Psychology for Nurses R Sreevani
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table, respectively.
Acetylcholine 27
Achievement test 223, 233
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 153, 217
Actual performance test 95
Adaptability, principle of 45
Adaptation 138, 233
Adrenocorticotropin hormone 141, 142
Aggression 128
Agnosia 100
Alarm reaction 141f, 233
Alcohol 72
Allport's classification 162, 164f, 164t
Altruism 233
Alzheimer's disease 71, 100
Amnesia 100, 233
dissociative 235
retrograde 242
Anal stage 233
Anesthesia 99
Antisocial personality disorder 179, 233
Anxiety 149, 218, 233
Anxious personality disorder 179, 180
Applied psychology, branches of 7
Aptitude 92, 94, 98, 229, 233
manual 93, 98
measurement of 97
mechanical 93, 98
nursing implications of 106
test 224
types 97
types of 94
Aspiration, levels of 122
Asthma, bronchial 136
disorder 72
hyperactivity disorder 98
degree of 39
determinants of 37, 38t
division of 40
duration of 40
involuntary 37
nursing implications of 102
span of 39
types of 37, 38
Attitude 122, 143, 144, 151, 228, 233
development of 144
formation of 144, 152
learning 49
measurement of 148
nature of 143
non-judgmental 214
nursing implications of 152
psychometric assessment of 147, 148
scales 148
attention, span of 40
cortex 29
defects 43
Autonomic nervous system 135
Autonomy 202
Bandura and Walter's social learning theory 172
Beck depression inventory 95
Behavior 18, 22, 145, 234
abnormal 233
biology of 17
glandular controls of 24
meaning of 1
modification 234
muscular controls of 24
Blood pressure 71, 131
Bloom's levels of thinking 82f
Bloom's taxonomy 82
Borderline personality disorder 179
Boston diagnostic aphasia examination 95
Brain 22, 31f, 46
functions 84
lobes of 29f, 30f
main divisions of 28
major structures in 31f
structures 135
tumors 71
Broca's area 29
Bruner's theory 92
Cannon-Bard theory 132, 133f, 234
Catharsis 234
Central nervous system 27, 234
Cerebellum 30, 234
Cerebral cortex 234
Cerebrum 28, 234
Chromosomes 234
Classical conditioning theory 57
Closure, principle of 45, 45f
development, Piaget's four stages of 87f, 88t
disorders 101
process, psychometric assessment of 94
social learning theory 234
Computer assisted tests 223
Conflict 128, 235
types of 128
Consciousness 1, 235
Constipation, chronic 136
Continuous recognition memory test 95
Continuous reinforcement 59
schedule 235
Contrast, principle of 45, 45f
Coping strategies
classification of 143
types of 142f
Corticotropin releasing hormone 141, 142
Counseling 214, 217, 235
interpersonal 217
phases of 215
principle of 214
problem-solving 217
types of 215
Creative thinking, stages of 81
Crisis intervention 205, 217
Curriculum planning 153
Cutaneous disorders 42
Daydreaming 82
Decay theory 78
Defence mechanisms, types of 210, 210t
Delirium 101
Dementia 101
Dendrites 235
Dependent personality disorder 179, 180
Depression 149, 194
Diabetes 136
Differential aptitude test 98
Dissocial personality disorder 179
Distraction 71
sources of 40
types of 40
Dollard and Miller's learning theory 172
Domestic violence 194
Dopamine 27
Down syndrome 235
Drive theories 123, 236
Dynamic personality theories 165
Dyslexia 100
Ego 33, 165f, 236
defence mechanisms 208
integrity versus despair stage 236
Electrocardiogram 148
Electroencephalogram 148
Emotion 39, 51, 236
components of 130, 130f
focused coping 141
nursing implications of 151
psychometric assessment of 147, 148
rise of 77
theories of 132, 133f
adjustments 135
differences 228
expression 130
intelligence 89, 236
reasoning 85
Endocrine gland 25, 236
major 25f
Endorphins 27
intercellular 20
types of 20
Epilepsy 136
Experimental method 1113
Eysenck's trait-type theory 172t
Facial expressions 131
Factual disorders 42
Families, counseling of 218
Fantasy 128
Fear 123, 149, 218
Feelings, facilitate verbalization of 149
Fixation 236
Fixed interval schedule 237
Fixed ratio schedule 237
Flexible time limit 86
Fluids, type of 162
Forebrain 27
interference theory of 238
theories of 77
types of 76
Fraternal twins 237
Frustration 127, 128, 218, 237
external 127
personal 127
resolution 129
Galvanic skin response 148, 237
Gamma aminobutyric acid 27
Gardner's multiple intelligence 89
Gastric glands 24
Geh-SHTALLT psychology 237
adaptation syndrome 237
intelligence theory 91
memory functions, theories of 72
Genes 237
Genital stage 237
Geopsychology 6
psychology, theories of 60
therapy 237
Glands 24, 34
adrenal 25
duct 24
ductless 25
Glutamate 27
Gonads 25
Gordon Allport's theory 170
Grief, stages of 196f
classification of 197
non-verbal intelligence tests 96
primary 197
psychology of 197
tertiary 197
tests 96
therapy 198, 237
verbal intelligence tests 96
Grouping, principle of 44
Growth hormone-releasing hormone 141, 142
Guidance, principle of 212
Gustatory disorders 42
Hallucination 47
Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological battery 95
Handling parent's anxiety 188
Hans Eysenck's theory 172
guidance 214
personnel, training of 205
psychology 237
Heart disease 135, 162
Heredity, mechanism of 18
Hindbrain 30
Hippocrates classification 161, 162t
Histrionic personality disorder 179
Homeostasis 119, 237
Hooper visual organization test 95
Hormone 135, 237
Human growth hormone 141, 142
psychology, development of 125f
theories 165
Hunger motive 121
Hyperanesthesia 99
Hyperthymestic syndrome 101
Hypnosis 237
Hypothalamus 28
Hypothesis 81
formulation of 12, 80
Hypothyroidism 71
Id 33, 165f, 237
Illusions, types of 99
Index finger tapping 95
Indian administrative service 208
Individual performance tests 96
Infancy 186, 238
Infertility 194
Information processing theory 73f, 92
Insightful learning, theories of 62
Insomnia 136, 150
Integrity 238
Intelligence 71, 86, 89, 101, 238
assessment of 94
classification of 89
factor theories of 91
Gardner's eight major kinds of 90f, 90t
general 89
nursing implications of 105
process-oriented theories of 91
quotient 90, 238
tests 224, 238
classification of 96
limitations of 97
uses of 96
theories of 91
type of 90
uses of 91
wide range of 86
Intensity 41
Interference theory 77, 78, 78f
Intrauterine environment 20
IQ 90
James-Lange theory 132, 133f, 239
Jean Piaget formulated theory 87f
Jung's classification 162, 163t
Kidneys 24
disorders 43
sense 43
Kretschmer's classification 162, 162t
Lacrimal glands 24
Laissez-Faire leadership 239
Lazarus theory 134, 134f
basic potential 51
mental health 51
physical health 50
Learning 47, 55, 70, 99, 239
experience, nature of 52
factors influencing transfer of 65
laws of 52
material, practice of 77
methodology of 52
nature of 48
nursing implications of 103
observational 62, 240
paired-associate 49
problem-solving 49
process 63
situation 64
theories of 53, 63t
trial and error theory of 53
types of 48, 49, 49f
various theories of 63
verbal 49
Libido 239
Limbic system 28, 239
Loci, method of 75
Marriage guidance counseling 217
Maslow's hierarchy of needs 125, 126f, 168
Mathematics disorders 100
Maturation 51, 239
Medulla 30, 239
Memory 69, 91, 100, 239
declarative 235
episodic 236
factors influencing 70t
long-term 69, 70, 239
nature of 69
nursing implications of 104
peg system 75
short-term 69, 243
stages of 72f
theories of 72
three stage model of 69
trace 239
types of 69
working 244
age 90, 239
filter 85
functions, localization of 31f
health 201
agencies 206, 207
concepts of 202
education 204
non-governmental organizations 207
professionals 150
services 206, 208
hygiene 201
clinics 204
concepts of 201
retardation 239
set-up 39
subnormality 101
Midbrain 30, 239
Mind, structure of 32
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory 95, 239
Mnemonic link system 75
Moral development 229
Motivation 118, 238, 239
arousal theory of 124, 124f
cognitive approaches of 234
concepts of 120
incentive theory of 124
instinct theory of 123
level of 51
psychometric assessment of 147
pull theory of 124
push theory of 123
theories of 123
Motivational cycle 124f, 240
nursing implications of 150
personal 122
types of 120
association cortex 29
cortex, primary 29
learning 49
neurons 26, 240
Multilingual aphasia examination 95
Muscles 24
cardiac 24
skeletal 24
smooth 24
Myelin sheath 240
Narcissistic personality disorder 179
Nerve fiber 240
Nervous system 22, 27, 34, 240
integrative function of 32
parts of 28
peripheral 31, 241
Neurological tests 95t
Neuron 22, 25
Neuropsychological tests 224
Neurotransmitters 27, 240
functions of 27t
Non-verbal selective reminding test 95
Nurse, role of 187192, 203, 205, 206, 226
Nutrient deficiencies 72
Observation method 11
Olfactory disorders 42
Operant conditioning theory 60
Organization, Gestalt laws of 237
Pancreas 25
Paper-pencil and performance tests 223
Paranoid personality disorder 179
Parasympathetic system 240
Parathyroid gland 25
Paresthesia 99, 240
Peptic ulcer 135
Perceptual learning, types of 48f
Personality 165t, 172, 177, 179, 237, 241
abnormal 179
balanced development of 202
behavioral theories of 165
components, functioning of 166f
development 168
Freud's stages of 167, 167t, 168f
theories of 162
disorder 180, 241
classification of 179
obsessive compulsive 179
dynamics of 165
Freud's components of 165f
Freud's structure of 166f
inventories 148, 175
Jung's two basic types of 164f
learning theories of 165, 172
psychometric assessment of 174
questionnaire 175t
tests 224
theories of 171f
topography of 161
trait-type theory of 165, 172
types of 161, 162
Phobias 241
Phonetic structure 100
Piaget's theory 92
Pituitary gland 25, 241
Poor mental health, warning signs of 203
Preconscious level 33
Processing theory, levels of 73, 73f
Projective personality test 241
Proximity 241
principle of 44, 44f
Pruritus 136
Psoriasis 136
Psychiatric first-aid centers 204
Psychoanalysis 3
Psychoanalytic theory 163, 165f, 241
Psychological tests 224
development of 224
interpretation of 226
limitations of 226
principle of 225
types of 223
uses of 225
Psychology 1, 4, 9f, 241
abnormal 6
application of 7, 8f
branches of 6
clinical 7, 234
cognitive 234
community 234
definitions of 3
development of 3t
developmental 6, 186, 235
educational 7
experimental 7
general 5
gestalt 237
industrial 7
organizational 238
laws of 4
legal 7
major subfields of 5t
meaning of 1
methods of 10
military 7
physiological 6
political 7
scope of 4
Psychosexual stages 241
development 241
Erikson's eight stages of 169t, 170f
theories of 167
environment 21
needs 118
theory 168f
Psychotherapy 242
Punishment, types of 58t
Pure psychology, branches of 5
Raymond Cattell's theory 171
Reading disorders 100
Reflex 242
Regression 128, 242
Reinforcement 58, 64, 242
schedule of 58, 59, 59f, 242
types of 58t
Repression theory 78
Respiratory motive 121
Reticular activating system 172, 242
Retina 43
Rey 15 item test 95
Rorschach inkblot test 95, 176, 176f, 242
Salivary glands 24
Schachter-Singer theory 133, 242
theoretical model of 134f
Schizoid personality disorder 179
Scholastic aptitude tests 98
Self-observation method 10
Self-report methods 148
Semantic memory 243
Sensation 23, 41, 99, 243
feneral characteristics of 41
psychology of 22
types of 42
Sense organs 22, 46
defective functioning of 47
Sensitivity 216
Sensory 32
association area 29
disorders, types of 42
experience 23, 41
memory 69, 243
neurons 25
perceptual examination 95
process, nursing implications of 23, 102
Sentence completion test 176
Serotonin 27
Sex glands 24, 25
Shame and guilt feelings 178
Sheldon's classification 162, 163t
Shock 149
Situation, analysis of 224
Situational tests 148, 177
disorders 136
sensation 42
Skinner box 58f
Skinner's theory 60
Smell 42
adjustment 212
development 229
guidance 214
intelligence 89
learning theory 173f
Albert Bandura exponent of 63f
motives 243
psychology 6, 243
Somatoform disorder 243
association areas 30
cortex, primary 29
Space and unspaced method 74
Specific clinical tests 224
Speech center 29
Spinal cord 30
Spontaneous recovery 56, 243
Stanford-Binet intelligence scale 95
Stereotype 128, 243
Stimulus 243
discrimination 243
generalization 56, 243
intensity of 38
isolation of 38, 39
location of 38
movement of 38
nature of 38
neural 240
neutral 56
presentation of 58
removal of 58
repetition of 38
response learning 48
size of 38
unconditioned 56, 244
variability 243
Stress 130, 136138, 139f, 141, 243
cycle 137, 137f
concepts of 136
Stressor 136, 137
personal 136
Suicide prevention centers 208
Superego 33, 165f, 243
Sweat glands 24
Symbol digit modalities test 95
Symmetry, principle of 45, 45f
Taste 42
Teen pregnancy 194
Temporal lobes 243
Tension 128
Thalamus 243
Thematic apperception test 95, 176, 176f, 244
Thinking 79, 82, 86, 101, 244
development of 86
nursing implications of 105
types of 79
Thorndike theory 54
gland 25, 244
stimulating hormone 141, 142
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 141, 142
Token test 95
Trace decay theory 77
Trait theory 244
apperception theory of 65
transposition theory of 66
types of 64
Tuberculosis 136
Two-factor theory 91
Unconscious 244
level 33
motives 123
disorders 43
senses 43
Vision 42
acuity 244
association area 29, 30
attention, span of 39
disorders 43
Visuo-motor integration test 95
Voice disturbances 132
Voluntary behavioral methods 148
Waste, elimination of 121
Wechsler individual achievement test 95
Wechsler scales 95
Wernicke's area 29
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 101
Wisconsin card sorting test 95
Woodcock-Johnson achievement test 95
Word association test 176
Written expression, disorders of 100
Zygote 244
Chapter Notes

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Psychology for NURSES
Psychology for NURSES
As per INC Syllabus
Third Edition
R Sreevani PhD (Psy. Nursing) Professor and Head, Department of Nursing Dharwad Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (DIMHANS) Dharwad, Karnataka, India Foreword K Reddemma
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Psychology for Nurses
First Edition: 2009
Second Edition: 2013
Reprint: 2015
Third Edition: 2018
Printed at
Dedicated to
My Husband
It is a matter of immense pleasure that Dr R Sreevani has again put her efforts together for the students community by compiling a comprehensive textbook titled Psychology for Nurses and requested me to write foreword for the same. Her previous publication A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing has been a phenomenal success and gained much recognition with the student community in particular.
The present book broadly covers fundamentals of psychological concepts for the undergraduate and graduate nurses with special focus on nursing implications making it unique. The text is presented in line with the Indian Nursing Council (INC) syllabus for GNM, BSc (N) and PC BSc (N) students.
The author has used simple language and presented the subject in her own lucid style. A right mix of tables, flowcharts and figures has been used to make the concept comprehendible and aid learning. Units on Sensation and Perception, Learning, Memory, Thinking, Intelligence, Motivation, Emotions, Attitudes, Personality, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Guidance and Counseling and Psychological Assessment have been dealt with in depth and incorporated Nursing Implications making it a must-buy for the nursing community.
I wish her success in all her future endeavors.
K Reddemma
Nodal Officer
National Consortium for PhD in Nursing
Indian Nursing Council
Dean, Behavioral Sciences
Professor, Department of Nursing
NIMHANS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Preface to the Third Edition
The previous editions of Psychology for Nurses received strong acclaim for their content, approach and organization. While retaining these strengths in the third edition, I have added a few more illustrations, figures, flowcharts and tables where required. All theoretical aspects and psychological principles are well presented with figures and flowcharts. They are immediately followed up with application in nursing practice enabling the students to grasp the concept. Complex topics are also presented very lucidly. After going through this textbook the students will be able to manage their examinations on psychology and also meet the psychological needs of patients more effectively.
This third edition is strictly aligned as per the present Indian Nursing Council (INC) syllabus. It has been organized into nine chapters. The chapter wise highlights are as follows:
Text Organization
Deals with the history, origin and scope of psychology and also focuses on methods of psychology.
Features the mind-body relationship, influence of heredity and environment on behavior, role of nervous system in behavior. The chapter ends with integrated responses of an organism.
Incorporates a very detailed description of cognitive processes like attention, perception, learning, memory, thinking, intelligence and aptitude.
Covers topics on motivation and emotional processes with a special focus on the related theories. It also includes a detailed description of the stress cycle, sources of stress and adaptation to stress. The chapter ends with a topic on behavior and attitude.
Gives a classic account on theories of personality development and ends with alteration and factors influencing personality.
Has been devoted to developmental psychology and psychology of vulnerable individuals.
Deals with mental hygiene and mental health and also focuses on preventive mental health strategies, mental health services available in our country. The chapter ends with a detailed account on guidance and counseling.
Deals with psychological assessment and tests and role of the nurse.
Focuses on types, causes and nursing implications of individual differences.
Each chapter is followed by long essay, short essay, short answer and multiple choice questions culled out from the previous examinations. Answering them will serve as an active learning exercise and prepare the student thoroughly for the examinations. It also includes an exhaustive glossary of various terms used in psychology which is a must for gaining a broad understanding of the subject. A list of bibliography has been furnished at the end for further reading.
Students of General, BSc, MSc Nursing and other health professionals interested in getting an overview of psychology may also find the text useful. All constructive suggestions from the readers in making this edition more valuable and helpful will be earnestly solicited. I am confident that this new edition reflects what instructors want and need, a book that motivates students to understand and apply psychology to their own lives as well.
R Sreevani
Preface to the First Edition
As per the Indian Nursing Council (INC) syllabus for GNM, BSc (N), PC BSc (N) students, psychology is prescribed as a subject in their academic curriculum. During my teaching experience I have always found that though many books have been published on the subject they do not really cater to the specific needs of the student community, nurses in particular. The students have often sought recommendations for a publication which caters to their complete syllabus. For lack of such a textbook there was always a high demand for prepared notes which they could use during their examinations. This edition is a genuine effort to mitigate their hardship and also to stimulate academic interest and build an appreciation of the relevance of psychology, motivating and engaging the students.
This edition of Psychology for Nurses though will add to the Psychology section in the book shelves, it will definitely be a special one for the nurse community. In this edition a concerted effort has been made to cover the basic principles of psychology and also focus on applied topics in units such as Sensation and Perception, Learning, Memory, Thinking, Intelligence, Motivation, Emotions, Attitudes, Personality, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Guidance and Counseling and Psychological Assessment. The matter has been produced in a simple language with tables, figures and flowcharts so as to directly support learning, easy understanding and retention of the concept. Learning new concepts and theories is of no much value unless the same can be put to use in real-life situations. In a unique effort to bridge the gap between theory and practice, special care has been exercised to incorporate Nursing Implications at all appropriate places, providing ample opportunity for the intelligent nurse to conceptualize her role.
An exhaustive glossary has been provided at the end of the text to aid the student nurse understand the meaning of the keywords and their usage. To facilitate the students from the examination point of view, a set of review questions—long essays, short essays and short answers type have been included at the end of each unit. To assess the level of understanding gained on various topics, a unit-wise question bank (objective) has been provided at the end of the text.
I will be deriving immense satisfaction if the nursing personnel apply the psychological principles described in the textbook in their day-to-day learning and practice. I am confident that this book will provide good teaching material for the instructor and moreover motivate the students towards understanding and applying psychology in their job and personal lives as well. Suggestions for improvement will be gratefully acknowledged.
R Sreevani
Deep felt gratitude to:
INC Syllabus
Psychology for Basic BSc (Nursing) 1st Year
Total Hours: 60
Unit I: Introduction
  1. History and Origin of Science of Psychology
  2. Definition and Scope of Psychology
  3. Relevance to Nursing
  4. Methods of Psychology
Unit II: Biology of Behavior
  1. Body Mind Relationship-modulation Process in Health and Illness
  2. Genetics and Behavior: Heredity and Environment
  3. Brain and Behavior: Nervous System, Neurons and Synapse
  4. Association Cortex, Rt. and Lt. Hemispheres
  5. Psychology of Sensations
  6. Muscular and Glandular Controls of Behavior
  7. Nature of Behavior of an Organism/Integrated Responses
Unit III: Cognitive Processes
  1. Attention: Types, Determinants, Duration and Degree, Alterations
  2. Perception: Meaning, Principles, Factors Affecting, Errors
  3. Learning: Nature, Types, Learner and Learning, Factors Influencing, Laws and Theories, Process, Transfer, Study Habits
  4. Memory: Meaning, Types, Nature, Factors Influencing, Development Theories and Methods of Memorizing and Forgetting
  5. Thinking: Types and Levels, Stages of Development, Relationship with Language and Communication
  6. Intelligence: Meaning, Classification, Uses, Theories
  7. Aptitude: Concept, Types, Individual Differences and Variability
  8. Psychometric Assessments of Cognitive Processes
  9. Alterations in Cognitive Processes
  10. Applications
Unit IV: Motivation and Emotional Processes
  1. Motivation: Meaning, Concepts, Types, Theories, Motives and Behavior, Conflicts and Frustration, Conflict Resolution
  2. Emotions and Stress
  3. Attitude: Meaning, Nature, Development, Factors Affecting
    1. Behavior and Attitudes
    2. Attitudinal Change
  4. Psychometric Assessments of Emotions and Attitudes
  5. Alterations in Emotions
  6. Applications
Unit V: Personality
  1. Definitions, Topography, Types, Theories
  2. Psychometric Assessments of Personality
  3. Alterations in Personality
  4. Applications
Unit VI: Developmental Psychology
  1. Psychology of People at Different Ages from Infancy to Old Age
  2. Psychology of Vulnerable Individuals-challenged, Women, Sick, etc.
  3. Psychology of Groups
Unit VII: Mental Hygiene and Mental Health
  1. Concepts of Mental Hygiene and Mental Health
  2. Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person
  3. Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health
  4. Promotive and Preventive Mental Health-Strategies and Services
  5. Ego Defence Mechanisms and Implications
  6. Personal and Social Adjustments
  7. Guidance and Counseling
  8. Role of Nurse
Unit VIII: Psychological assessment and tests
Types, Development, Characteristics, Principles, Uses, Interpretations and Role of Nurse in Psychological Assessment