Mastering the BDS IIIrd Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)
Mastering the BDS IIIrd Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)
Thoroughly Revised and Updated According to the Latest Syllabus of DCI
7th Edition
Hemant Gupta MDS
(Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Microbiology and Forensic Odontology) General Practitioner and Consultant Shivom Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Mastering the BDS IIIrd Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)
Seventh Edition : 2019
Printed at
Almighty SAI BABA
My grandparents Shri HD Gupta and Smt Vijaylakshmi Gupta
In loving memory of my parents
Late Shri VK Gupta and Late Smt Anju Gupta
To my wife Smita Sharma Gupta
for being so much understanding and
Last but not least my lovely angel son Meetaan Gupta
for making life worthwhile
It is a matter of great pride and pleasure to introduce the seventh edition of Mastering the BDS IIIrd Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions). The aim of this text is to enable the student of dentistry to learn fundamentals. All the sections are rewritten and the answers of each and every section are revised as per the latest syllabus. This new edition is updated and expanded, bringing forth new information gained since production of last edition. The text has been made more clinically oriented so as to better correlate the text with clinical aspects. The text consists of a large number of illustrations, which enhances the understanding of written description. I, as an author, wish to express my hope that material presented is clear and understandable. The book is never meant to replace any of the textbook. All the respective textbooks of all subjects should be read thoroughly to gain the deep knowledge of subject. This book provides an idea of questions and answers in BDS examinations and multiple choice questions (MCQs) in pre-PG examinations. I hope that the content will be enough to stimulate the insight and new trends of thoughts in all the subjects of IIIrd year.
Any of the suggestions and criticism should be welcomed at
Hemant Gupta
It is a matter of great pride and pleasure to introduce the first edition of Mastering the BDS IIIrd Year. As our previous books have got continued support and good response, we have kept the same basic pattern, but the sequence of chapters has been arranged in a simpler way for a wider and systematic coverage of the topics.
The subjects of IIIrd year still ring fear in the minds of students—baseless fear that rest on silent assumptions and those that distort thinking. However, self-study, dedication, motivation and hard work are the virtues that go a long way in the making of a genius—a success. Listen, think, read and analyze with an open mind and you definitely cannot go wrong. I would like to clarify that this book is not meant to replace your standard textbooks, but yet coupled with your effort and sincerity, it will definitely make you clinch and help you put your best foot forward to reach great heights of success.
And last but not least, I thank our publisher, Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for his whole-hearted support and help to make this book a reality.
Hemant Gupta
Achievement of this book was possible by the help and support of Almighty SAI BABA, my grandparents, parents, my wife, teachers and friends.
Special thanks to those who remain behind the curtain and help in arrangement of study material for the book.
Heartily thanks to Dr Deepak Aggarwal (MDS), Mrs Sangeeta Surange, and Mrs Kriti Gorkhe, for helping in arranging the appropriate question papers.
Thanks to Mr Anupam Prasad from M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, for his whole-hearted support.
I am very grateful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Ms Ritu Sharma (Director–Content Strategy), Ms Sunita Katla (PA to Group Chairman, and Publishing Manager), Ms Samina Khan (Executive Assistant to Director–Content Strategy), Dr Pinki Chauhan, Dr Nidhi Sinha, Dr Ambika Kapoor, Dr Neeti Swarup (Development Editors), Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Visualizer), and the whole team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for all their support to work in this project and make it a success. Without their cooperation, I could not have completed this project.