Textbook of Echocardiography V Amuthan, Satish K Parashar
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flow chart, and t refer to table
Abdominal aorta, subcostal view of 25
Abdominal pain 25
Abernethy malformation 350, 363
Abscess 160, 388
extension of 393
large 393
periannular 382, 388f, 389, 391f, 393
vegetation 393
Absorption 6
enhancement 6
impedance 2, 6
shadowing 3, 159, 159f, 409, 410, 412, 413
speckle tracking 178, 187, 187f, 193f
window 258
Acute pulmonary embolism 168f, 169f
echocardiography in 167
Acute rheumatic fever 313, 315f
diagnosis of 313
Acyanotic congenital heart diseases
classification of 341
echocardiographic assessment of 341
Adenosine 251, 257
Adjunctive techniques, role of 236
Adult transthoracic echocardiographic study, comprehensive 544
Aggregatibacter 381
Akinesia 257
Akinetic segments 264
Alagille syndromes 145
Alcohol septal ablation 280, 280f
Alternative semiquantitative method 125
American College of Cardiology 84
American Heart Association 84
American Society of Anesthesiology 28
American Society of Echocardiography 32, 80, 106
Amplatzer cardiac plug 470
Amplatzer duct occluder device 482f
Amplitude 6
Amyloid heart disease 309t
Amyloidosis 406, 407, 407f, 408f
age-related 309
primary 309
secondary 309
syndrome 293
Anabolic steroids 293
Anesthesia, topical 28
formation of 476f
full extent of 133f
of sinus of Valsalva, formation of 389
Angina, abdominal 25
Angiosarcomas 377
Angulation, posterior 360f
Ankle-brachial index 137
Ankylosing spondylitis 122, 128, 405
Annual dilatation, severe 218, 219f
Annular dilatation 313
Annulitis 313
Annuloaortic ectasia 122, 128, 405
Annulus 80, 88
dilatation 128
lateral 540f
paradoxus 331
reversus 331
Anomalous pulmonary venous
connection, total 350, 359
drainage, partial 341
Antegrade pulmonary flow rules out functional pulmonary atresia 359f
Anteroseptum, early contraction of 463f
Antimicrobial therapy, despite appropriate 393
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies disease 405
Antiphospholipid syndrome 404
Aorta 58, 140f, 315, 316, 318, 324f, 335, 336f, 337f, 428, 474, 501f
abdominal 25, 336f, 544f
anatomic evaluation of 131
anterior wall of 32f
ascending 90f, 119, 131f, 132f, 133, 133f, 141f, 201f, 287, 423, 502f, 517, 533f
assessment of 97
atherosclerotic obstruction of 107f
circular 91f
descending 126, 127f, 141, 324, 348f
dissection of 122
echocardiographic evaluation of 131
flow, abdominal 126
long-axis, subcostal 2D 542
measurement of ascending 423f
mechanical properties of 197
membranous anchorage of 89f
origin of 132
pathology of 517
severe atherosclerosis of 106f
subcostal 543
suprasternal view of 141f
Aortic aneurysm 132, 141, 405, 505
ascending 133f
Aortic angiography 137
Aortic annulus 93f, 219, 337f, 344f, 420, 423f, 512
assessment of 219
rupture 428
Aortic arch 131, 339f, 353, 371, 502f, 545f
2D, suprasternal long-axis of 544
atheroma, ulcerated 141f
suprasternal long axis view of 26
Aortic atheroma 135
Aortic atherosclerosis 135, 140
Aortic bioprosthesis 427f
Aortic cusps 88
Aortic dilatation, significant 287
Aortic diseases 139
echocardiography in 139
Aortic dissection 133, 133f, 134f, 370
echocardiography features of 371t
spectrum of 135
Aortic Doppler interrogation, abdominal 347f
Aortic insufficiency 315, 505, 517
acute 371
Aortic interruption 357
Aortic intramural hematoma 135
Aortic leaflets 488f
Aortic paravalvular regurgitation 426
mild 427f
Aortic periannular abscess 389f
Aortic PHV Doppler parameters 162t
Aortic pressures 346f
Aortic prosthesis 426f
Aortic regurgitation 100, 101f, 118, 121, 122, 141f, 314, 404f, 405, 406
3D evaluation of 224
acute severe 372
causes of 122
echocardiography in 121
functional classification of 512t
lesions 512
mild 99f
paravalvular leak, severe 389f
Aortic root 89, 94, 121, 131, 371, 423, 482f
abscess 391f, 394
mimicking of 159
anatomy 121f
aneurysms of 513
angiogram 488f
calcification, extent of 424f
dissections 371
Aortic rupture 517
Aortic sinuses 90f, 93f, 105f, 120f
calcification of 424f
Aortic stenosis 34, 66, 93f, 96, 96t, 97, 100, 101f, 117, 118, 219, 347, 421
3D evaluation of 219
assessment of 97
clinical diagnosis of 96
critical 357
echocardiography in 96, 97t, 112t
low-gradient 113
mean gradient across 106, 109
normal flow high-gradient 112
pathological anatomy of 96t
severity of 107t, 112, 112t
velocity, measurement of 94f
Aortic syndrome, acute 370, 517
Aortic transection 135, 369
Aortic tumor 135
Aortic valve 88, 90f-92f, 94f, 103f, 105f, 106, 122, 133, 147, 219, 220, 222f, 223f, 318, 348f, 377f, 379f, 406, 423, 424f, 533f
3D evaluation of 219
acute severe regurgitation of 393
anatomy of 88, 121, 121f
area 421f
attachment of 89f
autopsy image of 318f
changes 319
closure 95f, 96, 187, 286f
disease 96, 101f
congenital 97, 98
infective endocarditis of 387f
level of 20, 20f, 397f
mid systolic closure of 289f
orifice 115f
pathologies 89, 511
quantification 219
regurgitation, detection of 314f
repair, prediction of 513
replacement 118
surgical 419
sclerosis of 408
short axis of 389f
steps involved in three-dimensional acquisition of 219
thickened 315f
Aortic velocity 328f
tracing 328f
Aortitis 405
continuity 337f
junction 405
collaterals 353
window 341, 502, 502f
Apical anteroseptum 234
Apical cardiomyopathy 284, 285f
Apical cavity systolic obliteration 277
Apical five-chamber view 22, 64, 345
Apical four-chamber
color tissue Doppler image 461f
position 72f
view 72f
Apical long axis view 23, 24f
Apical posterolateral segments 234
Apical two-chamber view 23, 23f
Arantius, nodule of 88
Arrhythmia 31, 112, 286, 373, 377, 406
Arterial emboli, major 382
Arterial pressure, mean 325f
Arterial stiffness, determine 137t
Artery, large 137
dropout 414
lateral resolution 411
mirror-image 7
recognition of 415
reverberation, understanding 3
understanding 3
Aspiration 30
Assessing cardiac deformation, methods of 178t
Asymmetric septal hypertrophy 283
Asymmetric ventricular septal
defect occluder of intraconal defect 487f
occluder device 481f
Asynchrony index 302f
Atherosclerosis 139
Athlete's heart 291
appendages, juxtaposition of 351
diastole 230f
dimensions 298
fibrillation 51, 66, 86, 113, 230f, 467, 468f, 469f
myxoma 374
septal defect 19, 228f, 336, 341, 350, 398f, 416, 417, 492
occluder device 398f
types of 493f
volume 298
normal right 52
canal defect 153, 350
plane displacement 36
septal defect
complete 341
partial 341
valve 343, 357
straddling of 357
Atrium 350
Attenuation, physical laws of 1
Automated 3D volume
calculation 299f
estimation 299f
Automated functional imaging 214f
Autosomal dominant 309
Ball-in-cage Starr-Edwards valve 158
assisted technique 497f
mitral valvotomy 514
positioned across mitral valve 432f
pulmonary valvuloplasty 149
septostomy 351
valvuloplasty, echocardiography in 76
Barrett's esophagus 28
Bartonella infection 382
Basal inferoseptum 256f
Basal lateral wall 461f
Basal septum 461f, 462f
Beam width flow artifacts 413
Beck's triad 324
Bedside transthoracic echocardiography, word about 26
Behçet's disease 406
Benz sign, inverted 91f
Benzocaine 29
Bernoulli equation 111f
Beta-blockers 258
Bicuspid aortic valve 9698, 102f, 114f, 116f, 119, 119f, 120f, 224f
arteriopathy accompanying 122
Bicuspid pulmonary valve 144f, 145f
Bicuspid valve abnormality 145
Bidirectional shunt 362f
Bifurcation intervention 442
Bifurcation with color and spectral Doppler 534
Bileaflet prolapse 507
Bileaflet prosthetic valve 516f
Bilobed thrombus 378f
Biologic valves 157
Bioprosthetic aortic valve 388f, 391f
endocarditis 388f, 391f
Bioprosthetic valves 157
Biplane two-dimensional image 433f
Bird's eye view 404
Bleeding, major 31
cultures, positive 382
pressure 158
Blooming 414, 415
artifact 415f
Blunt chest
injury 152
trauma, history of 154f
Blunt injuries 368
Body surface area 160, 298
Bone fracture 167
hip 167
leg 167
artery 339f
branches 131
Bradyarrhythmias 448
Branch pulmonary arteries 148, 352
Bronchospasm 31
Bulging apical segments 277f
Bull's eye 193f, 194f, 234
display 235f
map 202f
plot 212f, 214f, 286f
Bundle branch block, left 246, 247, 259
Burn out disease 286
Cactus morphology 227
Calcific aortic
stenosis 96, 419
asymptomatic severe 118f
severe 109f
valve disease 97, 98, 100f
Calcification 423
Calcium 410
deposits on leaflets 384
Calculating Gose score, method of 359f
Cancer, marantic endocarditis associated with 406
Cannula, correct placement of 519
Capillary blood volume 279
Carcinoid heart disease 79, 406
left-sided 74
Carcinoid syndrome 153, 155
Carcinoid tumor 152
amyloidosis 309
cycle, single 204
death, predictor of 303
deformation 185
device-related infective endocarditis 398
distension, limits short-term 322
hemangiomas 376
lymphangioma 377
lymphomas 377
primary 377
magnetic resonance imaging 211, 467
manifestations 373, 407
masses 280
movement, vectors of 176t
multidetector computed tomography 399
muscle dictates 174
output state, low 112
pacing 448, 450, 451
perforation 448, 452f
resynchronization therapy 66, 448, 454
echocardiography in 454
rhabdomyoma 375
rhythm 83
surgery, role in modern 504
tamponade 428
transplantation 297
troponin 170
tumors 79, 152, 373, 384
malignant 377
primary 373
secondary 378
ultrasound in emergency room, targeted 368t
valves 230
vein joins, middle 519
Cardiobacterium hominis 381
Cardiomyopathy 307, 406
Cardiopathy, congenital 505
Cardiopulmonary bypass 506
disease 137, 234, 235
events, major adverse 261, 441
Carditis 313, 314, 316f
acute 319
chronic 319
diagnosis of 315
Carney complex 374
Carotid artery
distal common 138
left 141
common 339f
Carotid intima media, thickened 138, 139f
Carpentier's classification 218t, 512
functional 128
Carpentier's triad 218
Carpentier-Edwards magna 157
Catenoid septum 285f
Catheter-based balloon valvotomy 74
Central echolucency 241
Central mitral regurgitation jet 219f
Central secundum defect 342f
Cerebrovascular accident 158
Chamber dilatation 341, 344
Chamber dimensions 297, 301
Chamber quantification 32, 49
Cheshire cat tamponade 328
Chest pain 323, 367
emergency room triage of 277, 279
evaluation of 367
Chest radiography 383
Chiari network 168
Chicken wing 227
Chloral hydrate 333
Chordae 80
tendineae 511
rupture of 238
Chordal thickening 319
Chylous pericardial effusion 323
Circumferential strain 189, 192
Classical Beck's triad signs 328
Coarctation of aorta 96, 341, 348, 348f
Color coded pulsed wave tissue Doppler, concept of 460f
Color Doppler
imaging 154, 333
interrogation 343f
myocardial imaging 178, 179f, 181f, 182f
Comet tail artifact 413
Commissural fusion 145, 149
Commissures, calcification of 114f
Complete rupture 238
Compute mitral valve area 76f
Computed tomography 131, 395
Conal septum 345, 345f
Conductance vessels 248
Conduction system to device closure, vulnerability of 476
Congenital disorders 74
Conjunctival hemorrhages 382
Connective tissue
diseases 404
disorders 122
Constrictive pericarditis 307, 309t, 328, 329, 330f
Continuous wave Doppler 112
tracing 354f
Contrast echocardiography, value of 293
Contrast stress echo 277f
Conventional continuity equation method 219
Cor triatriatum 79
Coronary angiography 436
Coronary artery 143, 353
bypass graft 247
compression 394
disease 61, 234, 246, 247, 425, 436
detection of 279
left 20, 467
non-left main 437
occlusion 428
orifices of 89
Coronary atherosclerosis 118, 440
Coronary flow reserve 262, 293
predicts risk, abnormal 293
Coronary ostia 423
stenosis 106
Coronary sinus 119f, 324, 363
annuloplasty 435
ostium, atresia of 358
type 341
unroofed 350
Coronary syndrome
acute 133, 368
diagnosis of acute 236
Costello syndromes 293
Coxiella burnetii 382
Cranial angulation 131f
C-reactive protein 323
Crypts 285
Cubital vein, left 362f
Cusp 88
fenestration of 121
perforation 128
thickened 146
Cyanotic heart disease, congenital 350
Darling's classification 360
David's procedure 514, 514f
Deep vein thrombosis 166
Degenerative mitral valve disease types 511t
Dental injury 31
Deoxyribonucleic acid 382
Devereux and Reichek cube formula 139
Dextrocardia 333
Diastole physiology 58f
Diastolic dysfunction 58, 6567, 68, 68t, 185f, 292f, 300fc, 407
clinical utility of 68
grades of 64, 65f
Diastolic filling
impaired 113
impairment of 307
time 158
Diastolic forward flow 329f
Diastolic function 58, 59, 65, 66, 294
abnormal 290
clinical report of 68
normal 68
parameters 302
Diastolic heart failure 58
Diastolic mitral regurgitation 464f
Diastolic performance 294
Diastolic stiffness 58
Diastolic stress test 66
Diastolic wall thickness, accurate measurement of 277f
Diastolic waves 184
Dichotomous fashion 261
Diffuse reflector 6
Dilated ascending aorta 348f
Dilated cardiomyopathy 39, 218, 297, 314f, 515
echocardiography in 297
with echocardiography, prognosis of 301
Dilated root 514f
Dimensionless index 112
Dipyridamole 251, 257
Dissection flap 133f, 141f
Dobutamine 246, 251, 253, 257, 258
augments cardiac contractility 263
echocardiography 242, 258, 262, 263f
interpretation of 263
low-dose 262
infusion 262
stress echocardiography 97, 113, 248f, 251, 252f, 253, 263f, 264f, 277
Domed pulmonary valve 146f
Doppler artifacts 15
Doppler assessment 146, 148, 156
Doppler color flow imaging 11, 12
Doppler display 9
Doppler echocardiographic transmitral diastolic inflow, normal 72f
Doppler echocardiography 8, 74, 300
quantitative 106
Doppler equation 8
Doppler myocardial imaging, M-mode 182f
Doppler parameters supporting PH 56t
Doppler sample volume 62f
Doppler shift, positive 9
Doppler technique 179f
use of 8
Doppler ultrasound equipment control panel 13
Doppler velocity index 160, 161
Double inlet left ventricle 356
Double outlet right ventricle 145, 350, 355
Double peak sign 286
Drug-eluting stents 440, 441
Duct occlude, large 491f
Ductal dimension on ductal view, measurement of 500f
Ductal shunt 351
Ductal view explained on cartoon 500f
Ductus arteriosus, persistent patency of 346
Dynamic subaortic obstruction 100
Dysfunctional myocardial segment 261
Dyskinesia 257
Dyslipidemia 408
Dysphagia 28, 31
Dysplasia 149
Dysplastic aortic valve 97
Dyssynchrony 297, 301
index, assessment of 463f
interventricular 302f
Ebstein's anomaly 152, 153, 350, 358, 359
Ebstein's malformation 153
Eccentric mitral regurgitation jet 85f
Echo studies, comprehensive 367
abnormal exercise stress 255f, 256f
M-mode 71
data, interpretation of 524
systems 2
technique 462, 464, 504
examination, basic 16, 18
Echocardiography 16, 54, 96, 121, 137, 152, 333, 341, 367, 383, 393, 420
artifacts in 409, 409t
exercise stress 116, 249, 250f, 251
in infective endocarditis, limitations of 399
indications for 504, 505t
medicolegal aspects of 521
M-mode 74, 75f
performance of exercise stress 249
pitfalls of 158
postprocedure 428
role of 84, 292t, 313, 350, 394f, 454, 460, 461
Echogenicity 6
Echonavigator system 417
Edge mitral annular tissue velocity profile, lateral 180f
Effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA) 507
Effective valve orifice area 106, 110
Effusive constrictive pericarditis 330t
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 122, 128, 405
Eisenmenger syndrome 361, 500, 501f
Ejection fraction 58, 277, 315
and solutions, inaccuracy of 204t
calculation of 34
normal 112, 113
qualitative assessment of 517
reduced 113, 309
Ejection time 39
increased 113
Electrical conduction, abnormal 234
Electrocardiography 382
baseline 382
Electronic interference 413, 413f
Electronic noise 414
Electronic processing artifacts 412
Embolic phenomenon 373
Embryonic common pulmonary vein 79
Emergency room, echocardiography in 368t
End diastolic
frame 254f, 255f, 256f
image 277f
volume, increased 315
wall thickness measurement 265f
End systolic
frame 254f, 255f, 256f
measures 187
volume 254, 297
Endocardial involvement, evidence of 382
Endocardial visualization 247, 259f, 299f
Endocarditis 452, 505
complications of 392t, 394
culture-negative 382
identification of 392t
Endocardium 34, 174
disease 310
fibroelastosis 307
fibrosis 152, 153, 311t, 408
Energy loss
coefficient 162
index 162
Eosinophilic endomyocardial disease 310
coronary stenosis 248
echocardiography 519
probe preparation 519
Ergonovine 251
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 323
5-chamber view 93
carcinoma 18f
damage 30
diverticulum 28
laceration 28
level, upper 219
perforation 28, 31
stricture 28
transverse, high 93
tumor 28
varices 28
view, upper 94f
Esophagitis, active 28
Esophagus 31f
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging 32
European Association of Echocardiography 106
European Society of Cardiology 419
Eustachian valve 168
Extensive pericardial calcification 330f
Extracorporeal circulation 505
Eyebrow sign 442
Fabry's disease 293, 407
Familial homozygous hypercholesterolemia 106f, 107f
Fibrin degradation product 167
Fibroelastic deficiency 509
Fibromas 376
Fibromuscular subaortic stenosis 96, 102f, 103f
Fibrosarcomas 377
Fibrous plaque 437f
Fistula 390, 393
formation 394
Flail mitral valve 319f
Flail posterior mitral leaflet 85f
Flow across aortic valve 541f
Flow convergence-based method 82
Flow mimics systolic swirling flow, reversal of 148
Fluid, rapid accumulation of 325f
Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography 242
region 6
thickening 384
Focused assessed transthoracic echocardiography (FATE) 368
Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) 368
Focused echo examination 367
Focused echocardiography in emergency life support (FEEL) 368
Focused LV
2-chamber view 537
4-chamber view 537
apical long-axis view 537
Focused RA-RV view 2D 541
Fontan surgery 351
Foramen ovale 363
Four chamber view, subcostal 24, 24f, 542
deformation imaging 198
echocardiography 204
left ventricular strain 211
Fractional flow reserve 258, 437
Fraunhofer zone 6
Free wall rupture 239, 368
Fresnel and Fraunhofer zone 2f
Fresnel zone 2, 7
Functional pulmonary atresia 358
Fundamental frequency 3, 5f
Fungal endocarditis 396
Fusion echocardiography 416, 417
role of 417
Gadolinium enhancement, late 323
Gadolinium-contrast magnetic resonance imaging 248
Gain artifacts 415
Gastrointestinal bleed
active upper 28
recent upper 28
Gastrointestinal surgery 28
General surgery, major 167
Gerbode defect 475
indirect 475
Ghosting 15, 413
Giant lymphangioma 377f
Global longitudinal strain 117, 211, 291, 309f
mildy reduced 304
Glomerulonephritis 382
Grating lobes 413
Great arteries
D-transposition of 350, 355
L-transposition of 356
transposition of 357
Guidewire and cannulae, correct placement of 518f
Hair 321
Hand grip 249
Harmonic frequencies 3, 4
amyloid infiltration of 310t
block 406
disease, congenital 333, 339, 341, 382, 397, 474
failure 31, 66, 186f, 191f, 286, 309, 393, 406
congestive 322f, 383, 388, 390
model 211f
behavior of 172
disease, primary 282
mechanical structure of 172
motion 176f
rate 83, 158
maximum predicted 252
team 419
transplantation 66
Hemiazygos vein, enlarged 336f
consequences 166
pressure gradient 501f
status 238
variables 82
Hemopericardium 377
Hemosiderosis 310
Hepatic vein 307, 335, 335f, 543, 545f
Doppler 63, 64f
Hepatic venous Doppler 329f
Hereditary amyloidosis 309
High frequency ultrasound 1
High parasternal view 334, 338, 339f
High pressure gradients, causes of 163
Highest frequency probe 17
Hip replacement 167
Hoarseness 31
Hockey stick 75f
Holosystolic murmur, severe 509
Homografts 157
Human immunodeficiency virus 377
Hybrid perventricular technique 489f
Hydatid cysts 378
Hyperechogenic submitral structures 314, 315f, 317
Hypereosinophilia, secondary 311
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 310, 311
Hypernephroma 25
Hyperparathyroidism 408
Hypertension 34, 201f, 258
cardiomyopathy 65, 282, 398
obstructive 96, 100, 105f, 110f, 280, 280f
repair of 505
Hypertrophy 282, 283, 283f
different distribution of 284f
left ventricle 282, 293
pathological 290
physiological 290
site of maximum 288
ventricular myocardium 282
Hypokinesia 257
Hypoplasia 357
annulus 149
left heart syndrome 357
Hypotension 30, 367
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome 408
Idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy 311
Immune-mediated valvulitis, acute 404
angle 7
beam 7
Indian Academy of Echocardiography 32, 246
Infarcted area, size of 368
Infective endocarditis 119f, 152, 384, 386f, 394, 395f, 397, 397f, 398, 398f, 399f, 404, 514
complications of 386
diagnosis of 381
echocardiography in 380
incidence of 380, 381
indications for surgery in 393
molecular diagnosis of 382
right sided 395, 396f
sequel of 160
specific clinical situations of 394
Inferolateral wall thickness 33
Infiltrative cardiomyopathy 406
Infiltrative disorders 307
Inflow time velocity integral 156
Infundibular stenosis 347
Innominate artery 141
In-stent restenosis 440
Intact ventricular septum 357
Interatrial communication (IAC) 505
Interatrial septal view 2D and color, subcostal 542
Interatrial septum 20, 226, 228, 335
3D evaluation of 226
steps involved in three-dimensional TEE viewing of 226
tenting of 431f
Interleaflet triangle 88
International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry 169
Intervalvular fibrosa pseudoaneurysm 390
Interventional cardiology 226
field of 416
Interventional closure 483, 498, 501, 502
Interventional echocardiography 416, 416t
role of 416
Interventricular gradient 344
Interventricular mechanical delay 458
Interventricular motion, abnormal motion of 36f
Interventricular septal
thickness, measurement of 33, 33f
tumor 280f
Interventricular septum 32, 89, 168, 181f, 354f
bowing of 146f
Intimal tear location 517
Intra-aortic balloon pump 505
abscess 382
clot formation 240
echocardiography 1, 145, 417
Intraconal defect 479
closure of 487f
Intraconal VSD 479
Intracranial hemorrhage 382
hematoma 518f
thrombus 517f
Intramural hematoma 135, 240f, 370, 371, 440
arterioles 248
hematoma 240
Intraoperative echocardiography 393, 514
indications for 504
role of 393t
Intrapericardial pressure 325f, 327f
echocardiography 426
guidance 432, 494
monitoring 431
Intra-stent cross-sectional area 439
Intravascular ultrasound 436, 437, 438f
coronary intervention 441
meta-analysis of 441t
percutaneous coronary intervention 438
stent optimization 444
Intravenous drug 382
Intraventricular dyssynchrony 191f, 199, 301, 302f
Iron overload 310
Irregular nodules, thickened 316f
Ischemia, acute 194
Ischemic cascade 194
Ischemic heart failure, surgical treatment of 265
Ischemic LV systolic dysfunction, chronic 243, 262
Ischemic memory 261
Ischemic mitral
asymmetric, chronic 511f
chronic 510, 511f
repair of 507
symmetric types, chronic 511f
valve 510
Ischemic remodeling 218
Isovolumic contraction 194
time 39, 58
Isovolumic relaxation time 58, 59, 66
Ivus systems 436
Janeway lesions 382
Jet area 154
Jet velocity, contour of 160
Jones criteria 313, 314
several times 313
revised 2015 319
Kernel, actual motion of 180f
Kidney disease, chronic 396f, 408
Kingella kingae 381
Knee replacement 167
Kyphoscoliosis 26
Lagrangian strain 188
Lambl's excrescences 376, 384
Laryngospasm 31
Leaflet 80
aneurysm 388, 394
dysplasia 145
dysplastic morphology of 149
Carpentier's classifcation of 506f
normal 128, 506f
perforation 386, 394
prolapse, isolated anterior 507, 509f
regurgitation 394
rupture of 518f
tissue 511
anterior 511
posterior 511
Leaflets/occlude, motion of 158
Left atrial 58, 326
and left ventricle collapse 327
appendage 230f, 416, 467, 468
3D evaluation of 226
closure 416, 417
steps involved in three-dimensional evaluation of 227
area 50f
chamber stiffness 68
dimensions, cut-off values for 298t
function 67, 197
maximum volume index 66
myxoma 79, 375f, 376f
volume 50f
assessment 49
by area length method 50f
by prolate ellipse method 51f
index 66
normal 50
Left atrium 19, 131, 169, 240, 286, 298, 315, 317319, 363
3D evaluation of 226
Left coronary cusp 88, 89, 511
Left fibrous trigone 89
Left ventricle 32, 72f, 77f, 80, 127, 131, 166, 167, 169, 175, 240, 315319, 335, 374, 375, 379, 418, 474, 478
assessment of 97
dysfunction 152
geometry, maintains 322
mass 33
evaluation of 33
systolic dysfunction, noncoronary causes of acute 236
thrombus, presence of 368
Left ventricular 58, 112, 152, 247, 253, 298, 326
angiogram in right anterior oblique projection 488f
apex 240f
apical pathology 277
area change 34
assist device 456
cavity opacification 265f, 276
technique of 275
diastolic dysfunction 51
dilatation 501f
dyssynchrony 293
ejection fraction 68, 86, 113, 117, 209, 254
steps in calculation of 209
ejection velocities 290
end-diastolic pressure 59, 122
enlargement 122
filling time 459
fractional area change 38
free wall 174f
pacing 450
function 119, 517
assessment of 230, 517
values of 299t
hypertrophy 33f, 105f, 113, 119, 139, 246
internal diameter 33
internal diastolic dimension, normal 32
internal systolic dimension 33
segments 259
strain 234
wall thickness 297
obstruction 109f
opacification 248, 250f, 275, 276
outflow tract 59, 83, 88, 96, 110, 112, 284, 288, 335, 425f
diameter, overestimation of 112
obstruction 341, 347, 507
obstruction velocity 220
obstruction VTI-based methods 464
oval shaped 425f
posterior aspect of 424f
small 425f
velocity, overestimation of 112
velocity, underestimation of 112
peak systolic strains 192t
pre-ejection interval 458
pseudoaneursym 368
regional function, 3D evaluation of 213
rotation 211
severe 414
dysfunction 51, 238
function 368
twist and untwisting 67
volume 17, 277
change 34
wall segmentation 235f
Left ventriculogram before 491f
Leg-raising 249
Leiomyosarcomas 377
Leopard syndrome 293
Lesion characteristics, assessment of 443
Lesion severity, assessment of 437
Levocardia 90, 333
lesions 384
vegetations 404, 404f
Linear artifact 413
Lip injury 31
Lipomas 376
Lobe artefact, side 4f, 409, 411
Local stiffness 137
Lung disease 54
chronic 152
Lutembacher syndrome 519
Magnetic resonance imaging 131, 321, 323, 399
Malformation syndromes 293
Malignant tumors, primary 79
Marfan's syndrome 122, 128, 405
Marginal ventricular septal defect, posterior 492f
Massive pulmonary embolism 166
McConnell's sign 168, 370
MCI ethics regulation 523
Mean pressure gradient 156, 160
Mean pulmonary artery pressure 54, 55f
Mean tricuspid regurgitation gradient 55f
Mechanical prosthetic valves 410-412
Mechanical valves 157
characteristics of 157
Medial annulus 540f
Medicolegal issues 372
Medtronic core 419
pulmonary atresia 358f
septal aneurysm 475
septum (MS) 89
Mesocardia 333
Metallic prosthesis 410
Metastasis 373
Methodology 38
diameter 170
obstruction 291f
Mid-esophageal 93
four-chamber plane 507
Midmuscular defect, closure of large 491f
Mid-myocardial fibers 242
Midpapillary muscle level 38
Mid-septal left atrial longitudinal strain 201f
notch 145f, 148
phase 512
Minimal lumen area 437
Minimal ventricular pacing 450
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery 517, 519
Missing reflections 413
Mitral annular
calcification 21, 65, 67, 72f, 78, 78f, 408
moderate to severe 66
severe 78f
plane systolic excursion 37, 37f
tissue Doppler 538
lateral 539
medial 539
velocities 308, 540f
Mitral annuloplasty 303
Mitral annulus 62f, 72f, 80, 117f, 183f, 222f, 337f
medial edge of 183f
tissue Doppler, lateral 61f
Mitral apparatus 287, 532f
Mitral chordal rupture 393
Mitral Doppler pattern 127
Mitral E point septal separation 37f
Mitral flow propagation velocity 64f
Mitral inflow 59f, 66
propagation velocity 63
wave duration 63f
Mitral leaflet 82f, 316f, 433f
anterior 34, 72, 89, 116f, 122, 315f, 318f
coaption point of 210f
malcoaptation of 82f
motion, normal 219f
Mitral mechanical prosthetic valve 434f
Mitral medial annulus 37
Mitral PHV Doppler parameters 162t
Mitral prosthesis 66
Mitral pulsed Doppler-based methods 462
Mitral regurgitation 39, 65, 80, 86, 113, 118, 221f, 287, 313, 316f, 343, 390, 404f, 417, 423, 430, 515
3D evaluation of 218
Carpentier's classification of 218
evaluation of 84, 86fc, 451
functional 300, 301f, 314f
primary 82f
quantification of 80
quantitative evaluation of 80
secondary 82f, 124
severe 318f, 505
steps in four-dimensional color flow evaluation of 218
two jets of 85f
Mitral septal distance 34
Mitral stenosis 21, 65, 74, 75f, 77, 79, 113, 118, 156, 386f, 515
3D evaluation of 216
causes of 78
diagnosis of 216
echocardiographic evaluation of 74
M-mode echocardiogram of 75f
quantitation of 74
severe 425, 469f
stages of 77t
treatment of 430
Mitral valve 6f, 11f, 58, 59, 70, 71, 74, 85f, 86, 100, 147, 207f, 214, 216f, 217f, 289, 309f, 316, 423, 331f, 359f, 375f, 386f, 428, 507, 508f, 516
enface view of 509f
evaluation of 213, 218
acute severe regurgitation of 393
anatomy of 70, 80
area 74, 75f, 77, 78f, 430
steps involved in three-dimensional evaluation for 217
beaded appearance of 317f
changes, acute 319
chordae postmitral valve surgery, retained 385
color M-mode across 18f
disease 49, 100, 118, 505, 509
echocardiographic evaluation of 70, 71
evaluations, functions of 73
free edge 316f
from left ventricular 217f
gradient across 375f
intraoperative transesophageal echocardiographic evaluation of 506
leaflet 221f
anatomy of 71f
anterior 75f
level of 20, 21f, 72f
M-mode 17f
across 375f
echocardiogram of normal 71f
obstruction 375f
orifice 317
pre-procedural assessment 432
primary disease of 118
prolapse 316f, 318f, 405
bileaflet 405
echocardiographic evidence of 150
regurgitation, detection of 314f
repair 505, 506
guiding 84
indications for 505
techniques of 507
segmental analysis of 81f
stenosis 74
steps involved in three-dimensional acquisition of 214
structural analysis of 506
structure 70f
tenting 218
area 221f
thick 220f
Mitral valvular
dysfunction 218t
leaflet 21
verrucous nodules 318f
Mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa pseudoaneurysm 394
M-mode-based techniques 457
Modified apical view, anterior muscular defect on 489f
Modified Bernoulli's principle 146
Modified Duke criteria 381
Modified Simpson's method 34, 49, 298f
Modified two-chamber view 315f, 319f
artifacts 260
score index 36
Mucopolysaccharidosis 407
Multidetector computed tomography 381, 395
Multigated’ system 12
Multiplane probe 517
Multiple duct occluder devices 492f
Multiple muscular defects 488
Multiple polyphasic diastolic tissue velocity waves 184f
Multiple reflections 413
Multiple rhabdomyoma, large 109f
Multiple ventricular septal defects on left ventriculogram 492f
Multislice computerized tomographic scan 420
Muscle fibers 175f, 309
Muscular defects 486
single 487
Muscular dysfunction 311
Muscular ventricular
septal defects 343, 345, 486
septal occluder device 482f
Mycotic aneurysm 382, 392
blood supply 236
contrast 34
echocardiography 237, 275, 278, 279f
contusion 368, 369
damage 237
deformation 174
measurements 67
fibers 13, 174f
fibrosis 311
form and function 174
hibernation 261
infarction 39, 66, 242f, 392, 441
acute 394
anterior 186f
complications of 238, 277
mechanical complications of 368
invaginations 285
ischemia 248, 256
mechanics 309t
opacification 280f
oxygen 236
performance index 22, 39, 39f, 303
perfusion imaging, principles for 278
strain 242
imaging 260
texture 286
thickness 297
tissue velocities 184f
twist 176f
measuring angle of 176f
velocities 184
viability 264
assessment of 261, 262, 263f, 265, 279
detection of 257
performing DSE for 262
prediction of 242
role of 265
Myocarditis 392, 394
Myocardium 279f
architecture 173
function 173
replenishment of 279f
thickened 308f
viable 241
Myocytic ultrastructural changes, severe 241
Myofiber aggregates, orientation of 174f
Myosin heavy chain 282
Myxoid neurofibromata 374
Myxoma 373, 374, 375f
echocardiographic classification of 374
large 374f
Myxomatous degeneration 153
Nasogastric tubes 28
Natriuretic peptide, B-type 170
Natural acoustic
markers 198
reflector 179f
Natural strain 188
Near field clutter 4, 411, 412f
artifact 4f
Negative acceleration 177
Negative diastolic stress test 66
Neoatherosclerosis 441
Neutrophil accumulation 241
Nevi 374
Nodular anterior mitral leaflet, thickened 317f
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis 406, 407f
Noncardiac surgery, role in modern 504
Nonconventional views 26
cusp (NCC) 88, 89, 511
sinus 89
Nonhealing lower limb ulcers 137
Nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy 234
Nonmassive pulmonary embolism 166
Non-parallel beam angle 412
Nonrheumatic regurgitation 315
Nonuniform rotational deformity 436
Noonan's syndrome 145, 293
imaging 399
mechanisms 54
Nucleic acid amplification technologies 382
Omniplane angulation 30f
Optimal Doppler settings 61f, 62f
Optimal sector width 5f
Oral gastric tubes 28
Organs, normal arrangement of 333
Orthogonal strain 189
Orthostatic hypotension 406
Osler nodes 382
Osteogenesis imperfecta 122, 128, 405
Ostium 230f
primum atrial septal defect 341, 343
large 343f
secundum 23
atrial septal defect 341, 342
Outflow tract 90
implantation of 66
lead infection, echocardiography in 452
Pacing stress echocardiography 252
Pancarditis 315f, 406
Pancyclic Doppler alternans 183f
Pannus 159
fibroelastoma 376, 377f, 385
muscle 21, 38, 38f, 71, 80
anterior 80
displacement 218
level 21, 21f, 536, 536f
posterior 80
rupture 238, 368, 507
longitudinal systolic strain 194
low-flow 113, 113t
strain patterns 197
Parasternal long axis 321, 371
intraconal outlet defects on 486f
right ventricular inflow view 19
RV outflow view 19
view 18, 90, 327, 337, 341, 344, 371, 531
Parasternal short axis (PSAX) 21, 334, 343, 492f
anterior muscular defect on 489f
aortic valve 535f
zoom 2D and color 534
main pulmonary artery 534
restrictive aortopulmonary window on 502f
view 20, 21, 78f, 90, 143, 338, 338f, 339f, 494f
Paravalvular leak 416
closure 416
Paravalvular regurgitation 430, 434, 516, 516f
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 339, 341, 346, 346f, 347f, 498
Patent foramen ovale 350, 417
Peak aortic stenosis velocity and gradient 106
Peak pulmonary artery systolic pressure 54
Peak strain 190
Peak stress imaging 253
Peak systolic pulmonary artery pressure 54
Peak velocity 147, 160, 162
carinatum 26
excavatum 26
population 504
transthoracic echocardiography 333
Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer 370, 371
Penetrating injuries 369
Peptic ulcer disease, active 28
balloon mitral valvuloplasty 430
coronary intervention (PCI) 247, 436
interventional procedures 430
mitral valve 416
interventions, echocardiography in 430
repair 416, 417, 432
transvenous balloon mitral valvuloplasty 430
Periannular complications 394
adhesions 321f
aspiration 326f
constriction 18f, 23, 66t, 234
diseases 321
edema 330f
effusion 323, 324f, 329, 330, 368, 371
mild 315f
moderate 324f
inflammatory disease 321
pressure 325f
rub 323
surface, irregularities/thickening of 330
tamponade 324, 371
echocardiographic features of 371t
severe 326f
volume 325f
xenograft 157
Pericardiectomy 321
Pericarditis 311, 314, 321, 330f, 392, 394
acute 323f
criteria for acute 323t
ECG changes of 323
congenital absence of 321, 322t
diseases 321
functions of 322t
parietal layers of 322f
Perimembranous defects 345
classification of 477f
echocardiographic classification of 485f
membranous septal aneurysm formation in 476f
Perimembranous ventricular septal defect 343, 344, 397f, 474f
interventional classification of 476
large 103f
Perioperative echocardiography, preparation of 505
Peripheral artery disease 137
Periprocedural echocardiography 434
Perivalvular involvement 388
Permanent pacemaker implant 426
Persistently positive blood culture 382
Pharmacological stress
echocardiography 252, 253
performance of 251
testing 236
Pharyngeal bleeding, minor 31
Philips systems 206
Photon emission computed tomography, single 398
Piezo-electric effect 2, 7
Planimeter mitral valve area 17f
Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome 364
Pleuropericardial effusions 408
Polyarteritis nodosa 406
Polypoidal myxoma 374f
Porcine xenograft, Medtronic
freestyle 157
mosaic 157
Portal vein 364f
Positron emission tomography 323, 395
Postdegenerative mitral valve repair 510
Posterior mitral leaflet (PML) 72, 75f, 85f, 116f, 318, 318f, 319f
Posterobasal aneurysm 408f
Postinterventional echocardiography 501
Postpericardiotomy state 234
Poststenotic dilatation 146f
abnormalities 439f
minimum lumen area 440
Postsurgical residual ventricular septal defect 493f
longitudinal shortening 195
positive wave 183f
shortening 195
strain 200f, 286, 286f
wave 183f
Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease 377
gradient across, severe 347f
half time 156, 160, 161
method 22f
influence of 162
phenomenon 117
tamponade, low 328
Pre-transcatheter aortic valve replacement 420t
Primum defect 493f
Probe manipulation 29
Prolate Ellipse (PE) method 49
Prominent trabeculation 469f
Propagation velocity 7
Prosthesis 160
abnormal echo densities on 158
Prosthetic heart
value evaluation 158
valve 157, 163, 382
evaluation 158f
structural characteristics of 158
Prosthetic mitral paravalvular regurgitation 163f
Prosthetic valve 385, 413
dehiscence of 390
dysfunction 416
endocarditis 391, 516f
detection 382
evaluation 515
gradients 162
infective endocarditis 394
instability 393
partial dehiscence of 382
regurgitation 163, 516
struts 411
Proximal abdominal aorta 371
Proximal ascending aorta 93f, 131
Proximal descending thoracic aorta 501f
Proximal flow convergence 124
Proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) 82, 125, 147, 154, 155
method, limitations of 82
Pseudoaneurysm 132, 239, 240f, 390, 394
cavity 240f
formation 393
of ventricle, closure of 416
rupture of 394
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 405
annulus 354f
assessment of 149
diameter, measurement of 149f
arterial hypertension 54, 514
arteriovenous fistula (PAVF) 350, 363
artery 90, 133, 353, 354, 474, 478, 501f
bifurcation of 19, 169f
catheter (PAC) 505
circular 93f
end-diastolic pressure 54, 55
hypertension 350
hypoplasia of 354
idiopathic dilatation of 150
left 502f
left atrial fistula 350
main 335, 337f, 338, 338f, 346, 396f, 502f
peak Doppler gradient 149
post-stenotic dilatation of 149
pressure 303, 303
stenosis 105
systolic pressure (PASP) 77, 86
to-left atrial communication 363
atresia 350, 354, 357
capillary wedge pressure 59, 68
edema 393
embolism 166, 369, 377
echocardiographic signs of 371t
pathophysiology of effect of 167fc
risk factors for 166, 167t
hypertension (PH) 53, 54, 54t, 56, 147, 148, 152, 286, 341, 344, 360
causes of 54t
clinical signs of 53
diagnosis of 57t
echocardiography in 53
M-mode in 145f
quantification of 362
severe 405, 405f
symptoms of 53
regurgitation 354f, 534
early diastolic gradient 55f
echocardiographic assessment of 147
velocities 54
stenosis 145, 347
echocardiographic assessment of 145
thromboembolism 154, 166, 171f
diagnosis of 167
valvar obstruction, severity of 150
valve 19, 143, 143f, 144f, 226, 227f, 338, 338f, 345f, 356, 396f
assessment of 148, 149
diseases 118
dysplasia 149
echocardiographic assessment of 143
en face view of 227f
full volume of 227f
normal 143
ring hypoplasia 149
short axis view of 143, 144f
disease 341, 344
resistance 166, 344
vein 66, 341, 360, 539
angiogram, right upper 499f
drainage of 338f
entry of left lower 339f
entry of left upper 339f
flow 301f
flow, right superior 63f
left lower 335f, 338
left upper 338
right upper 341, 343
Doppler 329f
Doppler flow 62
flow 62, 63f, 539f
Pulmonic stenosis 350
Pulmonic valve 148
Pulse 7
and continuous wave Doppler imaging 145, 334
angle correction 15
Doppler methods, modifications of 11
repetition frequency 7, 11
wave 59
wave Doppler 10, 112f, 375f
examination 371
modes of 11
techniques of 10f
wave velocity 137
Pulse-echo ultrasound 7
Pulsus paradoxus 328f
Q fever 382
Quadricuspid aortic valve 9698, 99f, 128, 128f
Radial speckle tracking curves 463f
Radial strain 188190, 192
rate 192
Radial systolic function 449
Randomized controlled trial 441
Range ambiguity 411
artifact 411f
Range-gated Doppler technique 10
Rapid opening slope 148
Recording technique 39
Recurrent pericarditis 322
Redundant chordae 384
Reflected frequency 8
Reflection, physical laws of 1
Refraction 7, 411
physical laws of 1
Regional contractile dysfunction 240
Regional deformation metrics 193
Regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction, noncoronary causes of 234t
Regional myocardial dysfunction 262
Regional stiffness 137
Regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA) 34, 247, 248, 253, 259, 276
Regulatory bodies, several 521
Regurgitant fraction 125, 127, 155
Regurgitant jet
continuous wave Doppler of 127
three components of 123f
Regurgitant orifice area 13, 148, 222f
Regurgitant volume 125f, 155
Regurgitation 66, 314
flow patterns, normal 515
jet, timing of 84
location of 160, 516f
orifice 83f
pathological 317
presence of 160
severe 393
severity of 160
Reiter's syndrome 405
Renal cell carcinoma 25
Residual myocardial ischemia, detection of 241
Residual ventricular septal defect 492
Resistance vessels 248
Respiratory depression 30
Resting regional wall motion abnormality 258
Restricted doubly committed VSD 480
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 65, 307, 309t
causes of 307t
types of 307
Restrictive mitral inflow pattern 238f
Restrictive phenotype 290
Restrictive physiology, hemodynamic of 307
Restrictive subpulmonary
defect 488f
ventricular septal occluder 488f
Retroflexion 29
Retrograde cardioplegic cannula, placing of 519
Reverberation 3, 7, 409, 410
artifact 4f, 410
Rhabdomyoma 375
Rhabdomyosarcomas 377
aortic valve
disease 97, 98
pathology 513f
disease 218
fever 153
heart disease (RHD) 78, 98, 100, 118, 152, 155, 381, 386f, 469f, 515
chronic 313
inflammation 74
regurgitation biplane view 220f
stenosis 509f
valve disease 101f
pathology 508
regurgitation 315
tricuspid regurgitation 153
valve diseases 122
valvulitis 319b
echocardiogram in 319b
arthritis 404
echo of 405f
factor 382
pericarditis, acute 330f
Right atrial 325, 326, 474, 478
diastolic collapse 326f
inversion time index 326
pressure 325f
volume 51, 52
assessment 52
Right atrium 169f, 173, 317, 318, 338
inversion 324
Right coronary
artery 20
cusp (RCC) 88, 89, 511
Right fibrous trigone (RFT) 89
Right heart failure 377
Right lower pulmonary vein (RLPV) 338
Right pulmonary artery 169f
enlarged 336f
Right ventricular 152, 325, 326
apical pacing 448
deformation 197
diastolic inversion 326
dimensions, cut-off values of 298t
dysfunction 152, 166, 186f
pressure 147
volume 215f
end-systolic volume 215f
fractional area change 56
free wall velocities 182f
function 167
3D evaluation of 213
partition values of 300t
hypoplasia 149
inflow tract 90
infundibular pressure gradient before valvuloplasty 149
longitudinal strain 190f
myocardial performance index 56
outflow tract 19, 25f, 143, 327, 335, 338f, 347f, 474, 531
morphology, evaluation of 150
obstruction (RVOTO) 341, 347
parasternal long axis view of 143
performance 213
pressure 234
function 299
pressure 170, 376f
Ringdown artifact 411
Ritter's method 463
Root abscess 515f
Ross surgery 505
Rotational motion 30f
Rotational systolic function 449
Rupture, partial 238
Sample volume location 61f, 62f
Sarcoidosis 310, 407
echo of 407, 408f
Sarcoma 377
gene mutation 285
Sarcomeres 173
Satisfactory left ventricular 247
Scleroderma 307
Sclerosis 122
Screening family members 294
Secundum atrial septal defects 493
margins of 493
Secundum defect 493f
Sedation protocol 333
Septal aneurysm 480f
Septal curvature 284f
Septal mitral
annular velocities 14f, 62
annulus tissue Doppler 61f
Septal puncture 431f
needle 431f
Septal tricuspid leaflet 478, 480f
chords 476f
adherence of 476f
Septic pulmonary infarcts 382
Septolateral dyssynchrony 462f
Seronegative arthritis 405
Shone's complex 118
Short axis dimension, change of 34
Sigmoid hypertrophied basal segment 425f
Simplified Bernoulli equation 160
Simplified continuity equation 112
Simpson's method 125, 278f, 537
Sinotubular junction 90f, 140f
ascending aorta 371
measurements 423f
Sinus 89, 92f, 287
of Valsalva 132, 140f, 393
rupture of 391f, 397f
rhythm 110f, 467, 469f
normal 469
upper portion of 90
venosus atrial septal defect 341, 343
venosus defect 343f
SVC type of 497f, 498f
types of 493f, 495
Situs ambiguous 333
Situs inversus 333
Situs solitus 333
abdominis 90
aorta suggestive of 335f
Soft plaque 437f
Sound wave 7
Spatial resolution refers 2
Speckle tracking 117
based techniques 460
echocardiography (STE) 211, 250, 260
radial strain curves 463f, 464f
scores 179f
software divide left ventricular circumference 235f
Spectral Doppler recording across mitral valve 78f
Spectral pulsed TDI 178
Spectral tissue Doppler pattern in two cardiac cycles 179f
Spinal cord injury 167
Spontaneous echo contrast 159, 468
Staphylococcus aureus 380, 381, 388, 395, 398
Staphylococcus epidermidis 395
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) 247, 262
Stenosis 355f, 358
severe 119f, 353f
Stenotic aortic valve 421f
Stenotic lesion 258
Stenotic tricuspid valve anatomy, 3D echocardiographic assessment of 156
apposition, late incomplete 441
complications, late 440
expansion 439
optimization 442
thrombosis 441
Stitching artifact 414, 414f
Stomach 31f
Straight back syndrome 150
imaging, role of 242, 265
longitudinal 188, 192
imaging, hues of 179f
longitudinal 192
Streptococcus bovis 392
Streptococcus gallolyticus 381
Streptococcus viridans 381
Stress cardiomyopathy 234
Stress echocardiogram, causes of
false-negative 259t
false-positive 259t
echocardiogram, normal 254f
echocardiography 76, 77f, 113, 236, 246248, 257t, 258, 261, 277
diagnostic accuracy of 257, 258
fundamental principles of 248
indications for 246
interpretation of 253
ischemia detection with 261
lab personnel, training of 249
laboratory 248
performance of 249
prognostic value of 261
role of 84
uses of 247
electrocardiogram, positive 246
testing 241
Stress-induced myocardial ischemia, pathophysiology of 248
Stroke 66
volume 155
Structural cardiology 226
aneurysm 394
bump 405
curtain (SAC) 89
imaging 423
membrane 90, 96, 122
membranous obstruction 103f
stenosis 100
congenital 100
tunnel type of 96
Subclavian artery 141
left 108f, 339f
Subcostal short axis view 24, 25f, 143
Subendocardial infarct 242f, 264
Subendocardium 309
Subepicardial fibers 242
Submassive pulmonary embolism 166
Submaximal stress test 241
Submitral aneurysm 394
Suboptimal stent deployment 443
conus 337f, 338f
infundibulum 88
aortic stenosis 100, 348
apparatus 507, 508f
thickened 78f, 220f, 509f
left ventricular aneurysms 394
obstruction 112
stenosis 347
Subxiphoid long axis view 495f
large midmuscular defect on 490f
Subxiphoid short axis 492f
view 494f
large midmuscular defect on 490f
Sulfur hexafluoride 259
Superior vena cava (SVC) 66, 131, 336, 336f, 341, 361, 493f, 495
syndrome 377
Supine bicycle ergometry 249
aortic stenosis 105, 348
stenosis 347
Surrogate parameters 84
SVC RA junction, after test balloon occlusion of 499f
Swinging heart 327, 327f
Swirling 414
artefact 260f
Symmetric ventricular septal occluder 483f
device 481f
Symptomatic hiatal hernia 28
Symptomatic severe mitral stenosis 77
Syphilis 128
Systemic blood pressure 325f
Systemic circulation 167fc
Systemic diseases 234
affecting heart 404
variety of 404
Systemic hypertension 113, 117, 128, 293
Systemic lupus erythematosus 330f, 404, 404f
Systemic sclerosis 405
echo of 405f
Systemic stiffness 137
Systemic venous anomalies producing cyanosis 363
Systolic anterior motion 407, 507
of anterior mitral leaflet 105f, 109f, 288f
of mitral valve 538
Systolic blood pressure 59, 82, 251
Systolic dysfunction 67, 185f
longitudinal 183
Systolic excursion of annulus 34
Systolic function 448
global LV and RV 297
impaired longitudinal 113
longitudinal 448
parameters 34t, 302
Systolic gradient, large 349f
Systolic longitudinal lengthening 194
Systolic measures 187
Systolic velocity 184
Takayasu's arteritis 96, 122, 406
Tardokinesia 256f
Target septal vessel 280f
Teichholz and Quinones methods 34
Temporal resolution 3
Tendon xanthoma 106f
Tetralogy of Fallot 145, 350, 352, 361
Thallium scintigraphy 242
Therapeutic comment 546
Thoracic aorta, descending 93f, 133f, 134f, 334f, 362f, 371, 545f
cage 414
descending aorta 133f
spinal kyphosis, normal upper 150
surgeons, Society of 419
Three dimensional
deformation imaging 198
echocardiogram 73, 496f
echocardiography 49, 76, 116, 145, 156, 204, 258, 293, 386
advantages of 204t, 386
artifact in 414
color coding, tools for 208
disadvantages of 204t
procedure of 205
role of 86
model of aorta 117f
radial strain 202f
transesophageal echocardiography 208, 421f, 424f, 425f, 434f
safety considerations and procedure of 209
Thrombocyte activity evaluation 439
Thrombocytopenia 28
Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, chronic 54, 166
Thrombosis 452
Thrombus 159, 378, 385
large 169f
Tilting-disc, single 157
contraction, longitudinal 461f
Doppler 60f, 172
echocardiography 64, 180f
imaging (TDI) 13, 14f, 56, 61, 172, 178, 263, 407
imaging, technical details of 181
tracing 331f
velocities 68
velocities of medial mitral annulus 22f
waveforms 180f
Doppler-based techniques 459
harmonic 5f
imaging, understanding 3
prolapse 440
tracking 177
velocity 181
curves 462f
imaging 178, 235, 461f, 462f
waveforms, labeling of 178
Tomographic slices 206
of left ventricle 207f
Tongue, curvature of 29
Total occlusion, chronic 436, 442
Total vessel occlusion, acute 194
Transaortic valve implantation 157
aortic valve
implantation 416, 419
replacement 416, 419
closure 502
of mitral prosthesis paravalvular regurgitation 433
mitral valve 432
Transducer components
basic 2f
understanding 2
Transducer frequency, right 4
Transducer manipulations, depiction of 531f
Transesophageal 2D image 469f
of left atrial appendage 468f
of normal left atrial appendage 467f
guidance 489f, 490f
echocardiogram 92, 113, 121, 131, 140, 147, 160, 385f-387f, 391f
images 387f, 398f, 399f
triplane 216f
echocardiography 25, 28, 28t, 92, 97, 107f, 229f, 328, 367, 382, 384, 387f, 395f, 397f, 409, 410f, 413, 413f, 433f, 504
during major aortic surgery 513
role of 517
three-dimensional echocardiographic reconstruction 134f
views 143, 493
long-axis view 508f
short-axis view 508f
views 95
Transient ischemic attack 158
Transit time effect 413
Transmitral Doppler inflow 59, 68
Transmural strain 189
Transoesophageal echocardiography 433f
Transprosthetic hemodynamics 160
adult echocardiographic study, complete 530t
echocardiogram 74, 89, 168, 387f, 391f
echocardiographic examination 71
echocardiographic image 385f, 386f, 396f
preoperative 506
echocardiography 81f, 97, 139, 140f, 313, 314f, 318f, 361, 382, 384, 397f, 430, 468
basic 16
evaluation 71
views 493
Transverse angle 173
Transverse aortic arch 133f
Trauma 152, 367, 368
major 167
Traumatic tricuspid valve involvement 153
Treadmill 290
exercise 249
Tricuspid annular
dilatation 514
plane systolic excursion 56, 153f, 514, 515f, 542
velocity assessed 56
Tricuspid annulus, M-mode cut of 515f
Tricuspid aortic valve 103f, 116f
Tricuspid atresia 350, 355
Tricuspid calcific aortic valve disease 115f
Tricuspid flow color Doppler 541
Tricuspid inflow Doppler 328f
Tricuspid leaflets
anterior 153f
posterior 153f
Tricuspid regurgitation 54, 68, 113, 152, 154, 154f, 361, 318
assessment of severity of 154
during left-sided surgery 514
evaluation of 152, 450
jet 342
pathophysiology of 515fc
primary 153
pulse wave Doppler methods for evaluation of 155
secondary 153
severe 406f, 451f
signal 376f
velocity 56, 57
Tricuspid stenosis 152
2D echocardiographic assessment of 155
severity of 152, 156
Tricuspid valve 19, 89, 152, 153f, 154, 167, 225, 225f, 226f, 338, 344f, 345f
3D echocardiographic assessment of 155
assessment of 152
anteroseptal commissure of 474f
complex 153
delayed closure of 359f
disease 118, 406f
assessment of 152
causes of 152t
Epstein's anomaly of 226f
injury 448
leaflets 406f
posterior leaflet of 451f
regurgitation, detection of 314f
steps involved in 225
Tricuspid valvular heart disease, severity of 152
Triplane color flow mapping 221f
Triplane method 36
Trivial aortic regurgitation 405f
True aneurysm
of basal inferoposterior wall of left ventricle 240f
of left ventricle 239
True gerbode defect 477f
True ventriculoaortic 121
junction 121
Truncated ellipsoid method 139
arteriosus 350, 361
posterior aspect of 361f
Tuberculous constrictive pericarditis 330f
Tuberous sclerosis 375
Tubular ascending aorta 140f
Tubular duct 501f
Tumor 168, 385
of heart, malignant 155
benign 373
Turbulence across subvalvular apparatus 78f
echocardiogram 71, 315
assessment of tricuspid valve 152
views for tricuspid valve 152
echocardiography 132f, 145, 147, 158, 333
artifact in 410
parameters supporting PH 56t
role of 152
parasternal short axis view 20, 21f
strain imaging, perform 191
echocardiogram 389f, 391f, 424f
echocardiography 131
echocardiogram 72f
echocardiography 74, 131, 131f, 423f, 424f
volumetric measurements 34
Typical left bundle branch block 463f
basics of 1
physical properties of 1f
thrombolysis 280
aortic valve 96, 97
unicommissural valve 98f
Uremia and dialysis therapy 322
Uremic pericarditis 322, 323f
complicates 322
Valsalva maneuver 59, 60f
and size, type of 158
disease 152
dysfunction 404
examination of 88
in valve implantation 416
cusp separation 75f
perforation with severe regurgitation 393
overriding 357
prolapse 313
stenosis, echocardiographic assessment of 156t
strands 159
types of 157, 419
abnormalities 311
abscess dehiscence 393
aortic stenosis 97, 110f, 348
disease 382
displacement Carpentiers’ functional classification, amplitude of 152
dysfunction 393
heart disease 121, 380, 416
in operation theater 505
morphology, identification of 149
prosthetic sewing ring 516
pulmonary stenosis 145, 347
regurgitation 385
acute 371
stenosis 96
Valvulitis 313
Vasculitides 405
Vegetation 515f
causing valve obstruction 393
large 168
internal dependency of 184
negative 176
scale 123
time integral 341
vector imaging 190
Vena cava
dilated inferior 156
inferior 25, 154, 169f, 333, 335f, 360, 493f
left superior 339f
M-mode across inferior 25f
plethora, inferior 327, 327f
subcostal view of inferior 25
Vena caval connection
left superior 363
right superior 363
Vena contracta 124f, 154, 124, 127
correlation of 125f
measurement of 222f
method, limitations of 82
width 80
drainage 351
thromboembolism 166
Ventilation-perfusion 167
dysfunction, severe left 38f
right 19, 32, 36, 131, 166, 167, 169, 175, 316, 318, 338, 375, 418, 474, 478
single 350, 356
Ventricular arrhythmias 240
Ventricular dysfunction, signs of 393
Ventricular dyssynchrony 301
Ventricular myocardium 356
Ventricular septal
defect (VSD) 19, 122, 336, 341, 343, 343f, 344, 350, 352, 354, 416, 474
rupture 238, 368
Ventricular septum 61f, 357f
Ventricular strain 67
Ventricular systole 201f
Ventriculoaortic junction 513
Ventriculoarterial connection 355
Ventriculocoronary communications 358
Ventriculoinfundibular fold 475f
Verrucae 318
Vertebral arteries 131
Vertical vein 335
Vicarious liability 523
Vijaya's echo criteria, application of 314
Virtual ring 121
Visceral pericardium, thickened 323f
Visual eyeballing method 36
Volumetric method 126
Vulnerable plaque, assessment of 437
Wall motion
abnormality 257, 371
intraoperatively 517
analysis 271, 273
artifacts 414
score index 211
Wave Doppler in mitral stenosis 75f
Wave, longitudinal 7
Wilkins echocardiographic score 430t
Wilkins score 430
William's syndrome 118, 145
Windsock 227
Wire crossing 442
Worsening effusion 323
Xenografts 157
Yakub's procedure 514
Z scores 358
Chapter Notes

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Basics of UltrasoundCHAPTER 1

Ashwin Venkateshvaran,
Srikanth Sola
Advances in technology have led to the rapid emergence of new echo modalities such as real-time 3D echocardiography, myocardial mechanics, and contrast echocardiography, along with new applications for the echocardiographer, including interventional echocardiography, monitoring of mechanical circulatory support devices, and intracardiac echocardiography (ICE). A strong working knowledge of ultrasound physics, image formation, and recognition of artifacts is fundamental to excellence in echocardiography.
Considering the complexities of ultrasound physics, a detailed exposition of physical principles is beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, we choose to explore essentials, laying a strong emphasis on practical application in instrumentation, rather than underlying theory. Where appropriate, we have included more technical details separately for the benefit of those with technology leanings. A glossary with common definitions has been included at the end of the chapter. Further, an attempt has been made in this chapter to communicate complex ideas employing simple examples from relevant day-to-day situations.
High-frequency ultrasound has been abundantly exploited by nature, notably in the lives of certain marine and land species. In the ocean, dolphins and odontocetes employ high, single-frequency clicks both for the purposes of communication and echo-localization of prey among smaller marine life.1 On land, bats employ ultrasound to identify insects and maneuver potential obstructions along their path of flight, overcoming visual impairment by employing acoustic advantage.2 While vision and hearing are rarely confused, ultrasound promotes heightened perception in the animal world. In more recent times, we have employed sound to “see” in medical imaging as well.
Ultrasound is the region of the sound spectrum having a frequency of over 20 kilohertz, or 20,000 cycles per second. Each cycle is comprised of alternate zones of particle compression and rarefaction, transmitted along the line of propagation (Figure 1.1).3 An adult voice would typically range between 100 and 250 Hz, a standard ‘A’ concert pitch is 440 Hz, and the highest note on an 88-key piano is approximately 4100 Hz.
Ultrasound, however, is much higher than what the human ear can discern, and showcases advantages unavailable to lower frequencies. First, it can be focused and emitted as a beam. Second, it is governed by the physical laws of reflection, refraction and attenuation (Figure 1.2). Third, it allows a characterization of even small-sized reflectors, such as minute regions of tissue. Medical ultrasound generally employs frequencies between 1 and 20 mega hertz, roughly 100,000 times the frequency of the human voice.
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Figure 1.1: Physical properties of ultrasound
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Figure 1.2: Relationship between incident, reflected and transmitted beam
One of the first steps in performing an echocardiogram is to select a probe, also known in more technical terms as a transducer.
Contemporary echo machines are equipped with multiple transducers, and each broadband transducer is capable of emitting ultrasound within a range of frequencies. Given that the frequency of the transducer is directly related to the resolution of the echocardiographic image, it is desirable to use the maximum permissible frequency when performing a study. An inherent disadvantage, however, lies in the inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength, which, in-turn, governs penetration. Higher frequency signals suffer from greater attenuation as the ultrasound beam travels away from the transducer, resulting in weaker reflected signals.4 A simple example to substantiate this phenomenon would be that of listening to a concert from the far end of an open field. The bass of the drums and low-pitched instruments travel further to reach one's ear, as compared to the trebles of the high-pitched instruments, which are often faint and attenuated in transit. In a similar fashion, obese or technically challenging patient require the selection of a lower frequency that affords greater penetration.
Echocardiographic systems counter attenuation-related loss of intensity employing both overall gain and time gain compensation (TGC) functions. These functions can be compared with the volume button on a radio that amplifies the strength of the received audio signal. More specifically, TGC allows for a differential increase in signal strength from the far field, combating loss in signal strength owing to attenuation as the signal propagates through a medium. It is important to recognize that the gain functions augment the strength of the reflected signal, and not that of the emitted ultrasound beam.
The intensity of the transmitted signal, however, is controlled by the mechanical index (MI). This is generally pre-configured for each setting, and is rarely adjusted by the operator. Typical MI settings on commercial echocardiographic machines range between 1.0 and 1.4. In the US, the FDA mandates that MI be kept below 1.9. An exception is seen while performing contrast studies, where a lower MI, typically in the range of 0.1 to 0.3, is chosen to ensure the stability of the microbubble infusion during the study period.
The ultrasound transducer performs the role of a speaker as well as a microphone, switching alternatively from the role of a generator to that of a receiver of ultrasound. Short pulses of ultrasound are emitted, followed by a period of quiescence during which the transducer “listens” for reflected signals. The time taken for ultrasound waves to travel to the target tissue and return provide information on depth of the structure of interest, and strength of the reflected signal provides information on characteristics of the reflector. Figure 1.3 provides a schematic of the most common components of a transducer.
This remarkable ability to convert energy from one form to another—in this case, electrical-to-mechanical vibration and vice-versa—is made possible by the piezo-electric effect. At the core of each transducer is an arrangement of ceramic crystals that rapidly change shape when an alternating current is applied to them. This rapid expansion and contraction of material generates sound vibrations of specific frequencies. Importantly, the crystals are also deformed by reflected acoustic waves, and convert the resultant mechanical deformation into electrical signals that are communicated to the analyzer.5 Adjacent to the crystal, the transducer houses backing material to shorten the excitation response of the crystals. Similar to resting one's palm on a ringing bell, the backing layer shortens the ringing response and generated pulse, thereby improving range resolution. At the surface of the transducer, matching layers minimize the acoustic impedance between the crystals and body, facilitating maximal transmission of ultrasound.6 The use of ultrasound jelly is also used to minimize impedance at the probe-tissue interface during an echocardiographic study.
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Figure 1.3: Basic transducer components
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Figure 1.4: Fresnel and Fraunhofer zone
Another important component of the transducer is the lens. Assuming the face of the transducer is circular, an ultrasound beam takes the shape of a cylinder as it leaves the transducer. This region is referred to as the near field or Fresnel zone. At a certain length from the transducer, also termed as the far field of Fraunhofer zone, the beam diverges and assumes a conical shape (Figure 1.4).7 A reduction in intensity in this region results in poorer image generation, making a lengthening of the near field into an important aim of instrumentation. The lens plays an important role in this function. From a practical stand-point, a distinction between the near field and far field on the arc-shaped echocardiographic display is made using the focus button. Altering the focal plane allows a concentration of ultrasound intensity at a specific depth along the insonation beam, thereby ensuring maximal lateral resolution at this point. While older equipment provided for the delineation of a focal zone employing multiple focal points, newer equipment have adapted technology that are focus-free.
Resolution, defined as the ability to distinguish between two objects in close proximity, plays an important role in echocardiography. In the context of dynamic imaging techniques, three components of resolution are generally referred to: spatial, temporal and contrast.8 All these components can be optimized during the acquisition of images employing certain setting to the echo-machine settings.
Spatial resolution refers to the ability of the system to distinguish two closely spaced targets in space. The higher the spatial resolution, the smaller the distance that can be discerned. The system's ability to set apart two closely spaced speckles in the myocardium of the left ventricle is a suitable example. If these two points are aligned along the axis of the ultrasound beam, then one behind the other, the resolution capability is referred to as axial resolution (Figure 1.5A).3
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Figures 1.5A and B: (A) Axial resolution; (B) Lateral resolution
Given that resolution at any point along the line of insonation is the same, axial resolution is not affected by depth, but is improved with higher frequency and shorter pulse length. The second form of spatial resolution refers to the ability to distinguish two points side by side, perpendicular to the ultrasound axis. This is referred to as lateral resolution (Figure 1.5B). In contrast, lateral resolution reduces with increasing depth, as the beam diverges in the far field. Further, a wider beam (e.g. a probe with a larger footprint) would also lead to a reduction in lateral resolution.
Temporal resolution refers to the ability to detect motion, and is synonymous with frame rate (frames per second for 2D echo, and volumes per second for 3D). Temporal resolution determines, how seamlessly dynamic images are displayed on a screen. In the late 1920s’ silent movies were made at a frame rate of 24 frames per second (fps), and the occasionally irregular display of images were limited by the speed at which the film roll was played. With the introduction of HDTV in more recent times, seamless, fluidic motion could be experienced on screen as images were relayed at double this speed. Typical frame rates in echocardiography range between 40–100 fps, and can be adjusted to even higher values when employing modalities such as tissue velocity imaging. Temporal resolution is of particular relevance when imaging fast-moving structures such as valves, or in the evaluation of endocarditis.
A number of methods can be employed to improve frame rate during image acquisition. These include: (a) narrowing the sector to decrease the time taken to scan a single frame; (b) decreasing the depth to decrease pulse repetition period; (c) decreasing the line density to reduce the number of scan lines; and (d) turning-off multi-focus, which decreases the number of pulses needed per line. In 3D echocardiography, temporal resolution can be improved by employing a multi-beat capture that integrates subvolumes across subsequent cycles to create a volumetric dataset.
Finally, contrast resolution refers to the ability of the system to distinguish different shades of gray, and is important to delineate borders, characterize tissue detail, and distinguish tissue signals from background noise.
The frequency of the ultrasound beam transmitted by the transducer is referred to as fundamental frequency. Non-linear interactions of this frequency with tissue leads to the creation of new frequencies, termed as harmonic frequencies, which are reflected and return to the transducer combined with the fundamental frequency. Harmonic frequencies are generally integer multiples of the original frequency, and are weak close to the chest wall, but strongest at a depths of 4 to 8 cm. Similar to a wave that approaches the shore, harmonic signals undergo a constant change in intensity as they penetrate tissue. From an application standpoint, these harmonic frequencies are important as they reduce near field clutter and improve signal-noise ratio, enhancing endocardial delineation in the process. However, they also make valves appear thicker and should be used with caution in the assessment of valvular pathologies. It is recommended to include both fundamental and harmonic imaging in an echocardiographic examination, keeping in mind the advantages and pitfalls of each of these applications.
An important reason to gain an essential understanding of ultrasound physics is to distinguish an artifact from actual pathologic presentations. Ultrasound artifacts are commonly encountered in clinical practice, and it is important to recognize them to avoid a false diagnosis. We present the most common types seen in an echocardiographic examination.
When an ultrasound beam encounters two strong parallel reflectors, the beam goes back and forth, or reverberates, between these reflectors. The transducer interprets the sound waves received from the reverberation as deeper structures given the extended time taken to return to the probe. A suitable example from echocardiography would be the illusion of a secondary structure at a greater depth owing to reflections from the posterior pericardium in the parasternal long axis view (Figure 1.6). Reverberation artifacts can be improved by changing the angle of insonation to minimize reverberations between strong parallel reflectors.
Acoustic Shadowing
When an ultrasound beam encounters a structure that strongly absorbs or reflects ultrasonic waves, it creates an area of signal void directly behind it. This happens most commonly while imaging solid structures with high attenuation capacities. A good example would be in the setting of prosthetic valves or during the imaging of native structures that are highly calcified, such as the aortic valve (Figure 1.7).
Side Lobes
Side lobe artifacts are generated by low-amplitude beams that project radially from the main beam axis.4
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Figure 1.6: Reverberation artifact
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Figure 1.7: Acoustic shadowing artifact
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Figure 1.8: Side lobe artifact
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Figure 1.9: Near field clutter artifact
Strong reflectors present along the path of these low-energy, off-axis beams generate echoes that the transducer eventually picks up. These reflected signals are often mistaken as originating from the central beam, and displayed on the echo screen, as if located along the central axis. Given that the laterally radiating signals are much weaker than the primary signal, these reflections also create low-intensity echoes to the sides of the display. Echoes generated by the posterior mitral annulus and atrioventricular groove, for example, can create an impression of a mass within the left atrium (Figure 1.8).
Near Field Clutter
Also referred to as ring down artifact, near field clutter can be attributed to high-amplitude oscillations emitted by the transducer, resulting in artefactual appearances in the near field region of the screen. These are often confused for mural thrombi in the LV or RV apex. Technological advances in instrumentation have minimized the occurrence of these artifacts in current-day equipment (Figure 1.9).
Putting it All Together: Image Optimization in 5 Easy Steps
A sound knowledge of the physical principles of ultrasound can be applied to obtain high-quality images when performing an echocardiographic examination. However, complex instrumentation and innumerable functions on current-day consoles may overwhelm the early career echocardiographer. We suggest 5 essential steps to optimizing 2D images during an echocardiographic study.
Step 1: Choose the Right Transducer Frequency
Choose higher frequencies for pediatric applications or to image structures closer to the chest wall. Choose lower frequencies to image thick chested, obese or technically challenging patients.
Step 2: Adjust Depth and Sector Width
Adjust depth such that the image occupies approximately two-thirds of the sector. Likewise, narrow sector width to improve visualization of the structure of interest. These measures enhance lateral resolution and temporal resolution (Figures 1.10A and B).
Step 3: Employ Tissue Harmonics for Better Endocardial Delineation
Choose harmonic frequencies over fundamental frequencies when imaging myocardial segments and assessing regional motion abnormalities. Use harmonic imaging prudently when imaging valves, however, as they can make them look thicker than they actually are (Figures 1.11A and B).5
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Figures 1.10A and B: (A) Wide sector width; (B) Optimal sector width
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Figures 1.11A and B: (A) Fundamental frequency; (B) Tissue harmonics
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Figures 1.12A and B: (A) Low gain; (B) Excessive gain
Step 4: Adjust Receiver Gains and TGC
Overall gains and TGC compensates for depth-related attenuation by amplifying received ultrasound signals. Maintain an optimal gain to provide for adequate visualization of the structure of interest. Excessive or inadequate gain can distort images (Figures 1.12A and B).
Step 5: Focus
Select an appropriate focal plane to optimize of lateral resolution at a given depth. Exercise caution when choosing multiple focal points in older systems, as this deteriorates temporal resolution (Figures 1.13A and B).6
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Figures 1.13A and B: (A) Focus point at apex; (B) Focus point at mitral valve
A sound understanding of the basic principles of ultrasound is fundamental to performing a high-quality echocardiographic study. Practical aspects of understanding these principles result in a clearer distinction between artefact and pathological abberrations, superior quality diagnostic images, and greater control over instrumentation and image settings.
The authors acknowledge the kind contributions of Jonas Johnson (PhD) towards illustrations and Monica Vinesh Dillikar (MBBS Dip. Cardiology) and Chandrappa Annappa, Senior Sonographer, towards echocardiographic images used in this chapter.
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Absorption: The conversion of sound to heat because of its interaction with tissue.
Acoustic enhancement: An increase in reflection amplitude that occurs when a wave strikes a medium that is located behind a tissue of weak acoustic impedance.
Acoustic impedance: The resistant properties of a medium to sound transmission.
Amplification: Increasing small echoes into larger ones.
Amplitude: The maximal variation within a sound wave.
Anechoic: Any medium that does not produce an echo.
Artifact: Any phenomenon that affects the acquisition or interpretation of an ultrasound image.
Attenuation: The decreasing amplitude of a sound wave as it propagates through tissue.
Attenuation coefficient: The degree of attenuation measured per unit length of wave travel.
Axial resolution: The ability of an ultrasound system to distinguish separate structures that are in close proximity to each other along the same axis.
B-mode: Creation of an ultrasound image in which the display records brightness for each echo based on the strength and time, the echoes are received.
Beam: The sum of all the sound waves generated by the transducer.
Coupling medium: Gel used to provide transmission of sound between the transducer and skin.
Cycle: One complete compression and rarefaction in a sound wave.
Damping: Material placed behind the transducer elements to reduce pulse variation and duration.
Diffuse reflector: (Also called scattering) Returning echoes that are forced to deviate from a straight-line trajectory due to small, localized non-uniformities in the tissue.
Echogenicity: The degree of reflection caused by varying degrees of acoustic impedance within a tissue.
Far Field zone or Fraunhofer zone: The region of the ultrasound beam after divergence
Focal region: The area where an ultrasound beam is at minimum diameter and area.
Focus: The ability to concentrate a sound beam in an area where it normally would not occur.
Frame: The single image that results from one complete scan of the sound beam.
Frame rate: The number of frames that can be displayed per unit of time.
Frequency: The number of cycles that occur per second, measured in Hertz (Hz).
Gray scale: The complete range of brightness between white and black that is displayed in a B-mode image.
Hertz (Hz): Unit of frequency, one cycle per second; unit of pulse repetition frequency, one pulse per second.
Hyperechoic: “Hyper” echoes; those tissues that cause increased reflection.
7Hypoechoic: “Hypo” echoes; those tissues that are not significant reflectors.
Incident angle: The angle created between the incident sound beam and a line drawn perpendicular to the medium.
Incident beam: The ultrasound beam that originates from the transducer.
Interface: The boundary between two tissues with different acoustic impedances.
Lateral resolution: The ability of an ultrasound system to differentiate between two objects that are perpendicular to a sound beam.
Longitudinal wave: Movement of particles in the same direction as the direction of wave propagation.
Matching layer: Material placed in front of the transducer elements to reduce the acoustic impedance between the transducer and skin.
Megahertz (MHz): One million hertz.
Mirror-image artifact: The duplication of an object on the opposite side of a strong reflector
Near zone or Fresnel zone: The region of the sound beam near the transducer with high spatial resolution.
Period: The amount of time required to complete one cycle.
Piezoelectric effect: The conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa.
Propagation velocity: The speed through which a wave will travel in a particular medium.
Pulse: A few cycles of a sound wave.
Pulse-echo ultrasound: Imaging and flow measurement that utilize the transmission of pulses to generate a display.
Pulse repetition frequency: The number of pulses per unit of time.
Reflection: The mirror-like redirection and return of a propagating sound wave towards the transducer that follows a standard law of reflection; for example, specular reflection results in the reflected angle being equal to the incident angle of the energy propagation.
Refraction: A change in the direction of wave propagation when traveling from one medium to another with different propagation speeds according to Snell's law.
Resolution: The ability to distinguish between two structures that lie close to one another.
Reverberation: Multiple reflections of the same object that creates the illusion of many objects.
Scattering: See diffuse reflection.
Signal: With regards to sound, it is the acoustic conveyance of information.
Sound: A longitudinal, mechanical wave of acoustic variables.
Sound wave: Traveling variation of acoustic variables.
Specular reflection: Return of echoes in a singular direction after contacting a medium that has a large smooth surface (e.g. bone).
Time gain compensation (TGC): The ability of an ultrasound system to equalize differences in reflection amplitude caused by attenuation and reflector depth.
Transducer: A device that converts energy from one form to another.
Ultrasound: Sound frequencies greater than 20 kHz.
Velocity: The sound speed and direction of motion specified.
Wavelength: The distance over which the acoustic disturbance repeats itself at any instant in time during a cycle.