivated to form reduced cytotoxic products having nitro groups which damage DNA
DOC for trichomoniasis, given to both the partners
Drugs for hemoflagellates
Chagas’ disease (American trypanosomiasis)
Forms nitro-anion radical metabolite, which reacts with the nucleic acids of the parasite, causing a significant breakage in the DNA
Chagas’ disease
Production of free radicals, to which Trypanosoma cruzi is particularly sensitive
Effective in the treatment of reactivated T. cruzi infections caused by immunosuppression (AIDS patients or patients of organ transplants)
Sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis)
Accumulates to micromolar concentrations within the parasite to kill it by inhibiting enzymes and interacting with DNA
DOC for East African sleeping sickness
Trypanocidal activity; inhibits enzymes involved with the oxidation of reduced NADH
DOC for West African sleeping sickness10
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Sodium stibogluconate
Meglumine antimoniate
Inhibition of the parasite's glycolytic and fatty acid oxidative activity resulting in decreased reducing equivalents for antioxidant defense and decreased synthesis of ATP
Amphotericin B
Bind to ergosterol and disrupts cell membranes
Discussed earlier under giardiasis
Can trigger programmed cell death (apoptosis)
Drugs for malaria
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Probably, concentrating in parasite food vacuoles, preventing the polymerization of the hemoglobin into the toxic product hemozoin
DOC for uncomplicated benign malaria
Artemisinin derivative (Artemisinin or artemether or arte-ether)
Generate highly active free radicals that damage parasite membrane
DOC for complicated or falciparum malaria
Probably similar to chloroquine; still not clear
DOC for complicated or falciparum malaria
Same as chloroquine
DOC for complicated or falciparum malaria
Generating reactive oxygen species
DOC for relapse of vivax and ovale malaria
Inhibits the production of enzymes involved in the synthesis of folic acid within the parasites
DOC for complicated or falciparum malaria
Accumulation of heme and free radicals
Complicated or falciparum malaria
Drugs for babesiosis
Mechanism of action
Clinical indication
Clindamycin plus quinine
Clindamycin: inhibits protein synthesis Quinine: discussed earlier
DOC for severe babesiosis
Atovaquone plus azithromycin
Azithromycin: inhibits protein synthesis
Atovaquone: inhibits mitochondrial transport in protozoa by targeting the cytochrome bc1 complex
DOC for mild babesiosis
Drugs for toxoplasmosis
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Cotrimoxazole (Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)
Inhibiting folate synthesis from PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), thus inhibiting purine metabolism
DOC for prophylaxis in HIV-infected people
Inhibition of protein synthesis in the cell during translocation
DOC in pregnancy
Drugs for Cryptosporidium
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Interferes with the PFOR enzyme-dependent electron-transfer reaction, which is essential to anaerobic metabolism in protozoan and bacterial species
DOC for Cryptosporidium infection
Drugs for Cystoisospora and Cyclospora
Mechanism of action
Clinical indications
Inhibiting folate synthesis from PABA (Para aminobenzoic acid), thus inhibiting purine metabolism
DOC for Cystoisospora and Cyclospora infection
Drugs for cestodes
Mechanism of action
Clinical indication
Increases the permeability of the membranes of parasite cells toward calcium ions which induces contraction of the parasites, resulting in paralysis in the contracted state
DOC for all cestode infections
Niclosamide uncouples oxidative phosphorylation
Alternative drug for cestode infections
Causes loss of the cytoplasmic microtubules leading to impaired uptake of glucose by the larval and adult stages of the susceptible parasites, and depleting their glycogen stores
Given for cysticercosis and hydatid disease
Drugs for trematodes
Mechanism of action
Clinical indication
Discussed earlier under cestodes
DOC for most of the trematode infections
Binds to beta-tubulin and prevent the polymerization of the microtubules
DOC for Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica11
Intestinal nematodes
Mebendazole or albendazole
Discussed earlier under cestodes
DOC for most of the intestinal nematodes
Pyrantel pamoate
Acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, thereby causing sudden contraction, followed by spastic paralysis of the helminths
Alternative drug for intestinal nematodes
Kills by interfering with nervous system and muscle function, in particular by enhancing inhibitory neurotransmission resulting in flaccid paralysis
DOC for strongyloidiasis. Alternative drug for Trichuris infections
Filarial nematodes
Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
An inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism in microfilaria. This makes the microfilaria more susceptible to phagocytosis
DOC for lymphatic filariasis, Loa loa and Mansonella infections
Discussed earlier under cestodes
Alternative drug for lymphatic filariasis, Loa loa and Mansonella infections
Discussed earlier under intestinal nematodes
Used for lymphatic filariasis in Africa
DOC for onchocerciasis
Alternative drug for Loa loa and Mansonella infections
Targets the intracellular Wolbachia present inside the Microfilaria
Alternative drug for lymphatic filariasis
Abbreviations: DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; DOC, drug of choice; RNA, ribonucleic acid; PFOR, pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase enzyme; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; NADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
  1. Write short notes on:
    1. Paratenic host.
    2. Reservoir host.
    3. Indirect/complex life cycle.
    4. Immune evasion mechanisms of the parasites.
    5. Antiparasitic drugs.
  2. Differentiate between:
    1. Definitive host and intermediate host.
    2. Direct and indirect life cycle.
  3. Multiple choice questions (MCQs):
1. A host harboring adult or sexual stage of a parasite is called:
  1. Definitive host
  2. Intermediate host
  3. Reservoir host
  4. None of the above
2. Parasite which may be transmitted by sexual contact is :
  1. Trypanosoma cruzi
  2. Trichomonas vaginalis
  3. Trypanosoma brucei
  4. Ascaris
3. Cholangiocarcinoma is associated with chronic infection of :
  1. Paragonimus westermani
  2. Fasciola hepatica
  3. Clonorchis sinensis
  4. Schistosoma haematobium
4. Which of the following parasite is transmitted by dog :
  1. Taenia saginata
  2. Hymenolepis nana
  3. Echinococcus granulosus
  4. Diphyllobothrium latum
5. Blood-sucking vector may transmit:
  1. Ascaris lumbricoides
  2. Ancylostoma duodenale
  3. Strongyloides stercoralis
  4. Plasmodium
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. d