Drug Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders Siddharth Sarkar, Rajesh Sagar
Page numbers followed by b box; f figure; fc flow chart; and t indicate table respectively.
Abnormal involuntary movement scale 18
Acamprosate 85, 87
Acathisia 18
Acetylcholine, falling levels of 97
Acetyl-l-carnitine 106
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 96, 102
Afeem 88
Aggressiveness 194
Agitation and aggression 102
Agomelatine 27, 39
Agranulocytosis 5, 169
Akathisia 16, 18, 162
classic 18
Alanine aminotransferase 189
Alcohol use disorder 82
long-term treatment 85
medications for long-term 86t
treatment framework 84fc
Alkaline phosphatase 189, 191
Allergy 16
Alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists 128
Alprazolam 61, 171, 172, 178, 179, 187, 191, 197
Alzheimer's dementia 9597, 106
pharmacological treatment for 97
Amantadine 19
American Diabetes Association 21t
American Geriatrics Society 177
American Psychiatric Association 11, 21t, 114
Amisulpride 6, 8, 19, 188
Amitriptyline 26, 27, 29, 151, 153
Amphetamine-based 120
Anger and aggression 117
Angina 91
Anticholinergic delirium 22
side effects 162
symptoms 20
Anticraving agent 37, 199
Antidepressants 151, 182, 190
administration of 154
adverse effects of 154
classification of 27
for treatment of depression 39b
overdosage of 155
WHO essential medicines 2017 153t
wide range of 26
Antiepileptic drugs 142, 199
Antifibrillogenesis drugs 107
Antimalarial drugs 199
Antimanic agents 44, 163
administration of 165
long-term treatment 164
overdosage of 169
short-term treatment 163
WHO essential medicines 2017 166t
Anti-Parkinson's medications 193
Antiparkinsonian agents 162, 178
Antipsychotic drugs 1, 6t, 20, 181
adverse effects 16, 17t
development of 2
first-generation 2, 17, 129, 140, 156
long-term treatment 160
management 16
mechanism of action 9
overdosage of 162
powerful 2
second-generation 5, 6, 17, 124, 140, 141, 156
typical 190
Antipsychotics 10, 15, 126, 133, 144
administration of 161
adverse effects of 161
availability of 15
blocking actions of 10f
in pregnancy 140
polypharmacy 12
properties of 10
WHO essential medicines 2017 158t
Antiretroviral therapy 199
Antisocial personality disorders 112, 110, 115
Antitubercular medications 199
Anxiety and depression 194
Anxiety disorder 54, 134
advantage and disadvantages of 63
different phases of illness 56t
management of 171, 195
nonpharmacological treatments 55, 63
pharmacological treatment 55, 169
pregnancy and breastfeeding 64
recommendations treatment of 61t
treatment approaches for 56t
Anxiety disorders treatment of 54
under special conditions 64
Anxious avoidant personality disorder 115
Apathy 102
Apgar scores 143
Aripiprazole 6, 8, 17, 43, 50, 102, 128, 134
Arousal disorder 70
treatment 70
Arrhythmias 91, 162
Arrhythmogenic 185
Asenapine 43, 134
Atazanavir 197
Atherogenic dyslipidemia 20
Atomoxetine 120, 123
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder 120, 125, 175, 182
Atypical antipsychotic drugs 190
monitoring of 21t
Australian and New Zealand Royal College of Psychiatrists, guidelines 11
Australian National Health and Medical Research Council 113b
clinical practice guideline for 113
Autism spectrum disorders 124, 125
Autoimmune disorders 175
Autonomic dysfunction 99
Avoidant personality disorders 110
Azapirone 61
Bapineuzumab 106
Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale 18
Behavioral activation 123
Behavioral management 127
Benzamides 128
Benzodiazepines 11, 55, 60, 62, 82, 84, 111, 171, 178, 182, 185, 191, 192
for alcohol detoxification 83t
for treatment 171
overdose 172
pharmacotherapy with 171
prescribing 172b
short-term pharmacotherapy 171
Benztropine 18, 19
Bethanechol 22
Biperiden 162
Bipolar depression 47, 133, 164
management of 47
treatment of 133
Bipolar disorder 43, 132, 139
acute, management of 44
long-term prophylaxis for 49
mixed episodes 48
nature of 52
management of 43
treatment for 43, 163
pharmacotherapy of
lithium 132
valproate 132
principles of treating 51, 51b
treatment options for 43t
Bipolarity, history suggestive of 40
Birth weight 143
Blood dyscrasias 169
Blood pressure 21
Blurry vision 20
Borderline personality disorder 110, 112, 115
Botulinum toxin injections 129
Bradykinesia 162
Brain imaging 2
Brain injury, post-traumatic 194
Breastfeeding women 142
British Association for Psychopharmacology 43, 138
guidelines 48, 141b
Bulimia 194
Buprenorphine 88, 89
Bupropion 27, 37, 71
and varenicline 92
blocks reinforcing 92
Burning sensation 91
Buspirone 61
Cancer-related fatigue 195
Cannabis intoxication 170
Carbamazepine 11, 43, 103, 124, 133, 167, 180, 183, 198
Cardiac disorders 123
Cardiovascular conditions 179
Cariprazine 6, 17, 43, 48, 49
Catatonia 3
Cerebrospinal fluid 2
Child and adolescent
prescribing psychotropics 119b
psychopharmacology 119
Child's cognitive and linguistic ability guides 119
Chlordiazepoxide 84
Chlorpheniramine 178
Chlorpromazine 2, 5, 6, 16, 17, 156, 159, 183
Cholinesterase inhibitors 97
action of 97
Citalopram 27, 29, 58, 61, 104
augmentation of clomipramine 58
open-label trials of 135
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment-Alcohol Revised 82
Clinical practice guidelines 40
Clomipramine 26, 27, 29, 58, 61
Clonazepam 19, 57, 61
doses of 99
Clonidine 123, 124, 128
Clorazepate 82
Clozapine 5, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 19, 22, 111, 130, 156, 160, 162, 193
Clusters 110
A (odd, bizarre, eccentric) 110
B (dramatic, erratic) 110
C (anxious, fearful) 110
Coexisting psychiatric disorders, management of 111
Cognitive behavior therapy 60, 130
Cognitive continuum 94
Cognitive decline and dementia 94
Cognitive deficits 193
Cognitive impairment, mild 94
pharmacological treatment of 105
Cogwheel rigidity 162
Coma 169
severe cases and death 85
Common mental disorder 25
Constipation 22, 162
Convulsions 162
Corticosteroids drugs 199
Creatine kinase 13
Crisis management 111
Cycloid psychoses 3
Cyclophosphamide 196
Cycloserine 11
CYP2D6 inhibitors 196
CYP3A4 inhibitors 197
like ketoconazole 74
like rifampicin 74
CYP3A43, induction of 198
Damiana leaf 78
Dapoxetine 71
Dapoxetine, off-label use of 71
Darunavir 197
Deaths due to suicide 25
Deficiency of mental health specialists 148
Dehydroepiandrosterone 78
Delayed ejaculation, pharmacotherapy 72
Delirium 189
with psychosis 4
Delivery, preterm 143
Delusion disorder 3
Dementia 40, 94
behavioral and psychological symptoms 101, 102b
end stage 15
general management principles of 95
management of special issues 105
medications for treatment 100t, 103t
neurodegenerative 94
other treatment options 106
pharmacological treatment of 95
psychological symptoms of 103t
reversible causes of 96
subtypes of irreversible 96t
target domains in treatment of 95fc
with lewy bodies 96
with psychosis 4
Dependent personality disorder 110, 115
Depixol, fluanxol 6
Depression 26, 37, 96, 102, 130
choosing an antidepressant 39
etiology of 26f
in pregnancy 41
long-term treatment 152
treatment of 25
with psychosis 4
Depressive disorders 25
pharmacological treatment for 151
Depressive episodes 45
Depressive phase 43, 133
Dermatological medications 199
Desire disorder 78
Desire, excitement, orgasm and resolution; model of 68f
Desvenlafaxine 27, 34, 35, 82
Detoxification in opioid dependence 88
Deutetrabenazine 19
Dexmethylphenidate 121
Dextroamphetamine 122
Dextropropoxyphene 88
Dialectical behavior therapy 110
Diazepam 19, 57, 61, 84
Dibenzodiazepine 5
Diphenhydramine 18, 19, 178
Diphospho-glucuronosyltransferases 197
Disease, chronic 96
Disease-modifying therapies 107
Disinhibition 194
Disruptive behavior disorders 126
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder 131
Disulfiram 85
ethanol reaction 85, 86
Divalproex 126, 132, 134
Divalproex sodium 103, 125
Diversion, risk of 123
Dizziness 73
Doda 88
Donepezil 98, 99
in vascular cognitive impairment 99
Dopamine 10
pathway 9f
transporter 30, 120
Dosulepin 26, 27
Double-blind placebo-controlled trials 122
Doxepin 26, 27
Drug-drug interactions 196
liver injury 189
psychiatric symptoms 198
absorption 176
allergies 16
development pipeline 107
distribution 176
in consultation-liaison psychiatry 175
in lactation and pregnancy 138
in psycho-oncology 195
interactions with 40
antifungals 198
antitubercular therapy 197
cancer medications 196
contraceptives 198
diabetic medications 198
human immunodeficiency virus medications 197
immunosuppressants 197
metabolism 177
reaction with eosinophilia 16
used in premature ejaculation 72
Duloxetine 27, 34, 35, 61
Dyskinesia, acute 16
Dyspareunia, superficial 78
Dyspepsia 73
Dystonia, acute 16
Eating disorders 139
Ebstein's anomaly 140
Ecitalopram 104
Efavirenz 197
Efficacious 73
Electrocardiogram 20, 153
Electroconvulsive therapy 14
modified 40
Endocrine and sexual 22
Endocrine disorders 175
Erectile disorder 73
Erectile dysfunction, pharmacotherapy for 73
Erythema 91
Erythromycin 74
Escitalopram 27, 29, 58, 61
Esterified estrogen 70
Estrogen 78
Eszopiclone 197
European Medicines Agency 74
Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale 18
Extrapyramidal symptoms 2, 16, 177
treatment of 18
Fear of abandonment 117
Female orgasmic disorder 74
Female sexual interest 70
Flat affect 16, 157
Fluoxetine 27, 29, 48, 58, 61, 130, 152, 153
Flupentixol 6
Fluphenazine 2, 6, 17, 127, 156, 159
decanoate 161
Fluvoxamine 27, 29, 61
Fosamprenavir 197
Frontotemporal dementia 96, 101
Gabapentin 98, 188
adverse effects and management 98
Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors 82
Generalized anxiety disorder 54, 56, 61, 170
patient 15
population 176
Ginkgo biloba 78, 106
Glomerular filtration rate 188
Glycine 11
Guanfacine 123, 124
Guanfacine and clonidine 120
Half-life 83
Haloperidol 5, 6, 17, 19, 126, 127, 129, 156, 158, 189
Headache 87
common side effects 123
common medication 153
primary level of 153
secondary level of 153
tertiary level 153
Hemorrhagic pancreatitis 169
Hepatic failure 96, 168
irreversible 169
Hepatic impairment 183
Hepatocellular injury 189
Heroin 88
Histamine 10
receptor blockade 28
Histrionic personality disorder 110, 115
Human immunodeficiency virus 96, 102
Human sexual response cycle 68
Hydroxyzine 61
Hyperactivity and impulsivity 125
Hypersexuality 194
Hypokinesia 16
Hypomanic symptoms 131
cause 32
hypoglycemia 32
suspect 155
Hypotension 22, 162
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal 25
Hypothyroidism 96
Idiosyncratic reaction 189
Illnesses 130
Imipramine 26, 27, 29, 61
Immune mediated 189
Immunotherapy, passive 106
Impulse control disorders 193
Impulsiveness 194
Insomnia 33, 87, 123
Insulin resistance 20
Intellectual disability and developmental delay 14
International Classification of Diseases 111
Intestinal cramps and flatulence 87
Irritable dysphoria 46
Isocarboxazid 27, 34
Kidney disease, chronic 188
Kidney function test 156
Klüver–Bucy syndrome 194
Lamotrigine 11, 43, 47, 58, 133, 134, 181, 183
open-label trials of 134
Leukopenia, mild 168
Levomilnacipran 27, 34, 35
Lewy body dementias 99
decreased 87
increased 87
Lipids profile 102
Lisdexamfetamine 122
Lithium 11, 43, 4850, 132, 134, 140, 163, 166, 180, 183, 188, 189
open-label trials of 134
Liver disease, end-stage 188
Liver function test 156, 102
Liver injury serum, cholestatic type of 189
Lorazepam 57, 61, 84, 188
therapy fails 14
Loxapine 17
Lozenge 91
Lurasidone 7, 17, 43, 48, 49
Magnesium pemoline 124
Major depressive disorder, developing 25
Male hypoactive sexual desire disorders 69
treatment 69
Malignancy 96
Mania 47, 50
and hypomanic episodes 44
with psychosis 4
Manic phase 43, 133
Mascaraed 47
Medication induced 96
Melatonin 99, 104
receptor agonist 27, 38
Memantine 98
Mental and sexual health 144
Mental disorders 149, 150
Mental health during pregnancy 139
Mental Health Gap Action Programme 148
Mental illness on pregnancy 139
Mentalization-based treatment 110
Metabolic derangements 96
Metabolic risks 20
Metabolic syndrome 20, 185
Metabolism 83, 188
Metabolite, active 83
Methadone 89
Methylphenidate 120
different formulations of 121t
mechanism of action of 120f
Microsomal cytochrome p450 177
Milnacipran 27, 34, 35
Mirtazapine 27
Moclobemide 27, 34
Modafinil 124
Molindone 17
Monoamine deficiency hypothesis 25
Monoamine oxidase 32
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor 3133, 60, 151, 184, 186
activity 196
dose range of 34
mechanism of action of 33f
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale 45
Mood disorders 130
Mood dysregulation 125
Mood stabilizers 43, 46, 48, 103, 126, 133, 140, 180, 187, 191, 194
anticonvulsants 142
antidepressants 143
lithium 140
Multiple comorbidities, management of 105
Multiple psychotropic medications, combination of 179
Multiple sclerosis 175
Muscle weakness 87, 129
Muscular weakness 169
Myocardial infarction 91, 185
Myocarditis 185
Naltrexone 85, 87, 88, 90
blocks 88
Narcissistic personality disorder 110, 112, 115,
Nasal congestion 73
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 10, 40, 138
guidelines 114
National Institute of Mental Health 130
National List of Essential Medicines 153
National Mental Health Survey of India 148
Nefazodone 27
Neonatal behavioral syndrome 144
Neurobiological underpinning 97, 102
Neurocognitive disorders 94
Neurodegenerative dementia, common forms of 94
Neurodevelopmental disorders 175
Neuroleptic denotes 16
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 5, 19
Neuroleptic sensitivity 99
conditions 189
consultation 19
side-effects 161
Neurons, presynaptic 26
Neurotransmitters and hormones mediate 68
gum 91, 92
lozenge 92
replacement therapy 91
formulations 92t
spray 92
transdermal patch 92
N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonist 98
Non-Alzheimer's dementia 99
Nonbenzodiazepine antianxiety medications 172
Nonorganic female orgasmic disorders 78
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 31, 188
Nonstimulant 120, 123
alpha-adrenoceptor agonists 123
atomoxetine 123
and specific serotonergic antidepressant 27, 36
dopamine reuptake inhibitor 37
reuptake pumps 26
transporter 26, 120
Nortriptyline 26, 27, 29
Noxious action 16
Obsessive compulsive disorder 54, 58, 61, 135, 170, 199
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder 110, 115
Olanzapine 5, 7, 17, 19, 43, 47, 102, 103, 115, 129, 156, 183, 188
fluoxetine combination 43
plus fluoxetine 47
Omega-3 fatty acids 106
Opioid antagonists 90
Opioid use disorders 88
long-term management 90
Oral inhaler 92
Orgasmic dysfunction 78
Orthostatic hypotension 32, 64, 185
Osmotic-controlled release oral delivery system 121, 122
Oxazepam 188
P450 CYP3A4 enzyme 89
Pain 105
Panic disorder 136
and agoraphobia 170
with or without agoraphobia 57, 61
Paranoid personality disorder 110, 115
Parkinson symptoms of akinesia 16
Parkinson's disease 175, 192
dementia 99
Parkinsonian symptoms 128
Parkinsonism 18, 99, 161
Paroxetine 27, 29, 58, 61, 104
PDE5 inhibitors
comparison of 74
use of 74
Pediatric bipolar disorder, pharmacotherapy for 133b
Pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder 135
Pentazocine 88
Perinatal challenges in
conducting research 139
treating 138
Persistent pulmonary hypertension 143
Persistent visual hallucinations 99
Personality disorders 110, 111
caution for prescribing medications 115
clinical tip for pharmacological 115t
drug treatment of
anxious-avoidant 114
borderline 112
schizoid, schizotypal and paranoid 111
management of borderline 113b
medication prescription 116, 116b, 117b
polypharmacy 116
psychological aspects 116
role of psychotropic medications 111b
treatment of 110
Pharmacodynamic changes in elderly 177
Pharmacokinetic changes 176b
Phenelzine 27
Phenobarbital 198
Phobia 170
Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors 72, 75t
Physical symptoms 2
Pill-rolling movements 16
Pimozide 127
Polycystic ovary disease 144
Polymer-based adhesive patch 121
Potentially inappropriate medication 177
Power dynamics 117
Preconception counseling 144
Predominant cognitive 15
Pregabalin 11, 61
Pregnancy 138145
and lactation 91
antidepressant impact on 143
antipsychotics in 140
clozapine use in 140
lithium use in early 141
management of mental illness 138, 139
poses 138
Premature (early) ejaculation 71
Primary care physicians 149
psychopharmacology for 148, 150b
Prophylactic agent 50
Prophylaxis 49
Propranolol 11, 18, 19
Protease inhibitors 197
Protein binding 188
Pruritus 91
adverse effects, common medication 199t
comorbidities 26
disorders 179
illness 138
Psychiatrist, role of 145b
Psychoeducation 55
Psychosis 1, 47, 102
assessment of 15
disorders with 3t
due to general medical conditions 4
pharmacotherapy of 1
presence of 2
risk syndrome 4
special populations 13
treatment guidelines 10
Psychosocial interventions 62
Psychotic disorders 1
in primary care 156fc
pharmacological treatment for 156
treatment of 22
Psychotic symptoms 160
in breastfeeding 179
in impaired systemic conditions 179
in older adults 176
in pregnancy 179
medications 150, 178t
cardiovascular system disorders 184t
during pregnancy 180t
in hepatic impairment 190t
in renal disorders 186t
relative infant dosing of 183t
role of 111, 194
use of 119
QT prolongation 2, 19
Quazepam 178
Quetiapine 5, 7, 16, 17, 19, 43, 47, 49, 50, 61, 102, 103, 115, 134, 135, 183, 193
Rapid eye movement 96
management of 99
Rebound exacerbation 123
signatures 52
warning signs of 52
disease, end-stage 183, 188
disorders 183
excretion 176
failure 96
Reserpine 2
Respiratory depression 169
Restricted, repetitive stereotyped behaviors 125
Reward pathway 82f
Risperidone 5, 7, 8, 43, 102, 103, 132, 156, 158, 183
low doses of 192
Ritonavir 197
Rivastigmine 98, 99
trial of 99
Schizoaffective disorder 3
Schizoid personality disorder 110, 115
Schizophrenia 1, 3, 13, 22, 129, 130, 139
atypical antipsychotics 129
patient outcomes research team 10
spectrum disorders 130
treatment of 12
typical antipsychotics 129
Schizophreniform disorder 3t
Schizotypal personality disorder 3, 110, 112, 115
Sedation 16, 123
Sedative antihistamines 104
Seizures 20, 162
risk of 37
Selective Aβ-42 lowering agents 107
Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 35f
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 27, 29, 46, 60, 64, 85, 101, 125
dose range of 31t
mechanism of action of 30f
Selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 27, 33, 35
Selegiline 27
Self-injurious behavior 125
Semagacestat 106
Semisynthetic opioid derived 88
Sensory impairment 105
Septal defects 32
Serine 11
Serotonin partial agonist reuptake inhibitors 36, 38
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors 143
Serotonin transporter 26
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 60
dose range of 35
Sertraline 27, 29, 61, 104, 195
Sexual disorders, treatment of 69
Sexual dysfunction 33
etiology of 68, 69f
treatment of 67
Sexual pain disorders 78
treatment 78
Sexual response cycle 67
Sexual, side effects 22
Sildenafil 73, 75
Simpson-Angus Scale 18
Sinus tachycardia 185
Sleep disturbance 125
Snuff 91
Social anxiety disorder 54, 62, 170
Sodium valproate 166
Solanezumab 106
Soluble gamma-secretase modulators 107
Specific serotonergic antidepressants 36f
Spheroidal oral drug absorption system 121
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 168
Stimulants 120
amphetamines 122
methylphenidate 120
osmotic-controlled release oral delivery system 120
Stress disorder, post-traumatic 54, 56, 61, 135
Subdural hematoma 96
Substance use disorders 81
neurological basis of 81
Substance-induced psychoses 4
Sudden cardiac death 186b
adverse events 131
attempts 131
ideation 131
Suicide and nonsuicidal self-injury 115
Sulpiride 128
Symbolism of care 117
Tachycardia 35, 162
Tadalafil 73
Tardive dyskinesia 14, 18
Temazepam 188
Testosterone 78
Tetrabenazine 128
Tetrahydrocannabinol 128
Texas Medication Algorithm Project 10
Thiothixene 17, 129
Thorazine, largactil 6
Thyroid disorders 96
Tiapride 128
Tic disorder 127
atypical antipsychotics 127
pharmacological options for 127
typical antipsychotics 127
Tobacco use disorders 91
Topiramate 11, 133, 181, 188
augmentation 58
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 168
Tramadol 71, 88
Transient perceptual alterations 1
Tranylcypromine 27, 34, 151
Trazodone 27, 104
Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study 130
Treatment of Early Age Mania Study 132
Treatment of SSRI-resistant Depression in Adolescents 131
Tremors 161
Tricyclic antidepressants 26, 27, 55, 60, 124, 151, 153, 179, 184, 186
action of 28
commonly prescribed 29t
Tricyclic compounds 26
Trifluoperazine 2
Trihexyphenidyl 162
Udvalg for Kliniske Undersogelser 18
Urinary retention 162
US Food and Drug Administration 70
Vaginismus 78
Vagus nerve stimulation 50
Valbenazine 19
Valproate 43, 48, 50, 11, 168, 180, 183
pharmacotherapy with 169
Vardenafil 7375
Varenicline 92
Vascular dementia 96, 99
Venlafaxine 27, 35, 61, 134, 152, 189
Verbal and physical violence 194
Vesicular monoaminetransporter type 2 inhibitor 128
Vilazodone 27
Vinblastine 196
Vinca alkaloids 196
Vincristine 196
Vision, blurring of 162
A 106
C 106
deficiency 96
E 19, 106
Waist circumference 21
Warfarin 86
Weight gain 20
Women with
depression 139
mental health problems 138
mental illnesses 139
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry guidelines 10
World Health Organization 148, 176
essential medication 156
Zaleplon 187
Zidovudine levels 197
Ziprasidone 7, 17, 19, 50, 127, 134
Zolpidem 187, 197
Chapter Notes

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