Abacavir 408
ABCD grading system 522t
Aberrant regeneration 1562b
Ablation calculation 602
Acalculia 1616
assessment 1332
classification 1331
diagnosis 1331
differential diagnosis 1332
epidemiology 1330
risk factors 1330
treatment 1333
Acetic acid 445
Acetylcholine 1566
Achiasmia 1284
Achromatic aberrations 603
Acid and alkali injury, mechanism of 445fc
Acid-fast stain 127f
Acid-resistant penicillins 97
Acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth 1793
Acroreno-ocular syndrome 1185
Acute central retinal artery occlusion, fluorescein angiograph of 821f
Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy 936
Adduction deficits, causes of 1562b
Adeno-associated virus 962
Adenosine triphosphate 69
Adenoviral infection 392
Adenoviral keratitis, stages of 393b
Adequate diathermy, perform 1161
Adneoid cystic carcinoma 223
Adrenal gland failure 1126
Adrenal medulla 1553
Adrenaline 1110
Advanced phacoemulsification technologies 625
Aedes albopictus 1375
African eye worm 142
Age-related Eye Disease Study 844
Age-related macular degeneration 216, 218f, 218t, 309, 310, 662, 665, 728, 738, 789, 795f, 844, 845, 846t, 847, 848, 849f, 853, 854t, 871, 904, 945
classification of 844
early 846f
intermediate 848f
Agraphia 1616
Ahmed implant 1232
Albers-Schönberg syndrome 1807
Alcaligenes xylosoxidans 1387
Alcon ora system, second generation 670f
Aldehyde dehydrogenase, role of 517
Alemtuzumab 1542
Alexander's law 1573
Alizarin red stain 202
All trans retinol dehydrogenase 41
Allele 176
Allergens 113
Allergic reactions 168
Allodynia, temporal 1558
Allopurinol 408
Alphavirus 1375
Amblyopes fail 1216
Ambrósio's relational thickness 354
Amelanotic choroidal melanoma, multimodal imaging of 753f
American Joint Committee on Cancer 1274t
American National Standards Institute 1827
American Society of Ocularists 1785
American Uveitis Society criteria 1372b
Ametropia, correction of 1226
Amino acids 75
Aminopenicillins 97
Amitriptyline 503
Ammonia 445
Amniotic bands 1806
Amoebicidal drugs, topical 491
Amorphous corneal dystrophy, posterior 549
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 1734
Amphetamines 824
Ampicillin 158
Amsler dubois chart 271
Amsler-Krumeich classification 522t
Anakinra 1457
Ancylostoma caninum 1385
Aneuploidy 176
Angelman syndrome 517
Angiomas 407
Angiomatosis, encephalotrigeminal 1231
Angiostatin 858
Angiostrongyliasis 139
Angle closure
attack, signs of previous 1110b
disease, primary 1115
management of primary 1117fc
medical treatment of 1128
risk factors for 1109b
types of 1106
prevalence of 1106t
sign of acute primary 1113f
Aniridic eye 1230f
Aniseikonia 1005
acquired 1645t
benign 1645
congenital 1645
neurologic causes of 1646
ocular causes of 1645
pharmacologic 1645
reversal of 1650
simple 1645
Ankyloblepharon 1808f
Anomaloscope 49
Anterior segment
abnormalities 1295
dysgenesis syndrome 19
examination 1234
formation 18
infections 160
Anti-Alexander's law 1573
Antiallergic drugs 113
Antiallergy eye drops 113t
Antianginal drugs 539
Anti-B glycoprotein 818
Anticholinergic agents 1209
Anticonvulsants 503
Antigen-antibody reaction 479f
Antiglaucoma medications 612
Antihypertensive agents, local 825
Antilymphangiogenic agents 465
Antimicrobial peptides 169
Antiphosphatidyl serine 818
Antiprotozoals 106
Antipsychotic drugs 905
Antiretinal antibodies, effects of 961
Antiviral agents 102t
Anwar's big-bubble technique 572
Aortic arch syndrome 828
Aphakic autorefraction 699
Aphakic correction 1223
Apiospermum conidia 149f
Aplasia, chiasmal 1284
Apoptotic cells 417
Aquatic protistan parasite 1743
Aqueous formation, factors regulating 33
Aqueous humor
age-related changes of 35
drainage of 1157
dynamics of 33
physiology of 32
production, suppression of 1124
properties of 32
secretion 71
turnover rate 36
diagnosis 1148
differential diagnosis 1148
epidemiology 1148
management 1148
medical therapy 1148
ocular manifestations 1148
pathophysiology 1148
Aqueous outflow, factors regulating 34
Aqueous shunt implants 826
Arboviruses 136
Arcuate keratotomy 601f
Arcus marginalis release 1674
Argon laser
peripheral iridoplasty 1115
photocoagulation 429
settings 1137
mechanism of 1133
treatment 1134
Argyll Robertson pupil 1651
Arnold-Chiari malformation 1332
Arrhythmias, cardiac 1537
Arterial artery occlusion, central 815f
Arterial occlusive disease 1629
Arterial retinal phase 728
Arterial wall hyperfluorescence, fluorescein angiogram of 820f
Artery 264
and veins in arteriovenous malformation 1246f
anterior communicating 1539f
choroidal 827
masking 727
Arthralgias 506
A-scans 766
Ascorbic acid 75
Aseptic orbital cellulitis 1273
Asian eyelid 1671
endophthalmitis 1389
diagnosis 1389
ocular manifestations 1389
treatment 1389
keratitis 486
nidulans 148
terreus 148
Aspheric lenses 638
Assessing binocular potential 1310
Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation 1827
Asthenopia 1347
Astigmatic refractive errors 296
Astrocytes, proliferation of 227f
Asymmetry 1680
Atherosclerosis 532
Atopy 1195
Atropa belladonna 116
Atrophic complications 881
Atrophic retina 911
cerebellar type, multiple system 1580
Audio book player, use of 334f
Auricular edema, severe 1461f
Autoimmune disorder 173
Automated microkeratome, components of 607
Automated perimetry, short-wavelength 1072
Autonomic nervous system 1643
Autorefractors, advantage of 1206
Autosomal dominant
disorder 175
complications of 921
genetics of 920
histopathology of 920
pathognomonic of 921f
treatment of 921
dystrophy 1187
keratitis 1192
neuropathy 1501
snowflake vitreoretinal degeneration 955f
Autosome 176
Axenfeld loops 10
Axial joint deformities, multiple 1458f
Azelaic acid 511
Azelastine 113
B cell lymphoma, large 1715
Bacillus anthracis 124
Bacillus infection 470
Bacillus polymyxa 98
Bacillus subtilis 98
Bacteremia, catheter related 1388
Bacterial corneal ulcer, pathogenesis of 469fc
Bacterial disease 560
Bacterial virulence 470
Bacteroides fragilis 94
Bagolini glasses 1309
Bagolini test 1308
Bálint's syndrome 1580
Baltimore eye study 1106
Bancroftian filariasis 139
Band optic atrophy 1286f
Barbados eye study 1094
Bard-Parker knife 471
Barkan's membrane 1229
Barraquer polishing technique 422
Basal epithelium 518f
Basal ganglia, left 1508f
Basal lamina 592
Basilar arteries, hypoperfusion of 1630
Basophilic calcium deposits 242f
Basophils 163
Bausch and Lomb keratometer 339f
Baylisascaris procyonis 1385
Beaten-bronze appearance 910f
Beaver dam eye study 1094
Beehler pupil dilator 653
Behçet's syndrome 1361
Behr syndrome 1502
Beijing Eye Study 1094
Belin/ambrósio-enhanced ectasia display 350
Bell's palsy 1691
Belt loops 1030
Bennett's recommendation 590t
Benoxinate 90
Benzalkonium chloride 1122
Benzodiazepine 1643
Berry aneurysms 1632
Best fit toric ellipsoid 351
Best vitelliform macular dystrophy 914
Beta-adrenergic receptors 33
Beta-adrenoceptor antagonists 1124
Beta-lactamase resistant penicillins 97
Biconcave lens 283f
Bidirectional applanation tonometry 371
Bi-directional jerks 1297
Bietti's corneal degeneration 539
Bifocal lenses 1209
Big-bubble technique 10
Bimanual aspiration technique 1222f
Biointegration 581
Biomechanics, general concepts of 369
Biometry techniques 703
Biometry, accurate preoperative 706
Biomineralization defects 960
Bird's eye view 272
Birth trauma 1185f
Bisphosphonates 1425
Bisretinoids 907
Bisulfite-free preparations 652
Bleb fibrosis 1167f
Blebitis 1169
Blepharonasofacial syndrome 1807
Blind and painful eye, nonsurgical management of 1790
Blinding scarring diseases 412
and visual impairment, global magnitude of 1849
causes of 1849
permanent 1733
prevalence of 1850f
prevention of 1863
sea of 1066f
statutory 308f
Blink cycle 25f
aqueous barrier 72
cell speed 767
dyscrasias 1126
eosinophilia 1750
etinal barrier 813
flow, choroidal 748
glucose control 803
oxygen level-dependent 1532
pressure 1442
control 1555
diastolic 1490
low 1057
systolic 1490
retinal barrier
dysfunction of 801
outer 813
transfusion 1377
vessels 20
Blown pupil 1645
Blue cell tumor 224f
Blue excitation light 788
Blue protective intraocular lens 665
Blunt trauma 716
Blurred optic disk margins 1480f
Blurred vision 1004
Bobble-headed doll 1288
Bone marrow 1442
Bone spicules 934
Borderline severe disease 827
Borreliosis 1378
Boston K-pro assembly 440f
Botryodiplodia theobromae 152
Bottom-up refraction 1590
Bowen's disease 233
Brachydactyly 1195
Brachytherapy 1280
Bradyrhizobium 382
Branch artery occlusion 822
Branhamella catarrhalis 94
Brazilian technique 698
Breast cancer medication 905
Breastfeeding 1121
Brilliant blue 1002
Brillouin optical microscopy 375
Bringing print closer 315
Brinzolamide 1126
Brolucizumab 858
Bromfenac 112
Bronchodilators 1062
Bronchospasm 724
Brow back 1662
Brow melanoma 1699f
Brown tendon sheath syndrome 1816
Brown's syndrome 1564
Bruch's complex 916
Brudzinski's sign 1478
Brugian filariasis 139
Buckle exoplant and sutures, placement of 1029
Bulbous cellular extension 1275f
Bullous exudative retinal detachment 869
Bullous retinal detachment 870f
Bullous rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, superior 1022f
Bunyaviridae 136
Buphthalmia 1267
Buphthalmic eyes 1238
Buphthalmos 1226
Bupivacaine 90
Burkhardt test 1589
Burkholderia cepacia 170
Burkitt's lymphoma 1373
Burn 506
Busacca nodules, multiple 1357f
Cadaveric eyes 1133
Cadaveric histology 770
Caffeine 824
Cajal, interstitial nucleus of 1578
Calcific emboli 816
Calculating ocular trauma score 1838t
Callender classification 248
Camera lens, plane of 342f
Campylobacter jejuni 94
Canal of Schlemm 1157
Canalicular agenesis 1796
Canalicular laceration repair 1846f
Candle wax drippings 1406
Cannula placement 1041
Canthal webbing 1681
Canthoplasty, lateral 1674
late spontaneous dislocation of 715
postoperative dislocation of 714f
fibrosis, moderate 715f
opacification, posterior 715
support devices 711
ring, modified 713f
segment 713f
Capsulectomy, posterior 1044
Capsulopalpebral fascia 8
Captopril 408
Carbachol 118
Carbamazepine 408
Carbapenem 158
Carbogen, inhalation of 825
Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 182
Carbon monoxide 1551
Cardiovascular disease 856
Cardiovascular system 111
Carolina macular dystrophy 1250f
aneurysm 1650
disease 1537
dissection 1632
external 1664
obstructive disease 1144
stenosis 827
duplex sonography 827
endarterectomy 820
occlusion 1733
plaques 812
stenosis 828
Carpal destruction, extensive 1455f
Carpenter syndrome 1815f
Cartilaginous tumor 247f
Caruncle tumor, pigmented 212f
Catabolic lysosomal enzymes 191
development 1040
etiologies of 1220b
extraction 662
intracapsular 718
focal 1837f
lower risk of 1439
management of 452
microcornea syndrome 1185
penetrating traumatic 716f
removal 625
role of 1858
senile 1358f
services 1851f
subcapsular 955
surgery 310, 625, 628f, 636, 639, 646, 649, 652, 661, 664, 665, 669, 671, 678, 686, 702, 702f, 706f, 707, 708, 710, 717, 856, 1136, 1821, 1856, 1857t
bilateral 1223f
combined 1014
complication of 678
congenital 1232
following femtosecond laser 631
higher risk of 716
impacting macular disease 665
intracapsular 1165
manual small incision 691
routine 671
uncomplicated 678
surgical rate 1851
typically progresses 665
white 691
Catarrhal ulcers 511
Cefepime 95
Cefoperazone 95
Cefoxitin 95
Cefpirome 95
Ceftizoxime 95
Ceftriaxone 95
Celiac disease 168
death protein 239
degeneration, progressive 801
loss, localized 805
proliferation of 225f
replacement therapy 859
superficial 66
collection, mild 611
defense systems 163
growth factors 42
infiltrates, inflammatory 497
inflammation, lack of 1423
phenomenon 938
retinol binding protein 81
Cellulose esters 115
Center keratoconus index 354
Central cortical fibers 216
Central diseases 1588
Central field defects 323
Central geographic atrophy 852
Central guttata 550
Central retinal detachment 1036
Central suppression scotoma, small 1309f
Central toxic keratopathy 612
Centrocecal visual field deficit 1069
Cephalophora irregularis 170
Cephalosporium 94
Cerebellar artery, posterior inferior 1643
Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia 950
Cerebellopontine 1577
Cerebellum 1540
Cerebrovascular disease 1246
Cerebrovascular ischemia 1494f
Cerebrum 1540
Ceruloplasmin 64
Cetuximab 1700
Chagas disease 139
Chalazia 510
Chalky-white calcification 1269f
Chaperone function, loss of 38
Charles Bonnet syndrome 336
Charleux oil droplet reflex 518
Chemothermotherapy 1278
Chiari malformation 1568
Chiasmal anatomy, normal 1289f
Chiasmal neuritis, radiation-induced 1554f
Chickenpox 501
diagnosis 1375
epidemics 1375
infection 1375
ocular manifestations 1375
treatment 1376
infection 1375f
Child with reduced vision, management of 1213fc
Chills 1558
Chlamydospores 147
Chlorpromazine 905
Choanae, stenosis of 1645
Chondritis, development of 1460
Chondrodystrophia punctata 1808
Chorioretinal adhesion 1025
atrophic scar of 1270
causes of 758
characteristics of 890
classification of 889
progression of 891
progressive 943
sequelae of 891
severe 951f
Chorioretinal degeneration 950
Choriovaginal vein 729
Choroidal dystrophies 950
Choroidal excavation, unilateral 882
Choroidal fluorescence 728
Choroidal neovascularization 724–726, 728, 738, 739, 739f, 742, 749f, 755f, 756, 780, 781, 850, 891, 1249, 1402, 1431, 1435, 1473
age-related 858
development of 1430f
Choroidal perfusion 820
Choroidal signal enhancement 853
Choroidal stroma 19
Choroidal sub-segmentation 877
Christmas tree cataract 184
Chromic acid 445
Chrysops 142
Ciancia syndrome 1325
Cicatricial disease 1166
Ciliary epithelial basement membranes 201
Ciliary ganglion 4
Ciliary injection 1144
Ciliary retinal artery occlusion 820
Ciliary sulcus 707
Cimetidine 408
Circinate balanitis 1393
Circulatory system 1355
Cisplatin 1504
Cladophialophora bantiana 149
Clival meningiomas 1560
Clofazimine 539
Clonazepam 1300
Cloquet's canal 994f
Closed macular holes 1003f
Clostridia 94
Cloudy corneas 1185
Clozapine 1643
Coagulation system 165
Coats plus syndrome 1244
Cobalamin C deficiency 1247
Cobalt blue filter 495f
Coccidioimmitis 396
Cockayne syndrome 1808
Cogan's eyelid twitch 1545
Cogan's microcytic dystrophy 1186
Coherence interferometry, low 763
Cold abscess 1741
Collaborative Corneal Transplantation Studies 570
Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study 250
Collector channels 11
Collier's sign 1579
Color coding system, opponent 48
Color fundus camera 794
Color theory, opponent 48
Combination therapy 1126
Comitant esotropia, acute acquired 1568
Commissure, posterior 1578
Communicating aneurysm, posterior 1632f
Complete cycloplegic refraction 1296
Complex genetic disorder 176
Concomitant strabismus, evaluation of 1321t
cell proliferation 955
dysfunction syndromes 1247
photoreceptors 48
phototransduction 84
visual cycle 81
Confocal laser ophthalmoscopes 724
Confrontation test 45
Congestion, conjunctival 446
Conjunctiva 11, 23, 53, 108, 199, 200f, 210, 236, 337, 432, 432f, 511, 539, 629, 1113, 1157, 1160, 1193f, 1356, 1663, 1665, 1678, 1683, 1743, 1839
allergic sensitization of 173
cicatrizing disease of 173
correct placement of 200f
lateral contraction of 1163f
superior 513
suturing of 1678
Conjunctival closure, simple 421
Conjunctival disorders, inflammatory 412
Conjunctival graft, sliding 421
Conjunctival hyperemia, mild 386
Conjunctival inflammatory disorders, classification of 400b
Conjunctival lesions, severe 437
Conjunctival melanoma, management of 239
Conjunctival mucosa, consists of 432
Conjunctival nevus, benign 210
Conjunctival tissue, autologous donor 426
adenoviral 393f
hemorrhagic 133
chemical 390
chlamydial 387
follicular 210
cicatricial 592
diagnosis of 160
episode of 417
chlamydia-negative 211f
papillary 388
hyperacute mucopurulent 386
membranous 436
neonatal 390t
non-infectious causes of 382
otitis syndrome 385
papillary 597
Connective tissue disease 1141
Conradi syndrome 1809
Contact transscleral semiconductor 1238
Contagious disease 1354
Contour stereoacuity tests 1310
Contrast reading cards, mixed 320f
Contrast tests 319
Conventional hydrodelineation technique 687f
Convex macular thickening 1006f
Core vitrectomy 1027
Corectopia 1189
Cornea 9, 23, 65, 108, 168, 176, 213, 257, 258, 337, 339, 369, 370, 432f, 433, 505, 509, 513, 539, 570, 585, 1027, 1138, 1184, 1185, 1186f, 1193f, 1312, 1356, 1806, 1839
anterior surface of 657
applied anatomy of 370
biomechanical properties of 371
buckling of 610
collagen fibers of 71t
composition of 65t
covers 65
different layers of 369f
dimensions of 9t
droplet degeneration of 539
edematous 1042f
elastotic degeneration of 539
enlargement 1227
guttae 366f
immunological disorders of 505
inferior 510
inner third of 1314f
outer two-thirds of 1314f
paracentral 497
physiology of 26
placido-disk image of 342f
preservation and storage 563
protrusion of 1196f
punctate epithelial erosions of 106
steepening of 1196f
superior 403
temporal-nasal cross-section 373
transects 1837f
viscoelastic 1197
properties of 371
Corneal ablation refractive surgery 1064
Corneal abscess, large central 1190f
Corneal absorption 69
Corneal additive procedure 617
Corneal anomalies 1185
Corneal applanation 626
Corneal biomechanical measurements 376
Corneal blindness 412
Corneal curvature map 348f
Corneal dermoid 1183
Corneal diameter measurement 1234
Corneal endotheliitis, herpetic 498
Corneal endotheliopathy, inferior peripheral 1398f
Corneal flap 602
Corneal gas permeable lenses 588
Corneal graft 501f
Corneal guttae 955
Corneal haze 446
Corneal health 30
Corneal higher order aberrations 592
Corneal hydration 28
Corneal hydrops, acute 1197
Corneal hypoxia-related complications 592
Corneal illumination 257
Corneal incisional techniques 650
Corneal infections, secondary 388
Corneal infiltrates, perilimbal 384
Corneal infiltrative event 597
Corneal inlays 618
Corneal intraepithelial neoplasia 213
Corneal investigations 339
Corneal laceration 718f
Corneal lamellae, separation of 477
Corneal layers 65
Corneal lens 587
Corneal light reflex, location of 1315f
Corneal lusture, normal 496
Corneal lymphangiogenesis 28
Corneal metabolism 586
Corneal midperiphery 619f
Corneal mucous plaques 502
Corneal nerves superiorly and striae, prominent 519f
Corneal neurotrophic status 1192
Corneal physiology 586
Corneal pigmentation 533
Corneal power 1202
Corneal protrusion 518f
Corneal refractive procedures 615
Corneal sensitivity, reduced 586
Corneal shape, measurement of 339
Corneal splits 1227
Corneal sutures, appropriate depth of 1837f
Corneal thinning, progressive 449
Corneal velocities 373
Corneal verticillata 538
Corneal warpage 598
Corneal xerosis 1855
Coronal short tau inverse recovery 1513f
Corpus callosum 1496f
Corpus ciliaris 1280
Correctopia 549
Cortical cleaving hydrodissection 687
Corticobasal degeneration 1580
Corticospinal tract 1559
doses of 1439
endogenous 873
glaucoma 1142
indications of 108b
intraocular 1439
sparing monotherapy 1443
Cortisone 1439
Corydon forceps 689
Coryneforms 125
Cough 1459
Coxsackievirus 135
Craniofacial dysjunction 1781
Craniotomy 1539
Cranipharyngiomas 1614
Cri-du-chat syndrome 1807
Criggler's lacrimal sac compression, technique of 1794f
Critical flicker fusion 1074
Cryoprobe 718
Crystalline keratopathy, infectious 472
Crystalline structures, siastase-resistant 228f
Cupless optic disk 1479f
Cycloablative procedures 1177
Cyclodestruction 1238
Cyclodestructive procedures 1150
Cyclodialysis, traumatic 1841
Cyclooxygenase 112
Cyclophilin 1445
Cylindrical femtosecond laser lens fragmentation pattern 689f
Cylopentolate 1205
Cystic degeneration 418f
Cystic intraretinal fluid 849f
Cysticercus cellulosae 142
Daclizumab 1449
Dacryocystocele 1810
Dacryology 1793
Dalen-Fuchs nodules 219
Danazol 1477
Dapiprazole 118
Dark adaptation 734
Dark atrophy 758
Dark optic nerve head 788
Dark-field microscopy 129
De Lange syndrome 1807
De novo mutations 1246
Dead necrotic tissue 449
Deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty 567
Deep orbital capillary hemangioma 1706
Deferoxamine 905
Defibrillator paddles 1825
Demodex mites 209
Demodicosis 143
Demulcents 114
Dendrites 502t
Dendritic keratitis 494
Dense cataract, presence of 663
Deoxyhemoglobin 1532
Dermatobia hominis 143
Dermatochalasis 181
Dermatomyositis 1454
Dermoid cyst 1499
Descemet's layer 433
Descemet's membrane 10, 67, 199, 201, 214, 361f, 364, 368, 370, 509, 518f, 532, 548, 550, 551f, 562, 571, 576, 1174, 1183, 1184, 1185f, 1188, 1196, 1226
termination of 10
Detoxification 73
Deuteranopia 49
Dextrocycloversion 57
Dextrodepression 57
Dextroelevation 57
Dextroversion 57
Diabetic neovascular disease 825
Diabetic retinopathy 216, 310, 665, 678, 729, 731, 778, 798, 801, 806, 827, 828, 831, 837, 1040f, 1851, 1858, 1859, 1859t
classification of 1859t
early 216
management of 806
mild nonproliferative 732f
natural evolution of 801
nonproliferative 778
pathogenesis 1858
prevention 1858
printscreen of automated 799f
progression 803
severity, management of 1859t
study 801
tractional 796f
treatment of 1859
Diaphoresis 1558
Dichoptic binocular training 1217
Dichromats 49
Digital fundus cameras 724
Digitalis 1551
Dihydrofolate reductase 1443
Dimethyl fumarate 1542
Diode laser cyclophotocoagulation 1115
Diopters 282
Direct microscopic examination 154
Dirofilariasis 139
Discoid rash 1544
Disopyramide 1110
Disparity method, near 1333
Dissociated optic nerve fiber layer 796
Distance disparity method 1333
Distichiasis 1806
Disulfram 1504
Diuretics 408
Dizziness 335
Dominant cone dystrophy 190
Dominant diseases 905
Donder's law 55
Dorello's canal 1560
Dorsal midbrain syndrome 1651
Dorsal nucleus 1563
Double-headed pterygium 419f
Doyne's honeycomb dystrophy 920
Draining subperiosteal abscess 1734b
Drugs orbital inflammation 1752
Drusen, different types of 218t
Dry age-related macular degeneration, optical coherence tomography of 662f
diagnosis of 464f
disorders 433
epidemiology 456
management of 463
pathogenesis of 458f
severe 459f
treatment 461f
workshop report 457f
Dry socket 1789
Dua's classification of ocular surface burns 448t
Duochrome test, red-green 1591
Dural sinus thrombosis, pregnant woman with 1634f
Dural venous thrombosis 1633
Dye staining 462
Dysautonomia 1647
Dysesthesia 1162
Dysfibrogenemia 817
Dysgerminomas 1290
Dyslipidemia 1537
Dysmetric limb movements 1581
Dysmetric saccades 1581
Dyspnea 1459
Dysthyroidism 1762
Eating disorders 1503
Eccentric gaze nystagmus 1574
Echinocandins 485
Echinococcosis 139
Echinococcus granulosus 1743
Echothiophate 1110
Eclampsia 820
Ectatic cornea 374
Ectatic disorders 526
Eczema 401
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 1660
Edwards syndrome 1807
Eicosanoids 73
Ejection fraction, left ventricular 1542
Elastic lamina, internal 203f
Elastic modulus 369
Elastoid degeneration 417f
Electromagnetic radiation 278f
Electron microscopy 498
Electronic magnifiers 317
Electronic reader 331f
Electro-oculography 1296
Electrophysiologic testing 918
Electroretinography, physiologic testing 934
Elevated serum angiotensin converting enzyme 1406
Elschnig's pearls 216
Emboli, types of 817f
Embryology 16
Embryonic tissues, derivatives of 17t
Emmetropic eyes 603
Emmetropization 1202
Enalapril 408
En-bloc recession 1326
Enchanced S-cone syndrome 191
Encompass ectasia 573f
Endo optiks laser endoscopy 1178f
Endocarditis, bacterial 1291
Endocrine signs 1711
Endocyclophotocoagulation 1174
Endoderm 16
Endogenous fluorophores, visualization of 788
acute postoperative 1386
chronic postoperative 1387
diagnosis of 161
isolates, gram-positive 1386
overall risk of 581
prevention of postoperative 1821
risk of 1387
vitrectomy study 1043
Endophytic growth 1267
Endophytic retinoblastoma, unilateral 1279f
abnormal 364
adjacent 364
apoptosis 31
atypical 552
count 694
density 363
morphology 562
normal 364
number of 29
postoperative 575
Endothelial corneal dystrophy, X-linked 552
Endothelial decompensation 550
Endotoxin 164
Endovascular coil embolization 1539
Enterobacteriaceae 125
Enterococcus faecium 122
Enterococcus group 122
Enucleated eye, section of 1275f
Eosinophilia 1384
Epibulbar dermoids 1815
Epicanthal folds 1306
Epicanthus inversus 1808f
Epicanthus palpebralis 1809f
Epicanthus superciliaris 1808f
Epicanthus tarsalis 1809f
Epidermoid inclusion cysts 209
Epidermolysis bullosa 1191
Epididymitis 1393
Epinastine 113
Epinephrine, intracameral 631
Epiretinal contraction 1000
Epiretinal membrane 663, 702, 778, 795, 796, 996f, 997f, 1004, 1005f–1007f, 1010, 1011f, 1012, 1012f, 1038, 1046, 1430
multiple eccentric epicenters of 1008f
pathogenesis of primary 1004
primary 1004
secondary 1010
worsening of 1005f
Episclera 1356
Episcleral implants 1281
Epi-shugarcaine 90
Epistaxis 1459
Epithelial abrasions, smaller 444
Epithelial adhesion, reduced 586
Epithelial bullae 550f
Epithelial edema 498
Epithelial inclusion cyst 209
Epithelial involvement, levels of 237
Epithelial islands of tumor 228f
Epithelial lesions 499
Epithelial markers, expression of 229f
Epithelial membrane antigen 233
Epithelial mesenchymal transformation 30
Epithelial proliferation 222f
Epithelial recurrent erosion dystrophy 543
Epithelial surface, anterior 77f
Epithelial thinning 586
Epithelial wound healing 30
Epithelioid histiocytes 1752
Epitheliopathy, superficial 460f
Eplerenone 874
Erythematous skin lesions 1354
Eskimo corneal degeneration 539
acquired comitant 1332
childhood 1347
complications 1328
congenital 1323
diagnosis 1331
early onset 1325
intermittent 949f
large angle of 1331
left 1315f
nonrefractive 1330
surgery, types of 1326
temporally in 1308f
treatment for
early-onset 1327fc
infantile 1331f
Esthesiometry 356
Estimated lens position 657
Estrogen antagonist 539
Etanercept 1448
Ethmoid air cells, left anterior 1510f
Ethmoidal foramina 4
Ethmoidal sinusitis 1733
Ethylene glycol 1551
Etinitis pigmentosa 1421
Etoposide 1278
Eukaryotes, immune system of 163
Eukaryotic organisms 143
Euthyroid 1549
Evisceration 1789
Excision 1697
Exfoliation syndrome 1154
Exophiala 145
Exophoria 1311f
Exophytic melanoma 1694f
Exophytic retinoblastoma mass, large whitish 241f
External carotid artery, branches of 5
External limiting membrane 14
Extracellular fluid 164
Extracellular matrix 517
Extracerebrospinal fluid 1479
Extramacular disease 1462
Extramacular retinal lamellar holes 1006f
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma 1724f
Extraocular extension, evidence of 1272
Extrapulmonary disease 1429
Extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation 1256
Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 227
Extreme nasal periphery 265f
Extrinsic chiasmal disease 1292
affected 1489f
anterior segment of 255
associations, regional 563
structure and function 558
technician, certified 558
chemosis 1738f
contrast sensitivity of 320
diabetic 1036
allergic 434
consequences of 306
disorders 173
donations 565
embryology of 3
esotropia, left 1304f
examination 1342
techniques of 265
fetal development of 18t
field, parietal 1583
autofluorescence of 890f
infections of 98
general examination of 255
glands of 8
harboring retinoblastomas 240
health 1849
hypoglobus, left 1472f
infections 1184
layers of 370
lens, yellow-brownish discoloration of 794
long 295
misalignment of 1304
abnormalities, classification of 1295
conjugate 56
system, supranuclear 59
types of 55
naked 1039
natural lens 1220
non-amblyopic 1215
nondiabetic 1036
non-dominant 1302
normal right 1474f
optical surfaces of 294
overview of 9f
parasitic infections of 138
partially gas filled 1026f
point of 298
posterior segment of 263
proptosis 1738f
protection 1837f
red 987
removal 1280
surgery, types of 1784
rubbing, role of 516
short 295
strategy, steady 328
susceptible 1110b
tissues of 172f
torsion of 1320
treatment for 1043f
upper lid edema, left 1733f
vascularization, left 1256f
with acute primary angle closure 1113f
with glaucoma tubes 576
Eyeball 201
Eyelashes 446
assessment, intraoperative 1678
basal cell carcinoma 234f
lower 1672
transconjunctival lower 1672
upper 1681t
coloboma 1808f
congenital disorders of 1806
fixation 1678
lack of 1809f
double 1671
lower 1681
upper 1681
edema, left 1510f
function 1666
functional measurements of 1666f
glands of 8t
hygiene 537
imbrication syndrome 1690
lacerations 1842
laxity 1688f
left lower 1694f
lesions 209
lower 1843
lymphatic drainage 1665
malignancies 1698
categories 1683
laceration repair 1844
sagittal section of 1664f
movement 1664
neoplasms 1692
types of malignant 1692
palpebral conjunctiva, lower 1775
part of 629
procedures 1765
temporizing 1764
and strabismus, upper and lower 1760f
causes of 1689
signs of lower 1685
right upper 1695f
section 233f
skin 1663
folds 1808
swelling, medial 1798f
tightening, lower 1674
tumors, malignant 232
and lower 1657f
vasculature 1664
Fabry disease 1246
anhidrosis 1648
clefting 1793
diplegia, congenital 1816
droop, left 1649f
examination 1798
filler materials, types of injectable 1754
nerve 1689
damage 1688
ipsilateral 1691
palsy 1690
paresthesias 1636
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 1244
Faden operation 1336
Faden surgery 1326
Familial dysautonomia 1191
Fanconi anemia 1244
Far point, determining location of 299
Farnsworth panel D-15 test 50
Fascicles 1558
Fast spin-echo 1519
Fastigial nucleus 1582
Fatal familial insomnia 1548
Favored techniques 711
Feathery margin 478f
Feeding retinal arteriole 743f
Femtosecond lenticule extraction 614
Festooned pupil 1357f
Fiberoptic bundle 257
Fibrillar protein 1186
Fibrillin 79
Fibrils, cross-sectional view of 27f
Fibrin glue versus sutures 422
Fibrinous reaction, absence of 1359f
Fibrosarcoma 407
Fibrous proliferation 801
Fibrous pseudocapsule 222f
Fibulin 80
Field fluorescein angiography, ultra-wide 1432
Filamentous bacteria, gram-positive 127f
Filamentous keratitis, severe 485
Filoviruses 392
Filters worn over glasses 328f
Fine needle aspiration 1697
Finger agnosia 1616
Finger-to-nose perimetry 1591
Fingolimod 1542
Finite element model 375
First branchial arch syndromes 1814
Fisherman keratopathy 539
Fish-tail technique 712
Fissure, interpalpebral 539
Fite stain 202
Fixation switch diplopia 1568
Flap dislocation 611
Flat cornea 1183
Flavus 170
Fleck corneal dystrophy 549
Fleshy pterygium 416f
Flicker perimetry 1074
Flow cytometry 1420
Flowing blood cells 766
Flucytosine 99
angiography 723, 726, 728, 730f-733f, 735, 737, 738, 740f, 742f, 750f, 751f, 755f, 756f, 799, 800f, 802f, 806f, 812, 815, 827, 828, 865, 878, 890, 891f, 921, 936, 953, 980, 997f, 1007f, 1272f, 1394, 1399, 1416, 1431, 1432, 1494, 1506
late phase 743f
midphase 744f
complexon 119
execution of 724
fit, grading of 591t
injection of 799
Fluorexon 119
Fluorometholone 109
Fluorophore, dominant 789
Flurbiprofen 112
Flying spot television 787
Flynn depressor 270
Focal line, posterior 293
Focus intraocular lenses, extended depth of 641
Focus lens, extended depth of 674
Fogla dissector 573f
Folic acid 1443
Follicular diseases 432
Folliculitis 432
Fonder's laws 55
Fonsecaea pedrosoi 149
Foot deformity 1191
Footprints, herpetic 496f
Foramen lacerum 4
Foramen ovale 4
Foramen rotundum 4
Fossa malformations, posterior 1812
Four point touch 356
Four prism diopter reflex test 1318
Fourier-domain detection methods 763
Fourth nerve palsies, etiologies of 1566b
Foveal architecture, distortion of 663f
Foveal cones, atrophy of 934
Foveal photoreceptors 998
Foveal suppression 1305
Foville's syndrome 1579
Fractures, medial wall 1776
Fragility, conjunctival 1165
Franceschetti syndrome 1815
Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein syndrome 1815
Francois syndrome 1815
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome 1807
Freezing point depression 463
Frenzel goggles 1572
Frequency doubling technology 1073
Fresh amniotic membrane 422
Fresh tissue, submission of 198
Friedreich's ataxia 1582
Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy 517
Fuchs’ heterochromic uveitis, treatment of 1374
Fuchs’ heterochromy 1142
Fuchs’ spot 896f
Fuchs’ uveitis syndrome 1373
Fugal keratitis 485
Fumigatus 170
Fundus 1296
abnormalities, minor 913
albipunctatus 959
autofluorescence 750, 787, 792, 845f, 848f, 853, 881f, 896, 905, 910, 915, 915f, 920f, 936, 1428, 1434, 1479, 1594
normal 788
signal 792t
color photography 1430
evaluation 1320
examination 1246
normal 1594
excyclotorsion 1345
flavimaculatus 910f
hypopigmentation 1297f
photography 1428
recording 271
and color coding 271
stereoscopic photography 731
visualization 664
cell 484
glucans of 164
colonies 484f
conidial spores 477
conjunctivitis 396
corneal ulcer 480f
culture 481
endophthalmitis 1389
entry and adhesion, stage of 477
gram-positive 483f
clinical features 1737
risk factors 1737
characteristics of 478f
pseudodendrite of 478f
treatment of 483
pseudodendrite 478f
ulcer, dematiaceous 480f
Gabanergic drugs 1300
Galactorrhea 1290
Galactose metabolism 78fc
Galilei dual scheimpflug analyzer 344
Gangrenous necrotic periocular skin 1737f
Gap junctions 72
Gas tamponade 1030
Gass plaques 819
Gastrointestinal complications 111
Gaucher disease 1580
deviation 1579
diagnostic positions of 55f
neuroanatomy of 1578
palsy 1579
positions of 54
primary position of 54
secondary position of 54
tertiary position of 54
Gel-forming mucins 21
Geniculate body, lateral 1283
Genital hypoplasia 1645
Genital mucosae 442
Genital ulcers 1393
Genitourinary system 1355
Genome-wide linkage study 516
Genus ebola virus, flaviviridae of 1377
Geographic atrophy, region of 772
Germ cell 1266
Germ layers form 16
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome 1548
Ghost vessels 509
Giant cell
angiofibroma 1710
arteritis 203f, 812, 818, 820, 1454, 1493, 1493f, 1494f, 1545, 1545f, 1546fc, 1558, 1560, 1563, 1566, 1630
histopathology of 1546f
multinucleated 209
Giant papillary reaction 1193f
Giardiasis 139
Gillespie syndrome 187
Glands of Moll 457
Glandular tissue 168
Glare control 327
Glatiramer acetate 1542
Glaucoma 186, 215, 310, 581, 678, 714, 717, 1042, 1055, 1057, 1065, 1082, 1094, 1096–1098, 1106, 1121, 1140, 1146, 1149, 1153, 1183, 1185, 1189, 1224, 1226, 1230–1232, 1268f, 1364, 1489, 1784, 1811, 1851, 1861
acute 1138
after infant cataract surgery 1224f
after vitreoretinal surgery 1150
childhood 1228b
classic immature primary congenital 1234f
clinical assessment of 1861
common causes 1862
corticosteroids induced 1153
diagnosis of 1082
implant 1117
epidemiology of 1094
evaluation 1057
eye drops, topical 636
filtering surgery 1149
following cataract surgery 1232
Haab's striae pathognomonic of 1226f
hemifield test 1068
hemolytic 1146
history of 1140
implants 1753
infantile 1185
late post-traumatic 1147
lens-induced 1152
timeline of 1119f
medical treatment of 1119
topical 1123t
melanomalytic 250
monitoring of 1065
open-angle 1094t
pediatric 1173
pigmentary 1140f
postoperative 1170
pre-existing 1151
presentation of 1138
prevalence of 1861
open angle 1094
pseduoexfoliation 1175
screening 1861
status post-trabeculectomy 578f
concomitant 581
microinvasive 1120
types of 538
temporary management 1150
topical therapy 1122
trauma related 1146
traumatic 1171
tumor related 215
types of 1150
lens-induced 1152
with important iridodialysis, traumatic 1147f
Glaucomatous defects, structural 1089
Glial fibrillary acidic protein stain 207f
Global database optimization 669
Global retinal nerve fiber layer, analysis of 1092f
Glueless pterygium excision 423
Glycemic control 803
Glycolysis, anaerobic 75
Gnathostomiasis 139
Goldenhar-Gorlin syndrome 358
Golimumab 1448
Goniosynechialysis 1117
Gonococcal disease 1355
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome 1692
Grade lid margin keratinization 260f
Granular-lattice dystrophy 214
Granulation tissue 210
Granulocytes 163
disease 1432
inflammation, signs of 1406
inflammatory disease 405
uveitis, severe 1153
Graves’ ophthalmopathy 1549
Gray baby syndrome 92
Grayson-Willbrandt dystrophy 1187
Gray-white superficial stromal opacities 182
Gregory's grading system 438
Griseofulvin 408
Growth hormone 1477
Guaifenesin 1643
Guanylate cyclase-binding proteins 84
Guerin fracture 1780
Gullstrand's principle 266
Haag-Streit depth measuring device 360
Halberstaedter-Prowazek bodies 128
Hallucinogens 1643
Hallux valgus deformity, severe 1455f
Handheld telescope 319f
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseases 1748
Hansen's disease 357
Haploscopic test 1308
Harboyan syndrome 551
Hard drusen 218
Hardy-Rand-Rittler plates 49
Hartmann-Shack aberrometer 342f
Hartmann-Shack sensor 342f
Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis 1549
Hassall-Henle warts 364
Hassell-Henle bodies 534
Hay-Wells syndrome 1793
Healed juxtapapillary chorioretinal scar 1360f
Healing abrasions 495
Heartbeats 774
Heavy trabecular meshwork pigmentation 1060f
Heimann-Bielschowsky phenomenon 1578
Heinz bodies 215
Helminthic parasitic diseases 141
Hematogenous metastasis 1268
Hematologic malignancy 1738
Hematoxylin 1273
Hemiachromatopsia 1622
Hemifacial spasm 1691
Hemodynamic theory 896
Hemoptysis 1459
acute subarachnoid 1632f
aneurysmal subarachnoid 1539
chronic vitreous 215
complications of 137
extensive preretinal 732f
graft 427f
intraocular 1423
intraretinal 826f
disease 138
intravitreal mass 1051
lymph channels 1707
phenotypes 879
telangiectasia, hereditary 1641
Hepatitis virus 104
Hepatobiliary disease 1387
Hepatobiliary tract infection 1388
Hepatocyte growth factor 64
Hereditary inflammatory cornea, hereditary 1191
Heredodegenerative theory 896
Heroin 1643
dendrite 478f
infection 1191
congenital 1227
keratouveitis 1142
retinitis 1271
stromal keratitis 496
virions 131f
neonatal 1191
treatment of 499
Herpes viruses 131
Herpetic keratitis, clinical spectrum of 494t
Herpetic retinal necrosis, rapidly progressive 1372
Heterogeneous disorders 960
Heterotropia, intermittent 1312
Hexagonal cells, percentage of 363
High dose pulse steroids 438
High resolution infrared digital fundus cameras 727
High tension glaucoma 1097
Hirschberg method 1314
Hirschberg test 1314
Histiocytoma, fibrous 224
Hodgkin's syndrome 1373
Hole size, role of 1002
Holladay formula 659
Hollenhorst plaques 816
Homer-Wright rosettes 1276f
Homocysteine 818
Hormones, role of 517
acquired 1651
causes of 1643f
congenital 1651
diagnosis of 1649
etiologies of 1650
first-order 1650
ipsilateral 1531f
non-localizing 1531
Hounsfield units 1506
Human adenovirus 170
Human antichimeric antibodies 1445
Human cells 77
Human cysticercosis infection 142
Human disease 139
Human embryos 16
Human enteroviruses 135
Human eye, parasites affecting 1742t
Human herpes virus 492
Human monocular visual field 1599
Human optic cup, development of 16
Human prion diseases 1548
Humphrey matrix frequency 1075f
Hunter syndrome 191
Huntington's chorea 1582
Huntington's disease 1580
Hurler syndrome 191
Hutchinson triad 1190
Huygen's wavefront theory 280f
Hyaline filamentous fungi 144t
Hyaline septate fungal filaments 156f
Hyalocytes 1033
Hybrid contact lenses 523
Hydatid disease 1292
Hydrocephalus 1346
Hydrochloric acid 445
Hydrocortisone 109
Hydrodelineation 687f
Hydrodissection 632
Hydrofluoric acid 445
Hydrogel scleral buckle 1753
Hydrolyzed miragel scleral buckle 1753f
Hydrops 519
Hydroxyamphetamine eye 1650
Hydroxyapatite orbital implants 1753
Hydroxyethyl cellulose 115
Hydrus microstent 1171
Hyoscyamus niger 116
Hyperautofluorescent foci 869
Hyperchromatic nuclei 246f
Hyperfluorescent fuzzy vessels 736
Hyperintensities, linear 1496f
Hyperkalemia, risk of 873
Hyperlysinemia 710
Hypermetropia 1337
Hyperosmotic agents 1126
Hyperplasia 755
Hyphal fragments 481
Hypofluorescent dots 1406
Hypokalemia 1126
Hyporeflective optic disk drusen 1480f
Hypotension 820
Hypotensive therapy 1142
Hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis 1441
Hypothyroid 1549
Hypovolemia, severe 824
Hypoxic avascular retinal cells 1265
Hysteresis 369
Ibuprofen 408
treatment trial 1588
Idiopathic orbital inflammation, nongranulomatous 1754
Imbibition pressure 29
Imipenem 158
Immune corneal ring 513
Immunomodulators, topical 465
Immunomodulatory therapy, early 1397
Indapamide 408
angiography 727, 727f, 729, 729f, 730f, 731f, 733f, 740f, 741, 743f, 744f, 747f, 751f, 756f, 879f, 890, 896, 1364, 1394, 1399, 1432
midphase 868
Indocyanine, execution of 724
Indomethacin 112
Infant aphakia treatment study 1223
Infantile developing lens 1259
Inferior rectus muscle, actions of 56
Infiltrating orbital neoplasms, malignant 201
allergic 1194
chiasmal 1291
lipogranulomatous 209
conjunctival 436
non-infectious 382
postoperative 427f
Inflammatory disorders, conjunctival 400
Infratrochlear nerve 3
Infusion cannula 1044
Inherited syndromic disorders 1244
Innate lymphoid cells 167
Inositol 75
Integumentary system 1355
International Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema 1858
International Council of Ophthalmology Guidelines for Diabetic Eye Care 1858
International Intraocular Retinoblastoma Classification 1272
International Nongovernmental Organizations 1864
International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology 1106
International Vitreomacular Traction Study 1000t
Intracranial aneurysms, majority of 1632
Intracranial tumors 1289
Intracystic injection 1290
Intraepithelial neoplasia, conjunctival 211f
Intraocular cells 1414
Intraocular injection 111
Intraocular lens 453, 615, 616, 618, 634, 636, 640f, 642, 642f, 659, 661, 664, 702, 714f, 1043, 1045, 1115, 1154, 1221, 1223, 1828
accommodative 619
calcification 637t
dioptric power 1223b
endocapsular 682
insertion 711
late postoperative dislocation of 715
light-filtering 637
luxation 1046
material 636
posterior chamber 718
power 712
related phacovitrectomy 1044
selection 689
shell technique 695f
Intraocular lymphoma, treatment of 1420
Intraocular miosis 112
Intraocular pressure 29f, 30, 35, 359, 445, 498, 617, 672, 717, 975, 1023, 1037, 1042, 1095, 1096, 1098, 1106, 1107, 1112, 1117, 1119, 1123, 1170, 1184, 1226, 1228, 1233, 1370
greater 1138
Intraocular refractive surgery 615
Intraocular surgery 1645
Intraocular tuberculosis, classification of 1381t
Intraretinal fluid, detection of 961
Intraretinal hemorrhages, diffuse 732f
Intrauterine infection 1220
Intravitreal antibiotics, injection of 1042
Intravitreal hemorrhage, massive 1273
Invasive glaucoma surgery, minimally 1139
Iodothyronines 1762
Ion transport 40
Ipilimumab 1701
Ipsilateral limbal stem cell translocation 450
Iridoplasty, mechanism of 1132
Iridoschisis 652
Iridotomy, patency of 1063
anomalies 1815
attachments, posterior embryotoxon with 1231f
base 1146
bombe 1357f
bowing, posterior 1059f
coloboma 1185
ultrabiomicroscopy of 978f
defects 684
fixated intraocular lens 643f
flocculi 1816
hooks 654f
hypoplasia 1185
lesions, infectious 978
clinical diagnosis of 975
radiation treatment of 976
neovascularization 1268f
permeability 36
processes 549
retracting hooks 654
sphincter 1652
tear 1840f
transillumination defect 1058f
bilateral 1425
tumors 975
Iritis 1543
Iron chelating agents 905
Irritation, chronic 1786
Irvine-Gass syndrome 664
Isopter plot 45f
Istent trabecular micro-bypass stent 1170
Itching 456
Ivermectin 511
Ixekizumab 1457
Ixodes dammini 131
Jaeger's chart 44
Jalili syndrome 960
Janus kinase inhibitors 465
Jaw claudication 1558
Jerk nystagmus, left 1298f
Joint disease 1456
Juxta-limbal corneal thinning 1456
Kabuki syndrome 1808
Kamra inlay implants 618
Kassabach-Merritt syndrome 1812
Kayser-Fleischer ring 533
Kelman phacoemulsification, development of 691
Keloid formation 1166
Keratan sulfate 548
Keratectomy 1160
acquired 1192
advanced 481
dematiaceous 480f
filamentary 106
hereditary 1191
herpes 214
ichthyosis-deafness syndrome 1191
infective 468t
punctate 494
suppurative 483
Keratoconus 260, 347, 351, 352, 356f, 374, 516, 518, 522t, 527t, 567, 1149, 1185, 1195, 1196, 1196f, 1197, 1558
classification, topographical 356f
clinical diagnosis of 519
collaborative longitudinal evaluation of 1197
detection 519t
diagnosis, early 376
eyes 521
grading of 522
pediatric 1195
percentage index 519
prediction index 519
index 519
score 519
subclinical 352
Keratoderma blennorrhagicum 1393
Keratolenticular adhesions 1183
Keratolimbal allograft 452
Keratometers 340
Keratometric astigmatism 519
Keratometric map 346
Keratoneuritis, radial 489f
Keratoscopy, placido-disk based 341
Keratosis, actinic 1693
Kernig's sign 1478
Kestenbaum procedure 1301
Ketotifen 113
Khodadoust endothelial rejection 501
Kinetic visual field testing 946
Kingella kingae 170
Kjer optic neuropathy 1501
Klippel-Feil anomaly 1816
Krause and Wolfring, accessory lacrimal glands of 22
Krimsky technique 1324
Kuglen hook 711
Kupffer cells 163
Labial mucosa 1687
Labrador keratopathy 539
Laceration repair, simple 1844
Lacrimal artery 1658
Lacrimal bone 1655
Lacrimal crest, posterior 1657
Lacrimal disease 1459
Lacrimal disorders 1803
Lacrimal fistula, congenital 1796
Lacrimal functional unit 432
adenoid cystic carcinoma of 223f
enlargement 1543
examination 1662f
injury 1681
lesions 221
palpebral lobe of 1661
pleomorphic adenoma of 222f
swelling 1393
Lacrimal irrigation 1798
Lacrimal nerve 1727
Lacrimal probing and irrigation 1663f
Lacrimal secretory system 1661
Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome 1793
ablative procedures 607
corneal transplant 422
femtosecond laser-based procedures 614
hole 1000
cluster of 1006f
laceration 1832
retinal holes 1007f
scleral transplant 422
Lamotrigine 408
Landolt's rings 43
Landolt's test 43
Lang's test 1310
Langerhans lineage 1749
Larcimal punctum, lower 1314f
conventional 603
procedure 609
types of 603
assisted subepithelial keratomileusis 607
biophysics 601
delivery system 602
iridotomy 1139
complications 1137
indications 1136
management 1137
mechanism 1136
procedure 1137
indications 1135
management 1136
procedure 1135
photocoagulation 1028
focal 897
procedures, basics of 1132
production 601
procedures 601t
surgery 1336
scanning confocal microscope 367
therapy 1114
indications 1132
mechanism of selective 1133
repeat 1134
application 1259
variables of 1132
principles of 601
white spot burns 1260f
Latanoprost 1119
Lattice-Gelsolin type 181
Le Fort classification 1780
Lead 1551
Leber's optic atrophy 49
Leishmania 139
based refractive surgeries 615
biochemical composition of 74
thickness of 14f
changes 428
coloboma 1192f
conventional 298
damage 1042
different types of 587t
dimensions of 13t
dislocated 185f
epithelial cells, regrowth of 1222f
epithelium 216
extraction 1116
architecture of 37
primary 19
injury, causes of 1132
iris diaphragma 1267
miniscleral 593f
noncontact 270
nucleus 216
overview of 13f
panfundoscopic 270
particle 1152
glaucoma 1153
perpendicular 290f
physiology of 36
placode 19
plus 285
power 1202
progressive addition 1209
uveitis 1364
remnants 1232
retrieval instrument 680
selection of trial 588
subluxated 1267
surface, anterior 617f
transparency 36
trivex 1207
tumor touching 1273
type 587
vault 1108f
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis 1484
Leptomeningeal disease 1646
Lesions on autofluorescence, staging of 1434t
Letter chart acuity 310
Leukemic malignant masquerades 1420
Leukemic optic nerve infiltration 1552
Leukopenia 1442
Leukotrienes 400
Levocycloversion 57
Levodepression 57
Levodopa 1217
Levoelevation 57
Levothyroxine 1477
Levoversion 57
Levy-Hollister syndromes 1796
abnormalities 255
and lacrimal apparatus 17
colobomas 1193
disorders 458
laceration repair
general principles of 1843
margin 1844f
lower 1808
margin 437
keratinization 409f
nodule 1743
ptosis 1648
retraction in left eye 1567f
position 672
Lidocaine jelly 1133
Lignocaine 90
Limbal cells 403
Limbal conjunctiva 507
Limbal dermoid 1184f
Limbal hyperemia 587
Limbal redness 597
Limbal stem cell 433
characteristics features of 433b
management of 450
mild 419
transplantation 412
Limbal tissue 451
Limbic epithelial cells, superior 403
Limiting membrane, middle 14
Liposomal amphotericin B 1739
Lisch epithelial corneal dystrophy 544
Listing's law 55
Listing's plane 55
Lobe tumor, left frontal 1588f
Local injectable anesthesia, classification of 89t
Lockwood's suspensory ligament 8
Lodoxamide tromethamine 114
Loteprednol etabonate 109
Lucentis 858
Lukosz, principle of 367
Lupus choroidopathy 1458
Lupus erythematosus 812
Lyme meningitis 1478
Lymphatic drainage 8
Lymphatic system 1355
Lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome 1806
Lymphocytic hypophysitis 1554
Lymphocytic pleocytosis 1484
cells, abnormal 1419
hyperplasia 1715
lesions, treatment of 1724
malignancies 1420
conjunctival mucosal-associated 469
lymphoma, mucosal-associated 1420
tumors 1723
of lacrimal gland 1723
follicular 1724
infiltrates, biopsy of 1419
management 1715
mimicking follicular conjunctivitis 211f
signs 1715
symptoms 1715
Lymphomatous meningitis 1560
Lymphoproliferative tumors 1715
Lymphovenous malformations 1639
Lysine 41
Mackool capsule retractors 712
Macroconidia 147
Macropinocytosis 164
central 770
chorioretinal atrophy of 890
degeneration 1851
dome-shaped 894
functional assessment of 912f
inherited dystrophies of 905
lutea 844
status of 1025
temporal 770
Macula-on detachment 1023
Macular artery branch after occlusion, superior 815f
Macular capillary telangiectasias 1423
Macular cystoid edema 731
Macular disorders 1013
Macular drag 1260
Macular dysplasia 1246f
Macular ectopia 1242
Macular exudates 988
Macular ischemia 982f
Macular leakage 827
Macular pathology 702
Macular pattern dystrophy 907
Macular region, retinoblastoma in 1269f
Macular star 988
Macular telangiectasia 790
Macular thickness map 1000f
Maculopapular rash, non-painful 1378f
drug-induced 906f
Maculorrhexis 1001
Maddox rod 1318
Magnesium hydroxide 445
Magnocellular nevi 218
Malabsorption syndromes 1503
Malattia léventinese 920
Mammilary bodies, hyperintensities of 1567
Mandibular fracture 1773
Mannose receptor 164
Mannose-binding proteins 489
Marden-Walker syndrome 1807
Marijuana 1643
Mason's trichrome 1187
Mass drug administration 388
Massachusetts eye and ear infirmary 520
Massilia timonae 1387
Mast cells 163
Maternal inheritance 176
Maxillary division 4
Maxillary nerve 1666
Maxillary sinus 1774f
McNeill-Goldmann scleral fixation ring 579
Mebendazole 1385
Mechanical eye injuries, classification of 1832f
Mechanical ptosis 1733f
Mechanical theory 896
Medial wall fracture, left 1774f
Medrysone 109
Medullary syndrome, lateral 1650
Medulloblastoma 1276f
Meesmann dystrophy 178f
Meesmann's epithelial corneal dystrophy 1186
Meesmann-Wilke syndrome 1186
Melanized fungi 149
Melanocytic intraepithelial neoplasia, conjunctival 238
Melanocytic proliferation, bilateral diffuse unilateral 990f
Melles-trained corneal surgeons 574
Memantine 1300
Membrane proteins 74
Membranectomy, peripupillary 653
Membrane-forming mucins 64
Memory cells 167
Mendelian disorders 904
Meningeal symptoms 1558
Meningococcus conjunctivitis 385f
Mental model 311f
Mental vigilance 1644
Mepivacaine 90
Mercury 408
Mesenchymal cells 227f
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 227f
Mesoblastic tissue 684
Metabolic buffer function 38
Metabolic cataracts 1220
Metabolic disease 1363
Metabolic disorders 1229
Metabolic memory 803
Metabolic optic neuropathies 1500
Metabolic toxic diseases 1549
Metacarpal phalangeal joints, erosion of 1455f
Metallic foreign body 1834f
Metalloproteinases, synthesis of 419
Metastasis 209
Metastatic adenocarcinoma 1422f
Metastatic endophthalmitis 1271
Metastatic iris lesions 976
Metastatic lesions 1696
Metastatic lymphoma 1414
Metastatic retinoblastoma 1276
Methanol 1551
Methulose 115
Methylcellulose 115
Methylene blue 119
Methylmalonic aciduria 185
Meyer's loop 1616
Microabrasion 489
Microbial flora, normal 469
Microbiology surveillance 1827
Microblepharon 1806
Microcephaly chorioretinopathy syndrome 1244
Microconidia 147
Microcorneal perforations 358
Microfilarial pathogen onchocerca volvulus 141f
Microglial cells 163
Micropulse diode laser photocoagulation 872
Micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation 1178
Micro-ribonucleic acid 245
Microsporidial infection 106
Microsporidium ceylonensis 106
Microsporifium africanum 106
Microtopia 1309f
Microvascular disease 1342
Midfacial fractures, classification of 1780f
Midperipheral atrophy 956f
Minocycline 91
Miosis, intraoperative 714
Miotic agents 118
Miotic pupil, persistently 652
Mirror artefact 774f
Mirror test 1589
Misdirection syndrome 1148f
Misfolded prion protein 1548
Mitochondria 814
Mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid 1551
Mitochondrial diseases 1550
Mitoxantrone 1542
Mixed tumor, malignant 1729
Modern cataract surgery, development of 625
Molar tooth sign 950
Molecular biology 1430
Molecular genetic testing 1241
Molecular ophthalmic pathology 197
Molecular patterns, pathogen-associated 164t
Molecular testing 198
Molteno surgery 1159
Money management 333
Monochromatic laser 795
Monochromatism 49
Monoclonal antibodies ipulimumab 1753
Monocyte-derived macrophages 163
Monofocal lens 676
Monogenic disorders 845
Mononucleosis, infectious 1740
Monovision 617
Morbillivirus 1374
Morganella morganii 125
Morning glory syndrome 1271
Morphine 1643
Mosaic corneal dystrophy 1185
Mosquito-borne arbovirus 137
Motile trophozoite 488
Motor system, guidance of 322
Movement disorder 1580
Moxalactam 95
Moyamoya disease 1291
Mucinous layer 457
Mucolipidoses, cystinosis 1227
Mucosal membrane 432
Mucous secreting cells 223f
Muller muscles 5
Multidrug-resistant strains 97
Multifactorial disease 1192
Multifocal retinitis 1359f
Multifocal serous retinal detachment 869
Multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis 1380
Multifocal subepithelial keratitis 1191
Multifocal visual evoked potential 1079f
Multiple cranial neuropathies, evidence of 1558
Multiple sclerosis, developing 1541f
Muscae volitantes 1034
cell marker, expression of 224f
ischemia, transient 1569
isolation of 1029
plane 53f
pulleys 53
Muscle-specific kinase 1566
Musculoskeletal system 1355
Mutations, types of 1266
Mutton-fat keratic precipitates 1407f
Myasthenic diplopia 1566
Myasthenic syndrome 1566
Myelodysplastic syndrome 1460
Myeloma, multiple 1516f
Myeloperoxidase 506
Myiasis 142
Myocarditis 1459
Myogenic ptosis 1675
Myokymia, superior oblique 1569
Myopathy 1564
clinical features of 889
correct 299f
evaluation trial, correction of 1209
prevalence of 887t
severity of 898
treatment of 1209
undercorrection of 1209
fundus autofluorescence of 897f
indocyanine green angiogram of 897f
optical coherence tomography of 897f
Myopic degeneration 702f
Myopic macular schisis 664f
Myopic progression, prevention of 1209t
Myopic refractive surgery 671
Myopic spectacle correction 299
Myopic staphylomata 877
Myopic tilt, severe 1473f
Nail guns 1781
Nail pitting 1378f
Naïve pachychoroid neovasculopathy 878f
Nanophthalmic eyes, choroid of 707
Narcotics 1643
Nasal field-related fibers 1284
Nasal interpalpebral region 417
Nasal lacrimal drainage system 8f
Nasal pupillary margin 417f
Nasofrontal artery 1658
Nasolacrimal canal 4
Natalizumab 1542
National Comprehensive Cancer Network 1699
Natriuretic peptide mechanism 34
Natural killer cells 163
Nature-nurture model 517
Near vision, diopters for 298
Neck pain 1558
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma 1749
Necrotic corneal stroma 204f
Necrotic intraocular retinoblastoma 1267
Necrotizing fasciitis 1736
clinical features 1736
investigations 1737
management 1737
pathophysiology 1736
risk factors 1736
Necrotizing scleritis 1366
Needle threader 332f
Nematodes 1742
Neoadjuvant intra-arterial cytoreductive chemotherapy 1725
Neonatal conjunctivitis, preventing 395
Neoplasm 1594
Neoplastic Masquerade syndrome 1414
Neoplastic optic neuropathies 1551
Neovascular complications, treatment of 833
Neovascular extension, intraretinal 740
epidemiology 1143
management 1144
pathophysiology 1144
stages of 1145t
treatment algorithm for 1145fc
Neovascular proliferation, focal 740
Neovascularization, treatment of 1144
Neovessels in angle 1145f
Nepafenac 112
Nephrotic syndrome 1456
density 521f
swelling of 1007
atrophy 772
hemorrhages 216
fiber plexus, sub-basal 521f
palsy 727
paresis of 1561
Nervous system 958
Neural filamentous structures 243f
Neurocutaneous syndromes 1811
Neuroectoderm 17
Neuroectodermal cells 19
Neurofibroma 1714
Neuroma, acoustic 357
Neuronal cell count 814
Neuronal growth factors 42
Neuro-ophthalmology 1649f
Neuroprotection 859
Neuroprotective compounds 961
Neuroretinal rim thinning 1089f
Neurosarcoidosis 1485
abnormalities 1192
deafness 1393
detachment, multiple episodes of 867
conform 882
physiology of 42
Neurosyphilis, acute 130
Neurotrophic epithelial keratitis 495
Neurotrophic ulcers 497f
Neutral buffered formalin 241
Neutral density filter 1213
Nevirapine 408
Nicotine lozenges 1643
Night myopia, symptoms of 933
Night vision distortions 606
Nitric oxide 804
Nitrofurantoin 905
Nodular episcleritis 1455
Nodular inflammatory response 511
Nodules, conjunctival 1543
Noncollagenous proteins 79
Nonconfocal system 791
Noncontact method 270
Nonepithelial tumors 221
Nonexudative choroidal hemangioma 751f
Nonfoveal fixation 328
Nonfusional divergence 58
Nonhemolytic streptococci 122
Nonhemorrhagic swelling 1496f
Nonhereditary cataracts, test for bilateral 1221b
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas 1449
Nonimmune cells 164
Noninfectious systemic diseases 1397t
Noninfectious uveitis, symptoms with 1393t
Nonkeratinizing carcinoma 228
Non-lymphoproliferative malignancies 1420
Non-nutrient agar 156
Non-sexually transmitted bacteria 390
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, chronic 357
Nonteratoid medulloepithelioma, malignant 248f
Nontreponemal tests 1378
Nontuberculous mycobacterium, Runyon classification of 128t
Noonan's syndrome 1195
Norries syndrome 1185
Nortriptyline 503
Novel techniques 579
N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine 789
N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine 907
Nucleotide polymorphisms, single 896
Numerous strabismus surgeries 1765
Nutritional optic neuropathies 1502
abducting 1332
acquired 1294
acuity function 1295
asymmetric periodic alternating 1297
certain forms of 1296
convergence retraction 1579
early onset 1296
horizontal-torsional 1574
latent 1298
like eye movements 1578
manifest latent 1298f
motility disorder 1297
ocular conditions with 1295b
pathophysiology of 1571
pendular 1298
see-saw 1576
periodic alternating 1576
pharmacologic therapy 1300
primary motor 1296
right-beating 1577
surgery 1301
jerk 1573
pendular 1575
common 1295b
early-onset 1299t
upbeat 1573
vestibular 1571
X-linked infantile 193
Oblique muscles 56
Obliterated fornix 449
Obscuring optic disk 1270f
Occipital lobe lesion 1624f
Occult choroidal neovascularization 876
Occupational therapy 326f
Ocrelizumab 1542
albinism 904
antifungal agents 99t
bacteriology 122
biochemistry 63
disease 604
treatment of 443fc
coloboma 1249
comorbidities 708
conditions 717
chronic 412
cysticercosis 142
deviation measurement 1324
dengue-related 1376
disorders 1244
factors 803
flutter 1582
fungi, transmission of 144
genetics 175
primary 493
recurrent 493
hypotensive drug 1122
immune tolerance 171
ischemia 826
signs of 828t
lubricants 114
lubricating agents 115t
microbiology 122
motility 1296
disorders 1522
restriction of 1743
abnormalities 1650
deficits 1566
neuropathies, multiple 1349
pathways for control of 1559f
physiology of 53
myasthenia 1566
mycology 143
nerve palsy 1374
neuromyotonia 1567
pain, severe 1113
parasites, classification of 138f
parasitology 138
perfusion pressure 1096
pharmacotherapy 89
phthiriasis 143
protection index 462
protozoal infections, treatment of 106
rigidity 36
rosacea 510
management of 511
surface 1839
allergies 173
cell of 171
conjunctivalization of 447f
constitutes 432
fluorescein staining of 260f
health 462
neoplasia 412
tumors 236
severity of 448t
surface chemical
hallmark clinical features of 434
injury 447f
diagnosis of 236
symptoms 1127
diagnosis of 1382
medical management of 1384t
treatment of 1384b
acute 717
epidemiology of 1831
penetrating 718f
sequelae of 716
tuberculosis 1430
virology 131
xerophthalmia, classification of 1855
Oculocerebral renal syndrome 1807
Oculocutaneous disease 436
Oculogenital contact 384
Oculogyric crisis 1582
Oculomotor nucleus 1578
Oculoparasympathetic dysfunction 1646
Oculoplastic trauma 1842
Oculosympathetic dysfunction 1648
Oculosympathetic innervation, pathway of 1643f
Oertli diathermy creates 1222f
Oestrus ovis 143
Olexiform layer 14
Oligodendrocyte, anti-myelin 1498
Oligomenorrhea 1290
Olopatadine 114
Oncocytic cells 213f
One-and-a-half syndrome 1579
Opacities disrupt visual image formation 309
Open-angle glaucoma, lens-induced 1152t
Open-sky vitrectomy 1033
Operating room ventilation 1827t
Ophthalmic antibiotics 91t
Ophthalmic division 3
Ophthalmic laboratory technician 199
Ophthalmic lenses 1825
Ophthalmic operation theater 1821
Ophthalmic trauma, management of 1831
Ophthalmic viscoelastic device 653
Ophthalmomyiasis 142
Ophthalmoplegic migraine 1564
Opographical keratoconus classification 354
Optic cup, formation of 17f
anomalies 1473t
anomalous 1472
cupping 1228
diameter 263
elevated 1479f
hyperemia 1380f
left 1474f
staining 1406
suspicious 1089f
swelling 1458
and retina, junction of 1480f
anomalous 1605
coloboma, mild 1251f
compression of 1549f
disease 1458
disorder 1295
congenital 49
edema 1477
enlargement of 1063f
extensive 1251f
normally 1250
swelling of 1007
management 1712
signs 1711
symptoms 1711
imaging 1082
melanocytoma of 985f
left 1518f
metastasis 1552
mild enhancement of right 1516f
perineuritis 1489
section, central pupillary 200f
segmentation of 1083f
management 1712
primary 1552f
signs 1712
symptoms 1712
swelling 1477
thickened 227f
triad of 1712
tumors 1513
vertical tortuosity of 1490f
acute 1496f
anterior 1496f
atypical 1497
demyelinating 1495
episode of 1541f
inflammatory 1499
pediatric 1496
amiodarone-associated 1503f
causes of 1489
common 1489
distinction of 1477
dominant 1501
infiltrative 1610f
inflammatory 1498
paraneoplastic 1553
radiation-induced 1553
right 1509f
Optic radiations 1616
Optical coherence tomography 521, 557, 562f, 661, 724, 726, 751, 763, 768, 771, 798, 799, 814, 815f, 822f, 825f, 831, 833f, 846f, 858f, 868f, 871, 886f, 895f, 918f, 936, 935, 939, 940, 942, 946, 948, 956, 993, 1007f, 1009, 1012f, 1086, 1089, 1394, 1416, 1506
principles of 766
configuration 764f
corneal 521
principles of 763
anterior segment 461f
technologies, newer 1436b
three-dimensional 997f
vertical 1007f
Optical function 39
Optical magnifiers 316
Optical problems 309
Optical rehabilitation 1245
Optical system 293
Optociliary shunt vessels 1552f
Optokinetic drum testing 1589
Optos wide-field autofluorescence 940
antibiotics 463
antifungals 485
drugs 500t
role of 500
contraceptives 812
corticosteroids 1456
mucosal epithelial transplantation, cultivated 452
prednisone 1441
and periorbital region, arterial supply of 1658f
apertures of 4t
bony structure 1655
congenital disorders of 1806
vasculature of 5
Orbital abscess 1734
Orbital anatomy 3
Orbital blood supply 1658
Orbital blowout fractures 1845
right 1743f
Orbital compartment syndrome 1772
Orbital contents, herniation of 1774f
Orbital cysticercosis 1742
Orbital dermoid in left zygomaticofrontal suture 1813f
Orbital echinococcosis 1743
Orbital exenteration 1790
Orbital fibroblasts 1757
Orbital foramen 4
Orbital foreign bodies 1753
Orbital inflammatory disorders 1747
Orbital innervation 1659
Orbital lymphatics 1659
Orbital malignant fibrous histiocytoma 225f
Orbital meningioma 226f
Orbital myositis 1522
Orbital neuroblastoma 1717
Orbital pain 826
Orbital pilocytic astrocytoma 227
Orbital processes 1522
Orbital pseudotumor 1508
Orbital radiotherapy 1763
Orbital septum 7
Orbital symptoms 1558
Orbital tissues 1579
Orbital tuberculosis 1741
Orbital vein, superior 1656
Orbital walls 3t
Orbitary retinoblastoma 1268f
Orbitomalar ligament release 1674
Orbitomalar suspension 1674
Organ-cultured human eyes 1133
Organic vision loss 1593f
Origin of sixth nerve 1559f
Orthomyxoviridae 136
Orthoptic examination 604
Oscillatory potentials 957
Osseous deformity, radiation-induced 1280f
Osteogenesis imperfecta 517
Osteosarcoma 1266
Outer retina, atrophy of 1003f
Ox eye 1226
Oxacillin 158
Oxidation products 907
Oxidized glutathione 77
Oxycodone 1643
Oxyhemoglobin 1532
Oxytetracycline 91
Ozurdex 1440
Pachymetric index 354
Pagetoid invasion 233
Palpebral arteries, medial 1658
Palpebral conjunctiva, exposure of 1678
Pancoast tumor 1650
Pancreas carcinoma, metastasis of 210f
Panel tests 50
Pannus 631
Panophthamitis 123
Panretinal laser treatment, intraoperative 1050
Papillae, conjunctival 1786
Papillomacular bundle 1069
Papillomatous lesion, conjunctival 211f
Papovaviruses 134
Paracentesis wound 679
Paracentral acute middle maculopathy, typical features of 824t
Paracentral defect 1069
Paracentral scotomas, configuration of 328
Parafovea, region of 790
Parafoveal rings 793
Parafoveal tumor, larger 1269f
Paramyxoviridae 1374
Paraneoplastic diseases 1553
Parasellar anatomy 1528f
Parasellar meningioma 1553
Parasympathetic denervation hypersensitivity 1647
Parasympathetic nerves 24
Paresis 1343
Paresthesia 1393
Parietal brain lesion, right 1623f
Parietal tumor 1273f
Parinaud's syndrome 1579
Parkinson's disease 1580
Pashayan syndrome 1807
Patch test 1319
Patchy chorioretinal atrophy 891f
Peak visual symptoms 872
Pediculosis palpebrarum 143
Pediculus humanus capitis 143
Peek sign 1566
Pelli-Robson score 47
Pelvic ganglia 1553
Penetrating injury 1832
Penetrating trauma 716
Penicillamine 1504
Penicillinase-resistant penicillins 97
Penicillium marneffei 153
and orbscan 344f
axial curvature map 348f
derives 344
pachymetry map 353f
refractive map 356f
topography refractive quad map 347f
Peptide, calcitonin gene-related 173
Percutaneous injury 1377
Perfluorocarbon liquid 1027
Perfluoropropane 1028
Perforating injury 1832
Perhexiline maleate 539
Pericarditis 1459
Perifoveal vitreous detachment 994
Perilimbal edema 106
Perimetry testing 934
chemotherapy 1280
injectable steroids 108
region 1822
sebaceous gland carcinoma 232
skin lesions 1692
triamcinolone 1765
xanthogranuloma 1749
Periorbital capillary hemangioma 1705
Periorbital ecchymosis 1553
Periorbital edema 446
Periorbital fascia 1656
Periorbital infections 1732
Periorbital tissues 1742t
Periostitis, classical 1741
Peripapillary arterial loop 817
Peripapillary atrophy 1360f
Peripapillary nerve fiber 912
Peripheral chorioretinal atrophy 940f
Peripheral choroidal neovascularization 756f
Peripheral Dalen Fuch's nodules 1360f
Peripheral drusen 848
Peripheral field defects 324
Peripheral granuloma 1384
Peripheral iris 1108f
Peripheral macula 911
Peripheral nerves, aberrant regeneration of 1652
Peripheral nonperfusion 799
Peripheral ring lesion 490f
Peripheral sclerocornea 684
Peripheral subepithelial hypertrophic degeneration 536
Peripheral vasculitis 1380f
Peripheral visual field, severe concentric 1626f
Peripheral vitrectomy 1027
Periphery retina, near 265
Periphlebitis 1406
Perisac tissues 1802
Perkins tonometer 1151
Peroxisomal disorders 1247
Perspex inspired 657
Petechial rash 1478
Petechial subconjunctival hemorrhage 1376
Petrosal sinuses, inferior 1629
Phacoanaphylactic glaucoma 1153
clinical examination 1153
diagnosis 1153
management 1153
pathogenesis 1153
Phacodonesis 678
Phacolysis 1364
Phacomorphic glaucoma 1153
clinical examination 1153
diagnosis 1153
management 1154
pathophysiology 1153
Phagocytosis 41
Phakic intraocular lens 615
Pharmacotherapy, intravitreal 806
Phenol red thread test 461
Phenothiazine 539,