Practical Manual of Pharmacology for Medical Students Dinesh Badyal
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdomen, acute 126
Abscesses, mutilple 133
Acamprosate 157
ACE inhibitors 196, 197
Acetylcholine 74, 75, 80, 83, 84
effect of 76, 81
inject 81
Acetylcysteine 244, 245
Actual dog experiment 83
Actual session (initial sessions) 160
Adrenaline 74, 80, 83
biphasic response with 84f
Adrenergic blockers 71
Adverse drug
interactions, sites of 170t
reaction 113
monitoring 177
Aerosol, metered dose 57
Alcohol dependence 157
Alkalinization 246, 248
Allay pain 22
Allergic conjunctivitis 129
Aluminum 170
Alzheimer's disease 95
Amantadine 196
Amikacin 190
Aminoglycosides 194, 201
Amiodarone 171, 190
Amlodipine 228
Amoebic hepatic abscess 133
Amoxicillin 201
Ampicillin 220
Ampoule 41f
Analgesics 196
Analgesiometer 86f
Androgens 196
Anemia 118
Anesthetics, local 72
Angina pectoris 119
breeding of 91
drugs sources of 31
in teaching and research, debate on use of 91
research 93
toxicity studies 90
waste, disposal of 91
Animal experiments 68
number of 67
techniques of 67
Animal house
facility, scientist in-charge of 92
visit to 91
Antacids 170
Anticholinergics 71, 243
Anticholinesterases 71
Anticonvulsants 196
Antiepileptic drugs 190
Antihistamines 243
Antipsychotics and tricyclic antidepressants 196
Antithyroid 196
Aphthous ulcer 29, 152
Arrhythmias 243, 247
Artemether 143
Arterial blood 74
Artesunate 143
Arthropathy 194
Artificial arm 253f
for injection practice 256f
Aspirate 253
drug from ampoule into syringe 41
requirements 41
technique 41
drug from vial into syringe 41
Aspiration 41f
Aspirin 108, 154, 194, 196, 246
clinical features 246
hydrolyses 63
management 246
Astemizole 169
acute severe 121
episode of 120
Atenolol 201, 228
Atrium, left 74
Atropine 71, 76, 80
sulfate 70, 74, 80, 83
Autonomy 90, 236
of patients 234
Avery’ drug treatment 207
Avoirdupois system 10
Azithromycin 136, 170
Barium chloride 80
Inject 81
Batch code 17
Beneficence 90, 234
Bentonite 21
Benzhexol 168
Benzodiazepines 196
Betaxolol 153
Biological half-life 108
Biosynthetic, drugs sources of 31
Bipolar disorder 148
Blood sugar, postprandial 117
Blueprinting for assessment 250
British National Formulary 18
British pharmaceutical codex 18
British pharmacopoeia 18
Bronchorrhea 249
Brussel sprouts 171
Butterfly cannula 82
Buzz groups 101
Caenorhabditis elegans 95
Calamine 21, 22
lotion 21, 22
carbonate 30
chloride 74
inject 76
Calculate drop rate 221
Capacity (volume) in metric system, measures of 10
Capsules 33f
soft 33f
Carbachol 71
Carbamazepine 146, 171, 190, 191
Carbidopa 229
Carcinogenicity studies 91
Cardiac conduction defects 243
Cardiac drugs 195
Cardiac stimulants 76
Cardiotoxicity 248
Cardiovascular toxic effects 247
Carotid artery 82
Case control studies 180
Case reports 180
Case-based learning 159
in pharmacology 159
steps in 161f
Causality 178
Cefazolin 201
Central animal house 91
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization 182
Centrally acting 71
Cerebral malaria 143
Cetrizine 168
Chamber surgery, anterior 72
Charcoal, activated 243
Char-grilled meat 171
Cheese reaction 173
Chemical and Medical Formulary of India 18
Chemical synthesis 215
Chewable tablets 36
Chickenpox 22
Children 193
calculate dose in 194
from diarrhea 25
Chloramphenicol (third trimester) 194, 196
Chloroquine 141
Chlorothiazide 145
Cholestyramine 170
Cholinesterase reactivators 249
Cholinomimetics 71
action of 71
Cimetidine 171
Cisapride 169
Clark's rule 194
Clearance 108
Clearance method 200
Clinical pharmacology 4, 97
exercise form 211
Clinical pharmacy 4, 6
Clinical trial 215
Clopidogrel 154
Clozapine 171
Coated preparations 36
Coated tablets 36
Cocaine 72
Codeine 31, 171
Cohort studies 180
Cold blooded animals 93
Cold chain, maintain constant 153
Collecting relevant articles 231f
Commercial preparations 15
Common poisonings, management of 242
Computer simulated model 83
procedure 71
Concentration-time curve 107f
Conduction abnormalities 247
Congestive heart failure 145
Consumer Protection Act 165
Containers 8
Conventional drug delivery systems 60
Conversion between systems 11
Conversion within metric system 221
Corneal reflex 70
Coronary circulation 74
Corticosteroids 194
Cotrimoxazole 228
Coumarin anticoagulants 196
Creams 57
advantage 57
disadvantage 57
Critical evaluation of prescription (audit of prescriptions) 165
Cyclodextrins 60
Cyclophosphamide 61, 196
Cyclosporine 171
Cylinder and flask, measuring 7, 7f
Cytochrome p450 171
enzymes 171
Dapsone 139
Delavirdine 170
Dengue 144
Departmental animal house 91
Depression 147
Depressors on dog BP, effect of 84f
Dexamethasone 171
Dextromethorphan 36
Dextrose 144
Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent 125
Diabetic ketoacidosis 156
Diagnostic acumen 111
Diarrhea 27
drugs for 253
loss of water 26
Diazepam 89, 171
Diazoxide 196
Didanosine 170
Diethylstilbestrol 196
Digitoxin 244
Digoxin 106, 170, 190
Dilator pupillae 71
Diphtheria 93
Disopyramide 248
Dispensing balance 7
and weights 7f
Dispensing bottle 8f
Disulfiram 157, 196
Dog blood pressure
and respiration recording 82f
effect of drugs on 82, 84t
recording 83f
with agonists 83f
Domestic weights and measures 11
Dopamine 83, 84
Dosage adjustment 189, 198
Dosage regulated 218
Dosage standard dose 218
Dosage target level dose 218
Dose fraction method 200
Dose regime 166
Dose studies, repeated 90
Drops 51
Drosophila melanogaster 95
Drug 3, 104
administration of 218
and formulation, selection of right 229
and solutions 70
and therapeutic range 190t
binding of 244
bulletins 18, 207
causing hemolysis 202t
characteristics 36
clinical trials of 99
compendia 207
concentrations 188
development 93
discoveries, major 93t
disposition in children, factors affecting 193
dosage forms of 31
doses and dilutions, calculation of 218
estimation methods 188
formulations, evaluation of 225
given during labor 197
given prior to labor 197
hazardous 166
investigational new 215
labeling of 15
list of India, essential 227
make inventory of effective 115
nomenclature 17
number of 169
or injection, unnecessary 166
promotion, ethical criteria for 205
promotional literature, critical appraisal of 204
rational 228
use of 226
release pattern 37f
requiring dose 201t
storage of 63f
study of 3
to avoided in children 194t
used 212
Drug administration
method of 39
routes of 13
time of 12
Drug and Cosmetics Act (1940) 18
Drug combinations 166
fixed dose 113, 218, 228
Drug Controller General of India 215
Drug Cosmetics Act 182
Drug delivery
new techniques for 60
programmed 60
systems 37f
Drug information
center 207, 208
source of 206
Drug interactions 99
effects of 173
pharmaceutical 169
pharmacodynamic 172
pharmacokinetic 170
problem-based 169, 174
Drug Schedules and Acts 18
Drug Technical Advisory Board 235
Dry powder inhalers 57
Dusting powder 55
Dysmenorrhea 127
Ear drops 52f
advantage 52
disadvantages 52
procedure 52
Educational objectives 162
Effervescent tablets 36, 36f
Efficacy and safety, short experiments for 86
Electrolytes 26
Electronic balance 7f
Electronic prescriptions 117
Elixir 34
advantage 35
disadvantages 35
precaution 35
Emulsions 35
advantages 35
disadvantages 35
Enalapril 145, 154
Enoxaparin 154
Enterohepatic recycling 244
Environmental factors affecting dosage form 63
Enzymes 171
Ephedrine 80
inject 81
Epidural injections 46
Epinephrine 7476, 80, 83, 84
injection 219
Ergotamine 128, 196
Erythromycin 31, 171
Escitalopram 147
Essential hypertension with no associated disease 122
Essential medicine
concept 227
national list of 115
Estradiol 47
Estrogens 196, 244
Ethics 234
and animals 90
and humans 234
principles of 234
Expiry date 17
muscle fibers of 69f
structure of 69f
Eye drops 51, 51f
advantages 51
disadvantages 51
procedure 51
Eye ointment 52
advantage 52
disadvantage 52
procedure 52
Facilitator guide 162
Facilitator note 162
Facilitator, role of 160
Famotidine 201
FDA (USA) schedules 19
Fentanyl citrate 47
Fertility studies 91
Fetus in uterus with placenta 197f
Fever, high-grade 27
First pass metabolism 199
Fish bowl 101
Flavin mono-oxygenases 171
Fluconazole 171
Fluoroquinolone 194
antibiotics 171
Fluvastatin 171
Fluvoxamine 171
Food-drug interactions 173
Fried's rule 194
dissected 73f
Ringer solution 74
Frog heart
contractions with agonists, recordings of 75f
contractions, recording of 75f
effect of drugs on 73, 75t, 76t
Frontal writing lever 78f
Gargles and mouthwashes 59
advantages 59
disadvantage 59
procedure 60
Gastric lavage 243
Gatifloxacin 169
Gel 55f
and lotions 55
Gelatine type
hard 33
soft 33
Generic drugs 17
Genetic variations 201
Gentamicin 190, 222
Gingivitis 29
Glass cannula 73
chronic simple 72, 153
wide angle 72
Glucose 27
6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 201, 202t
anhydrous 25
Glutathione 171
Glycerine 21, 22
Golden rules
in children 194
in treatment of elderly 196
Good clinical practice 215
Gouty arthritis, acute 137
Grapefruit juice 173
Gray baby syndrome 194
Griseofulvin 196
Guinea pigs 93
H2-antagonists 170
H2-antihistamines 16
Haloperidol 171
Hamsters 93
Head dips 89
Health professionals 179
Heat stroke 27
Heparin 169, 221
Hepatic blood supply 199
Hepatic disease 199
Hepatic extraction 109f
Hepatotoxic drugs 199
Hepatotoxicity 194
Herpes zoster 22, 130
High humidity 63
Histamine 83, 84
HIV testing 236
Hole board test 89f
Homatropine cyclopentolate 71
Homemade ORS 28
Horse-shoe groups 102
Human beings 99
Humidity 63
Hydration, degree of 48
Hydrocortisone cream 16
Hyperadrenergic crisis 173
Hypertension 122
Hypnotic 9
Hypoalbuminemia 199
Hypoglycemia 243
Hypotension 243, 247
Hypothermia 243
Hypoventilation 243
Imipramine 171
In silico methods 95
In vitro techniques 94
Inactive precursors 60
Indian pharmacopoeia 18
Infection, antibiotics for treatment of 3
Information, type of 18
Ingested toxins, terminating exposure to 243
Ingredient, active 17
Ingredient, inactive 17
Inhalation 58f
local 57
Inhaler, use of 58f
Inhibition 172
Inject drugs 75, 80
procedure to 76, 80
procedure 45
requirements 45
Injectable techniques 255
Insomnia 151
Instillation 70f
Institutional Animal Ethics Committee 91
Insulin 93
regular 156
International non-proprietary name 17
International pharmacopoeia 18
Intestinal amoebiasis 134
Intestine contractions 80f
Intra-articular injection 46, 46f
Intramuscular injection 43, 253
advantages 44
disadvantages 44
in adults, sites for 44f
precautions 44
Intramuscular route
in orange model, inject drug by 45
inject drug by 44
procedure, inject drug by 44
requirements, inject drug by 44
Intrathecal injections 46
Intravenous injection 40, 43f
advantages 40
disadvantages 40
Intravenous route
procedure, inject by 42
requirements, inject by 42
Invertebrate animals 95
Iodine 23
Iontophoresis 48
Iris 71
Iron deficiency anemia 118
Irrational drug 166
Irrational prescribing 165
Isoenzyme 171
Isoniazid 171
Isoprenaline 7476, 83, 84
Isoproterenol inhalation 219
Isotretinoin 196
Jellies 55
Jigsaw 102
Kanamycin injection 219
Kefauver-Harris amendment 235
Keratinization 48
Ketoconazole 171
absorption of 170
Kidneys for excretion 171
Krebs solution 80
Laboratory animals 95
Lactation 199
Lactulose 244
Lansoprazole 170
Latanoprost 153
Laws/regulations for animal use research and education in India 94t
Levodopa 61, 149, 229
Lidocaine, dose of 109
Light 63
reflex 70
Lignocaine 71, 106, 190
Limulus ameobocyte lysate 95
Liniments 56
advantage 56
disadvantage 56
procedure 56
Liquefied phenol 21, 22
Liquid 222
oral formulations 38
preparations 34
Literature searching 232
Lithium 190, 196, 201
carbonate 148
Loading dose 109, 109f
Lorazepam 248
Lotions 56
advantage 56
disadvantage 56
procedure 56
Lozenges 36
Lysergic acid diethylamide 19
Maintenance dose 110
depends 110
Malaria (falciparum) 141
Mandle's throat paint 23
Martin Dale's extra pharmacopoeia 18
Martindale's 207
Materia medica, teaching of 67
Matrix controlled 48
Medical journals 208
Medicine, dissolve dry 42
Membrane controlled 48
Mentha oil 23, 24
Metabolism, drug interaction by
induction of 172f
inhibition of 172f
Metabolite 104
Methanol 247
clinical features 247
management 247
Methotrexate 196
Metoprolol 154
Metric system 10
Metronidazole 133
Meyler's side effects of drugs 207
Mibefradil 169
Microorganisms, drugs sources of 31
Migraine, acute attack of 128
Minerals, drugs sources of 31
Miosis 71
Miotics 51, 71
and mydriasis
active 71
classification of 71t
passive 71
indications of 72
Misoprostol 196
Moisture, loss of 9
Molality 12
Molecular pharmacology 4
Morphine 31, 71, 154, 166
Mortar and pestle 8, 8f
Mouse swimming 87f
Mouthwash solution, prepare and dispense 28
Multibacillary leprosy 138
Myasthenia gravis 150
Mydriatic 51, 71
drugs 70
indications of 72
Myocardial infarction 154
Naranjo algorithm 178
Nasal drops 52
advantage 53
disadvantages 53
procedure 53
Nasal sprays 53, 53f
advantages 53
disadvantages 53
procedure 53
National formulary of India 117
National Pharmacovigilance Program 182
Nebulizer 58f
Neostigmine 71
Netilmicin 190
New chemical entity 215
New drug delivery systems 60
New drug development 214
process, basics of 214
cessation of smoking 16
patches 47
Nimesulide 194
pediatric formulations 169
Nitrate patches 47
Nitroglycerine 154
Non-didactic lecture 100
Non-drug treatment 111
Non-human primates 93
Non-maleficence 234
Non-saturable kinetics 108
Noradrenaline 74, 83
Norepinephrine 7476, 83, 84
Norfloxacin-tinidazole 253
Nortriptyline 106
Nose drops 51
NSAIDs (third trimester) 196
Ofloxacin 136
Ointments 55, 56
advantages 56
disadvantages 56
procedure 56
Omeprazole 108, 170, 171
OPC poisoning 248
clinical features 248
management 248, 249
Opiates 243
Opioid 196
poisoning 245
clinical features 245
management 246
Oral acetylcysteine 245
Oral candidiasis (thrush) 131
Oral contraceptives 16, 253
Oral hypoglycemics 196
Oral rehydration salt 26
dose of 25
Oral route of administration, factors affecting 35
Oral-capsules 33
advantages 33
disadvantages 33
Oral-liquids 34
advantages 34
Oral-pills 33
Oral-powder 33
advantages 34
disadvantages 34
Oral-special preparations 36
Oral-tablets 32
advantages 32
disadvantages 32
Organ bath with intestine attached 79f
Orthologues 95
Osmolarity ORS, reduced 28
Osmotic laxatives 244
Ototoxicity 194
Overdosage 247
Overtreatment, avoidance of 196
Oxygen 63
P (personal) drugs 115
Painful procedure 94
Paints 57
advantage 57
disadvantage 57
Paracetamol 144
poisoning 244
clinical features 244
management 244
Paraldehyde 9
Parameters monitored (general) 212
Parenetral to enteral therapy, change from 27
Parenteral 40
intradermal injection 46
intramuscular 43
subcutaneous 45
sublingual 47
advantages 47
disadvantages 47
transdermal 47
Parkinsonism 149
Pastes 55
Patch 47f
Patient consent form 237
Patient's problem 116
Paucibacillary leprosy 139
P-drug 116
concept 115
steps in choosing 115
suitability of your 116
Pellets hydrocortisone 152
Penicillin 31, 93
Pentobarbital 82, 171
Peptic ulcer 124
Percent by weight 11
Percent calculation 11
Percent weight in volume 11
Periodic safety update reports 181
Personal drug 116
Pethidine 168
pH 63
Pharmaceutical calculations 11
Pharmaceutical chemistry 5
Pharmaceutical containers 9
Pharmaceutical industry 207
Pharmaceutics 5
Pharmacodynamic 4, 99
monitoring 187
Pharmacoeconomics 5
Pharmacogenetics 5
Pharmacognosy 4
Pharmacokinetic 4, 99, 170
absorption 170
calculations 103
distribution 170
excretion 172
metabolism 171
parameters 103
principles 104
Pharmacological actions 22, 23
branches of 3
curriculum 99
experimental 4
innovative exercises in 255
teaching, focus of 99
terminologies in 3
Pharmacopoeia 18
Pharmacotherapeutics 4
Pharmacovigilance 5
Pharmacy 4
preparations 21
Pharyngitis 29
Phenobarbitone 191
Phentolamine 70, 71
Phenylephrine 70, 71
Phenytoin 171, 189, 190
Physician's desk reference 18
Physician's education 111
Physiograph 74f
Physostigmine 71
Pill tile 8
Pilocarpine 71
nitrate 51
Pilot testing/dry run 251
Plants, drugs sources of 31
cholinesterase 249
concentration 104
curve, area under 104f
data, interpretation of 189
time curve 103f
half-life 108
monitoring 198
measure 199
Plasmodium falciparum 141
Poison 242
Poisoning with drugs 244
Posology 218
Poster designing in groups 256f
Poster making 255
methods 180
surveillance 99
chloride 25, 74, 156, 220
inject 76
iodide 23, 24
permanganate 24
solution of 24
Powder 33f
Pralidoxime 249
mesylate 249
Prednisone 150
Pregnancy 197
Pregnant, separation of 91
Premanufactured medicines, labels on 15f
Premarketing clinical trials 179
Prescribing errors, tips for avoiding 166
audit, parameters of 166
event monitoring 180
common errors in 165
through problem-based learning 111
Prickly heat 22
Primary label 19
Procainamide 248
Prodrugs 60, 199
Progestins 196
Progestogens 244
Proportion calculation 12
Propranolol 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 171
Pruritis 22
Psychotropic drugs 95
P-treatment 116
Pulmonary arteries 74
Pupil, size of 70
Puzzle, completed 102
Pyridostigmine 150
Pyridoxine 168
Quinolone 170
Quiz 256
Rabbit 93
eye, effect of drugs on 69, 71t
intestine, effect of drugs on 78
Radioactive iodine 3
Radioiodine 196
Raloxifene 170
Rat in cage 90f
Rational prescribing 111
Rational therapeutics 225
Rectal 37
advantages 37
disadvantages 37
Refinement 91
Renal diseases 200
Renal dysfunction, interval adjustment in 201t
Research project, components of 230f
Research, basics of 230
Reserpine 196
Respiratory movements 82
Retina, periphery of 72
Reye's syndrome 194
Ribavirin 196
Rifabutin 171
Rifampicin 139, 140, 171
Rimonabant 169
Ritonavir 171
Rofecoxib 169
Rosiglitazone 169
Rota rod apparatus 88f
Rotahaler 58f
care of 59
parts of 59f
Saccharin 30
Salicylate 190, 246
normal 70, 156
purgatives 244
Salts, pharmacological action of 27
Sample stations 252
Sandwich type 48
Schedule H warning 16f
Scientific claims, validity of 204
Scientific information, content of 204
Secobarbital 171
Seminars 255
Semisynthetic, drugs sources of 31
Session, conduct of 161
Sibutramine 169
Sick animals, care of 91
Simple lever 78f
Single dose studies 90
tachycardia 247
venosus 73, 74
Sitz's baths 25
Skin metabolism inhibitors 48
Small group learning 101
in pharmacology 100
Smart drugs 60
Snow ball groups 101
Soap, hard 30
bicarbonate 29, 30, 156
chloride 25, 27, 29
citrate 21, 25
nitroprusside 63
sulfate 244
valproate 190
Sorbitol 244
Sorption promoters 48
Spasmogenic 80
Spatula 8, 8f
Sphincter pupillae
contraction of 71
relaxation of 71
Spironolactone 201
Spontaneous reporting-yellow card system 181
Sprays 57
advantage 57
disadvantage 57
Starling heart lever 73, 73f
Status epilepticus 123
Streptomycin 93
Students’ notes 162, 163
Stunned growth 194
Subacute toxicity studies 90
Sublingual 47f
Sucralfate 170
Sulfamethoxazole 171
Sulfonamides (third trimester) 196
Super-ORS 28
Supportive care 242
Suppository 53, 53f
advantages 54
disadvantage 54
procedure 54
Suspension 35, 35f
advantages 35
disadvantage 35
Sustained release 36f
preparations 36
advantages 37
disadvantages 37
Sustained vs controlled release 61
Swine flu 155
Syme's cannula 73
Sympathomimetic amines 243
Synthetic, drugs sources of 31
Syphilis, primary 135
Syrup 34f
advantages 34
disadvantages 34
precaution 34
Tablets 32f
capsules, packed 33f
scored and unscored 32f
Teaching-learning activities, groups for 100
Teeth and bone abnormalities 194
Tefenadine 169
Temperature 63
Teratogenicity studies 91
Tetanus antitoxin 93
Tetracycline 170, 194, 196
Thalidomide 196
prescription 236
Theophylline 171, 190, 244
Therapeutic drug monitoring 187
indications for 188t
Therapeutic objective, specify 115
Therapeutic range of carbamazepine 191
Thymol 30
cancer, diagnosis of 3
hormone 170
Timolol maleate 51
Tinidazole 134
Titrated dose 218
Tobacco smoking 196
Tobramycin 190
Tonic-clonic and partial seizures, generalized 146
Tonsillitis 29
Tooth powder 29, 30
Touch reflex 70
Toxicity 99
acute 90
chronic 91
Toxin 242
Transcription or signature 114
Transdermal delivery 47f
system 47
Trapezoidal rule 105, 105f
for phenytoin 105f
Travoprost 153
Tricyclic antidepressants 171, 244, 247
clinical features 247
management 248
Trimethoprim (third trimester) 196
Troleandomycin 171
Tropicamide 71
Tuberculosis 140
Typhoid 136
United States pharmacopoeia 18
Unsaturable enzyme system 109
Unscheduled medications 166
Uppsala monitoring center 181
Urinary tract infection 142
Vaccines for prevention of disease 3
Vaginal candidiasis 132
Vaginal pessaries 54
Vaginal tablet (pessary) with applicator 54
Vancomycin 190
Venae cava, inferior 74
Venous blood flows 74
Venous cannula 73
B-complex 152
K 247
dietary sources of 173
Vivax malaria 141
Volatile oils 9
Volume depletion 243
Vulvovaginitis 132
Warfarin 106, 172, 196
Wash bottle 8
Weight 7
(mass) in metric system, measures of 10
Wistar rats 86, 88, 89
World health organization 226
formula 25
UMC scale 178
Xerostomia 72
Young's formula 194
Zebrafish 95
to non-human primates 93
Zidovudine 61
Zinc oxide 21, 22
Zolpidem 151
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

1Clinical Pharmacy
  • Chapter 1: Terminologies in Pharmacology
  • Chapter 2: Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy
  • Chapter 3: Weights, Measures and Abbreviations
  • Chapter 4: Labeling of Drugs
  • Chapter 5: Pharmacy Preparations
  • Chapter 6: Common Dosage Forms and Routes of Drug Administration–I
  • Chapter 7: Common Dosage Forms and Routes of Drug Administration–II
  • Chapter 8: Common Dosage Forms and Routes of Drug Administration–III2

Terminologies in PharmacologyCHAPTER 1

PHARMACOLOGY is the science that deals with study of drugs and their action on living organisms. It consists of detailed study of drugs, including their actions on animals and humans. The actions may be beneficial or harmful and based on that the drugs are being used clinically.
Pharmacology is combination of two words:
  1. Pharmacon = an active principle (drug)
  2. Logos = a discourse or treatise.
The name is derived from Drogue, a French word (means Dry herb). The name is derived from the fact that most of the drugs earlier were obtained by drying plant or animal parts. That has become so true today as the world is again looking at the need to explore more of the traditional or plant-based chemicals for therapeutics.
Definition of Drug
Drug has been defined as any chemical substance which is used for prevention, treatment or diagnosis of a disease.
  • Antibiotics for treatment of infection
  • Vaccines for prevention of disease
  • Radioactive iodine for diagnosis of thyroid cancer.
However, this definition excludes some substances, e.g. oral contraceptives as they are not used in normal healthy humans and not for a disease; multivitamins or health supplements.
Hence, a better and more widely acceptable definition as per WHO (1960) is “A drug is any substance/product that is used/intended to be used to modify/explore physiological systems/pathological states for benefit of the recipient”.
Pharmacology has expanded to much wider areas, so now it has a number of branches or subdivisions.4
It is the art of preparing, compounding and dispensing drugs in such a way so as to make the medication suitable for easy, effective and palatable administration in the treatment of a disease. However, as the drugs are being prepared by pharmaceutical industry synthetically at large scale, the process has become totally technology based.
Experimental Pharmacology
It is the study of drugs in animals. It usually involves research on animals using drugs.
Clinical Pharmacology
It is the scientific study of drugs in human being. It includes clinical trials/studies of new drugs in human beings, identifying and reporting adverse drug reactions, rational drug use and essential drug concept. This area of pharmacology is most demanding these days. With the shift of a number of clinical trials of new drugs to India, the training, demand and recruitment has increased tremendously in clinical pharmacology.
Clinical Pharmacy
It deals with patient care with particular emphasis on drug therapy. In practice, it is patient oriented and includes not only the dispensing of required drug but also giving advice to the patient on the proper use of all drugs, both prescribed and over-the-counter drugs. It usually utilizes the services of a pharmacist as an information source for members of the medical and other health professions on all matters pertaining to drugs and their dosage forms. This practice is quite common and also mandatory in developed countries. In India, it has just started in few metropolitan cities. A number of good pharmacy stores have come up in major cities in India, which are following all aspects of clinical pharmacy.
Molecular Pharmacology
It deals with study of actions of drugs at molecular level.
It is the study of action of drugs on the body (what the drug does to the body).
It is the study of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of drugs (what the body does to the drug).
It is the study of identification of source and physical properties of natural medicinal substances, i.e. drugs obtained from plants.
It is a branch of medicine concerned with the cure of disease or relief of symptoms using drugs. (It deals with the use of drugs in clinical practice). It is also called drug therapy or pharmacotherapy.
A poison is a substance which when absorbed or ingested into the body may alter physiology to a mild or a critical extent by damaging body tissues or cells.
It is the science of poisons dealing with their detection, measurement and management of poisons. (Poisons are substances that cause harmful, dangerous or fatal symptoms in animals and human beings).5
It is an adjective which means pertaining to pharmacy. It deals in technique of calculation, preparation and dispensing required dosage forms.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
It is the application of organic and inorganic chemistry to pharmaceutics and relation of these principles to drug use.
It involves the cost of drug therapy, including those of purchasing, dispensing (e.g. salaries of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians), storage, administration (e.g. salaries of nurses, costs of supplies), laboratory, other tests used to monitor client responses and losses from expiration. Length of illness or hospitalization is also considered.
It involves adverse drug event monitoring, detection, reporting and remedial measures.
The changes in the drug metabolism due to genetic variations in the expression of enzymatic biotransformation.
At the end of this session a student shall be able to:
  1. Define the various terms related to pharmacology
  2. Know about various divisions of practical pharmacology
  3. Be familiar with the layout of the department of pharmacology, the various laboratories, and teachers.