Essential Pediatric Pulmonology Rakesh Lodha, Kana Ram Jat, Jhuma Sankar, Sushil K Kabra
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
ABCA3 deficiency 9, 233
Abdomen, magnetic resonance imaging of 295f
para-pharyngeal 73
retropharyngeal 73
subphrenic 344
Absolute eosinophil count 20, 215
Acetaminophen 416
Acetyl cysteine 227
Achalasia 117, 249, 251
Achondroplasia 289, 297
base status 222
suppressants 252
hypercapnic 372
metabolic 14
Acinar dysplasia 232
Acquired immunodeficiency 117
disorder 127
syndrome 127, 129
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 220
Actinomycin D 359
Acute lung injury 370, 375b
consensus conference 369
development of 370t
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 12, 90, 98, 256, 314, 352, 369, 370, 370t, 371t, 372b, 373, 375b, 385, 386
development of 370t
manifestations of 371
pathophysiology of 370
pediatric 369
treatments for 371
Acute respiratory
illnesses 304
infection 304
tract infection 67, 83, 85t, 92, 116
control program 92
Adenoma 339
bronchial 360
hilar 128
paratracheal 139f
Adenosine triphosphate 144
Adenotonsillectomy 270
Adenovirus 71, 126
Adiposity, indicators of 214
Adrenal suppression 113
Adrenaline 73, 191, 416
Adrenergic sympathetic fibers 10
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 369
Advanced molecular techniques 167
Advisory committee on immunization practices 97
Aerosol devices, types of 412
Aerosol therapy 411, 414t
benefits of 411
complications of 415
contraindications of 415
disadvantages of 411
indications of 411
Agammaglobulinemia 127
Agenesis, pulmonary 18
bronchograms 278f
fluid levels 111
pollution 168, 285
indoor 286
levels of 286
quality standards 286
Airflow 189
nodules, multifocal 23f
opacities 22, 23f
Airway 117, 285, 314
clearance 78, 303, 401
pulmonary 291
techniques 224, 401
collapse, large 114
colonization 222
compression 117, 202, 208
disorders of 325
dynamic compression of 10
extra thoracic 21
extrinsic obstruction of 21
foreign body 257
hyperresponsiveness 176, 214
inflammation 179, 180
assessment of 179, 180
noninvasive assessment of 180
nerves 180
obstruction 175, 242
complete 257
pressure 380
release ventilation 383
resistance and pulmonary function testing 10
respiratory 5f
stenosis of 123
Albendazole 417
Albuterol 417, 423
Aldehydes 182
Alkaline phosphatase 243
Alkaloids 256
Allergens, inhaled 196
Allergic diseases 166, 215
Allergic disorders 166
Allergic reactions 121
Allergic sensitization 175
Allergy 121, 215
tests 174, 177
Allogeneic transplant 128
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 121, 327
Alteplase 349
Alternaria 110
Alveolar arterial oxygen gradient 375
Alveoli 314, 380
disorders of 325, 327
Ambrisentan 311
American College of Rheumatology 153
American Thoracic Society 180
Amikacin 89, 143-145, 147
Aminoglycoside 126, 145
Aminophylline 191, 417
Aminorex 308
Amiodarone 314, 316
Amlodipine 311
Amoxicillin 89, 122, 262, 417
clavulanate 417
clavulanic acid 89, 90
dose of 89, 90
Amoxyclavulanate 144
Amphotericin 131, 226
B 107, 108, 113, 130, 131, 314, 417
deoxycholate 106
lipid formulations of 106b
nebulized 113
Ampicillin 92
intravenous 92
Amyloidosis 330
familial 330
primary 330
systemic 331
Anakinra 317
Ancylostoma 151, 154
Anechoic fluid 344
Anemia 243
aplastic 362
chronic hemolytic 308
classical triad of 263
hypochromic 265
Anesthesia 4
general 236
Angiitis, allergic 153, 246
Angiography 310
Angioinvasion 129
Angiopoietin-1 312
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 243, 314
inhibitor 313, 314, 316
Ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile 246
Anorexia 102
Antacids 252
Anterior mediastinal
mass 25f
mature cystic teratoma 362f
Anthropometry 146
Antibiotics 79, 122, 124, 191
aerosolized 225
choice of 89t
history of 88
inhaled 226t
oral 90, 226t
prophylactic 262
selection of 87
therapy 96, 224
duration of 348
intravenous 89
use of 123
antinuclear 310
drug specific 314
polyclonal 80
Anticancer drugs 314
Anticholinergic agents 190
Anticoagulants 314
Antifungal agent, choice of 129
Antifungal drugs 113
several 113
Antifungal therapy, armamentarium of 106
Antigen detection 87
Antihistaminics 191
Anti-immunoglobulin E antibody, recombinant 113
Anti-inflammatory therapy 237
Antimicrobial agents 348
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 264
Antiphospholipid syndrome 246
Antiproliferative mediators 309
Antipyretics 240
Antiretroviral therapy 125, 127
Antitubercular drugs 141t
Antitubercular therapy 127
Antituberculosis drugs
newer 144t, 145
second-line 145
Antitubular treatment 141
Antiviral 79
treatment 97
Apnea 250, 269
obstructive 269
recurrent central 295f
Apophysomyces 109
Appropriate inhalation device, selection of 199
Aquagenic wrinkling 222f
Arecaidine 256
Arecoline 256
Arrhythmias, cardiac 243, 252, 290
Arterial blood 379, 386
gas 393
analysis 261, 310
measurement 188
Arterial hypertension, idiopathic pulmonary 307, 308
Arterial oxygen
partial pressure of 187, 393
saturation 92, 188
Arthralgias 246
Arthritis 242
juvenile idiopathic 126, 245, 264
Ascaris 151, 152
lumbricoides 150, 151, 166
ova 152
Askin tumors 358
Aspergilloma 110
Aspergillosis 107
allergic bronchopulmonary 25f, 110-112, 112b, 112t, 113, 114, 121, 122, 150, 153, 153f, 221, 416, 424
bronchopulmonary 117
invasive pulmonary 129
Aspergillus 106-108, 126, 224
flavus 107
fumigatus 105, 107, 110, 112, 113, 129, 150
allergens, recombinant 112
antigen 112
hypersensitivity 110
induced hypersensitivity disease 110
niger 107
sensitization 110, 153
terreus 107
Aspiration 117, 175
history of 17
pneumonia 84
syndromes 208, 233
Aspirin 314, 316
Asthma 20, 83, 97, 112, 112b, 113, 118, 122, 157, 159, 161t, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 174, 175, 176fc, 181, 195, 201-203, 213, 213fc, 214, 248, 286, 386
acute 186
exacerbations of 186, 187t, 190fc, 191t
severe 188
atopic 163
brittle 189
bronchial 76, 110
clinical presentation of 174
control 196, 198t
assessment of 201
development of 168b, 210, 286
diagnosis of 174, 176, 186, 213
differential diagnosis of 175b
difficult 202
endotypes 166
epidemiology of 159
exacerbation 186, 416
acute 191
management of 189
severity of 186
genuine 204
history of 153
incidence of 175
long-term treatment of 195, 196t, 199t
management of 201
mediated 110
mild acute exacerbation of 189
mild persistent 199
mimicking 203
moderate persistent 199
moderate-to-severe acute exacerbation of 189
natural history of 134, 159, 169
parental history of 175
persistent 411
poor control of 114, 204
predictive index 162, 174, 175, 175t, 209, 209b
modified 175, 175t
prevalence of 162, 166
prevention of 175
risk of 167, 213
seasonal 201
acute 186
persistent 199
severity 164t
spirometry of 177f
stepwise treatment 200t
steroids dependent 113
subgroup of 189
therapy-resistant 205
Ataxia telangiectasia 118
Atelectasis 258
Atopic disorders 177
Atopy 163, 168, 215
Atovaquone 128
bronchial 336
esophageal 249
laryngeal 336
Atrial natriuretic peptide 310
Attack, cyanotic 102
Auscultation 19
Autoantibody, workup for 236
Autogenic drainage, phases of 403f
disease 121
disorders 125
Autonomic dysregulation 290, 291, 293, 294, 294b, 294f, 295f
Autopsy 322
findings 322
Autosomal recessive disorder 331
Avian flu 97
Avian influenza
A 98, 99
viruses 97
low pathogenicity 97
viruses 98
Azathioprine 153, 267, 316
Azithromycin 88, 131, 226, 418
Azoospermia, obstructive 222
Bacillemia 135
Bacilli, gram-negative 88, 117, 122, 348
Bacillus calmette-guérin
vaccination 133
vaccine 17
Bacteremia 126
Bacteria 126
gram-negative enteric 84
Bacterial infection, gram-negative 23f
Bacterial pneumonia 22t, 77
complications of 124
B-adrenergic agonists 274
enema 221f
swallow 250
Barotrauma 378
B-cell 119
Beclomethasone dipropionate 418
Bedaquiline 145
Behcet's disease 264
Benralizumab 167, 205
Benzodiazepines 191
Benzothiazinone 144
Beta-adrenoceptor agonist, long-acting 203
Beta-blockers 314
Beta-lactam antibiotics 129
Betamethasone 422
Bicarbonate level 290, 297
Bifidobacteria 167
Bilateral symmetrical reticular opacities 23f, 139f
Bilevel positive airway pressure 304, 372, 393, 395
Biopsy 153
esophageal 251
Bird Fancier's
disease 238
lung 239
Bird flu 98
trauma 344
low 168, 282
very low 278
Black race 168
Blastoma, pleuropulmonary 360
Blastomyces dermatitidis 106, 107
Blastomycosis 105, 106, 107
Blau's syndrome 242
Bleomycin 313, 314, 316
biochemistry 222
count, complete 20
culture 86
eosinophilia 168
peripheral 150
syndromes 150
direction of 18
pulmonary 11
gas 297, 387
abnormality 386, 386t
analysis 188
monitoring of 304
investigations 239
pressure, systolic 188
procalcitonin 245
products 317
transfusions, multiple 370
studies 236
test 310
non-specific 315
Blow-by-technique 72
Blunt trauma 344
B-lymphocytes 265
mass index 213
surface pressure 380
dysplasia, sclerosing 328f
marrow transplantation 127, 327
morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 308
Boyle's law 15
Brachiocephalic vein 27f
Bradypnea 295f
natriuretic peptide 310
sagittal magnetic resonance imaging of 296f
Breastfeeding 167
condensates, exhaled 180, 182
deep 123
difficult 92t
dysfunctional 204
glossopharyngeal 303
mechanics of 9
multiple 204
physiology of 214
sleep disordered 204, 214, 215, 269, 308
technique, active cycle of 403, 403fc
Breathlessness 14, 20
British Birth Cohort Study 162
British Thoracic Society 393
Broad-spectrum cephalosporin 126
Bronchi 111
dilated 111
atresia, complete 338
cartilage, abnormal 338
disease, diffuse 339
mucosa, redundant 338
provocation tests 176
wall thickening 111
Bronchiectasis 19, 111, 117, 121, 123, 134, 153f, 286, 331
causes of 121, 121t, 122
central 111
chronic 130
clinical features of 121
diagnosis of 123
diffuse 114
evaluation of 124fc
non-cystic fibrosis 121, 273
proximal 112
treatment of 122, 124fc
Bronchiolar cells 5
Bronchiolitis 19, 163, 168, 386
acute 75-77, 77b, 79, 80
management of 77, 78
obliterans 126, 130, 245, 314
organizing pneumonia 232
prevention of 80
severe 76b
viral 175
Bronchoalveolar lavage 86, 105, 128, 133, 136, 140, 150, 154, 205, 236, 239, 243, 265, 315
fluid analysis 315
Bronchoceles 111
acute 165
exercise induced 201
Bronchodilator 20fc, 78, 174, 193, 196, 240
and inhalation steroid therapy 226
role of 78
Bronchography 122
Bronchomalacia 19, 117, 121, 122, 202
Bronchopneumonia 22, 23
Bronchoprovocation challenge tests 174
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 175, 176, 276, 277, 277b, 277t, 278, 278f, 278t, 279f, 281-283
high-risk of 279
management of 282fc
pathogenesis of 277fc
Bronchopulmonary segments 5f
Bronchoscopy 86, 113, 119, 122, 135f, 136, 266, 339
flexible 257
Bronchospasm 314, 402
exercise induced 214
Bronchostenosis 175
Bronchus 175
ulceration of 134
Brown coal, replacement of 286
Brucellosis 137
Brugia malayi 150, 151
Budesonide 418
plus formoterol fumarate combination 418
Burkholderia cepacia 126, 221, 224
Busulphan 314
Calcium channel blocker 309, 311
Caloric supplements 227t
oral 227
Campomelic dysplasia 332
Candida 108, 110
albicans 108, 128
parapsilosis 108
tropicalis 128
Candidiasis 108
invasive 128
pulmonary 108, 128
Capillaritis, pulmonary 314
Capnography 302
Capreomycin 143-145, 147
Carbamazepine 314
Carbon dioxide 11, 12, 14, 288, 290, 359, 372
monitoring 290
partial pressure of 12, 187, 190, 280, 282, 379, 386
Carbon monoxide 11, 181, 246
bronchogenic 360
mucoepidermoid 360
Cardiac catheterization 307, 309
Cardiac disease 96, 234, 327, 339
Cardiac surgery, congenital 392
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing 310
Cardiovascular diseases 21
Cardiovascular disorders 214
Carmustine 316
Carney's triad 359
Carpal tunnel syndrome 327
Cartilage rings 5
Caveolin 1 308
Cavitary lesions 111
Cavoatrial junction 27f
Cefaclor 69, 88, 89
Cefadroxil 89
Cefalexin 89
Cefdinir 69
Cefodoxime, oral 90
Cefoperazone 418
Cefotaxime 89, 103
Cefpodoxime 69, 70
Ceftriaxone 89, 418
Cefuroxime 69, 70, 88-90
Celiac disease 264
dysfunction 313
inflammatory 180
types of 6
Cellular oxidation 3
Cellular phospholipid deposition 314
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 99, 321
Central hypoventilation syndromes 288, 290t, 291t
causes of 289t
congenital 288, 290-293, 293f
etiologies of 288t
Central nervous system 97, 136, 153, 259, 260, 294
disorders 294
Central sleep apnea 290
severe 296f
Central venous catheter 27f
Cephalexin 69, 88
Cephalosporins 90
oral 70
Cerebellar tonsils, herniation of 296f
Cerebral palsy 396
Cervical lymphangiomas, large 363
Cetirizine 418
Chemical denaturation 137
Chemotherapy 359
immunosuppressive 125
short-course 140
Chest 19
computed tomography 339, 344
deformity 18
drain, intercostal 348
examination of 18
high-resolution computed tomography of 328
indrawing 85
inspection of 18
pain 98, 102
physiotherapy 78, 123, 224
techniques of 78
radiograph 22, 128, 138, 152, 153, 310, 339, 344
symptoms, neonatal 274
tightness 314
tubes, choice of 349
ultrasonography of 344, 347
benign tumors of 357
malignant tumors of 358, 359
oscillation, high-frequency 405
pain 402
tumors 357
X-ray 20, 86, 140, 146,188, 290, 340f, 347
infiltrates 112
Chiari malformation 289, 295, 295f
Chicken pox 137
Childhood Asthma Management Program 169, 214
Chills 102
Chlamydia 84, 88
infection 84
pneumoniae 84
Chlorpheniramine maleate 418
Choanae 4
Chondromas 358
Chondrosarcomas 359
Chrondrodysplasia punctata 332
Chronic disorders 27
management of 27
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 308
Churg-Strauss syndrome 150, 153, 154, 154f, 246
diagnosis of 154
Chylothorax, congenital 344
Chylous 344
Ciclesonide 419
Ciliary function 95
Ciliary morphology, abnormal 122
Ciliary structure
abnormalities of 117
congenital abnormalities of 273
Ciprofloxacin 89, 419
Cirrhosis 344
Clarithromycin 88, 131, 144
Clavulanic acid 122
Cleft palate 117
Clindamycin 128
Clitromazole 113
Clofazimine 144, 147
Clubbing 122
immitis 106, 107
posadasii 107
Coccidioidomycosis 106, 107
Cockroach allergy 168
Codeine 419
abscess 139f
air 165
Colistimethate sodium injection 419
Colistin 226
sulfate oral 419
Collagen vascular disorders 245
Combination therapy 129, 311
Common cold 68
Community acquired pneumonia 83, 90, 126, 396
antibiotics for 89
Community care program 392
esophageal 357
external 117
Computed tomography 112, 119, 139, 140, 152f, 290, 348
chest 129
guided aspiration 136, 139f
scan 27f, 122, 151, 153f, 175, 347
Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, late-onset 292
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation 336, 336f, 337f
macrocystic type of 336f
Congenital lung malformations 335
classification of 335, 336b
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation 335-337, 337f
Stocker's classification of 336b
Connective tissue disease, mixed 246
Consanguinity 17
Consciousness, level of 387
Consolidation 22
Constipation 310
Continuous positive airway pressure 77, 270, 277, 279, 282, 304, 327, 388, 393, 395
Cor pulmonale 114, 119, 239, 244
Cord immunoglobulin E levels 168
Core needle biopsy 358
Corneal clouding 326f
Coronavirus 71, 101, 102, 129
Corticosteroids 72, 91, 113, 128, 137, 141, 189, 197, 240, 374
dependent asthma 111
high doses of 152
inhaled 78, 197, 200, 202, 203, 210, 211, 424
intramuscular 72
oral 113
plus epinephrine 78
short-course of 141
side effects of 73
systemic 78, 113
use of 240
diphtheriae 69
jeikeium 126
Coryza 102
Costochondral junction 357
Cot death 319
Cotrimoxazole 89, 122, 127, 419
prophylaxis 125, 128
Cough 19, 23f, 69, 86t, 92t, 102, 130, 174, 314
acute 19
age of onset of 19
assist device 304
chronic 19, 20fc, 176, 250
recurrent 19
excessive 310
habit 19
irritant 314
nature of 20
nonproductive 96
persistent wet 118
recurrent 19, 20fc, 175
variant asthma 174
whooping 20
Cow's milk protein 265
allergy 264
Craniofacial surgery 270
Crazy paving 265
C-reactive protein 201, 214, 247
highly sensitive 180
Creatinine 146
Crescent sign 24
Crib death 319
Croup 71
Cryptococcosis, isolated pulmonary 129
Cryptococcus 105
neoformans 106, 131
Cryptosporidium parvum 129
Cunninghamella 109
Cushing's syndrome 294
Cutis laxa 329, 329f
Cyanosis 14, 87, 122, 353
Cyclophosphamide 153, 314, 316, 358, 359
Cycloserine 143-145, 147
Cystic fibrosis 20, 110, 112, 112t, 113, 117-119, 121, 175, 176, 203, 219, 223, 225t, 226t, 228, 235, 237, 325, 353, 401
clinical features of 220b, 220t
diagnosis of 223fc
foundation consensus 112
gastrointestinal manifestations of 227
molecular genetics of 219
nutritional management of 226
progress of 229t
transmembrane 228
Cystic pleuropulmonary blastoma, low-grade 336
Cysts 21, 123, 236
benign 117
bronchial 124
bronchogenic 117, 335, 336, 339
enteric 336
excision of 340
intraparenchymal 340
lymphangiomatous 336
lymphatic 336
mesothelial 336
multiple hydatid 24f
simple parenchymal 336
small radiolucent 278f
wall stains 128
Cytokines 201
Cytologic studies 265
Cytomegalovirus 125-127, 129, 424
Cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 246
Daily living, activities of 395
Dantrolene 314
Dapsone 128, 131
Dasatinib 308
Day-care attendance 168
Delamanid 145
Delivery, method of 407
Dengue hemorrhagic fever 344
Deoxyribonuclease 224, 349
Deoxyribonucleic acid 137, 144, 165, 224, 297, 325, 424
Depression 145
atopic 175
concurrent atopic 168
Dermatomyositis 246
juvenile 126
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 164
Dexamethasone 389, 419, 422
oral 72
Diaphragm 6
Diaphragmatic eventration 118
Diarrhea 83, 98, 102, 145, 147
Diarylquinolines 144
Diastolic dysfunction, left ventricular 308
Dietary influence 168
Diethylcarbamazine 151, 152f
citrate 419
Dihydrorhodamine 119
Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine 6
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 420
antitoxin 420
laryngeal 73
Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome 227
Diuretics 281
Diverticulum 117
esophageal 117
Dizziness 14, 102, 260
Domperidone 253, 420
Dornase alfa 349
Dorsal vertebra 326f
Doxopylline 196
Drowsiness 145
based therapies 372, 374
challenge 316
lymphocyte stimulation test 315
reactions 154
regimens 140
resistant mycobacterium 143
resistant tuberculosis 142, 143
diagnosis of 143
prevention of 144
therapy, specific 310
Dry powder inhaler 200, 200f, 396, 413, 414
advantages of 414
disadvantages of 414
use of 414
Dsyskeratosis congenita 331
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 299, 303t, 332
Dupilumab 205
Duplication cyst 339
Dust mite allergy 168
Dutch Chronic Nonspecific Lung Disease Study Group 170
Dysautonomia, familial 288, 290
Dyskeratosis congenita 331
Dyskinesia 273
ciliary 118, 122
Dysotosis multiplex 326f
Dysphagia 242, 270
alveolar capillary 232
chondroectodermal 332
congenital alveolar 232
diastrophic 332
metatropic 332
skeletal 325, 332
Dysplastic bronchial cartilage creating ball-valve effect 338
Dyspnea 14, 20, 102, 122, 128, 314, 344, 353
causes of 21
progressive exertional 314
Dysrhythmias, cardiac 260
Dystonia 249
Echinocandin lipopeptides 106
Echocardiogram 235, 310
Echocardiography 290
angioneurotic 73
control pulmonary 374
Efavirenz 127
Effusion 135
types of 344
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome 331, 353
Elastance 9
Electrocardiogram 310
Electrolyte, serum 243
Electron microscopy 274b
Elevated immunoglobulin E 168
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome 332
congenital lobar 117, 119, 335, 336, 338, 338f
lobar 117
pulmonary 329f
subcutaneous 135, 402
Empyema 22, 347
complications of 350
diagnosis of 347
thoracis 90, 346
management of 347
pathogenesis of 347
Endocrinopathy, treatment of 294
Endoglin 308
Endoscopy 251
Endothelial dysfunction 309
Endothelin 309
receptor antagonist 311
Endotracheal tube 4, 373, 379
malposition of 27f
normal position of 27f
End-tidal carbon dioxide, assessment of 302
Enterocolitis, necrotizing 252
linked immunosorbent assay 100, 119
nitric oxide synthase 180
replacement therapy 326, 327, 329
supplement, pancreatic 227
Eosinophilia 150, 153
parasite induced 150
simple pulmonary 150, 154
tropical 152f
pulmonary 150, 151
Eosinophilic lung diseases 150, 154
classification of 150
Eosinophils 182
accumulation of 153
extravascular 153
percentage of 183
Epiglottis 4
Epiglottitis 73
Epinephrine 191, 390, 420
Episodes 118
Epithelial cells 180
Epoprostenol 311
infusion 331
Epstein-Barr virus 127, 130
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 142, 151, 243
Erythroderma 243
Erythromycin 88, 420
Escherichia coli 167
Ethambutol 133, 140, 141, 144, 147
Ethionamide 143-145
Ethylenadiamines 144
Etoposide 358
Euphoria 260
European Respiratory Society Guidelines 180
Eustachian tubes 273
Ewing's sarcoma 358, 358f
Exacerbation 111
acute 189
assessing severity of 188
pulmonary 237
recurrent 114
risk of 198t
severe acute 193
Exhaled nitric oxide 177, 171, 180, 181
assessments 180
measurement of 11
normal values of 181
Exocrine pancreatic deficiency 227
Expectoration 20
mucopurulent 111
Expiratory reserve volume 403
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 375
Extralobar sequestration 336-338
Face mask 408f, 409
simple 408
Facial coarseness 326f
mild 326f
Facial pain 68
Fallopian tubes 273
Farber's disease 330
Farber's lipogranulomatosis 325, 330
Farmer's lung 238, 239
Fat soluble
minerals, supplementation of 227
vitamins, supplementation of 227
Febrile illnesses 26
Fenfluramine 308, 314
Fentanyl 420
Fetal echocardiography 337
Fever 23f, 96, 102, 111, 128, 314
hemorrhagic 99, 100
low-grade 68
Fexofenadine 420
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy 119, 136
Fibrinolytic agent
choice of 349
dose of 349
Fibrinolytic regimen 349
Fibrinolytic therapy 349
Fibrinous septations 344
Fibromatosis 363
Fibrosarcomas, congenital infantile 359
Fibrosis 111, 314
pulmonary 239
Fine needle aspiration cytology 140, 236
Fissure, bulging 23f
aortoesophageal 135
bronchopleural 353
formation 394
tracheoesophageal 8, 17, 117
Flaccid paralysis 387
Flavanoids 256
Flow volume curves 10f, 177f
Fluconazole 106, 128, 131, 420
prophylaxis 130
administration 77
management 374
restriction 279
Fluorocytosine 106
Fluoroquinolones 143-145
Fluticasone 420
plus salmeterol combination 420
Fog and air pollutants 165
Fontan surgery 394
Food reactivity
delayed 168
early 168
immediate 168
Forced expiratory
flow 314
technique 123, 403
volume 176, 177, 190, 243, 314
Forced vital capacity 176, 177, 214, 243, 314
Foreign body 20, 117-119, 121, 175, 256, 258
aspiration 175, 255
diagnosis of 256
esophageal 73
extraction 257
inhalation 26
inorganic 256
intraluminal 208
location of 256
removal 257
tracheal 255
types of 256b
Formoterol fumarate 420
Formula feeds, thickening of 252
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide 177, 214
Free thyroxine 146, 147
Frequency oscillatory ventilation 280
Frontal sinuses, pneumatization of 274
Frusemide 420
Functional residual capacity 9, 214, 279, 282, 403
Fungal infection 105, 128, 154, 158
opportunistic 107
Fungal pneumonia 105, 109, 128
Fungi 117, 126, 128
morphology of 106t
Furosemide, inhaled 79
Furrier's lung 238
Fusarium 106, 126
Galactomannan 129
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 424
Ganciclovir 421
Ganglioneuroblastomas 363
Ganglioneuromas 363
exchange 304
exhaled 181
flow 379f
acid secretion 252
aspirate 133, 135, 136, 146
lavage 136
fluid 136
parietal cells 252
Gastroesophageal disease 119
Gastroesophageal reflux 117-119, 122, 175, 196, 248, 250, 402
asymptomatic 7
clinical features of 249b
disease 119, 203, 214, 248-250, 424
clinical manifestations of 249
differential diagnosis of 249
pathophysiology of 249
treatment of 248, 251, 252
mechanisms of 249
Gastrointestinal infections 118
Gastrointestinal system 260
Gastrointestinal tract 260
Gastrostomy feeding 227
Gaucher's cells 329
Gaucher's disease 233, 308, 325, 329, 329f
Gefitinib 313
encoding surfactant protein-A2 111
environment interactions 165
therapy 113, 230, 312
Genetic diseases 325
test for 236
Genetic testing 290
Genome wide association studies 165
Gentamicin 89, 92, 226
Germ cell tumors 360-362
Giemsa stain 128
Glands, serous 3
Glandular mucus secretion 10
Glove-finger shadow 111
Glucocorticoid 78
responsiveness 165
systemic 193
Glycogen storage disease 308
Glycogenosis, pulmonary interstitial 233
Goblet cells 3
Gomori's methenamine-silver nitrate 128
Goodpasture syndrome 246
Gram stain 345, 347, 348
Granuloma formation 246
Granulomatosis 153, 246
bronchocentric 150
Granulomatous disease, chronic 126, 424
Graves’ disease 362
Ground glass 27
appearance 128, 328f
opacity 236, 240f
factor-beta, transforming 308
hormone 294
retardation 118
Grunting 21
Guanylate cyclase, oral soluble 312
Guvacholine 256
Guvacine 256
H7N9 virus 98
Haemophilus influenzae 68, 69, 84, 88, 91, 92, 126, 224b
Hamartoma 339
fibrous 357
pulmonary 359
Hamman's syndrome 352
Hantaan virus 100
Hantavirus 99, 100
diseases 100
prevention of 101
infection 101
pulmonary syndrome 99
serology 101
species 100
Harrison's sulcus 175
Headache 14, 96, 102, 260
Hearing problems 147
catheterization 309, 310
disease 97, 308
congenital 83, 117, 118, 175, 307, 308, 310, 337
cyanotic 80
congestive 76, 77, 80, 91, 344
signs of 297
lung transplantation 230
rate 187, 190
Heiner's syndrome 264
Heliox 79
ventilation 389
Helium-oxygen gas mixtures 79, 192, 389
Hemagglutinin, types of 98
Hemangiomatosis, pulmonary capillary 233, 308
Hematologic disorders 308
Hematopoietic malignancies 126
Hematuria 264
Hemithorax 119
Hemoglobin 14, 146
nitric oxide complex 14
saturation 13
Hemogram 310
complete 243
Hemoptysis 20, 314
active 402
Hemorrhage 314, 360
acute pulmonary 265, 266, 286
alveolar 314
chronic pulmonary 267
diffuse alveolar 263, 267
intra-alveolar 129
recurrent pulmonary 234
Hemosiderin-laden macrophages 264-266
Hemosiderosis, idiopathic pulmonary 232, 234, 235f, 263, 264
Hemothorax 314, 344
traumatic 345
Henoch–Schönlein purpura 264
Hepatitis 145
Hepatotoxicity 147
Heřmanský–Pudlák syndrome 331
congenital diaphragmatic 337
diaphragmatic 8, 118, 337f
umbilical 326f
Herpes simplex virus 127
High flow
nasal cannula, heated humidified 78
systems 409, 410
High-resolution computed tomography 111, 122, 130, 236, 239t, 240f, 310, 315
Hirschsprung's disease 292
Histamine-2 receptor antagonists 252
Histiocytosis 117
pulmonary 308
Histoplasma 105, 106
antigen 106
capsulatum 106, 131
Histoplasmosis 106
pulmonary 106
Hodgkin's disease 137, 361
Honeycomb lung 239
Horner's syndrome 360
Hospital-acquired infections 126
Hot tub lung 238
House dampness 168
House dust 168
H-type tracheoesophageal fistula 117, 118
Human filarial parasites 151
Human immunodeficiency virus 84, 105, 118, 119, 125, 131, 131t, 133, 137, 146, 203, 307, 310
infection 117, 118, 126, 308
tuberculosis co-infection, management of 141
Human influenza A 99
Human leukocyte antigen 111, 242
Human metapneumovirus 71, 75, 129
Human milk fortifier 282
Humidifier lung 238
Hunter syndrome 327, 327f
Hurler syndrome 326
Hurler–Scheie syndrome 326
Hyaline membrane disease 8, 276
Hydatid cyst 24
ruptured 24f, 25f
Hydrocarbon 259, 260
aromatic group of 260
aspiration 259, 262
halogenated 259
ingestion 259, 260
mixed 259
physicochemical properties of 259, 259t
features of 261t
management of 261fc
victims of 259
toxicity of 259
Hydrocephalus 327
Hydrocortisone 191, 421
Hydroflouroalkanes 412
Hydrogen peroxide 182
Hydropneumothorax 18
loculated 24f
Hydrostatic pressure 343
Hydrothorax 11
Hydroxychloroquine 233, 267
Hygiene hypothesis 165
Hypercapnia 269, 288, 386
permissive 280, 389
Hypercarbia 353
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 150
Hypergammaglobulinemia 126
Hyperinflated lung fields 22, 24f
Hyperinflation, persistent 279f
Hyperlucency, geographical 236
Hypernatremia 293
neuroendocrine 233
pulmonary 336
Hyperresponsiveness, bronchial 159, 180
reaction 314
syndrome, pulmonary 238
Hypertension 214
chronic thromboembolic pulmonary 308
drug and toxin-induced pulmonary arterial 308
heritable pulmonary arterial 308, 331
persistent pulmonary 263, 308
portal 308
primary pulmonary arterial 118, 393
pulmonary venous 307
secondary pulmonary arterial 118
segmental pulmonary 308
severe pulmonary 80
Hypertonic saline 79, 211, 224, 421
inhalation 224
Hypertrophy, adenoidal 208
Hypocapnia 14
Hypogammaglobulinemia 118, 121
Hypokalemia 192, 220
Hypomotility, severe 251
Hypoplasia 18, 269
midfacial 270
pulmonary 27, 117
Hypopnea, obstructive 269
Hypothalamic dysfunction 290, 291, 293, 294, 294b, 294f, 295, 295f
Hypothermia 15
Hypothesis, triple risk 321, 321f
Hypothyroidism 288
severe 289, 294
Hypoventilation 289, 290, 290t, 291, 293, 294, 294b, 294f, 295f
clinical presentation of 288, 289t
disorders, alveolar 308
manifestations of 288
nocturnal 302
severe 294
sleep 294
syndromes 291t
Hypoxemia 130, 189, 193, 269, 288, 353
moderate-to-severe 294f
permissive 280
severe 152
substantial 128
Hypoxia 87, 91, 118, 308, 309, 314
Hypoxic stimulation 14
Hysteresis 10
Ibuprofen therapy 281
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome 154
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 424
Ifosfamide 358
Iloprost 311
Imatinib 308, 312
Immotile cilia syndrome 118
deficiency 19, 119
disorders 119
disorders 267
mediated reaction 313
disorders of 117, 121
local 117
systemic 117
Immunization 17
Immunocompromised host, disorders of 233
Immunodeficiency 118, 121
primary 117, 125, 126
severe combined 126
Immunoglobulin 112, 243
A 168, 424
E 112, 177, 203, 204
G levels 168
intravenous 421
Immunological tests 265
Immunoprophylaxis 80
Immunosuppression, severe 126
Immunosuppressive therapy 117, 127
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 140
Indian Society for Primary Immunodeficiency 125
Indomethacin 281
Infantile fibromatosis, aggressive 359
Infarction, pulmonary 344
Infections 90, 121, 208
acute fulminant 126
bacterial 126, 245
congenital 20
intrauterine 118
mycobacterial 150
opportunistic 126
parasitic 24, 151
prevention of 130
primary 134
recurrent 25, 126
exacerbation of 122
severe 123
respiratory viral 196
transmission of 134
viral 163
Infectious bronchitis virus 101
Infectious Diseases Society of America 128, 129
Infestations, parasitic 166
Inflammable gas 409
augmentation of 214
chronic 179
markers of 182
reduction of 216
Infliximab 153
Influenza 95
A 67, 95, 99
laboratory confirmation of 99
viruses 95
B 67
viruses 95
C viruses 95
epidemiology of 96
infection 96t
uncomplicated 96
matrix protein 97
strains, pathogenic 98
vaccine 97, 131, 303
virus 75, 95-98
changing strains of 97
infection 96
Ingestion, history of 316
development of 315
inhalation 117
oxidant 313
pulmonary 260, 313
site of 314
Inspiratory time 282, 373
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 277, 385, 388, 394
Insulin resistance 214
Intensive care unit 26, 192, 193, 378
admission, indications for 87, 87b
Interferon gamma release assay 138
principle of 138
International Society for Human and Animal Mycology 112
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood 160
Interstitial lung
disease 19, 117, 154, 232, 234, 236, 236fc, 245, 308, 314, 317, 329, 330, 330f, 331, 416
causes of 232, 232t
management of 237
severity of 235t
disorders 325, 330
Interstitial pneumonia, non-specific 316
Intracranial tension 123
Intraesophageal pH monitoring 250
Intralobar sequestrations 338
Intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy 349
Intubation 193
Ipratropium bromide 191, 421
Isoniazid 131, 133, 137, 140, 141, 144, 147
high dose 145
Isotretinoin 314
Itraconazole 106, 131, 421
Japanese summer disease 238
Jet nebulizer 412f
contractures 326f
problems 147
Joubert syndrome 289, 296, 296f
Kanamycin 143-145, 147
Kawasaki disease 246
Ketamine 191, 193, 421
infusion 191
Ketoconazole 113
Keutal syndrome 325
Kidney disease 97
Klebsiella pneumoniae 84, 124
Klinefelter's syndrome 362
Korotkoff sounds 188
Kugelberg-Welander disease 299
Kulchitsky cells, bronchial 6
Kwim test 244
Kyphoscoliosis 118, 305
Lactate dehydrogenase 345-347
Laguna negra virus 100
Langerhan's cell
granulomatosis 154
histiocytosis 232, 353, 358
Lansoprazole 253
Laplace's law 9
Laryngitis 224
Laryngomalacia 19, 21, 117
Laryngopharynx 4
Laryngotracheobronchitis 71, 72f, 74
acute 71
complications of 74
diagnosis of 72
differential diagnoses of 72, 73t
management of 74fc
severity of 72t
treatment of 74
Laryngotracheomalacia 117, 175
Larynx 4, 21, 255
Latent tubercular infection 127
Lebrikizumab 167, 205
Legionella 88, 96
infections 86
pneumophillus 126
Leigh syndrome 289, 297
Leprosy 137
Lethargy 102
acute 126
chronic 137
chronic myeloproliferative 308
Leukopenia 243
C4 synthase 164
modifiers 198
receptor antagonists 79, 199, 200
Levocetirizine 421
Levofloxacin 89, 143, 144, 147, 421
Levosalbutamol 422
Lichtheimia 109
Light's criteria 345
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 332
Linezolid 89, 144, 145, 422
laden macrophages 314
storage disorders 233
Lipoblastoma 363
Lipoid pneumonia 314
Lipoma 363
Liposarcoma 363
Liposomal amphotericin-B 422
Liquid ventilation 374
Listeria monocytogenes 126
Live attenuated intranasal vaccine 97
Live virus vaccinations 137
abscess 19
chronic 97
management of 228
metabolic 329
enzymes 243
failure 137
function test 310
ectopic 8
partial agenesis of 118
polyalveolar 336
Lobectomy 339, 353
Loeffler's syndrome 19, 150
Lofgren's syndrome 243
Long-acting muscarinic
agents 198
antagonist 205
Low flow systems 408
Low forced expiratory volume 177f
Lower esophageal sphincter 251
Lower respiratory tract 20
infections 67, 83, 168
Lumbricoides 166
Lung 117, 134, 246, 260
abscess 123, 124
aspirate 105
benign tumors of 359
biopsy 151, 154, 237, 240, 266, 310, 314
cancer 150
clearance index 11
collapse of 18, 19
contusion 402
diffusing capacity of 243
disease 285, 308, 309
absence of 242
chronic 80, 118, 263, 276
drug-induced 154
early 168
interstitial 232
prognosis of 274
suppurative 121, 208
disorders, infiltrative 325, 329
dysfunction 163
function 169
assessment of 304
studies 169
tests 111
drug induced 313, 314, 314t, 315
subsequent 276
transfusion associated 317
ventilator induced 372, 378
mass 336
mechanics, alteration of 214
parenchyma 134, 335
pressure volume curve for 379f
protection 378
puncture 86
tissue 124
transplantation 237, 241, 312
ventilation, independent 389
Lymph node 134
enlarged 134, 175
hilar 265
tuberculosis 136
Lymphadenitis, tubercular 136
Lymphadenopathy 339
bilateral hilar 243
hilar 25, 111
mediastinal 25
tubercular 117
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 308, 330
Lymphatic drainage 6
Lymphocytes, accumulation of 153
Lymphoma 25
lymphoblastic 361
mediastinal 361
Lymphopenia 98
Lysosomal storage disorders 325
Macrolides 193
oral 205
Macrophage chemotactic protein 180
Magnesium sulfate 190, 191, 422
Magnetic resonance imaging 295f, 337, 363f
cardiac 310
Major airways, thoracic part of 19
Malaise 68, 96, 102
congenital 116, 117, 208
cystic adenomatoid 117, 119
Malignancy 125, 154, 344
childhood 125
Malnutrition 117
Mannitol inhalation 224
Manometry, esophageal 251
Mantoux test 137
false negative 137t
false positive 137t
interpretation of 138t
Marfan syndrome 331, 353
endobronchial 339
mediastinal 339
thoracic 27
Massive pleural effusion 139f, 345
Mast cell stabilizers 198
Maximal expiratory pressure 301f
Maximal inspiratory 301
pressure, measurement of 301, 301f
Measles 121, 137, 232
Mechanical ventilation 78, 193, 263, 372, 374, 378, 384, 385, 387, 388t
basics of 378
conventional 373
goals of 378
indications for 193
long-term 397
modes of 382
principles of 379
Mechanical ventilator 380
breaths, classification of 381t
aspiration 8
equivalent 227
management of 228
Mediastinal nodes, tubercular 135
Mediastinitis, fibrosing 308
neoplasms of 357
superior 27
Medium chain triglycerides 345
Meningitis 321
Mepolizumab 167, 205
Meropenam 144
Metabolic defects 121
Metabolic diseases 331
inherited 331
Metabolic disorders 214, 308
Metachronal waves 3
Metastatic disease 360
Metered dose inhaler 189, 191, 197, 199, 200, 395
Methotrexate 153, 314, 316
anti-inflammatory dose of 314
Methylprednisolone 128, 422
Methylxanthines 281
Metoclopramide 253
Micrognathia 270
Microlithiasis, pulmonary 232
Micronodules 139
Micronutrient deficiency 91
Miliary tuberculosis 134, 135
Minimal enteral nutrition 282
Minimally invasive methods 180
Minocycline 314
Minute ventilation, mandatory 383
Mist inhalation 79
Mite allergy 175
Mitomycin 314
Monoclonal antibodies 80
Mononeuropathy 153
Montelukast sodium 422
Moraxella catarrhalis 68, 69
Motility disorders, esophageal 117
Motor neuron diseases 331
Moxifloxacin 143, 144, 147
Mucolytic agents 224
Mucopolysaccharidosis 325, 326, 326f, 327
Mucormycosis 129
Mucosa, esophageal 251
Mucus plug 338
Multichannel intraluminal impedance 251
Multidrug resistant tuberculosis 142, 143b, 144t
prognosis of 147
therapy 143
Multiorgan failure 99
Mumps 137
accessory 344
exercising 14
intercostal 6
thyrohyoid 4
Muscular dystrophies 332
congenital 299, 300, 332
Myalgia 96, 102
Myasthenia gravis 362
acquired 300
Myasthenic syndromes 300
congenital 300
Mycobacteria 126
Mycobacterial growth indicator tube 140
system 136
Mycobacterium 134, 145
acquires resistance 142
avium 127
complex 127, 131, 239
growth indicator tube system 137
intracellulare 127
paratuberculosis 127
tuberculosis 89, 127, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 140, 144, 242, 347
culture of 137
demonstration of 136
Mycoplasma 84, 88, 90, 224, 233
pneumoniae 75, 84, 96
allergic bronchopulmonary 153
endemic 106
pulmonary 128
Myelodysplasia 288
Myelomeningocele 289
Myeloproliferative disorders 308
Myopathy 332
Myotonic dystrophy 300
block, persistent 202
cavity 3
decongestion 77
discharge 69
drops, oil based 314
eosinophilia 168
intermittent positive pressure ventilation 280, 282
mucosal scrapings 122
oxide, measurement of 274
passage 68
prongs 408f
regurgitation 118
septum extends 3
transmembrane potential difference 222
valve, anterior 3
Nasogastric feeding 227
Nasopharyngeal aspirates 128
Nasopharyngeal swabs 105
Nasopharyngitis, acute 69
Nasopharynx 4
Natamycin 113
Natural killer cells 75
Nausea 102, 145
Nebulizer 412, 414
indications of 412
Neisseria meningitides 69
Neonatal intensive care unit 279, 281
Neoplasm 21, 117, 355
Nephrotic syndrome 97, 344
peripheral 299
root 299
Nervous system, nonadrenergic noncholinergic 6
Neural crest tumors 292, 294
Neuroblastoma 363
mediastinal 363f
thoracoabdominal 363f
Neurocognitive deficits 294
Neuroectodermal derivatives 358
Neurofibromatosis 330, 363
Neurofibrosarcoma 363
disorders 117, 299, 325, 331
system, peripheral 299
transmission, disorders of 331
weakness 299, 300, 303, 305
Neuropathy, peripheral 147, 153
Neutropenia 126, 127
Neutrophils 182
Nevirapine 127
Nicotine 256
exposure 322
Niemann-Pick disease 233, 325, 329
Nifedipine 311
Nilotinib 308
Nitric oxide 14, 180, 309, 311, 374, 390, 395
fraction of 201
inhaled 281
Nitrofurantoin 313, 314, 316
Nitroimidazoles 144
N-methyl-D-aspartate 424
Nocturnal oxygen therapy trial 394
enlarged 121
subcarinal 134
Nodular pattern 130
Nodules 139, 236
Noisy breathing 21
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 361
Noninfectious diseases 217
Noninfectious disorders 117
Non-invasive ventilation 280, 372, 389
indications for 291
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors component 127
Non-polyalanine mutations 292
Nonprostanoid prostacyclin antagonist 312
Non-rapid eye movement 270, 292
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 314, 424
North American European Consensus Conference 369
Nuclear scintigraphy 250
Nucleic acid amplification test 136
cartridge based 137
Nutrition 279
Nutritional monitoring and support 146
Nutritional status, poor 305
Nystatin 113
Obese asthmatics, management of 215
Obesity 169, 204, 213, 215
asthma link 214
calorie-related 294
childhood 168
genetic 294
hypoventilation syndrome 290, 297
pediatric 215
rapid-onset 290, 291, 293, 294, 294b, 294f, 295f
Obliterative bronchiolitis 175
Obstruction 121
intrinsic bronchial 338
large airways 175
small airways 175
laryngeal 21
oropharyngeal 21
tumoral 308
Obstructive sleep apnea 196, 269, 290, 291
diagnosis of 270
Ofloxacin 143, 144, 147, 422
Omalizumab 113, 170, 205, 422
Omeprazole 253
One-minute polysomnography 296f
Opportunistic disease 131t
prevent recurrence of 131t
Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome 360
Oral steroids 211
dosage of 416
Orimaquine 128
Oropharynx 4
Oscillatory positive expiratory pressure 405
Oseltamivir 97
Osteochondromas 357
Osteoporosis 402
Osteosarcoma 359, 360, 361f
Ostiomeatal complex 4
Otitis media 96, 286
Overnight oxygen saturation 310
Oxazolidinone 144
Oxidative stress 180
markers of 182
mediators of 182
Oxygen 189, 277, 317, 379, 393, 407
delivery devices 394t
exposure, controlled 372
hood 408, 408f
humidification of 409
inhalation 91
partial pressure of 12, 190, 386
safety 409
saturation 85, 91, 187, 188, 190, 235
supplementation 77, 240, 291
therapy 189, 193, 407
adverse effects of 410
long-term 393
transport of 12
desaturation 11
dissociation curve 13, 13f
Pain, abdominal 98, 102
Palivizumab 80
Palmitic acid residues 6
Palpation 18
Pancreatic function tests 222
Pancreatitis 344
Pancytopenia 243
Para-aminosalicylic acid 143-145, 316
Paracetamol 422
Paracoccidioidomycosis 106
Paraganglionoma 359
Paragonimus westermani 154
Parainfluenza 129
virus 67
Parallel linear lines mimicking rail track 122
diaphragmatic 19
laryngeal 242
Paranasal sinus 4
abnormality 153
Parapneumonic effusion 344
management of 348f
Paratracheal nodes, enlarged 134
Parenchymal disease, acute pulmonary 369
Patent ductus arteriosus 277, 281, 308
Peak cough flow 301
measurement of 302f
Peak expiratory flow 177
rate 187, 188, 190, 200
intensive care unit 74, 190, 192, 370
neuromuscular disorder 299
obstructive sleep apnea 269, 270
complications of 271
diagnosis of 270
epidemiology of 269
outcomes of 271
pathophysiology of 270
treatment of 270
pulmonary arterial hypertension 307
prevalence of 307
pulmonary disorders 416
drugs used in 416t
pharmacology of 416
Penicillamine 314, 316
Penicillin 69
Penicillium marneffei 106
Pentamidine 128
aerosolized 314
isothionate 128
Peramivir 97
Peregrine falcons 98
Pericarditis, constrictive 344
Periodic acid-Schiff staining 146, 236
Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation 276, 277, 282
Peritoneal dialysis 344
Persistent pneumonia 116, 117, 117b, 118, 119fc, 129
causes of 116
treatment of 119
Pertussis 137
Petroleum jelly 409
Pharyngeal incoordination 117
Pharyngitis 69, 224
Pharynx 3
compression of 4
Phenotype genotype correlation 292
Phenytoin 314
Pheochromocytoma, extra-adrenal 363
Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors 311
PHOX2B gene 292
mutations 293
PHOX2B test 292
Pierre Robi syndrome 117
Piperadine 256
Pitrakinra 205
Pleura 314
disorders of 325, 331
Pleural diseases 341
Pleural drainage 348
Pleural effusion 19, 27, 139, 314, 343
tubercular 345
Pleural fluid 136
accumulation, causes of 344t
analysis 345
eosinophilia 314
examination 345
Pneumocystis 106, 128
jirovecii 88, 91, 105-107, 117, 125, 126, 128, 131
identification of 87
pneumonia 27, 126
pneumonia 125, 128
Pneumocytes 6
Pneumomediastinum 135
Pneumonectomy 353
Pneumonia 19, 83, 84-86, 89t, 90, 91, 116-118, 121, 124, 220, 286, 321, 385
acute eosinophilic 117, 150, 152
allergic 84
atypical 84, 86
bronchiectasis 118
chronic eosinophilic 117, 150, 152
complications of 24
course of 90
development of 83
diagnosis of 85, 105
eosinophilic 150, 152, 246, 314, 316
hypersensitivity 110, 118
interstitial 20, 22, 23, 234f
lobar 5
lymphocytic interstitial 125
management of 87
nonsevere 89
organisms of 126
organizing 314
parasitic 84
postobstructive 258
prevention of 91
prognosis of 91
reactivation 129
recurrent persistent 119
related deaths 91
risk factor for 285
secondary bacterial 96
severe 86, 89, 90, 91
necrotizing 260
severity of 86t
treatment of 89
types of 84
typical 86
viral 22t, 23, 23f, 24f
acute hypersensitivity 239
chronic hypersensitivity 239
desquamative interstitial 232
hypersensitivity 232, 234, 236, 238, 238t, 239, 239t, 240fc
interstitial 234, 245, 314
lymphocytic interstitial 234
lymphoid interstitial 130
subacute hypersensitivity 239, 240f
summer-type 238
Pneumothoraces, symptomatic 353
Pneumothorax 11, 18, 26f, 90, 129, 314, 352, 353
causes of 352, 352b
closed 352
open 352
primary spontaneous 352
risk of 352
spontaneous 352
Polio 137
Pollution, outdoor 286
Polyangiitis 246
microscopic 264
Polyenes 106
Polymerase chain reaction 86, 87, 128, 137
reverse transcription 96
Polymorphism 111, 164
genetic 204
receptor gene 204
Polymyositis 246
Polyneuropathy 153
Polypharmacy 396
Polyphenoids 256
Polysomnography 293, 310
Pompe disease 332
Portable suction machine 394
Posaconazole 106
Positive end expiratory pressure 279, 282, 371, 385, 386, 388
Positive expiratory pressure 123, 403
types of 404f
variations of 404
mask, application of 404f
Positive predictive value 209
Positive pressure ventilation 257, 291, 386b
Positive skin prick test 110
Potassium 146
Prader–Willi syndrome 288-290, 294, 295
Prednisolone 189, 240, 244, 422
oral 244
Pressure 380
alveolar 10f, 380
atmospheric 380
pulmonary arterial 309
regulated volume control ventilation 382
support ventilation 383
transrespiratory 380
transthoracic 380
volume curve 9f
Pressurized metered-dose inhaler 412, 414
with spacer 413f
advantages of 413
disadvantages of 413
use of 413
Primaquine 128
Primary ciliary dyskinesia 19, 118, 119, 121, 175, 181, 235, 273, 274, 274b, 325, 401
diagnosis of 274
treatment of 274
Prokinetic agents 252
Promethazine hydrochloride 423
Propranolol 423
Propylthiouracil 314
Prostacyclin 309
Prostanoids 311
congenital alveolar 328
pulmonary alveolar 117, 232, 236, 328, 328f
Proton pump inhibitors 252
Pseudallescheria 126
Pseudomonas 220, 221, 225, 226, 228, 393
aeruginosa 110, 126, 396
infection 226
Pulmonary arterial hypertension 246, 247, 307, 308, 310, 311, 311t, 331
clinical presentation of 309
pathobiology of 309
pathophysiology of 309
treatment of 310, 311fc
Pulmonary disease 110, 150, 308, 325, 352
advanced 244
Pulmonary disorders 325
heterogeneous group of 150
Pulmonary edema 190, 317
features of 314
Pulmonary function test 20, 119, 123, 176, 177, 188, 203, 235, 240, 246, 262, 266, 274, 290, 310, 314
measurement of 188
restrictive pattern of 314
Pulmonary hemorrhage 154f, 245, 263-265, 314
causes of 263
management of 266
Pulmonary hemosiderosis 20, 265
syndromes 267
Pulmonary hypertension 290, 297, 307-310, 314
clinical classification of 308b
functional classification of 310b
Pulmonary infection 125
exacerbation of 225t
types of 125
Pulmonary parenchyma 359
benign tumors of 359
malignant tumors of 360
Pulmonary toxicity 316
mechanism of 313
Pulmonary vasculature, disorders of 325, 331
methylprednisolone 113
oximetry 188, 290
recording, continuous 270
Pulsus paradoxus 187, 188, 188f
measurement of 188
Pycnodysostosis 325, 327, 328f
Pyrazinamide 133, 140, 141, 144, 147
pleuritis 344
pneumonitis 232
therapy 358
Radioallergosorbent test 168
Radiology 177
Randomized controlled trials 113, 280
Ranitidine 204, 253, 423
Rapid antigen detection tests 69
Rapid eye movement 270, 302
Rash 147, 314
Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator 349
Recurrent aspiration 118, 119, 305
pneumonia 117
syndromes 117
Recurrent pneumonia 116, 117, 117b, 118, 119fc
causes of 116, 118t
treatment of 119
Red blood cells 263
Red eye, painful 242
Reflux theory 249
Renal agenesis 337
Renal dysgenesis 337
Renal failure 264
chronic 137, 308
Renal function test 310
Renal vasculitis 153
Reslizumab 167, 205
Respiration 15
muscles of 6
care, psychosocial aspects of 396
disease 392
disorders 22
chronic 249
distress 18, 77, 358
acute assessment of 391
syndrome 263, 278f
failure 114, 290, 304
home care 391, 393
flow sheet 393fc
program 391, 395
illnesses 96, 117, 285
infection 65, 76
recurrent 126
insufficiency, chronic 239
issues 300
management 224, 303
monitoring 388
movements 18
measurement of 300
strength 300, 304
weakness 300
rate 92, 190
signs 96, 278
stimulants 291
support 77, 277, 378
symptoms 96, 102, 249, 257
syncytial virus 75, 84, 126, 129
infection 163
system 3, 8, 245, 260, 285, 380, 385
compliance 373
development of 8
examination of 18
function of 379
mechanics 373, 379
physiology of 8
tract 134, 357
infection 16
part of 3
viral infections of 163
viruses 95, 129
Reticulocytosis 265
Reticulogranular lesions 128
Reticulogranularity akin, diffuse 278f
Retrognathia 270
Rett's syndrome 289, 290
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program 140
Reye's syndrome 96
Rhabdomyosarcoma 359
Rheumatoid arthritis 330, 344
Rheumatologic disorders, pediatric 245
Rheumatological disorders 126, 245, 246
pulmonary manifestations of 245
Rhinitis 96, 204
allergic 175, 176, 195
concurrent allergic 168
Rhinopharyngitis, acute 68
Rhinosinusitis 175, 246
Rhinovirus 129
Rhizomucor 109
Rhizopus 107, 109
Rhonchi 111
anterior end of 358f
second 361
Ribavirin 79
Ribonucleic acid, negative-strand 95
Rifabutin 127, 128, 145
Rifampicin 127, 133, 140, 141, 144, 147
Rigid spine syndrome 300
Rigor 102
Ring shadow 111
Rituximab 317
Roxithromycin 88
Salbutamol 191, 423
inhalation of 78, 212
Salmeterol 423
Sandifer-Sutcliffe syndrome 249
Sarcoidosis 117, 137, 232, 243, 243b, 246, 308, 330, 344
childhood 244
diagnosis of 243
pediatric 242
respiratory symptoms of 242
therapy 244
Schaumann asteroid 242
Scheie syndrome 326
Schistosomiasis 308
Scleroderma 245
progressive systemic 245
tuberous 330
Seizures 145, 249, 290
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 308
Sepsis 321
Septal thickening 236
Septic emboli 23
Septostomy, atrial 311
Sequestration 117, 123
pulmonary 8, 117, 121, 335, 337
Seroconversion 129
Serological tests 106
Serotonin 309
Serratia marcescens 126
Serum glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase 146, 243
pyruvic transaminase 146, 243
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 101, 102, 102t, 103b, 103f
Shock 387
Short rib polydactyly syndromes 332
Shwachman-Kulczycki score 228
Sialic acid 95
Sickle cell disease 308
Sildenafil 311, 314, 423
Silicone pep mask system 404f
Sin Nombre virus 100
infections 100
Single breath online method 180
Sinuses 273
Sinusitis 68, 107, 175
bacterial 68, 69
Sitaxentan 311
Skeletal muscle, capacity of 14
fold thickness 213
prick testing 177, 240
rash 242
test 112, 168
Sleep fragmentation 269
Sleeplessness 14
Slit-lamp examination 243
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure 302
Snoring 21
channel gene 322
valproate 314
Solid organ transplantation 126
Sore throat 96, 102
Sperms 273
Sphenoid sinuses 4
Spherocytosis 308
Spinal cord 299
Spinal muscular atrophy 299
Spirometry 176, 246, 301
Spironolactone 423
Splenectomy 308
Splenohepatomegaly 330f
Sporothrix schenckii 106
Sputum 20, 86
eosinophil count 205
eosinophilia 205
Gram's stain 86
production 102
Squamous epithelium, stratified 3
Staphylococcus 88, 122, 225
aureus 68, 84, 123, 124, 126, 224, 346, 396
Starling's law 343
Status asthmaticus 186
Steam inhalation 73, 79
Steeple sign 72f
typical 72f
Steinert disease 300
Stem cell transplantation, hematopoietic 126, 326
Stemphylium lanuginosum 110
Stenosis 124
bronchial 117
laryngeal 21
tracheal 21, 117, 175
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 110
Steroids 78, 204
inhaled 281
postnatal 281
systemic 78, 197, 244
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 147, 232
Stocker's classification 336b
Streptococcus 69, 70, 88
pneumoniae 68, 84, 86, 88, 90-92, 122, 126
pyogenes 68, 69
Streptokinase 349
Streptomycin 140, 141, 144, 145, 423
Stridor 21, 250, 256
acute 21
chronic 21
severe 74
Strongyloides 151
Sudden infant death syndrome 286, 290, 319, 320, 320f, 321, 321f, 322, 322b, 323
clinical features of 321
diagnosis of 319
epidemiology of 321
etiopathogenesis of 321
genetic associations of 322
incidence of 321
risk of 286
Sulbactam 418
Sulfamethoxazole 128, 131
Sulfasalazine 316
Sulfur dioxide 165
Superoxide dismutase 281
Supportive therapy 91, 375
Surfactant protein
B deficiency 233
C deficiency 233
deficiency disorders 233
laparoscopic 252
postcardiac 344
timing of 349
abnormalities 117
defect 119
fibrotic endoscopic evaluation of 119
mechanism 175
Sweat chloride 228
test 221
Swelling, periorbital 68
Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone 91, 190
Systemic lupus erythematosus 117, 126, 232, 245, 264
Systolic dysfunction, left ventricular 308
Tachycardia 77, 353
ventricular 252
Tachypnea 92, 128, 130, 344, 353
Tadalafil 311
Tannins 256
T-cell 119, 314
disorders, congenital 127
dysfunction 141
lymphoma 360
Technetium tc99m 265
Teratoma 360
Terbutaline 191
inhalation of 78
Terizidone 147
Thalassemia 308
Theophylline 196, 198, 423
Thermoplasty, bronchial 205
Thiacetazone 147
Thioredoxin 274
Thoracic dysplasia, asphyxiating 332
Thoracoscopy 340
role of 340
Thottapalayam virus 99, 100
Throat swab 69
Thrombocytopenia 243
Thromboxane 309
Thymolipomas 362
Thymoma 360
disorders 308
dysfunction 147
stimulating hormone 146, 147, 310
tumors 360
Tidal volume 372, 384
diagnosis 107
disease, congestive 307, 308
disorder, connective 344, 353
eosinophilia 150
hypoxia, resolution of 410
T-lymphocytes 265
Tobramycin 226, 423
Toluidine blue O stain 128
Toothpaste shadow 111
Total leukocyte count 146, 191
Toxicity monitoring 146
Toxins, environmental 285
Toxocara 151
infection 154
Toxoplasma gondii 127, 129
Trachea 21, 71, 175, 255
compression of 19
dynamic modulus of 5
Trachealis 4
Tracheitis, bacterial 73
foreign body aspiration 255
tree 121, 257
Tracheobronchomalacia 8
Tracheoesophageal fistula, postoperative 118
Tracheomalacia 19, 117, 202
Tracheostomy 291
care 394
tube, migration of 395
Tralokinumab 167, 205
Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations 249
Trauma, skeletal 123
Tree in bud appearance 139, 139f
Treprostinil infusion 311
Triazoles 106
Trichosporon 106
Triclofos 423
Trimethoprim 128, 131
dose of 89
Troponin 310
Tube block, red flag signs of 394
Tubercular lesion 141
skin test 137
unit 137
Tuberculoproteins 135
Tuberculosis 17, 25f, 117-119, 121, 126, 133, 134, 140-142, 232, 286, 344, 424
cavitary 139f
childhood 134, 140, 142
congenital 140
diagnosis of 127, 134, 136, 140
endobronchial 135
extensively drug resistant 143
extra pulmonary 134
extrathoracic 134, 136
intrathoracic 134, 135
overwhelming 137
pulmonary 134, 136, 140, 140fc, 402
quantiferon 138
skin test 137
Tumors 117, 175, 339
carcinoid 360
inflammatory myofibroblastic 359
mediastinal 357, 360
necrosis factor-alpha 164, 214
antagonists 317
neurogenic 362
pleural 357, 363
primitive neuroectodermal 358, 358f, 359
pulmonary 357
thoracic 357
thymic 362
Two-minute polysomnography 293f-295f
Typhoid fever 137
Typhus 137
Tyrosine hydroxylase gene 323
Ultrasonic nebulizer 412
Ultrasonography 140, 310
use of 375
Uncontrolled asthma
assessment of 204
causes of 200
United Kingdom National Birth Cohort Study 160
Upper airway 3
anomalies of 117
diseases 175
examination of 18
irritation 224
obstruction 269, 327
Upper gastrointestinal
barium studies 122
contrast study 250
endoscopy 122
Upper respiratory tract
illness 285
infection 19, 67, 210, 285
Uric acid 310
Urinary antigen detection 86, 107
Urinary tract infection 424
Urine 105
Urticaria, history of 168
Uveitis 242, 244
Valganciclovir 129
Valvular disease 308
Vancomycin 89, 423
Varicella 137
zoster virus 127
Vas deferens, congenital bilateral absence of 221
Vascular endothelial
cells 180
growth factor 281
receptor 312
Vascular ring 117, 118, 175
Vasculitic disorders, pediatric 245
Vasculitis 153
cutaneous 154f
necrotizing 246
pulmonary 153
Vasoreactivity test 309
Veno-occlusive disease 233, 314
pulmonary 308
Ventilation 388
adequate 386b
alveolar 12, 14, 379, 386
controlled 382
high-frequency 280, 383
intermittent mandatory 277, 280, 388
mode 373
selection of 383
newer modes of 280
non-conventional 372, 373
partial liquid 389
patient triggered 280, 282
mismatch 379
ratio 12
relationships, hypothetical model of 12f
scan 310, 339
pressure controlled 382, 382f
synchronized intermittent mandatory 383, 388
volume controlled 382, 382f
inspiratory-to-expiratory time 385
monitoring 388
problems 389
strategies 280
Ventilatory support, continuing 387
Ventricular septal defect 308
Venturi device 409, 409f
Vessels, pulmonary venous 277
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 348, 349
Vincristine 359
Viral pathogens, identification of 86
Viremia 129
Viruses 126, 129
Visual disturbances 260
Visual problems 147
A 281
deficiency of 227
recommended doses of 227t
D 113, 166
deficiency of 227
recommended doses of 227t
deficiency, water-soluble 227
E, deficiency of 227
K deficiency 227
Vocal cord 4
dysfunction 175, 202
paralysis 21, 73
swelling of 71
Vocal fremitus 19
change 224
hoarseness of 71
Vomiting 98, 102, 118, 145
Voriconazole 106, 108, 113, 129, 424
Waist circumference 213
Water lily sign 24, 25f
Weaning 374, 387
Wegener's granulomatosis 246, 264
Weight loss 111
Werdnig-Hoffman disease 299
Westley croup score 71
Wheezing 20, 111, 122, 130, 162, 174, 176, 187, 207, 208b, 209, 211fc, 250, 314
associated lower respiratory illness 163
classification of 207
diagnosis of 209
differential diagnosis of 207, 208b
disorders 117
epidemiology of 207
episodes of 210, 211
episodic viral 209, 210
multitrigger 208, 211
persistent 20fc
phenotype 211
recurrent 20fc, 211
White blood
cell 346
count 261
White rounded densities 122
Wilms tumor 360
World Health Organization 83, 98, 102, 133, 207, 308, 310b
Wuchereria bancrofti 150, 151
X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata 325
Yellow nail syndrome 344
Zanamivir 97
Ziehl–Neelsen staining 136, 137
Zygomycetes 126
Zygomycoses 108
Chapter Notes

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Essential Pediatric Pulmonology
Essential Pediatric Pulmonology
Third Edition
Editors Professor Rakesh Lodha MD Department of Pediatrics All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Professor Sushil K Kabra MD DNB Department of Pediatrics All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Associate Editors Assistant Professor Kana Ram Jat MD FCCP MAMS Department of Pediatrics All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Assistant Professor Jhuma Sankar MD Department of Pediatrics All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Essential Pediatric Pulmonology / Rakesh Lodha, Sushil K Kabra
First Edition: 2006
Third Edition: 2018
Printed at
Preface to the Third Edition
We are pleased to present the third edition of our book “Essential Pediatric Pulmonology.” Since the publication of the second edition in 2010, significant knowledge has been generated in the field of pediatric pulmonology. Considering the recent developments and the feedback from the readers, we have thoroughly revised the book; existing chapters have been revised and 20 new chapters have been added.
New chapters/sections added in this edition include imaging of chest including X-ray and computed tomography scan; endobronchial ultrasound and its uses; fractional exhaled nitric oxide; nasal nitric oxide; acute laryngotracheobronchitis; pulmonary fungal infections; allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; assessment of airway inflammation; preschool wheezing; obesity and asthma; hypersensitivity pneumonitis; environment and lung diseases; neuromuscular diseases and lungs; central hypoventilation syndrome; pulmonary arterial hypertension; pulmonary injury due to pharmacological agents; sudden infant death syndrome; genetics and pulmonary illnesses; chronic care of respiratory illnesses at home; airway clearance techniques; oxygen therapy; aerosol therapy; and pharmacology of pediatric pulmonary disorders.
We are thankful to all the authors, experts in their respective fields, for their valuable contributions. All the chapters are revised to include diagnostic and treatment algorithms. More tables, figures, and line diagrams have been included in the existing chapters. The “key points” provides a summary for quick reference.
We are hopeful that this new edition of book will provide the necessary information required for the management of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children, meeting the needs of pediatricians, specialists, and pediatric residents.
We are thankful to all the contributors, team from Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., specifically Ms Barkha Arora, Dr Neeraj Choudhary, Gladden Saveio, Manoj Kumar, and Satender Singh.
Rakesh Lodha
Sushil K Kabra
Preface to the First Edition
Respiratory illnesses in children are the common reason for visit to a pediatrician. Acute respiratory infections are leading cause of mortality and one of the leading causes of morbidity in children. There are several good books and reviews on respiratory illnesses in children. Most of them are either not accessible or too heavy for the busy practicing pediatricians. With an aim to provide updated evidence based information on management of common respiratory problems this book is being published. The book has been divided into five sections. The first section is on basics and provides a brief description of history taking and common symptoms and description of common investigations. Section 2 includes details of respiratory infections, section 3 provides details of asthma, section 4 provides details of noninfectious diseases, and section 5 include some basics of intensive care in pediatric pulmonology.
As the aim of this book is to provide evidence based treatment of common respiratory illnesses in children, we have tried to keep the book concise. In this edition, we have avoided detailed discussion on pathophysiology and uncommon illnesses. Wherever possible, we have tried to give simplified recommendations for diagnosis and management of common illnesses.
We hope that readers will find it useful. We seek feedback from readers for improvement in the future editions of this book.
We are thankful to all the contributors of different chapters, Mrs Kanta Chawla for secretarial help, and Mr Sudhir Heera for publishing this book in short time.
Sushil K Kabra
Rakesh Lodha