Essentials of Anatomy for Dental Students TL Selvakumari
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flow chart, and t refer to table.
Abducens nerve 112, 314, 335, 335f, 363
course 335
functional component 335, 363
Abducens nucleus 338, 338f, 344f, 671
Abscess 242f
Accessory nerve
course of spinal part of 359
cranial part of 75, 484, 509
spinal part of 135, 257, 359
Acidophils secrete 441
Acoustic meatus
atresia of external 88
external 238, 354f, 386f, 519
internal 138, 166, 344f, 434f
Adam's apple 486
Adenohypophysis 82, 439, 615
Adenoids 509
Adipose tissue 112, 558f, 559
Adrenal gland 618
Adrenal medulla 40
Adrenaline 619
Aglossia 479
Agnathism 68
Aldosterone 619
Alimentary canal 33
Alisphenoid 93
Alleles 712
Allosome 712
Alopecia patchy hair loss 209
Alveolar arch 122
Alveolar artery
branches of inferior 387t
inferior 387
posterior superior 388
Alveolar branches, inferior 387
Alveolar canal, posterosuperior 386f
Alveolar nerve
anterosuperior 323f, 327, 469
anterior superior 329f
inferior 333, 334f
middle superior 329f
posterior superior 329f
inferior 331, 333, 354f
middle superior 323, 327
posterosuperior 323f
Alveolar process, development of 68f
Ameloblast cells, appearance of 71f
Ameloblastoma 473, 473f
large 473f
Amenorrhea 23
Amniocentesis 49
Amphiarthroses 200, 201
Anal canal and male urethra, lower end of 32
Anaphase 10f, 12f
Anhidrosis 269, 368
Ankyloglossia 75, 75f, 480
Anovulatory menstrual cycle 21
Ansa cervicalis 268, 269
Ansa subclavia
anterior root 397f
posterior root 397f
Antral carcinoma 464
Aorta 585
ascending 60
Aortic arch artery 52, 53, 59
derivatives of 60f
development of 59f
Apical foramen 631
Appendix 596, 597f
Aqueous humor 445
Arachnoid 85
mater 40
of aorta 53, 60, 373, 374f
of cricoid 492
posterior 145
Arcuate eminence 134, 166
Arcuate fibers, internal 676
Arcuate nucleus 673
Areolar tissue 207, 210, 557, 557f
Arnold-Chiari deformity 39
Arrector pilorum muscle 206
Artery 135, 257, 260, 260f, 267f, 585
anastomose 472
angular 215
axillary 585
brachiocephalic 60
buccal 216
conducting 585
cricothyroid 273
distributing 586
elastic 585
iliac 585
infrahyoid 273, 380
infraorbital 215, 388
intersegmental 705
large 585, 586f
medium-sized 586, 587f
mental 216, 387
muscular 586
mylohyoid 265
occipital 209, 260, 267, 384, 384f
ophthalmic 112, 114, 393, 395, 395f
posterior communicating 394
resilient 585
resistance 586
sphenopalatine 383, 388
stapedial 52
suprahyoid 273
supraorbital 209, 215, 396
suprascapular 260
supratrochlear 215, 396
zygomatico-orbital 215
Arthroidea 201
Articular fossa 126, 180
Articular tubercle 165
Articulated maxilla 170f, 171
Articulated thoracic vertebrae 142f
Articulation 192
Aryepiglotticus 53
muscles 495
Arytenoid cartilage 492
parts 492
surfaces 492
Arytenoideus muscle
oblique 53, 495
transverse 53, 495
Aspermia 16
Atherosclerosis 268
Atlantoaxial joint 201, 305
median 199, 305, 305f
right and left lateral 306
Atlanto-occipital joint 198, 304
Atrial septal defect 59
Auditory pathway 350, 351fc
Auditory tube 354f, 510
auditory tube 510f
cartilaginous part of 186, 510
muscles attached to 512
Auricle 518, 518f
abnormal shape of 88
Auricular artery, posterior 209, 385, 385f
Auricular branch, anterior 215
Auricular nerve
greater 208, 214, 238, 257, 259, 310
posterior 338f
Auricular vein, posterior 209
Auricularis 52
Autonomic ganglia 40
Autonomic motor neurons 640
Autosomes 712
Avulsion 210
Azoospermia 16
infections 209
tonsillitis, acute 515f
Bagus nerve, branches of 268, 270
Basal ganglia 653
Basophils secrete 441
Battledore placenta 48
Bell's palsy 241, 348, 349
right-sided 224f, 348f
signs of 225
symptoms of 225
Bell's phenomenon 349
Benedikt's syndrome 319
Berry aneurysm 683, 686
rupture of 686
Biceps 263
Bidiscoid placenta 48
Bifid uvula 77, 77f
Bilaminar germ disk 28, 28f
Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopia 665
Bitot's spot 447f
Blastocyst, implantation of 27f
flow, factors influencing 433
vessels 206, 266, 271, 585
demarcation for 498f
Blood-brain barrier 639, 639f
Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier 640
of hyoid, lower part of 52
of mandible, height and width of 181
Bone 52, 53, 101, 562
forming joint 304, 306
supporting 457
vomer 190, 191f
zygomatic 107
Bony external nose 107
Bony labyrinth 190, 517, 526, 527f
Bony palate 122
Bowman's capsule 606
Bowman's membrane 625
Brachial plexus 258, 311, 312f
cervical part of 259
formation of 311
trunk stage of 259
Brachialis 263
Brachiocephalic trunk 375, 375f
branch of 396
Brain 38, 39, 620, 641, 642, 682
blood supply of 682
cavities of 643
development of 40f
parts of 643
ventral surface of 357
ventricles of 687, 687f
vesicles, subdivisions of 40
Brainstem 341f, 666
Branchial cyst 56
Branchial fistula 56f
Brodmann's functional areas of cerebrum 647
Buccinator 224, 228, 229
blood supply 230
development 229
group 229
location 229
modiolus 229
nerve supply 229
parts of 229, 229t
relations 229
Buccopharyngeal fascia 125
Bulbus cordis 57f
Burn's space 274
Bursa 274
Calamus scriptorius 694
Calcar avis 651
Canaliculus 102, 231, 234
anterior 338f
innominatus 184
posterior 338f
Canine 72
eminence 109, 171
fossa 109, 171
Capitis superioris muscle, obliquus 118
Caput succedaneum 211
Carcinoma secondaries 219
Cardiac muscle 568, 569f
nerve supply 568
Caroticotympanic nerve 354f
angiogram, internal 394f
angiography 268
artery 585
aneurysm 268
branches, external 377
common 52, 60, 267, 376, 397f
common internal 52
development of internal 394
external 60, 236, 239, 267, 270, 377, 378f, 392
internal 60, 238, 267, 354f, 391, 391f, 392, 682
terminal branches of external 389
body 268
branch 355
canal 126, 166, 354f
sheath 269, 357, 404
structures piercing 236, 237f, 270
sinus 391
syndrome 269
siphon 393
sulcus 133
triangle 263, 266, 266f, 267f
wall 523
Cartilages 52, 53, 487, 559
large 487
of larynx, large 491
small 488
unpaired 487
Cartilaginous joint 194, 196
primary 196, 197f
secondary 196, 197f
Cartilaginous neurocranium 93
Cartilago triticea 498
Caudate nucleus 656f
Cavernous dural venous sinus 431
Cavernous sinus 319, 433
relations of 432f
thrombosis 217
Cavum trigeminale 428
Cell 79, 543
connective tissue 3
deiters 630
desquamated 544f
division 4, 6
types of 6
epithelial 3
functions of 3, 5
granulosa 611
immune 206
interstitial 608
melanoblast 40
membrane 3
mesodermal 37f
muscle 3
myoepithelial 582
organelles 3, 544
oxyphil 617
parafollicular 40
resting stage of 8f
structure of 3
sustentacular 608
trophoblast 26
types of 564
Cementum 631
Central incisors 72
Central nervous system 38, 620
components of 38
part of 697
Centromere 3, 711
positions of 715f
Cephal hydrocele 211
Cephalhematoma 211, 211f
Cerebellar artery
anterior inferior 681
posterior inferior 400, 681
superior 681, 683
Cerebellar ataxia 681
Cerebellum 621, 622f, 679, 680, 683
deep nuclei of 680f
parts 679
subdivisions of 679f
surface of 680
anterior 394, 683
middle 394, 683
posterior 683
cortex 703
hemisphere 683
left 644
right 650f
surface 153
vein, internal 684
Cerebrospinal fluid 39, 186, 642
circulation of 687, 688fc
collection of 211
Cerebrum 620, 621f, 644, 688
blood supply of
inferior surface of 652
medial surface of 651
blood supply of superolateral surface of 649
functional areas of 647, 647f
inferior surface of 651
lobes of 645f
medial surface of 650
subdivisions of 644
sulci and gyri
of inferior surface of 652f
of superolateral surface of 646f
white matter of 653
artery, transverse 260
branch, descending 385
enlargement 698
deep 286, 286f, 287f
investing layer of deep 118, 160, 256, 266, 270, 271
layers of deep 275
flexure 39
lower deep 268
of lymph node, deep 407, 407f
upper deep 268
lymphadenitis, right-sided 220f
plexus 309, 309f, 311
applied anatomy 311
branches of 257, 258, 309
region 268
deep dissection of 253f
deep structures of 503f
rib 96, 262, 399
spinal nerves, ventral rami of 308
sympathetic chain 366, 366f
sympathetic ganglion
branches, inferior 368
branches, superior 367
inferior 368
middle 367
superior 366
vein, transverse 261
vertebra 139, 140
attachments of seventh 149f
atypical 103, 143
superior view of seventh 149f
types of 140
typical 103, 140, 140f, 141f
Cervicofacial ramus 338f, 342
Charcot's artery 658, 683, 686
Cheek, development of 67f
Chiasmatic cistern 696
Choana, atresia of 66
Chondroglossus 477
Chorda tympani nerve 52, 74, 126, 127, 186, 251, 338f, 346, 346f, 478
Chorion frondosum 44
Chorionic villi, formation of 45f
Choroidal artery, anterior 394
Choroidal fissure 691
Chromaffin tissue 40
Chromosome 711, 714
characters of 719
helix of 713
numerical abnormalities of 18
parts of 4f, 715f
structural abnormalities of 18
structure of 4, 714, 715
Ciliaris muscle 317
Ciliary artery
anterior 396
posterior 395
Ciliary body 445
Ciliary ganglion 112, 368, 368f, 369fc, 453, 453f
connections of 369, 453
parasympathetic connections of 369fc, 454fc
Ciliary nerves, long 323f
Circle of Willis 682, 684, 685f
Circumferential extent, superior 252
Circumpulpal dentin 632
Circumvallate papilla 48, 48f, 338f, 475, 590, 591f
Circumventricular organs 692, 693
Cisterna ambiens 696
Cisterna magna 696
Cisterna pontis 696
Cisterna quadrigemina 696
Cisternal puncture 696
Cistron 713
Clavicle 252
Cleft lip 78
bilateral 68, 69f, 78f
unilateral 68
Cleft palate 66, 78
bilateral 68
anteroposterior 77, 77f
left-sided unilateral 78f
posterior 77, 77f, 78f
unilateral anteroposterior 77, 77f
Clinoid 101
Clivus 135, 161
Coccygeal vertebra 139
Cochlear implant 352f, 358f
Colliculus level of midbrain, inferior 668
Colon 597
Columnar epithelium
simple 548, 548f
stratified 551, 552, 552f
with cilia, simple 549f
with microvilli, simple 548f
Compact bone 563f, 564f
longitudinal section of 563
transverse section of 562
Compressor naris 221
Concha 102, 460, 518
Conductive deafness 88
Condylar and coronoid process, position of 181
Condylar canal
anterior 137, 162
posterior 162
Condylar fossa 126, 128
Condylar hyperplasia 91
right 91f
Condylar hypoplasia 91
Condylar joint 198, 199f, 201
Congenital cataract 86, 86f
Congenital glaucoma 86
Congenital strabismus 86
Conjoint twins, types of 27
Conjunctiva 32
Conjunctival sac 231, 233, 445
Conjunctivitis 234
Connective tissue 206, 210, 556
classification 556
Contralateral hemiplegia 665, 686
Conus elasticus 499
Coracobrachialis 263
Cord 313
lateral 313
medial 313
posterior 313
Cornea 445, 625, 626f
outer layer of 32
Corniculate tubercle 53, 493
Corona radiate 656f
Coronal suture 116, 118
Corpus callosum 654, 654f
parts of 654
Corrugator supercilii 221
Corticospinal tract 656f, 702f, 703
anterior 703
lateral 702
Cortisol 619
Costocervical trunk 397f, 398
Costochondral joint 201
cavity 138
fold 43
meninges 135, 426
Cranial fossa 131f
anterior 129
course inside middle 327
middle 132, 321, 327, 330, 336
posterior 135
Cranial nerve 314, 673
eleventh 238
emergence of 341f
fourth 133
from brainstem, emergence of 341f
ninth 137, 238, 353f
nuclei 317, 320, 322, 327, 330, 335, 339, 352, 356, 360, 363365
functional components of 362
pairs of 314
passage of 427f
tenth 137, 238
third 336
twelfth 137
Craniovertebral joints 303
Cranium 357
development of base of 93f
interior of 426, 427f
Cribriform plate 103, 190
Cricoarytenoid joint 201
Cricoarytenoideus muscle
lateral 53, 495
posterior 53, 495
Cricoid cartilage 53, 491
Cricopharyngeus part 499
branch 381
joint 201, 490
muscle 53, 273, 493495
Cricovocal membrane 499
Cri-du-chat syndrome 718
Crista galli 103, 130, 190
Crus cerebri 656, 666
Cuboidal epithelium, simple 547, 547f
Cuneate tubercle 694
Cuneiform tubercle 53, 493
Cutaneous nerve 256, 266, 270, 271, 309
of neck, transverse 257, 259, 270, 310
Cutaneous vessels 256, 270
Cyclops 64
Cytoplasm 3
Cytotrophoblast 45f, 46
Dacryoadenitis 234
Dacryocystitis 234, 234f
Dandruff 209
Dandy-Walker syndrome 39, 695
Darwin's tubercle 518
Decidua basalis 44
Deciduous teeth 631
Deep-cervical fascia, prevertebral layer of 257
Dense regular fibrous tissue 558
Dense-connective tissue 206
Dental formula 471
Dentate nucleus 681
Dentin 631
primary 632
secondary 632
Dentinal sheath of Neumann 632
Deoxygenated blood 588, 642, 683
Deoxyribonucleic acid 712, 714, 716f
chain, formation of 716f
Deoxyribose sugar 715
Depression 337f
Depressor anguli oris 109, 224, 228
Depressor labii inferioris 109, 224, 228
Depressor septi 224
Dermatomes 33
Descemet's membrane 625
Detrusor muscle 607
Dextrocardia 58, 58f
Dextroduction 337f
Diabetes insipidus 664
Diakinesis 9, 9f
Diaphragm, paralysis of 262, 313
Diaphragma sellae 428, 430
Diarthroses 200, 201
Diencephalon 659
part of 659
neural tube, diverticulum of 85f
Digastric muscle 291, 404
anterior belly of 180, 323f
intermediate tendon of 245, 251
level of 404
posterior belly of 237, 244, 292
Digastric triangle 263
coronal section view 264f
DiGeorge syndrome 41, 56
Digestive system 589
Dilator naris 221
Dilator tubae 483
Diploid 711
Diplotene 9
Dizygotic twins 27
Dominant chromosomal disorder, transmission of 721f
Dorello's canal 336, 337
Dorsal nasal branch 396
Dorsal root 307
ganglia of spinal nerves 40
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract 702
Dorsum sellae 132, 183
Down's syndrome 25, 718
Drainage channels 433
Duct, course of 241
Ductus arteriosus 53, 60
Duodenum 594, 595f
Dura mater
foldings of 427
layers of 431
Dural venous sinus 430, 431, 683
classification 430
confluence of 437
inferior sagittal 436
sigmoid 434
transverse 137, 434
Dysarthria 681
Dysdiadochokinesis 681
Dysmenorrhea 24
Dysphagia 684
Dysuse atrophy 224
Ear 517, 629
external 88
middle 88
anomalies, internal 88
auricle, external 517
cavity, middle 522, 522f, 524f
contents of middle 524
cyst 88
development of 87
external 87, 517, 520
internal 517, 526, 527f
middle 87, 517, 520
ossicles 524, 525f
parts 517
Ectoderm 32, 70, 520
lining alveolar arch 71f
Ectopic pregnancy 25, 27
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 317
Elastic cartilage 488, 561, 561f
Elbow joint 200
Electron microscopic picture 566
Ellipsoid joint 198, 199f, 201
Emboliform nucleus 681
foldings of 42, 43f
implantation of 27
Emissary sphenoidal foramen of vesalius 184, 434f
Emissary vein 127, 137, 162, 186, 437, 438, 438t
functions of 437
Enamel 631
lamellae 632
of tooth 32
spindles 632
tuft 632
Encephalitis 217
Encephalocele 39
Endochondral bones 93
Endocranium 426
Endocrine glands 615
types 615
Endoderm 33, 520
proliferative phase of 23f
secretory phase of 24f
Endoplasmic reticulum 3, 544
Endosteum 426
Endothelial heart tubes 57f
Endotracheal intubation 277f
Enophthalmos 269
Ependyma 638, 695
Epidural hematoma 412
Epiglottis 53, 349, 488, 602, 602f
attachments over 488
Epiphora 349
Epiphysis cerebri 662
Episcleral space 451
Episcleritis 446f
Epistaxis 462
Epithalamus 662
Epithelial tissue 546
Epithelium 546
simple 546
stratified 549
Erb's paralysis 262, 263, 313
Erb-Duchenne paralysis 262
Esophagus 270, 277, 591, 592f
Ethmoid bone 112, 189, 189f
Ethmoidal air sinus 465
blood supply 465
development 466
drainage 465
lining epithelium 465
lymphatic drainage 466
nerve supply 465
Ethmoidal artery
anterior 383, 388, 396
posterior 396
Ethmoidal foramen
anterior 112, 115, 153
posterior 112, 115, 154
Ethmoidal nerve
anterior 323f, 325
posterior 323f
Ethmoidal spine 182
catarrh 509
tube 510
Exocrine gland 248
development of 80f
Extradural hematoma 412, 426
Extraembryonic mesoderm 46
Extraocular muscles 112, 447, 447f, 449t
functions of 451f
origin of 448f
Extrinsic muscles 361, 478, 493
Eye 84, 625
absence of 86
adduction of right 319f
depression of right 319f
elevation of right 319f
black 211
development of 84, 85f
lens of 32
single median 86
Eyeball 112, 451, 451t
abducted position of 451
adducted position of 451
choroid 444
inner layer of 626
movements of 450
primary position of 337f, 451
retina 444
sclera 444
structure of 444, 445f
Eyelid 230, 627, 628f
structure of 230
upper 231f
Face 212
arterial supply of 215f
blood supply of 214
dangerous area of 217, 218fc
dermatomes of 212
development of 62, 64f
lymphatic drainage of 218, 218f, 219fc
venous drainage of 216, 217fc
Facet 102
Facial artery 214, 251, 265, 267, 382, 383f
branches of 215
part of 214
transverse 215, 237, 390
Facial canal 344f
vertical part of 338f
Facial cleft, oblique 65, 66, 68
Facial colliculus 336, 338, 338f, 693
Facial expression, muscles of 52, 220, 220f, 221, 223f
Facial nerve 52, 166, 236, 314, 337, 338, 338f, 344f, 363
branch of 478
cervical branch of 236, 338f
external genu of 340
extracranial course of 342f
functional components 337, 363
injury, level of 349
intrapetrous part of 341f
intrapontine course of 340f
lower buccal branch of 237, 241, 338f
marginal mandibular branch of 237, 241, 338f
fibers of 338, 338f, 344f
nucleus of 338, 338f, 344f
supranuclear connection of 347f
temporal branch of 236, 338f
upper buccal branch of 237, 241
zygomatic branch of 237, 241
Facial skeleton 92, 103
Facial vein
common 244, 251, 265, 268, 270
transverse 237
Facial vessels, transverse 241
Fallopian tube, fimbrial end of 27
Fallot's tetralogy 59
Falx cerebelli 430
Falx cerebri 428, 428f
superior border of 156
Family planning method 21
Fascia bulbi 112
Fascia, superficial 238, 256, 266, 270, 271
Fascial sheath 451
of eyeball, modifications of 452f
Fascial spaces 289, 289f
cuneatus 700
gracilis 677
medial longitudinal 670
Fastigial nucleus 680
Female genital tract, lower end of 33
Female reproductive system 611
Fenestrated placenta 48, 48f
Fertilization 24, 25, 27
abdominal 25
stages of 24
Fetal blood vessels, endothelial layer of 46
Fetal skull
anterior view of 107f
left lateral view of 120f
Fetus, respiration of 47
classification of 653
corticonuclear 656f
corticopontine 656f
corticoreticular 656f
corticospinal 675
criss-crossing 668
of Sharpey 632
passing 655
Fibrocartilage, white 562, 562f
Fibrous joints 194, 642
Filiform papillae 475
Fissure 102, 680
horizontal 680
posterolateral 680
primary 680
Flexion 139
lateral 139
Flexures, stages of formation of 40
Floor of fourth ventricle 357, 694f
primary 19, 20f
secondary 19, 20f
Folliculitis 209
Foramen 101
cecum 75, 130, 153, 338f
lacerum 134, 425, 434f
magnum 127, 135, 136f, 160, 162, 434f
margin of 162
of Luschka 39
of Magendie 39
ovale 125, 134, 184, 186, 386f, 425, 431f
rotundum 133, 184, 186, 344f, 431f
spinosum 125, 134, 184, 186, 354f, 386f, 425, 431
Fossa 102
triangular 518
Fourth ventricle 643, 693
Fovea 102
centralis 445
neck of mandible 180, 419
of symphysis menti 180, 180f
Frey's syndrome 239, 332
Frontal air sinus 129, 154, 464
applied anatomy 465
blood supply 464
development 465
drainage 464
lining epithelium 465
lymphatic drainage 465
nerve supply 464
surface marking 464
Frontal bone 151
anatomical features 151
anterior view of 151f
internal surface of 152f
orbital plate of 132
Frontal crest 129, 153
Frontal eminence 105
Frontal lobe 656f
Frontal nerve 133
extracranial course of 325
Frontal process 108, 172
Frontal sulcus
inferior 646
superior 646
Frontoethmoid suture 118
Frontomaxillary suture 118
Frontonasal process 62, 92, 103
Frontonasal suture 118
Frontosphenoid suture 118
Frontozygomatic suture 118, 205
Fungal infections 209
Fungiform papillae 475
Gag reflex 484
Galea aponeurotica 118, 160, 206, 207f
Gallbladder 33, 599, 599f
mucosa of 548
Gamete 712
Gametogenesis 14
Ganglia 641
Ganglion cell layer 627
Ganglionic branch 245, 247, 251, 265, 323f, 325
Gastrointestinal tract, mucosa of 548
Gastros 591
Gastrulation 29
Gene 711, 719
Genetics 709, 711
Geniculate body
lateral 656f
medial 656f
Geniculate ganglion 523
Genioglossus muscle 477
Geniohyoid 180
muscle 291, 295
Genitourinary tract, part of 33
Genotype 711
Germ layers, derivatives of 32
of lower jaw 472
of upper jaw 472
Glabella 205
Gland 274
buccal 235
development of 79
paired 248
processes of 236
suprarenal 618, 618f
Glenoid fossa 126
Globus pallidus 656f
Glomus jugulare, left side 403f
Glossitis 481f
Glossopharyngeal nerve 52, 74, 75, 137, 245, 247, 251, 265, 314, 352, 354f, 364, 509
branches 355
communications 355
course of 353f
functional components 352, 364
Goiter 271, 284, 284f
clinical examination of 284f
Golgi apparatus 3
Gomphosis 195, 196f, 200
Gonion 121, 181
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome 474f
Graafian follicle 20
Gracile tubercule 694
Granular foveolae 129
Growth hormone 47
Gyri of superolateral surface 646
Hair 32
follicle 206
inflammation of 209
Halitosis 462
Hansen's disease 214, 262
Haploid 711
Hard palate 122, 338f, 481
Harelip 65
left-sided 69f
Hasner's valve 231, 234
Hassall's corpuscles 574
Head 101
and neck
dermatomes of 213f
lymphatic drainage of 406
of mandible
dislocation of 180
subluxation of 91
over neck, extension of 255
Heart tube 57f
development of 57
subdivisions of 57, 58f
Heart, development of 57
Hemangioma, soft palate 485f
Hematoma, safety valve 210
Hemiglossia 75
Hemivertebra 96
Hepatic lobules 598
Hepatos 598
Hereditary 712
Herpes zoster 210
infection 214, 308, 328f, 443
Heterologous 712
Heterozygote gene 721
Heterozygous 712
Heubner's artery 658, 683, 686
Heuser's membrane 28
Hilton's law 419
Hindbrain, enlargement of 39
Hinge joint 201
Hip joint 198
Hirschprung's disease in 41
Histone 713
Homologous 712
Homozygote gene 721
Homozygous 712
anterior 689
inferior 689
of lateral ventricle
anterior 689f
inferior 690f
posterior 690f
posterior 689
Horner's syndrome 309, 368, 684
Human cell, structure of 543f
Human chorionic gonadotropin 47
Human embryo, development of 26
Huntington's chorea 720
Hyaline cartilage 415, 488, 491, 560, 560f
Hydrocephalus 39
Hyoglossus muscle 245, 247, 251, 265, 361, 477
apparatus 293f
arch 52
level of 382
upper part of 52
lesser horn of 52
Hyperabduction of shoulder 255
Hyperacusis 349
Hypobranchial eminence, caudal part of 53
Hypoglossal canal 127, 137, 434f
Hypoglossal nerve 74, 127, 137, 162, 244, 245, 248, 251, 265, 268, 270, 310, 314, 360, 361, 365
course of 360f
functional component 360
injury 269
rootlets 673
Hypoglossal nucleus 360, 675, 676
Hypoglossia 479
Hypomenorrhea 24
Hypophyseal fossa 132, 183
Hypophysis cerebri 438, 615
parts 439
Hypothalamus 663, 663f
Hypotonia 224, 681
Ileum 595, 596f
Implantation, abnormal sites of 28f
Incisive foramen 122
Incisive fossa 109, 171
Incisive nerve 323f
Incisors, lateral 72
Incus 52, 338f
Indusium griseum 650
Infection, spread of 218fc
Inferolateral border 159
Inferomedial compartment 114
Inflammatory swelling 210
Infrahyoid thyroid 81
Infraorbital foramen 108, 172, 386f
Infraorbital groove and canal 114
Infraorbital margin 107
Infraorbital nerve 112, 213, 323f
block 329f
terminal branches of 327
Infraorbital vessels 114
Infratemporal fossa 121, 330, 412, 412f
relations in 330
right side of 420f
Infratemporal regions 411
Infundibulum 83, 686
Inheritance, mode of 719
Intercarpal joint 201
Intercavernous sinus
anterior 437
posterior 437
Intermaxillary segment 76
Internal capsule 655, 656f
arterial supply of 658f
blood supply of 657
parts of 656
Interneurons 641
Internuncial neurons 641
Interparietal suture 116
Interpeduncular cistern 696
Interpeduncular fossa 665, 686
boundary of 686
Intervertebral foramen 698
large 597, 598f
small 593
Intracranial course 341f
Intraorbital course 327
Intraparietal sulcus 646
Involuntary muscle 567
Ipsilateral ophthalmoplegia 665
Iris 445
absence of 86
Isochromosomes 712
Isthmus, absence of 81
development of 66, 67f
incisor sockets of upper 66
lower 109
protruding lower 56
upper 108
Jejunum 594, 595f
ball and socket 197, 198f, 201
classification of 194, 200
complex 200
immovable 200
incudomalleolar 198, 200
incudostapedial 525
interphalangeal 198
intertarsal 201
muscles acting on 417
partially movable 200
structural classification of 194
sutural 194, 195, 200
synovial 194, 197, 201, 490, 524
types of 197
Jugular foramen 137, 162, 353f, 357, 434f
structures present in 353f
Jugular fossa 162, 166, 354f
Jugular process 128, 160
Jugular tubercle 137
Jugular vein
anterior 261, 270
external 256, 260, 261, 401, 401f, 402
internal 162, 238, 268, 354f, 397f, 403, 403f, 408
oblique 268, 270
posterior 261
structures related to internal 405f
superior bulb of internal 354f
tributaries of internal 268, 270
Jugular wall or floor 523
Jugulodigastric group 268, 409
Jugulo-omohyoid group 268, 409
Juxtaglomerular apparatus 606
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium 549
Kidney 605, 605f
Kiesselbach's area 216
Klinefelter's syndrome 25, 718
Klippel-Feil syndrome 96
Knee joint 198, 200
Kyphosis 96
Labia majora 32
Labia minora 32
Labial artery
inferior 215
septal branch of superior 388
superior 215, 383
Labial branch, superior 323f
Labial glands 235
Labyrinthine vessels 166
Lacrimal apparatus 231, 232f
Lacrimal artery 396
branches of 396
Lacrimal bone 112, 192
right 193f
Lacrimal crest, posterior 112
Lacrimal ducts 231, 233
Lacrimal fascia 112, 452
Lacrimal gland 32, 112, 231, 232, 338f, 628, 629f
secretomotor pathway of 232f, 233fc, 239f, 239fc, 345fc
Lacrimal nerve 133, 212, 338
extracranial course of 326
Lacrimal sac 231, 234
Lacrimatory nucleus 344f
Lactogenic hormone 47
Lambdoid suture 116, 118
Lamina 102, 141, 148
of cricoid 492
Laryngeal artery, superior 381
Laryngeal branch
of vagus, recurrent 268
of vagus, superior 270
superior 268
Laryngeal nerve
external 268
internal 268
of vagus
recurrent 53
superior 53
right recurrent 357, 397f
superior 74, 357
Laryngitis 500
Laryngopharynx 505
Larynx 270, 486, 487f
anterior view of 486f
carcinoma of 501f
cartilages of 53
cavity of 496f
complete obstruction to 500
components of 487
endoscopic view of 500f
muscles of 494f, 495t
Law of dominance 719
Law of independent assortment 719
Law of segregation 719
Lentiform nucleus 656f
Leptomeninges 40
Leptotene 8, 8f
Lesser superficial petrosal nerve, hiatus for 354f
Levator anguli oris 224, 227
Levator labii superioris 224, 227
alaeque nasi 224, 227
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle 449
aponeurosis of 111
Levator scapulae 257
Levator veli palatini 53
Levoduction 337f
Life-threatening diseases 217
Ligament 52, 53, 136, 145, 274, 306, 415, 498
cricothyroid 498
cricotracheal 498
hyoepiglottic 498
medial check 112, 451
of craniovertebral joints 306
of dens, apical 35
of eyeball, suspensory 111
of joint 304
of lateral rectus muscle 111
of malleus, anterior 127, 186
pair of alar 127
periodontal 631
pterygospinous 186
right and left
vestibular 498
vocal 498
sphenomandibular 52, 89, 186, 416
stylohyoid 52, 169, 237, 245, 247, 251, 265
stylomandibular 169, 237, 416
thyroepiglottic 490, 498
vocal 490
Ligamentum nuchae 118, 150, 160
anterior 656
posterior 656
Lingual artery 246, 251, 265, 267, 381, 381f, 382
second part of 247
Lingual glands 235
Lingual nerve 74, 245, 247, 251, 265, 331, 332, 333f, 354f
Lingual swelling
left lateral 73
median 73
right lateral 73
Lingual tonsil 475
Lingual vein 268, 270
deep 245, 248, 251, 265, 479
Lingula 102, 210
Lining epithelium 457, 462, 488, 503, 505
Linkerdna 713
Lip 589
development of 66, 67f
median cleft
of lower 65, 68
of upper 65, 68
philtrum of upper 62, 66
upper 589f
Lipoma 210f
Little's area 216
Liver 33, 598, 598f
Lobule 518
Local anesthesia 214
Local anesthetic procedures 334f
Locus 712
ceruleus 693
Longus capitis 302
Longus colli 302
Lordosis 96
Ludwig's angina 272, 272f
Lumbar cistern 696
Lumbar enlargement 698
Lumbar nerves, ventral rami of 308
Lumbar puncture 695
Lumbar vertebra, sacralization of 96
Lunate sulcus 646
Lung 603, 604f
Lymph nodes 257, 260f, 268, 274, 576, 577f
drainage of 408
of head and neck regions 406f
of posterior triangle 261
parotid group of 239
preauricular group of 238
retroauricular group of 239
submental group of 272
Lymphadenitis 219
acute 262, 269
chronic 262, 269
Lymphangitis 219
Lymphatic drainage 209, 239, 247, 285, 498
Lymphatic duct, right 397f
Lymphocytes 574
organs 574
secondary 574
tissue 574
primary 574
types 574
Lymphoma 219, 262
Lysosome 3
Macrocephaly 94
Macroglia 638
Macroglossia 75
Macrostomia 64
Male reproductive system 608
Malleolar ligament, anterior 52, 524
Malleus 338f
Mammary gland 32
age changes of 181f
anterior view of 176f
attachments of 179
body of 121
clinical anatomy of 180
external features 179
hyperplasia of 180
internal surface of 176f
lower border of 252
arch 52
central incisors 72
division, trunk of 323f
foramen 354f, 386f
and canal 181
fossa 126
process 52
teeth 472
Mandibular nerve 52, 186
anterior division of 323f, 354f
buccal branch of 213
motor root of 323f, 354f
posterior division of 323f
sensory root of 354f
trunk of 330, 354f
Mantle dentin 632
Masseter muscle 237
Masseteric nerve 323f, 330, 422
Masseteric vessels 422
Mastication temporalis, muscles of 52, 420, 420f, 421f
air cells 33
antrum 33
branch 385
canaliculus 167
foramen 117
group 409
process 121, 128, 205, 237, 252
medial surface of 237
Mastoiditis 526f
Mature graafian follicle 19
Maxilla 52, 118, 170
attachments over body of 174
frontal process of 112
parts of 171
zygomatic process of 110
Maxillary air sinus 464, 467, 468f
boundaries 467
drainage 467
Maxillary artery 52, 237, 239, 386, 386f
branches of 127, 387t
distribution of 388
first part of 387
second part of 387
third part of 387
Maxillary central incisors 72
Maxillary hiatus 172
Maxillary nerve, course of 327
Maxillary process 52
Maxillary region, interventional procedure for 329f
Maxillary teeth 472
McEven's triangle 169
Meatus, inferior 172
Meckel's cartilage 52, 66, 89, 524, 525
remnants of 52
Medial medullary syndrome 683, 684
Medulla oblongata 162, 673, 674, 675f677f, 683
dorsal surface of upper 694
herniation of 39
lower end of 135
pyramid of 338, 338f, 344f
transverse section of 677
upper part of 673
Medullary syndrome 675
lateral 684
Meiosis 7, 8, 11
Membrana tectoria 127, 135, 306
Membranes 274, 498
Membranous labyrinth 32, 517, 527, 527f
Membranous part of internal ear, development of 88f
Mendel's laws 719
Meningeal artery
accessory middle 186, 387
middle 186, 354f, 387, 389
Meningeal branch 311, 323f, 385
of lacrimal artery, recurrent 133
Meningeal layer 642
Meningeal sinus, middle 435
Meningeal vessels, groove for middle 129
Meninges 162, 426, 642
layers of 426
three layers of 186
Meningitis 217
Meningocele 39
Meningomyelocele 39, 96
Menorrhagia 24
Menstrual cycle 22, 22f, 24
Menstrual phase 23
Menstruation 24
foramen 122, 181, 386f
nerve 213, 323f
block 334f
protuberance 122
tubercle 122
Mentalis muscle 109
Mesencephalic flexure 39
Mesencephalic nucleus 323f
Mesencephalon 38
Mesenchymal cells of pharyngeal arches 40
Mesenchyme, derivatives of 34f
Mesoderm 33, 70, 520
intermediate 33
Messenger RNA 717f
Metaphase 6, 10, 10f, 12
Metopic suture 152f
Meyer's loop 317
Microglia 639
Micrognathism 68
Microphthalmia 86
Microstomia 64
Midbrain 667f, 683
anterior, part of 667
crus cerebri of 666
lower colliculus level of 668
superior colliculus level of 666
tectum of 668, 669
tegmentum of 667, 669
upper part colliculus level of 666
Milk teeth 631
Millard-Gubler syndrome 349
Miosis 269
Mitochondria 3, 544
Mitosis 6
stages of 7f
Mitotic cell division 638
Molar, second 72, 72
Monozygotic twins 27
Mosaicism 712
Motor branches 310
Motor nerve 208, 255
supply 478
Motor neuron 640
lower 210
Mouth 470
parts 470
surfaces 471
Mucoid tissue 559, 559f
Mucosa 592
Mucosal foldings 499
Mucous salivary gland 581, 581f
Mucous secretion, predominantly 248
Multifidus muscle 150
Multipolar neuron, structure of 637
Muscle 52, 53, 145, 179, 221, 257, 304, 477, 483, 493, 566
attachment of 168
deltoid 263
development of 482
transverse 477
vertical 477
infrahyoid group of 296
interspinalis 150
intrinsic 361, 478, 493
mylohyoid 52, 180, 245, 247, 251, 265, 273, 291, 293, 470
oblique 450f
of larynx
development of intrinsic 494
intrinsic 53
of mastication, attachment of 110
paralysis of 484
prevertebral 299, 300f, 302
smooth 567, 567f
stapedius 52, 524, 525
styloglossus 168, 237, 245, 247, 251, 265, 477
stylohyoid 169, 237, 291, 295
stylopharyngeus 52, 169, 237, 490, 507
supinator 263
suprahyoid group of 291
thyroepiglotticus 53, 490, 495
transverse 74
vertical 74
vocalis 53, 490, 495
voluntary 566
wasting 224
Muscular branches 385
Muscular triangle 263, 270
Muscularis externa 592, 593
Musculus uvulae 53
Myelin sheath 638
Myelogram 706
branch 387
vessels 245, 247, 251
Myotome 33
Nails 32
aperture, anterior 107
bone 191
right 192f
branch 323f
lateral 215
cavity 32, 463f, 468f
inferior 193
right inferior 193f
glands 371fc
nerve, external 212
part 153
anterior 108, 172
posterior 124
surface 187f
Nasociliary nerve 336
extracranial course of 325
canal, formation of 66
duct 231, 234
groove 172
Nasopalatine nerve block 329f
Nasopharynx 502
lateral wall of 510
Neck 252
anterior midline structures of 272, 273f
back of 298
blood vessels of 373
classification of triangles of 255
deep structures of 270
midline of 275
triangle of 255
triangles of 255, 256f
Nephros 605
Nerve 52, 53, 112, 206, 208f, 257, 268, 307, 498t
accessory 314, 358, 358f, 365
auditory 166
auriculotemporal 126, 186, 208, 213, 236, 323f, 331, 332f
block techniques 329f
buccal 323f
cell 3
cochlear 350, 351f
deafness 88
infratrochlear 212, 323f
ophthalmic 112
peripheral 571f
pressure on 434
proprioceptive 255, 310
supply 419, 421, 422, 494
of anterior quadrant 208
of posterior quadrant 208
sympathetic 238, 246, 462
supraclavicular 257, 259, 310
supraorbital 208, 212, 326
suprascapular 262
supratrochlear 208, 212, 326
sympathetic 114
tissue 135
to lateral pterygoid 323f, 330
to medial pterygoid 354f
to mylohyoid 323f, 333
to stylohyoid 338f
to tensor tympani 323f, 354f
vestibular 350
vidian 344f, 345
zygomatic 112, 114
zygomaticofacial 212, 338f, 344f
zygomaticotemporal 208, 213, 338f
Nervous system 637
classification of 637
Nervous tissue 570
Nervus intermedius 166, 337, 338, 338f, 344f
Nervus spinosus 186, 323f
Neural crest cells 39f, 40
derivatives of 40
failure of migration of 41
Neural tube 38
cranial part of 40f
derivatives of 38, 40f
development of 38, 39f
Neurenteric canal
closure of 37f
formation of 37f
Neuroanatomy 635
Neurocranium 92, 103
Neuroglia 638
types of 639f
Neuroglial cells 624
Neurohypophysis 82, 439, 615
Neuron 637
classification of 640
groups of 641
structure of 638f
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium 550, 551f
Nonweight-bearing joint 415
Noradrenaline 619
basalis 122, 123f, 124f
frontalis 105, 106f, 108f
lateralis 118, 119f, 120
occipitalis 116, 117f
verticalis 115, 115f
Nose 456
shape of 66
size of 66
absence of 66
arterial supply 458
blood supply 458
bones, septum of 456
bridge of 66
development of 65, 65f, 458
duplication of 66
inferior meatus of 231, 234
lateral wall of 459, 460f
lymphatic drainage 458
meatus of 460
nerve supply 458
septum of 456, 457f
venous drainage 458
Notch 101
Notochord 35, 37, 37f
development of 35
fate of 35
formation of 35
Notochordal canal
appearance of 37f
development of 36f
Notochordal process, formation of 37f
Nuchal line
highest 117, 158
inferior 117, 159
Nucleosome 713
formation of 716f
Nucleotide 713, 716f
Nucleus 4, 544, 641, 671, 704f
functions of 544
interpositus 681
pulposus of intervertebral disk 35
six groups of 660
tractus solitaries 344f, 354f
Nystagmus 681
Oblique line, external 121
Oblique muscle
inferior 449
insertion of 449f
origin of inferior 448f
superior 449
Occipital bone 157
anatomical features 158
attachments 160
basilar part of 160
condylar part of 159
internal surface of 158f
posterior view of 157f
squamous part of 116, 128, 158
Occipital branches 385
Occipital crest
external 117, 127, 159
internal 136, 159
Occipital lobe 656f
functional areas of 648
Occipital nerve
greater 208
lesser 208, 257, 309
third 208
Occipital protuberance
external 116, 127, 158, 205, 252
internal 136, 159, 431f
Occipital sinus 436
Occipital sulcus
lateral 646
transverse 646
Occipital triangle, boundaries of 256
Occipitomastoid suture 118
Oculomotor nerve 112, 314, 317, 318f, 362
course 317
functional components 317
palsy, right 319f
Odontoblast 631
cells 40
appearance of 71f
Olfactory nerve 314, 314f, 362
functional component 315
Oligodendrocytes 638
Oligospermia 16
Olivary nucleus
inferior 674
level of inferior 675f
Olive 338f, 344f
Olivospinal tract 704
inferior belly of 297
muscle 297, 404
level of 405
superior belly of 297
Oogenesis 16
stages of 16, 17f
Oogonia 16
Oophoron 611
Oozing blood 426
Ophthalmic division, course of 322
Ophthalmic vein
inferior 112
superior 112, 133
Ophthalmoplegia 319, 447
Optic canal 112, 114, 133, 186, 431f
Optic cup, development of 85f
Optic disk 445
Optic nerve 112, 186, 314, 315, 316f, 362, 445, 570f
course 315
cover 186
intracranial part 316
intraorbital part 316
transverse section of 570
Optic radiation 656f
Optic vesicle, development of 85f
cavity, mucous membrane of 32
diaphragm 52, 470
epithelium 550
region 470
Orbicularis oculi 221, 225, 225f, 226, 227
applied anatomy 227
blood supply 226
development 226
group 225
location 226
nerve supply 226
parts of 226, 226f
Orbicularis oris 224, 227, 227f
applied anatomy 228
blood supply 228
development 228
group 227
location 227
muscle 110
nerve supply 228
types 227
Orbital canal, inferior 386f
Orbital cavity 107, 110, 111f, 468f
contents of 444
openings of 112
Orbital cellulitis, right 446f
Orbital fissure
boundaries of superior 113
inferior 112, 113f, 114, 386f
superior 112, 113, 113f, 133, 431f
Orbital groove, inferior 386f
Orbital margin
lateral 107
superior 205
Orbital plate 153
Orbitosphenoid 93
Organ of corti 629, 629f
Orifices, narrowing of 59
Oronasal fistula 66
Oropharyngeal isthmus 504
Oropharynx 486, 504
endoscopic view of 500f
Ossified cricoid cartilage 491f
Ossified thyroid cartilage 489f
Osteogenesis imperfecta 720
Osteology 99
Otic ganglion 242, 243f, 354f, 369, 370f
Otic vesicle 88f
Ovarian cycle 19
changes during 19
Ovarian fertilization 25
Ovarian follicle
development of 19, 20f
formation of 21f
Ovarian pregnancy 27
Ovary 611, 612f
structure of 17f
surface of 27
Ovum 712
Oxygenated blood 588
Pachytene 8, 9f
Pain, referred 214
Palate 481
development of 76, 76f
primary 66
Palatine artery
anastomose, greater 383
greater 388
Palatine bone 52, 187
right 187f
Palatine canal, greater 344f
Palatine crest 122
Palatine foramen
greater 122, 386f
lesser 122
Palatine glands 235, 371fc
secretomotor pathway for 482, 482fc
Palatine groove, greater 172
Palatine nerve
block, greater 329f
lesser 338f
Palatine process 173
Palatine tonsil 513, 513f, 575, 576f
Palatinovaginal canal 386f
Palatoglossus muscle 53, 477
Palatopharyngeal arch 476
Palatopharyngeus muscle 53, 490, 507
branch, inferior 323f
ligament, medial 112
raphae, lateral 111
Pancreas 33, 600, 600f
Parachordal plates 93
Paramedian retropharyngeal swelling 510
Paranasal air sinuses 32, 456, 464
functions 464
Parasympathetic nerve
fibers 250
supply 238, 246, 458
Parathyroid gland 285, 617, 618f
Paratracheal group 409
Paravertebral muscles 299, 300f
Paraxial mesoderm 33
Parenchyma 580, 582
Parenchymal cells 79, 582, 600
function of 283
Parietal bone 116, 154
attachments 156
internal surface of left 155f
Parietal foramina 129
Parietal lobe, functional areas in 648
Parietomastoid suture 118
Parieto-occipital sulcus 645
Parietosphenoid suture 118
Parietosquamous suture 118
Parotid abscess 240
causing ear discharge, left-sided 240f
Parotid duct 237, 241, 354f
fistula 242
surface marking of 241
Parotid gland 235, 238f, 241, 338f
develops 79
enlarged right 242f
left-sided pleomorphic adenoma of 240f
relations of 237
secretomotor pathway of 354f, 370fc
Parotid mould 235
Parotid nodes drain, deep 409
Parotid salivary gland 32
Parotid tumor 240
Parotidectomy 241
Parotitis 240
Pars nervosa 83
Partial ptosis 269, 368
Pericardial cavity 33
Pericranium 207
Peripheral nerve, transverse section of 571
Peritoneal cavity 27, 33
Peritubular dentin 632
Permanent dentition, time of eruption of 72
Permanent teeth 631
Perpendicular plate 188
Pes anserinus 343
Petro-occipital suture 138
Petrosal nerve
deep 344f
greater superficial 344, 344f, 523
lesser superficial 186, 354f
Petrosal sinus
inferior 137, 162, 435
superior 435
Petrosal sulcus 138
Petrotympanic fissure 338f, 386f
Phagocyte 4
Phagosome 3
Phalangeal cells 630
Pharyngeal adenoma 83
Pharyngeal apparatus 50, 50f
developmental anomalies of 56
parts of 50
Pharyngeal arch 50, 51, 51f
derivatives of 52f
development of 51f
first 73
fourth 73
skeletal derivatives of 54f
third 73
Pharyngeal artery 388
ascending 162, 267, 379, 379f
Pharyngeal branch 268
of vagus 270
Pharyngeal groove 50, 55
Pharyngeal membrane 50, 55
Pharyngeal pouches 50, 54
derivatives of 55f
Pharyngeal tonsil 503
Pharyngitis 510
Pharyngobasilar fascia 125
Pharyngotympanic tube 510
Pharynx 270, 502
inferior constrictor of 267
longitudinal muscles of 506
muscles 53, 506, 506f, 507t
middle constrictor of 246, 267, 508
superior constrictor of 507
subdivisions of 502, 504f
Phenotype 711
Phrenic nerve 310, 397f
Pia mater 40
Pierre Robin syndrome 41, 56, 64
Pigment cell 206
Pigment cell layer 627
Pineal body 662
adenoma 665
gland 438, 439, 439f, 615, 616f
adenohypophysis part of 32
blood supply of 441, 441f
cavernous sinus, relations of 439
development of 82, 82f
functions 440
stalk 686
Pivot joint 198, 199f, 201
anomalies of 48f
components of 44
development of 44, 45
diffuse 48
functions of 47
normal position of 44f
previa 27, 48
types of 48f
succenturiata 48, 48f
Plane synovial joint 197, 198f, 201
Plate mesoderm, lateral 33
Platelets 4
Platysma 52, 224, 256, 266, 270, 271
Pleural cavity 33
Plexus surround, sympathetic 354f
Poliomyelitis 308
Polygenic inheritance 724
Pons 338, 338f, 344f, 669
basilar part 670
dorsal surface of 671, 693
lower part of 671
tegmentum of 670
upper part of 671
Pontine flexure 39
Pontomedullary junction 673
Postcentral sulcus 646
Postganglionic fibers 245, 247, 251, 265, 354, 354f
to sublingual gland 323f, 338f
to submandibular gland 232f, 338f
Postganglionic neurons 640
Preauricular sinus 88, 88f
Precentral sulcus 646
Prechordal plates 93
Predentin 632
abdominal 27
occurrence of multiple 27
Prelaryngeal group 409
Premolars, second 72
Pretracheal group 409
Primitive palate 62, 66
Primordial follicle 20f
Proboscis formation 66
Progesterone 47
Prognathism 56, 68, 91, 180
Promontory 354f
Prosencephalon 38
subdivisions of 659
Prostate gland 609, 609f
Protein, synthesis of 4
Protoplasm 3
Protuberance 102
Protuberance/eminence, frontal 153
Pseudoptosis 368
ciliated columnar epithelium 553, 553f
epithelium 552
nonciliated columnar epithelium 553, 554f
Pseudounipolar neurons 571
Pterygoid canal 186, 338f, 344f, 386f
artery of 388
nerve of 344f, 345
Pterygoid muscle
lateral 110, 180, 424
medial 180, 237, 423, 424
Pterygoid plate
lateral 185
medial 185
Pterygoid plexus 114
drains 425
Pterygoid process 125, 185
Pterygoid venous plexus 425
Pterygomaxillary fissure 386, 387
Pterygopalatine fossa 327, 328, 344f, 413
course inside 327
Pterygopalatine ganglion 323f, 338f, 370, 371f, 372
connection 371
Pulmonary artery
left 60
right and left 53
Pulmones 603
Pulp cavity 631
Punctum 231, 233
Pupil 445
Purkinje cell layer 621
middle 680
Putamen 656f
Pyramidal decussation, level of 678
Pyramidal lobe, absence of 81
Quadrangular membrane 498
Queckenstedt's test 406
Quinsy 514
Rachischisis, posterior 39, 706
Radioulnar joint, superior 19
Ramus of mandible 121, 237
lateral surface of 237
medial surface of 237
Rathke's pouch 82, 83
Recessive chromosomal disorder, transmission of 722f
Recessive inheritance 721
Rectus capitis
anterior 302
lateralis 303
major muscle 118
minor muscle 118
Rectus muscle
inferior 449
insertion of 448f
lateral 449
medial 449
superior 449
Rectus palsy
lateral 447
left lateral 337f
medial 447
Red blood corpuscles 4
Reichert's cartilage 52, 525
epithelium 553
system 602
organs of 602
Reticulospinal tract
lateral 703
medial 704
Retina 454, 626, 627f
and nervous layer, development of pigmented layer of 86f
central artery of 395
layers of 454, 455f
Retinitis pigmentosa 86
Retrognathism 91, 180
Retrolental fibroplasia 86
Retrolentiform 656
Retromandibular vein
anterior division of 236
posterior division of 236
tributaries of 239
group 410
space 289
swelling 290f
median 510
Rhinitis 462
Rhinosporidiosis 463f
Rhombencephalon 38
Rhomboideus minor muscle 150
Ribonucleic acid 713
Ribosome 4, 544
Ring chromosome 712
Rinne's test 526
Risorius 224, 228
Romberg's sign 681
Root stage 313
Root, anterior 126
Rubrospinal tract 656f, 703
Sacral spinal nerves, ventral rami of 308
Sacral vertebra 139
lumbarization of 96
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 706
Saddle joint 199, 200f, 201
Sagittal sulcus 116, 129, 130, 137, 153, 156, 159
Salivary glands 235, 248, 579
classification 579
development of major 79
minor 235
position of major 245f
Salivatory nucleus 354f
superior 338, 344f, 338, 344f
Salpingopalatine fold 503
Salpingopharyngeus muscle 53, 490, 503, 507
Satellite cells 638
Scalenovertebral triangle 303
Scalenus anterior syndrome 262
Scalenus medius muscle 257, 301
Scalp 205
and face, venous drainage of 216f
supply of 207
vessels of 208f
dangerous layer of 210
layers of 205, 206f
nerve supply of 207
Scaphoid fossa 518
acromion process of 252
adduction of 255
upper border of 252
Schindylesis 195, 195f, 200
Schwann cells 40, 624, 638
Sclerocorneal junction 445
Sclerotome 33
Scoliosis 96
Sebaceous cyst 209
Sebaceous glands 32, 206
Secretomotor neurons 641
Secretomotor pathway 238, 371fc, 459fc, 462fc
Sella turcica 132, 183
Semineferous tubules 608
Semispinalis capitis muscle 118
Senile cataract 446f
decussation 676f
decussation of medulla oblongata 676
fibers 372
ganglia of cranial nerves 40
ganglions 353, 356, 571, 572f
nerve 208, 309
supply 238, 247, 458, 478, 478t, 498
nucleus 323f, 324f
organs, special 625
Seromucous salivary gland 582, 583f
Serous salivary gland 580, 580f
Sex chromosome 712
Sex-linked inheritance 722
Shoulder joint 198
Sialogram 241, 248f
Sialography 248
Sibson' fascia 302
Sinus 102
sigmoid 162
straight 436
venosus 57f
Skeletal muscle 518, 566, 567f
Skin 205, 209, 238, 256, 266, 270, 271
epidermis of 32
thick 551f
thin 550f
anatomical components of 103
bones, classification of 104
components of 101
development of 92
individual bones of 151
inner surface of vault of 130f
interior of 129
base of 129
vault of 129
normas of 105
tower 94
Socket joint 525
Soft palate 338f, 482
hemangioma 484
muscles of 53, 483t, 484f
Somites 30, 31f
Sperm 4, 712
Spermateliosis 15
Spermatogenesis 14
stages of 14, 15f
Spermiogenesis 15, 16f
Sperms, defective 16
body of 112
lesser wing of 132
Sphenoid bone 118, 182
anatomical features 182
anteroinferior view of 183f
attachments 185
posterosuperior view of 182f
superior view of 183f
Sphenoidal air sinus 466
blood supply 466
development 466
drainage 466
lining epithelium 466
lymphatic drainage 466
nerve supply 466
Sphenoidal conchae, pair of 184
Sphenoidal crest 184
Sphenoidal process 188
Sphenoidal rostrum 184
Sphenopalatine foramen 386f
Sphenoparietal sinus 435
Spina bifida 39, 96
occulta 96
Spinal accessory nerve 258
Spinal artery
anterior 400
pair of posterior 705
posterior 400
right and left posterior 162
unpaired anterior 162
Spinal branch, pair of 705
Spinal cord 38, 162, 622, 623f, 697, 697f, 698
arterial supply of 705f
ascending tracts 700
classification of 699
descending tracts 702
each segment of 704
external features of 699f
hemisection of 706
segment of 699, 699t
tracts of 700
transverse section of 700f, 704f
Spinal lemniscus 667, 670, 701
Spinal meninges 426
Spinal nerve 139
pairs of 307
typical 307, 308f
Spinal nucleus 676
Spinal part of accessory nerves, right and left 162
Spine 101, 148
of sphenoid 52, 125, 126, 186, 338f
relations of 186
suprameatal 165
Spinocerebellar tract, anterior 701
Spinothalamic tract
anterior 700
lateral 701
Splanchnocranium 92, 103
Spleen 577, 578f
Spondylosis 96
Spongy bone 564, 564f
Squamotympanic fissure 126, 164, 165
Squamous cells, layers of 550
Squamous epithelium 603
simple 546, 547f
stratified 549
Stenosis 59
Sternoclavicular joint 200
arteries 385
branch 381
inferior 267
superior 267
muscle 237, 253
Sternothyroid muscle 270, 296
superior border of 252
upper border of 252
Stomach 592, 593f
Stomatitis, angular 481f
Stratum basale 22
Stratum compactum 22
Stratum spongiosum 22
Striated muscle 566
Stroma 581, 601
Styloid apparatus 168, 169f
development 168
nerve supply 168
Styloid process 52, 121, 128, 353f
branch 386
foramen 128, 168, 338f
cisterns 695, 696f, 696t
hemorrhage 665, 686
space 186, 426
Subarcuate fossa 138, 166
Subclavian artery 396, 397, 397f, 585
aneurysm 262
angiogram 262
part of 398
pulsation 262
right 53, 60
third part of 260
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 446f
Subcortical nuclei 653
Subdural haematoma 426
Sublingual gland 79, 338f
secretomotor pathway of 249, 249fc
Sublingual salivary gland 33, 235, 244, 246f, 248f, 248
Submandibular abscess 265
Submandibular duct 245, 247, 265
opening of 338f
relations of 247
Submandibular ganglion 79, 235, 244, 245, 247, 250, 265, 323f
relations of 250f
Submandibular gland
deep part of 247, 251
superficial part of 245, 247, 251
Submandibular group 218
Submandibular lymph nodes 245, 247, 251, 265
Submandibular lymphadenitis 265
Submandibular region, cellulitis of 272f
Submandibular salivary gland 33, 244, 246f, 248f, 382, 408
relations of 244
secretomotor pathway of 246fc
Submandibular sialadenitis 248, 248f
Submental artery 273
branches of 272
Submental lymphadenitis 272
Submental vessels 245, 247, 251, 265
Submucosa 593
Suboccipital triangle 298, 298f
Substantia propria 625
Subthalamic fasciculus 656f
Subthalamic nucleus 656
Sulcus 102
chiasmaticus 132, 183
limitans 693
sigmoid 138
terminalis 338f
transverse 137, 159
Superciliary arch 105, 153
Supracallosal cistern 696
Supraclavicular triangle, boundaries of 256
Supramastoid crest 164
Supraorbital notch/foramen 153
Suprapleural membrane 302
Sutura denticulata 195, 195f, 200
Sutura limbosa 195, 200
Sutura plana 194, 195, 200
Sutura serrata 194, 195, 200
Sutura squama 194, 195, 200
Sweat glands 32
Sylvius, aqueduct of 643, 692
Sympathetic connection 371
Sympathetic fibers 112
Sympathetic ganglion 573f
menti 122, 181, 197, 252
pubis 197
sterni 197
vertebrae 197
Synarthroses 200
Syncytiotrophoblast 45f, 46
Syndesmosis 195, 196f, 201
Synostosis 200
Syringomyelia 39, 706
Talk and die syndrome 412
Taste pathway 345fc, 347fc
from palate 345fc
Tectospinal tract 670, 704
Teeth 181, 470, 631
development of 70, 71f
histology of 631, 632f
parts of 471
primary 631
secondary 631
sets of 631
time of eruption of primary 72
Tegmen tympani 134, 166, 354f
Tegmentum of pons, descending tracts of 670
Telencephalic flexure 39
Telencephalon, cavity of 688
Temperosphenoid suture 118
Temporal artery
middle 215, 390
superficial 215, 236, 239, 389, 390f, 412
Temporal bone 163, 169
inferior view of right 164f
internal surface of right 163f
mastoid part of 116, 167
petrous part of 126, 166, 510
process of 168
squamous part of 126, 164, 412, 414
tympanic part of 126, 167
Temporal fossa 121, 411
boundaries 411
contents 411
Temporal line, superior 116, 205
Temporal lobe 656f
functional areas in 648
Temporal nerve, deep 323f
Temporal regions 411
Temporal sulcus
inferior 646
superior 646
Temporal vein, superficial 209, 236, 412
Temporalis muscle 411, 421f, 422
superficial to 411
Temporofacial ramus 338f
Temporomandibular joint 89, 127, 200, 238, 414, 414f, 416
blood supply of 419
capsule of 127, 415
development of 89, 90f
movements of 417f
Tendon 558
reflexes, absence of deep 224
Tenon's capsule 451, 452f
Tensor tympani muscle 52, 186
Tensor veli palatine muscle 52, 186
Tentorium cerebelli 428, 429, 429f, 644
Testis 608, 609f
Thalamic radiation
anterior 656
inferior 656f
posterior 656f
Thalamus 656f, 659, 660f
function 661
nuclei of 661f
subdivisions 660
Thoracic duct 397f
Thymus 574, 575f
Thyroarytenoid muscle 490, 495
Thyrocervical trunk 397
cyst 81, 271
duct, failure of 75
fistula 81, 271
fistulectomy 81
sinus 81
ligament 498
median 498
membrane 274, 498
muscle 267, 270, 297
Thyroid 53
anterior division of superior 381
posterior division of superior 381
superior 267, 380, 380f
cartilage 489, 499
removing left lamina of 499f
follicle 616
gland 40, 75, 270, 278, 279f, 280f, 616, 617f
abnormal position of 81
abnormal shape of 81
arterial supply of 282f
development of 80, 81f
ectopic positions of 75f
parenchyma of 283
surgical removal of 285f
swelling of 271
venous drainage of 283f
intramural 75, 81
lingual 75, 81
suprahyoid 81
inferior 274
middle 268, 270
superior 268, 270
Thyrophrayngeus part 499
Tibiofibular joint, inferior 196f
Tic douloureux 214
Tissue, supporting 601
Tomes, granular layer of 632
Tomes' process 632
Tongue 474
aglossia complete absence of 75
anterior two-thirds of 73, 474
development of 73, 74f
dorsum of 475f
duplication of 75
extrinsic muscles of 75, 478f
muscles of 73, 75, 477f, 477t
nerve supply of 479f
partial absence of 75
one-third of 73
part of 73
sagittal section of 590, 590f
source of development of 73
tie 75, 75f, 480f
ventral surface of 476f
Tonsil 574
of cerebellum 135, 162
Tonsillectomy 509
Tonsillitis 509, 514
Trachea 270, 276, 486, 603, 603f
Tracheostomy 271
tube in situ 277f, 501f
Transitional epithelium 554, 554f
Trapezius muscle 118, 150, 160, 254
Treacher Collins syndrome 41, 56, 64
Trigeminal ganglion 323, 323f, 442, 442f
ablation 443
fossa for 134
relations 443
Trigeminal lemniscus 667, 670
Trigeminal nerve 314, 322, 323f, 363, 676
attachment 324f
functional components 322, 363
mandibular division of 213, 328, 329f 484
maxillary division of 114, 326, 326f, 338f
motor nucleus of 323f
ophthalmic division of 322, 324f
right maxillary division of 328f
sensory root of 323f
spinal nucleus of 323f, 344f, 354f
with sensory nuclei 324f
Trigeminal neuralgia 214, 332
Trilaminar germ disk 29, 29f, 43f
Trochlear nerve 112, 133, 314, 320, 320f, 363
course of 321
functional component 320
parts of 321
True ptosis, right 319f
Truncus arteriosus, spiral septum of 40
pregnancy 27
tonsil 503
anterior 142
posterior 142
Tuberculosis 262
Tuberculum sellae 132, 183
Tuberosity 101
Tubuloalveolar gland, compound 248
Turner's syndrome 25, 718
placenta of 47, 47f
umbilical cord of 47f
Tympanic artery, anterior 127
Tympanic branch 354f, 355
Tympanic canaliculus 166
Tympanic cavity 524
Tympanic membrane 520, 520f
cuticular layer of 32
mucosa of 33
Tympanic plate 238
Tympanic plexus 354f
Umbilical cord, attachment of 49f
Upper motor neuron 210
disease 349
Ureter 606, 606f
prostatic part of 610
Urinary bladder 568f, 607, 607f
muscular layer of 607
Urinary system 605
Urothelium 554
bleeding disorders, dysfunctional 21
inertia, primary 664
segment pregnancy, lower 27
wall 612
Uterus 612
proliferative phase 613f
secretory phase 614f
with proliferative phase of endometrium 612
with secretory phase of endometrium 613
Vaginal process 184
Vagotomy 269
Vagus nerve 75, 137, 314, 355, 356f, 365, 397f, 509
cervical part of 357
functional component 355, 365
trunk of 357
Vagus, cardiac branch of 270
Vasa previa 49
Vein 136, 257, 260, 268, 274, 585
angular 209
basilar plexus of 437
choroidal 684
deep 684
large 587, 588f
maxillary 237
occipital 209
of posterior triangle 261f
ophthalmic 114
peculiarities of 217
pharyngeal 268, 270
subclavian 260
supraorbital 209
suprascapular 261
supratrochlear 209
thalamostriate 684
Velamentous placenta 49
Venous drainage 209, 226, 239, 282, 498, 683
Venous sinuses, paired dural 430
Ventral spinocerebellar tract 670
Ventricular septal defect 59
Vermian fossa 136
Vertebra 699, 699t
prominence 103, 148
Vertebral arch 141
Vertebral artery 397, 399, 399f
branches of 683
first part 399
fourth part 400
right and left 162
second part 400
third part 400
Vertebral column 139
development of 95, 96f
functions of 139
Vertebral foramen 143, 145
Vertebrobasilar system 682
Vestibulocochlear nerve 314, 350, 364
functional component 364
Vestibulospinal tract
lateral 703
medial 703
Vibrisae 456, 461
Viral infection 209, 706
Virchow's node 262, 262f
Visceral afferent, special 364, 363
Vocal cord 496, 498t
polyps 500
Vomer, lateral surface of 191
von Ebner's glands 475
Waldeyer's ring 408, 475, 515, 515f
Wallenberg's syndrome 675, 684
Weber's syndrome 319, 665, 669
Weber's test 526
White blood corpuscles 4
Whitnall's tubercle 111
Wrist joint 198
X-linked chromosomal disorder, inheritance of 723f
Zenker's diverticulum 510
fasciculata 619
pellucida 611
reaction 24
reticularis 619
Zygoma 52, 118, 170, 170f, 171, 174
applied anatomy 176
body 174
processes 175
Zygomatic arch 121, 412
inner surface of 110
Zygomatic branch 338f
Zygomatic process 108, 154, 165, 173
Zygomaticofacial foramen 344f
Zygomatico-orbital branch 390
foramen 344f
suture 118
major 224, 228
minor 224, 228
Zygotene 8, 9f
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

  1. Cell Structure and Function
  2. Cell Division
  3. Gametogenesis
  4. Ovarian Cycle
  5. Development of Human Embryo
  6. Derivatives of the Germ Layers
  7. Development of Notochord
  8. Development of Neural Tube and its Derivatives
  9. Foldings of Embryo
  10. Development of Placenta
  11. Pharyngeal Apparatus
  12. Development of Heart
  13. Development of Face
  14. Development of Teeth
  15. Development of Tongue
  16. Development of Palate
  17. Development of Glands
  18. Development of Eye
  19. Development of Ear
  20. Development of Temporomandibular Joint
  21. Development of Skull
  22. Development of Vertebral Column

Cell Structure and FunctionCHAPTER 1

The structural and functional unit of human body is a cell
  • There are different types of cells:
    • Epithelial cell
    • Connective tissue cell
    • Muscle cell
    • Nerve cell.
  • Human cell has 46 single chromosomes or diploid in nature.
  • A living cell has the following components:
    • Cell membrane: It forms the cell boundary. It is made up of three layers with glycosaminoglycans and phospholipids
    • Protoplasm: The entire content within the cell membrane
    • Cytoplasm: The protoplasm without nucleus. It has the liquid and solid components
    • Cell organelles: The solid structures within the cytoplasm. They are:
      • Mitochondria: It helps for production of energy for the activities of cell
      • Golgi apparatus: Arranged in layers like stakes, produces and stores the secretion of the cell
      • Endoplasmic reticulum: It helps for transport of chemicals within and outside the cell. They are of two types: (1) Smooth and (2) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
        • Rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes
        • Smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not have ribosomes on its surface. It is present in cells which are concerned with steroid production and fat metabolism.
      • Centrosome: It has two centrioles. It produces the spindle fibers and helps for cell division
      • Lysosome: Membrane bound vesicle containing peroxidase for destruction of foreign bodies
      • Vacuole: Empty membrane bound vesicle
      • Phagosome: Lysosome and phagocyte together4
      • Phagocyte: Vesicle that has engulfed an antigen
      • Ribosome: For synthesis of proteins
      • Nucleus: It is the functional unit of a living cell. It is bounded by nuclear membrane.
        • Within the nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm and nucleolus are present
        • Nucleoplasm consists of 46 single chromosomes in human cell
        • The chromosomes are present as chromatin reticulum
        • The nucleolus produces the ribosomes.
  • The cells which do not have nucleus are:
    • Red blood corpuscles
    • Platelets.
  • The cells which can move actively are:
    • White blood corpuscles
    • Sperms.
  • Functions of nucleus:
    • Synthesis of protein
    • Cell division
    • Inheritance of characters from one generation to another generation
    • Active movements.
  • A single chromosome has a short or “p” arm and a long or “q” arm
  • A secondary constriction is present
  • At one end, a satellite is present
  • Human cell has 46 single chromosomes. Out of them 44 are autosomes and 2 are allosomes or sex chromosomes.
    • In male, the allosomes are XY
    • In female, the allosomes are XX.
  • The chromosomes are classified and numbered based on:
    • Length
      zoom view
      Fig. 1.1: Parts of a chromosome
    • Position of centromere
    • Presence of secondary constriction
    • Presence of satellite
    • The banding pattern.
  • The procedure to classify and map the chromosomes is karyotyping
  • There are A, B, C, D, E, F and G groups.
    • A group: 1, 2, 3
    • B group: 4, 5
    • C group: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    • D group: 13, 14, 15
    • E group: 16, 17, 18
    • F group: 19, 20
    • G group: 21, 22, 23.
  • Epithelial cells form a lining layer
  • Glandular cells secrete either an enzyme or hormone
  • Cells can absorb the nutrients or any chemical
  • Cells excrete the waste products of metabolism
  • Receptor cells perceive the stimuli
  • Pigment cells give the color
  • Connective tissue binds the different layers of an organ or different organs with one another. It gives mechanical support and protection
  • Red blood corpuscles have hemoglobin for transport of oxygen to other cells
  • White blood corpuscles help prevent invasion of pathogens
  • Bones and cartilages form the framework of body, give attachment for muscles and ligaments and storage of minerals
  • Muscle helps for movement by contraction
  • Neurons either perceive or generate impulses and conduct them to produce a response.
  • Size and shape of the cell depends on its metabolic activity
  • Mesenchymal cells are undifferentiated cells
  • Lifespan of a cell depends on the kind and function of a cell
  • Cell division helps for increasing the number of cells
  • Self destruction of a cell occurs by apoptosis.