Textbook of Dental Materials Vijay Prakash
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abrasion 107, 542
cutting procedure 108
grinding procedure 108
polishing procedure 108
procedures, types of 108
rate of 108
resistance 64, 198
adequate 211
types of 107
Abrasive 109, 542
blinding 111
brushes 113
classification of 110
disk 112, 112f, 113, 113f
grits 110
classification of 110
hardness of 109
in dentistry, uses of 109
instrument design 110
material, type of 117
motion 113
planar motion 113
reciprocal motion 113
rotary motion 113
natural 113
strips 113
synthetic 113, 117
types of 113
classification of 515
transmucosal 515
Accelerator 542
Acellular cementum 337
Achromatopsia 542
Acid base reaction 165, 542
etch technique 243, 542
etchant 246
application of 244f
over prepared cavity 282f
etching 281, 513
procedure of 245, 245f
technique 244f
Acidic primers 254
Acidulated phosphate fluoride 495
Acrylic copolymers 208
Acrylic denture 212f
base resins 27
teeth 206f
Acrylic polishing kit 121f
Acrylic prosthesis 116f
Acrylic resin 17, 30, 121, 184, 185f, 207, 242
advantages 208
applications 184
crazing in 201f
disadvantages 208
properties 208
uses 207
Activator-initiator system 260, 262
Additive manufacturing 387f
advantages of 390
disadvantages of 390
Adenosine triphosphate 337
Adhesion 298, 542
concept of 240
factors influencing 241
failure of 205, 242
mechanisms of 240
steps in formation of 241f
clean surface 241f
close adaptation 241f
curing of adhesive 241f
good bonding 241f
wetting by adhesive 241f
types of 240
Adhesive 210, 247, 542
bonding 542
failure 242
resin 326
restorations, indirect 255
technique, based on 323
Adipocytes 536
Adsorption adhesion 240
Adult stem cells 536
Adverse reaction 542
Agar 133, 134, 134t, 543
alginate combination technique 136
diffusion testing 38
hydrocolloid 133, 134f, 136, 137, 143
advantages 135
applications 133
disadvantages 135
impression materials 133
manipulation of 134
material 136
Air abrasion 369f
polishing 122f
technology 121, 121f
advantages 122
disadvantages 122
uses 122
Air inclusion porosity 200
Air particle abrasion 542
Alcohol 72, 351
Alginate 131, 137, 138, 142, 157
chromatic 142
color indicator 142
composition of 138t
containing disinfectants 142
dispensing of 140
hydrocolloid 139
impression 139
disinfection of 142
material 138f
troubleshooting in 143t
manipulation of 141f
mixing of 140
thickness of 139
Alginic acid, chemical formula of 137f
Alkali metal 397
Alkaline earth metals 397
Alkyl benzoate 134
All ceramic
fabrication, methods of 378, 378t
restorations, classification of 377
Allergic reaction 35, 36, 38, 39, 44, 45f, 211
Allergy 543
Allograft materials 520f
Alloplast, benefits of 520
Alloplastic graft materials 521f
Alloy 396, 543
admixed 219, 220f, 222
classification of 400
color of 406
delivery system of 229
electrolytic precipitate 349
advantages 349
disadvantages 349
melting range of 463
particles 228
size of 225
pellets 431f
powder, manufacturing of 220
shrinkage 87
strengthening mechanisms 403
system 399, 400f, 543
type of 401
temperature of 439
types of 87, 235, 414, 432t
Alloying elements, function of 408
Alloying metals, functions of 220
Alumina 312, 366
based ceramic, cementation for 392
ceramic 26
modified cements 306
silicate gel, set cement consists of 297f
ceramic liner 428
polyacrylic acid 310
Aluminous core 379f
ceramics 378
Aluminum 20
fluoride 312
ions 313
oxide 109, 118, 118f, 521
phosphate 312
Amalgam 43, 104, 109, 342, 488, 543
advantages 104
alloy 219
types of 220f
classification of 219
composition 104
delayed expansion of 226f
disadvantages 104
factors affecting quality of 228
hardening rate 225
high-copper 221t, 226t
low-copper 221t, 226t
non-zinc containing 219
particle geometry 219
polishing of 233f
quality of 223
restoration 218f
carving of 233f
failure 235
microleakage in 227, 227f
polishing of 119f
strength of 224
success of 228
traditional 227f
American Dental Association 6, 6f, 100, 136, 293, 294, 406
Amine, tertiary 193, 194
Amorphous silica, dispersion of 258
Animal test 39
advantages of 40
disadvantages of 40
limit test 39
maximization 40
types of 39t
Ankylosis 543
Antibiotics 479, 481
Anticariogenic properties 297, 315
Anticariogenicity 319
Antimicrobial activity 478
Antiplaque agent 492, 493
Apatite 543
Apexification procedure 335
Apical root portion 488f
Argon laser lamp 267
Arkansas stone 114
natural 114f
Artiste nano-hybrid composite 288f
Ash's tube teeth 4f
Atomic diffusion 12, 444
Atomic structural arrangements 12f
crystalline 12f
noncrystalline 12f
Atraumatic restorative
technique 328, 328f
treatment 327, 543
Au-Ag system 399
Austenite 449
Austenitic steel 450, 452, 453, 453f
composition 452
properties of 453
Australian Dental Standards Laboratory 7
Auto glaze 543
Auto polymer 543
Autocatalytic reaction 165, 304
Autogenous graft 543
Autograft 519, 543
Automated mixing equipment 148f
Automatic cartridge 157
Automixing guns 148, 148f, 153
Autopolymerizing resin 543
Auxiliary dental material 51, 543
Bacitracin 481
Back pressure porosity 441, 544
gram-negative 481
gram-positive 481
Bakelite dentures 174f
Barcol hardness test 31
Barium 312
sulfate 336, 483
Barnsdall wax 75
Base forming resin 197
Base metal alloy 411, 415418, 544
classification of 416, 416fc
melting of 435
Base paste 164
Baseplate 544
wax 81, 544
classification of 81
uses 81
Basket endosteal dental implant 544
Beeswax 76, 544
animal wax 76
synthetic wax 76
Beilby layer 110, 120, 544
Bench curing, rationale of 190
Benzoyl peroxide 186, 247, 274
Beta tricalcium phosphate 497
Beta-titanium 458f
alloys 449, 457
advantages 458
composition 457
disadvantages 458
properties 457
Beta-tricalcium phosphate 497f
Bezold-Brucke effect 15
Bilayered technique 326
Binary metal alloy 544
Binder material 86
type of 86
Bioactive ceramics 521
Bioactive materials 534
advantages of 523
disadvantages of 523
Bioadhesion 544
Biocompatibility test 38f, 41
order of 38f
Biocompatible metal 509
Biocompatible tissue implants, bioprinting of 389
Bioglass 522
material 522f
Bioinert ceramics 521
Biomimetic 544
materials 532
precipitation 513, 514
Bio-Oss graft material 522f
Bioprinting, essential components of 390f
Bisbiguanide antiseptics 492, 493
Bismuth 488
subcarbonate 483
Bisphenol A 186, 271, 549
glycidyl dimethacrylate 260
glycidyl methacrylate 498
Bite registration
paste 168
tray 130, 130f
wax 83, 83f
Bite wax 544
Black's roughened casting 439f
agents 502
classification of 503
drawbacks of 504
materials 492, 502
composition 502
Blue inlay casting wax 77f
Body porcelain 366
Bond strength 248
testing methods, classification of 248
Bonded abrasives 110, 111, 111f
mechanism of 111
Bonded amalgam 234
advantages 235
disadvantages 235
restorations 255
Bonded-base technique 282
Bonding 239, 544
advantages of 240
agent 239, 246, 247, 544
classification of 250
fifth-generation 253f
fourth-generation 252f
functions of 243
seventh-generation 254f
sixth-generation 253f
use of 240
evolution of 239
mechanism 253f, 294t, 367
chemical bonding 368
compressive forces 367
mechanical interlocking 367
type of 294
resin, application of 281
type of 10
Bone augmentation
materials 518, 531
classification of 519
mechanism of 518
Bone factors 513
Bone graft 519
allograft 520
autogenous 519
material 518, 519, 532
substitutes 519521
ceramics 520
xenografts 520
Bone morphogenetic proteins 533
Borax 134
glass 464
Boric acid 464
Boric oxide 365
Bowen's resin 258
Boxing wax 82, 544
advantages 82
procedure 82
properties 82
Bridge 298
material 210
Brilliant coltene 287
Brinell and Rockwell test 28
Brinell hardness 29t
test 28
Brittle materials 26f
Brush heap structure 139f
Buehler test 40
Bulk discoloration 269
Bulk reduction 545
and contouring 109
Bur 545
Burnishing 233, 355
Burnout 545
procedure 430
process and casting 431
temperatures 430t
Butyl benzene 483
Butylated hydroxytoluene 262
CAD-CAM 286, 545
ceramic 545
milling, procedure of 386
prosthesis, milling procedure of 386
systems 386
Calcific barrier formation 337
Calcination 545
methods of 54
aluminate 320
carbonate 465
enriched mixture 489
fluoride 312
acts 312
hydroxide 46, 294, 334, 335, 335f, 336,336f, 338, 479, 480, 480f, 483
applications 335
cavity 335f
cement 46t
classification of 336, 481
light-activated 337, 338f
pH of 481
root canal sealer paste 338f
monofluorophosphate 340
phosphate 521
cement 545
polyalkenoate complex 315
sulfate 523
bone graft material 523f
dihydrate 138, 488
hemihydrate 59
tungstate 336
Calibration, type of 485
Camphorated monochlorophenol 479, 480f
Camphorquinone 265, 268, 545
Canal instrumentation
extent of 475
technique of 475
Cancer cells 535
Candelilla wax 76, 78
Candida albicans, colonization of 204
Cantilever array sensors 534
Capillary assisted technology 373
Caprylate sodium 481
Captek crowns 373f
Captek system 373
Carbamide peroxide 503
Carbon 510
compounds 517
crucible 431
fiber 545
silicon compounds 517
steel 449, 449f
Carboxylic acid 168
recurrent 286
cause 286
management 286
Carius dentin, remineralization of 337
Carnauba wax 75, 77
composition 76
properties 76
Casein phosphopeptide 496, 497
Cast 545
care for 68
components 471f
disinfectant for 68f
joining technique 470
metal 363
partial denture 416f
frameworks 407t
Castable ceramic crowns 379f
Castable glass ceramic 379
Castable porcelain 363
Casting 424, 432
accuracy 411
alloys 45, 45t
classification of 406, 408
different 29t
for all metal 407t
mechanical properties of 407t
requirements for 405
type of 407
crucible 431, 432f
types of 431
defects 424, 437
classification of 438
discoloration 438
distortion 438
irregularities 438
surface roughness 438
distortion of 438
high-melting alloys, investment for 93
laws of 436
air entrapment 437
button 436
force 437
heat source 437
investment 436
margins 437
orientation 436
pattern position 436
quenching 437
reducing zone of flame 437
setting time 437
shrinkage 436
spruing 436
surface tension 436
turbulence 436
wax elimination 437
machine 432
type of 432
metal alloys 431
pickling of 435f
pressure 439
procedure 424
investing procedure 429
ring 89f, 545
length of 436
liner 428, 429f
shrinkage 86, 87
compensation of 87
surface preparation of 418
wax 545
Catalyst 149, 164, 545
paste 152, 545
putty 545
base, indications of 333
design 228
liner 339, 545
composition 340
manipulation 340
properties 340
types of 340
use of 281
varnish 338, 338f, 339f, 545
applications 338
composition 339
manipulation 339
properties 339
Cell 535
death 535
transplantation 535
Cellulose acetate 545
Cellulose liner 428
Cement 545
bases 333
types of 333
thickness 545
type of 294, 294t, 335
Cementoenamel junction 282
Cementum 30
Centrifugal casting machine 432, 432f
Ceramic 5, 510, 545, 546
blank, milling of 387f
classification of 521
fluxes 297
frits 545
glaze 546
implant 528
inlays 363
oligomers, organically modified 287
onlays 363
pressable 546
prosthesis, bonding of 324
restoration 120, 377, 392f
bonding of all 325f
types of 361, 366
Cerec system 391, 391f
Ceresin 78
wax 75
Cerium oxide 365
Cermet 546
cement 317, 318f
Chalk 114, 114f
Charcoal 464
Charpy type impact tester 25
Chelating agent 477, 477f
adhesion 240
cure composites 265
benefits over 265
cure resin 266t
cement 325
plaque control agents 492
protection 293
tempering 376
vapor deposition 5
Chemically activated system 262, 264
Chloramination reaction 477
Chlorhexidine 493
gluconate 477
mouthwash 493f
properties 493
side effects 493
uses 493
Chlorine dioxide 157
Chondroblasts 536
Chondrogenesis 546
Chroma 546
Chromatic stone 69
Chromium 20
Cinefluoroscopy 546
Citric acid 478
Clay 364
Clearfil bond system 239
Clinpro tooth crème 497f
Closed sandwich technique 282
Cobalt oxide 365
Cobalt-chromium 417, 418
alloy 30, 417, 546
composition of 416
molybdenum alloy 516
advantages 516
disadvantages 516
nickel alloys 449, 454
Cohesive 546
failure 242
gold foil 347, 355
cross-section of 347f
strength 546
bend test 27
cure resins 193, 194f, 203
mold seal, application of 188f
welding 352, 546
Collagen fibrils 244
collapse of 323
Colloid 546
Colloidal silica 261
particles 274
Colloidal theory 58
blindness 15, 546
coded resilon points 487f
constancy 546
deficiency 546
difference equations 546
measuring systems 16
pigments 263
Coloring pigments 260
Compacted gold
properties of 356
density 356
hardness 356
strength 356
voids 356
Compacting direct filling gold, technique for 355
Compaction 546
Complex dental alloys 397
Compomer 320, 321f, 546, 547
restorative resin 279f
Composite 546
classification of 264f
conventional 273
core buildup 279
curing system, light-activated 265f
fiber-reinforced 280, 281, 281f
flowable 277
advantages 277
composition 277
disadvantages 277
properties 277
hybrid 275
composition 275
properties 276
light-cured 553
microhybrid 280
nanohybrid 276
composition 277
packable 278
advantages 278
compomers 279
composition 278
disadvantages 278
indications 278
properties 278
photocured 553
photoinitiated 553
polishing kit 284f
posterior 280
provisional restorative 280
advantages 280
disadvantages 280
uses 280
requirements for core buildup 279
resin 18, 27, 268, 271, 320, 342
application of 286
automatically repairing crack in 533f
based 44t, 114, 558
bonded micromechanically 245f
components of 260f
hardening of 270
longevity of 269
material, evolution of 258
placement of 283f
polyacid-modified 320
polymerization shrinkage of 271
radiopacity in 269
setting of 270
types of 273f, 288
use of 270
wear of 270
restorations 283, 284f
microleakage in 271f
polishing of 120f
polymerization shrinkage of 272f
repairing of 284
restorative materials 258
advantages 259
applications 259
classification of 263
clinical manipulation 281
composition 259
contraindications 259
disadvantages 259
ideal requirements 259
management 284
properties 268
troubleshooting 284
uses 259
small particle-filled 275
composition 275
properties 275
types of 273, 279
Compression molding technique 187
strength 546
stress 547
Computer-aided manufacturing ceramics 384
Concentration cell 547
corrosion 21
Condensation 546
silicone 151, 242
impression material 152f
foot 354f
parallelogram 354f
round 354f
types of 354f
Conical flame
combustion zone 434
mixing zone 434
oxidizing zone 435
reducing zone 434
zones of 434
Contact dermatitis 212f
Contouring and finishing
improper 285
causes 285
management 285
Contouring resin 197
Conventional glass ceramics, cementation for 392
block 544
branched 178, 551
random 178
Copolymerization 181, 181f
types 181
Copper 20, 220, 397
alloy, high 219, 228
amalgam, high 222
composition of 102t
electrolytic bath 102
oxide 365
Copy milling 363, 547
method 386, 386f
advantages 386
disadvantages 386
Core ceramic 547
Corrective wax 547
Corrosion 19, 226
causes of 19
chemical 547
classification of 19
electrochemical 19
products 227f
resistance 406
wet 19
Cortical grafts 519
Corticosteroids 479, 481
Corundum 114, 114f
Coupling agent 260, 262, 547
Covalent bonding 10, 10f
Crack propagation, disruption of 377
causes 201
mechanism 201
Creep 14, 201
rates, factors influencing 226
time 547
Crevice corrosion 547
Cristobal plus 287
Cross-linked polymer 178, 179f
Crown 298, 416
aluminous 379
anterior 363
removal of 23f
temporary 210
Crucible former 547
Crystal containing glass 363
Crystal imperfection 445
Crystal lattice structure 398f
Crystalline 258, 348, 363
cristobalite 364
forms 383f
mineral leucite 364
quartz 364
solids 11
structure 11
tridymite 364
nuclei of 399
theory 58
Crystals, needle-shaped 60f
Cubic arrangements, types of 11
chemical reaction 547
methods of 264
Custom made mouth guard 502f
Decay resistant teeth 531
Deep gingival preparation 285
Degassing 350, 369, 547
methods of 350, 351
objectives of 350
Dendritic microstructure 399, 548
adhesive, clinical applications of 254
alloys, precious 412t
amalgam 17, 18, 27, 30, 44t, 119, 217,221, 224, 397, 548
advantages 219
composition 219
compressive strength 224
condensation 224
contraindications 218
creep 226
disadvantages 219
history 217
indications 218
manipulation of 229
mercury content 224
phases in 221t
properties 223
restorations, failure of 235
setting reaction 221
strength 223
tensile strength 224
trituration 224
applications 53
bonding agents, use of 255
caries 121f, 496
casting 405
casting alloys 403, 405, 410
investment 85
cement 292
biocompatibility 293
bonding 295
classification 294
consistency 293
film thickness 293
general properties 293
requirements for 292, 293fc
retention 295
selection of 295
setting time 293
solubility 293
strength 293
types of 295t
use of 294
viscosity 293
working time 293
ceramic 17, 18, 30, 45, 46t, 361, 363, 364, 548
basic structure 363
classification of 363
general properties 362
primary limitation of 410
selection of 377
composite 262, 548
curing of 264
devices, classification of 6, 37t
fluxes, commonly used 464
biocompatibility of 523
biomechanics in 523
classification of 510
components of 515, 515f
endosseous 531
implant material 509
advantages 512
contraindications 512
indications 512
relative contraindications 512
impression wax 547
inlay casting wax, classification of 78
laser, types of 469
materials 3, 12, 25, 27, 30t, 485, 527
adverse effects of 35, 35f
biocompatibility of 34
classification of 5, 35
common 17t, 18t
evaluation of 6
exposure of 35
history of 3
preventive 5, 557
properties of 9
recent trends in 507
requirements for 5
safely and effectively 47
science of 3
tensile strength of 26t
toxicity of 36f
plaque 492
control aids, classification of 492
plaster 66, 548
porcelain 26, 361, 393
stages of 371
prophylaxis paste 122
pulp 536f
stem cells 536
resins, requisites for 175
sensitivity 499
classification of 463
corrosion resistance 466
fusion temperature 466
hard solders 463
mechanical properties 466
properties of 466
requirements of 462
soft solders 463
spot welder 469f
standard organizations 7
stem cells 536, 536f
stone 56, 66, 100, 548
and plaster, manufacture of 54
casts made with 56f
types of 69
wax 72, 548
classification of 74
components of 73t
composition 72
ductility 74
flow 74
general properties 73
mechanical properties 73
melting range 73
natural 74
residual stress 74
thermal expansion 73
uses 72
Dentifrices 122
abrasiveness of 122
composition 122
functions 122
selection of 122
Dentin 109, 252, 366
etching of 244
treatment of 243
and enamel porcelain application 371
barrier testing 39
bonding agents 44, 242, 245, 246,250, 548
fifth-generation 252
first-generation 250
fourth-generation 251
properties of 248
second-generation 251
seventh-generation 254
sixth-generation 253
third-generation 251
bonding substrate 243
conditioner 478, 548
hypersensitivity 254, 530
organ 356
porcelain 372f
resiliency of 284
stress strain diagram of 24f
structure of 242
Dentinal adhesive 273
Dentinoenamel junction 243
Dentistry 43
alloy in 397
branch of 475
evidence-based 537
ionic bonding 10
nanotechnology in 530
setting expansion in 66
acrylic 30
base materials 171
classification of 185
requirements of 185
base polished 121f
base resins 47, 47t, 184, 200t
light-activated 197
polymerization of 190
properties of 198
base strength, reduction in 204
cleansers 124, 124f, 205, 206f
polymers 173
soft liner 548
warpage 186
Deoxyribonucleic acid 534
Desorption 350, 548
methods of 351
Devitrification 547
Dew point 548
Diacrylate monomer 265
Diaket 489
Diametral tensile strength 314
abrasives 112
bur cleaned 112f
cleaning stone 112f
natural 114, 114f
Diatomaceous earth 138
Dibutyl phthalate 149, 194
plasticizers 186
Dicalcium silicate 488, 548
Dicor, physical properties of 380, 380t
Die 100, 547, 548
materials 100, 101f
requirements of 100
type of 211
preparation portion of 101f
spacer 101
stone 56, 57f, 66, 69
high expansion 57
systems, classification of 100
Diffusible gas firing 363
Diffusion 12, 548
adhesion 240
Digital data, collection of 385f
Dilatant liquids 13
Dimensional stability 136
molecule 268
resin 64, 295
Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate 180
Dimethyl-para-toluidine 193
Direct cell culture 38
Direct current arc melting machine 433, 433f
Direct filling gold 29, 345f
biological considerations of 356
classification of 346
compaction of 352
condensation of 352
materials 352
objectives of 352
physical properties of 356t
restoration 354
types of 347fc, 348
underheating of 352
Direct gold restorations 344
Direct ink writing 389
Direct metal laser sintering 389, 548
Direct pulp capping 341f
Direct restorative material 5, 215, 548
Direct wax technique 548
Dislocation 548
Dissolution-precipitation theory 58
Donovan's classification 295
Double mixture amalgam 231
Dough forming time 190
Dressing procedure 111
Dry corrosion 19
Dry ice, formation of 9
Dual cartridge system 153
Dual cure resin 267, 267f, 549
cement 326
fracture 549
materials 26f
metals 446
Ductility, measurement of 27
Duplicating materials 142
classification of 143
Duraphat and fluor protector 339
Dust free alginates 142
Dynamic mixing tip 153
Dynamic young's modulus 27
Edentulous arches 157
Edentulous jaws 510
impression materials 133
limit 23, 549
memory 549
modulus 23, 26, 26t, 27t, 421, 549
strain 549
Elasticity, modulus of 199, 314, 319, 406, 549, 553
Elastomer 549
recent advances in 157
behavior of 148
properties of 149f
Elastomeric impression 157
disinfection of 157
material 24, 146, 549
classification of 146
removal of 149f
Electrical degassing 352
advantages 352
disadvantage 352
Electrical resistance-heated casting machine 432
Electrochemical corrosion 19f
Electroformed dies 102
advantages 103
disadvantages 103
procedure 102
Electrolytic corrosion, types of 20
Electron cloud 9
Electroplated dies 102, 102f
procedure 102
Electrostatic adhesion 241
Elements, periodic table of 397f
Elgiloy 454
composition of 455
wire 455, 455f
Embryonic germ cells 536
Enamel 109, 366
acid treatment of 243
adhesion, advantages of 245
after etching, surface of 244f
boding agent forming resin tags 245f
crystals, surface of 494
dentin bonding agents generations 250f
fracture of 271
stress strain diagram of 24f
structure of 242
Endodontic 529
cements 13
instrumentation 457f
irrigant 476
materials 473, 475
treatment 475, 481
part of 475
usage test 40
Endosteal implant 510, 511f, 549
Epithelial implant 511, 549
Epoxy resin 211
advantages 211
application of 64
die material 103
advantages 103
disadvantages 103
disadvantages 211
Esters 72
Esthetic 297, 549
properties 175
restorations 258
Estrogenicity 549
Etch and rinse
adhesives 250
resin cement 323
technique 243
Etchant 246, 549
Etched enamel rods 245f
Etching time 244
Ethyl alcohol 152, 168
Ethyl silicate bonded investment 95, 430
diamine-tetraacetic acid 246, 477, 478
toluene sulfonamide 336
Eugenol 482
alloy 20, 400, 401
temperature of 401
composition, characteristic of 401
liquid composition 401
reaction 401
system 402
Excess cement, removal of 309
Exothermic reaction 60, 180
Extrafine polishing pastes 284
Extrinsic stain, combination of 503
E-Z gold 350
complete dentures 185f
metal-ceramic restorations 414f
Factors influencing setting time 62
manufacturing process 62
mixing and spatulation 62
modifiers 62
temperature 62
viscosity 63
water/powder ratio 62
Fatigue strength 199
Fats 76
Feldspathic porcelain 27, 30, 242, 363, 366, 549
alkali ions, cases of 363
phase of 364
Ferrite 449
Ferritic stainless steel 450
Fiber-reinforced composite resin 549
Fibrointegration 511, 511f
Fibrous gold 346
Filler 247, 549
content, type of 287
particle 247, 260, 270
advantages 260
conventional 273f
hybrid 273f
latest trend 260
microfilled 273f
size 270
types of 273f, 275
types of 261, 287
Filling gold, direct 344, 350
advantages 345
contraindications 345
disadvantages 346
general properties 345
uses 345
Final restoration, glazing of 373f
Final set amalgam 223f
Fine grit aluminum oxide 418f
Finished metal-ceramic restoration 373f
Finishing and polishing 205, 355
agents 106
kits 107f
procedure 110, 119, 283
rationale of 106
Finishing metal alloys 116f
Firing cycles, minimize number of 375
Fixed partial dentures 363, 381, 416
Flexible die materials 103
advantages 104
disadvantage 104
Flowable composite resin 277f, 550
denture base resins 13
resin technique 195, 196f
Fluorapatite crystals 493
Fluorescence 16, 550
Fluoride 492, 494
containing toothpaste 496
delivery of 495t
fluxes 464
functions of 494f
gel 500
ions, release of 315f
recharging 550
small crystallites of 313
varnish 339, 340f, 495, 500
Fluoro-boroaluminosilicate glass, multifunctional 322
Fluorosis 494f
Flux 550
classification of 464
Formaldehyde 480
Formocresol 479, 480f, 550
strength 550
toughness 199, 550
Fuel, type of 465
Fusion temperature 161, 550
Gallium 410
alloys 235
corrosion 20, 550
shock 20, 20f, 550
Garnet 115, 115f
Gas air torch 465f
Gastrointestinal tract 495
Gel strength, factors influencing 139
Gelation 550
time, control of 141
Genotoxic effects 37
Gillmore needle 61, 61f
Gillmore test 60, 61
Gingiva, irritation of 504
Gingival surgery, nonosseous 529
Giomer 322, 322f
classification of 322
Glass ceramic 363, 379, 550
lithia-based 363
Glass infiltrated
alumina 325, 363, 366
ceramic 551
spinel 363, 366
zirconia 366
Glass ionomer 271, 294, 320, 333, 498
bond, resin-modified 295
cavity base 334f
cement 18, 47, 47t, 295, 310, 312f, 314, 315f, 320, 333335, 342, 528, 550
bonding mechanism of 314f
classification of 311
mixing of 316, 316f
resin-modified 311, 318, 318f, 319
setting of 314
use of 272
liner 281, 282
materials 281
pre-reacted 322
properties of 312
reaction of 279
resin-modified 295, 318, 333, 335
restoratives 254, 528
sealers 484
Glass transition temperature 550
Glazed ceramic 120f, 363, 551
acidified 157
neutral 157
Glycol dimethacrylate 194
cross-linking agents 186
Gold 18, 20
alloy 30, 119, 242, 410
classification of 354
common features of 354
types of 354
content in carat and fineness 408t
crown 408f
foil 342, 346, 356, 470f
box 347, 350f
cohesive 346
cylinders 347
degassing of 352f
noncohesive 346
pellets 347
sheets of 346
size of pellets of 348f
type of 348
framework 361f
alloy 413, 413f
silver alloys 413
pellet 353
degassed 351f
platinum palladium alloys 413
decline in direct 357
direct 356
polished 120f
restorative materials 344
solders 466
melting range of 466
Graft 178, 551
copolymer 178f
type of 519
Grain 551
boundary 398, 551
growth 551
refiners 399, 403
Granular gold 349
cross-section of 349f
Granular porosity 200
Green dentistry 536, 537f
Green stick compound 164, 164f
Grossman's formula 482, 483f
Gutta-percha 485, 486f, 551
chemically softened 485
classification of 485
cold 485
disinfection of 487
lubricate 482f
nonstandardized 485
points 486f
removal of 487
standardized 485
thermoplasticized 485, 486
use of 486
Gypsum 53, 67f, 100, 109
advantages 101
bonded investment 86, 430
classification of 88, 93
limitations of 92
material 88, 88f, 90f
properties of 90
dimensional stability 64
disadvantages 101
factors influencing surface hardness 64
infection control 67
manipulation of 66
hand mixing 66
mixing 66
proportioning 66
vacuum mixing 67
material 101f
products 12, 17, 53
disposal of 68
properties 57
setting time 60
storage of 68
types of 55, 55t, 56
uses 53
waste 68
reproduction of detail 64
resin-modified 211
setting of 61
strength of 63
surface hardness of 64
synthetic 57
type of 100
Halogens 479
Haptics technology 551
Hard and soft set alginates 142
Hard gold alloys 109
Hardness tests, classification of 28
abutment 551
cap 515
casting machine 432f
cured acrylic resins 185f
cured denture base resins 185
pressed ceramic 551
crowns 381f
temperature vulcanizing silicones 209
Heterogeneous nucleation 399, 551
Heterografts 520
Hexagonal close packed 446
High copper
admixed amalgam 223f
amalgam, tensile strength of 224t
single composition amalgam 224f
High density alloy 436f
High fusing
ceramics 551
feldspathic porcelain 378
porcelain 364
solder 551
High heat technique 87
High impact resistant resins 193, 193f
High noble metal alloy 406, 411, 551
High quality direct gold restorations 344
High viscosity glass ionomer cement 551
Homogeneous nucleation 399, 552
Homopolymer 178f
branched 178
Hot-pressed ceramic 546
Human exfoliated deciduous teeth 536
Hybrid composite
properties of 276
resin 263, 276f
Hybrid ionomer 318, 319, 551
Hybrid layer 239, 243
Hybridization theory 249
Hydration theory 58
Hydraulic cement 320
Hydrocarbon, organic polymers consisting of 72
Hydrochloric acid 513
solution 435
Hydrocolloid 133, 142, 142t, 551
composition of 134, 134t
chambers of 135f
with three compartments 134f
reversible 133, 558
types of 133
Hydrofluoric acid 246, 324, 325
Hydrogen 20, 465
bonding 10, 11
bridges, formation of 11
containing siloxane 154
molecule 10
peroxide 477, 503
Hydrophobic adhesive resin 323
Hydroquinone 181, 194
inhibitor 186
Hydroxyapatite 211, 521, 534
ceramics 551
crystals 514, 521f
consists of 243
nanoparticles 531
Hydroxyethyl methacrylate 318, 337, 551
Hydroxyl ions, release of 481
Hygroscopic expansion 551
factors influencing 90
Hygroscopic setting
condition 65
expansion 66, 87, 90, 552
Hypereutectic alloys 402
Hypochlorites 206
Hypoeutectic alloys 402
Hypoplastic defects, restoration of 259
Implant 552
abutment connection 516
bioactivity of 514
body 515
design 513, 524
diameter 513, 524
endosseous 511
healing process in 514
length 513, 524
location of 513
materials 509, 516
advantages 516
disadvantages 516
stainless steel 516
number of 513, 524
shape 513
success criteria of 516
surface treatment of 513
treatment 531
type of 511
Implantation tests 39
compound 157, 161, 161f
classification of 161
composition of 162, 162t
disinfection of 163, 168
making 135
materials 47, 47t, 127, 129, 157t, 552
classification of 131, 131t
requirements of 131
paste, manipulation of 167f
plaster 55, 56f, 161
techniques 158
trays 129
classification 129
types of 205f
wax 83, 161
In vitro test 38
advantages of 39
disadvantages of 39
types of 38, 38t
In vivo demineralization 282
advantages 382
alumina 382
disadvantages 382
indications 382
procedure 382
spinel 382
Incisal porcelain 366
Incomplete casting 441, 442, 442f
Incremental technique 282
additional increments 283
alternative techniques 283
final increment 283
first increment 282
Indirect pulp capping 341f, 552
Indirect resin composite onlay 286f
Indirect wax technique 552
casting machine 433, 433f
melting machine 432, 433
Ingested fluoride 495
Inhibitor 262, 552
Injection molding technique 191, 192f
materials in 192
denture, wax pattern fabrication for 80f
partial dentures, wax pattern fabrication for 80f
pattern 77, 210
wax 18, 78f, 552
manipulation of 79
In-office bleaching 503, 503f
In-office fluoride application 495, 495f
Inorganic filler 260
particles 274
Inorganic salts 500
Interatomic bonds, classification of 10
Interfacial bonding 274
Intermetallic compounds 400402
Interstitial solid solutions 401
Intracanal irrigants 478t
Intracanal medicament 479, 480f
classification of 479
placement of 481
requirements for 479
type of 479
element 211
zirconia 211
Intraosseous implant test 40
Intrinsic stain, combination of 503
Iodine potassium iodide 479
Iodophor 157
exchange strengthening 552
implantation 553
leachable glass 312
Ionic bonding 10, 10f
Iridium 410
Iron 20
carbide 449
oxide 336, 365
Irreversible hydrocolloid 137, 552
advantages 138
clinical uses 137
composition 137
disadvantages 138
setting reaction 138
types 138
Irrigating materials 475, 476
antibacterial 476
bubbling 476
chelating 476
classification of 476
efficacy of 475
flushing action 476
sterile solution 476
tissue dissolving 476
Isobutyl salicylate 483
Isomorphous phase 400
Ivory teeth 361f
Izod impact tester 25
Japan wax and cocoa butter 76
Kaolin 364, 553
Kerr's sealer 482
Knoop and Vickers test 28
Knoop hardness test 30, 30f, 553
Laminated restoration technique 326
Lanthanum 312
advantages of 530
disadvantages of 530
in dentistry 528
applications of 529
powder forming technique 389, 389f
welding 469f
Lathe-cut alloy 220f, 228
particles, composition of 220t
Lathe-cut powder 220, 221t
Ledermix paste 481
Lee endofill 484
composition 484
Leucite glass ceramic 366
Leucite reinforced ceramic 363
Light activated resins, classification of 197
Light cure resin 266
cement 325
Light curing system 198f
Light emitting diode curing lamps 266f
Light polymerized acrylic resins 197f
block copolymer 178
homopolymer 178
polymer 178, 178f
Liquefaction temperature 136
Liquid phase sintering 364
Liquid polysulfide polymer 149
Lithium disilicate glass ceramic 366
Lost wax technique 425f, 553
Low copper alloy 219
Low copper amalgam 222
setting reaction of 222f, 223f
tensile strength of 224t
Low heat technique 431
Luting cement 296f
layer of 286
retention of 295
Luting fixed prosthesis 296f
Lutz and Phillips classification 263
Machinable ceramics 384
advantages 385
classification of 384
disadvantages 385
subtractive manufacturing 386
Macrobond strength testing method 248
Macrofilled composite 273
composition 273
properties 273
resin 263
Macrohardness test 28
Macroshear bond testing 248
Macrotensile bond testing 248
Mandibular impression 141
tray 140
selection of 140f
Manganese oxide 365
Marginal gingiva 515
Martensitic stainless steel 450, 452
Mat foil 349
advantage 349
disadvantage 349
Mat gold 349, 356
advantages 349
cross-section of 348f
dendritic crystals of 348f
disadvantages 349
foil 356
Matrix 554
metalloproteinase 554
Maxillary impression tray 140
selection of 140f
Maxillofacial materials 34, 206, 207
classification of 207
Maxillofacial prosthesis 209
fabrication of 390f
Maxillofacial prosthodontics 209f
Mercury 220, 228, 242, 397
alloy ratio 229
hygiene 234
toxicity 233
Metacresylacetate 479
Metal 5, 396
alloy 440
casting of 437
deformation of 444
mechanical properties of 417t
physical properties of 417t
plastic deformation of 444
precious 407, 412, 412t, 556
base 553
ceramic alloys 411
classification for 411
ceramic bond 367
advantages 374
characterization and staining 372
contraindications 374
disadvantages 374
failures of 368, 368f
indications 374
technical considerations 369
ceramic crown, parts of 366f
ceramic fixed partial denture 411f
ceramic prosthesis 365, 407t, 416
ceramic restorations 406, 410, 413f, 416, 417f, 421, 553
cementation of 392
troubleshooting in 374, 375t
collar 553
coping 418f
design of 369
fabrication of 369
crown 400
desirable properties of 397
electromotive force series of 20t
fastener 4f
inlays 400
ions 492
joining procedures 461
metal oxide 369
oxide 263
metal oxide 369
porcelain 368
porcelain 368
prosthesis, bonding of 325
reinforced glass ionomer cement 317, 554
solidification of 398
sprayed dies 104
advantage 104
disadvantages 104
structure of 397
type of 463
uses of 397
Metallic bond 10, 554
formation of 10f
Metallic brackets, tissue surface of 325f
Metallic material for dental application, classification of 406
Metallic oxide 365
Metamerism 15, 554
Methamethacrylate 26
Methyl methacrylate 180, 186, 194, 322, 489
resin 174, 553
Microbond strength testing method 248
Microcrystalline waxes 75, 75f
advantages 75
composition 75
properties 75
Microfilled composite 274, 280, 554
composition 274
disadvantages 275
properties 274
resin 263, 274f
Microfiller 261
Microhardness test 28
Microleakage 248, 554
degree of 248
Micromechanical bonding 296, 296f, 554
Micronucleus test 39, 40
Microporosities 440
Microshear bond testing 248
Microsized metal oxide 152
Microtensile bond testing 248
Microtensile testing method
advantages of 248
disadvantages of 248
polymerization techniques 193
polymerized resins 192, 192f
Milling ceramic, method of 386
Mineral trioxide aggregate 482, 488, 488f, 554
advantages 489
composition 488
dentin 478
disadvantages 489
indications 489
properties 489
setting reaction 488
Miracle mix 317
cement 317f
Mixed gypsum 67
Mixture, consistency of 231
Modeling plastic impression compound 553
Mohs scratch test 28
Mold, preparation of 187f
adhesion 296, 296f
structure 179
Molecules occurs, diffusion of 12
Monochromatic vision 553
mixing of 189f
types of 179
Monophasic elastomeric impression materials 13
Montan wax 75
Mounting stone 69
Mouth rinses 496
Multiple mix impression technique 158
Munsell color system 16, 17f, 554
Mutagenicity test 39
Nanoanesthesia 530
Nanoclusters 261
Nanocomposites 276, 531, 531f
Nanofilled composite 554
Nanofiller 247, 261
Nanohybrid composite resin kit 276f
Nanoimplants 531
Nanoimpression material 531, 531f
Nanoneedles 531
Nanopore device 534
version of 534
Nanorobotic dentifrice 530
Nanorobots 530
Nanotechnology 554
Nanotubes 534
Natural biomimetic material 532
advantages of 532
disadvantages of 532
Natural rubber, isomer of 485
Necrotic pulp tissues 481
Neuronal disorders 536
Nickel-chromium alloy 416, 417, 419, 555
composition of 416
pellets 417f
Nickel-titanium 449
alloys 455
properties 455
uses 455
endodontic instruments 457
wires 528
Ni-Cr alloy 242
Night guard bleaching 503, 504f
Ni-Ti wires 457
Nitinol wires 456f
Nitric acid 513
Nitrocellulose 174
Noble alloy 406, 412
wires, types of 458
Noble gases 9
Noble metal alloys 397, 411
casting of 435, 437
Nonadhesive luting 295, 296f
Nonaqueous elastomeric impressions 131
Nonbonded abrasive 110, 113
Noncohesive foil 347
Noncohesive gold 347
Noncollagenous proteins 243
solids 12
structures 11
properties of 12
Noneugenol pastes 168
Nonoxide ceramics 361
Nonphenolic biocides 479
Nonvital teeth
bleaching of 503
causes in 503
N-phenylglycine-glycidyl methacrylate 250
Nucleus 555
O'Brien metal ceramic alloys 411
Obturating materials, classification of 484
factors, type of 513
splints 210, 211f
wear 555
Odontoblasts 536
Onlays dentures, wax pattern fabrication for 80f
Opaque porcelain 366, 370f, 555
Open alcohol flame 351, 351f
cancer, treatment of 534
cavity 493
disintegration 297
irrigation devices 492
material 34
rehabilitation 344
surgery 529
acid 315, 493
fillers 274
glycol 138
resin filler particles 258
Organosilane coupling agent 258
Ormocer 288f
archwire material in 458f
bonding of 325
debonding of 23f
nanorobots 530
steel wire, stress strain curve of 23f
stone 68, 69f
wire 448, 452f, 454, 456
alloys 456
beta-titanium 457
classification of 448
manufacturing of 449
mechanical properties of 453
requirements for 449
Orthoethoxybenzoic acid 168, 306
cement 306f
Orthopedic applications 54
Osseointegration 511, 511f, 555
concept of 512
Osteoblasts 536
recruitment of 518
Osteoconduction 519
Osteogenesis 518, 518f
Overbuilt dentin porcelain 372f
Oxidation reaction 19
Oxide ceramics 361
Oxyacetylene flame 465f
Oxygen 181
inhibited layer 555
Oxygenating solutions 492
Packable composite 278, 278f, 556
Palladium 220
cobalt alloys 415
copper gallium alloys 414
gallium-silver 415
alloy 413, 414f
copper 458
Paraffin wax 74, 75f, 77
Paste porcelain, application of 370f
Pattern wax 77
Penetration tests 60
Penetrometers, types of 60
Penicillin 481
resistant strains 481
Perimplantitis 556
Periodontal ligament stem cells 536
Periodontal regeneration surgery 529
Periphery wax 82
Periradicular tissues 475
alloys 20, 400, 402
system 402
Phenol 157
formaldehyde 174
Phenolate bond 294
Phenolic compounds 492
Phosphate bonded investment 86, 93, 93f, 430
Phosphorescence 555
Phosphoric acid 244f, 315
concentration of 244
Pinhole porosity 440, 441, 441f
Pink porcelain 556
Pit and fissure sealants 497, 498f
application of 499f
composition 498
indications 498
rationale 498
arc curing lamp 267f
spray 513, 514
Plaster 68, 69
models 56f
uses of 56
Plaster of Paris 131, 548
deformation 447
flow 556
strain 556
classification of 177
function of 177
Platinized gold foil 348, 348f
Platinum 220
gold-palladium 458
Polished gold restoration 119f
Polishing 118, 191, 373, 556
agent 556
kit 119f
procedure 110
goals of 106
resin 121f
Poly methyl methacrylate 4
Polyacid-modified monomers, composed of 279
cement 308
polymer 320
Polyacrylic acid 312, 315, 320, 327
solutions of 312
Polyalkenoate cement 310
Polyalkenoic acid, dehydrated 320
Polycarbonate dimethacrylate 288
Polycarboxylate 294
bond 295
cement 309f
powder of 309f
alloys 446
alloy structure 446
crystal structure 446
Polydimethylsiloxane 203
Polyether 148, 157, 242, 556
elastomeric impression material 155f
impression 24
materials 156
rubber impression material 155
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane 288, 556
Polyimides 112
Polyketone sealers 483
Polymer 5, 175, 556
and composite 510, 518
based sealers 483, 483f
block 178f
branched 178, 178f
chemistry of 179
deformation and recovery 176
general properties 176
mixing of 189f
properties 176
reinforced zinc oxide eugenol 307, 333
rheometric properties 176
rigid inorganic matrix material 278
structure of 177, 178f
synthetic 173, 518
thermal properties 176
uses 175
Polymerizable acidic monomers 253
degree of 270
inhibitors 260
methods of 323
reaction 181, 268
shrinkage 188, 199, 200t, 261, 271, 272
control of 286
types of 179
Polymethylmethacrylate 180, 184, 186
bone cement 489
resins 174
Polyoxymethylene 518f
Polysiloxane materials, conventional 531
Polysulfide 148, 149, 152, 157, 556
composition 149
elastomers 151
materials 151
Polyvinyl siloxane die material 211
advantage 211
disadvantages 211
Poor bonding technique 285
Porcelain 109, 365
abrasiveness of 393
aluminous 363, 366, 556
application 369
bonding 406
condensation 370, 370f
dental 557
denture teeth 363, 392
discoloration of 413f, 415f
feldspathic 557
fused to metal 365
indications of 365
jacket crown 379f
laminate veneer 556
manufacture of 364
margin 556
medium- and low-fusing 365
metal bond 367f, 411
repair 391
kit 392f
procedure 391
sintering 370
teeth 392, 393f
Porosity 200, 225, 270, 439
classification of 200, 440
external 439
internal 439
Porous sintering 513, 514
Post-ceramic solder 556
Posterior restorations, composite for 280
alginate 138
aluminum-silicate mineral 364
fluoride 464
sulfate 134, 138
zinc fluoride 138
Pre-ceramic soldering 556
Precious metal alloys
composition of 408t
heat treatment of 410
Pressable ceramics 380
advantages 381
contraindications 381
disadvantages 381
indications 381
technique 380
Pressure 557
arc welding 470, 470f
advantages 470
disadvantages 470
assisted casting machine 432, 433
welding 470, 556
Primer 557
Procera scanner 390f
Procera system 390
Prophy jet 123
contraindications 124
system 123f
Prophylaxis paste 123f
inner surface of 296f
optimal design of 375
tissue-integrated 561
Prosthetic applications, resin teeth for 206
Prosthetic reconstruction, type of 513
Prosthodontics 529
materials 7
Pseudoperiodontium 511
Pseudoplastic 557
behavior 13
liquids 13
Pseudoplasticity 557
capping 481, 557
direct 340, 341
indirect 341
dissolving capacity 478
junction of 499
mechanical exposure of 341f
protecting agents 332
protection 298
methods of 342
protective agents 332
response 319
sealer 482
Pulpal exposure
carious 340
mechanical 340
Pulpal irritants, etiology of 332, 332fc
Pulpal tissue, type of 475
Pulse delay technique 284
Pumice 115, 115f
Pure cohesive gold foils 356
Pure metal crystal structure 446
Pure polymethyl methacrylate 174
Putty wash impression
material 153
technique 158
Quantum dots 534
Quartz-tungsten-halogen lamps 266, 267f
Quaternary alloy 557
Quaternary ammonium compound 492
fillers 487
silicates 261
Random copolymer 178f
Rapid heat
cure acrylic resin 200
polymerized resins 193
Rebasing 557
denture bases 202
existing dentures 203
resin dentures 203
Recrystallization 558
temperature 446
Refractory 557
cast 557
die 557, 558
fillers 93
material 8688
mixture of 86
mold 557
Reinforced zinc-oxide eugenol 488
materials 488
Relining existing dentures 203
Remineralization agents, types of 493
Removable partial denture 416, 418
casting wax 80
fabrication for 80f
Repair resin 202, 202f
strength of 284
Replacement dentin technique 326
Residual compressive stresses, development of 376
Resilient liners, types of 204
Resilon 487, 487f
composition 487
procedure 487
Resin 76, 206, 294, 558
activated 271
agents 500
bond 295
cement 322, 323f, 325f, 558
classification of 323
types of 324
chemically activated 546
classification of 174
cold-cure 195t
component 260
composite 17, 109, 282
classification of indirect 287
current generation of indirect 287
first-generation indirect 287
indirect 286
placement 282
recent advances in 287
restorations 120
second-generation indirect 287
disadvantages of 210
heat-cure 195t
impression trays 205
ionomer 295, 318
material 258
restorations, preventive 259, 499, 499f, 557
tag 558
temporary 210
types 76
buildup for 354
banking of walls 354
shoulder formation 355
tie-formation 354
carving of 232
cementation of 325
cooling of 373
fabrication of 385f
failure of 375f
finishing of 233
fracture of 286
causes 286
management 286
location of 270
paving of 355
poor surface of 285
causes 285
management 285
surface hardening of 355
temporary 5
type of 270
white line around, margin of 285
Restorative dentistry 239
Restorative material 5, 42t, 119, 293, 332
safety of 8
temporary 307, 561
Retrograde filling material 488
Rheology 12, 558
Ribosomal subunits 478
Richmond crown 362
Rickert's formula 482
Ringless casting
system 87
technique 429
Rockwell's hardness
number 558
test 29, 29f
Room temperature vulcanization silicones 209
advantages 209
disadvantages 209
Root canal
cleanser, antibacterial 478f
conditioning agent 478f
diameter and curvature of 475
filling material 485
irrigation of 475
obturation of 486, 486f
sealer 338, 482, 482f, 486f, 558
classification of 482
requirement of 482
sealing of 478
Rope wax 82
abrasive point 120f
base impression 64f
bonding 111
dam 498
Saliva 242
Sand papers 116f
Sandwich technique 282, 326, 327f, 558, 559
advantages 327
disadvantages 327
indications 327
procedure 327
Saponification reaction 477
Sealers, silicone-based 484
Selective electron beam melting 389
Self-adhesive 559
resin cement 324
Self-assembling materials 532, 559
composites 282
resins 266, 269, 271
adhesives 250, 253, 254
primer system 253
Self-healing materials 532
Semimetallic elements 362
Semiprecious metal alloy 558
Septomixine forte paste 481
Set cement, structure of 309, 313
Set glass ionomer cement 314f
Set gypsum, microstructure of 58
Set high-copper
admixed amalgam, microstructure of 223
single compositional amalgam, microstructure of 223
Set low-copper amalgam, microstructure of 222
Set zinc phosphate cement, structure of 300f
Sevriton 247
Shore hardness test 31
Shoulder formation 355f
Silane coated quartz fillers 280
Silane material, active 262
Silica 152, 312, 464, 558
bonded investment 86, 96f, 558
Silicate 294
cement 296, 297f, 342, 559
composition 296
finishing and polishing 298
insertion 298
manipulation 298
manufacture 297
setting reaction of 297f
ceramics 361
fluoride-releasing 279
structure of 363f
Silicone 148
addition 153, 242
based systems 284
conventional 151
elastomers 208
classification of 209
putty consistency, addition 153f
rubber 204
classification of 204
impression material 151
types of 204
Silicophosphate 294, 559
cement 104
advantage 104
composition 104
disadvantages 104
Silorane based posterior
composite resin 281f
restorations 280
Silver 20, 397
alloy admixed 317
cones 484
advantages 485
disadvantages 485
eutectic 402
system 401, 401f
forming electrolytic bath 102, 102t
free alloy, type of 413
palladium alloys 415
platinum alloy system 402f
solder 463f
stone 244
Single composition alloys 223
types of 220
Single mix impression technique 158
Single mixture amalgam 231
Slip cast 382
ceramics 559
Slip system 445
Smart sealing
materials 528
varnish 528
Smear layer 249, 249f, 560
components of 249
removal 250f, 478
agents for 249
Smear plugs 249f
Sodium 20, 138
carbonate 464
fluoride 312, 496
hypochlorite 476f, 477
solution 476, 478
success of 476
monofluorophosphate 496
perborate monohydrate, mixture of 503
Soft liners, properties of 203
Soft lining material 203
classification of 203
Soft relining material 203f
Soft start polymerization 272
Soldering 461, 560
and finishing 406
and welding 461
antiflux 559
brazing 461, 462
components of 462f
flame 465
flux 464, 559
free hand 467
hard 461, 462
index 559
infrared 465, 466
investment 97, 466, 466f, 467
classification of 97
requirements 97
oven 465, 466, 466f
procedure 467, 467f
application of flux 468
cleanliness 467
flame-reducing 468
gap between parts 467
neutral 468
occlusal indexing 467
preheating of parts 468
soldering investment 468
steps in 467
process of 462
antiflux 462
filler metal 462
flux 462
heat source 462
substrate metal 462
soft 461
technique of 467
types of 461
unit, infrared 466f
Solid solutions
physical properties of 401
types of 401
Solid state eutectoid transformation 449
Solution-gel procedure 260
Space lattice, type of 450
Spectrophotometric system 17
Specular reflectance 15
Spherical alloy 220f, 228
powder 221
Spherical silver-copper eutectic alloys 220t
Sponge gold 348
Sports mouth guards 501
Spot welding 469f, 471
Sprue 560
attachment 427
correct length of 428f
diameter 426
direction 428, 428f
length 427
position 426
requirements of 426
types of 426
Sputter deposition 514
SR-Isosit inlay system 287
Stain 363, 546
extrinsic 502
intrinsic 502
types of 502
Stainless steel 450
classification of 450
elastic modulus of 453
historical background 450
in dentistry 451f
manufacturing of 450
types of 450t
uses 450
advantages of 454
disadvantages of 454
soldering and welding of 454
Steel, type of 449, 452
Stem cell 535, 536, 560
banks 536
embryonic 536
therapies 536
Stereolithography 388, 559
method 388f
process of 387
Sticky wax 82, 83f, 560
trays, types of 130f
type mouth guard 501f
Stone, type of 69
Strain 21, 560
elastic 22
hardening 410, 560
plastic 22
rate 560
sensitive 149
types of 22
Strengthening ceramics, methods of 374
Streptomycin 481
Stress 560
compressive 22
concentration 560
corrosion 21, 560
factors causing release of 79
flexural 22
intensity 560
factor 560
raisers, minimize effects of 375
relaxation 14
relief 560
shear 22
curve 26f
diagram 24f
graph 24f
tensile 22
types of 22, 23f
Strontium 312
Subperiosteal implant 510, 510f, 521, 560
Successive cusp buildup technique 283
Suck back porosity 440, 440f, 559
Sulfonamide 483
Sulfuric acid 513
Superabrasive 114
Superficial dentin, demineralization of 249
Superoxol 503
Surface tension 476, 560
Syneresis 561
Synthetic diamond abrasive 117, 117f
Systemic toxicity 35, 44
Tantalum oxide 488
Target cancer cells 534
Tarnish 19, 226, 561
causes of 19
Tartaric acid 312
Tear strength 147
Teflon 242
coated hand instruments 282
Temporomandibular joint 286, 561
reconstruct 389f
strength 26, 186
stress 23f, 375, 375f, 561
test specimens 27
Teratogenicity 37
Tesla 561
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite 488
Tetracycline, mixture of 478
Tetragonal leucite 363
compatibility 376, 561
conductivity 11, 17, 199, 334, 345, 561
coefficient of 561
contraction 92
diffusivity 18, 561
energy 11
expansion 11, 87, 91, 561
coefficient of 18, 315, 345, 421, 546, 561
factors affecting 78
gold casting investment 92
insulation 293
properties 78, 268, 337, 406, 411
protection 334
stresses place 268
tempering 561
Thermoplastic polymer 176, 561
Thermosetting polymer 561
Thixotropic gel 13, 136
Thixotropic material 136
Three body abrasion system 108f
Tin 20, 220, 397
oxide 118, 118f
conditioner 559, 561
displacement, type of 131t
engineering 535, 561
fundamentals of 535
principles of 535f
integration 561
classification of 419
investment of 97
aluminum-vanadium alloy 517
and alloys 419, 516
applications 419
composition 419
properties 419
casting machine 420f
crystal structure of 421f
dioxide 336, 483
implant 517f
anodization of 514
investment material 97f
oxide 365
uses of 420f
appearance of 262
bleaching 502
cavity 293
cream 496
dentin 17, 18, 27, 30, 242
durability 530
enamel 4, 17, 18, 27, 30, 242, 393, 493
natural 361
paste 492, 496
permanent 498
regeneration 536
sensitivity 499f, 504
causes of 500
setting resin 197
shade selection of 16f
structure 18, 268, 314f
surface 244f
etching of 244
preparation 315
Toothbrushes 492
Toothpaste 500
and gels, composition of 123t
Total etch technique 243, 252f
Total noble metal content 407t
Toxicity, acute 542
Translucency 562
Transmission electron microscope 248
Transosteal implant 510, 510f, 521, 562
Transparent material 15
Trauma, acute 332
Tray adhesive 147f, 150
Triamcinolone acetonide 481
aluminate 488
phosphate 497, 521, 522
material 523f
silicate 488, 548
Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate 260
Triple tray technique 158
Tripoli 115, 116f
Trisodium phosphate 138
carbide 109
inert gas welding 470f
Twinning plane 447
Twisted orthodontic wires 454f
Two body abrasion system 107, 107f
Typical amalgam tooth preparation 228f
Ultrafine aluminum oxide disks 284
Ultralow fusing porcelain, alloy for 415
light-activated system 265
stabilizers 263
Urethane dimethacrylate 260, 498
light-activated 205
Utility wax 82
composition 82
properties 82
firing 371
mixer 67f, 89f
mixing, advantages of 67
thermomolding 562
Van der Waals forces 10, 11, 368, 562
Vaporization, heat of 551
Varnish 562
type of 339
Varnley foot condensors 354
Veneers 363
Veramic prosthesis, glass-based 324
Vicat needle 61
Vicat test 60
Vickers hardness number 562
basis of 405
Vickers hardness test 29, 29f
Vinyl copolymers 208
Vinyl groups 179
Vinyl polymers 208
advantages 208
disadvantages 208
Vinyl polysiloxane 153
Vinyl resins 200
Viscoelastic 562
behavior 14
deformation 14
Viscoelasticity 562
Viscosity 12, 562
Visible light
activated systems 265
cured impression material 157
Vital pulp therapy 562
Vitallium 509
Vitreous bonding 111
Vitreous carbon implant 517
Vulcanite 173
advantages 174
denture 173f
disadvantages 174
Water fluoridation 495f
Water sorption 269
property of 269
Water/powder ratio 59, 90, 91
mixing time 59
recommended 59
working time 59
distortion 79
elimination 430
natural 73
cut back 369f
fabrication of 424, 425
removal of 425
spruing of 426, 426f
shrinkage 86
direct method 86
indirect method 87
Welding 468, 562
failure in 471
indications 468
laser 465, 468, 469
spot 468, 469
technique of 471
types 468
Wet field technique 137
Willems classification 263
Wires, selection of 449
Wrought alloys 444, 446
classification of 449
grain growth 448
recovery 447
recrystallization 448
twinning 447
uses 444
Wrought base metal alloys 449
Wrought metal 444, 562
Wrought noble metal alloys 449, 458
Xenoestrogen 562
Xenogeneic grafts 520
Xinc oxide eugenol cement, modified 307f
Young's modulus 26, 549
dynamic 27
Yttria-stabilized zirconia 383, 383f
properties 383
acetate dihydrate 304
aluminophosphate 299
containing amalgam 219
crystals 483
salt 165
oxide eugenol 131, 157, 168, 281, 295, 341
cement 17, 18, 46, 46t, 303, 303f,563
impression paste 164, 164f
polymer 295
oxychloride cement 4
oxyphosphate cement 298
phosphate 17, 294, 295, 314, 333
cement 17, 18, 46, 46t, 298, 298f,334, 563
polycarboxylate 295, 333, 335
cement 5, 308, 308f, 310, 314, 563
silicophosphate cement 302
stearate 336, 483
sulfate temporary restoration 307
Zirconia 366, 383, 521, 563
abutments 528f
alumina crucible 431
ceramics 527
core 563
implants 528, 528f
without veneering ceramic 366
Zirconium oxide 312, 365
Zirconium silicate 116, 117f
Chapter Notes

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Textbook of Dental Materials
Textbook of Dental Materials
Vijay Prakash MDS (Manipal) Professor Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and Research Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India Ruchi Gupta MDS (Rohtak) Professor Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and Research Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Textbook of Dental Materials
First Edition: 2019
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My father late Shri CP Gupta who has always been my inspiration
Dhaanvi and Keshav for bringing immense joy in my life
All students who will continue to innovate, inspire and
practice in right spirit for the betterment of humanity.
—Vijay Prakash
My parents, children, teachers and students who have inspired me in the journey of life.
—Ruchi Gupta
The practice of dentistry is incomplete without thorough knowledge of dental materials. Being in the age of information, it is important for health professionals, clinicians or students in dentistry to keep themselves updated. Success in clinical practice demands not only intimate knowledge of dental materials but also the recent advances in this field. The study of dental materials involves basic sciences, applied aspect, manipulation, techniques and methods of testing.
Textbook of Dental Materials is inspired during teaching of dental materials for more than a decade to a number of students. During our interactions with students, we realized that there is a need for a simple, concise textbook on this subject. Hence, we tried to write this book in simple, short format which is easy to understand, comprehensive and at the same time covers the entire syllabus laid down by the Dental Council of India (DCI). The basic aim was to introduce and simplify the complex subject of dental materials to young graduate students. There are numerous line diagrams, flowcharts, tables and high quality illustrations to assist the students for better grasping of the subject.
This book contains 30 chapters which are written sequentially and divided into eight sections based on the purpose of each material. is on the General Properties of Dental Materials which includes three chapters, one chapter on biocompatibility of dental materials. contains five chapters which includes the Auxiliary Dental Materials such as Gypsum products, Dental waxes, Casting investments, Die and die materials and finishing and polishing materials. is dedicated to various Impression materials covered in four chapters. Special focus is on the chapter Elastomeric impression materials. is based on Denture Base Materials with a chapter each on Dental polymers and Denture base resins including the recent developments.
Next six chapters are covered in under the broad heading of Direct Restorative Materials. This section starts with a chapter on Dental Amalgam, its properties, mercury toxicity and hygiene. Next chapter is on Enamel and dentin bonding agents focusing on different generations of bonding. Aesthetic restorative materials such as composite resins is covered in detail in this chapter. Different composite restorative materials are discussed at length including methods of polymerization. The chapter also includes recent topics such as indirect composites, flowable, packable, nanocomposites among others. The next two chapters in this section are on Dental cements and Pulp protective agents. The chapter on dental cements includes various cements used in dentistry, their uses, composition, classification, properties, manipulation and recent advances. Pulp protecting agents are materials which are used in approximation of pulp. Focus here is on direct and indirect pulp capping agents. The last chapter in this section is on Direct filling gold, although this material is not commonly used in dentistry now but still students should learn about various aspects of this material.
of the book discusses various Indirect Restorative Materials such as Dental Ceramics, casting alloys and wrought alloys. The chapter on dental ceramics includes metal ceramic restorations and all ceramic restorations in detail. This chapter also highlights recent materials such as CAD–CAM ceramics and 3D printing. The next three chapters in this section are dedicated to nature of alloys, casting alloys, casting procedures and its defects. Casting alloys such as gold alloys, metal ceramic alloys and base metal alloys are discussed in detail in these chapters. A section of titanium and its casting is also included. Casting procedures and defects are sequentially explained with the help of numerous line diagrams and illustrations. Another chapter in this section is on Wrought alloys and its uses in dentistry. The last chapter is on Soldering and welding procedure and techniques.
is based on Endodontic and Preventive Materials. The chapter on Endodontic materials explores various materials which are used in the field of endodontics. There is a wide array of materials with recent developments discussed in this chapter. The chapter on preventive materials focuses on various materials dedicated to prevention of dental diseases. In this chapter, a complete section is on Bleaching materials which are widely used in the practice of dentistry.
includes the Recent Trends in Dental Materials with a chapter each on Dental implant materials and the latest trends in material science. The chapter on dental implant materials describes various implant materials, graft materials and special focus on bioceramics. One of the highlights of this book is the inclusion of this chapter which focuses on the materials which will be the future of dental practice. This chapter includes various materials such as smart materials, biomimetics, zirconia-based material, use of lasers, nanotechnology, tissue regeneration techniques, and oral cancer detection tests amongst various other materials.
In each chapter, ‘clinical significance of various materials’ are highlighted to assist students in understanding the clinical application of that material. At the end of each chapter, a section is dedicated to ‘Test Yourself’ which includes multiple choice questions, long questions and short notes. This section aims to help students to prepare for various competitive examinations and university examination. Another highlight of the book is ‘Quick Revision Chart’ which includes various materials which are commonly asked in examination for quick revision before the final examination. Additionally, online resources for both students and instructors are provided along with this book in the form of multiple choice questions including image-based questions, and power point presentations, respectively.
This book will not only help graduate students but also dental hygienists and dental technicians. It will be a quick reference book for the postgraduates and clinicians. In the long run, successful practice of dentistry will involve thorough knowledge of various materials, their correct manipulation and appropriate selection of material in a given clinical situation. Also, mutual understanding and respect between clinicians, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and patients will result in successful treatment outcome. We sincerely hope that young students will improve, innovate and practice dentistry and help in taking our profession to greater heights. We wish you all success in your career.
‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.
Vijay Prakash
Ruchi Gupta
First of all we bow down to the Almighty God for blessing us with his kindness and wisdom to accomplish this work. Any book written has contributions from a number of people directly or indirectly and this work is no different. We extend our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our teachers, who have always encouraged us to perform at the highest level and have shaped our careers. It will always be a privilege to be associated with them. Our deepest gratitude goes to our friends and our colleagues who have made learning a fun experience. We sincerely thank all our students over more than a decade who have always inspired us to excel in our field.
Our love, gratitude and respect to our parents, who have always been there during the test of time. They have been our pillars of strength and have always motivated us. Our deep appreciation goes to our family especially our brothers and sister, for their unconditional love and support. Lots of love to our children, who have adjusted to our work time in completing this book.
We are very grateful to the whole team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, who helped and guided us, especially Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Ritu Sharma (Director–Content Strategy), Ms Sunita Katla (Executive Assistant to Group Chairman and Publishing Manager), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Ms Samina Khan (Executive Assistant to Director–Content Strategy), Dr Ambika Kapoor (Development Editor), Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Visualizer), Mr Deep Kumar (DTP Operator), Mr Amit Mathur (Graphic Designer), Ms Geeta Rani (Proofreader), and their team members, for all their support and work on, this project and make it a success. Without their cooperation, we could not have completed this project.