Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Pritha S Bhuiyan, Lakshmi Rajgopal, K Shyamkishore
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flow chart, and t refer to table.
Adenohypophysis, control of 156
Adhesion, interthalamic 142, 232
Agraphia 186
Alveus 230
Aneurysm, berry 249
carotid, internal 18f
vertebral 18f
Angiography 17
Angle, cerebellopontine 61
Ansa lenticularis 160, 195
Aphasia 172
Apraxia, ideomotor 186
Archicerebellum 126
Archipallium 177
auditory association 175
motor speech 172
prefrontal 172
premotor 172
primary auditory 175
primary motor 170
primary somatosensory 173
primary visual 174
damage to 175
sensory speech 173
somatosensory association 173
supplementary motor 172
Arteria radicularis magna 33
basilar, branches of 248, 248f
carotid, internal 246, 247, 247f, 249
anterior inferior 138, 248
posterior inferior 60, 69f, 138, 236, 247
superior 62, 62f, 138, 248
anterior 160, 173, 174, 177f, 247, 248, 250
middle 173175, 177f, 247, 250, 251
occlusion of 179
posterior 62, 174, 175, 177f, 248, 249, 251
unpaired anterior 179
Charcot's 190, 191, 249
anterior 62, 247
posterior 185, 231
anterior 248
posterior 247, 249
labyrinthine 248
vertebral, branches of 248f
lenticulostriate 249
of Adamkiewicz 33
of Heubner 249
of lower limb 225f
ophthalmic 247
quadrigeminal 62, 62f
radicular 33, 33f
recurrent 191, 249
anterior 32, 60, 69f, 247
posterior 33, 60, 247
striate 249
supplying brain 246, 246f
thalamogeniculate 249
thalamoperforating 160
vertebrobasilar 247
Asthenia 137
Astrocytes 10f
Asynergia 137
Ataxia, sensory 137
Athetosis 198
Axolemma 4
Axon 2, 4t
second order 122
tertiary 122
Axonotmesis 7
of Baillarger, external of 177
of Baillarger, internal 177
Ballismus 198
blood-brain 20, 253
structure of 253, 253f
blood-cerebrospinal fluid 238, 238f
blood-nerve 5
automatic 223
autonomous 223
evacuation of 30
uninhibited 223
Blood supply 32, 6062, 173, 198, 243
of brain 241
of cerebellum 138f
of midbrain 62f
of pons 61f
of spinal cord, intrinsic 34
amygdaloid 196, 202f, 202fc
cortical connections of 202
nuclear complex 193, 196, 201, 201f
lateral 116, 116f, 151, 151fc
medial 119, 151, 151f
juxtarestiform 100
pontobulbar 67
restiform 135
trapezoid 70, 72, 119
Brachium 62
inferior 151f
superior 62, 151f
development of 13
flexures of 14
parts of 15fc, 252
vesicles, development of 14f
Brainstem 1, 59f, 64, 83f, 124f, 201, 208f, 253
ascending tracts 46
autonomic centres in 211
descending tracts
dorsal aspect of 57f
external features 56
functions of 57
internal features 64
of embryo 82f
reticular formation of 206
ventral aspect of 56f
Brodmann's numbers 173
Bulb, olfactory 110, 111, 112f
afferents of 111f
circumolivary 67
medial forebrain 154
of Vicq d'Azyr 206
Calamus scriptorius 235
Calcar avis 230
internal 186, 187f, 190f, 194f, 195f, 252
arterial supply of 190
relations of 186
location of 188f
parts of 186f, 189f, 190f
subdivisions of 188f
Cauda equina 22f, 27
Cave, Meckel's 91
basket 129, 130
bipolar 114
fusiform 176f
giant pyramidal 176
Golgi 129
granule 129, 130
horizontal 176f
Martinotti 176f
neural stem 8
olfactory receptor 85, 110
Purkinje 129, 131f
pyramidal 176, 176f
Schwann 7, 7f
stellate 129, 130, 176, 176f
Central canal,
destructive lesions of 45f
arterial supply of 138
ascending tracts 43
connections of 133
functional subdivisions of 128f
functions of 136
grey matter of 128
inferior surface of 125f
lobes of 125
parts of 124
subdivisions of 126, 126f
superior surface of 125f
surfaces of 124
Cerebral aqueduct 16, 228
Cerebrum/Cerebral hemisphere
inferior surface of 169
medial surface of 167f, 169
orbital surface 170
superolateral surface of 252f
tentorial surface 170
Cerebrospinal fluid 235, 236, 237, 239
circulation of 237, 237f
route of 238fc
functions of 238
Cerebrovascular accident 191
Chiasma, optic 116, 117
Huntington's 198
Sydenham's 198
Cingulum 183
Circadian rhythm 157, 210
Circle of Willis 248, 249
Circuit of Papez, 206
Circulus arteriosus 248, 248f
Cisterns, subarachnoid 245f, 245t
Claustrum 194f, 196
Collateral eminence 231
facial 71f
inferior 74, 75f, 76fc, 119
connections of 75, 76f
superior 74, 78, 78f
connections of 78fc
Column, magnocellular 207
anterior 184, 206
habenular 158, 184
hippocampal 184, 205, 206
of fornix 184, 205, 206
posterior 158, 184
Connections, cerebelloreticular 207, 209fc
Connexus interthalamicus 142
Conus medullaris 22, 22f
Cornu ammonis 204
Corona radiata 186, 187f
Corpora quadrigemina 74
Corpus callosotomy 178
Corpus callosum 169, 184, 185f
structures below 169f
connections of 185
parts of 185, 185f
Corpus striatum 193, 194f, 195f, 202, 252
anterior part of 197f
connections of 195
functions of 196
agranular 177
cerebellar 128, 129t, 132
structure of 128, 175
cerebral 135, 164f, 170, 176, 176f, 176t, 180t
arterial supply of 177
laminae of 176, 177f
parts of 183
primary 113
secondary 113
parietal 177
polar 177
primal 177
striate 174
visual 78f, 116, 117f
structure 177
Cranium bifidum 14
Crest, neural, derivatives of 17f
Crus cerebri 74
lemniscal 66
pyramidal, level of 65, 65t, 66t
sensory level of 66, 67f
ventral tegmental 76
Degeneration, hepatolenticular 198
Dermatomes 27
Diaphragma sellae 241, 243
Diencephalon 1, 141, 159f, 201
arterial supply of 160
parts of 141f
Alzheimer's 206
Buerger's 225
Parkinson's 197, 198, 198f
Raynaud's 224
Wilson's 198
Doctrine, Monro-Kellie 245
Dominance, cerebral 180f
Dysarthria 137
Dysdiadokokinesia 137
Eminence, medial 234
Eminentia abducens 61
Encephalocoele 14
Ependyma 228
intractable 186
severe 178
Epiphysis cerebri 157
Epithalamus 142f, 157
Epithelium, olfactory 110
Equilibrium, disorders of 46
Eye field
frontal 172
Falx cerebelli 241, 242
arcuate 184
cuneatus 47
fronto-occipital 184
gracilis 43, 47
inferior longitudinal 184
lenticularis 160, 195
medial longitudinal 50, 78, 100, 101f
subthalamic 196
superior longitudinal 184
thalamic 196
uncinate 183
anterior external arcuate 67, 134
external 66
internal 66
association 183
association, long 183
association, short 183
cerebellohypothalamic 134
cerebello-olivary 134
cerebelloreticular 134
cerebellorubral 134
cerebellothalamic 134
cerebellovestibular 134
classification of 6t
climbing 132
coerulocerebellar 134
commissural 184
corticofugal 189
corticohypothalamic 154
corticonuclear 60, 190
corticopetal 188
corticopontine 189
corticoreticular 190
corticorubral 190
corticospinal 65, 190
corticostriate 190
corticothalamic 190
descending 189
autonomic 51
longitudinal 70
extrapyramidal 190
frontopontine 189
hypothalamocerebellar 134
in internal capsule 191t
mossy 132
nonmyelinated 7
occipitopontine 189
of corpus callosum 186f
of limbic region 206
of optic nerve 115, 117
of striae medullares 134
olivocerebellar 134
pallidonigral 196
parallel 131f
parasympathetic 86
parietopontine 189
par-olivocerebellar 134
periventricular 154
pontocerebellar 134
posterior external arcuate 134
preganglionic 226
projection 186, 187f
pyramidal 190
pyramidal, decussating 65
reticulocerebellar 134
serotoninergic 134
somatic afferent 5
supraspinal 226
tectocerebellar 134
temporopontine 189
transverse pontine 70
trigeminocerebellar 134
unmyelinated 213
vestibulocerebellar 134
afferent 5
efferent 5
Field, visual 115
Filum terminale 22, 22f, 32
Fissura prima 126
Fissure 125
anterior median 25, 36
choroid 204f, 229
hippocampal 204f
longitudinal 163
orbital, superior 86, 88
primary 126
cervical 14, 16f
mesencephalic 16f
pontine 16f
caecum 58
interventricular, of Monro 228
intervertebral 25
of Luschka
of Magendie 235
Formation, reticular 207
functions of 209
Fornix 206
interpeduncular 62, 152f
rhomboid 234
centralis 113
inferior 235
superior 235
Fundus striati 194, 197
anterior 36
posterior 36
separans 238
basal 163, 193
cells 115
ciliary 86
coeliac 215
conarii 158
dorsal root 25
geniculate 95, 121fc
of glossopharyngeal 120
of vagus 121
nodose 121fc
petrous 121fc
trigeminal 91
spiral 119
stellate 213
of glossopharyngeal
of vagus
sympathetic 212
General somatic afferent 84, 86, 90, 103,105
calcified pineal 162f
lacrimal 221, 226
innervation of 221f
parotid 220, 220f
pineal 157, 157f
sublingual 219, 220f
submandibular 219, 220f
Globus pallidus 193, 195, 196f
cerebellar, structure of 131f
synaptic 10f
Golgi tendon organ 12f
Granulations, arachnoidal 245
angular 169
cingulate 169, 201f
dentate 201f, 204, 205f
fasciolaris 201f, 204
medial frontal 169
olfactory, lateral 113
parahippocampal 170, 201f
paraterminal 169, 203
parolfactory 169, 203
rectus 170
semilunaris 111
splenial 204
supramarginal 169
transverse temporal 175
anterior 169, 175f
posterior 169, 175f
extradural 243
subdural 244
cerebral 190, 191, 249
pontine 71
subarachnoid 249
Hemialexia 186
bitemporal heteronymous 118
homonymous 118
alternating 79t
subfalcine 242
tonsillar 242
uncal 242
Hippocampus 204, 205, 205f
formation 204
motor 172f
sensory 173f
Hormone, antidiuretic 155, 157
Hydrocephalus 239
noncommunicating 239f
Hypophysis cerebri 156
Hypothalamus 142f, 152, 156, 160
Indusium griseum 185, 201f, 204
Insula 167169, 168f
Island of Reil 167
Islands, cerebellar 130
Isthmus 201f
alar 83t
basal 83, 83t
cribrosa 116
external 143, 195
internal 143
terminalis 169
Lamination, somatotopic 51
Law, Semon's 105
Lemnisci 70
Ligamenta denticulata 32, 35
Limbic system
components of 200, 200fc
functions of 200
Linea splendens 32
Lobe 165
frontal 167169
damage to 172
limbic 167
occipital 167, 169, 174t
parietal 167169, 174t
temporal 167, 168, 175t
paracentral 168, 169, 174
inferior 168, 174
superior 168, 174
Locus coeruleus 208, 234
Loop, Meyer's 116, 117f, 118
Macula lutea 113
Malformation, Arnold-Chiari 236
arachnoid 32, 241, 244, 245
dura 31
pia 32, 241, 245
Medulla 57f, 59, 84
anterior aspect of 58
parts of 58f
Memory, disorders of 206
Meninges 241
Meningoencephalocoele 14
Meningomyelocoele 15f
Mesostriatal dopamine system 74, 197
Metathalamus 150
Midbrain 1, 57f, 61, 62, 74, 84
anterior aspect of 62
lower part of 75f
parts of 74fc
posterior aspect of 62
syndromes affecting 79t
upper part of 77f
vesicle 14
Monoplegia, faciobrachial 191
Muscle spindle 30, 30f
Myasthenia gravis 11
Myelin sheath 5, 6
functions of 7
Myelination, process of 6
Myelography 17
Myotomes 29
Neocerebellum 128
Neopallium 177
Neostriatum 193
abducent 88, 89f, 90
ciliary, short 86
cranial 81, 81f, 84f, 85
cranial part of accessory 103
dorsal rootlets of 60
facial 71f, 95f, 96f
glossopharyngeal 101, 102f
hypogastric 215
hypoglossal 59, 105, 107f
injuries 7
mandibular 94f, 95
maxillary 91, 92f, 95
oculomotor 79, 86, 86f, 87f, 90
olfactory 85, 110
ophthalmic 91f, 95
optic 83, 85, 116, 117
pelvic splanchnic 215, 217f
peripheral 4, 5f, 6t
classification of 5
structure of 4
presacral 215
spinal 25
spinal accessory 105f
autonomic 218
of dura mater 243
to medial pterygoid 93
sympathetic 218f, 222f
trigeminal 60, 61, 65, 75, 88, 90f, 94f, 95, 95t, 96, 104
trochlear 87, 88f, 90
vagus 95, 103f, 104f
vestibulocochlear 99, 99f
Nervous system 1
anatomical divisions of 1f
autonomic 211, 212f, 212t
central 9fc
classification of 2t
divisions of 1
enteric 218
parasympathetic 226t
peripheral 9fc
sympathetic 226t
Nervus conarii 158
Nervus spinosus 93
Neurapraxia 7
Neurilemma 4, 6
Neurobiotaxis 8
Neuroglia 1, 8
types of 8, 9fc
Neurohypophysis, control of 156
Neuroimaging techniques 17
Neuroma 7
block 11
junctions 9
Neuron/s 1, 3f, 8f10f, 176, 212f
afferent autonomic 217f
afferent, primary 43f
autonomic 216
bipolar 4f
classification of 4, 5t
connector 226
first order 42, 119
Golgi 130
granular 176
in cerebellar cortex 129f
lower motor 46f
lesion 49t
multipolar 4f
postganglionic 215
preganglionic 215, 222
parts of typical 3f
preganglionic 211, 226
postganglionic 211
second order 42, 119, 120
sensory third-order 119
stellate 176
postganglionic 212, 216
preganglionic 212, 213f
third-order 42
types of 4fc
upper motor 46f, 98f
lesion 49t
unipolar 4f
structure of typical 2
Neurotmesis 7
Neurotransmitters 9, 216
of autonomic neurons 217f
Neurulation 14f
Noradrenergic system 208
Notch, preoccipital 165
Nucleus/nuclei 121f
abducent 88
accumbens 197, 198
ambiguus 103
anterior 153, 157
arcuate 67, 153
basal 163, 193, 195f, 198
caudate 193, 194
central cervical 38, 40
centromedian 145
dorsal 119
ventral 119
Deiters’ 99
dorsomedial 40
Edinger-Westphal 76, 86, 218
gustatory 120
habenular 158
hypoglossal 66, 105
hypothalamic 153, 153f
in anterior grey column 37
in grey matter 37
in lateral zone 154
in posterior grey column 37
infundibular 153
intermediolateral 38, 40
intermediomedial 38, 40
interpositus 131
intralaminar 145, 150
dorsal 149
group of 149
lentiform 193, 194
mamillary 153
medial dorsal 143, 148
mesencephalic 75, 89
midline 150
oculomotor 76, 86
of cerebellum 128, 131, 136t
of raphe 207
of reticular formation 208f
of solitary tract 66, 96, 103, 122
of thalamus 144f
classification of 145t
of trapezoid body 119
paramedian 207
paraventricular 153
phrenic 40
pontine 68
posteromarginal 38, 39
preoptic 153, 157
pretectal 76
proprius 38, 39, 43
red 76, 79
reticular 158f, 160
roof 131
spinal 60
spinal border 38, 40
spinal reticular 38
subthalamic 160, 193
supraoptic 153
trochlear 75, 87
vagal, dorsal 66
ventromedial 40, 153
vestibular 99, 100f
Nystagmus 137
Oligodendrocyte 10f
Olive 59
frontoparietal 169
temporal 169
craniosacral 216f
thoracolumbar 212
control 210
referred 243
Paleocerebellum 128
Paleopallium 177
Pallidum, ventral 197
Papilloedema 239
agitans 198
Bell's 97
bulbar 65
infranuclear 98f
of facial nerve 97
of hypoglossal nerve 107f
of oculomotor nerve 86
of trochlear nerve 87
shaking 198
Pars dorsalis diencephali 141, 142
Pars ventralis diencephali 141, 142
auditory 119, 120f
cerebellocortical 136
cerebellospinal 135
corticocerebellar 135
corticopontocerebellar 135
corticoreticulospinal 207
efferent autonomic 211
gustatory 120
of special senses 110
olfactory 110, 111f, 112f
olfactory 112f
spinocerebellar 45f
visual 113, 114f, 118f
lesions of 117f, 118
cerebellar 132, 133, 133f
inferior 66, 134, 135, 234f
middle 60, 134, 135, 234f
superior 134, 234f
tracts in 134t
cerebral 74
mamillary 154
Pedunculi, basis 74
Pes hippocampi 204
Pinealocytes 158
Planum temporale 178
autonomic 215, 215t
deep 215
superficial 215
choroid 231, 233, 235
coeliac 215
inferior 215
superior 215
myenteric 215, 218
pulmonary 215
submucosal 215, 218
Poles 164
Poliomyelitis 40
Pons 1, 57f, 60, 61, 68, 84
anterior aspect of 60
basilar part of 68
lower part of 71, 71f
tegmental part of 70
upper part of 72f, 73
Precuneus 174
Pulvinar 142
cisternal 245
lumbar 23
constriction of 86
innervation of 219f
Quadriplegia 27
Rachischisis, posterior 15f
optic 116, 189
thalamic 147f, 189
gustatory, structure of 120f
sensory 12, 12f
classification of 12
infundibular 233
pineal 233
Achilles tendon 30
biceps tendon 30
conjunctival 95
corneal 95
deep 30
jaw-jerk 95
lacrimation 95
light, pathway for 89f
monosynaptic spinal 8f
myotatic 30f
patellar tendon 30
polysynaptic spinal 9f
pupillary light 90
sneezing 95
spinal 30
stretch 30t
tendon, triceps 30
types of 7
vestibulo-ocular 78
vomiting 60
mamillary 153
preoptic 153
septal 203
supraoptic 153
tuberal 153
Sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral 51
Septum, median, posterior 36
Serotoninergic raphe system 208
Queckenstedt's 239
Romberg's 46, 137
cavernous, thrombosis 243
dural venous 241
superior sagittal, thrombosis 243
anteroinferior dural 244f
posterosuperior dural 243f
epidural 241
extradural 241, 244
subarachnoid 241, 245
subdural 241, 244
subpial 241
Virchow-Robin 246f
Sphincter pupillae 218
Spina bifida 14
Spinal cord
age-wise changes in 23
ascending tracts of 47t
descending tracts of 50t
dimensions of 23
functions of 25
funiculi of 52t
grey columns 38t
internal structure of 37
lesions of 53f
meninges 25, 31, 31f
transection of 54
Spinal segments 26, 26f, 27t
Stratum zonale 143
habenularis 142, 158
medullaris 60, 234
medullaris thalami 158
olfactory 111, 112f
Striatum, ventral 193, 197
Subcommissural organ 238
Subfornical organ 238
Subiculum 204
gelatinosa 38, 39, 39f, 60
nigra 74, 193, 196, 197
Sulcus 165
basilaris 61
central 166
collateral 170
complete 165
frontal, inferior 168
hypothalamic 232
intermediate, posterior 60
intraparietal 168
lateral occipital 169
limitans 16, 16f, 60, 234
limiting 165
median 234
median, posterior 25, 59
occipitotemporal 170
olfactory 170
operculated 165
parieto-occipital 166
postcentral 168
posterolateral 60
rhinal 170
temporal, inferior 168
cervicodorsal, preganglionic 224
lumbar 225
Synapses 8
axoaxonal 11f
axodendritic 11f
axosomatic 11f
chemical, types of 11f
classification of 8
anterior spinal artery 34
Benedikt 79f
callosal 186
cerebellar 137
Dejerine's anterior bulbar 69
flocculonodular 137
Foville 72f, 73
Horner's 219, 224
Kleine-Levin 157
locked-in 61
medial medullary 69, 69f
medullary, causes lateral 69f
Millard-Gubler 73, 73f
Raymond 73, 73f
split brain 186
stroke 191
thalamic 150
Wallenberg 69
Weber's 79f
Syringomyelia 43, 45f
Tabes dorsalis 44f
Tactile anomia, left 186
Taenia thalami 142
Tanycytes 238
Tectum 74
Tegmentum 74
Tela choroidea 142, 233f
Tentorial surfaces 165
Tentorium cerebelli 124, 241, 242
Rinne's 101
Weber's 101
Thalamus 141, 142f, 143f, 146, 146f, 158f, 194f
dorsal 141
internal structure of 143
lateral part of 148
parts of 146
Thromboangiitis obliterans 225
Tongue, deviation of 107f
Torticollis 107f
ascending 41
corticospinal 40, 48, 79
anterior 48
lateral 48
cuneocerebellar 134
descending 46
extrapyramidal 49
geniculocalcarine 116
habenulopineal 158
intersegmental 54
Lissauer, of 43
mamillothalamic 206
medial reticulospinal 49
medial vestibulospinal 50, 100
olfactory 111, 112f
olivospinal 50f, 51
optic 116
paraventriculohypophyseal 155f, 156
propriospinal 54
pyramidal 48
raphespinal 51
reticulospinal 50f
rubrospinal 49
solitariothalamic 121f, 122
spino-olivary 47
spinoreticular 47
spinospinal 54
spinotectal 47
spinothalamic 40
supraopticohypophyseal 156, 155f
tectospinal 49
ventral spinocerebellar 134
vestibulospinal 50f
extrapyramidal 49
solitariothalamic 121f, 122
spinospinal 54
Transcranial Doppler
ultrasonography 19
hypoglossal 235
vagal 235
Trigone, habenular 158
Tube, neural 12, 16f, 21
anomalies of 15f
formation of 12
cuneate 59
gracile 59
Tuberculum cinereum 60
Tunnel vision 118
Uncus 170
Urinary bladder 223, 226
innervation of 224f
Vallecula 125
Vasocorona, arterial 32
Veins 252, 253
inferior 252
superficial middle 252
superior 252, 252f
great cerebral 252f
thalamostriate 142
striate, superior 252
superficial 252t
Velum, medullary
anterior/superior 233
inferior /posterior 233
Venous drainage 34, 34f, 251, 252
lateral 228
of brain, development of 15, 16f
Vermis 124
subdivisions of 128f
Vestibulocerebellum 128
Villi, arachnoid 245
afferent 84, 90, 95, 103
control 209
White matter
of cerebellum 131
of cerebral hemispheres 183
of cerebrum 20f
tracts in 40
Zona incerta 160
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to Nervous SystemChapter 1

The human body consists of numerous tissues and organs, which are diverse in structure and function, yet they function together and in harmony for the well-being of the body as a whole. There has to be some kind of influence that monitors and controls the working of different parts of the body. The overwhelming role in directing the activities of the body rests with the nervous system. Neuroanatomy is the study of the structural aspects of the nervous system. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the study of structure is meaningless unless correlated with function.
The nervous system may be divided into the central nervous system (CNS), made up of the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system (PNS), consisting of the peripheral nerves and the ganglia associated with them (Figures 1.1 and 1.2, Table 1.1). The brain consists of the cerebrum, diencephalon, midbrain, pons, cerebellum and medulla oblongata. The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata together form the brainstem. The medulla oblongata is continuous below with the spinal cord (Figure 1.2).
The nervous system is made up, predominantly, of tissue that has the special property of being able to conduct impulses rapidly from one part of the body to another. The specialized cells that constitute the functional units of the nervous system are called neurons. Within the brain and spinal cord, neurons are supported by a special kind of connective tissue that is called neuroglia.
zoom view
Figure 1.1: Anatomical divisions of the nervous system
A neuron consists of a cell body that gives off a number of processes called neurites (Figures 1.3A and B).
TABLE 1.1   Classification of nervous system
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Forebrain (prosencephalon)
Telencephalon (cerebrum)
Cranial nerves I and II
Midbrain (mesencephalon)
Cranial nerves III and IV
Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
Metencephalon (pons and cerebellum)
Cranial nerves V to XII
Myelencephalon (medulla oblongata)
Spinal cord (myelon)
31 pairs of spinal nerves
zoom view
Figure 1.2: Parts of the central and peripheral nervous system
Cell Body
The cell body is also called the soma or perikaryon. The cytoplasm contains a large central nucleus (usually with a prominent nucleolus), numerous mitochondria, lysosomes and Golgi complex (Figure 1.3B). The cytoplasm also shows the presence of a granular material that stains intensely with basic dyes called Nissl substance (also called Nissl bodies or granules) (Figure 1.3C). These bodies are rough endoplasmic reticulum (Figure 1.3B).
The neurofibrils in the cytoplasm consist of microfilaments and microtubules (Figure 1.3D). The centrioles present in neurons are concerned with the production and maintenance of microtubules. Some neurons contain pigment granules (for example, neuromelanin in neurons of the substantia nigra). Aging neurons contain a pigment, lipofuscin (made up of residual bodies derived from lysosomes).
The processes arising from the cell body of a neuron are called neurites. These are of two kinds. Most neurons give off a number of short branching processes called dendrites and one longer process called an axon. The differences between axon and dendrite are summarized in Table 1.2 (Figure 1.3C).
Axoplasmic Flow
The cytoplasm of neurons is in constant motion. Movement of various materials occurs through axons. This axoplasmic flow takes place both away from and towards the cell body. Axoplasmic transport of tracer substances introduced experimentally can help trace neuronal connections.
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Figure 1.3A: Parts of a typical neuron
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Figure 1.3B: Structural features of neuron as seen by electron microscope
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Figure 1.3C: Neuronal cell body showing Nissl substance
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Figure 1.3D: Neuronal cell body showing neurofibrils
Neurons are classified based on:
  • Variation in the shape of neuronal cell bodies: Depending on the shapes of their cell bodies, some neurons are referred to as stellate (star-shaped) or pyramidal
  • Polarity: Unipolar, bipolar, multipolar (Figure 1.4, Flowchart 1.1)
  • Variations in Axons: Golgi type I and Golgi type II
TABLE 1.2   Difference between axons and dendrites
Axon is a single, long, thin process of a nerve cell, which terminates away from the nerve cell body
Dendrites are multiple, short, thick and tapering processes of the nerve cell which terminate near the nerve cell body
Axon ends by dividing into many fine processes called axon terminals
Dendrites are highly branched to form a dendritic tree
It has uniform diameter and smooth surface
The thickness of dendrite reduces as it divides repeatedly
It is free of Nissl granules
Nissl granules are present in dendrites
The nerve impulses travel away from the cell body
The nerve impulses travel towards the cell body
Examples of different types of neurons are given in Table 1.3.
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Figure 1.4: Unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons
Axons (and some dendrites, which resemble axons in structure) constitute what are commonly called nerve fibres. The bundles of nerve fibres found in CNS are called as tracts, while the bundles of nerve fibres found in PNS are called peripheral nerves.
Basic Structure of Peripheral Nerve Fibres
Each nerve fibre has a central core formed by the axon. This core is called the axis cylinder. The plasma membrane surrounding the axis cylinder is the axolemma. The axis cylinder is surrounded by a myelin sheath. This sheath is in the form of short segments that are separated at short intervals called the nodes of Ranvier. The part of the nerve fibre between two consecutive nodes is the internode. Each segment of the myelin sheath is formed by one Schwann cell.
Outside the myelin sheath, there is a thin layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm and an external lamina (similar to the basal lamina of epithelium). This layer of cytoplasm and external lamina is called the neurilemma. Neurilemma is important in the regeneration of peripheral nerves after their injury. Such neurilemma is absent in oligodendrocytes that form myelin sheath in CNS. Hence, regeneration in the CNS is not possible.
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Flowchart 1.1: Types of neurons—anatomical classification
Each nerve fibre is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called endoneurium (Figure 1.5). A bundle of nerve fibres or fasciculus is surrounded by the perineurium (Figure 1.5). The perineurium is made up of layers of flattened cells separated by layers of collagen fibres. The perineurium controls diffusion of substances in and out of 5axons. The fasciculi are held together by the epineurium (which surrounds the entire nerve).
TABLE 1.3   Morphological classification of neurons
Location and example
According to polarity
  • Unipolar
  • Bipolar
  • Multipolar
  • Posterior root ganglia of spinal nerves, sensory ganglia of cranial nerves
  • Retina, sensory ganglia of cochlear and vestibular nerves
  • Motor neurons of anterior grey column of spinal cord, autonomic ganglia
According to size of nerve fibre
  • Golgi type I (long axons)
  • Golgi type II (short axons)
  • Pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex
  • Stellate cells of cerebral cortex
Blood–Nerve Barrier
Peripheral nerve fibres are separated from circulating blood by a blood–nerve barrier. Capillaries in nerves are nonfenestrated and their endothelial cells are united by tight junctions. There is a continuous basal lamina around the capillary. The blood-nerve barrier is reinforced by cell layers present in the perineurium.
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Figure 1.5: Connective tissue supporting nerve fibres of a peripheral nerve
Peripheral nerves are classified in many ways.
According to Function
  • Some nerve fibres carry impulses from the spinal cord or brain to peripheral structures like muscle or gland; they are called efferent or motor fibres.
  • Other nerve fibres carry impulses from peripheral organs to the brain or spinal cord. These are called afferent fibres.
According to Area of Innervation
  • Somatic afferent fibres: Carry impulses from skin, bones, muscles, and joints to the CNS
  • Somatic efferent fibres: Carry impulses from CNS to the skeletal muscles
  • Visceral afferent fibres: Carry impulses from visceral organs and blood vessels to the CNS
  • Visceral efferent fibres: Carry impulses from CNS to the cardiac muscle, glands, and smooth muscles
According to Diameter and Velocity of Conduction
  • A (subdivided into α, β, γ, δ)
  • B
  • C (unmyelinated)
Sensory nerve fibres are also classified into I, II, III and IV
Details of diameter and conduction velocity in the peripheral nerves with examples are given in Table 1.4.
Presence of myelin sheath
  • Myelinated
  • Unmyelinated
The nature of myelin sheath is best understood by considering the mode of its formation (Figures 1.6A to E). An axon lying near a Schwann cell invaginates into the cytoplasm of the Schwann cell. In this process, the axon comes to be suspended by a fold of the cell membrane of the Schwann cell. This fold is called the mesaxon.
In some situations, the mesaxon becomes greatly elongated and comes to be spirally wound around the axon, which is thus surrounded by several layers of cell membrane. Lipids are deposited between adjacent layers of the membrane. These layers of the mesaxon, along with the lipids, sphingomyelin, form the myelin sheath.
Outside the myelin sheath, a thin layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm and an external lamina persists to form an additional sheath, which is called the neurilemma (also called the neurilemmal sheath or Schwann cell sheath).
An axon is related to a large number of Schwann cells over its length. Each Schwann cell provides the myelin sheath for a short segment of the axon (Figure 1.7). At the junction of any two such segments, there is a short gap in the myelin sheath. These gaps are called the nodes of Ranvier. When an impulse travels down a nerve fibre, it does not proceed uniformly along the length of the axis cylinder, but jumps from one node to the next. This is called saltatory conduction. In unmyelinated neurons, the impulse travels along the axolemma. Such conduction is much slower than saltatory conduction.
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Figures 1.6A to E: (A) Stages in the formation of the myelin sheath by a Schwann cell—the axon, which first lies near the Schwann cell; (B and C) Then it invaginates into its cytoplasm, and comes to be suspended by a mesaxon. (D and E) The mesaxon elongates and comes to be spirally wound around the axon
TABLE 1.4   Classification of fibres in the peripheral nerves
Fibre type
Sensory classification
Diameter (μm)
Velocity (m/s)
A α
Muscle spindle, annulo-spiral ending
Golgi tendon organ
Somatic motor
A β
Muscle spindle, flower-spray ending
Touch, pressure
A γ
Motor to muscle spindles
A δ
Pricking pain, cold, touch
Preganglionic autonomic
Burning pain, temperature, itch, tickle
Postganglionic autonomic
Functions of the Myelin Sheath
  • The presence of a myelin sheath increases the velocity of conduction (for a nerve fibre of the same diameter).
  • It reduces the energy expended in the process of conduction.
  • It is responsible for the colour of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord.
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Figure 1.7: Each Schwann cell forms a short segment of the myelin sheath. The figures to the right are transverse sections through the nerve fibre, at the corresponding stages
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Figure 1.8: Relationship of unmyelinated axons to a Schwann cell
Nonmyelinated Fibres
There are some axons, which are devoid of myelin sheaths and examples include postganglionic autonomic fibres and fibres carrying “slow”, burning pain. The nonmyelinated fibres are also surrounded by Schwann cells. These unmyelinated axons invaginate into the cytoplasm of Schwann cells, but the mesaxon does not spiral around them (Figure 1.8). Another difference is that several such axons may invaginate into the cytoplasm of a single Schwann cell.
Types of Reflexes
A reflex action is defined as an immediate, involuntary motor response of the muscles in response to a specific sensory stimulus. For example, if the skin of the sole of a sleeping person is scratched, the leg is reflexly drawn up.
Monosynaptic: The stimulus applied to a muscle or a tendon is carried by a unipolar neuron which terminates by synapsing with an anterior horn cell supplying the muscle (Figure 1.9). Here, there are only two neurons—one afferent and the other efferent. As only one synapse is involved, the reflex is monosynaptic.
Polysynaptic: Some reflexes are made up of three (or more) neurons as shown in Figure 1.10. The central process of the dorsal nerve root ganglion cell ends by synapsing with a neuron lying in the posterior grey column. This neuron has a short axon that ends by synapsing with an anterior horn cell. Such a reflex is said to be polysynaptic.
In addition to neurons, the nervous system contains several types of supporting cells called neuroglia (Flowchart 1.2).
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Figure 1.9: A monosynaptic spinal reflex arc composed of two neurons
Types of Neuroglia (Flowchart 1.2; Figures 1.11 and 1.12)
  • Astrocytes act as insulators, nourish the neurons, help form blood-brain barrier.
  • Oligodendrocytes form myelin sheath in CNS.
  • Microglia act as phagocytes in CNS.
  • Ependymal cells line the ventricular system and forms blood CSF barrier.
  • Schwann cells form myelin sheath in PNS.
  • Capsular cells (also called satellite cells or capsular gliocytes) support and nourish ganglia.
(Origin: Greek. Neuro = nerve + bio = life + taxis = arrangement; literally, a law governing the arrangement of neuronal cell bodies and their fibres during life).
  • Neuronal cell body migrates towards the greatest density of stimuli, e.g. facial nerve nuclei migrate towards trigeminal nucleus to complete the reflex arc.
  • Neuronal cell body has a tendency for centralization and encephalization, e.g. an evolutionary process by which functions that were governed by lower centres (in lower animals) are progressively being controlled by the higher centres.
  • Neuronal processes with similar function run together, e.g. in the brainstem descending fibres run in basilar part; ascending fibres in tegmentum.
Nervous tissue within the central nervous system, till recently, used to be considered as post-mitotic, i.e. neurons are incapable of regeneration. However, recent research has identified cells which are capable of forming new neurons as well as glial cells in the subventricular zone of lateral ventricle and in the hippocampal gyrus. These areas are known as adult neurogenic zone. These cells which are called neural stem cells are capable of self-renewal and show plasticity.
A synapse transmits an impulse only in one direction. The two elements taking part in a synapse can, therefore, be spoken of as presynaptic and postsynaptic (Figure 1.13). In some areas several neurons may take part in forming complex synapses encapsulated by neuroglial cells to form synaptic glomeruli (Figure 1.14).
Classification of Synapses
  • Morphological classification: Figures 1.15A to C show three common types of synapses—(1) axodendritic (2) axosomatic and (3) axoaxonal
  • Functional classification: From a physiological viewpoint, a synapse may be excitatory or inhibitory.
The transmission of impulses through synapses involves the release of chemical substances called neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. Depending on the neurotransmitter (excitatory of inhibitory), the postsynaptic neuron becomes depolarized or hyperpolarized.
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Figure 1.10: A polysynaptic spinal reflex arc composed of three neurons
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Flowchart 1.2: Types of neuroglia found in central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are together called as macroglia.
  • Macroglia cells are derived from ectoderm of neural tube. Microglia cells are of mesodermal origin.
  • Schwann cells and satellite cells are derived from neural crest.
When an action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal, there is an influx of calcium ions leading to changes in the synaptic vesicles which pour the neurotransmitter stored in them into the synaptic cleft.
The neurotransmitter released into the synaptic cleft acts only for a very short duration. It is either destroyed (by enzymes) or is withdrawn into the terminal bouton.
Important neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine, histamine, serotonin, gamma amino butyric acid, glutamate, glycine, and aspartate.
Some chemical substances do not influence synaptic transmission directly, but influence the effects of neurotransmitters. Such chemical substances are referred to as neuromodulators, e.g. substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and somatostatin.
Each skeletal muscle fibre receives its own direct innervation. The site where the nerve ending comes into intimate contact with the muscle fibre is a neuromuscular junction. In this junction, axon terminals are lodged in grooves in the sarcolemma covering the sole plate (Figure 1.16). Acetylcholine is released when nerve 10impulses reach the neuromuscular junction. It initiates a wave of depolarization in the sarcolemma resulting in contraction of the entire muscle fibre.
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Figure 1.11: Astrocytes form the perivascular feet around a capillary
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Figure 1.12: Oligodendrocyte and its relationship to a neuron
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Figure 1.13: Structure of a typical synapse as seen under electron microscope
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Figure 1.14: Synaptic glomerulus
Some Facts about Muscle Action
  • All or none law: When a stimulus above the threshold strength is applied, the muscle (and the motor unit, innervated by a single axon) contracts to its full extent.
  • Fatigue: Depletion of neurotransmitter causes failure of muscle to contract.
  • Muscle tone: Some fibres, in a resting muscle, are always in a state of contraction.
  • Endurance: The capacity of a muscle to maintain activity over a period of time.
  • Trophic effect: Nerve supply maintains the integrity of the muscle.11
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Figures 1.15A to C: Various types of synapses: (A) Axodendritic synapse; (B) Axosomatic synapse; (C) Axoaxonal synapse
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Figure 1.16: Motor end plate seen in relation to a skeletal muscle fibre (surface view)
The peripheral endings of afferent nerve fibres make contact with receptors that respond to various kinds of sensory stimuli.
Classification of Sensory Receptors
  • Functional classification: Exteroceptors, proprioceptors and interoceptors
  • Mode of stimulation: Mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, photoreceptors, thermoreceptors, osmoreceptors
  • Structural classification: Neuronal receptors (most exteroceptors), epithelial receptors (rods and cones), neuroepithelial receptors (olfactory mucosa)
Exteroceptive Receptors (Figure 1.17)
  • Free nerve endings: Pain
  • Tactile corpuscles of Meissner: Touch
  • Lamellated corpuscles of Pacini: Pressure
  • Bulbous corpuscles of Krause: Cold
  • Merkel cell receptors: Touch
  • Ruffini endings: Warmth
Proprioceptive Receptors
  • Golgi tendon organs (Figure 1.18)
  • Muscle spindles (Figure 1.19)
    • Annulospiral endings (nuclear bag, nuclear chain)
    • Flower spray endings
At the time when the nervous system begins to develop, the embryo is in the form of a three-layered disc, i.e. the gastrula (Figures 1.20 and 1.21).
The part of the ectoderm that is destined to give origin to the brain and spinal cord is situated on the dorsal aspect of the embryonic disc, in the midline and overlies the developing notochord (Figure 1.22A). It soon becomes thickened to form the neural plate (Figure 1.22B).
The neural plate becomes depressed along the midline, as a result of which the neural groove is formed (Figure 1.22C). This groove becomes progressively deeper. By the end of 3rd week, the two raised edges of the neural plate, which are called neural folds, come near each other and eventually fuse, thus converting the neural groove into the neural tube (Figure 1.22D). The neural tube is formed from the ectoderm overlying the notochord and, therefore, extends from the prochordal plate to the primitive knot (Figures 1.20 and 1.21). The process of formation of the neural tube is referred to as neurulation.
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Figure 1.17: Sensory receptors present in relation to skin
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Figure 1.18: Golgi tendon organ
The middle part is the first to become tubular, so that for some time, the neural tube is open cranially and caudally. These openings are called the anterior and posterior neuropores, respectively. The fusion of the two edges of the neural plate extends cranially (25th day from fertilization) and caudally (27th day from fertilization), 13and eventually, the neuropores disappear leaving a closed tube.
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Figure 1.19: Structure of a muscle spindle (A = axon of alpha-neuron supplying extrafusal fibre; G = axons of gamma neurons supplying intrafusal fibres; P and S = afferents from primary and secondary sensory endings, respectively)
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Figure 1.20: Early embryonic disc before formation of the neural plate
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Figure 1.21: Embryonic disc showing the neural plate
Even before the neural tube has completely closed, it is divisible into an enlarged cranial part and a caudal tubular part (Figure 1.21). The enlarged cranial part forms the brain. The caudal tubular part forms the spinal cord. It is at first short but gradually gains in length as the embryo grows.
The brain develops from the enlarged cranial part of the neural tube (Figure 1.23A). At about the end of 4th week, the cavity of the developing brain shows three dilatations (Figure 1.23B). Craniocaudally, these are the prosencephalon (forebrain vesicle), mesencephalon 14(midbrain vesicle), and rhombencephalon (hindbrain vesicle). The prosencephalon becomes subdivided into the telencephalon and the diencephalon (Figure 1.23C). The telencephalon consists of right and left telencephalic vesicles. The rhombencephalon also becomes subdivided into a cranial part, the metencephalon, and a caudal part, the myelencephalon. The parts of the brain that are developed from each of these divisions of the neural tube are shown in Figure 1.23D and Flowchart 1.3.
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Figure 1.22: Neurulation
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Figures 1.23A to D: Stages in the development of brain vesicles and the ventricular system
The prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon are at first arranged craniocaudally (Figure 1.25A). Their relative position is greatly altered by the appearance of a number of flexures. These are:
  • The cervical flexure, at the junction of the rhombencephalon and the spinal cord (Figure 1.25B)
  • The mesencephalic flexure (or cephalic flexure) in the region of the midbrain (Figure 1.25C)
  • 15The pontine flexure, at the middle of the rhombencephalon, dividing it into the metencephalon and myelencephalon (Figure 1.25D)
  • The telencephalic flexure that occurs much later between the telencephalon and diencephalon
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Flowchart 1.3: Development of various parts of brain
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Figures 1.24A to E: Anomalies of the neural tube; (A) Posterior rachischisis; (B to D) Varieties of meningomyelocoele; (E) Meningocoele
These flexures lead to the orientation of the various parts of the brain as in the adult.
Each of the subdivisions of the developing brain encloses a part of the original cavity of the neural tube (Figure 1.26).
  • The cavity of each telencephalic vesicle becomes the lateral ventricle.
  • 16The cavity of diencephalon (along with the central part of the telencephalon) becomes the third ventricle.
  • The cavity of the mesencephalon remains narrow, and forms the cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius).
  • The cavity of the rhombencephalon forms the fourth ventricle. Its continuation in the spinal cord is the central canal.
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Figures 1.25A to D: (A) Neural tube before formation of flexures; (B) Cervical flexure; (C) Mesencephalic flexure; (D) Pontine flexure
With further development, the cells lining the wall of the neural tube proliferate to form thickenings. Ventrally, the thickenings are called basal laminae, and dorsally, they form alar laminae. The line separating the thickened ventral part from the dorsal part is called the sulcus limitans (Figure 1.27). This division is of considerable functional importance. The cells of basal lamina develop into motor neurons and the cells of alar lamina develop into sensory neurons and interneurons.
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Figure 1.26: Development of ventricles of the brain
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Figure 1.27: Sulcus limitans
At the time when the neural plate is being formed, some cells at the junction between the neural plate and the rest of the ectoderm become specialized (on either side) to form the primordia of the neural crest (Figures 1.22B and C). With the separation of the neural tube from the surface ectoderm, the cells of the neural crest appear as groups of cells lying along the dorsolateral sides of the neural tube (Figure 1.22D). The neural crest cells soon become free (by losing the property of cell-to-cell adhesiveness). They migrate to distant places throughout the body. In 17subsequent development, several important structures are derived from the neural crest. These include some neurons of sensory and autonomic ganglia, Schwann cells, and the pia mater and the arachnoid mater. Many other derivatives of the neural crest are recognized in widespread tissues (Figure 1.28).
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Figure 1.28: Derivatives of neural crest cells
Diagnosing a neurological disease involves a thorough history-taking and physical examination aided by an array of basic to sophisticated investigations so as to anatomically localize the lesion and also to know its pathology. The investigative techniques used in the diagnosis of neurological disorders vary from plain radiography of skull and vertebral column to complex MR tractography. The neuroimaging modalities are classified based on the technique used as given Flowchart 1.4.
Plain Skiagraphy/Radiography
The basic principle in plain radiography is that the X-rays incident on bone, soft tissue or fluid/air get absorbed to a different extent and the emergent beam after such absorption reacts differently with the chemical on the X-ray plate. So, bone produces a dense white shadow, air produces a black shadow and the soft tissue produces varying shades of grey.
In this investigation, a radio-opaque dye is injected into the spinal subarachnoid space after lumbar puncture.
A radio-opaque dye is injected into the blood vessels supplying the brain, namely the internal carotid artery and the vertebral artery. This is followed by taking serial radiographs of skull to show the arterial, the capillary and the venous phases of flow of the dye which helps to visualize the normal anatomy of the arterial system (Figures 1.29 and 1.30).
Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan)
This technique uses a collimated beam of X-rays which is passed circumferentially around a transverse slice of head and multiple detectors around the slice capture the emerging X-rays to produce multiple images.18
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Flowchart 1.4: Neuroimaging modalities based on techniques used
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Figure 1.29: Internal carotid angiogram-Digital Subtraction Angiogram (DSA) (Courtesy: Dr HD Deshmukh, Professor & Head, Department of Radiology, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai.)
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Figure 1.30: Vertebral angiogram. (Courtesy: Dr HD Deshmukh, Professor & Head, Department of Radiology, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai.)
19These are then put together with the help of a computer to get an axial tomogram (Figures 1.31A and B).
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Figures 1.31A and B: (A) CT scan image showing CSF as black shadow within lateral ventricle–quad arrow shows a white spec within the ventricle–choroid plexus in the collateral trigone; (B) CT scan image showing falx cerebri as a thin white line in the midline-quad arrow–Sulci and gyri can be appreciated in the periphery. (Courtesy: Dr HD Deshmukh, Professor & Head, Department of Radiology, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai.)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
This investigation uses the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance which states that the atoms of a tissue/substance oscillate and release energy when subjected to a strong magnetic field. This energy is captured in the form of an image (T1 weighted image). Later when the oscillating atoms are subjected to radiofrequency waves, the direction of oscillation changes and releases energy in another direction and a diametrically opposite image is produced (T2 weighted image).
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography
This is based on Doppler effect in which the frequency of the ultrasound waves gets changed when they strike a moving object such as the blood flowing in a vessel.
Positron Emission Tomographic Scan (PET Scan)
Positron emitting radioisotopes such as 15O and 18F are used in this study. When brain tissue is scanned after administration of these isotope containing substances, high metabolic areas with more blood flow or neurons with higher glucose intake will show up as hot spots. The advantage over CT is PET gives information about function because of neuronal activity or blood flow.
MR Tractography
This imaging technique is based on the principle of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Water molecules in live tissues are in constant motion due to the thermal energy carried by them, and this is called as Brownian motion. In white matter of the brain, this motion is along the longitudinal axis of the white fibres because the axolemma limits their perpendicular motion. MR signals catch these motions and different computer algorithms are used to reconstruct the fibre tracts called as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) or MR tractography (Figure 1.32).20
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Figures 1.32: MR tractography showing white matter of cerebrum
Q1. The “Nissl substance” represents which organelle of neuron?
  1. Golgi complex
  2. Nucleolus
  3. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  4. Mitochondria
Q2. Which of the following provides myelin sheath to the axons of the CNS?
  1. Astrocytes
  2. Oligodendrocytes
  3. Microglia
  4. Ependymocytes
Q3. The perivascular foot of the “blood–brain barrier” is an extension from the:
  1. Oligodendrocyte
  2. Ependymocyte
  3. Astrocyte
  4. Microglia
Q4. Sensation of pain is detected by:
  1. Mechanoreceptor
  2. Chemoreceptor
  3. Nociceptor
  4. Thermoreceptor
Q5. The cerebral aqueduct is developed from the cavity of:
  1. Rhombencephalon
  2. Mesencephalon
  3. Telencephalon
  4. Diencephalon
Q6. The failure of closure of the cranial end of neural tube gives rise to:
  1. Anencephaly
  2. Hydrocephalus
  3. Microcephaly
  4. Meningomyelocoele
21Q7. By which week of intrauterine life does the neural tube close?
  1. Fourth
  2. Fifth
  3. Sixth
  4. Seventh
Q8. The cervical flexure of the neural tube occurs:
  1. Between the forebrain and midbrain
  2. In the midbrain
  3. Between hindbrain and spinal cord
  4. In the hindbrain
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. C
  1. Describe myelination
  2. Classify neurons with examples
  3. Differentiate an axon from a dendrite
  4. Classify peripheral nerve fibres with examples
  5. Classify receptors
  6. Specify the different parts of neural tube and enumerate their derivatives
  7. Enumerate the derivatives of neural crest cells
  8. Define neurobiotaxis with an example