Comprehensive Allied Health and Diagnostics Sciences for Nursing and Paramedics GD Mogli
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, t refer to table and fc refer to flow chart
Abdomen 322, 333, 373, 375
examination of 345
normal 373
regions of 374
silent 373
Abortion 445
Accident and emergency
department 20
record 437
service 428
Acid-fast bacillus 99
rosacea 339
vulgaris 339
Acoustic impedance audiometry/tympanometry 240
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 53, 201
Activity analysis 226
Addiction 321, 362
to drugs 293
Admission register 429
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus synthesized 276
Adrenal adrenal medulla 71
Adrenal cortex Addison's disease 72
Adrenal glands 162
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 92
Affective disorders 290
Agglutination-flocculation test 90
Aids-related complex 54
and bone conduction of
left ear 244f, 245f
right ear 244f, 245f
conduction response 246
Alanine transaminase 112
Alcoholism, chronic 293
Aliment 252
Alimentary system 359
Alkaline phosphate 85
Alkylating agents 197
Allergy 327
history of 362
Alleviating factors 323
Allied health services 1, 2
Allied healthcare
professions 3
workers 2
Alpha-fetoprotein 83, 135
Ambulatory care 459
American Medical Association 205
American Occupational Therapy Association 221
Amino acids 252, 259f, 275
Analgesic 185
Analytic error 383385
Analytic phase 382
Analytical measurement 383
Anatomical pathology 33f, 34
Anemias 52
Anesthesia register 430
Anesthetics 187
Aneurysm 370
Angiocardiography 157, 438
Anomaly 359, 437
Antacids 190
Antepartum hemorrhage 361
Antianginals 192
Antianxiety agents 290
Antibiotic 186, 196, 197
Anticoagulant 187, 193, 196, 282, 387
Antidepressant 187, 196, 290
Antidiarrheal drugs 187
Antidiuretic hormone 65, 69, 93
Antidotes 5
Antiemetics 186, 190
Antiflatulents 190
Antihemophilic factor 55
Antihistamine 186, 191
Antihyperlipidemics 195
Antihyperuricemics 193
Anti-inflammatory drugs 189
Antimetabolite 197
Antinauseants 190
Antioxidant proteins 261
Antioxidants 263
Antipruritics 189
Antipsychotic tranquilizers 290
Antiseptic 189
Antisocial 292
Antispasmodics 191
Antitussive 191
Anus, examination of 345
disorders 290
states 290
Aorta, normal 370
Appetite 361
Application service provider 459
Arachidonic acid 257
Arterial blood gases 129
Arterial microinjuries 273
Arterial pulsations 369
Arthrocentesis 159
Arthrography 159
Arthroscopy 160, 168, 438
Ascorbic acid 276
Aspartate aminotransferase 104
Aspartate transaminase 112
Assigning nursing personnel, methods of 23
Assistant medical record
officer 433
technician 438
Assisted living facility 220
Astringents 190
Atelectasis 48
Atherosclerosis 49
Audiogram 243, 250
interpretation of 246
reading of 246
Audiologist 248
Audiometer 242
conducts audiometry tests 240f
sample of 247f
localized 251
types of 240
Audit trail 460
Auscultation 368, 370, 373, 378
Autoimmune diseases 54
Automatic audiometers 240
Autonomic drugs 186
Autopsy 438
Axilla 333
examination of 342
Axillary nodes 377
Babinski reflex 335
Back, examination of 345
Bacteriology 438
Barbiturates 293
Barium swallow 156
Basal diastolic shock 370
Basal metabolic rate 112
Basal state collections 389
Beam radiotherapy, external 174
Behavior therapy 289
Behaviorally anchored rating scales 29
Békésy audiometry 240, 250
Bell's palsy 74
Beri-beri, causing 275
Beta-cryptoxanthin 265
Bimanual examination 377
Biometrics 460
Biorhythm 388
Biosynthesis 260
Birth notification, submission of 420
Birth register 430
Bladder 96, 360
neck obstruction 63
Bleeding 358
excessive 282
gums 359
per rectum 359
time 113
Blood 269, 386
cells 286
culture tube 387
gas form 37
pressure 88, 336, 353, 369, 376
specimen transport 390
urea nitrogen 65, 86
Body fluid 39
Bodybuilding supplement 270f
Bone 286, 361, 367
block of 269
component of 260
conduction response 246
marrow 286
scan 159
Boron 277, 278
Bowel 360, 361
history 359
obstruction 44
Breast 260, 333
examination of 342
Breath sounds 368
Bremsstrahlung 141
Bronchodilator 191
Bronchography 157
Bronchoscopy 166
Brook classification 394
Bulge, localized 373
Cadmium telluride 145
Calcium 253, 260, 277, 386
Calibration problems 390
Calling panic values, delays in 384, 390
Calories 254
Canadian model of occupational performance 227
Cancer 272
categorization of 287
of cervix 69
treatment 287
types of 173, 286
Capillary collections 389
Capillary pulsations 344
Capsaicinoids 266
Carbohydrate 253, 255, 271
intake 273
range 254
Carbon 253
Carcinoembroynic antigen test 135
Carcinomas 285, 286, 439
Cardiac angiography 157
Cardiac borders 368
Cardiac catheterization 157, 439
Cardiac function, tests of 344
Cardiac murmurs 344
Cardiopulmonary 209
disease 281
drugs 186
system 264, 358, 363, 368
Care hospitals, acute 219
Carotenoid 265
Cartilage 269, 286
Casualty medical officer 409, 451
Cataracts 77
Causes, external 395
division 253
growth, management of 253
Central cancer register 431
Central Medicolegal Committee 409
Central nervous system 176, 332, 346, 359, 363, 371
Central processing unit 440
Central sterile supply department 20
Cerebellar function 377
Cerebral arteriography 162
Cerebral vascular accident 75
Cerebrospinal fluid 134
Cerebrovascular accident 219
Cerebrovascular disease 75
Cervical nodes 377
Cheeks, mucosa of 371
Chemotherapy 5, 184, 288, 440
expansion 377
measure 367
observations 377
pain 358
percussion 377
radiograph 157
shape of 367
wall, thick 370
Cheyne-stokes 367
Child, growth and development of 352
Chloride ions 260
Chlorine 260, 277, 278
Chlorpromazine 290
Chromium 260
Chrysotherapy 193
Citric acid cycle 276
Clinical data repository 460
Clinical decision support system 460
Clinical psychology 296
Clinical thermometer 334
Clot formation 273
Coagulation time 115
Coagulation tube 387
Cobalt 260
Cocaine 293
Cochlea hearing normally 246
Coenzymes, family of 260
Cognitive decline 180
Cognitive psychology 297
Colono-fiberoscopy 166
Color, change in 360
Colpomicroscopy 167
Common electrolyte 260
Common target materials 140t
Communicable disease 440
Communication 395
privileged 455
written 22
Community psychology 297
Community-based practice 223
Comparative psychology 298
Complete blood count 99
Complex polysaccharides 254
Computed axial tomography 137
Computed tomography 81, 90, 173
of bronchial tree 157
Computerized axial tomography 378
Computerized patient record 461
Computerized provider order entry 461
Computerized tomographic colonography 99
Computerized tomography 136
Conjunctiva 377
Connective tissue 286
Consciousness, alteration of state of 359
Constipation 282
Continuing education 24
Convalescent patient 441
Conventional external beam radiotherapy 174
Copper 260, 277, 278
Corneal ulceration 281
arteriography 157
artery disease 50
Cortical audiometry 250
Corticosteroids 193, 195
Costovertebral angle 376
Cough 358
Counseling psychology 298
Cranial nerves 372t, 377
pairs of 347
Creatine kinase 105, 131
Creatine phosphokinase 98, 116, 131
Cribs 441
Cryosurgery 442
Cryptorchidism 64
Crystalline structure 150f
Culdoscopy 167
Cumulative side effects 180
Current procedural terminology 461
Cushing's syndrome 72, 339
Customer causes 395
Cutaneous diagnosis 338
Cyanosis 366
attacks of 358
Cycloplegic agents 197
Cystic fibrosis 49
Cystography 161
Cystoscopy 167
Cytochrome C oxidase 260
Daily living, activities of 219
Data bank 442
Data encryption standard 461
Data integrity 461
Data mining 461
Database management system 461
Deafness 359
Death rate 442
Death register 431
Decongestant 191
Decubitus ulcers 42
Deep vein thromboses 158, 193
Dehydration 282
Delirium 292
Dementia 292
Deoxyribonucleic acid 149, 170, 288
Department of Health and Human Services 267
Depressions, major 290
Dermal application 185
Dermatology 442
Diabetes 256
mellitus 73
Diagnostic errors 380, 396
Diagnostic formulation 353
Diagnostic language 354
Diagnostic radiology, errors in 394
Dialysis 443
Diarrhea 282
Diastolic pressure 337
Diazepam 290, 293
advice, evidence-based 252
allowance, recommended 260, 270, 276
history 362
status 386
Digital imaging and communications in medicine 461
Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid 257
Diplopia 359
Direct semiconductor detectors 145
Disabilities 327
Disambiguation 138f
Disassociate disorders 290
Discharge analysis 443
Discrete data 462
chronic 327
classification of 354, 448
triangle 35
Distant metastasis 287
Diuretic 192, 194
Diverticulosis 46
Doctors office quality information technology 462
Document imaging 462
Doppler ultrasonography 158
Doubtful cases 443
and injection, history of 362
and reaction, effects of 357
classifications of 185
dependence 293
Dryness 180
Dynamometry 164
Dysphagia 359, 360
Dyspnea 358
Ear 88, 321, 328, 333, 366, 374
cauliflower 463
examination of 341
otitis media 79
unit of 248
Earphone, type of 246
Earrings 240
Echocardiography 158, 443
Echogram 163
Eczema 42
Edema 54, 179, 358, 366
Educational psychology 300
Eicosapentaenoic acid 257
Electrocardiogram 89, 378
Electrocardiography 4, 16, 81, 131, 158, 444
Electroconvulsive therapy 16, 444
Electrodermal audiometry 250
Electroencephalogram 4, 16
Electroencephalography 81, 94, 163, 444
Electromyogram 91
Electromyography 444
Electronic health record 396, 459, 462
Electronic medical record 462
Electronic order entry 462
Electronic patient record 463
Electrooculography 444
Electroshock therapy 290
Emetics 191
Emphysema 370
Encephalography 163
Encryption 463
drugs 187
system 360
disorders of 69
Endocrinology 444
Endometriosis 66
Endoscopic procedures 165f, 166t
Endoscopy 444
procedure 388
Enzymes 260
Epigastric 370
Epilepsy 75
Epistaxis 358
Epithelial surfaces, damage to 178
Eponym 445
E-prescribing 463
Epstein-Barr virus 56
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 88, 117
Escherichia coli 265
Esophagoscopy with biopsy 166
Esophagram 156
Essential amino acids 260
Essential fatty acids 257
Essential vitamin thiamine 275
Estrogens 194
Evoked response audiometry 240
Evolutionary psychology 300
Exhibitionism 291
Extremities, examination of 345
Eye 236, 321, 328, 333, 375, 377
care professions 238
examination of 340
muscles 377
Face 321, 333, 365
examination of 339
Facial paralysis 359
Facilitated communication 307
Fainting attacks 358
Family therapy 289
Fasting blood sugar 128, 133
Fat 253, 256, 273, 286
Fatigue 180
Fat-soluble vitamins, malabsorption of 281
Fatty acids 252, 275
Female genitalia 377
Female hormones 194
Female sexual organs 375
Fetal death
early 445
late 445
Fetishism 291
Fever 358
Fiber 253, 256
Fibrinolytics 193
Fibrosis 179
Film transistors, thin 146
Finger stick 389
Firewall 463
Flat panel detectors 146
Flatulence 359
Flavonoids 266
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption 87
Fluoroscopy 136
Follice-stimulating hormone 84, 97, 105
Food and drug administration 178, 204
Food consumption for humans 267f
Foreign sounds 368
medicine 446
pathology 35
psychology 300
Formal mental status examination 350
Fructose 254
Functional independent measure 215
Functional nursing 23
Galactose 254
Gastric splashing 373
Gastroenterology 446
drugs 186, 187
endoscopy 167
parts 165f
system 363, 371
General nursing 20
Generic models 227
Genitalia 322, 333
examination of 345
Genitourinary 321, 331
German psychologist 305f
Germanium 145
Gerontology 446
Giddiness 358
Glaucoma 78
medication for 238
Glomerulonephritis 62
Glucagons 258
Glucose 254
tolerance test 93, 118, 128
Gonadotropin 194
Goniometer 334
Gonioscopy 166
Goose-egg (lay term) 464
Graves’ disease 70
Gravida 464
Growth hormone 69
Gums 373
Habits 321, 326, 361
Hair 260, 365
appearance of 365
changes in 360
disorder 338
growth, abnormality of 360
loss 179
Hallucinogen-type drug 293
Hands 366
Harrison's sulcus 367
Head 321, 328, 333, 365
examination of 339
scan slice 148f
Headphone fit 241
benefits 264
information 411
technology 380, 396
promotion 223
psychology 301
delivery system 402
diagnosis in 391, 399
system, integral part of 2, 13
Healthy diets 268
aids 240
assessment 239
conductive 246
level 243f, 244f, 245f
conductive 247
moderate 246
moderately severe 246
prevalence of 247
profound 246
types of 342
normal 246
Heart 260, 375
auscultation of 343, 376
examination of 343
peripheral vessels 333
rate 336
Heartburn 359
Heberden's nodes 366
Heel stick 389
Hematemesis 359
Hematology 38, 447
Hemoglobin 89, 260
Hemolysis 389
Hemophilia 55
Hemoptysis 358
Hemorrhoids 45
Hemostatic 193
Heparin 387
Hernia 44
sites 373
Heroin 293
Hoarseness of voice 360
Hodgkin's disease 55
Homonyms 447
Hospital including nursing organization 18fc
Hospital inpatient 447
Hospital's general rules and regulations 407
Human body, systems of 189
brain 295f
chorionic gonadotropin 87, 101
error 384, 396
immunodeficiency virus 201
occupation, model of 227
services management 310
Humidity 387
Hyaline membrane disease 49
Hydatid thrill 373
Hydration, state of 365
Hydrogen 253
Hyperperistalsis 373
A 281
D 282
E 282
Hypnosis 290
Hypodermic injection 185
Hyponatremia 274
Hypothalamus 295f
Hypothetico-deductive method 317
Hysterical neurosis 290
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura 54
Immature infant 447
Immune system 264
Immunizations 328
Immunology 447
Impersonal document 408
Implied consent 447
Improper nutrient consumption 281
Inadequate instrument maintenance 390
Incident report 447
Induction training 24
Industrial and organizational psychology 301
Industrial psychology 301
Infantile autism 307
Infectious mononucleosis 56
Infertility 179
Inflammation 336
Information technology 462
Infusion, site of 386
Inguinal nodes 377
Inpatient discharge 448
In-service education and training 24
Institutional deaths 448
Instrument error 384
Instrument precision problem 384
Insulin 195, 258
development of 274
Insulin-dependent diabetes 73
Integrity, normality of
functional 335
structural 335
Integumentary physical therapist 210
Intellectual function 351
quotient 351
less 299
Intelligent selection, support for 397
Intensity 242, 323
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy 176
Interdepartmental relationships of nursing services 27
Interfering substances present 384
Intermediate death 445
International Agency for Research on Cancer 272
International Association of Schools of Social Work 310
International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health 230
Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps 230
International Federation of Social Workers 310
Interpretation, correct 387
Intestinal bacterial flora 265
Intradermal injection 185
Intradermal tests 155
Intramuscular injection 185
Intrathecal injections 185
Intravenous 133
cholangiogram 137
cholangiography 156
injection 185
pyelogram 137
Iodine 133
toxicity 281
Iron 253, 260, 277, 279
Isoflavones 266
Isothiocyanates monoterpenes 266
Itching 361
Jaundice 359
Job description 448
Job dimension scales 29
Job orientation 24
Job responsibilities 17
Joint 361, 366, 367
scan 160
Junk foods 269
Keratolytics 190
Kidney 96, 363
Laboratory investigation
cookbook 81
normal range for 102t
Laboratory system-wide description procedures 128t
Laboratory tests, classification of 128
Laboratory, radiology records 414
Lactate dehydrogenase 97, 106
Lactic dehydrogenase 131
Lactobacillus acidophilus 265
Laminography 157
Laparoscopy 166, 448
Laryngeal mirror 334
Laryngoscopy 166
Latin laesio injury 336
Laxatives 186, 191
Lead shielding, thickness of 150t
Learning effect 241
Leg 374
claudicating in 358
Legal liability 448
Legal psychology 302
Liebig's law 277
Lifestyle change 223
Linear energy transfer 171
Linoleic acid 257
Lipids 252
Lipoprotein electrophoresis 85
Lithium 145, 290
Liver 260
disorders 45
dullness 373
function test 90
lower border of 373
scan 156
upper border of 368
Locomotors system 361
Low birth weight 449
Low sex hormone levels 281
Low testosterone levels 281
Lump, abdominal 374
Lung 333, 375
auscultation 377
borders 368
examination of 344
Lutein 265
Luteinizing hormone 84, 106
Lymph nodes 366
Lymphatic tissue 286
Macrominerals 260
Macronutrients 253, 277
Macular degeneration, age-related 264
Magnesium 253, 260, 277
Magnifying glass 334
Malaria parasite 97, 119
Male sexual organs 375
Malnutrition 280
Malpractice 449
Mammography 155
Manganese 253, 261, 277, 279
Manic depressive illness 290
Manual water pump 262f
Maternal and Child Health Program 23
Maternal mortality 449
Mathematical psychology 303
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin 103, 119
volume 103
audit 412, 449
board 449
care evaluation 449
certificate 449
consultation 449
errors, causes of 395
history, compiling 322t
psychology 294
record 401, 402
Committee 413
committee, formation of 412
confidentiality and maintenance of 406
Department 404, 405, 450
department staff 415
department, management of 404
legal aspects of 408
maintenance of 415
officer 432, 450
portions of 411
removal of 411
retention schedule 424t
role of 402
services, standards for 405
technician 418, 434, 438, 450
social work 308, 310, 311
social worker's profession 311
specialty 33
staff 416
Medications 386
classification of 189
evidence-based 463
rapid growth of 4
case 409, 429, 451
register 409, 429
Memory 351
bank 320
Menstrual function 360
Menstruation 361
disturbance of 64
agility 271
disorders 272, 295
faculties 359
health 222
status 365, 377
Metabolic syndrome 273
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 177
Metastasis 287, 451
Metria 236, 239
Mezzo 310
Microfilaria 119
Micronutrients 253, 277, 278
Micturition 361
Midhearing loss 246
Midwifery 20
Minerals 187, 253, 259, 275
Minimum circuit ampacity 144
Ministry of Health 451
Modern pharmacy, model of 200f
Modular nursing 23
Molecular pathology 36
Molybdenum 261, 277, 279
Monitor units 170
Monosaccharide 254
Mood, disorder of 290
Morbidity 451
Morphine 293
Morphology 451
Morsicatio buccarum 464
Mortality 451
Motor coordination 349
Motor system 372, 377
Mouth 321, 329, 359, 366
examination of 342
Multileaf collimator 176
Murmur 371
Muscle 269, 286, 361
relaxants 193
Muscular disorders 61
Myasthenia gravis 61
Mydriatics 197
Myelography 160, 163
Myxedema 70
Nail 260
clubbing of 361
disorder 338
Narcissistic 292
Nasal obstruction and discharge 358
Nasal speculum 334
Nasal twang 360
National Association of Social Workers 310
Neck 321, 366, 374
examination of 339
benign 286, 370t
malignant 286, 370t
Nephrolithiasis 63
Nephroscopy 167
Nephrotomography 161
Nerve health 260
Nervous disorders 282
Nervous system 377
Neurologic examination 346, 353
Nickel 261, 277, 279
Night blindness 281
Nitrogen 132, 253, 277
Noise, background 241
Non-insulin dependent diabetes 74
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 57
Nose 88, 321, 329, 366, 374
examination of 342
unit of 248
Nuclear medicine 136
Nucleic acids 252
notes form 31
observation chart 30
art and science 2, 13
care standards 25
discipline 13
practice, professional 19t
primary 23
profession in transition 2, 13
resources, utilization of 24
service 1, 13
staff 416
Nutrients 253, 263
Nutrition 252, 259f
state of 365
status 388
Obesity 370
Objective audiometry 240
Obstetric history 361
Obstructing lung disease, chronic 46
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 46, 220
Occupational health psychology 302
Occupational performance 217
model 231
Occupational therapy 216, 225, 229, 230
clinical record 233
home visit assessment 235
treatment measures 234
Oklahoma 237
Oncology 285
register 430
theater 430
Ophthalmoscope 334
Opiates 196
Opioids 293
Optic fundus 340
Optical aids 238
Optical instruments 238
Optical refractor 237f
administration 185
cholecystography 156
communication 22
Order entry mistakes 382
Organizational psychology 301
Organosulfur compounds 266
Organs systems 318
Orthopedic examination 348, 353
Orthopedic physical therapy 209
Orthopnea 358
Osteoporosis 59
Otolaryngologist 248
Otorhinolaryngology 453
Otosclerosis 80
Otoscope 251
Outpatient 412
department 20
record 453
Oxidized fats 275
Oxygen 253
processing of 261
Oxytocin 195
Packed cell volume 120
abdominal 359
location of 322
Painkillers 196
Palpable rub 367
Palpable second sound 370
Palpable viscera 373
Palpitation 358
Pancreas 73, 260
Papillary reaction 377
Paralysis 360
Paramedical service 3
record 12
Paranasal sinuses 148f
Paranoic disorders 292
Paranoid 292
Parasiticides 190
Parathyroid 70
hormone 71
Paravertebral aneurysm 370
administration 185
nutrition 201
Paresis 360
Parkinson's disease 76
Parosmia 359
Particle therapy 177
Past medical history 321, 326
Patch tests 155
Pathology, system-wide description of 40, 40t
Patient care evaluation 412
Patient master index 453
cards 434
Patient status 390
Patient variables 386
Patient, responsibilities of 435
Patient's bearing 365
Pectums excavatum 369
Pediatric physical therapy 210
Pediatrics 454
Pelvic 93
inflammatory disease 66
peritoneoscopy 168
Pemphigus 42
Per rectal examination 374
Percussion 368, 370, 373, 378
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 156
Pericardial effusion 370
Pericardial inspection 369
Pericardial rub 371
Peripheral nervous system 92
Peristalsis 373
Peristaltic sounds, normal 373
Peritoneoscopy 166
Peroxidase, selenium required for 261
Personality disorders 291
Personality psychology 302
Pharmacological drug action, system-wide 189
Pharmacology 184
Pharmacy 198
future of 206
informatics 204
Phimosis 63
Phlebotomy 386, 389
quality of 386
site of 386
technique 389
Phobias 290
Phonocardiography 159
Phosphorus 253, 260, 277, 278
Photostimulable phosphor 143
Photostimulated luminescence 143
Physical examination 321, 333, 363
methods 356
rationale of 335
Physical health 218
Physical therapy 207
analysis treatment plan 212
treatment card 211
Physiological functions 361
Physiotherapy request form 213
Phytochemicals 264
Phytoestrogens 266
Pigeon breast 369
Pituitary disorders 80t
Planigraphy 157
food diet 268
nutrition 277
pathology 35
Plasma 105
Play therapy 290
Pleural effusions 47
Pleural rub 368
Pneumatic tube 387
Pneumoconiosis 48
Pneumonia 48
Polycythemia 56
Polyphenol antioxidants 264f
Postanalytical errors 384, 385, 387
Postanalytical factors 391
Postanalytical phase 382, 390
Postpartum hemorrhage 361
Potassium 260, 277, 278
Premenstrual syndrome 65
Proctosigmoidoscopy 167
Professional associations 310
Professional intervention, types of 310
Professional jargon 320
Professional social worker
network of 310
qualifications for 309
role of 310
Progressive patient care 23
Prostatic hypertrophy, benign 63
Protein 252, 253, 258, 259f, 260, 269, 273
bound iodine 120
derivative, purified 85
intake 281
milkshakes 270f
powder 270f
Prothrombin time 89, 102, 121, 130
Psoriasis 43
Psychiatry 289, 455
disorders 290
Psychoanalysis 289
Psychology 294
abnormal 295
applications of 294
critical 298
developmental 299
global 301
quantitative 303
seeks, critical 299
types of 295
Psychosexual disorders 291
Psychotherapy 289, 310
Psychotropic drugs 196
angiography 157
studies 157
test 85, 91
Pulsations, abnormal 367
Pulse 369
Pure tone audiometry 240, 341
Puretone audiometry 251
Purgatives 191
Pyelography 161
Pyelonephritis 62
Qualitative analysis 455
Qualitative and quantitative research 306
Quality assurance 385, 404, 411, 455
Quality Assurance Program 455
Quality control 391
Quincke's pulse 344
nose 464
starvation 281
Radiation 323
therapy 163, 169, 180, 288
image-guided 177
types of 174
Radiography 160
Radioisotope therapy 177
Radiologic technologist ethics 395
Radiological diagnostic errors 393
Radiological hazard 138f
Radiology 136
classification of errors in 393
system-wide description of 155, 155t
Rashes 360
Reagent error 384
Rectal administration 185
Rectovaginal examination 377
Rectum 322, 333
examination of 345
Red blood cell 82, 90
Red wine, regular consumption of 269
Redox enzymes 260
Reference data, correct 385
Reflex hammer 334
Regional lymph nodes 287
Registration and appointment system 426
Report delayed 384
Report not legible 384
Reporting results, errors in 384, 390
Request forms 382
Research methods 305
Resectoscopy 167
Respiration 367
movement with 373, 374
distress syndrome 49
drugs 187
infection, upper 79
movements 358
rate 377
system 358, 367
enquire 363
Retinitis pigmentosa 79
Retinoscopy 166
Rheumatoid 98
hand 366
Rhinoscope 334
Rhonchi 367, 368
Rickets 367
Rickety rosary 367
Right gender 388
Right ventricular
heave 370
hypertrophy 370
Rights of patient 435
Roentgen 139
Rubber gloves 334
Safety measures 8
Salivary glands 260, 376
Sample collection 383, 390
quality method 386
Sample handling 383
Sample processing 390
Sarcomas 286, 457
Schizophrenic disorders 292
School psychology 304
Scintillators 144
plus semiconductor detectors 146
Sclerosis, multiple 76
Scrotum 373
Sedimentation rate 103
Sensorium 350
functions 346
system 372, 374, 377
Serology 38
Serum 104107
oxaloacetic transaminase 85, 112
pyruvic transaminase 85, 112
tube 387
Sex therapy 289
function 360
masochism 291
organs 377
sadism 291
Sexually transmitted disease 66, 459
Side effects, acute 178
Silicon 145, 277, 278
drift detectors 146
Skilled nursing facilities 221
Skin 260, 269, 321, 333, 360, 374
appearance of 365
cracking of 281
examination of 337
fold caliper 334
injuries 338
primary 40
secondary 41
malignant tumors of 338
problems 42
Smoking 386
Social behaviour, causes of 304f
Social psychology 303
Social welfare policy analysis 310
Social work 308
Sodium 260, 277, 279
Solid tumors 285
Somatoform disorders 290
Sore 359
Special diagnostic techniques 136
Special diet form 283
Specimen acquisition 391
Specimen collection 386
after 384
before 384
during 384
error 384t, 386
order of 387
Specimen container, incorrect 383
Specimen integrity 387
Specimen mix-up 384
Specimen preparation 386
Specimen storage 386
Specimen testing process 392
Specimen transport 386
method 386
Specimen transportation error 387
Specimen, incorrect volume of 384
Specimen, right 385
Specimen-processing errors 383
Spectacles 240
Speech 359
audiometry 240, 249
Sphygmomanometer 334, 457
Spina bifida 60
Spinal disorders 59
Spinal nerves 347
Spine 374
Spleen scan 157
Sports nutrition 269
Sputum 358
analysis 39
culture and sensitivity 85, 129
Starch 254
Stereotactic bodyradiation therapy 175
Stereotactic radiosurgery 175
Sternomastoid sign 367
Sternum, right of 369
Stethoscope 334, 457
Stillbirth 445
Stomach 260
Stool 39
Strabismus 78
Stress 386
Subjective audiometry 240
Sublingual administration 185
Substance-induced disorders 293
Sugar metabolism 260
Sulfur 260, 277
Suprasternal notch 376
Surgical operations 327
Sweating 361
Swelling 179, 367
abdominal 359
Symbiosis 457
Systemic lupus erythematosus 62, 339
Tactile vocal fremitus 367
Tay-Sachs disease 76
Team nursing 23
Technical limitations 241
Teeth 321, 329
examination of 342
Temperature 353, 387, 390
Test collection 389
Test interpretation 384
Testes 373
activity 226
drug 388
Thorax 333
examination of 342
Thought content 351
Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy 176
Threshold test 241
Throat 88, 321, 329, 373, 374
examination of 342
unit of 248
Thromboplastic time, partial 102
Thymus 260
Thyroid 70
examination of 162
glands 377
scan 162
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 70, 84
Tinnitus 359
Tissue tumors, mixed 286
Tomography of lung 157
Tongue 359
depressor 334
mucosa of 371
Tonometry 164
Tonsils 373
Topical anesthetics 190
Topical corticosteroids 189
Total body irradiation 169
Toxic goiter 70
Toxic shock syndrome 65
Toxicology 5, 184
Trace minerals 260
Trachea 367
position 377
Tracheal displacement 367
Trait rating scales 29
Tranquilizers 187, 196
Transcription error 384, 387
Transfatty acids 273, 275
container 390
errors 390
problem 383
Transsexualism 291
Transvestism 291
Trauma 338, 386
Traumatic brain injury 219
Traumatology 458
Treating physician 458
Tri-iodothyronine 84, 107, 125
Tube, filling of 386
Tuberculosis 363
Tubular necrosis, acute 64
Tumor 285
malignant 449
primary 287
Tumor-node-metastasis 355
Tuning fork 334
Ulcers 43
Ultrasonography 136, 162
Ultrasound 4, 163
examination form 153
Umbilicus 373
United Nations World Health Organization 280
United States National Research Council 262
Ureter 96
Urethroscopy 167
Uricosuric agents 193, 194
Urinary system 360
Urology 459
Uterosalpingography 161
Uterus, tumor of 68
Vaccines 185
Vaginal examination 374
Vaginal speculum 334
Valvular heart disease 50
Vanadium 261
Vanillylmandelic acid 110
Varicose veins 51
Vascular bruit 373
Vasodilators 192
Vasopressin 195
Veins 369
Venereal disease research laboratory 87, 94
Venereology 459
Venography 159
Vertebral spine 374
Vertigo 359
Veterinary pathology 35
Viable infant 459
Visible pulsations 373
Visible veins 373
Vision 236
information processing 236
science 237
Vision-testing chart 334
acuity 377
acuity test 164
communication 22
disturbances 359
field 377
systems 236
Vital signs 318, 376
Vitamin 187, 253, 261, 275
B12 260
D 276
Vocabulary 250
change in 358
transmission 377
Vomiting 282, 359
Voyeurism 291
Waiting list register 430
Ward admission register 430
Ward diet request form 284
Ward discharge register 430
Water brash 359
Wax build-up 240
Wheezing 358
White blood cell 88
World Health Organization 269, 402
Wrist drop 464
Xanthine oxidase 261
Xerophthalmia 281
Yielding flour 275
Zeaxanthin 265
Zinc 253, 261, 277, 279
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to Nursing and Allied Health ServicesCHAPTER 1

In earlier days of medical practice, the physician alone used to manage the patient care services by recording the patient identification demographic data, taking history and physical examination, dressing the patients for wounds and injuries, taking blood for testing, giving injection and dispensing medicines. And also used to give counseling the patient when to take the medicine, dose, when to see doctor and so on. In simple terms the doctor was doing the services of medical records, nurse, laboratory technician, pharmacist, social worker and so on. By this method, a physician can see only limited patients, while the number of patients who needed medical services was more. In order to meet the patient care services swiftly and efficiently, the need for some assistants arose. This need has created the allied healthcare professionals, one after one, emanated to assist the busy physician and allow him/her to deal with medical and complicated cases, which need medical background, while other allied professionals can contribute greatly to patient care service directly or indirectly with their area of expertise.
Nursing is a discipline, profession and an area of practice. As a discipline, nursing is centered around knowledge development. As a profession, nursing has a social mandate to be responsible and accountable to the public it serves.2
Nursing is the integral part of the healthcare system and as such encompasses the promotion of health, prevention of illness and care physically ill, mentally ill and disabled people of all ages, in all health care and other community settings. Within this broad spectrum of health care, the particular concern to nurses is individual, family and group ‘responses’ to actual or potential health problems. The human responses range broadly from health-restoring reactions to an individual episode of illness to the development of policy in promoting the long-term health of a population.
Nursing is both an art and science involving the total patients, as promoting spiritual, mental and physical health; stressing health education and health preservation, ministering to the sick, caring for the patient environment and giving health service to the family, the community and the individual (Mother Olivia Gowan, 1943).
Nursing is a profession in transition. The trends and issues that underline this phenomenon hold important implications for the management of hospitals and other healthcare institutions and agencies. Nursing service is a critical component in fulfilling hospital, long-term care and other health service organization objectives for patient care. The nursing profession exists in response to a need of a society and holds ideals related to man's health throughout his/her life span.
The explosion of scientific knowledge that followed World War II brought increasingly sophisticated and complex medical diagnostic and treatment procedures. In addition, increasing medical and healthcare costs provoked a trend away from treating patients in hospitals toward the provision of care in physician's private and group practices, and ambulatory medical and emergency clinics. What followed was an increase in the need for expertly trained healthcare delivery personnel lied professionals have taken the rest.
Allied Healthcare Workers
Allied healthcare workers are those specialized persons distinct from medicine, dentistry and nursing. They work in an environment of health care team to make the healthcare system function uninterruptedly and effectively. Evidently, these professionals, who will be associated with medical, nursing and other allied medical professionals in rendering 3patient care services directly or indirectly, need to have the fundamentals of medical related field's knowledge to enable to contribute effectively. This has become imperative to have a fundamental knowledge and skills of certain subjects, e.g. anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, pathology, laboratory, radiology, radiation therapy, pharmacology, pharmacy, oncology, psychiatry, medical psychology medical social work, medical records, and so on.
Allied Healthcare Professions
Are clinical healthcare professions distinct from medicine, dentistry and nursing. They work in an environment of healthcare team to make the healthcare system function effectively and efficiently uninterruptedly.
Depending on the country and local healthcare system, a limited subset of the following professions may be represented and may be regulated. All professionals/professional areas ascribed before belong to the ever growing group of allied health professionals and their subspecialties. The precise titles and roles in the allied health professions may vary considerably from country to country.
Since their job descriptions become more specialized, they must adhere to national training and education standards, their professional scope of practice and often prove their skills through degrees, diplomas, certified credentials and continuing education. Members of the allied health professions must be proficient in the use of many skills. Some of which are medical terminology, acronym and spelling, basics of medical law and ethics, understanding of human relations, interpersonal communication skills, counseling skills, computer literacy, ability to document healthcare information, interviewing skills and proficiency in word processing, database management and electronic dictation.
Paramedical Services
As a part of allied health profession, which is also know paramedical services, the paramedics generally learn besides their own selected specialty field, also learn subjects such as anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, medical records, fundamentals of diseases and diagnostic procedure. These are pharmacology, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, optometry, nutrition (dietetics), and oncology, psychiatry, medical psychology and many more. Medical social 4work, public relations and medical secretary have besides condensed combination of the above stipulated subjects such as hospital management program to deal with the day-to-day administrative and patient care issues.
Rapid Growth of Medicine
Medicine being dynamic and with advent of technology, the medical healthcare services are growing much faster and the patients and public expectation from the health institutions have also equally increased. Thus, the need for appropriate allied healthcare services has become essential. These services have been playing a vital role in taking away most of nonprofessional and administrative types of wok from the highly qualified medical professionals, helping them and allowing them to contribute in their specialized field not wasting time for nonmedical and for trivial jobs. Yet, in many ways the paramedics service cost much less than the highly paid specialists. This is not only cost effective, but much more than that, it contributes in swift and improved patient care resulting great service to general public.
Investigations for Diagnostic Purpose
The author has taken care to incorporate this chapter especially for the benefit of users of this Handbook. Which talk of general and special investigations that includes testing of laboratories such as pathology, microbiology, serology, biochemistry, radiology, diagnostic therapies, electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Investigations as such are vital part of dynamic medicine. Without these tests detecting, proper diagnoses would not have happened and without established diagnoses, there would not be in any remedial treatment. Precisely, appropriate investigation carried out in patient on time would reveal the health problem of the patient that will help the doctors and medical care providers to plan and treat the disease/injury promptly that remedies the sick and injured not only saves live, but also prevents further aggravation and complications. It is hard to measure dimension and role of investigation.
The role of investigations have tremendously increased in curing preventing, promoting and rehabilitating the sick and injured despite of medical education, sophisticated equipment, supersonic technology and extensive global medical research. Hence, investigations find a place in vital part of healthcare delivery system and the professionals especially nursing and paramedical should have a good background 5picture of names of investigations that are required to establish accurate diagnosis/injuries. Almost all important investigations are classified and presented in the following manner to serve as quick ‘cook book’ to users:
  • Description of some investigations commonly used to establish diagnoses
  • Selected diagnoses and required investigations
  • Variations of investigations (increase and decrease) with normal values and resulting diagnoses
  • List of normal values of investigations in alphabetical order.
This list will be of great value for all those who are involved in analysis of ambulatory, discharge record analysis, quality assurance, case mix studies, diagnostic-related group, cost calculation for investigation and justification of diagnoses, and deviation of investigation studies, etc.
Pharmacology is the science that deals with the origin, nature, chemistry, effects and use of drugs. Pharmacist is the one who is licensed to prepare and sell or dispense drugs, and compounds and make up prescriptions. Pharmacopeia is an authoritative treatise on drugs and their preparations; a book containing a list of the products, used in medicines with descriptions, chemical tests for determining identity, purity and formulae for certain mixtures of these substances with statement of average dosage. Pharmacy is the place where the drugs are stored and dispensed by the pharmacists.
Chemotherapy is the study of those drugs that destroy microorganisms, parasites or malignant cells within the body.
Toxicology is the study of the harmful chemicals and their effects on the body.
Antidotes are the substances, which are given to neutralize the unwanted effects of drugs.
Drugs are chemical substances used in medicine, in the treatment of disease. A drug can have three different names:
  1. Chemical name or name of the main chemicals used.
  2. Generic name or official name—unique name universally known through the pharmacopeia.
  3. Brand name or trade name—manufacturer's special identity name.6
Pharmacy is the health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical sciences, and it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs.
The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications and it also includes more modern services related to health care, including clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy and providing drug information. Pharmacy is the term for an establishment where pharmacy in the first sense is practiced in drugstore. Pharmacists are the primary health professionals who optimize medication use to provide patients with positive health outcomes.
Medical Examination
A physical examination including medical history helps in finding out the correct diagnosis. The information obtained help in interpreting to know whether the patient is normal or something wrong with his/her general health. The most important aspect of examination is to cautiously notice all the symptoms existed when something is wrong, e.g., blood pressure, pulse and respiration are high or low, etc. The history taking and physical examination to be brief or detailed depends upon the patient's condition and severity of his/her illness. One of the most important ingredients of a physician is how good in taking the history of sick and injured patient. Similarly a comprehensive physical examination involves evaluating from the patient's appearance, his/her way of walking, talking, and vital signs organs systems.
Definition of History Taking
History taking is an art and this is done, in a general talk and in winning the confidence of patient; when patient realizes that giving the facts of his/her problem will help in quick recovery, the patient will be willingly divulge the facts. There is no hard and fast rule what to ask and what not to ask, the whole exercise is to get the right and pertinent information for arriving at an accurate diagnosis. This is done most often with patient himself/herself, in certain cases, where the patient is either unable to talk or not in a position to divulge due to his/her health, in pediatric patients, the patient attendant or accompanied person reveals the information. All these information is documented in a patient medical record that could be manual or electronic.7
Definition of Physical Examination
A physical examination is an evaluation of the body and its functions using inspection, palpation (feeling with the hands), percussion (tapping with the fingers) and auscultation (listening). A complete health assessment also includes gathering information about a person's medical history and lifestyle, conducting laboratory and radiological tests and screening for disease that has to be recorded in a prescribed patient medical record or especially designed computer formats (screens).
Purpose of Medical History and Physical Examination
A comprehensive medical history and physical examination provides an opportunity for the healthcare professional to obtain baseline information to arrive a diagnosis, if not final, at least tentative, which is a must for initiating appropriate treatment and about the patient for future use, and to establish a relationship before problems happen. It provides an opportunity to answer questions and teach good health practices. Early detecting a problem can help in achieving better and long-term good results.
Techniques for Taking Medical History and Physical Examination
There are several techniques which are used while taking patient's medical history, or during the physical examination. As a rule, the physician compiles the history by questioning the patient himself/herself. A physician should not invite specific answers. The volume and validity of information obtained through history taking are limited by the informants’ memory, intelligence and ability and willingness to communicate. The answer to a multiple questions may be consolidated into a single telling phrase. These techniques, which are used during the physical examination, such as palpation involves feeling the body using hands in order to assess size, shape, location and level of pain, etc. to visually assess parts of the body using the hands in order to assess color, shape, size, texture, etc. Percussion produces a sound by tapping or scraping a part of the body, which helps in determining the organ size and density. Auscultation involves listening to sounds produced by organs such as the lungs, heart or stomach. Carefully taken patient's history and detailed physical examination to be recorded manually or entered in the computer.8
Safety Measures
While taking medical history or performing physical examination, the patient should be taken into confidence to feel free and provide factual information in the best interest of his/her health. The patient should be made comfortable and treated with respect throughout the examination. As the examination proceeds, the examiner should explain what he/she is doing and share any relevant findings. In certain instances, it is necessary to verify patient's statements by questioning a relative or friend.
Approach to Diagnosis
The term diagnosis (from Greek ‘diagignosko’ to judge, discriminate) has several closely related meanings in medicine, which few of us take the trouble to distinguish in practice. Diagnosis means, first, the intellectual process of analyzing, identifying or explaining a disease. Diagnosis forms the subject matter of the branch of medicine called physical diagnosis. Secondly, in a somewhat more concrete sense, diagnosis means the explanation proposed for a given patient's problems. Thus, one speaks of ‘arriving at a diagnosis’ or of ‘making a tentative diagnosis of pancreatitis’. Thirdly, diagnosis is often used synonymously with disease or the name of a particular disease. ‘The diagnosis is multiple sclerosis.’ ‘Patients with this diagnosis often progress to renal failure.’
Most of the errors in classification and naming arise from peculiarities in the phenomena of disease, which is due to gaps in the knowledge, limitations of language itself and the difficulty of altering a system of terminology that is classified in thousands of books and used daily by hundreds of thousands of professionals. With all their shortcomings, the current systems of classifying and naming diseases at least have the pragmatic justification that they ‘work’-in medical field, in the compilation of records and statistics and in clinical practice.
Method of Medical Diagnosis
The method of the medical diagnostics is an empirical one based upon a few elementary techniques and a ‘memory bank’ of diseases and symptoms. A healthcare provider or medical student learns not only the characteristic features of hundreds of diseases, but also possible causes for each of the hundreds of diseases and causes for each of the hundreds of symptoms. By combining these two bodies of information into one, so to speak, vertical and the other horizontal—he/she learns to determine the most likely cause or causes for a given set of complaints 9or abnormalities. Starting with a specific problem such as chest pain/fever/loss of appetite/inability to urinate, the physician considers the full range of diagnostic possibilities (called, in professional jargon, the ‘different diagnosis’) raised by the problem.
In the first place, the physician must distinguish normal and abnormal, often a herculean task. He/she must also establish an accurate chronology of symptoms and events prior to the time when he/she became involved in the case, work out cause-and-effect relationships, and exclude irrelevant data (red herrings) from consideration.
The ability to recognize and identify patterns and complex assemblages of historical and observed facts-in what seems to be a single, intuitive act of the mind. Such mental shortcuts can greatly simplify diagnosis, but unfortunately they often yield wrong answers.
Techniques Used by Healthcare Provider
The techniques used by the physician to group data for a diagnosis are embodied in the two procedures known history and physical examination. The history is the patient's own account of his/her experiences and observations of the illness—patient symptoms—elicited by careful, methodical questioning. Physical examination is the process whereby the physician seeks and observes objective changes and abnormalities the signs of illness. It is not generally appreciated by laypersons that in a typical case, a skillfully obtained history supplies both a larger number of diagnostic clues and more useful and specific ones that of the physical examination.
By convention, the term physical examination includes only those procedures performed directly by the physician relying on his/her own senses, with the aid of few simple, hand-held instruments. Although, X-ray and laboratory studies, electrocardiography and electromyography, various kinds of scans or other elaborate techniques may be absolutely essential to a precise and accurate diagnosis, they are not considered as a part of the physical examination.
Scope and Nature of History and Physical Examination
The scope and nature of the history and physical examination depend on several variables. The patient's complaints give direction and focus to both history taking and examination. The physician's field of specialization often determines the type and extent of diagnostic maneuvers the employs. The setting of the examination spot-doctor's office or clinic, hospital emergency room, intensive care unit or the patient's home will 10have a bearing on what is done and not done. The patient's condition whether alert, confused, belligerent or unconscious will influence the type of history that can be obtained and the degree of cooperation that can be enlisted during examination. Much may depend on formally established, quasi-legal requirements—forms to be filled out for a prospective employer or insurer or hospital staff bylaws to be compiled with. The standard outline of history and physical examination is as detailed below:
  • Chief complaint
  • History of present illness
  • Family history
  • Social history
  • Habits/Addictions.
Past Medical History
  • General
  • Review of systems:
    • Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth and teeth
    • Cardiovascular
    • Respiratory
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Genitourinary
    • Neuromuscular
    • Psychiatric
    • Skin.
  • Physical examination:
    • General appearance
    • Skin
    • Head, face and neck
    • Eyes
    • Ears
    • Nose, mouth, throat and teeth
    • Thorax, breasts and axillae
    • Heart
    • Lungs
    • Abdomen, groins, rectum, anus and genitalia
    • Back and extremities11
    • Neurologic
    • Formal mental status (psychiatric).
In earlier days of medical practice, the physician alone used to manage the patient care services. In order to meet the patient care services swiftly and efficiently, the need for some assistants arose. This need has created the allied healthcare professionals, one after one, emanated to assist the busy physician and allow him/her to deal with medical and complicated cases, which need medical background, while other allied professionals can contribute greatly to patient care service directly or indirectly with their area of expertise. Nursing is the integral part of the healthcare system and as such encompasses the promotion of health, prevention of illness and care.
The explosion of scientific knowledge that followed World War II brought increasingly sophisticated and complex medical diagnostic and treatment procedures.
Allied healthcare workers are those specialized persons distinct from medicine, dentistry and nursing. They work in an environment of health care team to make the healthcare system function uninterruptedly and effectively. Paramedic's services with allied science knowledge enabled to contribute effectively. This has become imperative to have a fundamental knowledge and skills of certain subjects, e.g. anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, pathology, laboratory, radiology, radiation therapy, pharmacology, pharmacy, oncology, psychiatry, medical psychology medical social work, medical records, and so on.
A comprehensive medical history and physical examination provides an opportunity for the healthcare professional to obtain baseline information to arrive a diagnosis, if not final, at least tentative diagnosis by applying safety measures while taking medical history or performing physical examination, the patient should be taken into confidence to feel free and provide factual information in the best interest of his/her health. The patient should be made comfortable and treated with respect throughout the examination. The techniques used by the physician to group data for a diagnosis are embodied in the two procedures known history and physical examination.12
Form No.1.1: Paramedical Service Record
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